firo-b_inventory(fundamental interpersonal relations orientation)

FIRO-B Firo-B stands for Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior. Developed by William Schutz in 1958, Schutz first used the Firo-B tool to assess how teams performed in the US Navy. The Firo-B is an assessment tool used to help individuals and teams better understand their preferences in satisfying three basic social needs: Inclusion (the degree to which one belongs to a group, team or community) Control (the extent to which one prefers to have structure, hierarchy and influence) Affection (one's preference for warmth, disclosure and intimacy). For each of these factors, Firo-B assesses individuals as to: How much they express the needs and How much they want to have the needs expressed to them from others. In this respect, Firo-B is measuring the three aspects of Inclusion, Control and Affection, from two 'needs perspectives' of expressing (outwardly directed behavior towards others) and wanting (behavior from others directed towards oneself). The overall 'scores' from the assessment also reveal the degree to which people attain satisfaction from their interactions with others versus time spent alone. The Firo-B assessment data is particularly rich in enabling understanding individual and team behavior. As with many other personality assessments, there are no 'right or wrong', nor 'good or bad' profiles. 1

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Post on 14-Apr-2015




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Social Need Assessment.


Page 1: Firo-b_inventory(Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation)


Firo-B stands for Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior.

Developed by William Schutz in 1958, Schutz first used the Firo-B tool to assess how teams performed in the US Navy.

The Firo-B is an assessment tool used to help individuals and teams better understand their preferences in satisfying three basic social needs:

Inclusion (the degree to which one belongs to a group, team or community) Control (the extent to which one prefers to have structure, hierarchy and

influence) Affection (one's preference for warmth, disclosure and intimacy).

For each of these factors, Firo-B assesses individuals as to:

How much they express the needs and How much they want to have the needs expressed to them from others.

In this respect, Firo-B is measuring the three aspects of Inclusion, Control and Affection, from two 'needs perspectives' of expressing (outwardly directed behavior towards others) and wanting (behavior from others directed towards oneself).

The overall 'scores' from the assessment also reveal the degree to which people attain satisfaction from their interactions with others versus time spent alone.

The Firo-B assessment data is particularly rich in enabling understanding individual and team behavior.

As with many other personality assessments, there are no 'right or wrong', nor 'good or bad' profiles.

By reviewing the assessment information, an individual can gain insight into the roles they prefer in the workplace.

The Firo-B model and assessment tool can also provide information regarding leadership styles and areas of potential conflict.

If teams take the assessment together, they can compare the extent to which each person's preferences complement or conflict with colleagues. For example, a team member wanting a high degree of inclusion would appreciate and respond well to a manager who invites him/her to various meetings. A team member with a high degree of expressed affection is likely to work well with a colleague who seeks affection and attention.


Page 2: Firo-b_inventory(Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation)

The Firo-B system is a simple and elegant model that particularly assists understanding of team dynamics, greater self-awareness, mutual awareness among team-members and team leadership development.



For each statement below decide which of the following answers best applies to you. Place the number of the answers in the place given. E.g.: If you choose “Usually” put “1” in the box given and so on.

1. Usually 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4. Occasionally 5. Rarely 6. Never

S. No. Statements Marks01 I try to be with people.02 I let other people what to do.03 I join social groups.04 I try to have close relationship people.05 I tend to join social organizations when I have an opportunity.06 I let other people strongly influence my actions.07 I try to be included in informal social actives.08 I try to have close, personal relationship with people.09 I try to include other people in my plans.10 I let other people control my action.11 I try to have other people around me.12 I try to get close and personal with people.13 When people are doing things together I tend to join them.14 I am easily led by people.15 I try to avoid being alone.16 I try to participate in the group activities.


Page 3: Firo-b_inventory(Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation)

For each of the next group of statements, choose one of the following answers:

1. Most people 2. Many people 3. Some people 4. A few people 5. One of the two people 6. Nobody

S. No. Statements Marks17 I try to be friendly to people.18 I let other people decide what to do.19 My personal relation with people are cool/distant.20 I let other people take care of things.21 I try to have close relationship with people.22 I let other people strongly influence my actions.23 I try to get close and personal with people.24 I let other people control my action.25 I act cool and distant with other people.26 I am easily led by people.27 I try to have close personal relationship with people.28 I like people to invite me into things.29 I like people act close and personal with me.30 I try to influence other people’s action.31 I like people to invite me to join in their activities.32 I like people to act close towards me.33 I like to take charge of things when I am with people.34 I like people to include me in their activities.35 I like people to act cool and distant towards me.36 I try to have other people do things the way I want them done.37 I like people to ask me to participate in their discussions.38 I like people to act friendly towards me.39 I like people to invite me to participate in their activities.40 I like people to act distant towards me


Page 4: Firo-b_inventory(Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation)

For each of the next group of statements, choose one of the following answers:

1. Usually 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4. Occasionally 5. Rarely 6. Never

S. No. Statements Marks41 I try to be dominant person when I am with people42 I like people to invite me to things.43 I like people to act close towards me.44 I try to have other people do things the way I want.45 I like people to invite me to join in their activities.46 I like people to act cool and distant towards me.47 I try to influence other people’s actions.48 I try to have close, personal relationship with people.49 I like people to include in their activities.50 I try to take charge of things when I am with people.51 I like people to invite me to participate in their actives.52 I try to have other people do things the way I want them.53 When people are doing things together I tend to join them.54 I take charge of things when I am with people.


Page 5: Firo-b_inventory(Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation)

Firo- B Scoring Sheet


28 1 - 231 1 - 234 1 - 237 139 142 1 - 245 1 - 248 1 - 251 1 - 2



01 1-2-303 1-2-3-405 1-2-3-407 1-2-309 1-211 1-213 1-215 116 1


Wi + Ei



02 1-2-3-406 1-2-3-410 1-2-314 1-2-318 1-2-320 1-2-322 1-2-3-424 1-2-326 1-2-3



30 1-2-333 1-2-336 1-241 1-244 1-2-3-447 1-2-350 1-253 1-254 1-2


Wc + Ec



29 1-232 1-235 5-638 1-240 5-643 146 5-649 1-252 5-6



04 1-2 08 1-212 117 1-219 4-5-621 1-223 1-225 4-5-627 1-2


Wa + Ea


Wi+c+a = Ei+c+a = Wi+c+a + Ei+c+a =