employee engagement pp 29 jul2012

1 Employee Engagement Brice Johnson The human contribution to Lean

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Simplified presentation of a larger effort which has proven to be very effective in tying together Engagement, Lean, Leadership, and several Quality influences and outcomes. The great miss of most organizations is disregard for or minimalising the importance of people and their influence on profitability, competitiveness, sustainability (of organization and even whole industries), while obsessing over materials (commodities) costs (which remain the same for all competitors).


Page 1: Employee Engagement Pp 29 Jul2012


Employee Engagement

Brice Johnson

The human contribution to Lean

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Lean = Continuous Improvement and Eliminating Waste

“Plan, Plan, Plan, Act!”

Speed is important, but dangerous without accuracy.

Don’t organizations always seem to find resources to repeat work?

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Lean…Getting it (more) right the first time, with greatest efficiency, reliably…Ensures position ahead of all competitors in a market.Materials and technology are available to all competitors. People are the great variable.

Enable your people to be excellent!

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Employee Engagement

The Holy Grail of increasing productivity, profitability, and sustainability of all organizations – public or private.

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Employee Engagement• Fully engaged workforce

is possible.• Lean requires an engaged

team.• Engaging everyone

enables maximum benefit of team diversity.

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Result of millions polled in the workplace:

Engaged employees – 28 %Not-engaged employees – 54%Actively Disengaged – 17%

The Gallop Organization

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of the workforce is either under-performing or actively undermining their work.


87,000 work units and 1.5 million employees have participated in the surveys.

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• Engaged employees work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. They drive innovation and move the organization forward.

• Not-Engaged employees are essentially “checked out.” They are sleepwalking through their workday. They are putting in time, but not enough energy or passion into their work.

• Actively Disengaged employees aren’t just unhappy at work; they’re busy acting out their unhappiness. Every day, these workers undermine what their engaged co-workers accomplish.

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How did Gallup determine who was “Engaged”?

… Twelve questions.

… Then divided into “Levels” categorizing answers…”Dimensions” of Engagement.

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Level One: “What do I get?”

1. Do you know what is expected of you at work?

2. Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your work right?

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Level Two: “What do I give?”

3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?

4. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work? 5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person?

6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?

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Level Three: “Do I belong here?”

7. At work, do your opinions seem to count? 8. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?

9. Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work? 10. Do you have a best friend at work?

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Level Four: “How can we all grow?”

11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress? 12. In the last year, have you had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

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Within the U.S. workforce, Gallup estimates the cost of disengagement to be more than $300 billion in lost productivity alone.


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Over the years, we have all heard CEOs say that their most valuable asset is their employees. Yet the typical corporate strategy to drive profit by increasing sales and cutting costs does not reflect this ‘employee first’ attitude. Budgets for employee recognition, employee incentive programs, and employee training are often the first to be cut, because non-sales employees have been viewed as ‘cost centers, not profit centers’.

Human Resource Magazine, Where’s the Love?, September 16, 2009

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“Most organizations simply do not consider the adverse effects of narcissistic bosses on worker productivity and stress,” “In fact, many companies encourage it since narcissists are often seen as outgoing and confident – traits considered necessary for success in any managerial role. …there is a fine line between self-confidence…and selfishness that negatively affects others... Unfortunately, the needed adjustments simply do not take place in most organizations, for any number of reasons.”

EHS Today Magazine, Narcissistic Bosses Damage Morale, Productivity, Augist 11, 2009

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31% of respondents reported that their supervisor gave them the "silent treatment" in the past year.

37% reported that their supervisor failed to give credit when due.

39% noted that their supervisor failed to keep promises.

37% noted that their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers.

34% reported that their supervisor invaded their privacy.

23% indicated that their supervisor blames others to cover up mistakes or to minimize embarrassment.

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"Employees stuck in an abusive relationship experienced more exhaustion, job tension, nervousness, depressed mood and mistrust.

They also were less likely to take on additional tasks, such as working longer or on weekends, and were generally less satisfied with their job.

Also, employees were more likely to leave if involved in an abusive relationship than if dissatisfied with pay."

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Some hard-core [managers] have suggested that all this talk about positivity in the workplace is nothing more than a bunch of fluff with little real application in the cutthroat world of business. Our research strongly suggests otherwise: When human needs are met, the positive emotions that result encourage employees to look beyond the work in front of them and to care about the overall welfare of the business. More importantly, it's hard to create passionate, engaged customers without passionate, engaged employees.

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