google analytics data mining with r

#tatvicwebinar A GACP and GTMCP company 1/28/2015 1 #tatvicwebinar 1/28/2015 1 #tatvicwebinar Google Analytics Data Mining with R (includes 3 Real Applications) Jan 28 th , 2015 FREE Webinar by

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Google Analytics Data Mining with R

(includes 3 Real Applications)

Jan 28th, 2015FREE Webinar by

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A GACP and GTMCP company

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Our Speakers

Kushan Shah

Maintainer of RGoogleAnalytics

Library & Web Analyst at Tatvic

@ kushan_s

Andy GranowitzDeveloper Advocate, Google

Analytics (Google)

@ agrano

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An Introduction to R

Why analyze Google Analytics data with R

Getting started with R & Google Analytics

Questions & Answers

3 Real Life Applications & Use Cases

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An Introduction to R

• Open source statistical computing language, widely used byorganizations to solve business problems

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An Introduction to R

• Open source statistical computing language, widely used byorganizations to solve business problems

Data Analysis Statistical Tests

Data Visualization

Predictive Models



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Why Use R

Easy to integrate with various data sources

Data Frame – Analogous to Excel Spreadsheet or MySQL Table

6000 Pre developed packages for various applications

No software licensing costs

Enables reproducible analysis

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Outline of this Webinar

An Introduction to R

Why analyze Google Analytics data with R

Getting started with R & Google Analytics

Questions & Answers

3 Real Life Applications & Use Cases

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Why analyze Google Analytics data with R

● Google Analytics API allows data extraction for custom reports

• Reports with up to 7 Dimensions and 10 Metrics

• API is well suited for batch data extraction

• API has techniques for handling large queries (10K - 1M records and beyond)

● RGoogleAnalytics = R Wrapper over the Google Analytics API

• Provides functions to easily interact with the Google Analytics API

• Takes care of the low level plumbing

● Google Analytics Premium User and data exported to Big Query

• Use the bigrquery package by Prof. Hadley Wickham

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A GACP and GTMCP company

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Outline of this Webinar

An Introduction to R

Why analyze Google Analytics data with R

Getting started with R & Google Analytics

Questions & Answers

3 Real Life Applications & Use Cases

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Getting Started with R and Google Analytics

● Install R -

● Install RStudio - GUI for R (Optional)

● Install RGoogleAnalytics

Check out the blogpost for a step by step walkthrough -

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Getting Started with R and Google Analytics

One Time Setup

● Create a Project in the Google Dev Console● Activate the Google Analytics API for your project● Get your Project’s Client ID and Client Secret

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Outline of this Webinar

An Introduction to R

Why analyze Google Analytics data with R

Getting started with R & Google Analytics

Questions & Answers

3 Real Life Applications & Use Cases

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● Example 1: Forecast Product Revenue for an eCommerce Store

● Example 2: Assess the long term value of your Marketing Campaigns

● Example 3: Web Analytics Visualization with ggplot2

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Example 1: Predict Product Revenue with R

● Get Product Revenue as Time Series (historical data)● Forecast Product Revenue for the next quarter

Check out the blogpost for a complete walkthrough -

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Example 1: Predict Product Revenue with R

Time Series Components

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Example 2: Long Term Value of Your Marketing Campaigns

Check out the blogpost for a complete walkthrough -

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Example 2: Long Term Value of Your Marketing Campaigns

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Query New Customers Acquired via a Given Campaign

query.list <- Init( = "2014-11-01", = "2014-12-20",

dimensions = "ga:date",

metrics = "ga:transactions,ga:transactionRevenue",

segment = "users::sequence::

^ga:userType==New Visitor;


ga:campaign==Campaign A;


sort = "ga:date", = tableId)

Example 2: Long Term Value of Your Marketing Campaigns

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Example 2: Long Term Value of Your Marketing Campaigns

Segments Explained

• The segment selects users:: in order to include not only the sessions that match the conditions, but all sessions among users who match the conditions.

• The sequence:: prefix selects a set of users that completed a specified set of steps

• Step #1 - Visit from a given campaign in a given set of time

• Step #2 - Make a purchase

• The ^ prefix in front of ga:userType==New Visitor;dateOfSession<>2014-11-01_2014-11-07;ga:campaign==Campaign A ensures that the Date of Session, Campaign, and User Type conditions are true for the first hit of the first session in the given date range.

• ->>perSession::ga:transactions > 0 specifies the second step of making a purchase at some point.

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Example 2: Long Term Value of Your Marketing Campaigns

• head(campaign_a_df)

• cumulativeTransactions <- cumsum(campaign_a_df$transactions)

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Example 2: Long Term Value of Your Marketing Campaigns

Use the data to Generate a Cumulative Transactions Plot

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Example 3: Web Analytics visualization with ggplot2


• gg – Grammar of Graphics (Wilkinson, 2005)• R Implementation by Prof. Hadley Wickham• Sophisticated graphs in a *few lines of R code

* Learning Curve

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Example 3: Web Analytics visualization with ggplot2

ggplot(data = + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = itemRevenue)

Check out the blogpost for a complete walkthrough -

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Example 3: Web Analytics visualization with ggplot2

Decomposing the syntax

• Create the ggplot object and populate it with data • ggplot(

• Add Layers(s) • geom_line(aes(x=date, y=itemRevenue))

• Other geoms – bar, point, line, histogram• Aesthetics describe how variables are mapped to visual

properties of geoms• Additional Plotting Options -> Plot title, Axis Titles, Axis Text

Formatting, Legends

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Best Practices

• Become familiar with the Google Analytics API Naming Conventions

– Dimension/Metric names are in camelCase

• Know the permissible Dimension Metric Combinations


• Use the Query Feed Explorer to test queries before running them in R


• Post issues at

• Questions at Google Analytics Reporting API Forum

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Further Resources


• Watch the full R Google Analytics Webinar -

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Outline of this Webinar

An Introduction to R

Why analyze Google Analytics data with R

Getting started with R & Google Analytics

Questions & Answers

3 Real Life Applications & Use Cases

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Next Webinar

Webinar: Everything You Need to Know aboutGTM V2

When: Feb 18th 10:00 AM PDT Guest Speaker

Phil Pearce(Web Analyst/ PPC/ SEO Expert)

You will learn:• How to Upgrade to GTM V2• Mistakes to Avoid while Upgrading• A Quick Checklist for Upgrading to GTM V2

And much more…

Register Here -

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Kushan ShahTwitter: @kushan_s

Thank You!

Andy GranowitzTwitter: @agrano