evaluation 1 seven (media studies)

The title suits the genre because the title refers the seven deadly sins which are gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust and envy.

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Evaluation 1 seven (media studies)

The title suits the genre because the title refers the seven deadly sins which are gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust and envy.

Page 2: Evaluation 1 seven (media studies)

The opening scene doesn’t contain any clips of the location but the audience would think that this would be set in an office are someone's house because the props are mainly known to be found in these places.

Page 3: Evaluation 1 seven (media studies)

The use of evidence, pictures, pen and a notebook could associate with an investigation. From the two shots it seems that the person is writing a report and looking through evidence.

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The whole opening scene uses only extreme close ups. This shows mystery because the audience don’t know what is happening

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The opening scene contains vary transitions on different clips. It can be confusing for the audience.There are some straight cuts and some cross fade. The fade give an effect that the clips are all linked together.

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The style of the title resembles someone’s hand writing.The colour of the title contrast the background so it visible.

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The images shown in the opening scene of Se7en are of murders. This implies what the storyline of the film would be which is crime. From this clue, the audience would already think about detectives solving cases.

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The opening scene doesn't introduce any characters but the clips relates to the characters job. The props used show what detectives use when they are solving a case.

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The use of slow motion lets the audience see clearly what they are.Also the clips and title flickering creates an unsettling felling.