final evaluation question 7


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7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt from it in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel one of the most important and valuable progressions made are the learning and development throughout the task experimenting with various software and technologies. E.g. Photoshop CS6 and In most cases, during the early stages of the task, I was of a beginners level with little knowledge on how to effectively use all the technologies in a way which would allow me to achieve professional outcomes. This contrasts with my level of skill and confidence now, after completing the full product as i became more familiar with features and functions to allow me to use the applications to my full advantage a my knowledge had significantly increased. However, the prelim product lacked fine tuning and attention to detail which is essential in order to produce something of a professional standard which is taken very seriously and is ensured through quality control checks in the real print media industry as products have to be flawless and appealing to entice and attract target audience. The prelim student magazine also lacked editing and style; Photoshop was the program used to construct both the prelim and final magazine, i extensively edited images and the page designs as well as incorporating effects into all pages of the final product, whereas this was kept a minimal when creating the magazine for the preliminary task as i did not know how to function the software effectively at this point of the course due to little experience using this previously. Through practice on Photoshop CS6, i was able to include better quality and complex features in the final product in terms of images, use of layers appropriately organising and structuring accordingly and formatting each page, compared to the basic prelim product which was basic due to my basic level of skill and knowledge on how to function the software.Development can be seen clearly through looking at both my prelim and final product pages in comparison; higher skill, better design, detail and layout can be recognised. Also, i have gained knowledge on media industries since the prelim task; research and planning was an important stage in the task as this allowed me to find out about conventions of print media magazines, enabling me to reflect on findings and create an overall good quality final product which appeared professional and attractive. I did not carry out this extensive and analytic research on successful pre-existing magazines previous to the prelim task meaning i had less understanding of conventions which could lead to creating a successful, appealing and good quality product. Due to the large amount of research and planning i carried out, i feel my knowledge of the nature of print media products and industries was hugely enhanced, giving me an advantage when designing my final product- something i did not have when creating my preliminary product as minimal research and planning was done in preparation for this. Before research, i was not aware of how to effectively attract or appeal to audiences as well as how to present a particular genre of music, conforming, challenging or developing common conventions. The draft versions gave me better knowledge and an insight into the work involved in creating a magazine, after completing research and planning and basing around the hip hop genre, which i would later be doing in a more professional and complex form for the final version of my media product. Feedback from the draft version of Bass Junkie given from peers and teachers gave me improvements and a better understanding of how to produce a good quality, successful magazine.

Progression since the prelim task up until completing the final product would include knowledge and skills related to photography. I only captured five images for the prelim task magazine, these shots were very simple with a standard mid-shot used to display the model. I used my friend to model for 'Dare To' magazine as she was available at the time i required the image to be featured on the prelim cover; i had made no considerations of choosing a model which suits a specific criteria when selecting the model. Therefore progress was made in the final product as i was very specific in my model selection; i knew exactly what i aimed to achieve and based decisions on research into artists and the hip hop genre itself. Photography research influenced my decisions at the photography stage as i was inspired by Ellen Von Uwerth's bold style and aimed to achieve similar outcomes with my images which would then be featured on my magazine to create mood and style to appeal and attract the target audience. For the final product i captured over 100 images for different purposes and to give me variety when choosing the images to feature on each page ensuring i got this right was important as the image is a key convention which makes a statement on the page and is something which has strong influence on customer's opinions on the magazine itself- reputation is on the line. Images captured emphasised expression/attitude to set the mood and relate to the themes and content of Bass Junkie.

The prelim product featured no images on the contents page, creating a basic and boring design and structure. This is something i have largely progressed on and improved in the final product as this features a large, statement image to interest and grab the attention of the reader. Aesthetics have been improved and the difference between the two are clearly identifiable- the final being to a much higher standard than the prelim and appearing extremely professional. Progress in terms of formatting pages and improving layout is an achievement clearly noticeable. I am unable to compare double page spreads as this was not required for the preliminary task therefore i did not create one however the same as above would apply in terms of skills and confidence on the editing software (Photoshop) therefore i was able to produce a double page spread incorporating unique style using my improved level of skill at this stage compared to the prelim stages. Even when compared to the draft version of the double page spread, there are clear differences which i had worked on and improved dramatically when designing the final double page spread.

Overall i feel i have made lots of progress from the start of the task up until the completion of the full product including skill, confidence, understanding/ knowledge, etc.