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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Distribution Substation Transformers & EquipmentDistribution Lines & TransformersLow Voltage CustomersGeneratorsTransmission LinesHigh Voltage Customers13.8 kV500 kV /230 kV /138 kV /115 kV69 kV /34.5 kV230 VDistribution Substation Transformers & EquipmentDistribution Lines & TransformersLow Voltage CustomersGeneratorsTransmission LinesHigh Voltage Customers13.8 kV500 kV /230 kV /138 kV /115 kV69 kV /34.5 kV230 VELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS PROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSRATIONALE FOR GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS: FREE AND OPEN TRADE AND INVESTMENT ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC) BY 2015 IMPLEMENTATION OF ASEAN CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (ACPE) REGISTRY ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION (APEC)MEMBER COUNTRIES BY 2020PROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MODES OF SUPPLY - WTO GENERAL AGREEMENTS ON TRADES IN SERVICES The modes constitute the means of delivering services. Modes of supply are dened on the basis of the origins of the service supplier and the consumer, and the type of territorial presence that both have when the service is delivered. There are four modes of supply: Mode 1 - Cross-border supply: The service is delivered within the territory of the consumer, from the territory of the service supplier. When most people think of trade in a service, they are thinking of Mode 1. Cross-border supply entails conveyance by mail, phones, internet, satellite, etc. from one country to another. The service supplier is not present within the territory where the service is delivered. Mode 2 - Consumption abroad: The consumer (or the consumers property) receives a service outside the territory of the consumers country, either by moving or being situated abroad. Repair services done on equipment shipped to a different country, foreign exchange students and people seeking medical treatment abroad t into Mode 2. Mode 3 - Commercial presence: A service supplier establishes any type of business or professional enterprise in the foreign market for the purpose of supplying a service. Practically, the mode involves granting a right for a foreign interest to establish an investment within the territory of another country. Thus, commercial presence includes establishing corporate subsidiaries, trusts, joint ventures, partnerships, sole proprietorships, associations, representative ofces or branches, or acquiring such entities. Mode 4 - Movement of natural persons: The service is delivered by one individual, acting alone or as an employee of a service supplier, being present in a foreign market to provide the service. For example, a French engineering rm that provides engineering in the United States by sending French employees to the United States is delivering its service through the presence of natural persons.source: ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GATS RULES ON MARKET ACCESS AND NATIONAL TREATMENT The GATS framework agreement includes a series of binding rules that facilitate the competition of service rms from one WTO member country in another WTO member countrys service markets. These rules also place constraints on the regulatory authority of domestic policymakers at the national as well as state and local level.source: National Treatment rule (Article XVII) prohibits treating foreign rms differently than domestic rms (non-discrimination) prohibit anything a government does that modies the conditions of competition in favor of local service suppliersELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING The GATS market access rules (Article XVI) go well beyond requiring that governments treat foreign rms the same as domestic rms. Rather, these rules atly prohibit governments from placing certain limits on, or applying certain policies to, foreign service operations in covered service sectors. Under GATS market access rules, federal, state and local governments may not: limit the number of service suppliers, including through quotas, monopolies, economic needs tests or exclusive service supplier contracts (absolute bans on certain service sector activities, such as bans on hotel construction on protected shoreline have been interpreted as GATS-prohibited zero quotas by two WTO trade tribunals); limit the total value of service transactions or assets, including by quotas or economic needs tests; limit the total number of service operations or the total quantity of a service; limit the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular service sector; establish policies which restrict or require specic types of legal entity or joint venture through which a service supplier may provide a service; or limit foreign ownership expressed as a maximum percentage or total value.source: ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSASSESSMENT OF THEELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 012,50025,00037,50050,000PEE REE RME30550242171598906025004186139610492213459PRC RegisteredIIEE Active MembersInactive or DeadPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Electrical Engineers registered by PRC as of 2012ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NATURAL PERSONPRC REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (REE)SITUATIONOnly 7% of REE became Professional Electrical Engineer (PEE)ISSUEMost REEs experience difficulties in preparing engineering reports POSITIONEstablish Mentor-Protge Relationships among PEE and REEACTIONSRequire or at least encourage REE to undergo apprenticeship with a PEE for a number of yearsMost REEs are not accustomed to performing presentation and facing oral examinationThrough APO, establish an upgrading training program intended for REE to become PEERequire or at least encourage REE to take upgrading training program conducted by APOELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING From an initial membership of 500 in 1975, IIEE has grown to about 36,195 members as of May 2012 distributed as follows: 1,861 PEE, 25,004 REE, 9,060 RME, and 270 Auxiliary Members FOREIGN CHAPTERS have 4,099 Active MembersELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING APO Accredited Professional OrganizationInstitute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IIEE)SITUATIONOnly 38.9% of EEs registered by PRC are members of IIEEISSUEPEEs registered by PRC are also REE and some REEs are also RMEPOSITIONRe-align membership listing of APOs like IIEE with respect to PRC Register. Reflect licenses to account real numbers of EEACTIONSProvide IIEE with updated Register of PEEs, REEs, and RMEs to reflect licenses on membership database The 61.1% non-members of IIEE maybe dead, out-of-the-country, practicing other profession, too busy, or not interested to joinDetermine real statistics of non-members and perform analysis.Encourage APOs to conduct survey and include in the database the non-members with profile/status (e.g. dead, OFW, Migrated, etc.)ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS07501,5002,2503,000 SEP 2012APR 2012SEP 2011APR 2011SEP 2010MAY 2010SEP 2009429539 529665742690664147614081456161619051953187611014579136251519723156926131611268615462618165529479 3 5 0210220 0 0 0 0 0# PEE Examinees # PEE Passers # REE Examinees# REE Passers # RME Examinees # RME PassersPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PRC Licensure Examinees and Passers for PEE, REE, & RMEELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS0.00%15.00%30.00%45.00%60.00% SEP 2012APR 2012SEP 2011APR 2011SEP 2010MAY 2010SEP 200929.06%38.28%36.33%41.15%38.95%35.33% 35.39%42.13%28.26%33.99%40.42%58.02%43.68%53.20%REE % Passers RME % PassersPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PRC Licensure % Passers for REE, & RMEELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PRC EE ExamineesPRC EE Licensure ExamineesSITUATIONLow % PassingISSUEREE % Passing is highest at 58 and lowest at 28 POSITIONPromote and Propagate Outcome Based Education (OBE)ACTIONSFormulate Guidelines and Encourage HEI to implement OBE and monitor performanceRME % Passing is highest at41 and lowest at 29Establish Continuing Professional Development (CPD) intended for Upgrading EE Practitioners to become RMEFormulate Guidelines and Encourage APOs to conduct CPD particularly for EE Practitioners who would like to take RMEELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKETDOMESTIC[URBAN]SITUATIONOversupply of Electrical Engineers (EEs) in Construction, Residential, Commercial and IndustrialEEs can easily adopt to International MarketISSUEFew Opportunities for EEs due to unattractivesalariesLess Manufacturing Industries and Construction WorksOther countries do not recognize the PHL LicensePOSITIONLook for Opportunities InternationallyDetermine the Required AccreditationACTIONSFormulate Acceptance Accreditation for all ASEAN countriesELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKETDOMESTIC[URBAN]SITUATIONShortage in Academe with Masters / Doctorate DegreeShortage in Specialty such as Electricity Market, Power System Engg., SCADA, etc.ISSUEFew Schools offering based on CHED EducationalRequirements and NOT on Future JobsFew qualified EngineersPOSITIONAllow Engineers to teach if with PEE License or with20 years or more experienceMay allow Engineers to teach with International PracticeDevelop an Industry tie-up to establish the needACTIONSChange CHED RequirementsGive Special PermitWorkshop between industry, government, and academeELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKETDOMESTIC[RURAL]SITUATION ISSUEUnattractive salaries and very few opportunities Licensed Electrical Practitioners moving into the big citiesPOSITIONAssess the needs and build interest on rural worksACTIONSPRC License is not required in hiring Electrical (Safety) InspectorShortage of Electrical Engineering PractitionersMajority of LGUs do not have PRC Licensed EE hired as Electrical (Safety) InspectorWorkshop between industry, government, and academeAmend CSC Guidelines in hiring Electrical (Safety) InspectorPRC Licensed EEs are hard to find in rural areasRequire PRC License in hiring Electrical (Safety) InspectorList PRC Licensed EEs residing in neighbouring LGUsThrough APO, establish listing of PRC Licensed EE per LGUELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKETDOMESTIC[URBAN/RURAL]SITUATIONRegistered Foreign Electrical Engineers will be competing in the Local Market by 2015 under ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)ISSUELocal EEs are not prepared to compete with Registered Foreign EEs in the Local MarketPOSITIONStrengthen Global Competitiveness of Local EEs to be at par with EEs from other member countries of ASEAN / APEC who would be competing in the Local MarketACTIONSImplement RA7920 Article III, Section 14(a) pertinent professional society certifies that no qualified professional is available Implement STP per RA7920 Article III, Section 14 (a)(v) One Registered Filipino EE under-study for each Foreign EE contracted as well as Article IV, Section 38 Foreign Reciprocity Implement MRA ASEAN Chartered Prof. Engr. RegistryNo available information system to identify Local EEs by sector, category, and level of competencyConduct Continuing Professional Education (CPE) nationwide through Accredited Professional Organization like IIEEAPOs must Establish Internet-based Registration Information System (IRIS) for on-line real-time storing and retrieving of Local EEs by sector, category, and level of competencyELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKET SITUATION ISSUE POSITION ACTIONSLocal Colonial MentalityDOMESTIC[URBAN/RURAL]Foreign Electrical Engineers will be competing in the Local Market by 2015 under AEC (ASEAN Economic Community)Local EEs are not aware that Foreign EEswill compete in the Local Market by 2015APOs must create advocacy group that will perform IEC Campaign to their members and participate in the drafting of MRA with ASEAN member stateNationwide Propagation of IIEE CORE VALUES [Integrity, Innovation, Empowerment, Excellence] with high sense of dignity as Filipino Electrical ProfessionalsConduct nationwide IEC Campaign through IIEE to inform, educate, and communicate with Local EEsre AECConduct Consultative Meetings and Focused Group Discussions for the drafting of MRA with other ASEAN member statesImplement Philippine Constitution 1987, Article XII, Section 12 Promote Preferential Use of Filipino Labor (like the Local EEs)ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKETINTERNATIONAL[ASEAN/Middle East]SITUATIONThe EEs in Singapore, other ASEAN countries and Middle East are being accepted as equivalent to their engineers ISSUEThere is no record of other countries withaccreditation and acceptance same as Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Middle EastFor other ASEAN Countries, there is a need to determine the requirements for accreditation and acceptancePOSITIONDetermine the requirements for accreditation and acceptanceDetermine the requirements for Accreditation and AcceptanceACTIONSFormulate Accreditation and Acceptance for other countriesImplement MRA on ASEAN Chartered Prof. EngineerFormulate Acceptance Accreditation for all ASEAN countriesImplement MRA on ASEAN Chartered Prof. EngineerELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKETINTERNATIONAL[EU / USA]SITUATIONThe EU/USA do not accept the EEs to practice in their countryISSUEFor EU/USA and other countries, there is a need to determine the requirements for acceptancePOSITIONDetermine the requirements for Accreditation and AcceptanceACTIONSFormulate the Accreditation and Acceptance for EU/USAComply with APEC Engineer Registry RequirementsELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKETINTERNATIONAL[ASEAN / APEC]SITUATIONWTO Implementation of GATS Mode 4 Presence / Mobility of Natural Person in the ASEAN / APEC RegionISSUEPresence / Mobility of Filipino EEs in the ASEAN / APEC RegionPOSITIONIncrease the number of Filipino EEs listed in the ACPE RegistryACTIONSThrough the APOs like IIEE, perform identification of qualified Filipino EEs for listing in the ACPE RegistryConduct Survey, FGD, Consultation, Seminar-Workshop through APOs to facilitate listing of Filipino EEs in the ACPE RegistryConduct Nationwide Seminar Orientation for prospective ACPE MembersInvolve APOs like IIEE in identifying qualified Filipino EEs for listing in theACPE RegistryIdentification of qualified Filipino EEs, specifically on GATS Mode 4ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MARKET SITUATION ISSUE POSITION ACTIONSINTERNATIONAL[ASEAN / APEC]WTO Implementation of GATS Mode 4 Presence / Mobility of Natural Person in the ASEAN / APEC RegionMajority of Filipino EEs are not aware of GATS Mode 4Massive IEC Campaign to the members of APOs like IIEE on GATS Mode 4 and the ACPE RegistryTo soften Discriminatory Measures, gather Filipino EEs who are internationally known with high profile & credibility as identified and selected by its APOConduct nationwide IEC Campaign through IIEE to inform, educate, and communicate withchapter members in the regionConduct Consultative Meetings and Focused Group Discussions on concerns about the GATS Mode 4 and the ACPE RegistryFacilitate creation of APO Recognized Consulting Groups composed of high profile, credible, and internationally known Filipino EEs Foreign Discriminatory MeasuresELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Conduct Research to determine the electrical practitioners locations/affiliations, locally and internationally, including, but not limited to, expertise areaIIEE to conduct nation-wide campaign for the on-line membership information updating via Internet-based Registration Information System (IRIS) to complement the researchConduct Survey, FGD, Consultation, Seminar-Workshop through APOs to facilitate listing of Filipino EEs in the ACPE RegistryWork closely with CHED to consider years of industry experience in the teaching qualifications of electrical engineersPrepare the local electrical engineers to become globally competitive for the full implementation of the ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer Registry and APEC Engineer RegistryNEXT STEPS:ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGLOCALLY COMPETENT EE PRC Licensed PEE Active IIEE Member Certificate of Good Standing (COGS) Minimum 7 years work experience as Licensed EE Earned Minimum CPE Credit UnitsGLOBALLY COMPETENT EE PRC Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer ACPE Registered Member of International EE Organization in ASEAN / APEC Region Member of a high profile, credible Consulting Group with International recognition Masters / Doctorate Degree holder With relevant and sufficient credit units in Continuing Professional Education GLOBALLY COMPETITIVEMobile in ASEAN / APEC RegionLeading in International Organization withvery significant contribution in engineering & consultingPresence is felt with in the ASEAN Economic CommunityINPUTOUTPUTOUTCOMEAttend IEC CampaignListed as Qualified EEAttend Seminar-WorkshopBe Registered as ACPE Be Masters / Doctorate Degree holderBe ASEAN / APEC EE Organization MemberBe ASEAN / APEC Consulting Group MemberBe PRC Licensed Prof Elect EngineerParticipate in ASEAN / APEC Regional ActivitiesLead an International EE OrganizationContributes to the Development of APECSignificant number of PRC Licensed PEEs in the ACPE Register by 2015 ready for AECSignificant number of globally recognized highly competitive Filipino APEC Engineers by 2020 whose presence is felt and contributing to the development of ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATIONPREPARING LOCAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS TO BECOME GLOBALLY COMPETITIVEELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROAD MAP TOWARDS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESSPROFESSIONAL REGULATORYBOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING