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Welcome Ambassadors!

I t is said that an organization is only as strong as those who believe in it , without you, without our famil ies, without Jesus – EDEN Mission would not exist. That is why this new program, The Ambassador Program, excites me so much, because it gives more people the opportunity to get involved with the mission and values of EDEN Mission in the places that God has them right now. That means you can impact the people in Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Tanzania, while you live, work and serve in America, Great Britain or anywhere else that God has placed you! That is exciting because it truly makes us an international family of believers, serving globally to impact the world for Christ. So let me be the first to welcome you to EDEN Mission! In the pages of this document you will find out what it is that makes us tick and you will find out even more about the ways that you can partner with us in ministry. We look forward to ministering with you as you serve as our hands, our feet and our voices to the Western world. May God bless you for your desire to serve! Many Blessings,

Kenneth Rwego CEO of EDEN Mission

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Introduction to EDEN Mission…….. 4 Our Vision & Mission 4 p. 4

Our Core Ministries Areas 5 p. 5

The Ambassador Program………….. 8 Duties & Expectations 8

Our Ambassador Qualifications 10 p. 9 p. 10

Frequently Asked Questions 11 p. 12

Personal Commitment 13 p. 14

Appendix.... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. 15 EDEN Mission Contacts 15

Our Statement of Faith 16 p. 17


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EDEN Mission, started in the heart of our founder back in 1998, and is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in the great lakes region of Africa with the vision of healthy families, glorifying God. Primarily serving families in Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Tanzania, EDEN Mission truly believes that if you empower a family you can change a nation.

EDEN’s VISION Healthy Families Glorifying God


To equip and empower needy families to LIVE healthy lives, MAXIMIZE available economic opportunities and be Christ-like TRANSFORMERS of society.

EDEN’s TAGLINE Empower a Family, Change a Nation


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EDEN Mission believes that spiritual development is vital to our ministry. Without God at the center of our ministry, EDEN Mission would cease to be able to operate. At EDEN Mission, we provide opportunities for families to know Christ, grow spiritually and reach out to others. We do this through:

• RADIO/TV MINISTRY: Our Radio/TV ministry is our soft entry into each of our specific locations within the Great Lakes Region. This ministry consists of Bible lessons, praise and worship moments, and call-in prayer requests. The ministry leases airtime on secular TV/Radio stations in order to reach the maximum number of people with the Gospel.

• FAMILY/CHURCH FELLOWSHIPS: Through our radio programs and the relations in the local communities, we connect like-minded families together to form weekly small group Bible study and prayer groups. It is our desire that as these groups grow and flourish they will become the foundation for our families and may lead to small church fellowships or a church plant.

• SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/ TRAININGS: Through our work with Radio, TV, Family and Church Fellowships we are able to provide free and/or low cost seminars and conferences. These programs target specific spiritual and economic growth needs specific to the group/location needs. A 6-month perspective-training course is also available to help reverse negative and false spiritual beliefs.



EDEN Mission achieves our mission and vision through 3 core ministry areas. These are considered some of our organization’s “Non-negotiables” and will be vital for you to understand as our ambassador and partner in ministry. All aspects of our ministry must fall within these 3 core departments, which not only guide our decision-making but also help us to stay focused on the task God has given us to empower families to glorify God.


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Our economic empowerment department seeks to equip families with positive attitudes, skills and resources in order to help them maximize their potential, utilize available opportunities and pursue sustainable development. We do this by:

• VOCATIONAL TRAINING: Christian participants identified through our Bible fellowships and spiritual training programs are given an opportunity to select a 6-month vocational training course once they complete the perspective training course. This course helps train them in practical skills that can help sustain their families.

• MICRO FINANCE / CAPITAL START-UP LOANS: Graduates of our vocational courses are offered startup capital loans on qualified business plans, to help them launch small sustainable businesses. All our loans have specific re-payment plans.

• FAMILIES HELPING FAMILIES: Once the family unit is strengthened and empowered, we encourage families to help other families like them. This ensures a sustainable model of families helping other families.


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Our physical development department seeks to enable families to access affordable healthcare, practice healthy lifestyles and promote healthy living. We do this through:

• RADIO/TV MINISTRY: In addition to our spiritual development lessons, we also provide health awareness programs in order to teach sensible lifestyle choices that can keep a family strong and healthy.

• MEDICAL MISSIONS & TRAININGS: James 2:15-17 is very clear that we should not only care for the souls of people but their physical needs as well. Medical missions and health trainings give us an open opportunity to speak into both the spiritual and physical lives of people.

• MEDICAL FACILITIES: Our medical facilities will work in conjunction with our church fellowships and training centers, enabling us to meet the needs of the family in a holistic way, starting with their spiritual needs, then moving into their economic and physical health needs.


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Ambassadors should nurture EDEN Relations in their community.

EDEN Mission believes that ministry can be more effective if it is built on personal relationships. Therefore EDEN Ambassadors should create and foster relationships with churches, partners and other donors within their areas of influence. This can be done through phone calls, lunch dates, etc.

Ambassadors should help EDEN Mission seek out new relationships.

Have you heard the phrase, “each one, tell one?” Just imagine the possibilities if each told 10! The story of EDEN would spread like wildfire and would expand our reach world-wide with advocates who share our desire to empower families!

Ambassadors should organize events for new/potential supporters.

These can be small events or large, it is left up to the ambassador and how creative they want to be! Of course, our staff can help guide you if needed! Activities may include viewings of EDEN Mission videos, fundraising events, sharing of EDEN Success stories and much more.



So you want to be an ambassador? “What next?” or “What does that mean?” may be the next two questions on your mind. The next few pages should help clear those up for you as we outline the type of people EDEN Mission is looking for, as well as the expectations we have of these people. We thank you for your interest in our ministry and we look forward to serving God with you! Duties & Expectations….. p.8

Your Qualifications……… p.10

FAQS…………………….... p.11

Personal Commitment….. p.13





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Ambassadors should share/distribute EDEN promotional materials.

This can be in the workplace, at church, or any other venue that you can imagine. Our promotional materials include brochures, promotional videos, etc. This may also include the promotion of special events in your area, such as special training opportunities or guest speakers.

Ambassadors should assist in facilitating traveling EDEN Mission personnel.

This can include arranging local transportation, housing, and meeting arrangements with key ministry partners in your area when EDEN’s personnel are in your city. It is an occasional duty that may only happen once or twice a year depending on your location.

Ambassadors should stay updated with current EDEN Mission knowledge.

This will be done through online updates, our Facebook Ambassador Page and personal emails in order to ensure that you have up-to-date information and someone to support and guide you in your ambassador duties.

Ambassadors should be willing to commit 1-2 years to EDEN’s cause.

Ambassadors are asked to give approximately 10 hours per month to their duties for EDEN Mission over a period of 1-2 years. This is a minimum standard and ambassadors who have more time to commit than this are most welcome!






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AMBASSADOR Qualifications

Ambassadors should be in agreement with our Statement Of Faith.

EDEN Mission is a Christian ministry with all of our programs rooted in our Christian values and beliefs. Nothing that we do is separate from those beliefs. Because of that, we ask that all of those who serve alongside us as ambassadors agree with our organization’s statement of faith. You can find this statement on page 16 of this document.

Ambassadors should be born-again Christians.

While our ambassadors are not working with us 40 hours a week, 5 days a week, it is important to us that the lifestyles of our ambassadors are ones that are a living testimony to Jesus Christ. Without this testimony, we do not believe that someone will be able to adequately portray who we are, or what we believe at EDEN.

Ambassadors should be a part of a local-church.

While Christian service is a vital part of our walk with God, we do not believe that ministry service can replace your involvement in a local church body. At EDEN Mission, we believe that everything we do must be tied to a local church. We expect nothing less from our ambassadors as well!





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Will I be paid? No. Ambassador positions are volunteer positions.

Are reimbursements available?

We understand that sometimes this position will require you to spend money. This use of funds can be an opportunity for ambassadors to contribute financially to EDEN Mission. In the case when funds are not meant as a contribution, a reimbursement may be given, but only with prior approval.

How big a commitment is this?

We expect that EDEN Mission Ambassadors will need approximately 10 hours per month in order to plan events. We ask that our ambassadors be willing to commit at least 1-2 years to this volunteer task.

Who can be ambassadors?

The key to being an effective EDEN Ambassador is passion. If you have any hesitation about the vision or mission of EDEN, or with any of our core ministry areas, you might find it difficult to represent us accurately. Please feel free to share any hesitations you may have with us so that we discuss and clarity who we are as a ministry organization.

Are there any age limits for ambassadors?

We do not have any age limits for our ambassadors as long as they are able to meet the duties and expectations.



Asked Questions FAQs



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What are the steps for becoming an ambassador?

You are on the right track! The first step is reading and accepting the contents of this document. After that we will work with you on establishing a volunteer commitment agreement and connecting you with EDEN Mission staff who can get you started.

How do I get the materials to promote EDEN Mission?

All materials (brochures, cards, DVDs, CDs, etc) will be given to you from our EDEN Mission Office. We welcome your creativity though and will work with you to help create adverts or other more applicable material as needed.

Are ambassadors expected to visit Congo?

We believe that you can better speak on our behalf if you have “walked in our shoes” so to speak, so we would encourage you to come and visit us if you are able. That being said, however, we do not require you to visit us here in Congo if you are not able.

Are trips to Congo sponsored by EDEN Mission?

At this time, we are unable to sponsor you to come to Congo. Any travel you would do would be at your own expense. We can, however, help guide you in making reservations and planning your trip.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact Kenneth Rwego, at: [email protected]




Asked Questions FAQs!


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So you want to be an ambassador? “What next?” may be the question on your mind. While you were reading this document, you had an opportunity to get to know us better and get to know what we expect of those who represent us. We ask that you reflect on these 5 questions to determine whether or not you are ready and willing to serve as a EDEN Ambassador!

1. Do I agree with EDEN’s Vision, Mission & Statement of Faith (p.4 & p.16)?

☐Yes ☐No

2. Can I confidently share EDEN’s ministry approaches with others (p.5-7)?

☐Yes ☐No

3. Do I qualify based on EDEN’s Ambassador Qualifications (p.10)?

☐Yes ☐No

4. Do I have the ability, time and determination to accomplish the duties of an EDEN Ambassador (p.8-9)?

☐Yes ☐No

5. Can I commit to EDEN Mission for the time period required (p.9)?

☐Yes ☐No If you answered Yes to all of the questions above, congratulations! Please fill out the information on the following page and submit it to EDEN Mission at: 151 Strupe Road, Lewisvil le, NC 27023, USA. Alternatively, you can submit this form electronically on our website at: www.edenmission.net Someone will contact you shortly to assist you in becoming an EDEN Mission Ambassador!

We look forward to getting to know you better and serving with you as we empower families for the Glory of God!





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Name: __________________________________ Address:_________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State : __________________________________ Zip:_____________________________________ Phone #: ________________________________ Email Address: __________________________

Occupation: _____________________________ Home Church: ___________________________ Pastor’s Name: __________________________ Church Phone #: _________________________

☐ Yes, I agree with EDEN’s Vision, Mission & Statement of Faith!

☐ Yes, I can confidently share EDEN’s ministry approaches with others!

☐ Yes, I qualify based on EDEN’s Ambassador Qualifications!

☐ Yes, I have the ability, time and determination to accomplish the duties of an EDEN Ambassador!

☐ Yes, I can commit to EDEN Mission for the 10 hours per month for 1-2 years!

What current involvement (donor or otherwise) do you have with EDEN Mission? __________________________________________________________________________________

Why do you want to be an EDEN Ambassador?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________


YES! I want to be




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We know you may have more questions. Please feel free to contact one of our staff if you have more questions.


Kenneth Rwego Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Located in: Uganda Phone#: +256-772-551-291

Email: [email protected]

Lena Pira Position: EDEN Mission Consultant

Located in: Uganda email: [email protected]

Jack Brehm Position: EDEN Ambassador

Located in: USA email: [email protected]




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! EDEN’s Statement of Faith EDEN Mission is an Evangelical, non-denominational, Bible-based ministry

We believe that the Holy Scripture is God’s own word written by men as the Holy Spirit inspired them. It

is an infallible record of God’s self-disclosure to mankind. The Scriptures are the authoritative and

normative rule and guide of all Christian life, practice and doctrine. (2 Peter 1: 20 –21; 2 Tim 3:16-17)

We believe that there is but one God, eternal, infinite, perfect and unchangeable. God is one in His

essential being, but in this one being there are three persons called Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Gen 1:26;

11:7; Matt 28:19; Luke 3:21, 22; John 14:16)

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is God. He became man when conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of

the Virgin Mary (Isaiah 7:14; Matt 1:18) in order that He might redeem the sinful man. Christ became man

without ceasing to be God. Christ redeemed man by voluntarily giving himself as a sinless sacrifice on the

cross, a perfect atonement to satisfy God’s judgment against sin. (Matt 20:28; John 1: 29; Rom 3:25)

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the giver of life, convicts the world of guilt, in regard to sin,

righteousness and judgment (John 16:8-11). Through the proclamation of the Gospel, He persuades men to

repent of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord. He gives birth to new life and dwells in the life of those born

again. (John 3:5-6). The Holy Spirit has come to glorify the Son, who in turn came to glorify the Father. He

leads the believer into understanding the truth and application of God’s word. (John 14:15-17, 25, 26)

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the active agent in our sanctification who seeks to produce His fruit in

us (Gal 5:22-23). Though indwelling sin remains a reality, the Spirit of God comes to lead to knowledge of

the Lord. In addition to regeneration and sanctification, the Holy Spirit also empowers believers to serve the

body of Jesus Christ. While all believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit at conversion, the scriptures clearly

show the growing empowerment of the Spirit. (Acts 1:8, John 14:25-27, Luke 12:11-12)

We believe that one is saved by the grace of God and not by character, law or good works. The death

and resurrection of Christ are adequate for the salvation of all and offered to all. However, salvation is

appropriated only by faith in Christ. Those who repent and believe in Christ as Savior and Lord are born

again, adopted into the family of God and receive the gift of eternal life. (John 3:16; Rom 3:21-25)

We believe that the same Jesus who ascended to heaven (Acts 1:9-11) will come back. Those dead in

Christ will resurrect from the rest of the dead, and the living believers who will be alive at the time of His

coming shall be caught up in the air to join Christ. (1 Thess 4:13-18)

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved to the resurrection of eternal life

and the lost to the resurrection of damnation and eternal punishment. (Rev 20:11-15; I Cor 15:51-57)

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ and that all true believers are

members of His body, the Church. We therefore believe that every believer should be a faithful member of

a local church. (Eph 1:22-23; I Cor 12:12, 27)

We believe that the ministry of evangelism is a responsibility of both the church and each Christian. We are therefore called upon by the Lord to be His witnesses in both deeds and word of mouth. (Rom 10:9-15; Acts 1:8; Matt 28:18-20; I Peter 3:15)
