fitness, health, and the wii

FITNESS, HEALTH, AND THE WII [Goggles not included]

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Fitness, Health, and the Wii. [Goggles not included]. General Info: Fifth video game console created by Nintendo Seventh generation console (11/22/05) Directly competes with the XBOX 360 and PS3 Wii > PS3 + XBOX 360 in word wide sales as of Dec. 2008 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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[Goggles not included]

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General Info:

Fifth video game console created by Nintendo

Seventh generation console (11/22/05)

Directly competes with the XBOX 360 and PS3

Wii > PS3 + XBOX 360 in word wide sales as of Dec. 2008

Nintendo states that it reaches a broader demographiccompared to the other two (Lies?)

Concept involved focusing on a new form of player interaction

“Too many powerful consoles can't coexist. It's like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction.“ -Shigeru Miyamoto (designer )

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Wii Fit

Balance board is used to determine BMI and Wii Fit Age-These are used to track progress

40 activities and exercises, including strength training, aerobics, yoga and balance games-you earn Fit Credits the more you play/exercise to unlock additional activities/ exercises

Personal profile enables player to track progress, set weight goals, amount of Fit Credits, and allows to input outside exercise time

Up to 8 profiles can be created and you’re able to see everyone’s progress, allowing for friendly competition to exercise and get fit

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Experiment-45 days

-2% body fat

[ I don’t buy this]

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“ Wii Fit called my daughter fat.”

Obesity experts condemned Wii Fit for calling a 10 year old girl fat, according to her BMI given by the balance board. The company states that it could damage a child’s self image/self esteem and warns parents against it

Step father claims that she is an active girl (swim/dance) and is just built stocky--

Tam Fry (National Obesity Forum) called for a ban against children playing because the BMI measurement is misleading; believes game should carry a warning

Nintendo issued an apology for any offense taken from the BMI measurements and though it’s capable of measuring the BMI of children, each child develops differently so the measurements may not be accurate

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Win or Lose: It’s how you play the game

Does virtual exercise have any substantial health benefits?

This generation of children are more likely to die from obesity and it’s related diseases before their parents - Pediatric Obesity Conference 2005

Kids are more likely to follow exercise prescriptions when video games are involved (DDR/Wii Fit/ Eye Toy: Kinetic) - Entertainment + Exercise = Weight Loss

Gyms use this type of interface in some machines ( a.k.a stationary bikes)

Gyms have caught on to trend: Gold’s Gym released a cardio work out game for those who have out grown the Wii Fit program

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May be considered subpar games due to the lack of strategy, which is what some serious gamers look for

“Exergaming” can be use in other ways other than weight lost-Rehabilitation from anyone with cerebral palsy to stroke sufferers- Can improve: balance, posture, mobility, stamina, etc

Virtual exercise gaming progress can be accurately measured-Can be monitored in a safe environment-Treatment can be individualized

Dr. G. Graham/ Steven Yang found that a heart rate can reach 144 beats per minute while playing DDR compared to 60-70 bpm while at rest

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Nintendo Wii Sports

Study done in the Kinesiology Dept. at the University of Wisconsin-May 2008

Wii Tennis and Boxing

Rest: 3 MinutesTennis/Boxing: 10 minutes(Repeat)

Found that Boxing provided enough intensity to have cardiovascular benefits while not so much with Tennis, though there was a rise in energy cost above resting levels

Using either can promote a healthier lifestyle compared to sedentary games alone

Down side to study-

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Do games, such as Wii Fit/DDR, promote a healthier lifestyle by making exercise fun?Yes.

Is it an effective/efficient method to lose weight?Maybe.

Should someone solely depend on these games to get fit?No.