fairweatheri ros.newspapers.rawson.lib.mi.us/chronicle/ccc1899 (e...cousin amy writes that all those...

~t _ .a------- Are always ready to bid you welcome and are always ready to show you goods and sell them at the lowest price. We have the lip to Most Complele afld date ..Line of Wash B 0Os ever shown in the place. We have a new line of Embroideries and Laces and know that we can suit you. You will always find when looking for new goods at low prices that we are in line. A new stock of Parasols has just arrived and they are beau- ties. Call and see them. Our Dry Goods Department is full to overflowing. If you want a nice new black dress, give us a call before you buy and we are sure to sell you. Ladies Suits from $5 up. Skirts and Jackets at all prices. Do we keep Groceries? I should think we did. Just call and get some of our prices and you will also say that we do. Patronize ..... g Cass City Roller Mills and use WHITE LILY ' . They~are the best and cheapest winter wheat brands N on the market. In the feed iinewe have acomplete stock of everything consisting of I~ eed, Bran and Mid- N dlingsandlMixed Feeds which we are selling at lowest ~.~ cash prices. Cass City is the place to get your milling .~ t ~ J, W, McLellan Fashionable Tailor McNAIR BLOCK Y~ ~:~ CARO, MICH, ~[ N@ N I will cheerfully respond ~o telephone calls ~[ from here, N Tel. 166 Residence 183~3r N N1 The "5ozon an." Together with all other Funeral Supplies, we handle "The Sozonian, the up to date MetalCasket Case. Tile Sozonian is absolutely impregnable and indesl~ructible. It defies decay and destruction. It positively arrests the ac- tion of the elements: I~ is empt~atically air-tight and water-proof. It will resist and withstand any weight. It weighs little more than a wooden box. positively insures the dry decay of the corpse. It preserves the casket and corpse for an indefinite peroid. It will last not for years, but for centuries. It is unanimously pronounced the most sanitarycase ever made. All goods are sold at reasonable prices and work guaranted to give perfect satisfaction. A. A./ cKENZIE. LOCAL ITEMN. O. K. Janes was at Caro Tuesday. Harold Macomber is sick with fever. Mrs. McDowell has been on tl~e sick list. W. D. Schooley has moved to Sag- inaw. W. A. Fairweather is painting his residence. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Moore were at Caro Sunday. Ernest Hatton of Casevllle was in town Sunday. A. A. Hitctmock ig transactingbusi- hess in Bay City. Chas. Travis isplacing a foundation under his residence. Mr. and Mrs. 3;. S. Dunham visited friends in Cash Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 5. D. Crosby are spend- ing the week at Ypsilauti. Yakes & Co. have sold their livery outfit to D. M. Houghton. There was a social hop at the opeaa house last Friday evening. John Andress and Jas. Wooley of Bad Axe were in town Sunday. W. Karr moved to Kingston Tues- day where he will open a hotel. Ethel Bond and Dan McNaughton of Argyle were in town Monday. A number of young ~ peopl e spent Sunday at P.inney's summer home. Lore'feast and sacremental services at the M; E. church Sunday morning. Chas. Schenck of Saginaw made: his parents a flying visit on Thursday. Claude Riley and Ira and Earl Holmes of Caro were in town Satur- day. I. B. Auten Planted 100 maples around his place the fore part of tim week. A number of young people attended the ball at North Branch Thursday evening. Berkley Pattersm{ left for Saginaw Thursday morning, where he will stay indefinetly. Mrs. Ehner-Yakes, who has been seriously sick for several weeks, is convalescent. Frank Pettit of Pigeon and Miss Julia Gage of Gagetown were visitors in town Sunday. Superintendent Sanford of the P. 0. & N. railroad transacted business in town Wednesday. Messrs. H. M. and C. L. Fisher sons of John Fisher, spent last Sunday at their parental home. Presiding Elder Sweet preached to a large congregation at the M. E. Church Sunday evening. Misses Cowling and Malibn Of Green leaf were the guests of Misses Maggie and Jessie Gillies Sunday, G.B. McFall has secured a position in the Clifford roller mills and left for that place Monday morning. The Prohibition Club met at the M. E. Church Monday evening. A good program and debate were given. H. Patterson is moving to Decker- ville. Mrs. Hatton intends to occupy the rooms over Laing & Janes' store. John Mills, Fred Robinson and Ralph Beyette of Caro called on friends in town Thursday and :Friday. The hardware store of Bigelow & Son is being moved this week to make room for the new building. John Caldwell has the job. Mr:,and Mrs. J. F. Hendrick at- tended the funeral of Mrs. White at Caro Sunday. Mrs. White was a mere ber of the Rebekahs. Wm. Ratz left for the northern part of the state and Wisconsin on Wed- nesday in the interests Of the Wett- laufer & Ratz Mfg. Co. Messrs. Josiah and Edwin Bond of Chicago, brothers of Amos Bond have been visiting friends and relati veshe re Clean up your back alleys. E. F. Mart was in CaroSunday. J. D. Crosby was in Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Auten spent Sun- day in Caro. Russel Yak-s is employed at Mc- Donald's store. Mrs. Brown is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mahoney. S. Champion made a business trip to Caro Monday. Percy Bertrand of Sebewaing is em- ployed at 2 Mucks. A large consignment of wheels at Johnson & Seeley's. C. W. McPhail of Scottville visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Karr visited friends near Ubly Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Strifller were In town Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knapp of Bad Axe were in town Sunday. Malcolm 1Korrison and lady friend of Unionville were in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Towshat spent home in Ga:getown Saturday to stay. Scarlet fever has broken out at De- ford. Church and schools are closed. Miss McFarlane of Gagetown was the guest of Miss Carrie Robinson Sunday. The Cuss City Lumber and Coal Co. are building a 30 ft. extension to their coal sheds. ~ John [Cole was called to his old home in Canada last week by the ser- ious illness of his sister. John Renshler is laid up for repairs. His back was seriously strained while shoeing a large horse last week. Miss Jennie Martin returned last Friday to Det|'oit where she is en-] abouts for the past week. Tile Gorden tlouse sample rooms H. B. Fairweather is continuing to have been moved from the west side improve, his beautiful property on o'f thehotel to the eas~ side where " Nest Main street by adding the water Harrisons tailor shopwas formerly lo- works system. Look for a green lawn eared. Mr. ~ordon is improving the Sunday at their home at Colwood. Fred Palmer of •Yale spent Satur-I town, I'll call and see them. day and Sui~day with friends llere. l Jennie McKellar returned tO her J. [, fl[NDRi£K )arental home at Manitowoc, Wiscon- sin, Saturday on account of the ill- ness of her brother. The High School boys are diligently practicing base ball this week tO be in good order tb meet with the Vassar and Caro boys May 3 and 4. Thos. Dodd, formerly connected with Cass City's print shops is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jones, recuperating his shattered health. The Chronicle wish~s To~ a sPeedy recoverY. There will be a meeting at the Dfi- man scl~o01house next Sunday at3 P. m. to consfder the organizing of a Sunday school and all are invited to attend. Rev. C. II. Morgan will give an address. Chas. Travis' wonderful cat with her interesting ,l'alnily of squirrels is getting on nicely. The little fellows cut up all kinds of capers but like a good stepmother slm takes everything philosophically, Mrs. C. H. Morgan and Master Les- lieare visiting old friends in Saginaw this week, and Mrs. Morgan gives tern perance addresses there and at Fergus and at a missionary meeting at Ches- aning, returning on Saturday, The following letters remain un- claimed at ~he P. O. at Cuss City for the week ending April 27th, 1901, L. N. Corey, tl. Cruisesick- When eall- in~ for tile above please mention ad- vertised. H.S. Wickware, P. M. We wish to give a warning to ooys and others not to disturb or kill the pheasants which were turned loose last fall and were last seen on the Dewitt place west and north of~town. The state law ls very strict in regard to molesting or killing pheasants. Say Dear! Cousin Amy writes that all those beautiful presents she received at her wedding came from tlendrick, the Cuss City Jeweler. She says he han- dles the most complete line of Jewelry to be found in the Thumb. Also gold and Silverware, Ebony Goods, Terra Cotta Busts and Statuary. When in this summer. J. D. Brooker transacted business in connection with the Hitchcoek estate a~ tile probate otllee in Caro last Mon- day. George Hitchcoek has been ap- pointed administrator of the estate. John S. Milton, aged 57, who lived I T, H, ] hr Contrm:tor and Builder. If you intend to build let me fiffu.~e with you. l First Glass Work Guaranteed. Shop on Pine St. ,Residence ov- el" Chronicle oillce, Cuss City. Everyone has use for .... , LAUNDRY. gaged in a millinery establishment. O~ TOILET NOAP George Hitchcock is buildingan ad- And he who uses it wants tile very dition to his house on West street. It bests-one that is guaranteed to be will be a brick structure of 26x34 ft. strictly pure and to give perfect saris- dimensions, faction in every respect, vacant lot by phmting trees, and in due time it]will maks a beautiful lawn. Dr. Deming, who returned home srom his southern trip on Wednesday, found his otliee scrubbed and cleaned ready for business. The doctor is for- tunateqn having a wifo who knows several miles southeast~ of town, died how to wield tile broom and mop to last Monday after a long period of perfection. We guess slm expects a sickness. He leaves a wife and two new dress upon the doctor's return. daughters. Tl~e remains, in charge Miss Jessie, the youngest~ daughter of UnderlJaker McKenzie, were taken of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Crosby played to North Branch on Thursday for in- naughty YeSterday by eutliillg her left terment, hand in such a horrible manner as to G. J, Anketell of Croswell and M. J. necessiate medicalaid. Dr. Wickware Cook of Deckerville were in town Sat- took a l'ew'stitclms, covered the wound ,urday looking ,after ~he interests of with a good sized wax plaster. Jessie the Cuss City Coal ~nd Lumber Co. promises to be more careful in the tI. Van Pattan returned with them future. and will have ehaege of the company's Last Sunday there was a good at- interests at Applegate. tendance at the MeConnell school- It is now definitely stated that house and the Sunday school was or- Geo. H. Beach has been granted sev- ganized for this season uwith T. H. Fritz for superintendent, Grant Me- Connell fop assistant superintendent, David Ilutchinson for secretary and Mrs. Day Mead for treasurer. The school Will meet at 3 p. m. next Sun- day. Dr. Marsh, the noted specialist, will be at Gordon's Hotel, May 16th and 17th. eral months leave of absence and dur- ing that time J. W. Bailey, who has been here several weeks, will continue to act as station agent. Mr. Bailey's family is coming here from Lima, O., in a few days and will occupy the Wil- son house on West street. L.E. Challis will continue to assist Mr. Barley in the work. SOld by El. C, Howey is that kind--the best On tl~e market. When your present supply of soap is exhausted remember the Wolverine brand. Give it a trial and you'll be convinced of its superior qualities. H. C. Howey is the regular appointed agent for this vicinity. Tell him your wants. Residence first door east of the Evangelical church. m~ill Dry Goods Special We are offering the best values in Dress Goods ever offered in Cass City. (3 roce ry Special Canned Peaches and Apricots (formerly 20c a can) now 10c or 3 for 25c. Shoe Specia That new spring sampl e line will be in this weel~. Everybody knows what that means. Call in and take advantage of some of these bargains. Laing & Janes. A Bundle o f Facts We are headquarters for the best goods as follows: Champion and Nlilwaukee Binders and Mowers, Plows and Harrows, Wagons and Buggies, American Cultivators and Grain Drills, I Pumps and Tanks. Call in and see us. Get prices and satisfy yourself. Every- thing guaranteed. We have just received a carload of fertilizers. HANDSOffl EST LINE OF S PI~I N(i GOODS EVEI~ SHOWN IN CANS CITY frill be found at Fairweatheri ros. Big Double gtore. E~rerything strictly nexax, We have just received 12co Ladies' Black Hose WQll worth |5c a pair We offer at to cents. New line of CHILDREN'S HOSE, extra qual- ity, at 10c to 50e a pair. Nice line of MEN'S SOX in black, tan, and fan- cy- at 5 to 25e a pair. Our 25e Hose for ladies is a good one. We are making special prices on CARPETS that will save you money. Our line of WASH GOODS. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, etc., is the largest and mos~ complete ever shown in Cass City. If you are looking for a LADIES' SHIRT WAIST or MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS be sure and see our line before buying. Ours are the latest. Eggs, Eggs and Butter. We want this month of May 500 crates (ff eggs and 5000 pounds of good butter. Will pay the hi,best cash market price ~or the m. GROCERIES--We have anything you want in that line. If you want anything in the line of Churns, But- ter Crocks, Milk Crocks, Butter Bowls, etc., we have thorn. GARDEN SEEES of all descriptions in bulk or packages. CROCKERY--A full line to select from. Phone 19. Prompt Delivery. $40 $2s $40 -.t THE THREE HAVE BEST STOOD THE WHEELS HARDEST MADE TESTS I pL FLETCHER REEDING $2O $1a Will offer for the balance of this month a $25 Wheel for $17.50 easlx Second iland wheels from $7 to $15. Sold on easy terms. Bicycle sundries of all kinds. Call and see me. I can save you money. l, L HITCHCOCK & SONS Mgr, Bicycle Dept, for

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Page 1: Fairweatheri ros.newspapers.rawson.lib.mi.us/chronicle/ccc1899 (e...Cousin Amy writes that all those beautiful presents she received at her wedding came from tlendrick, the Cuss City

~ t

• _ . a - - - - - - -

A r e a l w a y s r e a d y to bid you w e l c o m e a n d a r e a l w a y s r e a d y to s h o w you g o o d s a n d se l l t h e m a t t he l o w e s t p r i ce . W e have t he

lip to Most Complele afld

date ..Line of Wash B 0Os eve r s h o w n in t h e p lace .

W e have a n e w l ine of E m b r o i d e r i e s a n d L a c e s a n d k n o w t h a t

we can s u i t you. Y o u will a l w a y s find w h e n l o o k i n g fo r n e w g o o d s a t low p r i c e s t h a t we a r e in l ine.

A n e w s t o c k of P a r a s o l s ha s j u s t a r r i v e d a n d t h e y a r e beau- t ies . Call a n d see t h e m .

O u r D r y Goods D e p a r t m e n t is fu l l to ove r f l ow i ng . I f you w a n t a n ice n e w b l ack d r e s s , g ive us a ca l l be f o r e y o u b u y a n d we

a r e s u r e to se l l you. L a d i e s S u i t s f r o m $5 up. S k i r t s a n d J a c k e t s a t al l p r i c e s .

Do we k e e p G r o c e r i e s ? I s h o u l d t h i n k we did . J u s t call a n d g e t s o m e of o u r p r i c e s and you wil l a l so s a y t h a t we do.

Patronize . . . . .

g Cass City Roller Mills

and use WHITE LILY ' .

T h e y ~ a r e t h e b e s t a n d c h e a p e s t w i n t e r w h e a t b r a n d s

N on t he m a r k e t . In t he f eed i i n e w e have a c o m p l e t e

s t o c k of e v e r y t h i n g c o n s i s t i n g of I~ eed, B r a n a n d Mid-

N d l i n g s a n d l M i x e d F e e d s w h i c h we a r e s e l l i n g a t l o w e s t ~.~

c a s h p r i c e s . Cass C i ty is t he p l ace to g e t y o u r m i l l i n g . ~ t ~

J, W, M c L e l l a n Fashionable Tailor


N@ N

I will cheerfully respond ~o telephone calls ~ [

from here, N

Tel. 166 Residence 183~3r

N N1

The "5ozon an." Together with all other Funeral Supplies, we handle "The Sozonian, the

up to da te MetalCasket Case. Tile Sozonian is absolutely impregnable and indesl~ructible. I t defies decay and destruction. I t positively arrests the ac- t ion of the elements: I~ is empt~atically a i r - t igh t and water-proof. I t will resist and withstand any weight. I t weighs l i t t le more than a wooden box. positively insures the dry decay of the corpse. I t preserves the casket and corpse for an indefinite peroid. I t will last not for years, but for centuries. I t is unanimously pronounced the most sanitarycase ever made. A l l goods are sold a t reasonable prices and work guaranted to give perfect satisfaction.



O. K. Janes was at Caro Tuesday.

Harold Macomber is sick with fever.

Mrs. McDowell has been on tl~e sick list.

W. D. Schooley has moved to Sag- inaw.

W. A. Fairweather is painting his residence.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Moore were a t Caro Sunday.

Ernest Ha t ton of Casevllle was in town Sunday.

A. A. Hitctmock ig transactingbusi- hess in Bay City.

Chas. Travis isplacing a foundation under his residence.

Mr. and Mrs. 3;. S. Dunham visited friends in Cash Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. 5. D. Crosby are spend- ing the week at Ypsilauti.

Yakes & Co. have sold their livery outfit to D. M. Houghton.

There was a social hop a t the opeaa house last Fr iday evening.

John Andress and Jas. Wooley of Bad Axe were in town Sunday.

W. Karr moved to Kingston Tues- day where he will open a hotel.

Ethel Bond and Dan McNaughton of Argyle were in town Monday.

A number of young ~ peopl e spent Sunday a t P.inney's summer home.

Lore ' feast and sacremental services a t the M; E. church Sunday morning.

Chas. Schenck of Saginaw made: his parents a flying visit on Thursday.

Claude Riley and I r a and Earl Holmes of Caro were in town Satur- day.

I. B. Auten Planted 100 maples around his place the fore par t of tim week.

A number of young people attended the ball at Nor th Branch Thursday evening.

Berkley Pattersm{ left for Saginaw Thursday morning, where he will stay indefinetly.

Mrs. Ehner -Yakes , who has been seriously sick for several weeks, is convalescent.

Frank Pe t t i t of Pigeon and Miss Julia Gage of Gagetown were visitors in town Sunday.

Superintendent Sanford of the P. 0. & N. railroad transacted business in town Wednesday.

Messrs. H. M. and C. L. Fisher sons of John Fisher, spent last Sunday at their parental home.

Presiding Elder Sweet preached to a large congregation at the M. E. Church Sunday evening.

Misses Cowling and Malibn Of Green leaf were the guests of Misses Maggie and Jessie Gillies Sunday,

G.B. McFall has secured a posit ion in the Clifford roller mills and left for t ha t place Monday morning.

The Prohibit ion Club met at the M. E. Church Monday evening. A good program and debate were given.

H. Pat terson is moving to Decker- ville. Mrs. Hat ton intends to occupy the rooms over Laing & Janes' store.

John Mills, Fred Robinson and Ralph Beyette of Caro called on friends in town Thursday and :Friday.

The hardware store of Bigelow & Son is being moved this week to make room for the new building. John Caldwell has the job.

Mr:,and Mrs. J. F. Hendrick at- tended the funeral of Mrs. White a t Caro Sunday. Mrs. Whi te was a mere ber of the Rebekahs.

Wm. Ratz left for the northern part of the state and Wisconsin on Wed- nesday in the interests Of the Wett- laufer & Ratz Mfg. Co.

Messrs. Josiah and Edwin Bond of Chicago, brothers of Amos Bond have been visiting friends and relati veshe re

Clean up your back alleys.

E. F. Mart was in CaroSunday.

J. D. Crosby was in Detroi t this week.

Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Auten spent Sun- day in Caro.

Russel Yak-s is employed at Mc- Donald's store.

Mrs. Brown is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mahoney.

S. Champion made a business trip to Caro Monday.

Percy Bertrand of Sebewaing is em- ployed at 2 Mucks.

A large consignment of wheels a t Johnson & Seeley's.

C. W. McPhail of Scottville visited friends here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lu ther Karr visited friends near Ubly Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Strifller were In town Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knapp of Bad Axe were in town Sunday.

Malcolm 1Korrison and lady friend of Unionville were in town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Noah Towshat spent

home in Ga:getown Saturday to stay.

Scarlet fever has broken out a t De- ford. Church and schools are closed.

Miss McFarlane of Gagetown was the guest of Miss Carrie Robinson Sunday.

The Cuss City Lumber and Coal Co. are building a 30 ft. extension to their coal sheds. ~

John [Cole was called to his old home in Canada last week by the ser- ious illness of his sister.

John Renshler is laid up for repairs. His back was seriously strained while shoeing a large horse last week.

Miss Jennie Martin returned last Friday to Det| 'oit where she is en-]

abouts for the past week. Tile Gorden tlouse sample rooms

H. B. Fairweather is continuing to have been moved from the west side improve, his beautiful property on o'f t heho te l to the eas~ side where

" Nest Main street by adding the water Harrisons tailor shopwas formerly lo- works system. Look for a green lawn eared. Mr. ~ordon is improving the

Sunday at their home at Colwood. Fred Palmer of •Yale spent Satur-I town, I ' l l call and see them.

day and Sui~day with friends llere. l Jennie McKellar returned tO her J . [ , f l [ N D R i £ K

)arental home at Manitowoc, Wiscon- sin, Saturday on account of the ill- ness of her brother.

The High School boys are diligently practicing base ball this week tO be in good order tb meet with the Vassar and Caro boys May 3 and 4.

Thos. Dodd, formerly connected with Cass City's pr int shops is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jones, recuperating his shattered health. The Chronicle wish~s T o ~ a sPeedy recoverY.

There will be a meeting a t the Dfi- man scl~o01house next Sunday a t 3 P. m. to consfder the organizing of a Sunday school and a l l are invited to attend. Rev. C. II. Morgan will give an address.

Chas. Travis' wonderful cat with her interesting ,l'alnily of squirrels is gett ing on nicely. The l i t t le fellows cut up all kinds of capers but like a good stepmother slm takes everything philosophically,

Mrs. C. H. Morgan and Master Les- l ieare visiting old friends in Saginaw this week, and Mrs. Morgan gives tern perance addresses there and at Fergus and a t a missionary meeting at Ches- aning, returning on Saturday,

The following let ters remain un- claimed at ~he P. O. a t Cuss City for the week ending April 27th, 1901, L. N. Corey, t l . Cruisesick- When eall- in~ for tile above please mention ad- vertised. H.S. Wickware, P. M.

We wish to give a warning to ooys and others not to disturb or kill the pheasants which were turned loose last fall and were last seen on the Dewitt place west and north of~town. The state law ls very s t r ic t in regard to molesting or killing pheasants.

S a y Dear! Cousin Amy writes t ha t all those

beautiful presents she received at her wedding came from tlendrick, the Cuss City Jeweler. She says he han- dles the most complete line of Jewelry to be found in the Thumb. Also gold and Silverware, Ebony Goods, Terra Cotta Busts and Statuary. When in

this summer.

J. D. Brooker transacted business in connection with the Hitchcoek estate a~ tile probate otllee in Caro last Mon- day. George Hitchcoek has been ap- pointed administrator of the estate.

John S. Milton, aged 57, who lived

I T, H, ] hr Cont rm: to r a n d Bui lder .

I f you intend to build let me fiffu.~e with you.

l First Glass Work Guaranteed. Shop on Pine St. ,Residence ov- el" Chronicle oillce, Cuss City.

Everyone has use for . . . .

, LAUNDRY. gaged in a millinery establishment. O~ TOILET NOAP

George Hitchcock is bu i ld ingan ad- And he who uses it wants tile very dition to his house on West street. I t bests-one tha t is guaranteed to be will be a brick structure of 26x34 ft. str ictly pure and to give perfect saris- dimensions, faction in every respect,

vacant lot by phmting trees, and in due time it]will maks a beautiful lawn.

Dr. Deming, who returned home srom his southern trip on Wednesday, found his otliee scrubbed and cleaned ready for business. The doctor is for- tunateqn having a wifo who knows

several miles southeast~ of town, died how to wield tile broom and mop to last Monday af ter a long period of perfection. We guess slm expects a sickness. He leaves a wife and two new dress upon the doctor's return. daughters. Tl~e remains, in charge Miss Jessie, the youngest~ daughter of UnderlJaker McKenzie, were taken of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Crosby played to North Branch on Thursday for in- naughty YeSterday by eutliillg her left terment, hand in such a horrible manner as to

G. J, Anketell of Croswell and M. J. necessiate medicalaid. Dr. Wickware Cook of Deckerville were in town Sat- took a l'ew'stitclms, covered the wound ,urday looking ,after ~he interests of with a good sized wax plaster. Jessie the Cuss City Coal ~nd Lumber Co. promises to be more careful in the tI. Van Pa t t an returned with them future. and will have ehaege of the company's Last Sunday there was a good at- interests at Applegate. tendance at the MeConnell school-

I t is now definitely stated tha t house and the Sunday school was or- Geo. H. Beach has been granted sev- ganized for this season uwith T. H.

Fritz for superintendent, Grant Me- Connell fop assistant superintendent, David Ilutchinson for secretary and Mrs. Day Mead for treasurer. The school Will meet at 3 p. m. next Sun- day.

Dr. Marsh, the noted specialist, will be at Gordon's Hotel, May 16th and 17th.

eral months leave of absence and dur- ing tha t t ime J. W. Bailey, who has been here several weeks, will continue to act as stat ion agent. Mr. Bailey's family is coming here from Lima, O., in a few days and will occupy the Wil- son house on West street. L . E . Challis will continue to assist Mr. Barley in the work.

SOld by El. C, Howey

is t ha t k ind-- the best On tl~e market. When your present supply of soap is exhausted remember the Wolverine brand. Give i t a trial and you'll be convinced of its superior qualities. H. C. Howey is the regular appointed agent for this vicinity. Tell him your wants. Residence first door east of the Evangelical church.

m~i l l

Dry Goods Special W e a r e o f f e r i n g the bes t va lues in D r e s s Good s eve r o f fe red in Cass Ci ty .

(3 roce ry Special C a n n e d P e a c h e s an d A p r i c o t s ( f o r m e r l y 20c a can) n o w 10c o r 3 fo r 25c.

Shoe Specia T h a t n e w s p r i n g s a m p l e l ine will be in t h i s weel~. E v e r y b o d y k n o w s w h a t t h a t m e a n s .

Call in and take a d v a n t a g e of some of these bargains .

Laing & Janes.

A B u n d l e "

o f F a c t s

W e a re h e a d q u a r t e r s fo r t h e b e s t g o o d s as fo l lows:

Champion and Nlilwaukee

Binders and Mowers, Plows and Harrows, Wagons and Buggies,

American Cult ivators and Grain Drills,


P u m p s and Tanks .

Call in and see us. Ge t p r i c e s and s a t i s f y y o u r s e l f . E v e r y -

t h i n g g u a r a n t e e d .

W e have j u s t r ece ived a c a r l o a d of f e r t i l i z e r s .

HANDSOffl EST LINE OF S PI~I N(i GOODS EVEI~ SHOWN IN CANS CITY f r i l l b e f o u n d a t

Fairweatheri ros. B i g D o u b l e g t o r e . E ~ r e r y t h i n g s t r i c t l y n e x a x ,

We have just received

12co Ladies' Black Hose WQll worth |5c a pair

We offer at to cents.

New line of CHILDREN'S HOSE, extra qual- ity, a t 10c to 50e a pair.

Nice line of MEN'S SOX in black, tan, and fan- cy- at 5 to 25e a pair.

Our 25e Hose for ladies is a good one. We are making special prices on CARPETS tha t

will save you money. Our line of WASH GOODS. DRESS GOODS,

SILKS, etc., is the largest and mos~ complete ever shown in Cass City.

If you are looking for a LADIES ' SHIRT WAIST or MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS be sure and see our line before buying. Ours are the latest.

Eggs, Eggs and Butter .

We want this month of May 500 crates (ff eggs and 5000 pounds of good butter.

Will pay the h i , b e s t cash m a r k e t price ~or the m.

GROCERIES--We have anything you want in that line.

If you want anything in the line of Churns, But- ter Crocks, Milk Crocks, But ter Bowls, etc., we have thorn.

GARDEN SEEES of all descriptions in bulk or packages.

CROCKERY--A full line to select from.

P h o n e 19. P r o m p t De l ivery .

$40 $2s $40 -.t






pL F L E T C H E R R E E D I N G $ 2 O $ 1 a

Will offer for the balance of this month a $25 Wheel for $17.50 easlx Second iland wheels from $7 to $15. Sold on easy terms. Bicycle sundries of all kinds. Call and see me. I can save you money.

l, L HITCHCOCK & SONS Mgr, Bicycle Dept, for