eu events media pack


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Page 1: Eu Events Media Pack

let dods manage your bespoke events

Page 2: Eu Events Media Pack

DODS EU EventsAs the number one information provider to MEPs, Dods is superbly positioned to organise key events for you on important and relevant topics.

Whether it is a fringe event around a key conference, a round table discussion or a forum style question and answer event, we look after the whole process. This includes planning, inviting speakers, booking venues, event promotion and production.

Our event client base includes: VEnUES

Our relationships ensure prime locations within Brussels. Aside from this, we can discuss other venue or regional locations.

BEnEfitS Of wOrking with DODS

Teaming up with a well respected and apolitical media partner ensures exposure to both policy •

decision makers and key stakeholders

Vast experience in producing events and excellent knowledge of policy•

A cost-effective and time-saving solution to running events•

Our brands engage with high level policy decision-making speakers as well as a network of other •

quality expert speakers and chairs

Planning anD PrODUctiOn

Dods’ highly experienced project management team will work with you to deliver the best possible event, built entirely according to your policy objectives. This will include:

Choosing the right theme and title for your event•

Inviting and liaising with high level speakers from the EU institutions, industry experts and experienced •

chairs, including a speaker from your own organization

Provision of high quality refreshments for guests•

Fulfillment of all AV requirements and press photographer at each event•

Audio recording of the event for podcasting on and for your own use•

Production of speaker guidance notes based on policy steer required •

“Thanks for all your help with the meeting and also a big thank you to your team. It was good having your support and your friendly and constructive approach made my work easier and more fun. The meeting had a very good turn-out.”

Hildrun SundSetH,Head of EU Policy, The European Cancer Patient Coalition

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DODS EU EventsPrOmOtiOn

Dods will put together a complete managed promotional campaign for you prior, during and post event.


It depends entirely on the event but there will be potential for exposure across the entire Dods portfolio, which includes:

The Parliament Magazine•

Regional Review•

Research Review••

European Public Affairs Directory•

Further options include extra distribution to a relevant group and special inserts inside the magazines.

DEDicatED fEatUrE Or SUPPlEmEnt

This is a crucial element as it offers a detailed document of the event, which can be used as a •

reference tool in the future, adding to the importance of occasion.

This can be housed within one of our market-leading magazines or as a stand •

alone supplement.

We can also provide additional copies for you to distribute as you wish.•

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DODSWestminster Tower3 Albert EmbankmentLondon SE1 7SP


Grant HewstonTel: +44 (0)20 7091 7639 Email: [email protected]

contact information

International Press CentreBoulevard Charlemagne 1Box 2, 1041 Brussels

DODSDods specialises in political information and communication. Publishers of The Parliament Magazine, Regional Review, Research Review,, Dod’s European Companion and the European Public Affairs Directory, we also provide EU monitoring to an increasing number of European policy stakeholders, run quarterly MEP polls and hold a range of EU policy based events, the annual MEP awards and European Public Affairs awards.

Find out more about our history and a comprehensive overview oF our products and services by visiting &

OnSitE PrOmOtiOnS

There will also be the opportunity for branding at the event. This can be as little or as much as you like, depending on your objectives.

DirEct markEting anD E-markEting

Why not utilise our extensive and highly defined database of contacts to produce a definitive who’s who of relevant guests and media based on your requirements. Bespoke email news bulletins can also be tailored to your particular policy interests.


Review of each event will be posted on and flagged from the homepage, •

as well as a formal press release to the European media.

An audio recording of the event to be podcast on•

Online interview pre and post event to maximise the impact of the event.•

“Thank you to The Parliament Magazine for organising this event. This is one of the best discussions on these issues I have taken part in. This was a listening

meeting, people had their ears open.”

lynn FauldS Wood,

President, The European Cancer Patient Coalition