gramática 7.2 past participles used as adjectives el 10/11 de mayo

Gramática 7.2 Past Participles used as Adjectives el 10/11 de mayo

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Page 1: Gramática 7.2 Past Participles used as Adjectives el 10/11 de mayo

Gramática 7.2Past Participles used as Adjectives

el 10/11 de mayo

Page 2: Gramática 7.2 Past Participles used as Adjectives el 10/11 de mayo


• You will copy the following notes on page 189 of your INB.

• The title for this section is:Past Participles used as Adjectives

• If you run out of room, get a loose leaf-paper and continue your notes there.

Page 3: Gramática 7.2 Past Participles used as Adjectives el 10/11 de mayo

Past Participles used as adjectives

• To form past participles, replace the -ar infinitive ending with -ado and the -er or -ir endings with -ido.

Según la receta, se necesita una taza de cebollas picadas. ¿Las puedes picar tú?

Page 4: Gramática 7.2 Past Participles used as Adjectives el 10/11 de mayo

Past Participles used as adjectives

• Many adjectives that describe how food is cooked or prepared are past participles. Notice that freír (frito) and revolver (revuelto) have irregular past participles.

Past Participles

asado(a) roasted hervido(a) boiled

balanceado(a) balanced horneado(a) baked

cocido(a) cooked picado(a) diced

congelado(a) frozen quemado(a) burned

derretido(a) melted revuelto(a) stirred, scrambled

frito(a) fried tostado(a) toasted

Page 5: Gramática 7.2 Past Participles used as Adjectives el 10/11 de mayo

Past Participles used as adjectives

• Remember that past participles used as adjectives must agree with the noun they modify in gender and number.

Me gustan los huevos revueltos con pan tostado.

Page 6: Gramática 7.2 Past Participles used as Adjectives el 10/11 de mayo

Useful Vocabulary:preparación (directions)mezclar (to mix)agregar (to add)batir (to beat/whip)cortar (to cut)picar (to chop)rebanar (to slice)revolver (ue) (to stir)calentar (ie) (to heat/preheat)

moler (ue) (to grind)vertir (ie) (to pour)amasar (to knead)apagar el horno (turn off the oven)medio/media (half)onza (ounce)libra (pound)tamizar (to sift)grasa (shortening/grease/lard)

rallar (to shred)hornear (to bake)cocinar (to cook)a fuego mediano (over medium heat)

prender el horno (to turn on the oven)

la taza (cup)la lata (can)molido (ground)(#) taza(s) de harina (cup of flour)la cucharada (tablespoon)la cucharadita (teaspoon)el plato hondo (bowl)el plato (plate)la olla (pot)la sartén (skillet)la cacerola (sauce pan)la recipiente (baking dish)el cuchillo (knife)la cuchara (spoon)

la tienda de comestibles (grocery store)azúcar flor (powdered sugar)hervir (to boil)

masa (dough)aceite de oliva (olive oil)