erica jefferson speaking packet

Contact Speaking Coordinator : Annika Murray (678) 5248544 email: [email protected] About Erica Jefferson SPEAKER. AUTHOR. VISION COACH The Motivator Erica has a true gift for motivating people to accomplish goals in life. She is an influencer and uses her bubbly personality to make her audience feel at ease. She does not hold back when speaking , and writing. Her motto is "What are you waiting for?" This drives her passion to push others to their fullest potential. She is an articulate and comical speaker. Her writing style is so personable that you feel as if she is sitting right in front of you when reading her books. The Business Woman Erica completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in History at North Carolina State University. While there, she served on the executive board of many organizations. Currently, Erica is the CEO/Founder of the Nonprofit Online Women's Ministry, Be Inspired! She also is the founder of "Every Women" a women's networking group. The Mother and Wife Erica is joyfully married to her College Sweetheart Julius. She has two beautiful children. A daughter named Constance and a son named Joshua. She currently resides in Maryland and is living out God's vision for her life. A Note From Erica I can remember so vividly the day that I stopped crying. That may sound silly, but I went through a period in my life where I was so miserable that everyday I was faced with the challenge of trying not to break down into tears. Only months after graduating from college I found myself pregnant and alone. I soon became a single mother on welfare. Although I never thought in a million years that my life would play out like that, it did. Only through the power of God have things in my life changed drastically for His glory. I am now married, a business owner and the founder of an online ministry that reaches

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This Speaking Packet includes Biography, Press Release, Speaking Topics, Testimonial and Photos


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Contact Speaking Coordinator : Annika Murray (678) 524­8544 e­mail: [email protected]

About Erica Jefferson


The Motivator

Erica has a true gift for motivating people to accomplish goals in life. She is an influencer and uses her bubbly personality to make her audience feel at ease. She does not hold back when speaking , and writing. Her motto is "What are you waiting for?" This drives her passion to push others to their fullest potential. She is an articulate and comical speaker. Her writing style is so personable that you feel as if she is sitting right in front of you when reading her books.

The Business Woman

Erica completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in History at North Carolina State University. While there, she served on the executive board of many organizations. Currently, Erica is the CEO/Founder of the Non­profit Online Women's Ministry, Be Inspired! She also is the founder of "Every Women" a women's networking group.

The Mother and Wife

Erica is joyfully married to her College Sweetheart Julius. She has two beautiful children. A daughter named Constance and a son named Joshua. She currently resides in Maryland and is living out God's vision for her life.

A Note From Erica

I can remember so vividly the day that I stopped crying. That may sound silly, but I went through a period in my life where I was so miserable that everyday I was faced with the challenge of trying not to break down into tears. Only months after graduating from college I found myself pregnant and alone. I soon became a single mother on welfare. Although I never thought in a million years that my life would play out like that, it did. Only through the power of God have things in my life changed drastically for His glory. I am now married, a business owner and the founder of an online ministry that reaches

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Contact Speaking Coordinator : Annika Murray (678) 524­8544 e­mail: [email protected]

women all around the world. My personal testimony has helped shape the passion that I now have to motivate and inspire others. My goal is to help you and anyone that God allows me to speak to walk in the fullness of their calling. I am convinced that He has created each of us with a purpose. I am also convinced that He has called us to walk in it!

Favorite Scripture: Matthew 6:33 But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you….

Page 3: Erica Jefferson Speaking Packet

Contact Speaking Coordinator : Annika Murray (678) 524­8544 e­mail: [email protected]

Erica’s Statement of Faith My Salvation

Growing up my family did not go to church a lot. However at the age of 14 I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior over my life. When I arrived to college I still did not have a true foundation on what I believed. I decided to rededicate my life to Christ my freshman year. Through some struggles God has graced me to walk in His will for my life.

My Calling

I went through a period in my life where I was totally confused about my purpose. God allowed me to see the gifts that were in my face all along at the appointed time. The Word that God spoke to me was:

Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you ; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." Then said I " Ah Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak for I am a youth". But the Lord said to me"Do not say I am a youth For you shall go to all whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you, " says the Lord. Jeremiah 1:4­8

My faith in God and His power does not just come from His Word. It comes from the evidence that He has blessed me to see in my own life. Only through His grace and mercy am I able to do the things that I do today.

I believe in God the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son that was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered, was crucified, dead and buried and rose on the third day from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father. I believe that He has sent His Holy Spirit as a comforter.

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Contact Speaking Coordinator : Annika Murray (678) 524­8544 e­mail: [email protected]

SPEAKER HELPS WOMEN TO DISCOVER PURPOSE FOR THEIR LIFE AND WALK IN IT Author of Jump Start Your Dream and 100 ways to Conquer College teaches Vital Keys to maximizing God’s vision for your life

Erica specializes on a range of topics from an inspirational and extremely motivational Biblical perspective. Here are just a few.

• Is your job destroying your dream? 8 ways to stop it immediately! • How to know God's purpose for your life and walk in it • The difference between dreaming your dream and living your dream • Key ways to see major transformations in your quality of life • Learn three big mistakes that can cause you to miss out on making your

calling your career. • The types of people that you must avoid in order to live your dream

Erica is a Speaker, Author and Vision Coach who loves to help women see their full potential. She is very passionate about sharing God’s word and giving Him the glory through her gifts of speaking and writing. Her drive stems from her own testimony of how God totally transformed her life for the good.


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Contact Speaking Coordinator : Annika Murray (678) 524­8544 e­mail: [email protected]

Testimonials Erica had been telling me forever that I needed to get my business started and how talented I was. I was listening, but not acting on it. Well Erica got tired of me not heeding her advice and acted for me! She asked me a few basic questions and from there she laid out the steps that I needed to take to achieve my dreams. She even mocked up a vision board for me and told me to hang it on my refrigerator so that I could see my goals in front of me in plain sight everyday. She spelled it out in plain English and set short realistic goals that really showed me just how easy it could be if I want it. Erica has truly been blessed with the gifts of encouragement and motivation. She helped me to realize that I was the only one standing in the way of what I'm really passionate about. Now I get so excited when I get one step closer to checking off a goal on my vision board. That just means I am one step closer to my dream and fulfilling the path that God has set for me! Thanks for the push Erica. I know so many women just like me are going to flourish from having you in their life. Even if it's just one small thing you say to encourage their heart!

Crystal Honore' , (Future) Wedding Planner

As a successful business owner with a growing clientele base, I thought I was right on track for success. That is, until I started working with Erica. After the first month of working with Erica, a passion was igniting within me like never before. She is insightful, knowledgeable, encouraging, and completely invested in my success. Erica exudes professionalism, and at the same time she takes a "down to earth" approach that really gives her clients a sense of comfort. As a business owner, my time is extremely limited, but coaching with Erica is one thing that I will always make time for. I have seen first hand what it can do for my business. My session with Erica is something that I look forward to each week. Erica has truly helped my business go from good to beyond great, and we are still reaching new heights. I know for a fact that I could not have achieved this level of success without Erica's insight and her commitment. I am so thankful for what her coaching program has done for me­I am truly a loyal client.


Thank you for working with me and motivating me to go above and beyond to live out my dreams. I would have never thought of making what I love to do into an actual business of my own instead of just working for another event planning company. I already have clients and they are very pleased with my work. Your talent for motivating really helped me to regain my confidence in myself and to trust in the Lord. You are a wonderful friend and I wish you many, many more sucess stories in your journey.

Natalie, Owner, NCM Wedding Planning

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Contact Speaking Coordinator : Annika Murray (678) 524­8544 e­mail: [email protected]

I was completely lost. I was my biggest obstacle. I did not know where to start but I knew that I needed things to change. It was not until I spoke with Erica that I began to see a plan for myself, and I realized that I was the only thing standing in my way. in our first session she gave me drive and inspiration that only God Himself could have gifted her with. I am now well on my way to complete my goals and I hope that anyone that knows they should be doing something great, but just can't seem to start consult Erica because she will get you well on your way. Without Erica I would still be aimlessly trying to go nowhere fast. Thanks Erica for all you do!

Jurina Jones , (Future) Comedienne and Entertainer

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Head Shot

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Erica and Daughter

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Erica and Children

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Erica and Husband

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