faq for new hire

This information is confidential. Please do not share with anyone outside of the Chegg network. CHEGG HOMEWORK HELP SOLUTIONS AUTHORING NEW HIRE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Welcome to Chegg! We’re excited to have you on board! We believe in making education affordable, accessible, interactive, and engaging, and now you’re a part of that mission too. To get you started, here is a list of frequently asked questions. Armed with your Authoring Guidelines, online training program (LMS), and our Training PowerPoint, you will be ready to get started and earn money with your expertise in no time! GETTING STARTED: Q: I want to work for you, but I’m really busy this semester! Can I get started later? A: Yes, you can start later. We hire on a rolling basis, so there is almost always work available for you. If you have a start date in mind, please email at [email protected] 2- 3 weeks before this date to get set up. Q: How do I get the textbook? A: You will be sent the photocopy of the textbook via courier. Q: How does length of employment work? Am I employed until the end of the assignment at which time I may or may not be asked to do another? A: You are a contractor for us, not an employee. You work for us for the length of the Assignment. However, if you’ve done a good job on your previous assignment(s), you will be contacted you on more work once you finish a project. Q: Can I work on more than one textbook at a time? A: As a first-time author, no. Once you have proven that you can handle the workload and that you can provide us with outstanding solutions, we can consider offering you more than one text. Q: Why am I submitting my Pan Card copy? A: You are submitting your Pan Card copy because you are a contractor for Chegg. We send you form 16 at the end of the year. You will have to include this in your income when you do your taxes at the end of the year. Q: I completed the online training. Now what? A: You will receive a completion certificate, and you’ll have access to feedback when you log into LMS. Then we’ll be in touch with you for the assignments. Q: I want to get in touch with you for quick questions. How can I do that? A: Yes! You can email us or call on the Territory Manager cell no. Q: What if something comes up, and I cannot complete my Assignment? A: You will need to let us know in writing that you will be resigning from the assignment. In addition, if you can, please return the book to our offices so we can re-assign it. Q: What if I don’t know how to answer a question? A: Even though you’re an expert in your subject, you can still get stuck from time to time. If this is the case, attempt to solve the problem the best you can, let us know, and we will take it to our content experts who can help you. Q: What if I don’t agree with the textbook’s answer to a problem? A: Sometimes, textbooks contain wrong answers. Please note these wrong answers when you submit your solutions, and we will double-check the accuracy with the content experts.

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Post on 20-Jul-2016




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Page 1: FAQ for New Hire

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Welcome to Chegg! We’re excited to have you on board! We believe in making education affordable, accessible, interactive, and engaging, and now you’re a part of that mission too. To get you started, here is a list of frequently asked questions. Armed with your Authoring Guidelines, online training program (LMS), and our Training PowerPoint, you will be ready to get started and earn money with your expertise in no time!

GETTING STARTED: Q: I want to work for you, but I’m really busy this semester! Can I get started later? A: Yes, you can start later. We hire on a rolling basis, so there is almost always work available for you. If you have a start date in mind, please email at [email protected] 2-3 weeks before this date to get set up. Q: How do I get the textbook? A: You will be sent the photocopy of the textbook via courier. Q: How does length of employment work? Am I employed until the end of the assignment at which time I may or may not be asked to do another? A: You are a contractor for us, not an employee. You work for us for the length of the Assignment. However, if you’ve done a good job on your previous assignment(s), you will be contacted you on more work once you finish a project. Q: Can I work on more than one textbook at a time? A: As a first-time author, no. Once you have proven that you can handle the workload and that you can provide us with outstanding solutions, we can consider offering you more than one text. Q: Why am I submitting my Pan Card copy? A: You are submitting your Pan Card copy because you are a contractor for Chegg. We send you form 16 at the end of the year. You will have to include this in your income when you do your taxes at the end of the year. Q: I completed the online training. Now what? A: You will receive a completion certificate, and you’ll have access to feedback when you log into LMS. Then we’ll be in touch with you for the assignments. Q: I want to get in touch with you for quick questions. How can I do that? A: Yes! You can email us or call on the Territory Manager cell no. Q: What if something comes up, and I cannot complete my Assignment? A: You will need to let us know in writing that you will be resigning from the assignment. In addition, if you can, please return the book to our offices so we can re-assign it. Q: What if I don’t know how to answer a question? A: Even though you’re an expert in your subject, you can still get stuck from time to time. If this is the case, attempt to solve the problem the best you can, let us know, and we will take it to our content experts who can help you. Q: What if I don’t agree with the textbook’s answer to a problem? A: Sometimes, textbooks contain wrong answers. Please note these wrong answers when you submit your solutions, and we will double-check the accuracy with the content experts.

Page 2: FAQ for New Hire

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WRITING THE SOLUTIONS: Q: Do you have a standard of how many problems people submit per month based on discipline/subject area? A: It depends on people’s individual schedules. We work with you to set deadlines that make sense for you. In general, most authors turn in 50-150 solutions per month. Authors in math and S Statistics usually turn in 120 or up to 500 solutions per month on average. The record is 2,000 per month in case you’re curious! Q: The problems listed in the solution list are given as a number followed by letters such as "E, FIC, CRE, PQ". What to these abbreviations mean and should I use them in naming the problems? A: They stand for the problem types in the text. For instance, “E” stands for “Exercise” and “P” stands for “Problem”. “R” often stands for “Review”, but these abbreviations are text-specific. Please see the textbook for reference to the question type. Q: Can I save these solutions as .docx files? A: Yes, you can now! We prefer .doc files, but we have just begun accepting .docx files as well. Q: Can I use Excel to draw my graphs? A: Yes, you can. Just make the Excel graph within Word so that it is embedded in the document. Q: Do you reimburse for MathType? A: No, we don’t, but you can download that by going to the Design Science website and downloading the trial there. Here is the link: http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype/. Q: Do you reimburse for ChemDraw or Corel Draw or any software like that? A: At this time, we do not. We suggest the free drawing software, DrawPlus, which should do just about everything you need. http://www.serif.com/free-graphic-design-Here is the link: software/.

SUBMITTING BATCHES: Q: Am I correct in my understanding that each problem is saved as an individual file? Then when I send a batch of solutions, do I send an email with all the solutions attached? A: Yes, each solution should be its own Word document with the appropriate formatting. When you send in a batch, send it in a .zip file. Name this file after the last solution in the set, i.e. if the last problem is number 4 in chapter 34, call the .zip file “1234-34-4CQ”. Even your fist 10 solutions should be in a zip file using this naming convention. Q: How often do I need to turn in batches? A: Please refer to your Assignment for all due dates. If you turn in the batches on the dates listed, you will be eligible for new and quick assignments at the assignment’s completion. Once you’ve begun in earnest,all authors must turn in AT LEAST 25 solutions every 14 days or else we will unassign you from the text. Q: Why do you need to unassign me from the project just because I’ve fallen behind? A: Some of our books are in high demand by both students who want the solutions and authors who want to write them. It’s important to us that students have access to as many solutions as possible during the school year. Q: After I submit my first 10 solutions from different chapters in the book, do I need to submit those solutions again when I send in my batch that includes that chapter?

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A: No, please do not send them again. We account for the 10 samples in the Assignment. Q: What should I title my .zip file with my first 10 files in it? A: Title it with “Book ID-Chapter ID-Problem ID” of the last problem solved in the set.

RECEIVING FEEDBACK: Q: How long does it take to receive feedback after I submit my first 10 solutions? A: It usually arrives in 24-48 hours, but it depends on the time of year and the discipline. Sometimes, we get bottlenecked around the end of the summer because so many solutions are being submitted. Sometimes feedback takes a little longer. Q: Who is checking my solutions? A: Your solutions are being checked by experts in your subject area. Our QA team members have all been solutions authors at one time or another, so they’ve been in your shoes. Q: What is the difference between first batch feedback and a quality check report? A: First batch feedback is the comments you receive on your first 10 solutions. After, you will only receive quality check reports, where the QA team goes through a random selection of questions and determines the quality of your solutions, usually just giving overall feedback. Q: Are all of my solutions checked? A: In your first batch of 10, yes. For all batches after, a portion are initially analyzed. If you do well, the QA team picks a portion of solutions to check at random (“QA”). If there are inaccuracies or other issues, each one of your solutions will be checked and, more than likely, sent back to you for editing. This is rare, but it does happen. It WILL happen if you plagiarize. Q: I turned in a batch of solutions and it was accepted with “Full QA”. Is that bad? A: It isn’t bad necessarily, but it does mean that you had enough formatting errors or small calculation errors that the QA team is checking each solution in your batch. This creates more work for them, and, once it creates too much work, they will send back entire batches for re-authoring. You want to be careful to follow the formatting rules and calculate carefully so you don’t create more work for yourself! “Full QA” happens with scores in the 3-range. Q: What does the feedback score of “DSR” mean? A: This stands for Digital Solutions Review, which is a fancy way of saying that they were excellent, and that they will go immediately to flash conversion to be posted online in a few weeks. This is when you will see a score within the 4 to 5 range.


Q: How often are we paid? A: We pay on monthly basis. We pay on the 15th of every month for all solutions submitted in previous month. It will take 2-3 days maximum to reflect on your bank statement. Q: How are we paid? A: You are paid by an online transfer of amount to your bank accounts.

And One Final Note: When In Doubt, Google!

You’d be surprised how many questions we get asked that we actually end up Googling in

order to find the answer (yes, we have accepted that word as a verb). Being that we’ve

probably already encountered any dilemma you may be dealing with, asking us about it is

the logical thing to do, and we are always happy to help. But in an effort to save us, and

yourself, some time and energy writing yet another email: Google it!