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Emily Simpson Sacrament s

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Sacraments. Emily Simpson. What is a Sacrament?. The seven sacraments are a very important part of our Catholic faith. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 2: Emily Simpson

The seven sacraments are a very important part of our Catholic faith. We believe Jesus himself gave us each of the sacraments and each one flows from his life and ministry. Through each sacrament we are given the grace of God and drawn closer to him. Each sacrament is a visible sign of God’s unconditional love for us. A sacrament can be a visible sign where God comes to us, enters into our life and brings us closer to him through his grace.

What is a Sacrament?

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Sacraments of Initiation

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Baptism is when you are welcomed into the Catholic Church. It is the first of the sacraments. The dictionary definition of baptism is: an act, experience, or ordeal by which one is purified, sanctified, initiated, or named. This basically means that baptism is something which cleanse your soul and gives you a new beginning. You are normally baptised when you are a young baby, but sometimes people are baptised when they adults or children in primary school.What happens in baptism? Church celebration; get holy water sprinkled

on your head, dinner, welcomed into Catholic religion and church community.


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According to Catholics, in this sacrament they receive the Holy Spirit and become adult members of the Catholic Church. In Confirmation the bishop of your particular area comes to bless you, and confirm you into the church.

What happens in Confirmation? =Bishop blesses you, church

celebration, dinner with family and friends, learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit


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Holy Communion is something Christians do to remember what Jesus did for them, this is what Jesus did with his friends the night before he was killed and is known as the Last Supper. At Holy Communion there is the breaking and sharing of bread which is a reminder of Jesus’ body being broken on the cross, and there is also the sharing of wine which is a reminder of Jesus’ blood. We remember how Jesus died on the cross for us.

What happens during communion? -Take the bread and wine, church

celebration, dinner

Eucharist or Communion

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Sacraments of Service

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When two people are joined together, under the Catholic Church. Marriage occurs from the age of 16 through life. The ceremony is performed by a priest, and in this ceremony both the people getting married take vows to each other promising to be true to one another, and to help there partner in times of struggle. After the church ceremony you normally have a celebration where you go to a restaurant or a place that has special meaning to you with friends and family.What happens in marriage? =Church ceremony performed by priest,

celebration afterwards/a party etc., joining of two people together


Page 9: Emily Simpson

Holy Order is the sacrament or rite of ordination. This means that it is the sacrament you complete when you wish to become a priest.

What happens in Holy Orders? =Study for many years, have a

huge church celebration in your honour

Holy Orders

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Sacraments of Healing