future of mobile

FUTURE OF MOBILE App Store or Something Else

Upload: kevin-cawley

Post on 02-Nov-2014




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The future of mobile. The apps store is a step in the progression but the Mobile Revolution needs Mobile Web 2.0


FUTURE OF MOBILEApp Store or Something Else

App Stores Everywhere Windows Marketplace App World Verizon App Store Ovi Samsung A Store Palm App Catalog iPhone

Too Many App Stores Better Channels for Getting App Content

and Games But…

Customer Confusion Option overload

Developer Frustration Build for multiple platforms Which platforms

Just One App Store?

Not So Fast


Not So Fast Consumers like choice, especially for

personal items like phones

Not So Fast Developers don’t like to be confined

What If? Tim Berners-Lee had to approve every

Web site We could only surf the Web from one


Is There Money In Them Hills? 1 billion apps 1 in 30 paid Avg. price 2.65 (http://

lsvp.wordpress.com) 65,000 developers (70% cut) (wikipedia)

$951/developer on average

Show Me the Money “iPhone

Unit Conversion App Makes $20,000 a Week” – Mashable August 2009

We did Show the Money “Which is exactly what Shen and Tokuda

did when they rewrote their app and let it loose on Facebook. Two months later, the duo had generated more than $200,000 in ad revenue.” - Business 2.0 Magazine August 2007

App Store is Just a Step in Progression

Web AOL Yahoo

SN’s MySpace Facebook Twitter Open Social / FB Connect

Mobile On Deck Carrier Applications App Store ???

Mobile Web 2.0 Developers can build once and run

anywhere Consumers can have options

Emma can get her pink clam shell Asher can get his tricked out Spiderman

phone Phone Manufacturers

Competition Innovation Thriving businesses

Web 2.0 as Benchmark Broadband Flash Ajax => Javascript + Async Service Calls We need something like this in mobile

Mobile Web 2.0 Getting better connectivity Breaking Down Carrier Walls Programmability

Flash Lite – has flat lined Silverlight Mobile – remains to be seen WebOS App Widgets Mobile Ajax + Google Gears/some_cache

Real Winners & True Mobile Revolution

You Me My kids