girl 1 building materials...

\ \\ V'CHFI'L EYE w ill be kept on this bird all through holiday se ason bv Mis . \nna Kaloski of Barnes Road . Moriches . Tomiin , her pet peacock oi Ine v ears ' standing, is in molting season and looks more like traditional holiday towl than proud bird that w .inner weather w ill line! him. -Advance Photo 1 BETZ LUMBER COMPANY I I I 1 Building Materials & Supplies - Hardware - Paint. I I I I WE GIVE KING KORN STAMPsI I I I FROWEIN AVENUE CENTER MORICHES I I I p Near R. R. Station ATlantic 4-0864 I § P East Moriches Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Lowell. AT 4-0211 BOOK FAIR A book fair will be held at the local schoolhouse on November 30 and December 1. Books for both ede mentaiy and high school stu - dents will be on display and also un sale at this time. Interested parents aie invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kanowitz of Rene) , Nov., spent some time last week null Mi. Kanowitz ' giand- mothcr , Mrs . Esther Daniels. Mr. anel Mrs. Harold Foskey anel daughter. Jeiry, spent the week- end with Mr. anel Mrs . George Egan in Huntington. Mis . Mildred Prevetti and Mrs. Henry Gonzalez have leturned Horn a tup to Turnbridge , Va. Mrs. Lloyd Tuttle has returned fiom a trip to her former home. Bristol . Pa. , where she visited her sister. Mrs . Anthony Coles. Mr. and Mrs . Albert Olsen have left for California where they ex- pect to reside. On November 10 the Ladies ' Aid of the local Methodist Church met in the church parlors in the afternoon. Theie weie 15) present anel a luncheon , complete with Thanksgiving decorations , was en- ioved bv all. Walter Ruland, Jr .. was one of the sophomore class of the Center Moriches High school , who enjov- ed a vis't No\ember 14 to the American Museum of Natural His- tory in New York City. They al- so visited othei points of interest ir. the cit- . Mis . Walter Ruland and Mrs. Carl Lucas attended a meeting and dinner November 16 in connection with the installation of officers of the Southern New York State Fire- mens Association of New York at Bellmore. Mrs. Leroy Raynor entertained the Solitaire club Novembei" 13. The guests were Mrs. Sarah But- ler . Mrs. Faul Warner , Mrs. Hi- ram Reeve and Miss Emma Ray- nor of East Moriches. Mrs. Frank Kirk of Mastic also attended. Ronald J. Chapman and son , David , made a journey to New Y ork City on Nov ember 11 where they vi3ited the Statue of Liberty and " also Chinatown. PENNY PELCO SAYS : For your protection leave a lig ht when you ' re away from home!—Adv. A birthday party for Joan Kan- as , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kanas was held in the afternoon of November 19. Games and re- freshments were enjoyed by the young guests. Th East Moriches School will close at noon Wednesday for the Thanksgiving holiday. There will be no school on the 24. The Senior Girl Sccouts of Troop G4 will pay a visit to the TB Office in Riverhead and in the af- ternoon will enjoy a bowling par- tj A Special school meeting will be held at 8 p. m. November 27 at the East Moriches School regard- ing the purchase of additional land adjoining the school site. Mr. and Mrs. Emil E. Klein and son James , formerly of Pine Street East Moriches , recently returned from a motor trip through the East coast and New England. They are now settled in their new- home at 50 Furman Lane , Pat- chogue. Center Moriches ! New s Mrs. Alfred K. Blechner. AT 4-1114 ST. ANDREW'S BROTHERHOOD The Brotherhood of St. Audi env- oi ' St. John ' s Episcopal Chinch met at the chuten November 11 for service, lollov eel b y a nve ' - u.g which was opened with an enening prayer seivice led b y the Rev. W illaid I. Kile The evening set \ ice was read by James Bahr , and the gospel and jpibtlo les-on b y Robert Bahi. A fter the seivice the men held hi n meeting in the parish hall. It \v;r decided to hold a piavei er\ ice every lifth Sunday night. A spcial film will be show n en- titled "The W t n el o w e>n the Woild" . Piesent weie Jacob Pike. Ray mond Bugden , Ral ph lleadi ick ( hailes Knight , John Bahr. Rob- ert Bahr , Janies Bahr. Father Kile. Kenneth Ketchum and Te 1 llead- i ick The next meeting will be' f:d0 p. m. Tuesday. BROWNIE TROOP Hi First yeai Brownie Troop 4-i met after school No\ember ' 1 in the' Cent M- Moriches Se hoed Cafe- c-ria. Mis . Margar't Keattt . leaelei , was in chaige. assisted b y Mis , Nancy Price . Mrs. Doiotby Gioeu and Linda Green , with 21 girls piesent. First vear Intermediate Ti oop ( ' presented the troop with a troop flag and an Ameiiean Hag. They taught tlv girl s a song game anel lefieshments weie served. Meet- ings , hereafter must start prompt- ly at '5:10 p. in. and end tit I p. m. INTERMEDIATE SCOUTS First year Jnttermediate Troop (5 under the leadership of Mrs . Sta- cia Nawrocki , meets each Wednes- day after school at the' Centei Moriches School. Their thiee pa- trols are Redwing Patrol , Glenn.i Hitz , Maria Vigbotta , Joan Sta- chiw , Margaret Bryner and Ros- aline Giordano; Rainbow Patrol, Linda Horbert , Janet Wolfenden , Peggy Michna , Kathleen De Mat- teo and Eileen Tworogei ; Poindex- ter Patrol , Carolyn Navvi ocli. Christine Murphy, Coleen Duff y, Mary Ann Kenny anel Ailette Roth. After ]) r e s e n ting Brow nie Tioop 41) with a troop and Ameri- can flags on November 14 , the In- te rmediates held their regular meeting on the fifteenth with Mrs Naw rocki, leader and 11 gitls pie- sent. Mrs . Ann Meyer , leader of Ti oop 23. and some of hei g'lls were visitors and demonstrated fire building. The gnls comple t e.! ! huts for the eighteenth foi a h'ke to Kaler ' s Pond. East Moii- ches. They ebsciisseel uniform- - , ele tiding on yellow for the coloi of the tie. After a coup le of games the meeting was adjoin nd. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Tenke of Senix Avenue recently had as guests. Mrs. Tenke ' s uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zim- nier of Richmond Hill , and Mr. anel Mrs. Robert Zimnier of Flush- ing. Last weekend their gue st was Miss Marguerite Zimmei of Rich- mond Hill. Live Better With PELCO Low Cost Electricity. —Adv. Miss Melanie Boelnar , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bodnar of 127 Senix Avenue, returned home Nove mber 5) from Keuka College. Keuka Park , until January 3. The Center Moriches Fire De- partment Auxiliary meets at the firehall at 8 p. m. Monday. Birthdays are : Today—Mrs Ben- jamin Hallock; Thanksgiving Day Jeffery Pribut , son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pribut of Inwood Road , 7; November 24 , Arthur Bergmann , Estate Road. Miss Bet- ty Anderson , daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. George Anderson of Belle- view Avenue , 17 , and Gary Laube , son of Mr. and Mis. Raymond Laube of Reeves Road ; November 25—Kerri Schooner , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schoener of Beachfern Road and Mrs . Susan Goldsmith , 81; November 26—Mrs. Hstollo T.imbY of Main Street , Mis, Phyllis Baldwin . Florence Guimskv ot Inv.ood Road and Ai- Ihui He ling; Novembei 27—Mr- . Flo) one e K slo-A i of Chii hesl< >• We'tiin . Bettv llii-i' Kapnoi and Heniy Hulse. son of Mi. and Mis John II ils< of Baines Road, 17; No\ ember 2^—Mis . Joseph Bigoia ol Lake A\enue . Mi' s . Lura Whit- ney. Peggy Lelouche, Virginia Keegan, duughtr of . Mr. and Mis . James Keegan of Newins Street and Mrs . Ave Maria Penney, of Chichester A\enue; November 2" Robert Siwver. son of Mr. and Mrs . Eveiett Sawyer of Bell view Avenue , 7. jjlUlll illllM^ iiiiniilllliilliirminiii.iiiiiiiiniiia I BBBftb Ti re sfone ~&z»<t&>** fy I 'I rW^^^f1#fflMWIWINTER TIRES I ls» K™^~ ____fll' relrWnMTT ii1 i^i *i™ ti m r TI M_M_lllHBHBwHlFT lT7T,^BBWIBBr = [ == m\! x!lmmmW^m%m\mW&^Nmm^tiv&^ = = v ^ tA <i^* v 3fflT^- '2l^y^ . 'i - 'JiJWfc ^^C?S. ^% JMBHBP ^^^^ __ ¦¦ (*^» ¦ " AW MS ? _ * . HH HHH B^^H^BBHHBUBBH i __^* __ __ ^^ __ = = jr T| _MME ^^SBnHhii^!^^^^> w 'Vn^^^^t *^vi^^HH'l^^<I^\ _ ~ L ¦¦ ^ ^ ¦ _ ~ ¦—> ^ mm— ^ ^__B_H_ HHHHUH HB SB BBI HH = jHI I IVI %J BM I ¦! \^&^&-AmmW:s?•i&' . ' £AWmW: : X-f - ' XiATB bv ¦_____ ! ______H_______H___. = a I ^^ ¦• *' ._^%£ *7C*JW^SL. *S C ^^'¦^^Hit ; •^\GmmmmWamrr r\f\YT /»*))• ci^flc HiH^n^RHi H^HHH^HB^H^^^^H^^H^Hi^ \ = H l Rnnrt Ma7_rri l_^^^SS3k£'^O^ v'®_w>S?x- '^ port cctr bi&eb. _ ¦ ___ ¦ _B_B________HHB- " = "" H jN v .w~.. >—¦— tc Every new Firestone tire is b5 __; XT i x v i ___B_i ¦^¦^B - vl_i__ . . = 1 ! lffiSw RAYON ^_Hi : - A>aA-AIM---n %W Nylon , rayon ... tubeless , __B_ H ____¦ P^ nax and & M : IIIIIIIWB ^*^ ___32 S L r GUAR AN TEED Z)W x u x ui i IT J _____¦ ______ HBHHB ¦;„ „s = 1 ' ImWmm^^^Bm- 8 1. Against detects in v,orfcman- 1 fL tube-type... blackwalls and HH | HH JiH £!* L = m \ __HP^- __ ^lL llil % ship and materials for the -' ' " SsJ whltewalls. ¦___ ¦ ____¦_, ______l ^ = 1 : ' mWr Z&% X!i I life of the original tread. ^v _J ___¦_¦ «_^____ M^H_ B W = m \ W7 kmmmmW NB [e J. Against normal road hazards 3> _ | PROPORTIONATELY HB B BI T__________ H_ BF ~~~ ^ _. = = I ff IMI <n fc.|-— U Vic (except repairable punctures) ^ |p- InW PRIPFH HBHH ^___M__l____ Hr J ^ ^ S^ = _ I W IVI U' ffM rri \\> c encountered in everyday d _ " ¦»« rrclucU _________ ^^__SH___HB r / _»_c* X = M 'A n J il j I v passenger car use for the § » ' ' ' ' '" ~ HHHB ^^ JB_S MB_B^^ / rnCC \ _ I : \ Road Hazard k luSSf^^^SS: 38 Just say "CHARGE IT' \ ^ """ " (MOUNTING] I = 5\ fiil<i r<intpp Ik ft replacements prorated on tread ?< _f TT TJ. J. TT J. M V J = s *M. uuara,llCB /* te wear and based on list prices s-* Use your credit at Firestone / X^ -X ~ == V_KV NYLO N y^S 5* current at t—»e of adjustment. ^ ^ .._Jr ^^ * >, +*^ p | l.y-TOS-^ ^ ffimmm^^^^ m ^mj m ^m ^k | 1 FREE WHEELS AND TUBES WITH PU RCHASE OF 15-16 INCH SNOW TIRES | j WITH WRITTEN UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE | ~s ES | ALL SIZES NEW AND USED WHEELS FOR ALL CARS AND TRUCKS $1.00 UP 1 I UI B I C D TIRE KIN U Sir F d irestoi >e § I MONTAUK HIGHWAY SHIRL EY, L. I. ATTantuT 1-6666 I JmmMwmHiHB^ PlvIUE in workmanship typ ifies craftsman . Dom- inick Kosilio , ( enter Moriches shoemaker , who "ill retire alter New Year , is no exception. Most of Mr. Rosilio ' s tools are ones he had when he opened doors of his Senix Building shop in 1929. —Advance Photo Local Cobbler j Continued fi om pa^e 1 , this section (hen as today s patents and , som- tinies <ri aml parents . And -o the \eais have been good t( Uonnnich Kosilio. His son , Sal- ! valin e , who owns a shoe lepait ¦ -heip in Sag Harbor , will take over his i ' athei 's husmess aflei the New Ye;u . Awaiang him will be time worn tools ol the cobblei " s tiade with which his lather shaped a futuie. These will be his. The leeae\ of tiust and confidence he must continue to earn. ' I T\\ TVLK CENTER MORICHES The South Ihiy Business and Profes- sional Women ' s Club of Center Moiiche ' s will hold its monthl y meeting Monday, starting" at (1:30 p. m. in the Suniise Restaurant . A ft ei a . ' »(> minute social hour , (luiner will be served , to be fol- low ed b y an S p. m. men ting. Cuest speaker will be Fu derick Ilemmings who will speak on the income tax. | ^SSS^SSS!^^ | MARGIE TUTTLE f | ANNOUNCES THE J | OPENING I J ° FA | | Beauty Parlor j | IN HER RESIDENCE ON f | RAILROAD AVENUE , EASTPORT , N. Y. | ^ ALL WORK BY APPOINTMENT 0 | EASTPORT 5-0143 | "j^ Sj ^jt^^SJ^^ Eastport Vamps Hold Their November Meeting EASTPORT -- The month 1 meeting- of the Eastnoit File De- partmen t was called to order la-t Monday by Chief Hub Brown. Exe mption papers weie eiien to Louis (Ji if fin« upon his rei]ue>t. Signing the roll anel recei\in;. their k"ys an'l bad ges weie Ken- neth Wilson , Richard Wilson and R'chard McNe 'l. Tb° Company ' s Annual Dinner will be he ld Mav 19 , at the Polish Ball in Rivei- head. At present no committee has been fonned for this event. Tlv Pump Company held a chill Monday, and the Boost- - Company will hold a drill Nov- embei 27. At the close of this memth' s meeting, a corned beef and cab- bage dinner was sei ved . Serving on the committee were Joe Con- aughty, Thomas Albin , Eelwai d Aimv, " Walter Sle*' . Alex Lashuk. Paul ' Smith , Sr ., and Hurbert Gold- stein. The refreshment committee foi next month' '- - meeting. Decemhei 11 , will be Chairman Heni y Fre\ Paul Rogers , Merritt Rogers , Law - rence Goldstein , Herbert Sorrel! Banks Moore , Horace Mott George Powell , Sr.. Albeit Alfi ed Francis Tuttle and Chester Mas- sey, Sr . .Miss Ilonnie Bell. Tel. KAstport 5-0016 ^ i Mi . at 1 Mis Y\ iTaid Tuinei of | S'inieis pnirt. X. .1. weie' l ee enl j LUests .( the heiUn eif Mi .null Mis He.' I M Mott ' M iss h i> en \\.\U ~k> and Miss < .11 ol St h"h( i' of llu v ^ > ' ei -pe ' a lee . etr \\ i e is* , i d \ is t ng M , -s D .Tie " s i , 1-) ,, m "\ ' ;. ' d Ml . 1 iw ' en i ll.iue aii ' il m ^ hte i s ,lud\ , .Li e ouie . lan e ' t 'd h' ,11 i e w i i e i e. i,t L ,i - s u Mi il \ e- ' mot ' ii, Mis . S. W i I .ll K' t 1 ei * I' e . ll'nelld H'M. ^ t\ i i. goos,s ( Iji ji , ' ?d i - I i , s 1 ' imp-,ir w t ' AI ' I imr>sv ' ' s ii ., 1 1 \ . M> ,i \! Mis . ( i i !l - 1 |u sol " I ' lis le, t' -l' 1 ' ,i <! s - i. \;,. ,. n i Alls Ke ' ii * il Kit A It' nil ' , e . 1U - !• i s h\ . 1 ine ' .!. J )< 'l' a ; nd ,L <!\ . ot 1. ist l„l p Li\o H ller W it h PELCO Lov, Cost L'lectricit\. —Ad \. M- .rd M is .Jam es ]' U U ot ll.' i x n M " a sp. i,i | ( ^t F' id i \ \ sMllg . ' L 1 iH'lnC O. ' ' s hi th. 1 -111-1 I A .t iul s ] sU l "\u. Ill' ' Mis . \ t - t ,i (oi l ,lis They aKo x i-iteel Mi s . I e S ! H H U k- . l ie I . ,i - ' A ixi MI \ ot the F; ' I . 1 ii e I) a. i i i n; wil' hold i * s ' i i ; ],lv "ln ' iV I a si i\ ( \ l - . . t u " ^ M s ';, ' . < \\ e I- v ,f S' >n\ B o ' \\ s , l t T (j !< t ' ^ j ot M ' ' it " "' > - l ' t e ' i I* .. 1 low . \'t " g ,i " s , ,he' P ii l \ i e ei m e . ,. ; ' 'i > o Ki M V - . I M, i x v ie \ . ink . ' T ! \ - ' r v t . ,! ,iii KIIS a> I * > - K s i a ^ \< is t i l, s as i etui red !<• h s , i . * -i.. Ih i i M \ u \.. > a 1 De pe * a i s|i t g the v ei > ^nd a " v- I o ' '1 n - \\euue ( e ' i . ,. i ^ t ' ¦ ' th 1 * C" i m \' '] - dit,L' ami \ " s ul \ , t (ii: i ( I p ;u t . . ii id i ee t ' *\\ a ' P.. * u ' a Vin p in ' - ( . . u'ih l - it be st i ii am m \ on- 1 ' i- weie Mi. . id M-s Roheit redct' eo. O'' 'is pi <s t >n* ie tht T .. iu ' i * ei. Mi 1 o s Fe leiieo. and Mil. and A'' - . Jnon Heah and d. uuhtei ( . ], ' -ime '1 SL .. * -dale. \I ss .land Thomiison oi B i; Snoi e -p"it t last Monday visiting hu mothei Mis. Chalks Tntimp- son. Last Sunday, visitoi s at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Nelson Col- lins weie Mis . C ollins ' hi othei and . -ht"i -in-h.w . Mi. and Mis. Samuel Hicks of Seaioid. Last Sunday aft ernoon . Mi. and Mi?. Flam is Thompson entei - ff.ined hei mothei anel father. Mi. ai tl .Mis. William Jones oi Ishp Mtnior. On A ovembei 11, Mr. and Mrs . Joh n Baker , Jr.. Mr. and Mis . Fiancis Sabimone and Mr. and Mi . Vict or K >stuk attended th. ' Annual ^hipw-ieek and Starve to Death Doner Paitv at the Mori- ches Yacht Club. Mis. C hail' s Nix and daughter , Ma* ie e>i Rip ley, Miss ., and Mr. and Mi s . fhailes Blackmer , Jr., and daughter, Debra Ann of Giand HdVen . Mubigar , aie \isjtmg th' ii model . Mis . Jessie M ie Tiavis . Mis . Nix is the formei B< tty Tia- v s , and Mis . Blackmer is thi for- mei Shnley T* avis . Mr. and Mis . Em;i "uele Termi- Tiella lecently attended the We"-t- h t mpton Speedway Buffet Dinner- Dance at th> Sunrise Hotel. Mis . Florence Mercer and Mr-> . Charles Homan of Westhamptoi attended the christei ing of Mr?. He mans ' gianddaughter , Victoria Caiter Rey nolds last week in Noi walk , Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Fiancis O'Conni * rave r eturned home after spendinc a lew days in Fultonville. Mis- ]\] " ar\ Mosely of Riverhead spent last Wednesday visiting Mrs. ( hailes Thompson ' Mis Kate Albin is a patn nt at tin Cential Suffolk Hospital ii Unci head Kim Matson. da tghter of Mi. . nd Mis . Onni Matson. celebrated ' ii ' se\(i,ln bnthda\ last \\ ednes- i.a\ She had -is gues ts hen luo- t he r , Mh'n. hei sjstei , Jean an I Irn Tuttle. Biiu e Binding and 1) iwn Put 1 le . \ suipuse p. ' .ity was gi\en hist Sn i ,la\ b\ the' enip!e>\c s o[ tic \tw "\ oi k Teh p hone ( miipiiiij foi M' s D MIH ! C !! " >> V, s . (' ( " >ffcv In s v. > \ v d th.e e oinpany fo 1 27> \eais . sj u , t , x ,^ a | s() pvsented wite a hoiioiu t ot tloweis . Cake ami e d ! " " '1 e s< i \ t d. Rem n . Cindai e and Scott B< "! spi n t ^iti. 'd" , at : Sunde - . N at thi oe no of then gianu, ml hoi. Mi \\ A. Bill. EASTPORT NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Ann llurtre , Tel. ATlantic 4-0B91 On Simday aftiu noon , Mr . and Mis . (Seoi ge Sammis and c h i l d r e n, .ict ' t iew anel Claudia, of Mastic ae- .e>mpanied oy Mis . Samm is * pa U' .t s Vv. and Mis . J ohn Walk - 1 an. a'd son , 'i aonuts , of },lon- l u.k If gnw.i\ en . |o\ e d a toil' J ugh i i s ' ,,1 \ i!i, M )k Mii-aim. ^t e \ llli'ok .Mi .md "Mis Halloc k Kwasna ia ' i d t'i a ele\ nil \\ ' tiding cnm\tis .i\ Xmciiiiu i ]J at then I ' me nil Pa' 1 es ICo '(I M> .. "d M - Ge ige Bin ge of !\iini ' s i ' ,, ( j c u |o\ i d a \ M V Sat- iiil \ Minning iiom .Mi Hinge ' s s s; L i. Mt s . j; , iai (i\ and son, llmicii. lit ' lle al\s , who I e - i ' e m ' .'nit\ \ ihe. sp, - .t .; lev 'la* s at fie i* om of All. l l e a ly ' s ' e,ihi > . Mis . Ca 'hei'ue Ileal y of M..stic P>eac ' \ foil >v ing then ie- ttiin Horn an e _ht-d..y vacation in Florida. Mi. and Mis. Amiv lu ( usu/zi > of Biook 1 * , n sjient the iccent week- end at thtir Stimmei lesidence on Time! Street. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Penney of Louis Avenue returne d recently from a three-week vacation at their c ottage in Clayton. During their stay, they visited many of Mis . Penney ' s relathes. Mis . Pen- ney is originall y fi om Clayton. Mi Penne y enjoyed a few ot the days hunting with Mrs. Penney ' s broth- ei , Robert Smith , and they weie successful in getting a deer. On Novembei lo . Mis . John V, alkman celebrated her birthday with hei husband and s 0 n , Thomas i t their nome on Montauk Hi gh- way. Mrs . Geoi ge Burge of Barnes Road recently attended a demon- sti ation pai ty at 1 he home of hi r sistei . Mis . Robert Chester of Nel- son Place. Mastic. Foll owing the demonsti ation , all enjoyed coffee anel take. huuJoc k Kwasna of Barnes Road nas ii tinned to woi k following a two week \acation. William Walker , Sr.. and daugh- ter Joan, of Montauk Highw ay, l eturned lecently fiom a deer- hunting excursion in Kingfield , Maine. Returning with them were Mr. Walker 's sons William Walk- er , Jr., and Robert Walker , his daughter and son-in-law. Mr . and Mrs . Leo Boyce. and their daugh- ter , Debra , all of Mastic Beach. The Walke r family stayed at their home in Kingfield. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce and their daughter were houseguests at the home of Mr. Boyce 's mother , Mrs. Beulah Boy- ce. also of Kingfield. George Burge , Sr., of Barnes Road , who is Associate advisor of ' Expl u-ei Post 121 of Mastic Beach . attended a Scout Council meeting- November 13 at the Episcopal Church in Bell port. Accompanying Mr. Burge were two explorer scout representatives of his post. Tenta- tive plans were made for Decem- ber 1(5 , which is to include an af- ternoon of bowling, followed by an evening snack and completing the evening with a dance to be held at the Ep iscopal Church Recrea- tion Hall in Bellport. Those par- ticipating will be various Senior Girl Scout Troops and a number of Explorer Posts from through- out the eastern end of Long- Island. Moriches CENTER MORK HES - Miss Melanie' Boelnar . daugh- tei ol Ah. and M. s . John O. Bodnar of \2t S"in x Avenue , Center Moiiche^ . is one of 14o Keuka College students pai- ticipating in the college ' s yeai- 1\ Fail field pcnod tit the Keuk i Paik. N. Y. < ollege . Keuka students left then studie-. November 111 , and re- ' -timed theii col' ege woi k in centers local 'd acioss the eountiy two uays latei . Dur- ing the five-week Fall field pei od , students aie engaged in special learning expel lences oft campus . The held pel iod piogiam gags students the oppoitun- n\ to ii ili/. e woik and serv ice evpoiienco- in tlvu legular college piogiam. Juniors and scumis hold leeulaih paying job s tn engage m other expen- ences as a p hase of vocational training. College cred.t is gnen for woik undertaken during field period. Students aie super- vised by agency or company lepiesentatives as well as by codege ' faculty nvmbei s. Stu- dents are requned to evaluate then field period experiences and present an oial leport at a public meeting. Along with other Keuka freshmen , Miss Bodnar is cur- lenlly engaged in a research pioject. Her paper will be sub- nuttee as a freshman English requirement. Purpose of the pioject is to give the student an opportunity to exp lore a field of special interests anel to acquire the skills and tech- niques of organizing, inter- preting and leporting the re- sults of a research study. Miss Bodnar is majoring in biology. C. Moriches Student Engaged in Research THANKFUL for generosity of students at Center Moriches High School will be many people in depressed areas who will receive clothing collected at school. Used , serviceable garments were gathered as part of Save Children Federation Bundle Day Drive . Here , students Da* »id Rogers and Margaret Tarry pack clothing. —Advance Photo I TROOP SI On November 7 , Brownie Troop 84 met at the high school for their w eekly meeting with leaders , Mrs. John K o s t u k , and Mrs. George A. Fiey Paula Kostuk and Micheie Gordon were flag bear- ers. Ruth Privett , and Beth O'Con- ner presented tbe troop with a puppet show. The meeting closed | with Indian-style taps. "This week the Brownies met at the high school with Ruth Privett and Kim Matson acting as flag bear- ers . The Brow nies continued to w ork on tray decoi ations that pre to be distributed to patients at Centra l Suffolk Hospital , for Thanksgiv ing. This project is part of the scouts community serv ice. The meeting closed with Indian- st . v le taps . TROOP 36 Girl Scout Troop 3(5 met Tues- day afternoon in the high school with leaelei s Mis . Joseph Kiis and Mis. Vic tor Kostuk. Miss Judith Alfred , who is working on hei- .Music Appreciation Badge, pre - sented a piogiam of l ecorded mu- sic Tins music includ' d folk songs , ehissical . and ^emi-chis sical num- hois . Plans aie being made for th"ir Christmas party which will he held Decemhei 10. Committees were appointed lor the entertain- ment, decoiations and jefresh- ments. TROOP 66 The Chipmunk and Cardinal Pa- trol of Troop 6*0 met la-t uesday i at the high school with there lead- ers , Mrs . Frank Coker , Mrs. Clif- ! ton Raynor and Mrs. John Kuech. The Girl Scout Laws were dis- cussed , and they continued work on clown dolls that will be g iven to the children at St . Charles Hos- pital in Port Jefferson. The girls are 4 planning a Christmas sale of handmade articles such as cor- sages and earrings . Twelve troop membeis enjoyed a tiip to the East Pond last Friday. You save plenty by subscribing for The Advance, the Postmaster does the rest. Only $5 for 12 months, we pay the postage. Your order addressed to: Circulation j Dept., P. O. Drawer 780 , Patch- ogue, N. Y., will start your paper with the next edition. —Adv. GIRL SCOUT J ottings MASTIC Nomination of officers of the Mastu-Shii lev Republ ican Chi n took place Tuesday evening at a meeting in th<> _ Mastic Fiiehall . Those nominated w. ie Pet >r Rappa , preside nt; Thomas De Nicola , vice president; Mis . Joan McCa'th- ,. l ecording secretary ; Mi s . Julia Costag- lio ' a cm responding secretaiy; M' rs . Julia Ya 'dcr . tieasurei ; Basil Bateman. seig"an(-at- arms- , Mrs . Rose Gnouinto . trustee for two vea' s , and Mis . M. Amato , tuistee foi one year. Chatlo- , Valder act- ed as chan nan dining the nomina tions . Election of oince rs an I the annual Chn ' tma ^ p.a i tv w ill he he'd at the Dec emhei meet- ing. Mastic-Shirley GOP Club Sets Elections MASTIC BEACH Queen of All Hearts Council No. 4126 of the Knights of Columbus is sponsor- ing a dance and buffet Saturday at the Sunrise Inn , Eastport. Music for the guests ' dancing pleasure will be supplied by the "Syncopators , '' and admission can be obtained at the door. Joseph Maag is chairman. DANCE—BUFFET FLY-UP BROWNIES of Troop S. "5, Shirley, entered scouting re- centl y at ceremonies held at the Property Owners of Mastic Acres and Shirlev. Show n from right to left , Francine Sands. Linda Orban . Francine Carlino , Margaret Savino , Linda Mi-eavish , \u- ' drej Fabie, Rosilind Daw , Linda Christopher -.on and Mary Jean IHardo . Girls will leave their former leader . Mrs . Thomas Cody, and w ill enter either Mrs. Raul Hidalgo ' s Nort h Shirlev Troop 92 or Mrs. William Goss ' Troop 32.

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\ \\ V 'C H F I'L EYE w ill be kept on this bird all th rough holidayse ason bv M i s . \nna Kaloski of Barnes Road . Moriches . Tomiin ,her pet peacock oi Ine v ears ' s t and ing, is in mo l t i ng season andlooks more like t r ad i t iona l hol iday t o w l t h a n proud bird tha tw . inner w e a t h e r w ill line! h im. - A d v a n c e Photo

1 BETZ LUMBER COMPANY II I1 Building Materials & Supplies - Hardware - Paint. II II W E G I V E K I N G K O R N S T A M P s II II FROWEIN AVENUE CENTER MORICHES II Ip Near R. R. Station ATlantic 4-0864 I§ P

East MorichesMr. and Mrs. K. A. Lowell. AT 4-0211


A book fair will be held at thelocal schoolhouse on November 30and December 1. Books for bothede m e n t a i y and h i gh school stu -dents w i l l be on display and alsoun sale at t h i s t ime . Interestedparen t s a i e invited to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kanowitz ofRene ) , Nov., spent some time lastw e e k nu l l M i . K a n o w i t z ' giand-mothcr , Mrs . Esther Daniels.

Mr. anel Mrs. Harold Foskey aneld a ug ht e r . J e i r y , spent the week-end w i t h Mr. anel Mrs . GeorgeEgan in H u n t i ng t o n .

M i s . Mildred Prevetti and Mrs.H e n r y Gonzalez have le turnedH o r n a t u p to Turnbr idge , Va.

Mrs. Lloyd Tut t le has returnedf i o m a t r ip to her fo rmer home.Bri sto l . Pa. , where she visited hersister . Mrs . A n t h o n y Coles.

Mr. and Mrs . Albert Olsen haveleft fo r Cal i fornia where they ex-pect to reside.

On November 10 the Ladies 'Aid of the local Methodist Churchmet in the church parlors in theaf ternoon. Theie w e i e 15) presentanel a luncheon , complete w i t hT h a n ks gi v i n g decorations , was en-ioved bv all.

Walter Ruland, Jr .. was one ofthe sophomore class of the CenterMoriches High school , w h o enjov-ed a vis't No\ember 14 to theAmerican Museum of Natural His-tory in New York City. They al-so visited othei points of interestir. the cit-.

Mi s . Walter Ruland and Mrs.Carl Lucas attended a meeting anddinner November 16 in connectionwith the installation of officers ofthe Southern New York State Fire-mens Association of New York atBellmore.

Mrs. Leroy Raynor entertainedthe Solitaire club Novembei" 13.The guests were Mrs. Sarah But-ler . Mrs. Faul Warner , Mrs. Hi-ram Reeve and Miss Emma Ray-nor of East Moriches. Mrs. FrankKirk of Mastic also attended.

Ronald J. Chapman and son ,David , made a journey to NewY ork City on November 11 wherethey vi3ited the Statue of Libertyand" also Chinatown.

PENNY P E L C O SAYS : Foryour protection leave a light whenyou 're away from home!—Adv.

A birthday party for Joan Kan-as, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JohnKanas was held in the afternoonof November 19. Games and re-freshments were enjoyed by theyoung guests.

Th East Moriches School willclose at noon Wednesday for theThanksgiving holiday. There willbe no school on the 24.

The Senior Girl Sccouts of TroopG4 will pay a visit to the TBOffice in Riverhead and in the af-ternoon will enjoy a bowling par-t j

A Special school meeting will beheld at 8 p. m. November 27 atthe East Moriches School regard-ing the purchase of additionalland adjoining the school site.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil E. Klein and

son James, formerly of Pine StreetEast Moriches , recently returnedfrom a motor trip through theEast coast and New England.They are now settled in their new-home at 50 Furman Lane , Pat-chogue.

Center Moriches !News

Mrs. Alfred K. Blechner. AT 4-1114


The Brotherhood of St. A u d i env-oi' St. John 's Episcopal C h i n c hmet at the c h u t e n November 11for service, lo l lov eel by a nve' -u.g which w a s opened w i t h anenening prayer seivice led by t heRev. W i l l a i d I. Kile The e v e n i n gset \ ice w a s read by James Bahr ,and the gospel and j p ib t lo les-onby Robert B a h i .

A f ter the seivice the men heldhi n mee t ing in the par i sh hal l .

I t \v;r decided to hold a p i a v e ier\ ice eve ry l i f t h Sunday n i g h t .

A spcial f i l m w i l l be show n en-t i t l ed "The W t n el o w e>n theW o i l d " . Piesent w e i e Jacob Pike.Ray mond Bugden , Ral ph l leadi ick( h a i l e s K n ig ht , John Bahr. Rob-ert Bahr , Janies Bahr . Father Kile.Kenne th Ketchum and Te 1 llead-i ick The next mee t ing w i l l be 'f :d0 p. m. Tuesday.


First yeai Brownie Troop 4-imet after school No \embe r ' 1 inthe ' Cent M- M o r i c h e s Se hoed Cafe-c-ria. M i s . M a r g a r ' t K e a t t t . leaelei ,

was in c h a ig e . assisted by M i s ,Nancy Price . Mrs. D o i o t b y G i o e uand Linda Green , w i t h 21 g i r lspiesent.

First vear In te rmedia te Ti oop(' presented the troop w i t h a troopf lag and an A m e i i e a n Hag. Theyt a u g h t tlv girl s a song ga m e anell e f i esh m e n t s we ie served. Meet-ings , he rea f t e r must st a r t p r o m p t -ly at '5:10 p. in. and end tit Ip. m.


First year Jn t t e rmed ia t e Troop (5under the leadership of Mrs . Sta-cia Nawrocki , meets each Wednes-day af ter school at the ' CenteiMoriches School. Their thiee pa-trols are Redwing Patrol , Glenn.iHi tz , Maria Vigbotta , Joan Sta-chiw , Margaret Bryner and Ros-aline Giordano; Rainbow Patrol ,Linda Horbert , Janet Wolfenden ,Peggy Michna , Kath leen De Mat-teo and Eileen Tworogei ; Poindex-ter Patrol , Carolyn Navvi o c l i .Christine Murphy , Coleen Duff y,Mary Ann Kenny anel A i l e t t eRoth.

After ]) r e s e n t i n g Brow nieTioop 41 ) w i t h a troop and Amer i -can flags on November 14 , the In-te rmediates held t h e i r r egu la rmeeting on the f i f t e e n t h w i t h MrsNaw rocki, leader and 11 g i t l s p ie-sent. Mrs . A n n Meyer , leader ofTi oop 23. and some of hei g ' l l swere visi tors and d e m o nst r a t e dfire bu i ld ing . The g n l s comple t e.!! huts for the e i g h t e e n t h foi ah 'ke to Kaler 's Pond. East M o i i -ches. They ebsciisseel u n i f o r m - - , elet i d i n g on yellow for the coloi ofthe tie. Af te r a coup le of gamesthe meet ing was adjoin nd.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery Tenke ofSenix Avenue recently had asguests. Mrs. Tenke 's uncle andaunt , Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zim-nier of Richmond Hill , and Mr.anel Mrs. Robert Zimnier of F lush-ing. Last weekend their gue st w a sMiss Marguerite Zimmei of Rich-mond Hill.

Live Better With PELCO LowCost Electricity.—Adv.

Miss Melanie Boelnar , daughte rof Mr. and Mrs. John Bodnar of127 Senix Avenue, returned homeNove mber 5) f rom Keuka College.Keuka Park , un t i l J a n u a r y 3.

The Center Moriches Fire De-partment Auxi l i a ry meets at thefirehall at 8 p. m. Monday.

Birthdays are : Today—Mrs Ben-jamin Hallock; Thanksgiving Day— Jeffery Pribut , son of Mr. andMrs. Howard Pribut of InwoodRoad , 7; November 24 , ArthurBergmann , Estate Road. Miss Bet-ty Anderson , daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. George Anderson of Belle-view Avenue, 17, and Gary Laube ,son of Mr. and Mis. RaymondLaube of Reeves Road ; November25—Kerri Schooner , daughter ofMr. and Mrs. George Schoener ofBeachfern Road and Mrs . SusanGoldsmith , 81; November 26—Mrs.

Hs to l lo T . i m b Y of Ma in Street,M i s , P h y l l i s Baldwin . FlorenceG u i m sk v ot Inv.ood Road and A i -I h u i He l i n g ; Novembei 27—Mr- .Flo) one e K slo-A i of Chii hesl< >•We 't i in . Be t tv ll i i- i ' Kapnoi andH e n i y Hulse . son of M i . and M i sJohn II i l s< of Ba ine s Road , 17;No\ ember 2 ^— M i s . Joseph B i g o iaol Lake A \en u e . Mi' s. Lura W h i t -ney. Peggy Lelouche, VirginiaKeegan, d u u g h t r of .Mr. and M i s .James Keegan of Newins Streetand Mrs . Ave Maria Penney, ofChichester A \ e nu e ; November 2"Robert S i w v e r . son of Mr. andMrs . E v e i e t t Sawyer of Bell viewAvenue , 7.

jjlUlllillllM^ iiiiniilllliilliirminiii.iiiiiiiiniiia

I BBBftb Tiresfone ~&z»<t&>**fy I'I rW^^ f1#fflMWIWINTER

TIRES Ils» K™^~ ____fll'relrWnMTT ii1 i^i *i™ t i m r TI M_M_lllHBHBwHlFTlT7T,^BBWIBBr =[ == m\!x!lmmmW^m%m\mW&^Nmm^tiv&^ =

= v^ tA <i * v3fflT - '2l y .'i-'JiJWfc^ C?S. %JMBHBP^ ^ __ ¦ ¦ (* » ¦ "AW MS? _*. HHHHH B^ H BBHHBUBBH i __^*__ __^ __ == j r T| _MME ^ SBnHhii ! ^ >w 'Vn^ ^ t* vi^ HH'l^ <I \ _~L ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ _~ ¦—> mm—• __B_H_ HHHHUH HB SB BBI HH =

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port cctr bi&eb. _¦___¦ _B_B________HHB- "=""

H jNv — .w~ .. >—¦— tc Every new Firestone tire is b5__; XT i x v i ___B_i ¦ ¦ B- vl_i__ . . =1 ! lffiSw RAYON _Hi: - A> aA-AIM---n %W Nylon, rayon ... tubeless, __B_H ____¦ P ^nax and &

M : IIIIIIIWB ^*^ ___32SL r GUAR A N TEED Z) W x u x ui i IT J _____¦ ______ HBHHB ¦;„ „s =1 ' ImWmm^^^Bm- 8 1. Against detects in v,orfcman- 1 fL

tube-type... blackwalls and HH| HH JiH £!* L =m \ __HP^-__

^lLllil % ship and materials for the -''"SsJ whltewalls. ¦___ ¦ ____¦_, ______l =1 : 'mWr Z&% X!i I life of the original tread. ^v_J ___¦_¦ «_^____ M^H_BW =m \ W7 kmmmmW NB [e J. Against normal road hazards 3>_| PROPORTIONATELY HBBBI T__________ H_ BF ^»—~~~ _. == I f f IMI <n fc.|-— U V i c (except repairable punctures)

^|p- I n W PRIPFH HBHH ___M__l____Hr J S =_ I W IVI U'ffM rri \\>c encountered in everyday d _ "¦»« rrclucU _________

^^__SH___HBr / _»_c* X =M 'A n J il j I v passenger car use for the § » ' ' ' ' '" ~HHHB ^ JB_SMB_B^ / rnCC \ _I : \ Road Hazard k luSSf ^^SS: 38 Just

say "CHARGE IT' \ """ " (MOUNTING] I= 5\ fiil<i r<intpp Ik ft replacements prorated on tread ?< _f TT TJ. J. TT J. M V J =s *M. uuara,llCB / * te wear and based on list prices s-* Use your credit at Firestone / X -X ~== V_KV NYLO N y^S 5* current at t—»e of adjustment. ^ ^ .._Jr ^^* >, +* p

| l.y-TOS- f f i m m m ^ ^ ^ ^m^mj m^m k



I U I BI C D T I R E K I N U SirFdirestoi >e §I MONTAUK HIGHWAY SHIRLEY, L. I. ATTantuT 1-6666 IJmmMwmHiHB^

PlvIUE in workmanship typ ifies craftsman . Dom-inick Kosilio , ( enter Moriches shoemaker , w h o"i l l re t i re a l t e r New Year , is no exception. Most

of Mr. Rosilio's tools are ones he had when heopened doors of his Senix Building shop in 1929.

—Advance Photo

Local Cobbler jContinued fi om pa^e 1, this section(hen as today s p a t e n t s and , som-t i n i e s <ri aml paren t s .

A n d -o t he \ e a i s have been goodt ( U o n n n i c h Ko si l io . H i s son , Sal- !va l in e , w h o o w n s a shoe l e p a i t¦-he ip in Sag Harbor , w i l l take overhis i'athei 's husmess af lei the NewYe;u . A w a i a n g h im w i l l be t imew o r n tools ol the cobblei " s t i adew i t h w h i c h his l a t h e r shaped af u t u i e . These w i l l be his. Theleeae \ of t i u s t and confidence hemust cont inue to earn. '



South Ihiy Bu siness and Profes-sional Women 's Club of CenterM o i i c h e 's w i l l hold i ts month l yme e t ing Monday , starting" at (1:30p. m. in the S u n i i s e Restauran t .

A ft ei a .'» ( > m i n u t e social hour ,( l u i n e r w i l l be served , to be fol-low ed by an S p. m. men t ing .

Cuest speaker wi l l be Fu derickI l e m m i ng s w h o w i l l speak on theincome t a x . |




| EASTPORT 5-0143 |"j^Sj jt^^SJ^^

Eastport Vamps HoldTheir November Meeting

EASTPORT -- The m o n t h 1meet ing- of t he E a s t n o i t F i l e De-pa r tmen t was called to order la - tMonday by Chief Hub Brown.

Exe mption papers weie e i i e nto Louis (Ji if f i n « upon his re i ]ue>t .S ign ing the roll anel recei\in;.t he i r k"ys an'l bad ges weie Ken-neth Wilson , Richard Wilson andR'chard McNe 'l. Tb° Comp any 'sAnnua l Dinner wi l l be he ld M a v19 , at the Polish Ball in R i v e i -head. At present no committee ha sbeen fonned for th i s event.

Tlv P u m p Company held achi l l Monday, and the Boost- -Company w i l l hold a dr i l l Nov-embei 27.

At the close of this m e m t h ' smeet ing , a corned beef and cab-bage d inner was sei ved . Servingon the committee were Joe Con-aughty, Thomas Alb in , Eelwai dA i m v ," Walter Sle*' . Alex Lashuk.Paul' Smith , Sr ., and Hurbert Gold-stein.

The refreshment committee foinext mon th' '-- meeting. Decemhei11 , wil l be Chai rman Heni y Fre\Paul Rogers , Merr i t t Rogers , Law -rence Goldstein , Herbert Sorrel!B a n k s Moore , Horace MottGeorge Powell , Sr.. Albe i t Alf i edFrancis Tuttle and Chester Mas-sey, Sr.

.Miss Ilonnie Bell. Tel. KAstport 5-0016 i

Mi . at 1 M i s Y\ i T a i d T u i n e i of |S' i n i e i s pn i r t . X . .1. w e i e ' l ee enl jL U e s t s . ( t h e h e i U n e i f M i . n u l lM i s He . ' I M M o t t '

M iss h i > en \\.\U ~ k > a n d M i s s< .11 ol St h "h ( i ' of l lu v ^ > ' e i -pe 'a l e e . e t r \\ i e is*, i d \ is t ng M , -sD . T i e "s i , 1-) , , m

"\ ' ;. ' d Ml . 1 iw ' en i l l . i uea i i ' il m ^ h t e i s , l u d \ , .Li e o u ie . lan e 't 'd h ' ,11 i e w i i e i e . i , t L ,i - s uM i i l \ e- ' mot ' i i , M i s . S. W iI . l l K ' t 1 ei * I ' e. l l 'ne l ld H ' M .

^ t . m l t \ i i. • g o o s , s ( I j i ji , '?d i - I i , s 1 ' imp-, ir w t ' AI'I i m r > s v ' 's ii ., 1 1 \ . M > ,i \! M i s .( i i !l - 1 |u sol " I 'l is le ,

t ' - l' 1 ' ,i <! s - • i . \ ; , . ,. n iA l l s K e ' ii * il K i t A I t ' ni l ', e . 1U -!• i s k . i t h \ . 1 i n e '.!. J ) < 'l' a ; nd,L <!\ . ot 1. ist l „ l p

Li\o H l l e r W i t h PELCO Lov,Cost L ' l e c t r i c i t \ .—Ad \ .

M - . r d M i s .Jam es ]' U U otl l .' i x n M " a sp . i ,i | ( ^t F' id i \\ sM l l g . ' L 1 i H ' l n C O. ' ' s h it h . 1 -111-1 I A .t iu l s]sU l "\ u . I l l ' '

M i s . \ t - t ,i ( o i l , l is T h e y aKox i - i t e e l M i s. I e S!H H U k-.

l i e I . ,i - ' A i x i M I \ ot t h eF; ' I . 1 i i e I ) a . i i i n ; w i l 'ho ld i * s ' i i ; ] , lv "ln ' iV I a si i\( \ l -. . t u " ^

M s ';, ' . < \\ e I- v ,f S' > n \B o ' \\ s , l t T ( j !< • t ' ^ j

o t M ' ' it ""' > - l ' t e ' i I* .. 1 low .\ ' t " g ,i "s , , he ' P i i l \ i e

e i m e . ,. ; ' ' i > o K i M

V - . I M , i x v i e \ . i n k .'T ! \ - ' r v t . ,! ,iii K I I S

a> I *> - K s i a ^\ < i s t i l , s as i e t u i red !< •

h s , i . * -i .. Ih i i M \ u \.. > a 1

De pe * a • i s | i t g t h e v ei > n da " v- I o ' '1 n - \ \ e u u e

( e ' i . ,. i ^ t ' ¦ ' t h 1 * C" i m \' '] -d i t , L ' a m i \ " su l \ , t ( i i : i ( I p ;u t ..ii id i e e t ' *\\ a ' P.. * u 'a Vin pin '-(. . u ' i h l - it be st i ii am m \ on-1 ' i - w e i e M i . . id M - s R o h e i tr e d c t ' e o . O ' ' ' i s pi < s t>n * w » i et h t T ..iu 'i * e i . Mi 1 o s Fe l e i i e o .and M i l . and A ' ' - . Jn o n Heah andd. u u h t e i (. ], ' - ime '1 SL ..* -dale .

\I ss .land Thomi i son oi B i;Snoi e -p"it t last Monday v i s i t i nghu mothe i Mis . C h al k s Tntimp-son.

Last Sunday, vi si toi s at thehome of Mr. and Mrs . Nelson Col-l ins w e i e M i s . C ol l in s ' hi othei and.-ht"i -in-h.w . M i . and Mis . SamuelH i c k s of Seaioid.

Last Sunday aft ernoon . Mi . andMi?. F l am is Thompson entei -f f . ined hei m o t h e i anel father . Mi .ai tl . M i s. W i l l i a m Jones oi I shpMtnior.

On A ovembei 11, Mr. and Mrs .Joh n Baker , Jr.. Mr. and Mis .F i anc i s Sabimone and Mr. andMi . Vict or K > stuk a t tended th.'Annual ^hipw-ieek and Starve toDeath Doner Pai tv at the Mori-ches Y a c h t Club.

M i s . C h a i l ' s Nix and d a ugh t e r ,Ma* ie e>i R ip ley , Miss ., and Mr.and Mi s . f h a i l es Blackmer , Jr.,and d a ugh t e r , Debra Ann of GiandHdVen . M u b iga r , a i e \ i s j t m g th' iimodel . M i s . Jessie M ie Tiavis .M i s . Nix is the formei B< t ty T ia -v s , and Mi s . Blackmer is th i for-m e i S h n l e y T* avis .

Mr. and M i s . Em;i "uele Termi-Tiella l ecen t ly attended the We"-t-h t mpton Speedway Buffet Dinner-Dance at t h > Sunrise Hotel.

M i s . Florence Mercer and Mr-> .Charles Homan of Westhamptoia t tended the christei ing of Mr?.H e mans ' g ianddaughte r, VictoriaCai te r Rey nolds last week inNoi walk , Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. F iancis O'Conni *r ave r eturned home after spendinca lew days in Ful tonvi l le .

M i s- ]\]" ar\ Mosely of Riverheadspent last Wednesday visit ing Mrs.( ha i l e s Thompson

' M i s Ka te Alb in is a pa tn nt att i n C e n t i a l S u f f o l k Ho sp i ta l i iU n c i head

K i m Matson . da t gh t e r of Mi .. nd M i s . Onn i Matson. celebrated' ii ' s e \ ( i , l n b n t h d a \ la st \\ ednes-i .a\ She had -i s gue s t s hen l uo -t he r , M h 'n . hei s j s t e i , Jean an II r n Tu t t l e . B i i u e B i n d i n g and

1) i w n Put 1 le .\ su ipuse p.'. i t y was g i \ e n hist

Sn i ,la\ b\ t h e ' e n i p ! e > \ c s o[ t ic\ t w "\ oi k Teh p hone ( miipiii i j foiM ' s D M I H ! C !!" >> V, s. ( ' (" > f f cv

In s v. > \ v d t h . e e o inpany fo 1 27>\ e a i s . s ju, t,x ,^ a |s() pv sen t ed w i t ea hoiioiu t ot t l o w e i s . Cake amie d ! " " '1 e s< i \ t d.

R em n . C i n d a i e a n d Scot t B< "!spi n t ^ i t i . ' d ", a t : S u n d e- .N a t t h ioe no of t h e n g i a n u, ml h o i . Mi\\ A. B i l l .


Mrs. Ann llurtre, Tel. ATlantic 4-0B91

On Simday a f t i u noon , M r . andM i s . (Seoi ge S a m m i s and c h i l d r e n,. i c t ' t i ew ane l C l a u d i a , of M a st i c a e -. e > m p a n i e d oy M i s . S a m m is * paU ' .ts V v . and M i s . John Walk -1 an . a ' d son , 'i aonuts , of },lon-l u.k I f g n w . i \ en .|o\ e d a to i l'J • u g h i i s' , , 1 \ i ! i , M )k M i i - a i m .^t e \ l l li ' o k

.Mi .md "M i s H a l l o c k K w asn ai a 'i d t ' i a e le \ • n i l \\ ' t i d i n g

c n m \ t is . i \ X m c i i i i u i ]J at t h e nI ' me nil Pa' 1 es I C o ' ( I

M > .. "d M - Ge ig e Bin ge of! \ i in i' s i ' ,, ( j c u |o\ i d a \ M V Sat-i i i l \ M i n n i n g i i o m .Mi H i n g e 'ss s; L i . M t s. j; , i a i (i H e . i l \ a ndson , l l mi c i i . l i t ' l l e a l \s , w h o I e-

i ' e m '.'n i t \ \ i h e . sp , - .t .; lev'l a * s at f i e i* om of A l l . l l e a ly 's' e , i h i > . M i s . Ca 'h e i 'u e I lea ly ic P>eac '\ fo i l >v i n g t h e n ie-t t i i n H o r n an e _ht-d. .y vacat ionin Flor ida.

Mi . and M i s . Amiv lu ( u su/z i >of Biook 1*, n sj ient the i c c e n t week-end at t h t i r Stimmei les idence onTime! Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Penney ofLouis Avenue returne d recentlyfrom a three-week vacation attheir c ottage in Clayton. Duringtheir stay, they visited many ofMis . Penney 's relathes. M i s . Pen-ney is originall y fi om Clayton. MiPenne y enjoyed a few ot the daysh u n t i n g with Mrs. Penney 's broth-ei , Robert Smith , and they we iesuccessful in getting a deer.

On Novembei lo . M i s . JohnV, a lkman celebrated her birthdayw i t h hei hu sban d and s0n , Thomasi t their nome on Montauk Hi gh-way .

Mrs . Geoi ge Burge of BarnesRoad recently attended a demon-sti ation pai ty at 1he home of hi rsistei . M i s . Robert Chester of Nel-son Place. Mastic. Foll o w i n g thedemonsti ation , all enjoyed coffeeanel take .

huuJoc k Kwasna of Barnes Roadnas ii t inned to woi k following atwo week \acat ion .

Wi l l i am Walker , Sr.. and daugh-ter Joan, of Montauk Highw ay,l eturned lecent ly f iom a deer-h u n t i n g excursion in Kingfie ld ,Maine. Returning with them wereMr. Walker 's sons William Walk-er , Jr., and Robert Walker , hisdaughte r and son-in-law. Mr . andMrs . Leo Boyce. and their daugh-ter , Debra , all of Mastic Beach.The Walke r family stayed at theirhome in Kingfield. Mr. and Mrs.Boyce and thei r daughter werehouseguests at the home of Mr.Boyce 's mother , Mrs. Beulah Boy-ce. also of Kingfield.

George Burge , Sr., of BarnesRoad , who is Associate advisor of

' Expl u-ei Post 121 of Mastic Beach .

attended a Scout Council meeting-November 13 at the EpiscopalChurch in Bellport. AccompanyingMr. Burge were two explorer scoutrepresentatives of his post. Tenta-tive plans were made for Decem-ber 1(5, which is to include an af-ternoon of bowling, followed by anevening snack and completing theevening with a dance to be heldat the Episcopal Church Recrea-tion Hall in Bellport. Those par-ticipating will be various SeniorGirl Scout Troops and a numberof Explorer Posts from through-out the eastern end of Long-Island.


C E N T E R M O R K HES -Miss Melan ie ' Boelnar . daugh-te i ol A h . and M. s. J o h n O.Bodnar of \ 2 t S"in x A v en u e ,Center M o i i c h e ^ . is one of 14oK e u k a College s t u d e n t s p a i -t i c i p a t i n g in the college 's y e a i -1\ Fai l f ie ld pcnod ti t theK e u k i P a i k . N. Y. < ollege .

Keuka students lef t t hens tud ie - . November 111 , and re-'- t imed t h e i i col ' ege woi k incen te r s local 'd acioss thee o u n t i y t w o uays la te i . Dur -i n g t h e f i v e - w e e k Fall f i e l dpei od , st u d e n t s a i e eng age din special l e a r n i n g expel lenceso f t c a m p us .

The held pel iod p i o g i a mg ag s st u d e n t s t h e o p p o i t u n -n \ t o ii i l i / .e w o i k and serv ic ee v p o i i e n c o - in t lvu l e g u l a rc o l l e g e p i o g i a m . J u n i o r s ands cu m i s hold l e e u l a i h p a y i ngjob s tn engage m other expen-ences as a p hase of voca t iona lt r a in ing .

College cred.t is gnen forw o i k under taken du r ing f ie ldperiod. S tudents a i e super-vised by agency or companyl e p i ese n t a t i v es as well as bycodege ' f acu l ty nvmbei s. Stu-d e n t s are requned to evaluatethen f ie ld period experiencesand present an oia l lepor t ata publ ic meeting.

Along wi th other Keukafreshmen , Miss Bodnar is cur-l e n l l y engaged in a researchpioject . Her paper will be sub-nut tee as a f r eshman Engl i shrequirement . Purpose of thepioj ect is to give the s tudentan oppor tun i ty to exp lore afield of special interests anelto acquire the sk i l l s and tech-niques of organizing, inter-pret ing and lepor t ing the re-sults of a research study.Miss Bodnar is majoring inbiology.

C. Moriches StudentEngaged in Research

THANKFUL for generosity of students at Center Moriches HighSchool will be many people in depressed areas who will receiveclothing collected at school. Used , serviceable garments weregathered as part of Save Children Federation Bundle Day Drive.Here, students Da*»id Rogers and Margaret Tarry pack clothing.

—Advance Photo


On November 7, Brownie Troop84 met at the high school forthei r w eekly meeting with leaders ,Mrs. John K o s t u k , and Mrs.George A. Fiey Paula Kostuk andMicheie Gordon were flag bear-ers. Ruth Privett , and Beth O'Con-ner presented tbe troop with apuppet show. The meeting closed

| with Indian-style taps. "This weekthe Brownies met at the highschool with Ruth Privett andKim Matson act ing as flag bear-ers . The Brow nies continued tow ork on tray decoi ations thatpre to be dis tr ibuted to patientsat Centra l Su f fo lk Hospital , forThanksg iv ing. This project is partof the scouts c o m m u n i t y serv ice.The mee t ing closed wi th Indian-st.v le taps .


Girl Scout Troop 3(5 met Tues-day a f t e rnoon in the high schoolw i t h leaelei s M i s . Joseph K i i s andM i s . Vic tor Kostuk. Mi ss J u d i t hA l f r e d , w h o is working on he i-.Music Apprecia t ion Badge, pre -se n t e d a p i o g i a m of l ecorded mu-sic Tins m u s i c inc lud ' d fo lk songs ,ehiss ical . and ^emi-chis sical num-h o i s . Plans a ie being made forth"ir Chr i s tmas party w h i c h wi l lhe held Decemhei 10. Committeeswere appointed lo r the en terta in-ment , deco ia t ions and j e f r e s h -ments.


The Chipmunk and Cardinal Pa-trol of Troop 6*0 met l a -t uesday


at the high school with there lead-ers , Mrs . Frank Coker , Mrs. Clif-

! ton Raynor and Mrs. John Kuech.The Girl Scout Laws were dis-cussed , and they continued workon clown dolls that will be g ivento the children at St . Charles Hos-pital in Port Jefferson. The gir l sare 4 planning a Christmas sale ofhandmade articles such as cor-sages and earrings . Twelve troopmembeis enjoyed a t i ip to theEast Pond last Friday.

You save plenty by subscribingfor The Advance, the Postmasterdoes the rest. Only $5 for 12months, we pay the postage. Yourorder addressed to: Circulation

j Dept., P. O. Drawer 780, Patch-ogue, N. Y., will start your paperwith the next edition.—Adv.


M A S T I C — N o m i n a t i o n ofofficers of the M a s t u - S h i i levRepub l ican Chi n took placeTuesday evening at a m e e t i n gin t h < > _ Mas t i c F i i eha l l .

Those n o m i na t e d w . i e P e t >rRappa , pre side n t ; Thomas DeNicola , vice pres ident ; M i s .Joan M c C a 't h -, . l ecordingsecretary ; Mi s. Jul ia Costag-lio 'a cm responding secre ta iy;M'rs. Ju l i a Ya 'dcr . t i e a su r e i ;Basil Ba teman. s e ig"an( -a t -arms-, Mrs . Rose Gnouin to .t rustee for t w o v e a ' s, andM i s . M. A m a t o , tu istee foione year. C h a t l o - , Valder act-e d as chan nan d i n i n g then o m i n a t ion s .

Election of oince rs an I t h ea n n u a l Chn' tma ^ t v w i l lhe he'd at the Dec emhei meet-ing .

Mastic-Shirley GOPClub Sets Elections

MASTIC BEACH — Queen ofAll Hearts Council No. 4126 of theKnights of Columbus is sponsor-ing a dance and buffet Saturdayat the Sunrise Inn , Eastport.

Music for the guests' dancingpleasure will be supplied by the"Syncopators ,'' and admission canbe obtained at the door. JosephMaag is chairman.


FLY-UP BROWNIES of Troop S."5, Shirley, entered scouting re-centl y at ceremonies held at the Property Owners of Mastic Acresand S h i r l e v . Show n f r o m r ight to left , Francine Sands. LindaOrban . Francine Carlino , Margaret Savino , Linda Mi -e av i sh , \ u -

' drej Fabie, Rosilind Daw , Linda Chris topher -.on and Mary JeanIHardo . Girls w i l l leave t h e i r f or m e r leader . Mrs . Thomas Cody,and w ill enter e i the r Mrs. Rau l Hidalgo 's Nort h Shir lev Troop92 or Mrs. Wi l l i am Goss' Troop 32.