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March 25, 2013 Lakeside Staff Meeting: Alt. Evac Planning

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  • 1. Lakeside Staff Meeting:Alt. Evac PlanningMarch 25, 2013

2. Welcome Flipped staff meeting format Maximize staff time to dialogue and discuss topics, not present Your role is to watch/review materials before the staff meetingand bring ideas, suggestions, questions and feedback to the staffmeeting 3. March 25th Staff Meeting TOPIC: Planning for our alternate site evacuation training Why: We practice 5 lockdowns 5 fire drills 1 tornado drill But what do we do if the building is not safe for us to stay in what do we do? Where do we go? How do we get there? What do we do once we get there? Our safety plans need to prepare us for the wide variety ofsituations we could face Reflection Goals: Not to be perfect, but to practice, identify areas to improve andstrive to be better each time 4. Planning Planning for our Alternate Site Evacuation Plans: March 25th: Staff meeting Initial info Time to dialogue, discuss and process information to prepare for April 1st April 1st : Staff Dev day Afternoon drill Staff participate in lockdown Law enforcement involvement Reflection Prep for student drill on May 23rd May 23rd Drill with students Law enforcement involvement Reflection and changes for future drills 5. Questions to ponder1) Where is our alternate evacuation site?2) How do we get there?3) What to do with students in a lengthy lockdown?4) How do we get out of a lockdown?5) What do we do once we get to the alternate site?6) What is our reunification plan for students and parents?7) What is the role of law enforcement?8) What materials tell us what to do? 6. Where is our alternate evacuation site? Red Flip Chart: Evac plans: Procedure #140 Locations: Weather permitting: fields Alternate site: Chisago Community Center 7. How do we get there? We walk! Route to be determined Go Bags: Teacher name signs Well practice on April 1st Lead students through route on May 23rd 8. What to do with students in alengthy lockdown? Generate ideas on what youd do with students if you were ina lockdown for: 30 minutes 1 hr 3 hrs 9. How do we get out of alockdown? Basic answer: law enforcement will open the door when thescene is determined to be safe enough to begin evacuationplans. Be aware: Never answer someone at the door Remain quiet Do not open the door law enforcement will have a key 10. What do we do once we get to the alternate site? Go Bags Teacher name signs Attendance: Red Yellow Green cards Implement reunification plan 11. What is our reunification planfor students and parents? Roles and responsibilities will be determined Training will take place Well learn from our April 1st drill 12. What is the role of lawenforcement? Office Spencers presentation 13. What materials tell us what to do? Staff badges Info on the back Red Flip Charts: Lockdown procedures (#150) Evacuation procedures (#140) 14. Lockdown Review You hear Staff are to implement lockdown procedures 150 Your responsibilities Shut off lights Lock door Grab as many students in the hallways as possible Keep students quiet Hide in dark corner Do NOT open the door 15. Teaching our students: What ifs: Student in the restroom Student in the hallway Student in a room without an adult 16. For our March 25th meeting: Review the following materials: Red Flip Chart: procedures 140 and 150 Back of staff badge Reflect on this information Bring questions, feedback, areas to clarify It is impossible to predict any and all scenarios But we can reflect and learn from each other and others We will practice and drill to the best of our ability