gametalk #3 show case : get wrecked


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Post on 12-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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By Gamers, For Gamers

Pim de Witte (founder and CEO) started the largest Runescape Private Server Network at only 13 years old. He operated it for 6 years with Iggy Harmsen

(co-founder and COO) as lead staff and office manager, and Josh Lipson (co-founder and CDO) as lead developer and designer. Hitting over 100k monthly players and $1M in annual revenue at only age 18, Pim and the

Soulsplit team had taken over the marketplace. Pim also has shipped $1M+ humanitarian projects as a lead with Doctors Without Borders / Google.

Rene Roosen (co-founder and marketing director) and Pim were always competitive and motivated to stay one step ahead of each other in the game marketplace. This competitive attitude and passion for games lead them to

great success. After many years, the two joined forces and Rene Roosen became an integral part of Get Wrecked.

Zaid Elnasser (co-founder and game developer) joined in the very beginning of the project and brought with him an impeccable sense for how a game should

feel. He quickly took over game development and helped to co-found the game. Zaid is the mastermind behind our combat and game mechanics.

And last but certainly not least, Patrick Rietbroek (co-founder and CLO) has been around since the beginning of the company. Patrick worked on Facebook’s

IPO and created the legal backbone of Get Wrecked and Ferox Games.

The team has 10+ years experience running and developing liveops.

Get Wrecked is a game built by gamers, for gamers.

Iggy Harmsen (COO)

Patrick Rietbroek (CLO) Josh Lipson (CDO)

Pim de Witte (CEO / CTO)

Rene Roosen (Marketing)

Zaid Elnasser (Gameplay)

‘’If development goes as planned, this game might be one to keep a very close eye on.’’

-TouchArcade Article

‘’Very impressed with this Battlerite/BLC type brawler. Fast gameplay and unique approach to varied heroes.’’

-djWHEAT (Director of Twitch Studios)

Competitive mobile PvP games people actually want to play and stream.

Get Wrecked had an audience that kept on growing while publicly available. The team has spent the last 2 years meticulously crafting a mobile game perfect for casual and competitive

play. A real-time mobile brawler that gets your heart racing and creates a competitive environment and a community that thrives.

During our open beta, streamers were picking up the game one after the other once they saw gameplay from others. Our Discord community grew to well over 200 members during our

open beta, many of which were streamers!

Collect all 45+ cards, unlock all 9 classes,and engage in fast-paced, real-time battles.

Collect all 45+ cards, unlock all 9 classes,and engage in fast-paced, real-time battles.

Customize your deck and play as 9 different classes! Fight intense battles and earn epic rewards!

★ 45+ total cards across 9 different hero classes★ Each class has 4 visual and stat upgrades★ Each skill has 4 stat upgrades★ New hero classes and cards are collected from Battle Packs★ Total content lifetime value of 2 years

★ Shooter-like gameplay. Aim and attack while moving your hero.

★ Skill joysticks. Aim and perform epic skill attacks ranging from charged hits to teleports and stuns - and much more!

Competitive ranking system, leaderboards, and awesome rewards.Competitive ranking system, leaderboards, and awesome rewards.

Clans & Clan Leaderboards Battle Rewards & Earnings

★ Medal-based ranking mechanics★ Clan ranks based on medals / rankings of each member★ Advance in Division and League and climb to the top of the


★ Epic rewards from battle packs keep you coming back for more cards

★ Cards level up individually, adding new twists to combat as you level up

Friends, Clans, Leaderboards, Group Battles, and more!Friends, Clans, Leaderboards, Group Battles, and more!

Social interactions are the driving force behind Get Wrecked! Chat and interact with your clan mates and friends.

★ Spectator (eSports mode and killcams)★ Clans (trading, leaderboards, tournaments)★ Play With Friends (Local Play and Online Party Invite)★ Everyplay (easily record & share video of each match)★ Started building a community (4k+ sign ups)

★ Global, Clan, and Party chats to communicate with your team, clan, and other players across the globe

★ Request trades with team mates, clan mates, or other players across the globe

Time-Based Bonus Rewards

Players can pay with rubies in order to accelerate their battle pack charging &

unlocking. Battle packs are a time-based reward crate you get from battle. Rubies are gained from either

IAP or Tapjoy and video ads.

Match Lobby Opt-In Ads

Players can watch an ad before each battle to earn extra rubies, or bonus match rewards. This is

an opt-in feature and is in no way invasive to the user


Unlocks, Upgrades & Customization

Players can collect cards at a faster rate by purchasing chests from the shop with rubies.

Chests unlock instantly and yield instant rewards. They can upgrade cards they already have by

collecting more. Upgrades cost them coins, which they earn from battle and from chests

Rubies are obtained via IAP / Tapjoy Coins are obtained via battle rewards, chests, or shop packs.


Samsung FeatureFeature in the Samsung app marketplace. 100K installs over 90 days. Exclusive US deal.

Get Wrecked: Open BetaGet Wrecked: Open Beta

Mobcrush #1 Feature Spot (3x)In December Streamers broadcasted Get Wrecked for 5+ hours at a time. We hit #1 3 times and were featured on Mobcrush.

10K Organic Users (up to 58% D1)Most users joined from word-of-mouth. We set out to prove D1 retention due to the fact that we couldn't pay for D7 and D30 CCU.

Twitch Tournament FeatureTwitch will feature a tournament when we organize one, as well as Youtube Gaming.

Positive Reviews (5/5 iOS)Several websites, streamers, and youtubers made positive reviews and wrote great articles about us. Get Wrecked held 5/5 stars in the app store and 4.⅘ in the play store.

Our Tech Passed The TestsOur REST API, matchmaker, balancing mechanics, and app all lived up to their expectations. Load tested with 100k per second, actual player tested with 250 CCU.

It’s not just a game - It’s a synchronous PvP PlatformIt's not just a game - It's a synchronous PvP Platform

eSports Replay System

Spectator experience is crucial to a game's success. To date,

nobody has successfully implemented lag-free,

data-efficient replays that can be distributed in a scalable

cost-effective manners. Until now.

Scalable REST API

Super scalable, fully documented REST API to

protect us from DDoS attacks and handle heavy lifting, integrated with the real-time game balancing


Demo Here

Player Simulation Suite

Allowing us to estimate exactly how long a player can play, and

how much they can spend, based on different behavioral profiles.

Demo Here

Real-time Balancing

Balancing with Google Sheets.

Balance any variable in the game without updating the


We also have a version compatibility system so

players don't have to force update (though it will be


Demo Here

Custom Matchmaking

Match in real-time with max 5 second wait time with high CCU.

No app updates required to maintain and balance.

Designed for mobile, competitors’ are built for

console & PC only.

Community Oriented

Full focus on community

Separate Community App(with trading and more features)

Using chatbot tech to automate a large part of community



1 year ahead of market

New Dual joysticks Mechanics (More intuitive than current Dual

Joystick Mechanics)

Aimed skills and competitive combat

Hero classes and customization

Competitive AdvantagesCompetitive Advantages

Easy Access

Current gaming companies do not respect 100MB download

limits due to proprietary engine constraints and they kill

conversion rates instead.

We are one of the only HD games that is under the 100mb download limit. But we don’t let

this limit our content and features.

Month 1 Month 2 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6Month 3

Month 1 (Beta)● Sign with publisher/investor● Test launch on Samsung store● QA and localization● Possibly start art overhaul

○ Hero art, VFX/Map polishing○ UI art also needs polishing

Month 2 (Beta)● QA and localization● Fix bugs● Launch Medal (Distribution)

Month 3 (Beta)● Prep Launch Updates

○ New Game Mode○ New Map (with GM)○ 1 New Hero○ DLC system

● Rigorous QA

Month 4 (Beta)● Start new art implementation● Finish Post- Launch Updates

Month 5 (Beta)● Prep for launch (QA, Stress Tests)● Finish Art Implementation (art is the safest thing to

implement close to launch)● Pass final QA and Localization tests (may be more than

a month)

Month 6 (Launch!)● Launch in West● Release Updates

Production PipelineProduction Pipeline

Thank you!