gamification basics - · gamification basics ... kevin werbach ©2016 mchele ... for the...

Gamification Basics Gamification brugt til motivation ved arbejdsgange og formidling - FU Temadage november 2016 Michelle Andreassen – 2016 @ITAddiction

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Gamification Basics

Gamification brugt til motivation ved arbejdsgange og formidling

- FU Temadage november 2016

Michelle Andreassen – 2016 @ITAddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Michelle Andreassen •Adjunkt (IT på Erhvervsakademi Aarhus) •Gamification og UX Designer •Cand.IT med speciale i gamification


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


•Gamification intro

•Spilelementer og –mekanismer


•Gamificationområder og -eksempler


•Gamification frameworks

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Hvad er Gamification?

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Hvor mange kender du?

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Er dette Gamification?

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Definition af Gamification •Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Definition af Gamification •Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems

•Gamification is using learning from games to address real-world challenges, taking in lessons from psychology, strategy, technology and design.

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

En verden af muligheder

Hvad er dit yndlingsspil og hvorfor?

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

The Magic of Games

•”Games are unnecessary obstacles that we volunteer to tackle” - Bernard Suits

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

The Magic of Games

•”Games are unnecessary obstacles that we volunteer to tackle” - Bernard Suits

•”Games are work we volunteer for” - Jane McGonigal

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

The Magic of Games

•”Games are unnecessary obstacles that we volunteer to tackle” - Bernard Suits

•”Games are work we volunteer for” - Jane McGonigal

•”A game is a problem-solving activity, approached with a playful attitude” - Jesse Schell

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points

240 pts

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points, Badges

240 pts

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points, Badges, Leaderboards

240 pts

1. 310 Mom

2. 265 Dennis

3. 240 You

4. 185 Sister

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points, Badges, Leaderboards •Avatars

240 pts

1. 310 Mom

2. 265 Dennis

3. 240 You

4. 185 Sister

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points, Badges, Leaderboards •Avatars •Progress Bars/Levels

240 pts

1. 310 Mom

2. 265 Dennis

3. 240 You

4. 185 Sister

Lvl 1

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points, Badges, Leaderboards •Avatars •Progress Bars/Levels

•Belønninger •Håndgribelige

240 pts

1. 310 Mom

2. 265 Dennis

3. 240 You

4. 185 Sister

Lvl 1

Congratulations! You have earned a coupon for a


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points, Badges, Leaderboards •Avatars •Progress Bars/Levels

•Belønninger •Håndgribelig •Uhåndgribelig

240 pts

1. 310 Mom

2. 265 Dennis

3. 240 You

4. 185 Sister

Lvl 1

Congratulations! You have earned a coupon for a


Congratulations! You have earned

access to the Mystery Castle.

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer •PBL – Points, Badges, Leaderboards •Avatars •Progress Bars/Levels

•Belønninger •Håndgribelig •Uhåndgribelig


240 pts

1. 310 Mom

2. 265 Dennis

3. 240 You

4. 185 Sister

Lvl 1

Congratulations! You have earned a coupon for a


Congratulations! You have earned

access to the Mystery Castle.

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Spilelementer som hjælper på indlæring • Historier • Karakterer • Genkendelse • Niveauer • Udfordringer • Held • ”Replayability” • Æstetik • Tid • Kontinuerlig feedback

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Piano Stairs

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


Belønninger øger niveauet af dopamin i hjernen.

Det samme gør stoffer!

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


• Continuous

• Fixed Ratio

• Fixed Interval

• Variable Ratio

• Variable Interval

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Quiz time!

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Game elements in Kahoot?

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


Du er nu halvvejs igennem præsentationen.

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


Motivation er et begreb, som beskriver den drivkraft, der får mennesker til at handle som de gør. Motivation er en proces hvor en målrettet aktivitet initieres og fastholdes.

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Mangel på motivation

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

87% af de ansatte er ikke aktivt engagerede i deres arbejde.

Gallup, State of the Global Workplace 2014

Mangel på motivation

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Intern vs. ekstern Motivation

Drevet af ren lyst Drevet af ydre påvirkninger

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Keller’s ARCS model

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Malone & Lepper

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Flow Theory

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


At skabe engagerende oplevelser som aktiverer den interne motivation

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification områder


•Marketing •Salg •Kundeloyalitet

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification områder


•Sundhed & Wellness •Bæredygtighed (ressourcer) •Personlig økonomi

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification områder


•HR •Produktudvikling •Crowdsourcing

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Virksomhedsgamification Eksempler


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

LEGO Ideas

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Employee Wellness Program

Virksomhedsgamification Eksempler

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


Virksomhedsgamification Eksempler

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Deloitte Leadership Academy

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Framework Hvor starter man?

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Player Centered Design

1.Know your player 2.Identify the mission 3.Understand human motivation 4.Apply mechanics 5.Manage, monitor and measure

Janaki Kumar and Mario Herger

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification Design Framework

1.Define business objectives

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification Design Framework

1.Define business objectives 2.Delineate target behaviors

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification Design Framework

1.Define business objectives 2.Delineate target behaviors 3.Describe your players

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Amy Jo Kim's Social Action Matrix

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification Design Framework

1.Define business objectives 2.Delineate target behaviors 3.Describe your players 4.Devise activity loops

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Engagement Loop

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification Design Framework

1.Define business objectives 2.Delineate target behaviors 3.Describe your players 4.Devise activity loops 5.Don’t forget the fun!

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Gamification Design Framework

1.Define business objectives 2.Delineate target behaviors 3.Describe your players 4.Devise activity loops 5.Don’t forget the fun! 6.Deploy the appropriate tools

Kevin Werbach

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

•Etik -Spils manipulerende egenskaber bør ikke undervurderes – transparens er vigtig!

•Det må aldrig blive til ”Big Brother is watching! •Risiko for at skabe problemer istedet for at løse dem

-Udlov ikke belønninger I situationer som kan skabe fare

“If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it!”

Hvornår bør man ikke bruge gamification

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

To gamify or not to gamify…

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Konklusion •Gamification har eksisteret i evigheder og er en naturlig del af vores liv •Hvis man bruger det forkert kan det skade arbejdsmiljøet, sammenholdet og endda motivationen •Når det bruges rigtigt kan det give værdi til både virksomhed, medarbejdere, kunder, studerende og alle andre som er involveret •Så sørg or at gøre det rigtigt! (Game Design Thinking)

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Tillykke! Du har gennemført


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Learn more Books: Kapp, Karl M. The Gamification of Learning and Instruction : Game-Based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education. Kumar, Janaki Mythily and Herger, Mario (2013): Gamification at Work: Designing Engaging Business Software. McGonigal, Jane. Reality is broken. Pink, Daniel. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Werbach, Kevin; Hunter, Dan. For the Win : How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business. Zichermann, Gabe. Gamification by design : implementing game mechanics in web and mobile apps. Links: Course:

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

• Andrzej Marczewski’s Cards

Buy them here:


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Tak for kampen

Michelle Andreassen Email: [email protected] Twitter: @itaddiction

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

•Performance Motivation

Virksomhedsgamification Eksempler

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

Visual Studio Achievements

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


Virksomhedsgamification Eksempler

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction


©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

•Project Management

Virksomhedsgamification Eksempler

©2016 Michelle Andreassen @itaddiction

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