going. there another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! i love...

Hi Friends This is Alison. I’m so excited you are here! Having the ability to work from home (in your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses and it’s been such a blessing! There are a ton of perks to starting your own online business and I’m thrilled you are looking for ways to make it happen. Let’s get into it and get your gears turning so you can make this a reality. There are a oodles of “work from home” options out there and some are crazy! I’ve put together a list of ideas that I’ve looked into...and some that I’ve done that can be a great starting ground. You will be amazed by just how many options there are. Note: I have not included any MLM’s in here. Another thing to note...you’ll be able to start many of these with less than $50. Most of that will be for marketing. Oh one more thing. You’ll notice the first 3 things I will be referring to an ecourse that will soon be launched. YEAH! Those are what I have the most experience in and have found great success so I gush about it a lot. If it’s not your cup of tea...keep going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. These ideas are all going to be ways to find work online OR ways you can start your own business broken down into 2 sections. #1 Starting your own business #2 Ways to work for others in the e-life. Working remotely is gaining in popularity, and why not? Who doesn’t love the idea of setting your own hours? Working on your passion? AND making money. Here are some of my favorite ways for working online! The top 3 are my favorite.

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Post on 19-Jun-2020




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Page 1: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

Hi Friends

This is Alison. I’m so excited you are here! Having the ability to work from home (in your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses and it’s been such a blessing! There are a ton of perks to starting your own online business and I’m thrilled you are looking for ways to make it happen. Let’s get into it and get your gears turning so you can make this a reality.

There are a oodles of “work from home” options out there and some are crazy! I’ve put together a list of ideas that I’ve looked into...and some that I’ve done that can be a great starting ground. You will be amazed by just how many options there are. Note: I have not included any MLM’s in here. Another thing to note...you’ll be able to start many of these with less than $50. Most of that will be for marketing.

Oh one more thing. You’ll notice the first 3 things I will be referring to an ecourse that will soon be launched. YEAH! Those are what I have the most experience in and have found great success so I gush about it a lot. If it’s not your cup of tea...keep going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money.

These ideas are all going to be ways to find work online OR ways you can start your own business broken down into 2 sections.

#1 Starting your own business #2 Ways to work for others in the e-life.

Working remotely is gaining in popularity, and why not? Who doesn’t love the idea of setting your own hours? Working on your passion? AND making money. Here are some of my favorite ways for working online! The top 3 are my favorite.

Page 2: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

Starting your own business

This section is devoted to starting your own business. HowDoesShe.com is a mommy blog and one of the first online business I started about 6 years ago with 2 good friends. To find more about the business I am involved with visit me here. I have found HowDoesShe to be my ‘playground’ and it has taught me so much of how the online world works. There are so many ways to earn extra money while working at home on your computer. If you know how to work a phone, you might be surprised by the career options out there. Here are a few ideas for earning income while living the e-life! 1. Blogger. As a co-owner of HowDoesShe.com I can tell you this has been life changing for me. In the beginning my business partners and I put in a lot of hours. As the blog has grown to over 4 million hits a month and the hours have become less, but the financial rewards have increased dramatically. I put in about 10-15 hours a week now. I’ll be writing a blogging tips ebook soon to help you bypass a lot of mistakes and get you straight to earning income.There is a lot of sweat equity, but if you stick with it you’ll be a success; AND even make money when you sleep or vacation. This one takes longer to make money, but if you know a few web things or are willing to learn then it’s less of a financial investment.

2. Buy and Sell Products. (ecommerce) - Oh buddy, I’m excited for this one. I’ve actually got an entire ecourse on this topic and case studies because I believe in it so much! This one will help you to get to cash the fastest. It does require some cash upfront to buy products. You can build a brand you are proud to call your own. I’ve put in the course case study of how my girls (10 and 13years old) sold 100k in 9 months. The tips and tricks to get them there so quickly. Ahhh...that is insane. I tested it on my sister (yes, she’s younger) and she sold 129k in 7 months. It works. The opportunity is awesome and it’s real. You are on the email list if you got this e-book so you’ll find out soon how to get your hands on the e-course. Count down is on! You’ll love it! Promise. I currently have 3 profitable ecommerce sites (that doesn’t include HowDoesShe) and it’s seriously fun!

Page 3: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

There are 7 steps to making a killer business in the ecourse. You’ll want to watch for the email when it launches. I’m only going to allow a limited amount in the first round to make sure I can give my full attention. I want business owners and business dreamers to see success. E-commerce businesses. It’s hard work, but fun and rewarding. In the ecourse I want you to rock the online life. I’m linking to sites I buy from (that will give you great margins) and how to find manufactures. I’m adding in maps and addresses so you can find places in the USA and have your products made and designed for you. A section on pictures. That can make or break sales and branding. A section on how to set up a website in a day with NO coding experience needed. Did you know if you price it at $1 vs. $0.99 you could lose xx in sales - pricing and margins are a hot topic and it will be covered in detail and you’ll find out the sweet spots in pricing. Also, you learn how to sell and where to sell and sales copy. What makes the biggest bang for your buck and how to take your business to the next level. There is even a bonus section on how to build your ig account. How about 0-9999 in 6 months? I’ve tested it with 3 accounts and it works.

3. Make and Sell. This is super similar to the one above except you make it vs buy it. Do you make killer beanies? or Wood tables? Almost anything you can make, there could be a market for it. Etsy is a great place for handmade goods, but it can be saturated. In the ecourseI explained above I’ll give tips on working bloggers. Some are willing to do a trade, or charge you small price for advertising. This is a great way to earn income while doing what you love - and who knows what kind of growth you could experience from this?

4. Facebook Expert. Do you check Facebook first thing every morning? Why not start and grow a Facebook page on a specific niche? Yes, this is a real thing. Add in affiliate marketing and you could be earning for ‘playing’ on Facebook. Seriously, how cool is that? A Facebook bonus section will be in the ecourse that is coming soon. It will have tips that I’ve learned to grow Facebook from 180k likes to 700k likes in just over a year with no money and how you can convert those numbers to cash. You really can’t lose.

Page 4: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

5. Blog writer. Is the thought of running an entire blog a little overwhelming? I totally get that. Here is the good news - bloggers are always looking for contributors. You’ll be a shoe-in if you have creative ideas and okay-to-great photography. A friend of mine has written for a bigfoot blog. That is what she is passionate about and it works for her. It would NOT work for me. I do need to follow up to see if she got some pics on bigfoot. Ha! On HowDoesShe, we have writers from potty training, sewing, cooking, to dating your spouse. You don’t need to know every topic. You just need to know one. AND I’m sure you know more than that. You are smart. You have experience. You can easily make this happen. You can write a blog post on just about anything so go for it and make money in the process. Average pay for this is $35 for a post to $75 if you are a regular writer and have proven traffic results. How to make this happen? Write a blogger and see if they need a new blog writer. Show them your photography and let them know what you can do for them. PS...we are looking for a sewing blogger on HowDoesShe. Email [email protected] if you fit.

6. Virtual Assistant. Want to work while you are at the beach? Or in your P.J.’s at home wrapped up in a cozy blanket? This might just be the one for you. Best way to get one of these spots for a blog you love? Email them and tell them why they need you. Don’t be creepy about it, but let them know what you do and that you’d love to work for them. Add in a pic of you or you and your family so they see you are human...and not spam. If you’d like to go more general check out upwork.com, elance.com, guru.com, ifreelance.com. These are a great way to put out your ‘resume’ on what you can do.

Page 5: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

7. Graphic Designer. Do you know how to tickle the mouse? Create on your computer? Are you a pro on Photoshop? Your skills are needed. There are a lot of places you can put your work: Etsy, 99designs.com, Creativemarket.com, crowdsprings, witmart.com. You might be surprised by how many options there are for your design work. Get paid for your designs and get cash for that creative brain! You could even drum up a bit outside of that. Go bold and redo a bloggers or sites logo and then say...I love you, but your logo (insert a descriptive word). I’ve created a new one for you. Let me know what you think. If they like it then I’m guessing they will need new social buttons, layouts and all sorts of goodies.

8. Craigslist Pro- Buy and Re-sale on craigslist and make a lot of money doing it! Head over to Recraigslist.com for tips and secrets on how to make a profit on this business. I had a friend save up and buy her car this way. Buying low and selling high.

9. Design and Sell Patterns - Can you sew? I can’t. Can you show people how to sew, like me? Craftsy might be the one for you and I know people want to learn.

Page 6: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

10. Freelancing - $10-$1000 an hour. This can be anything from writing to business mentoring. You work for you, but you help others succeed. The pay is determined on your experience in the topic. I have a ton of friends that do this...some that make the $50 and a few that are in the $1000/hour range (and no they are not lawyers or doctors).

11. Kindle Publisher - Publishing takes less than 5 minutes and your book appears on Kindle stores everywhere within 24-48 hours. You set your prices and keep the rights to your book. They give you a 70% cut. Go here to find all the details. I may just put this ebook up there and I’ll let you know what happens.

12. Podcasting. Be a 2015 radio pro! Check out the expert John Dumas on what it takes to be a podcaster and how you make money on podcasting. Earn thousands just by talking. Who would have thought that talking could make you big bucks!?!

13. Fiverr.com Earn $5 for every gig. Any gig you can think of...singing to design work. Go over there and check it out. On and a word of caution: There are some things that I’m amazed that people are selling. You could get lost on laughing. I got my logo there and a cartoon character drawing of my father-in-law for my mother-in-law for Christmas. All sorts of cool and odd things for just five buckaroos!

14. Teespring. If you’re a proficient designer and have dreamed of having your creations showing up on clothing, check out this great website! You can design and sell your own t shirt line and not have to invest in the equipment.

15. Udemy - Are you an expert on a topic? Start your own course. Udemy has courses on everything. And I mean everything.

Page 7: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

16. Youtube channel - Who doesn’t want their five minutes of fame? Stretch out that five minutes and get your own following by creating a channel on YouTube. Share whatever interests YOU and make money at the same time. If you have a skill set that you’d like to share, this is a great way to do that. Think: Hairstyling tips, knitting how-tos, magic tricks, and parenting hacks. Get creative and get your name out there!

Let’s talk about just finding a job...not starting your own business. Note: This may require you to get out of your pj’s.

17. Check out Upwork and submit your resume or open up a Linkedin account to showcase your skills. There is a lot of competition so maybe start by asking bloggers you follow. Let them know what you can do for them. Are you a graphic designer or editing pro? This one may just be your ticket!

18. TaskRabbit.com - This is a great way to find people in your area who need simple tasks done. These are things almost anyone can do - shopping, weeding, running the dog to the groomer, and more. This is a great way to earn some extra income.

Page 8: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

19. Handybook.com - Are you great with fixing things around the house? This website helps you find people who need cleaning or handyman services in your area. Heaven knows I could use this service now and then!

20. Driver- Did you know that you can earn up to $200 a night driving people around? If you already love driving around town, and want to get paid for it, check out Uber.com or Lyft.com They require background checks to make sure you would qualify to drive. I don’t know if this would be the right business if you have cheerios and empty fruit juice boxes strung around your car. Customers would expect a clean car. I would be out on this one. I have 4 kids. I’d be a lost cause. But, hey, if you somehow manage to keep a clean vehicle - give it a shot!

21. Airbnb- Just imagine the fun around renting out a room in your house! If you have an extra room and love meeting people, why not earn some income? Check this out to see if it’s the right fit for you. This works especially well if you live closer to an ‘hot spot’ - you could charge more! I stayed at one of these rooms outside of New York for a blogger conference. It was around $1500 a night and helps with the reality of the cash that can be earned. 22. Columbia University Center of Decision Studies - want to get paid for your opinions? How about $16/hour for them? Most people put them on FB for free….might as well get paid!

23. Rentafriend.com - Yes, creepy, but it’s real and they pay. I wasn’t going to put this one on until I realized you could get paid to go talk with people. If you are the chatty type...this one might be right up your alley. Be smart on this one. Don’t go into dark alleys or meet up with a person alone. I don’t want to see your face on a milk jug.

24. Get around - Share your car and earn 5$ an hour. Note: this doesn’t require active work. It’s passive income! Hand your keys over and you are on your way to the first $5. Insurance is provided - just incase you were already stressing about that.

The updated (2015) versions of Secret Shoppers - Did you do that forever ago? I remember trying a McDOnald's egg mcmuffin and got $1.20 for it. So proud of that moment. I spent the cash in a drink to wash it down. ha.

25. Survey Savvy

A survey site where you’ll get to earn money for sharing your opinions with companies. The pay is $1.00 to $20.00.

26. Check point - Make money by scanning bar codes, taking quizzes, watching videos, searching the web, and completing offers. Trade points in for gift cards from Amazon, Target, and Walmart or get entries for giveaways. CheckPoints has been featured on Mashable and is both Android and iPhone compatible.

Page 9: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

27. Easyshift app - Get paid to shop, eat and explore in your city. Pay is $2-$20 per job.

28. Field Agent - This has you go onto the ‘field’ and check out brands are being displayed at local stores. Check on the inventory level or checking on the display and making sure it matches what was requested of the store. Task can pay anywhere from $3-$12.

29. Gigwalk - Now this is a cool option - become a GigWalker, and get paid to complete tasks related to businesses. For example, you might need to find the price of eggs at the local grocery store chains, or maybe verify the parking situation at a certain establishment. Think of how fun this could be? This is an app, so check it out!

29.5 Then let me just throw this one in. Want to make money from your old clothes? Poshmark is an app where you can sell women’s fashion! Download the application on your iPhone, create an account, and then start taking photos of the items you wish to sell. Once the item sells, print out a pre-paid, pre-addressed shipping label and send off your item. When the buyer receives the item, Poshmark will deposit 80% of the sale price into your account. I put this as a half because I don’t think you’ll make a ton with this unless you have crazy amounts of clothes and want to sell them all. I just threw it in because it could help pay for a romantic date night out with the hubs….or in reality a trip to the zoo with the kids.

Page 10: going. There another 26.5 ideas to help you earn some money. · your pj’s) is the best! I love talking about it and teaching others about it. I currently have 8 online businesses

Okay, there is your 25.5 ideas on how to rock and roll this e-commerce gig. Remember, building a business isn’t all roses. You may have a few weeds along the way, but when those roses bloom it’s very rewarding (both internally and externally). And yes, I have some Lady Boss socks. My father in law bought them for me. I’ll have my hubby do a course on living with a serial entrepreneur. He’s a good sport.