eliten und wirtschaft in osteuropa beispiel ukraine

Eliten und Wirtschaft in Eliten und Wirtschaft in Osteuropa Osteuropa Beispiel Ukraine Beispiel Ukraine

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Eliten und Wirtschaft in OsteuropaEliten und Wirtschaft in Osteuropa

Beispiel Ukraine Beispiel Ukraine

„The most well-known example of business–politics interaction was established in Russia during the Yel’tsin presidency. Then, a handful of bankers and industrialists supporting Boris Yel’tsin’s bid for re-election, gained in exchange for their material help direct access to the design of key economic reforms, especially privatization.“

S. Hedlund, Russia’s ‘Market’ Economy. A Bad Case of Predatory Capitalism (London: UCL Press, 1999) and H. Schrode, ‘El’tsin and the Oligarchs: the Role of Financial Groups in Russian Politics between 1993 and July 1998’, Europe–Asia Studies, Vol.51, No.6 (1999), pp.957–88.

The Rise of the Oligarchs

The example of UkraineThe example of Ukraine

The emergence of an oligarchy in Ukraine is the product of the degeneration of the political regime towards authoritarianism and the nature of the economic transition.

Economic reforms were slow and uncertain. Political reforms strengthened the presidency and the presidential administration. Extraordinary powers were granted to President Leonid Kuchma - but they did not produce a coherent economic transformation.


The Inner CircleThe Inner Circle

„ It has been estimated that in the months following Kuchma’s election in 1994, something like 206 apparatchiki moved from Dnipropetrovsk to Kyiv to occupy key positions in the state administration and control the process of resource allocation. The core of the clan was composed of some 200 individuals, among whom were figures like the future Prime Minister Valeryi Pustoyvotenko, Volodymyr Horbulin, secretary of the National Security and Defence Council, and Serhiy Tyhypko (...)“

// 12.02.2010 Election bronze prize winner

Tyhypko ready to become Prime Minister under President Yanukovych

MIGnews.com.uaMIGnews.com.ua Serhii Tyhypko, the leader of the Strong Ukraine (Sylna Serhii Tyhypko, the leader of the Strong Ukraine (Sylna Ukrayina) party, who ranked number three in the 17 January Ukrayina) party, who ranked number three in the 17 January presidential election, is ready to become Prime Minister if presidential election, is ready to become Prime Minister if President Victor Yanukovych brings forward such a proposal to President Victor Yanukovych brings forward such a proposal to him, him, Ukrainian News reports. Serhii Tyhypko told about that in reports. Serhii Tyhypko told about that in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper.an interview with the Segodnya newspaper."Yes. I would not lay down any special conditions, but only give "Yes. I would not lay down any special conditions, but only give me the opportunity to put reforms into practice,„me the opportunity to put reforms into practice,„


Serhii Tyhypko

The Economic ConnectionThe Economic Connection

The example of Kryvorizhstal:The example of Kryvorizhstal:

Privatization in June 2004 for 800 Mio to a Privatization in June 2004 for 800 Mio to a consortium called Investment-Metallurgical consortium called Investment-Metallurgical

Union. This consortium was made up of Rinat Union. This consortium was made up of Rinat Achmetov (SCM-group) and the Interpipe Achmetov (SCM-group) and the Interpipe

Group (Viktor Pinchuk, son-in-law of Leonid Group (Viktor Pinchuk, son-in-law of Leonid Kuchma) – under Yushchenko, the company Kuchma) – under Yushchenko, the company

was re-selled to the Indian (Arcelor)Mittal-was re-selled to the Indian (Arcelor)Mittal-Steel Group. Steel Group.


Oligarchen komparativOligarchen komparativ

During the dissolution of the Soviet Union, certain well-placed During the dissolution of the Soviet Union, certain well-placed individuals were able to leverage their knowledge and individuals were able to leverage their knowledge and connections to control a large share of the industrial and natural connections to control a large share of the industrial and natural ressources. These people came to be known as oligarchs. ressources. These people came to be known as oligarchs. Current and past Ukrainian oligarchs include: Current and past Ukrainian oligarchs include: Rinat Akhmetov (Donetsk) Rinat Akhmetov (Donetsk) Ihor Kolomoiskyi (Dnipropetrovsk) Ihor Kolomoiskyi (Dnipropetrovsk) Viktor Medvedchuk (Kyiv)Viktor Medvedchuk (Kyiv)Viktor Pinchuk (Dnipropetrovsk) Viktor Pinchuk (Dnipropetrovsk) Hryhorii Surkis (Kyiv)Hryhorii Surkis (Kyiv)Serhii Tihipko (Dnipropetrovsk) Serhii Tihipko (Dnipropetrovsk) Yulia Tymoshenko Yulia Tymoshenko Oleksandr Volkov Oleksandr Volkov

Oligarchen komparativOligarchen komparativ

During the dissolution of the Soviet Union, certain well-placed During the dissolution of the Soviet Union, certain well-placed individuals were able to leverage their knowledge and individuals were able to leverage their knowledge and connections to control a large share of the industrial and natural connections to control a large share of the industrial and natural ressources. These people came to be known as oligarchs. ressources. These people came to be known as oligarchs. Current and past Ukrainian oligarchs include: Current and past Ukrainian oligarchs include: Rinat Akhmetov (Donetsk) Rinat Akhmetov (Donetsk) Ihor Kolomoiskyi (Dnipropetrovsk) Ihor Kolomoiskyi (Dnipropetrovsk) Viktor Medvedchuk (Kyiv)Viktor Medvedchuk (Kyiv)Viktor Pinchuk (Dnipropetrovsk) Viktor Pinchuk (Dnipropetrovsk) Hryhorii Surkis (Kyiv)Hryhorii Surkis (Kyiv)Serhii Tihipko (Dnipropetrovsk) Serhii Tihipko (Dnipropetrovsk) Yulia Tymoshenko Yulia Tymoshenko Oleksandr Volkov Oleksandr Volkov

Oligarchen komparativOligarchen komparativ

The Ukrainian oligarchs are comparable to their better-known The Ukrainian oligarchs are comparable to their better-known Russian oligarch counterparts: Russian oligarch counterparts:

Boris Berezovsky Boris Berezovsky

Anatoly Chubais Anatoly Chubais

Vladimir Gusinsky Vladimir Gusinsky

Mikhail Khodorkovsky Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Yuri Luzhkov Yuri Luzhkov

Boris Berezovsky in particular was linked to significant Boris Berezovsky in particular was linked to significant investments in Ukraine. investments in Ukraine.

The Russian oligarchs are being superseded by "siloviki" The Russian oligarchs are being superseded by "siloviki" (strongmen) linked to the former KGB. (strongmen) linked to the former KGB.

David Hoffman (2002) "The Oligarchs" Public Affairs PerseusDavid Hoffman (2002) "The Oligarchs" Public Affairs Perseus

Lage der NationLage der Nation




Staatswirtschaft IStaatswirtschaft I

Das Beispiel Energie / RusslandDas Beispiel Energie / Russland





Staatswirtschaft IIStaatswirtschaft II

Das Beispiel Energie / Russland – Einfluss im Das Beispiel Energie / Russland – Einfluss im AuslandAusland

Ukraine: RosUkrEnergoUkraine: RosUkrEnergoUngarn: MOLUngarn: MOL

Polen: PKNOrlenPolen: PKNOrlenSlowakei: SlovtransSlowakei: Slovtrans


Anita Orban (2008) Power, Energy, and the New Anita Orban (2008) Power, Energy, and the New Russian Imperialism, PraegerRussian Imperialism, Praeger

Gasleitungen Europa

Blue Stream

South Stream/Nabucco