epping public school€¦ · a former school captain at epping public school and now school captain...

Harmonious And Caring School Community EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL Opportunity, Excellence, Success Norfolk Road, Epping NSW 2121 Phone: 9876 1452 Fax: 9876 6873 Email: [email protected] Website: www.epping-p.schools.nsw.edu.au P & C Meeting: Second Tuesday of Each Month at 6.30 pm NEWSLETTER Monday 12 March, 2018 Welcome to Week 7, Term 1 LEADERSHIP INDUCTION On 2 March 2018 we had our leaders’ induction. This was when our School Captains, Vice Captains, Leaders, Sport Captains and Band Captains received their badges. We had Jemima Collins as our special guest. Jemima is a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech on the 4 E’s….Example, Enthusiastic, Excellent and Encourager as the qualities we need as leaders. It was followed by the presentation of badges. We then had a morning tea for the parents, visitors and guests. We really enjoyed the day and are proud of what we have achieved. By Joanna and Flynn School Captains. COMING EVENTS Wednesday 21 March Harmony Day Thursday 22 March Cross Country Carnival Tuesday 27 March – Friday 6 April Healthy Harold visits Epping PS ASSEMBLY Assembly begins at 1:15pm this Wednesday in the school hall, parents are welcome to attend. Congratulations to the following students who will receive an award at this week’s assembly: BRONZE Andy 1Z SILVER Myrah 3E Liam 3G Lucas 3E Justin 3G Peter 2C GOLD Aryan 6E Esther 5G This week’s assembly item will be presented by 6E and Gold Certificates will be presented. Next week’s assembly item will be presented by 6/5A. SRC & Green Team badges will be presented.

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Page 1: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Harmonious And Caring School Community

EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL Opportunity, Excellence, Success

Norfolk Road, Epping NSW 2121 Phone: 9876 1452 Fax: 9876 6873

Email: [email protected] Website: www.epping-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

P & C Meeting: Second Tuesday of Each Month at 6.30 pm

NEWSLETTER Monday 12 March, 2018 Welcome to Week 7, Term 1

LEADERSHIP INDUCTION On 2 March 2018 we had our leaders’ induction. This was when our School Captains, Vice Captains, Leaders, Sport Captains and Band Captains received their badges. We had Jemima Collins as our special guest. Jemima is a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech on the 4 E’s….Example, Enthusiastic, Excellent and Encourager as the qualities we need as leaders.

It was followed by the presentation of badges. We then had a morning tea for the parents, visitors and guests. We really enjoyed the day and are proud of what we have achieved. By Joanna and Flynn School Captains.

COMING EVENTS Wednesday 21 March Harmony Day Thursday 22 March Cross Country Carnival Tuesday 27 March – Friday 6 April Healthy Harold visits Epping PS

ASSEMBLY Assembly begins at 1:15pm this Wednesday in the school hall, parents are welcome to attend. Congratulations to the following students who will receive an award at this week’s assembly: BRONZE Andy 1Z SILVER Myrah 3E Liam 3G Lucas 3E Justin 3G Peter 2C GOLD Aryan 6E Esther 5G This week’s assembly item will be presented by 6E and Gold Certificates will be presented. Next week’s assembly item will be presented by 6/5A. SRC & Green Team badges will be presented.

Page 2: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Opportunities for All

FROM THE PRINCIPAL THANK YOU COMMUNITY I would like to thank all of those who have made the effort to follow requests regarding our Kiss and Drop Zone. It certainly has made things safer and more efficient. Whilst there are a few people who still engage in unsafe practices, the majority of people drive up as far as they can, go around the block if there is not a space and wait with their car for the teacher to release their child when it is safe to do so. Thank you for helping to protect our children.

MOBILE PHONES Whilst I acknowledge we live in a time when it may be necessary for students to have mobile phones for before and after school, I remind parents of our policy. Any child bringing a mobile phone to school must leave it at the office in the morning. The office will give the student a card and place their phone safely away for the duration of the school day. At the end of the day the student goes to office, returns the card and will be handed their phone. No child should have a phone in their possession during the school day.

TELL THEM FROM ME SURVEY I am delighted that this term, our school, like many other public schools in the state, will participate in a Department of Education initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices. More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide us with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. More than 6,300 schools in Australia and around the world have used Tell Them From Me to survey 5.4 million students. Capturing the voices of our students will help improve how we do things at our school. I want to assure you that the survey is confidential. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be

administered during school hours between 12 March and 13 April. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with students. If you do not want your child or children to participate, please return the form to school by Friday 16 March. Copies of the form and FAQs are available from: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au/information-for-parents.

STAGE 3 BYOD PRESENTATION Last week Stage 3 students and parents were invited to a presentation given by Senior Constable Debbie Chrystal and Dr (Chiropractic) Fiona Kim. Senior Constable Chrystal presented on Cyber safety whilst Dr (Chiropractic) Kim spoke about posture and healthy practices whist using a computer. I am sure parents found it informative and worthwhile. I would like to thank all of the parents and students who attended, the Stage 3 teachers and of course Senior Constable Chrystal and Dr (Chiropractic) Fiona Kim.

PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT A reminder to all parents that students cannot use the playground equipment before school. By John Ford

BOOK CLUB The book club catalogues will come home this week. Please remember that we do not accept cash for Book Club. You can pay online using the Book Club LOOP system as instructed on the order form. We are still looking for a parent to be the Book Club coordinator. If you are interested, please contact the school office.

NEWS FROM THE P&C P&C CALENDAR – TERM 1/ 2018 Tuesday 13 March - P&C Meeting from 6.30-8:00pm (Staff Room) P&C Contacts President - Jong Chung - [email protected]

Page 3: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Opportunities for All

V/President - Marissa Kelly - [email protected] Secretary - Sarah O'Neill - [email protected] Treasurer - Amandeep Sidhu - [email protected] Class Parent Representatives for 2018 A big thank you to all the parents who have volunteered for the Class Parent Representative role this year. We are still looking for Class Parents for the following classes - KR, 1Z, 2B, 5G, 5V, 6/5A, 6E and 6K. It is really important that each class have a parent representative not only for the teacher to liaise with but for communication amongst other parents in the class. This isn't a big job and doesn't take much time, especially this year because we won't be holding a fete. We only need 8 more Class Parent volunteers so please don't be afraid to step forward even if you haven't been a class parent representative before. If you would like to volunteer please email [email protected] - it would be fantastic if by next newsletter we had 100% of classes with Class Parents!! P&C Welcome Barbecue A large crowd gathered on Friday evening for the annual P&C Welcome Barbecue. Families and staff enjoyed delicious homemade Pav Bhaji, homemade Korean fried chicken, sausage sizzle, corn cobs, watermelon, fruit salad cups, and treats from the canteen. The Jazz Band entertained everyone with a selection of music. It was a fun night and a great way to kick off the school year .The warm community spirit is alive and well at Epping Public which was demonstrated by the number of people who attended, and the many who helped. It would not have been possible without all the volunteers and coordinators who contributed towards making it a memorable evening. A big thank you to: Varsha Daithankar who ably coordinated the Pav Bhaji helped by many who cooked the bhaji at home and served on the night - Aditi, Anita, Ashwini, Deepti, Foram, Kanchan, Marym, Meenakshi, Meenu, Mindy, Mugdha, Pallavi, Roshni, Sandhya, Seema, Sheetal, Sonali, Sonia, Soumi, Tina, Vennu.

Mina Jung, Julia Park and Sunny English for organising the Korean food assisted by Suzzi. Sarah, Marissa, Laura, Jong, Craig, Rebecca, Nathan, Kira and Ruth on the barbecue Deb and Mina for ordering food. Deb, Lara, Jillian working in the canteen Anne and Kelvin assisting with the band Parents who came along and helped where needed and didn’t get their name on this list! Michael Slater, Band Coordinator, for preparing the Jazz Band for their first public performance this year. Glenn the General Assistant for setting up the tables and barbecue EBASCA for the use of their barbecue Our lovely cleaner Jenny who unfortunately had some extra work on Monday morning because of the black crows going through the bins of rubbish over the weekend. The Staff and families who came and helped make it such a fun evening.

Page 4: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Opportunities for All



Food Shopper Sonali Sushi Collector Sonali

WED 14-Mar Priya, Coco H, Cherry, Joy, Ran

FRI 16-Mar

Mina, Jennifer J, Katrina, Glorya, Liang, Annie

Week 8 Food Shopper Deborah Sushi Collector Shoko

WED 21-Mar

Jennifer K, Wendy J, Simmi, Susmita, Coco C

FRI 23-Mar

Mina, Jennifer J, Pallavi, Vanitha, Pak-Luan, Jing

COLES SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS Please continue to collect vouchers for the school and put them into the Coles Sports for Schools box just outside the office.

Page 5: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Opportunities for All

COMMUNITY NEWS Community News and accompanying advertising are a community service only and are not endorsed by Epping Public School or its staff.

NORTH EPPING RANGERS NETBALL If your daughter is already playing netball they might like to ask their friends if they would like to play. If your daughter is turning 11 this year and is interested in playing netball please contact Kristen DeGioia on 0413 045 529 or [email protected] for more information.

ATHLETICS CLUB The Epping District Athletics Club provides a comprehensive Track and Field programme catering for those interested in improving fitness and technique for running, throwing and jumping events. We offer a family-friendly environment with qualified coaches conducting sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoons between 5-7pm and Sunday from 8.30-10.30am. Sessions are held at Epping Oval, Norfolk Rd. Please contact James (0449 913679) or Geoff (0418 251808) for more information or visit our website http://www.eppingdac.com.au

JUNIOR SCIENCE ACADEMY School Holiday Programs at Macquarie University. More information - mq.edu.au/about/holidays Courses suitable for K-6 Primary Students. Cost involved $122

Page 6: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Opportunities for All

Page 7: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Opportunities for All

Page 8: EPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · a former School Captain at Epping Public School and now School Captain at Cheltenham Girls High School. Jemima gave a wonderful and inspirational speech

Opportunities for All