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International Exchange Office ERASMUS GUIDE Lublin University of Technology

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International Exchange Office


Lublin University of Technology

International Exchange Office


Table of content Lublin City ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Lublin in numbers: ............................................................................................................................... 3

Lublin University of Technology .............................................................................................................. 4

Historical Background.......................................................................................................................... 4

Organisation and staff ......................................................................................................................... 4

� Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.............................................................................................. 5

� Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ............................................................ 6

� Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture ............................................................................. 7

� Faculty of Environmental Engineering ........................................................................................ 8

� Faculty of Management .............................................................................................................. 9

� The Faculty of Fundamentals of Technology ............................................................................. 10

Campus .................................................................................................................................................. 12

Application procedure ........................................................................................................................... 15

Step by step ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Additional information .......................................................................................................................... 18

International Exchange Office


Lublin City

Lublin is the largest city on the eastern bank of the Vistula River. The Lublin Region is primarily of

agricultural character and can boast with its unique character of a meeting point for western and

eastern cultures. The city received its municipal rights in 1317, in the time of rapid economic growth.

The 17th

century was the most prosperous time period for the city. During the Second World War,

Lublin was severely damaged. Unfortunately thousands of people died in the Lublin ghetto and

nearby, Majdanek Nazi concentration camp. Historical times are still present in the city, in numerous

monuments and places of magic, historical spirit.

Currently, the city is a large cultural and tourist centre. The city is also known for its unique,

academic atmosphere, created by five state universities, numerous high schools, and ca. ninety

thousand students.

Lublin in numbers:

Population: ca. 350 000, including ca. 90 000 students

Location: 160 km south east from Warsaw

Transport from Warsaw to Lublin: by train (PKP , ca. PLN 30, app. 3 hrs) , by coach (PKS, ca. PLN 30,

app. 3 hrs), by private bus (commercial companies, ca. PLN25, app.2,5 hrs)

Local transport: buses, trolleybuses (fare: PLN 1-2), taxis (ca. PLN 25)

Telephone code for Poland: +48

Telephone code for Lublin: 0-81

Emergency numbers: ICE 112 ; Police 997, Ambulance 999, Fire brigade 998

Lublin webpages:

International Exchange Office


Lublin University of Technology

Official Name: Politechnika Lubelska (PL)

Official English Name: Lublin University of Technology (LUT)

Address: Nadbystrzycka 38D 20-618 Lublin, Poland

International Exchange Office

Nadbystrzycka 42 A

20-501 Lublin, Poland

University webpage:

Erasmus code: PL LUBLIN03

LLP-Erasmus in Poland:

LLP-Erasmus in LUT:

Erasmus University Charter: 60312-IC-1-2007-1-PL-ERASMUS-EUC-1

University Coordinator: Prof dr hab. Henryk Sobczuk

Historical Background

The Evening College of Engineering was the first organizational unit of the present University.

Mechanical Faculty, the first Faculty which started to operate in 1953 is currently the biggest Faculty

of the University. Lublin University of Technology acquired its current status in 1977.

Organisation and staff

The University has 1,100 staff members, among them 561 academic teachers. LUT is a state

university and functions under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Sports. The executive

functions of the University are carried out by the University Senate and the Rector. The University

Senate determines the rules by which the University is to be governed, establishes graduation

requirements, chooses the fields and direction of scientific research, and also makes decisions on the

University development and services. The Senate is chaired by the Rector. The faculties are led by the


At present, Lublin University of Technology is organized on the basis of six Faculties:

International Exchange Office


� Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 36 Nadbystrzycka Street

20-618 Lublin, Poland

tel.: (+48-81) 538 42 84

fax: (+48-81) 525 08 08


Major fields of study: � Technological Systems of Information

� Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Aviation Propulsion Systems

� Automation

� Materials Engineering

� Applied Mechanics

� Production Engineering

� Machine Design

� Polymer Processing

� Internal Combustion Engines and Transport

� Application of Mathematics

� Process Engineering, Food Processing and Ecotechnologies

� Automotive Vehicles

� Computer Modelling and Metal Forming Technologies

Erasmus coordinators (incoming students) in the Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering:

Mechanics and Machinery Construction

Material Engineering

Management and Production Engineering

Mr PhD Eng. Stefan Laskowski

Mr Prof. PhD Eng Grzegorz Litak

Mr PhD Eng Jarosław Zubrzycki

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

The offer of subjects is updated each semester. Students willing to apply to LUT are requested to

verify the list of subjects available in the website:

International Exchange Office


� Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Nadbystrzycka 38a Street

20-618 Lublin, Poland

tel.: (+48-81) 53 84 287

tel./fax: (+48-81) 52 54 601


Major fields of study: � Computer Science

� Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnologies

� Automatics and Metrology

� Computer and Electrical Engineering

� Electrical Devices and H.T. Engineering

� Electrical Drive Systems and Electrical Machines Electronics

� Mathematics

� Power Networks and Protection

� Power Industry and Electrochemistry

Erasmus coordinators (incoming students) in the Faculty of

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science:


Computer Science

Mr Prof. PhD Eng. Piotr Kacejko

Mr PhD Eng Andrzej Smolarz

[email protected]

[email protected]

The offer of subjects is updated each semester. Students willing to apply to LUT are requested to

verify the list of subjects available in the website:

International Exchange Office


� Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture 40 Nadbystrzycka Street

20-618 Lublin, Poland

tel.: (+48-81) 53 81 373

tel./fax: (+48-81) 53 84 648


Major fields of study: � Building Technology

� Architecture, Town Planning and Spatial Planning

� Building Structures

� Geotechnics

� Monuments Restoration and Preservation

� Roads and Bridges Construction

� Solid Mechanics

� Structural Mechanics

Erasmus coordinators (incoming students) in the Faculty of Civil

Engineering and Architecture:


Civil Engineering

Mr MA Eng Łukasz Flaga

Ms PhD Eng Magdalena


[email protected]

[email protected]

The offer of subjects is updated each semester. Students willing to apply to LUT are requested to

verify the list of subjects available in the website:

International Exchange Office


� Faculty of Environmental Engineering 40 B Nadbystrzycka Street

20-618 Lublin, Poland

tel.: (+48-81) 538 44 02

fax: (+48-81) 538 19 97


Major Fields of study: � Water, Sewage and Waste Technology

� Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal

� Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

� Land Surface Protection Engineering and Waste Management

Erasmus coordinator (incoming students) in the Faculty of

Environmental Engineering:

Environmental Engineering Ms MA Ewa Zacharska [email protected]

The offer of subjects is updated each semester. Students willing to apply to LUT are requested to

verify the list of subjects available in the website:

International Exchange Office


� Faculty of Management 38 Nadbystrzycka Steet

20-618 Lublin, Poland

tel.: (+48-81) 53 84 463

tel./fax: (+48-81) 52 59 385

e-mail: [email protected]


Major fields of study: � Economics and Management

� Marketing

� Methods in Management

� Enterprise Organization

� Management

� Finance and Accounting

Erasmus coordinator (incoming students) in the Faculty of


Management Ms PhD Matylda Bojar [email protected]

The offer of subjects is updated each semester. Students willing to apply to LUT are requested to

verify the list of subjects available in the website:

International Exchange Office


� Faculty of Fundamentals of Technology 38 Nadbystrzycka Street

20-618 Lublin, Poland

tel.: (+48-81) 538 45 36, 538 44 63

tel/fax: (+48-81) 538 46 71

email: [email protected]

Major fields of study: � Physics

� Applied Physics

� Applied Mathematics

� Teaching Technologies

� Fundamentals of Technology

� Applications of Mathematics

Erasmus coordinators (incoming students) in the Faculty of

Fundamentals of Technology:

Technical and Computer

Science Education

Technological Physics


Mr PhD Dariusz Chocyk

Ms Prof. PhD Eng.

Elżbieta Jartych

Ms PhD Izolda Gorgol

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

The offer of subjects is updated each semester. Students willing to apply to LUT are requested to

verify the list of subjects available in the website:

International Exchange Office


Erasmus students are also entitled to entertain an offer of other units of the University. These are as


� The Main Library of the University (

� Faculty Libraries

The Main Library, altogether with Faculty Libraries form a significant part of the research and study

resources. Erasmus students are permitted to use its hard-back as well as internet resources.

Information about the whole collection of books and magazines is available through electronic

catalogue, which enables, at the same time, electronic order placement. From on-campus computers

one can access basic full text journal databases like ScienceDirect, EBSCOhost and Emerald as well as

bibliographies: BAZTECH (Polish engineering journals contents) and ISI Web of Knowledge. The

number of electronic databases is constantly rising. E-books of IBUK and publishers Elsevier and

Springer fall into a new offer for the users of the Library.

� Sports and Physical Education Centre

� ESO Erasmus Students Office (

Erasmus Student Office (Studenckie Biuro Erasmusa) is students’ organization, run under the

auspices of International Exchange Office of Lublin University of Technology.

The statutory aim of ESO is to help foreign students to acclimate in Polish and collegiate reality, as

well as to animate students’ free time. Moreover, ESO members are trying to promote numerous

initiatives undertaken by Erasmus students. The aim is to be contact persons; an informational office,

where students can get acquainted with various actions offered by the University.

All units are situated in the University campus. The map of the University campus is attached to the


International Exchange Office



International Exchange Office

Dormitory no. 4 room 9

ESO Erasmus Students Office

Dormitory No. 4 room 7

International Exchange Office



FEE : Faculty of Environmental Engineering

FEECS : Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

FBA : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

FME : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

FFT : Faculty of Fundamentals of Technology

FM : Faculty of Management

R : Rector's Office

L : Library

CC : Conference Center, restaurant

DS-1 : Dorm 1

DS-2 : Dorm 2

DS-3 : Dorm 3

DS-4 : Dorm 4

C : Canteen

SC : Sport Center

AC : Church

FME-1 : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (labs)

FME-2 : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (labs)

FME-3 : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (labs)

International Exchange Office


International Exchange Office

Lublin University of Technology

42 A Nadbystrzycka Street

20-501 Lublin, Poland

Tel.: (+48-81) 538 4790, 4719

Fax: (+48-81) 538 4792

Ms Celina Handzel – incoming students

[email protected]

Office Hours: 7.00 AM – 3.00 PM Mon-Fri.

International Exchange Office


Application procedure

Erasmus code: PL LUBLIN03

LLP-Erasmus in Poland:

LLP-Erasmus in LUT:

Erasmus University Charter: 60312-IC-1-2007-1-PL-ERASMUS-EUC-1

University Coordinator: Pro dr hab. Henryk Sobczuk

Candidate students must submit the below listed set of documents. Learning Agreement as well as

Application Form and Language Proficiency Form, duly signed by authorized persons at home

university, must be sent to International Exchange Office before the indicated deadline.

The forms are available in the website (

All required documents should be sent to International Exchange Office no later than until 15 June

(for full academic year and winter term) or until 30 November (for summer term). Once you have

been accepted as an Erasmus student, you will receive an official letter of acceptance along with

Learning Agreement signed by LUT coordinator and information materials.

The list of application documents includes:

• Application form

• Learning Agreement

• Housing Application Form – only for students who are willing to use this option

• Language Proficiency Form

• A photocopy of the applicant’s passport

• 3 photographs (with the applicant’s name on the reverse of each photograph)

• A photocopy of European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and a photocopy of accident



In order to avoid communication problems, you are advised to complete the documents

electronically before printing.

You are required to send a complete set of above-mentioned application documents to be


International Exchange Office


� Student’s ID CARD - Legitymacja

The card is issued by Dean’s offices. Before students obtain the ID, they need to submit the

Questionnaire, with complete personal data (, as well as

2 photographs and confirmation of ID fee payment. The ID fee is ca. PLN15. The Student’s ID entitles

its holder to discounts in public transport, as well as it is used as an electronic key in Dormitories.

The Student’s ID must be returned to the dean’s office before departure to the home country, in

order to obtain clearance.

� Clearance Sheet

Each student must obtain clearance before departure. The necessary document, to complete the

procedure is Clearance Sheet, on which you are supposed to collect signatures of representatives of

listed university Units. Signatures are given, if a student settles all the requirements of each unit (e.g.

library, hall of residence). Only after all signatures are obtained, the dean’s office will issue your

Transcript of Record.

The form can be downloaded from the website

� Survival Polish

LUT offers a semester course of Polish language for Erasmus students. Accepted applicants are

requested to send their declaration via an e-mail. The course is free and conducted by an

experienced teacher. The content of the course is communication-oriented. Successful students will

be awarded 2 ECTS, yet the recognition of credits pertains to the home university.

� Academic Calendar

The academic year starts on October 1st

and finishes in the last days of June, or first days or July.

Autumn / Winter / First Semester Spring/ Summer/Second Semester

Classes 1 October – end of January

Christmas break 22 December – 2 January

Examinations January February

Classes mid February – mid June

Weak long break for Easter, May break: 1-3 May

Examinations: June

International Exchange Office


Step by step

Your Check list:

Step: Where? What to do? TICK V

1. Dormitory registration Campus

Nadbystrzycka Street

• Register in a proper Dormitory

• Sign the Regulations of the Hall of


• Pick up the key, bed linings,

blankets etc.

2. IEO visit Campus

42aNadbystrzycka street

Dormitory No. 4 room 9

• confirm the arrival,

• pick up the guide, gadgets,

• get contact to the Coordinator,

• submit missing documents

• complete Arrival Confirmation*

required by some universities

• get language course details

• get details about the meeting for

Erasmus students

3. ESO visit Campus

42aNadbystrzycka street

Dormitory No. 4 room 7

• pick up additional equipment to

the dorm,

• complete documents concerning

permanent stay

• meet your buddy

• pick up payment slip (ID Card) and

get the details, where to pay

4. Residents’ registration

Office *

The procedure is completed

in the Dormitory

Campus • Register in the Dormitory

• Provide necessary documents (see

next page) and your passport / ID

5. Dean’s Office Campus


• submit the questionnaire,

confirmation of payment, photos

6. Faculty Coordinator Campus


• discuss the timetable

• discuss the final version of the LA

Additional steps:

• sport’s centre

• library

International Exchange Office


Additional information

� Residence permit regulations (ESO Erasmus Student Office provides necessary

assistance in the procedure completion)

If you are an EU citizen you can enter Poland with your ID document (a valid travel document e.g.

passport, or another document certifying your identity and citizenship).

Students from Turkey enter the territory of Poland on the basis of a valid travel document (passport)

and a visa. While applying to LUT, After their application has been positively reviewed, students will

receive a recommendation letter (Letter of Acceptance) from Lublin University of Technology with

which they should apply for a visa. You should apply for a student visa (covering the entire period of

study in Poland) at the consulate section of the Polish embassy.

If you chose the accommodation option of the Hall of Residence, you are obliged to get the

Residence Permit.- (Karta pobytu obywatela UE). Students – citizens of the EU get the permit for 3

months – it is possible to extend the stay. Turkish students get the permit for the time period

stipulated in their Polish Visa.

Documents that you will have to submit to the Resident Services Bureau in order to obtain the

residence permit:

� original of the travel document (passport or other ID document);

� official statement from Polish university accepting you as an Erasmus student (with

information about the planned period of study);

� Application form (Wniosek o zezwolenie na pobyt, in Polish, issued by the Administration of

the Dormitory)

� Confirmation of Time Residence Permit (issued by the Administration of the Dormitory)

Students who are willing to extend their stay in Poland, for the second semester, need to contact

Lublin Municipality Office, within the period of 45 days before the date of expiry of their visa. Unless

they do it, they may get permission for stay extension, nonetheless it is necessary to come back to

home country.

NOTICE: If you are planning journeys within European Union, or to other countries, mind the date of

expiry of your passport/ ID validity as well as Schengen VISA (For Turkish citizens).

International Exchange Office


� Health and insurance

You are required to have a health insurance policy (European Health Insurance Card - EHIC) and

accident insurance for the entire duration of your stay in Poland.

A holder of European Health Insurance Card will receive health services at health care providers who

have concluded a relevant contract with NFZ (National Health Found). You can receive health

services in the following areas: primary health care, specialist out-patient care, hospital treatment,

dental treatment, rescue services and ambulance transport.

In case of students of Turkish origin, it is required to pay for medical service (NHS rates).

� Bank account for students

In order to open a bank account (running account- in Polish ROR) you need to have a valid passport, a

document which certifies your permanent residence in the homeland ex. driving license or ID, and a

certificate, which certifies your temporal residence in Poland (if living in a dormitory). If you choose

to live in a private rental flat, you need to have a certificate of temporal residence. Ask for details in

the Town Hall:

Urząd Miasta Lublin (Lublin Town Hall)

Plac Łokietka 1

20-950 Lublin

To get the information you can also visit

Biuro Obsługi Mieszkańców (Residents Office)

14 Wieniawska Street, first floor20-071 Lublin

phone number 081 466 1002.

Opening hours:

- Monday, Tuesday ( 7.45 - 16.45)

- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (7.45 - 15.15)

If you open an account in Polish currency (ZLOTY) you get a cash card, which entitles you to free

withdrawals from all EURONET cashmaschines. You can also use the card in non-cash payment

transactions. The monthly payment for the running account in ZLOTY varies from 2 ZLOTY up to 5

ZLOTY (0,70 up to 1,60 EURO). If, however, you open a currency account in EURO, you can only

International Exchange Office


withdraw money in a bank. You do not get a cash card. The offer of particular banks changes,

therefore you are requested to ask your friends- former Erasmus students, and collect information.

� Weather in Poland

The weather is rather of a typical continental type, with cold winters (-10ºC) and warm summers (+25ºC).

During autumn and spring season the weather can be unpredictable.

� Time out

Students’ life does not only concentrate on education and campus area. In the campus you will find

many announcements of forthcoming parties and other cultural events. Erasmus students are also

enhanced to use tourist attractions offered by partner associations, like Homo Faber. Their offer

includes Walks around Lublin, during which you can not only collect precious information about the

city, but also get some gadgets. It is advisable that you visit neighboring towns and villages (e.g.

Kazimierz Dolny, Puławy, Nałęczów) where you can observe an intact nature and specificity of Lublin


In the vicinity of the campus there are numerous pubs, bars and discos, where you can entertain


Those who favour sports and recreation are invited to visit Zalew Zemborzycki – an artificial lake,

where you can sail, jog, cycle and use the offer of a swimming-pool complex. It is situated in the

southern outskirts of the city and can be reached by bike or bus lines 8,37. The campus of the LUT is

directly connected to the lake by a cycle-rout.

� Shopping

There are a few stationery and grocery shops on the campus (open from 10 am to 6 pm) but you can

also get to a large shopping mall, not much distanced from the University (Plaza Center, Lidl, Leclerc).

Due to specific character of the city there are numerous flea markets organized monthly or weekly in

the Old Town.

Majority of most visited shops is situated in the city centre, namely in the Krakowskie Przedmieście

Precinct and Aleje Racławickie.

International Exchange Office


� Sightseeing in Lublin

There are a lot of interesting places to see in Lublin: the Old Town with its beautiful narrow streets

and medieval houses, Brama Krakowska (The Cracow Gate) – a symbol and landmark of Lublin, the

Castle and the Chapel of the Holi Trynity, the Cathedral. The Dominican Basilica, the Market Square

and the Crown Tribunal, the Town Hall and many old churches, museums , parks and historical


Local museums websites:

� Museum at the Lublin Castle:

� Museum of the History of Lublin

� Lublin Village Museum

� Museum in Majdnek

Krakowskie Przedmieście is the main pedestrian area- a precinct where you will find numerous cafes

and pubs, as well as shops and offices.

Lublin Tourist Information Centre –


International Exchange Office

