gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-05 [p...

THIS A15Y SUN ArNE vrijbK FLORIDA SEPTEJIIJEIl 5 1 ir r j h > = = NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA The Ctri if fcai made airur5e ft vtuteby the to become own rs of the large house at that place Manager Chants C Pardons of The Tampa Lay casino has buoked tome of the ben attractions in the coun- try for this season at Tampa Six thousand one hundred and thir tout more phosphate jitd from Tampa during August than during the auie mouth year Tampa has received official notlcv from Washington that mall delivery will be fContliiul after October 1 on all streels vvheie there are tin pav- ed sidewalks Miami Metropolis William XV Charley crack rating boat Janet value at ii lots complete wreck abutt tvo hundred yards off Cocoanut rows hcr The accident was cawed by an tx plosion A large sea turtle vas caiuured at Gaimeari last week by FI Hand It inettsurid I1 feet across th under part of Us body I feet 10 Inches from tip to tip in length and weighed Jn pounds The amount of building permits Is sued from the office of the tire chief of Tampa during the month of August soared skyward in comparison with last month They show an increase- of 144233Si Sam Has an escaped convict who was wanted In Georgia was shot by Officer lieu Junes in Jacksonville last Thursday when he was trying to him Bass was taken to the coun- ty hospital where he died in less than an hour About one hundred and fifty work- men at a cigar factory In Tampa went on a strike Monday on account of Harry Roberts the manager refusing- to accede to a demand of the cigar makers for an increase in price for making certain sizes of cigars Bartow boasts of the best subS exchange of the Florida Citrus Ex- change in the State having now about 2iioUO boxes of oranges and grate fruit in sight Polk county will con- tribute about SO per cent of her fruit to the support of the exchange Work has already been started on the new bank building for Crescent City This Is to be quite a handsome structure with a marble front columned with buff pressed brick The Interior will be beautifully finished mid will have every modern conven- ience Will Give Souvenirs The Uutton Hank Is desirous of Inducing as many as possible to at t nd the great demonstration of the t burglar alarm system on Sat- urday the llth lust and as an ex tii inducement the hunk has decided give to each visitor a handsome I tal viwmr This electrical system which has I oently been Installed is one of t safest guarantees against burg i ty of th present century and a t tell well worthy of the time it ires to Investigate it A full ex I inatlon of its mechanical devices 11 be Interestingly explained by pert who will be on hand for that tajieclal purpose l i Uuttun bunk has exorcised the limit of protection to the funds of It dfH ltor and the efforts of this h lluitton IK duly evidenced by the NATURE SPARES The kirltkrn ilua lr m finer WHt a ft rt VIM prutiiui of iwiwrI- H u r ht it 4 c kr fvtl l Mt- fib t IUf- c lit foiling iMir 4t- I lu m Vr il M ot Ifc ft4- vf uft t M Mil ih t i ifc M- ilIUt t MIIIU4 III 4HM- f 4lf 4 irkM Mi to M MM I I IUII I j t one hilt lat R I j ctrl r an- t nfttllu1 E H u r r- ur hw- I t ntuq I 11tI hp I a ut fit A t 1 I f t I It- I t- r a I t 1 II I I f Si OZ hit are pack- ing was ar- rest I re- t 1 b s INIrullwitr Iht Iprittw Ii IlAI- t nn p gnmUI tYuwI hs N- e r t1iwir t 1 MLitt thou rl IS IY t tldt- r twra k4I4 Iwl- II tltt4 M Ii hNllAth- s yr pL1 I Nlw ale Ii ii Ii Iw1- e a t tlilu N Ill t s IW N lt N v1 mNdl Ihrl 1i1N1ue lit I M1 IIlt I b S H iPa- Ia1I1 dD r 111 N 1- 1u1111 1 e IJ a- AY d 1 1 t 1 ill fi 14- j I bhIttW4 Iti Ir tltbtl- h ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > + + + + + + + NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSES V ltrte of JaikonvlH it tlf a toast of his daughter Mr J K laur- lorni r Aiarshal Len T Arnow ha- tvtuneil rum Hnmswick Ga wi n he was called by tflfgiam on XVe- rtnesday Mr and Mrs J XX McColui rt turned last night trom Atlanta Look- out Mountain nml other olnt t of it terest Tluy report a most plea am trip Special Agent L R liryau of tin Atlantic Coast Line who lots beet here for the past two days on official ouslness returned to Jacksonville esterday Attention is directed to the change- of advertisement of the UalnesvllU urnlture Company Now Is the tine to take advantage of an overstocked store if you are really looking for bargains in this line Friends of Captain W D Dlckln were glad to welcome him on the streets again yesterday the time for the past two weeks Cap- tain Dickinson has been suffering front neuralgia of the eye Headmaster J S Jolley of the At- lantic Coast Line formerly of Gaines but now making his headquarters Jacksonville passed through the Ity yesterday en route from Falatka where he has been on official bush Not a minute should be lost when 1 child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlains Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse jr even after the croupy cough ap- pears will prevent the attack Sold oy all druggists The Atlantic Plumbing Company- has a change of advertisement in this issue to which the attention of our readers is directed This Is one of the most reliable establishments of Its kind in the city and Is deserving the patronage which it is receiving Dr Abernethy the great English physician said Watch your kidneys When they are affected life Is danger Foleys Kidney makes healthy kidneys corrects uri- nary irregularities and tones up the whole system J W McCollum Co D L WIlliams who resides about eight tidies west of Ganiesville was among the visitors to town yesterday Neighbors of his inform us that he has as fine cotton crop as is to in the county He planted early and is nearly through picking the alaple Mrs Corpew and on Marion who nave been sojourning for the past f v weeks at White Springs and Mel- rose are at home again Mrs Cor wwI friends will be grMtllled to learn hut her health was greatly Unproved iiy th heuiihgiviim uaura of XVIut springs The monthly meeting of the Christian Tomjmrance Union will be held at the room Monday af ernoon at three oclock The president requests that all super- intendents of departments bring in a written report of their work for the tear at this meeting Mrs T S K Uoardman and little daughter Esther of Jacksonville who are visiting the formers ulster Mrs A T Kelley at Frnlrle Creek spent a short tune In this city yes turday They w re joined hurt by Mr Hourdman and the trio returned- to Prairie Creek on the lute train G L Thompson arrived In the rtty from Alachua and will iul Sun- day htn with hU family Mr Thump Null WHO U Of llltf IIHWt MIICCtM- fwl HMihUH al Mnnni In the imiMtryM- MH t IMlM Ml IU II kf tftUt ml nun in thin liH lM ku i liar AMrhiMt- M rrlMlv- 4it4 i U UMU Ur IM1- Ml IMM Isis tlk rtllcf- 14k II III Hi I IU- MiK l tli MI It iii ii i lrn 4 ill 1 I I I4 I lib Ut 4 I t I l I 0 11 to i t IIII li 1IlI1 fl 1 t I r son rst lilt n less Rcmlad b- een Wo- man has fur thtt It sire ui II h It 1 1 I I I II 1101 I I t l 111 cit Mt hatt past Ill one II rluit gullrrwl swrriwllli ul Cbm rrlmn CuUr thurli Ililll IssbWN rIir tel bu rt spins 9 iMI t we grWur Illalr ir4 pi uir I mkl- I i i b I 1 N IIh Itpish 1 lit 6 IA t y > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > + 1 for Ic a dish Notbinc to do but rut it into milk and freeze it Sold by all Troves 2 packages for rs ccou rlends Mr Walker Is now serving n the Dunnellon police force where le has made quite a reputation for efficiency Friends of Mrs W L Hill and hlldren will be pleased to learn that ley are enjoying their visit at Cumberland Md where they are iiiests of Mrs Hills parenttt Mr and Mrs M Hoffman They to save Cumberland In a few days for laltimore where they will visit a few lays before returning home Can be depended upon is an ex we all like to hear and when t Is used In connection with Cham- lerlalns Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy It means that It never fails o cure diarrhoea dysentery or towel complaints It Is pleasant to take and equally valuable for chit iron and adults Sold by all drug gists Attention Is called to the chang- ef advertisement of the Gainesville rational Hank which appears in this issue This bank is he first to advertise the new Lin- coln penny the penny which caused the poor Indians head to be is offering five to each of their friends and customers In ex- change for a nickel H It Hcvllle of Arredondo was In the city yesterday Mr RcviHe while attending the union meeting at North Pleasant Grove last Sunday had the misfortune to sustain an Injury to the right hand by coming In contact with a barbed wire fence The wound- ed member bled freely and proved quite painful The victim was taken to IiOrosse where medical atten- tion was rendered and friends will be glad to learn that tie Is very much Improved Hopplty Hop Are you just barely getting around by the aid of crutches or a cane Unless you have lost n limb or have- a deformity If your trouble is rheu a llsm lumbago stiff joints or anything of like nature use haluird Snow Liniment ant In no tune you can throw away your crutches and be as well as anyone Price 2 c Vc and 4100 Sold by XX M Jahnwjii Will Wed Today W Uliliain the efficient clt editor of The Sun left lust night fur Ocnlu whiTH today he exi ct t become a Ills betrothed IIIK Mrs Nettle IJurco lllfrhop of tin lirlck City Mr Deuhams many friends in this and other sections of the State will probably learn of his Intended mar- riage with surprise but all will Join In extending him In advance sincere congratulations und bust wisher fur the future After a brief wedding trip Mr and Mrs IVnhutn will be at to their frlendx In tnt Jaliuwivllle Health leans Its ability to do n K KN days work without undue futlKUu sad to Ilinl lift worth living Yuu ounnot IMVW ludiKMtU r MtlHatt with t Mt Hw ttlN the HIM mlNt tlt WkMMl Sick H HHMllll H HMt U IM W Ul MIUMMIUM Wtm sat dAPUOINE Cut SMH rea son offand f sprain I I I hones thr hilt r thr our I sills ilulplyr way It U N r tt r d j POWDL make delkioni ice cream I expect else- where chop- ped itent dUI Its he Mrs uwd Iwlckrt irl hi Ilrr- Muir IMr htrl rv uetlttsa Chit the h4Ia tat hiuNss Iiut11 bi- Ik M Jtliuau artist that Is la the your hwlae Islllki advwr lied Ia Anil hwiklt tl t- NI4Mi HIM- d1N Us vls I4aiath TriiIsil- es4mib au4Ir ttM Illy IIL u irk Trubl lt wls U Try lll Q- isL 4telely Iluhi My 4ri IItet4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ < > + WALDO NOTES WALDO Sept I Four of the Xaldo baseball team Harvey Frewltt- rhlgpln and Jolly went to Cedar Key lomlay to join members of the team here to proceed by launch to Dun inii 10 play there and at other Mrs J F Kntenza and two children turned from their visit to Tennes e Monday Mr Entenza is prepar ag to move hU cigar factory to Jack onvllle and his family also later The dwelling he has been occupying as been sold by II J Dowling to Ir Williamson- Mr Donegan and wife nee Miss idle Geiger have returned from a Islt to his relatives at Kissimmee They also visited Orlando The roaming of cattle on the streets H a nuisance which the town council as thus far been unable to abate- t has been undertaken to run them way from their night quarters with Ireworks but It Is not a success There seems to be uo serious case of sickness In the town or commun ity Application will be made to the lloiid cf County Commissioners next Tuesday for aid for an aged and In- digent resident who Is In 111 health and who has never been aided in a public way Mr Paulson of Orange Heights visited Mrs Atwater the first of the week x Mrs Hugh XVilliams returned from her summer outing In the Carolinas much Improved In health having had a very pleasant visit among relative Meetings are in progress for half this week In both the Baptist and Methodist churches and will continue in the latter of next week Evangelist McCall assisting the Methodist pastor and Evangelist Estmenger assisting- the pastor of the Ilaptlst church Capt Arthur bring has had his double team for some days hauling clinkers from the railroad to the street fronting his residence and to other low places and sidewalks with several hands to place them much- to the Improvement looks and com- fort of those streets Dr Boring has also improved the sidewalk along his proK rty Several devotees of the baseball persuasion went to Starke Friday to witness a game In which the Waldo team was Interested These delightful breezy days are welcomed as coming none too soon and it IK hoped they have come to stayMr Fletcher baker at Renaults restaurant has been in Atlanta some- time for its health and Mrs Fletcher- is supplying his place Mr Fletcher- Is expected home soon AIR in Rear of Millers Week LATEST PICTURES PMGES he In ELECTRIC THEATRE DOMESitu- ated All MOTION tint t 11 and 1 c ¬ ¬ ¬ UNIVERSITY OF FIOMDA- Qalnitvillt Florida Au luktitutluu of the First Rank iKirtwd by Stutu and federal Funds or Florida YUUIIK Thorough CuMri v Midlng t Xiirwiw of D A 0 8c M A M Sc- and L L 0- IH Mtlww A rt lltireC- ltwMiMMl li ii ICWirifMl atoll M- liriMlu tlr A A MURPHREE A M L L0 sup Mill I tI lAw 4111 IJJ Men droll thsahwl lissurrrlwtt uw Nqis11- uhlwl IIh4lI- ttL uw Ielliigt1 For t4tt yuv 11t11 Iu Pru4liisist PETITION FOR ELECTION- To the Honorable Board of Public Instruction Gainesville Alachaa County Florida We the undersigned voters and taxpayers residing In the hereinafter described territory peti- tion your Honorable Body to advertise the following territory and call an election for the purpose of creating- a Spelcal Tax School District naming the mlllage and electing three trus tees The territory described as fol- lows Beginning at the NE corner of Sec 2 Tp 10 R 19 running south three miles thence west 1 mile thence north 1 thence west 4 miles tbeaco north 2 miles thence east 5 miles to beginning point and embracing all of Sections 2 3 4 C 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 14 Tp 10 R 19 Signed- D L Williams E M Pepper E M Devllle n F Aiken above petition will be acted upon by the Hoard of Public In- struction of Alachua county Florida- at a meeting to be held on September 7 lf 0 A FEW LIVE ONESI Can get a flrstclass contract to rep- resent The Largest and Best Southern Life Insurance Co Our agents are making 7500 to 30000 per month tfcorritng to ability nnd amount of time devoted Now selling la Florida double the amount of Isrurance ot aay other eorapany Address Lloyd W Robertson Mgr State Mutual Life Ins Co Jacksonville Fte N Norton Hwelties Both SWioie- iSfifeiin Sheet Pictre and Picture Primes GiHBSIILLg FLQfUDl DONT BOTHER Wkh- Ac Weather Is Si Warn Take a test during the remainder of then summer 4ml try iHeMid b ff We hardly expect yon to say it la M good M your own but way down in your heart youll think BO just the MBM Bat try it anyway you are entitled to rest aa well aa anybody KEYSTONE BAKERY Phone 1 5 Schafer Prep DR OED S WALDO DENTISTPre- sent LtcatiM Cretan luiUJHj WiN RMMTC It East Silk Cart Mine SftMcc as SM as remtM Off MM IS CtffllktMl Tic Fmcsl MatciMli Latest MeHwris if Praclwf fEE tyke My taats M law ai Pint B P Notethe Miss 101 East StnM WIiIe R T I ill iii uti MIl Is nit i LIbnj Isate iglt1 ear sit iIi e RNiSltlwetleiy SW- si etd aim Class irk w ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ FLMM STATE diLEK FOR WOMIN TallaHftMtt Florida- A College without a parallel In the South offorlng deuces and dlplost In the ulU wiK t ij iH iiU I A CullwK ut UiWrHl Arts A ki HKtl f lHWw thal Arts III A Sonwul el Una Arts IV A 8oh o Wxt r olow- V A H HH f r Twehor EDWARD OONRAOI M A Ph t 4 II knr- tter I IIIt tw llllt w other 11ttpttsra heal itrthr IafWtHalkrp adatlrlat P- Presldsst Miss Tebeaus School TIIK iioc 9AN aonooii or rumiDA- A N iMHUiT u 1 K I1h 1 ON URtlA M eptlllb4r O Its TkItlyi I Yv- l e litdt

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Post on 31-Jan-2021




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    The Ctri if fcaimade airur5e ft vtuteby theto become own rs of the large

    house at that place

    Manager Chants C Pardons of TheTampa Lay casino has buoked tomeof the ben attractions in the coun-try for this season at Tampa

    Six thousand one hundred and thirtout more phosphate

    jitd from Tampa during August thanduring the auie mouth year

    Tampa has received official notlcvfrom Washington that mall deliverywill be fContliiul after October 1on all streels vvheie there are tin pav-ed sidewalks Miami Metropolis

    William XV Charley crack ratingboat Janet value at ii lotscomplete wreck abutt tvo hundredyards off Cocoanut rows hcrThe accident was cawed by an txplosion

    A large sea turtle vas caiuured atGaimeari last week by FI Hand Itinettsurid I1 feet across th underpart of Us body I feet 10 Inches fromtip to tip in length and weighed J npounds

    The amount of building permits Issued from the office of the tire chiefof Tampa during the month of Augustsoared skyward in comparison withlast month They show an increase-of 144233Si

    Sam Has an escaped convict whowas wanted In Georgia was shot byOfficer lieu Junes in Jacksonville lastThursday when he was trying to

    him Bass was taken to the coun-ty hospital where he died in less thanan hour

    About one hundred and fifty work-men at a cigar factory In Tampa wenton a strike Monday on account ofHarry Roberts the manager refusing-to accede to a demand of the cigarmakers for an increase in price formaking certain sizes of cigars

    Bartow boasts of the best subSexchange of the Florida Citrus Ex-change in the State having now about2iioUO boxes of oranges and gratefruit in sight Polk county will con-tribute about SO per cent of her fruitto the support of the exchange

    Work has already been started onthe new bank building for CrescentCity This Is to be quite a handsomestructure with a marble frontcolumned with buff pressed brickThe Interior will be beautifully finishedmid will have every modern conven-ience

    Will Give SouvenirsThe Uutton Hank Is desirous of

    Inducing as many as possible to att nd the great demonstration of thet burglar alarm system on Sat-urday the llth lust and as an extii inducement the hunk has decided

    give to each visitor a handsomeI tal viwmr

    This electrical system which hasI oently been Installed is one oft safest guarantees against burgi ty of th present century and at tell well worthy of the time it

    ires to Investigate it A full exI inatlon of its mechanical devices

    11 be Interestingly explained bypert who will be on hand for that

    tajieclal purposel i Uuttun bunk has exorcised the

    limit of protection to the funds ofIt dfH ltor and the efforts of thish lluitton IK duly evidenced by the


    The kirltkrn ilua lr m finerWHt a ft rt VIM prutiiui of iwiwrI-

    H u r ht it4 c kr fvtl l Mt-

    fib t IUf-


    lit foiling iMir 4t-I lu m Vr il M ot Ifc ft4-

    vf uft t M Mil ih t i ifc M-ilIUt t MIIIU4 III 4HM-

    f 4lf 4 irkM Mi to M MM I

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    Iht Iprittw Ii IlAI-t nn p gnmUI tYuwI hs N-e r t1iwir t1 MLitt thou

    rl IS IY t tldt-r twra k4I4 Iwl-

    II tltt4 M Ii hNllAth-s yr pL1I Nlw ale Ii ii Ii Iw1-e a t tlilu N

    Illt s

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    N v1 mNdl Ihrl 1i1N1ue litI M1 IIlt I b S H iPa-Ia1I1 dD r 111 N 1-1u1111 1 e IJ a-

    AY d 11 t 1 ill

    fi 14-j I bhIttW4 Iti Ir tltbtl-











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    + +






    V ltrte of JaikonvlH ittlf a toast of his daughter MrJ K laur-

    lorni r Aiarshal Len T Arnow ha-tvtuneil rum Hnmswick Ga wi nhe was called by tflfgiam on XVe-rtnesday

    Mr and Mrs J XX McColui rtturned last night trom Atlanta Look-out Mountain nml other olnt t of itterest Tluy report a most plea amtrip

    Special Agent L R liryau of tinAtlantic Coast Line who lots beethere for the past two days on officialouslness returned to JacksonvilleesterdayAttention is directed to the change-

    of advertisement of the UalnesvllUurnlture Company Now Is the tine

    to take advantage of an overstockedstore if you are really looking forbargains in this line

    Friends of Captain W D Dlcklnwere glad to welcome him on

    the streets again yesterday thetime for the past two weeks Cap-tain Dickinson has been sufferingfront neuralgia of the eye

    Headmaster J S Jolley of the At-lantic Coast Line formerly of Gaines

    but now making his headquartersJacksonville passed through the

    Ity yesterday en route from Falatkawhere he has been on official bush

    Not a minute should be lost when1 child shows symptoms of croupChamberlains Cough Remedy givenas soon as the child becomes hoarsejr even after the croupy cough ap-pears will prevent the attack Soldoy all druggists

    The Atlantic Plumbing Company-has a change of advertisement in thisissue to which the attention of ourreaders is directed This Is one ofthe most reliable establishments of Itskind in the city and Is deserving thepatronage which it is receiving

    Dr Abernethy the great Englishphysician said Watch your kidneysWhen they are affected life Isdanger Foleys Kidneymakes healthy kidneys corrects uri-nary irregularities and tones up thewhole system J W McCollum Co

    D L WIlliams who resides abouteight tidies west of Ganiesville wasamong the visitors to town yesterdayNeighbors of his inform us that hehas as fine cotton crop as is to

    in the county He planted earlyand is nearly through picking thealaple

    Mrs Corpew and on Marion whonave been sojourning for the pastf v weeks at White Springs and Mel-rose are at home again Mrs CorwwI friends will be grMtllled to learnhut her health was greatly Unproved

    iiy th heuiihgiviim uaura of XVIutsprings

    The monthly meeting of theChristian Tomjmrance Union

    will be held at the room Monday afernoon at three oclock

    The president requests that all super-intendents of departments bring ina written report of their work for thetear at this meeting

    Mrs T S K Uoardman and littledaughter Esther of Jacksonvillewho are visiting the formers ulsterMrs A T Kelley at Frnlrle Creekspent a short tune In this city yesturday They w re joined hurt byMr Hourdman and the trio returned-to Prairie Creek on the lute train

    G L Thompson arrived In thertty from Alachua and will iul Sun-day htn with hU family Mr ThumpNull WHO U Of llltf IIHWt MIICCtM-fwl HMihUH al Mnnni In the imiMtryM-

    MH t IMlM Ml IU II kf tftUt mlnun in thin liH lM ku i liar


    M rrlMlv-


    i U UMU Ur IM1-Ml IMM Isis tlk rtllcf-

    14k II III Hi I IU-

    MiK l tli MI It

    iii ii i lrn4 ill

    1 I I I4 I lib Ut 4 I

    t I l I 0 11to i t IIII li 1IlI1 fl1 t














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    hatt past




    rluit gullrrwl swrriwllli ul

    Cbm rrlmn CuUr thurli Ililll

    IssbWN rIirtel bu rt spins 9 iMI

    t we grWur Illalr ir4piuir I


    I i i b

    I 1 N IIh Itpish 1 lit6 IA

    t y









    1 for Ic a dish Notbincto do but rut it into milkand freeze it Sold by allTroves 2 packages for

    rs ccou

    rlends Mr Walker Is now servingn the Dunnellon police force where

    le has made quite a reputation forefficiency

    Friends of Mrs W L Hill andhlldren will be pleased to learn thatley are enjoying their visit at

    Cumberland Md where they areiiiests of Mrs Hills parenttt Mr andMrs M Hoffman They tosave Cumberland In a few days forlaltimore where they will visit a fewlays before returning home

    Can be depended upon is an exwe all like to hear and when

    t Is used In connection with Cham-lerlalns Colic Cholera and Diarrhoearemedy It means that It never failso cure diarrhoea dysentery ortowel complaints It Is pleasant totake and equally valuable for chitiron and adults Sold by all druggists

    Attention Is called to the chang-ef advertisement of the Gainesvillerational Hank which appears

    in this issue This bank ishe first to advertise the new Lin-

    coln penny the penny which causedthe poor Indians head to be

    is offering five to eachof their friends and customers In ex-change for a nickel

    H It Hcvllle of Arredondo was Inthe city yesterday Mr RcviHe whileattending the union meeting at NorthPleasant Grove last Sunday had themisfortune to sustain an Injury tothe right hand by coming In contactwith a barbed wire fence The wound-ed member bled freely and provedquite painful The victim was takento IiOrosse where medical atten-tion was rendered and friends willbe glad to learn that tie Is very muchImproved

    Hopplty HopAre you just barely getting around

    by the aid of crutches or a caneUnless you have lost n limb or have-a deformity If your trouble is rheu allsm lumbago stiff joints oranything of like nature use haluirdSnow Liniment ant In no tune youcan throw away your crutches andbe as well as anyone Price 2 c Vcand 4100 Sold by XX M Jahnwjii

    Will Wed TodayW Uliliain the efficient clt

    editor of The Sun left lust nightfur Ocnlu whiTH today he exi ct tbecome a Ills betrothedIIIK Mrs Nettle IJurco lllfrhop of tinlirlck City

    Mr Deuhams many friends in thisand other sections of the State willprobably learn of his Intended mar-riage with surprise but all will JoinIn extending him In advance sincerecongratulations und bust wisher furthe future

    After a brief wedding trip Mr andMrs IVnhutn will be at totheir frlendx In tnt Jaliuwivllle

    Healthleans Its ability to do n K KN days

    work without undue futlKUu sad toIlinl lift worth living Yuu ounnotIMVW ludiKMtU r MtlHatt witht Mt Hw ttlN the HIM mlNt

    tlt WkMMl Sick H HHMllll H HMt

    U IM W Ul MIUMMIUM Wtm sat


    rea son










    throur I

    sills ilulplyrway It U


    r ttr d


    POWDLmake delkioni ice cream





    itent dUI


    he Mrs uwd Iwlckrt irl hi Ilrr-Muir IMr htrl rv uetlttsa Chitthe h4Ia tat hiuNss Iiut11 bi-Ik M Jtliuau

    artist that Is la theyour hwlae Islllki advwr

    lied IaAnil hwiklt tl t-

    NI4Mi HIM-d1N

    Us vls I4aiath TriiIsil-es4mib au4Ir ttM Illy IIL uirk Trubl lt wls UTry lll Q-isL 4telely Iluhi My 4ri IItet4












    WALDO Sept I Four of theXaldo baseball team Harvey Frewltt-rhlgpln and Jolly went to Cedar Keylomlay to join members of the teamhere to proceed by launch to Dun

    inii 10 play there and at other

    Mrs J F Kntenza and two childrenturned from their visit to Tennes

    e Monday Mr Entenza is preparag to move hU cigar factory to Jackonvllle and his family also laterThe dwelling he has been occupyingas been sold by II J Dowling toIr Williamson-

    Mr Donegan and wife nee Missidle Geiger have returned from aIslt to his relatives at Kissimmee

    They also visited OrlandoThe roaming of cattle on the streets

    H a nuisance which the town councilas thus far been unable to abate-t has been undertaken to run themway from their night quarters withIreworks but It Is not a success

    There seems to be uo serious caseof sickness In the town or community

    Application will be made to thelloiid cf County Commissioners nextTuesday for aid for an aged and In-digent resident who Is In 111 healthand who has never been aided in apublic way

    Mr Paulson of Orange Heightsvisited Mrs Atwater the first of theweek x

    Mrs Hugh XVilliams returned fromher summer outing In the Carolinasmuch Improved In health having hada very pleasant visit among relative

    Meetings are in progress for halfthis week In both the Baptist andMethodist churches and will continuein the latter of next week EvangelistMcCall assisting the Methodist pastorand Evangelist Estmenger assisting-the pastor of the Ilaptlst church

    Capt Arthur bring has had hisdouble team for some days haulingclinkers from the railroad to thestreet fronting his residence and toother low places and sidewalks withseveral hands to place them much-to the Improvement looks and com-fort of those streets Dr Boring hasalso improved the sidewalk along hisproK rty

    Several devotees of the baseballpersuasion went to Starke Friday towitness a game In which the Waldoteam was Interested

    These delightful breezy days arewelcomed as coming none too soonand it IK hoped they have come tostayMr

    Fletcher baker at Renaultsrestaurant has been in Atlanta some-time for its health and Mrs Fletcher-is supplying his place Mr Fletcher-Is expected home soon

    AIRin Rear of Millers










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    UNIVERSITY OF FIOMDA-Qalnitvillt Florida

    Au luktitutluu of the First RankiKirtwd by Stutu and federal Fundsor Florida YUUIIK

    Thorough CuMri v Midlng t Xiirwiwof D A 0 8c M A M Sc-

    and L L 0-IH Mtlww A rt lltireC-

    ltwMiMMl li ii ICWirifMl atoll M-

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    4111 IJJ



    thsahwl lissurrrlwtt uw Nqis11-uhlwl IIh4lI-ttL uw Ielliigt1 For

    t4tt yuv 11t11 IuPru4liisist


    To the Honorable Board of PublicInstruction Gainesville AlachaaCounty Florida We the undersignedvoters and taxpayers residing In thehereinafter described territory peti-tion your Honorable Body to advertisethe following territory and call anelection for the purpose of creating-a Spelcal Tax School District namingthe mlllage and electing three trustees The territory described as fol-lows

    Beginning at the NE corner of Sec2 Tp 10 R 19 running south threemiles thence west 1 mile thencenorth 1 thence west 4 miles tbeaconorth 2 miles thence east 5 miles tobeginning point and embracing allof Sections 2 3 4 C 6 7 8 9 1011 and 14 Tp 10 R 19 Signed-

    D L Williams E M Pepper E MDevllle n F Aiken

    above petition will beacted upon by the Hoard of Public In-struction of Alachua county Florida-at a meeting to be held on September7 lf 0

    A FEW LIVE ONESICan get a flrstclass contract to rep-resent The Largest and Best SouthernLife Insurance Co Our agents aremaking 7500 to 30000 per monthtfcorritng to ability nnd amount oftime devoted Now selling la Floridadouble the amount of Isrurance ot aayother eorapany Address Lloyd WRobertson Mgr State Mutual LifeIns Co Jacksonville Fte

    N Norton

    Hwelties Both SWioie-iSfifeiin Sheet Pictreand Picture Primes



    Ac Weather Is Si WarnTake a test during the remainder of thensummer 4ml try iHeMid b ffWe hardly expect yon to say it la M goodM your own but way down in yourheart youll think BO just the MBM Battry it anyway you are entitled to rest

    aa well aa anybody

    KEYSTONE BAKERYPhone 1 5 Schafer Prep



    sent LtcatiM Cretan luiUJHjWiN RMMTC It East Silk CartMine SftMcc as SM as remtM

    Off MM IS CtffllktMl

    Tic Fmcsl MatciMliLatest MeHwris if Praclwf


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    101 East StnM


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    iIi e RNiSltlwetleiy SW-si etd aim

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    TallaHftMtt Florida-A College without a parallel In the

    South offorlng deuces and dlplostIn the ulU wiK t ij iH iiU

    I A CullwK ut UiWrHl ArtsA ki HKtl f lHWw thal Arts

    III A Sonwul el Una ArtsIV A 8oh o Wxt r olow-V A H HH f r Twehor







    I IIIt

    tw llllt w other 11ttpttsra healitrthr IafWtHalkrp adatlrlat



    Miss Tebeaus SchoolTIIK iioc 9AN aonooii or rumiDA-

    A N iMHUiT



    K I1h1 ON URtlA

    M eptlllb4r O Its TkItlyiI

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