evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · rt x--ij --i nv. ..... r. 3 u i 1 j fc m iii j - 'r --15 s b...

rt X- - iJ -- i nv . ..... r. i 1 J fc M 3 u - 'r -- 15 III J s b P R ii ft 1 ' . . s. V- - ii?:.: its-a- . . ll"i:i.lslf :i wkkk i.v nv t SIX DOLLARS I'FK AXXI M. IIK.MCl M. W IUT.NK1. HONOLULU, ISLANDS. MAY 5, lSt(. VOL. X. . la. W HOLE .. 1. Commercial Advertiser. Tlir follwtviit it rr Ihr (Ulimnlril Ex pt tlii ii r- - for flir- - Two Vntr liixlittU Miirrli :ill. I S(;s. ii Prt-piir-r- I iy llirlMinilrr ul F.miiimm-- . Civil List. If. M.' Privy Pur". Kc. II. .U.'s I U.I 411 I 5 noo Pr urine fit Settlement. If. M. l K(uut.L, . 1 1 io.j'i li. M. Keku.tnu.oa, . 3 UJi) 20,000 O'J fisfirl mriit ff the Intiriur. :: iT iry ! r, . .Vil.rv -- t l.i I W, .; r f .''.! ."l.-r- . .lry if M- - tift nii'l y'r I !, 0s fcltryi f i -- r K'. 1 .i . uu an I rr.tf.ll l, .... ?Miry .f ' .f 1 mi. .Mll ,! iry f v. rii'.r of fiu, 3. MCI ry ! i'.vn. .r .f K in it. -- .'net - il.ny 'f .v- n.' if II T.ii. 2.'- - i il irv "f 'V'-r- r .f l tut, . Mill ir v ( I Ifrl I t.f t.tfm, . .Vfl ! try fi ".-- vrn-.- r IKhi .i, . iVc .f .' rii of ..) 'rvy i:i. . J.fl'Hl ',r- - tit i.f ll'milul'i, hil.iryif.Mnr-t.il- . . ; ) it.iry ( ' ritT f M.tui. 4, t K . f riit-rn- r f II twii. . 4.'n t.! uy t ' If riir t.f li.iu i, . l.i. 'Ml Su;. it jvr'f.ii. r, V.'ditl J .ii!-- r f .... :;.ikc I'..i,i-.- - t.f tt.!.ii. .... '..l - i.f M tin, . ... '.." Kt l i.j-.- . ..f uvt ii;, .... Vs.'fl I'.i.k'k i K.tu.ii. 1.141. 1 ttt.ti. nit-r- fr Iv.ti'M an. Ii-tr:c- t Court, . U') In.-i-- t. i.t.il .f I" 1. ;'"! fm.tf r . . . 2 t'.'io "..-r- . . . t..ni T' ctijiy rrivy t'nuiti it llec.if.lit, . l:t I i.'.irtf T'. II tw.tii. l.'J.'i M:.l t '.irt f rs. M tai iin.l M' !"l ii, . S HI M.i I t'.irri r. im. ti.'i I itrti-- r, Knu.ii wful Niih.tu, . 4c t Hi.- - Ii;trl t.f ll.'Ml'lt. . "i) in i t l u- - U tr :rTiiU'-ii- l 1'imtni?, lU.IKKI II. ii tjiivt-riiiifn- t '!!. -- Kni i.nr ii' rt M Aririilturir .V Irnmintiun, &.! at r Mirvi-- r an-- l I'ltr i.f Al.irk- - t, J.lC ! i.f U...I.I ru rii.r', . y 'cm ruri'li:.-- ? ff iCitJ . 1, itit U..-I.- I l.tnrnr-- . 1 l.'nl K.:ut4 ti. l;ti.I.?"4 u Hw.tii, h .diki t: :in.l liritliT'- - t.Hii, 4 t l Ki.:i.l atnl I'.l'ulj-- ! it.u, j iiml '.. .i.l un.l !:ri.l." ii K.iu.ii. 1.lit m V K;ir ml l!iiy fr l.rmii!ij, . 1..'" r!ii' li nn Imu H trl.i .r, j,imi Ini r - i f W al- - r U '.ckS, . 10 OtW Ni-- W.tl.-- .... U. Il Ml r t'rtf, .vc, .... lll.ihiii In'if .... 1.l)4Jl K 'it l:tu.-,"I'-ni- .... 4.HHI . in t.' r ari l !;; t. . lo.m.i) .r.r-- . at K'lfi . I."' i 'iMirt lli l't " ii :it U'.iiluku, .MiU I ('i.tirt ll'.uf: ai..l I'ri-- . n nt K iuai, . . l.jim , ,.r' IftKii.n t'liiLiiinW, Jkc, 0. 1HMl l.ilithou t Lili iii. I'ltHl I'liri'h.i'W M.inil.tr I W.iht BU'l .Mraturrt, Slcl I'lHfti.f - l!iiti.t lii.X'rt. l"J Ti C"tii;.li-- " Vl.jrf at L.if..iina, '.'Ml 1,5ijI Lrjrir :in l irit rt V1 UiiiH t.f J.'Ttilil'-ii- t .i 1.1 .... U'l icul I'urcli:fw tf l!"t.k f r t;..vi-rruii"- t l.ifirary, 1. HI tinvri ninil :tri h"U-- , . 4' IXHl K. ra '. ! .... 4H.MH1 J"ur a J.nrftim-- ul llm:, ... 4'I,ihi f 120,950 Oi Dfptrlmrni tj rumgn .iuin. of MitiMfr, . . . S.i'i) il.iry t.f try. . ... 4.xci II. l. Cti.ir- - a'AiTtir-'j- , Lin!ni, . . J..ol lift.. k Ki.i.-- i . F'-r- . i'n Aii t. . . .t I'.rt.i--- , M.ttt-nt:r.- aii-- l Ifn i.l-i- .l il-- . U.ooj K.i:u.-t- of F- - . . S.iHjil $20,io0 00 DrjHtrtment of Finance. Salary f Mini-tr- r. .... JS.i)ol v. u ,ry ,,f ;. .i.,trar nf I'uMic . 4.HoO S;.fy of '.1-i't- or li-i- t nl i.f Cu-t'"i- - a.otnl S .1 ,ty i.l rk. .... 3,0o0 S il irv ff i llotL-- Suri-yi-- r an I iirir.l, . . . 2.1n' S . k- c r. I!- - iio.ulu, . . . i.l'i'l l ..II ai.il llr r M t- r. Ki iiIi:i- - . 4' il ('i l!.i t..r ai..l Ihirl r l.i-- l- r, Kt .tlakt U i. U t.u:ir 11- - riolulu a- - ! other !' rt, . l.'xi M.it..ii. ry and t tl-- S Co--t:i.- Hou-w- , l.aoo 'nof.-- , .... I'ay ft l'..::.A-l..rs- . .... 7.m I tir.-i- ! .( iit. . . . 1 ,!". K :.t f 1. r I. . - . 'IS Ai.l in - ri. i f ii n' H i.it.il, . lo.Mhl ll. -- l it.tl rii:.1.'tiii:at-- . I. t . il t, . . U.t"" I. 'irht- - tl l. ihaina. .... " N tdotril I'll iii tint. . . . 4t.S l l it-- r- t N iu..: il ! . . . J4.4m lot r. t "it -(. Kori'l. . . . i.l-- i r.:.-ri- "ii If.! . . . ' I I, 1 i.i- - '.: ff If lar.-iti-.. . . l.""l i .... .... ii . . . . 7 i J110 1 5 V0 I)i ji.irtmcnt of II.r. For tin- - siir-Tr- t of mi'..i ir . IS3.0-2- 2i t), j,irti:tfnt itf' Pnltli Inslrm ()'. V- T -- al .ry i f lri.-- .r iJ.-i- r.il, . 4.t 'l F- - r -- ..l.ir t.f I Ml ti..nry a. I . 111 lli " " ' etc., . JIui'O I;, f. rr.i it.-r- ". hi 5.1U4 I ff I -- '''.. . 2,5-j- l.rad to I.. Ai.'tr-w- s c injiolrnr an II.i- - i..fi History to ' e tr ndetl m the di-- i r. t. n of it.c U ..ir !. l.om) f 10,524 t.u if Lair. ary f bar.-- . '.I r an I t l.i. f Ja-ii.-- e, . .lo0-n- ) ? i'.ty l- -t c a; Jti'li S. i".. . S.O a r- - .l..rv ..I A- - :.it.- - Jii-:!.-.- .-, S. C, . . 7.1 M il.iry Atlfrney iJeif-ru- l. ... S.O"ll J" !' C;.t f At;..rii.-- ti iicral, . . too .! ir y ii;;-- ' l".r-'-.- i it. ti-- -. t'.ii, . . I I i! irv t .l.i If i. . . ::.o-- i f t. .r ("ir. i:.; Jii I- -e. laui. . . 40. Tr tv.-:- . t M iu;. . . . -- ') -: iry rind Ju 'lv, K il ii. . . J.dm I'..!..-.- J II .if lulu. . . 4.oM ,!..rV I' . Ju-tu-- e, I.tt.iiiti I. . . C.M") Salary I'. l i e lino. . . l.i'.oii S . ir t t'r.-'f- t C.irt I Ciri-ul- t. . 4i" j..L.ry l- -t t l. ri i':r :it i'..urt ;I Cireuit, . J.t"l S.i'.r J i Cl. r'm. '.r.- .: Curt Circuit, . r tlary rk ircu t ' nrt Irh Circuit, . ' i tr - rk .l.r.n:'! C iiir:. . . 4.l ti ? il irv -- M 'I'-r- t it-, r- - rue C.ur, . . I .'. ir I. , r t r .ifid ;..vi Tr.ir.sl.it.. r. . -- '.'oO I.v-t-.-- s p.ip. I'oiut. ii.i Ui.litijr of :tiit .s- s in '.. .nnal - ts. s. . . 2,2"0 l.i..-- "ir nit I' uirt. "..I I'iretiit. inc!u l- - ii: tr.iv. I Ju.:.--- s mil Air. .rri- - y i.-- . r al. 1.2') F--- i- of ;r C I Circuit in-:- !i .lii.l.riT a a'ivf. l.(VH Ftp- - !!- - of Circuit I o:t. 4 Cir-'ui- iu- - i liiditnf a ai Starioi.i ry P'lpn-in- : : I Circuit Courts iHf.l ,ir.-lrie . f hi K" Sa! try I'i rift J lJl I'.m.i, III iii. :a irv ..:r"-- t Jn i- - N . K in. II iwaii. ;'.iK r.ittr I'l.rri t Ja ie. . Ilm i.l, .' I) .I. iry f:-tri.- -t J.I.I.' N. Ha., .atlO tl iry Distri. t Juo-- '. , S. K (. i. i. H i.. ...Ml i.; try Di-tr- kt Ju --. Haniaku. H i.. UM .uary li-tri- ct Jul , W.i.tukti. Maui, JHHI lo-lri- d J Ilaiuak.ia. M.-lui- boil Sal iry I'i-tr- i. t Ju.U--- , H i:u. Maui. :) i.l iry llrrt JnJ.v. Kaujn, M.ini, frf.i S il iry l'.-tr- .i t J.l !u-- :ai .i:.rv t t Ju lie. l I .k.ii. 5oO ..;.iry ti.-- 'i ic J a I..a .V Wai.in , . CiM) .- - i .ry -t Jn '..- '- V aialu.l Mel Kol- - I i t. 11.1. fcl ,ury !ilri t Ju-a- " K.io'aiift-.k"- , '.Vi'.u. ,11 Salary Iittr:rt Ju.le. Han. tl ; an.l Anar.ol A K.t.i.ti. S .laiy I J i -- , !.:hu. Kauai. .Vs S .1 ry I r.. J I K .'" i. K in ii . ,! try ! ;t,it Ju.'.i , Wallll-M- , f!v lUAi.) an t N..1...U. w 0-- ) .Mitcf'l tnfou IZj prnditurfs. Annoify r L. An Ir-.- . . . J2.ii 10 S.-- . r- - t try I'rtvy uneil. etc.. :) IK) ' it ii. ry and Im al, I'r.vy Council, In ) E. s L v-- l iMr . f, urn oi) K f. V hf-- ' ndv in s to War . ts :;s Mr J. Itowring xp' ;:.ui..i no DA IKY SALT I .Kilt s.il.K IiV ' ili-O- l C. KK EWER J; Co. Susintss (farts. j. ii. com:, A.UCTIOrJi323n, (.--l l. KS-i- R T' A. r. k. KktTT.) At his lat-.- - rif.ir.s. VJU'tn ."iu-i-- t. 475--y ii. w. si;vi:kanci:, AXP COUM1SSJOX MKHCIAXT, rire-pro- of Store, ICo!iiioii, Hiiildin, Wl'KKN -- TitKirr. IMMHXI.I'. Will c'ji.t:nu IHMi.t H ;it th'- - Hiv in I. 477-l.- v ii. ii.:K!'i:!.f v ). O.-il.- S. I. 47vly 11 ii.N U"I.T. TH. C. HITCH Von HOLT V lllHICK. .l. ! M..n h:ti.ts. llniixlulii. 0:ihu, S. I. 47-l- y a m:x. j. a imvuKJiiT, C..ii:ii;--i--- r. MiTcJiuiit aui'I General .hii.pini; II'iH'Ii:lu tlil.u.ll.l 47S-l- y jvmo.v. :itr. i:.v At cn.t M Fiit-l'roi- .f lluiliii.i, Vuc.-i- i stn-t-t- . Ii..i.'.ln. J. A;. rill, l.'iJ. 47vly ED. FiOFFSCHLAECER & CO., Iii.;i irt. r nn.J 'niuniii hi M ". rnrif-- r f Kurt :iml . Jmi.t Ilnlfillllu, II i.v:ii :in &o7-l- y ir It j illUKH IV WINKji, .riKIT. A 1. K as'j I'M KT KK 1 1 u I ii. 4SI-1.- V. N. LADD, Iu..ir'r an! TVhl.-- m II iiu-waki- . i'i ii.kht, M i';;a j Tifjl.s an. I AiiKiciLit RAL I tf i.k'4kni.-- , For btriif. Huud luhi. 47S-l- v C. L. RICHARDS fie CO., Ship ClirtmlN-r-- i .m.i '.niilnii";i MiTciiiintt. in U.-ii- i ral M'-n-- i.i.i'. Kt ji r.:i .tan'iy "ii tian I a full a- -' tiut iit t.f iiiiTi:!.a.nlif. f..r tin; Siuniiy it" VhaUri uinl M'-- n liaut vr.-.'- i. si:;-i- y E. O. HALL & SON, lmmrtr an.l r in ll.iMwart-- , Dry lSmi, I'anits, OIN. & m-ra- l M.rrl an li.-i- -, r ( K..rt aifl Kii. 4tr-t-- l 4 7'J-l- y uoNoi.iiiiU sti:a3i ritoui: 311 i.i.. Fl i'i'K, ANli .aiMi.l.. . 'all-I'- 47j ly S. SAVIIitiE, 1'nniriftor. D. F. EHLERS, :ili In Iry '- -. V'. 4.)S 1 Kurt ?tn-vt- , II .iMluiu,(iahu, 11. I. C. FRED'K PFLUCER, Ilral'-- r in M i'l'' ati'l K.n.cy I'ryii N, M.-n'- ri.tlliifij, l!'...ti uinl I.H, ami Y:ink-- t; .i limn, f'tupr mi Kurt S'.n-t-t- , n.arly t 1 ;.iis'ti-- - K?.-r--. Vi i.llolt V llcucL. 471-Iy- . It. I'. SNOW, IMI'OUIKK AM IiKA I.Kit IX UKNKKAI. i KKCH AN DISK iloiiolulif. O11I111. II. I. 478-l- y C. II- - Ll.nil:-- . J- - DlCk.o'. m:vi:i:s a- - iic:kso., in Luim t r ami :ui!iiii;--.- attl ia'. , l.'ojt t. Honolulu. 47i-l- y j. woi:tii, Iili-- r in a Mr.-han.I.-t.-- , Hil . SMiiij.. with r. i ails .it the rlt-.-- t icannal.li- - t' lliiK. KilU oi wuiil.-'l- . 47S-l- y CEORCE C HOWE, IVal- - r in I:- - lwo.nl anil N'..rthw.--- t I.uniti.-r- , Sliiiih-- , ll.cirs .i1i, 1:1.1. da. Nail, 1'ainl-- , ..c, iVc. At Ii Oitl Maud on Ilia I!it!it mult-- . 4s7-l- y H. Y. LUDINCTON, (i i i t: oi To . . ,v t'uj :n-- l Wln-l.-al- I.-a'e- r in Win. s au.l Sjiirit. and Malt Charlton Wharf. Honolulu. 11. I. 47o-l- y AFONC & ACKUCK, I iu iii i il an I Ui l f 1 l'- - al rs i:i It.-i- f ral .Merch itulise ami I hii.ise lii-ml- tire j.ri-- f tore in Nuuatni uml. r the I'uMic Halt. 4J4-l- y A. S. CLECiiOHN, I'ealer 5n lit iicra! lire-pro..- !' :.. re corner of and yun n stre. t ..oite Makt-e- s I'.lm-k- . AKo. Kt tail t ital.iisi.ineui 'ti Nituanu street, almve Kiiiir. j j- - l I'r.-.Iuc- hought and sold. Islaml orders att.n.l.d to 4'Jl-l- y cur.ti; ao.ij. TOfNti MIKK.NO CHUNG KOON & CO., Cotmnis.-io- u and ! ni ral agents A'.-nl- f..r the I'auka.i and Anotui.lu Suirar I'lautatioiis liu rters of tea ami other Chin. tie and ! r.-i irri -- ' tils and w lml-sa- !e dealt r ii Hawaii in produce ul the iit-u- Mime Store, Nuuauu Street, U-l- . w Kn.i;. 4'.i-l- MELCHERS & CO., Sniportt't uml 1 'oiiiiiiisvioii .lavrcliaiaJ, AG i:TS FUll THE II a uKri:tai-IKi:M- i s Fikk iK Ci.mpa.vv, KimlKI Sl'IAIl 1'I.A VTATIoN, T.'Ht.V St tiAR 1'LAN TATl'iN. C. Mkk hkks, J. 1. Wickk, F A. Pchaitkr, Dr. iii- - n. lioiioliilu. Honolulu. 4.1-l- y i. x. ritiT.i:u. Ci.ntini.ei l is oM s in the lirepr. of hulldin Kaahuina tiu t r'' t. 'liT'.i'iiiett.rs ral.-- l.y i.l.servati.T." of the sun ami stars T.Iih a tran-i- l iii:ruua nt .ljuste,l t. ti c f lloiioiulu. Particular at tent ion to tii.e w.r..-- re liriiiir. ami ijuadrant clause Jilvelr.1 and a.lj'ttt.i Chart! a id na .ita-a- l iiiStrun.et.ts c..r.stMiit:y on hand .".ml for Saie. 47S-1.- J. I". W A1.KKK, . C. Il l t v. P. C. H ATKS. WALKER, ALLEN &. CO., Import, r ali.I l"eii.nii."ii 1' ah rs in Mercl.ai..5ie, and Ajrei.ts the Sale of Island produce ALSO Agents for the Lihue, Mctcaif, and Triixeville Plant iti. ii... 00 1 v A H L. N. i J. B. ATlIr:Rf..S. AMOS S. COi'klC CASTLE fit COOKE, Ccin r! Mi rvUii: m t!ie K.r. jTwf rf, King ltrcft, t.j s.io Iii; S :iiu i C!i A I.s AC K.XTS FOIl Ir. J.iyne-t- C"l 'hrat.-- F.nniiv Wil-.ii- 'H Searing M.i. him Tl:-- - i Sn.-a- r Coii p my. The New : m l Mutual L.fe In- - .ran e Coinpanv, The Ne York Ph niv M..r.n-- ' la-ei- n:c C'-ni- i:.y, The N- - oik Sei-uri- t M iriae Ii.. lranc- - ' jnip.tnv. io:i-l- y mIkluk rrcn. n. a. r. cam loi. I. f II; I M.TT. C. BREWER &l CO., Commission & Shipping Merchants, 11 oirnl ii I il. (:tltli. II. I. A;r.NTs Of llir IliMloa mi. I Honolulu l'ncLi-- t I.iiw-- . A ' i E n rs Fur Ilit- - MU--- . W'ltiloi.ii .V II:iii: I'ln n In I ioiim AiiKNTS For Die I'll n ml S;i Ir of 1I: ml I't-otlm-- KEFE'u To Joitv M. II toil, N-- . 'r ;rk. C.ias. ItKt wt ,.. . .. ,1U JiV'.Hi mxkwki.i.. r.s.j. ) J. C. !.Klul 1. .V Co. " K. P.. Swais .V Co. fan frarri.rt.. Cuts. W..Li.'tT IteooXs. Em;.) 4 ''' ,y LUfklBER TvlERCKANT! ;sv im: J'.i'A it f:i ro u msii n n.r. 2 iu,- - ila'-.r.a- l l tv ry ii'--- - r.;-t.- . u at tt.e low s'. Mai ke rates- - Orderi frnn the coUTitry, an I oth'-- is'a'ids Solirif1.!. I.iiiulft-- r ar-- l .ii colli' r of iji.eii and F rt Sir. 5I2-tn- n justness Claris. Y. II. KICrilAUDS, II"l'I.-i'L-'. Kurt rtr.t-r- , ILii...'. ii a. OC.c ovcr the Ol'ice of I'r. 5. I'cf.-- r iill1jL. I)K. J. 3IOTT SMITH, Offli-- e tvirn.-- r of Fi.r! an I Il',tt l Mrtts. 5121y V.. HOITMANN, .11. I)., PhytieUn a:il urif-.'u- Milt e's lil'jck, Quct-i- i Bnil Kan hi3ii::i!i:i Slr-i-- t. 47S-l- y DOCTOR KENNEDY, 1'iiv-icrA- N, sruii:N am acimi cii l it. F(.rt ;tr.- t. iit-- t ln'iise Jm the finvvrnii.i-n- t OfTicr. r0.?-C- J C. BECHTSNCEfJ, M. D., 11 IS SKlt VKKS AS I 11 V S 1 C IA X OI-'KKII- ni..l to tin- - I'uli.ii: of ll .ifj'.iilii. IK- - iiwy l.e i:i-u!;i i iii tlic KiiK.isii. rr-- . tch, fivrinaii, ianih an. I Italian 1 lUL'U'lt d. Part it ulttr all niton jmil lt Disiaos if the F.tjis. ti:i,v ll.mr. fn.ni 0 A. M. t'. 12 M.. an 1 firm 2 to i'. M., at llitr I.ru store i.f .Msf.tr-i- J. M. Sinith L'.. A. F. JUOD, Attorney ami Counsellor iit T.uw. COllNit Ktiivl'aii.l .MKKtMlANT r., IIONOLUI.L", OAHU 4'MMy JOHN-- H. PATY, Ii. no'.ulj, II. I. ilUc? at tlic Kank nf l!i?hii & Co. 510 Cm a. s. cnmsAUM & co., Iii'jiorti :h ami '!fli--.ili- I - : ri in Kasliioiialilo I'lotMii-j- , II.it, (';ii4. l.'M.t anil .""I:.. an. I every vurii ty of r-- rior Kurnisliinu lio.l. Sturf, fnrmfrly l.y . A. Al.lrii K, Ki., in M.ikee's Ulock. liut-- n Mr.-- . t.lI..iio!u'.j, D:i!:C. 4'JO-l- y "THE NEWSPAPER KUOkOA- .- l'u' H -- hi?:l w.-- i kly in the Il.tiv.iii.m lanitu.-ii-- . It has tin.- - I.trui'st ciriul itioii in ttf ''rou, ami ii roml liotli l.y H.iwaiiaiM nil. I KortriifinTs. l'ric.- - f i.OO a year in uilranc. A.Iver-ti.-t-i!fii!- ?t il into Hawaii. in fr-.-- nf charjii. Ollice, i"uih c.rifjr t.f tli-- i bailor's lloimr. 6()7-l- y I C W ATK UMAX fc CO., COM M I SSI OX M KUCHA X TS. KijrfTial Hit. iition i.ii.l to ho inti-- ts i.l the Whaling Floct li..- - I'urni.-hi- n t.f fan.ls, juirvlia.-t- ami sale of Ki-ian;r- Oil, lioin-- , tjem-ra- l an l the jTot-uri- of Freight KEFKKKNCKS. MeH.-ir- . Iaac H.iivi.anh, .In., A: Co., New Itcilf..r.l w. . . Toft-- , Ksy., ito. MiU'.itAS. ? .V Co. San Francisco. J. C. Mkkhii.I. A: Co, tin 47$-l- y NEVILLE 6t BARRETT, I'lantns nnil (.'cii ral Store KceiuTs. Ke.iiuk:i, X..rlh K mtu II ivva;i, m-a- r Keahiki-akit- Hay. Islan l I'r liiee HiijiS .ui .o. .1 with Wood, Kut-- ami finiT Auuntat llonululii, A. S. CLK(iIIt)RX. 514 ly CIIAS. K. BIHIfor. WM. A ALDH'C BICHOP & CO., Hankers, OlViee in tl..- - rorner of "Makee's Klook," on Kaahil umaiiu slr. i t. Honolulu. Draw I'.i'.U of on The liANK oK I'ai.ihikn'IA. San Franeisco. M.-r-s- r t'lKISSI.LI., M INT1 its A: Co., New York. " I.i-.k- - U'Ai.i.rri, New York, Hkskv A. I'tiLi K, A: Co.. ltoston. Tl:I.MoT NaTIuNAU l.ANK, ltost-.n- , Mass. tli.lKSTAI. ItAXK .'olir--:AT!A- London. Will rei-i-i- i!H.!tit!,-IIsi:oun- t Ilrst'las.l business jiapfr, and att. i.d i ciill.-rtiin- etc. 47S-- ly BOLLES CO., Ship Chandlers and Commission aui icj n.visrrj:s ! f;:f:.Y stieet. l'artieular attention paid to th purchase and Sale of Hawaiian I'l .luce. 1 cf- - rs hy permission to 15. V. Snour Iesrs. Walker Allen. .V Co., Messrs. C. A. Willi mis J: Co M.-ssr- C. Ilrewir .V Co., M'--r- -!. Casrl- - .V Cooke .Messrs. II. llarkfel.1 .V Co.. M.'sr.. li. C. Waterman. Messrs. C. L. Kicliards tV Co. OO'.i-l- y teios. i5i:.:3:ij, SHIP CHANDLER! lUuUr in Central JU rcfut ndisr. Inland Produce, Sr, and Com mission .l.rct . Byron's Bay, Hilo, S. I., Will keep constantly on hand an extensive assoi-tir.ei.- t of every description of :m...1s rei,e.ired hy ships and others. The highest price ;:iveii for Island Produce. advanced for Kills i f EcJianj;.i at reasonahle rates. Hifo. Fel.ru-ir- :l. 1m!1 all-l- y " a I a, b: 4.V V O XV A V , KAUA1HAE. HAWAII, Will e.m-.!ii:i- t th" t!. le ra M . r-- indite and Shipping 1ius;ih at the at'ove port, wh- - re th. y are prepareti to furnish the justly eelehrat. ii Kuiruihae Potato. ,s. ami such other re emits as hi ? iy whale ships ut the shortest notice and on the ii.. st rcasiiah!e t mis. 47S-l- v FBRE WOOD ON HAWP. CAL' rr zo?s. '"MiE i'ni:usii.Ei) HF.icF.r.v caution S all not . all w their 11.. res, Cat'le. Mnh-s- I'on-k'-- ys lloats. II .i.s or Dol-- s io run on th- - lamls of .M A A M'l and I'A LEA. district of Ewa. Oahu. rr on the II. 1 EH I ES I.-1- . .iii'im; to the ai'ove iiiet.lt. .n.-- lands. Also, ou the I.s. VNH OF NiiKI't'M I.l" M E and the tish. lit s t to rcto. .Ml riin are also c.iutioin d :ii;ai7.t or tui the all ve I in.!, ;;s p- rsoi.s I. ui.d violating this in. lice will he r..set. utv.l to the u:ino:t i n: of t'.e law. 11. .1 A i KSuN. J. KI.iNlKAPl A- - tits f..r Caroline Jni-kson- . 11. ii ..lulu. April frh. Is -- o. al j lin ISA lACUS:T I.BAsl Kor. SAN I'lIAXClSCO, CAI.iroitXIA. AND i roirritAM). oiti:co.. i j at'.C kiust class ci.iii'i:u tackets v-- T" 'n tfx: 'i'"-- " W1" ,,? t'.ispatche.l reitularly f..r the i '.XZZZi ' '"'Ve p. rts. Iiae sui-rii- r cat. in and stovr.ie :;ccom:noilaiior.s fitt-.-- up pre--Iv f..r tTiei- - u.f irt and c uivenier.if oi i. Fasst'iu-.-- and frei-.'h- t fikt ti at the lr'.-i.-- t current r.ti. . A py to WALKEK. ALLEN & Co. v t 11 1 --s of tll Jill M. sr. CIIA5. W. 11I1im.iKs x Co , San Francisco. 402 Iv McCKAKEX. M l.itKI I.L .,- - Co., I'. rtland. lIOXOLrLUJllISTILLEWY rjUlIS PIONEER ESTA1U.IMIMF.XT, B which is if. in f.i'l op- - ration, has constantly ou hand a supply of various KINDS OF SPIRITS I.V IlOXI, M .iiuf.ifur- d fr m th-- ' pttr-- t r:nt-rii's- , and i."'nr-iTi'..-- f tr. ni ' laum-- i f aduitcratioii. a i l i fa nu.ilitv .1. a s!re-.,:ti- i l...'h-r- . and at ric.s 1 FC'II LOW lilt than - u-- u V'.y .i- u i - l . ma ! up in p o km. atid ijuan-t!-.- ;- s. to s iit i t it fit r f.-- h- - n." C 't.sun ptioii .r A ta ir a- - 1 ut pi j i iic d i r .tl i.s . t ful'y sol.cit-- : and it is t"..n'i-l"ti!!- :iit'--ip.it--- that th--s- r ally ilomestic manufactures, tr.ad - y fr..r--i t'e- - . r ducts of these Isla-.- , will -s, rve ati s v if a 1 i 11 from a t'icen.!n-.- public, or.h-r- w !l he r.-- iv.-.- at th- - W..rk, i r in the- - I'.-s- o;".ice, l'-- .x d. at sha.i profi ' r at'.-n- d to. M . r,,i T. W. WAKUEN. moiisi. rowr.its two ifoitsi: rowr.u maiiixi:s. WITH run F.sitr.xs a: .i r le i v ei:s rou if heat. ea mil i.s yon hick on coi fee. Fit Falc by C. l'KF.W KK .i Co. "PA r: v- - . HAWAIIAN 'nsuraKft Partis. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. SAX FUAXCISCO. fBIIIK LXIKirsi;XF:i HAVIXt; HKKV S appointed A nts the above heu' leave to nfortn the the puhlic, that they are now prepared to issue M A U 1 X i: I X S I' K A X C K I I) I.. 1 C I V. S on Cargo, Freight and Titasure., to and froi.i all parts of the wori-J- . II. HACKFELD . CO. Honolulu. April 2 li2. il7-l- y XVI 23 il C II A TX T S MUTUAL 3S.li!!.E I.Sl'ii.l(E tOMl'AW or s-ii-ii ii'ii ii iss. rMIE rXDERSHJNED HAVI.VfJ ltKKN X uppoi.ite.l airents for the above I'oinpany. Inn leave to iut-.rn- i the puhlic that they are now prepared to issue MAIllXi: IXSl'UAXCK I'OltlCIKS OX CAUf'OKS, FKCIUIIT uml IKHASLIIK. 4s4-l- y WALK Ell, ALLEN CO. INiON INSl'R.lMK C03IIMXY ! SAX FUAXCISCO. CAItA. Capital Stock, - $750,000. CAM". II T. FAY rllDt.NT, CIIAS. 1. HAVEN Swill. TAKV. tUSTAVE TENCHAUD 5IAK1NK DiKKCTOU. rnilEI'MHiUSKiXEI) Inivr Im-c- ii mipoiuti il H agents for the above Company and arc prepared to insure C.VKUOES. FUIF.UIIT AM) TIlEASl'UE. For rates of premiuni, iipply to 500 on i WALKER, ALLEN & Co., Ajronts. INSURAKTCS AGEPJCY! CASl'ItE A: CJOOSiSi, 4 I'rOIXTF.I) TV ISIUKLOWA: CKOTIl I". It. of Sail Francisco, for the well known MAK1NE INSL'HACE CO.ML'A.NIKS T!.c X. V. l'lii-iiix- . n S 1 . lO.OOO. Antl I In- - X. V. S.-c- ify. n-tt- clt S'J.OtlO.OOd. Are pn ptircd to take risks upon C. U0. TUEASL'KE and FUF.H.IITS. to and frmn all parts of the world against partial or total loss from War or Marine hazards, upon the most favorable terms. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE c F'io l.-- t ml Ii 1 1 I iiam-i- i iici' Coiupuuy, A K.-- 1 h Si. !):().). All risks taken uifin the most favortihle terms. 506 Cm JONATHAN IIl'NT, IYesid.-nt- . A. J. K ALSTON, Secretary. O I X" 31 O INSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL STOCK, $750,000. L 3 G Cali fo 1 n i ji, Street, SAX FUAXCISCO. "HIS COM FAX V WILLTAKE MAUIXK KISKs ON Cargo, Commissions and Profits ! In vessels not ratint; lower than A 2, either in the Foreign or I Tin tic. on favoraLle terms ami the undersigned are Hie authorized agents cf the Company fur Honolulu. IjOomt-- AiljiiNlrd nuil nitt lici-t- - hy tin iu U. S. Colt! Coin. For rates of premium, ifC. "wc, apply to 50i-ii- i 1WSIIOP .t Co.. Airnts. Tin: iiritisii a x i foui:h:x 3. UiLW: IXSLRAMK C03IIMXY, Jiiitilt !. Capital One Million Pounds, Head Ullicc, Manchester Kuildincs, Liverpool. Agents at Honolulu, jufVTSJX-ia"- . cxLc;-ii:i- r ? co. N. IS. This Company takes risks on (TomIs only and not on vessels. 50'J Oui '5'lie rVorllivrn ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF TODOINr. rftllK lXI)FIiSIf;XF.l. AfiKXTS FOR TIIK above Company, have recently instructions to -e the Kate of premium on Stone and I'.rick Kuil lins and oil stared therein, and are now prepared to issue poli- cies on more favorable terms than heretofore. Kisks taken on liuil.lings. Machinery, sc.. on Siiar Platita-ti.ni- s. JANION, OKEKN Co., 4'.'2-l- y Asjei.ts. J. D. VICKE, AGENT FOR THE 15 REM EX liOAKl) OF I' NDER WRITERS. 4 I.I. A A" Fit A C; F. C I. A I MS A (i AI XST SAID I nd'-rwri- rs. occurritiiC in or about this Kingdom, will have t be before him. 010-l- y ii a 3iniTRcii-Diti:- 3i i:x FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. r.VUI'.RSIKXKI). Agents of the above Coru ft pany.are prepared to insure risks against fire in tin aU.ut Honolulu. For particulars apply at the oiEcc. MELCHERS "c CO. IL.no.ulu Oct. 11. lo7. 47vly SAM FRANCISCO Hoard oi" Undes ' Titers rjgMIF. rXDF.USII-XK- IIAAIXfi liKF.V appointed ii rents the San Fraucico Hoard of I ti.kr-writer- s, ri The California Insurance croinpany, The ..Icriliants Mutual .Marine Insurance, Tiie l'jicilic Insurance Company, TJie alitornia LloyiN, nml The Home .Mutual IiiMiraucc 'omiaii y. h ave t inf.rm M asters ' f and the public that ail loss- -, sus! .i::.d on YEp.SEI.S and CAROMLS, insured by either of the above Companies nL'tinst penis i f the as and other risks, at or t.ear the Sandwich IsI.iliJs, will have to . verified hv t!;-.a- OIO.Uui " H. HACKFELD & Co. CALT FORNTA INSURANCE COMPANY- - rXDF.KSMiXKD AfiKXTS OF TUP: B above Company, have lren authorized to insure nsks on cauco. FRi:irirr ami tri:asitri:. hv COASTERS fr..ra Hotn lulu to all ports of the Hawaiian OroTiti. and vlco versa. 471.lv II. HACKFELD A-- CO. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. rsMUTIVVA I.l" A 1 iTf. PUR A Ii I. K. F I.F V 1 i. -. preserving, atiii corrosive 3ir.TAI.IiK' PAINT F r Cows R.- - f- -. Ste.ttn En- - n- - ?. Cast Pi- ws, II .use?, Ft t s, Scl.o n- -: s , S'.eati.ers, AXD ALL OTIIFU IUOX or WOOD WORK. l'.:r i a'.--- - ly 6W-C.- il CIiEWKP.& Co. C. BREWER & CO.! OFFER FOR SALE AI.ES IJI RLAI'S. li V It L A l li A ( S, for Coffee Bags. ALSO S20 CASKS COAL OIL. 51i-- t Sugar and Molasses Containers. "1 AXD S (.'nil. FIXFSIIOOKS. clean an.l brigh " 14 II ALU PIXE SllOOhS, clean and hrint; j 14 (iAl.L. CHEsTXUT SIlOOKS, clean i bright , 31 (IA1.E. l'IXE SlIOOKS, SI il A I.L. CHESTXL'T SHOOK S. l'IXE IiOXKS in Shook, to hold alKut iiiO lbs. 11 El) OA K 40 ttalh Shooks, far Molassiit or Syrup. For sale 605-n- C. ItREWER Co. coole:eis, cooli:s:s: tP IRON COO I.F. RS, 7 FEET II ' ri:ic:i:, sa i:acii. For Sale by ..00-Ci- n C. BREWER & Co. Superior Plow Harnesses fTTOR SALE CUBA I1 IiV JL1 llo liu CASTLE A: COOKE. hoxks i a xi) r oysti:rs rfTIRF.AM TARTAR. SODA. Cinnanion. liinuer, Saleratus, Olive Soda Soap, Irish Moss and .Mace. For Sale hy 615 lin CASTLK Jt COOKE. Supt-rio- r French Fancy CasMiiHTc, Double width for CJontleiuen's wear. ITIOU SALE RV hla 1 in CASTLE & COOKE. PARIS, EACLi: 20, T3i, 75, STCKL IX OO PLOWS, HOWS. 1 1- -2. I 3-- 1 AXD 2 IXCIIFS, OX Ox Vok.-- s 4, 5 and ti. Mauler's lloc-s- , Oos. and W heel Barrows. For Sale hy 515 In CASTLE & COOKE. niacKsiJii Ill's Hkllons. XVI I.S R LACKS M IT IIS an.l COOPKRS. A VICES Blacksmiths an.l Coopers. For Sale hy 515 5t C. BREWER 6f Co. nirxes AXD stoppf.us I. 1, li, nnil I3, inch. fTIOR I'ROVISIOX AND MOLASSES BARRELS, For Sale hy 15-3- m C. BREWER if Co. UTTA ia:BrcBiA nosi:. r ilv 1- -2 ixcn hose, 'i ply i inch Hose, 3 ply 1 inch Hose, 3 ply H inch Hose. (JUTTA PBItCIIA packixc; J, 3-1- y and g inch. For Sale hy 515 Sin C. BREWER & Co. Cables. CHAIN CABLES, 3 and inch. For Sale hy 515-S- C. UREWER & Co. I'LLT HATS AT EST STYLES. f A For Sahi ly olo-3- C. BREWER & Co. S V W S A i .1IAC13 1 xT I : S . 4 FKW MORE of I lit- - WILLIAMS Jl OR. JM. VI5' plain, inexpensive, simple and effective SCWIXG MACHINES Will do any kind of work,-stron- stich. and not liable to get out of order. 3? i"i c o 3j. 515-C- m For Sale hv C. BREAVER k Co. KfjANKETS lloavy White, Scarlet and Blue Blankets. 74 and 02 inches. SALE IiV ETOR C. BREWER & Co. For Sugar Boilers. A CCII A ROM ETERS, S MICtlOSCOl'ES, 4 FEET METAL TH EIIMO.V LTEHS. For Sale hv 515-r.- C. BREWER .V Co. PCM PS SIXK I'I'MI'S. COPPER Engine Well Pumps. Lifting Pumps. tor rale by 51o-3- C. 1! REAVER A: Co. LEVERS PLANTATION. 1SSS. 1866. .Sugar and Molasses 1UOI' XOW COMIXf; IX AXD FO R SALE in ipiantities to suit purchasers by 60S-oi- :l C. BREWER k. CO. FRESH GARDEN1 SEERS, ntr.sii :.iu)i:x scuds. 1 1 ST RECEIVED IiV STEAMER AJAX 5 and f..r sale by the undersigned an assortment of FRESH VEGETARLE GARDEN SEEDS I Of the crowth of lioj and raised in California at the well known Nursery Harden of I'. L. Perkins, Oakland. California. '1 bese. se'-d- are warrant-.".- ' fresh and sure to yeiuunale. They are as follows, viz : Asparagus, Artichoke, Pumpkin, asst. B-- et, asst. Cabh??.-- . asf. Radish, r acarlct, Beans, asstd. jrf.le and stringi Ka dish, scarlet turnip roots; Br Carrots, t. Radish, white turr.ip roots; Cauiilhovcr, Celery, Corn Sweet, Spinach, Squashes. t'Ui'Uiiil-r- , asst. Ejg p'.atit. Turnip, a.'t. T inato', asst. L"ek. L'.ttuce, asst. Endive, Mustard and Crefs, Musk melon nutmeg. Salsify or vejretahle oyster, Mnsk melon pine apple. Scotch Kale, Kohlrabi. Water melon. Onion", asst. Tobacco, pure Virginia; Parsley, extra eurl- - .l ; Sa'e, Thyme, Sutniuer savory, l'arsr.ip, Pea, asst. Pepper, f''.-H- t msjoram, Horse radish, white root; And in fact every vari. ty of Vesetablo Seeds. Special Orders for Seeds. Trees and forwarded tj San Francisco. The undersi?ned would also offer his services in the making up Of Trad i Jhohs and Accounts, With neatness, correctness and dispatch, an.1 on exceedinply terms. Please apply at the tJice of S. H. DoWsinr, Ei.. or l'p ttair? at the Brick Bi ii.msi";, late John II. Wood's Shoe S:ore, corner tf Fort and Merchant Streets, opposite lr. Ford's. II. FOSBUOOKE. P. 5. An assortment GROCERIES, TORACCO and numerous other articles at low prices as above. 5i:i-6- A C 1 11 1 : 1 : M I. X T III. AX I i s . FORMS OF AGREEMENT Ii E- - TLAXK and the on'7 authorized form Price 1,00 per Dnioii. rr sale by II M. WniTNEY SUGA11 & MOLASSES OF- - TIIK HAAVAII.W SUGAR MILL. Crop ol 1800. "TIOR SALE IX 44FAXTITIESTO Sl'IT ltV 517 .m CASTLK - I'lKiKK. Sugar & Molasses FKOM Till'. Plantation of T. H. Hobron. CROP XOW COMIXG IX AXD FOR SALE litic-- t to suit purchasers lr 4JD-oi- J AS. M. UREFN, aecnt. East Mniii Plaiilnlion. iSn-sir- s and .llol;issos, CROP XOW ni.MIXB IX, AM) olli-rr- J iu .paantities t suit by II. HACKFELD to CO., 5t)S-3- A pent. Sugar &; Molasses OF THE koijai.a seicAir CO. lOlt SALE IMiFAXTITIESTO SFIT RV 6lKiiu CASTLE & CooKE. NUUANU PLANTATION. 2.i MILES FROM HONOLULU. J. II. WOOD, P It O 1 II 1 1: TOR. QPFERS FOR SA LE II IS 1MIESEXT CROP Of Sugar and Molasses ! in Honolulu, in quantities to suit. 509-3r- a KiUWIKI PLWimON! 8u;ibs anl fo I asses, "VV C4I.MIXG IX AM) FOR SALE IN 11 (lU.uitities to suit, hy ioT-oi- n MELCHERS & CO. Waiknpu Plantation ! II. COUNAVF.I.L, Proprietor. Sugar and Molasses fTIROM THIS PLANTATION FOR SALE to suit purchasers. Apply to 516-3- OEO. C. McLEAN, A pent. HAN A PLANTATION ai:w cisoi Sug ar and Molasses ! SALE RV Foi: C. BREWER ti Co., mrentii. MAttEE PLANTATION. IVcw Crop ol Sugar & Molasses ! "VOW COMING IX. Il For Sale hy 612 Gin C. BREWER A: Co., apentn. WAILUKU PLANTjITION NEW 18 OP -- .TOW COMING I V. For Sale by 5u"-3- C. BREWER k Co., np.-nti- . 1866. 1866. SUGAR AND MOLASSES From riOXEIili MILLS, L.IIIUNA ! COMING IN AND FOR SALE IN CROP to suit purchasers hy 516-3i- n WALKER, ALLEN & CO. i80a 18(H)! SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM METUALF PLANTATION ! COMING IN AXD FOR SALE IN CROP to suit purchasers oy 5ie-."- WALKER, ALLEN CO. 1860. 1806. Snuar & Molasses From Liliue Plantation ! COMING IX AND FOR SALE IX CROP to suit purchasers by 510-oi- u WALKER, ALLEN" k CO. nnilE IIONOLl.'I.l REFIXERV W1LPAV A the highest market price h.r HARD SUGARS, AND First and Second Molasses ! iriTH OR WITHOUT COXTAIXERS. WALKER, ALLEN" A; CO., GL'T-ji- u Managers. -- a 0 E U PLANTATION! SaiGAR &i itffOff. ASSES, 1866! CROP COMING IN. For eale by r,08-3- oi WALKER, ALLEN & Co.

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Commercial Advertiser.

Tlir follwtviit it rr Ihr(Ulimnlril Ex pt tlii ii r- - for flir-- Two VntrliixlittU Miirrli :ill. I S(;s. ii Prt-piir-r- I

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t.! uy t ' If riir t.f li.iu i, . l.i. 'Ml

Su;. it jvr'f.ii. r, V.'ditlJ .ii!-- r f .... :;.ikcI'..i,i-.- - t.f tt.!.ii. ....'..l - i.f M tin, . ... '.." Kt

l i.j-.- . ..f uvt ii;, .... Vs.'flI'.i.k'k i K.tu.ii. 1.141. 1

ttt.ti. nit-r- fr Iv.ti'M an. Ii-tr:c- t Court, . U')In.-i-- t. i.t.il .f I" 1. ;'"!

fm.tf r . . . 2 t'.'io"..-r- . . .

t..ni T' ctijiy rrivy t'nuiti it llec.if.lit, .l:t I i.'.irtf T'. II tw.tii. l.'J.'i

M:.l t '.irt f rs. M tai iin.l M' !"l ii, . S HI

M.i I t'.irri r. im. ti.'iI itrti-- r, Knu.ii wful Niih.tu, . 4c

t Hi.- - Ii;trl t.f ll.'Ml'lt. . "i) in i

t l u- - U tr :rTiiU'-ii- l 1'imtni?, lU.IKKIII. ii tjiivt-riiiifn- t '!!. --

Kni i.nr ii' rt M Aririilturir .V Irnmintiun, &.!

at r Mirvi-- r an-- l I'ltr i.f Al.irk- - t, J.lC! i.f U...I.I ru rii.r', . y 'cmruri'li:.-- ? ff iCitJ . 1, ititU..-I.- I l.tnrnr-- . 1 l.'nlK.:ut4 ti. l;ti.I.?"4 u Hw.tii, h .dikit: :in.l liritliT'- - t.Hii, 4 t lKi.:i.l atnl I'.l'ulj-- ! it.u, j iiml

'.. .i.l un.l !:ri.l." ii K.iu.ii. 1.lit mV K;ir ml l!iiy fr l.rmii!ij, . 1..'"r!ii' li nn Imu H trl.i .r, j,imi

Ini r - i f W al- - r U '.ckS, . 10 OtWNi-- W.tl.-- .... U. Il Ml

r t'rtf, .vc,.... lll.ihiiiIn'if .... 1.l)4JlK 'it l:tu.-,"I'-ni- .... 4.HHI. in t.' r ari l !;; t. . lo.m.i).r.r-- . at K'lfi . I."' i'iMirt lli l't " ii :it U'.iiluku, .MiU I

('i.tirt ll'.uf: ai..l I'ri-- . n nt K iuai, . . l.jim, ,.r' IftKii.n t'liiLiiinW, Jkc, 0. 1HMl

l.ilithou t Lili iii. I'ltHl

I'liri'h.i'W M.inil.tr I W.iht BU'l .Mraturrt, SlclI'lHfti.f - l!iiti.t lii.X'rt. l"JTi C"tii;.li-- " Vl.jrf at L.if..iina, '.'Ml

1,5ijILrjrir :in l irit rt V1 UiiiH t.f J.'Ttilil'-ii- t

.i 1.1 .... U'l iculI'urcli:fw tf l!"t.k f r t;..vi-rruii"- t l.ifirary, 1. HI

tinvri ninil :tri h"U-- , . 4' IXHl

K. r a '. ! .... 4H.MH1J"ur a J.nrftim-- ul llm:, ... 4'I,ihi

f 120,950 OiDfptrlmrni tj rumgn .iuin.

of MitiMfr, . . . S.i'i)il.iry t.f try. . ... 4.xci

II. l. Cti.ir- - a'AiTtir-'j- , Lin!ni, . . J..ollift.. k Ki.i.-- i . F'-r- . i'n Aii t. . . .t

I'.rt.i--- , M.ttt-nt:r.- aii-- l Ifn i.l-i- .l il-- . U.oojK.i:u.-t- of F- - . . S.iHjil

$20,io0 00DrjHtrtment of Finance.

Salary f Mini-tr- r. .... JS.i)olv. u ,ry ,,f ;. .i.,trar nf I'uMic . 4.HoO

S;.fy of '.1-i't- or li-i- t nl i.f Cu-t'"i- - a.otnlS .1 ,ty i.l rk. .... 3,0o0S il irv ff i llotL-- Suri-yi-- r an I

iirir.l, . . . 2.1n'S . k- c r. I!- - iio.ulu, . . . i.l'i'll ..II ai.il llr r M t- r. Ki iiIi:i- - . 4' il('i l!.i t..r ai..l Ihirl r l.i-- l- r, Kt .tlakt U i. U

t.u:ir 11- - riolulu a- - ! other !' rt, . l.'xiM.it..ii. ry and t tl--

SCo--t:i.- Hou-w- , l.aoo

'nof.-- , ....I'ay ft l'..::.A-l..rs- . .... 7.mI tir.-i-! .( iit. . . . 1 ,!".K :.t f 1. r I. . - . 'IS

Ai.l in - ri. i f ii n' H i.it.il, . lo.Mhlll. -- l it.tl rii:.1.'tiii:at-- . I. t . il t, . . U.t""I. 'irht- - tl l. ihaina. .... "N tdotril I'll iii tint. . . . 4t.S l

l it-- r- t N iu..: il ! . . . J4.4mlot r. t "it -(. Kori'l. . . . i.l-- i

r.:.-ri- "ii If.! . . . '

I I, 1 i.i- - '.: ff If lar.-iti-.. . . l.""li .... .... ii . . . . 7 i

J110 1 5 V0I)i ji.irtmcnt of II.r.

For tin- - siir-Tr- t of mi'..i ir . IS3.0-2- 2i

t), j,irti:tfnt itf' Pnltli Inslrm ()'.V- T -- al .ry i f lri.-- .r iJ.-i- r.il, . 4.t 'lF- - r -- ..l.ir t.f I Ml

ti..nry a. I . 111 lli

" " ' etc., . JIui'OI;, f. rr.i it.-r- ". hi 5.1U4I ff I -- '''.. . 2,5-j-

l.rad to I.. Ai.'tr-w- s c injiolrnr an II.i- -

i..fi History to ' e tr ndetl m the di-- ir. t. n of it.c U ..ir !. l.om)

f 10,524 t.u

if Lair.ary f bar.-- . '.I r an I t l.i. f Ja-ii.-- e, . .lo0-n- )

? i'.ty l- -t c a; Jti'li S. i".. . S.O ar-- .l..rv ..I A- - :.it.- - Jii-:!.-.- .-, S. C, . . 7.1 M

il.iry Atlfrney iJeif-ru- l. ... S.O"llJ" !' C;.t f At;..rii.-- ti iicral, . . too

.! ir y ii;;-- ' l".r-'-.- i it. ti---. t'.ii, . . I I

i! irv t .l.i If i. . . ::.o-- i

f t. .r ("ir. i:.; Jii I- -e. laui. . . 40.

Tr tv.-:- . t M iu;. . . . -- ')-: iry rind Ju 'lv, K il ii. . . J.dm

I'..!..-.- J II .if lulu. . . 4.oM,!..rV I' . Ju-tu-- e, I.tt.iiiti I. . . C.M")

Salary I'. l i e lino. . . l.i'.oiiS . ir t t'r.-'f- t C.irt I Ciri-ul- t. . 4i"j..L.ry l- -t t l. ri i':r :it i'..urt ;I Cireuit, . J.t"lS.i'.r J i Cl. r'm. '.r.- .: Curt Circuit, .r tlary rk ircu t ' nrt Irh Circuit, . '

i tr - rk .l.r.n:'! C iiir:. . . 4.l ti? il irv --M 'I'-r- t it-, r- - rue C.ur, . . I

.'. ir I. , r t r .ifid ;..vi Tr.ir.sl.it.. r. . --'.'oOI.v-t-.-- s p.ip. I'oiut. ii.i Ui.litijr

of :tiit .s- s in '...nnal - ts. s. . . 2,2"0l.i..-- "ir nit I' uirt. "..I I'iretiit. inc!u l- -

ii: tr.iv. I Ju.:.---s milAir. .rri- - y i.-- . r al. 1.2')

F--- i- of ;r C I Circuit in-:- !i

.lii.l.riT a a'ivf. l.(VH

Ftp- - !!- - of Circuit I o:t. 4 Cir-'ui- iu- -

i liiditnf a aiStarioi.i ry P'lpn-in- : : I Circuit Courts iHf.l

,ir.-lrie . f hi K"

Sa! try I'i rift J lJl I'.m.i, III iii. :airv ..:r"-- t Jn i- - N . K in. II iwaii. ;'.iK

r.ittr I'l.rri t Ja ie. . Ilm i.l, .' I).I. iry f:-tri.- -t J.I.I.' N. Ha., .atlO

tl iry Distri. t Juo-- '. , S. K (. i. i. H i.. ...Mli.; try Di-tr- kt Ju --. Haniaku. H i.. UM.uary li-tri- ct Jul , W.i.tukti. Maui, JHHI

lo-lri- d J Ilaiuak.ia. M.-lui- boilSal iry I'i-tr- i. t Ju.U--- , H i:u. Maui. :)i.l iry llrrt JnJ.v. Kaujn, M.ini, frf.iS il iry l'.-tr- .i t J.l !u-- :ai

.i:.rv t t Ju lie. l I .k.ii. 5oO

..;.iry ti.-- 'i ic J a I..a .V Wai.in , . CiM)

.-- i .ry -t Jn '..- '- V aialu.l Mel Kol- -I i t. 11.1. fcl,ury !ilri t Ju-a- " K.io'aiift-.k"-, '.Vi'.u. ,11

Salary Iittr:rt Ju.le. Han. tl ; an.l Anar.ol A

K.t.i.ti.S .laiy I J i -- , !.:hu. Kauai. .Vs

S .1 ry I r.. J I K .'" i. K in ii .,! try ! ;t,it Ju.'.i , Wallll-M- , f!v lUAi.)an t N..1...U.

w 0-- )

.Mitcf'l tnfou IZj prnditurfs.Annoify r L. An Ir-.- . . . J2.ii 10

S.-- . r- - t try I'rtvy uneil. etc.. :) IK)

' it ii. ry and Im al, I'r.vy Council, In )

E. s L v-- l iMr . f, urn oi)K f. V hf-- ' ndv in s to War . ts :;sMr J. Itowring xp' ;:.ui..i no


I .Kilt s.il.K IiV' ili-O-l C. KK EWER J; Co.

Susintss (farts.

j. ii. com:,A.UCTIOrJi323n,

(.--l l. KS-i- R T' A. r. k. KktTT.)At his lat-.- - rif.ir.s. VJU'tn ."iu-i-- t. 475--y

ii. w. si;vi:kanci:,AXP COUM1SSJOX MKHCIAXT,

rire-pro- of Store, ICo!iiioii, Hiiildin,Wl'KKN -- TitKirr. IMMHXI.I'.

Will c'ji.t:nu IHMi.t H ;it th'- - Hiv in I. 477-l.- v

ii. ii.:K!'i:!.f v ).O.-il.- S. I. 47vly

11 ii.N U"I.T. TH. C. HITCHVon HOLT V lllHICK.

.l. ! M..n h:ti.ts. llniixlulii. 0:ihu, S. I. 47-l- y

a m:x. j. a imvuKJiiT,C..ii:ii;--i--- r. MiTcJiuiit aui'I General .hii.pini; II'iH'Ii:lu

tlil.u.ll.l 47S-l- y

jvmo.v. :itr. i:.v At cn.tM Fiit-l'roi- .f lluiliii.i, Vuc.-i- i stn-t-t- .

Ii..i.'.ln. J. A;. rill, l.'iJ. 47vly

ED. FiOFFSCHLAECER & CO.,Iii.;i irt. r nn.J 'niuniii hi M ". rnrif-- r f Kurt :iml

. Jmi.t Ilnlfillllu, II i.v:ii :in &o7-l- y

ir Itj illUKH IVWINKji, .riKIT.

A 1. K as'j I'M KT K K1 1 u I ii. 4SI-1.-

V. N. LADD,Iu..ir'r an! TVhl.-- m II iiu-waki- . i'i ii.kht, M i';;a j

Tifjl.s an. I AiiKiciLit RAL I tf i.k'4kni.--, For btriif. Huudluhi. 47S-l- v

C. L. RICHARDS fie CO.,Ship ClirtmlN-r-- i .m.i '.niilnii";i MiTciiiintt. in U.-ii- i ral

M'-n-- i.i.i'. Kt ji r.:i .tan'iy "ii tian I a full a- -' tiut iitt.f iiiiTi:!.a.nlif. f..r tin; Siuniiy it" VhaUri uinl M'-- n liautvr.-.'- i. si:;-i- y

E. O. HALL & SON,lmmrtr an.l r in ll.iMwart-- , Dry lSmi, I'anits, OIN.

& m-ra- l M.rrl an li.-i- -, r ( K..rt aifl Kii. 4tr-t-- l 4 7'J-l- y

uoNoi.iiiiU sti:a3i ritoui: 311 i.i..Fl i'i'K, ANli .aiMi.l.. . 'all-I'-

47j ly S. SAVIIitiE, 1'nniriftor.

D. F. EHLERS,:ili In Iry '-

-. V'.4.)S 1 Kurt ?tn-vt- , II .iMluiu,(iahu, 11. I.

C. FRED'K PFLUCER,Ilral'-- r in M i'l'' ati'l K.n.cy I'ryii N, M.-n'- ri.tlliifij, l!'...ti

uinl I.H, ami Y:ink-- t; .i limn, f'tupr mi Kurt S'.n-t-t- ,

n.arly t 1 ;.iis'ti-- - K?.-r--. Vi i.llolt V llcucL. 471-Iy- .


iloiiolulif. O11I111. II. I. 478-l- y

C. II- - Ll.nil:-- . J- - DlCk.o'.

m:vi:i:s a-- iic:kso.,in Luim t r ami :ui!iiii;--.- attl ia'. , l.'ojt t. Honolulu.

47i-l- y

j. woi:tii,Iili-- r in a Mr.-han.I.-t.-- , Hil . SMiiij..

with r. i ails .it the rlt-.--t icannal.li- - t' lliiK.KilU oi wuiil.-'l- . 47S-l- y

CEORCE C HOWE,IVal- - r in I:- - lwo.nl anil N'..rthw.--- t I.uniti.-r- , Sliiiih-- , ll.cirs

.i1i, 1:1.1. da. Nail, 1'ainl-- , ..c, iVc.

At Ii Oitl Maud on Ilia I!it!it mult-- . 4s7-l- y

H. Y. LUDINCTON,(i i i t: oi To . . ,v t'uj

:n-- l Wln-l.-al- I.-a'e- r in Win. s au.l Sjiirit. andMalt Charlton Wharf. Honolulu. 11. I. 47o-l- y

AFONC & ACKUCK,I iu iii i il an I Ui l f 1 l'- - al rs i:i It.-i- f ral .Merch itulise

ami I hii.ise lii-ml- tire j.ri-- f tore in Nuuatniuml. r the I'uMic Halt. 4J4-l- y

A. S. CLECiiOHN,I'ealer 5n lit iicra! lire-pro..- !' :.. re corner of

and yun n stre. t ..oite Makt-e- s I'.lm-k- .

AKo. Kt tail t ital.iisi.ineui 'ti Nituanu street, almve Kiiiir.j j- - l I'r.-.Iuc- hought and sold. Islaml orders

att.n.l.d to 4'Jl-l- y

cur.ti; ao.ij. TOfNti MIKK.NO

CHUNG KOON & CO.,Cotmnis.-io- u and ! ni ral agents A'.-nl- f..r the

I'auka.i and Anotui.lu Suirar I'lautatioiis liu rters of teaami other Chin. tie and ! r.-i irri --' tils and w lml-sa- !e dealt rii Hawaii in produce ul the iit-u- Mime Store, Nuuauu Street,U-l- . w Kn.i;. 4'.i-l-

MELCHERS & CO.,Sniportt't uml 1 'oiiiiiiisvioii

.lavrcliaiaJ,AG i:TS FUll THE

II a uKri:tai-IKi:M- i s Fikk iK Ci.mpa.vv,KimlKI Sl'IAIl 1'I.A VTATIoN,T.'Ht.V St tiAR 1'LAN TATl'iN.

C. Mkk hkks, J. 1. Wickk, F A. Pchaitkr,Dr. iii- - n. lioiioliilu. Honolulu.

4.1-l- y

i. x. ritiT.i:u.Ci.ntini.ei l is oM s in the lirepr. of hulldin Kaahuina

tiu t r'' t.'liT'.i'iiiett.rs ral.-- l.y i.l.servati.T." of the sun ami stars

T.Iih a tran-i- l iii:ruua nt .ljuste,l t. ti cf lloiioiulu. Particular at tent ion to tii.e

w.r..-- re liriiiir. ami ijuadrant clause Jilvelr.1and a.lj'ttt.i Chart! a id na .ita-a- l iiiStrun.et.ts c..r.stMiit:yon hand .".ml for Saie. 47S-1.-

J. I". W A1.KKK, . C. Il l t v. P. C. H ATKS.

WALKER, ALLEN &. CO.,Import, r ali.I l"eii.nii."ii 1' ah rs in

Mercl.ai..5ie, and Ajrei.ts the Sale of Island produceALSO

Agents for the Lihue, Mctcaif, and Triixeville Plant iti. ii...00 1 v

A H L. N. i J. B. ATlIr:Rf..S. AMOS S. COi'klC

CASTLE fit COOKE,Ccin r! Mi rvUii: m t!ie K.r. jTwf rf, King ltrcft, t.j

s.io Iii; S :iiu i C!iA I.s AC K.XTS FOIl

Ir. J.iyne-t- C"l 'hrat.-- F.nniivWil-.ii- 'H Searing M.i. him

Tl:-- - i Sn.-a-r Coii p my.The New : m l Mutual L.fe In- - .ran e Coinpanv,The Ne York Ph niv M..r.n-- ' la-ei- n:c C'-ni- i:.y,The N- - oik Sei-uri- t M iriae Ii.. lranc- - ' jnip.tnv.

io:i-l- y

mIkluk rrcn. n. a. r. cam loi. I. f II; I M.TT.

C. BREWER &l CO.,Commission & Shipping Merchants,

1 1 oirnl ii I il. (:tltli. II. I.A;r.NTs

Of llir IliMloa mi. I Honolulu l'ncLi-- t I.iiw-- .

A ' i E n rsFur Ilit- - MU--- . W'ltiloi.ii .V II:iii: I'ln n In I ioiim

AiiKNTSFor Die I'll n ml S;i Ir of 1I: ml I't-otlm--

KEFE'u ToJoitv M. II toil, N-- . 'r ;rk.C.ias. ItKt wt ,.. . .. ,1UJiV'.Hi mxkwki.i.. r.s.j. )J. C. !.Klul 1. .V Co. "

K. P.. Swais .V Co. fan frarri.rt..Cuts. W..Li.'tT IteooXs. Em;.) 4 ''' ,y

LUfklBER TvlERCKANT!;sv im: J'.i'A it f:i ro u msii n n.r.2 iu,-- ila'-.r.a- l l tv ry ii'--- - r.;-t.- . u at tt.e low s'. Mai ke

rates- -

Orderi frnn the coUTitry, an I oth'-- is'a'ids Solirif1.!.I.iiiulft-- r ar-- l .ii colli' r of iji.eii and F rt Sir. 5I2-tn- n

justness Claris.

Y. II. KICrilAUDS,II"l'I.-i'L-'.

Kurt rtr.t-r- , ILii...'. ii a. OC.c ovcr the Ol'ice of I'r. 5. I'cf.-- riill1jL.


Offli-- e tvirn.-- r of Fi.r! an I Il',tt l Mrtts. 5121y

V.. HOITMANN, .11. I).,PhytieUn a:il urif-.'u- Milt e's lil'jck, Quct-i- i Bnil Kan

hi3ii::i!i:i Slr-i-- t. 47S-l- y

DOCTOR KENNEDY,1'iiv-icrA- N, sruii:N am acimi cii l it.

F(.rt ;tr.- t. iit-- t ln'iise Jm the finvvrnii.i-n- t OfTicr. r0.?-C-


C. BECHTSNCEfJ, M. D.,11 IS SKlt VKKS AS I 1 1 V S 1 C I A X

OI-'KKII-ni..l to tin- - I'uli.ii: of ll .ifj'.iilii. IK-- iiwy l.e

i:i-u!;i i iii tlic KiiK.isii. rr-- . tch, fivrinaii, ianih an. I Italian1 lUL'U'lt d.

Part it ulttr all niton jmil lt Disiaos if the F.tjis.ti:i,v ll.mr. fn.ni 0 A. M . t'. 12 M.. an 1 firm 2 to i'. M.,

at llitr I.ru store i.f .Msf.tr-i- J. M. Sinith L'..

A. F. JUOD,Attorney ami Counsellor iit T.uw.

COllNit Ktiivl'aii.l .MKKtMlANT r., IIONOLUI.L", OAHU4'MMy



Ii. no'.ulj, II. I. ilUc? at tlic Kank nf l!i?hii & Co. 510 Cm

a. s. cnmsAUM & co.,Iii'jiorti :h ami '!fli--.ili- I - : ri in Kasliioiialilo I'lotMii-j- ,

II.it, (';ii4. l.'M.t anil .""I:.. an. I every vurii ty ofr-- rior Kurnisliinu lio.l. Sturf, fnrmfrly

l.y . A. Al.lrii K, Ki., in M.ikee's Ulock. liut-- nMr.-- . t.lI..iio!u'.j, D:i!:C. 4'JO-l- y


l'u' H -- hi?:l w.-- i kly in the Il.tiv.iii.m lanitu.-ii-- . It has tin.- - I.trui'stciriul itioii in ttf ''rou, ami ii roml liotli l.y H.iwaiiaiMnil. I KortriifinTs. l'ric.- - f i.OO a year in uilranc. A.Iver-ti.-t-i!fii!- ?t

il into Hawaii. in fr-.-- nf charjii. Ollice,i"uih c.rifjr t.f tli-- i bailor's lloimr. 6()7-l- y


KijrfTial Hit. iition i.ii.l to ho inti-- ts i.l the Whaling Floctli..- - I'urni.-hi-n t.f fan.ls, juirvlia.-t- ami sale of Ki-ian;r- Oil,lioin-- , tjem-ra- l an l the jTot-uri- of Freight

KEFKKKNCKS.MeH.-ir- . Iaac H.iivi.anh, .In., A: Co., New Itcilf..r.l

w. . . Toft-- , Ksy., ito.MiU'.itAS. ? .V Co. San Francisco.J. C. Mkkhii.I. A: Co, tin 47$-l- y

NEVILLE 6t BARRETT,I'lantns nnil (.'cii ral Store KceiuTs.

Ke.iiuk:i, X..rlh K mtu II ivva;i, m-a- r Keahiki-akit- Hay. Islan lI'r liiee HiijiS .ui .o. .1 with Wood, Kut-- amifiniT

Auuntat llonululii, A. S. CLK(iIIt)RX. 514 ly


BICHOP & CO., Hankers,OlViee in tl..- - rorner of "Makee's Klook," on Kaahil

umaiiu slr. i t. Honolulu.Draw I'.i'.U of on

The liANK oK I'ai.ihikn'IA. San Franeisco.M.-r-s- r t'lKISSI.LI., M INT1 its A: Co., New York.

" I.i-.k- - U'Ai.i.rri, New York,Hkskv A. I'tiLi K, A: Co.. ltoston.Tl:I.MoT NaTIuNAU l.ANK, ltost-.n- , Mass.tli.lKSTAI. ItAXK .'olir--:AT!A- London.

Will rei-i-i- i!H.!tit!,-IIsi:oun- t Ilrst'las.l business jiapfr, andatt. i.d i ciill.-rtiin- etc. 47S-- ly

BOLLES CO.,Ship Chandlers and Commission

aui icjn.visrrj:s !

f;:f:.Y stieet.l'artieular attention paid to th purchase and Sale of Hawaiian

I'l .luce.1 cf- - rs hy permission to

15. V. Snour Iesrs. Walker Allen. .V Co.,Messrs. C. A. Willi mis J: Co M.-ssr- C. Ilrewir .V Co.,M'--r- -!. Casrl- - .V Cooke .Messrs. II. llarkfel.1 .V Co..M.'sr.. li. C. Waterman. Messrs. C. L. Kicliards tV Co.

OO'.i-l- y

teios. i5i:.:3:ij,SHIP CHANDLER!lUuUr in Central JU rcfut ndisr. Inland Produce,

Sr, and Com mission .l.rct .

Byron's Bay, Hilo, S. I.,Will keep constantly on hand an extensive assoi-tir.ei.- t of every

description of :m...1s rei,e.ired hy ships and others. Thehighest price ;:iveii for Island Produce.

advanced for Kills i f EcJianj;.i at reasonahle rates.Hifo. Fel.ru-ir- :l. 1m!1 all-l- y

" a I a, b: 4.V V O XV A V ,KAUA1HAE. HAWAII,

Will e.m-.!ii:i- t th" t!. le ra M . r-- indite and Shipping 1ius;ihat the at'ove port, wh- - re th. y are prepareti to furnish thejustly eelehrat. ii Kuiruihae Potato. ,s. ami such other reemits as hi ? iy whale ships ut the shortest noticeand on the ii.. st rcasiiah!e t mis. 47S-l- v


CAL' rr zo?s.'"MiE i'ni:usii.Ei) HF.icF.r.v caution

S all not . all w their 11.. res, Cat'le. Mnh-s- I'on-k'-- ys

lloats. II .i.s or Dol--s io run on th- - lamls of .M A A

M'l and I'A LEA. district of Ewa. Oahu. rr on theII. 1 EH I ES I.-1- . .iii'im; to the ai'ove iiiet.lt. .n.-- lands. Also,ou the I.s. VNH OF NiiKI't'M I.l" M E and the tish. lit s t to rcto..Ml riin are also c.iutioin d :ii;ai7.t ortui the all ve I in.!, ;;s p- rsoi.s I. ui.d violating this in. lice willhe r..set. utv.l to the u:ino:t i n: of t'.e law.

11. .1 A i KSuN.J. KI.iNlKAPl

A- - tits f..r Caroline Jni-kson- .

11. ii ..lulu. April frh. Is --

o. al j lin



i roirritAM). oiti:co..i

j at'.C kiust class ci.iii'i:u tacketsv-- T" 'n tfx: 'i'"-- " W1" ,,? t'.ispatche.l reitularly f..r the

i '.XZZZi ' '"'Ve p. rts.Iiae sui-rii- r cat. in and stovr.ie :;ccom:noilaiior.s fitt-.--

up pre--Iv f..r tTiei- - u.f irt and c uivenier.if oi i.Fasst'iu-.-- and frei-.'h- t fikt ti at the lr'.-i.-- t current r.ti. .

A p y toWALKEK. ALLEN & Co.

v t 1 1 1 --s of tll JillM. sr. CIIA5. W. 11I1im.iKs x Co , San Francisco.

402 Iv McCKAKEX. M l.itKI I.L .,- - Co., I'. rtland.


B which is if. in f.i'l op- - ration, has constantly ou hand asupply of various

KINDS OF SPIRITS I.V IlOXI,M .iiuf.ifur- d fr m th-- ' pttr-- t r:nt-rii's- , and i."'nr-iTi'..--

f tr. ni ' laum-- i f aduitcratioii. a i l i f a nu.ilitv.1. a s!re-.,:ti- i l...'h-r- . and at ric.s 1 FC'II LOW lilt

than - u-- u V'.y .i- u i - l . ma ! up in p o km. atid ijuan-t!-.- ;-

s. to s iit i t it fit r f.-- h- - n." C 't.sun ptioii .rA ta ir a- - 1 ut pi j i iic d i r .tl i.s . t ful'y sol.cit-- : and it is

t"..n'i-l"ti!!- :iit'--ip.it--- that th--s- r ally ilomestic manufactures,tr.ad - y fr..r--i t'e- - . r ducts of these Isla-.- , will -s,

rve ati s v if a 1 i 11 from a t'icen.!n-.- public,or.h-r- w !l he r.-- iv.-.- at th- - W..rk, i r in the-- I'.-s- o;".ice, l'--.x

d. at sha.i profi ' r at'.-n- d to.M . r,,i T. W. WAKUEN.

moiisi. rowr.itstwo ifoitsi: rowr.u maiiixi:s.

WITHrun F.sitr.xs a: .i r le i v ei:s rou if heat.

ea mil i.s yon hick on coi fee.Fit Falc by

C. l'KF.W KK .i Co.

"PA r: v--.

HAWAIIAN'nsuraKft Partis.



S appointed A nts the above heu' leave tonfortn the the puhlic, that they are now prepared to issueM A U 1 X i: I X S I' K A X C K I I) I.. 1 C I V. Son Cargo, Freight and Titasure., to and froi.i all parts of thewori-J- .

II. HACKFELD . CO.Honolulu. April 2 li2. il7-l- y

XVI 23 il C II A TX T S MUTUAL3S.li!!.E I.Sl'ii.l(E tOMl'AW

or s-ii-ii ii'ii ii iss.rMIE rXDERSHJNED HAVI.VfJ ltKKN

X uppoi.ite.l airents for the above I'oinpany. Inn leave toiut-.rn- i the puhlic that they are now prepared to issue


4s4-l- y WALK Ell, ALLEN CO.



Capital Stock, - $750,000.CAM". II T. FAY rllDt.NT,CIIAS. 1. HAVEN Swill. TAKV.


rnilEI'MHiUSKiXEI) Inivr Im-c- ii mipoiuti ilH agents for the above Company and arc prepared to insure

C.VKUOES. FUIF.UIIT AM) TIlEASl'UE.For rates of premiuni, iipply to500 on i WALKER, ALLEN & Co., Ajronts.


4 I'rOIXTF.I) TV ISIUKLOWA: CKOTIl I". It.of Sail Francisco, for the well known MAK1NE


T!.c X. V. l'lii-iiix- . n S 1 . lO.OOO.Antl I In- - X. V. S.-c- ify. n-tt- clt S'J.OtlO.OOd.

Are pn ptircd to take risks upon C. U0. TUEASL'KEand FUF.H.IITS. to and frmn all parts of the worldagainst partial or total loss from War or Marine hazards, uponthe most favorable terms.

ALSO AGENTS FOR THEc F'io l.--t ml Ii 1 1 I iiam-i- i iici' Coiupuuy,

A K.-- 1 h Si.!):().).All risks taken uifin the most favortihle terms. 506 Cm

JONATHAN IIl'NT, IYesid.-nt- . A. J. K ALSTON, Secretary.


CAPITAL STOCK, $750,000.L 3 G Cali fo 1 n i ji, Street,



Cargo, Commissions and Profits !

In vessels not ratint; lower than A 2, either in the Foreignor I Tin tic. on favoraLle terms ami theundersigned are Hie authorized agents cf the Company furHonolulu.

IjOomt-- AiljiiNlrd nuil nitt lici-t- - hy tin iu U. S.Colt! Coin.

For rates of premium, ifC. "wc, apply to50i-ii- i 1WSIIOP .t Co.. Airnts.

Tin: iiritisii a x i foui:h:x3. UiLW: IXSLRAMK C03IIMXY,

Jiiitilt !.Capital One Million Pounds,

Head Ullicc, Manchester Kuildincs, Liverpool.Agents at Honolulu,

jufVTSJX-ia"- . cxLc;-ii:i- r

? co.N. IS. This Company takes risks on (TomIs only and not on

vessels. 50'J Oui

'5'lie rVorllivrnASSURANCE COMPANY,


above Company, have recently instructions to -e

the Kate of premium on Stone and I'.rick Kuil lins and oilstared therein, and are now prepared to issue poli-

cies on more favorable terms than heretofore.Kisks taken on liuil.lings. Machinery, sc.. on Siiar Platita-ti.ni- s.

JANION, OKEKN Co.,4'.'2-l- y Asjei.ts.


4 I.I. A A" Fit A C; F. C I. A I MS A (i A I XST SAIDI nd'-rwri- rs. occurritiiC in or about this Kingdom, will

have t be before him. 010-l- y

ii a 3iniTRcii-Diti:- 3i i:xFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

r.VUI'.RSIKXKI). Agents of the above Coruft pany.are prepared to insure risks against fire in tin

aU.ut Honolulu.For particulars apply at the oiEcc.

MELCHERS "c CO.IL.no.ulu Oct. 11. lo7. 47vly

SAM FRANCISCOHoard oi" Undes ' TitersrjgMIF. rXDF.USII-XK- IIAAIXfi liKF.V

appointed ii rents the San Fraucico Hoard of I ti.kr-writer- s,


The California Insurance croinpany,The ..Icriliants Mutual .Marine Insurance,Tiie l'jicilic Insurance Company,TJie alitornia LloyiN, nmlThe Home .Mutual IiiMiraucc 'omiaii y.

h ave t inf.rm M asters ' f and the publicthat ail loss- -, sus! .i::.d on YEp.SEI.S and CAROMLS,

insured by either of the above Companies nL'tinst penis i f theas and other risks, at or t.ear the Sandwich IsI.iliJs, will have

to . verified hv t!;-.a-



rXDF.KSMiXKD AfiKXTS OF TUP:B above Company, have lren authorized to insure nsks on

cauco. FRi:irirr ami tri:asitri:.hv COASTERS fr..ra Hotn lulu to all ports of the HawaiianOroTiti. and vlco versa.

471.lv II. HACKFELD A-- CO.


rsMUTIVVA I.l" A 1 iTf. PUR A Ii I. K. F I.F V1 i. -. preserving, atiii corrosive

3ir.TAI.IiK' PAINTF r Cows R.- - f- -. Ste.ttn En- - n- - ?. Cast Pi- ws, II .use?,Ft t s , Scl.o n- -: s , S'.eati.ers,

AXD ALL OTIIFU IUOX or WOOD WORK.l'.:r i a'.--- - ly

6W-C.- il CIiEWKP.& Co.


AI.ES IJI RLAI'S.li V It L A l li A ( S, for Coffee Bags.


S20 CASKS COAL OIL.51i-- t

Sugar and Molasses Containers."1 AXD S (.'nil. FIXFSIIOOKS. clean an.l brigh" 14 II ALU PIXE SllOOhS, clean and hrint; j

14 (iAl.L. CHEsTXUT SIlOOKS, clean i bright ,


l'IXE IiOXKS in Shook, to hold alKut iiiO lbs.11 El) OA K 40 ttalh Shooks, far Molassiit or Syrup.

For sale605-n- C. ItREWER Co.

coole:eis, cooli:s:s:tP IRON COO I.F. RS, 7 FEET II '

ri:ic:i:, sa i:acii.For Sale by

..00-Ci- n C. BREWER & Co.

Superior Plow HarnessesfTTOR SALE CUBA I1 IiVJL1 llo liu CASTLE A: COOKE.

hoxks i a xi) r oysti:rsrfTIRF.AM TARTAR. SODA.

Cinnanion. liinuer, Saleratus, Olive Soda Soap,Irish Moss and .Mace.

For Sale hy615 lin CASTLK Jt COOKE.

Supt-rio- r French Fancy CasMiiHTc,Double width for CJontleiuen's wear.



HOWS. 1 1- -2. I 3-- 1 AXD 2 IXCIIFS,OXOx Vok.-- s 4, 5 and ti. Mauler's lloc-s- ,

Oos. and W heel Barrows.For Sale hy


niacKsiJii Ill's Hkllons.XVI I.S R LACKS M IT IIS an.l COOPKRS.A VICES Blacksmiths an.l Coopers.

For Sale hy515 5t C. BREWER 6f Co.

nirxes AXD stoppf.usI. 1, li, nnil I3, inch.


15-3- m C. BREWER if Co.

UTTA ia:BrcBiA nosi:.r ilv 1- -2 ixcn hose,

'i ply i inch Hose,3 ply 1 inch Hose, 3 ply H inch Hose.

(JUTTA PBItCIIA packixc;J, 3-1-

y and g inch.For Sale hy

515 Sin C. BREWER & Co.

Cables.CHAIN CABLES, 3 and inch.

For Sale hy515-S- C. UREWER & Co.


olo-3- C. BREWER & Co.

S V W S A i .1IAC13 1 xT I : S .

4 FKW MORE of I lit- - WILLIAMS Jl OR.JM. VI5' plain, inexpensive, simple and effective

SCWIXG MACHINESWill do any kind of work,-stron- stich. and not liable to getout of order.

3? i"i c o 3j.515-C- m For Sale hv C. BREAVER k Co.

KfjANKETSlloavy White, Scarlet and Blue Blankets.

74 and 02 inches.SALE IiVETOR C. BREWER & Co.



515-r.- C. BREWER .V Co.


Lifting Pumps.tor rale by

51o-3- C. 1! REAVER A: Co.

LEVERS PLANTATION.1SSS. 1866..Sugar and Molasses

1UOI' XOW COMIXf; IX AXD FO R SALEin ipiantities to suit purchasers by

60S-oi- :l C. BREWER k. CO.

FRESH GARDEN1 SEERS,ntr.sii :.iu)i:x scuds.

1 1 ST RECEIVED IiV STEAMER AJAX5 and f..r sale by the undersigned an assortment of


Of the crowth of lioj and raised in California at the wellknown Nursery Harden of I'. L. Perkins, Oakland. California.'1 bese. se'-d- are warrant-.".- ' fresh and sure to yeiuunale. Theyare as follows, viz :

Asparagus, Artichoke, Pumpkin, asst.B-- et, asst. Cabh??.-- . asf. Radish, r acarlct,Beans, asstd. jrf.le and stringi Ka dish, scarlet turnip roots;Br Carrots, t. Radish, white turr.ip roots;Cauiilhovcr, Celery, Corn Sweet, Spinach, Squashes.t'Ui'Uiiil-r- , asst. Ejg p'.atit. Turnip, a.'t. T inato', asst.L"ek. L'.ttuce, asst. Endive, Mustard and Crefs,Musk melon nutmeg. Salsify or vejretahle oyster,Mnsk melon pine apple. Scotch Kale, Kohlrabi.Water melon. Onion", asst. Tobacco, pure Virginia;Parsley, extra eurl- - .l ; Sa'e, Thyme, Sutniuer savory,l'arsr.ip, Pea, asst. Pepper, f''.-H- t msjoram,

Horse radish, white root;And in fact every vari. ty of Vesetablo Seeds. Special Ordersfor Seeds. Trees and forwarded t j San Francisco.

The undersi?ned would also offer his services in the making up

Of Tradi Jhohs and Accounts,With neatness, correctness and dispatch, an.1 on exceedinply

terms. Please apply at the tJice of S. H. DoWsinr,Ei.. or l'p ttair? at the Brick Bi ii.msi";, late John II. Wood'sShoe S:ore, corner tf Fort and Merchant Streets, oppositelr. Ford's.


P. 5. An assortment GROCERIES, TORACCO andnumerous other articles at low prices as above. 5i:i-6-

A C 1 1 1 1 : 1 : M I. X T III. A X I i s .

FORMS OF AGREEMENT Ii E- -TLAXK and the on'7 authorized formPrice 1,00 per Dnioii.rr sale by





517 .m CASTLK - I'lKiKK.

Sugar & MolassesFKOM Till'.

Plantation of T. H. Hobron.CROP XOW COMIXG IX AXD FOR SALE

litic-- t to suit purchasers lr4JD-oi- J AS. M. UREFN, aecnt.

East Mniii Plaiilnlion.iSn-sir- s and .llol;issos,

CROP XOW ni.MIXB IX, AM) olli-rr- J

iu .paantities t suit byII. HACKFELD to CO.,

5t)S-3- A pent.

Sugar &; MolassesOF THE


6lKiiu CASTLE & CooKE.



Of Sugar and Molasses !in Honolulu, in quantities to suit. 509-3r- a

KiUWIKI PLWimON!8u;ibs anl fo Iasses,

"VV C4I.MIXG IX AM) FOR SALE IN11 (lU.uitities to suit, hy

ioT-oi- n MELCHERS & CO.

Waiknpu Plantation !

II. COUNAVF.I.L, Proprietor.


to suit purchasers. Apply to516-3- OEO. C. McLEAN, A pent.


Sugar and Molasses !SALE RVFoi: C. BREWER ti Co., mrentii.


Sugar & Molasses !"VOW COMING IX.Il For Sale hy

612 Gin C. BREWER A: Co., apentn.



For Sale by5u"-3- C. BREWER k Co., np.-nti-




COMING IN AND FOR SALE INCROP to suit purchasers hy516-3i- n WALKER, ALLEN & CO.



COMING IN AXD FOR SALE INCROP to suit purchasers oy5ie-."- WALKER, ALLEN CO.

1860. 1806.Snuar & Molasses

From Liliue Plantation !

COMING IX AND FOR SALE IXCROP to suit purchasers by510-oi- u WALKER, ALLEN" k CO.

nnilE IIONOLl.'I.l REFIXERV W1LPAVA the highest market price h.r

HARD SUGARS, ANDFirst and Second Molasses !


GL'T-ji- u Managers.

--a 0 E U


1866!CROP COMING IN. For eale by

r,08-3- oi WALKER, ALLEN & Co.

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · rt X--iJ --i nv. ..... r. 3 u i 1 J fc M III J - 'r --15 s b P R ii ft 1 ' . . s. V-- ii?:.: its-a- . . ll"i:i.lslf :i wkkk i.v nv t SIX DOLLARS

COMMERCIAL,S trriiltAV, MAY 5, l- -M

Tiik I. .. I ii.:. n- -t in t!.. - lA inds i, J J j, r ; i t p- - r ;.m..:i:i,from who h ral.- - it varies bt.i liitl. , n, r.i.!v ij:.r,..,' !...'.the fr. iti In . r .-. ... r a:.:.uin . I .nv. :iu i.:- - : 1 JI r ii!. 01. -- h'.rt if.l.i-- . within w f.n I. r it- - - r. .!. is f;- - :. r niycan'y ol.taif.e-t- ff.-u- j hue .c.i..!,, 11 - jji'y j ay rj .--

t.-i.- f r ri.on.-- a !;i.r. i on th- - t.it. a. Th-- - Il4iiii U.v- -rt.ni. r.t pay n if .11 t fr m ( to IJ j r !.'.. ii.Vr- - -- t, r,n !

ift n l -!, i:". ! l.,u'..t?i - I rr. w :il the f nj rl.'irr.

lo Ki.-I.i- I tf,.- - Link r.'.e of iti'.-r- Ht r-s- ii January t . 8I rr t. l.ii h f. r tl...t o.ui :ry ,a inoii-i- , aiul n-

- t!i-- I .: Uh I . .,r 7, f. I ui. n .ltd-- , ir.!- - 'lit f th- - .e i

mt. at Li!. :k I ) r . i r.

In Vr W ll.-- - h :i k r t- - - ,L p r f i t pr ,

o.i'-i.l- e rjl- - r if fr-t- I t j Z T o.-r.-t p- -r ru'.ii'. ii.

In I Lien,---. u 1 wl, cti r.r r b'e.c.ii...' itiiport.'u.troinrr.. rei.il c. ..trr. tie- - I ,i:.k m:- - '.f int-.- t 15 10

nr. J '.ii!iM T.ii'-- i Vary fr r.i 1 to J p-- r 0 .t. p- -r month.In .in r r.i: c:-- r. the ,f r,.t j4 rr..r 1 J t , :, j,r

rt uL. 1 r .uiu. t i.i... lit...,; 011 U--C 1h,vo 1 n rni- - of

ifit-r--t- . .li't i t!.-- : f l'.r ir: -- . wf.i. Ii ;ij t j; ,. r.f . ilan b r.; m. r';it is l. rJ.ly ljrtrtn:ii ;?:it tli.--f 1 r jtii ork.

w-r-- l l.l.n- :- iti U..- - l --Inl.i.ti t , t.rn, 1::. r,.-- r ri.luii.l 1.. thut it Kin u .iir iii':y. !. it tht '

r- - 1 .l'.:::.r, i.4 r..ij;i.-- r ; only a, r;h 7;. r- - J iir .in li.r J.i; in .ri - rHin.is il'.iir 1 ;iur

i.i j rK 1 iliivoiir.t- - t Hi : irr-.1- tiir c:ilir. T. ...; 1 !

l.ij'y'l M,U r w. rtli ! c t 1141 n.tt rt p r n. ,nt!i ;

I 1 j r, which, a: it JlOJ Ti l.mn, i.i.i, fi ,or j

- in j. u'... I. ! tf.ari1:1 w ...r. V. .1 tfii: t.irn-i,ri.- ;.- f r I in Svwa-- i in r.iu i -- : , hut it c,- -t It x j i l! it tii-r- t;in t.'r r'-- .V. e irit out II. is-- in liia t l:t: tiri, & m, a.ur, .1I y t V- -

1 ri. .f ;m 1 tt.-- r n i.t of caj.ital. tl.? j.-.it- i. 11 ,f ,nf r ::i; i.-- at t!. UKw.riit i. bu. rior M tbt i,f t!i-- :. t. f..i- - .Mrn-- ii t.'.ii 1,'yh: a sf :i.ly a .ii. to

fj- - itf cinviM-y- l.y her r..v.-riri i!. lu.-.r-, aii'l t:rUh tl.ft. .u.tt.'- - .f i.jlci-- r in iviii ftl ct ti th;tt TT::

ir.-it- in alaciu.h!i 'r.-i.l- to tl..,.; fl. ,rtt. nd.. j jtr u,iii.ry u iitnu.irj t- - tier .

. -jrn the inurLet-)- , Aj ril ll, tli :auie uj-- rhd..e !

summary : l

Ti..-r.x.r.- ii i,..iiir!oin',r!.i:t t.nii.ivi ,n um,,,;,.I

ii . n iiuic iii-ni- ..ii t i.uy frm ftr-- t bmN. Tin? stat j

r.f f t jr r..j,t. iv. t 1. ii.i. r;... 1j k ..I -- . . . . . . . '

t!.T-th..-tra- .!.r inny Ir: Utc. u-- .ir wan mw troi ,rtie.,; ,r- -" j'

lyJSTilX :,i. t f eri-h- -i -- i ir at ji

"'.', K.junn v i..uii;.i-- t :

i. .yr kt II.. re -- re salea of 40 ir.ch hurl.i. ;.t 17e. !

Th.: liniiiis t- - it'iie h is lr.-- i Ih.? rxt.-n-Vr- . lry auoti .11 I

n.- .y M-- r. voii;. Ki., & ,c.u..r.intf k,.uu, ir.-,.,i-

'II..III iif.ii.s. ..- will au.-i.- l -- I, ami thel.tiiVI I.Kl ..i ru. I ..r.......Ii...... l . . .: .iiui ruu; m nK.iew ii.rti.. il-- t, ni it vur-.- t lhin, .n hlh as Cotihl he ct. 1

Ns-a- Y..rk Mills i WnA.X hhirtinfr Im-u-- ?,r,lo i.e hi. hirlin-- s 4 u-


Attawiii.an shirti?i.Ti-- t i.tl hl.-:.c- .1 l..riniL--t j-s

C...M:.rf-- . .Mills shirtm- -iS.- - r.i-- i MiIU . ... '.'.'.'.'.'.'.iiiAiU.n Sliili l.- - neliol hirtiii4 inSrL.ari.-- u Kill t.iari,-- ri shirtinys ...... 22I...Icic Str-un- i .M.Ils l.k.-ict,r- , ,rli;ifc's HiKunm II .MiiU hlcaeh:.l shirtin.'t KlU.H.t.n l.rown sheeting...."... " ...

Jli-nr- rtay MttU (.trijmi -. . i

Niiliuuik--nt- f .Main C.tiiiou tlauui I..... 2'Jf'mnl..-- : liri. ti enksh ........................... Hi10o ii.. h white lirivu nhrctin ...Jl ljwhite lioeo Bheiliiig ... 1 0-'- j

A Utng line cf ilreg pwls, t,f v.irii.m styles anil matiufacture,M rather tow, U in m.Mt'y of hi.it a imiM.rtatioii. Mack

T.ir-t.- i Jri a silks soij wcil.

LOCAL COVMEtiClAL JtEHS.ItthlfH the arrival of several retruitin- - whal-r- s fr. nilliio

an.I Krur.-jFfL-uf- ; we have no roreiKn vcs.-- to thin we. k,though the Lthnn AlUn from l'ortlan-1- , ami tlie Mi ton llu.l-gt- r

from san Francisco, ar roii.iiil.-rt-t- l as fully ilu. The oiilywin.! we have ha.I the past we. k have lcn light soiith'-rl-

:tix, ..x..inrwiDi..iI witl frtnatnt thoweri, whieU wen; muchDer-di- l tho I.UotatioilS.

The bark Smnurl Mrrritt sailol on the G-- f.r I'..rtI:inIUkinff full caro of home Wuw jumlj of suur ami Zi,MouihIs f puln.The lark Catmint :U .his p. m. r s'an Frar.ci-c- o, anj will

take a Iixvy cargo am. uiituiir to alx.iit 6e0 t..n.i, coiisUtii.jr inpart of l.-- .,f siar an.I 7,jm ealimm of m. I i,.,rf.

Th- - .rijr Hnp. ri.in will a. I. ave for the mu i.rt, takingfu'l car-o- . The ahipiuci.t of thiisun':tr wei-- Will ex.-ee- tl a

million p.. units.Tlte of th? wliatir.y fl.it, (only two remaining In

i..rt uiir.) knve our Iiarlxir quite ! suiule of shipi'in?.The hri Kuiatfi tmeka which vr r im.iU-- I a week or two

int-- e ai it.iM to the Ah'nt f th.? Aim-rieat- i liuanu Cwmpacy,wUlhuvef..r I;.ik. r'l Islan I er,:y n.-x- l week, tince Ue haj

r.pair-.I- , refltt.-.- a.--i 1 rest owl to h.-- r M l.rij- - ri- - she l.re- -tuMu.T. ry fin. pxaruiK. an.I will prol-j.hl- y rt .M.rt I

hort ,a..itf. . Whoa rani:.? aj a packM this port !

"l J"ai ranoe.., stwr wa el.loiu, if ever, n inThe Mmutr Kifimt b at the U. k, in the han.Ijof the ship-earj-titf-

arul when ret--- . will te iK-r- . .1 f,r sale at puMic toauction. To all aj pvarancet l.e is as sm.uii.I as wh n she

her a.Uei.turc over thj rc.-- f at Kawuihae.


In low, th. re are st .mn) .. c- -. an.I U- -t .r thr.- - w- -rby U.e Uira i.n.1 the wivt . ilJiUi w..rth of is

The qnifcmi ii..r,'e . throughout r.r a t lrrraui ofw.wJs is nnly one trmr, an.I tveu that low charge is toU; rc.lcet-- J at tie el s of the ye;ir.In imlt.ai- - ii i.f the An.nran r.iitro i.Is ar-- ' ir.f rMloe-In- it

i.irf raiU. Th-- y c.'. l- - n,Ue!, an.I will wrar t. nt.iii. si a U.uz a the iron. Tlie llii'I-u.r- i r It.,.-- r.. r, ,iti.OOO t .. wh ch a ill l iy almut .i im!r f r,.aJ, anj as theipm wears oat it is to U-- r- - pl.ict .I l y ste. I.

TU. I'ruisian liuvrnno-n- r, . u. r.s.-,-.- i to h ire an ir. n--in iieft, ii i ma...' ri.i.tr n t4 . r l.uil.lin'

ZZ?ltiJt?- - Mm:Xn' Lirlil a"' !

Tlie Hrit sh ship Orient experi. nee I th-- sh k t f an ntrth- -

ZnKtZhikWU,:' Uvia Au-lr-,-- to

l:i ksi.i,.r ax I'mcs. wx Vsri. ThefoiIoinn.4- - .l it.-.- ! I Va.tmt"h :&!ra ,"1"ive,, j

.My nienrtrril.y iii .rn.r, ( pril 1) ,Ii.,. ov: re.I a l.urriintf ;VSf-- ar.u( a rule fr..in the .! t..Moron i if..' west I., a.ls or l'..mt K-- yt . Site was t it!:. rin the wat- - ror h- - r uj.p. r w.,rks wrr l i.ni..l t- - the waters' thewhith thiu fpm sw-iu- what char.ieti-- r i f a

' wl,'i., I

6 a. M., anj ii.tpiH.-ar.-.- i ai... at R i; m. si:e .infn-.-i durii.tf .

t...s tiiiieab..at three m - f s nthw-i- r 1 an t rctarn.il north- - I ,wanl toaNmt the m ;tin was seen in the motiiiti '. t


tmi.' r voium.-- of MnoLe .m!.I iss iefrouJ.tr, .us if fr.'m ! uaaui..al..nnirfir.,l.u:nolire' wasvuille. Our.H.Uut.A Psv Frmiv. The triv. li 4., Kreatth.ita .Mp. .iii. ri h ,H


rau j liiryleUraceou the ruiioa i ThiLf i. iphi.i an.I Baltimore, i

Th-- Meanu rs are to Lirue er,.Hnrh to take ii. a whole railway I etram, just as it is .i.Hie uu the su-wp- h.nnia. it is rxpi-- i ,lrjr;Ulir,r;Lr" I

''Tie ;

the pr.tneil plan U l. relate it to en;l.t. ' j hasAh lyrrr Laxr-SMp- At the I'arian . J'ln,!ufrir i

lotiii l.ur.V;ion.l i.i.i,-i-i ins.ru The f tolt .un.l is c - Wouldlx l f f 4 . lurOc.J.'oi t. rrs; th; n n.aimler of the picture hein ' tf.rii...l of ahmtiLHsreiit a nui.ilH-- of fuurth..u.-a:.- l varict.es tilZS'WZ wcK,:S ! -Jr,,,lr4- - :Li

Sliip. .Aluil.. Tilli".rr a," Camieu.tLij j.iy. !

.ir um.una, tin-- . .1 iy.L 1 . . -r.ir i "HIM r ArilTe, tl.i-.la- v. i ecur' r IUii.i p. r FriiM-e- . th: Jy.F-- r Knit a.l Kr per Koiehne, thl J4J-- . j size,F.-- r MtLix.i per X.-tt;- Merrill, Tuel.y. iiient


April 2H Sehr Kt M '.M i'.l ur. from Kahulai. It--J i'hr M.'i Ke.ki. X;.- - 1. fruui Kahutui. lull"-- 'J S-- hr M.-h-- (n in M ili'. i.2' S. hr MarlM t. Il.or.ir.l from lli.. "-- J Schr M i W .thin.-- . fr-.- Xiriliiiii Jt K

tehr K ite Lec, F.,u:.t.-xm-, frcia Lah.on.i a.rv.1 M tkee

Am h b irk M:n-rva- . I'eimiiu 1:1, fr. m X-.- hiti.lI

with 5 l.l-- l sp. placesh h.trk ..rt-e,-- 'Aia lavii, fi,ui wa,ti

ith JT.') U p ; thingSO SVr.r Alh f:n. CUrk.fr. tii Kii:i. K A.hv V K. h.ila.

M y I S hr l"rinc.'. Il.tt LiM. fr- - tn 1I.,:,a.. i.- An wh I. nk Seiri.-- . Siniti.. fr.m II- - trie vi:i 11:1 , clen. lan- Sehr Eiit-Iii.- ... Croe. K'Hia nii. Kau.

Sthr ksl.inu. M.ikitl.i. from Koh.il.i. !

4 S.-h- r Clunry. from Lihaini. haveiSvhr Xvttie 3t-- ii Ui, Kinney, fjvta Laljua ai.J Xla- -

kt l.tm'in-r- . alli Uirk'tltn.'- - t'oi.stit Ititai. UJ W.s,-.- to fr. m Tahiti, j

an.I i:i.ir l. from K.tuai, are i (T t'..e port. , Cve( uses,


April sehr Onwirl, Ijtrolvrt. f r KoI.a nn.l W.il.-ue-i-. generalliy I Am wh "...; A .t..n. f..r Ar.tiC. i

Sehr M. i K- .ki. Napr'.u. Xal.uiui. Nortf Aw wh t.irk .' Ii:-.r- v. Fdii.U.1.111, f r Arctic.' An wh t...r Ihtvis. for Arrtic. c jol



J.in.lin?, j ar.dt Am wh Finth. for Ar.'th?.4 ll iw'n wh t rnr K hoia. r..fn. for Are:;.-- . is.4 sehr Altwrtii. Clur. f..r K iwitih-- t n: l Kui::i. 1 - wcr4 se'.r K.i . W li'iur. f.r Kut.ului i

4 s.-h- !.inti..ltaw:.i. !arehnt. f .r II.in.-t- beI emi:.m::a xpi.

D" Capt. I'ent.ii:i.ir .4 wi. I.uk Miwrr i. rep.rtM ueU lit Ati wh .1 ..:. ;,';:.;.. i 'f ut I', rt Iiu:,C!ial.'.r.tuI il.iii J, liD, arol ri I t A ret;-- Oe or.

. r-.-

rnii i s.


i'i !; i.f :!c r Iii ; j .

F r r..fciL-i- r ; .T ? .1:;"! ."! int. Mij K (

' !:ikth.;

At Mir-hn.-- !l, W..iik!t Miy I f, t, i If - f Mr. .1. I..'vi-i- , a SOU.


J It :i 1 i.im At - I I v II.-v- K II r::i.i:,i;,I Mr. iin'l A. I. ;i. r 1 . M ii 1 W li ,, I,,,;;, . f JL.r, ,ju;u.

-:: t'irt..i.i.' iiii t rii.!.i-l---;j'h:- ij.n ju'.-.i--.- t y J

J:;s-.,i.i- -I- 'i.tt-' In Frn: .:. Mar-.-- 10:h, l.y T.cv.I -- :! Mcj.trcii, lr. K. ii. !..:;!. i;., L". N vy, to II n.i.ali

j IMKI).

liMU'K Iiroiriied Marnti lu, Iat. H Wi Isiivi. 100 - ;o W.J'-i.- l:ri 1:11111. fr'- - M uvt r'i- ;ir I fr'M I' .rk I'ac ''

i ''",JJ tt-r- 1 y-.- r --f n.---

' I" ) .: a native of (,':in ii.i Wf.t. Lu'..-i;-.ls C".y.

THE PACIFICCommercial Advertiser,

sat 1 'i:da y, ma y :Jm

siimI I'll-!- .

fhe (jU' tion of a supply of I'tn-l- , in an is.j- -I it. .1 :iml lilt, iti-.- l IiL-i- . i.Hiv mL.mi tl.t.mil tr.tr... nr .! , 1 ., ..

covered, and w here the ariciont fore-it- s ..

diminishing in extent, lorn, our oi.lv internal-M-- 1.V, U of .pi-cia- l importaneo. Fuel, secondouiy to io.,-.-i mi imiiorianco aim count 10 ciotn- --

IS lU(i c the great Wants Of Ill.lTI. rI O- -;n tl r. n,U-n,;,,- ,l ,;viiii,n , r .1.. : ,

' v " "'"V-. ...t .1 r...iiim want mo more tirtrent. I in- - art i i

p nd more or less for their success on its supply.Nati Mis rise and fall as this supply is increasedor diminished ; and holding, as it does, a placein importance far above the gulden products' ofthe world's mines, it may be regarded as theyrimum molilt: of civilization, aits and manufactures.


Much as tlie reckless destruction of our lor- - i

csts ought to excite alarm, on account of theraj. idly diminishing supply, with increasing costof fuel, yet there are other and graver causes ofalarm than these. Tlie influence which treeshae on climate is well known ; and the im-

mense evils which result from stripping a coun-try of its forests are also well understood. His-

tory abounds it. instances which dispel all doubton this subject. Countries once populous andfertile have become barren and parched, anduninhabitable from no other apparent cause thanthe destruction of their forests.

Our woods tire the legacy of jiast age's to our-selves atid our children. They crown our hill-

tops; they cluster' in our valleys; they coverour uphui I plains, hanging to the rocky pali;softening the outlines of the craggy ju nk ; or farup, where the wildncss of nature reigns undisturhed by man, there, everywhere, they arenatures i vi-- r acting, never tiring assistantsCondensing tfie vars by their coolness, drawing fertility from the air and the rocks, rendering summers moist and favorable to health, andt'1'" winter storms and Irohcts less destructive

their results, adding new variety and beautyour diversified landscape, their influence is

uncca.-iu- g.

It U our duty to protect them by laws eo thatmay leave them unimpaired in value to tho-- e

who come after us. The too common practiceto cut for lirevvo.I right and left, without

reference to anything else than to make themost money in the shortest time. Cattle areallowed to run where the woods have been cutaway, and thus all chance of another growth oftrees is entirely I jst ; and thus it goes on, andprobably will go on, until tho must accessible

o .dlands being exhausted, the oiioe of natneW 111 ',0 Krtsltt;r tlie imported. Ourare circumscrib. d. AVe have no forests,

in exte-nt-, to dejend upon. It is well thathundreds ad thousand of acres cf our wildWooUS are, to all intClltS and titirpoSCS, TCrfectlvinaccessible ; otherwise it teems that

entire surface of tho islands would soon be to

Vlot the trees, tmd be changed in conse--

iucnco to a state of barrenness w hich has noii ,

r:i:l t tlw"' ot 1 alcstlne, CXCCpt Oil tl'Ci

no M,J t,f llilSoitan.reform must Come ; and better now than x

years hence. A systematic tmirse ofmanagement should be introduced by lo"ilatioii

either means fail. In i'ranee and other f.uro- -countries the governments have taken the

u;r in hi" ntl -- - culturebeen adopted w hich bj js fair to be must

successful in its results. FrcsCrvatioil lit-r-

Lo not only better, but far cheaper than intU re culture. bhail the reform bo delayed till

mountains bare? Till hundreds ofEvj..

rtti of iir ruin. .1 Kv tlw. .iw..- - t iirinamount of debris from the neighlxirin.' hoio-hts- ? f

iithe destructive power of our winter floods istrreatlv au -- men ted. and our mill streams nd F..r

- - -era nave uwimiiea to halt their present Wiirand till damaging droughts become of fre-- War

occurrence, and of longer duration ? Theremedy lies in proper attention to the Woo-dlands: protection from animals, a judicious re-

servation of certain portions, and planting trees.ought to be a rule that the summits of the

should never be touched; for the r.roft. , ,

prae- -

'. P'.u-'- i win. trees, iiie soil in sin f. ir,is usually and of little tw for any-- v..else; but in this way it may be made ' the

pr.fita'de, s increasing the value of the1 adjoining.

Although, with yrnptr tnnunj- - mini , wo may st.

fuel euCicient fr cooking j urroses through andtime, even if our population should increase

f dl ; and also hard timber for dotnoticsuch as fencing, bridges, carts. ,Vc, yet it b

GxeJ fact that the sugar mills must, as athing, 1 ...k elsewhere for their fu.-l- .

is it greatly to be regretted, the use of ui!!would free inanv ilanter? from the vexa-- th.and Iosse, connected with tho use of wood

trash "wrco. wet and dttn.ied, as it oftenIncreased demand and i:uj ortatieti will d.iy.the price of coal till it.-- use with tra.-- h will

found m re eooru-mical- , n s :no p'.mtati r.srtainlv, that of w . d.Kxpenmeiits in the AVest h.4ve sii. wn

that cne t n of I'nglish coal, o.stit.g tiu.ro about andone p 'iind orfic dollar-- , will cone titrate one at

" v ' ""V

ui fiKil V i.'ilM

ii'v ii!ij..;ti! to the ii;ir iritt r.i--t ilt!:o ; l'jr t!ien.' irv inuny lino sitiiati'.-n- s

i"r Mir i .n the il.uiJ;, which an- -

1 y 1 11:; . v.'.-j- i I frwiii n.j iitl r C.tU'., J...TJ:th;.: tho want of 1 ;i 1 .

It i. hih tiiuo tL.it the wiM cxtniva-an.-- o, thonttvr rtxkhs-p.t.-- ;, wit!i whi. h wustJ and

' il?lT.y the acciinuil.it.il rturocs ..f a now; )imtry, h..uhl i' in.-- t an Think uf rut

ting 1! iwn l.ir-- o aiul !..autiful kua tr.-ts- , andj t!io trunk, the nn.st valuable tart, to

d i :iy, whilo only tho bram-hr- s are taken awayan-- U5.-J- ; and th.- - same of eoco.inut and otlior val-

uable trees. St lu since, as we are informed,' hres swept over nidi-ral.I- trac t:, on Kauai, in

varixn? arts, lostryii: prrass arsd shrubbery ntho plains, .Te. piti up the hill sides, and eating

! their way into the beautiful little proves in thocod reoos.-i-- s of the i.iountain sides, thusin hundred .f a civs of alaablo pati:raj:o..Ml this has boon d ine fruia sheer inaliei

I by individuals who wished to b ase certain tracts; of" land ; and as tho at Horn lulu would'

ii--- lease for the euui oSered, they took this: course to prevent hie leasing it to others. Fires. liave UouIUkss originated in the carelessness of! natives in tin ir smoking, or cooking, and the

long Continued dry weather renders those firesj so nmcli the more dangerous and destructive,j To check these, or at h-a- to check malicious

acts, some special legislation seems necessary.Witfi. .. . fl..... . ox run.., cu in.s- -

,j:in,t''. witii a scientific sTstoTn of ajru'tilttiro.j I " " ' " v at 'it iii' i

j " uire"' A' ,WiOUC intermeJitito sbip- -

meiit, our forests iiroserved to that extent thatwill in.-u-ro tlie return of seed tune and harvest,

l our country iiHdudinir tne siiar. 'nvinr md' CD ' r. rts wi.l rtse to a career of pros. .

p rity to wliich the .resent is but a transitionstate.


Un our fourth page will bo found the. .. ... . f?report ol the .Minister of iinance, as presented j

to tlie Legislature. We print it verbatim, with i

its numerous grammatical and clerical errors,.. .prouming tliat, it a public ohicer cares so tt o '

lor his rej.utation as not to furnish correct Copy,to the press, no complaint can reasonably be

made when the traditional rule of si printin" '

office is complied with- -" follow the copy, if you j

follow it out tho window."The report is anything but clear, and presents

no reu.arkable features, nor anything new, un-less it be what is said about the J loyal Domainand Kiawti. The enormous debts !

brought in against thestato of the 1 ite King j

(8'J,70l), would indicate cither some lack of j

management of his affairs during his life or ;

subsequent to his death, inasmuch as this debthas accumulated over and above tlie ordinary ;

receipts of the I loyal Domain, which tlie Min- -

ister states amount to about 20,i0) a vcar, !

and in addition to tlie annual appropriation of10,000, making together the stun of ob,(i00 ;

annual income. While all should fool a iust I

pride in seeing the lloyal Domain free of incttin- - i

nranee, it is not reasonable to ask. the nationto assume these debts without a detailed state- - j

mont cf them and the creditors. J

The paragraphs relating to the steamer Iii-- j

liium show that the sum of $59J!H2 'J2 wassunk on her during the time she was partly j

owned by the ( 'overnineiit, and h. r sale appearsto been caused by a lack of provision tomeet a bill for further expenditures oil her siccount, amounting to 'J,'J70 10, the vessel thusfar having been a total loss of 09,903 02 to thenation, which sum will be reduced 13,978 oby amount due to the ("overnmcnt on her sale.Uut by what authority has the sale of thispublic property, which was purchased hyspecial legislative enactment. been made ? j

And by what authority did the .Minister ofFinance violate the obligations of his office in j

expending nearly ten thousand dollars on the .

Ki'aiiKi over and above the amount authorized? ;

If the stock owned by other parties suffered thecame heavy loss, it is one of the most disastrousspeculations that was ever undertaken in this orany other country, and should be a warning tothose contemplating similar enterprises, cither tolook out for a long purse, or provide a spare key

tlie Kxchcijuer vault.On our first page will be found the I'.udget"

for tho coming two years, ending "March SI,le'OS. This is now before the Assembly, and isbeing acted tin, without any statement of the

Hairs or wants of the Interior Department, theDepartment of Foreign Affairs or tlie JudiciaryDepartment. The work of making reportsthose bureaux is now considered superfluous, andthe honorable Assembly and the nation are expected to " go it blind," trusting to Providenceand luck to make all right. fi

Tho most prominent appropriations solicitedthe budget are the following :

Evp.-ns.-- l!..nnl f.f II.ilth, . s jo. out)uses tiov.-n.ini-ii- l'rii.tirir Monopoly, . lo.e.iJ

h:i, ves nn.l 1!. i.iy f..r Honolulu, l.i.noijIireil'.'iui; ll. tiolulu Il..rl. r. . la.OCOIni-rea-i- of Water AVorku, . 10.(1(0"ep.iirs of Civernment Ruiiaings, . JO in 0

jverniueiit n . 40.0O0F-.- u llov.-i-l I';il.iee, . 40.0(H)

a Oov. runient House, . 4O.IMI0National Iiel.t faliiii' ilue, . 4vS."0

on National I'lht. . J1.40I)I'ekirtinent, i'.o.OJliiK i arlineiit (Mr. Wyhie's advances), 'J.'..'S

"sirJi.Iiii I!orii:sr," ;;,oo. i

On. these appropriations and other matterspertaining to the " P.udget," we sliall havemore to say in our next.

"... ...onr.n.N. T.lie Lark i .urn J;. ('!. whichtouched at this port last Friday, leit a Sat. Fran- -

:! ,. H.,;,,,. ,.f llej.resentatives. on tin- - :nh. by ato of T out of nLont l.'n votes. It .as-e- ,l inHrt in.-tati- ee l.y only 111 t. .".. T!.i- - i- - a t.r- -

li'd. - idow to the FresMenr. Ion shows tliat thepeople are bee. Oiling ake.l up. and determined to

uid by their right-"- . All honor to the SenatorsKept i t Ami-iica- . for daring to de-

fend the tVecduien and civil liberty again-- t thethreats and fulminations of slaveholders. Tho nr-riv;- il

of a sicaui-hi- p at II il'.i .x willi ihe eholei a oneird is reported, and the probability is-- t Ii:t t no

he.mari etforts can keep it frTu latniing and spreail-i:n- ;

i.vcr th" Am.'iic.in Continent. The next newsbe ",o..-e- fir eagerly, as it will pm-es- -- nn'.rootdinarv :.::--r..-.--

Tin,-- ,

s'.aeo by the its of VaiiKi. not farfi-'i- tli. -- h. re. Th.-- have been r 1 r fre.pient

t!.e h-- i.e. r t!:o b

.1 :. Ti:o b a; k i '!. .",- and io iirI. ii for San I'riio All

th. I'M: 1

A;.o-nie- a:id Iv.ir.'po wi!l (.1- s,.tl... 1". -- t 1 ab-oi- i.o. n

"'" tuc injury uono. I papor ..fib- - 11th .T April, in whichshould all bare lull tops, so far as ; graph reported the passa-r- c of tlie bights bill

thatiIndi-- s







uumwn L' ppjowcaMj mi p pgriT:n- - vi'.i:!i:' t"'i- - lin- -

i'lt illji !;, Imi Jt -- s iv:.!.:: . . r tin- -

K'ii'. and hai.'.ly nmch la!!. .1- - :!.? rainsla-- ; ;!.- !,- - h,! i:!! :.. Jr.ly !i,.w, -

nr. A ui - t!:.. !i.i- - ! L in li.-- -u bt:.iu n i. ; '.

and i: ui.; lo t!..it tii. i: pla !' t'ae inintritaiii"t !' their ! a.;i.. u!.i; !y !" ( )airi andM.iui. is !,:iv;i: :!". I :! 1! e weatlior. A

!'. inter reia.ti k.-- t- - u 1. :!.. tiit th.ie iat!.r.-- e ear-- -. In ha 1". :id it W'--

. .-y i

an. I that in t!: m nth ' .Mare!.' t!..'hm:.;Ii. S.i hy ba it !.-e- ..u thi- - island t!mt

t!i.' e.ieT;.:!!.us I.ave i::ciu-.- d eiy t!Uie!i. andiuiii-::.il!- y e :iieo. a!ii!ir ahiii'-- ijdaittod. at; u ki; :r hi somo places th cane-lield- s

and stiipi'i.-n- r them al:ii"t l.ue. and eventhreati-r.inj- . t'a" yunnir rice. ! n on" manyacres i,f piistniv land Lave loe;i ii..na!!y t i i j j

: of vet-- blade .f jjras en it. With the mu.--t sin- -

: irular and ma!!., hois i' -- tiriet i!:ev iia. !v unn-ueh- -


; ed every 01 of weeds, and only eat whatis valnaUie for m..n and beast. The abuudant rains

, now in wi!l. i; - h..ped. de:ny tliese pots.at least for this ea.n. thoujrh they !iave provedVt-r- v !N!iea!i.-ni:!- ' sucli natives a are ed

t cu'.iiva;.- - t!:e s..il and iaiP.i-iii'oi- s. AVe

i.ile ro a t'.u t not jenerallv kn..s n. lliatl l:u' plowed ha- - proved eenir lroiu theC:ltrI'! 'h.rs. w.hilo Laid ndtivated v. ith tho native

; "" --vi:!-' '" ,"va "Vt'i': "v'''" ''.v theni

.tad every ldant dosrioved. It i- -; nrolj.ililo lliat the1

plowing Luries the egg or lar a so deep as todestroy ir. -

siKAMi-.i- : i ai:k. l no loilowi.: are tho rates offan-- . har-,- on t!ie sieann-- r uhichieli Fran- -ci-e- o Aj.ril !. for Panama mid New York. Inonscnu e of li.e ailing of the opposition steamerI r S tn Juan on th loth, the regular line reducedits rales : First e.ibi.i. ladies saloon. ?210 ; d.. iu-si- de

I'.iDii. si." .",() : second cabin. 7H fn) : steer-age, .sir :,.

Wvn:::-i.- - ;. ;::i. The little s-- ip ,,. r.o.A.e,came into port early this week, in a somewhat pre-carious condition. lull of water, bavin" bad a

jias-aii- c her oaigo was wood in.iinl v.hii li served, to buoy her up. nil reaclmiu' port.

w here she had the water pumped out.,

.f T V'lA ,"''!l ni"l,lMy hlUwul. hterahv tiotnin" transnii in" iit the wav of, , f ,


,,,.1 v ,!l , cliooiier M;!!,,, Jl'tJ.rr.r which will

.:,brimr s.in Francisco dates to tho loth of pt il md

'w '"'k '" March JOrh. We slial I look for the''' "'" '""1 t!" ii'tn to lotli ms .

IION'Ol.l'U--, May 1st, ist.it.

flt. l!AMX,-- ; OK THISa S. City has b'S-- inliiiille.l us a ?irrner in ourIt Kn. IMKKSCII LA KiiKU A: Co.


rolt , in eoiiiil. ii- - working or.l.-r- , with 1 Suive-oult'-r- 21'laiiiiijf Mai-hiiie- 2J.iii,Ms aiul Cross-cu- t Saw, ami Newhmriiie of 21 h..is.- - p.ovcr iin.t l'.niler.

F..r irtieulars Apply toilJ at Ki. IIOFFSCIILAEUKIt 4-- Co.

K. c. M'CAMll.KSS. j.,N. ,.ATV.

ryS'CANDLESS Si CO.,U-- al. M in C.k.ick!(ik, lti:KA! ami (li:i:itA I. M Kucn.tsi.isi.-- .

N. K. corner of Fort ami King Streets. l.m..Iulii, II. I.iVHI.ly

Land Fax Sale.cl,f ivnah!e

For particular-suppl- toJ. S. EMERSON,

519 .tt Or S. X. KMEIlsUX.

Chinese Matting, 4-- 4 wide.CHECK KI AND Will IT".

Bi,"'flvS,W,: VKKV LOW TO CLOSECOX.B s 1. N M l.NXS.bVj i ii At MELCIIERs ,t Ci.'s.

A ' A 1 V S (; I : N T L K SAI) I L KIIoRsE.Iuijuire of



T ooLONc; tea,S I'r. 1 Oiiifjer in j.ir. Currants in fjass j.irs,Ruiiiis in ul:i-- .j j.irs. Sal nl Oil,

Triple Vine;.ir in .h iuij ihii.Wine Vinej."ir in cases, Stearin Caiiilles,

I Itraniariii. (Jeiman .

ol'J 2m At MELCHEItS Co.'a.

HP or Salo.aKI'.N II CI.ARKT IN CASKS.B ii-ei.- i h Chu-e- t in ih irij ihns,lhir.-ii.-i.'- Win,-i- eases. Mock Wine,

Fiile Sherry i:i woo.l anil lx.ttl.il,Ch. rry Cor.lial,

Genuine IIi.i.lsiek t iiaiiipan.-- . in quarts an.I pint.0,J -- '" At MELCIIERs .V Co.'s.

IP O Xmt A L I

BLACK A NO HI.I K HIIOA IK LOTILIl.ek. ry Stri s. i U..,.!,C'I.e. k..! r.!(t..n, l'antal.i .ii Sn.ir.

Turkey :,il y.-n,,-

Silk Ihiree. P.l.i.-- S Ik Velvet,Llaek S,;k H it R;l.hons. t

I.:ni-n- . lliintiii"Silk dv.-- Kil.l.oo.s, l.pK-- ami e..i..it.;Cotioii Ciiil, Frocks ami Truws.-i--t oti. .ii Thr. a.l in halls. Wor!-- ,! Li-ti- n- ''Silk l i..ler-!,i,-- ts Wool..,, lilankets, "!,. Con,f..rt. rsi.. i,t s l.r..w .,:ton Socks, nun.l.-- IK-m-

;iIU-.,ss' j

r.nrlapr , etc., le. ';!! I'm At MKI.CUEHS & Co.'s. I


H1 ICIIEU K XI VKS. .JACK KMVFS1.0.1. Koiv.s an.I Forks Ceket K..iw.S.i- Files, p..-,-.- i !

I'v'1'' li,r" ;':.'Wii:f VU-'--- -

l vS!.ot, Ihpe, i,,.. ,. ,.tt. j51 3 -- '" At M ELt.'II Kits A: Co.'s.




ti. .-




f. 'J. v:- - V .'Ain




O V .1 11 1 1 V ID IT Ci .

f I ii'ii rnrvrir r nnni v iuiruaiiLi.iii, riiL.uii Cv HLajj.i iiiiuinExprc-jii- SeKvto-- for this .Market. Iron

Co,sitirr in jirt of

lnV coons, ci.otiiinc.iiosn.-n-y-


iiardwaul'. cnoci:niEs,V.TXr.- -, G Kit MAX ALL".



UAH IR.)X, SHKKf IRON. Kiltt xvliii-- tvill l,e oti.-ic.- I I'ur Sale upon

A II-- 11 1 11 1 i.ilMiiil 'I i


" i" i. e mi'i "Vi:t I'liA iv.-- vi:k un K

in ;l l;llo i:n-- H'i paper.I'.-a- I : t ierni.m

if the daM jtivi'iicuri.'Ui- -.. i!ie : itwill b'se,.rie' t. Accrdinir i h- -

in Is';:'. Tlieell: n"A' l.v "I", .. . 1.. ,.,....: t! . !";:n-4- "P 01' t!ie li.-'ii-



-i.Vi.--- a ;u...l l. ni- rh:!!ipp-- . is to say the

1.. ir .aii.e ana u 1 ill;, :

n..::, ; c cutae M to 1S30-1S- 4S.

II,. w... - r:i... ' ' ' . 1S .. 14.II 1 ' . " IS:0,'vVT

,;virv K'1-v- s.i..a.., ..h. -- ' -!-

!" .' r;.V, : ',":-

- IS.'.J 1 .u.

IT IsOi ls'jJ.111. I.- k.iji n; 1 ..I""- -'

Ti.,. aimve i en!v c4m'.!l.-- l l.y 1'r. Cumuni..-- s

...vdS.-ti- .n that m IN;..nuher..nuLich th- - Au-ns- ta r.o.stUst

v eemments as f.'lh'ws :

... I... I i. tV.s will IT. VP t. ih-- i ."--WV :ir.' tlMliiV IK Pill

n OtWIi-- . al.'iv f, .,,.0., n . t tho in . n r.'


All'tl-.- ravin uh..t tl.-- - ou.l -- f t!.e w.:l;l is im-u- "

.K't tHori-- ai .I a v:Kt .h- -

,,,...,.;., l i.l ,t..t.tach is the

! .lo w.-I- I M.; to z t. a w.lt,r cure estal.I.st m.

r "jtirv c.i.a.iisi.i...,. ho .Ions his ro o U O

amiinoi.t liy .( IsOT. We st:.ke eur jputiey on the

ttiiu. a .!e.

11s disco vcrv Wa- - made one day this

ueek amomr the alluv ial dejiosiis on ueen sueet., the icitiitv of -- tno corner. wliich remiiidod

. . . . . . . . t .

lords ami animais.ok. ol t 10 oi.i iracK of gigantici by geologists in the old red saml-siou- e

strata and other ante-diliivia- n formations. It wasI :l man's foot-prin- t, which inoasnred H'. inches in!

len-t- li bv ."A in wi.U!i. which on in.piiry wo found

was made "by a whaling giant, belonging to thei

ship '.V-r.;e- . now on the way to tho Arctic. It is

j said lliat there were giants in those days,' and

the rem irk applies to the Western Islands, wherethis seaman came from. With such a haipooner,

the ; or.j ought to report herself full in Xoveiii- -



I.AUVINA, 31 A ITI.IrNtl an.I Sweet IVt.lt. es, with other tecruits, constantly on

liaiul r.ti.l for sale at low rates. SlU-Ol- il

FOB. SlkliU I

Stcftm 1 it p; i it o !

T67ITII I'.ITKXT ItF.CI'MTOIt. IXCIIY Cvhn.'.er. 10 itieli Mroke. A.l:iptel to i nn F.mrCKN-TUlU'tiA- l.

MAClllNFS ; Imilt, ami mny he :it theHONOLl'l.l' IKON WoltKS Co.

TKUMS It HASH . 151. K. 51'J'-!L- "


2:5:e2:3':K l9Issi.:.tioiaKK;s of kxtua i sri-Aii-


An:w in small lots hyJANION, tiUF.F.N - Co.,

;.19.r5rn Agents Kaal.tea I'laiitalion.

WAiLUKU IV1SLLS.Sugar and BIolasscs !

liO.M THE AHOVH .MILLS Foil SALKin iiiaiitiiy to suit l.y

oltt-o- W ALKER, ALLEN & Co., Agents.


71ltOM Till: AHOVK PLANTATION FOIlJl s;i'e in fpi:itilities to .suit hy

519-:!i- n WALKER, ALLEN A; Co.

;06.Sugar & Molasses !


..i! a-- ; v riiAiTATiri.TMUil' NOW COMIXO I.XAXDFOR SALE

in 'iiiantilies to suit purchasers l.yol'.l-Ui- u WALKER, ALLEN .t CO


WIiOM Till: AROVE l'LA NTATION FORM ale ill to suit hy

519-::- WALKER, ALLEN ."c Co.


ICJAIt Al MOLASSi:s F!U)I THISV? estal.iishmei.t for sale in quant iii.- - I i suit pur.-haser-s l.y

olO-'t- WALK Kit, ALLEN CO.


and Molasses !

1IiOI CO M I X(.' I X, FOR SA I.E I N QUA NJ t ties t.j suit lyl'J-'- '' WALKER. ALLLX Jb Co., A'ei ts.


-a- s-wl Mo IssueslItO.M TIIK Alio VK COM I'AM'S 31 ILLSf..- - sale y

010 oiii WALK I'll, ALLEN .'c t'o., Agents.

MONOS,SJi,,tJIKON WORKS COMPANY.rjpilF. FOIMIRV A NO litllV WOltKS- heen ! cMUly n.neli U an.: sui.pli. .1 w.ih isCi.li.ph-l- it

is to l.e on the l'.n.i.'i.: Coast, are to executer"Nf---

. i'r:itiN- - wokks r s.n kinds;!At Very in., .1. rato rat- 5.

r 1 : am 1 : n c; i k s .


C F. .VT Rifk;al maciiives,tc, A:o.. ... A- -.

Exo-ut- ' il on short notice.

of several sizes .Sugar .Mills are on band

tor s .I.-- , .inr.rei.t sUes, nr.; 011 haml ami in pro",-..,s- .

Tl Con pa. 'y w.,uM ea',1 the attention of Planter to n.I.--; a.i I r.pj.rov.1 form of

7Tv accuum Pan,wh'-- h .let-tU-'- l ilr.iwini.-- s are to 1... -u in the c.flice, amial-.- to tt.- - .i.,aof .h.iriv'aw.i.v with Air I'uniio, ami Inolive

li.n.i ,,r w:,t. r.-o-;- , t!.,w the V UT''u'i'"" ""' '" ' ' Cononileal, an'M.,.pev.,,..,i.t..r. Wit,,-- s..-,.-t ut a short ..oticc nithout

They w,ul i alio call intention to t,cir Iarg,. .j; of


SHAFTIX;, of all usual sizr 3 up to P, inchc?.RUASS IMCKS ami VA LVE.S of MI'EIUOU n,.lkc.

Tiping,Klb , s and Ti-es- ,

India Kubbor Packing,Injoerors, toam Cau-- M

hi:st i:st IJAIl II0. !B-il- cr L'hite, Sheet Iron, Angle Iron,

I ire nui!,.r Tube?,, .1 . ..... . r . .

&c.,01 -- i.i. ii. 111 lixtnTi. -- nee 1; w. .

.i.-r- v the vi.-w..- f P!.,.,t. " works or in a- '. ;. hai in-- I.. . 1: ::. .1 .1 . .'' S A W . '"Sts e,.i I. t ! v.- i-- . Tal

Vpr.-:i.- j i 11 V

V t-

TIIos. lit .m;s. Maua-e,- -.;".I'.l- "r ..KEEN' (..,.; A!?,.u

lSenI:-- i li.isitcli IAimroit


M O a, iti cl e ttK. II. M IT 'II VA.l, .Mi.i r.AVIIISAIlTIIIS PAY for iih.ivii''i-t- . tVLalvoil int


Whale r.ono will be tak.011 at low rat--- , to Han Ir.tnciK--

or thro'igh ltills of f.r an Kastern Jiort signed.Fur freight ami ia?ao huvinj supt ri r aeceinnioJatiotij ;n

cahin a-- stet-rajj- aj i'ly toII. II.U'KFULIi CO

51S 21 r to V. 1'KKWKIt Ar t.'O.

lSsiAv:tii:tn stckei liiicSAX FRANCISCO.



I). IIKiMl'STK.U), t'oiiimnnilrr.XVill follow the HFSfl'KKIAN with Oispateh for the ahovejHjrt

For freight or passage apply toWALKKK, ALLEN &. Co.,

ARetiU.Aijints ut Sun Frumuxf",

Mcssm. CheisW. Brooks jS Co. &i8..it

I IiLAViviimi fStcsim mulr


The Fine Sehooner

iSL O TT W ;T T-- Cl .LA M I? El IT, Master.

Will Srt.il for KOI.OA and WAI.MI'A, Kaua;

The Fine

ii& lbe t it i,CLARK, .Master.

ICO Tons Register, will run regularly

rou K A XV A III A I A N I K O X A !Tin' ClipjuT Srli-Knr- r

ITettie Merrill !

FiUNTAI., Master.Will run as a regular packet to

Lahaina and Maalaca Bay.For piirlii'uhirs apply


519 Agents II. S. ami 3. I. I. N. Co.

run i:t.aiv ami:..SF.ST IJLA:KSMITIIS C'UM It Kit LAM)

in CaskH.ALSO

un.-ts- it inn faj iruti: c.ovi, yon cEXTiuriGALM.ICHIXES,

And Cart Axles, 4 and 2 inch, with hubs and

boxes.For Sale at



TIIF. irNIF.ISlfJNFI IIF.C LEAVEto announce to the pnlilic ami citizens of Mono- -lulu, iitnl visitors n rally, that they have opened

A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT !ailjoining the well-know- ami nl.I estahlished


where cleanliness, pol.teness aiul attciitinn are the prevailingorui-r- , nini me waius 01 tneir Reveiai inemls will amisupplied in every possihle shape, tiive a call, ami judfe foryourselves.

11 n vim,' eiiiniTeil parties who have had many years esperienrin this t ram h of business, the Restaurant will he carried on illa far superior style to any of the kind in Honolulu ; and wemay add, that every variety of eatahles and all the delicaciesthe market affords will lie furnished. The facilities and conve-niences are of that nature, not a stone unturned will he

to supply and satisfy the wants of the inner man.The premises ari well known to he aduiirahly adapted to the

husintss, and many a pleasant hour may he epent under theevergreen shady bowers.

A share of pritronne-- is particularly solicih il.N. It. An ahuiidaiit supply of all the late papers nn.l pam-

phlets always on haml.Hill of fare, with prices affixed.XT Also 100 rooms to let, hy the week, month cr vcar.

-- " J. IW.--K a CO., lYopiietorn.

(.uifihm.i mm.rMIK ('XI)EKSIGX'HI) IIAVK UF.F.N A U--JL thoriz.-i- l to issue

ITii--e I3olicies !ox

Stoics, Duelling Houses, I'm niliiio and(nods it. Store!,

7.V HONOLULU AM) VJC1MTWLosses adjusted and paid here by us in lb S. gold coin.

For rates of Premiums unl particulars apply to51J.'r"" " " ACKK1.LI) .V Co., njjents.


Inap1eme111sHAVE ON HAND

And For Sale at Low Eates !

PLOWSIAULF. FLOWS, No. 12. -- , '.U;

II'lt.--E FLOWS, i:ale A, Eairle o, Ea-- le II.IIE HILL FLOWS, A No. , A Xo. 3. A Xo. 4;

STEEL l'LOW, V. !. . X li, . I . tl.ITvlrst TVetli for tihove I'otlcn.s.

FLOWS, wiih and wiOemt W. Jt C.

?u94iv:3ti'sSTFF.L KKVF.KSIrlk TUKTII,




Hay Cutters, No. 2, No. 3, No. I

ITsi .V Ciit to rsVery largo with pully balance wheelFulling Sorgliii u. i'.xnv. Tons. Ac. Ac.


noitsi: nor..-- .

ROAD FCR.vrKRS.OX iOIvI-'S- virions sizes.

OX ItOWS, ns-..ft- nl sizes.

CANE KXIVKS. ("OLL.VIW ml IIA11NI,wiiiffli: Titi:i;s,I'LANTKR'S UOi:, nssi.rfp.J m'zc.

iioilsi: rowLiis.LEATIILIt KELT I 4. ;, d A l.ro.

" K Ii II LT I XL. ": 2 . 4 A: 5 im-h.-s- ; ?, k 4 p.'y

AuI a Variety ui Smaller Articles.".l'.Voiu


Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · rt X--iJ --i nv. ..... r. 3 u i 1 J fc M III J - 'r --15 s b P R ii ft 1 ' . . s. V-- ii?:.: its-a- . . ll"i:i.lslf :i wkkk i.v nv t SIX DOLLARS

- air gygptl.,

C. S. BARTOW.- i

On Tliuri!;iv, - - - May 10(1:,

At ll bVlorU, A, M.. lit Ntle Koam.lf'i7 e .VAi :

General Assortment of MerchandiseJ)ry ...., f Vm. '. ., A" .' 07, .

.I.S- O-

l'.y or. I. r of the Pr-- l - ia Consul, I...:..ii,':n. to t!.- - t? ofF. w. I.OltK, l n

;.! f Cnrttilurr, Clolhitt, niitl ilryOlltrr A r !- -.

Szilv of Et;:il filiate in

VIIITI K OK A.V fll'.DKi: j

..uf ..f tl . nij.i. ne Court, w..l sold :tt PL ttLIC .

.If 770.V, ..ti J

MOMIA . I III. li.tVOP MAY". A. I. 1 .IT 1.1,-- : I

Aurliwii !toin of J. II. Coir, in Honolulu.AT 11 ft'cl.O'K, . Oft.

The f.'l ..'.vinif LOTS til I,AI - !..ir.-ii.- v (i tV M..t:.,f th lit- - it 11 It AD I V.V, .a.! ;.H.iit :n.l-f- m 11 moluiu.

LOT No. I it.-- . I on the n.aVai of the KwaK.id. ti ir tl.r K.i'.t.t bridge, r.,ii-ii'if,- '.' ..f 7 10 :irr-- s, :it..ll.r i. ru: t II,. K.Iihi . T'.'T rr a'-- acres tHit II A.I.O and UICK LASH i.i this Lot.

LOT No. 1 ..ti th- - rnmiei si - X the Kurn

r.u !, "f! t N'. 1. f 1 'J'M'yi s f KuliI.4.. I, i.r.l . ."-- I t t r ;i I'urrll.riu'

l.tlT o. IJ r Kai lii tr"siin. r'.niatin?f .,ti"- i. uf :t a. r- - f K ji l.n. l. l.'miijol oo tlir cast ami

id l.y Inr..l .( I'.i.t. AI.rXAii.lir A.J.uik.S.U.K I'OSlTIt V.. IM.mi f iK" l"l t y - t Hit"

Auction K-u- For .irt!i. r . irti. ul ir- - f.lr t- -

WILLIAM A l A !.",A.Iu.i"i-:r..t..- r of tS- - K- -t .r-- ..f Imvi.I

--j J. ort'il'..4. IIAKIWiit An. ti .n Uooii.H.

IJi-n- I lsl:ilc :il Auction.On Saturday, - - - June 2d,

At 1 r O'Clork. M nl Snlf Room,M , sm.M t!i?

Ahupiiaa of Kealia,,tn it- -l on t!. II in l i.f I. N A I. at !n nx t rlw f ;oOD,

.f th if .f I'r.TKU VOIMS K VKO. Tli atwive 1urilwll w.it" . I'u 1 .:irtiriilir will 1" .ivn previous to S.J.",Hi. :N' l.y Hi:'--.iti- n to I.'. lIAKTuW at AiK tioii Koom.

il? fvll f'tl ll'liliVII I.IMKntiil ItOSKV.I IfAI.K CKM EN r, all in rt-- t or.l.-r- .

Juxt Iln t icril ) r COMET and for snlchy517 3m V..s HOLT tz IIKL'CK.

tiik sroitK OW OCI Tl'lKI) UYIh- - l u.ltr-iitil-.

;i-:Si.- i B- - K. SNOW.

tiik iiorsK itTu'KXTi.v ihti imki),"! l.y 7". 7". IHilHillKli I'Y, !:., r Ih" on" at j.r-- si nt

Jjl-J-L -- ""'' I ' J" WtwMf, to wli. m apply. il lm

For Sale,riii iM'i.iii noi i.Kit Willi rntr. iiox,

1 :n.. KNCINK 4 incfi c lui.l' r, S m. !i Mrok..-- , c..iplctc.T- - 1 t a liaruMin at

Oil iu llnNol.Ul.r It:N WtiRKS Co.

Copartnership Notice,r am k i:.MKiesic:xT:i. iikkktokoisk

.loin;: lnMiitH at l!ito. a Itmtt.-i- l l'.--' oi O. . AL.winto irti.. r,hii with him f'"in th? fir-- t .lay in-- t. Tt.e firmlimine m-- l ""tvl.rof th.r low copartin i sliii. wi.l II A I' A I if AO.V.

IIAI'AI.r.v l.i. Attorni4 Cm ;so II. ws .V Cn.

II.n..lulii, April 2ot!i. "'. ":"

TWOIAROS !irecoivcd per 11. W. Wood, from Hamburg.


'Ttxlri r 1 ra.M-- , n.itairf with i:it. si iinI I A I 1 prv. iii."iili. in frf'-t- t orih r an l rinif carefully pa. tcl can lie-- i.t to the otl.t r

6l7 Sin Vox II o I.T tf HKI-CK--


fa'H. KIIKI.MS, IIAXI)HKIIIK.-- N UOV Ah.Kuiuarl rrri l liU'. It lirim-- . C'n rle IJI:i nclir..l!l.c rllii-.Cl.:l.ti-.-- J. M. fi.rl-llliitio- li

Tii.- - a- l- rv.ritc U.u.J ..f CIIAMr UJXK are juitr. . iv .1 a n.l i ff. r.l f-- r .y


For S:?Ic I

--v TIIK STAI.I.IOV rl. SMITH"Win btf tt.r.-y- . arn oi l in Jai.e .;ct; tan.Hnin.' in- - h- .- hi-- h. an I w. i.-?-n v.-- n hnn.lr. .1 an.l


. i.l.ty p;r.-- . - V.i s.: IIm-t.- h. I Mm,

!..-.- " i'- -r larth-- r pini.-n- l irs iii.fiir.' . f'. II. Jl ll. t V:iiman:il.i l.'ir.i-n- ,

51 4 r,,n V. 1 l.LI A M N AX j'L1'!: .

C IXVAS, I'rom .So. I l N


I urnol aiM warrain.n m- - -9 v. ry,t F..r :.t- - i.y r'i;r::! l'

M ATI' 1 1 F.S.ttVOSTON Ci: MATt llKS.J i K.,r I'v th ? f.i? or l.r.w.

" lsoLI.K-- " .v Co.uIj 'tSlIOIilNC TOIl.VC (U.

IMI'IIM'. : I It I I! A 1.1)1. KII.Mlil MCK2 J n I OiiO. .

F r ...! - r.oi.r.K.-- .v r.i.

O A KSA SMlUT!:i) M7.KS. ntO.M S TO 22 FF.KT.

-- i l r .1-- - l yX CO.515-5- t

also, a ;r.xi:Af. assoutmi'-n-t

ship ciiandleryT groceriesAMI

C.t.-t.intt- y on h m l an 1 K..r ale at Low Trice.


' ':"iK A A "oLLKS k C..N.

ir7rii-oi:Ai- m.iu:XI KOSKXOAI.K FKMKXT.

l.iv a upply h.iuii f r sal.- - low !

M5 3t i':'"" coitD.vci:9iU..t COKIAC:K.M7 FROM 1- -2

iZ iiu h t a 'i I" - :. It 'ton iM..;.uf.ctre

M AMI.I.A ('OUI)A(.K, C!Jia uiaiuiftur- -, fr.ui ii...h t.. U ii".

II KM I' CIIKI)ACK,W I'.i.i as...rt- -

1 i.'--.

MirUtu-- , 11..U-Iiu- -', Si-u- Jrn. ke..c.it-,5- t K. r:.v y l.Ol l.K.-- ti. Ck

CALIFORNIA FLOUR.IVr I.at Arrivals I'rinu San Fraiiti-o- .


4 hi (j.i.irt.-- r ! i ! 't'- - tamily.la l..txn-i- i ; .1 i . ; .; Ktra family.


t . . .

UltnillN A.l rUASI'.K SALMON.V ISAKUKLS AM) HALF ISAKIU.I.S. A:"i.p. ri'-- r t i .ij:y.

Y- r S iteP.OLLKS i Co.51.V.".t

I'li: a i:s.Y.l F.L XOHTK. XI

tmWft H Ci.-.ir-s Irnrt Fn.l.l- -f llTfl' IM.I.KSXCQ.


kf.icosii.ni:SALK HVIIIU ,,.L1S r...


IOIt WIIM II IIIUIlKVr f ASII FltlFKIM.wil,",:-:,,,,,- r ji. m. wiirrsKV.


On ThcmIsiv. - - - - May Slli.At H (rClnrk, A.M., nl Snl lioous.

A Uir. A-- -- rtia. i.t t.t

O li o i i o c i i ?

Cmmttintj iifu-; I'i. k!-s- . Mu-;ir- !, t !..w ! r.

Oy.'ers, r !.!! s. :.!, Olive oil.J.. lies. ip, Toli.u:cu. CVars, ICli.vh. Oil. Ii 1 1'

Honolulu Sugar Manufacturing andRefining Co. Notice of Election.X AI'IOUPA XFK W IT 1 1 TII K KrnirI

li rt'V l'tv- - n' ti--- that at tl.at.inj l f iM M:kh..M-r-I..-- I ! on th- - Sr ii -- t. t.e foil, win- - wre t!. it. l ii

t!..-- . r f r th- - y..arW. I.. likllS. ''.. ?wl. Samu'.k. l i' Pli'lHtI. liAklLt.ir, tcrtl iry. Sm"l . C.W! ) l)it f rl,ir,.

I. hAKTLKTT, II. .--- M. ami V-- Co.

II'.r..,;a!a, April IM, lv;. a;

C. F. PFIiUGrSHOll'iirn Fr Sain at hi Sltiro tin Foil St.,


New and Desirable Goods!LATELY RECEIVED, VIZ:

MIIK A V LAWN'S.C1IIA.ry l.i-i- t ty of Ir-ti- ch I'rititi ar.l Krein.h IViiit-- .l

I'IWI14,I'l'ii.t-- .l le Ie Liirn S -- t. Ii IM.iM,A I if.e -t ' f li-- w W.wil.-- - i;.l-- .

Kin- - White Ci.tton. Lin-- n Irish Liie-Ii"- ,

K i icy Ch:-- Wool-- ti

LA I) I F.S Itl.ACK SILK II ASt L' I X KS.liii-hi- truHiitt'l. ;f the i t ry lattxt Htyltx.

l:r. akf.i-- t ShaAls an.l Caj-- ,


II Kit LI x wool:Kmhroi't-r- y Canvass All wi.ltlm.f Mack an.l white Elastic-'- ,




KMitn(ni)KiiKi) Liyr.y coii.skts,liliKAK FAST t OliSKTS.

Ladies' Wliitt; and Colored Kid Cloves,! I.M. ler pair.

LA 1)1 US I'RL'yKLLA fSAITKUS, of th-- v ry Kst kiul;La lies' White an.l lilvk Ki.l

A lari? vari.-t- of ChiMren's an.l Miss.-- s ?1hk-s- ,


SFI'KltlOIt DltF.SS SILKS,l.ir.ii.L' Silk. I'.l.iek iin.l white Koiimlation-i- ,

title white Wa.--h Nets, White :u;l Mack ilk Iilusions,

An tl.-fra- of Arlilitriul I'lowrm ami Wri allw,I'-.i- t lCl.tNitis, ami Velvet llihhons,White an.l Colonel Tarlet'-ns- , Nainsooks.llook ami Stvis-- i Muslin", Curtain Kurniture I'rints,lir- na lm MmliiH, Wh te aii.l Fancy Ku.-ln--,

t. Ktnttin- -, Kmhioi.l.-r- an.l j"-.- l Cottons,I.iniii-- Silks. Worst. il anil SHk Cni.liii 'J,li.li. a llejul lir-.p- s aii'l Hair Netts,I'.ip.-- r Cjinl.rii-s- , Siliias iliiss liniti-- s,

l.:.,ii- - s' Eui ksl. in, ki.luii'l h!e 0aa:iti-.-t.-- ,

Small Il p Skirls.LuiIhV an.l CliiMrcn's fine white e .th.n an-- lisle threa l IIo.--e.

Wtiite nliJ l.rown t il.le Linen an.l Napkins,h:t Lin-- n Iiiaj.t r, Cloth an.i

Fancy Illru.kels ami I'.-- h'


LAIMF.S' DUCSS TUI3I.lIIN:sSuo-ri.- r Fn-iii-- Fans, l.ailii--- ' Fancy Ihirti-r- an.l IMlSliilt liceaiiii I'.r.iiils, Ji-- t Hiitton-i- , all sizes;A lar-- e vari. ty of hias-- , pearl an.l porcelain huUons,



All the iiIm.vc e Is will le :it low ami reasonahle j.ricesAS CI1KA1 AS I'HK CIIKAI'ESl'. li 3tu


Estate of liobrrt C Vi'yllio, Esq.,

For !Snlo sit Vncition.IIY VIKTFKOF AN oKDEU ISSCEI)

,:: ul if the Supr-im- - Cor.rt or the Hawaiian.111. the Kv-rtito- r ( f the A ill t K. '. JWyll'i, will tl- -r T.r sale at


Saturday, 12th day of May, 18GG!

AT 12 O'CLOCK. X O O N .The. Kulluuiifj I'i unity:

l.The ir.:.k..l portion of th- - I'EI.I.V IMtF.MISF.S.Hiluat.-.- l at i he corner f ll.it- - l an-- A. I. mi's Mr.-.-t- . i

tl l on II..I.-- St., an.l OS t'eet on A.lam's stre.:t an-- ut presentI'V Mr. Ileil-ti- s.

oTheria.ika poni-- ti of th- - PKLLY Pit KM IS KS, a.l-- j.iTii- n- t No. 1, iiieasiir'.n.i; "I t- -. t on A.ian.'s street, an.l

rxteinliii in h- - rear 10'i feel, an.l at present nocupied hy Mr.Full- r an.l others.

3. The XKI)I)M:S' IMIKMISKS ocall.-.l- , aljoin-i- n

Lot No. 2, m. aurin- - V f. t on A.lam's street, ami ext. n l

in- - in Ihr rear 112 , ami at present oecupic.l l.y Mr. Cotton.

4 1 on the l!-s' l'r.mi- - s. .in ctly aft- - r the il- - ofIV aln.ve. Will Ivs M li e ; A D AI. L ' so ca'.l.-- l,

in K uikah. kn. Nuiiii:ii Valley, n. ar the vall y resi.l nee o

his l ite Maj-st- y, c.iit..i;.iii 0 Ti-10- acres, an.l .1. scrii-e- inKoyal I'.itent No. 72. .... It . f

Iii.imdintr !.'.' ft.:i vtll ctnn iJ all in- -

ti'.fii'r jr :n'. .v.

Tcnin made known at lime of Sale F'T further particularsapply t

J. W. Al'STIN.(i. M. l;or.KUloN,S. C. AI.I.KN.

510 i of ihe v enters i f the Will of It. '. AVvliie.



" Moakca," on SAolokai !T . T- red for sale f.-- r tin- - purpose of cl 'Siim the estate of the

Capt:.in THOMAS KIMi.Th s land is situated on the Kast. rn end of Motokai and

rout iio Jimi acres, ni.-r- or less: t 5;0 acres of which arerxee'llept Cane Land. The land cM-ii- la from the mountain h.

thes.a, a small island off the ca.--t hcl-m- rs to the land, andth.-r- is a lan.Ln.' f .r l oats and a f:sl.inir riht. A fine stream

of water runs through the land and there is an uhumlance ot

Win ill on the estate. . .location on the croup. Riving a

M. s is one i f the finest.pl.-n.li- view of the chi. lie's and the open Sea to the norlli-a- r

l and i only off- - red f r sale to ch se the estate.For ,.art,cu.,rs apply ..axk

Kxecut.T and Administrator,

55 3: i Or t - I'KTKIi II. 1 IlKA O V 1, I.au no

Received and for SaleBY THE UNDERSIGNED,

i :$o "'"'s ''Very Siijx ri.T totality.

."Vest Cedar ami I'ainlcd Tnli.A Vine Assortment of

KEROSENE LANTERNS, &C.A Sl-nli- l A of ir! Citi; .

lVoiK'li Cliinsi ""si?-i-iOf ail Si.--- s and Sijl- - s,

Kit-lil- y Oil! A ml Prroi nli il.

Painted Metal Toilet SetsWilli K.N.t Hath and Sh'l J.T.


A dt sir.d 5 article.

AI..--0. on hand a iV.l an ! c trplele of

China. Glass and Queensware.jy orders and I'ackitie; ...ne :U the er- - atost Cat e

T. MOSSMAN A. SON.:.i Mm 1'io- -

pr-f- St ie.. . rn. r Num. ml and Km- -' sir., is

Dissolution of Partnership.ill F. I'A ItTXKItSIl 1 1 l!Klir.T(lFllKKfx- -I

in the 11-- ia fu?r Mill ! tl.ii iol-t- .l by tr.utu.il cui:s-ti- t

a.l in.,n.-- i.win to C.ii;pi:y to - pai,l JohnMclv':u- -. ai. l all .1- - ti, n li nc'.iinrl s.ii.l Company will t.y paijhy th- - - ii I J. McK- Hgu- -.


II.im.lulu, April 21, j1"

GUKKKA IWiSTAlIRAXTFort Street, Honolulu.

A. I.DLL Kit IJK.liS TO I.XFOKMSAM'L th.it i- i- l!v ." ai. 1 eoi.titiui-- i to prvvi.let;OHO I.IVINU f.r h run., in-n- .

IJoan! hy the D.iy or Week, and Single --Meals

.1 tlic D:'n(nif.f nrid LuxurifS uf th Jnarkttl'roi.K-.- l ami -- . rve l up in the l.est style.


Iliri K.x.rrn o:i the reti.i-- 4, coKifoitahty frituaU-.- l andf jriii.-h.-- l. 5H lm


1 KKItKLI.IoN; cotiipl. t- - in ONE volume: l.-n- O 1?-- . To

pl. i,.i:.l 1 p!i!es, .rtraits, o. AU, other Af.'AE auJKALVAULK suh-eripti- Ih ks ami Ei.jrravii..-- .

I'.vciFic i islisiiim; COMPANY.o(j5 Moiitgoirery Str t,

51S lm Sim Francisco, Califernia.


DR. W. H. RICHARDSUKCiS TO ANNO! XCK TO II IS KUIKNPSan.l the I'uhUc that h- - has pun-has-.- l '.tie liru Storefrom IT. S. I. Fonl. sitimt.-.- l at the corner of Fort an.lMerchant Streets, mil tostMte that it will he his en leaver

to supply then) with

Genuine Drugs, Pure Chemicals,i ioict. ii:isi-'it31tii'- ,

-- 1oZ (7ie Lf-x- t th srrijili"u 'f rrt ri f77e (:d

jr.'.'t Ihf I rode.

Tr FltF.SCIlII'TIO.VS will he carefully an.l accu-

rately ilispen-- . .1 onlv with ineilicines of the purest ipl iliiy.

MF.IHCIXK 'IIKSTS will le ttlle I amiwith ilispatch, an.l at ni.nl.-r.it- rates.

M a ST K IIS of VKSSKLS ami M KltC'II A X fSwill Ami it to their advantage to ca.l it the Ollios and leavethetr orders.

N. r. S. I. rOltO still attends the Office at hisusual hours tu assist thse requiring uiedical help and advice.

lUnolulu, April 15, 1MW. 616 3"'




Odd Fellow's Hall, Fort Street.SALOON PILOT 11 It KA I

CALIFORNIA Crackers,Tins Vin; Cntckers,

Sacks Chili llailoy.1'ure Cider Vinegar,Craliaia I'loiir,I'resi-rvei- l tiinee3.New lliis, Snioketl Salmon,Canary .Seeil, Smoked Ueef,Streaked ISaeon,

Ivistorn Cranl lorries, JJillin'a Hams,New CaliTornia Cheese,

New California Lard,California (iolden Syrup,

True Lemon Syrup,French Capers and Olives.

1LSOrorrvns coon china rick !

In M) pound mats,For Stile cheap hy



coi'Vixc A.xn KXLAit(;ixo;ItKTOl'CII I Xi loiio in llie b-- il mniiiici-- ,

;...,l on the must reasonable terms.AUo f..r sale, I'hoto-r.-.phs- of the :nilM Kil.i ; ami

d other Island Scenes; the Kl.u itA.nr.UhMLllA, ;., fyc.

At the Gallery on Fort Street.11. L. CHASE.

p. S Having purchased the Portrait Negatives front Mr.Weed, duplicate copies call he had hy those persons wishingfor the same.

II. b. C

milii iOT E!A VINO It K V K I V K l M V K N T I It K


Photographic Apparatus ?!

A ith all Ihe recent improvement in the art. I wish to informthe resident of these Islands that it i my intention for theluture to follow theIli-h- er llranelie of tho Profex-io- ii only!Taiiitin and netoucln- - l'hotorapli mae in mv rooms,w here p- rlr iiture will m- - my cm-tai- .t study, l'r.s.ls will heshown to persons sittu. f.-- r s (if r.irticu-la- r

att.-nti"i- i paid to c.p ol.l pictures.Mr. It. is now completing arranj. m'-nt- s to produce I.and-s.c-ipe.-.-

r.c..pic and Mierosi-opi- e I'iclures of tiny size.

XT An asormei.c of oval and K..sewo...l Ktanies-- ,

Morocco. Jinny hin t ami Vtlv.t Cases constantly on hand.Mn-:;i:- CM AS. lll'KOKSS, I'hctopraphic Artist.

Cll AS. III'KOKSS WISIIKS 'tOMIS. the residents of Honolulu and the other Islands,tiiat it is his intention to make a tour through theOroup duringthe cotuiiiil Summer. I'. r the purpi-s- of making a series of


All orders f.:r uch work can he left at his rooms.

Those wlio wish to have


Will please call as as possible. 51U-Gi-

Confectioner and Pastry Cook!Next Ioor to Cuttle Vr Cooke,



Ladies and Gentlemen of HonoluluThat lie ha rida-rye- his estahlishnient, where

he will he al.'.e to furnish the

Very Best ConfectioneryIt manufactured on the premise, and not adulteratedas most imported Candies. In connection with this he liasopened a t';rt class

REFRESHMENT SKLOON IWh r - his patrons may oht .in anything in the Uefreshniei.t

line, such as



OYST I'll STK'i'S1 A STK V O F A L L Iv I X O S i

V.esid-.'- s the

IDc.-lio.'ic-io- s f tlu Son son!(f which he will have nhiiiul.ii.ee.

;.. Ri-ini- s I'iil fr furniiliid tlho-- irUo ma.;VJ" them.

012 "in

THE PACiriCCoiiiiuercial Advertiser.

sat runa r, meiHAWAIIAN LEGrlSLATUEE.

The i.r.cof.li:i":-- : .f the Assi-mh- l y lor the firstday. cinistl utin-l- of the election of ofiicer.as reji.ii t.-.- l in .ur last issue.

His Honor Justice llobertson administered theoath f oilke t the N. Lies. Ministers, llepresenta-tives- .

S,n-reiar- and Interpreter.Iluti. J. W. Keauehunahala. of Waialua. intro-

duced a resolution that the s be tolirt-sen- t their credentials, as was iviiuuvd of thenejiresontatives. After some explanation fromMinister Harris, the resolution was tabled at theinstance of Mr. L. Kaapa. of Hilo.

Second Day. April 2fi.

Assembly met at 12 m. pursuant to adjournment.His Iliejhnoss M. K. kuanaoa. and Hon. (I. Khodes.Vic- - rresi.h-n- t presiding.

Fray or tdfered by Chaplain. Iiev. L. Andrews.Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and ap-jifov-

Hon. Mr. Kaapa. from Committee, reported thatthe credentials of all tlw Hepivsentatives submit-ted to it. were in form, and on motion of MinisterVal idity. I ho report was adopted.

Minister Harris moved, that live copies each ot

the Ooz-tt- and An Vk be placed on the table ofeach member, on the day of publication.

On motion of Hon. J. M. Smith, a Committee oflive, was appointed by the chair, to draft a reply to

His Majesty's Speech. consisting; ,,t Messrs. Smith.Kaapa. Wood. Kamakau. and Huluili.

Minister Harris trave notice of his intention to

present the Appropriation Fill as soon as the rules J

of the Assembly permit also a bill to amend the i

Act for the appointment of an Attorney-Cenera- l i

also to amend Section HC'J of the Civil Code, ";

,t bills of indictment in Circuit Courts.Minister' Hutchison jjavo notice of his intention

to introduce a bill, to amend the law relating toCommissioners of Foiiudarics. Adjourned.

TuiKD Day. April 27.

Assembly met at 11 .v. m.. and opened with theusual formalities.

On motion, the pay of the Secretary was lixed atten dollars per day, that of the Interpreter andTranslator, ten dollars per day, that of the Messen-

ger, at one dollar and a half. A motion to fix thelatter at three dollars, and also a motion to employ

James 1. Dalai as patje, were tabled.Hon. J. W. Keawehimahala gave notice of a hill

to amend Section 9!) of the Civil Code, relating tolicensing hulas and other public shows.

Hon. J. M. Smith, from Committee, appointed to

draft reply to His Majesty's Speech, presented a

reply which was read and laid before the Assembly

for consideration.The Vice President then announced the Stand-

ing Committees of the Assembly.On motion of Minister Harris, the Appropriation

Fill was read, passed its first reading without dis-

cission, and was made the special order for Satur-

day, the 2Mh. Adjourned.Foi rtii Day, April 28.

Assembly met at 11 .v. M., and opened as usual.Minister Harris called the attention of the Assem-

bly to the incorrectness of the ollicial report of pro-

ceedings as published in the h'ozelte of this day,particularly 1st that ho did not move that Mr.

Kliedes be elected by acclamation. 2d that he

did not sav. when giving notice of his intention to i

bring in a bill to amend Section llhl) of the Civili .i ,i ... .i,.,ni,t .1. .!..- - . i i i i. 1 n tlii law

onenow inconvenience

month. on again,

Fill,g or a,,,uo"

to King's t!u.tlie amount of .?27,000, issued to the c ommissioners

of the Foval Domain was a part of the publicdebt, and was to be repaid the Crown LandCommission. Whether the Assembly would choose

to assume that amount as a debt of the nation, was

entirelv a matter for their consideration.irrived to-da- and was1 Ho lirsi oi tin- - I'fiuiu.is

ineseiited bv Jloll. Mr. IveonoKaua, oi u om

sundry residents of Makawao. praying Kahu-lu- ibe a port of entry. Also that Court-

house be erected at Wailuku and another Maka-

wao. Referred to appropriate commit lees.ll .1 ............ i.i.titi.m from111)11. O Jl. Jieieuilll j...

Jl'itna. nraviug lor a repeal of the prohibition on

drinking Awa. which on motion of Kaapa was laidon the table, with the privilege reserved of calling

it up on some future day.Minister Hutchison stated, owing to the lim-

ited issue of the An 0L,a, the requisite number ot

copies could not be supplied of this date. Mr.

Kaapa then introduced a resolution that the same

number of the h'toloo be provided, pending dis-

cussion on which, motion made MinisterVarigny to proceed to the order of the day.

The Vice President announced the order of the

day to be the second reading of the AppropriationPill, which, mi motion, was ordered to be consider-

ed item by item.His Privy Purse. S3 1.000. was read.Hon. J. W. Keawehimahala moved to make

S:'..-.ou- Hon. Mr. Maheloua moved to strike oil'

$1,000. Alter some discussion, the first motion was

carried, and the item passed at S3o.OOO.

Item of King's Chamberlain and Secretary,?..t.M)0. was then read, and passed without altera-

tion.Item of M. Queen Emma. $12,000. read and

passed..1s. out. W as UlCIlU,, 111.--. II. --M. Ivthlianaoa. v

taken up. and on motion jioii. n. -- v. iauauu,suspended until the of a bill to

amend the Act passed at the last session, makingthis settlement.

The following it. ins under the head Depart-

ment of the Interior were then read and passedwithout discussion. Minister. S.OOO duel clerk,.sl.ooo '.'d Clerk. 3.0UO ; Messengers, ?'jsS KeeperMausoleum. :?t;uo.

V motion was made to raise the item of the payof Governor of Maui, from $3.nuo to $:ir.J0. andlost, by a vote of PJ 15. and the sum passed asin the

of Governor of Oahu. cOlOO. passed..Motion to raise the salary of the Governor of

Kauai, from 62.000 to 2 loo, was lost, 17 lonA ihe former sum nassed

Uotvei llliuu to raise the salarv of the Governessof Hawaii, lr.-- to 5-- 100, was. lost, anilitem passed as in the bill. 6 2.000.

Mo'ioli w is ule to raise the salarv of theof'the Governor of Maui, from (;oo"to $00, lost,.1,1 it. in tv.issed as in the bill. ?bo0.

o ..: 1.. tin. s:il:irv oflOllOI iUS 111. Ill"' lo Hive v.. jClerk of the Governor of Oahu. from $.o0 to 'i00.M.-tio- ad-iptei-

l and the item passed as amended,

Salarv of Clerk ot Governor of Kauai, S 00.read ;in adopted.

Motion was made by Hon. W. P. Wood to reduces tl.r. v ot Cl. rk ot "Governess of Hawaii, fromSliio'i to SfT2.no. Motion adopted, and it-- pas-e- d

at Sjl'Jon. Motion t. reconsider this vote lost.On moti'in. ihe Committee rose, and the Chair-

man repotted the following items as pass.-d- .

1 Its M. Piivv Purse,M. Chamberlain ami Secretary.

11. M. (v'i--e- Fmma.Mlarv of Minister of the Inu rior.

Chief Clerk.Sec 1 Clerk.Messenger-.- .Ke.-pe- r Mausoleum.





al.u v f ( io eriii ir of M.oii. :i.ono.l.ihu. ."..t'.uo.

Kauai. 2.000.Hawaii. '.IM0.

Clerk of C. ernor of Maui.Ihilu. (iO'l.

Kauai. ,".to.Hawaii. 1.200.

1 hi n;.ti..:i adjourned.Firm Dvt. April "o.

Assembly met 11. and opened with the usualproceedings.

Hon. J. W. Keawi hunahal.i some explana-tions regarding language attributed to him in the.1 f' V"W.hi h he claims was incorrectly reported.

n motion of n. .1. W. Smith, a committee wasappointed by the Chair to present the address ofthe Assi-u:bl- to the King.

Minister Harris gave notice of intention to intro-duce a bill to amend Section t. Chapter t. of thePenal Code, relating to assault and battery also,a bill to amend Chapter FJ of the Penal Code, re-

lating to punishment cf fornication and adultery.Credentials of Kamalo and Hoapili. from Kona.

Hawaii, were presented and found in due form.Hon. Mr. I'.oyd gave notice of a bill to amend

the Inter-Islan- d Navigation Act. passed the lastLegislature.

Notice was also given of bills to amendo7 of Civil Code, relating to licenses, Section

j 112. relating to butchers' licenses also. Chapter11 of Penal Code, relating to public disturbancesat night.

Fesolution to appropriate $11,000 fur expensesthe Legislature ot lsCd. was introduced and passed.

Hon. L. Kaapa introduced a resolution that theChief Justice of the Supreme Court be requested togive his opinion as to whether Hon. V. P. Kama-kau. Circuit Judge of Oahu. is disqualified fromholding a seat in the Legislative Assembly, underthe Article of the Constitution.

lion. J. W. Keawohunahala read forth.' first timea bill to amend Section !L of the Civil Code, and,on motion oi Minister Harris, the bill was rejectedby a vote of 21 to ti.

The same member then read a bill to amendSection isl of the Code. Minister Harrismoved to reject t bill. Motion 14 to 20.Minister Harris then moved that the bill be put onits second reading June 'M. which motion was alsolost. Pending the discussion of the bill the Assem-bly went into Committee of the Whole on the Ap-propriation bill.

The only item brought up was for survey-ing, ?;2.."oo. Hon. Mr. Nahaku moved to amendby making it $soo. Motion adopted, and itempassed at MIO. Adjourned.

Correspondence of the l. C. Advertissr.

Hawaii, April UUh. 1S0G.

If matters on this island have not worn a cheer-

ful aspect for the last few weeks, it has certainlynot been owing to the weather, for that has beenbright and sunny in the extreme ; in fact, almosttoo much so for all interests dependent on a supplyof water, and March, on this island as well as onthe others, has utterly belied its usual well-know- n

character. To travelers though the district of llilo,and the usually muddy woods of Hamaktta, and tothe sheep shearers on the highlands, this pleasantand rainless weather has been a decided advantage.

A gloom, however, was over the district ofKoliala by a singular succession of accidents there,most of w hich have been mentioned in your paper.First, the suicide of Mr. Smith, then the crushingof a man's arm in the cane mill of tho KolialaPlantation, then the bursting of the centrifugalseparator, in the same establishment, which, besidescausing the instant death of one man, mortallywounded a second and made dire havoc amonglimbs and bodies, utterly unnerving the susceptiblenatives, and tending destroy confidence; thentrouble in lauding the machinery, and to end upthe list, the stabbing atlray on the Alorildo; all

bound imprisonment at Kawaihae, has removed adispiriting spectacle, andlthe bay of Kawaihae hasbeen lively with whalers receiving their springsupplies of potatoes from the hill sides above.Trains of pack bullock and horses from the po-

tato fields are frothing and sweating up and downthe steep, dusty, rocky road, and under the burn-

ing suu of this rainless lee coast, while around thethick-walle- d store on the point, all is activity andbustle, loading of boats and gingling out of harddollars to the enterprising kanakas of Kawaihae-uka- .

If these potatoes that furnish the lobsconseand hash of hot; meals on cold mornings away upin the Arctic, are not quite up to the usual highstandard, in size and quality, it is due to the dryseason and not to the planters. And apropos ofpotatoes it may be remarked that Mr. G. W. Macyof Hamakua. is furnishing an excellent article tothe residents of Hilo, and perhaps of your city too.The tut.ors of Kawaihae are much superior In real richness of

suhstance to those of ten years ago, and with care in cultivating,will improve each year. For supplies of wood to and plan-

tations, II do prohahly takes the precedence on Hawaii, or atleast cxiH-ct- s to, under the enterprising management of V.

Hitchcock, Ksfp, who is undertaking the business with a will.

Kuinor states that he has contracted lor thousands of

cords of wood, to he supplied to plantations. In the Hilo dis-

trict, owin? to the abundance of rain, there is no danger of themountains ever becoming stripped of its hedged and almost im-

penetrable forests.Tho Trade in Poi.

To turn to a heavier article of diet than potatoes the exten-

sive and f.rtile valley of Waipio on this island, probably fur-

nishes laoi e of the Hawaiian staff of life than any etjual area of

land on the islands. The level floor of this valley, over a mile

in width, is a paradise to taro gro-ver- and therefrom go sup-

plies of pai-u- i to Kawaihae, Kona, Kau, and even Hilo. A shorttime since the natives of Waipio very independently formed anassociation, declaring themselves the mountain to which Maho-tu- t

must come, or in other words, they would bother themselvesand their cattle no more to curry poi to market. No moreshould bare-legsre- d sons of Waipio, follow the pack

...... ...' un.l f,n thrill'h Oi. lei it ll lif Ailfllanimaia up iuc -- -f ge:ki.1? a ,narkt.t for what all must certainly have, andinii'ht as well no there to procure.

Meanwhile, the potato merchants have better business formules and than to go for poi, and forthwith meetings forhoohiki (combination.) are held on the let side. Hoats. saythey, slotll be instantly fitted out for Waimanu, Kohaia, Maui,anywhere but proud Waipio. And so the matter stands. Huton the other side, a schooner stands in at the happyalley andbears away to Hilo rive hundred huod!es of the precious treas-ure, to the evident delight of the Waipio-an- s, who claim havingthus far carried their point. It may mentioned that theconical pai" of Oahu and Maui is unknown in many parts ofHawaii, a cylindrical bundle "looai," and weighingfrom thirty to thirty-fiv- e oun,ls being the frni adopted fortrade purposes. So much for business matters among the natives.

Volcanic.Tiie crater on Mauna I.oa has sent forth during the month of

March, only a faint film of delicate For a few days ofthe present month (Apnl) it showed quite a signal cloud, in-di-

im; renewed activity, but has again subsided, totally to allappearance, and probably as yet unvisited, owing to the cold

snuw of the summit, where the eruption is located. Its

... ....stnjit irti,,.,.'., ,ii ,..c "jk .

Schools.Sonvi dissatisfaction exist! on this islainl with respect to the

present maua-emen- of schools, not very marked to le sure,Tti.it the two hoys' day-sch'u- of such a l'rotestaiit village asHilo should both be tau'.-h- t by Catholic teachers seems hardly

' f iir, and the change is evidently made with somedesiirn, thoughit is honed nt to cr?ate strife. Ihe inhabitants of Iv.hala fetlthat the division of the sch'x.ls. of a thinly peopled district into

schools arid girls schools, however advisable in largeplac-g- , is. in this instance, more nice than advantageous, com-

pelling as ii tuaijy of the girls to go a long distance fromtheir homes. SaxoS- -


of Lifk. A bill has been introduced in the I'enn- -

sylv.anii House of Itepresentativea requiring S7.CKWto be paid by any railroad company to the widow orminor children of any person killed on a railroadwhile ri ling within a car. If the railroad companymake default in payment, the Court CommonPleas may grant a writ of peremptory mandamus toenfurje the payment.

I Out' lliai L i 1- .- Ml l.llii: ,iii, ii. . . ..... .- these made rather a sad chapter for district in

stood, but that considerable re- -. . one Put things are moving new

suited from it. lid that in moving the fust read- - . .i machinery is in operation, and soon all will be as

ing of the Appropriation he did not say that J.- n..- - -u-y u, - Z1the late debts ; but diu say tha --T1).assume ,vl,..l:je of s.:um.r Kllinct from her reef--


f .iaui,that

matie uat

v , r I ...I nI'lesoiioi


was by



. r. r.s--







' '


t ..,-.. 1 thiI -- .





















actual distance from the Kona cast is however far less thanixtv mites, as has been stated, thouch. it may be added, the

;1;nllty f iiscent U I)(lt to le estimated in miles. A number0t .Jaily'afti-rnooi- i thunder-storm- s a week or two since, left most"lut-ri- ns coats of snow on the twin mountains. (Mauna Kea and

j Mauna )": Vf"17J:J:


" -- -



- :i.ouo.


-" - i

' -








t , l, , i 3- -- .. - -



j i i - -I





- .

Correspondence of the 1. C. Adr-rtiT- .

Oi r ok tiik Woo i is. April, 1 ;;.Foiroi: CoxiMKia'i i. Ai.vn;rin: Sir: It is

very seldom that I trouble your readers with eitheriioO's of tiavt I " or notes of stay at home, but a

communication in your paper of April 1 1th hasinduced me to break through my usual silence.Were I not satisfied of the source from which thatcommunication emanated the locality to whLh itrefers and the tiuimus which evidently pt-- adesit, I would not have troubled you.

The writer of the communication in piesti.u,who signs himself - Pro Tern." has apparently for- -

gotteti the old adage that "those who live in glass

houses should not throw stones." He attacks in

the dark, and stab in the back the character oftwo men in Government employ, one of whom h.

designates as a Ko.nl Supervisor, and the other we Rre I' ft tuguess is something el. though - 1'ro Teiu' ha not the cour-age to sav who or what he is.

Mr. '1'roTeiu" ay he is a reasonably molett nin. Infact "esix.-ciall- ." Pruh pudnr ' From the fct that hisletter is dated " In the Woods," it would seem that he is mod-

est enough to keep out of the sight of those who niitfht be in-

clined to call bun to account. This will serve to inform himthat be i'. known that his att. mpt to injure Iniuiceut partieshas fallen to the ground, ami that his previous unsuccessfulattempts, hitherM unexpose.1. to injure his lellow-cilise- n latheir most private relations, may ut auy moment be made put --

lie. bet him lievrare. FaikTlav.

foreign IflisccIIaiiy- -

CoxT.vr.iON A contagion hn broken out in thbeehives of certain districts f Frutice. A distinctsort of infusoria fastens on the lice, and multiplies onhis body with such rapidity that death ensues in afew hours.

At a recent fancy dress in the Tuileries, thegreat success of the evening was a quadrille inwhich the gentlemen were dreesed as leojsirdsand the ladies as gazelle.

During the luist year 1200,031 emigrants fromF.uropo landed in America, of whom d.o'Jl wentU Southern States, 2.43 to Canada and SouthAmerica, while 91,335 remained iu the NorthernStates.

A Chicago doctor says tho common angle-wor- m

is sometimes ati'ected with trichina, which havolieon so fatal to pork-eater- s, aud that fowls aswell as swine become diseased by them.

Par ar," paid a sable orator, addressing hisbrethren, " two roads tro' dis world. Pe one ama broad and narrow road dat leads to tierdiction,and de oder a narrow and broad road dat leads todestruction." Ef dat am de case," paid aeable hearer, " dis cullud indiwidual takes to dewood.i."

The editor of the iouisville Journal intimateathat at the outbreak of the rebellion be wasofl'ered a very large sum of money provided hewould favor a peaceable separation of the Northand the South.

United States Senator Halm, of Louisiana,addressed an 44 Equal Suffrage Association" inWashington and took strong ground in favor ofconferring the franchise on colored men.

An exchange asks if the poor girls GovernorAndrews sent to Washington Territory are tobe sold, like Circassian beauties by their weightand plumpness? We suppose not. We inferthey will be sold at liquid measure eo inuch pergal.

Foreign papers announce the death of PeterJoseph kVnne, one of tho most distinguishedhorticulturists of Germany, and tho founder ofthe modern school of landseajKi gardening.

A little girl, after returning from church,where she saw a collection taken up for the firsttime, related what took place, and among otherthings, she said, with all her childish innocence :

" That man passed around a plate that bad-mone- y

in it, bus I didn't take any."The cheapness of tho Swiss newspapers is re-

markable, even in this ago of cheap literature.One of them the Tdifraf, which contains thoordinary amount of matter published in a weeklypajer, costs one franc a year, or not quite afarthing per number.

Queen Victoria is reported as shocked at dis-

covering that the Prince and Princess of Walessmoke cigarettes together in a little blue eatinsanctum called their smoking-roo- m. This per-

nicious and reprehensible practice was taughther royal highness by her husband and, horri-ble to say, she likes it !

Some of the recent letters from Rome havementioned a singular circumstance as likely totake place in that city namely, that the inferiorclergy, who are paid for saying masses for thodead, are about to refuse continuing their taskunless they receive a more liberal rate of pay-

ment ; or in other words, think of having recourseto the vulgar expedient of a strike.

Distance of Sikics. The absolute intensityof the light of Sirius has been estimated at 1121

times that of the sun ; and its parallax, amount-in"--

to (1:33, gives for its distance from the earththe probable numlier of 52,000,000,000 of league.It follows that we do not see the Sirius of to-da- y,

but of 22 years ago ; the ray of light that wereceive to-da- y having been emitted by the starabout 1844.

The following arc the salaries of French Am-

bassadors and Ministers Plenipotentiary as theystand in tho new budget : St. Petersburg, 12,-00-0;

London, 11,000; Vienna, 8,000; Madrid,0,000; Home, 5,000; Constantinople, 5,000;

Pekin, 4,800: Herlin, 4,100; Brussels, 3,200;Rio Janeiro, 3,200; Washington, 3. 00; Mex-

ico, 3,200; Teheran, 2.800; the Hague, 2,00;liuenos Avree, 2,800. Athens, 2,400; Munich,

2,400; "Frankfurt, 2,400; Lisbon. 2,200;Copenhagen, 2,000; Dresden, 2,000; Stuttgart,

2,000; Stockholm, 2,000; Carlsruhe, ill.MM);

Hamburg, 1,800; Uogota, 1,000; Tangier.,1,200; Cassel, 1,200; Darmstadt, 1,200;

Weimar, 1,200.Effkct of Oi'f.n Air Exercise on Longevity.

The greater longevity of persons living in thocountry appears almost wholly due to the greaterproportion of out-doo- r occupation; inasmuch asshopkeepers and others following sedentary pur-

suits in the country, have no well marked vitalsuieriority over the same chissos in towns;whereas, farm-laborer- s, though exix.sed to theeffect- - of wet, attain a greater longevity thanany class of mechanics working in a confinedatmosphere. Even scavengers in towns, who areexposed to very great impurities, are long-live- d,

owing to the vital influence of the open air inwhich they follow their occupation.

A Berlin paper gives an account of a new wayof prewiring butter, which is very simple andworth a trial, as it would be a great boon todairymaids. The cream Is put into a close linenba and buried in the ground at the depth ofabout a foot and a half. At the end of twenty-fou- r

hours it is taken out, and found quite firm.It is then only necessary to beat it up with aglass of water to get rid of the buttermilk. Toprevent any admixture of earth, it is better toinclose the first bag in a second. A very largequantity of cream requires a rather longer time.This method is said never to fail, and the butterto be of a particularly fine quality.

" Pharaoh's Serpents" A Cactiov. Cham-

ber's Journal Las the following : The chemicaltoys known as 4 Pharaoh's Serpents' have beenso widely taken up, that we may do good serviceby mentioning what was said concerning them ata recent meeting of the Manchester Literary andPhilosophical Society, namely that all mercuryvapour is more or less prisonous, and that inju-rious effects have followed from the burning ofthe Serpents in close rooms. Professor lloscoestated, that, in his opinion, the inhalation ofeven the smallest quantity of mercury vapourshould be carefully avoided. Put a few monthsa"-o-

, two German chemists were poisoned, whileworking in a laboratory in Iiondon, by absorp-tion through the lungs or skin of the vapour ofa mercury compound which they were engagedin preparing. One of the two died at the endof three days in a state of mania, and the otherhas become, a hopeless idiot. Hence it wili bo

understood that mercury vapour is not a thingto be trifled with.

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · rt X--iJ --i nv. ..... r. 3 u i 1 J fc M III J - 'r --15 s b P R ii ft 1 ' . . s. V-- ii?:.: its-a- . . ll"i:i.lslf :i wkkk i.v nv t SIX DOLLARS

McCraken. Merrill & Co..FORWARDINC AND

Commission jfcrcliaiits.Irf Ittitfl, r-J- i.

n vi fi been :; k;ki i.v oi:k imu:- -f r t;; ir .' f y- - tr-- . r. 1

i a ir- - r . t.r.'-.t-. ' .. e r- - r'.. v. r- --- 1

-- of I - . S j; - . k . ..' , i'. -. s . r- "- i.' 'T . .i - Co-- . -. .

Lr Vi O. rf o ir.- -. i. l, h. f ;-- '. . . p..it i . . .'. '. ' . " ,'....'.-- . . ' - I

- a r 4 j . . , P. . ; .

fci-- r it r, J . .: C - ,

r t- - Ia-t- .. '.VI. l.LiliC v,r.'Tr. fcitr & Co.

Ahirt. & 1 t C i 1 A T "on. U,sri t;.---

II . . : : ; Knui'Ti-- .V.'a.'..-- r. A.- - . C, .s.

irJ iff K'o'1.11.

ALDRICH, MERRILL i. Co.,CJoiiiiu ission .Hcrcii a n is

20 X :iml .'; r?iiIHriil;t Street.IA.V I IMACICO.

Njii Francisco A; Honolulu I'achct.ff..' if .' t' rr.r i"-- r a"! f :.- - 'f f.or

rr- - if u.5.(..4. sj.,..:.,; :'u t.:. :.,

! A!: tr- - trrit.r..- - : a. r. . v ' r t t r. I J .


ti'.-.r..-.- .' : .r. II t..u i h'.c.'Lt i.'.i t .'. '.. JLXk ' L'.

M rt C L. tit'-- :. ft; O,.,il iintidj A. .'.,...... -

"!;;! t C

&r. tt. W. w ,

ii- -'. K. II. am -- 1

I' :. w rA , j , -4 - ly


CoiiHiifssion jlcrcliants.a;j;nts rou tiij:


'II..tllV.IVLll.'. .V W.I.I 1 ll.i.lllillV.;Ol-KIC- "l I SiiamrSi..rrnir MrrrbMnl

HVT KJtAXCISCO.f t llTU'VtsA It ATTK.VTION (ilVKVTOi H!irrtia..-ljiprter-.t rir of rcharl.! ; to t , !

r i.y.jf ijjj Tr.fJpf.ut of i'.i ; ttie C .irter.:.i al. 1 .;. eof tV.N tb sapj.:ias of W hilst.;; s ; aiI ti. .u j

Exching on flonclolu In jras to suit.AIJV'A.XCKS MADK OX r OXSIGXMKXTS. j

KEFKP. TOutori

Hoooluln. 1 IlK.icr A. y'xrK t Co. "It? TttK, Si.-- K i Co.,

I.ti ii At Co., & Co.. New Y.,ric.W . II. f.Ki Co. -

T". zrtjcrii, Kj , II. to. II. Foo'; .1 ;,., :

Atl if Co., K:.i,--. A M.H t !.;!-- .S'ii-l-y fort U Or- - ;-- u



FAiitoFTin; a.mkkicw iv st i tft f.NEW York. f



fUEMIL'SI C.0I.D :il.VU j

KEA;oN.--. I

lft. I. .itrpi.cty and prea: rrtri,;; cf work. j

"VI ft i..l. t.-- A. ... . t .. T t--. . . I

. 'iTJf .teH,.r" !

Thu.-nf-. r-- TeT, rr.ail.rj? t.j ron ifie work 'i

to U. l:,.ht or t. th C-a- , a,. .,f.--. ;f i .uiuK th -- .!. .,r .--iU.. I

4th. The c: F.i.ih ai.-- l Su'.st r.?:al i.ou:i:.er In which thMiu infie It made.

. Ta mp.lity ofU workirg, an 1 Quality cf the Wcrk !

iiol.otl.. Ij e!f-a.-!j A tin? tenaion.

it i: pout of Tin; :o3I.iiitti:i:AT Til E

S in t c F:i i v of I i forn ia,i 8 c; . .

II-ORK.VC- K SEWIM; MACIII VK-A- firr- a crefal ititi?tion cf thi NEV." nr. l LEA 11 Ik L'L

MACHINE. iewinjf ituve do in a ti. i ;al j.ir.t of vie,e .t::.ier tht it i in many reirt wcrtl.v inuoh i r.i.-- .

pAftkuUr'y U its met.-.,.!- arrnuient hy ml.i.-- the

kinbiuiBwo Ul. a.d, h;. h is Jf. aud !

in t f.piraon ,f nf'.l aleo, U.e .

SCSZ."" :

rrai:7"m-r- .t f--r tkL..r uj t'.e tU k of th- - ti.r. t. as .. J

thot in .;:. r:oit ai.y alter ..lion, ar.d vr.tho.it an- - t' r- - i

pa f M vhtr-- f.in the t INEST LACE to FoClt THICK- - j


V'nir O n.r.:,!., ll,r.?T, 'ir r!'-- t.r.f .l ii.re-t;- .

n.", cn-- r a OX EOF THE BEST AND MST IMPOR- - i

TATIMPEOVEI.M.lCHINW.inu- -. WV. t!,f , i.--,

cf the a e fj.-t.4- . award it the FI ItST vd II IO II- -I:ST PREMIUM.

'S.l.Utiili IIIIjIj, Ceneral Aent, j


.-- V I It ANC !.-- . ioi-4- j




Commission Merchants !.



Victoria. Vancomcr Nlantl.Itl.tEKTo- -

Thk Hoi. IIr:....v--- i Pat Co ..V.et'-ria- , V. I.M'r 1'At.. OiBB A; Co... ..San Frami-co- .

M'ri WiLim, AtLts fi Co ..Ii i!ui'j. i

Mr Jim I. D"-aiT.- ... . . l'i.51.1. U-- 1

Inin l!I MMS AT i:m MOVThOM E- - j

HV HttNt ..tier Ira ervit.s toI.ia fri-- t. 1 at ti.e liawaiiATi Ii itil, at ao f

t-,- r tranartin' -- . f.ihrii- - crderH, at. 1 liiif any j

r.p.fift oi t'j-l-- i ail any c- u.u.:ftioi. 11- 1-

tr iV l t hiiri .th j i and pr i...tne.--i- .h.r-'- - w : I h.-- ni .: n'.rr an-- prp'.rti-.n-i- t- - tl amfHirit

f ret.il. ml. 4jt-Cra- .

a. r.a.rMir V- Ie.A!C. c. . n.THiwir. t. r. sti'.iiokcmn, mom: &. CO., !

C .niixiisiiou ai.'J Fi rwar iltii' Mrr.d.aa'?, San Fraaci co, Cal I


T. i. ILtthawrty Ei-- i , v y Sf:jr j j

M r. T. ai A. It. Ne, I

" Sirtft Ac I'rry " i

" Orionell Mmiuro fc. Co.,.. Ner York '

Joho M. F'-r- t Ei'p, I:..t'.i!, i

r IVrkiii Ik sts.ilh N.-- r Let, p,:i '

D!url C. Wau ruvai. E.. .............. 14.r i lul.:.4v.-l- j


Civil er oi Kilanen !ax aiva 1 1 -



TiiiMisTAiiusiiME.vns.wf j

-u tli riepti..n of

Visitors to the Volcano ! ' rf

Who mi? Cridin- -


per irnrr.l (;uiil- - for I lie Criilrr al-ra- iaKJkluinl.

Steam and Sulphur Ratlis.If'trsf SihIi'hI iind (Jntimd if !i$tnd.

CHAUOK-- 1 KEAS'iNAP.LE.Partif.4 tuitlnsf the; Vol.:ano Mil llil can prrurr animaN

w irrAi.trd to mak the j .uiii-- y, hy ap;.l... to 1. II. liact-- f'

k. Eiqr., II. io.II Jb. J. I.. KICIIaKDSON .V C'.

X " f '




C 1 i: 1 1 i e i soF

S A IN" K J I A Z C I .S C O .

OP.I)i:i!S f'OIi A.W A SI) ALL

Goods for Gentlemen's Wear!

n-.-i:N'-f) vof j: MKAi-niK- s and (j?.rKii.

! cxjrj::i:jx"o & Co.,M N t.'FA Tf'X'.I.ih- - OF

iickm:s, ijti:si:it vi:s, sr:i:sA.I ALL KI.VD-- i OF

i.l ?I-a- t, tmi, I'i-- h,

' v'"i""--

: r 'i.rur :n ,ur u:. 1 a iu..; u:.v ;.i ti.e" jr l- -

All (Jjtjil.i yhai anli.f.d tj ." j ,it cmj Ciiu.'i'.r.Office and Salesroom 'HVi rrnt St.

MANl si. si. -- 7. . :;l j;aai St,


Commission Merchants.Violori.t, Va itcon IhIuikI.

N. It l't.r.'.zul-A- iater.tion I: t y:.?iee.i.tr:tB of Sir. lj;tIrUt 1 l'ro!u.

i(;t.jr,a. V. I., Jjtr.uiry 1, JitU Oiii-l- y

k a. i;a:.la. c. W. '. '.. W. Ai !K- -.


U00D A Mi WILLOW V.1UK,I! K I'M IKS. TWIXKs. CO K It A ii 11. i. c.


California Pails, Tubs, Brooms, iceANI ai'J SiACIlAMFNTO Sl'UilEl.

te.ni 1 r jj.t ar. 1 ha-- ,i


k- - u. innnTf.x'i. jr. i,,vi J. P.

ARft'STROHG, SHELDOH & CO.(.iKt.-ivK- -i to Nathavikl Pa y..)

Pioneer Lumber Dealer !

iVf4V r 'ftifi A ICO.Career falif-- niaayl lavis N.--;. a-- No. 11 Varlct . ?



'EDA It. ;


I.Y ON HAND. 4 --.vlyjmc.--i ... kis";. fj.As v. Lii-aA-

C. IZllvG (. Co.S'lipjiiiig' susfl ('oriii!jiioii


fkd.vt :tiiki;t. corn Kit j. cksox.SAS N' lrc Ca Lil oma.

Th. j prLTr.ilK.K w. M. IUmo l, II. C. Dows.so.


ITAl:LI-HE- IN IS.jtl,Sul-.- i iiiii, rol I'ricli I'liil.liii. X"t.

7yj"''l ?.!.'!' 1 ,,,,,ar"is, ,r ' '""r"j a LK DAYS T? an:, F,dts.

'AICI. T7" Cit-- I. . I ;i - rua - u Mer.hau- -

'r ' 'i,,i.n.'-i.- i f-- j.LiOl.c or t aiil a!l.rcn-a:-- ; l.i,;,!.,, r. r..ir..i -,or.

R f- - r .y i- - ri.i.-.-i-- .a j

M- - r. C. L. Ri' iiAk.'.s .v C. IIo:.. '. jiuo. p. jt i i.. rMe-r- j. Mi' m.hat l i s.:i Fiari-:.--.-

" llUM.K. I.MLiO." M.o.oix. ,v (.'.. '" l'!'-lt-'-

., I'kW. i f A, C- 'I'.a.nk cr :kiti-- h C irate a

4TT-- y






SiiTitainiin Wuir.AMI ,

n n a. 13 "wr.esc 3Iontco.mi:rv STUL'CT, '

(P...- -' tn..ut Di'tk )

Fail IlTIIlfisCO. 497 Cm '

nnnc 0 I

niiiiiiubiii lluUiuJLl a

r.DEIti(i VEI FDKMERLV PRO- -TV riet-.- of the AEDKICH HOI'SK. h.-i- - ti nil.-r- the

( 1 nzis iir uuxoms:ia: :ami i ii r.

TK.VVI'.LLINt; PFI5I.IC O EN E It A M,Y,That ! lias txken the weir Li...n preuii ..n P.. ret.n.ia stre. t.

t upi'-- d hy the- l'.t.: i.--h Cmuro-rsoiir- r, ulacl. Ue wi.Iiu a diiys - u as a

FIRST CLASS HOTEL!Th" aec 'H.nni.l.'.tier are ample. thr t.i-- : n:r:ierfa fp;r,''

.n., t!.f !.;ti;ati..n airy, a id t. ; te.e s! rr and sha-l- e

lr"- on th" J r mi-"- - il mak" it a I i: t

TI.- - pr- pr.ct. t txat th..t h; iev . - r- - putat.en c-.- i linhe ii. .:i...'--:r.- t r.t . f tr.c - a: Jri.e. il ." wid h.- - a urh..-:.-i-t


that he id utiil c r.t i.ue li .r.erit a s'.ire cf thej.urU." patr..na:e.

No a. r extii-- e w'.:; he in .1 in proT. UtuT th- - r:.-t-- iith aU the a- - wtti a toe s th a .ri--- . i

CHUn M. KIRCIIIIOFF.- -- -- - -

I.OI.ISIANA cam: K.MVEs,With Fxtra lr';cel Uicks.


"lO R SALE RV1 MO i: c. LREWEit .y c-i- . 4

THE PACIFICCoiunjcrcial Advertiser.

IU purl el" the Minit r of nuanceto the LririIalurc of I SCO.

I '.'.i .'.:." ' Finance, )Ajrli-- -:

.V.- 1 . Ii-- : f . !i:if .

1 ;.e u;. . irj v'vr ji'-r.-.-- - t th- - cc :...yt'IIj- - Mij- - -- :y KI:. . the rr.j .irvof t..e Artk-!.- - ' i..-.- - theh,:..r ; j -- uh:i: j, la the r.aiue .: 1F-Me-t- j's

O.r:.:.:, the fhj-.vir- . F:: ii.h.1Fej-jr- t :

i ;.- - re v.-- i ir. the Tr-.-- rv on ?.I.--r'- .1?:. 04.

a.-- j.r the r .rt ..f r reJe. r. 22,-S?-- J

Ai.'i there h- -e he- - :i re-.e;-- Irta- '.r : the l:t .f

- - 7 r a , i '. vii.l it.f lMl.-"-h, f;. e ZJ I: ' A,'')the tli Cf 17 7

.s fur the jeri ji .7-jl,-i'- . U 'j.Liitiir--- !

"11. )i - - 02

In the Tre..Liry. on the lr--t

731.4'- - 20'I he reV..-r.U- '.Vo.5 Ilw'.

; . a-- z :--jf.: - i: ; i !..'. 4

I:.: f :...rr-.--I . '.-- . t :r

- ii:. ! - ii V.. ?.t f'. ii -- it! y!:J

'Fhe Exjn-iiturt- Lue la ..-- fIJow.-r;..: Li; i :.-


; r:i;;- - r.t of I;:".- - t,'-- t

ir. n.ce -- '

!; ,r'i: .: t f i :.l!. ri.il '.',u; LiJ-f- l Jit if ii i i l

-Ti.e t i.'.Ii.- - d-- ht whi h, at the th: ie ti whieh

the Li't Mini-teri- al rtvrt wa.-- br .4-- ht

s,;..uted t., .... siG'Fsu --j. jW ttdrj .... 12.L',4

.;i'-w;r- ' u:i increase of - - Sl'j..i2- - olIi:;t i": will he F rr.'.-- in rah:l that -rie th- -

Fx ii.er IF1F. U. tttfl th..Se Ji. D. (- - ta. ' ' .... . .,, ....""M1" mm-- 1.'

iw.-i.i;- . ih 'ti- -

.and ho.iar.. were iae-- i in oVdiei.ee to the law1- - V1 :it.l'V; V, Swlh'ri ;jf the L.-t..i- atun-, t.

. - , , , ,Ai:,i it wad l,e oh-rv.,- 1 mat in d-- i, i.- nt y ,tfi'.-'-t Foi: !- -, the l,ht w;,:Il have Ver.''li'i'i raVy d.in;rit-:ie- d. Fy the hr.i-- i

. j -u d v.tre n.ad't a charge nioii theA the Cr Aii Iind-- .

Tie aia'iunt of I'uF'.ic I)-F- t falling da?i duringthe cam ;.t two Year. i

I Miring the la.--t year, u ship known as the" .S:i liani a!i." F.-ari- th; ila of the so CalledConfederate. tates, then in IteF. lion aair.r: t';e

,vern:neut of th'.-- I'nited Stat s, niade Fer aj.-j.--- ar

tn-:- in the I'aeifie Ocean, und C'niiiir-i.c-i- i

if on Aiuerieaa coii:inerce. Many ofur coiiiitrym n W'-r- o cin-l-ye- l on hoard the

AiL.erica.fi w hale-hif-- s, which were di-.-t- r yr.-l-. and

t:ieill V.'ere laridel tit rs.lll iranc:-C'- j. , . . . ..

tut-.- , ati'i hjcaiae il charge nron tiir Ila Aah iaCoa-.- il at that r,rt. Thi- - ship likewise plan- -

l andhun.el a -- ,h,1

( Harvest") h-- 1 1; -- in 't j our felhw-citiz-T- cirryin- our ilaz, and1:1 ann- d mostly hv Hawaiian- - who were lan-le-


ontir . Ie on the of As '.r.sioiji

wl .eie tins outrage was t.eri.-trated- . lois was a ''

ca -- e calling lor iiiiine'hate action.....Our coun;ry- -

iner were overtaken Fv the calamities of a war- ;

in which toey had no part. At a Privy Council, j

1 ii ..... r !.. . : i . 1 .... : - t... i

. ....n lhut I Vcrv 611jan 1orti lU Ff? r,.VvIi::., t!t,. C'rwa Land- - luis bu--a raid

to Jl! .l.i.e:v Uitrii: me two v-ar- the; r..v.LU,; a.-,u-


t reseat to tthCaitT,,ir. Alll.,n, itvni, A ItJ ieilam-- u- .tT"t.. r 1 ,! .... c--i .....

,. -

11 ;.e r ei s on jxuu-ihi- .

.1if .June, a. o.course

share the,.

x It authorizedArticle of the ot sum fortherefor-- , i Conformity '

tn- - Councilr-- 2.2o7

relief of. tl:e



4-- i


-- ')

lire c tin K'l i a jait.-- ine sum. F

J out the Public Irea.-ur- v for the"trie s.iid sea m on, v.mcli was exj Glided in. .1 own!- - u.anm r :

P.:i ! F - .V '. h. i fr pas-oo- - of g;jiiie:i fjojaa .ri

Pi: I A. s. ..!:p..! i ) ia I r li . 1. It. S. F.

iid .t Cu:i.-r,.!.-r- . I.idI'a. l f r s.;:u r:.

i'.l 1 I'.-t- h ir Sta, I. Il f r I lealPel J ;- -r cent, ! i il'a.d 11. Ii e kf- -i 1 &. Fo.. b.ll pitssaiM fr-a- S. F.Pa. 1 f . la-- wer A: Co.. " "

J. very ehort has h--- made to carry out the m- -

t'.-n-- i ms of the last Legislature in al! rcp.:.-t- .

l.o.tiri. or cATioN. l particulars d the1- oi iius joar i l rcsjn- iiuiiy

rf.d'.r the Iy to the report of the II and,which will be on the table simultaneouslywith

The of IF-ait- h will rer-or- t t! IV-p-'--

l.r'iV'i.MM, tits l.TToy 1 n i,1 on,l ':

therefore unnecessary to repeat the amount thedFhursvi.... nt in this re-j- H ct.

'll;e Insane Asylum is jast b-- m- push-- d p. i

comi-Ietion- and the disbursements in that re-a- rd ;

have a.s follows : i

Ainoun: ' r 1 I rt s O") i

Piinter. et.--.. 4 40 hiT. O. Heuiik lor lari.l.tr and l.ilK.r ir.,.H.r--


' " C. L. i: C . f r stove andl-- j

l'-:- : t.tr-it-- .-r to jay lah.r a:.,l fl.."ihthe v fk ...9iS CI ;

fl.'.'rr'j O'J j

Tii-- ' Hoard of in following I

i i .1: r i m : . . ri.. :

ii'ii-rrie'- j ji .ooii's uuina. j nere iikc- -.

wise have been one hundred ten hroiiat byprivate jariies, witli the approval of ti.e ' aid. j

1 lie K..ar-- h ist f.r iu.poi tej y thci... JU'J.Ti'J i j

Fro::. t.u..I.J t. Matad- t:;" .')'!'

ie o

Tiiev made an eCFrt to obtain Polvnesh.n immi- - l

grants, and in so h.;nj; exp ndel foretc., f r certain Mar'jue.ean-- , .o02 '2r. Tiierehave liei u landed from the Island Fv apr'nate Fy licence of the Jloard,twenty three women. These eCbrt has not j

ht-.-- att'.nded with succi ss ; n.ost tise Mairju-- -

sans have returned to their native islands, ai.dthe Caroline are not as yet profitablelaborers.

The salary His Majesty's CV mmissF ,ner to i

China and the K.st Indies ha- - amoittit' d to s'-".- - i

oCO. Other expci.w.-- s tor the cooli'-- s have uiiioiiut- - J

tO foji o. j

'li:e Foard has likewise devoted ,2,000 to the j

i r icureineiit of Fiu .Sjkiwn , .silk-worm- s, unimals, j

duced, and to teach countrymen. Theamount not received from the coolies .asdrawn from t!:e appropriation.

The of receipts for the current twoyeats, f-- r which members are referred to tahlo

II," have been carefully made, and amountsto .I'.So.iGJ Gi :

'J'o which add cash treasury - lO'j.Oo'J o4 j

Makes a total availabilities - $o'2,2'2i 'J j

With which t uieet expenditures ;

K" are estimated at - - s.o::3hiw in ei estimated receiptsover estimated s i f ;2o,o01 40 j

Majesty's Ctov.rnment have, however, call- -

fd f--r tender to t!.e bar Honolulu Far- -t which respectfully call YOUf atteti- -


n.The bar whieii has now a derth of fr.dn 0 j

tat 1 .w tih,. at.d which a cl .rt .an i

I.O sui'l at trus ..11.... is ilh.Mtio.jil f--.;t in n.tii, aii i is rcijtiired t becJ a uniform depth of not less than '26 tl-e-- inthe centre, f-- a stace of lo" f.-- . in wi hh,on either side of the l channel (y.f I 30 t.)

: be increased s' a? to I




th r- -- re--- n: F-i

u.-cr-.- - th fr-.-i- the a r.tral eh-.tv.--

-- It::r -- I:-, of hot a. .re th.u '3 ii.vh kr vv.-r-

23 f- ; :r a. t;.e .i-- j .: s--: i oh.;n:.-.- i until arriv- -

c K-- : hi:.- - ie. ul ur.y i

V - - V - .r t- - I. ( i e. f ; . ,r.?T:n-to- r VI.L..T-- : h.e ur; jf thi U"jer;.u.-.:.- t lrt-J-- e in ctu- -


i..--:.- t. n ' o . i tivti -- i the otili.aryv.r ..r. I t

lh .4:t- :i La likov ie inUireetvi t- - he str:.?I l : the vhar:-:r- - nt . i

the Hiy .,f II If the A-r.- Iy .vU:;i? ht tl j r vi - f..r i'uv...ra.t4e taU-- r, it Mioi.

t.t.ier shvIJ --: the vf theisr. a :'..r .v:.ur j ti--

'3 .1 ;iteJ. ht;

t ...--- -; j . i .,t..-.- r a .r

i: vhli he uh rv i ti.. a r: i the v.r- - r --

j i .u the iiiii jI Apj r.-ti.'.- u Will iu.u.e-ohit-.- v

f.Luutivr-tlv- e. Aii'i ix.a?iucli a? anv.t:.eriV-jtc- J tO the jay -

-- nt :i t .4rt A t:r- - t.r:ncir4ii - a.e i ut..itth- - v w.ul-- i roe .niti,ea-- l thrit the I.j;i;ianTe

A '.y -- rant ituth...rity t,. iue if ityul J ? c !!. nC'-.r- i:i cr i-.- r tj e.::. k :o the

W.ri: ;tatt: T..l : V the i:n..i a

can he n tiatei on fXC:-'.diD- favcrahie tertc?.It will rt. t:i;t tie :iijunt derived fria

' taxes un j r; Jr.al r ferty i ea.aller thua eouliT.. r ;. . .5-.-c:.i-

. "it b heii'.vt-- i that cneftl- -

c,rr..ct: n..f?uch amtaWani the strict . forc-e-

tiu"t the vriii- -luIiV 1 r.iudIei.t. with the Ihcrvase thatlii'iV r :tswl:.l.iv li-ie--

I l.T IU er-Sia- l jro- -

f ertv will, it i- - taterial.v ulinuce the".;uL.euf thlr tax.

Il U.ll. J'"'.i.M A.-- ' ,....IU.i.....iKU -- . . r . i . m : t . : l 'l': . .I. (.1 Hi- - iJi.'.'l.i'U .ATii H'.'?--i- . li.'.l1: n.u

'i . nrl t-- j

h-- a :a::e;i Firmer iuJei: -- .Ines than was at. i , . r . J . v. . V. . I I I..'::T1i,Kl?t K.h .Jit

hv ti.e it ihiL:i-trut'.- rr in Ii juhl.iti.rii of the del:st,f the vatati ".va? ,I.7U4, waioii wa derived a

i i ll'-ws-:

f Ur U r to Lis iit Mij-:- y it,a:ir ,,:vi,:ti;.::,Mv, --;s

j rcVT.-.u-- : f .r-.T'- Ut l Uurit.p H a:..l JsSO, C;.I.- -; hTi t ii.s cuii j a.vl vjt L" 1'rcu.-r- y, i7.uv


As a t art to the bond issued Fv thenv.i-- i irv. tt.ere was a now uue iLe esiaw Kr it.e

: sli:ji "- - , wl.ica coUiU riot be realize-- ui.--;

:it 1 f. ti. s.. ...ii:t os.; tlJ t:ie 'IWurv

. . . . .- ' - i ' 4 ' 1 v w Ai( 'J - 1 V Li I iiii A , V. .. r-- f "... 1.ivr ..i portrait ui IH Mitt suitij JaiLC- -

ii tlae a 1 , and that ol illSFil -- tV ivaLU'-.'ialar.-h- a

V. Thi, a was fxreuderi Fy t!a- - order of ti...--

as will he Sceti lv rtferrii'. to ;ij int r'.luii ra of t!ie last Fei-iativ- e

uhrj.-- r date ol January 'Jth, lS'j-3- . As sooa asthe tiori jaM-.- i llou.--e the Work was

r.n-- Feun Fy tfie arti-- t wFils-- theI'i-- I ituie was .-- nil in session. Uut it so Fap- -

ew-- that the resolution was lai.-lii-d hy thee.iroiiiii L'oiaiaittee atii was n.jt lairl F'.-f..r-e His3ta'--.-t- lor Lis Mt.ature, an. I tne sum wa n..t

': inc.ij

" .11 in; tne At .r--r ? nation L.!! 1.. oeri-;.rht- .

10. .i . f , , j 1

! 1 i- -' Ha" J ,! e Aia - v Vj H.v

Hie ar.-e'- sum.Th--r- will al-- o be found three itea:s ahaount- -

, . :. . ..11 . -- l.i ill ..1 1 .. .1 it:. - .r :.ll III 11 I I 1 t 11:1 I11I1I.1.--

, .- - 4 I ' ''I .'l.k wl. A

j.i.i i po i j so LiiaL l j pioprieiyarid indee'l the ot paying the money

i lait he at tarent to ail. It was not. however,1 ' '.- .include 1 in tiirj ,pT'.r

, .nation iill at thej enuin. h,.AU probably throu-- h the ovcrsi-- ht

oi tlie then Mini-te- r of Interior, whose duty itWas to ce-- : ic eo included. I

The shares of ti.e Government in the Sc-a- m

Xaiariun Com any have been subsequently

i was d'ie ein the Coverninent shan-- j f..r furtherrot :urs at t;.'-tim- of the sale and the Minis- -

i tl.r notes with f r the suraj (c, ,,f which has matured aral Fe-- n

jnt tj.;. tr-a-u- rv, amounting to .4."jo'J .e3.1 lil.-evi- e r "..in :i st:if..tii.nt nF or. irnt,..-- r

and exports of is 4 and 18 Go, as compared iththose of 1SG2 iilnl which must he Yervcne ninirrine;, not only to-th- members of theAsj.aibjy, but to every friend of the Hawaiianp.p;... (S e table ' F."))

I re-a- rd to exj enditures ic the hope of L

.M,j,,stv's Oovernr.ient. that hv careiuilv-- iiardh tile revenue, and exrciidii. the fcumsauthorized hv your Honorable liodv. with .lis.-re- . t I

i r riioii:v, th-- v in iv iaake tiic expenditure stib-cr- -

vient to ejood in the i

hie, and mul th. rehy Your Confidence1 j

M-.i- Ciod t re-cr- His Iajestv the Kir, r. !

CiiAKLES C. Harris, i


Minister of Finance. i


TAI'.LK A.Km-kp- f tiik Hawaiian- - Tu.:A.-fR-T r-.- tok Two Ykai.s

1 r i:i i or. i'ii Imports

j; !!r'i Due?.

Fr en anl Permit i

From Internal Commerce

" '. ... , .01 tjie 1 . 1 .01 1 a u iiieMeajiier- r. . ..vi iuat lime in- - iiuiviiiwas rart own-- r 01f the aiil 01

.nui.-- t its 01 tie rerair or sutler

.... ti..,, Art, ;. r 0.1 lw-- a:

lioiOMi ,11 101.1111 .11. li.'.. vwis l'-'- lii''l mi.iiin;i- -' l "

(LC" Ml U)l-- . 4JI,) Uovi-rn- -

ou-l- v that this wa a Iirt.srcT of thei nature con- - , i fi. laent to exi.eii-- the sum ot toii.M'O. An I thein the loth Constitution,A . i'X! "ii .lttire the afxive indicated;

ro-und 'i with that Article, , i. hvoiiiiit nri the total esii' iiditure for ti.el'rivv with the Concurrence of trie : . J -- . .. ..

, f,l- -



ti rot oii of





ornienis wouia


Fiard onl.iw if s-- !;-


ai. J

Ci.rp-- i


Immigration out












J..r, thev :



de-j-n- -

tot and






.'1 "








Lie- i r- r! : v. t ii:. it ::- -

W j:,.,., - r,.-- , f, h :.: i..

JVc.r ci l.I.'y" :lle-t.i- 1'J jisp rit, --- t

VV tie spirit. ir.:oili .: I. 5o t 'll; a at!- v, 175 )

!. r t li:v .!:! ;u s ,

P .' b!i- - w, l.loi sTli..i.-- . .".75 hj

r; ;.il.cat, .At ,uSh'ppit:?, lft !

I !.: he I s, Z'-- O'Jrue, -

A u a. 5,i ui Ml!;;. irn, 4 0--' 'J 00M.ii.-.-:i- 0 00!irui'-fct--r- y j

l'.?ia;--- i y, 50 eo

From Internal Taxeslit.-:.- ! t..te tax. Z .17,5 Zr- r- - o .1 p- - p- - rty, l';.:,.,o ;.o

' irr i ', 1 .7 s i ,r)!'-li- . feO.SO 'iH- '

.' ' fcj,l:.rt lis: i, on

Mule. oj1' 'J. l. 'j'.o i o.o'.iVi. -- caLij-': 3 4.J..7 5o

0. . .

150,W2 JjFrom Fees and I'ei'iuisites

fl ViO 00: -.

lr rf l.'il (.1)l :; ! .',- - :.: 1. ii rin... i oU-- e. L.I .1 C..., lo .". ." )

i .

N .tu.-a-: .t.e-i- . 5J5 o.)li.o.i lo

e u-- .. ui iiou-- " f . eo140 n

Fr in i..vcrti!:ent ilealizationp.--- ;

" -- li" r- ,-

Z" - - '.' ' "'; ...

i .rt '"' ,'4 -e- -.

I 1 i UC i -. . Jv 4 i i .o

i.'J .7 4iw;;a c". n.ioi;' :i;i- ti

is lit. J 'V rv ;.-- i

1 eoo Oil

l l j 4

Tji'i.'io" i;

! .l r M:- -- Ft. t, If)r v :. . r ' 4

i: -- ; . :.

I.:;:ii :

r K -

ilili .u'.:- -'

1 V i I . ... . . . . . . . r .

i ? i i-- : j. .j

::.U'j 11

ti rv..ivtt. 1 J".' J iO


ii. i. uaimi:isti:h.

C. E. WILLIAMS.c- - : : :.. t'jrr. '.urv W"art r . zr. K rt street. t'jwsi:eMrV-- r Lrwtr X os :; oilii-- e ; W o rkshop at the old:r,.i. H. :! rt. near .

y. p. iiUrs f.-i-zn i promptly a:;e:;.!el f. 475-l- y


. J. 15. I'K ICK, M itiAirer.- --



ct:-:cr- : :i-- .t fr-- r..t Lcris. iv.i.--, " l is s, Va-diK-

. fjrv'- -j t...vur. sos.iy

"duffins" market;:?:r- - PF:


alaka !?.:-- . t below' th? tffatrk.Furaltatv B.a.!f ar.a rvj..ir-.-.- at real :.-- prW. 515-l-

. ,m- - t . BT w - t..t- -

. T nm i t ! , m ii ti I'liimlwr.' . " - - f.NuaJMi Strtft. tit ir thf iVki'f ToVF.? an 1 I.LAP VIPK

tu.)-l- y

vi. i'iscjii:ii.Catir.ct Mutirrri.n l French r. II .U-- ! Street, nnr the

I ru- - St. .re i J . M :t Sn.:tU Co. 4T-l- v

c;i:oi:ci: clatik.BOOT and SHOEMAKER. lintel street, befveea Xouar.u

a:.d M lanake.i '.re :s. 47-l- y


Sh-- vn Kiiii.r.ri .ca ?a-e- t, next ' ve Fiitnt-r's- .

Are ; r-- ; n-.- ! t n!! w-- in th'r lit-- . Cm&ltVn-- inj irt f Mr:;-- - p;iii. W orcis, i'r::.-.::ii:t.- .l Ir.-T- i Kaihr.?,

: f r .. ry i..t- -; ri.-!.-t a:4 left L;.nJ Screw.--, f..rt :uuia- f. : e w.re, Ac, ic

JolJ-in-- j if all hiwis iromptly atUnthd to.

IMI'OHTI-.- Jc MAXCF.tC---- t ; ifltEil of a!l kin-- ..f S .d Kvry. r:.r- - C!-- JJL. ri..--e Arizumin.'. Mattie-- s uiaki:ih' rf--j

.rwV'il . r:i.-- i tort ll..;el tr-re- t. li..r:-.iu!- -- f

Vi'ivt .iii(l Shoe Maker !


, c .;; . 1 l y J. slKWAil!.J 'A

Mil- - f.,.;r..i i:i a norkniiiilikc in..! htr. 41.t-l- v


KflMHt ftf tlP WOPKS ', v V- -

rgirp: iM4ii:ii:Tnii op Tin: aijof:3 V.'i.rk - ; r- - ; ir-.- t to si p!v l.i- - i'::t(.iii-r- and the pub-lic in with t!..- - l.-- j-t oa.a.ty y Ei.hOVV SO A i.

SO FT sO A i uln iiT. on l.ii.i.l.Ivk I1.oi:t Pi.!!.!: iaii fok Soap Oki-a.-k- . 4vJ-l- y


Wj. XI. 3 IUIj!)Y !


jjw.WIXf; RECEIVED A . Rf: E and fill" " st.nrk f.f t.ait'-rii.- is prepared f supply hii cutwo-.-r-

" ' " "y uu. tA V a

SOFT .v"VI OII SOAP,-- S'..i; 'r - w.mo-d- . 45 1 v

& ir:r;s to ixi oiim the itrlicriT cf I ,eu th it i.-- J has l.it:.S-.-!- i ill thef .' h e ss .).

Kins Street, nevt tJoor to City Market.V. l,.-r- he will he f. ui:d re;-..!- to u:t. 1..1 i.:i all cuno.-r.tr- 3 in

l i;'"'

N- - h- - li : to ci'd attct.tioa to h'.t Superior and Cheap

" S Ii mFTifl I- Tr VI IIjzTT&-- '9 : . LINED w"IT 1 1 ZINC.

tharge, re,is.-,.ai.- ati.l w..rk pio.-pt- iy atid sat:rf;:f tori'y .

i05 Ota

I V-'t- i gl" ? "F" ? 2S" J 5 S 5 I U C i bhOP.

- THE FN DERMw X'EI ."TT"-- i. IV.'...' tak't! tl.-- I.! it ? let- - CTf'-- . -- r..

J- - i'ru ;..r : .i . - - -- j-- ' .. S:::i i. vV Co.. ST. t. ST. r salt- - a

u.pj. a- -- rao i t f sFFERIOR ITUXITI" RE.ti.aiiu-Iron- . A OA, A O'.', asi oikkh Fine W

I j.r.-- i i.r.si to n.a:.u:'::i.-tur.- said iii, or.;. r- - f r ?:rr--

V rV.'f,- -. ....

' V.'. . ..'"'. ' ' T "A:..1 r. - T.-l- .'l.i I i Tl'.-- l ,1ltiL,'.-- .U I.LS liilC IIIha-ii- .- n :h i ur..j

4's-l- y VM. K.

General Blacksmith!HONOLULU,

A HAS CONSTAXTEV OXIIAXO AM)SO . fi.r M "o.-h- r'1-- ..i it ,.f

llvsi 'A)ioi Har-fro- ii!

Also, best Blacksmith's Coal !

Al the Tjowcst Market Pricrs7? iJ 1 ?, . B l t T

.1. h. h&Ylih.WHmW.ff.B A vit: pi Rcn vsei) the i.v i eri siA i of Mr. u. th- - Coo. x:; earrv on the .i

at th-.- o'.d tin:. I. Thai.kfui P-- iat f.ivors, he hopes totii'-H- t a cr.'i.i.ir'i.iir.i-- of the arii.

aooo BARRELS NEW IE SIlOOKS.OIL CASKS A XI SriOOKS. Ci t.c;s.nt!y or, l,.,r.d

a;,.'' I t ;

; Coojit'raijp un MUi'x Si., t'orurr ofiU'hv St., fitliiln. i 1


t .!.,.i.e.-i;,irii'i:i;.ii;Ku- ti,- - Epi.tt-.a.i.- .

.es.w--- y f. rt s'r-:- . takes tt-- i i 'r.p.rtn:.i.y of- h sine-r- e iVilih. hi- - tl :.-- - a.!.

i i ' ;n t'faer.,!. ti.e ,porl atil ,:.tr.....

' .. '1 '...en J . il .1 to jfr'ititl,.i:i I r th- - p..-- - "ii y- - .r-- . and . hv att.-t,:j..- toi u "'' ' i r' "';-'-'- - "i t::- - a'.l t.i.l,:rs ii.tr-ist- - t tohat.,'.- - iv... !;,-- r.t a ..f the. r favor. iX.iAv

PACIFICf the i mm:i!M(;m:i) wofld p f- -

"r- -"' ,:'v i'rf' rin t' -- ..i.: ;.,t h- - ..,Ca-- t'"'! ... ork withat-- s.

T- - a: i ! :i: ion fari.;..-- .it short t

Tr C !.:; n:-- o-- i

siz : i, ii, 1, l'j. 2 :u, J

4SI Iv

eouphii- -j , f th,. ea;.- - and ? tie.'.- - e

A. Uu.'i'l.i:.Ki;, t.lt.

roit vaiiii:i:, .ham.TLt F.: ,r..r

gg NiL ri r y Jil 1 1 e ri !J. n t --T, !ir, -.

T.ar.i r jriiixiy to tie F- -r frt.-h- t f.r t4a,;,:y t. ..- -. C"i:i on or t

l 15 k


Mar v,"PHILLII'-- . Mur.


FOR Hl.Yl, KALI'O ASD 3IALIK0.The ch.rr

VVT'. ZNiEaiinolvriAva i,MAKCn ANT, Ma.t-- r.

Wi.I run reuIarTy. F r frr:.-v.- t tr j aj i.iy to514 6a: C. IiKU I.H c.

Iwegnlar JPacket forLahaina and Makee's Landing.

TJie Fine Staatich Ciij r SchoD..r

vr. z "t o Lee,FOUNTAIN, M.:-.r- .

Will rua anJ J.'u;i0:;!y ca th aUre r u'.e. llrfreight or pa je ajip'y to t'.e Mis'.ir .n lnr.!. or t

514 6m C. HKEWF.Il 4 CV, af-r.t- a.

TFlie ScliooiiLT;EL ILVE XI "


Will run regular and Quick Lfu;u!ch,

Between Honolulu and Kahului.Shippers an-- pasitners can rely on the 4 the

Vr-!- ?. Apply to4:rj-C:- JAS. M. OK KEN'. n.er,t.

FOR JLIJ .O !The hrig

--TSTaliierineiaa,Wi.l run h a r pa!:tr picket to ti.e :iKiv.- - Fur frrirfit ort,.t-- ki-v'.- to WAl.KEIl. AI.I.EX i'o

61 j :im A l'IiW.

The Sehoou-- r

rllf1 a regular packet to th- - Uw irt. Fr fribt wpas.-- e aj ply to UALlitll, ALLEN Sr Co.,

' 615 Amenta.

For L jII.U.NA sine! M.UME.1 BAY !

The SYho.-.L,- .r

Vi!I run a a regular tack--t to th aW pf-rt- Fr fwsht orpa-a- s-"' apl-'- t WALKEK, ALLKN ii ,.,

irlJ AjeMS.

The Sehrx.uer

in tun as :i retular pricket to tli !mve r,rt. F..r freight orpa-- ? ire apply to WALKEK, ALLEN & Co..

515 oiu Arent.

iTor JBTanalei.The Sehoor.tr

Vtl' 3? Tt laNTCTil,Will run a a p.acket to the al ve pr.rt. Fer t orpa--aa- app'y f. WALKEK. ALLEN & CO.,

515 Olll


Oftex.s For Sale--thi:

Now Landing from the

HI T 213 FZ-- 1ST i 9 7




iii:.i:ssv,OTA It I). Dl'Pl V Ar C!o.

SAZMKAC, In Wood tin,! Rottlcs.

Jt &J fl


o- - x ,IX WOOD,

IN CASES, l. Jtnrv Ilotllrn, r.u li.

IN CASES, ia Jlotlles each.

in wood, iirrr conno.v.

And On Plaiulthe

c s rr a l assort .ir i: n t o i



Ale, Porter,

Demijohns,Cider, &c.



