evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to alvertle to profit cotimilt the patron of...

b f 1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you look for it in the right jilacc. Thi is the right place to lcain jutt what to do for that debilitating condition which warm weather always bring. Do you want to be cured of that languid feeling, get back your appetite, sleep soundly, and feel like a new being? Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do it. It has done it for thou, sands. It will do it for you. Try it. PREPARED nV DR. J. C. AYER a CO., Lowell, Mass., U.S. A. GOLD MEDALS aU!m World's Chief Expositions. Ayer's Pilis curb constipation. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Amenta tor the Itepublio of Hawaii. H. L. GEAR, G. D. GEAR, till Sannorae St., S. F. 310 King St., tl I. GEAR & GEAR LAWYERS. an Francisco and jloiiolulu Having nfllaas lu 8an Francisco and Hounlulu we lire prepureil to attend promptly to all mutters eutruatoJ to us In either of salil places. HAWAIIAN Mercantile Agency 210 King atreot. Difficult Collections a Specialty D. GEAR, LAWYER. Corner of King and Bethel RtrttetH, Second Floor. William A. Henshall, A.ttorney at Law 113 Kaahumanu Street Tele. 603. CHARLES F. PETERSON, at Law and Notary JPublic. Kaahtimanu Htroet. W. S. EDINGS, Counsellor at Law, Corner Buthel and King Streets, Honolulu, H. I. A. C. WALL, D. D. S., DENTIST. New love's Building, Fort Street) TELEPHONE 434. GILBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW HILO, HAWAII EvexNing THE SENATE PROCEEDINGS HiDlstcr Cooper Answers a Question Concerning the Carter Fountain. Senator Lyman Gels In a Good Day's Work Tor His llllo Constituents A House Bill Finally Passed. lu tliu Sonnte this morning Mill-inte- r Coopor road his answer to tho question propounded by Sen-at- or Hocking coucemiug tho Cart- el- Momorinl Fountain, statins; that tho permission to erect the fountain wan given under authori ty of n resolution of tbo Executivo Council of Jnnuary 18, 1898, the Bubstanco of which appears in tbo following communication: Honolulu, II. I., Jan. 19, 1898 P. J. Lowiiuy, Esq , Por tbo Carter Memorial Com- mittee; Silt: I ntn directed by tbo Min ister of th Interior to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 15'h ol Jnuunry, couuo.ning tbo space to bo allowed for the erection of a fouutniu, and to Buy that nt u meet ing of the Executivo Council vos terday the MiuUtor of tho Iuterior wa8 authorized to give your cjui-mitt- oe authority to eroct tliu mem orial fountain on Uniuii Square on the space, of ground between King street, lliuhurds street aud Mer- chant street, on such site as Mr Dodge, government surveyor, sh. 11 locate. 1 he space to bo occupied not to exceed thirty foot in diamo ter. The Minister wsh further author ized to supply water from the gov orumout inaius withoutcharge, aud the maiutonanco of tho fount-tin- , when com plate, will be undertaken by tho government aud the spot receive the same attention as other public grounds. Yours, otc , J. A. Hassinoek, Chief Clerk. On motion of Senator Hocking the answer of Miuistor Cooper wa roferred to tho Judiciary Commit toe. Senator Rico from the Revision Committee reported back Senate bill 4, current appropriations, an revised, aud on moiou the bill wns taken up and uus-e- d 6ocond reading. Tho final reading was set for Tuesday. Senate Bill 23 came up on third reading. Senator Lyman procured the iusorliou of an item to complott the road from Koao to Kamnilt, Puna district, S10l)0, and the bill went back to the Revision Com- mittee. House Bill 63, disposition of School Tax, passed third read i"g- - House Bill GO, relating to assault and battery cases, passed first rrad ing and, under suspension of the rules, was read by title on sec oud reading aud referred to the Judiciary Committee Senato bill 7, wide tire, with House amendments, was taken up, and the Senate voted not to con cur in tbo House amendments I'ho bill was then referred t Joint Public Lauds Committee for conference. On motion of Sonator Lyman Senato bill 22, making nppropiia tious from tho Loan Pund, wns taken up. The Senator from Hilo thot secured the insertion and passHg' of tho following itoms: Sowornge 'or Hilo streets 81000;aUlitions t water pipo sj stem, Hilo, S10,0U0. Tho following itoms were insert ed in tho bill and referred to on Public Lands, also in motion of Senator Lyman: Curbing and paving government 'idewnlks, Hilo, 82500; ' seol bridge, Wuiluku river, 810,000; steel briduo, Wniakea river, S5000; new road to Kehena lauding $3000. At 11:30 tho Senato adjourned to Monday. Jl. I., AIMtIL 15, 1808. STAR Brings a Long List of Passengers From Micronesia. Interesting Report of the Captain Slated Dangerous Coral Rock Remarkably Fast Return Passage.' Tho Cnptaiii of tho Morning Star, which arrived this afternoon from tbo South Sens, makes tho following report of his voyngo: We sailed from Honolulu July 28, 1897, and procooded first to tho Gilbert Islands, reaching Aug. 14, 17 days from Honolulu. Aug. 4, wo sighted aud putsed a huge coral rock in Lat. 7 32 N aud Lon. 173 13' V, with several projections from fivo to ton feet out of water and perhaps au eighth of an acre in circumference. It is a mobt dangerous placo that wo think has never been seen or reported. After very Bbort stops Bt Tnpi-teuo- H, Maiaua aud Apataug of tho Gilbert Inlands, we anchored tho first timo nt Kusaio, Aug. 20, 29 days from Honolulu. We hove to at Pingelap of tho Cnrolino group Sept. 7, and an chored at Ruk the first time Sept. 10. Prom Ruk wo took Rev. and Mrs. Price and Miss Puss to Lou kunor, Sat au aud Elal of the Mortlock group and landed them at Ponape, Oct. G, to bo taken to Piugelnp, Mokil and Ruk by the schooner Robert AV. Logau. Reached KiiHaie tho socond timo Oct. 12 aud Bailed from there for the work of tho Marshall group Oct 18 with Dr. and Mrs. Rifo, Mis Hullin and Mis Oliu. Visited soveuteou islands of uroup, finished tho work aud re turned to Kusaio the thitd timo Dec. 18 aud lauded the niissioua ries aud scholars. Had some very sever.) wothor, equalls aud seas in the Marshall group. After a ploaeaut Christmas at Kusaio we sailed with Rov.- - O. Wii'kup aud scholars for tho work of tho Gilbert troup Dec. 20. Aft r a beat of 22 days agaiust most unpleasaut and uncomfort- ably strong and squally N E t'ades and h gh sea wo agaio nn choral at Tapiteuea Jan. 21, 1898. After a visit to each of the eight Gilbert Islands north of Tapit and a call at Ocean or Paauo pa Islands, wo returned to Kujaie the fourth time Peb. 21. Feb. 24 sailed from Kusaio tho last time for Ponape, Ruk and Honolulu. Slopped at Pounpe Fob. 20 nud 27, at Ruk March 3 to 7 and sailed for Honolulu with 24 pasBengers on board. In Lat. 2(5 N aud Lon. 152 33 E March 17, had a N E gale, probably an equiunxial storm. Lint tho easterly wiuds in Lat. 30 N and made our easting bo .ween Lot 30 and 34 N. Crossed the 180 meridian April 2 and had I wo SUurdays. In Lat. 32 o N and Lon. 103 W lost our nain boom by the wind jumping nxtantly from S W to NW and hi iwing nnoihar galo. From Lat. 33 3 25 N, an 1 Lon. 175 30 W on April 0 havo had 'resh aud favorable winds, and made tho distance, 1408 iiiilos to port, in niuo dnyH. Apiil 14, 150 miles north of Oahu a three maxt d schooner passed goitm n nth Sighted Oahu at daylight Aptil 15, aud 22 houis rom Ruk. Mia Kl.le Aitalr. At hnr entertainmont on Satur day ovening of next weok, Miss Elsie Adair will be assisted by looil amateurs. Rgarding the viascop pictures to be exhibited Miss Adair assures tho Bulletin Hint tho eyo aunoyiug vibration, Aliicli characterized tho work of other machines that bavn shown here, is positivoly absent in this ono. Anyhow, ovorybody will want to see El-d- herself. Tick ett at Wall, Nichols Co. . Bulletin HONOLULU, FRIDAY, MORNING RETURNS tnirty-oightda- ys SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Hicfarlane vs. Government Stamp Hat- ter for Defendant. Joseph Lazarus Case Ruled Out or Court-Neu- mann Gains Judgment Against Ohera Roth Estate. A decision, awarding 8270 dam-ngo- s, was signed by Judgo Perry this morning in the assumpsit matter entitled Paul Neumann vs. V. Ohera and John Costa. In this matter plaintiff clnimcd S500 as retainer aud foes for services in a suit entitle d Ohera vs. Acker-ma- n. Neumann in parson; no appearance for dofondauts. Tho Supremo Court by unan- imous decision today found for defendaut in the matter of E. C. Macfarlano vs Republic of Ha- waii, beiug a claim for 8184 for stamp duty lovied upon Ihepapeis in tbo sale nud transfer of the Hawaiian hotel promises from defendant to plaintiff last fall. L'ho court sums its conclusions in ono Boutouce, viz.: "The Gov- ernment is not liable for stamp duty upon its deeds." Kinney fc Ballou for plaintiff; E.P.Dolo'for defendaut. The Supremo Court today ruled tho Lazarus estate caso out of court for tho reasou that '"Section G9, cb.57,Lausof 1892, ns amend ed by ch. 109, Laws of 1892, which requires au appellant on appeal from nn order of a Circuit. Judge at Chambers to pay the cobts acorued aud givo a' bond for costs further to accrue within ten days after the filing of tho order appealed from, applies when such appeal is taken to n Circuit Court as well ub when taken to the Supreme Court." This is signed by Justices Prear nnd "Whiting Ohiof Justice Judd dissents, taking precisely tho opposite view. Kinney & Ballou aud Heushall for contestants; Brown and J. T. Do Bolt for oxecutor. Judge Stanley has allowed the petitiou of Cecil Brown, adminis- trator, to bo allowed to sell the tailoring business of tho late Simon Roth to deceased's Bon Henry P. Roth. Pemona Nan tirutn. C. A. Brown's commission as a member of the Board of Hoalth has expired. He is not to be ro appointed on account of having made himself persona non grata with President Dole by reason of hi-- expoureof alleged looseness) in tho Waikiki quarantine of the Minister of Poreigu Affairs and others who madetbomselvoB liable to segregation by invostigatiuc Japanese immigrants when thero was smallpox nt tho quarantine Btn'ion. It is rumored tint a pro minont druggist is in the presi- dential eye for tho position. IMumo. All styles of Kroeeer pianos for sale, for cash or ou the iubtilraont plnn. Old instruments exchanged for now onos. Pianos rented, tuned nnd repaired. Telephone 321. Music Co., Ltd., Mawonio Temple. Royal make the food pure, wbolctomo anil dcllcloM. Rffll, N0 POWDER Absolutely Puro aovtt mix, rowon eo hiw roan. FLOODS OF BOGUS MONEY Quite a Clever Counterfeit of Hawaiian Bills Appears. Chinatown Roped In Banks and Business Hen Aroused Alter the Bold Counterfeiters. Tho business community wns alarmed this morning by the sudden nppcnrauco ou tho market of un ingouious counterfeit ou Hawaii's paper currency of thi $10 and $20 denominations. It bus dovoloped that tbo S5 certifi- cate has also been counterfeited into S20 by the process of "ruis ing." All forenoon tho bank, merchants and private individuals havo beou looking over their paper mouey for the bogus cur- rency. Tho first bill noticed wuh a $10 Hawaiian treasury certiGcate, wUich went from Hyinan Bros, to tho station house for police in- formation. It was paid into the hiu Qu on streut bullae by n Inriro CluueBO linn upon whom it hud evidently been worked by n sharper. So trustworthy ore tlu Chinese merohauts concerned that no suspicion wbutevor is attached to them. They have no recollec tion of tbo origin of tbo bill utivu that it was takou in over their couuters. The counterfeit is evidontly cleo trotyp'd from a plain photograph of ouch side of tho bill. Evoy detail of tho original U clearly demarked, savo soino errors in coloring. Tho dark shades of the bill are not so deop as ou the genuine aiticlo. Bill numbers and tho signaturo of W.G. Ashloy, Registrar of Pinnnce, which nro red iu tbo original appear load color in the counterfeit. "Jock" Carter, in Bit-hop'- s Bnnk, said it was ' Irish," .ou tho part of the Bulletin reprosoutative, to Bay that bo was told by Uyniaus that the rod was black in tho teu dol- lars. Mr. Cartor denies that the cer- tificate was "swallowed" at Bhh op's aud good coiu disgorged for it, but thero aro rumoiists mean ounugh to say that it was even so. Regarding tho same scrip, Cat.h ier Spalding at Sprockets & Co.'s bank is quite frank. He took it. No shame oither, for, being the first time Hawniiuu pa por has eyor been tampered with, the plausible looking gioon goods wero quite liable to pass in a rush. As it was pronouted by Cap'niu Pnrker of tho police at the banks for experiment, those conaeruB lout nothing while being put ou the alert to prevent losses. At Spreckels' nu overhaul of recent cash tlwwed that tho warning cumo nouo too soon. There was discovered unionist that concern's money a photo graphed $2J. It differed from the $10 counterfeit in having ro I where that color mis requ'red by the genuiuu Amnuu. tho lnrge number of persons who flocked lo Sprocket' bank to take note of the bou'us legal tondor was Depu- ty Colloctor J. P. Clay of tho Cus toum. He was pale with the re- flection that ho had taken in $1500 in twontios tho day before, of whioliBomo iud vidiialsliinpliuters nvght havo bou manufactured not "by authority." So far two different denomina- tions counterfeited, but tho end is no! yot. On getting tho nlann the Bank of Hawaii raked over tho contents of its mouey drawers Thoro whs found n $5 certificate riised t 820 quito npntly done but not passable with nnybody haviug tho fnintost forewarning. Tho vignette do-du- on the fives i a view of the GoverumontbniM-in- g whilo that on the twenties is a picture of one of tho tutelar fo-m- ale deities boshing a coffoo ranch or a stovodore's job, no mutter Continued ou Klglith Pugo. 'I'lie oldeKt And let lettable and ncwiy, Uniformly lead. 1 lie Evening llullellit doc l'KIOi: 5 CliNTH. THE HOUSE THIS MORNING Bogus Hawaiian Goods Bill Passed by Unanimous Vote. Maul and Hawaii Remembered In Flood Dam- ages Bill, And the Act Passes New Measures Routine Work. Tho Judiciary Committee, by Mr. Roberlsou, iccotuiuended tho passage of tbo following bills: "Seuato bill 20, "An Act provid- ing for tbo election of Senators;" House bill G8, "Au Act provid- ing for the appointment of tempo- rary circuit judges;" Senate bill 24, "An Act amend- ing section 11 JO of tho Civil Godo relating to the submission of dif- ferences direct to Supreme Court without aotiou;" Mr. Kahaulelio, for tho Co in- tuitu o of Joint RuleH, to whom wns referrod tho ine8go of tho President ou a current resolution of the lloii-- o rexpocting tbo duties of prosecuting ollicers, n ported that there was no nilo providing for concurrent resolutions. A parncraph to cover the point was submitted ns an amendment. New rule nd. pud. The Public Lauds Committee, Mr. Loeboustein, recommouded the pat-Bng- of 'Senato bill 31, mnkiim special appropriations for flood damaged on Oahu and Kauai with tbo following additional items: Repnirs to road and new bridge ovor Moolea gilch, Hanti, $1000. Repairs to road and culvert, Haraakua, SHOO. Repairs to road and culverts, Soii'b Hilo, S2100. Mr. Achi gavo notice of nn Act relating to malicious injury. Mr. Robertsou introduced tho following Acts: "An Act relating to tho carry- ing of mails by coaating vessols." "An Act to relievo the Sailor's Homo Society of taxation." Llouso bill 59, foreign goods, passed final rending by uunni- - IllOUB Vide. House bill 01, recovery of rents, passed by a vote of 10 to 2, Messrs. Achi aud Kabnulelio in the negative. Hou-- o concurred in Senate amendments to House bill 32. Senato bill 17, "An Act to amend Sections 030, G31 and G3G of tho Civil Ctide relating to tho logihtry of ves-.els,- " passed first und feOL-ou- readings. Seuato bill 20, electiou of Sena- tors, pasd second reading. Third Monday. House bill G8, temporary Cir- cuit Judges, paeBid second road-in- g. Sounto bill 31, ep cial appro- priations for flood damage-1- , pars- ed fiuat rending. Adjourned. No ItMf-- t hutunlMy. Contrary to reports in tho morning paper thoro will positive- ly bo uo racing at Cyclomoro next Situiday evening. Nono worQ ever pluuned. As oiigiually an- nounced the tmck will bo re- opened on the evening of Apiil 23, and not bofoie. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. V, i 4 i 'tt jjasliiL. JiL ,J. klv..t. ' Jt.)ft.t,AWjMkM.10i.1..jw 4., ,it&;:LiUti4;.jJiv

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par knowing how to

Alvertle to profit

Cotimilt the patron of

Tlu Livening Dulletln

Vol V. No. 881).

Picking upKnowledge

is easy enough if you look for it inthe right jilacc. Thi is the rightplace to lcain jutt what to do for thatdebilitating condition which warmweather always bring. Do you wantto be cured of that languid feeling,get back your appetite, sleep soundly,and feel like a new being?


Sarsaparillawill do it. It has done it for thou,sands. It will do it for you. Try it.


DR. J. C. AYER a CO., Lowell, Mass., U.S. A.

GOLD MEDALS aU!m World's Chief Expositions.

Ayer's Pilis curb constipation.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Amenta tor the Itepublio of Hawaii.


till Sannorae St., S. F. 310 King St., tl I.


an Francisco and jloiiolulu

Having nfllaas lu 8an Francisco andHounlulu we lire prepureil to attendpromptly to all mutters eutruatoJ tous In either of salil places.


Mercantile Agency210 King atreot.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


LAWYER.Corner of King and Bethel RtrttetH,

Second Floor.

William A. Henshall,

A.ttorney at Law113 Kaahumanu Street Tele. 603.


at Law andNotary JPublic.

Kaahtimanu Htroet.


Counsellor at Law,

Corner Buthel and King Streets,Honolulu, H. I.

A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.New love's Building, Fort Street)






HiDlstcr Cooper Answers a Question

Concerning the Carter Fountain.

Senator Lyman Gels In a Good Day's Work

Tor His llllo Constituents A House

Bill Finally Passed.

lu tliu Sonnte this morning Mill-inte- r

Coopor road his answer totho question propounded by Sen-at- or

Hocking coucemiug tho Cart-

el- Momorinl Fountain, statins;that tho permission to erect thefountain wan given under authority of n resolution of tbo ExecutivoCouncil of Jnnuary 18, 1898, theBubstanco of which appears in tbofollowing communication:

Honolulu, II. I., Jan. 19, 1898

P. J. Lowiiuy, Esq ,Por tbo Carter Memorial Com-

mittee;Silt: I ntn directed by tbo Min

ister of th Interior to acknowledgereceipt of your favor of the 15'h olJnuunry, couuo.ning tbo space tobo allowed for the erection of afouutniu, and to Buy that nt u meeting of the Executivo Council vosterday the MiuUtor of tho Iuteriorwa8 authorized to give your cjui-mitt- oe

authority to eroct tliu memorial fountain on Uniuii Square onthe space, of ground between Kingstreet, lliuhurds street aud Mer-chant street, on such site as MrDodge, government surveyor, sh. 11

locate. 1 he space to bo occupiednot to exceed thirty foot in diamoter.

The Minister wsh further authorized to supply water from the govorumout inaius withoutcharge, audthe maiutonanco of tho fount-tin- ,

when com plate, will be undertakenby tho government aud the spotreceive the same attention as otherpublic grounds.

Yours, otc ,

J. A. Hassinoek,Chief Clerk.

On motion of Senator Hockingthe answer of Miuistor Cooper waroferred to tho Judiciary Committoe.

Senator Rico from the RevisionCommittee reported back Senatebill 4, current appropriations, anrevised, aud on moiou the billwns taken up and uus-e- d 6ocondreading. Tho final reading wasset for Tuesday.

Senate Bill 23 came up on thirdreading.

Senator Lyman procured theiusorliou of an item to complottthe road from Koao to Kamnilt,Puna district, S10l)0, and the billwent back to the Revision Com-mittee.

House Bill 63, disposition ofSchool Tax, passed third readi"g- -

House Bill GO, relating to assaultand battery cases, passed first rrading and, under suspension of therules, was read by title on secoud reading aud referred tothe Judiciary Committee

Senato bill 7, wide tire, withHouse amendments, was taken up,and the Senate voted not to concur in tbo House amendmentsI'ho bill was then referred t

Joint Public Lauds Committeefor conference.

On motion of Sonator LymanSenato bill 22, making nppropiiatious from tho Loan Pund, wnstaken up.

The Senator from Hilo thotsecured the insertion and passHg'of tho following itoms: Sowornge'or Hilo streets 81000;aUlitions twater pipo sj stem, Hilo, S10,0U0.Tho following itoms were insert

ed in tho bill and referred toon Public Lands, also

in motion of Senator Lyman:Curbing and paving government

'idewnlks, Hilo, 82500; ' seolbridge, Wuiluku river, 810,000;steel briduo, Wniakea river, S5000;new road to Kehena lauding$3000.

At 11:30 tho Senato adjournedto Monday.

Jl. I., AIMtIL 15, 1808.


Brings a Long List of Passengers

From Micronesia.

Interesting Report of the Captain SlatedDangerous Coral Rock Remarkably

Fast Return Passage.'

Tho Cnptaiii of tho MorningStar, which arrived this afternoonfrom tbo South Sens, makes thofollowing report of his voyngo:

We sailed from Honolulu July28, 1897, and procooded first totho Gilbert Islands, reaching

Aug. 14, 17 days fromHonolulu. Aug. 4, wo sightedaud putsed a huge coral rock inLat. 7 32 N aud Lon. 17313' V, with several projectionsfrom fivo to ton feet out of waterand perhaps au eighth of an acrein circumference. It is a mobtdangerous placo that wo think hasnever been seen or reported.

After very Bbort stops Bt Tnpi-teuo- H,

Maiaua aud Apataug of thoGilbert Inlands, we anchoredtho first timo nt Kusaio, Aug. 20,29 days from Honolulu.

We hove to at Pingelap of thoCnrolino group Sept. 7, and anchored at Ruk the first timeSept. 10.

Prom Ruk wo took Rev. andMrs. Price and Miss Puss to Loukunor, Sat au aud Elal of theMortlock group and landed themat Ponape, Oct. G, to bo taken toPiugelnp, Mokil and Ruk by theschooner Robert AV. Logau.

Reached KiiHaie tho socond timoOct. 12 aud Bailed from there forthe work of tho Marshall groupOct 18 with Dr. and Mrs. Rifo,Mis Hullin and Mis Oliu.

Visited soveuteou islands ofuroup, finished tho work aud returned to Kusaio the thitd timoDec. 18 aud lauded the niissiouaries aud scholars. Had somevery sever.) wothor, equalls audseas in the Marshall group.

After a ploaeaut Christmas atKusaio we sailed with Rov.- - O.Wii'kup aud scholars for tho workof tho Gilbert troup Dec. 20.Aft r a beat of 22 days agaiustmost unpleasaut and uncomfort-ably strong and squally N Et'ades and h gh sea wo agaio nnchoral at Tapiteuea Jan. 21, 1898.

After a visit to each of the eightGilbert Islands north of Tapit

and a call at Ocean or Paauopa Islands, wo returned to Kujaiethe fourth time Peb. 21.

Feb. 24 sailed from Kusaio tholast time for Ponape, Ruk andHonolulu. Slopped at PounpeFob. 20 nud 27, at Ruk March 3to 7 and sailed for Honolulu with24 pasBengers on board.

In Lat. 2(5 N aud Lon. 15233 E March 17, had a N E gale,probably an equiunxial storm.

Lint tho easterly wiuds in Lat.30 N and made our easting bo.ween Lot 30 and 34 N.Crossed the 180 meridian April2 and had I wo SUurdays. In Lat.32 o N and Lon. 103 W lost ournain boom by the wind jumpingnxtantly from S W to N W and

hi iwing nnoihar galo.From Lat. 33 3 25 N, an 1 Lon.

175 30 W on April 0 havo had'resh aud favorable winds, andmade tho distance, 1408 iiiilos toport, in niuo dnyH. Apiil 14, 150miles north of Oahu a three maxtd schooner passed goitm n nthSighted Oahu at daylight Aptil

15, aud 22 houisrom Ruk.

Mia Kl.le Aitalr.

At hnr entertainmont on Saturday ovening of next weok, MissElsie Adair will be assisted bylooil amateurs. Rgarding theviascop pictures to be exhibitedMiss Adair assures tho BulletinHint tho eyo aunoyiug vibration,Aliicli characterized tho work ofother machines that bavn shownhere, is positivoly absent in thisono. Anyhow, ovorybody willwant to see El-d- herself. Tickett at Wall, Nichols Co.




tnirty-oightda- ys


Hicfarlane vs. Government Stamp Hat-

ter for Defendant.

Joseph Lazarus Case Ruled Out or Court-Neu- mann

Gains Judgment Against

Ohera Roth Estate.

A decision, awarding 8270 dam-ngo- s,

was signed by Judgo Perrythis morning in the assumpsitmatter entitled Paul Neumann vs.V. Ohera and John Costa. Inthis matter plaintiff clnimcd S500as retainer aud foes for services ina suit entitle d Ohera vs. Acker-ma- n.

Neumann in parson; noappearance for dofondauts.

Tho Supremo Court by unan-imous decision today found fordefendaut in the matter of E. C.Macfarlano vs Republic of Ha-waii, beiug a claim for 8184 forstamp duty lovied upon Ihepapeisin tbo sale nud transfer of theHawaiian hotel promises fromdefendant to plaintiff last fall.L'ho court sums its conclusionsin ono Boutouce, viz.: "The Gov-ernment is not liable for stampduty upon its deeds." Kinney fc

Ballou for plaintiff; E.P.Dolo'fordefendaut.

The Supremo Court today ruledtho Lazarus estate caso out ofcourt for tho reasou that '"SectionG9, cb.57,Lausof 1892, ns amended by ch. 109, Laws of 1892, whichrequires au appellant on appealfrom nn order of a Circuit.Judge at Chambers to pay thecobts acorued aud givo a' bond forcosts further to accrue within tendays after the filing of tho orderappealed from, applies when suchappeal is taken to n Circuit Courtas well ub when taken to theSupreme Court." This is signedby Justices Prear nnd "WhitingOhiof Justice Judd dissents,taking precisely tho opposite view.Kinney & Ballou aud Heushallfor contestants; Brown and J. T.Do Bolt for oxecutor.

Judge Stanley has allowed thepetitiou of Cecil Brown, adminis-trator, to bo allowed to sell thetailoring business of tho lateSimon Roth to deceased's BonHenry P. Roth.

Pemona Nan tirutn.C. A. Brown's commission as a

member of the Board of Hoalthhas expired. He is not to be roappointed on account of havingmade himself persona non gratawith President Dole by reason ofhi- - expoureof alleged looseness)in tho Waikiki quarantine of theMinister of Poreigu Affairs andothers who madetbomselvoB liableto segregation by invostigatiucJapanese immigrants when therowas smallpox nt tho quarantineBtn'ion. It is rumored tint a prominont druggist is in the presi-dential eye for tho position.


All styles of Kroeeer pianos forsale, for cash or ou the iubtilraontplnn. Old instruments exchangedfor now onos. Pianos rented,tuned nnd repaired. Telephone321. Music Co., Ltd.,Mawonio Temple.

Royal make the food pure,wbolctomo anil dcllcloM.


N0POWDERAbsolutely Puro

aovtt mix, rowon eo hiw roan.


Quite a Clever Counterfeit of Hawaiian

Bills Appears.

Chinatown Roped In Banks and Business Hen

Aroused Alter the Bold


Tho business community wnsalarmed this morning by thesudden nppcnrauco ou tho marketof un ingouious counterfeit ouHawaii's paper currency of thi$10 and $20 denominations. Itbus dovoloped that tbo S5 certifi-cate has also been counterfeitedinto S20 by the process of "ruising." All forenoon tho bank,merchants and private individualshavo beou looking over theirpaper mouey for the bogus cur-rency.

Tho first bill noticed wuh a $10Hawaiian treasury certiGcate,wUich went from Hyinan Bros, totho station house for police in-

formation. It was paid into thehiu Qu on streut bullae by n InriroCluueBO linn upon whom it hudevidently been worked by nsharper. So trustworthy ore tluChinese merohauts concerned thatno suspicion wbutevor is attachedto them. They have no recollection of tbo origin of tbo bill utivuthat it was takou in over theircouuters.The counterfeit is evidontly cleo

trotyp'd from a plain photographof ouch side of tho bill. Evoydetail of tho original U clearlydemarked, savo soino errors incoloring. Tho dark shades of thebill are not so deop as ou thegenuine aiticlo. Bill numbersand tho signaturo of W.G. Ashloy,Registrar of Pinnnce, which nrored iu tbo original appear loadcolor in the counterfeit. "Jock"Carter, in Bit-hop'- s Bnnk, said itwas ' Irish," .ou tho part of theBulletin reprosoutative, to Baythat bo was told by Uyniaus thatthe rod was black in tho teu dol-

lars.Mr. Cartor denies that the cer-

tificate was "swallowed" at Bhhop's aud good coiu disgorged forit, but thero aro rumoiists meanounugh to say that it was even so.Regarding tho same scrip, Cat.hier Spalding at Sprockets &Co.'s bank is quite frank.He took it. No shame oither, for,being the first time Hawniiuu papor has eyor been tampered with,the plausible looking gioon goodswero quite liable to pass in a rush.As it was pronouted by Cap'niuPnrker of tho police at the banksfor experiment, those conaeruBlout nothing while being put outhe alert to prevent losses. AtSpreckels' nu overhaul of recentcash tlwwed that tho warningcumo nouo too soon.

There was discovered unionistthat concern's money a photographed $2J. It differed from the$10 counterfeit in having ro I

where that color mis requ'red bythe genuiuu Amnuu. tho lnrgenumber of persons who flocked loSprocket' bank to take note ofthe bou'us legal tondor was Depu-ty Colloctor J. P. Clay of tho Custoum. He was pale with the re-flection that ho had taken in $1500in twontios tho day before, ofwhioliBomo iud vidiialsliinpliutersnvght havo bou manufacturednot "by authority."

So far two different denomina-tions counterfeited, but tho end isno! yot. On getting tho nlann theBank of Hawaii raked over thocontents of its mouey drawersThoro whs found n $5 certificateriised t 820 quito npntly donebut not passable with nnybodyhaviug tho fnintost forewarning.Tho vignette do-du- on the fivesi a view of the GoverumontbniM-in- g

whilo that on the twenties isa picture of one of tho tutelar fo-m- ale

deities boshing a coffoo ranchor a stovodore's job, no mutter

Continued ou Klglith Pugo.

'I'lie oldeKt And letlettable and ncwiy,Uniformly lead. 1 lie

Evening llullellit doc

l'KIOi: 5 CliNTH.


Bogus Hawaiian Goods Bill Passed by

Unanimous Vote.

Maul and Hawaii Remembered In Flood Dam-

ages Bill, And the Act Passes New

Measures Routine Work.

Tho Judiciary Committee, byMr. Roberlsou, iccotuiuended thopassage of tbo following bills:

"Seuato bill 20, "An Act provid-ing for tbo election of Senators;"

House bill G8, "Au Act provid-ing for the appointment of tempo-rary circuit judges;"

Senate bill 24, "An Act amend-ing section 11 JO of tho Civil Godorelating to the submission of dif-

ferences direct to Supreme Courtwithout aotiou;"

Mr. Kahaulelio, for tho Co in-

tuitu o of Joint RuleH, to whomwns referrod tho ine8go of thoPresident ou a current resolutionof the lloii-- o rexpocting tbo dutiesof prosecuting ollicers, n portedthat there was no nilo providingfor concurrent resolutions. Aparncraph to cover the point wassubmitted ns an amendment. Newrule nd. pud.

The Public Lauds Committee,Mr. Loeboustein, recommoudedthe pat-Bng- of 'Senato bill 31,mnkiim special appropriations forflood damaged on Oahu and Kauaiwith tbo following additionalitems:

Repnirs to road and new bridgeovor Moolea gilch, Hanti, $1000.

Repairs to road and culvert,Haraakua, SHOO.

Repairs to road and culverts,Soii'b Hilo, S2100.

Mr. Achi gavo notice of nn Actrelating to malicious injury.

Mr. Robertsou introduced thofollowing Acts:

"An Act relating to tho carry-ing of mails by coaating vessols."

"An Act to relievo the Sailor'sHomo Society of taxation."

Llouso bill 59, foreign goods,passed final rending by uunni- -

IllOUB Vide.House bill 01, recovery of rents,

passed by a vote of 10 to 2,Messrs. Achi aud Kabnulelio inthe negative.

Hou-- o concurred in Senateamendments to House bill 32.

Senato bill 17, "An Act toamend Sections 030, G31 and G3Gof tho Civil Ctide relating to thologihtry of ves-.els,- " passed firstund feOL-ou- readings.

Seuato bill 20, electiou of Sena-tors, pasd second reading.Third Monday.

House bill G8, temporary Cir-cuit Judges, paeBid second road-in- g.

Sounto bill 31, ep cial appro-priations for flood damage-1- , pars-ed fiuat rending.


No ItMf-- t hutunlMy.

Contrary to reports in thomorning paper thoro will positive-ly bo uo racing at Cyclomoro nextSituiday evening. Nono worQever pluuned. As oiigiually an-nounced the tmck will bo re-opened on the evening of Apiil23, and not bofoie.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.



A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.




i 'tt jjasliiL. JiL ,J. klv..t. ' Jt.)ft.t,AWjMkM.10i.1..jw 4., ,it&;:LiUti4;.jJiv

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you


IT IS NEEDLESS LATE ARRIVALS !Commissioner Marsdcn Strongly Advo-

cates Kx 8. 8. "13oltrio"Making a Start on It,

10 SAY

U'linl tho qimllly of out Shoos is

high chins, llnil tliu milking i tyc

oollonl, 1 1 tit (lit) wear will ho nntis-fiuslor- y,

for hiiuIi tilings aro riglif n.s

ti unit lei' of course. Our afore in

your store. Ooine and enjoy it.

A. E. MURPHY & CO.205 Hotel St., Arlington Block.

Just Received Ex


"Mauna Ala.1'

Hay, Bran, Barley,Surprise Oats, Wheat,Middlings and Cracked Corn.

We huvo also received u fresh supply of

Port Costa and Starr Flours.

California Feed CompanyTelephone 121.

"The Hawaiian 17

.A. "WeelclyNewspaper

Devoted to the Agriculturaland Horticultural De-

velopment of tho Ha-

waiian Islands.

Issued Saturdays.


Ono Yoar $2 00Ono Yoar (Forolgn ixihtago paid)... 2 50Blx Months '' " " 1 25Blx Months (Domestic) 1 00fOnglo Copies 05

Advertising Kates on ap-

plication to Business Office

"The Hawaiian,"

210 King Street,Honolulu, H. I.

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Molokal, H. I.

Abstraot and BusinessOffice Agenoy.

Having been piitrustI from busi-ness men all over the Islands for thepast years, T am preptrwl to makeAbstracts of Titles or PppiIs In a mostthorough, accurate ai.il complete man-ner, ii"il lo neuullatc sales or leasos oflands belonging to those who aro.ro-aidin- g

at the Settlement on short no-tion. OiBm


Queen Street.

Landlord's Sale.

rublld notice Is hurohy fjlvon tlintwotif? wn landlord, tltil on tlio 12thd.iy of March. 18U8. dlBtniln nnil lowuioii tlio following poods unci ehiittoN ofIiIh defaulting toimut Lin Wo for runtin arreurn nncl duo tlio wild landlordumoimthif,' to tlio mini of ono liunilrodnnd twonty dollars (8120.00), being routof cortain promlsoN Nltimto on NnimmiHtroot, in Honolulu, to wit.: All lli.itstock of K'ononil niort'lmudlKo, goods nndchattels, consisting chlolly of staplo nndfancy groceries, tobacco, nlnos. ciinirs.crockery, 1 refrlgorutor, lumps, etc.,otc, comprising tho stock In trndo nndfurnitiiro nnd llxturos of wild Lin Wonnd contnlnod In said promises on tho..... ui.j VM .uiuni, ioi'o. Aim noiico ishurulty glon Hint said goods nnd clmt-tols will 1h) sold nt public miction, at tliomiction rooms of Jus. V. Morgan, onQueen street, In Honolulu, on THURS-DAY, tho Hth day of April, Ihll8,ntl2o'i lock noon, to satisfy tho rout duo usaforesaid, together with tho costs of suchdistress, custody nnd sale.

WONO WA FOY.Dated Honolulu, March 28, 181)8.

87:1 td


By last steamer from the Coast.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my store, where the

BEST CUSTOM WORKJs done repairing and new workboth. Pins, rings, bracelets, watch-making, etc.

H. G. BIART, - 404 Fort St.

Notice to Creditors.

AH creditors of tho ICstateof CharlesT. Olllick, deceased, nro notified topresent their claims with proper vou-chers and duly vurllled to the under-slgni-- d,

Kxecutrlx of wild Kstnte, ntNo. 239 King street, Honolulu, withinsix months from nnd after tlio publi-cation of this notice otherwise, theywill bo f rover barred,

BAItEPTA A. aULTCIC,Executrix of tho Estate of Charles

T. Oullck, deceased. 869-l-

For Rent.

House containing four rooms, withkitchen, pantry mid storeroom. Pre-mises on Lllllia street opposlto Ktia-kln- l.

Immediate possessloi. given.For terms apply to W. C. Parke,Kanhuinunii street, or C. Crelghton,Merchant street. 788-t- f

Evening Bulletin 75c per month.

TltlJ 15VKNIN0 IIUIililfrTINi llOKOIiUMJ, JJ. Iy AVMh 16, IHW)

He Would Like Ibe Boji of the Reform School

' Emplojcd lo Agricultural Purtulls

it the Station.

"Tlio nood of mi Kinorlnii'iilnltitntion in Honolulu Is KroMlyfill l," hiivs CointnisHliitiur MnrMliinin lib lilonninl ronort. "Now intluwItii'H lo occupy hiul uuMiitnbio for cofTeo, ttugnt ruid ricewould piovo of tlio utinoHt vnhuto tlio country. Small culture togo linntl iu baud with tlio cofTeoiuduHtry, ntnl which will ounbloHip plautors to pniploy nil tho yenrround n BtifliciiMit ntitnlirr ofItibotors bo that whn the picking-- enholl is on hn will linvn nt lnucomtnimd onnugh hands to gathertho crop without lose.

"During tho puBt year I1ip Commif Hioner annt n Miporior qunlitytit Castor Oil hoatiB lo evorv noffriHulntiter iu Puna nnd Olnn ilu- -triet", with Iho hopn that not onlyuouiu tins plant prove valuab'oH8 II hlllllln for vnlllur pniTon trnoohuU also provo a proutaulo cropto grow for tho oil, which is amaple article in tho tnnrkotsof thoworld. Ouco nrnvn lhnt nnnlnroil is ,a paying crop and manywuuiu in unco eunyi iu us cul-ture, but until that fact is demonstrated no ono will pay sorious utteution to it.

"Auothur iiuliiHtrv Hint in fullof promise is the growing of SeaIsland cotton. For boiuo veaispuBt persona have now nncl thouplanted a pnt-- of cotton with theonly result of proving what wiibIciiowui joars ago, viz: that thep'ant finds a congenial homo inthis country. What is wanted isthe kuowleduo of whether or notcotton, or any other economicpiiuit, enn be cullivntod with pro-l-it

with the kind and prico of labor obtainnblo in these Islands.Private individuals oldom haveiho nipans or incliualion to enrryon any oxporimont'd cultivationto a cotnplote conclusion and preSf rvo nil the data that would sorvoas a guide to othors. It is possi-ble that mnny economic plsntemay eventually be made profitableto cultivate, and thereby diversifyour products, but much carefulexperimenting will have to bodone-t- determine the best methodsand cost of cultivation, boforo rocommending such plnnts for eco-nomic cnllurein this country.

" All such experimental workshould be done by the Governmout; all that is ueoded is thofunds to carry on the work. ThoBureau of Agriculture is in posse-sio- u of a suitable traet of lsndfor an Expeiimoutul Stdiou, andalthough the amounts needd tostnrt the work hawhopn voted, 13 rotby tho Provisional Governmentand afterward by tho Legislature,unfortunately tbo items woroplaced in the list of moneys to bopaid out of current receipts andhave not to the prefout time beouavailable. An otimato of thecoBt of starlit g tlio ExperimentalStation aud cHnyinu it on for theensuing bipunial poriod hss beouprepared, and I would ask thattho satno bo submitted to tlioL"u'iolature with tho recommenda-tion that it pass

"As in former reports tho Com-missioner would ngain btronnlyrecommend tho moving of thoIteformatory school to the site ofthe proposed Experimental Btntiou. Tlioro tho boys could bomployed and tatigjithow to cul-

tivate the soil. With tho hours oftlio (lav oronerlv mnnrlinnrvl Inschool nnd work nt the station, thenova would learn habits of sloadyiudiiBtry, aud when allowed tolenve tho school WOllId hn in n

position to earn their own livinglr n .iHlfiiilliiHrtl 1.a1u.m. .1u mi.-- itiiiruiiuiui iiiairiuis, auii

not drift into thn iilrnnili? nvncrowded ranks of tho unomployoJin Houolulu."

A HlronS Combination.

Healthy men and Rainior beermnko an undermioable co uhina- -ttou. Wonlr and nervous mTnenn groatjy increase their s'rengtliuy iuu jiuiiuiuuB use oi uaiuiorbeer. On tno or in bottlnn nf. tluCiiiorion Saloon.

Mechanics' Homo, oornor Hoteland Ntiuanu streets, lodging bvday, week or month. Tomis: 26and 50 conts por night. $1, and$1.25 por week.

"Xono vi!i'gnuluiil(!tl from

llm Kuliotil of lCxpoilDiifo1'

and wo nro Mill learning, hut

duo of tlio things wo'vo al-

ready got Ion ly hciirl Ih, (lmi(ho ilonlor who koIIh (ho honl

goods is (ho ono who slayslongest in linsiness, makes (ho

most inoiioy and is most res-

pected iu iho community.lust gel our Catalogue and


Lewis & Co.


Senses.Up to the hourWo hrliiKthe fashionsiu youngster'sllxiiiplints nndfurnishingsns well nsclothesnnd no higherpriced thantlio ordinary kind.

Tlio custom tnllordecries "rundy-miido- "clothes Ithout distinction.Knno goods, H.UUO stylo,siiiiio iimko.Vordlet favors youreounnou sonso.

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street Wavcrloy Bloci

Acents for Dr. Delmel'e Llnen-Mes- L

Underwear. Send for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Turkeys ! Turkeys !


Aliye, Dressed or Roasted.


Chickens, Ducks and

Sucking Pigs


Central Meat Market,

Nuuanu Street.Leave Your Orders Early.

Telephone 104.


Dandruff KillerWIU convlnco you that It Is all

that we claim it to ho.

Warranted to. OureJFOU BALK ONLY BY

Paoheco & Fernandas,Arlington Block, Hotel Streot,

Manila CigarsItecoiving Itoguhirly hy Every Sleamor

Havana, Amorioan and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos,

Pipes and Smokers' Artioles.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Port & Merchant Strcoto.


Pleasantly Located LotsOn King St., near Waikiki Road


Double-walle- d, Well-buil-tModern Cottages.

1& Artesian Water with Title of Property. For cashor on tho instalment plan.

;&$ lr i i b ii ?$v


itirWimairja aytymiMj irT n irri :i 1 r


,! ! "" ,a f

wkm ii"



... J--, c

Dining Room





ei T, -



illI "'' ..' -

cfx pPonCH B.?0QM. El

Bed Room.

CL055T clpse;

J Bi-dRoo- -

GEAR, LANSING & CO.,SIO KZixig Street.

titj. Ja .ij. mM' J. I. Jb... '..i,ti UUteU.ib.4 . 'iiuJI





Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you

UuviBrMoitu. Wa.O.lawm,


OMObULU . . . . ft, t,

t yui Agml NlTADi Bins orBam Fiukcuco,


Ban Fiukoiico The Nevada lUnk ol BadPrancltco.

tJHhoK TL Union lUnk ol London. Ltd.Niw Toiik Atnrrican Kielianice National

Bank,Cmcioo Merchant National Bank.1'Ahia Coraptolr National d'Ktcoupt da

t'Artt.Bihlim Dmdner llankiUOHOKONO AMU TnitOIUMl HoDRkODR A

Bhans.hal Banking Corporation.MlfT .ALAND AND AUITHALI A IlADk Of NW

Zealand.Viotohia and Vancoutir Bank ol Brltlth

North America.

Tnmct a Otieral Banklne aid EttUin Buinws

Depolnti Uecelved. Loans made on Ap-

proved Security. Commcrclil and TravcleraCredit Uincd. 11IIU of ExcUanRO liouRbtand told.Com-ictioh- s rnoMPTLT AocouNTap For.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Asseti July, J897, fll8,768JS5.

Monqy Loaned on Approved Socnrity,A BavluR Bank (or Monthly Deposits.Houses fiallt on tuo Monthly Inatallment

Plan.Fifteenth Series of Stook now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Secretary.Chamber of Commerce Rooms.Offloe hours. 12:30 1 :30 P.M. 373-t- f

Established 1858

bishop cSc co-banker- s.

Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

lz Yokohama Specie Ban

LIMITED.Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Dp capital Yen 7,600,000Beservo Fund Yen 6,464,500



Kobo, London, Lyons, New York,Ban Fraucisoo, Shanghai,

Bombay, Hong Eong,Transact a General Banking and Ex-

change Business.Agenoy Yokohama Specie Bank

New Republic BnUUu. Ill ting St, Honolulu

J. S. WALKER,Genhiui, Agent fob Hawaiian Islands

Boyul Insuranoe Company.Alliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and General Assuranoe

Oompituy.Sun Life Assuranoe Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Madgeburg Insuranoe Com-

pany.Honttish Union and National Insuranot


Room 13 Bpreckels Block, Honolulu, II. I

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Orr'oxi Merchant street, Honolulu:



The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of Heal.Estate and Furniture,

H. MY CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 617 Fort St., Honolulu

Tlnhnnnr 2'J P.O. Box 470



225 Quoen street, Honolulu, H, 1


Merchant TailorsSuits ol Linen Duck, Woolen, Etc.,

At vory low prices.

King, noar oornor Richards.

Baking powder at 25 cents or 30 cents a poundnever ought to have been sold, because good bakingpowder is cheaper docs more for the money.

13ut now as the good times back as thenewspapers say the excuse for cheap baking powdersis even less than ever.

money back if you like Schilling's Bestai your grocers.

Art Portraits

Plinannu V tftvlittr. n limill iir ir.trul L painter of Hut. Fruuc.co, Ih

IIOW 111 UUlltllUlU UIIU I'UIHIWIVU Williour Htutllo. Ills work liere Is ulremly


ntul admired by nil who seo It.Water color and Crayon portrulturofrom llft'Hlzo to mlnltitures. A spe-cialty is inudo of painting ou ivoryand poreoluln. Get your

Sweetheart's Picture

on your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. Photographing by thelatest Hcieuce, witli special regard toposing and grouping, still makesours tho

Best Place.

At tho old stand in Fort street.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Haiekauwila Sta,

iiae a lurgo assortment of

Jhandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand,

Estimates given for house wir-n- gand Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.


Yee Sine: TieLargeWicket

aHj&fllrffiW&4 Chairsof theLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery WareWing WoTai Co.

214 Nuuanu Street.

Honolulu Jji :. Mills

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for bailing, polishing and assortlntonffofl. wa am nrAniirHri tn hnv nnrl nlAntooffee in the parobment.


Oofto !Apply to

3m H. HACKFELD & CO,, Ltfl,

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - Gold & Sil

ver, ft$ versmith.

JIo, 417 Nuuanu street, next to Love'sBakory.

XST Oubapkst ik Town JE

jWjrtB" "

allium KMNtNCKJIUlitiHTINl. llONOUsUl. II, 1 Al'ltlli Ifi, .HUH

are coming

Your don't




Wen Steamship Co't


0. L. WIGHT, Prei. 8. B. HOSE, Beo.Capt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 A. m touching alLahaina, Maalaea Bay and M.ikona th(same day; Mahukonu. Kawalhaeund Laupahoohoe the following day, arriving aluilo tho same evening,


'Tuesday.April 10 I Saturdoy..Apr 10trlduy Apr 20 Wed'nday..Apr 27Tuesday ....Mny 1(1 8uturlny.....Muy 7Friday May 20 Wed'sdayRlay 18

Beturning, will leave Uilu at I u'ciuor. m., touching at Laupabuehoe, Mahnkona and Kawalhae same day) Makena,Maalaea Bay and Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the aftornooniof luesday and Fridays.

Will oaU at Poholkl, Puna.No Freight will be received aftei

9 a. m. on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p.m.,touching at Kahulni, liana, HamoaandKipahulu, Mani. Itoturning arrives alHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call ntNun.Kaupo. on sooond triiof each month.

tfPSo Freight will bo received aftei4 p. At. on day of sailing.

Thla Company will reserves the right Umako changos in the time of departure andarrival of its steamers without notice an'it will not be responsible for anyoonsequences arising therefrom.

GnndffmAAa mnaf lui a, 1ia t nJfKn. -receive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itnfllf.. reatvinalhlA In rAtl. A,A.-- - SVUf.UHu.u.v aw. l.viKUb IUHJit has been landed.

Live Stook only at owner's risk.Thin flnmnnnv vlll nn, U AI.nMMlut

for MonAV nr ValnnhlAa nf nAaaAnnAunlORfl placed in the care of Pnrsers.

l'ackago.s containing porsonal ofTccts,whothor Hhlpiwd us baugago or frolght,if tho eoiitonts thoroof oxuood S100.00 Invalno, must havo tlio vuluo thoroofplainly stutod ami markoil, and thoCompany will not hold itsolf liablo forany loss or dumago In oxcohh of tillssum except tho goods bo Hhtppod tuuloru ocinl contract.

All employees of tho Company aroforbldilon to rocoivo freight without

a shipping rocolpt thorofor Intho form proscribed by tho Companyami which muy bo soon by slilpixirsupon njiplipution to tho pursors of thoCompany's .Steiunorn.

Shippers aro notlllod thnt If frolght isshlppod without such rotolpt, it will bosololy ut tho risk of tho shlppor,

1'asiionKers are requeutoa to purohasticketi t efore embarking. Those failing tido so will e subject to an additionalobarge of twenty-liv- e per oent.


" fs,3 sr y 3

ti elf ll ! BrSSw 1

li Is ,1 cp 'X o g- & g OJig 1181, o q ;J

? 3 2. ST CJ Xtt.X ? C 8 5 . J

j ha s. na c: i

444A44 444. Matt3n

Evening BulUtin 7Re per month.

iiiM'fiitfilJJSifiiifti iilflinii ni'i ny'imi mi


Judge Wilcox Has DlUlcullj Id Fill-

ing Pol Contract.

Petition for i rhilclin In Kin -- Tiro Grow

ln! it theStllltiwnl-Ilu- llh of China

ind Jtpaa General Mitten.

Prcniclf ut Smilli, Dr. Kmeraon,Mr. LtiuHini, Mr. Kullipio nmlMr. Jtci)ol(tH woio prusunt nt llioluoellng of tho IJonnl of llcnl--

hold at 1 o'clock yetorilny nftor-not- m.

Dr 01ivr of th Settli'-jno- nt

aihI Dr.MotiBnrrnt worn nlaoprcHunt in I ho capacity of vinitorH.

Inspoi'tor Koliipio roporlidhaving pxnmiucd a total of 05273tiah in tho past two

Dr. F. S. S. Jfromo had lly

ptissod an examinationby tho hoard of phyBicians. AllPOtlRP in tifnnltan itinliftiim t..u


Dr llmeol'a claim for ntlond-ing- ;nn ollpgod cao of diphthprU

in Hilo wub deforrod for iuvoatigaliou.

Another petition for thoof Dr. WHuuhop.Sr,

hb Qovprnmeut phjaioinu atKoloa, Kauai, to aucceed tho latoDr. Jnred K. Smith, wbb rpad.

A po itinn from the district ofKau, irtland of Hawaii, pny8 thnappoiuttuout of Dr. McMillan bbGoverumenl phyioinn to BucfpoilDr. Cnpron, an ay on leave. Thiswan aiiiftl by 1'23 nativoa. Actionagain deferred.

Judce W. L. Wilcos sont in nnalurminn report of tho poi equa-tion. Ho haid tao wan bo aearcthat hu whs uuublo to till ordersand uould find it vprv hard toupply the HOttlfinpnt uuder his

contract. There whb couaiderablodinouHHion on tho ountiou ofwhether or not ricp and wlieatilour cnuld be aubatituted iu nartfor a time. It was to

tho shipments of theno lut- -

tor articiPA to tlio BOttlemwut.A request of Superintendent

Feorv to be allowed to nmw tHrnnear KHlftupapn for tho uao of theaotllemout whb deferred.

Dr. Jordan rpnurtifl ilint tlmsmallpox had spout itsolf iu Hongk nu dui ttiHt tuo pisgue wa-- t increasing. T o diBnaso afftctedohiotly OhiiieHe renid'-ut-d of filthyhabiiB. Heal h of Jiipun was re-ported to bo vory good.

Adjourned.' .

Tim Finn! Hoclal.

Tho social in Ceutral Unionchurch parlors yesterday oveuinnwas one of tho most olaborato andonjoyablo ever hold. It was verlaigoly attoiidtl by membera of'ho .Sunitay Hchnol and tho cougreKatiou. Amonir thrt hpeciiltealuroa of tho program w ro: Avocal solo, by Mra. O. G. Balleu-yu- e;

piano polo, by Misa Crocker,and a humorous reading by Mrr.W. V. Hall. I.frBliniPntn hihItho genotal social program imuieuiaieiy lonowocl.

The Daneen of Hfirinir

Which arise from impurities intho blood and a ddiilntedof tt i - vital iluid mnv bo pntir,.ltraverted by Hoid'a SarsapHrilla.mis great meaicino cures ailPD'illP humors, linils. prnnlinnuands)r8, and by enriching andviiMuzini.' mo nioou, it overeomenthat tiro I feliug and gives vitali-t- y

n d viyor.lio. U's Tills cure nausea, siek

ueaaiictip, hiliotiFucss and allliver ills. Price 25 couts.

Will Hlurt m Iuir.A. Livitlffllnnn Intulu nilitnr n(

the Northern Mininn itojisier ofMount ruattnet. West Auslralm,is a thiough pHssougor by the S.S. Warriraoo. Ho ia en route toDrtweon Oily whoro ho will osiab-l's- h

a raining and newa journal..Mr. LivitJiititnuG ii nil nil! hund nthia buainebs and f.ola confident ofmaking money in tno new Eldo-rado.

Window pnlea and fittings.King Bros., DO Holol atreot.

Singora Ipnd tho world. Over13.OUO.000 mud and hoIiI. ni.,1,.oat awards at tho World's Columbinn Exonsitinn for pxnpllnnnn n(conslructioii, regularity of motion,enso of motion, great speed, adiiifltiibilitv. durnnilitv. nnnn nflparuing and co 'venioneo of arrangomoni. u. uorgorBou, agont,KJJ Bothol street.

The Remington Typewriter




BRUSSELS EXPOSITION OF 1897.TfeSThisiH tho UioiiEST Possiiim: Awajiij, ranking

nbovo a Gold IMcdnl.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LtdSole



Tho Steamers of at andas

Prom San Francisco:Anril 27


of Honor


For San Francisco:ZEALANDIA AprilMARIPOSA Ai,ril


Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Fino PaBsongor This Lino Will Arrivo

Loavo This Port Horoundor.


MARIPOSA May 25fZEALANDIA May 17In connection with tho sailing of tho abovo steamers, tho Agonta

aro prepared to iaauo, to intending paaaougora, coupon throughtieketa by any railroad from San Francisco, to all poiuta in theUuitod Statoa, and from Now York by any BtoamBhip lino to allEuropean ports.

For furthor particulars apply to

Wa. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.


A. NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor IudigOBtion, Livor Complaint, Diaoaaoa of tho Kidnoyand liladdor, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

Since IVe Must Eat toLive, Let's Have tlte 'Best.

Just Ooened "Up anCnvoice of . . .

SelpLyfiq's Besj lmsCON8ISTINO

Tapan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Qira them trial. Money book don't like them. Also, jnst received

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild CheeBo, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc.,Et&

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next the Arlington.




a if yon


-- I. O, ItOJt 1S


oTOceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Received by Every Pocket from the Eastern States and Europe

mESH . CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEBAll Orders faithfally attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Vart ot the City FBEE,

Gonoral Agonts for tho Sanitarium Brand of Hoalth I'ooduJLUTD Obdhu, tiOUOITU, Havisiauvioii UCUUHII"





Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you

HHHHHHNIIP "" ?Fm'Wf&ms" 'w'





? 3 tjjk

liMiinn. 15 t iiniikt ltv llirt WM'i niHl I

aiii.'rinii:liuiiiviivia in i.iiiiuu i imii inv ...

HuU m il" Kin MtM,llimoliilo. II- - I.


IV r Mittrih. Hhtp Iti tin H- -

mmIIhii Ii4hH1.... 7

Jifif VhhT. ,,,, ,,. B on

IVr Year, mtttlri te AittMfe.OumiIii r Mexico B

IVr Ymr, Momli1,Mibr IteKtfBn(fcniiilrlo m


Tlll.lII'lliiNIW:IIiiIuok OiHco S"lMltorliil ItiHim "'"

n. ln 101.

A.V Oian ..PiilillflitTiiMil ProprietorDaniiii. Uhiaj. ....I'MltnrCi Ai rimiiiuiiN Miuingcr

F1UDAY, APHIL 15, 1898.

Wouldn't "oll nh I" journnliimibo h tnoio H4iiupri.i(o nnmc fur it,yhou it puts ita ftilcea. in the loud

chI print v

CoinnnH'imier Mnrleu'8 recom-

mendation for nu Experimeii'nlStation, with nu ludubttitd Fiumcomhiued, is ono of tbo most ble

to carry out of nil tbo pro

positions bofo'e tbo Legislature.

Tlio only "exclusive" news of

grent intercut, while thoroughlytrue, was fouud yesterday nfternoon, n usual, in tho Bulletin.Whatever foolish noiious niny bo

in eomo peoplo's heads, tbo grunt

majority bntik upon clean andhonest journnl'Bin.

It may surpriso somo residentsto bo told Unit tbo employment of

bloodhounds to trn"k fugitive con

victs was suggested in a local

paper eleven year ago. Suchdesporato cbnrnctors as ObunHook, tbo murderous burglar,had been giving tbo authoritiesmuch troublo nbout thnt tiiuo.

Informnlly converging with n

Bulletin representative, a dis-

tinguished member of tbo diplomatic corps oxprepsed tbo hopethat tho opium trntlic would notbo licensed in Hawaii. It wouldBurely bring tho drug within com-

paratively easy rencb of the native

Hawaiians, with results as dpplornblo as bad hnppened from tboeamo cause to natives of othor Pn-ci- Gc

lauds. Tbis conveyance of

opinion is not, however, the occa-ai- on

of takiug up tbo subject nt

this instant. Tlio immediate in-

stitution, remoiuberiug that opiumbills aro peudii'g iu the Legisla-

ture, is a leii.liug article iu a ro-ce-

issue of tbo Shanghai Mer-

cury, unler the hoidiug, '"TheGlobo Trott-- r and the OpiumSiuokor." Aftor a few remarksnpou tbo positive facility withwhich tlio ubiquitous globe trotter"aulves problems that have taxedthe brams of experienced stttes-me- n

and disposes of questionsthat have perplexed tho veteransof half a coutury's residence in thecouutry in which he himself hasspout half a hundred das," theMercury writer takes up statemeats about opium smokiugmadein a lectuio by a Mr. Fraser uponthe subject, 'Through Upper

!&JW& .

, . . . v. t -I

i- - .





Burmnh an I Western China," do

liv.ro 1 before the Asiatic Societyof Japin. Tne lecturer is report-ed as saying:

"I bad read a good denl abouttbo opium smoker in China, ofwhat a llrshless wrck bo IB, howho is hollow eyed mid nerveless,always iu tatters, and alwas beseeching for more opium. Theromay be Mich a peiBon,but I ratherfancy h is a eroa'ure of roumncoI saw ninny thu-nud- s of opium-smoke- rs

hundreds of thousandT might By --during thoso fivemonth it took in crossing Oliiun.Tboro woro men who bad smnkt--

for th rty year, Birong, honlthy.robiii-- t men, who certainly showedno signs of being victims Thocooll class, notorious opiumsmokers, invariably Bppnt theirevouing over the pipo; et duringtbo day, without faltering, theywould walk from twenty to thirtymiles, cmrving 120 lbs., nnd thisnot on no day but day after daythroughout their lives. 1 nm notfor ouu moment d fending opiumsmoking, but I took ouroful note

miinn to theMinclimitMi lint 'd I the lulk W"

benr nbout the 0hlhee opiumvlollnt n iiolblng lUn but iiroMinnd wilful elaboration."

The Morcury mwoiiIh

"roPN Mid wilful etnKerhtlon," nn nppllnl to men qiiltcm illhiutereBtotI rh tho leelnrorand who have IIh1 forfive, teu, twenty, or fiftyear's, in region tnncroed by

li i in. It qiioHtioiiH the stiteuieiittbnt Mr. Frnser look enreful noloby tlio way," nltboiigb Hentcelyblaininj! Iiim "for not liaviug seentho llHhlc-B- , hollow-o- y od, bitteredopium wreck, nUnyn beseechingfor inoro opium." The McrcuiyByB: "Ono dors not linvo to go

out of tho foreign Settlement atShanghai t' find such vietims of

tho pipo. A single morning nny

day iu tho wi-e- nt tbo Mixed

Court would havo bIiowii him

moro thau ono poor wret-d- i with

glittoriug eyes, pasty roinploxiou,emaciated frame, aud tattered garmouU, who had been driven to

theft to satisfy his craving." Asto opium smokers who have indulged iu tho coBtly habit forthiity nnd forty years, nnd whoaro btill in fair he.nlth, the pnporsays: "Those who nro sufficientlywell-to-- do to purebnso thodrug without denying themselvesthe necessaries of life do not always sutler to nny considerableextent. But to nssert, therefore,that there aro no wretches iu China suffering indescribable misoryfrom opium smoking is as unreaBouablo as to ailirm that there areno povorty-stricke- u druuksrds inGreat Britain bocauBO thero orein on who driuk nil thoir liveswithout going to excess."

Mr. Fraser's statement aboutcoolios who carry groat burdenson long trnmps, aud that throughout their livos, tbo Mercury describes as "rather tall talk from onowhocoufossodly saw them but fivemonths and who probably saw noone coolie moro thau a few days."Here, now, is tho testimony givenby tbo Mercury ns to tho actuali-ties of opium using in China,right wbero that paper has beenprinted for moro than half a cen-


"Wo do not profess to bo ex-

ports on the question of opium-smokin- g,

but wo havn conversedwith hundreds of Binokers iu theirown langu-ig- aud hsve found abare halt-n-doz- ou who defendedit. Almost all bnve coudemno I itns coctly nnd injurious to henMi

most of them bnve d. scribedtbo craving nB irresistible and de-

clare it imp ssible to break thehabit. We have known n fowraeu of exceptionally willwho bnve fretd thoturolvon fromthis terrible sluvi ry, anil inuuymore who bnve nt'etnptfd it nodfiiil'd. One caso that lute lieeuimpressed upnu the memory itlmt of a mau who had h ranked formnny yenrs iiud red tied himselfto beggary aud to extreme eiua-ciatio-

of bodv, who was cttutiouod against iittemi)'ing to givo uptbe pipe, but who never' IioIoshHbandnned it, tli mgh tlio effortcauBfd his death. Iu two iiisttiicoswo liHve known tnon iu well to docircumstances who havn gruel uallyIiulon into slavry and leen reduced to such extreme poveitvand Iohh of bi If res oct ns totheir wives nnu daugliters to ob-tu- in

the m"iuin of batisfyinu tincraving. Theso, it will b" 8'iid,aro raro citses. Very probablythey are, but tliey eamo t) usquite iiicidentnlly and not ns tothose who wero in king particularinquiries iuto tbo question."

Do Quineoy's "Confesxions"may bo moro artistic, but they aroscarcoly inoro impressive thanthis present day testimony as totho opium ovd.

Rev. D. P. Biruio conducted thefuneral be vices over tho roinaineof the lato "13 iruoy" Donne. Tliofunernl took place from thn undert'ikin parlors of II. II. Willitimsat 10 o'clock this morning.

Sonator Lymnn found a smnllpur-- near PrinceeB Kaiulnni'scontniuiug small sum of money.

ne owmr chh na'o it Dy applyig to iIih Bulletin's businessoffico and doaoribing tbo same.

J- A. r ...1, , .

uvii&?mi laihhiwusi uoKtiuiiiiiii-Ji- . i amu ). m

jlmcly Jopisttpril $, iSy$,

Tickling mother earth withgood aKiicullur.il implementsnukes her tough. Wc h.ivc thelight kind. Wc do not ad-

vertise to convince people thatour goods arc the best, thegoods speak for themselves.This is to bring to your noticethat now is the time to buy

The Perfect Breaker,

(12, 14 and 16 Inch)


Perfect Double Mould.

The mould board and pointare made of the best chilledsteel.

Perfect Plows,

For light cane cultivation,5 inch to 1 3 inch cut.

Rice Plows, all Sizes,

The strong point to all ofthese plows is that they arefitted with or without exten-

sion wings, draw, easier thanany other and turn a furrowthat leaves nothing to be de-



Hawaiian Hardware Co,LIMITED,

NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Spreckole' Bank.

Deutscher Gottesdienst.

Ilorr l'ator Isonlwrg wlnl nut 801111-tn- i:

don 17 April VoriiiitUiux 11 Uhr Indor Y. M. C. A. Hull proillKun.


Meeting Notice.

A Mtwtrtlnt Afintttur nf flirt 'Trii ui itiiu nftho Qiiuoii'h Hospital will ho hold at thoHooinx of tho Ch.iiuhorof Comuiorco, 011

SATU11DAY, tho Ifltli Inst., nt III o'clockn. 111. OKO. V. SMITH,8Hl-- lt Socrntary.


Mr. W. Vfotoiihanur hax hcim olcctodUK Troaxniur of our Company in placeof Mr. C. Howe, roxl(?no(l.

II. HACKI'HI.l) A. CO., LTD.Honolulu, April 10, 1811s. 8S9-:- it


Kroiu tho prunilKOHof tlio niulci'HlgiKHl,near l.unulilo mid Kcniiumokii HtruotH, aJ lay Maro with white face. I'loaso loavoany lnforiimtion of tho animal's where-abouts at rosidtuico or (jrocury dopart-ino-

Thoo. 11. D.ivlcs it Co.HSU tf I'llUI). Ii. WAIiDHON.


Tile Iiitemleil llrlilt of London Lordllluyor Son.

Captain How ml, It. N., Hon. J.Mo'ris, of Vict rin, Amtrtlia, anda prty of eight Indies all pas-snnge-

by tho AVarriraoo are en--gag u in sigtit-sooi- ng today in nfour-in-hn- nd piloted by OhnrlioB. llinn, of tho OlubStables. Hon.Mr. Morris is the nuoredit d Commiesion-- r ou Wuios from thocolony of Vietoiia to the PnrisExpoiitiou. Ho in accompaniedby bis daughter and several Indiesprominent iu colonial circles entoute to Paris and Londou. Totho di'tinniehed gontleman'Hdaughter, the end of tho trip willin of the utmost import, as sliowill on hor arrival in Loudon bemarried to n son of Sir J. Hicks,Loid Mayor of Londou, Severalof ilio ladiis with hor wil1 act nsbridesmaids on tho happy day.The party nio all d imicilod at tboHawaiian until th" steamerloavos,

Per Zealandin tho Merchants'Exehnuuo jocoived a fresu lot ofEuiop iso boer nnd oysters forcocktuils.

! t j i. jftwik.. .. .w . , L. 'f4i r Alh,


Tbe Sife Dullness Mm Addi t Fair Croftl to

the Cod of Ills Goods,

"If Mtijeln atfdit Stiiiiw llnlrlnillieMllii'te1'lmrit

tolll ! mi In IM,i.In h i'Inm ,if iiilni' nimi w lio iln

Hot know how In M'll ifixxU oxcolit liltlUifliHinnil'r iik'IImhI. Tliclr lliliiiiimi mImiii Riirnrti'linil liy h iinliinicrIn In ri'ilmii thn irleo. III nnlrr to liniri'M Ilin wiiiilcMxi nttrlmMr Hint tliry

nru (ti'ltlnu a fix'clnl jirliii. Kucli nmniinni'Mir nrnkn n mioi'm of wiling kimhIn ofworth nml merit. It In nu pntnlilUlieilruin nf thn tniilo llml Iwiti'rliiK Incur-rle-il

nu with tlio iixcIiikImi nljctt of roil.Minnlite timllt'initkliiK. When n mniirufiiMN to niii)il Hit rrnMinnlitn irolltho will clllicr not niv IiIn oliooni.ildTor roll lln limn front whom ho liu.v; tinIn IkmiihI to Ix-i- miiiio one. It In nlniotittt luv.irlnliln rule thitl prUi-ciill- nrolllirellnlilc ninl lived wiitrltliiK. If youlnio nny In your tonii wiilch thnnithou nnil hco If our wonlNiiro not mtI-lici- t.

"A reliable nnd MrnlKhtforwnril IiiihI

iii'hs limit In tlio limn who cnilciivoiH tojil.ico IiIn liiiilitcxt on n llrm nnil xi'ctircIkinIh. Iln imkN for n fair prollt lor

til" inoimy In KtiM'kmul for iniilii-tnlnlii- K

n xtoro to xlieltcr a I'liKtoumrwhen ho In wokliiK to Invcxt. Tho wifelitixIncxM limn kitowH wlml hlHgooilMciwt,mill lio ktiowM that liy HililliiK mi ii fairjirli-- to UiIh iiist prlco tho Milling jirlcoor llKt prlco In rimchud. Never In thohlMory of any littxInoxN Iiiin thn kcIIIiikprlco lioun brought no iiwtr to tho cost ofimxtiictlou In Mich tolxipgiin-Hllil- o

manner." Cycle Ago.

Pacific Cycle & Manufacturing Co.

Ehli'irt' Building.


Spring and Summer

Opening !

LatestNew York 0

NoveltiestJCSr Everything crisp with newness,

sirabio designs, truly regal in thoir beauty.

Miss M. E. Killean,

The Eveat of An Eventful Year



Rtgal Hippodrome


Owing to tho success at-

tending the Circus Mr. Wil-liso- n

has decided to postpone

his opening date for some

day this month.

Waverley Club HallBethel St., bet. King & Hotel.



Tuesday Night, April 19osr ADMISSION, : i.oo -- a

Doors opon ut 7:30 p. m.; coiiimonccsat 8 sharp. Carriages at 10 p. in.

Tickets for salo at tlio loadlnir drug- -glbts and stiitlnuors, and nt tlio II. ill anduy iiiomnors. ((i in

Administrator's Notice.Tlio uuilnrHlgnod having been duly

appointed administrator of tlio IVlatu ofII. J. Kusby, lato of Paaullo, Hamakna,Hawaii, dccoiiHod. Notice Is liorobygiven to all portions, having claimugalnst tho Kbbito of tho htild II, J.Kusby, to prosoiit thos.iiuo,iliilyiiutliou-tlcatod- ,

to tho litidorslguod ut ills ollicoat Ilonokim, Iliiiiuiktia, Hawaii, withinsix months from tho date hereof, or t hoywill bo for ovor barred. And all parsonsinilohteil to s.ild ICitato are liercby re- -qiiuHtud to niako iiumodiiito paymentthereof to tlio uiidurHlguod.

W. 11. HICKAItl),Admlnlhtrator of tho I'Ntuto of II. J.

Kusby, docuusod.llonokaa, April J, 1H9R. 885-- 1 m

T. V. Kino, Malinger.



Fashionsde- -




Fine Tailoring !

I havo a now cutter of creut skillunil experience, anil can guaranteeKood HUi tit very low prices. Thelatest MttltliiKH are kept in stock, In-

cluding' u beautiful blue serge forsummer wear.New Goods !

Fittest and freshest Dry Goods con-stantly 111 stock. Have Just receivedflue Grass Cloth, Pongee Silk, em-broidered Bilk Handkerchiefs, etc.Also, best of White and Colored Matting.Fancy Things !


The latest S. S. Gaelic brouchtBamboo Chairs and Lounges, Camphor Trunks with alarm bell locks.etc., also New Crop Tea.

My prices in nil lines meet tliofiercest competition.goo xiivr,Merchant Tailor nnd General Dealer,

2)u Nuuauu, near Hotel street.







Wo now offer their Brandsof Flours as follows:



C, & C,





Clothes MakeThe Man!The clothes wo in alee, niakotho well-dress- ed man. "Woare specialists in well-fittin- g

clothes, and aro tho only tai-loring firm in town employing only liigli-cla- ss wlutolabor. Our coat and pantsartists aro the best to bo hadfor money; they build clothesthat tit. Goods of tho high-est quality. -- Prices as lowas any.


The Hotel Street Tailors.

Waverley Block.



Oillco: 208 Merchant street. Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's oUlce.P. O. Box 330.

Rubber Tire Talk!Wheels of any size, heavy or light, for pleasure

driving or city draying, can bo litted with ourKUBUBlt TIBB, and when onco fitted tho Tiro isTHERE until tho vehielo or tho wheel, at least, isworn entirely out. ......


tJCS Our 11UBBER TIRES are a successan unqualified success a success for tho owner oftho vehicle a success for tho rider.

The Rubber Tire Wheel Co.

Wilson & WhitehouseSolo Licensees for Hawaiian Islands.

.Ji.AiK'h.t i,ji.. ', .JHHftiNitmimiieMMkL tewat w j. J... ,


Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you



t Wnrilinoo Kniln nl G lliln rtftornoon for Vaiiromcr.

Uoiiipnny 1) wilt IjoIiI nu Im-

portant ImkIiipm inuutiliK thin

Mm. Fuller rsiitcrtnlunl n pnrlyof Imty frioutln nt luuuh nud car tinInnt ovening.

Tlio Imtitl linit nuotlior vtiryInrM iiutlk'tiro nt tlio Hawaiianhotel Inst niylit.

Tbo firm Imltnlioii, First Kcl-mnn- t,

will drill on 1'nlnco stiuuront7:!H) thin oveuiiitf.

A long IihI of ovonts to InkoJ)Ihco tliM tvoiiiiitf nppmira onpByo 8 of this issue.

ltev. IIhub iHonbortf will holdHorvico in tlio Y. M. 0. A. hull onSunday mxt nt 11 n. in.

ltov. J). 1. Birnio an 1 wifo willent rtitin the Young Muu'a Ito-Hoiir- cli

Club ttiid cvuiiiim.

Jnpunrao inorclifinU will holdtheir reulur inuuthly dinuer nttho Hnwuiiuu botol this oroning.

A uurnbnr of witnesses woroexamined lait night by tbo specialIlouso cotniuittoo ou road con-tracts.

Tho 100 Klondiko passengersby tur AVarritnoo woro about townInst niht and tndny. Thoy tiro ahardy looking set.

An effort is being mndo thisnftoruoou to si'curo the band fortbo opening basobatl gnuio at Ma-ki-

grounds tomorrow.H. Robinson has been appoint-poiuto- d

llond Supervisor of theEwa and Wnianao districts inplaco of 11. J. Galldgbcr.

Without doubt tho beet pace inthe city to pot n Grst clnss job ofbicycle repuirinu, is nt Pour&on &.

Hobron's, 312 Fort street.Nothing was decided by the

Ear Associa'ion yesterday in themitter of nu additional Judge fortho First Judicial Circuit.

As stated in theso columnssomo weeks ago tbo Snow Cot-tn-gn

prcmiriPB will bo occupied bya priv&to boarding concern.

AV. J. Gallagher has been un-nb- lo

to keep business appointments for bovfrnl weeks owing toillness in bis family of which hohns had his own share.

"Co-opprnti- in OityMissiona- -ry work" is the suhjout of a talk tobo delivored by ltev. D. P. Biruiobefore tho Christian Workers iutho Y. M. 0. A. hall nt 3:30 thisafternoon.

Sonntor Kepoikai is entitled totako his soat iu tbo Sonata nssoon ns ho can reach tlio Governmeut building and file his certifi-cate of oleotion. Be is expected toarrivo iu town Sunday morning.

Your photos will soon be spoil-ed if exposed without glabs overthem. King Uros. Lrvh struck avory nent und inexpensive way ofdoiug up plmtos wnich is givinggroat satisfaction. 110 HoWstreet.

Rice prppd up suddenly yes-terday to 5.75 per cwt. ou thelocal market. Thin is partly dueto tho shortness of tho taro cropand partly to propose I shipmentsfrom hero to the famiuo distriotof China.

Tho Zoalandia has brought theusual supply of ice houso poodsfor Cainaiinos' California FruitMarket, corn or Kiug and AlakoaBtroets. Leave our orders earlyor ring up Tel. 378.

It is said tho manufacturers ofTaroenn will havo difficulty insupplying the largo demand nextyear for tho Klondike. This is o

pure product of taro and is a foodfor iufauts, invalids or the strongman.

Snuato Bill 4, tho main appro-priation bill, wbio pasted secondroadiug in tin Sennte tody, ap-

propriates $2,031,025, an increaseof 617-1,80- over tbo amount providrd for by tho bill wbon firstpresented.

We've heard of people " en-

joying " poor health guesssome of them "enjoy" poorbaking powder.

Good food for good healthSchillings Best baking powderand tea.A Schilling & Company

SauHancltco 3219

Heo llUIn AdnlrV fttitiniiiicoiiiuiil.

Tim tun; linn boon In Id up forllnoo dn) h having her boiler pnltiliid.

Tim infnnt of Mr. ntid Mm. Winlltoviii, Kuktti htroit, dlvd llilnnioiiiliig.

Fled. j. Walilron ndvorlioenfor information of a bay inarostrayed from his premises,

W. Ffoteubnuor lini eueencdedC. Bobso, resigned, as trenBurer of11. llackfold .V Co., Limited.

There will bo servico nt St. Clo-inon- t's

chapel, I'uuabou, nt 11o'clock a. in. nud 7 p. in. on Sunday.

A special meeting of tho trus-tees o f tho Qiiooii'm hospital willbe held nt 10 o'clock tomorrowiiuruing.

Each subaoribor to n certainevening contoinpornry is beingserved cum grauo Balis nloug withins paper.

Mauuie Phillips rend iu theAdvortiser this tnoruiug thnt hesailed for the coast by the lliolast night. '

All the caecs urisiug out of thePortuguese riot mattor a weekago wero dismissed in polico courtthis moruing.

Seuhor Cannvnrro will soon re-move from his present residenceni nr Thomas squuro to n smallerhouso nonrer town.

A real spicy paper called theWarrimoo Tunes was gotten outby paHsougers ou the boat betweonNew Zealand and Honolulu.

Admiral Miller tnado an un-official cnll-a- t tbo Executive building at noon, but bo did not carryauy American ling with htm.

Lois, cut flowers and floral pieces,fumishod on tdiort notice und de-livored. Mrs. A. L King, at Wo-

man's Exchauge. Telophono G59.Houso Tolephono 394.

There is a roport going aroundthat tin Salvation Ai my is tryingto secure the control ot tho S. F

r on account of ii beingsuch an excellent "War Cry."

A dollar saved is n dollar oarn-ed- .

You cim save a good manydollars by buying vour groc riesof J. Hutchiug-- , 027 Fort streot.P. O. box 102. Telephone 3C8.

Houses cannot bo built withoutwalls and homes ennuot bo madecomfortable without pictures tocover tho bare placo- - ou tho walls.If you have the walls, wo havo thepictures to covor thorn. Yourstruly, King I3ros., 110 Hotelstreet.

"Speed the plow," was tbo in-

scription on a downcast ponny"when wo wore boys,'' ouly it waspt-llo- d "plough," in tbo tonghotthogrnphy of that nge. TnoHnumiau Hirdwnre Co. areBpeodiug n iino ordor of plowsnmong the planters

Jnmos Dodd of tho Pnntheonloft for tho Stntes" hint uight outho Rio Janeiro. Ho onbusiuo-- s conueutod with the deathof Harry Miller, formolv employed by him, who wns killed iu arailway nccidout npar St. Louis,Mo., nnd also ou account ot illhonltb.

m m


Directorate of Itnllwuy Go Oier (heI.ln Ktsw i:iiilinit-iiU-.

This morning Mr. Dillingham,with tho Board of Dirootors andexecutive officers of tho OahuRailway Co., left in a specialtrain to visit and examino theroad at all points to its preeontterminus. There wore a numberof busino-- men as invited guostand from the plrtlhorio appearanceof a number of harapo stbero willbe no aancor ot tutrst or famiuoon tbo trip.

Tho directors nro ovidontly de-termined to bo up to d to in theenumraent of the rnnd nnd tlmstability of its requirements. Ainorougu inspection ot tuo roadbed linn innt hnnn nnnmlofnil under the immedinto supervision ofouperinteiHiont uenison and thorolling stock hns been minutelytested by Mnstor MechanicTtnhertfl. Tn ndilitinn in (tin nam47 ton nngino "Hi ciprooity" rocently tested, ono of similarpower is now being uuloododfrom tho ship A. J. Fuller atBrewer's wharf. These enginesnre Bsld win's standard gaugo. Alltheir partB nro interchangeablennd in addition duplicates ofovery piece in tbo general struc-ture nro on hand. Esch of thesemonsters cost tbo round sum ofS1C.000.

" HflAWiV W M - "- -

TlilJ KVKNINO nUliUi'DNt IjONOlitflitf, I!, 1,, VM, lg, ljj3,


If Jilitldixixly iikoit, In a kxhI lnpMliient fr nny 'IninllieM mnil.

OUH 1'ltlN'l INll OKPUJi: In ptilnkI Mllli llin IxijIliK klllil of Ink.

Our Tni innt I'reNM-- nro liuw, ntutnil In miller tlio n'rnml "iiervlsl(iiiof Mr. (cn. H. I:iiiim, Jiint nrrheilfniiii nxv Vork elly. Our nuwftlioplNliK-utdiln- l No. li:i;ll,lteiiil)-li- e

AxeimeJ nilj.ilnlii our iruM!lltpliu-- of 1mihIiii'i.

COMMKKUIAIj nmlhOCIITTY l'ltt.VlIXt! In our fortoOur motto In: "(looil work, lowprlit'N unit promjit Nirxk-c.-

ltUIim:it KTAMPH of b11 KIiiiIhinmiufiuttirLMl on tlio promlNon ntHliort notlco. It will ty you to hooUN.



may contain nutriment, aswell us microbes, but thereseems to ben prejudice amongcertain people In fuvor of purewater. To ween re this, watermust be filtered ax well nsstrained. Charcoal still standsat tho head us u purlller, and


Carbon Filters

still stand unrivalled us mi-crobe destroyers. A supply ofthese Kilters capacity 3 to 0gallons has Jtint been re-ceived by the

)nni ri ii i mi in in10

j LILUij

Kort Street.

Just Received




Beaver LunchBOOM,

H. J. Nolte, Proprietor.887-3- t

OPERA HOUSESittmdiiy, April 23, 189S.

MISS ELSIE ADAIR,AfiaiHtod by So vrul of tlio lourtln IxxalAumtctirM, will glvo Ono rorforinmlco.

NowComodlcs, N'owSoiikh, Now DancoH.

Tin; wondi:kfuijEDISOX VlTASCOIMJ,

Tlio Only I'Icturo I'rojoctln(,' Mnclilnooxlilbited boforo tlio publlu which InAliHolutuly Without Vlbrntion.B. Keiits on wilo nt Wall, Nichols Co.

Popular I'rlcoi. jurtlcularHla tor. HUM td

Meeting Notice.

Tlio Annual Meeting tlio llawnliunJoekoy Club will bo hold on MONDAYKVKNINQ, April 18, 181)8, ut 7:30o'clock, ut tho ltoouiH of tho I'm-llli- )

Club, for tho r.loitlnu of OlIleorH, andOHpoclitlly a Now Soerotary, und for tliotruiiHin-tio- of btiNlnoHM.

S. O. WIM)i:it,BoeroUry,

Honolulu, April 11, 1808, 888 td

Meeting Notice.

Tho Annual Mooting of tho AlohaColluo Company will talto pl.tio at 1'.I'ook's UohIiIoik-o- , Ylnoyiiitl htroot, onTIIU11SDAY, April 2S, 1808.

HAM. S. I'KCK,887 2w Hoerotary.

J . - . s



Why mnko tho llttlo oiicb cryand compel tlieni to tnkn n tniHli-ci- uo

which is dixtaetcful to them,when you can accomplish tho do-oir- ed

oiul without it?


Tho finest preparation ovor introduced in tho oil lino, tho tastopleasant, doso small and acts likoa cliarin.

Nature's Own Cathartic.

Don't bo talked into tryingsomothing that is claimed to bo asgood, thero i'b but ouo first-clas- s

tastoless castor oil and thnt isCUMMIN'S.

Children Relish It.

The prico is low, a bnttlo con-taining many dosos nt 25 conts.You cannot ufford to bo without it.

Hollister Drug Co.

Sole .A-gent-

Figured Organdies and. Muslins!An Knllre New Arwtrlini'iii nl I'liit-- Mmt willArdoitlrdi Von. I'ilitllt'SH nili'ly nf I'iiIIimiin.

I'lKiireil (irKitiullefi, ii jnnlft for (1. I'luund MiiIIiih, entire newpattern, ID yiinln for St


Hxtrn line tinllty, very lntetl pattern", Id ynnU for $1 An eleirnnt llnu til

Real Frenoli Organdies !

In the latent declaim I'lnldx, toebtidn nnd KtrlH.

"WlTLite IDress 3a,teria.ls 1

Hpeclal biirixaliiN In this line. White (IikmIh, neat pattcniH, 15 itrdsfur l.White OimmIh, extra iimllt, 12 janls for $1. Dotted Muellii",

yanl wide, 8 jardM fur $1 A Jlno ahwirtmeiit nf

Wh..o FiCLTJies etnei Linens JtorShirts !


N. S. Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd520 FORT STRJ3JST.

Laces ! Laces ! Laces !

.Imported dircH from tin' iiiniiufiifliirt'iH. 11is tlio lurgoHt and iine.sl Hlock of Liicok ever(illtM'titl in Jlouolulu. Tho latest designs inall widths. Yonr addition is directod to aHiit'cial invoice of ....

Narrow Valenciennes Laces fAV1TJI JXSEKTIOX TO MATCH.

5cts.-RIBBONS-- -5cts.



m:. GkFort Street.






Embroideries !

Embroideries !



Embroideries :- -: Embroideries

From 5c. a Yard Up I

All-ov- er Embroideries and Flouncings


Prices Are Lower Than Ever

Oomo early mid got first choieo at

E. W. JORDAN'S,No. 10 Fort Btroot.







Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you



fOetroit Jewel Stoves

Dihih your Movo jrlvi' ymunllro wit Miml lout

If mil, why noliVOII Will ttt HiO.WMMI

' '

ohaiH'o, wo will ml low von'. i i i i

of a who (hat yon hiioiii.ilion r.

Wo noil only hooiI .1ovo,anil vt gnaninli'i' wha( wo

cay to yon whon hny a.d'hwiumt .luwi'.i. Stove, no

iiialtor what m it

Tlio fiu'l you will mivo will

)i.y for tin (HlVoroni'o in a,

Hhort time if .von coiu'hulo to




vour old htove thejKl(h,roof we

auction roomsreiusons are iii".v,iiiulIUUM.,lolll

would lako up too much ,.,, j,Uj(0 lino heavierspare print them, why hardware for general use..1 i:i.s are Wetter than We up your kit-oth- er.

The priecs are rifxht, 'l'y and pantry you willioiiIv sav word.

and our tonus Om:-tiiiki- )i

)iiwx and JiAii.vxci: in Fivi:JStJl Mi JMONTIII.Y JXSTAI- -

wijnts is for vour benefit.

W. W, Dimond & Co,

Sol Agents.

Home Decorating!

Gold Paint:Wilcli In iv substitute fore;oldlenf, unci will

Enamel:Importing u lmnl and (,'luvty

surfuue to uny material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:For porcelain HiiIhIi on tubs,(lower pots, Not nd'eotedby colli or iiot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, Inmketx, etc.

ifiyFull directions Try them.

Lewors& Cooke.


A Lot of Extra Large Mules


Driving Horses

They May Seen at Rice's Stable,School Street.

tST Communications In regard tothe Kiiiie may be at Olllco ofH. Wnterhouie & Co.

TF7. 131. ZESXaiH781Mf


California Horses I

Iatohod Teams,

Ilaek and

Saddlo I Torses.

tfif tlrilira taken for nil cIunkos ofllorso".

btablcs: King St., oppo. Singer's Bakery

j.a. McdonaldF. 0,Box 4SS,


lit niiuiufitclinit of,,M,K Krry Www Ih iimiiii fir 11

jjiihiI iltml iWwpllon. I'll1imh you imulwilliifi wllh n

i .. i i. all(m to malic;i t'.itmr In vim. nlllililllu,v"

If MK TOHinililliHMIiHiwimw


"Hnt " '" in murium

The limiwa,.c., us Wl.n.,s u of

to1: any eau stock





for line.


left the


8St tf

', .im-,.,.,.,,,.- Wtwi'cii llilxfjrauV of HrMs oompaivd withhome otluT niaho of llrxlsthnrc is a llahilily of thereIxiiiiL' dissiil inflict ion allaiouiul. We make it a pointto he honest if asked whyit is that we are ahle to sellthis lino cheaper than anotherline that to all out ward ,,.)ioaraiu'es is of no infill

Under the sameLUirrv a very lull line

'jif i iittiMti'ii irlticaM'iii'ii mill


Qaoon Street.Crockery Department

We lire uoustantly rci'dvlnnow ami luru addltlonx toour Htovk of .

Vinos Lioiiors

We ulwt carry a full ntook of


Ijtti'Ht urrlvtilH per Haukfuld.

In lieorwcwin furnluli, amongothers

Pabst's Milwaukee


A. B, G, Bohemian

The two lirnl brands lu themarket.

We have Just received a newlot of

'ornery &c Chauipagno

Which needx no recommend-ation

Ah well as all grades of thecelebrated

Usher's Whiskies and Marie Brizard &

Rogers' Cognacs and Liqueurs.

W. C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited.

Tel. 4G. Merchant Street.



Itocolvod nor "Zonlnnilln"tlio D.ilntlimt I.inn of I'upolorlos ovorotlnrui) lu Honolulu.' All tlio now fadsin shiiios and tlnlH. "Dual," "Statolioiiil," "Nornu," "Orcelan llonil.""Nous I'ortoiis llonliour," "I'orKOiis."

Dall'oilllH." "Victorian Notos ' "IjiVoguo." "Iiondou Notos," "Ivanlioo,""IniMirlal Uonil." "Kiitillsli Volluiii,""Assyrian NoUm," anil last hut not loast,tho 1'ItIOIiS aro only about HALF TIMUSUAIi FKilJKKH lliohd kimhIn aro soldfor Iioro. Uirgo lino of Now I look bytlio best wrltera of tlio day.

316 Fort Street.The livening RuUetin, 7Bct8.ptr


tiiu liViiMNo mihtiiiNt noNoi.ui.tf, n. i, aimui. ia, m1IIH UlM.OM IMI'lill,

lnU Hxtliri- l'iil l Nnk.li Kt litMlrt !.

ti will I... ....... Hi. .,ll..liln.li Ml villi irTT (Vlitil I.IIJ h.ii.iht.(lint tlm nry niiRt(ioiinl hintpiiinlly fnlno Moty in yiwdtnln)-- '

Ihmio of the Fort ultrol pnper unatnorn lliMi untotluiinln. It mm otin pr, lioueur, wIMi eetlnlu "ex

mluMvn" war nowpuiiisUni n low

tlmt two AinetleMi vnrlilm werobeiuinp iliiuii up in (ho HpnninlillOlillft Ol tittlKlll) UOMH llt'ltr IlK'iCnunrio. Tlili fori of yellowjoin milium Iiuh cropped up Ixiforcin tlic union Ht.

Almost tlm idonticHl yarn, nit itnppcnrvil, was tivn ft reporterlor tlim tmpor nt ndnut 1I:.HIo'clock in tlm forenoon. It took

jjHt ouo muiuto to piuvo beyoml

ft"' luoro w.j uob ujbiuwiih n worknmn ou tbo ZunlaudiH,wlio is a prituticul idk-r- , uud whhcoiuiuuuicntcd to tlio cuntomIiouhh huJ tlio towu. Tlm titnrliHjipeui'd to bt'nr a part of it, andu-i- hI what vvbh oriniually u fnkfwithout luvi'HtiUHtiou. This in nothonest ucuHimper eutnrpiibi, nuilHouifiiiuoH pruvis u booiiierunn

Nnturnlly on iUgh the fctorycreated a (rrut deal of talk. OuhL'eutlenjHii could b fouud to bolieve the report. Ou the strong hof it ho bought a now AmericnuHag to ru.h over hm husiiieBShouse today Ho luuy Eond tbobill. SIC, ioth uowiipipor. TlioEvENlNa JJclxetin Lml alreadyprowd tliH fiiku Qotiiug direct

from Aiuoiican umi otuerofliiialn, bonov r, it doemed it hduty lo tbo public to nwa warningon its blncknond of thf na'uro oltbi yam. Miuitor 8erall, Ail-Lui-

Milli-i- , CoubuI Hay wood,tho Hiwaimu Uovvmnii-n- t hlcI allsi'iibiblo po iplo icrot tho Siar'ebungling error

Pint Currlutfi.Hnvo you pvt como to think

that you need a now rnrriagi'or harueBsy If you havo po toijubuiniin'u Cnriiain aud Hiir-iiph- h

Ittpoiiitnry, Olnb Stibl sblock, aud see the largo stockof tho latest ft)le in buggiesphiiotous iiml surreys, ole HhIihb just received by thn V. G.Irwiu, atnotiK a liuo of caniaups,a fpw of tbo colpbrnted Corilnndjump sent, huckbnards with cauo-p-

tops, liuislipd in light coloisthrouubout. Thoy are bpautiPHCome aud examine thorn. Priceof all tlipse good aro lower thanoUewhere.

Harold IChiiuIia Atfaln.

Two native and one OhinPSPboyse-capr-- d from tbo

school ycsto'd-i- aftoruoou.One of ihfliii im HiroM Kanului,the boy who gninoJ some notorie-ty by robbing th" bousH of a Ohi-namnn-

Wmkiki on tlm morningof March , tho day of the ntormUp was captured later in thoafternoon.

No Msetlnir Held.

It becatro uecei8Hryto poBtponothe mpptiug of iIip Cotuiui?i-ioupr- n

of Education from yestpiday Bf--t

moon on occouut of lack of hquorum. Mr. Cooper was calledaway juat as tbo meeting openedto recfive tlm F eucii Commisaioner at tho Foreign Ollico. Ahi'hhi'oi) of tho boir I is being holdat 2:30 tbio aften oon.

Cheap Artlclra.

Wheel stripping id the briofUHed to to tbo la o

fraud of double acting. It con-

sists of stripping bicyclps of tho8'audard iioi, and pedalsnud sutisti utiiiLT a cliO'ttier pquip-men- t.

All World, St-riin- u, Itemiugton aud Crdoc-Mi- t equipmentswo vouch for. Pacific Cycle &Munufucturing Co.

At I'orelBii Olllre.

Frenoh CommiBsionor Vosninncnlled upon Minister Cooper yestorday afiornnon. iue guard wasparaded nud tho timid bouorsneio shown. It is unileistood tlmviiit was in counection with thoParis Exposition of 11)00.


All styles of Kropccr pianos forBale, for cash or ou tlmplan. Old initrumpiitBexcliaugt--for now ones. PiunoB ruutod,tuned nnd ropairpd. Telophonp321. Bereatrom Music Co., Ltd.,Maaonio Tomplo.

For a nico clean shavo or anartistiohaircutdrop in to tho EliteBarbor Shop, King Btroot, nearAlakoa.


EGAN'SIori, Street.

For 1 Week OnlyYou'll Iimo ilmliif to buy a

Hun of

Dress Goods,t (Irontly Ueduivd I'rlcoii

HKItCllX (nil flmiloM),III.ACK and CObOltlllt CAH1I- -



Shirt Waists, Scarfs andTies to Match.

faT 1 in 'l unit until tlio wlo Is overto purcliUNO tlio ahovo nih'cIiiIm, Youwill pa mine for tlieni then.

J. J. EGAN.Fort Htreet.

It WiUPay You

to place your order

for n coy of . .

" Hawaii'sStory,"




Morchuut Street.


Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.

Ti:u:i'IIONK 700.

lB Modorn and Ilunuuo Treatniont.


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND BEPAIBBB.

BlacWainginAll Us Branches.

W. W. WIIIUHT, rroprietor.(SncnesRor to O. WoHt)

Davey's IridiumsAre bottor tliitn IliKh'tliiNH Vator

Color Drawings.



87UU Cor. Hotol and Fort Bin.

Wo RoooivodPer " Xuiilimtllii," Mumli ID,





Ginghams and

Crash Suitings.

Aim), u Good Lino of

Quilts and Towels,

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

At tho Lowest Prices.

1IISCI11T&1SKing Street, Von Holt Jllock.



G. J. Walleu Mamaqeb.



Naw Contractors.

Refrigerated Poultry-- ANC


flefropofiten M Co.

Telephone 45.

Near Honolulu.

Short Distance from the Rtiil-roti- d


Magnificent facilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term LenHcholds from 35 to 40years can be obtained In tracts of anynumber of acres desired, ou tbe mostfavorable conditions

The special attention is called ofthose with small cupltal wishing togo Into this very profitable Industry.

For particulars, apply to

Sear, Lansing & Co.,





Poultry and Stook.

'JoDsoliuated Soda Water Co,, Lt

Esplanade,Jorncr Alton & Fort Stt., Honolulu.


For Sale.

House with two bedrooms, parlor,dining-roo- butliroom with patentW. C. nud bath tub, pantry, kltoheuand Htabloti, on Vluoyard Btroot, suita-ble for business man; 5 minutes walkirom town,

For further particulars, a to707-t- f A. V. QEAit CO.

Club Stables,Ilmttod.


Toluphouo 4Hf7


Breaking HorsesA BI'KOlAIrV,

Finost Turnouts in City.

Wagonettes and SurriesWith Careful Drivers alwuys on




Stand: Cor. Union and Hotel HU.

John Nott.Iniportom and Dealnni in

Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES. AGATEWARE.

DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 Klug Street.

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL IIOD1ID.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


T. ICroiase. ... ,1'or Day g jj.00

Hie Best of Atteudanoe, tho Best Sitna-tio-nnnd the Finest Menls In this City


ANn- -


T. D..

Fort St., Qpp. Club Stables. Tel 398.

To My Patrons and the Pnblic.

HaviDR recovered from mv rn.ceut illnc'88, I am opain preparedto do all kinds of TinHmilh andPlumbing work as heretofore.Than kino you for pn8t fnvors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof tho samo.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.I" Tel. 814.

J.A.FAELA,200 Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS OF SUITSfrom 10 to 18.

tff Money rHiirneil If ou aro notmtl.lhd. All woik Kuurmitted.


ARCHITECT223 Merchant St Honolulu,

Between Fort and Alakoa,Telei'hone s : : 7M

EOBERT GEIEVH:.Book and Job PrinterMerohant Btroot, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian News Oompany'aBook Storo, my ig(


Page 7: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you

vW. 6. Irwin & Co.Llmitod.

Agonts forWrattrti Kngur Hollnorx Co. ol Han

Franeiacollalriwiti Ucoinotlrt Worka ol l'titU- -

ritlphla, I'miiu.. U Hi,N.wrll Unltet.nl Mill Co. (National

OaueHlimldorl.Nrw York, U.H. A.N.UbUudl Ac Uo'a Uhruical Krtillrra,Altx CroM A Ho uk, high grade fertil- -

Imm (or Uaua ami Uoilot.Itoedi Sloant Pipe Coming


Offor for SaloParafflno Paint OVii 1' ft II P.tnU and

1'mIkthi Lucol utiil Liuaood oil, rawKD(1 boiled.

Inrtnrlno (a oold witter paint) In whileand color.

Filter 1'rcM Cloths, Cement, Lime andllrlcka.


AGENTS FOB..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston,

jetna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - President and ManagerOlaus Sprockets, - - - nt

W. M. Giflard, - Boerotary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsJLXV

Commission Agents.AQENT8 OF TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, H.L

AGENTS FORllawallan Agricultural Company, Onomca SugarCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Walhcc Sugar Company, MaketSugar Company, HaleakalaTlanch Company, Ka.papal. Ranch. - Planter.' Line San FraneiacoFackcta, Chaa. Brewer & Co.'. Line of BostonPacketi.Agenta Boston Board ofUnderwrlter..Agent. Philadelphia Board of Underwriter.

ust of orriOEBs:

P 0 Jones, President; George H Bobertson,Manager) E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary Col. W F Allen, Anditor; 0 M Cooke,H Waterhouso, A W Carter, Dirootors.

W. C ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALSTATEy We will Bay or Sell Boal Estate in

ail parts of the groan.rgT We will Bell Properties on Beoson-abl- e

CommifiBlons .

OFFICE. 10 West King Street

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line and on PA

LAMA ROAD near jfertilizingPlant.

Theie Lota are Very Cheap and Bold

on Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

mo Uii4 fltrAAt nanr Klna

t T,pnoNK R07 P. 0. Hot Ml



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu,


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry 'Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


Doalora in Lumbor and Coaland Building Materials of allkinds,

Qaoon Stroot, Honolulu,

J ust Liko Gold Coin.

For mora than fifty yearnl.m.PEUKYDAVlB'PAlNKILLER Mood tlio toutngnlnst nil rouiedieu preparedto urndicnto pain, ami todaystands nt the head of tlio listamong tlio tncdicincs that nrobo osBontlnl to keep at linnd Intlio homo.

ItiB not n now fnnglo romedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful rovola-tio- n

of tho ingrcdionts that ou-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is p rfoctly harmless, youneed havo no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someromedy that is now and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

B" Tho now 35c. size con-tains over double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirewoocCnt and Split (ready for the Stove).



WHITE AND BLAOE SANDAt Lowest PrireB, delivered to any part ol

the City.TELEPHONE i i 414

HUSTAOB & CO.,31 Qaoon Street.

p&W&ii&n Fertilizing

COMPANY1h prop.trod to furnish

Nltrnto of Soda, Bono Meal, raw ordlHsolvod;Flnridn and Lady Klllot IslandGuano, Sulphate of Ammonia, Muriatoand Sulphato of Potash and Kainlto, Co-

ral Llnio Stono and Manures. In quanti-ties to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merohant Street.

FOU SALE.12 Chinese Granite Hitching Posts;

1 Surrey in fine order; prioe $200.(louse and Lot, 76x165 ft., on Mo. 7)

Young street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitohendining-room- , etc.


Contractor and Builder.Office, and Stores fitted up and

Estimates given on


XST Office and Shop: No. 811) Fort street,adjoining W. W. WrlKbt'e Carriage Shop.

Real Estate Transactions.Subscribers are furnished with from fivi

to six lists i er week, giving an ao iraUrecord of all deods, mortgices, leasen. roleaMM, powrrs o attorney, etc., etc., whichare placed on record.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month,

A. V. GEAR,210 King Bt.nonoluln.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors108 HOTEL STREETS.

Cakes and Candies,uiuata1.1'I.I'W?

Fine Ice Cream.

Our Establishment is the Finest lleaoriin the City. Oall and see us. Open till 11

o'olook r, m.

TI1M ISVKWINO ntlt.l.KTlN. HONOMIIiO, It. I., Al'lllt. lli, 18V8.

Olaa Coffee LandsI1oi. Bnlo.

NO. 1.Hold.

no. a.Bold.

no. a.

A fin Ooiti'o IUiicIi of UN ncrft.leaaehold. si mit.h cleaned nud nutletlUlilvalljii planted with 1 year oldcoffee trees.

NO. 1.

Kicollent lnrKtln In a Coleo Plan-tation of I IK) ttotci. Few l tuple. 70Hi! res tilanteit III nltVn in.,. Imm n ,,,3 yenr old. Flue ilwollliiK houm amimitbulltllnirs.

NO. 0.

A 00 aoro Cnlleo Hnnch In feo Mmpi, facing nn the Volcano Road. 16aorcs In collee. 0 tntiiillm ailvaticed,

NO. 0.

A 30 aoro CotlVe Farm, lcnn-hoM- .

property 4 acres ure planted with 4veurohl entree in-- e and 18 acre will)' year old trees Tlio owner w 111 olt uiunit plant 2 acres additional free olcharge for the purchaarr.

NO. 7.260 aores of unimproved coflee land

Just back of the Volcano Hoad. 80 foolroad leading to the laud.

NO. 8.

Mountain View Hotel and PJauta.tlpn. 62 nrrea In all. 31 acres plantod with coff--e trees 1 u nnths old, 31aorea ol 2 to 4 year old cnfl'ee.

The half- - way house for the Volcano

NO. 9.

A Coffee Plantation of 54 acres only0 nilloafrom Hllo 20 acres planted Incoiree. A bouse and Improvementson property.

Apply to

A. V. GEAR& CO.,

210 King Street, Honolulu.



Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought and

Sold on Commission.

Loans NegotiatedReal Estate

AND- -

Insurance AgentsRouts collected. Complete chargo

of Proporty for uUsenieuH.JSTFlimncInl AgenU In any capa-

city, as Trustees, Assignee,, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agency ofI TH

(iMIEllI UUl


Bargains in Real Estate


Sea View,


Prospect Street,


ANDKing SUrtffili Road

TWO ACRESof I mportant proporty In control part ofcity limits.

Dustrablo rosldonco proporty, nlcolinprovod grounds, King

stroot, Ynnugt-troot- , Punahou and SouthSlopo of Punchbowl.

Gear, Lansing & Co.

SIO King Street.

A l.l!ill,1ll( IIDAttl.Ml,

I'iimiiIhfiiI All)lirt M,.k mi I lit.lUllmmt Ulmtr .Mailer,

A Bpeulnl Hi'imlii Coiiimillnr,conalaliiiii of HoiinloM Until win.

fWllt'ox nml MrCaiiilli-cR- , vhifhIms hoforu it H.nnto Kill lrt, irniit

K land in Honolulu Imtlior totlio Onliu Hnilnny niiilLntitl OomtmtIV for wllftrf titirtmnpn. Iichl nBusaiou lnalinn tlio wholo of yes-terday nltoruoon for tho purponoof hoariny the nltorniyfl intorcal-c- d.

On TupbiIiiv nftnrnnmi tlin rnm- -tnilteo lialoiuil to n two Iiouib'argtuni'iit fiom W. A. Kinnoy forthe rnilroml cmnpiiny ami ycator- -

ay tic spoKo nualn Irom l:iiO to !I. til. Jtl(lLn llltrlwi'll HIlnL-.- i fnr

nn hour nftcrwnrd nn Hninnr mini.sol for tho Govornniuut.

Afl tllO Cnmtnitlni' linn nlronili- -

obtained tlu vn-w- s of tho Presi- -lent nud Cnliiui't on tlio aubjectnd porHonnlly iuHpeoted tlio land(ToclO'l. n nimrt will nrnlmliK- -

boou bo forthcoming.lllL'IO is HOIilH rnininnnf nn tlm

dolny of tlio Supreme Court inu.iug nuecision m the rail loadmutters now boforo it. Tlio deci-sion is nuxioutily nwnited by nilparlies, iucludiuj the Legislature,ouo member of which remnrkedn day or two mico "that it lookedaa if tho Supr'ino Court was try-it- ll

to Htavo oil tlm rrwnnnnitiilitvof rendering ft donisioniu the hopemat tuo JjejjiBlaturo would takeaction first."


Illlf Croil ari'iianriiKera Have CunirrU,Dancing, .llhi.trrli, file.

The etrnmor Warrimoo on herpresent voyngo cnrrieB tho largestnumber of p.issonuers alio hasheld nt ouo tinio in tho presonttrndo, n laryo proportion of thembeing Klondike prospectors.Among the through passenger,are: the Hon. Cantain T. a.Brand, brother to tho governor otiMew iSouth Walos; Goueral'HocKe, who intends to epeud thosummer fishing on tlm Cnundiunlnkos; Archdeacon Gunthor ofSydney, who, with wife amidaughter, is making u tour of theworld.

In epito of the unusually badweather tho voyage of the Warri-moo was a rooht plpnnant one.Mauy concerts w.ro given on dotkand dancing helped immeusHly topass the time. On ouo ocunsioutho stewards of tho ship gave nfine miustrol entortainmout, whiohwas decidedly clever and muchenjoyed. In the dayiimo thousual deck games wore indulgedin. Curds woro also in great d.

Deek sports Hpecially ar-ranged for Easier Mouday hnd tobe postponod until after leaviuuHonolulu on account of tho badwoathor of tho past few days.

I.lfe InauruncB ami W'nr.

If ovpry male adult in tho couutry carried a life iusuranco policywhich lapsed by its terms if thoholder went to war, it is onsv tosee that an outbrenk ofuould caueo a world of trouble inmore directions than one. Thesituation is not quite so threaten-ing in the present ca, but uevorboforo did so largo a proportion ofthe population of military onecarry life insurance as now,and probably most of theseinsurance contracts arewritten on a poace or non combatant basis. One of the big NowYork companies, however, hasstated that iU policy holders mayenlist for the possible war iu theassurance that their policies willbe paid if thoy are killed, but newinsurance will bo fixed at a higherrate iu cases whero tho applicantintends to join the nrmy. Au-oihe- rof

the big New York com-panies announces that iU policyrestrictions respecting a militarylifo will bo waived on paymont ofan additional premium of 5 ro 10por cout- .- Springfield liopublicau,

Wliut lliiiipeneil to Jonea.

JoneB wont into tlio CriterionBsrber Shop to got a hair cut nuda sorapo as ho would in any shop.JoneB came out of tho Gritoiio'iliruber Shop mnro than pleasedwith tho manner in which ho hndbeen gromod, aud romnrked to afriend that ho had at Inst found anexception to tlio genorol run ofharbor ehnps and would bocomo apermanent patrons.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 164 Fort Btroot,from $1.00 por wook up,

Distilled WaterIh tlio litiiiHliioHi of nil (Iniikn; .von can makiit you reel f by lining our

.Family "WaOr Condenser.

iri.ii' jiKi'ii

In Our Household Supply Departmentwo can bIiow you also a lino of good "WATEKPJJjTEKS, varying in j,riCC8 fnmi .cjd.oo to$12.50 wicli. Another good thing ih a

Blue Flame Oil Stovewith which you can cook or bako as well ahwith any kind of a stove, and not get onequarter ho hot over it.

i1 . fi . ib

201 to

Xi w i T u i mn

H. HACKFELD & CO.Limited.

-- Importers

General Merchandise--AND-

Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO,,j Ltd.


and Dealers in- -

215 Fort Street.


P. D : : :

The City- - Furniture StoreAnother lot of those

Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc..

Juct received In tlm for the HolliUys at the OITV FURNITURE STORELove Building, 634 and 63 Fort ritreet '

gjtf Call and Inspect them before it Is too late.

II. II. WILLIAMS, Manager.Office 816 i : TELEPHONES : : Kbsidenoe 840.

Honolulu Undertaking Co.

ED. A. WILMS,The Only Fully Equipped, Complete nnd EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishuient on tho Islands. Every-thing Now nnd of tho Latest and MoBt Improved StyleB.

A Speoialty ! No Bungling! No Failures!NOTE: Mr. Ed, Williams 1b a Gruduato of Clark's School o

Perfect Embalming by whioh process the body rotuinB itB naturalfippoarunoo for yours.

JU-S- OiTico nnd Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., near IlotolJTelephone 179. Residence and Night Telophono 815,

A..W .. ,..vv tidi!ftfa,H v . . . UrJ , S . T. . 'v'Virt tUittlMU S'H W,rf.








Page 8: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · b f1 par knowing how to Alvertle to profit Cotimilt the patron of Tlu Livening Dulletln Vol V. No. 881). Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you





DUPONTSmokeless Sporting

PowderIl!lu Hallux nmuV for Dupoiit SmnktiltMw aro liriofl.v as

I1uvm: ...iKiitsr. II nia.v bo lomUitl Hie nanus as liluoK prnvtlor,

urtiiiL' tin usual Dixon nuiasuro.Sil(H)M). H h'ivos best iat(oni and l'sl puimt ration

r anv nilro powtlor at this linns boforo Hit public.'i'liiKM. 11 is dnuior in Ihc gun than any nilro pow-do- r

in iim).

KoriiTii. Jl is what its name would indicate sinoko- -

Fiitii. Rcroil, while notic.oiiblc, is far less than thaiincident to the use of any other powdor.

Sixth, its shooting qualities of the best; hard, quick,roll suited to trap and wing shooting.

Suvhntii. This powder is not atlceted by extremes ofheat, cold or moisture, which is not the case with manyother uitro powders.

E. O. HALL & SON,reunited.

Late ArrivalsFor the Season of 1898!

.liiKt re vilvoil ox "W. (i. Irwin" anIiivoIpa of lliiisuh'M lilted with

till! I.ituxt

Patent Shaft Couplingsand Spring Connections

ISfjT WK (!l'AUAXTi:i: TO (II VT. Y(l' VAI.UK KOH VA I. UK. &l

' v "v Y

Y Kmn

Roid Wagons, $90 Up,


Outunder Surreys, Business Buggies, Phaetons,Jump-sea- t Buckboards, Delivery Wagons.

Wu-m- -r-

Canopy-to- p

We've Ruined theCOM CROP!

For years the corn crop of this part of thebeach has been enormous. .Reckless shoo sellersmade it so. Everybody had to "break in" theirshoes or get someone else to do i for them, and bythe time they wore broken in they were broken outalso, and that broke pocket books.

Our motto is: "A cheap article is not a goodarticle, and will not stand inspection or wear," buta good article cheap will draw trade to our stqro likea hungry horse to his feed.


Canopy-to- p Surreys, $135 Up.


Carriage k Harness House

Fort Street,Ono Door iilmvu Club SUihlos.

Telephone 205.

-- I. O. HOX 14

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

Importers and Dealers in Shoes.

Siga of the Big Shoe. Fort Street.Honolulu, H. I,


Groceries Provisions and Feed,New Goods Beryl vd hy Every fkoket (torn the Eastern States and Europe

rllKSU OALIFOUNld PIIODUOK BY EVERY STEAMEtAll Order laithiaUy intended to and Qoods Delivered to any

Part nf thx Oity FItEE,

Oenoral Agents for tlie Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods

ka.vj oaxrii fort and kino .stueeth


UVUNUNI IWMiMTlNi HOyUJitfjiU, It. 1, AI'Hlli 16,


CuresPermanently Cure

Scrofula,which In tun of Die wont !

Olctlomot tlie hunin rf, ndcomt from Impure blood.

Salt Rhoum,torment to the flwh,

to the body, udilrln on tlm yttrm, alio dueto vitiated blood.

Pimples.which o dliflRurotbe lln,ndmiko the human Uco dlvlnoanythlnc but thine of bwtuly,but which aro Nature' tdver-lltcme- nl

of foul blood.

Hood's SarsaparillaIt the brat In fact the One True IIIimkI Purifier.Sold by nil drugriitU. Hi ill for 5.

I IUUU 8 Pill "J"1jiooj.,IwrnionlouOy



Dhimoml llnul .Signal Stutloii, Apr15, 1 ni WMillier clour, wind Unlit


H-- rt fi. r, w reJAV.

i-- : ss j fl' J5Vi V 1i?.n Ci (5

n.ni. u.in. a.m. U.''l.Monduy .. II h. 0 fWll 12.51 MII l.tn.TuuiMliiy '!. II. II 8. Ill 1.18 ii. i

Wediifwliiy.. .. i:i lo.iino.:!!) 5.11) 2.:iTlmrwlay II (I. n 4.IJI

ILiii.'Krlday 15 0.1(1 0.JI2 0.8

ii. in. n. in.Hntunliiy Ill H.10 1.20 7. I 7.20

i.in. a. in.Sunday.- - 17 2. 4 1.15 7.II5 b.10

'I'lic Htiimliiril tlmu wlilHtlchdiiiulHiitI till- - Dm. (K (nihllilulit), Grccnwlulitlino, which In Hi. 31)111. . in. of Ha-waiian .Standard tlmu.


HtvamurH line uik! to will tomorrowand for thu nuxt ix ilayw aro as h:


8TFAME118. KlIDM. Duk.CUmliiiu Hllo Apr 10Mukolll Mnlokiil - Apr 10Miowera Victoria Ami 17

V U Hull Kauul Apr 17Maul Kahuliil Apr 17JVru Han Kranriwco Apr 10Manna I.oa Konu Apr 22tlaollc Yokohama Apr 22


Steameks. Foil Hails.Mlowura Hyilnvy Apr 17Moltolll Moliiktil Apr 18Xctilaudla Kan l'rancleo Apr 10Claudlnu IIIIo Apr II)I'eru Yokohama Apr 10W G Hall Kauai Apr 10Maul Kahulul Apr 10Gaelic San Kraiiiilrcn Apr 22Mauiiu Lou Kuiiii Apr 25


Stmr Jiiiiiui Maltci-- , Tullutt, 13J lirefrom Kapuu.

Stmr Warrimoo. Jluv. 10 iIiivh fromSydney, pats and iimIho to T H DavluH& Uo.

Stmr Kauai, Hrulin, 14 lire fromMukuwcdl.

JIlKHloimrv ntinr Mornim; Star.Hray, 38 davH from Jtuk and Mlcrone- -hIu, 10 tona curios to K O Hall & Sou.


Stmr Maumi Lou. Sliuureou.for Ko--na mid Kau.

Stmr AVurrlmoo, Hay, for Victoria,Stmr Mlkahala. TJioninson. for Ko--

lou.Stmr JamcK Mukco. Tullutt. for



SOULK April U, to tin- - wife of Cupta it bouic, u hoii.

I u Tall One.

A piflSPDgor on Iho W. II. Di-rao- ud

from Sun Fraucisco ft fow

days bko was II. U. JIoLnno, ahnrepinnn, who brought down alot of stock nu the vmboI. Thogxuilr-iuu- Ijiis oxoitiil uonuidcr-nl)- ln

notice on nciount of Ih'h liirophysiciue, being 0 foot 4 inchesiau ami weiL'inuL' nearly ouupounds. He Tis only 21 years ofage. "

Ho.e Croli Olllrr.At the mpeting of Nnuanu

Ohnptor, Roso Oroix, A. A. 8. II.,hold at C o'clock yest"rday after-

noon, tho following oflicars worechospii for the ensuing year: F.B. Aunrbnoh, M W. M.; A..V.Gear, 8. W.; A. Barnes, J. W.;GeorBO A. l)avis, Orator; J. H.Uruiis, A.; A. B. Sorimgoonr, sre-reta- ryj

Uavid Dayton, troasurer.

lI'O Jl.l'l- - l II) ll rfr-- nfJlJft


tpuUr iiirolluu I O, 11, Mod.,7iT0.

lilnliier innillliK Couit LiuinllIn, A.0. 17M).

Drill I'lr--t JUltAllon, Find ltoglmniit, 7MI0

Monthly IiuaIdckh nieetihu; Coinpuny 1), YriiH.

l'rn)r mm'lliiu; Herond UoupreHlloi), Ht. AnilrewV, 70.

Diill Company 0, N. a. 11.,7:.'10.

MoetiMK Seottihli TliiMlo Oluli,7:H).

Christian church olioir rehearsal,7:M

Prayer mention l'alnma Chapel,7:.'H).

Cnnveiiiop; Militnry Court, 7:30.Moutltly dininr JnpiuiPHo Mor

cliHtttH. llnwiiiiiiu hot-1- .

HMnki-- t Imll in Y M. C. A.,7:30.

Mi'otini' Youny Muii'h ltononrcliClub at Jtv. Mr DirnioV, 7:30.

Mooting I'ncific Loilt', 7:!)0.K.'lii'arHiilclioir Sl'coikI Couuro

Kit t ion, St. Ati(lriwV, 8.


Liner Warrimoo Arrives from the Colo-Die- s

Eoroute to Victoria.

James Makee and Kauai from the Garden Isle

Willi Sugar-Mo- rning Star Arrives

Other Marine Items.

ITicie wniitlipr on tlio Kauaiconut.

The schooner Ilobrnt LowurHki i 1 h fur tian Fruucisuo April10.

Tho Canadian Australian litn-- r

Wariiuioo in id Pncilic Mail wlmrfwith a mini II lot of froiuht anil twopin-ouHo- from Sydney. Sinniln for Viotoria at 5 o'olock thinnftoruoon.

The report from Kauai broughtby the Jaino4 Mitko this moiniiij.-hIjovv-

the following Htigxr Inft atvarious plantations uu that island:Kilaui-- a 1100, Ilai.aumulu 5500,Lilme 1C00, K-l- oa 2500, MukaweliCOO, Kukuha 3500, KapHa 0000.


For Kona and Kau, per stmrManna Loa: J Coorpor, Mr MoAtidrews, J Alidrotn, C Ilincook,J D Paris, W M Gilf-r- d, A WCarter, N Kauhane, C Bouse,Father Victoiia, L Whitohouse, LP Scott, C Hancock.

For San Frinoisco, per S S Eiodo Janeiro: Mrs Aini-- and twodiuj;htord, Mins M E Staley, Mrand Mm Hobort Lowers, MihhHarri'tLowHrH,Mr and Mr Jain s

V Leo, .Mi.sLoe, H Z Bunnll,Mrs R Fllurroll, Dr AV It Oluni-ss- , A A Van Voilu-io- , A SKiiikIhou, Win Muteh, Mis J 13

Schroeder aud dHughtr, O S Hoiloway, Arthur "Woo i, H 8 Eakin,Mr Gardinnr, T A Low, LutherBogors aud Mis Captaiu Finch.


From Makaweli, per stmr Kau-ai E Omsied, A Tibba, E Mist,Mrs Mist.

From Sydney, per Bttnr "Warri-moo: Mr and Mrs Armstrongand 181 pttssongerd through.

From MicroneHia, per stmrMornim; Star: From Ruk: MissHhIouFPuch, Mr F M Pi ice.Mirts I C Foa. From Ku-oiic- :

Mis Annette Phlraor.MinsLoui-- o

03 Wilson. From Jaluit: P HKimm, Chrihtophnr Ingalle, BevLanieo, Mrs Lauien. FromButariiari: Bobt Anilorson, L:Skoufelt. FiomOaroliuo IslindsJ Higius, Geo HitinH, MiaLily Unjoins. From Apiaup:BevL M Mitchell. From Gilb-- rt

I lauds: It-- v S P Kaua andwife, J Miauaia, Miwa E Kaaia,Bhv Z S II Paaluhi and wife and3 children.


Per James Miikco: 2550 fxsugar O Hriwtr fe Oo, 150 si riceE C) Hall & Son.

PorKiuini: .7000 sx sugar AV

G Irwin & Co, 73 ax taro.


Per stmr Warrimoo: Loft Svdnoy, N S W, at 1:30 p in 2ihhMarch, expoiiDuoing light to moderate ea-tor- ly windi with fineweather to AVellinutou which ed

at 0 pm 80lh Marnh, Leflnuaiii at 1:30 p in, following day.Met with strong enstorly wiuds uptho west coast iucronsinu to anorth easterly gala after cleaiingGape Van Dieman. Euginos wore

'"" "' " ""T'r rfnir


lowed down nml nhlp liovo to foifill liiiurn, hluh Menu pietnilhipmid tin I fti'Mlirr (hiiiUiiiiihI wlliillttln illiiilnutl.iu until ntiired n(Htivn, Fill, nl 1 n m Apill ll, lllcru Vi)lliii(tloii nml Hun, nlnnvy non titn inrt with id nl(litThin nlruuk tlm bridge nml enrllod ftwny the rntupiiH'. AfterloNdlng pnfHongero, intll Mid vnrt0, Veniid iiihIii proeeedi'd onvo)nge, At o p m next ilny, motwith ttroug N E Mith high croupb. n which ooullnutsl to Uih iitmtor which win croKod at 7:15 ji inlOlh iiiht, thence itlroiig N Etrades with rough h a lill thoinotning of the 14ih, when finewon tlur hub met with Hiitl curriedtill arrived nt Honolulu


I'MinlllNr C'lmiHiIrr Cut llntn Niiililnifiy !)' HrHIt HUruftr.

"Bnmoy" Donne diid suddenlyat his King street lodiuo,H yurterday nfternoon of heart diHcaBe.

While eatitig bin lunch ho fell tothe iloor and expired in a few

Ho had boon ailing,with intermittent pnin in the chest,for soverid days.

Z hina L. Doane, or "Harney,"ii h he was called, wah born inNew York State (51 yearn ngo, andhad lioi'ii n resident of tho Islandsnearly 10 years. He was a compradore by trade and iu the enrldays kept a store. In 18G1 hevolunteered with 100 other

iu the Uni'id Stales. Whileuuuner on tho U. S. S. Hartfordlie received a frightful hip wouudfrom the nccidcti'al oxp'osiou ofI lie piece he was haudliuu, fromwhich ho never fully recovered.

Mr. Doane, with his loug whit"beard, wan a fimiliarHtree! fioure.He was a frequent visitor at Ohisholm'rt harni'Hs store aud was aclose friend of the late Mnjor OT. Guliok. Uo left no immediatefamily iu Honolulu, though theDavidsons of Mauoa valley weredintant connections. A wife ands u woro buried horo some yearsago. Another h n is a uiHchinitiu a shop in Sau Fraucicn. lie-po- rt

has it that ho oxpected to ar-rive by tho next steamer to vioitthe old man.

'flood of bogus money.

Continued from Klrst I'ajje.

which so loug as it's not anythingto scare Howell's hnrso.

Thrso discoveries of new(Ipv lopmeniB in the advancingcivilizttiou of Hawai have causedthe g'oatest commotion siuce Wil-cox Inst took tho uutented fiold.I'he eueral conviction is that thoawaketiing of reproductive art inJaoan is to be credited with thounbidden iutlation of Hawaiiancurrency. If Japan does not tryu palm nil woodeu men on the

famiued Hawaiian labor market,however, thore neod be no fo.ir ofa rupture in diplomatic relationswith that country. The oriciualutterers of tho "quoer" will, ifcaught, be'assured n fair trial.


Mr. Caulily Unlr.Superintendent John Cu'sidy of

tho Mutual Telephone Go. emphatically denies the statement ofOharles Peterson, the DiamondHead lookout, so far as it referredto him. Mr. Peterson eaid that"complaints," relative to the look-out stitiou tolophnno "have boenmade by him to the various suporintendents, nud especially oflate to Mr. Ca-sidy- ." On thocontrary, Mr. assert-1- , nocomplaint has ever beeu mado tohim about that telephone siuuo helook olioige of the sjtem, Thecompany has pp-n- t a greut dealon the Diamond Head line, whichis the loug st iu Honolulu, andgot nothing in return. However,the on'y thine tho superintendentobjects to in tho lookout's talk isthe roforonco to himself.

A Curd.

Those contemplating takina lifeco would do woll by apply

ing nt onco, ns all the Americancoinpanios will no doubt raisetheir pr sout ratos should war bodeclared between the United Stalesand Spain. Tho Germania LifeInsurinco Co., of Now York, willonteit'iin applications for all tholatest forms of nolicioB, at thepresent rates, until further notice'

Emmktt May,Gonorol Traveling Audit and

Superintendent of Aueuts,No. 210 King Htreet.

If you want gasoline in a hurryring up Tolorhouo 007.

- " ..fc-.-- A

KlUH M'.UM'AI'llll hlll.lt,

I'Httlmti-f- r NNiHd In II lnlM(riIn Ihr liNtrll lnniiiH,

Tlinie nn a lepotlntoilliil townid noon lliat tlio HUr nenpnpermm bought by Hon. W. II. Unttln,who Is HUipoc'(l (o b heavily inlerenled, n trube it not ntlier-wlu- p,

in the llawalhiii (IhKeltoCompany, iublihiug lliu PnolfioCoinint'iolhl AdvertiMir, daily, tlioto-a-we- (Inz tie and otherpilule. It n iiuposfjh'o to confirmIhe r)orl, as Mr Cistlo couldnot be teen without the reporter'shaving to climb the stairs to hisollicc.

However, the report is givenfor what it in worth. Details aroiu effect that yesterday afternoon's"uuy" f tlio harbor opium nrel-e-r

caused Mr. Castle to enter intoiioiiotiatioiiH, with a view to givingthe Star an nir of respectability.The representative acting onbehalf of the Star Associationwas ri young Portuguese, whosopiincipil plnce of business is atIlobiou's coinor, where hu is

as a menace i tho peacoof tho comniunily. It is under-- tood thai the purchase price wasFive (G) Conts nickel coin of thoUuited Suites. The transactionhas not caused even a ripple innewspaper circles, ns Mr. Castle'sknown integrity precludes all pos-sibility of a yellow journalismtrust as a result of his purchase.Only thore is a Blight lifting ofeyohrows over tho nmount of thopurchase money, which is con-ceded to be exorbitant.

IIOH.V It.lIl.ltOAl) MAN.

Iiicru Iu I'aimlntlun on u MovingTrain.

Tho ordinary monotony of travolon tho Oalm railroad was brokenhis morning by a staitliig inci-

dent. Just as the train was pull-ing out fiom tho depot, a youngwoman named Kapiola, fromMaui, took passage second class.Soon after loivii g the depot itwas noticed that the young womanwas Buffering great pain nnd aninquiry ditoloHed tho cause. The .

car was cleared of nil the malepnssougoM aud doors wore looked.Tho wahiues were left in full com-mand of the situation nnd whenthe train reached Kalauao, thopassongor list was found to havobeen increased by ono a bounc-ing boy 1 The youug mother wnanssisted off at the station at herurgeut request and when Inst seouwas trudging along tho" road toKalauao attended by two voluu-te- er

nureos, and appeared nonethe worso for her Btidden illness.

The Anchor.

William Car'ylo, who formorlyassisted P. F. llyan iu tho manage-ment of the Anchor, lms succeed-ed him in tho mauagemout, as-sisted by Charlie Andrews. Hocontinues to doal out tho cheorfor which the Anchor ia not-ed. Seattle boor on draughtcan always bo had. as woll as thobPBt brands of whiskies, etc., in-cluding John Dwar's Scotchwhisky. A full stock of otherliquors, wines, ofc, is kopt onhand also.

Window poles and fittings.King Bros., 1J0 Hotel street.



Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought and

Sold on Commission.

Loans NegotiatedReal Estate


Insurance AgentsRents collected. Complete charge

of Property for uhscntccH.BSTFinanclal Agents In any capa-

city, as Trustees, Assignee,, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agency ofGreenwich


Alt. li..lha. It.'..., .a. t,-'- 0 k ffiiinii-JiHll- i