european journal of clinical chemistry and clinical ... · clinical chemistry and clinical...

-7 European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Journal of the Forum of European Clinical Chemistry Societies Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland Austrian Society of Clinical Chemistry Belgian Society of Clinical Chemistry Czechoslovakian Society for Clinical Biochemistry German Society of Clinical Chemistry French Society for Clinical Pathology Hungarian Society of Clinical Pathology Israel Society for Clinical Biochemistry Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry Luxembourg Society of Clinical Biology Netherlands Society for Clinical Chemistry Polish Society for Laboratory Diagnostics Spanish Society for Clinical Chemistry Swiss Society for Clinical Chemistry Yugoslav Association of Medical Biochemistry c L/ ilea ' Editor in Chief Johannes Büttner, Hannover Editors Vic Blaton, Brugge Eitan Bogin, Tel Aviv Claude Bohuon, Villejuif Paul Brombacher, Heerlen Wolfgang Gerok, Freiburg Helmut Greiling, Aachen Managing Editor Friedrich Körber, Berlin 3o si Walter G. Guder, München Erich Kaiser, Wien Joachim Kalden, Erlangen John A. Lott, Columbus Gianni Messeri, Firenze Walter Riesen, St. Gallen -7- 3 & O Co-ordinator for IFCC Recommendations John H. M. Souverijn, Leiden Advisory Board Stefan Angielski, Gdansk Claude Bachmann, Lausanne Bert G. Blijenberg, Rotterdam Hans-Jörg Gibitz, Salzburg Raimundo Goberna Ortiz, Sevilla Anders Grubb, Lund Karl-Heinz Grzeschik, Marburg Rene Louis Humbel, Luxembourg Klaus Jung, Berlin Reinhard Kattermann, Mannheim Eckart Köttgen, Berlin Wolf-Rüdiger Külpmann, Hannover Kornelis Miedema, Zwolle Kiyoshi Miyai, Osaka Gerard Siest, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Ana Stavljenic, Zagreb Wolfgang Stein, Hamburg Pierre Valdiguie, Toulouse Reijo Vihko, Oulu Dietrich J. Vonderschmitt, Zürich Jan van Wersch, Heerlen Volume 30, 1992 W DE G Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York

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European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Journal of the Forum of European Clinical Chemistry Societies

Associat ion of Cl inical Biochemists in Ireland

Austr ian Society of Cl inical Chemistry

Belgian Society of Cl inical Chemistry

Czechoslovakian Society for Clinical Biochemistry

German Society of Cl inical Chemistry

French Society for Cl inical Pathology

Hungar ian Society of Clinical Pathology

Israel Society for Cl in ical Biochemistry

Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry

Luxembourg Society of Clinical Biology

Netherlands Society for Clinical Chemistry

Polish Society for Laboratory Diagnostics

Spanish Society for Clinical Chemistry

Swiss Society for Clinical Chemistry

Yugoslav Associat ion of Medical Biochemistry

c L/ ilea ' Editor in Chief Johannes Büttner, Hannover


Vic Blaton, Brugge

Eitan Bogin, Tel Aviv

Claude Bohuon, Vi l lejui f

Paul Brombacher , Heer len

Wolfgang Gerok, Fre iburg

Helmut Grei l ing, Aachen

Managing Editor Friedrich Körber, Berlin

3o s i

Walter G. Guder, München

Erich Kaiser, Wien

Joachim Kalden, Erlangen

John A. Lott, Columbus

Gianni Messer i , Firenze

Walter Riesen, St. Gallen

- 7 - 3 & O

Co-ordinator for IFCC Recommendations John H. M. Souverijn, Leiden

Advisory Board

Stefan Angie lsk i , Gdansk

Claude Bachmann, Lausanne

Bert G. Bl i jenberg, Rot terdam

Hans-Jörg Gibitz, Salzburg

Raimundo Goberna Ort iz, Sevi l la

Anders Grubb, Lund

Karl-Heinz Grzeschik, Marburg

Rene Louis Humbel , Luxembourg

Klaus Jung, Ber l in

Reinhard Kat termann, Mannhe im

Eckart Köttgen, Berl in

Wolf-Rüdiger Külpmann, Hannover

Kornel is Miedema, Zwol le

Kiyoshi Miyai , Osaka

Gerard Siest, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy

Ana Stavl jenic, Zagreb

Wolfgang Stein, Hamburg

Pierre Valdiguie, Toulouse

Reijo Vihko, Oulu

Dietrich J. Vonderschmitt , Zür ich

Jan van Wersch, Heerlen

Volume 30, 1992


G Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York

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Contents The Abstracts of the Tryp tophan-Mee t ing have a special paginat ion: A 1—A 23. A u t h o r s and subjects are included in the cor responding Genera l Index section. T h e Abst rac ts follow page 170.

Editorial European Journal of Clinical Chemis t ry and Clinical Biochemistry

To our Authors , Readers and Subscribe 1

Editorial Comment F. Körber and J. Büttner

" P a r a m e t e r " 245

Reviews F. M . J. Ca r ree r

T h e Cj inh ib i tor deficiency 793

M a r g o P. C o h e n Perspect ive: M e a s u r e m e n t of circulating glycated pro te ins to moni to r intermediate- term changes in glycaemic control 851

K. M. Abu-Salah Al tera t ion of the permeabil i ty of the h u m a n erythrocyte m e m b r a n e to cat­ions by l iposome-incorporated am­photericin B 737

Abdul Salam Al-Kassab and Tarek M. S. Mala tan i

T h e pa t tern of serum biochemical ab ­normali t ies in pat ients with gall­s tones 21

Beatrice Alpha , Lorna Cox, N . Crowther , Penelope M. S. Clark and C. N . Hales

Sensitive amplified immunoenzymo-metric assays (I EM A) for h u m a n in­sulin and intact proinsulin 27

Ch. Aufricht, W. Tenner, H. R. Salzer, A. E. Khoss , Elisabeth Wurs t and K. Herkner

Salivary IgA concent ra t ion is influ­enced by the saliva collection method


M. Aviram, Bianca F u h r m a n n , Irit M a o r and G. J. Brook

Serotonin increases mac rophage up­take of oxidized low density l ipoprotein 55

T. Bacarese-Hamil ton, R. Cat t in i , Colin Shandley, Clive H o w a r d , R. Palmer and K. M c F a r t h i n g

A fully automated enzyme i m m u n o ­assay for the measurement of Cortisol in biological fluids 531

B. G. Blijenberg, E. C. Liesting and L. Z w a n g

Creat inine and au tomat i c analysers in relation to icteric specimens 779

F. Boege, F. Gieseler, H . Biersack and P. Meyer

The measurement of nuclear topoiso-merase II inhibit ion in vitro: A possi­ble tool for detecting resistence on a

Original papers subcellular level in haematopoie t i c malignancies 63

Bärbel Boßmann und H. J. Hütter Beeinflussung m e m b r a n g e b u n d e n e r Enzymaktivitäten durch Veränderung der Membran l ip idzusammense tzung Modif icat ion of m e m b r a n e lipid c o m ­posi t ion by lipophilic agents , and its effect on the activity of m e m b r a n e -bound enzymes (in German) 381

G. Bruchelt , G. Fieri beck, Ursula Schie­bel, O. Bogenschütz, G. Rassner and D . N i e t h a m m e r

Dete rmina t ion of 2 ' -5 ' -ol igoadenylate synthetase in serum and per ipheral b lood mononuc lea r cells before a n d after subcu taneous applicat ion of re­combinan t interferon beta and g a m m a 521

J. Büttner T h e origin of clinical labora tor ies


C. Calvo and Cecilia Verdugo Associat ion in vivo of glycated apol i -prote in A-I with high densi ty l ipoproteins 3

M . C a s t r o - G a g o , F. Camina , S. Lojo, S. Rodriguez-Segade and A. Rodr iguez-N u n e z

Concen t ra t ion of pur ine nucleotides a n d pur ine and pyrimidine bases in cerebrospinal fluid of neurologically heal thy children

J. R. Delanghe , M . L. D e Buyzere, L. P. Cluyse, H . M. Thierens and D. L. Clem­ent

Acute myocardia l infarction size and myoglobin release into serum 823

A. Dwenger , M o n i k a Funck , Bri t ta Lueken, Ge r t r aud Schweitzer and U. L e h m a n n

Effect of ascorbic acid on neu t rophi l functions and hypoxan th ine /xan th ine

oxidase-genera ted , oxygen-derived radicals 187

U. F e l d m a n n R o b u s t bivar iate errors-in-variables regression and outlier detection 405

F. da Fonseca-Wollheim Ul t raf i l t ra te analysis confirms the specificity of the selected method for p lasma a m m o n i a determinat ion 15

F. da Fonseca-Wollheim, K.-G. Heinze and E. Liss

Tempera tu re -dependen t matrix effect in the direct enzymatic measurement of b lood glucose 371

Dusica Gabrijelcic, Branka Svetic, D . Spaic , J. Skrk , M . Budihna, I. Dolenc, Tat jana Popov ic , V. Cotic and V. Turk

Ca theps ins B, H and L in h u m a n breas t ca rc inoma 69

R. G a l a r d , R. Cata lan , J. Montalbän, A. Mol ins , F. Miquel and J. M. Castel-l anos

N e u r o k i n i n concent ra t ions in CSF. A pre l iminary study in Parkinson's disease 281

J. Geisel, T. Schleifenbaum, K. Oette and B. Weißhaar

Famil ia l defective apol ipoprotein B-100 in 12 subjects and their k indred 729

A. L. Gerbes , R. Wi t thau t , W. K. Sam­son, W. Schnizer and Angelika M. Voll-m a r

A highly sensitive and rapid radioim­m u n o a s s a y for the determinat ion of arginine8-vasopressin 229

G. G o i , M . Besozzi, Chiara Bairati , E m m a Guagnel l in i , Adr iana L o m b a r d o and G . Te t t amant i

P r e p a r a t i o n of a stable liquid material for ca l ibra t ion and quality control for lysosomal enzymes in plasma 595


L. Haagen and A. Brock A new a u t o m a t e d method for pheno-typing arylesterase (EC 3 .1 .1 .2 ) based upon inhibit ion of enzymatic hydrol­ysis of 4-ni t rophenyl acetate by phenyl acetate 391

S. Hajzer. Eva Osadskä and Anna Zach­en ska

Evalua t ion of inter laboratory profi­ciency surveys of bilirubin determi­na t ions in sera of newborns 291

M. P. Hazenberg and H. de Visser Assay for N-acety lmuramyl-L-a lanine amidase in serum by determinat ion of m u r a m i c acid released from the pep-t idoglycan of Brevibacterium diva­rication 141

Patricia G. Hendr ix , M. F. Hoylaerts , E. J. N o u w e n , A . Van De Voorde and M. E. D e Broe

Magne t i c beads in suspension enable a rapid and sensitive immunodetec t ion of h u m a n placental alkaline phospha t a se 343

K. Herfar th , Sabine Drechsler, W. Im-hoff, M. Sehl ander, M. Engelbach, A. Maie r and H . Schmidt -Gayk

Calc ium regulating hormones after oral and intravenous calcium adminis t ra t ion 815

G. E. Hoffmann, E. Schneider, K. Brand, V. Kozumplik and Susanne Fa-t e h - M o g h a d a m

Charac te r iza t ion of a phosphol i -pase A2 in human serum 111

A. J. van H o u t e and P C M . Bartels C o m p a r a t i v e evaluation of the Phar­macia C A P System and the D P C alaSTAT System for in vitro detection of allergen-specific IgE with the skin prick test 101

V. Kaever, J. T. Robitzsch, W. Stangel, L. Schleinkofer and K. Resch

S imul taneous detection of whole b lood chemiluminescence in micro-titre plates 209

Natha l i e Kapel , Domin ique Meillet, L. Favennec , Denis Magne , Denis Raich-varg and J . -G. Gober t

Eva lua t ion of intestinal clearance and faecal excret ion of a , -ant iprote inase and immunoglobul ins dur ing Crohns disease 197

M . I. K h a t k h a t a y , M. P. Desai, G. M. Sankoll i a n d U. M. Joshi

An indirect ELISA for urinary gonad­o t rop ins using immobilized h u m a n m e n o p a u s a l gonado t rop in 297

K. P. Kohse , K. Feifel and H. Wisser Quan t i t a t ive determinat ion of natri­uret ic peptides in h u m a n biological

samples with a bioassay using cul tured cells 837

P. T. Kor tesuo , T. J. Nevala inen , M . Büchler and W. Uhl

Character izat ion of two phosphol i -pases A2 in serum of pat ients with sepsis and acute pancreat i t is 263

M. H. Kroll and Ruth Chesler Rat ionale for using mult iple regres­sion analysis with complex inter­ferences 415

H. Leibi, J. W. M a n n h a l t e r and M a r t h a M. Eibl

IgG subclass de terminat ion in h u m a n sera with commercial ly available rea­gents: Compar i son of different assay systems 85

Christine Luckenbach , R. Wahl and E. Kallee

Isoelectric focussing of h u m a n thyrox­ine binding globulin ( thyropexin) and human prealbumin ( t rans thyre t in)


Renate Lukas , I. Trif and M . C u c u i a n u Plasma phosphol ipase A 2 in chi ldren with mal ignant disorders 127

A. C. McLellan and P. J. Thorna l ley Electrophoret ic analysis of isoforms of glyoxalase II in clinical b lood samples 7

Dominique Meillet, P. L. H o a n g , F. U n -anue, Nathal ie Kapel , M. -C . Diemer t , Francoise Rousselie, A. Galli and Jeanne Galli

Filtration and local synthesis of lac­rimal proteins in acquired i m m u n o ­deficiency syndrome 319

P. Montagne , P. Laroche , Therese Bes-sou, Mar ie Louise Cuilliere, P. Varcin and J. Duheil le

Measurement of eleven serum pro te ins by micropart ic le-enhanced nephe lo­metric immunoassay 217

O. Müller-Plathe and S. Heyduck Stability of blood gases, electrolytes and haemoglobin in hepar inized whole blood samples: Influence of the type of syringe 349

L. Nilsson and E. Ronge Lipoamidase and biot inidase defi­ciency: Evidence that l ipoamidase a n d biotinidase are the same enzyme in human serum 119

M. Panteghini , F ranca Pagani and R. Bonora

Pre-analytical and biological variabi l­ity of prosta t ic acid phospha t a se and prostate-specific antigen in serum

from pat ients with prostat ic pa thology 135

Francoise Ponte t , M . C. Diemer t , M o -nique Pressac and J. Bienvenu

Study of six ant isera used for the im-munonephe lome t r i c assay of human IgG 145

W. P rohaska , E. Schroeter , Petra Kaars-Wiele and K. Kleesiek

Enzyme immunoassays for ant i -hep­atitis C virus ant ibodies - Improved specificity and analytical sensitivity by combina t ion of three different recom­b inan t viral prote ins in second gener­a t ion tests 397

G. Rebentisch, W.-D. Pusinelli , J. Muche und H. Beyer

Rechnergestützte Befundinterpreta­tion quant i ta t iver röntgendiffrakto-metr ischer Harns te inanalyse-Ergeb­nisse Computer i sed in terpre ta t ion of results of quant i ta t ive X-ray ur inary calculus analysis (in German) 95

F r a u k e Sabinski , U. Wosiewitz and U. Leuschner

Mucin- l ike high molecular mass p ro­tein fractions from total pig gallblad­der bile mucus , pig gal lbladder wall mucus , and total h u m a n gallbladder bile mucus 753

M. S a n d k a m p , B. M. Tambyrajah, G. A s s m a n n and H. Schriewer

De te rmina t ion of apol ipoprotc in B in apol ipopro te in C l l /CI I I -con ta in ing l ipoproteins by an immunoenzymme-tric assay 223

J. Saulnier, J. M. Wallach, G. Döring, M . Malissard, M. J. Vacheron and M. G u i n a n d

C o m p a r i s o n of four procedures for measur ing elastase product ion by Pseudomonas aeruginosa s trains from cystic fibrosis pat ients 285

Vibeke Schioler, J. T h o d e and E. Kj0ller Per formance characterist ics of crea­tine k inase -MB isoenzyme measured with an immunoenzymomet r i c and an immunoinhib i t ion assay in acute myo­cardial infarction with and without th romboly t ic therapy 357

H. -W. Schiwara, H . Siegel and A. Goe-bel

Increase and decrease in formic acid concent ra t ion in urine samples stored a t r o o m tempera tu re 75

C. Schmidt and O. Müller-Plathe Stability of p02, pC02 and p H in he­parinized whole blood samples: Influence of s torage temperature with regard to leukocyte count and syringe mater ia l 767


M. Schmolke, E. Schleicher and W. G. G u d e r

Renal sorbi tol , mvo-inositol and gly-cerophosphory lchol ine in s t reptozo-tocin-diabetic ra ts 607

M. Schreiber, D a g m a r Kan t imm, Da­niela Kirchhoff, G. He imann and A. S. Bhargava Concent ra t ions in serum of IgG, IgM and IgA and their age-dependence in beagle dogs as determined by a newly developed enzyme-l inked- immuno-sor-bent-assay (ELISA) 775

U. Schumacher , A. Mausilf, J. Bar th , U Welsch and W. Pe te rmann

Recovery of proteins from the b ron­cho-alveolar lavage fluid — Proposa l for a s tandard isa t ion 11

W. Siems, T. Grüne, Hannelore H a m p l , Gisela Wendel, G. Gerber and E. Riedel

Changed purine nucleotide concent ra­t ions and enzyme activities in eryth­rocytes of haemodialysis pat ients un­dergoing erythropoiet in therapy 455

Esther van der Sloot, S. Küster, A. Bohle, J. Braun and W. G. Wood

Towards an unders tanding of the mode of action of bacillus Catmeite-Gi/cV/'//-therapy in bladder cancer t reatment , especially with regard to the role of fibronection 503

G. van der Sluijs Veer and J. W. P. H. Soons

A time-resolved f luoro immuno assay of the IgM-rheumato id factor 301

Petra Stieber, Doro thea Nagel, Chris­tiane Ritzke, N. Rössler, C. M. Kirsch, W. Eiermann and A. F a t e h - M o g h a d a m

Significance of bone alkaline phos­phatase , CA 15-3 and C E A in the de­tection of bone metastases dur ing the follow-up of pat ients suffering from breast carcinoma 809

Haruh iko Takayama, Nor io Ogawa, Mitsutoshi Yamamoto , M a s a t o Asan-uma, Hiroshi Hirata and Zensuke Ota

Age-related changes in cerebrospinal fluid Y-aminobutyric acid concen­trat ion 271

Michio Takeda, I kuo Kiyatake, Hika ru Koide , Kyu Yong Jung and Hitoshi En-dou

Biosynthesis of guanidinoacet ic acid in isolated renal tubules 325

P. Taral lo , J. Henny, R. Gueguen and G. Siest

Reference limits of p lasma fibrinogen 745

Ay§egül Telci, Nihal Salmayenly, Ali Emin Aydin, Sümer Yamaner , Ahmet Sivas and Ulu Eldegez

Serum lipids and apol ipoprote in con­cent ra t ions and plasma fibronectin concen t ra t ions in renal t ransplant pat ients 847

V. V. Tertov, I. A. Sobenin, Z. A. G a b -basov, E. G. Popov, A. A. Yaroslavov, M . Jauhia inen , C. Ehnho lm, V. N . Smir-nov and A. N . Orekhov

Three types of natural ly occuring modified l ipoproteins induce intracel­lular lipid accumula t ion in human aor t ic int imal cells — T h e role of lipo­protein aggregat ion 171

Stig Thunel l , Ann Henr ichson, Ylva F loderus , C. G. Gro th , B.-G. Eriksson, Lisbeth Barkhol t , A. Nemeth , Birgitta S t randvik , L. Eleborg, L. Holmberg and J. Lundgren

Liver t ransplan ta t ion in a boy with acu te porphyr ia due to aminolaevuli-nate dehydra tase deficiency 599

V. Toschi, G. F. Fiorini , Adele Mot ta , C. Castelli , Mar ia Grazia Gagl iano and A n d r e a Gibelli

S t ruc tura l and functional characteri­zation of plasma fibronection in pa­t ients with essential mixed cryo-globul inaemia 473

G. Vanhoof, I. De Meester, M. van Sande , S. Schärpe and A. Yaron

Dis t r ibut ion of proline-specific ami-nopept idases in h u m a n tissues and body fluids 333

J. Vormann , T. Günther, K. Magdor f and U. Wahn

Minera l metabol ism in erythrocytes from pat ients with cystic fibrosis 193

C. Watala and P. D. Winocour T h e re la t ionship of chemical modifi­ca t ion of m e m b r a n e proteins and p lasma l ipoproteins to reduced mem­brane fluidity of erythrocytes from diabet ic subjects 513

R. N. M. Weijers, J. Mulder, C. Lawson and J. Leunissen

Induct ion of au toant ibodies to h u m a n enzymes following viral infection: A biologically relevant hypothesis 449

J. W. J. van Wersch, M. G. V. M. Russel and F. A. Th . Lus te rmans

The extent of diffuse in t ravascular co ­agulat ion and fibrinolysis in pa t ien ts with liver cirrhosis 275

J. W. J. van Wersch, C. H. van M o u r i k -Alderliesten and A. Coremans

Compar i son of markers of coagula ­tion activation in pat ients under ora l ant icoagulat ion at different levels 461

J. W. J. van Wersch, J. C. De Vries-Hanje and J. M . H. Ubachs

Coagula t ion and fibrinolysis m a r k e r s in seminal plasma of pat ients under evaluation for involuntary child­lessness 467

G u d r u n Wiedemann , Th. Simon u n d U t a Hi ldebrand

Untersuchungen zur Erstel lung von Referenzbereichen für Fruk tosamin and H b A , c im Kindesal ter Establ ishment of reference values for fructosamine and H b A l c in chi ldren (in German) 33

E. Wieland, V. Schettler, F. Diedrich, P. Schuff-Werner and M. Oellerich

Determinat ion of lipid hydroperox­ides in serum Todometry and high per formance li­quid ch roma tog raphy compared 363

C. Wolff, Kathr in Schlüter, W. P r o h a s k a and K. Kleesiek

Improved detection of hepati t is C vi­rus R N A by reverse t ranscr ipt ion and polymerase chain reaction 717

Angela Zink, E. Blind and F. Raue Determinat ion of serum calci tonin by immunometr ic two-site assays in nor ­mal subjects and patients with med­ullary thyroid carc inoma 831

L. Zwang and B. G. Blijenberg Validation of the ultrafiltration tech­nique for creatinine analysis by H P L C : A compar i son with direct serum injection 861

A. Andersson, B. Hul tberg, L. Bratt-ström and A. Isaksson

Decreased serum homocysteine in pregnanacy 377

Short communications M a r i a Angela Bacigalupo, C. Iacobello, G. Meroni and A. Ius

Affinity of europium-label led proteins A and G for immunoglobul in G from seven m a m m a l i a n species 529

L. Buris and M. Varga Change of alcohol dehydrogenase activity in sera after a lcohol ism t rea tment 203


F. d a Fonseca-Wol lhe im and K . - G . Heinze

Which is the a p p r o p r i a t e coenzyme for the measuremen t of a m m o n i a with g lu t ama te dehydrogenase? 537

F. da Fonseca-Wol lhe im a n d K . - G . Heinze

T h e influence of pC02 on the rate of a m m o n i a format ion in b lood 867

F. Goossens , Ingrid D e Meester , Gree t Vanhoof and S. Schärpe

A sensitive m e t h o d for the assay of serum prolyl endopep t ida se 235

M . H. Herruer , W. E. Klu i t enberg a n d F. M . J. Zu i jde rhoud t

C o m p a r i s o n of the ra t io H D L - c h o l e s -terol / tota l cholesterol on the Reflo-t ron vs. convent iona l wet chemis t ry m e t h o d s 153

B. Hu l tbe rg , A. I saksson , L. Brattström and B. Israelsson

Elevated urinary excretion of ß-hex-osaminidase in smokers 131

N o r a B. Krull , J. Kropf and A. M. Gressner

Influence of reagent composit ion on atypical pseudoCholinesterase activity measurement : Compar ison of a man­ual and an automated method and impl icat ions for routine 545

Herve R Lefebvre, J.-R Jaeg, A. G. Rico, P.-L. Toutain and J.-P. Braun

Variat ions of plasma creatine kinase in rabbi ts following repetitive blood sampl ing Effects of pre t reatment with aceprom-azine, Carazolol and dantrolene 425

S. Ponnazhagen and Rita Sarkar Enzymes of the pentose phospha te p a t h w a y in glutathione-regulated m e m b r a n e protection in ß-tha-lassaemia 481

Eva Schneider, Dusica Gabrijelcic and R. Geiger

De te rmina t ion of h u m a n mast cell t ryptase by bioluminescence-enhanced two-site immunomet r i c assay 871

K. O. Schwab , Gabrie le Heubel and H. Bartels

F ree epinephr ine , norepinephr ine and d o p a m i n e in saliva and plasma of heal thy adul ts 541

T. T ihan , P. Chiba , Olga Krupicka , M o n i k a Fritzer, R. Seitelberger and M. M. Müller

Serum lipid peroxide levels in the course of co ronary by-pass surgery


Hiroshi Tsuji, Kensuke N o m i y a m a , Koichiro M u r a i , Kimihi ro Akagi and Masa tosh i Fujishima

C o m p a r i s o n of the proper t ies of ri-bonucleases in h u m a n liver tissue and se rum 339

Report C. G. Fraser , P. Hyltoft Petersen, Ca r ­men Ricos and R. Haeckel

P roposed qual i ty specifications for the imprecision and inaccuracy of ana ly t ­ical systems for Clinical Chemis t ry


Technical reports B. G . Blijenberg, E. C. Liesting and L. Z w a n g

O n the accuracy of the Ref lo t ron* cre­a t in ine de te rmina t ion 51

P. Bonini , F. Ceriot t i , F. Keller, P. Brauer, H . Stolz, C. Pascual , Lydia G a r ­cia Beträn, D . J. Vonderschmit t , P. Pei, W. Bablok , Ingrid D o m k e and W. Stock­m a n n

Mul t icent re eva lua t ion of the Boeh-ringer M a n n h e i m / H i t a c h i 747 analysis system 881

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie ( G e r m a n Society for Clinical Chemis t ry)

Work ing G r o u p on Enzymes P roposa l of s t a n d a r d m e t h o d s for the de te rmina t ion of enzyme cata lyt ic concen t ra t ions in se rum and p lasma at 37 °C II. Chol ines terase (acylcholine acylhy-dro lase , E C 3. 1. 1.8) 163

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie ( G e r m a n Society for Clinical Chemis t ry)

Work ing G r o u p on Enzymes

Proposa l of s tandard methods for the de te rmina t ion of enzyme catalytic concent ra t ions in serum and plasma at 37 °C III . G l u t a m a t e dehydrogenase (L-glu-t a m a t e : N A D ( P ) 4 o x i d o r e d u c t a s e ( d e -amina t ing) , EC 1. 4. 1.3) 493

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie (German Society for Clinical Chemis t ry)

Working G r o u p on Enzymes Proposal of s tandard methods for the de te rmina t ion of enzyme catalytic concent ra t ions in serum and plasma at 37 °C IV. Lac ta te dehydrogenase (L-lactate : NAD + ox idoreduc ta se , EC 787

B. Malavas i , A. Ca tapano , G. Galli and C. Franzini

A col laborat ive trial for the evaluation of blood cholesterol measurement in clinical laboratories in Italy 157

G. V. Melzi d'Eril , T. Bosoni, R. Mor -at t i , M. Ventrucci, A. Fumagall i and G. Tarenghi

Clinical validity of a cont inuous col-orimetr ic method for serum lipase


Marie-Liesse Piketty, M.-P. Bounaud, R. Lebtah i , C. Valat, S. Askienazy, F. Be-gon and J . -C. Besnard

Mul t icent re evaluation of a two-step a u t o m a t e d enzyme immunoassay of free thyroxine 485

M a r t i n a Römer, R. Haeckel , A. Henco , M. Vogt, L. T h o m a s , H . E. Keller and W. Appel

A mult icentre evaluat ion of the Ek-tachem DT60- , Reflotron- and Sera­lyzer III systems 547

G. C. Zucchelli , A. Pilo, D. Jaworek, S. Masini and Mar ia Rosa Chiesa

I m m u n o a s s a y of C E A , CA 19-9, CA 125, and CA 15-3 on the au toma ted systems ES 3000 and ES 600: Meth­odological evaluat ion from a mult i­centre col laborat ive study 875

Technical notes L. Borque , A. Rus, C. Maside and J. del C u r a

A u t o m a t e d latex nephelometr ic im­m u n o a s s a y of theophyll ine in human serum 307

A. Dwenger , Ger t rud Schweitzer, H. -C. Pape and U. L e h m a n n

De te rmina t ion of h u m a n neutrophil elastase in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid: H o m o g e n e o u s immunoac t iva-t ion versus he terogeneous enzyme immunoassay 785

M. Fraysse, F. X. Galen and G. Ha-br ioux

Bioluminescence enhanced enzyme i m m u n o a s s a y for h u m a n cx-atrial na­tr iuret ic pept ide using luciferin-luciferase 433

A. J. P. F. L o m b a r t s , W. de Kieviet, P. F. H. F ranck and J. D. Baars


Recogni t ion and prevent ion of two cases of er roneous haemocy tome t ry c o u n t s due to platelet and white b lood cell aggregat ion T h e use of acid citrate dextrose as an auxi l iary ant icoagulant 429

R Rosen tha l and M a r y Theresa Jennings Se rum del ta bilirubin est imat ion by an a u t o m a t e d method 39

Theodoss i a Tsaka, K. R. He rkne r and A. Mühl

H u m a n granulocyte elastase analysis on a clinical analyser (Greiner G-400) a n d compar i son with the manua l IMAC-e la s t a se me thod 107

J. L. Z a i d m a n , M . Waron , Sonica Meyer and S. Miele

A m n i o t i c fluid c o m p o n e n t s and changes due to s torage condi t ions 43

IFCC Section G. F e r a r d

Quan t i t i e s and units for metabol ic processes as a function of t ime 901

Award "Pr ize Biochemical Analys is" 1992 445

Letters to the Editor X. Fuen tes -Arder iu

W h a t is measured in clinical l abora­tories, pa rame te r s or quanti t ies? 243

M. H a r d e l Coexis tence of different technologies in clinical chemical laborator ies? 239

F. Körber N o m e n c l a t u r e of 6 -phosphoglucona te dehydrogenase : The react ion ca ta­lysed de termines the systematic n a m e


J. K r o p f C o m m e n t s on practical implicat ions of coexistent different technologies in clinical chemical labora tor ies Reply to the Letter to the Edi tor by M . Harde l (this J. 30 (1992) 2 3 9 - 2 4 0 ) 241

Abstracts Future Prospects of L-Tryptophan in Medicine

Conference of the Internat ional Study G r o u p of Tryptophan Research held at the Children's Hospital , University of Heidelberg, Germany, on N o v e m ­ber 2 2 - 2 3 , 1991 AI - A23 following page 170

Symposium Communications Clinical biochemistry in renal diseases

Basic knowledge and diagnostic ap ­proaches

Internat ional Symposium, G d a n s k , Sep­tember 4th to 6th, 1992 615

D. Bizon, L. Kalinowski and S. Angiel-ski

Adenosine deaminase restores the ability of atrial natriuretic peptide t o induce glomerular hyperfil tration in low-sodium rats 647

Iwona Bundschuh, I rmt rud Jäckle-Meyer, Edeltraud Lüneberg, C. Bentzel, R. Petzoldt and H. Stolte

Glycation of serum albumin and its role in renal protein excretion and the development of diabetic nephropa thy

651 W. G. Guder , Z. Jakubowski and S. An-gielski

Report on the Symposium 617

W. G. Guder , M. Schmolke and Gabriele Wir thensohn

Carbohydra te and lipid metabol ism of the renal tubule in diabetes mellitus


W. Hofmann, B. Rossmüller, W. G. Guder and H. H. Edel

A new strategy for characterizing p ro ­teinuria and haematuria from a single pat tern of defined proteins in urine


G. D . Nuyts , G. F. Verpooten and M . E. De Broe

Intestinal alkaline phospha tase as an indicator of effects on the S3-segment of the human proximal tubule 713

C. J. Olbricht Distr ibution of cathepsins B and L in the kidney and their role in tubular protein absorpt ion 675

R. G . Price Measu remen t of N-acetyl-ß-glucosa-minidase and its isoenzymes in ur ine: M e t h o d s a n d clinical appl ica t ions 693

F. Recio , F. Villamil , C a r m e n Recio a n d C a r m e n Ferrer

Early changes of u r ina ry amylase iso­enzymes in d iabetes mell i tus 657

R. Schaefer, L. Paczek, S. H u a n g , M . Teschner, Liliana Schaefer and A. Heid­land

Role of g lomeru la r prote inases in the evolut ion of glomerulosclerosis 641

J. E. Scherberich, J. Wiemer and W. Schoeppe

Biochemical and immunolog ica l p r o p ­erties of u r inary angiotens inase A a n d d ipep t idy laminopep t idase IV Thei r use as m a r k e r s in pat ients with renal cell injury 663

E. D . Schleicher and B. Olgemöller G l o m e r u l a r changes in diabetes mell i tus 635

H.-J . Schurek, K . - H . N e u m a n n , H . Flohr , M . Zeh and H . Stol te

T h e physiological and pa thophys io l ­ogical basis of g lomeru la r permeabi l ­ity for p l a sma pro te ins and erythrocytes 627

M . H. Weber and R. Verwiebe oti-Microglobulin (prote in H C ) : Fea­tures of a p romis ing indica tor of p rox­imal tubu la r dysfunct ion 683

Erratum Unfor tuna te ly the pape r by G u s t a w a Stendig-Lindberg et al. pr in ted in this

j . 29 (1991) (12) 8 3 3 - 8 3 6 conta ins the following errors :

It was prepared for the 1992 vo lume bu t publ ished in D e c e m b e r 1991. T h e c i ta t ion ( top left-hand corner , p . 833) should therefore read: Eur . J. Clin. C h e m . Clin. Biochem. Vol. 29, 1991, p p . 8 3 3 - 8 3 6 In table 1, p . 834, the range for serum magnes ium should read: 0 . 7 2 - 0 . 9 1 (mmol/1).

Acknowledgement Acknowledgement 907


General Index Author Index

Pages A 1 — A 23 follow page 170. A b r a m s , J. S. A 15 Abu-Sa lah , K . M . 737 Akagi , Kimihiro 339 Al -Kassab , Abdul Salam 21 Alpha , Beatrice 27 Andersson , A. 377 Angielski , S. 617, 647 Appel , W. 547 Arend , R. A. A 14 A san um a, Masa to 271 Askienazy, S. 485 Assmann , G. 223 Aufricht , Ch. 81 Aviram, M. 55 Aydin, Ali Emin 847

Baars , J. D. 429 Baas , H . A 8 Bablok , W. 881 Bacarese-Hamil ton, T. 531 Bacigalupo, Mar ia Angela

529 Bairat i , Chiara, 595 Barkhol t , Lisbeth 599 Barr, R. G. A 4 Bartels, H. 541 Bartels, P C M . 101 Bar th , J. 11 Becker-Brüster, W. A 12 Beckmann, R. A 12 Begon, F. 485 Beiträn, Lydia Garcia 881 Bentzcl, C. 651 Berg, P. A 16 Berg, P. A. A 13 Besnard, J .-C. 485 Besozzi, M. 595 Bessou, Therese 217 Beyer, H. 95 Beyer, J. A 16 Bhargava , A. S. 775 Bicanic, D . A 19, A 19 Bienvenu, J. 145 Biersack, H. 63 Bizon, D . 647 Blijenberg, B. G. 51 , 779,

861 Blind, E. 831 Boege, F. 63 Bogenschütz, O. 521 Bohle, A. 503 Bonini , P. 881 Bonora , R. 135 Borque, L. 307 Boschmann, M. A 4 Bosoni, T. 439 Boßmann, Bärbel 381 Bounaud , J.-Y. 485 Brand, K. I l l Braltström, L. 131, 377 Brauer, P. 881 Braun, J. 503 Braun , J.-P. 425 Brock, A. 391 Brook, G. J. 55

Brown, R. R. A 1, A 14 Bruchelt, G. 521 Büchler, M. 263 Budihna, M. 69 Bundschuh, Iwona 651 Buris, L. 203 Busker, E. A 14 Büttner, J. 245, 585

Calvo, C. 3 Camina , F. 761 Cangiano , C. A 11 Carr , L. A 11 Carr-Fischer, L. A 16 Carreer, F. M. J. 793 Cascino, A. A 11 Castel lanos, J. M. 281 Castelli, C. 473 Cas ton , J. Ch. A 16 Cas t ro -Gago , M. 761 Cata lan , R. 281 C a t a p a n o , A. 157 Catt ini , R. 531 Ceci, F. A 11 Ceriott i , F. 881 Chesler, Ruth 415 Chiba , P. 205 Chiesa, Maria Rosa 875 Clark, Penelope M. S. 27 Clement , D . L. 823 Cluyse, L. P. 823 Cohen , Margo P. 851 Coremans , A. 461 Cosgrove, J. W. A 2 Cotic, V. 69 Cox, Lorna 27 Criswell, M . D . A 12 Crowther , N . 27 Cucuianu, M. 127 Cuilliere, Marie Louise 217

Da Fonseca-Wollheim, F. 15, 371, 537, 867

De Broe, M. E. 343, 713 De Buyzere, M. L. 823 De Kieviet, W. 429 De Meester, Ingrid 235, 333 De Palo , C. 179 De Palo, E. 179 De Visser, H. 141 De Vries-Hanje, J. C. 467 Del Cura , J. 307 Delanghe, J. R. 823 Demisch, L. A 5, A 8 Demling, J. A 5 Desai , M. P. 297 Diedrich, F. 363 Diemert , M.-C. 145, 319 Dietrich, A. A 6, A 11, A 11 Diksic, M. A 8 Dolenc, I. 69 D o m k e , Ingrid 881 Döring, G. 285 Dovichi , N . A 19 Drechsler, Sabine 815

Duheille, J. 217 Dwenger, A. 187, 785

Ebisawa, H. A 15 Eccleston, D. A 7 Edel, H. H. 707 Ehnholm, C. 171 Ehrlich, W. A 6, A 11, A 11 Eibl, Mar tha M. 85 Eiermann, W. 809 Eldegez, Ulug 847 Eleborg, L. 599 Endou , Hitoshi 325 Engelbach, M. 815 Engelhardt , W. A 8 Enzensberger, W. A 8 Eriksson, B.-G. 599 Erni, F. A 19

F a t e h - M o g h a d a m , A. 809 F a t e h - M o g h a d a m , Susanne

111 Favennec, L. 197 Feifel, K. 837 Feldmann, U. 405 Ferard, G. 901 Ferrer, Carmen 657 Fierlbeck, G. 521 Fiorini, G. F. 473 Fischer, P - A . A 8 Floderus, Ylva 599 Flohr, H. 627 Floreani, A. 179 Franck, P. F. H. 429 Franzini, C. 157 Fräser, C. G. 311 Fraysse, M. 433 Fritzer, Mon ika 205 Fuchs, D. A 9 Fuentes-Arderiu, X. 243 F u h r m a n n , Bianca 55 Fujishima, Masatoshi 339 Fumagall i , A. 439 Funck , M o n i k a 187

Gabbasov, Z. A. 171 Gabrijelcic, Dusica 69, 871 Gagl iano, Mar ia Grazia 473 Galard , R. 281 Galen, F. X. 433 Galli, A. 319 Galli, G. 157 Galli, Jeanne 319 Gat t i , M. 179 Geiger, R. 871 Geisel, J. 729 Gelpi, E. A 18 Gerber, G. 455 Gerbes, A. L. 229 Gibelli, Andrea 473 Gieseler, F. 63 Gleich, G . J . A 15 Gober t , J . -G. 197 Goebel, A. 75 Goi , G. 595

Goossens , F. 235 Goronzy , J. J. A 15 Gould ing , R. A 17 G r a h n , H. A 6 Grätz, R. A 6, A 11, A 11 Gressner, A. M. 545 Gretz , N . A 3 Gro th , C. G. 599 Grune , T. 455 Guagnel l in i , E m m a 595 Guder , W. G. 607, 617, 669,

707 Gueguen , R. 745 G u i n a n d , M. 285 Günther, K. A 14 Günther, T. 193 Gusella , L. A 10

Haagen , L. 391 Habr ioux , G. 433 Haeckel , R. 311, 547 Hajak, G. A 3 Hajzer, S. 291 Hales, C. N . 27 H a m p l , Hannelore 455 Hardel , M. 239 Hazenberg , M. P. 141 Hebenstrei t , G. F. A 7 Heidland, A. 641 He imann , G. 775 Heinze, K . -G. 371, 537, 867 Henco , A. 547 Hendr ix , Patricia G. 343 Henny, J. 745 Henr ichson, Ann 599 Herbst , M . A 9 Herfar th , K. 815 Herkner , K. 81 Herkner , K. R. 107 Herruer , M. H. 153 Heubel , Gabrie le , 541 Heyduck , S. 349 Hi ldebrand , U ta 33 Hintermayer , J. A 20 Hi ra ta , Hiroshi 271 H o a n g , P. L. 319 Hoffmann, G. E. I l l H o f m a n n , W. 707 Holmberg , L. 599 H o p p e , B. A 14 Hosak i , Y. A 15 H o w a r d , Clive 531 Hoylaer t s , M. F. 343 H u a n g , S. 641 Huether , G. A 9 Hul tberg , B. 131, 377 Hütter, H . J . 381

Iacobello, C. 529 Imhoff, W. 815 Isaksson, A. 131, 377 Israelsson, B. 131 I to , J. A 15 I us, A. 529


Jäckle-Meyer, Irmtrud 651 Jaeg, J.-P. 425 Jakubowski , Z. 617 Jalink, H . A 19, A 19 Jauhiainen, M. 171 Jaworek, D. 875 Jennings, Mary Theresa 39 Joshi, U. M. 297 Jung, Kyu Yong 325 Jurika, E. A 6, A 11

Kaars-Wiele, Pa t ra 397 Kaever, V. 209 Kalinowski, L. 647 Kailee, E. 387 Kant imm, D a g m a r 775 Kapel, Natha l ie 197, 319 Keller, F. 881 Keller, H . E. 547 Kha tkha tay , M. I. 297 Khoss, A. E. 81 Kirchhoff, Daniela 775 Kirsch, C. M. 809 Kita , H. A 15 Kiyatake , Ikuo 325 Kjoller, E. 357 Kleesiek, K. 397, 717 Klein, R. A 13 Kiewer, M. A 11 Klünenberg, W. E. 153 Kohse, K. P. 837 Koide, Hika ru 325 Körber, F. 47, 245 Kortesuo, P.T. 263 Kozumplik, V. 111 Kröger, H . A 6, A 11, A 11 Kroll, M. H. 415 Kropf. J. 241 , 545 Knill , Nora B. 545 Krupicka, Olga 205 Kurl, R. N . A 2 Küster, S. 503

Lahoz, C. A 17 Langer, K. A 5 Laroche, P. 217 Laviano, A. A 11 Lawson, C. 449 Lazovskis, I. A 10 Lebtahi , R. 485 Lefebvre, Herve P. 425 Lehmann . U. 187, 785 Lehnen , H. A 11, A 16 Leibi, H. 85 Lemmer, B. A 5 Leunissen, J. 449 Leuschner, U. 753 Liesting, E. C. 51 , 779 Ligere, R. A 11 Lindsey, A. A 12 Liss, E. 371 Lojo, S. 761 L o m b a r d o , Adr iana 595 Lombar t s , A. J. P. F. 429 Luckenbach, Chris t ine 387 Lueken, Brit ta 187 Lukas , Rena te 127 Lundgren, J. 599 Lundy, S. K. A 15 Lüneberg, Edel t raud 651 Lus te rmans , F. A . T h . 275

Magdorf , K. 193 Magne , Denis 197 Maier , A. 815 Mala tan i , Tarek M. S. 21 Malavas i , B. 157 Mal inka , J. A 18 Malissard, M. 285 Mannha l te r , J .W. 85 Maor , Irit 55 Martinez-Tello, F. J. A 17 Mar t insone , D. A 11 Mar t insons , A. A 10, A 11 Mas ide , C. 307 Masin i , S. 875 Mausolf, A. 11 M a y e n o , A. N . A 15 McFar th ing , K. 531 McLel lan, A. C. 7 Meillet, Domin ique 197, 319 Melzi d 'Eril , G. V. 439 Meron i , G. 529 Meyer, P. 63 Meyer, Sonica 43 Miele, S. 43 Miquel , F. 281 Moller, S. E. A 6 Moebius , U. M. A 12 Mol ins , A. 281 Möller, A. A. A 9 Mon tagne , P. 217 Montalbän, L. 281 Mora t t i , R. 439 M o t t a , Adele 473 Muche , J. 95 Mühl, A. 107 Mulder , J. 449 Müller, A. A 14 Müller, M. M. 205 Müller-Plathe, O. 349, 767 M u r a i , Koichiro 339 Muscari tol i , M . A l l

Nagel , Doro thea 809 Närvänen, S. A 5 Neidhar t , B. A 21 Neme th , A. 599 N e u m a n n , K.-H. 627 Nevalainen, T. J. 263 Nie thammer , D. 521 Nilsson, L. 119 N o a c k , R. A 4 N o m i y a m a , Kensuke 339 N o u w e n , E. J. 343 Nuyts , G. D. 713

Oberlander , T. A 4 Oellerich, M. 363 Oet te , K. 729 Ogawa , Nor io 271 O g u r o , K. A 15 Olbricht , C. J. 675 Olgemöller, B. 635 Orekhov, A. N . 171 Osadskä, Eva 291 Ota , Zensuke 271 Ot t , M. A 8 Owen , W. F. A 13 Ozaki , Y. A 14

Paczek, L. 641 Pagani , Franca 135 Palmer, R. 531

Panteghini , M. 135 Pape, H.-C. 785 Pascual, C. 881 Pei, P. 881 Pe termann, W. Petersen, P. Hyltoft 311 Petzoldt, R. 651 Piketty, Marie-Liesse 485 Pilo, A. 875 Ponnazhagen , S. 481 Pontet , Francoise 145 Popov, E. G. 171 Popovic, Tatjana, 69 Pressac, Mon ique 145 Price, R. G. 693 Proescholdt , M. A 8 Prohaska , W. 397, 717 Przyrembel, H. A 3 Pulkil, K. A 10 Pusinelli, W.-D. 95

Quek, V. A 4

Radzioch, D. A 10 Raichvarg, Denis 197 Rassner, G. 521 Raue, F. 831 Rebentisch, G. 95 Recio, Carmen 657 Recio, F. 657 Resch, K. 209 Rico, A. G. 425 Ricos, Carmen, 311 Riedel, E. 455 Riggio, O. A 11 Ritzke, Christ iane 809 Robitzsch, J .T. 209 Rodriguez-Nünez, A. 761 Rodriguez-Segade, S. 761 Römer, Mar t ina 547 Rommelspacher , H. A 10 Ronge, E. 119 Rosenthal , P. 39 Rossi Fanelli, F. A 11 Rössler, N . 809 Rossmüller, B. 707 Rousselie, Francoise 319 Rudzite, V. A 6, A 10, A 11 Rus, A. 307 Rüssel, M.G.W. M. 275 Rüther, E. A 3, A 11

Sabinski, F rauke 753 Saino, E.-L. A 5 Sakimoto , K. A 15, A 15 Salmayenly, Nihal 847 Sa lmon, S. A 7 Salzer, H . R. 81 Samson, W. K. 229 S a n d k a m p , M. 223 Sankolli , G. M. 297 Sarkar, Ri ta 481 Sato , F. A 15 Saulnier, J. 285 Sauren, H. A 19 Scandellari , C. 179 Schaefer, Liliana 641 Schaefer, R. 641 Schärpe, S. 235, 333, Scherberich, J. E. 663 Schettler, V. 363 Schiebel, Ursula 521

Schioler, Vibeke 357 Schiwara, H.-W. 75 Schiander, M. 815 Schleicher, E. D. 607, 635 Schleifenbaum, T. 729 Schleinkofer, L. 209 Schlüter, Kathr in , 717 Schlüter, M. A 21 Schmidt , C. 767 Schmidt -Gayk, H. 815 Schmolke, M. 607, 669 Schneider, E. I I I Schneider, Eva 871 Schnizer, W. 229 Schoeppe, W. 663 Schreiber, M. 775 Schriewer, H. 223 Schroeter, E. 397 Schuff-Werner, P. 363 Schumacher , U. 11 Schurek, H.-J. 627 Schwab, K. O. 541 Schwartz , A. M. A 2 Schweitzer, G e r t r a u d 187,

785 Seiteiberger, R. 205 Shandley, Colin, 531 Shishikura, T. A 15 Sidransky, H. A 2 Siegel, H . 75 Siems, W. 455 Siest, G . 745 Simon, Th. 33 Sivas, Ahmet 847 Skrk, J. 69 Smirnov, V. N . 171 Smith, S. A. A 13 Sobenin, I. A. 171 Soldevilla, B. L. A 16 Soons , J .W. P. FI. 301 Spaic, D. 69 Stangel, W. 209 Stieber, Petra 809 S tockmann , W. 881 Stolte, H. 627, 651 Stolz, H. 881 Strandvik, Birgitta 599 Strauch, M. A 3 Svetic, Branka 69

Takada , A. A 8 Takayama, H a r u h i k o 271 Takeda, Michio 325 Talsky, G. A 20 Tarn, A. A 19 Tambyrajah, B. M. 223 Tarallo, P. 745 Tarenghi, G. 439 Telci, Aysegül 847 Tenner, W. 81 Tertov, V.V. 171 Teschner, M. 641 Tet tamant i , G. 595 Thierens , H. M. 823 T h o d e , J. 357 T h o m a s , L. 547 Thornal ley, P. J. 7 Thunei l , Stig 599 Tihan , T. 205 Torigoe, Y. A 15, A 15 Toschi, V. 473 Toutain, P.-L. 425


Tran , Ch . D . A 19, A 19 Trif, I. 127 Tsaka , Theodoss ia 107 Tsuchiya, T. A 15 Tsuji, Hi rosh i 339 T u o h i m a a , P. A 5 Turk , V. 69

U b a c h s , J. M. H. 467 U b e r n a , E. A 19, A 19 Uhl , W. 263 U n a n u e , F. 319

Vacheron, M . J. 285 Valat, C. 485 Van D e Voorde A. 343 Van Der Sloot , Esther 503 Van der Sluijs Veer, G. 301 Van H o u t e , A. J. 101 Van Mourik-Alder l ies ten ,

C . H . 461 Van Sande , M. 333

Van Wersch, J . W . J. 275, 461, 467

Vanhoof, G. 333 Vanhoof, Greet 235 Varcin, P. 217 Varesio, L. A 10 Varga, M . 203 Varnier, M . 179 Ventrucci, M . 439 Verdugo, Cecilia 3 Verney, E. A 2 Verpooten, G . F. 713 Verwiebe, R. 683 Villamil, F. 657 Vogt, M . 547 Vollmar, Angel ika M . 229 Vonderschmit t , D . J. 881 Vormann, J. 193

Wächter, H . A 9 Wahl, R. 387 Wahn, U. 193

Wallach, J. M. 285 Waron, M. 43 Watala, C. 513 Weber, M. H. 683 Weijers, R. N . M. 449 Weiler, D . A. A 15 Weiss, G. A 9 Weissenborn, A . A l l Weißhaar, B. 729 Welsch, U. 11 Wendel, Gisela 455 Werner, R. G. A 21 Werner-Felmeyer, A 9 Weyand, C M . A 15 Wiedemann, G u d r u n 33 Wieland, E. 363 Wiemer, J. 663 Winocour, P. D. 513 Wir thensohn, Gabriele 669 Wisser, H. 837 Wit thaut , R. 229 Wolff, C. 717

Wood , W. G. 503 Wörthmüller, M. A 5 Wosicwitz, U 753 Wurst , Elisabeth 81 W u r t m a n n , R. J. A 4

Y a m a m o t o , Mitsutoshi 271 Yamaner , Sümer 847 Yaron, A. 333 Yaroslavov, A. A. 171 York, H. A 20 Young, S. N . A 2, A 4 Yusuvu, V. A 5

Zächenskä, A n n a 291 Z a i d m a n , J. L. 43 Zeh, M. 627 Zhu , X. S. A 20 Zink, Angela 831 Zucchelli , G . C. 875 Zui jderhoudt , F. M. J. 153 Zwang , L. 51 , 779, 861


Subject Index Pages A 1 - A 23 follow page 170.

acceptance —, criteria 881

, quality characterist ics 881

accumulat ion - , lipid 171

, aort ic int ima 171 accuracy —, cholesterol 157 - - , blood 157 —, creatinine 51

, Reflotron" 51 —, dry chemistry 241 - , Ektachem 239 —, multi layer film technol­

ogy 239 ace taminophenon AI 1 acetyl-carnitine —, plasma 179

, after exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

N-acetyl-ß-glucosaminidase —, isoenzymes 693

, urine 693 , assay me thods 693

—, kidney disease 693 —, nephrotoxici ty assessment

693 —, plasma 595

, cal ibrat ion mater ia l 595

—. substrates 693 urine 131, 693

, assay me thods 693 , smokers 131

ß-N-acetylglucosaminidase —, neutrophils 187 N-acety lmuramyl-L-a lanine amidase —, serum 141

, subst ra te 141 , pept idoglycan 141

, Brevibacterium di-var iatum 141

N-[4-(9-acridinylamino)-3-methoxyphenyl j -methane sul-phone-amide —, topoisomerase II 63

, inhibitor 63 activation —, biotinidase 119

, thiol c o m p o u n d s 119 —, leukocytes 209

, detect ion 209 —, l ipoamidase 119

, thiol c o m p o u n d s 119 acute myocardia l infarction - , s i z e 823

, creatine kinase 823 , serum 823

, myoglobin 823 , serum 823

adenine — c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761

, children 761 adenosine —, cerebrospinal fluid 761

, children 761 adenosine deaminase —, and glomerular hyperfil-

t ra t ion 647 , atrial natriuretic pep­

tide 647 , low sodium rats 647

adenosine monophospha te —, cerebrospinal fluid 761

, children 761 adherence —, neutrophi ls 187 affinity - , l g G 529

, protein A 529 , europium-labelled

529 , protein G 529

, europium-labelled 529

age dependence —, y-aminobutyr ic acid 271

, cerebrospinal fluid 271 —, fibrinogen 745

, plasma 745 —, immunoglobul ins 775

, serum 775 , beagle dogs 775

aggregation —, l ipoproteins 171 A I D S see h u m a n immunode­ficiency virus alanine aminotransferase —, amniot ic fluid 43

, s torage condit ions 43 —, serum 21

, gallstone patients 21 a lbumin —, cirrhosis 275

, liver 275 - , glycated 851

, enzyme immunoassay 851

—, glycation 651 , and renal protein ex­

cretion 651 , nephropa thy 651

, diabetic 651 —, serum 21

, gallstone patients 21 - , urine 707 alcohol —, tolerance 203 alcohol dehydrogenase —, serum 203

, alcoholism 203 , t reatment 203

, disulfiram 203 alcoholism —, t reatment 203

, disulfiram 203 , alcohol dehydrogen­

ase 203 , serum 203

aldose reductase —, inhibitor 607

, sorbinil 607

, tolrestat 607 allergen —, detection 101

, skin prick test 101 —, specific IgE 101

, detection 101 , method compar i son

101 a m i n o acids —, metabol ism A 4

, and fenfluramine A 4 —, p lasma A5

, var ia t ions A 5 5-amino-3-aza-2,2,5-tr ime-thylhexanol —, impuri ty 247

, 2 -amino-2-methy l - l -p ropano l 247

5-aminolaevul inate —, urine 599 2-amino-2-methyl-1 -p ropano l —, impur i ty 247

, 5-amino-3-aza-2,2,5-tri-methylhexanol 247

y-aminobutyr ic acid —, cerebrospinal fluid 271

, age dependency 271 —, metabol ism 271

, bra in 271 aminolaevul ina te d e h y d r a ­tase —, erythrocytes 599 —, porphyr ia , acute 599

, liver t r ansp lan ta t ion 599

a m m o n i a —, formation in b lood 867

, influence of pC02 867 , influence of p H 867

—, p lasma 15, 537 , assay 537

, g lu tamate d e h y d r o ­genase m e t h o d 537

, coenzyme 537 , interferences 15 , method c o m p a r i s o n 15 , selected m e t h o d 15

, specificity 15 , ultrafi l trat ion 15

a m m o n i u m 5-[4-R-3-metho-xyphenylmethylene]- thioxo-thiazol idine-4-one-3-ethan-oate-N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosa-minide 693 amniot ic fluid —, s torage 43

, and composi t ion 43 amphoter ic in B —, l iposomes 737

, and permeabil i ty 737 , cat ions 737

, erythrocyte 737 A M P see adenosine m o n o ­phospha t e 761 amsacr ine —, topoisomerase II 63

, inhibitor 63

amylase —, isoenzymes 657

, urine 657 , diabetes mellitus 657

analytical goals 311 analytical per formance —, assessment 881 analytical procedures —, validity A21 analytical systems — c o m p a r a b i l i t y 239, 241

, Ektachem 239 —, quali ty specifications 311 ang ioedema —, hereditary 793

, CI inhibi tor deficiency 793

, phys iopathology 793 , t rea tment 793 , types 793

angiotensinase A —, urine 663

, marker 663 , renal cell injury 663

anistreplase —, thrombolysis 823 anorexia A l 1 anthracycl ines 63 ant ibodies - , B C G 503

, bladder cancer the rapy 503

—, monoc lona l 831 ,ca lc i tonin 831

ant igen —, pros ta te specific 135

, serum 135 , variability 135

a2 -ant iplasmin —, cirrhosis 275 - - , liver 275 a r a n t i p r o t e i n a s e —, clearance, intestinal 197

, colitis, ulcerative 197 , C rohn ' s disease 197

—, excretion, faecal 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , C rohn ' s disease 197

ant isera - , I g G 145 an t i th rombin III —, cirrhosis 275 - - , liver 275 a o r t a —, int ima 171

, lipid accumula t ion 171 apat i te 95 apol ipopro te ins —, serum 847

, renal t r ansp lan ta t ion 847

apol ipoprote in A-I —, glycated 3

, association 3 , H D L 3

apol ipoprote in B-100 - , defective 729


- - , familial 729 —, gene 729

, D N A marke r 729 apol ipoprote in C I I / C I I I —, conta in ing l ipoprote ins

223 , apo l ipopro te in B 223

, i m m u n o e n z y m o m e -tric assay 223

apol iprote in B —, l ipoproteins 223

, apol iprote in CI I /CI I I conta in ing 223

, i m m u n o e n z y m o m e -tric assay 223

arginine8-vasopressin —, p lasma 229

, r ad io immunoas say 229 , water immers ion 229 , water load ing 229

ar thr i t is - , r a t A l l ascitic fluid —, phosphol ipase A2 263 ascorbic acid —, and neut rophi l functions

187 —, and oxygen derived radi ­

cals 187 , hypoxan th ine /xan th ine

oxidase 187 a spa r t a t e aminot ransferase —, amnio t ic fluid 43

, s torage cond i t ions 43 atherosclerosis —, diabetes mell i tus 3 atr ia —, h u m a n cardiac 837

, brain na t r iure t ic pep­tides 837

, bioassay 837 , natr iuret ic pept ides 837

atr ial natr iuret ic pept ide —, bioassay 837

, cell cul ture 837 —, g lomerular hyperfi l tra-

t ion 647 , low sodium rats 647

, and adenos ine deam­inase 647

H P L C 837

bacil lus Calmette-Guerin —, therapy 503

, b ladder cancer 503 , elastase 503 , fibronectin 503 , IgA ant ibodies 503 , I g G ant ibodies 503 , lactoferrin 503 , myeloperoxidase 503

beagle dogs —, immunog lobu l ins 775

, serum 775 behav iour —, and t r y p t o p h a n A2 N-benzyloxycarbonyl -pro ly l -pro l ina l —, inhibi tor 235

, prolyl endopep t idase 235


—, concrements 753 , chemoli tholysis 753

—, m u c u s 753 , compos i t ion 753

bil irubin - , del ta 39 —, Ek t achem 39 —, fract ionat ion 39 —, interference 15, 779

, a m m o n i a assay 15 , creat inine 779

, serum 779 , au toma t i c assay

779 —, proficiency surveys 291 —, prote in conjugates 39 - , serum 2 1 , 291

, gal ls tone pat ients 21 , neonates 291

, spec tophotomet ry , direct 291

, proficiency surveys 291

bioassay —, atrial nat r iure t ic peptides

837 , cell cul ture 837

—, bra in nat r iure t ic peptides 837

, cell cul ture 837 biocyt in —, b io t in idase inhibi tor 119

i n h i b i t o r 119 , compet i t ive 119

, subs t ra te 119 biological var ia t ion 311 bioluminescence —, i m m u n o a s s a y 871

, t ryptase 871 , mas t cell 871

b iopharmaceu t i ca l s —, qual i ty cont ro l A21 biot in idase —, serum 119

, ac t ivat ion 119 , deficiency 119 , inhibi t ion 119 , subs t ra tes 119

N-Z)-biotinyl-/?-aminoben-zoa te 119 £-N-Z>-biotinyl-L-lysine 119 b l adde r —, cancer 503 - - , B C G therapy 503

, ur ine const i tuents 503

b lood —, a m m o n i a 867

, fo rmat ion 867 —, glucose 179

, after exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

- , / ? C 0 2 867 , s to rage condi t ions 867

—, ß-hydroxy butyra te 179 , after exercise 179

, in liver disease 179 - , p H 867

, s torage condi t ions 867 - , whole 209

, chemiluminescence 209 , detect ion 209

, microtitre plates 209

—, whole, heparinized 767 , sample preservation

767 , / ? C 0 2 767 , p H 767 , / ? C 0 2 767

blood d o n o r s - , hepati t is C 717

, virus 717 , moni tor ing 717

Boehringer Mannhe im/Hi t a ­chi 747 analysis system 881 bone —, metastases 809

, breast carcinoma 809 , phosphatase , alka­

line 809 , serum 809

brain —, y-aminobutyr ic acid 271

, metabolism 271 —, and lithium A8 —, t ryp tophan influx A8

brain natr iuret ic peptides —, bioassay 837

, cell culture 837 - - , H P L C 837 breast —, carc inoma

, phosphatase , alkaline 809

, serum 809 , bone metastases

809 , t u m o u r markers 809

, serum 809 —, t u m o u r 69

, cathepsins 69 , serum 69 , tissue 69

broncho-alveolar lavage —, proteins 11

, recovery 11 , s tandardisat ion 11

by-pass surgery —, lipid peroxides 205

, serum 205 by-products —, t ryp tophan A14

C, inhibi tor , angioedema 793

—, deficiency 793 , angioedema 793

—, physiopathology 793 —, p lasma 793 —, serum 793 CA 125 —, immunoassay 875 CA 15-3 —, immunoassay 875 —, se rum 809

, breast carcinoma 809 CA 19-9 —, immunoassay 875 calcidiol —, serum 815 calci tonin —, calcium regulation 815

—, monoc lona l ant ibodies 831

—, serum 831 , immunoassay 831

, medul lary thyroid ca rc inoma 831

, pentagastr in st imula­tion 831

calcitriol —, calcium regulation 815 —, serum 815 calcium — a d m i n i s t r a t i o n 815

, in t ravenous 815 - - , o r a l 815 —, amnio t ic fluid 43

, s torage condit ions 43 —, excretion 815 —, p lasma 193

, cystic fibrosis 193 —, regulat ion 815 cal ibra t ion —, mater ia l 595

, enzymes 595 , lysosomal 595

cancer see also carc inoma, mal ignancies , t u m o u r - , b ladder 503 - - , B C G therapy 503

, ur ine const i tuents 503

ca rbohydra t e s —, and sleep A4 ß-carbolines —, biological significance

A10 ca rbon dioxide see / ; C 0 2 carc inoembryonic antigen —, immunoassay 875 —, serum 809

, breast carc inoma 809 ca rc inoma see also carci­n o m a , malignancies, t u m o u r - , breast 809

, phospha tase , alkaline 809

, metastases 809 , bone 809

, serum 809 , t u m o u r markers 809

, serum 809 - , thyroid 831

, medul lary 831 , calcitonin 831

, serum 831 card iovascular disease —, predic tor 745

, fibrinogen 745 carni t ine —, p lasma 179

, after exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

cata lase —, and reactive oxygen spe­

cies 209 ca techolamines —, p lasma 541 —, saliva 541 cathepsin B —, glomerulus 641 —, kidney 675


, dis tr ibut ion 675 . and tubular protein

absorpt ion 675 cathepsin L —, enzyme immunoassay 69 —, kidney 675

, distr ibution 675 , and tubular prote in

absorp t ion 675 cathepsins —, serum 69

, t umour 69 , breast 69

—, tumour 69 , breast 69

C E A see ca rc inoembryonic ant igen 809. 875 cell(s) see also granulocytes , neutrophi ls - , culture 837

, bioassay 837 , atrial natr iuret ic

peptides 837 , by c G M P p r o d u c ­

tion 837 , brain natr iuret ic

peptides 837 —, mononuc lea r 521

, peripheral b lood 521 , 2 ,-5 ' -ol igoadenylate

synthetase 521 , after interferon-ß

521 , after interferon-y

521 cerebrospinal fluid —, y-amino butyric acid 271

, age dependency 271 —, neurokinin A 281

. r ad io immunoassay 281 Parkinson 's disease 281

—, purine bases 761 , children 761

—, purine nucleotides 761 , children 761

—, pyrimidine bases 761 , children 761

—, t ryp tophan A8 , inf lammatory neuro­

logical diseases A8 c G M P —, rad io immunoassay 837

, atrial natr iuret ic pep­tides 837

, bioassay 837 charge —, selectivity 627

, g lomerulus 627 chemiluminescence —, neutrophi l 187

whole blood 209 , detection 209

, microt i t re plates 209 chemolitholysis —, bile concrements 753 chi ldhood —, reference ranges 33

, fructosamine 33 , glucose 33

- - , H b A l c 33 children

- , phosphol ipase A 2 127 , plasma 127

, malignant d isorders 127

—, purine bases 761 c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761

—, purine nucleotides 761 .cerebrospinal fluid 761

—, pyrimidine bases 761 c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761

chloride —, amniot ic fluid 43

, storage condi t ions 43 /?-chloromercuribenzoate - i n h i b i t o r 119

, biotinidase 119 , l ipoamidase 119

cholesterol - , blood 157

, accuracy 157 , collaborative trial

157 —, esterification 55

, macrophages 55 —, H D L 153

, Reflotron" 153 , method compar i son

153 —, and kynurenine A 6 —, L D L 729

, apol ipoprotein B-100 729

, defective 729 —, and neopterin A6 —, and pyridoxal-5-phos-

phate A6 - , serum 21, 847

, gallstone pat ients 21 , renal t ransplanta t ion

847 - , total 153 - - , Reflotron11 153

, method compar i son 153

cholesterol/phospholipid ra­tio

H D L 513 , diabetes mellitus 513

- , L D L 513 , diabetes mellitus 513

Cholinesterase - , serum 163

, s tandard method 163 , reference intervals

163 chondrosarcoma - , phospholipase A2 127

, plasma 127 chronopharmacokinet ics —, t ryptophan A5 cirrhosis - . l i v e r 275

, a lbumin 275 , coagulat ion 275

, intravascular 275 , diffuse 275

- - , D - d i m e r 275 , pseudoCholinesterase

275 clearance - i n t e s t i n a l 197

, a , -ant iproteinase 197

, colitis, ulcerat ive 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- - , IgA 197 c o l i t i s , ulcerat ive 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- - , IgG 197 Col i t i s , ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- - , IgM 197 Col i t i s , ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

clinical chemistry - , history 585 clinical laborator ies - , history 585 coagula t ion —, intravascular 275 - - , diffuse 275

, cirrhosis 275 , liver 275

colitis —, ulcerative 197

, a , -ant ipro te inase 197 , clearance, intest inal

197 , excretion, faecal 197

- - , I g A 197 , clearance, intest inal

197 e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197

- - , I g G 197 , clearance, intest inal

197 e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197

- - , IgM 197 , clearance, intest inal

197 e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197

collagenase —, glomerulus 641 collection —, sample 81

, saliva 81 , IgA 81

comparabi l i ty —, analytical systems 239,

241 , Ek tachem 239

complement pa thway - , C, inhibitor 793 c o m p o n e n t —, definition 245 c o m p o n e n t declarat ion —, chemical systems 545 computer ized analysis —, calculi 95

, ur inary 95 computer ized in terpre ta t ion —, X-ray diffraction results

95 , calculi 95

, urinary 95 conjugates —, protein 39

, bilirubin 39 conversion rate 901 coronary heart disease - , risk profile 223 Cortisol —, serum 531

, enzyme i m m u n o a s s a y 531

, a u t o m a t e d 531 creat ine kinase —, amnio t i c fluid 43

, s to rage condi t ions 43 —, serum 823

, acu te myocardia l in­farction 823

creat inine —, amnio t i c fluid 43

, s torage condi t ions 43 - , serum 51 , 779, 861

, a u t o m a t i c assay 779 , interference 779

, bil irubin 779 - - , H P L C 861

, direct 861 , injection 861

, Ref lo t ron "regis ter" 51 , accuracy 51

, ul traf i l t rat ion 861 w-creso lsu lphonphtha le inyl -N-acetyl-ß-Z)-glucosaminide —, subs t ra te 693

, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin-idase 693

Cr igler-Najjar syndrome 39 cri teria —, acceptance 881

, qual i ty characterist ics 881

Crohn's disease —, a i - an t ip ro t e inase 197

, c learance, intestinal 197

e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197 - , I g A 197

c l e a r a n c e , intestinal 197

e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197 IgG 197

c l e a r a n c e , intestinal 197

e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197 - , I g M 197

C l e a r a n c e , intestinal 197

e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197 cysteine 95 cystic fibrosis —, minera l metabol ism 193 —, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

elastase 285 cystine pro te inase —, inhibi tors , endogeneous

69 cytokine —, and t r yp tophan A15 cytosine — C e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761

, chi ldren 761

D-d imer — c i r r h o s i s 275 - - , liver 275 d e a m i n o - N A D P H —, coenzyme 537

, g lu t ama te dehydrogen­ase 537

, a m m o n i a assay 537 , n icot inamide h y p o -

xan th ine dinucleo-tide p h o s p h a t e 537


declara t ion —, c o m p o n e n t 545

, chemical systems 545 —, reagent 545 defect —, genetic 793

, C, inhib i tor 793 , ang ioedema 793

deficiency —, biot inidase 119

, h u m a n se rum 119 - , C, inhibi tor 793

, ang ioedema 793 —, l ipoamidase 119

, h u m a n se rum 119 definition —, quan t i ty 901 definitive m e t h o d —, cholesterol 157 del i r ium t remens —, and t r y p t o p h a n A7 delta bil irubin 39 depressive d isorders —, and t r y p t o p h a n A6 , A 7 derivat ive spec t ropho tome t ry A20 diabetes —, n e p h r o p a t h y 651

, and glycated a lbumin 651

diabetes melli tus —, amylase 657

, isoenzymes 657 , ur ine 657

—, atherosclerosis 3 —, c a r b o h y d r a t e metabo l i sm

669 , kidney tubu le 669

—, erythrocytes 513 , m e m b r a n e fluidity 513 , p ro te in glycat ion 513

—, g lomerular changes 635 —, late compl ica t ions 635 —, lipid metabo l i sm 669

, k idney tubu le 669 —, mon i to r ing 851

, glycated pro te ins 851 —, t r y p t o p h a n A l l diclofenac 209 d ie thano lamine —, impur i ty 247

, m o n o e t h a n o l a m i n e 247 , impur i ty 247

, d ie thylamine 247 d ipep t idy laminopep t idase IV —, ur ine 663

, m a r k e r 663 , renal cell injury 663

diphenyl ine i o d o n i u m —, no rd ihydrogua ia r t i c acid

209 discrepancy analysis —, pseudoCholinesterase 545 diseases —, card iovascular 745

, p redic tor 745 , fibrinogen 745

- , k idney 617 , p a t h o m e c h a n i s m s 617

disulf iram —, alcohol ism 203

, t r ea tment 203

, a lcohol dehydrogen­ase 203

, se rum 203 D N A —, m a r k e r s 729

, apo l ipopro te in B-100 gene 729

dogs see beagle 775 d o p a m i n e —, p l a s m a 541 —, saliva 541 D P C AlaSTAT System - , IgE 101

, allergen-specific 101 , detect ion 101

d r u g —, resistance 63

, l eukaemia 63 dry chemis t ry —, accuracy 241 —, interferences 241 —, specificity 241 dry reagent carr ier systems —, field s tudy 547 —, interferences 547 Dubin- Johnson syndrome 39

E k t a c h e m —, accuracy 239 —, bil irubin 39 —, comparab i l i ty 239

, results 239 —, interferences 239 E k t a c h e m 700 157 E k t a c h e m D T 6 0 —, mul t icen t re evaluat ion

547 elastase —, b l adde r cancer 503 - - , B C G therapy 503 —, g ranu locy te 107

, h u m a n 107 , p l a sma 107

—, neu t roph i l 785 , b ronchoa lveo la r lavage

fluid 785 , mul t iple t raumat ized

pa t ien ts 785 —, neu t roph i l s 187 —, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

285 , assay 285

, enzymat ic 285 , immunologica l 285

, p roduc t ion 285 elastin - , subs t ra te 285

, elastase 285 enzyme —, release 187

, neu t rophi l s 187 enzyme immunoassay —, a lbumin 851

, glycated 851 —, ca theps in L 69 —, Cortisol 531

, p l a sma 531 , se rum 531 , ur ine 531

—, elastase 785 - , I g G 85

, se rum 85

, subclass immunoas ­say 85

enzymes —, lysosomal 595

, p lasma 595 , quali ty control 595

, calibration mate­rial 595

—, nomencla ture 47 , 6-phosphogluconate

dehydrogenase 47 enzymur ia —, angiotensinase A 663 —, dipept idylpeptidase IV

663 eosinophil ia-myalgia-syn-d r o m e —, epidemiology A l l , A12 —, 1,1' -ethylidene-bis-L-

t ryp tophan A19 —, and fibromyalgia syn­

d r o m e A13 —, interleukin-5 activity A13 —, and lymphokines A12 —, pa thology A13 —, therapeut ic aspects A16 —, and t ryp tophan A l l , A16

, metabol ism A14 epidemiology —, eosinophilia-myalgia-syn-

d r o m e A l l —, Spanish toxic oil syn­

d r o m e A16, A17 epinephr ine —, p lasma 541 —, saliva 541 erythrocytes —, aminolaevul inate dehy­

dra tase 599 —, glyoxalase 7

, isoforms 7 —, m e m b r a n e 513 - - , fluidity 513

, diabetes mellitus 513 , fluorescence polariza­

t ion 513 , protein glycation 513

—, mineral metabolism 193 , in cystic fibrosis 193

—, permeabili ty 627, 737 , cat ions 737

, alteration 737 , amphoter ic in B li­

posomes 737 —, porphobi l inogen deami­

nase 599 —, porphyr ins 599 1,1' -ethylidene-bis-L-trypto-phan —, eosinophilia-myalgia-syn-

d r o m e A19 e toposide —, topoisomerase II 63

, inhibitor 63 eu rop ium - , -labelled protein A 529 - - , affinity 529

, IgG 529 - , -labelled protein G 529 - - , affinity 529

, I g G 529 - l a b e l l i n g 301

evalua t ion —, analyt ical systems 311 - , mul t icent re 547, 881

, Ek tachem DT60 547 - - , Hi tachi 747 881

, Reflotron 547 , Seralyzer III 547

excret ion - , faecal 197

, a , -ant ipro te inase 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn 's disease 197

- - , I g A 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- - , IgG 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- - , I g M 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

exercise —, acetylcarni t ine 179

, p l a sma 179 , in liver disease 179

—, carni t ine , free 179 , p l a sma 179

, in liver disease 179 - , fatty acids, free 179

, p l a sma 179 , in liver disease 179

—, g lucagon 179 , p lasma 179

, in liver disease 179 —, glucose 179 - - , b lood 179

, in liver disease 179 —, insulin 179

, p l a sma 179 , in liver disease 179

- , lactate 179 , p l a sma 179

, in liver disease 179

faeces —, excret ion 197

, oc rant iprote inase 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- - , I g A 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- - , I g G 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

- IgM 197 , colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn 's disease 197

fatty acids —, kidney tubule 669 - , p l a sma 179, 745

, after exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

fenfluramine —, and a m i n o acid me tabo ­

lism A 4 f ibromyalgia syndrome —, and eosinophil ia-myalgia-

s y n d r o m e A13 fibrinogen —, p l a sma 745

, reference limits 745


- , predictor 745 . cardiovascular disease

745 fibrinolysis - , cirrhosis 275 - - , liver 275 fibronectin —, b ladder cancer 503 - - , BCG therapy 503 —, p lasma 847

, renal t ransp lan t pa­tients 847

fibrosis, cystic —, mineral metabol ism 193

, erythrocytes 193 field study —, dry reagent carr ier sys­

tems 547

filtration —, glomerular 617

, clinical biochemistry 617

f luoro immunoassay —, time-resolved 263, 301

, IgM rheumato id factor 301

, phosphol ipase A2 263 Follitropin —, urine 297 - - , ELISA 297

g o n a d o t r o p i n , hu­man , menopausa l , immobilized 297

Follow up —, breast carc inoma 809 formic acid —, urine 75

, stability 75 fractionation —, bilirubin 39 fructosaminc —, diabetes mellitus 851 —, reference ranges 33

, chi ldhood 33 a-L-fucosidase —, p lasma 595

, cal ibration material 595

Furosine —, diabetes mellitus 851

oc-galactosidase —, plasma 595

c a l i b r a t i o n material 595

ß-galactosidase —, p lasma 595

c a l i b r a t i o n material 595

—, subst ra te 871 , D-luciferyl-ß-D-galac-

toside 871 gal lbladder —, mucus 753

, proteins 753 , high molecular mass

753 , mucus-l ike 753

gallstones —, abnormal i t ies 21

, biochemical 21

, serum 21 gene —, glyoxalase II 7 genetic defect - , CI inhibitor 793

, angioedema 793 genotypes - , apol ipoprotein B-100 729

, defective 729 GUteri's syndrome 39 glomerular basement mem­brane - , componen t s 657 g lomerular filtration - , clinical biochemistry 617 g lomerular markers —, urine 617 glomerular permeabili ty —, erythrocytes 627 —, p lasma proteins 627 glomerulonephri t is —, and kynurenine A10 glomerulosclerosis —, evolution 641

, and proteinases 641 , glomerular 641

g lomerulum —, basement membrane 635

, mesangial matr ix 635 changes 635

, diabetes mellitus 635 —, hyperFiltration 647

, low sodium rats 647 , atrial natr iuret ic

peptide 647 , and adenosine de­

aminase 647 —, selectivity 627

, macromolecules 627 , charge 627 , size 627

glucagon —, p lasma 179

, after exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

gluconeogenesis —, kidney tubule 669 glucosaminides —, substrates 693

, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin-idase 693

glucose —, amniot ic fluid 43

, s torage condi t ions 43 b lood 179

, after exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

—. reference ranges 33 , chi ldhood 33

—. se rum 21 , gallstone pat ients 21

a-glucosidase —. p lasma 595

, cal ibrat ion material 595

ß-glucosidase —. plasma 595

, cal ibrat ion material 595

ß-glucuronidase —. p lasma 595

c a l i b r a t i o n mater ia l 595

g lu tamate dehydrogenase —, a m m o n i a assay 537

, coenzyme 537 glycaemia - c o n t r o l 851 glycated apol ipoprote in A-I —, association 3 - - , H D L 3 glycated haemoglobin —, chi ldhood 33 glycated proteins —, diabetes melli tus 851 glycation —, a lbumin 651

, neph ropa thy 651 , diabetic 651

—, H D L 513 , diabetes melli tus 513

L D L 513 , diabetes melli tus 513

—, m e m b r a n e prote ins 513 , erythrocytes 513

, diabetes mell i tus 513 —, proteins 635

, diabetes melli tus 635 glycerophosphorylchol ine —, kidney 607

, rat 607 , diabetes 607

glycogen —, kidney tubule 669 glyoxalase II - , gene 7 —, isoforms 7

, erythrocytes 7 gonadot rop in —, urine 297

, immunoassay 297 , menopausa l , h u m a n ,

immobilized 297 granulocytes see also cells - c l a s t a s e 107

, h u m a n 107 , p lasma 107

Greiner G-400 - c l a s t a s e 107 guanine — Cerebrosp ina l Fluid 761

, children 761 guanosine — c e r e b r o s p i n a l Fluid 761

, children 761

haematur ia —, character izat ion 707

, protein pa t te rn 707 , urine 707

haemoglobin - , glycated 33, 851

, chi ldhood 33 haemolysis —, interFerence 15

, ammonia assay 15 H A G H —, glyoxalase gene 7 haplotypes —, apol ipoprote in B-100 729

, deFective 729 H b A l c —, reFerence ranges 33

, ch i ldhood 33 hear t —, co rona ry by-pass surgery

205 , lipid peroxides 205

, serum 205 hepat i t is - , C virus 717

, R N A 717 , detect ion 717

, se rum 717 ß-hexosaminidase —, ur ine 131

, smokers 131 high densi ty l ipoprote ins —, associat ion 3

, apo l ipopro te in A-I 3 , glycated 3

—, cholesterol 153 , m e t h o d compar i son

153 —, choles te ro l /phosphol ip id

ra t io 513 , d iabetes melli tus 513

—, glycat ion 513 , d iabetes melli tus 513

—, lipid peroxida t ion 513 , d iabetes melli tus 513

high perFormance liquid c h r o m a t o g r a p h y —, atr ial na t r iure t ic pept ides

837 —, brain nat r iure t ic pept ides

837 —, creat in ine 861

, serum 861 —, pur ine bases 761

C e r e b r o s p i n a l Fluid 761 —, pur ine nucleot ides 761

C e r e b r o s p i n a l Fluid 761 —, pyr imidine bases 761

c e r e b r o s p i n a l Fluid 761 history — c l i n i c a l chemistry 585 — c l i n i c a l l abora tor ies 585 Hitachi 747 —, mul t icent re evaluat ion

881 —, pract icabi l i ty 881 h u m a n immunodef ic iency vi­rus —, inFection A9

, and t r y p t o p h a n degra­da t ion A 9

hydrau l ic permeabi l i ty —, e ry throcytes 627 —, p lasma pro te ins 627 ß-hydroxybutrate - , b lood 179

, aFter exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

5 -hydroxy t ryp tophan —, and migra ine A7 h y p e r c h o l e s t e r o l e m i a

type II a 729 , apo l ipopro te in B-100

729 , deFective 729

h y p o x a n t h i n e —, cerebrospina l fluid 761

, chi ldren 761


hypoxan th ine /xan th ine oxi­dase —, derived radicals 187

, and ascorbic acid 187 — g e n e r a t e d oxygen 187

icteric specimens —, creat inine assay 779 identi ty

biot inidase 119 , h u m a n serum 119

—, l ipoamidase 119 , h u m a n serum 119

IgA - , a n t i B C G 503

, b ladder cancer 503 , B C G therapy 503

— c l e a r a n c e , intestinal 197 , Crohn's disease 197

— ,exc re t ion , faecal 197 c o l i t i s , ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

—, saliva 81 , collection method 81

—, serum 775 , beagle dogs 775

IgE —, allergen-specific 101

, detect ion 101 , m e t h o d compar ison

101 I g G - , affinity 529

, prote in A 529 , europium-label led

529 , prote in G 529

, europium-label led 529

- , a n t i B C G 503 , b ladder cancer 503

, B C G therapy 503 — c l e a r a n c e , intestinal 197

c o l i t i s , ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

— e x c r e t i o n , faecal 197 c o l i t i s , ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

—, h u m a n 145 , immunonephe lome t ry

145 —, serum 85, 775

, beagle dogs 775 , subclass determinat ion

85 , E I A 85 , R I D 85

—, ur ine 707 IgM — C l e a r a n c e , intestinal 197

, colitis, ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

—, excret ion, faecal 197 c o l i t i s , ulcerative 197 , Crohn's disease 197

—, - rheumato id factor 301 , f luoro immunoassay

301 , t ime-resolved 301

—, se rum 775 , beagle dogs 775

immers ion

- , water 229 , arginine8-vasopressin

229 immune system —, and picolinic acid A10 immunoact iva t ion assay —, elastase 785 immunoassay

, ascitic fluid 263 —, bioluminescence 871

, tryptase 871 , mast cell 871

—, calcitonin 831 —, cat hep sins 69 —, Cortisol 531 - e l a s t a s e 285, 785

, Pseudomonas aerugi­nosa 285

- , follitropin 297 —, IgM-rheumato id factor

301 , serum 301

—, lutropin 297 —, micropart icle enhanced

nephelometr ic 217 , proteins 217

, serum 217 —, phosphol ipase A2 263

, serum 263, 307 , sepsis 263

, pancreati t is , acute 263

—, theophylline 307 , serum 307

—, t umour markers 875 - - , C A 125 875 - - , C A 1 5 - 3 875 - - , CA 19 — 9 875

, carc inoembryonic ant i ­gen 875

immunoblo t t ing —, phosphol ipase A2 263 immunoenzymomet r ic assay —, apoliprotein B 223

, in apoliprotein CI I / CII I 223

, containing l ipopro­tein 223

—, sensitive amplified 27 , insulin 27 , proinsulin, intact 27

immunoglobul ins see IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM immunology —, Spanish toxic oil syn­

d rome A17 immunonephe lomet ry —, IgG, human 145 —, proteins 217

, serum 217 imprecision —, analytical systems 311 I M P see inosine m o n o p h o s ­phate impuri ty —, 2-amino-2-methyl-1-pro-

panol 247 , 5-amino-3-aza-2,2,5-tri-

methylhexanol 247 —, d ie thanolamine 247

, monoe thano lamine 247 inaccuracy

—, analytical systems 311 induction —, tyrosine aminot ransferase

A6 infarction —, myocardia l , acu te 823

, size 823 inf lammatory disease —, elastase 107

, granulocyte 107 , p lasma 107

inf lammatory neurological diseases —, t r y p t o p h a n A8

c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid A8 influence(s) —, s torage condi t ions 861 ,

867 - - , / ? C O , 861 , 867 - - , p H 861, 867 inhibi tors —, biot inidase 119

, compet i t ive 119 , biocytin 119

, i odoace tamide 119 , Na-/7-tosyl-L-lysine

ch loromethyl ke tone 119

, N- tosyl -L-phenyla la-nine ch loromethyl ke­tone 119

, /?-chloromercuriben-zoate 119

, phenylmethanesu l -phonyl fluoride 119

—, prolyl endopep t idase 235 , N-benzyloxycarbonyl -

prolyl-prol inal 235 —, protease 119

, Na-/7-tosyl-L-lysine ch loromethyl ketone 119

, N- tosyl -L-phenyla la-nine ch loromethyl ke­tone 119

, phenylmethanesu l -phonyl fluoride 119

—, proteinases 69 , cysteine 69

—, sorbinil 607 , aldose reductase 607

- , tolrestat 607 , a ldose reductase 607

—, topoisomerase II 63 , amsacr ine 63 , e topos ide 63

injury —, ischaemic 205

, m y o c a r d i u m 205 inosine m o n o p h o s p h a t e —, cerebrospinal fluid 761

, chi ldren 761 inositol see m y o i n o s i t o l insulin —, i m m u n o e n z y m o m e t r i c as­

say 27 , sensitive amplified 27

—, plasma 179 , after exercise 179

, in liver disease 179 interferences —, a m m o n i a assay 15

, p lasma 15 - , bilirubin 779

, creat inine assay 779 , serum 779

, a u t o m a t i c assay 779

—, dry chemistry 241 —, dry reagent carr ier sys­

tems 547 —, Ek tach rom 239 —, mult i layer film technol­

ogy 239 interferon-y —, therapy 521

, 2 ' -5 ' -o l igoadenylate synthetase 521

, per ipheral b lood m o n o n u c l e a r cells 521

, serum 521 interferon-ß - , therapy 521

, 2 ' -5 , -ol igoadenylate synthetase 521

, per ipheral b lood mononuc l ea r cells 521

, serum 521 interleukin-5 —, eosinophi l ia-myalgia-syn-

d r o m e A12 iron —, p lasma 193

c y s t i c fibrosis 193 ischaemia —, myoca rd ium 205

, reperfusion 205 , injury 205

isoamylases —, urine 657

, diabetes mellitus 657 isoenzymes —, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamini-

dase 693 —, amylase 657

, urine 657 , d iabetes melli tus 657

—, glyoxalase II 7 , erythrocytes 7

—, phosphol ipase A2 111 , serum 111

isoforms —, glyoxalase II 7

, erythrocytes 7

kassinin —, -like tachykin ins 281 ke tone bodies —, kidney tubule 669 kidney —, cathepsin B 675

, d is t r ibut ion 675 , and tubu la r protein

absorp t ion 675 —, cathepsin L 675

, d is t r ibut ion 675 , and tubu la r protein

absorp t ion 675 — ,cell injury 663

, ma rke r 663 , angiotens inase A 663

, ur ine 663


, d ipept idylaminopep-tidase IV 663

, urine 663 disease 641, 693

, and protein 641 , diet 641

, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin-idase 693

—, diseases 617 , pa thomechan i sms 617

—, g lomerular changes 635 , d iabetes mellitus 635

—, glvcerophosphorylchol ine 607

—, mvo-inositol 607 , d iabetes 607

, rat 607 sorbi tol 607

, d iabetes 607 , rat 607

—, t ransp lan ta t ion 847 , apol ipoprote ins 847

, serum 847 , fibronectin 847

, p lasma 847 , lipids 847

, serum 847 - , tubule 669, 683, 713

, fatty acids 669 , gluconeogenesis 669 , glycogen 669 , hyper t rophy 669

, insulin deprivat ion 669

, mechanisms 669 , ke tone bodies 669 , phospha tase , alkaline

713 , S3-segment brush

border 713 , proximal 683

, dysfunction marker 683

, a , -microglobulin 683

, sorbitol 669 , triacylglycerol 669

kind of quant i ty —, definit ion 245 Kodak Ektachem 700 157 kynuren ine —, a n d cholesterol A6 —, and glomerulonephr i t i s

A10 —, and phosphol ip ids A6

l abora to ry —, pa r ame te r 243

, definition 243 —, quant i t ies 243

, terminology 243 lactate —, p lasma 179

, after exercise 179 , in liver disease 179

lactate dehydrogenase —, amnio t i c fluid 43

, s torage condi t ions 43 —, isoenzymes 43

, amnio t ic fluid 43 , s torage condi t ions 43

—, p lasma 787

, s t a n d a r d me thod 787 , reference values 787

—, serum 787 , s t anda rd m e t h o d 787

, reference values 787 lactoferrin —, b ladder cancer 503 - B C G therapy 503 latex —, i m m u n o a s s a y 307

, theophyl l ine 307 , serum 307

lavage —, broncho-a lveo la r 11, 785

, pro te ins 11 lavage fluid —, b ronchoa lveo la r 11, 785

, elastase, neut rophi l 785 . mul t iple t raumat ized

pat ients 785 leukaemia —, acute 127

, phospho l ipase A2 127 , p lasma 127

—, drug 63 , resistence 63

leukocyte(s) —, act ivat ion 209

, detect ion 209 —, count 767

, interference 767 , sample preservat ion

767 , b lood gases 767

lipaemia —, interference 15

, a m m o n i a assay 15 lipids - , accumula t ion 171

, aor t ic int ima 171 —, peroxidat ion 513 - - , H D L 513

, d iabetes mellitus 513 - - , L D L 513

, d iabetes mellitus 513 —, peroxides - - , serum 119, 205, 847

, co rona ry by-pass surgery 205

- , serum 119, 847 , renal t ransp lan ta t ion

847 l ipoamidase —, serum 119

, act ivat ion 119 , deficiency 119 , inhibi t ion 119 , subs t ra tes 119

lipocalins —, a , -microglobul in 683

, kidney 683 l ipoproteins —, aggregat ion 171 —, apol ipopro te in CI I /CI I I -

conta in ing 223 , apol ipopro te in B 223

, i m m unoenzy m o me­tric assay 223

—, modified 171 , na tura l ly occuring 171

, and lipid accumula­tion 171

, aor t ic intimal 171 l iposomes —, amphoter ic in B 737

, and permeabil i ty 737 , cat ions 737

, erythrocyte 737 8-N-(Z),L-lipoyl)-L-lysine 119 N - ^ L-lipoy l-/?-aminoben-zoate 119 lithium —, brain A8 —, t ryp tophan influx A8 liver —, cirrhosis 275

, a lbumin 275 , coagula t ion 275

, intravascular 275 , diffuse 275

, D-d imer 275 , fibrinolysis 275 , pseudoCholinesterase

275 —, disease 179

, exercise 179 , ho rmones 179

, p lasma 179 , metaboli te 179

, b lood 179 , p lasma 179

— , t ransplanta t ion 599 , porphyr ia 599

, acute 599 , aminolaevul inate

dehydra tase defi­ciency 599

liver cirrhosis —, t r yp tophan AI 1

, p lasma A l l loading —, water 229

, arginine8-vasopressin 229

low density l ipoproteins 171 —, cholesterol 729

, apol ipoprote in B-100 729

, defective 729 —, cholesterol /phospholipid

rat io 513 , diabetes mellitus 513

—, glycation 513 , diabetes mellitus 513

—, lipid peroxidat ion 513 , diabetes mellitus 513

—, oxidized 55 , up t ake 55 , degrada t ion 55

, macrophages 55 , macrophage 55

, and Serotonins 55 Z)-luciferyl-ß-£>-galactoside —, subst ra te 871

, beta-galactosidase 871 lutropin —, ur ine 297 - - , ELISA 297

g o n a d o t r o p i n , hu­man , menopausal , immobilized 297

lymphokines —, and eosinophilia-myalgia-

syndrome A12

lymphoma —, mal ignant 127

, phosphol ipase A2 127 , p lasma 127

lysosomal enzymes —, plasma 595

, quality control 595 c a l i b r a t i o n mater ia l


ob-macroglobulin —, urine 707 macromolecules —, selectivity 627

, glomerulus 627 macrophages - c h o l e s t e r o l cholesterol

cs te r i f i ca t ion choles­terol

—, oxidized L D L 55 , degradat ion 55 , up take 55

, and serotonin 55 magnesium - e f f l u x 193 —, p lasma 193

, cystic fibrosis 193 malignancies see also cancer, carc inoma, t u m o u r - C h i l d r e n 127

, phosphol ipase A2 127 , p lasma 127

a-mannos idase —, plasma 595

, cal ibrat ion mater ia l 595

marker see also t u m o u r marker —, angiotensinase A 663

, urine 663 , renal cell injury 663

—, dipept idylpept idase IV 663

, urine 663 , renal cell injury 663

—, glomerular 617 , urine 617

—, proximal tubular dys­function 683

, a i -microglobul in 683 —, tubular 617

, urine 617

mast cell - , t ryptase 871

, bioluminescence i m m u ­noassay 871

medul lary thyroid ca r c inoma see thyroid membrane - e r y t h r o c y t e 513, 737 - - , fluidity 513

, diabetes mellitus 513 , fluorescence polar iza­

tion 513 , permeabili ty 737

c a t i o n s 737 , protein glycation 513

mercaptanes —, enzyme act ivators 119 mesangial matr ix —, kidney 635


, d iabetes mell i tus 635 metabol ic processes —, quant i t ies 901

, as a function of t ime 901

- , uni ts 901 metas tases - , bone 809

, breast c a r c i n o m a 809 , phospha t a se , a lka­

line 809 , se rum 809

m e t h o d - , definitive 157

, cholesterol 157 m e t h o d c o m p a r i s o n —, a m m o n i a 15 —, cholesterol 153 —, I g G subclass de t e rmina ­

t ion 85 —, pseudoCholinesterase 545 - , theophyl l ine 307

, se rum 307 2-methoxy-4-(2 , -ni t rovinyl) -phenyl-N-acetyl-ß-/)-glucos-aminide —, subs t ra te 693

, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin-idase 693

N-methyl-£>-glucamine buffer 247

, p h o s p h a t a s e a lkal ine 247

, s t anda rd m e t h o d 247 4-methylumbel l i feryl-N-ace-tyl-ß-Z)-glucosaminide —, subs t ra te 693

, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin-idase 693

met ro logy —, quan t i ty 245

, definition 245 , te rminology 245

—, te rminology 243 mic roa lbuminur i a 657 a , -microglobul in —, ind ica tor 683

, p rox imal t ubu l a r dys­function 683

—, ur ine 707 micropar t ic le —, enhanced nephe lomet ry

217 , pro te ins 217

, serum 217 micro t i t re plates —, chemiluminescence detec­

t ion 209 , whole b lood 209

migra ine —, 5 -hydroxy t ryp tophan A7 —, t r y p t o p h a n A 7 milk —, biot in idase 119 —, l ipoamidase 119 minera ls —, me tabo l i sm 193

, e ry throcytes 193 , cystic fibrosis 193

m i t o x a n t r o n e 63 mo lds —, allergen 101

m o n i t o r i n g —, b lood d o n o r s 717

, hepat i t i s C virus 717 —, breas t c a r c inoma 809 —, d iabetes mell i tus 851

, glycated pro te ins 851 m o n o a m m o n i u m ura te 95 m o n o c l o n a l an t ibod ies —, calci tonin 831 m o o d —, a n d t r y p t o p h a n A2 m u c u s —, bile 753

, compos i t ion 753 - , ga l lb ladder 753

, p ro te ins 753 , h igh molecular mass

753 , mucin-l ike 753

mul t icent re eva lua t ion - , E k t a c h e m D T 6 0 547 - , Hi tachi 747 881 - , Ref lo t ron 547 - , Seralyzer III 547 mul t i layer film technology —, accuracy 239 —, interferences 239 m u r a m i c acid —, assay 141 myeloperox idase —, and reactive oxygen spe­

cies 209 —, b l adde r cancer 503

, B C G therapy 503 myoca rd ia l infarct ion —, acu te 823

, size 823 m y o c a r d i u m —, ischaemic 205

, reperfusion 205 , injury 205

myoglob in —, serum 823

, acu te myocard ia l in­farct ion 823

m^o-inosi tol —, k idney 607

, ra t 607 , d iabetes 607

N A D H —, coenzyme 537

, g lu t ama te dehydrogen­ase 537

, a m m o n i a assay 537 N A D P H —, coenzyme 537

, g lu t ama te dehydrogen­ase 537

, a m m o n i a assay 537 N A D P H oxidase —, and reactive oxygen spe­

cies 209 na t r iu re t ic pept ides see a t r ia l , b ra in neona t e s —, se rum 291

, bi l irubin 291 , spec topho tome t ry ,

direct 291 , proficiency surveys


neopter in —, and cholesterol A 6 —, and phosphol ip ids A6 nephelometry - , latex- 307

, theophyll ine 307 —, micropart ic le enhanced

217 , proteins 217

, serum 217 nephron —, cathepsins 675

, and pro te inur ia 675 neph ropa thy - , diabetic 635, 651 , 657

, and glycated a lbumin 651

nephrotoxici ty —, assessment 693

, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin-idase 693

neu rob la s toma —, phosphol ipase A2 127

, p lasma 127 neurokinin A —, cerebrospinal fluid 281

, r ad io immunoassay 281 neutrophi ls see also cells —, adherence 187 —, chemiluminescence 187 —, enzyme release 187 —, functions 187

, and ascorbic acid 187 4-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminide —, subst ra te 693

, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin-idase 693

nomenc la tu re —, 6-phosphoglucona te de­

hydrogenase 47 norepinephr ine —, p lasma 541 —, saliva 541 nutr i t ion —, t ryp tophan A 3 , A 4 2 ' -5 ' -ol igoadenylate synthe­tase —, peripheral b lood m o n o ­

nuclear cells 521 , after in ter feron-a 521 , after interferon-ß 521

—, serum 521 , after in terferon-a 521 , after interferon-ß 521

osmolytes —, kidney 607

, s t reptozotocin-diabetes 607

, rat 607 oxygen —, derived radicals 187

, and ascorbic acid 187 —, reactive species 209

pancreat i t is —, acute 263

, phosphol ipase A 2 263 , serum 263

pa ramete r —, definition 243

—, l abora to ry 243 , terminology 243

—, misuse 243 —, use 243 pa ra thy r in —, calcium regulation 815 Parkinson's disease —, neurokin in A 281

c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 281 pa tho logy —, eosinophil ia-myalgia-syn-

d r o m e A13 —, Spanish toxic oil syn­

d r o m e A17 PC02 - , b lood 767, 867

, sample preservation 767

, s torage condi t ions 867 , influence 867

pentagas t r in —, s t imulat ion 831

, calcitonin 831 pept idoglycan —, Brevibacterium divarica-

tum 141 , subs t ra te 141

, N-ace ty lmuramyl -L-alanine amidase 141

per formance —, analytical 881

, assessment 881 per iphera l b lood m o n o n u ­clear cells see cells, mononuc lea r permeabi l i ty —, erythrocyte 737

, c a t i o n s 737 , a l terat ion 737

, amphoter ic in B li­posomes 737

—, g lomerular 627 , erythrocytes 627 , p l a sma proteins 627

—, hydraul ic 627 , erythrocytes 627 , p l a sma proteins 627

peroxida t ion —, lipid 205, 513

, d iabetes mellitus 513 peroxides - , lipid 205

, se rum 205 , co ronary by-pass

surgery 205 p H - , b lood 767, 867

, sample preservation 767

, s torage condi t ions 867 , influence 867

phagocy te —, and reactive oxygen spe­

cies 209 , functional state 209

P h a r m a c i a C A P System - , I g E 101

, allergen-specific 101 , detect ion 101

phenol indophenyl -N-ace ty l -ß-i)-glucosaminide —, subs t ra te 693


, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamin- - —, g lu tama te dehydrogen­ - , p ro te ins 627, 851 —, serum 235 idase 693 ase m e t h o d 537 , glycated 851 , inhib i tor 235

phenylmethanesulphonyl flu­ - , coenzyme 537 , permeabi l i ty 627 , N-benzyloxy car-oride - —, interferences 15 , g lomerular 627 bonyl-prolyl-prol inal

inhibi tor 119 - —, m e t h o d of compar i son —, t r y p t o p h a n AI 1 235 , biot inidase 119 15 —, zinc 193 p ros t a t e , l ipoamidase 119 - —, selected method 15 , cystic fibrosis 193 —, acid phospha ta se 135

phospha tase - - , ul trafi l trat ion 15 p02 , s e rum 135 - , a lkal ine 21 , 43 , 247, 713, - , arginine8-vasopressin 229 - , b lood 767 , variability 135

809 - —, rad io immunoassay 229 , sample preservat ion —, specific ant igen 135 , amnio t ic fluid 43 — , water immersion 229 767 , se rum 135

, s torage condi t ions 43 - , water loading 229 podophy l lo tox ins 63 , variability 135 - - , bone 809 - , CI inhibi tor 793 pollen p ro tease see proteinases

, serum 809 -, carn i t ine , free 179 —, grass 101 prote in A , breast carc inoma - —, after exercise 179 , allergen 101 — ,eu rop ium- labe l l ed 529

809 - , in liver disease 179 - , t r e e 101 , affinity 529 , intestinal 713 - , ca techolamines 541 , al lergen .101 , IgG 529

, kidney tubule 713 - , Cortisol 531 po lymerase chain reac t ion pro te inases , S3-segment brush - —, enzyme immunoassay —, c D N A 717 —, cysteine 69

border 713 531 , hepat i t i s C virus R N A , inhibi tors , endoge-, se rum 21 — , a u t o m a t e d 531 717 neous 69

, gallstone pat ients 21 - , e lastase 107, 503 p o l y t r a u m a —, g lomeru la r 641 , s t anda rd method 247 — —, b ladder cancer 503 —, elastase, neu t rophi l 785 , glomerulosclerosis 641

, N-methyl-D-gluca- - - - , B C G therapy 503 , b ronchoa lveo la r lavage , evolut ion 641 mine buffer 247 - —, granulocyte 107 fluid 785 - i n h i b i t o r s 119, 793

phospha te see phosphorus - , h u m a n 107 po rphob i l i nogen , Na-/?-tosyl-L-lysine 6-phosphogluconate dehy­ - , enzymes 595 —, ur ine 599 ch loromethy l ke tone drogenase - —, lysosomal 595 po rphob i l inogen deaminase 119 —, nomencla ture 47 - , qual i ty control 595 —, e ry throcytes 599 , N- tosyl -L-phenyla la-phosphol ipase A2 - , ca l ibrat ion mate­ p o r p h y r i a nine chloromethyl ke­—, ascitic fluid 263 rial 595 - , acu te 599 tone 119 —, immunob lo t t ing 263 - , ep inephr ine 541 , amino laevu l ina te dehy­ , phenylmethanesu l ­—, p lasma 127 - , fatty acids, free 179 d ra t a se deficiency 599 phony l fluoride 119

c h i l d r e n 127 — —, after exercise 179 , liver t r ansp lan ta t ion , se rum 793 , mal ignant disorders - , in liver disease 179 599 , C I inhibi tor 793

127 - , fibrinogen 745 p o r p h y r i n s pro te in G - , serum 111, 263 - —, reference limits 745 —, e ry throcytes 599 — ,eu rop ium- labe l l ed 529

, character izat ion 111 - , fibronectin 503, 847 —, ur ine 599 , affinity 529 , fluoroimmunoassay - —, b ladder cancer 503 po tas s ium , IgG 529

263 - - - , B C G therapy 503 —, amnio t i c fluid 43 prote in H C , t ime resolved 263 - —, renal t ransp lan t pa­ , s to rage condi t ions 43 —, see a , -microglobul in 683

, pancreat i t is , acute t ients 847 —, permeabi l i ty 737 pro te ins 263 - , g lucagon 179 , e ry throcyte 737 —, broncho-a lveo la r lavage

, sepsis 263 - —, after exercise 179 pract icabi l i ty 11 , isoenzymes 111 - , in liver disease 179 - , Hi tachi 747 881 , recovery 11 . isolation 111 - , H D L 513 predict ive value , s t andard i sa t ion 11 , purification 111 — , insulin 179 —, t u m o u r marke r s 809 - , glycated 851

phosphol ipids - —, after exercise 179 , b reas t ca rc inoma 809 , p l a sma 851 —, and kynurenine A6 - , in liver disease 179 pred ic to r , d iabe tes mellitus 851 —, and neopter in A6 - , i r o n 193 —, card iovascu la r disease , se rum 851 —, and pyr idoxal-5-phos- - —, cystic fibrosis 193 745 , d iabe tes melli tus 851

pha te A6 - , lac ta te 179 , f ibrinogen 745 —, high molecular mass 753 phosphorus - —, after exercise 179 preserva t ion , mucin- l ike 753 —, inorganic 43 - , in liver disease 179 - , sample 75, 135, 767 , ga l lb ladder mucus

, amnio t ic fluid 43 - , lac ta te dehydrogenase , formic acid 75 753 , s torage condi t ions 43 787 , p ros ta t i c acid p h o s p h a ­ —, p lasma 627

- , a c i d 135 - —, s t anda rd me thod 787 tase 135 , permeabi l i ty 627 . pros ta t ic 135 - , reference values 787 , p ros t a t e specific an­ , g lomeru la r 627

, serum 135 — , lactoferrin 503 tigen 135 —, serum 217 , variability 135 - - , b ladder cancer 503 prick m e t h o d —, abso rp t i on 675

—, serum 815 - - - , B C G therapy 503 - , skin test 101 , k idney 675 . after calcium adminis­ -, L D L 513 processes , and cathepsins 675

t ra t ion 815 - , magnes ium 193 —, related quant i t ies 901 —, conjugates 39 picolinic acid - —, cystic fibrosis 193 proficiency surveys , bi l irubin 39 —, and i m m u n e system A10 — , myeloperoxidase 503 - , b i l i rubin 291 - , d i e t 641 plasma - - , b ladder cancer 503 proinsul in , a n d chronic renal fail­—, acetyl-carnitine 179 - - - , B C G therapy 503 —, intact 27 ure 641

.a f te r exercise 179 - , norep inephr ine 541 , i m m u n o e n z y m o m e t r i c —, excret ion 651 , in liver disease 179 - , phospho l ipase A2 127 assay 27 , k idney 651

—, amino acids A5 - - C h i l d r e n 127 , sensitive amplified , p a t h o m e c h a n i s m 651 . var ia t ions A5 - , mal ignant disorders 27 —, pa t t e rn 707

—, a m m o n i a 15, 537 127 prolyl endopep t idase , ur ine 707


, h aema tu r i a 707 , charac ter iza t ion

707 , p ro te inur ia 707

, charac te r iza t ion 707

total 21 , se rum 21

, gal ls tone pa t ients 21 —, vo lume displacement ef­

fect 861 pro te inur ia —, cathepsins 675

, nephron 675 —, charac te r iza t ion 707

, pro te in pa t te rn 707 , urine 707

—, a , -microglobul in 683 pseudoCholinesterase —, atypical var ian ts 545

, assay 545 , m e t h o d c o m p a r i s o n

545 , reagent compos i t ion

545 , influence 545

— ^cirrhosis 275 , liver 275

Pseudomonas aeruginosa —, elastase 285

, assay 285 , enzymat ic 285 , immunologica l 285

, p roduc t ion 285 pur ine bases — c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761

, chi ldren 761 pur ine nucleot ides — C e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761

, children 761 pyr idoxa l -5 -phospha te —, and cholesterol A6 —, and phosphol ip ids A6 pyr imidine bases — c e r e b r o s p i n a l bases 761

, children 761

qual i ty —, character is t ics 881

, acceptance criteria 881 —, cont ro l 595

, enzymes 595 , lysosomal 595

, ca l ibra t ion ma te ­rial 595

, p l a sma 595 —, specifications 311

, imprecision 311 , analyt ical systems

311 Conical chemis t ry

311 , inaccuracy 311

, analyt ical systems 311

, clinical chemist ry 311

qual i ty cont ro l —, b iopharmaceu t i ca l s A21 —, thin layer c h r o m a t o g r a ­

phy A20

—, t r y p t o p h a n product ion A 1 8 , A19

quant i t i es - . d e f i n i t i o n 245, 901 —, for metabol ic processes

901 , as a function of time

901 —, l abo ra to ry 243

, definit ion 243 —, met ro logy 245

radial immunodiffusion - , I g G 85

, serum 85 , subclass de termina­

tion 85 radicals —, oxygen derived 187

, and ascorbic acid 187 r a d i o i m m u n o a s s a y —, arginine8-vasopressin 229

, p l a sma 229 —, atr ial na t r iure t ic peptides

837 —, brain nat r iure t ic pept ides

837 - C G M P 837

, atr ial na t r iure t ic pep­tides 837

, b ioassay 837 —, neurok in in A 281

, cerebrospinal fluid 281 r a d i o l a b e l e d receptor assay —, y -aminobu ty r i c acid 271 rat —, ar thr i t i s AI 1 rate —, of convers ion 901 —, of react ion 901 ra t io —, HDL-cho les te ro l / to ta l

cholesterol 153 rats —, low sod ium 647

, g lomeru la r hyperfiltra-tion 647

, atr ial natr iuret ic pept ide 647

, and adenosine de­aminase 647

—, osmolytes 607 , kidney 607

, s t reptozotocin diabe­tes 607

react ion rate 901 reactive oxygen state 209 reagent compar i son —, declara t ion 545 receptor —, r a d i o l a b e l e d 271

, assay 271 , y -aminobutyr ic acid

271 —, t r y p t o p h a n A2 reference intervals —, Cholinesterase 163

, serum 163 , s t a n d a r d method 163

reference limits —, fibrinogen 745

, p l a sma 745

reference material —, cholesterol 157 reference ranges —, fructosamine 33

, ch i ldhood 33 —, glucose 33

, chi ldhood 33 - , H b A l c 33

, ch i ldhood 33 reference values —, lactate dehydrogenase

787 , p lasma 787

, s t andard me thod 787 , serum 787

, s t andard me thod 787 Refletron® - , cholesterol 153 —, creat inine 51

, accuracy 51 —, mult icentre evaluat ion

547 regulation —, calcium 815 renal failure —, chronic 641

, and protein 641 , diet 641

reperfusion —, myoca rd ium 205

, ischaemic 205 , injury 205

resistence —, d rug 63

, leukaemia 63 reverse t ranscr ip t ion - , virus R N A 717

, hepati t is C 717 r h a b d o m y o s a r c o m a —, phosphol ipase A 2 127

, p lasma 127 ribonucleic acid —, hepatit is C virus 717

, serum 717 risk - , profile 223

, coronary hear t disease 223

safety —, t ryp tophan A18 saliva —, ca techolamines 541 —, epinephr ine 541 - , I g A 81

, collection me thod 81 —, norep inephr ine 541 salivette 81 sample —, collection 81

, saliva 81 , IgA 81

— p r e s e r v a t i o n 135, 75 , formic acid 75 , pros ta t ic acid phospha ­

tase 135 , p ros ta te specific an ­

tigen 135 sample preservat ion - , blood, whole 767

, heparinized 767 , p C 0 2 767

, p H 767 , / ; 0 2 767

selected me thod —, a m m o n i a 15

, p lasma 15 , specificity 15

selectivity —, g lomerulus 627

, macromolecules 627 , charge 627 , size 627

sensitivity —, t u m o u r markers 809

, breast ca rc inoma 809 sepsis —, phosphol ipase A2 263

, serum 263 Seralyzer III —, mul t icentre evaluat ion

547 serotonin —, oxidized L D L uptake 55

, m a c r o p h a g e 55 serum —, N-ace ly lmuramyl-L-a la-

nine amidase 141 —, a lanine aminotransferase

21 , gal ls tone patients 21

—, a lanine aminotransferase 21

, gal ls tone pat ients 21 —, a lbumin 21

, gal ls tone pat ients 21 —, alcohol dehydrogenase

203 , alcoholism 203

, t rea tment 203 , disulfiram 203

—, apol ipoprote in 847 , renal t ransplant pa­

tients 847 —, bilirubin 21

, gal ls tone pat ients 21 —, biot inidase 119

, deficiency 119 , act ivat ion 119

- , C 1 inhibi tor 793 - , C A 1 5 - 3 809

, breast carc inoma 809 —, calcidiol 815 - C a l c i t o n i n 815, 831

, immunoassay 831 , medul lary thyroid

ca rc inoma 831 , pentagast r in stimula­

t ion 831 —, calcitriol 815 —, calcium 815 —, carc inoembryonic antigen

809 , breast carc inoma 809

—, cathepsins 69 , breast t u m o u r 69

—, cholesterol 21 , gallstone pat ients 21

— Chol ines t e rase 163 , s t andard method 163

, reference intervals 163

—, Cortisol 531


—, enzyme immunoassay 531

, au toma ted 531 , creat ine kinase 823 - , acute myocardia l in­

farction 823 .c rea t in ine 51 , 779, 861 - , au toma t i c assay 779

, interference 779 , bilirubin 779

- , H P L C 861 , direct injection 861

Reflotron® 51 , accuracy 51

- , ultrafi l tration 861 . glucose 21 - , gallstone pat ients 21 . glycated 851 .hepat i t i s C 717 - , virus R N A 717 . IgA, anti B C G 503 - , b ladder cancer 503 - - , B C G therapy 503 . IgG 85 - , subclass de te rmina t ion

85 - - , E I A 85 - - , R I D 85 . IgG, anti B C G 503 - , b ladder cancer 503 - - , B C G therapy 503 . IgM-rheumato id factor

301 - , immunoassay 301 , immunoglobul ins 775 - , beagle dogs 775 , lactate dehydrogenase

787 - , s t andard me thod 787

, reference values 787 , lipid peroxides 205 - , co ronary by-pass sur­

gery 205 , lipids 847 - , renal t ransplant pa­

tients 847 , l ipoamidase 119 , myoglobin 823 - , acute myocardial in­

farction 823 , neonates 291 - , bil irubin 291

, spec tophotomet ry , direct 291

, proficiency surveys 291

, 2 ,-5 ,-ol igoadenylate syn­thetase 521

- , after interferon-a 521 - , after interferon-ß 521 , para thyr in 815 p h o s p h a t a s e 2 1 , 135, 809 - , acid 135

, pros ta t ic 135 , variability 135

- , alkaline 2 1 , 809 , breast ca rc inoma 809 , gallstone pat ients 21

, bone metas tases 809

, phospha te 815

—, phospho l ipase A2 111, 263

, charac ter iza t ion 111 , immunoas say 263

, sepsis 263 ^pancreat i t i s , acute

263 , isoenzymes 111 , isolat ion 111 , purif icat ion 111

—, prolyl endopept idase 235 —, prostatic-specific antigen

135 , variabil i ty 135

—, pro tease inhibi tor - - , C 1 inhibi tor 793 - , p ro te ins 2 1 , 209

, micropar t ic le enhanced nephe lomet ry 209

, total 21 , gal ls tone pat ients 21

- , theophyl l ine 307 , immunoas say 307

, m e t h o d compar i son 307

—, triacylglycerol 21 , gal ls tone pat ients 21

sex dependence —, fibrinogen 745

, p lasma 745 silicate 95 SI Un i t s - , t ime 901 skin —, prick test 101

, allergen detect ion 101 sleep —, and ca rbohydra t e s A 4 —, and t r y p t o p h a n A3 smoker s —, ß-hexosaminidase 131

, ur ine 131 sod ium —, amnio t i c fluid 43

, s torage condi t ions 43 —, permeabi l i ty 737

, e ry throcyte 737 sorbi tol —, inhib i tor 607

, a ldose reductase 607 - , k idney 607

, rat 607 , d iabetes 607

—, kidney tubule 669 Spanish toxic oil syndrome - e p i d e m i o l o g y A16, A17 —, i m m u n o l o g y A17 —, pa tho logy A17 —, toxicology A18 specifications —, qual i ty 311

, imprecis ion 311 , inaccuracy 311

specificity —, a m m o n i a 15

, p l a s m a 15 —, dry chemistry 241 —, t u m o u r marke r s 809

, breas t ca rc inoma 809 spec topho tome t ry —, direct

, bi l i rubin

, serum , neonates

stability —, formic acid 75

, urine 75 s tandardisa t ion —, protein recovery 11

, b roncho-a lveolar lav­age 11

s t andard me thod —, Cholinesterase 163

, serum 163 , reference intervals

163 —, lactate dehydrogenase

787 , p lasma 787 , serum 787

—, phospha tase a lkal ine 247 , N - m e t h y k D - g l u c a m i n e

buffer 247 s t imulat ion —, pentagast r in 831

, calci tonin 831 s torage —, amniot ic fluid 43

, and c o m p o n e n t c o m ­posi t ion 43

—, blood, whole 767 , heparinized 767

, p C 0 2 767 , p H 767 ,p02 767

—, condi t ions 867, 867 - - , b lood 867, 867

ypC02 867, 867 , p H 867

s t reptozotocin —, diabetes 607

, rat 607 , osmolytes 607

, kidney 607 struvite 95 subclass de terminat ion - , I g G 85

, me thod compar i son 85 subst ra te —, pept idoglycan 141

, N-ace ty lmuramyl -L-a l -anine amidase 141

, Brevibacteriwn divar-icatum 141

subst ra tes —, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamini-

dase 693 —, biot inidase 119 —, elastase 285

, elastin 285 , te t raalanine 285

—, l ipoamidase 119 superoxide dismutase —, and reactive oxygen spe­

cies 209 surveys —, proficiency 291 - - , bil irubin 291 syringes —, b lood gases 767

, sample preservat ion 767

system —, definition 245

tachykin ins —, kassinin-l ike 281 Technicon C h e m 1 157 t e m p e r a t u r e —, sample preservat ion 767

, b lood gases 767 te rmino logy —, met ro logy 245 t e t raa lan ine —, subs t ra te 285

, e lastase 285 t e t r a h y d r o h a r m a n A10 theophyl l ine —, se rum 307

, i m m u n o a s s a y 307 , m e t h o d compar i son

307 thin layer c h r o m a t o g r a p h y —, qual i ty cont ro l A20 th rombolys i s —, anis t replase 823 thymine —, cerebrospinal fluid 761

C h i l d r e n 761 thyro id —, c a r c i n o m a 831

, medul la ry 831 , calci tonin 831

, se rum 831 t ime - , SI uni ts 901 tissue —, t u m o u r 69

, breas t 69 , ca theps ins 69

to lerance - , a lcohol 203 to l res ta t - , inh ib i tor 607, 63

, a ldose reductase 607 topo i somerase II —, inh ib i tor 63

, amsac r ine 63 , e topos ide 63

Na-/?-tosyl-L-lysine c h r o m o -methyl ke tone - i n h i b i t o r 119

, b io t in idase 119 , l ipoamidase 119

N- tosy l -L-phenyla lan ine ch lo rome thy l ke tone - i n h i b i t o r 119

, b io t in idase 119 , l ipoamidase 119

toxicology —, Spanish toxic oil syn­

d r o m e A18 —, t r y p t o p h a n A9 t ransc r ip t ion —, reverse 717

, v i rus R N A 717 , hepat i t i s C 717

t r a n s p l a n t a t i o n —, k idney 847

, apo l ipopro te ins 847 , se rum 847

, f ibronect in 847 , p l a s m a 847

, l ipids 847 , se rum 847

- , liver 599 , p o r p h y r i a 599


, acute 599 , aminolaevul inate

dehydra tase defi­ciency 599

t r ea tmen t —, alcoholism 203

, disulfiram 203 , alcohol dehydrogen­

ase 203 , serum 203

triacylglycerols —, kidney tubule 669 —, serum 2 1 , 847

, gal ls tones 21 , renal t ransplant pa­

t ients 847 trial —, col laborat ive 157

, cholesterol 157 t r imethylamines —, kidney 607

, r a t 607 t ryptase - , m a s t cell 871

, bioluminescence immu­noassay 871

t r y p t o p h a n —, and behaviour A2 —, b ind ing to nuclear recep­

to r A2 —, biochemical effects A l —, by-produc t s A14 — c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid A8 —, chronopharmacok ine t i c s

A 5 —, con t aminan t A19 —, and cytokines A15 ^ d e c o m p o s i t i o n products

A14 —, degrada t ion A9

, a n d HIV infection A9 —, and delirium tremens A7 —, and depressive disorders

A6 , A7 —, d iabe tes mellitus A 11 —, dis t r ibut ion A5 —, and eosinophil ia-myalgia-

s y n d r o m e A l l , A12, A16 —, metabol i sm A I , A9

, eosinophil ia-myalgia-syndrome A14

—, and migraine A7 —, and m o o d A2 —, nut r i t ion A 3 , A4 —, p lasma A l l

, liver cirrhosis AI 1 —, p roduc t i on process A15,

A19 , qual i ty control A18

, thin layer chroma­tography A20

—, protect ive effect AI 1 , ace t aminophenon tox­

icity A l l —, safetey A18 —, and sleep A3 —, supplementa t ion A3 —, therapeut ic effects A l

, inf lammatory neuro­logical diseases A8

—, toxicology A9

tubu la r function — c l i n i c a l biochemistry 617 tubu la r m a r k e r s —, ur ine 617 tubule - , k idney 669, 683, 713

, c a r b o h y d r a t e me tabo ­lism 669

, hype r t rophy 669 , insulin depr ivat ion

669 , mechanisms 669

, lipid metabol ism 669 , phospha t a se , alkaline

713 , S3-segment brush

borde r 713 , p rox imal 683

, dysfunction marker 683

, oci-microglobulin 683

—, prox imal 675 , ca theps ins 675, 69

t u m o u r see also cancer, car­c inoma , malignancies - , breas t 69

, ca theps ins 69 , serum 69 , tissue 69

t u m o u r m a r k e r - , C A 1 5 - 3 809

, breas t ca rc inoma 809 —, ca rc inoembryon ic antigen

809 , breast ca rc inoma 809

—, phospha t a se , alkaline 809 , breast ca rc inoma 809

, bone metastases 809 - , C A 125 875

, immunoas say 875 - , C A 1 5 - 3 875

, immunoas say 875 - , C A 1 9 - 9 875

, i m m u n o a s s a y 875 —, ca rc inoembryon ic antigen

875 , immunoas say 875

turb id imct ry —, a lbumin 707

, ur ine 707 - , I g G 707

, ur ine 707 —, oc2-macroglobulin 707

, ur ine 707 tyrosine aminot ransferase —, induct ion A6

ul t raf i l t ra t ion —, creat in ine 861

, serum 861 —, p lasma 15

, a m m o n i a assay 15 uni ts —, for metabol ic processes

901 , as a function of time

901 uracil 761 u ra t e

— c e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761 , children 761

urea —, amniot ic fluid 43

, storage condi t ions 43 uric acid —, amniot ic fluid 43

, storage condi t ions 43 ur inary calculi —, analysis 95

, interpretation 95 urine —, N-acetyl-ß-glucosamini-

dase 693 , assay methods 693 , isoenzymes 693

, assay methods 693 —, 5-aminolaevulinate 599 —, amylase 657

, isoenzymes 657 , diabetes 657

, mellitus 657 —, angiotensinase A 663

, marker 663 , renal cell injury 663

—, Cortisol 531 , enzyme immunoassay

531 , au tomated 531

—, dipept idylaminopept idase IV 663

, marker 663 , renal cell injury 663

—, elastase 503 , bladder cancer 503

, BCG therapy 503 —, fibronectin 503

, bladder cancer 503 , BCG therapy 503

- , follitropin 297 , immunoassay 297

—, formic acid 75 , stability 75

—, glomerular markers 617 —, ß-hexosaminidase 131

, smokers 131 - , IgA, anti BCG 503

, bladder cancer 503 , BCG therapy 503

- , IgG, anti BCG 503 , bladder cancer 503

, BCG therapy 503 —, lactoferrin 503

, bladder cancer 503 , BCG therapy 503

—, lutropin 297 , immunoassay 297

—, myeloperoxidase 503 , bladder cancer 503

, BCG therapy 503 —, phosphatase 713

, alkaline 713 , marker 713

, S3-segment brush border 713

—, porphobi l inogen 599 —, porphyrius 599 —, protein 707

, pattern 707 , haematur ia 707

, character iza t ion 707

, p ro te inur ia 707 , character iza t ion


—, tubu la r marke r s 617

validity —, analytical p rocedures

A21 variability —, phospha t a se 135 - - , a c i d 135

, serum 135 , pros ta t ic 135

—, pros ta t ic specific ant igen 135

, serum 135 var ia t ion —, biological 311 var ia t ions —, day- to-day A5

, a m i n o acids A5 , p lasma A 5

vasopressin —, p lasma 229

, r ad io immunoassay 229 , water immersion 229 , water loading 229

virus —, R N A 717

, detect ion 717 , serum 717

, hepat i t is C 717 volume —, displacement effect 861

, protein 861 water —, balance 229

, arginine8-vasopressin 229

—, immersion 229 , arginine8-vasopressin

229 - , loading 229

, arginine8-vasopressin 229

weddelli te 95 IVilm's t u m o u r —, phosphol ipase A2 127

, p lasma 127

xan th ine — C e r e b r o s p i n a l fluid 761

, children 761 xanth ine oxidase —, and reactive oxygen spe­

cies 209 X-ray diffraction —, calculi 95

c o m p u t e r i z e d analysis 95

, ur inary 95 C o m p u t e r i z e d inter­

pre ta t ion 95

zinc - , p lasma 193, 595

C y s t i c fibrosis 193


Gerbes et al.: R a d i o i m m u n o a s s a y for arginine8-vasopressin 229 Eur. J. Clin. C h e m . Clin. Biochem. Vol. 30, 1992, pp . 2 2 9 - 2 3 3 © 1992 Walter de Gruyter & C o .

Berlin • New York

A Highly Sensitive and Rapid Radioimmunoassay for the Determination of Arginine8-Vasopressin

By A. L. Gerbes1, R. Witthaut1, W. K Samson2, W. Schnizer3 and Angelika M. Vollmar4

1 Medizinische Klinik II, Klinikum Großhadem, Universität München 2 Department of Anatomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 3 Privatklinik Raphael, Bad Griesbach 4 Institut für Pharmakologie, Toxikologie und Pharmazie, Tierärztliche Fakultät, Universität München

(Received October 11, 1991/January 7, 1992)

Summary: A highly sensitive radioimmunoassay for arginine8-vasopressin (argipressin; INN) measurement was developed using Amberlite XAD 2 resin columns to extract arginine8-vasopressin from acidified human plasma. Arginine8-vasopressin was determined by a rapid radioimmunoassay method (2 x 20 h) using a specific antibody and 125I-labelled antigen. The bound fraction was separated by adsorption of the free fraction onto bovine serum albumin-coated charcoal; this resulted in low unspecific binding of less than 2%. Recovery experiments in the physiological range resulted in a mean (± SEM) recovery of 88 + 3%. The radioimmu­noassay consistently yielded a detection limit of 0.3 ng/1 (ED90) and a mean 50% binding intercept (ED50) of 3.5 ng/1. Arginine8-vasopressin immunoreactivity was characterized by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography, which confirmed the specificity of the assay. Serial plasma dilution curves paralleled the standard curve. The intra- and inter-assay variations were 9.4% and 15%, respectively. Arginine8-vasopressin concentrations in healthy subjects were determined in normal hydration status (2.2 + 0.3 ng/1; n = 11), as well as during suppression by water immersion (1.5 + 0.2 ng/1; n = 11) or by water loading (1.6 ± 0.2 ng/1; n = 8). Thus, this assay allows for a sensitive, accurate and rapid quantification of plasma arginine8-vasopressin concentrations.

Introduction Alterations of arginine8-vasopressin plasma concen­trations seem to be involved in the abnormal water handling that is present in several diseases. Thus, investigations in patients with congestive heart failure (1 — 3), hyperaldosteronism (4) or syndrome of inap­propriate antidiuresis (5, 6) demonstrated abnormal arginine8-vasopressin secretion as a determinant of impaired water balance. Furthermore, any investiga­tion of the physiological regulation of water homeo­stasis should comprise determination of arginine8-vasopressin plasma concentrations (7, 8). Therefore, an accurate determination of arginine8-vasopressin is important for both physiological and clinical pur­poses. Efforts to obtain an exact measurement of the rather low plasma concentrations of arginine8-vaso-

pressin by radioimmunoassay have been hampered by the presence of different interfering factors which are still only partially characterized. Thus, limited speci­ficity is inherent in the methods using direct radioim­munoassay for arginine8-vasopressinin plasma (9,10), necessitating plasma extraction before radioimmu­noassay of the neurohypophyseal peptide. Different extraction procedures have been used, including the use of acetone and petroleum ether (11, 12), cold ethanol (13) or Bentonite (14), but they show poor and variable recoveries (11, 13). Furthermore, several radioimmunoassays for arginine8-vasopressin involve complicated separation techniques, and in order to obtain adequate sensitivity they employ incubation periods of up to 7 days (9, 15).

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230 Gerbes et al.: Rad io immunoassay for arginine8-vasopressin

Therefore we have developed a simple, accurate and rapid method for determining arginine8-vasopressin following extraction from plasma. The method has a very low detection limit.

Materials and Methods M a t e r i a l Sample preparation and extraction Blood was collected in d isodium ethylenediaminete t raaceta te coated tubes and immediately centrifuged at 2000 g for 10 min at 4 °C. The p lasma was removed, t reated with phenylmethyl-sulphonylf luoride (5 mmol/1) and acidified with acetic acid to p H 5.5 (2.5 mol/1). F o r extract ion the p lasma samples were adsorbed as 1 ml a l iquots to activated Amberl i te X A D 2 resin (Serva, Heidelberg, G e r m a n y ) c h r o m a t o g r a p h y co lumns (Bio-Rad Labora tor ies , R i c h m o n d , CA 94804) followed by washing with tr if luoroacetic acid (1 mmol/1). The elution was performed using a mobile phase consist ing of 1 mol/1 acetonitri le (80%) and 1 mmol/1 trifluoroacetic acid (20%) . T h e lyophilized sam­ples were reconst i tuted in 300 ul assay buffer I.

Recovery Recovery experiments were performed by parallel extract ion of 1, 2, 4 and 8 p g synthetic arginine8-vasopressin (Bissendorf Biochemicals G m b H , Hannover , Ge rmany) added to 1 ml ali­quo t s of different p lasma samples.

Assay buffers Two assay buffers were used in this rad io immunoassay . Assay buffer I was prepared with 20 g/1 of bovine serum a lbumin in 50 mmol/1 phospha t e buffer (pH 7.4) conta in ing 5 mmol/1 phenylmethylsulphonylf luoride, 0.1 mol/1 sodium chloride, 10 mmol/1 d isodium ethylenediaminete t raaceta te a n d 0.1 mol/1 Tri ton X-100. After incubat ion for 4 h at 56 °C the buffer was diluted 10 fold. Neomyc in sulphate (2 g/1) and so­d ium azide (1 g/1) were then added and the p H adjusted to 7.4. F o r assay buffer II dissolved gelatine (1 g/1) was added to 20 mmol/1 phospha te buffer conta in ing 0.15 mol/1 sodium chloride, 0.1 g/1 bovine serum a lbumin and 0.1 g/1 thimerosal . Thereafter the p H was adjusted with sodium hydroxide (10 mol/1) to 7.4.

Standard curve K n o w n a m o u n t s of synthetic arginine8-vasopressin were serially diluted ranging from 80 to 0.08 ng/1 in assay buffer I.

M e t h o d s Assay protocol Polyclonal an t ibody (Nol 728-6), generated against synthetic arginine8-vasopressin bovine thyroglobul in conjugates in r ab ­bits (16), was diluted to bind a b o u t a third of the total r ad io -labelled antigen added in the absence of unlabelled ant igen. Ant i serum (100 ul, end dilut ion 1 : 50000) was added to s tand­ards and extracted ant igens. Incuba t ion was carried out in polypropylene tubes for 20 h at 4°C. Then, 1.6 pg / tube I 2 5I-labelled arginine8-vasopressin (Amersham Braunschweig, Ger ­many, 74 T B q / m m o l (2000 Ci /mmol) ; 100 ul) was added , fol­lowed by incubat ion at 4 °C for a further 20 h. In order to determine cross-reactivities of the an t ibody with o ther peptides, s t andard curves of the rad io immunoassay were

performed with ocytocin, atr ial natr iuret ic peptide, angiotensin II and lysine8-vasopressin, respectively, instead of unlabelled argini ne8-vasopressin.

Separation Separa t ion was performed by add ing 500 ul of bovine serum a lbumin-coated charcoal ( 2 9 % / 7 1 % , by weight) dissolved in assay buffer II . After 10 min, s t andards and samples were centrifuged at 4 °C for 10 min at 2000 g and the supe rna tan t was counted ( L K B , Turku, F in land , 8 0 % efficiency) in tripli­cate. Non-specific binding was de termined by performing the ra­d io immunoassay wi thout an t ibody (n = 9).

Reverse-phase-HPLC Arginine8-vasopressin immunoreact iv i ty was character ized by reverse-phase high per formance liquid c h r o m a t o g r a p h y (n = 6). F o r cal ibrat ion a s t andard of 200 pg synthetic arginine8-vasopressin was dissolved in 250 ul acetoni tr i le and submit ted to reverse-phase high performance l iquid c h r o m a ­tography (C 8 -ul t rapore T M co lumn [5 um], Beckman San Ra­m o n , U . S . A . ) . S tandard and extracted samples were eluted with a linear gradient from 1 5 % — 4 5 % acetonitrile in 1 mmol/1 tr if luoroacetic acid in 35 min (flow rate 0.5 ml /min, fraction size 0.5 ml / tube) . Subsequently, the ho rmone conten ts of the fractions were measured by rad io immunoassay .

Water immersion Water immers ion was performed as described in detai l elsewhere (17 — 19). Briefly, following 1 h in the sitting posi t ion a t room tempera tu re (28 °C) beside the water thank, 11 heal thy, nor­mally hyd ra ted subjects were immersed to the level of the neck into the rmoneu t ra l water (34.5 °C) for 1 h followed by 1 h outs ide the tank . Blood samples were taken immediately before, after 1 h immers ion and 1 h after exiting the t ank .

Water loading After a n overnight fast (16 h) b lood samples (basal value) were taken from 8 heal thy volunteers . Thereafter the subjects were orally water loaded with 20 ml /kg body weight within 30 min and b lood samples were taken 1 h later. All d a t a are given as mean ± s tandard error of the mean . Significance of differences was tested by the Student t-test.

Results Recovery experiments (n = 11) with physiological concentrations of synthetic arginine8-vasopressin added to different plasma samples prior to extraction showed a linear relationship between added and de­termined arginine8-vasopressin concentration with a mean recovery of 88 + 3%. Figure 1 illustrates a typical standard curve for the radioimmunoassay of arginine8-vasopressin with the 50% binding intercept (ED50) at 3.5 ng/1 and a lower detection limit (ED90) of 0.3 ng/1 (n = 8). Serial dilutions of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 ml plasma paralleled the standard curve. The intra-assay coefficient of variation (n = 8) averaged 9.4%, the inter-assay coefficient of variation (n = 8) was

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Gerbes et al.: R a d i o i m m u n o a s s a y for arginine8-vasopressin 231 Plasma [ml]

o H 1 1 — i — i 1 1 1 — i —

0.0 0.1 0.6 1 2 5 20 50 80

Arg 8 -vasopressin [ng/ l ]

Fig. 1. Typical s t a n d a r d curve with a low detection limit (ED 9 0 = 0.3 ng/1, E D 5 0 = 3.5 ng/1 and E D l 0 = 58.1 ng/1). Serial d i lu t ions of p lasma paralleled the s t anda rd curve, conf i rming the accura te measurement of p lasma sam­ples.

Fraction no.

Fig. 2. Coe lu t ion of arginine8-vasopressin immunoreact iv i ty of an ext rac ted p lasma sample with synthetic arginine8-vasopress in by reverse-phase high per formance liquid c h r o m a t o g r a p h y analysis, confirming the specificity of the assay.

15%. No cross-reactivity of the anti-arginine8-vaso-pressin antibody to ocytocin, atrial natriuretic peptide and angiotensin II could be observed. The cross-reactivity to lysine8-vasopressin was 3%. The non­specific binding was less than 2%.

Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromato­graphy analysis revealed coelution of immunoreactive arginine8-vasopressin with synthetic arginine8-vaso-pressin as a single peak (fig. 2). Central volume stimulation by 1 h head-out water immersion in 11 healthy subjects produced a signifi­cant drop (2.2 ± 0.3 vs. 1.5 ± 0.2 ng/1, p < 0.05) of arginine8-vasopressin plasma concentrations. In the recovery period, arginine8-vasopressin returned to baseline concentrations (1.5 ± 0.2 vs. 2.0 + 0.3 ng/1, p < 0.05). Oral water loading of 8 healthy subjects significantly decreased arginine8-vasopressin plasma concentrations (2.0 ± 0.2 vs. 1.6 ± 0.2 ng/1, p < 0.05) as well as plasma osmolality (282 + 5.5 vs. 274 ± 4.4 mosmol/kg, p < 0.05). Arginine8-vaso-pressin plasma concentrations were significantly cor­related with plasma osmolality (r = 0.83, p < 0.01).

Discussion Due to the very low plasma concentration of arginine8-vasopressin and the presence of inade­quately characterized interfering factors, the devel­opment of a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for arginine8-vasopressin has proved to be more dif­ficult than for many other peptides (9). In contrast to a variety of less specific antisera raised for vasopressin determination (20 — 23), we used a highly specific one (16). Due to the specificity of this antibody (confirmed by cross-reactivity experiments and high performance liquid chromatography analy­sis), the extraction procedure was simpler than those reported previously for other methods. The usefulness of this Amberlite XAD 2 resin extraction procedure was confirmed by the linear relationship between added and measured arginine8-vasopressin concentra­tion in the recovery experiments, as well as by a reliable mean recovery rate of 88%.

Tab. 1. Arginine8-vasopressin assays described by different au tho r s Au thor Lower detect ion E D 5 0 Mean Incuba t ion H P L C

limit recovery t ime analysis Bichel, D. G. (24) 0.5 ng/1 1.2 pg / tube* 102% 120 h + Bie, P. (25) 0.5 pg / tube* 8.5 pg / tube* 7 2 % -Bodola, K (26) 0.4 ng/1 4.6 ng/1 8 0 % 32 h -Durr, J. A. (27) 0.2 pg / tube* 5.0 pg / tube* 1 0 3 % 96 h -Fyhrquist, F. (10) 1.2 ng/1 8.3 ng/1 9 6 % 168 h — Gerbes, A. L. ( this paper ) 0.3 ng/1 3.5 ng/1 8 8 % 40 h + Husain, M. K. (11) 0.1 ng/1 0.8 ng/1 6 8 % 120 h -Keil, L. C. (28) 1.6 ng/1 4.2 pg / tube*

1.1 pg / t ube* 6 4 % 134 h -Robertson, G. L. (9) 0.5 ng/1 4.2 pg / tube* 1.1 pg / t ube* 9 6 % 168 h -

Ross, M. G. (29) 0.8 ng/1 4.0 ng/1 7 0 % -Samson, W. K. (16) 1.0 pg / tube* 25.0 pg / tube* 8 0 % 96 h -Skowsky, W. R. (14) 0.7 ng/1 10.8 ng/1 8 4 % 120 h

* where abso lu t e concent ra t ions could not be derived, d a t a are adop ted as specified in the cited publ icat ion

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The radioimmunoassay consistently yielded a detec­tion limit of 0.3 ng/1 after only 2 x 20 h of incubation. In other methods, much longer incubation times are needed to obtain a comparably low detection limit (tab. 1). The present assay can therefore be considered as both highly sensitive, and more rapid than other assays. Arginine8-vasopressin immunoreactivity determined in plasma was characterized by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Immunoreactive arginine8-vasopressin was coeluted with synthetic arginine8-vasopressin as a single peak, confirming the specificity of the assay. Isoosmotic arginine8-vasopressin suppression by cen­tral volume stimulation during water immersion (30, 31) was clearly demonstrated in accordance with the findings of other groups, supporting the concept of

inhibition of arginine8-vasopressin secretion by acute atrial distension (32, 33). Hypoosmolality as an osmotic stimulus of arginine8-vasopressin suppression (9) was confirmed by a sig­nificant decrease of plasma arginine8-vasopressin con­centrations and plasma osmolality after oral water loading. Both quantities were closely correlated. In conclusion, this radioimmunoassay for arginine8-vasopressin can be considered as highly sensitive, ac­curate and rapid, and it can be easily established in any suitably equipped laboratory.

Acknowledgements T h e technical assistance of M. Bauch is gratefully acknowl­edged. This s tudy was suppor ted by a g ran t from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf t ( G E 576/2-2).

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Dr . A . L. Ge rbes M e d . Kl in ik II K l in ikum Großhadern Univers i ty of M u n i c h Marchioninistraße 15 W-8000 München Bundes repub l ik Deu t sch land

Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. / Vol. 30 ,1992 / N o . 4