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GuilDy Treasures SCR Seminar 2018 Final Report

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Facts• TookminutesatallSeminarCommitteeandExecutiveCommitteemeetings• SubmittedminutesofSeminarCommitteeandExecutiveCommitteemeetingstotheRegionDirector,Assistant

RegionDirector,andRegionTreasurer• Maintainedamasterfileofallminutes,contracts,andanyotherseminardata

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• None


Facts• UsedpriorSeminarbudgetasastartingpoint

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• UsetheSeminarTaskListTimelinespreadsheetforspecificduedates.• YouwillreceivetheSCRloanintwoparts.$500whentheseminarChairandTreasurerareinterviewedand


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• Don’tbesurprisedifittakesseveralreviewsbythebank’slegaldepartmentbeforetheyapprovetheaccounttobeopened.Eachstate/county/townwillhavedifferentrequirements.Noneofitisimpossibletoprovidebutitcanbeslow.Pleasecontactmeifyouhavequestionsonthedocumentationtheyneed.

• TheSeminarChairshouldalsobeasigneronthebankaccount.GivesomecheckstotheChairsopaymentscanbemadeeveniftheTreasurerisunavailable.

• IdiduseQuickBookstokeeptherecordsandthentransferredthemtotheExcelspreadsheettodistribute.AtfirstItriedusingtheQuickBooksProfitandLossStatement,butthenon-accountingtypeshadaneasiertimewiththespreadsheetversion.

• Allowmoretimethanyouthinkyouwillneedtocreatethebudget.IfoundIspentalotoftimeonthe“whatif”scenarios.Lookcloselyatpriorseminarsfortheattendancenumbers.Theyareshrinking.Alsobesurethatyouareinvolvedinthecancellationpolicywordingandtimingdates.Besureitispublishedintheregistrationform.

• Workcloselywiththeregistrartomakesureyouarenotduplicatingwork.Theregistrarkeptallthedetailontheindividuals,andthensentmeadetailedspreadsheetwitheachbatchofchecksfordeposit.IcreatedtheExcelformforhertousewiththedetail.Ijustenteredthetotalsintomydepositsummary.

• Makesurethatyouknowfromtheteachercontractswhetherteacherswillreleasetheirkitstothosenotattending.Youwillhavelastminutecancellationsandmanywanttheirkits,ifpossible.

• Mymostactivetimeatseminarwasthelastdaywhenallteachersarepaid.Takingaclassispossibleifyoucanbeoutofclassonthelastafternoon.Makesureyouhaveaprinteravailable.Iprintedafinalpaymentsummarytogowitheachteacher’spayment.Ialsohadthemsignmycopyofthesummaryandthattheyhadreceivedtheirpayment.

• Iprovidedasmallfileboxclearlylabeled“Treasurer”withmynameandcellphonenumberonthelabel.ThisboxwasattheRegistrationtableandIcheckeditacoupleoftimesaday.Ourcommitteewastoldtoputreimbursementrequeststhereandtheteachersreturnedformstothebox.

• Icreatedan“invoice”foreachteacher.Itincludedtheirnameandaddress.WedidnothaveanyteachersnewtoEGAsoIdidnotneedanysocialsecurityinformation.Italsohadthenumberofteachingdays,theamountoftheirkitfeesandperdiemfilledin.Iaskedforthemtoattachtheirtravelreceiptsandfillintheirnumberofkitsforeachclass.Igavetheteachersadeadline(nexttothelastday)tohavetheformbacktomealongwithtravelreceiptsandnumberofkitfeesperclass.IgavethemanenvelopewiththeformsattheTeachermeeting/reception.Ialsoincludedmycellphonenumberiftheyhadanyquestions.Everyteacherhadittomeontime.

• Besuretocheckthosehotelbillsreallywellbeforepaying.Wefoundafewerrorsthatwouldhavecostussomemoney.Isentanitemizedlistofadjustmentswiththefinalcheck.OurEventCoordinator(AmandaGarcia-Slater)ChairandViceChairalsoreviewedthebillcarefully.

• Ididnotdoanybankingduringseminar.Ididbringseparatecashenvelopes/bagsfortheregistrationtable,opportunityknocks,andmerchandisenight.Checkwiththechairmanofthoseeventsbeforeseminartoseewhattheythinktheywillneed.Youwillreceivethemostcashfromtheopportunityknocksticketpurchases.Ouropportunityknockschaircountedticketsdailyandhadcashinenvelopesbyday.Somucheasierthatwayforeachofus!


Facts• Nineteenvendorsparticipatedwithatotalof32tablesofmerchandise• Thereweresevensponsors;3GoldLeveland4SilverLevel

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• FreetableswereprovidedforEGANational,SCRand2019Seminar• 1yearoutdeveloptheneededforms(2018’sareattached).Donotincludedeadlinedatesyet.Thepersonin


• Iputtogetherfolders(2pocket).Ontheoutsidewasasavethedatecardandmybusinesscard,andontheinsidewerethe2formsforMerchandiseNightandthe2formsforSponsorships.Thefoldersseemed“hardertolose”thanjustmailedoutforms.

• Ifyouareattheprioryear’sseminar,handthefoldersoutonMerchandiseNighttothevendors.• Aboutayearout,developalistofpotentialvendors/sponsors.Iassumedallvendorswerealsopotentialsponsors.• About9monthsoutvisitlocalshopsanddropofffolders.Andmailoutfolders,especiallytoshopswhohave


• CreateASpreadsheet.It’simpossibletokeeptrackwithoutit,especiallytowardstheend.Includename,contactinfo,dateyoureachedouttothem,dateform/formsreceived,howpaymentwasmade,etc.

• 6monthsoutgetalistofthefaculty(alongwiththeiremails).SendoutagroupemailaboutMerchandiseNightandattachthe2formstoit.Manywillparticipate.

• Fromthispointonuntiltheseminar,gentlyremindshopswhohavenotrespondedyet.Iftheyarenotupforattending,theycanalwayssponsor.

• At2monthsoutstartworkingonthe2pagesyou’llberesponsibleforintheNotebook–ParticipatingVendorsandSponsors.IusedtheformatfromthepriorseminarNotebook.

• RemembertocontactEGA,thenextyear’sseminarchair,andSCRtoseeiftheywouldlikeatable.Ididnotchargethesegroups.

• 3orsoweeksoutsendanemailtoalltheMerchandiseNightparticipantsremindingthemaboutthedate,hotelnameandaddress,roomname/#,timesforMerchandiseNightandtimetheroomopensforthemtosetup.Ialsoincludedmycell#foranyemergencies–andyes–theycameup.

• Recruitsomevolunteerstohelpyou“guard”theroomfromthetimeitopensuntilMerchandiseNightbegins.• Havetabletagsmadeupforeachparticipantandatablelayoutdoneoftheroom.Itisyourresponsibilitytodoa


• Stayuntilthelastvendorhasleft.Theymayneedhelpwithvaletsorluggagecarts.

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• IWish

o Wehadnotputdeadlinesontheformsuntilweknewthepublisherdate.Itresultedinmanyphonecallsbeggingforinformationearly,and,ofcourse,apologies.

o Ihadlookedatvendorsfrompriorseminarsandcontactedthemearlier.o IhadputtogetheratablearrangementbeforetheactualMerchandiseNight.o IhadspokenwithmoreexperiencedGuildmemberearlyonforadditionaltipsandpotentialparticipants.


Facts• Fourteenvendorsparticipatedwithatotalof20tables.• May,2017(13mosbeforeseminar)

o CreatedStashSaleInvitationoptions

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o ObtainedapprovalfromSeminarChairo Invitationwasplacedin2018SeminarBrochure,availableat2017Seminaro [email protected]

• December,2017(6mosbeforeseminar)o Createdspreadsheeto Name,Chapter,Contactinfo(phoneandemailarebothuseful),#oftables,Costamount,Paidamount(and

how,iecheck,partofregistration),Via(weretoldinperson,onphone,viaemailthatatableistoberented)• January,2018(5mosbeforeseminar)

o EmailedInvitationtoallSCRchapters–PresidentsandNewsletterChairmen• April,2018(2mosbeforeseminar)

o Determinedhowmanyvolunteerswouldbeneededo PreparedmaterialforSeminar2018Notebook

• June,2018o SentemailtoallStashSaleparticipantsregardingParkingOptionsandotherusefulinformation(Remind


Hindsight,TipsandTricks• DayofStashSale

o Smileandwaitforthingstogowrong.Bepreparedtoguardthedoorsagainstearlyshoppers.Haveaplaninthebackofyourheadforwhenaparticipantdoesn’tshowand/orwhensomeoneneedsanextratable,Bepreparedwhentheanxietiesandfrustrationsoftheparticipantsfalluponyourears.

o Keepalistofparticipantsandtheirphonenumbersonyouallday.Forlastminutechanges,youmayneedtocalleachparticipant.

o Bepreparedtobethelastpersonoutoftheroom• General

o CommunicatecloselywithRegistrarandTreasurertoknowwhohassignedupandpaidfortablesviaregistration

o CreateCORRECTGmailaddress.Otherwise,youwillbewonderingwhyyouarenotreceivinganyemailso IncludemailingaddressonInvitationo HaveaccesstocurrentSCRemaildatabaseo CheckGmailaccountandmaintainspreadsheetregularly


Facts• EstablishedanExcelspreadsheetofourfacultyearlyintheprocessandkeptitupdatedasfacultywasfinalized.• FollowedtheSeminarTaskListTimelinespreadsheet.• Receivedatotalof192proposalsfrom36teachers,includingminiclassteachers.• Imadecustomnametagsforallfaculty

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• ProposalProblems

o Theproposalscameinallatonce.TheGmailwebmailboxcapacitywasexceededandsometeachershadtheirworkreturned.

o Theproposalsallhaddifferentformats.Timeandeffortswasrequiredtostandardizetheformat.o Proposalswereorganizedincomputerfoldersbyteacher’slastnameandtitleofthepiece

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o Colorcopiesofproposalswereneeded.JaneMajorsprintedthemandsentthemtomeduetothecostofprinting.

• CommunicationwithFacultyo Emailedthesuggestedlettersforcommunicationwithsomechangesmadebyme.Hardcopiesofsigned

contractswererequestedfromteacherso TheFacultyDeanmustworkcloselywiththeRegistrar.

• SeminarDayso ShortlybeforeSeminar,Isentthefacultysomelast-minuteinstructions,myscheduleandcellnumber,anda


o Keepinclosecontactwiththetransportationchairtoexpeditefacultytransfersfromairportso Besuretokeepupwithlast-minutetransportationchangesforfaculty.


Facts• EarlyMarchaskedDeanofFacultyfornamesandemailsoffaculty • ContactedteachersandotherswhomightbeinterestedindisplayingclasspiecesatTeacherShowcase • ContactedSeminarChair/Vice-ChairaboutnumberoftablesrequiredforTeacherShowcase • CreatedtentcardswithAverytentcardsforeachparticipant.OndayofTeacherShowcase,setouttentcards • IntroducedmyselftoeachparticipantsandletthemknowIwastheretoassistinanywayIcould.


Facts• JaneMajorshandledallaspectsofthewebsite.Iwasresponsibleforgatheringtheinformationforthebrochureand

formattingit.• January2017,

o RequestsweresenttoallCommitteeChairsrequestinginformationforthebrochure/website.o Informationwasreceivedfromtherespectivechairs.

§ Classes• AllclassdescriptionsandpictureswerereceivedfromtheDeanofFacultyandMiniClass


§ Faculty• Facultybiographiesforthe3day,2dayand1dayclasseswerereceivedfromtheDeanof

Faculty.• BiographiesfortheteachersoftheMiniClasseswerereceivedfromtheteachers.

§ TheinformationforMerchandiseNight,StashSale,OpportunityKnocks,NameTags,andHotelwasreceivedfromtherespectivechairs.

§ TheWelcomeletter,AgendaandFAQswerereceivedfromtheSeminarChair.§ TheWorkshopEtiquetteinformationwasobtainedfromtheDN&TGyearbook.§ TheRegistrationinformationwasobtainedfromtheRegistrar.

o Asallinformationwasreceived,itwasreviewedandproofread,and,ifnecessary,aWorddocumentwascreated.AlldocumentsandmaterialwasforwardedtotheSCRwebmaster.

• April26,2017o Thefirstdraftofthewebsitewasavailableforreview.

• May2017,

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o Thewebsitewasreviewedandanycorrections,additionsorotherchangesweresenttothewebmaster.Allchangeswerereviewed.

• Whenthewebsitewasfinalized,aPDFbrochurewasdevelopedbythewebmasterforuserstodownloadasdesired.

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Havemultiplepeopleproofreadeverysubmissionandchange.


Facts• CreatedaspreadsheetwithfacultyarrivalanddepartureinformationfrombothairportsintheDFWarea• Volunteerstransportedfacultytoandfromairports

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Intheeventtherearemultipleairports,confirmboththearrivalanddepartureairport.Sometimestheydiffer.


Facts• Onceathemeisselected,meetwiththeseminarcommitteetodiscusstheirexpectationsforthelogo

(approximately2yearspriortotheevent)• Thelogomustinclude:EGA-SCRSeminar,thenameoftheevent,dateandlocation• Thesimpleryoukeepthelogo,thecleaneritwilllookanditwillbeeasiertoadaptittomultiplemediums(pins,

favors,totebags,posters,etc.)• Oncethelogoconceptshavebeencreated,meetwiththecommitteeforlogoselection• Createlogoandsubmit.jpgtoseminarcommitteeheadforsubmissiontoSCRforapproval• Ifrevisionsarerequired,updatelogoandresubmitforfinalapproval• Send.jpgofthefinallogotoallcommitteechairsthatwillneedthelogo:seminarchairman,website,program,

favors,registration,etc.• Twoweekspriortotheevent:

o Createaposterwiththelogoand“registration”fortheregistrationarea/deskattheevent.WeorderedoursfromStaplesandthenpurchasedafoamcoreboardfromDollarTreeandmounteditourselvesusingspraymount(foundatHobbyLobby,Michaels,JoAnnCrafts,HomeDepot,etc.)


Facts• None

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• RegistrationatSeminar2017

o Haveastampmadetofillinpeople’schecks–thatwaythey’llbemadeoutcorrectlyWemadeasimplesignthatwasonourtableofwhotomakethecheckouttoandthathelped,butdidn’talleviatealloftheproblems.

o Havesignagetoidentifywhichclassesareoneachtable(i.e.1-day,2-day,etc.)ANDthatthe2-dayclassesareThursday/Fridayandthe1-dayclassesareonSaturday.

o RegistrationdoesNOTneedtobeopenuntil5:00pmonSaturday.Wedidn’treceiveanyadditionalregistrationspasttheafternoonclassbreak.

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o Wehadandsold,SCRraffleticketsforachancetowinone’sregistrationatthenextyearSCRSeminar.WecouldalsohavesoldticketsfortheNationalSeminarraffle,butwedidnothavethosetosell.

o Wepurchasedsomeclearfoodstoragecontainerstoplaceoversomeoftheparticularlysmallpiecesondisplaytohelpensurethattheydidn’t“growlegs”anddisappear.WealsohadamemberwhohadsomeLucitedisplayboxesthatwerealsousedforsmallitems.Theboxesweresecuredtothetableusingmountingtapeorputtysothattheycouldn’tbepickedupeasily.

o SmallerpieceswerestrategicallyplacedinthelineofsightoftheRegistrarsothatshecouldeasilykeephereyeonthem.

o Istartedwith100copiesofforms,then(beforetheendofthefirstday)had50moreprinted.Wehadanadditional50printedanddippedintothose,butdidn’tuseallofthem.With103registrationsatthe2017SCRSeminar,clearlymoreformsweretakenthanwereturnedin.Toavoidsuchexcessiveprintingyoumighthavesignageto“takeaformonlyifreturningit”.

o WeprintedALLpagesofeachoftheregistrationformsandIbelievethiswasawaste.Manypeoplehandedmeallofthepagesanddidnotkeeptheinformationalpoliciesandprocedurespages.FutureSeminarteamsmightconsiderprintingapostersizeprintoutofthepageswithpolicy,classassignments,etc.andhavethosepostedwithareminderthatallinformationisonlineforreference.Printafewcopiesoftheinformationalpagesforthosefewpeoplewhowishtotakethem.

o IhadacopyoftheSeminarBrochure,showingalloftheclassesandthedetailsattheregistrationdesko Therewereanumberofquestionsaboutcanvas/linencountsfortheprojects(13/18countcanvasor


o IhadareceiptbookthatIinitiallyusedforallreceipts.Ultimately,Ionlygavereceiptsforcash.o Ipurchasedastampwithsomesimplewordslike“Received”,“Entered”andachangeabledatethatIused


o Wehadour“firstday”registrationperiodgoafullmonth(andthensome)afterthecloseofthe2017SCRSeminar.ThatseemedtobetoolongsincewedidnotreceivemanyregistrationsafterthefirstfewdaysafterSeminar.

o I’vehadquiteanumberofpeoplewhoonlylistedoneclasschoice.PerhapstheregistrationformshouldsayintheCLASSASSIGNMENTSsectionsomethingtotheeffectof“Ifweareunabletoplaceyouinaclassofyourchoosing,wewillassignyouSTUDIOTIMEforthenumberofdaysthatyouhaveselectedclassesfor.”

• Registration/Check-InatSeminaro Havea“check-in”sheetpreparedsothatparticipantscansimplycheckofftheirnameswhenthecometo


o MakesuretheRegistrarhasthestatisticsthatwillbeneededattheendsothatdatacanbekeptwiththisinmind.Also,adecisionshouldbemadeastohowtocountparticipantsinaclasstechnique,particularlywhenthetechniqueoftheclassdoesn’tsingularlylineupwiththetechniqueslistedinthestatsspreadsheet.

o WesoldnametagkitsinRegistration(limitedtotwo24-hourperiodsoftax-freesales–theeveningof“MerchandiseNight”throughcloseofRegistrationthenextday,andfollowinglunchonFridaythroughlunchonSaturday(topickupthe“Saturdayonly”attendees)).Itseemedtobeagreatplacetoselltheseandmayhaveresultedinadditionalsales.


Facts• UsedpriorSeminarNotebooksasastartingpoint• RequestedinputfromallSeminarCommitteechairs

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• Setinformationsubmissiondateearly• Setprintdeadlineearly

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Havemultipleproofreadersandproofreadrepeatedly


Facts• WeoptedtohostminiclassesratherthanRegionDayduetotheJuneheatinDallas.Thatturnedouttobeagood

decisionsincethetemperaturewasexceptionallyhotduringSeminar.• IcontactedthosewithinourGuildwhoIknewwhowereexpertstitchersandtriedtovarythetechniquessothat

therewassomethingforeveryone.• Thetechniqueschosenwerestumpwork,needlepoint,beadwork,andEnglishpaperpiecing.Wealsooffereda

lectureoncollectingantiqueneedleworktools.Allwerewellattended,especiallythelecture• Iwroteabriefarticledescribingtheminisofferedinbothourlocalnewsletterandtheregionnewsletter,whichran


Hindsight,TipsandTricks• AlloftheteachersforourminiclasseswereexperiencedteachersbutIfeelthatImighthavedoneabetterjobof



Facts• General

o The2018SeminarCommitteechosetohireAmandaGarcia-Slaterasourprofessionaleventplanner/hotelliaison.ShealsofilledthefacilitychairpositionontheSeminarcommittee.

o OurSeminarViceChairservedastheChapterHotelLiaisonbetweentheChapterandAmanda.§ TheChapterHotelLiaisonservedastheconduitthoughwhichallinformation,requests,and

questionstoandfromtheSeminarCommitteewerepassedtoandfromAmanda.§ TheChapterHotelLiaisonattendedallExecutiveandGeneralSeminarCommitteemeetings

o AmandawasaninvaluableassettoourSeminar.WestronglyencouragefutureSeminarstousehervaluabletalentsandknowledge.

• Negotiationso ThreeyearspriortoSeminar2018,weselectedtheWestinDallasParkCentraltobeourhosthotel.This


o Thefollowingconcessionswereagreeduponifatleast80%oftheminimumGuestRoomRevenueandMinimumFoodandBeverageRevenuewerereceived

§ Eventspacewascomplimentarywithaminimumof425roomnightsandaminimumexpenditureof$45,000infoodandbeveragecosts,inclusiveofmandatoryservicecharges/gratuities.

§ ComplimentaryWi-FiInternetinallguestrooms§ Complimentaryaccesstofitnesscenterandrooftoppool§ 1per35complimentaryroompolicy§ Grouprateavailability3dayspriorandposteventdates§ Complimentaryshuttlewithin5mileradiusofhotel

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§ 10%discountonpublishedcateringmenus§ 15%discountonpublishedaudiovisualpricing§ 2suite(1bedroomsuites)upgradesatthegrouprate–onewasusedbytheSeminarChair/Deanof

Faculty.TheotherwasofferedinadrawingformembersoftheSeminarExecutiveCommittee§ 5upgradestoConciergelevelatthegrouprate–thesewereofferedtoExecutiveCommittee

members§ 10roomsat$109rate–thesewereusedforfaculty§ $10rebateoffofthegrouprateonmasterbilledrooms§ NocostforbringingownA/Vequipment(whiteboards,extensioncords,projectors,etc.)§ Complimentaryparkinginadjacentlot§ (20)ComplimentaryPassesforGarageSelfParking–theseweredistributedtokeymembersofthe


§ 30%discountonValetParking§ (1)Complimentarymicrophoneinroomformeals§ (1)ComplimentaryPresidentialSuitewith2connectingroomsfor5nights–usedbyEGAPresident,


• Statisticso GroupRoomBlock:425roomnightswerecontracted.436roomnightswereconsumed.o Totalspentforallguestrooms,includingtaxes,was$6460.56o Totalspentforallmealsandcashbarswas$46,243.60o Mealeventsaveraged191guestspermealo Totalspentforallaudio/visualrentalswas$3,520.40,includingtherentalofaprojectorforthemini-class


Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Hotelplanning,check-in,checkout,parking,facilities,classroomsetup,etc.wentverysmoothly.Asalways,there



Facts• Neitherabookstorenoraboutiquewasoffered• PublishedalistoflocalneedleworkstoresintheNotebook



Favors• Weplannedfor200attendees,includingregistrantsandteachers• BullionCoinmagnetswerepreparedfor220participantsandteachersforthe2017seminarasanintroductionto

the2018seminar.• Favorswerepreparedandhandedoutfor200participantsfor2018seminarplus11teachers

o Needlethreaderw/cutterandneedlepuller(pullermadefromrubbersinkmatspurchasedfromDaiso,NeedlepullerspurchasedfromHobbyLobby)

o Waxerinshapeofscissors(HandmadeandpurchasedfromDN&TGmember)

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o TreasureChestw/Stickpin(TreasurechestpurchasedfromMichaels,handmade-beadsforstickpindonated)

• Allextrafavors,projectbagsandpinsweresoldattheregistrationtable.TabledecorationsweresoldduringtheFridayluncheon.Envelopeswereplacedoneachtableforeasypurchase.Leftoversweresoldattheregistrationtable.

• Planfavorsearly.Watchforsalesandusecouponsforpurchasingwhenyoucan.Orderanyneededmerchandiseearly.

• Nolessthan4volunteerswillbeneededforhandingoutfavorsandtakinguptickets;twooneithersideoftheopendoors.Theycanalsohelpwithdecoratingthetablesandhandingoutdoorprizes.

TableDecorations• Centerpieceswerecomprisedofquiltedpalmtreesontopofaburlaptable-topperwithMardigrasbeads,shellsand

afelt-linedtreasurechest.• CenterpieceswereusedasdecorationsforlunchonThursdayandFriday.Weoptedtousehotelsupplied

centerpiecesfortheFridayBanquet• BecauseMerchandisenightwasheldinthesameroom,itwasnecessarytotakeeverythingdownonThursday,store

andthenreassemblebeforelunchonFriday.Keepthisinmindwhenplanningyourtabledecorations.• Allcenterpieceshadtobecompletebythe2107SeminarwhenourthemewasintroducedattheSaturdayluncheon.

FacultyHospitality• 18bagswerefilledfor11facultymembersand6specialguestswith1extrabag• Browncraftbagswithbrowntissuepaper,andbrowngiftfillerwereusedascontainers• Anametagandadrinkvoucher,foruseinthehotel,wereattachedtoeachbag• BagscontainedFamousAmosBiteSizeCookies,2kindsofBreakfastbars,peanuts,2bottlesofwater,peanutbutter


DoorPrizes• DoorprizesintheformofgiftcertificatesandprizeswereattheSCRannualmeetingandatallseminar-provided

meals.• DoorprizematerialswererequestedfromChaptermembersfromSeptemberthroughAprilatmeetingsandinthe

Chapternewsletter.• Emailed198needleworkshopsacrossthecontiguous48statesrequestingtheirparticipationinthe2018SCR

seminardoorprizeevent.Only10shopsrespondedsoIwouldnotrecommendthisinthefuture.• Created25“baskets.”Namedeachbasketperthemeand/orcontent.Basketswerewrappedincellophane.

Coloredcodedthebasketswithribbon,pertherespectivemeal• Wrotedoor-prizearticlefortheseminarNotebook.• Wroteadescriptionforeachbasket,resultingintwo-pageinsertforeachwelcomepacket.Thoughtthiswould

expediteparticipant’sdecisionandlessenthecrowdaroundthedoorprizes.Overallthiswasnotsuccessful.• Madeonesetofticketboxes(7)withclear,plastic,open-endedsleevegluedtoeachlidforrepeateduse.Usedfor

SCRdoorprizedrawingandthe25baskets.• CommunicatedfrequentlywithAdvertisingchairforacountofgiftcertificatesfromSponsors.Allregistrantswere


NameTags• AssoonasthegroupdecidedtohosttheSCRSeminarwedecidedtoprovidenametagskits/designsinneedlepoint,


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• SoliciteddesignsfromtheentireRegion,butreceivednosubmissions.AlldesignsoriginatedfromChaptermembers.• Appointedachairperson.• Nametagswerereadytosellattheseminartheyearpriortoourseminar.EncouragedChaptermemberstowear

themasadisplay/advertisement.• AdvertisednametagsintheSCRNewsletter.• Usedaspreadsheettokeepupwiththesaleofeachtypeofnametagoffered.• OurDeanofFacultydesignedandprovidedcustomnametagsforthefacultyandNational/Regionofficers.• OnethingwedidnotdoandIwouldrecommendistosetafinalonlinesellingdeadlineatleast1monthpriorthe


FirstTimers• WrotearticleforNotebook• GiftforFirstTimer-2017Saturdayluncheonfavor:gold-tonedoubloonneedleminderandanidentifierfor“First

Timers”seminarnametags.• HeldFirstTimersOrientationandInformationMeeting

o IntroducedRegionDirectorandthenaskedeachattendeetostatetheirname,chapterandwhichclass(es)theyweretaking.

o Discussedhotel’semergency(911)policy.Reviewedpolicywithhotelliaisonearlierthatdaytoverifyo Identifiedpeoplewearinglargepearlnecklacesasseminarcommitteemembersandencouragedthemto

contactanycommitteememberifyoutheyquestionsorconcernsregardingtheseminar.o Emphasizedreadingeverythingintheirwelcomepacket,particularlytheNotebook.Highlightedand



Facts• June2016

o Design,select,andpreparetheangelpins• January2018

o Compilelistofangelduties(seeSCRSeminarGuidelines)• April152018

o Notifyangelsoftheirselectionbyemailo PlanfortheangelmeetingatSeminar

• May2018o Receiveboxesforclassroomsandpreparethemforuse

• June1-9,2018o Confirmangelparticipationviaemailsandphonecallsifnecessary

• June13–16,2018o SeminarMeetingofAngelsandFacultyo Havelistofresponsibilitiesandinstructionsforangelso Planforunloadingandstoringofclassboxes,insuringboxesissuedtoangelsandreturningofboxes


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Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Theclasslistsofparticipantsforrecordingattendancearenecessarytohaveintheboxesgiventotheangels.Angels


• Wehad23classesandusedall11boxesforAngels.Trytolookaheadtoseeifthenumberofboxesissufficient.• Thelistofcontentsintheboxescallsforducttape.Littleofthiswasusedandwesuppliedthinner,crafttape



Facts• PhaseI:OneyearPrior

o PreparedanadvertisementforOpportunityKnocksforregistrationforSeminar2018atSeminar2017.o WrotearticleadvertisingOpportunityKnocksandsubmittedittotheSeminarbrochurechairmanseminar

committee.o Obtainedscr20xxoppknocks@gmail.comemailaddressfromtheSCRWebmaster

• PhaseII:BasketRequesto January–ObtainedlistofcurrentSCRchaptersfromtheRegionandnamesandemailaddressesofthe


o Preparedabasketrequestformandemailedittothepresident,regionrepresentative,andnewsletterchairmanofeachSCRchapter.Emailedinaformatallowingchapterstofillinrequireddetailsandsubmititonlineorbymail.Setthedeadlineformid-April.Includedspaceforaddressfortreasurertomailcheck.

o CheckedGmailaccountfrequentlyandmanagedsubmittedforms.o Respondedtoeachchaptersubmissiono InMarchsentremindersandsecondrequests.o Setupaspreadsheetforrecordingsubmittingchapters,contacts,andbasketdescriptions.o MaintainedcontactwithsubmittingchaptersthroughGmail.

• PhaseIII:Preparationo DeterminedbudgetaspartofHospitalityCommittee.o Determinednumberofticketsneededbasedonpreviousyear’ssales:o Plannedandmadeincentivegiftsforpurchaseof20ormoretickets.o Acquiredticketboxes,decoratedthemandlabeledwithchapternames.

§ Prepareextraboxesforlastminute“surprise”submissions.o Assemblednecessarysuppliesforuseatthetable:

§ Cashforseedmoney§ Cashbox,ticketboxes,extraticketboxesforsurpriseentries,baggiesforcollectingandsorting

ticketsforeachbasket,pens,notepad,stapler,rubberbands,etc.o Preparedspreadsheetsforrecordingtickets&money.o Preparedbagsforkeepingticketsandmoneyseparateforeachbasket.o Arrangedforahelpertocheckwithcounting.o Preparedbagsforwinningticketforeachbaskettobefilledoutduringthedrawing.

• Resultso Totalbasketssubmitted:15o Totalticketscollected5,254

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Opendoorsontimeeachday• Confirmvolunteers• Closeandlockroomduringlunchandclosingtime• CoordinatewithRegistrationforfollowingyear’sseminarifsharingroom

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• Dailycountsofmoneyandticketsimprovedsecurityandaccuracy• Lockmoneyinyourroomsafe• Coordinatewithseminartreasurerre:collection/turninginmoney• BeginticketcountingforFriday’sticketsearlyinthedaytoavoidlastminuterush• FridayDrawingatBanquet

o Preparealistofeachbasketwithadescriptionandaplaceforthewinnertosignforherbasketo AtclosingonFriday,makeafinalcountingofallticketscollectedthatafternoono Combineallticketsforeachbasketintooneboxforthedrawingo Arrangeforhelperstohandoffboxes&drawticketso DistributebasketstowinnersintheOpportunityKnocksRoom

§ Askeachwinnertosignforherbasket§ Takephotosofwinners§ Prepareanindexcardwitheachsubmittingchapter’scontactinformationsothewinnercanwritea

noteofthankso Afterclosingmakeafinalcountingofallmoneycollectedandrecordthegrandtotal

§ Balancewithtotalnumberofticketssold§ Keepticketsseparatedforeachchapterincaseproblemsoccur§ Turninallmoneyandrecordeddatatoseminartreasurer

o Communication/Reports§ BeforetheSCRmid-yearmeetingwriteareporttoyourSeminarChairman,andaskhertoannounce


§ ContactSCRcommunicationsofficertoputanOpportunityKnocksarticleinthee-newsletter.§ CommunicatewithVolunteerChairmanforsufficientvolunteersforyourcommittee§ CommunicatewiththeFacilitiesChairmanregardingthenumberoftablesneededforbasketsinthe



Facts• About50individualvolunteershelpedmakeSeminar2018asuccess• MostvolunteerswerefromDN&TGbutsomewerefromtheFortWorthChapterandGreaterDallasChapters• Volunteersassistedwiththefollowingfunctions

o ClassAngelso RegistrationDesk/InformationDesko TeacherTransportationo MealAssistants/DoorPrizeDrawingso OpportunityKnockso BagCheckforRegistrationandOpportunityKnocksroomso Classroomsetupo RegistrationforSeminar2018atSeminar2017

• RecruitedvolunteerswithrequestsintheSeminar2018registrationform,inthechapternewsletterandinperson• AngelswererecruitedthroughRegistrationandmostlychosenfromchaptermembers• Createdexcelspreadsheettoschedulethedifferentvolunteers.

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Volunteersshouldarrive15minutesbeforescheduledtimetogetanytrainingneeded(particularlythefirsttime

theyarevolunteering)• Beconsistentwiththetimesthatvolunteersarenotrequired(suchasclosedforlunch,etc.)• Identifyingwhereandwhenvolunteersareneededinthepreplanningiscritical• Ittakesmoretimethanyouexpecttorecruitvolunteers

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Hindsight,TipsandTricks• HospitalityChairisahugejobrequiringteamwork,flexibilityandexcellentcommunicationbetweenallpersons

involved.• TheSeminarTaskTimelinespreadsheetisveryimportant.Itkeepseveryoneontrackandupdated.


Facts• ServedontheExecutiveSeminarCommittee• MaintainedtheSeminarTaskListTimelinespreadsheet• EncouragedCommitteememberstofollowtheSeminarTaskListTimeline• SuppliedCommitteememberswithimportantdatesfromtheSeminarTaskListTimeline• CreatedtheSeminar2018FinalReport• ServedastheliaisonbetweentheHotelLiaison/EventPlanner,AmandaGarcia-Slater,andtheChapter

Hindsight,TipsandTricks• TheSeminarTaskTimelinespreadsheetisveryimportant.Itkeepseveryoneontrackandupdated.• RegularcommunicationandsharingofmaterialsandfilesbetweentheSeminarChairandtheSeminarViceChair


RegionDay(Tours)• WeoptednottohostRegionDay(Tours)infavorof5miniclasses;fourhands-onclassesandonelecture.


Facts• CreatedseatinglistforVIPtables.Sentaninvitationtoeachpersonthatincludedthemeal/stowhichtheywere

invitedandthetablewheretheywouldbeseated.• Heldareceptionforfaculty,specialVIPguests,andtheSeminarCommitteehostedbytheSeminarhostchapter

Wednesdayevening.Personalinvitationswereplacedineachperson’sregistrationpacket.• PersonallywrotethankyounotestoallCommitteemembers• IutilizedtheSeminarMentorandtheRegionDirectorviaemail,onseveraloccasionstoasktheiropinionon


Hindsight,TipsandTricks• Studiotimeneedsanoptionforquiettime,eitheralargeroomoraseparateone.• AgoodsuggestionwastopublicizethenamesofthewinnersforbothOpportunityKnocksandDoorPrizes.Wehad


• Alargemapneedstobeavailableattheregistrationdeskofthehotel’sfloorplan.• Publicizeinlettertoparticipantsthatthe2DayclassesareThursday/Fridayandthe1DayclassesareSaturday.

Therewereafewconfusedpeople!• Eachclassroomneedsasignwithwhatclassisbeingheldinit.(Thehoteldidnotprovidethis;weweretoldthat

theywould.)• Ifyourcityhasmorethanoneairport,makesurethatthevolunteersareawareofwhichairporttheyneedtobe

goingto.• Forthoseneedingawalkerorascooter,thereneedstobeaplaceontheregistrationformorsomewhereelse,tolet

theSeminarknowthatthesesitemsarebeingused.• Itwouldbehelpfulforseatinginaclassroom.Andtheyneedtobeletinearlytotheballroomformeals.• TwoweeksbeforeSeminar,theregistrarneedstosupplytheDeanofFacultywithacurrentlistofstudents.

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Seminar Chair Karen Dittmar

Secretary Karen Hammer

Treasurer Sharon Davis

Advertising Janet Mittag

Merchandise NIght Janet Mittag

Stash Sale Stephanie Kolban

Dean of Faculty Jean Neisius

Brochure/Website Jennifer Mullins

Logo Paige Guillory

Registrar Sue Cathcart

Notebook Lynn Melder

Mini Classes Jan Blevins

Hotel Liaison Amanda Garcia-


Chapter Hotel Liaison

Katherine Woodward

Hotel Amanda Garcia-


Meals and Special Meals

Amand Garcia-Slater

Hospitality Valorie Russell

Favors Valorie Russell

Door Prizes Loretta Sondrall

Opportunity Knocks

Linda Cox/Donna Casey

Volunteers Jo Ann Jackson

Faculty Transportation

Coordinator Jo Ann Jackson

Teacher Showcase Lynn Melder

Faculty Hospitality Lynn Engelbrecht/

Ann Weissler

First Timers Loretta Sondrall

Class Angels Anne Tuley

Table Decorations Lisa Miller

Seminar Vice Chair Katherine Woodward

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SCR Seminar 2018Dallas, TexasJune 12-16, 2018



TEACHING FEE: 3 DAYS AT $375.00 PER DAY $1,125.00

KIT FEES:3 Day Class No. of Students X = $0.002 Day Class No. of Students X = $0.001 Day Class No. of Students X $0.00


ORMILEAGE: X $0.545 (IRS Rate for 2018) = $0.00

PER DIEM: 5 DAYS X $65.00 Per Day $325.00


TOTAL PAYMENT: $1,450.00

Please SIGN for receipt of your check:

For Treasurer:Date Paid

Check Number

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SCR Seminar 2018Dallas,TexasJune 12-16, 2018




MILEAGE: X$0.545(IRSRatefor2018) = $0.00




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Fee Number * Total

RegistrationNon Refundable Registration $60.00 0 $0.00Non Ref Non EGA Member Fee $80.00 0 $0.003 Day Registration (3 day and 2 + 1 day class) $395.00 0 $0.002 Day Class + 1 Day Studio Time $375.00 0 $0.001 Day Class + 2 Day Studio Time $350.00 0 $0.003 Day Studio Time $330.00 0 $0.001 Day Class only +1 lunch $200.00 0 $0.00Facility Use Fee $100.00 0 $0.00Banquet Guest Tickets $85.00 0 $0.00Luncheon Guest Tickets $40.00 0 $0.00Merch Night Whole Tables $50.00 0 $0.00Stash Sale Table - Whole $50.00 0 $0.00Stash Sale Table - Half $30.00 0 $0.00Region Day Mini Classes $20.00 0 $0.00

Other Receipts - Amounts carried from Detail sheetMisc Receipts(please provide detail) -$ Kit Fees -$ Mini Class Kit Fees -$ Postage Fees -$ Seminar Name Tag Kits -$ Surplus Tote Bag & Pin Sales -$

Total Deposit** $0.00

* Same as on the Detail Sheet

** This amount should tie to the corresponding Deposit Slip

SCR Seminar 2018 Guildy Treasurers Deposit Summary

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June 12-16, 2018 June 7, 2017

Please join us as a vendor at Merchandise Night or as an Advertiser, or both, during the EGA SCR Seminar 2018, to be held at the Westin Park Central Hotel in Dallas. Our expected 200 seminar participants thoroughly enjoy shopping and love to find those special and unusual needlework-related items! Merchandise Night is open to the public as well as Seminar participants. Go to to learn more about the seminar.

These are outstanding opportunities for you to display, sell, and advertise merchandise related to needlework: patterns, kits, fabrics, threads, beads, tools, books, and all types of accessories and stitching supplies! Participating vendors will be listed in the Seminar Handbook, received by each Seminar participant. The Seminar Handbook will also contain advertisements. Merchandise Night When: Thursday, June 14, 2018, from 7:00 – 9:00pm, Westin Park Central Hotel, Dallas, TX

Tables: $50.00 for one table (you may rent multiple tables). Each table will be draped and measure 6 feet by 30 inches. Two chairs will be provided per table. Please indicate if power is required. We will do our best to ensure pre-arranged power availability.

Advertising Opportunities

As a Seminar Advertiser, place an ad in the Seminar Handbook and promote your business at various levels. Choose the package that fits your needs: Gold, Silver, or Bronze, with the Gold and Silver levels including participation in Merchandise Night. Use the enclosed forms to take part in these exciting ways to promote your business to needlework enthusiasts. We look forward to seeing you in Dallas! Sincerely, Janet Mittag Merchandise Night Chair 715 Tappen Shire Colleyville, TX 76034 817-880-5158 [email protected] Enclosures: Advertising Packages Advertising Order Form Merchandise Night Registration Form

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June 12-16, 2018

Advertising Packages

The following advertising packages are available to present your business to attendees of the EGA SCR Seminar 2018: Gold Level

• $300* • Benefits include:

o Half page ad in Seminar Handbook (Size: 8.5” x 5.5”, BW) o Two (2) complimentary tables for Merchandise Night o Goody bag insert opportunity*** o Verbal recognition at banquet

Silver Level

• $150* • Benefits include: • Quarter page ad in Seminar Handbook (Size: 4.25” x 5.5”, BW)

o One (1) complimentary tables for Merchandise Night o Goody bag insert opportunity*** o Verbal recognition at banquet

Bronze Level

• $75** • Benefits include:

o Eighth page ad in Seminar Handbook (Business card size, BW) o Goody bag insert opportunity***

* Cash or cash-equivalent gift certificates to sponsor’s business. Gift certificates in $25 denominations

are requested. ** Cash only. Checks should be made payable to “SCR Seminar 2018.” *** Goody Bag inserts may consist of discount coupons or other tokens (pens, etc.) that further advertise

your business. Completed order form and payment: Due by May 15, 2018 Mail to:

Janet Mittag 715 Tappen Shire Colleyville, TX 76034

Goody Bag inserts: Inserts due by June 1, 2018 Mail inserts to:

Janet Mittag 715 Tappen Shire Colleyville, TX 76034

Advertising materials: Ads due by May 15, 2018 Email ad to Lynn Melder ([email protected]) in .pdf or .jpg format (300 dpi or greater, BW) or mail hard copy with order form and payment.

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June 12-16, 2018

Advertising Order Form Please print or type information Advertiser Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________________________________ Contact Email: ____________________________________________________________ Contact Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Type of Merchandise ___________________________________________________________ I release the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, Inc. (EGA), the South Central Region (SCR), and the Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild (DN&TG) from any liability for theft, property damage or personal injury while participating in or attending any or all functions and meetings of EGA SCR Seminar 2018. Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:________________ Check level desired: _____ Gold Level - $300 _____ Silver Level - $150 _____ Bronze Level - $75*

* Bronze Level only available as a cash payment option

Choose means of payment: _____ Check made payable to “SCR Seminar 2018” _____ $25 Gift certificates to total chosen level _____ Combination of gift certificates and check payment. Please designate check amount: $_______

Mail completed form and payment (check and/or gift certificates) to:

Janet Mittag 715 Tappen Shire Colleyville, TX 76034

Order deadline is May 15, 2018

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June 12-16, 2018

Merchandise Night Registration Form

MERCHANDISE NIGHT – THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2018 7:00 – 9:00pm Please print or type information Name _____________________________________ E-Mail ____________________________________ Business Name _______________________________________________________________________ Type of Merchandise __________________________________________________________________ Alternate Contact(s) ___________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State __________ Zip _______________ Phone (______) ______________________ Cell Phone (______) _________________________ I release the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, Inc. (EGA), the South Central Region (SCR), and the Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild (DN&TG) from any liability for theft, property damage or personal injury while participating in or attending any or all functions and meetings of EGA SCR Seminar 2018.

Signature:_____________________________________________________ Date:___________________

Merchandise Night Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50ea $ ________ Number of Tables: _____ Do you need a power source?* � Yes � No

* All efforts will be made to ensure requested power is available. Mail completed form and check made payable to “SCR Seminar 2018” to:

Janet Mittag 715 Tappen Shire Colleyville, TX 76034

Order deadline is May 15, 2018

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Instructor: _____________________________________________________________

Name of Class: __________________________________________________________

Date of Class: ___________________________________________________________

Number of Students: _____________________________________________________

Room Configuration Requested – Please mark one of the configurations below (Note - Seats are not exact – only representative)


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WelcometotheSCR2018SeminarGuilDyTreasures!WearelookingforwardtowelcomingyoutoDallasintwoshortweeks.TohelpyouprepareforSeminar,Iwantedtosharethefollowinginformationwithyou.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasedonothesitatetocontactmeat:[email protected].







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• Theclassroomshaveplentyoflight,butifyou’dlikeadditionalpersonallighting,pleaseconsiderbringingandusingabattery-poweredlight.Thiswillhelpreducetheuseofpowercordsanddecreasetheriskofsomeonetrippingonacord.

• Pleasebeconsiderateofyourclassmatesandkeepallperfumesandotherheavyscents(lotion,shampooetc.)outoftheclassroom.

• RegistrationforSeminar2019willbeopeninDallassomakeyourclasschoice(s)andsignupbeforeyouleaveforthebestchanceofgettingyourfirstchoice.

• TherewillnotbeabookstoreorboutiqueatSeminar2018.However,therewillbealistingoflocalneedlework,quiltandbeadingstoresinyourregistrationpacket.AlistofnearbyrestaurantswillalsoIncludedinthepacket.

• REMEMBERTOBRINGYOURPERSONALTOTEBAG!!Outgifttoyouwillbeaprojectbag,notatote!




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Welcometoseminar KarenDittmar











Remarks ShawnMiller


IntroductionofLeslieGagliardi, ShawnMiller


Remarks LeslieGagliardi


RecognitionofFirstTimers, KarenDittmar


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RecognitionofFaculty KarenDittmar
















Announcements KarenDittmar

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DoorPrizeDrawings LorettaSondrall






Welcome KarenDittmar



IntroductionofSCRBoard ShawnMiller


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RecognitionofArmedForces KarenDittmar


RecognitionofAngels AnnTuley














Announcements KarenDittmar

• Wearelookingforwardtohostingeveryoneatthebanquettonight!Thecashbaropensat5:30anddinnerwillbeginat6:30.

• Don’tforgettopurchaseyourOpportunityKnocksticketsbeforeitclosesthisafternoonat5:30.Youcan’twinifyoudon’tbuyaticketandputitinthebox!AlsoremembertopurchaseyourregionOpportunitytowinanallexpensepaidtriptoExploretheArtsinRogersArkansasin2019.

• IwanttothankDebbieMorrisformakingthescissorshapedwaxerthatwereceivedasourfavortoday.• RemembertobringyourbookmarksandfinishedKissingPillowstothe2018registration/informationdesk.

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• Extra favors are available for sale at the registration desk. The needle threader & puller is $1. The scissorshapedwaxeris$2.AndIwilltellyouatthebanquetaboutthecostofthatfavor!

• Rememberafterlunchtodayyoucanpurchaseandtakehomethetabledecorationsfor$10!Thebagisunderthetabletoputthedecorationsin.Putyourcashorcheckintheenvelopewithyourname,andhandtooneofour volunteers in the front or the back as you leave. Those that don’t sell today will be available at theregistrationdesk.

DoorPrizeDrawings LorettaSondrall







Welcome KarenDittmar



Invocation JudyMcGraw




Introductionof2018Committee, KarenDittmar





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• KatherineWoodward—ViceChair/HotelLiaison/TimelineKeeper/RegionDay• SharonDavis—Treasurer/Projectbags/Pins• SueCathcart—Registrar/MiniClassTeacher• MaryWaldsmith—AssistantRegistrar/MiniClassTeacher• JeanNeisius—DeanofFaculty/FacultyNameTags• KarenHammer—Secretary• ValorieRussell—Hospitality/TableFavors• AmandaGarcia-Slater—Facilities• JaneMajors—Webmaster• MariannaHoffman—SeminarMentor• JenniferMullins—BrochureforWebsite/Miniclassteacher• JoAnnJackson,KateJohnson,GwenGibbsandMichelleKocurek—LeadVolunteers/FacultyTransportation• LindaCox&DonnaCasey—OpportunityKnocks• LynnEngelbrecht&AnnWeissler—Teacher’s/GuestHospitality• AnnTuley—Angelpins/AngelCoordinator• LynnMelder—Teacher’sShowcase/Notebook• JanetMittag—MerchandiseNight• StephanieKolban—StashSale• SueWhite—DN&TGStashSaleLiaison• JudyMcGraw—Nametags/Miniclassteacher• LisaMiller—TableDecorations• JanBlevins—RegionDay/Miniclassteacher• LorettaSondrall—DoorPrizes/Firsttimersmeeting• PaigeGuillory—Logo/Teacher&Committeereceptionorganizer• PrintManager—DebbieMorris






• 2019—DonnaHagaman• 2020—DianeWilliams• 2021—SandyCrow• 2022—Shreveport,La.• 2023—Sugarland,TX.

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Announcements KarenDittmar











RecognitionofWestinStaff KarenDittmar





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HeartandHandAward DeniseHall





DoorPrizeDrawings LorettaSondrall









SCROpportunityKnocks PaulaMillhollon








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Welcome KarenDittmar




IntroductionofSeminar2019 KarenDittmar



Invitationto2019Seminar DonnaHagaman





IntroductionofCherylChristian KarenDittmar







AdditionalRecognitions KarenDittmar

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Announcements KarenDittmar

• RegistrationforSeminar2019closesat3:15today!It’salmostclosingtime!Makeyourdecisionsnow!• DidyoulikethedecoratedOpportunityKnocksboxesthatweallputourticketsinto?Ifyouwantone,youmay

pickoneupfromtheRegistration/Informationtable!Theyarefree!Takeasmanyasyouwouldlike!• Therearestillafewitemsleftforsalefromthefavorsandtabledecorations.Itslastcallat3:15fortheseitems!


DoorPrizeDrawing LorettaSondrall


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FarewellandThankYou KarenDittmar










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FacultyContactInformationTerriBayTerriBayNeedleworkDesigns30FoxmoorCourtSimpsonville,SC29860www.terribayneedleworkdesigns.comNinePatchTray,NordicBandKurdyBiggsThreedles2265KeotaLane,Superior,[email protected]

CelesteChalasani5207StephenStroudDrive,Antioch,CA94531celeste@celestechalasani.comAutumnJewelsDawnDonnellyThreadup52806StagRidgeDrMacomb,[email protected],NoSpellsTonightCindyHambrick2808ChatelleDriveRoundRock,[email protected],ChristmasPoinsettiaPatriciaGoaley1445StillwaterRdWaco,[email protected],PuntoAnticoBetsyMorganWillingHandsNeedleworkDesign38179BritainRoadLovettsville,[email protected]’sSewingWallet,VirginQueen’sSewingPocket

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KathyReesNeedleDelightsOriginals4129ArgentaWayPensacola,[email protected],SerenityGailStafford1109WaterlooCtRockyMount,NCgtstafford@suddenlink.netAzaleasAnnStrite-Kurz3802WrenWoodCourtMidland,MI48640annstritekurz@charter.netBeachcombersBootyJohnWaddell1705NantucketHouston,TX77057jkwaddell@pdq.netCanvasDoctoratYourServiceMiniclassfaculty(DNTG)SueCathcartTreasuredScentsJanBlevins1880’sStylePaperPiecedPinkeepJudyMcGrawAroundtheWorldwithAntiqueNeedleworkToolsandAccessoriesJenniferMullinsStumpworkCaterpillarMaryWaldsmithMiniDarnedPine

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A. TeacheragreestoteachthefollowingclassesatSeminartobeheldWednesday,June13,2018throughSaturday,June16,2018,atParkCentralWestonHotel,inDallas,Texas.








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B. Minimumclasssizeshallbe8studentsunlesspriorwrittenagreementisreceivedbyDeanofFaculty.MaximumfromTeacher:TeachershallnotifyDeanofFacultyviaemailifTeacheriswillingtoincreaseclasssize.

C. IfbycloseofregistrationdateforanycontractedcoursetobetaughtbyTeachertheminimumclasssizeisnotmet,Seminar,atitssolediscretion,maycancelthisContractforTeachingServicesorportionsthereof,withoutliabilitytoSeminarand/orTeacher.Intheeventofcancellation,Seminarshallnotberesponsibleforanyexpenses,includingbutnotlimitedto,preparationcosts,teachingfee,and/ortravelexpenses.TeachershallbenotifiedofcancellationbytelephoneandawrittencancellationconfirmationnoticeshallbeemailedtoTeacheronorbeforeOctober1,2017.

D. Ifwithin30daysofSeminarorduringSeminartheTeacherisunabletofulfillthecontractualagreementduetoillness,deathorotherextremeemergency,theSeminarcommitteeretainstherighttoeithercanceltheclassortohavetheclasstaughtduringSeminarweek,providedaqualifiedTeacherinthetechniqueisavailable.Ateachingfeeshallnotbepaidforday(s)notintheclassroom.

E. TeachershallnotacceptanyotherteachingcontractsforthetimeperiodofJune12,2018toJune16,2018.

F. TheTeacherrepresentsandwarrantstoEGA,withrespecttoallmaterialssubmittedandmaterialstobedistributedtostudentsfortheclassidentifiedabove,eitherthat

1. thematerialistheTeacher’soriginalcreationanddoesnotinfringeuponcopyrightofanyotherperson,




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G. TeachershallprovideteachingexamplesfordisplayatRegionSeminar2017,June7-10,2017,inSugarland(Houstonarea),Texas,forpublicitypurposes.PiecesshallbemailedtoDeanofFacultybyMay15,2017.PiecesshallbedisplayedundersecureconditionsduringSeminar2017atatimeandlocationtobedetermined.TeachersattendingSeminar2017shallberequiredtopickuppiece/piecesafterdisplay.

H. TeachershallnotteachthisclasswithinSCRninety(90)dayspriortoorfollowingSeminar.

I. TeacheragreestoabidebythefollowingEGAPolicy:AllsalesatSCRSeminar2018exceptEGAmerchandise,shalltakeplaceonMerchandiseNight.NoTeacherorSeminarparticipantmaysellitemsfromhis/herroomoraclassroom.


J. TeachergivesSeminarpermissiontopublicizeclassonEGAWebsitesthroughphotograph, classdescription,and/orTeacherresume.



A. Teacheragreestosubmit,bypostmarkonorbeforeMay15,2017,toJeanNeisius,deanoffaculty,thefollowing:

1. ThefinishedsetpieceorcompletednotebookfordisplayatSCRSeminar2017(seeGabove).Ifthestudentistodooriginalwork,asampleofsuchworkshallbesentforSeminar’sbrochurephotography.Nolinedrawingsorphotographsshallbeaccepted.Framedpiecesshallnotbeunderglass.Thepiece(s)shallbewrappedadequatelytoprotectfromimpactandwaterdamageduringshipping.Piece(s)shallbepackedsotheymaybeunpackedandre-packagedeasily.Constructanenvelopeofbubblewrapintowhichthepiece(s)shalleasilyslip.DonotuseStyrofoampeanutsorwraptightlyinbubblewraporfoamwrapandtape.Besuretoindicatethetopofthepiece(s).Seminarshallwrapthepiece(s)securelyforreturntoTeacher.

2. Ahigh-resolutionphotographofthepieceappropriateforpublicitynolaterthanJanuary1,2017.

3. AnaccurateclassdescriptionforSeminar’sbrochurenolaterthanJanuary1,2017,approximately75wordsinlength,writtentoselltheclass.Includeexacttitle,levelofproficiency,technique,size(ifasetpiece),fabrictypeand/orcount,threads/yarn,advancepre-workrequired(includingapproximatenumberofhours),and/orprerequisites,ifany.

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4. Apersonalresumeofapproximately50wordstobeusedbySeminarinthebrochureforpublicity.Coursedescriptionandresumewererequestedintheproposal.Pleaseeditthemforthebrochureatthistimeandreturnthemtothedeanoffaculty.

5. Ifakitistobefurnished,Teachershallprovideanitemizedlistingofkitcontentsandthekitpricetothestudent.Thekitshallcontainhighqualitymaterialsandthekitcostshallnotexceedtheretailcostofmaterialsplusshipping.

a. AclasslistshallbeprovidedtotheteacherwhenclassiscompleteforthepurposesofcommunicatingwithstudentsbeforeSeminarbegins.

b. Kitfees,includingthoseforoptionalmaterialssuppliedbytheTeacher,shallbecollectedfromstudentsbySeminarafterregistrationandconfirmationofclass.TheTeachershallbereimbursedforkitfeesduringSeminaruponcompletionoftheFacultyExpenseForm.

5. Ifsuppliesstudentisrequiredtobringtoclassexceed$10,alistcontainingeachitemanditsapproximatecostshallbesubmittedtoSeminarforpublicationintheseminarbrochure.

6. Incaseofstudentcancellation,Teacherwishesthekittobehandledasinitialed:


____KitisreturnedtoTeacherandamountisdeductedfromkitcostreimbursementat Seminar.

NOTE: Foraclassrequiringpre-classworkusingmaterialsincludedinthekit,thekitshallbereleasedtothestudent.Completekitandinstructionsshallbeduetothestudent.Teachersrequiringsuchpre-classworkwillthereforeneedtocheckthefirstoption.

7. ClassroomEquipment:

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a. Alistofregularclassroomequipmentsuchasdisplaytable,Teachertable,blackboardordryeraseboard(pleasenoteifyouareallergictodryerasepens).

b. Alistofspecialclassroomequipmentsuchasslideprojectors,sewingmachinesandcomputers,andthedaysandtimestheequipmentshallbeusedintheclassroom(e.g.,Monday,1:00-2:00P.M.)shouldalsobeincluded.Teacherunderstandstheremaybeanestablishedrotationscheduleforspecialequipmentusage.StudentsmaybechargedanequipmentfeeinclasseswheretheTeacherrequirestheuseofspecialequipmentforseveraldays.Teachershallbenotifiedassoonaspossibleifunusualequipmentisunavailable.

B. ThefollowingshallbesubmittedinwritingpostmarkedonorbeforeMarch15,2018,toJeanNeisius,deanoffaculty:

1. AcopyoftheletterTeachershallsendtoeachstudentwithitemizedlistsofsuppliesTeachershallfurnishandthesuppliesthestudentshallbringtoclass.

2. Alistofmaterialstobeusedintheclass.

3. Choiceofroommateforsharedhotelroomifteachersochooses(seeF1,Housing/Hoteloptions)orrequestforassistanceinlocatingaroommate.

C. LetterandPre-worktoStudentsshallbepostmarkedonorbeforeApril1,2018.



D. CopyofWrittenMaterialand/orInstructionsfortheclass(es)postmarkedonorbefore

May1,2018 toJeanNeisius,deanoffaculty.

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A. TeachingFees:

SeminarshallpayTeacherafeeof$375.00forteachingwhichbeginsat8:00AMonJune14,2018andendsJune16,2018at4:30PM.Theteachingweekincludes3daysofteaching.IfaTeacheriscontractedtolectureorteachotherclass(es),thatserviceshallbecompensatedascontracted.Allpaymentsshallbemadeintheformofacheck payabletoTeacheraccompaniedbyanEGAPaymentReportingForm(1099-MISC).

B. Ifaseminarteacherisunabletoteach,thesubstituteteachershallbecompensatedat75%oftheteachingfeeandthecontractedteachershallbecompensatedat25%oftheteachingfee.1/06

C. TeachershallprovideseminarwithanitemizedinvoiceforkitfeesviaemailonorbeforeJune1,2018.TheTeachershallbereimbursedforkitfeesduringSeminaruponcompletionoftheFacultyExpenseForm.

D. Travel:

1. SeminarshallreimburseTeacherfortravelexpensesincurredforautomobiletravelattheJanuary1,2018IRSstandardmileageratefortheroundtripdistancebetweenTeacher'shomeaddressandDallas,Texas.Innoeventshalltheamountpaidtotravelbycarexceedthelowestroundtripcoachairfareavailable.Teachershallsignastatementformileageexpenseinlieuofareceipt,whichshallbeconsistentwithmileageindicatedonMapquestorGooglemapsfromtheTeacher’shometotheWestinParkCentralHotelinDallas,Texas.

2. SeminarshallreimburseTeacherforairtravelexpenses.TheamountofreimbursementshallbethelowestroundtripcoachairfareavailablebetweenTeacher'shomeairportandDallas,Texas.TeachershallbereimbursedforairfareatseminarunlessTeacherchoosestobookreservationsthroughtheseminartravel

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3. SeminarshallreimburseTeacheracombinationofautomobileandairtravelexpenses.Innoeventshallthiscombinationexceedwhatwouldhavebeenthenormaltravelineither1.or2.above.

4. Travelplans,withflightnumbers,timesofarrivalanddeparture,andknownexpensesshallbeemailedtothedeanoffacultynolaterthanMay1,2018.

5. Teachersteaching3ormoredaysatseminarshallarriveattheWestinParkCentralHotel,Dallas,Texas,onJune13,2018,notlaterthan5:00P.M.

E. PerDiemReimbursement:




F. Housing/Hotel:

1. Seminarshallprovidethefollowingroomoptions:




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2. AlistoffacultymembersshallbesentassoonastheSeminarContractsarecompletedsoTeachermaymakeownroommatearrangements.IfaTeacherchoosestosharearoomwithanotherteacherorwithaSeminarattendee,heorsheshallnotifydeanoffacultyofroommatechoiceviaemailonorbeforeMay1,2018.

G. SeminarRegistrationFee:


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A. TeacherunderstandsandagreesthatfailuretocomplywiththiscontractanditsrequirementsanddeadlinesmayresultincancellationofthisContractforTeachingServices.

B. TeachershallexecuteandreturnthreesignedhardcopiesofthisContractforTeachingServicesto JeanNeisius,attheaddresshereinafterlistedbyJanuary1,2017.

C. ThisContractforTeachingServicesrepresentstheentireagreementbetweenThePartiesandotheragreementsorcontractsbetweenTheParties,whetherwrittenororal,shallbenullandvoid.

D. IfanydisputearisesbetweenThePartiesregardingthetermsandconditionsofthisContractforTeachingServices,suchdisputesshallbegovernedbythelawsoftheStateofTexas.

_______ ______________________________________

Date: TeacherSignature


_______ ______________________________________ By:____________________

Date BusinessName




Address _____________________________________________________________

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City,State,ZipCode _____________________________________________________________



Date:_________ _________________________________[NameofRegion],EGA









[email protected]




DateDue DateCompleted

Dec1,2016 ______ Contractemailedtoteacherforsignature

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Jan1,2017 ______ Teachermails3copiesofsignedcontractstodeanoffaculty

Jan1,2017 ______ Highresolutionphotoofpiece(s),classdescriptions,personal



June1,2017_______ ProjectsmailedtoDeanofFacultyfordisplayatSeminar2017


June2017 ______ notattending.

April1,2018______ Lettertobesenttostudents,materialslist,boutique,androommatechoiceshallbeemailedtodeanoffaculty


______ ______ willbegiveninclassbyTeacher

June7,2017 ______ Brochureuponwebsite.


______ ______ Cancellationofclasseswhichdonotfill

______ ______ Classrollsandhotelregistrationformsemailedtofaculty.

April1,2018_______ Teacheremailsormailsletterandpre-work,ifapplicable,tostudents.

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______ ______ Deanoffacultynotifiedofteacher'stravelplans.

June13,2018 TeachersarriveinDallas,Texas..

______ ______ FacultyOrientation

______ ______ MeettheTeachers

June14,2018 Seminarclassesbegin.

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This is to confirm that ________ agrees to teach for Dallas Needlework and Textile Guild, EGA, on

DATE: June 13, 2018

TIME: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

PLACE: Westin Park Central Hotel, Dallas, TX

WORKSHOP NAME: _____________________________SKILL LEVEL: ____



KIT COSTS: $____

Teacher agrees to using top quality products for class project in an amount not to exceed current retail prices at the time

of shipment.

Teacher gives the Region permission to publicize class on EGA Web sites through photograph, class description, and/or

teacher resume. Teacher’s initials

NOTE: The Chapter agrees to notify the Teacher as soon as possible, but no later than the Cancellation Date shown below, the number of kits required. There may be no changes in the number of kits required 14 days prior to the departure date.

EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: __________________________________________________


TRANSPORTATION COSTS: Are the responsibility of the Teacher.

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HOUSING AND PER DIEM: Are the responsibility of the Teacher.

CANCELLATION DATE: March 15, 2018. This contract cannot be cancelled by the region within 30 days of the departure date of The Teacher. The Teacher agrees to give 30 days notice of cancellation, if necessary.

Dated: Teacher Signature


By: _____________________

Date Business Name



Address ___________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code _____________________________________________________________

Telephone: ( )_________________________ Fax ( )________________________

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E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________

Dated: South Central Region, EGA


Linda Walker, Region Director



SCR Seminar 2018 Chair


SCR Seminar 2018 Dean of Faculty

Telephone: ____________ _________________

Fax: ______________________________

E-mail: ____________________________

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Hotel Contract

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$3,520.40Total Estimate

*Service Charges are NOT gratuities and are not paid in whole or in part to employees of PSAV or employees of any other party.

Gross Discount Ext. PriceComplimentaryEquipment Rental $2,992.00 $306.00 $1,734.00$952.00Operator Labor $300.00 $300.00Setup Charges $680.00 $680.00

Subtotal $3,972.00 $306.00 $952.00 $2,714.00Service Charge* $724.80Loss Damage Waiver $81.60

Tax $0.00

Quote # 1483-6183SOUTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE EMBROIDERERS'GUILDAttn: Karen Dittmar5000 Willow Park DriveArlington, TX 76017

Page 1 of 7

The Westin Park Central12720 Merit Dr

Dallas, TX 75251Tel: 972-851-2049


Karen Dittmar

[email protected]

Contact Name:

Quote No:Email:

Phyllis SneedHotel CS Manager:Dawn FreemanHotel Sales Manager:

Show Date(s): 06/11/2018 - 06/17/2018Show Name: Embroiders Guild South central

Region Seminar 2018Show Location:

Delivery: 06/11/2018 10:00 AM06/17/2018 05:15 PMPickup:

PickupConveyance Method:MasterBilling Method:

The Westin Park Central12720 Merit DrDallas, TX 75251

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$85.00 4.00Technician To Set $127.50 $170.00 0.00 0.002 $680.00

$680.00Labor Subtotal$680.00All meeting rooms Subtotal:

1 6'x10'6" Fast Fold Screen - Front Projection $365.00 $365.00 15.00% $310.251 6'x10'6" Dress Kit Black $145.00 $145.00 15.00%1 6'x10'6" Screen Frame $220.00 $220.00 15.00%1 6'x10'6" Front Fabric $0.00 $0.00 15.00%

1 Projection Support Package $95.00 $95.00 15.00% $80.751 Safelock Stand $30.00 $30.00 15.00%1 Small Video Cable Lot $65.00 $65.00 15.00%

$391.00Video Subtotal

1 Podium Microphone Package $100.00 $100.00 15.00% $85.001 Gooseneck Microphone $84.00 $84.00 15.00%1 Gooseneck Microphone Base $16.00 $16.00 15.00%

1 Powered Speaker Package $370.00 $370.00 15.00% $314.501 12" 2-Way Self Powered Speaker $115.00 $115.00 15.00%1 Tripod Speaker Stand $32.00 $32.00 15.00%1 Small Audio Cable Lot $78.00 $78.00 15.00%1 14 Channel Compact Recording Mixer $145.00 $145.00 15.00%

$399.50Audio Subtotal

$790.50Equipment And Sales Subtotal

06/11/2018 - DRO #1483-18413

All meeting rooms - Set up laborRelates to Job(s): 1483-19222


Qty SubtotalOT Rate DT RateRegHrs


DTHrsRateItem Description Days

Monday, June 11, 2018

06/13/2018 - DRO #1483-18415

Salon A - MeetingRelates to Job(s): 1483-19335

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty




PSAVPrepared For: SOUTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILDQuote No: 1483-6183Total Estimate: $3,520.40

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$100.00 1.00Kick-Off Technician1 $100.00

$100.00Audio Subtotal

$100.00Labor Subtotal$890.50Salon A Subtotal:

1 Projection Support Package $185.00 $185.00 15.00% $157.251 8' Tripod Screen $90.00 $90.00 15.00%1 Safelock Stand $30.00 $30.00 15.00%1 Small Video Cable Lot $65.00 $65.00 15.00%

$157.25Equipment And Sales Subtotal

$100.00 1.00Kick-Off Technician1 $100.00

$100.00Labor Subtotal$257.25Meredith A Subtotal:

1 Projection Support Package $185.00 $185.00 15.00% $157.251 8' Tripod Screen $90.00 $90.00 15.00%1 Safelock Stand $30.00 $30.00 15.00%

Qty SubtotalOT Rate DT RateRegHrs


DTHrsRateItem Description Days


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

06/14/2018 - DRO #1483-18416

Meredith A - Breakout #1Relates to Job(s): 1483-19336

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty


Qty SubtotalOT Rate DT RateRegHrs


DTHrsRateItem Description Days

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Meredith B - Breakout #4Relates to Job(s): 1483-19337

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

PSAVPrepared For: SOUTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILDQuote No: 1483-6183Total Estimate: $3,520.40

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1 Small Video Cable Lot $65.00 $65.00 15.00%$157.25Equipment And Sales Subtotal

$100.00 1.00Kick-Off Technician1 $100.00

$100.00Labor Subtotal$257.25Meredith B Subtotal:

1 Wired Microphone Package $83.00 $83.00 $83.001 Wired Handheld Microphone $68.00 $68.001 Microphone Table Stand (Black) $15.00 $15.00

1 House Sound System $155.00 $155.00 $155.00

$0.00Equipment And Sales Subtotal$0.00Salon F Subtotal:

1 Projection Support Package $185.00 $185.00 15.00% $157.251 8' Tripod Screen $90.00 $90.00 15.00%1 Safelock Stand $30.00 $30.00 15.00%1 Small Video Cable Lot $65.00 $65.00 15.00%

$157.25Equipment And Sales Subtotal$157.25Meredith A Subtotal:


Qty SubtotalOT Rate DT RateRegHrs


DTHrsRateItem Description Days

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Salon F - Meal roomRelates to Job(s): 1483-19338

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

06/15/2018 - DRO #1483-18417

Meredith A - Breakout #1Relates to Job(s): 1483-19336

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

PSAVPrepared For: SOUTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILDQuote No: 1483-6183Total Estimate: $3,520.40

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1 Projection Support Package $185.00 $185.00 15.00% $157.251 8' Tripod Screen $90.00 $90.00 15.00%1 Safelock Stand $30.00 $30.00 15.00%1 Small Video Cable Lot $65.00 $65.00 15.00%

$157.25Equipment And Sales Subtotal$157.25Meredith B Subtotal:

1 Wired Microphone Package $83.00 $83.00 $83.001 Wired Handheld Microphone $68.00 $68.001 Microphone Table Stand (Black) $15.00 $15.00

1 House Sound System $155.00 $155.00 $155.00

$0.00Equipment And Sales Subtotal$0.00Salon F Subtotal:

1 Projection Support Package $185.00 $185.00 15.00% $157.251 8' Tripod Screen $90.00 $90.00 15.00%1 Safelock Stand $30.00 $30.00 15.00%1 Small Video Cable Lot $65.00 $65.00 15.00%

$157.25Equipment And Sales Subtotal$157.25Meredith A Subtotal:

Meredith B - Breakout #4Relates to Job(s): 1483-19337

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

Salon F - Meal roomRelates to Job(s): 1483-19338

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

06/16/2018 - DRO #1483-18418

Meredith A - Breakout #1Relates to Job(s): 1483-19336

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

PSAVPrepared For: SOUTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILDQuote No: 1483-6183Total Estimate: $3,520.40

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1 Projection Support Package $185.00 $185.00 15.00% $157.251 8' Tripod Screen $90.00 $90.00 15.00%1 Safelock Stand $30.00 $30.00 15.00%1 Small Video Cable Lot $65.00 $65.00 15.00%

$157.25Equipment And Sales Subtotal$157.25Meredith B Subtotal:

1 Wired Microphone Package $83.00 $83.00 $83.001 Wired Handheld Microphone $68.00 $68.001 Microphone Table Stand (Black) $15.00 $15.00

1 House Sound System $155.00 $155.00 $155.00

$0.00Equipment And Sales Subtotal$0.00Salon F Subtotal:

1 Wired Microphone Package $83.00 $83.00 $83.001 Wired Handheld Microphone $68.00 $68.001 Microphone Table Stand (Black) $15.00 $15.00

1 House Sound System $155.00 $155.00 $155.00

$0.00Equipment And Sales Subtotal$0.00Salon F Subtotal:

Meredith B - Breakout #4Relates to Job(s): 1483-19337

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

Salon F - Meal roomRelates to Job(s): 1483-19338

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

06/17/2018 - DRO #1483-18419

Salon F - Meal roomRelates to Job(s): 1483-19338

Equipment And Sales


Ext. PriceRateItem DescriptionQty

PSAVPrepared For: SOUTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILDQuote No: 1483-6183Total Estimate: $3,520.40

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$3,520.40Total Estimate

Thank you for your business.*Service Charges are NOT gratuities and are not paid in whole or in part to employees of PSAV or employees of any other party.

Gross Discount Ext. PriceComplimentary

Subtotal $3,972.00 $306.00 $952.00 $2,714.00Service Charge* $724.80Loss Damage Waiver $81.60

Tax $0.00

Signature as Acceptance of the Proposal and Terms

Approved By:

Prepared By:

Prepared For:

Date of Acceptance

Signed Acceptance must be received prior to delivery of equipment to Customer/show site.

05/15/2018 10:14 AM



Printed On:

PSAVPrepared For: SOUTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILDQuote No: 1483-6183Total Estimate: $3,520.40

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SCR Seminar 2018 Budget/WorkplanDallas, TX June 2018APPROVED 2/5/2016

184 RegisteredDescription Fee Count Budget PROJECTED 4-19-2018 Assigned Notes

Income:RegistrationNon Refundable Registration $60.00 200 $12,000.00 $11,115.00Non Ref Non EGA Member Fee $80.00 5 $400.00 $140.003 Day Registration (3 day and 2 + 1 day class) $395.00 120 $47,400.00 $43,844.75 Increased $152 Day Class + 1 Day Studio Time $375.00 60 $22,500.00 $9,986.25 Increased $151 Day Class + 2 Day Studio Time $350.00 10 $3,500.00 $3,584.00 Increased $103 Day Studio Time $330.00 10 $3,300.00 $7,212.50 Increased $101 Day Class + 1 lunch $800.00Facility Use Fee local commuters $85.00 10 $850.00 $800.00 Increased $10

Total Registration $89,950.00 $77,482.50 Split

Banquet Guest Tickets $85.00 10 $850.00 Split Rounded up from cost of $81Luncheon Guest Tickets $40.00 12 $480.00 Split Rounded up from cost of $38

Merchandise NightWhole Tables Chapter Income $60.00 20 $1,200.00 $800.00 ChapterHalf Tables Chapter Income $30.00 5 $150.00 Chapter

Special Chapter Event-Stash Sale Chapter Income $25.00 50 $1,250.00 $250.00 Chapter

Mini Classes $1,872.50Region Day Event SCR Pass Thru $40.00 50 $2,000.00 Region in/out

SCR Loan $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Region in/out

Other ReceiptsBoutique Chapter Income $2,000.00 $0.00 ChapterMisc Receipts $0.00 $350.00 ChapterKit Fees $95.00 200 $19,000.00 $18,164.00 in/outOpportunity Knocks Pass Thru $2,000.00 $2,000.00 in/outPostage Fees $2.00 50 $100.00 $6.00 SplitSeminar Name Tag Kits Chapter Income $20.00 50 $1,000.00 $2,055.00 ChapterSeminar Fund Raising kits Chapter Income $10.00 100 $1,000.00 $0.00 ChapterSurplus Tote Bag & Pin Sales Chapter Income $25.00 5 $125.00 $125.00 Chapter

Total Other Receipts $25,225.00 $22,700.00Total Receipts $126,105.00 $108,105.00

Expenses:AdministrationChairman $175.00 $0.00 SplitDean of Faculty $1,000.00 $275.71 SplitTreasurer $100.00 $47.51 SplitRegistrar $100.00 $163.42 Split

Total Administrative $1,375.00 $486.64

Hospitality $22.00 200 $4,400.00 SplitDoor PrizesSeminar Pins $520.00Table Decorations $204.01Table Favors $847.77Teacher Showcase

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SCR Seminar 2018 Budget/WorkplanDallas, TX June 2018APPROVED 2/5/2016

184 RegisteredDescription Fee Count Budget PROJECTED 4-19-2018 Assigned Notes

Tote Bags $360.00Faculty Welcome Bags $81.67

Total Hospitality $4,400.00 $2,013.45

Hotel Related Hotel Deposit $300.00 $300.00 SplitLiaison/Meeting Planner $2,050.00 $2,050.00 Split Amanda Garcia-SlaterMiscellaneous Hotel $150.00 $30.00 SplitLunch $38 X 3 lunches $114.00 200 $22,800.00 $20,976.00 SplitPaid Lunch Guests $38.00 12 $456.00 $456.00 SplitBanquet $81.00 200 $16,200.00 $14,904.00 SplitPaid Banquet Guests $81.00 10 $810.00 $810.00 Split

Total Hotel Related $42,766.00 $39,526.00Teacher Expenses Salary $375 pr day X 3 days = $1125 $1,125.00 13 $14,625.00 $14,625.00 Split Travel $550 $550.00 13 $7,150.00 $6,050.00 Split Hotel $640 ea ($160 pr day X 4 days) $640.00 13 $8,320.00 $7,040.00 Split Meals 3 lunches, 1 banquet $195.00 13 $2,535.00 $2,145.00 Split Per Diem $65 per day perdiem x 6 days $390.00 13 $5,070.00 $4,290.00 Split

Total Teacher Expenses $37,700.00 $34,150.00

Kit Fees Based on avg kit fee of $95 $95.00 200 $19,000.00 $18,164.00 in/out Angel Pins $1.25 27 $33.75 $15.40

Expenses Cont:

Region Day SCR pays $2000 $2,000.00 Region in/out

RegistrationBrochure/Photos/Printing/Postage/Forms $250.00 $75.00 SplitParticipant Handbooks 3.81$ 210 $800.00 Split PayPal Fees $1,284.43 Region Only

Total Registration $1,050.00 $1,359.43

Opportunity Knocks Distributions Pass Thru $2,000.00 $2,000.00 in/out

Web Page $0.00

Banquet Speaker $150.00 $0.00 Split

Graphic Design - Logo $100.00 $25.00 Split

SCR Loan Repayment $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Region in/out

Boutique $2,000.00 $0.00 ChapterMerchandise Night Tables $1,350.00 $800.00 ChapterName Tag Kits $1,000.00 $900.00 ChapterSeminar Fundraising items $1,000.00 $0.00 ChapterSurplus tote bag and pin sales $125.00 ChapterSpecial Chapter Event Chapter taught Classes & Stash Sale $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Chapter

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SCR Seminar 2018 Budget/WorkplanDallas, TX June 2018APPROVED 2/5/2016

184 RegisteredDescription Fee Count Budget PROJECTED 4-19-2018 Assigned Notes

Total Expenses $122,299.75 $105,689.92

Excess Revenue over Expenses $3,805.25 $2,415.08

Hotel 5% discount on the minimum contract $105,775.00 $5,288.75Adjusted Excess Revenue over Expenses $9,094.00

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SummaryofSCRSeminar2018Profits TotalProfit= $6,046.18


SplitIncome RegistrationIncome



335.00 KitFees



210.00 SurplusToteBag&PinSales



5,258.00 PostageFeesIncome




SplitExpenses Administration

$567.81 Hospitality



37,488.73 HotelRelatedOther



1,800.00 OpportunityKnocksExp



819.00 TeacherExpenses






































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DN&TGTotalRegistered 164 200NonRefundableRegistrations















2 FacultyTotalnumberattended
















RegistrantsbyRegion Carolinas


GreaterPacific Heartland



Metropolitan Mid-Atlantic



NewEngland Non-Member





Sun TennesseeValley Foreign Total







0Costofhotelroom $153pernight 143/night

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TotalRoomnumbernightsguaranteed 465 425Totalroomnumbernightsfilled


Hotelfoodandbeverageminimum $20,000 45,000Roommatelistrequests


Proposalsreceived 210 192 IncMiniClassesProposalsmailed

Proposalsemailed USTeachersselected 17 20 IncMiniClasses

Internationalteachersselected 0 0Totalnumberoffinalteachers

16 IncMiniClasses

Totalnumberofclassesselected 29 29 IncMiniClassesTotalclassesmade


Classtechniquesselected Bargello 1 1

Beading 6 5BrazilianEmbroidery 2

Finishing 2 2Canvas 10 10Countedthread 2 2Embroidery/needlepoint 3 2Feltedwoolappliqué 1

Felting 1 Goldwork/beading/needlepoint 2 1

Multimedia 4 1Needlepoint 1 1PulledThreadEmbroidery 1 2SilkRibbon 1 1Stumpwork 2 2Whitework 1 2PaperPiecing






Finishing Canvas





Felting Goldwork/beading/needlepoint Multimedia












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240 Zipperedprojectbag

Classescancelled3,2,1day&technique Numberofpplwhoateateachlunch&banquet

188 Thusdaylunch

191 Fridaylunch

191 Fridaybanquet

192 Saturdaylunch

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Dear Stitcher,

Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild is excited to be hosting GuilDy Treasures SCR 2018 Seminar. We will be at the newly renovated Westin Park Central in Dallas, Texas.

On Wednesday, June 13 our Region Day activities will start with 5 mini classes. Classes will start at 1 p.m. and run until 3 p.m. There are 4 different techniques available to learn and a lecture on antique needlework tools. These are listed on the Registration form and are available to view in the Class section of our PDF Brochure. At 7 p.m. we will have a Stash Sale. So it is time to go through your stash, bring it to Dallas and sell it to others! You have the option of having a table or sharing with a friend. This is also a great way to have a chapter fundraiser.

Our classes start Thursday morning and will run through Saturday. We are offering 3-day, 2-day and 1-day opportunities for you to learn new techniques or perfect old ones. Thursday night at 7 p.m. isMerchandise Night which is an opportunity for our commercial/professional vendors to display andsell merchandise related to needlework. (And add to your cleaned out stash!)

You will need to bring your favorite tote bag with you to seminar. Our gift to you will be a project bag. So to get all your stitching supplies to class, remember to bring your tote bag!

On Friday evening, we will be hosting the Seminar Banquet where we will be celebrating another successful SCR seminar with our EGA stitching family.

Mark your calendar now, start choosing your classes and join us at the GuilDy Treasures SCR 2018 Seminar.

See you in June 2018!

Karen Dittmar SCR 2018 Seminar Chair [email protected]

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Class Number 301

Class Title: Blue Ridge Reflections Teacher: Kurdy Biggs

The design elements of "Blue Ridge Reflections" are based on the designer’s childhood growing up in the Blue Ridge. Throughout this design the stitches are intended to mimic various aspects of the region of mountains, streams, flowers and sky--all combining into a finished piece that resembles the elegance of a piece of stained glass. Over 30 different stitches will be completed using a variety of silk, velvet, and metallic threads, beads and crystals all based around the Caron Collection Appalachia overdyed silk floss. Students will create their own unique design by attaching onto their finished design circles, diamonds or squares which have been stitched separately.

Technique: Counted Canvas Design Area: 9" x 9" Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 130.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: 15” x 15” drawn canvas, threads named above; threads from Rainbow Gallery include Capri, Elegance, Petite Silk Lame’ Braid, Petite Very Velvet, Kreinik metallics, along with other threads, beads, crystals, needles and instructions.

Class Number 302

Class Title: Treasure Trove Chest Teacher: Barbara Ellis

This is a bead embroidered case, using various bead embroidery techniques and stitches. It was created with an Art Nouveau inspiration in soft romantic hues, featuring a glass Bavarian bezeled rose and Shibori ribbon. Students will learn to make this bead embroidered compact case and will learn basic bead embroidery stitches including the back, stop and brick stitch. Fun embellishments include Shibori ribbon, Bavarian glass rose, fresh water pearls, brass inked stampings and more.

Technique: Bead Embroidery Design Area: 3" x 5" Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 125.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: case, rose cabochon, brass ink finding, shibori ribbon, 3 mm crystals, 3mm pearls, 11/0 seed beads, 15/0 seed beads, needle puller, keishi pearls, ultra suede, thread, e6ooo glue and needles.

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Class Number 303

Class Title: Autumn Jewels Teacher: Celeste Chalasani

The pomegranate (Punica granatum) originated 4000 years ago in the region stretching from Iran to northern India and has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region. Now grown worldwide, pomegranates have come

to symbolize prosperity, hope, fertility and abundance in many cultures throughout the world. In this class, students will work on a small Stumpwork panel depicting pomegranate flowers and fruit. Students will employ a wide variety of traditional and contemporary Stumpwork techniques using Needlepoint Inc and Gloriana stranded silk thread, and Anchor cotton floss on cream Silk Shantung fabric. Gold chipping, gold spangles, Kreinik Japan thread and garnet colored beads intensify the striking colors and design.

Technique: Stumpwork Design Area: 4"x10" on 10"x15" fabric, suitable for framing or insertion into a box

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 95.00 Pre-Work: 1 hr to transfer design and mount onto stretcher bars

Kit Contents: silk shantung and cotton fabric, silk and cotton threads, gold spangles, gold wire check purl, garnet colored beads, felt, needles and 33 gauge covered wire. Students will need an Evertite frame (or similar), at least one 4” hoop, wire cutters, scissors for cutting gold check and paper, sewing thread, archive quality felt tip pens (red-orange and green), a mechanical pencil, and magnification.

Class Number 304

Class Title: 3-Day Studio Time

Time to work on UFOs and maybe get some help from your stitching friends!


To help you select a class, please be familiar with the following EGA proficiency-level definitions:

BASIC: No experience with the technique being taught is necessary.

INTERMEDIATE: Knowledge of basic stitches, materials, and their use in the technique being taught is required.

ADVANCED: Ability to execute simple and difficult stitches in the technique is required. The student also should have knowledge of color design that will allow exploration and creativity.

ALL LEVELS: Class is suitable for all levels.

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Class Number 201

Class Title: Nine Patch Tray Teacher: Terri Bay

The "Nine Patch Tray" is a unique sampler of whitework and blackwork stitches all folded up into a lovely and useful tray. There are nine individual squares separated by a lattice of ladder hemstitching. These squares can also be worked individually to create ornaments, box tops, stitching accessories, and more. Students should be able to work satin stitches and single eyelets independently, and be familiar with pulled work. The tray measures six inches square when folded and is worked on 28

count linen using two sizes of pearl cotton and embroidery floss. Black floss is included in the kit, but any color may be brought to class and used to make the tray fit into your color scheme.

Technique: Whitework, Pulled Thread, Blackwork, Finishing Design Area: 6" square Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 55.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: 2 – 14 inch squares of linen (Zweigart white), 1 ball pearl 8 (DMC B5200), 1 ball pearl 12 (DMC B5200), 1 skein black floss (DMC 310), 24 tapestry needle, 26 tapestry needle, Charts and instructions

Class Number 202

Class Title: Cool Yule Teacher: Dawn Donnelly

This tree just waits for decorations and presents. We’ll adorn this “Cool Yule” with some fun and interesting stitches: Tied Star, Chain, Double Straight Cross, Upright Cross, Rhodes, Straight, Parisian, Padded Satin, Herringbone and Wrapped Stem. The tree will be topped with a polymer clay star and it will sit on a base that will be made of Couching and Padded Plaited Cross. Surrounding the tree will be snowflakes made of Double Reverse Square Herringbone, Double Cross and beaded snowflakes.

Design Area: 6" x 9" Kit Cost: $ 75.00

Technique: Canvas Work on Congress Cloth Proficiency Level: Intermediate Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Canvas (Congress Cloth) and threads including embroidery floss, silk, metallic and pearl cotton, beads, a polymer clay star, needles, and instructions

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Class Number 203

Class Title: Blue Flax Teacher: Patricia Goaley

"Blue Flax" is an exercise in silk painting. The ground is an imported Italian silk sewn to a muslin base. Unlike other forms of embroidery silk painting is easy on a black background. The dark background allows us to play with light. Au ver a soie silks and small accents of gold metallic create the floral design. Texture is obtained through long-short stitch, soft shading, fly, chain, French knots, straight, split, and buttonhole stitches. All supplies and directions will be provided.

Technique: Surface Embroidery Design Area: 9" x 3 1/2" Proficiency Level: Basic-Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 80.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Silk and muslin fabrics, au ver a soie silk threads, gold threads

Class Number 204

Class Title: Toad-ly Sarah Teacher: Cindy Hambrick

This 3 dimensional beaded box contains a chocolate frog, inspired by the popular series of novels about wizards and their world. The work includes peyote and embellishing techniques.

Technique: Beading Design Area: 2" x 2" Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 45.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: All necessary delica beads, embellishments, needles, and threads as well as detailed instructions.

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Class Number 205

Class Title: Passage Teacher: Ruthmarie Hofmann

“Passage” is a necklace composed of a smooth bone piece wrapped in needle worked canvas. Additions of a glossy bone crescent and a strung necklace of bone and horn pull together a subtle piece that evokes a whisper to the ancient beliefs of allowing passage to the spirit of the wearer. Stitches include Diagonal Straight Stitch, Eyelets in several forms from discreet to monstrous holes, plus Beaded Edging to secure the folded canvas around a flat bone rectangle as well as swags and dangles. Students will select overdyed floss prior to class; prework instructions, thread and canvas are used to smooth a quicker launch to a completed piece.

Technique: Canvas embroidery, edge finishing, beadwork, bead stringing Design Area: About 3.5" flat plus 24" necklace

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 53.00 Pre-Work: Yes, 3-4 hours

Kit Contents: canvas, overdyed floss, bone pieces, bone and glass beads, bead-stringing wire, crimps, gold-plated findings and goods to help control loose beads (felt pad & triangular tray). Student will have a choice of overdyed floss.

Class Number 206

Class Title: Bijoux d'Or Teacher: Deanna Powell

"Bijoux d’Or" is a tubular herringbone bracelet that can be worn with or without the beaded turquoise cabochon. The bracelet is a coordinating piece to the Pièces de Parure necklace and earring set. The bracelet features a technique that flattens the tubular part. It is finished with 24 karat 15º seed beads as is the turquoise cabochon. The kit contains two sizes of needles,

Fireline thread, a matching clasp, 11º Delicas and 15º seed beads. Complete instructions including finishing are provided.

Technique: Beading Design Area: 1/2" wide x 7 1/2" long excluding cabochon which is optional

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 75.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: 11º Delicas, 15º seed, Threads: Fireline thread, Needles: Beading needles #10 & 12. Additional Supplies: A goldtone clasp and workbook including complete instructions for finishing.

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Class Number 207

Class Title: Virgin Queen's Sewing Wallet Teacher: Betsy Morgan

Inspired by the Elizabethan era and a 1920’s leather sewing kit, the exterior panels of this piece are stitched in multi-colored blackwork, whitework, Bargello and other counted thread stitches. The interior is lined in silk Dupioni fabric which will be available in the green color shown in the model and also in red and blue, as each student chooses. There are five pockets inside, two of which hold stitched octagonal thread winders. Tied into the center with vintage silk satin ribbon is a needle book which is stitched in traditional blackwork and has wool felt needle pages and a laced ribbon spine. A scissor fob on a tasseled cord rounds out the design. Students will pre-stitch the needle book and will construct it in class, in the process learning the techniques they will need to complete the rest of the design. Class will also include information on double running (Holbein) stitch and making twisted cords and tassels.

Technique: Linen, counted thread Design Area: 4" x 6" x 1 1/2" Proficiency Level: Intermediate & above Kit Cost: $180.00 Pre-Work: Yes, some pre-stitching with construction in class

Kit Contents: 32 count ivory linen, silk Dupioni lining fabric, fusible interfacings, skirtex, DMC pearl cotton, mother of pearl buttons, Gloriana silk satin ribbons in two sizes and colors, sewing thread, needles, wool felt and Gloriana 12 ply silk flosses in 9 colors. The instructions are very thorough and detailed and the charts are all full-color.

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Class Number 208

Class Title: Highland Circle Teacher: Kathy Rees

An abstract geometric, "Highland Circle" features a circle of batik fabric appliqued to the canvas. A variety of stitches, including couching over laid silk Chenille thread, are used to produce movement within the design. Threads include Gloriana silks, Vineyard Silks, DMC Pearl Cotton, Soie Cristal, and Rainbow Gallery Neon Rays, Water ‘n Ice, Neon Rays +. Compensation and placement of stitched areas will be discussed and the student will be able to adapt the piece if they’d like.

Technique: Canvas embroidery Proficiency Level: Intermediate

Design Area: 4' x 10" Kit Cost: $ 8 .00

Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Instructions with color photo, 18ct mono canvas, and all threads to complete the design.

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Class Number 209

Class Title: Azaleas Teacher: Gail Stafford

In contrast to the browns, grays, and whites of winter, spring arrives with a fresh burst of color. "Azaleas" was designed to celebrate the arrival of spring – to celebrate the vibrant greens of new foliage, colorful blooming flowers and shrubs, and warm days filled with bright sunshine. We’ll begin by stitching some sky and tree trunks and then we’ll want to see the azaleas and other blooming flowers come alive.

The birdhouse is a charted element, but individuals will make their own decisions about the exact placement of most of the stitches for flowers, leaves and foliage. Detailed information will guide you in these decisions. Learn how overdyed threads are used to establish subtle color change in your design and how stranded embroidery cotton is used to supplement the overdyed threads.

Technique: Canvas Embroidery Design Area: 5" x 7.5" Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 85.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Congress cloth and all threads required to complete the project.

Class Number 210

Class Title: Winter Wonderland Teacher: Kay Stanis

Frost licks at the pins and snowflakes twinkle in the in the twilight glow. The student will be introduced to metal embroidery and dimensional beading with couture techniques including: couching hand twisted braid, sequins on edge over padding, and creating detached elements of snowflakes and pine boughs. The beading includes 3 different detached snowflakes incorporating different sizes and types of beads.

Technique: Silk and Metal with beads and detached elements Design Area: 6" x 6" Proficiency Level: Basic-Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 70.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: h t o loth l th t l th l ol Braids, Silver and silver/gold; Check purl, 28 gauge wire, green and copper, Miscellaneous: Sequins, 2 sizes, Beads, 5 sizes/types, Beading thread, Invisible thread, Felt, Paint, Needles, Photo and instructions

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Class Number 211

Class Title: Soaring Seagull Teacher: Ann Strite-Kurz

"Soaring Seagull" was adapted from the work of wildlife artist Eleanor Grosch. The seagull, usually associated with the seashore, has become more common in rural and urban areas, often attracted to landfills and grain fields. This stitched interpretation suggests the aerodynamics of a parachute or kite as the bird hovers in the air. The lines of the bird and the combinations of stitches and colors used give life to the bird that is still yet in motion.

Technique: Canvas Design Area: 8" x 9 1/2" Proficiency Level: Advanced-Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 72.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: All materials to complete the project plus a detailed instruction booklet with a color copy of the finished model.

Class Number 212

Class Title: Canvas Doctor at Your Service Teacher: John Waddell

The class will begin with a general discussion of the student canvases with questions from the students. To get the class initially stitching, the students will receive suggested stitches and threads for three areas on their individual (1) canvas. As the class progresses other areas on the student’s canvas will be developed. There will be a rotation around the class to address student’s questions. When opportunities present themselves, the teacher will do class

demonstrations. This class is not intended to finalize a complete stitch guide for each student.

Technique: Canvas Design Area: 14" x 14" max Proficiency Level: All Kit Cost: $ 25.00 Pre-Work: Each student must send a color photo of canvas to John ahead of time

Kit Contents: Each student to provide teacher prior to class with a full-scale color picture of their (1) canvas.

Class Number 213

Class Title: 2-Day Studio Time

Time to work on UFOs and maybe get some help from your stitching friends!

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Class Number 101

Class Title: Nordic Band Teacher: Terri Bay

"Nordic Band" is a 3 by 6 inch band of Ukrainian Whitework fun! Learn how to make eyelets in three different forms while creating this basic to intermediate level band. As a bonus, you will learn a uniquely Ukrainian stitch roughly translated as Topwinder. Yes, I have the Ukrainian name for the stitch. No, I cannot pronounce it! Students should be able to work a satin stitch independently and knowledge of eyelets is a plus. Don't worry about not being an expert in working eyelets, that is what Terri will teach you! The

band is worked on 28 count linen with two sizes of pearl cotton.

Technique: Ukranian Whitework Design Area: 3" x 6" Proficiency Level: Basic-Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 30.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: 9X12 inch piece of 28 count linen (Zweigart white), 1 ball pearl 8 (DMC B5200), 1 ball pearl 12 (DMC B5200), 24 tapestry needle, 26 tapestry needle, Charts and instructions

Class Number 102

Class Title: No Spells Tonight Teacher: Dawn Donnelly

Without her shoe, the wicked witch won't be able to cast her spells tonight. So instead of giving the shoe back, let's decorate it with some great colors and fun stitches and keep it for ourselves. To give the shoe that Halloween look, the student will use the following stitches: Diamond Ray, Cris Cross Hungarian, Wrapped Stem, Rice, Smyrna, Double, Squared Filling, Couching and Double Straight Cross. To complete the look, a Polymer Clay bat is added to the tip of the shoe.

Technique: Canvas Design Area: 3" x 4" Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 60.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: threads, canvas, needles, polymer clay, instructions and color picture

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Class Number 103

Class Title: Punto Antico: Italian Antique Stitch Teacher: Patricia Goaley

Punto Antico are a collection of antique stitches done on linen in the Tuscany region of Italy. We will use the actual threads (Ritorto Fiorentina numero 8 and 12) and linen (Bellora 2000, 15 threads to the cm) traditional to this form of embroidery to complete a miniature suitable for framing. You will learn the typical fiore (flower), punto quadro (4-sided stitch), il punto cordoncino and other traditional stitches to complete this design. This class will be challenging in the time we will have to learn these techniques. We

will complete every stitch in class and you will have instructions and photos of the stitches as they are done for reference. We will examine examples of actual Italian linens utilizing these stitches so you might take your new skills to the next level.

Technique: Surface & Pulled Stitches Design Area: 4" x 5 1/2" Proficiency Level: Basic-Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 80.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Italian linen, Ritorto Fiorentino 8 and 12 threads

Class Number 104

Class Title: Poinsettia Teacher: Cindy Hambrick

A three dimensional Christmas ornament, all shiny and bright and ready to be hung on the tree. This delightful project will teach the student shaped tubular peyote, decreasing, increasing and embellishments techniques.

Technique: Beading Design Area: 2" wide x 3" long Proficiency Level: Intermediate, some knowledge of Peyote technique required

Kit Cost: $ 50.00

Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: All delica beads, Swarovski crystals, pearls, embellishments, needles and threads necessary to complete the ornament.

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Class Number 105

Class Title: Spirit People Teacher: Ruthmarie Hofmann

In an expansion of "Sassy Tasseling", here comes "Spirit People", a play on the yarn dollies of yesteryear. Fashioned in fluffy Persian wool, this oh-so-spirited wild woman creation will absorb saved orts into tassel skirts or stitched embellishment. Several variations are covered using open loop heads, bendable arms, "squish" bust lines and itty-bitty puff accents. Add a bit of crazy hair in Turkey work, touch of metallic, sprinkle of beads and sport a unique hanging ornament or unique pin. Tassel-twirling is optional.

Technique: Tassel making Design Area: Varies Proficiency Level: All Kit Cost: $ 27.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Persian wool bundles, metallic ribbon floss, beads, needles, instruction pamphlet, Vellux mat and bead tray.

Class Number 106

Class Title: Ruffled Teacher: Deanna Powell

A unique and sophisticated 3/8 inch by 44 inch lariat for the students who want to expand their beading technique repertoire. "Ruffled" was designed to give the class participants the opportunity to learn a new way to give St. Petersburg Chain extra flair by embellishing the chain. Students will learn how to finish the lariat with charming and appropriate dangles. A choice of mauve as pictured or light blue will be available.

Technique: Beading Design Area: 3/8" x 44" Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 80.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: 11º & 15º seed beads, 3mm Swarovski pearls, 6mm crystals, crystal rondelles and accent beads, Fireline 6 lb. beading thread #10 & #12 beading needles

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Class Number 107

Class Title: Virgin Queen's Sewing Pocket Teacher: Betsy Morgan

Originally designed for her Virginia Guild, Betsy has redesigned this charming sewing wallet with Texas bluebonnets and armadillos especially for our seminar. When opened, the pocket has two small pockets for scissors and other tools and a stitched needle page which is attached with seed beads. Once again, a scissor fob finishes the design. As with the wallet design, students will have the option of choosing green, blue or red silk lining fabric. Students will also see a demonstration on making twisted cords and tassels and will then make their own to complete the fob.

Technique: Linen, Whitework, Finishing Design Area: 4 3/4" x 3" closed Proficiency Level: Intermediate & above Kit Cost: $ 75.00 Pre-Work: Students will pre-stitch the scissor fob and we will construct it in class

Kit Contents: 32 count ivory linen, silk Dupioni lining fabric, fusible interfacings, skirtex, DMC pearl cotton, seed beads, needles, sewing thread, Gloriana 12 ply silk floss in 9 colors, detailed instructions and full color charts.

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Class Number 108

Class Title: Serenity Teacher: Kathy Rees

This geometric counted canvas design uses soothing colors, unusual stitches, and a variety of thread textures to create a feeling of peace and serenity. Several metallics are sprinkled throughout to add sparkle and shine. Several different sizes of squares and rectangles are used to create movement while still experiencing calmness. Discussion of color will be included as part of the class. Usually taught as a two-day class, this will be condensed into one day.

Technique: Canvas Design Area: 6" x 10" Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $130.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Instructions with color photo, line drawn 18ct mono canvas, and all threads to complete the design.

Class Number 109

Class Title: Bargello Basics: A Notebook Class Teacher: Gail Stafford

Create your own bargello reference notebook in this one day class. Learn how a single stitch type is used to create varied bargello patterns. Explore the role of value and hue in creating attractive bargello patterns. Stitch pattern samples of different types: unbroken line, broken with lead line, broken line designs, and Hungarian point.

Technique: Canvas Proficiency Level: Basic-Intermediate

Design Area: N/A Kit Cost: $ .00

Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: 18 canvas, l ll th to o l t th o t o l t t t o

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Class Number 110

Class Title: Pansy Profusion Teacher: Kay Stanis

The sun turns the night's rain to pools of gold. The warmth of the sun reflects in the gold metallics as you use the ancient technique of Or Nué in Japanese gold and soft-twist silks to shade the metallic thread into the pansy "floating" in the golden pool. You will learn to couch in pairs to fill a shape and to turn sharp corners. Ribbonwork with beads form the field of flowers around

the perimeter.

Technique: Or Nue´ and Ribbonwork Design Area: 4" x 6" oval Proficiency Level: Basic-Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 70.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: All materials necessary to complete the design.

Class Number 111

Class Title: Beachcombers Booty Teacher: Ann Strite-Kurz

Sand dollars are commonly found on the beaches in the mid-Atlantic and along the Gulf Coast and Christian legends associated with them have made them one of the most popular seashells. The round shape of this shell is established on the canvas with a charted design in backstitch that is later whipped to establish a smooth curve. Open blackwork suggests the tiny spines that cover the shell in its living state. Other stitches suggest the shell as it appears in nature.

Technique: Mixed media canvas with blackwork accents Design Area: 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" Proficiency Level: Intermediate & beyond Kit Cost: $ 48.00 Pre-Work: Some is required

Kit Contents: All materials necessary to complete the design

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Class Title: Canvas Doctor at Your Service Teacher: John Waddell

The class will begin with a general discussion of the student canvases with questions from the students. To get the class initially stitching, the students will receive suggested stitches and threads for three areas on their individual (1) canvas. As the class progresses other areas on the student's canvas will be developed. There will be a rotation around the class to address student's questions. When opportunities present themselves, the teacher will do class demonstrations. This class is not intended to finalize a complete stitch guide for

each student.

Technique: Canvas Design Area: 14" x 14" max Proficiency Level: All Kit Cost: $ 25.00 Pre-Work: Student must send a color photo of canvas to John ahead of time

Kit Contents: Each student to provide teacher prior to class with a full-scale color picture of their (1) canvas.

Class Number 113

Class Title: 1-Day Studio Time

Time to work on UFOs and maybe get some help from your stitching friends!


To help you select a class, please be familiar with the following EGA proficiency-level definitions:

BASIC: No experience with the technique being taught is necessary.

INTERMEDIATE: Knowledge of basic stitches, materials, and their use in the technique being taught is required.

ADVANCED: Ability to execute simple and difficult stitches in the technique is required. The student also should have knowledge of color design that will allow exploration and creativity.

ALL LEVELS: Class is suitable for all levels.

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Class Number 001

Class Title: An 1880's style Paper Pieced Pinkeep Teacher: Jan Blevins

Two sides of this little pinkeep will be constructed using the paper piecing method. It measures approximately 2 ¾" and will be made of cotton in various colors filled with wool to keep pins from rusting. All of the piecing and construction will be taught in class. Those who have had some experience in piecing should be able to finish the little pinkeep during class time.

Technique: Paper Piecing Design Area: 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" Proficiency Level: All Kit Cost: $ 15.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: 1/2" Hexagon paper pieces, fabric, thread, pins, needles, and instructions.

Class Number 002

Class Title: Treasured Scents Teacher: Sue Cathcart

Be the envy of all your friends! Embellish an atomizer with beads to carry your favorite scent in your purse in style. This project, done in peyote stitch, uses delica beads in a number of jeweled tones to bead around a small atomizer in a geometric design. Once beaded, this project requires no other finishing steps. Walk away from class with this project well on the way; You could end the weekend carrying it in your purse!

Technique: Beading Design Area: full atomizer 3 3/8" high by 3/4" in diameter; beaded portion is approx. 2"

Proficiency Level: Beginner/Advanced Beginner Kit Cost: $ 30.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Atomizer, funnel for filling, delica beads, beading thread, needles, bead mat, everything you need to work and complete this project, including some of Sue's favorite beading tools! All you need to bring are scissors! (Atomizer top color may vary)

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Class Number 003

Class Title: Around The World With Antique Needlework Tools And Accessories Teacher: Judy McGraw

Judy will take you on a journey around the world and show you pictures of needlework tools and accessories that originated from that country and give you a brief description and history of each.

Technique: N/A Design Area: N/A Proficiency Level: N/A Kit Cost: N/A Pre-Work: N/A

Kit Contents: None

Ceylon and straight stitch.

Technique: Stumpwork Proficiency Level: Intermediate

Class Number 004

Class Title: Stumpwork Caterpillar Teacher: Jennifer Mullins

Learn how to make this 3 dimensional caterpillar based on examples on a o l in the Burrell Collection in Glasgow, Scotland. Stitches used include detatched buttonhole,

Design Area: 3" long x 1/4" high Kit Cost: $ 5.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Silk perle thread, silk floss, plastic straw, needle

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Class Number 005

Class Title: Mini Darned Pine Teacher: Mary Waldsmith

This is a chance to needlepoint a glistening holiday tree and dip your toe into the stitch technique known as "darning." The project features a background of mini trees in a gold metallic darning pattern. The tree is stitched in overdyed and metallic threads, with a checked frame of overdyed, metallic, and cotton threads. Additional stitches include variations of Milanese, Cashmere, and Mosaic, and a small amount of Basketweave. The design is approximately 5" wide by 6" high on 18 count canvas.

Technique: Needlepoint on Canvas Design Area: 5" wide by 6" high on 18 count canvas Proficiency Level: Intermediate Kit Cost: $ 25.00 Pre-Work: None

Kit Contents: Watercolors, Kreinik #12 and #4 metallics, #5 Perle Cotton, 9" x 10" white 18 count mono canvas, detailed instructions.

Student supplies: 9" x 10" stretcher bars (required), usual stitching supplies, light and/or magnification (highly recommended).


To help you select a class, please be familiar with the following EGA proficiency-level definitions:

BASIC: No experience with the technique being taught is necessary.

INTERMEDIATE: Knowledge of basic stitches, materials, and their use in the technique being taught is required.

ADVANCED: Ability to execute simple and difficult stitches in the technique is required. The student also should have knowledge of color design that will allow exploration and creativity.

ALL LEVELS: Class is suitable for all levels.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

• 8:00 a.m.---Rosemont open for storage• 8:00 a.m.---Executive Board room open• 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.---Registration/Information Desk open• 6:00 p.m. to 9:00p.m.---Mini classes set-up• 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.---SCR Executive Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

• 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.---Registration/Information Desk open• 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.---SCR Annual Meeting• 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.---Future Seminars meeting• 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.---Seminar 2019 Registration/Opportunity Knocks• 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.---Mini Clases• 3:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.---First Timers Meeting• 4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.---Angels and Faculty meeting• 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.---Teachers Showcase• 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.---Teacher/Committee Reception• 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.---Stash Sale

Thursday, June 14, 2018

• 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.---Registration/Information Desk open• 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.---Seminar 2019 Registration/Opportunity Knocks• 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.---Classes• 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.---Lunch• 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.---Classes• 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.---Merchandise Night

Friday, June 15, 2018

• 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.----Registration/Information Desk• 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.---Seminar 2019 Registration/Opportunity Knocks• 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.---Classes• 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.---Lunch• 1.30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.---Classes• 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.---Reception/Cash bar• 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.---Closing Banquet/Opportunity Knocks Drawing

Saturday, June 16, 2018

• 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.---Registration/Information Desk open• 8:00 a.m. to noon---Seminar 2019 Display/Registration open• 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.---Classes• 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.---Lunch• 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.---Classes• 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.---2019 Registration at Information Desk

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Seminar Room Rates

Regular rooms. $143.00 single or double; $163.00 triple; $183.00 quadruple occupancy Club Level rooms. $173.00 single or double; $193.00 triple; $213.00 quadruple occupancy

Taxes are additional.

The group identification phrase will be available July, 2017

Reservations can be made beginning August 1, 2017

Express Check-Out Personalized Wake-Up Service Dry Cleaning Service Babysitting Service Laundry/Valet Service 24-Hour Room Service

Free Wireless High Speed Internet Access in our newly renovated Lobby

Concierge ServiceBraille Elevators

Smoke Detectors Gift/Sundry ShopMedical Services Available 24-Hour Front Desk

Wheelchair Access Business CenterIce Machine Golf Nearby

Disability Accessible Facilities Car Rental Luggage Storage Service Express® Bellmen/Porters Jogging Path

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Pictured below are the three designs for nametags for GuilDy Treasures Seminar 2018!

Beaded name Tag kit includes beads, embellishments, and instructions. Kit cost $45.

Canvas name tag kit includes canvas, threads, embellishment and instructions. Kit cost $30.

Linen name tag kit includes instructions and embellishments pack (linen not provided). Kit cost $5.

Finished Beaded chain which will fit on all nametags $20.

To order, please contact Judy McGraw at [email protected] Email must include your shipping address.

You will be sent an invoice with shipping charges included.

Beaded Name Tag

Canvas Name Tag Linen Name Tag

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Terri Bay Betsy Morgan

Kurdy Biggs Jennifer MullinsJan Blevins Deanna Powell

Sue Cathcart Kathy ReesCeleste Chalasani Gail Stafford

Barbara Ellis Kay StanisPat Goaley Ann Strite-Kurz

Cindy Hambrick John Waddell

Ruthmarie Hofmann Mary Waldsmith

Judy McGraw

Terri Bay has never met a needlework technique she didn't like. Like so many others she began with cross stitch and progressed into Hardanger, Pulled/Drawn work, Blackwork, Ukrainian Whitework, Romanian Point Lace, and many others. Her designing business was born out of frustration over the very small amount of printed works on Ukrainian Embroidery. Terri has a degree in Music Education from Indiana State University and has taught music and needlework in many forms. She has taught for many years at various shops, retreats, EGA chapter workshops, and EGA seminars. She currently lives in South Carolina with her husband, three daughters who flitter in and out of the house on occasion, and specialty fiber donor Taz. See more at

Kurdy Biggs is a counted canvas designer, and is a teacher and owner of Threedles Needleart Designs. After stitching for many years and having progressed through counted cross stitch and canvas, Kurdy ran out of patters that intrigued her so she began to design her own. Kurdy holds a Level II Teaching Certificate from the National Academy of Needlearts. Her Geometric designs have won numerous awards from ANG, NAN, EGA, TNNA and Woodlawn. She has been published in Needlepointers, EGA, NAN, and ANG seminars and in retail shops.

Jan Blevins is an avid stitcher in all areas of needlework. She has been stitching since childhood - being taught by her mother and various aunts and great aunts. She has a master's degree in art education and taught art in both elementary school and junior high school for 10 years before retiring to raise her children. She has been active in the Embroiders Guild of America for some 40 years and has taught various techni on various occasions for her home guild, DN&TG.

Sue Cathcart, of Beadiac, LLC has been a member of EGA for over 20 years, in which she was first introduced to the technique of peyote beading with delicas. From there, a love affair was formed and has only grown! She particularly enjoys doing 3-D beaded projects and loves bringing others into the world of beading, teaching the techniques in both individual and classroom settings. A resident of Dallas, Sue also taught a beaded mini-class in the 2016 SCR Seminar.

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Celeste Chalasani is a designer and teacher specializing in Stumpwork. She first learned embroidery, sewing and crochet as a young child from her grandmother. Her passion for Stumpwork was sparked when she joined EGA in 1999. A life-long learner, she completed the City & Guilds Level 1 and 2 Certificate in Design and Craft Stumpwork distance courses under the tutelage of Chris Hammacott. Celeste holds a BS in Business Administration. She is a member of NETA, NAN and a Life Member of EGA.

Barbara Ellis is originally from Chicago, IL and graduated from the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, FL. She has received many awards for her work as a licensed Interior Designer and as a creator of fine jewelry. Barbara also creates and designs her own beaded jewelry pieces and patterns. She has been published in Beadwork Magazine several times with her necklace and bracelet designs. Many of her patterns also are available at She shares her craft by teaching at the Center for the Arts in Bonita Springs FL, Bead Boutique in Naples, FL, and various EGA events and organizations. Barbara exhibits with the Naples Artcrafters at monthly tent shows and events. She has several pieces on display at the ACSWF Co-Op Gallery at The Coconut Mall in Estero and the Epic 31 Boutique at The Promenade in Bonita Springs.

Pat Goaley is an EGA Master Craftsman in both Crewel and Surface Embroidery. In addition, she completed a Royal School of Needlework Certificate with Merit and a Diploma with Distinction. She is completing her Judging Certification and two Master Craftsman programs in Color and Design. Retired from the U.S. Navy, she is a physician assistant with a B.A. from George Washington University and a Master's degree from the University of Nebraska Medical School.

Cindy Hambrick loves to create 3 dimensional pieces from beads—Christmas ornaments, vessels, and especially little boxes. A mathematician and computer programmer by profession, her introduction to beadwork came in 2004 when she was making and embellishing cloth dolls. Beading soon became her passion. As she gained expertise, she found that others wanted her to teach them as well. She began teaching beginner classes through Austin Stitchery Guild in 2005 and has continued to teach more advanced classes as the years progressed. She has taught at many EGA events including National and Regional Seminars. Her students appreciate her complete kits and her detailed instructions.

Ruthmarie Hofmann has been a designer and teacher of needlearts for over 30 years in central California, with an educational background in art history and art education. She has taught at national, regional, and local levels of ANG and EGA as well as at fiber arts and quilt events. Her multi-layered past has included designing needlework kits for commercial companies as well as her own line of hand-painted canvases, plus a short foray in co-authoring children's craft sets in beads. Her teaching predilection is encouraging creative endeavor in color and design with beads, form manipulation, mixed media including upcycled materials, and combined needleart genres with fabric or canvas.

Judy McGraw has been a needle worker since she was 4 years old. She started collecting antique needlework tools and accessories in 1973 after inheriting her great grandmother's tatting shuttles. Her love of traveling led her to collecting all types of needlework tools and accessories from around the world. Judy is a member of several EGA chapters and TCI (Thimble Collectors International). She is married to Tim McGraw and has 5 children, 11 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.

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Betsy Morgan is an award-winning international teacher who specializes in three-dimensional counted thread designs and stumpwork. She has taught all across the U.S. and Canada as well as in England and Australia. Betsy has been embroidering for more than 50 years and says that she is never happier than when she has a needle in her hand. Betsy has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. She began designing and teaching needlework for her local EGA chapter in the mid '90s, went professional in 2001, and started her business, Willing Hands Needlework Design in 2003. Betsy also is an avid practitioner of Zentangle.

Jennifer Mullins was happily working cross stitch patterns in 1999 when she stumbled on Jane Nicholas' first stumpwork book and was immediately captivated. A subsequent trip to the shop "Needle in a Haystack" in Alameda, Ca. sealed the deal – she was in love with needlework and wanted to do it all! Through the years her passion has deepened with each new technique learned. She is particularly fond of 16th and 17th century samplers and stumpwork, or raised work. An accountant by training, she has served as treasurer and president of several EGA chapters and as EGA National Treasurer. She is currently in the position of EGA National Seminar Treasurer.

Deanna Powell is a fiber artist who has exhibited, lectured, and taught needle arts both in the US and internationally for over thirty-five years. She has designed and taught embellished clothing and accessories extensively; in recent years, beads have become an integral part of her clothing and jewelry designs. She is an EGA certified teacher, certified graduate teacher, and past national president of EGA. To share her knowledge, Deanna has contributed to numerous publications.

Kathy Rees learned to cross stitch at 14 and has never stopped using a needle (her mother is Jeanette Rees). After earning a business degree and working in the corporate world for 8 years, she moved to Florida in 1993 to work in the family needlework shop, Needle Delights. Time and a hurricane later, in 2011 she closed the shop to commit herself full time to designing and teaching. She especially enjoys working with color, multiple overdyed threads, and developing many colorways for her designs. She has taught classes locally as well as throughout the country, at trade shows, and online. She has taught at EGA Regional and National Seminars, and at ANG Seminars. Her designs have won numerous ribbons and awards in various venues and she has been published in Needlepoint Now.

Website: Blog:

Gail Stafford teaches mathematics at a small liberal arts college in eastern North Carolina. In her leisure time, she enjoys stitching canvas embroidery projects and creating original needlework designs. In recent years, her focus has been on translating scenic images into canvas embroidery designs. She holds EGA Master Craftsman certifications in Canvas, Color, and Design. She is the author of Bargello Challenge, an EGA correspondence course. She has been on the faculty of ANG national seminars and has presented numerous programs for EGA and ANG chapters. Her work has been published in Needle Pointers, Needle Arts, and Needlepoint Now.

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Kay Stanis is an internationally known teacher, fiber artist, designer, Master Craftsman, Certified and Graduate Certified Teacher of EGA and Kurenai Kai Traditional Japanese Embroidery. She has taught in Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, and the United States for: ANG, Callaway School of Needlearts, EGA, JEC, Koala Conventions, South Australian Embroiderers Guild, Embroidery 2000 (NZ), and many independent groups.

Ann Strite-Kurz has been an active teacher and designer for thirty years. She is certified in canvas embroidery by the National Academy of Needlearts (NAN) and teaches regularly at seminars sponsored by the Embroiderers' Guild of America and the American Needlepoint Guild. She taught three group correspondence courses for EGA for over a decade and she also holds a Master Craftsman certificate in canvas from EGA. In 1992 she published her first book, The Heart of Blackwork. Since then she has released six other books on innovative styles of open patterning. These include Potpourri of Pattern (1995), Backgrounds: The Finishing Touch (2003), Creative Canvas Couching (2005) and Diaper Patterns (2007) and Potpourri of Pattern Encore (2009). Ann was the recipient of ANG's 2010 Literary Award.

John Waddell has taught for over 40 years and belongs to EGA, NETA and ANG. He teaches weekly classes in Houston and numerous assignments with EGA, TNNA, Callaway and ANG locally and nationally. He has been elected to serve as the President of the National Embroidery Teacher's Association (NETA) twice, and is a current member of EGA Fiber Forum.

Mary Waldsmith, a retired attorney, has been designing and teaching small projects for her local EGA chapter for 25 years. Her project, "Elegant Holiday Tree," is available as an EGA Petite Project. She designs and writes needlepoint stitch guides for many canvas designers under the name Owl Stitchery. Her work can be viewed on Facebook and at

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2018 GuilDy Treasures Stash Sale Information

Would you like some of your stash to become part of someone else's stash?

One of the many things that bind needle workers together is the need to tend to our stashes. We are always looking to add to and/or refine (reduce) our stashes! Here is your opportunity to have a built

in market of around 200 shoppers looking to add to their collections of needlework items. This particular sale is open to Seminar participants and to the public as well as.

Stash Sales at SCR Seminars are a great fundraiser for Chapters. They are also a really nice way to

recoup some of the costs involved with creating your personal stash.

To participate in this Stash for Cash, here are the particulars:

When: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 from 7:00 to 8:30

Cost: $50.00 for a full table/$30.00 for ½ table. Each table measures 6 feet by 30 inches, and will be draped. Two chairs per table will be provided. You may rent as many tables as you wish!

Contact: Stephanie Kolban, 817-939-9983 or email [email protected]

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Thursday, June 14, 2018


Shopping, shopping, shopping!

Our 200+ Seminar participants thoroughly enjoy it.

This is an outstanding opportunity for our commercial/professional vendors to display and sell merchandise related to needlework: patterns, kits, fabrics, threads, beads, tools, books, accessories,

and supplies. Vendors will be listed in the Seminar Handbook. Use the registration form to sign up to sell at this


Tables: $50.00 per table (table measures 6 feet by 30 inches and will be draped). Multiple tables may be rented. Two chairs per table will be provided.

Janet Mittag, Merchandise Night Chair [email protected]

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All SCR chapters will have the opportunity to raise funds for their chapter by creating a basket of needlework-related items to raffle at GuilDy Treasures 2018 Seminar. The Opportunity Knocks room will be open at designated hours during the seminar. Tickets will be purchased by seminar attendees and placed into the container assigned to the basket they want to win. All of the money collected goes back to the participating chapter. The drawing will be held at the final banquet, and items must be picked up that same evening. Winners do not need to be present to win, but someone must pick up the basket for them.

Begin planning soon, be creative, and submit the best basket at Seminar 2018!

Linda Cox, Opportunity Knocks Chairman [email protected]

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WEAR YOUR NAMETAG. The teacher will appreciate being able to identify you by name. BE ON TIME. This includes promptly returning from breaks or lunch. Arrive early enough to set up and be ready to start when class starts. If you do arrive late, please take a seat in the back of the room and wait for the teacher to recognize you. Do not disrupt the class while getting settled. Notify the teacher if you have to leave class early. BE PREPARED. Bring supplies listed for the workshop and your survival kit of regular stitching supplies. If pre-stitching or homework is assigned, have it completed. LISTEN CAREFULLY to the teacher. If you do not understand, or need assistance, ask for help from the teacher after she has finished her explanation. Do not ask your neighbor. ASK QUESTIONS. Do not be afraid to ask questions about your class project. Remember, however, this is a group project. Do not monopolize the teacher's time or discuss unrelated personal needlework projects. KEEP CONVERSATION TO A MINIMUM and restrict it to the class project. Excessive talking is distracting to the teacher and classmates. RESPECT COPYRIGHT LAWS. Workshop directions are not to be copied or taught without written permission from the teacher. NO SMOKING, FOOD OR DRINK is allowed in the work or display areas. Don't touch other's needlework unless invited to do so and then only if your hands are clean. IF YOU ARE NOT A STUDENT IN THE WORKSHOP, do not "visit" during class period. Such visits are disruptive to the teacher and to those who have paid for the privilege of benefiting from the class. If you must come to the classroom, arrange to do so during the lunch break and leave when the class reconvenes.


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Upcoming Dates

Early (Priority) Registration June 7 to July 14, 2017 Begin Hotel Reservations August 1, 2017 General Registration July 15, 2017 to April 1, 2018 Class Changes ($50 Administrative Fee per change) April 1 to May 1, 2018 Class Selection Notification October 1, 2017 ½ Fee Payment Due November 1, 2017 Balance of Fee Payment Due February 1, 2018 Seminar Begins June 13, 2018 Registration

How do I register? Complete all appropriate fields on pages 5 and 6 of the registration form and save to your computer with your information. Email your completed form file to [email protected]. Alternately, this form can printed and filled in manually, and either a scanned or photo copy of the form emailed.

You may mail your registration form to the registrar. Response correspondence will be via e-mail unless you choose to have this sent via US Postal Service.

How can I pay for Seminar? You may pay any and all fees by PayPal or check, made out to SCR Seminar 2018. Cash will also be accepted for deposits made during the SCR 2017 Seminar.

Can I fill in the form on my Mac computer? If you open the file using Preview, the default application for PDFs, you will experience problems with drop-downs and auto-calculation of amounts. However, you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for Mac (try looking at and with that you will be able to complete the form. Meals What meals are included with the seminar registration? Registration for the full seminar (any combination of 3 day classes or Studio Time) includes lunch Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and the Banquet on Friday night. What if I have dietary restrictions? Please indicate your needs on the registration form. Although we cannot accommodate dietary preferences we do need to verify any dietary restrictions such as food allergies, diabetes, vegetarian, religious etc. Limit this to dietary restrictions only. Thank you for understanding.

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Classes What if the class I selected does not fill and needs to be cancelled? Classes may be cancelled in the event of insufficient enrollment, teacher illness, or any other emergency as may be determined by the Seminar 2018 committee. In the event the class must be cancelled, every effort will be made to place the student in their next choice. Any travel cost or other commitments incurred by the student made to attend seminar, will be the sole responsibility of the student. What if I must cancel? If you must cancel, your class and kit fees will be refunded until April 13, 2018. The $60 registration fee and the $80 non-member fee are non-refundable. Please refer to the Registration Information page 1 for the full description of our cancellation policy. How and when will I be notified of which classes I will be in? For those who are registered by September 15, 2017, the class selection notification and invoice with the total amount due, including kit fees, will be sent via email (unless you have checked the box on the registration form to pay $2 to receive your information by the US Postal Service) on October 1, 2017. If you register after this date, the class selection notification will be sent via email (again, unless you checked the box for US Postal Service) as registrations are processed. Class Angels and First Timers What is a Class Angel? This is a student who volunteers to assist the teacher with such things as taking roll, distributing class kits and supplies, etc. The Angel is not expected to assist in any teaching capacity and will not be expected to lift or carry heavy boxes. An Angel might need to help with any additional taping of electrical cords as needed. A Class Angel will not miss any class instruction. How do I volunteer to be a class angel? Check the appropriate box on the registration form. What is a First Timer? This is someone who has never attended a South Central Region Seminar. Miscellaneous Where can I eat on the evenings that dinner is not included? There is a restaurant in the hotel and a Benihana restaurant across the street from the hotel. In the registrant's handbook (received when you check into our registration) there will be a list of fast food and restaurants that are in the area. What type of clothing should I pack? Comfortable, casual clothing is recommended, and layers like a light weight jacket, sweater or a shawl would be appropriate if needed for air conditioned rooms.

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What supplies should I pack? You will receive a letter from your teacher approximately 6 weeks or so before seminar with any needed specific supplies. Otherwise your normal stitching supplies. What is Merchandise/Stash Sale night? Merchandise night is on Thursday night from 7-9 p.m. We have invited certain professional vendors, artisans and teachers who will be tempting you with their exciting stitch related items. Stash Sale night is on Wednesday night from 7-8:30 p.m., and is an opportunity for individuals and/or chapters to sell items from their stash that they no longer want to work on. Each event has a table cost that is listed on the registration form. How do I register for a mini-class? There is a space on the registration form to register for a mini-class. Do I have to stay at the hotel? No, you do not, but you will have to pay the Facility Fee of $100. This is not required if you are only taking a one day class.

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June 12-16, 2018


REGISTRATION ON LINE: Complete all appropriate fields on pages 5 and 6 of this form and save to your computer* with your information. Email your completed form file to [email protected]. Alternately, this form can be printed and filled in manually and either a scanned or photo copy of the form emailed.

* This form cannot be filled in and saved on most iPads – choose another method of submission. REGISTRATION BY MAIL: You may mail your registration form to the registrar. Response correspondence will be via e-mail unless you choose to have this sent via US Postal Service. A $3 fee is charged for this service to cover mailing expenses. EARLY REGISTRATION: All registrations postmarked on or before July 14, 2017 will be considered First Day registrations. CLASS SCHEDULE: SCR Seminar classes are held Thursday through Saturday. All 2-day classes are offered on Thursday and Friday, while 1-day classes are offered on Saturday. If attending the full seminar, you may take either a 3-day class (Thursday – Saturday) or a combination of one 2-day class and one 1-day class. Additionally, mini classes are offered on Wednesday afternoon, CLASS SELECTION AND PROFICIENCY LEVELS. To help you select a class, please be familiar with the following EGA proficiency-level definitions:

BASIC. No experience with the technique being taught is necessary.

INTERMEDIATE: Knowledge of basic stitches, materials, and their use in the technique being taught is required.

ADVANCED. Ability to execute simple and difficult stitches in the technique is required. The student also should have knowledge of color and design that will allow exploration and creativity.

ALL LEVELS. Class is suitable for all levels.

CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Every effort will be made to place registrants in their choice of classes. Class assignments will be mailed by October 1, 2017 and will include billing for any remaining registration fees, kit fees, and adjustments. Installment balances must be paid by February 1, 2018. Failure to pay by this date will result in cancellation of class assignments. CLASS CHANGES: All change requests must be submitted to the registrar in writing/email. Changes requested after April 1, 2018 will incur a $50 Administrative fee. No fee will be assessed for adding classes or meal tickets. All changes are subject to availability and must be completed by May 1, 2018.

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1. Participant Cancellation: a. Cancelling participant must send cancellation notification in writing to [email protected]. If

unable to send an email, call Registrar, Sue Cathcart, at (214) 683-6966 to notify of cancellation to come in the mail. Mailed cancellations should be sent to the registration address below.

b. Cancellations postmarked on or before: i. 60 days prior (April 13, 2018) to the opening of seminar will receive a refund less the

nonrefundable registration and non-EGA member fees. ii. 30 to 59 days prior (April 14 through May 13, 2018) to the opening of seminar will incur a $100

cancellation fee in addition to nonrefundable registration and non-EGA member fees. iii. 0 to 29 days prior (May 14 through June 12) to the opening of the seminar, the seminar

executive committee will review within 30 days of the close of seminar. a) A full refund, minus the nonrefundable registration and non-EGA member fees , will be

given in the event of the death of the registrant or a member of the immediate family, and acts of war regarding the registrant’s reassignment. Immediate family is defined as spouse, child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling.

b) A partial refund may be granted in the event of serious illness of the registrant or an immediate family member, or a natural disaster preventing the registrant’s attendance. Consideration in determining the amount of the refund shall be given to the costs incurred by the seminar.

c. Kits will be distributed or kit fee refunded solely at the discretion of the teacher for cancellations received after April 13, 2018.

d. No refunds will be considered after 30 days of close of seminar. 2. In the event that SCR EGA cancels a class after students have been assigned and a student chooses not to

attend seminar, the seminar fee less the nonrefundable registration and non-EGA member fees will be reimbursed. Any travel costs the student has incurred are solely the responsibility of the student.

FACILITIES USE POLICY: Anyone registered for two or more days of classes who does not stay at the designated hotel at the EGA-contracted rate will be charged a one-time facilities use fee of $100, unless alternate arrangements are approved by the seminar chair. MEALS: Meal tickets may be purchased for guests and/or volunteers to attend lunches and the banquet. Favors will be distributed at meals upon submission of a meal ticket. Favors for those not attending a meal can be picked up at the information desk after the meal, upon presentation of a meal ticket. Favors will not be mailed. MERCHANDISE NIGHT AND STASH SALE EVENT: Tables are $50 each for these events. See information in this brochure and sign up on the registration form. Alternately, Merchandise Night tables may be obtained as part of an advertising package.

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REGISTRATION FEES: $60.00 - DUE WITH REGISTRATION FOR ALL ATTENDEES (EGA AND NON-EGA MEMBERS) AND NONREFUNDABLE. $80.00 - ADDITIONAL FEE FOR NON-EGA MEMBERS DUE WITH REGISTRATION AND NONREFUNDABLE. (This can be applied to a one-year membership in the Dallas Needlework & Textiles Guild Chapter of EGA.) FACILITIES FEE: Required for attendees of multi-day classes not staying at the hotel. $100.00 CLASS FEES for 3 FULL DAYS – Each of these 4 options include lunch on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and the banquet on Friday: 3 days of classes- $395. 2 days of classes and 1 day Studio Time - $375. 1 day of class and 2 days Studio Time - $350. 3 days of Studio Time- $330. FEE FOR SATURDAY 1-DAY CLASS ONLY: $200 includes lunch the day of class. If you wish to attend other meals you may purchase additional tickets. MINI CLASS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON - $20. (Does not include any meals or kit fee). CLASS FEES DO NOT INCLUDE KIT FEES. After your registration is confirmed, initial registration fees are paid and classes are assigned, you will be notified of kit fees and how to pay them. Failure to pay kit fees by the due date will result in your registration being cancelled. PAYMENT OPTIONS: 1. You may pay any and all fees by PayPal or check. Cash will also be accepted for deposits made during the 2017 SCR Seminar. Make checks payable to SCR Seminar 2018. 2. If you wish to pay by credit card, you must use PayPal. If you check the PayPal option on the registration form, you will receive an email invoice and instructions on how to pay. You must pay this invoice within 10 days of receipt or your registration will be cancelled.

Sue Cathcart, Registrar: EGA-SCR Seminar 2018 6814 Dalhart Lane Dallas TX 75214

[email protected]

First Day Registration is through July 14, 2017. General registration begins July 15, 2017. Not an EGA (Embroiderers’ Guild of America) member? There is an additional $80 non-refundable fee which may be applied to membership in the Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild Chapter of EGA.

Questions? Contact the Registrar at [email protected]

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June 12-16, 2018


Name ________________________________________ Preferred Name _______________________ EGA # __________________ Chapter Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State __________ Zip _______________ Day Phone (______) ______________________ Night Phone (______) _________________________ Cell Phone (______) ______________________ E-Mail ______________________________________ Emergency Info: Name _________________________________ Relationship ___________________ Day Phone (_____) ___________ Night Phone (_____) _________ Cell Phone (_____) ____________ First Time Seminar Attendee? ☐Yes ☐No Are you a Chapter or Region Officer? ☐Yes ☐No Dietary Constraints / Physical Limitations ________________________________________________ Roommate Name _______________________________ Do you need a roommate? ☐Yes ☐No

I release the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, Inc. (EGA), the South Central Region (SCR), and the Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild (DN&TG) from any liability for theft, property damage or personal injury while participating in or attending any or all functions and meetings of EGA SCR Seminar 2018. Signature:_____________________________________________________ Date:___________________

If returning this form electronically, typing in your name is considered to be your electronic signature.

CLASS SELECTION: List your choices below based on the number of class days attending. Place a check-mark in the "Angel"

column for any class for which you’re willing to be a class angel. � Mini Class: fill in Column A � 3-day class: fill in Columns B and C � 2-day class w/ studio: fill in Column B and write

“studio” in Column C

� 1-day class w/ studio: fill in Column C and write “studio” in Column B

� 3 days studio: write “studio” in Columns B and C � Saturday 1-day class: fill in Column C


A B C Wednesday – Mini Class

June 13, 2018 Thursday/Friday – 2 or 3 day class

June 14 – 15, 2018 Saturday – 3-day or 1-day class

June 16, 2018 Class Name No. Angel Class Name No. Angel Class Name No. Angel




We cannot process your registration form without your initials in the first item below.

________ I have read and understand EGA’s cancellation policy and facilities use policies.

I understand that the SCR Seminar 2018 facilities fee is $100


Your name, chapter, and classes will be published in the Seminar Handbook.

Please initial here if you would like to OPT OUT of this listing.


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EGA-SCR Seminar 2018 REGISTRATION FORM PAGE 2 (Please Print) Name _____________________________________________________ Date _______________ Registration Fee: Non-Refundable, Due with Registration $ 60 Non-EGA Member Fee: Non-Refundable, Due with Registration Check if you wish to apply fee to DN&TG membership ☐ Yes $ 80 $ ________ Class Fee (based on first class choices) – select one:

$ ________

• Fee for attending any combination of 3 days of classes or Studio Time.

Includes 3 lunches and 1 banquet. 3-day class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $395 2-day class + 1-day Studio Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375 1-day class + 2-day Studio Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350 3-day Studio Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $330

• Fee for attending Saturday 1-day class only. Includes 1 lunch. 1-day class only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

• Add Mini Class Fee (Wednesday Afternoon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 $ ________ Facility Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 $ ________ Required for attendees NOT staying at the Seminar Hotel (Not required for those taking a 1-day class) Lunch/Banquet Ticket (for guests or not included in seminar package)

• Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total ____.@ $40ea $ ________ Number per Day(s): ________ Thurs ________ Fri ________ Sat

• Friday Night Banquet: Number ________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85ea $ ________ Merchandise Night Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50ea $ ________

Number of Tables: _____ Stash Sale Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full table: $50 / Half-table: $30 $ ________

Number of Tables: ________________ All registration correspondence will be sent via e-mail. If you prefer to use the US Postal Service, please add $3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ________ GRAND TOTAL (does NOT include kit fees) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ________ If you must cancel, your class and kit fees will be refunded per the cancellation policy.




























pay ½








The remaining







2018. •
















will not














I wish






. Check


☐ Yes


I wish



using . . .


. . . . .

. . Check


☐ PayPal

☐ Check

PayPal may be used for credit card payment. You will receive an invoice at the email address you provided

, after we receive your registration. You must pay within 10 days of receipt of the



your registration will be cancelled and you will have to start over.
















DEPOSIT by ☐ Check- # ________ ☐ Cash ☐ PayPal Amt $ __________

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Welcome to the 2018 SCR SeminarGuilDy Treasures

June 12-16, 2018Dallas, Texas

Katherine Woodward
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2018 SCR Seminar GuilDy TreasuresTable of Contents

Welcome Messages 3First Timers Orientation 4Opportunity Knocks/Seminar 2019 4SCR Officers and Committee Chairs 5SCR Chapters 5Dining 7Hotel Map 8Door Prizes 9Thank You to Seminar Sponsors 10Shopping 11Merchandise Night Vendors 11Good Manners for Seminar Classes 13GuilDy Treasures Faculty 14Classes 15Participants 22Caring For Our Community 28SCR Opportunity Knocks Drawing 29Special Thanks 302018 Seminar Committee 30

In the event of an emergency while attending Seminar 2018, please notify the hotel operator “0” (do not call 911 - the hotel operator will do this for you). Then contact Seminar Chair Karen Dittmar at 817-688-1298 or Facilities Chair Amanda Garcia-Slater at 469-835-8766.


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The members of Dallas Needlework and Textile Guild are pleased to welcome you to the 2018 SCR Seminar. We hope you will enjoy your stay with us and will find many opportunities to share the wonderful classes, exciting shopping options, delicious meals, and quality stitching time with your friends, old and new.

If there is anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable, please don’t hesitate to ask! Thank you for coming to Semnar this year. Now, let’s go have some fun!

Karen DittmarChair, 2018 SCR Seminar


Welcome to the annual South Central Region Seminar, GuilDy Treasures

I would like to welcome you to Dallas and the fabulous 2018 SCR Seminar. Karen Dittmar and her committee have put in numerous hours planning this wonderful, “GuilDy” seminar. I know you will have an unforgettable time while on your personal “treasure hunt” in your quest for knowledge in the needle arts, making and maintaining friendships, or (perhaps!) finally finishing your project in Studio Time. Don’t forget to fill your chest with treasure from the TWO shopping opportunities; the ever-popular merchandise night and the not to be missed stash sale. Your educational bounty continues as you sign up for the myriad of SCR sponsored GCCs (Group Correspondence Courses), and the not to be missed Seminar 2019 to be held in Rogers, Arkansas.

Please take the time to thank the 2018 Seminar committee members as well as your region officers and committee chairs. It is their willingness to selflessly donate their

time to EGA that makes SCR THE BEST region with THE BEST Seminar of all!

Enjoy our time together, I know I will!

Shawn Miller,SCR Region Director


Hello Seminar Participants!

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First/metoSCRseminar? Wellthen,thefirst-/mersmee/ngistheplace for you! Topics covered will include Teachers Showcase,MerchandiseNight,OpportunityKnocks,andmuchmore.ItisalsoanopportunitytomeettheEGApresident,LeslieGagliardi,andtheSCRDirector,ShawnMiller. ThereisaspecialgiSforeachfirst-/mers,sodon’tmissthisinforma/vemee/ng.


StopbytheOpportunityKnocksinSalonB&C andbrowsethroughthewonderful baskets that are being offered by SCR Chapters thisyear. Decisions, Decisions!! Purchase /ckets at $1 each and dropthemintheboxassignedtothebasketyouwouldlovetowin!Buy20/ckets at once and receive a giS (quan//es limited). All proceedsfromthesaleof/cketsgobacktothechapters.ThedrawingswillbeheldattheFridayeveningbanquet.Youdonothavetobepresenttowin, but please ask someone to pick up your basket immediatelyaSerthebanquet.Remembertobringaddresslabelstomakesigningthose/cketseasier.Pleaseincludeaphonenumberatwhichyoucanbe reachedat Seminar. Comeand supportour region chapters andWIN!!

Don’tforgettocheckoutthewonderfuldisplayofprojectsselectedfor the 2019 Seminar Explore The Arts. See the projects in personbeforeyoufilloutyour2019registra/on!


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South Central Region EGAOfficers and Committee Chairs

Region Director Shawn MillerAssistant Region Director Sandra HarwellSecretary Karen HellerTreasurer Sherri HagarEducation Coordinator Mary Waldsmith

Special Events Amanda Garcia-SlaterSpecial Events Assistant Gretchen ReillyCommunications Sherri SevilleBy-Laws Debbie OsborneHeart and Hand Denise HallHistorian Pat LufholmOutreach Lyn ThomasWays and Means Paula MilhollonEducation Assistant Beth NewtonWebmaster Jane MajorParliamentarian Sandy CrowSeminar Mentor Marianna Markham

Membership Dr. Linda Walker

SCR Chapters by StateArkansasBella Vista Chapter - Bella VistaDiamond Chapter - Little RockVillage Chapter - Hot Springs

LouisianaLouisiana Lagniappe Chapter - Baton RougeShreveport Rose Stitchery Guild - Shreveport

OklahomaEmbroiderers’ Guild of Oklahoma - TulsaNorman Chapter - NormanShawnee Sew & Sews - Shawnee


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TexasAustin Stitchery Guild - AustinBay Area Renaissance Stitchers - HoustonBrazos Valley Chapter - Bryan/College StationConcho Pearl Chapter - San AngeloDallas Needlework & Textile Guild - DallasEast Texas Chapter - TylerFort Worth Chapter - Fort WorthGreater Dallas Chapter - DallasHouston Embroiderers’ Guild - HoustonPermian Basin Needle Arts - Midland/OdessaSan Antonio Needlework Guild - San AntonioSpindletop Stitchers - BeaumontTexas Star Chapter - WacoThe Woodlands Chapter - The WoodlandsTip of Texas - HarlingenWest Texas Chapter - LubbockYellow Rose - Houston


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Thursday, June 14 LunchTomato Basil Soup - non-dairy

Turkey Havarti Wrap with Homemade Sweet Potato ChipsFruit and Berry Tart

Friday, June 15 LunchVegetable Tortilla Soup - possibly non-dairy

Southwestern Chicken Salad with Mini Corn Muffins

Raspberry Marscapone Torte

Friday, June 15 DinnerGreens, beets, carrots, tomato with

Champagne DressingStuffed Roasted Pork Loin with

Olive Oil-stuffing, light on the sage Sauteed Green Beans and Cilantro Carrots Flourless Chocolate Cake with Gold Dust

Saturday, June 16 LunchWild Mushroom Bisque

Steak and Queso Fresco Cobb Salad with choice of Ranch or Blue Cheese Dressings

Strawberry Shortcake


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Getting Around the Hotel

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It’s Door Prize Time!

A big thank you to all door-prize contributors:

Gift certificates from our sponsors: Nedlewerks (gold), The Stitch Niche (gold), Needlepoint This! (gold) Fancy Stitches (silver), Wild Beads (silver), French Knot (silver), and Creative Stitches and Gifts (silver).

Gift certificates and/or product from:, 3 Stitches, Golden Thread Needlearts and Custom Framing, Chandail Needlework, Judy’s Stitchery Nook, A Stitching Shop, Island Stitchery & Studio, Thistle Needlework, and The Colonial Needle Company.

Many items from the generous members of Dallas Needlework and Textile Guild.

Here are your opportunities to win:

SCR annual meeting: All attendees of the meeting may enter fora chance to win a door prize. The drawing will be held at the end of the meeting and you must be present to win.

Each paid seminar registrant will receive one (1) ticket for each meal included in their registration package. These door-prize tickets are the same color as the respective meal ticket. Door prizes, along with their corresponding ticket box, will be on display one half-hour before each lunch and one hour before Friday’s banquet. Just drop your ticket in the box of your favorite door prize before you enter the dining hall. Door prize drawings will occur during the meal. You must be present to win.

Each paid seminar registrant will automatically be entered to win a gift certificate. These drawings will occur during each of the four (4) seminar meals. You must be present to win.


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MERCHANDISE NIGHT is a fun 2 hour event with loads of treasures from needlework shops, teachers, artisans and designers. EGA National and SCR (South Central) are also participating. Come join us and shop!


If you have ever looked at a friend's stash and thought to yourself, "Oooohhh, I want that!" then the Stash Sale is the place for you! The Stash Sale will be held from 7:00-8:30 on Wednesday evening. It is a great way for individuals and Chapters to sell needlework and related items that are no longer wanted or needed. This is an opportunity to shop for new or gently used patterns, canvases, kits, fabrics, threads, books and a myriad of other stitching related supplies. The Stash Sale is open to the public.

Merchandise Night Vendors

CELESTE CHALASANI 1903 Arbor Way McKinleyville, CA 95519


106 N. Pendell

Cleburne, TX 76033

[email protected]



Lois McMaster

100 Cove Terrace Hwy 190

Copperas Cove, TX 76522

[email protected] 254-542-6335

NEEDLEPOINT THIS! Sherry or Bonnie Cody

4420 Lovers Lane

Dallas, TX 75225

[email protected] 214-363-6377

THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILD OF AMERICA (EGA) 1205 E. Washington St., Ste. 117

Louisville, KY 40206



522 W. Oak Dr.

Round Rock, TX 78664



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4129 Argenta Way Pensacola, FL 32504

[email protected]



Cindy Hambrick

SCR South Central Region EGA



Kim Lewis / Deborah Holcomb

2425 W. Arkansas Lane, Ste. C

Arlington, TX 76013

FB: @stitchnichearlington



Lindy Legener

6068 S. Sheridan Rd.

Tulsa, OK 74145

[email protected]



2265 Keota Lane

Superior, CO 80027

[email protected] 303-499-9725


Terri Bay

30 Foxmoor Ct.

Simpsonville, SC 29680

[email protected]



c/o Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

111 Torcido Dr.

San Antonio, TX 78209

[email protected]



2795 Glen Haven Drive

League City,TX 71573



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Good Manners for Seminar Classes

1. All cell phones should be turned off or set on vibrate. Please

step into the hall to take or make a call.

2. Avoid excessive talking, listen to the teacher, and do not attempt to answer questions for the teacher.

3. Listen to instructions carefully and read all written material. Do not monopolize the teacher’s time. Share!

4. Teachers are hired for their expertise. If your method for a technique is different, give the new way a trial. Do not discuss other teachers or their styles. If you differ with the teacher, discuss it privately with him/her after class.

5. Keep all food and beverages away from your work area.

6. Wear your nametag so the teacher can see it.

7. Written instructions are not to be copied or taught without written permission from the teacher. Remember copyright laws.

8. Be on time and prepared with class needs as called for in class instructions. Anticipate extra needs: extension cords, lights, extra needles, etc.

9. Return from lunch promptly. Lateness is a discourtesy to the teacher and other class members.

10. Make every effort to stay for the entire session. If you must leave early, forewarn the teacher and make arrangements to get additional instructions from a fellow student. Do not demand extra time from the teacher.

11. Don’t forget to have FUN!


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Faculty

Terri BayNine Patch Tray, Nordic Band30 Foxmoor Ct. Simpsonville, C

Kurdy BiggsBlue Ridge Reflections2265 Keota LaneSuperior, CO [email protected]

Celeste ChalsaniAutumn Jewels5207 Stephen Stroud DriveAntioch, CA [email protected]

Dawn DonnellyCool Yule, No Spells Tonight52806 Stag Ridge Dr.Macomb, MI [email protected]

Cindy HambrickToadly-Sarah Christmas Poinsettia2808 Chatelle Dr.Round Rock, TX [email protected]

Patricia GoaleyBlue Flax, Punto Antico1445 Stillwater Rd.Waco, TX [email protected]

Betsy MorganVirgin Queen’s Sewing Wallet,Virgin Queen’s Sewing Pocket38179 Britain Rd.Lovettsville, VA [email protected]

Kathy ReesHighland Circle, Serenity4129 Agenta WayPensacola, FL [email protected]

Gail StaffordAzaleas1109 Waterloo CtRocky Mount, [email protected]

Ann Strite-KurzBeachcombers Booty3802 Wren Wood CtMidland, MI [email protected]

John WaddellCanvas Doctor at Your Service1705 NantucketHouston, TX [email protected]


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Classes and Participants(*Indicates Class Angel)

Class 001 1880’s Style Paper Pieced Pinkeep - Jan Blevins(Degolyer - Second Level)

Gwen Gibbs Jana Kerr Rebecca MorrisKaren Hamilton Pat Lufholm Valorie Russell*JoAnn Jackson Joyce McCoig

Class 002 Treasured Scents - Sue Cathcart (Tenison A - Second Level)

Kathy Abouhalka Edna Clemens Janet MittagJane Bauch Suzette Drouillard Melanie NortonNell Bezinque Cindy Hambrick Lea PeacockNatalie Campbell Nancy Hill Dr. Linda WalkerRobin Caraway Jennifer Kiss* Ann Zdansky

Class 003 Around the World with Antique Needlework Tools andAccessories - Judy McGraw (Salon A - Second Level)

Gretchen Bennett Sharon Hussey Jymmie StantonDonna Bowers Karen Marichal Pam TaylorSandy Crow Barbara Martin Mary Jo ThomsonDonna Downing Paula Millhollon Torrie ThornburyKathy Fielder Bobbi Norris Liz Van KeurenLeslie Gagliardi Carol Parker Kathleen WestonKate Gaunt Pat Rozendal Leslie WisdomJanet Hill Patricia Simons Annette Worthington*

Class 004 Stumpwork Caterpillar - Jennifer Mullins (Tenison B - Second Level)

Marty Anderson Darlene Funk Cyndi Scott*Linda Bell Susan Kessel Sherri SevilleDee Cavalier Caroline Lochridge John WaddellDana Cheneler Sallie Pate Sarah Weld

Class 005 Mini Darned Pine - Mary Waldsmith (Travis - Third Level)

Terry Anderson Cheryl Earp* Lulu MartinSilvia Blewett Linda Ferguson Georgia PetersonShirley Brown Linda Gresham Linda RayDiane Bryan Joy Higgins Jeanne RootPam Carranza Dottie Hogg Pam SasserDiane Chesley Martha Langley Kate SparksCheryl Christian Eva Levi Doris WedgeJane Clawson Mary Lord Sheila WyzePam Dunagin Susan Magee


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Classes and Participants(*Indicates Class Angel)

Class 101 Nordic Band - Terri Bay(Grapevine - Third Level)

Jonalene Gutwein Michelle Renee Kay SumpterLinda Hebert Jeanne Root Anne Tuley*Joyce McCoig Pat Simons Diane WilliamsRebecca Morris Jymmie Stanton

Class 102 No Spells Tonight - Dawn Donnelly(Meredith A - Third Level)

Linda Bell Gwen Gibbs* Linda WigginsPam Dunagin Susan McCluggageLeslie Gagliardi Georgia Peterson

Class 103 Punto Antico: Italian Antique Stitch - Patricia Goaley(Canyon A - Third Level)

Jane Bauch Susan Kessel Sallie PateJan Blevins* Cyndy Kier Jane QuadeJudy Brady Jennifer Kiss Coleen ScarboroughDana Cheneler Susan Lewis Liz Van KeurenKathy Fielder Pat Lufholm Karen WaddellPankaj Hajra Trish Mims Dr. Linda WalkerSusan Holmes Bonnie MoellerAllene Hooper Debbie Osborne

Class 104 Christmas Poinsettia - Cindy Hambrick(Bachman - Third Level)

Terry Anderson Donna Downing Mary Alice SintonLynn Bahm Inez Eppright Pam SmithNatalie Campbell Karen Heller Kate SparksDeAnn Cataldie Mary Lord Katherine Woodward*Cheryl Christian Paula MillhollonSharon Cranmer Pam Sasser


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Classes and Participants(*Indicates Class Angel)

Class 107 Betsy Morgan - Virgin Queen’s Sewing Pocket(Travis - Third Level)

Lois Albert Darlene Funk Bobbi NorrisDonna Bowers Mary Layman Lea PeacockRobin Caraway Barbara Martin Shelley RosalesLinda Cox Yvonne McCauley Valorie RussellSandy Crow Judy McGraw Cyndi ScottKathleen Doughty Lynn Melder * Loretta SondrellLynn Engelbrecht Carrie Noess Catherine Way

Class 108 Kathy Rees - Serenity(Canyon B - Third Level)

Suzette Drouillard Caroline Lochridge Pam TaylorKaren Hamilton Martha Maeder Annette Worthington*Janet Hill Karen MarichalEva Levi Elizabeth Newton

Class 111 Ann Strite-Kurz - Beachcombers Booty(Texoma - Third Level)

Kathy Abouhalkah Karen Dittmar* Tonya MulhallJudi Allen Linda Gresham Gerry StarkGretchen Bennett Joy Higgins Ann ZdanskyJane Clawson Dottie Hogg

Class 112 John Waddell - Canvas Doctor at Your Service(Tenison B - Second Level)

Marcia Buckingham Donna Jansma Mary WaldsmithSue Cathcart Carolyn MinderSharon Davis Janet Mittag*


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Classes and Participants(*Indicates Class Angel)

Class 113 1 Day Studio Time(Marsalis - Second Level)

Lydia Barnhouse Sandra Harwell Galia MoragSilvia Blewett Bonnie Herrmann Sharon MurrayShirley Brown Jo Ann Jackson* Linda RayDiane Bryan Susan Jelen Gretchen ReillyPam Carranza Candy Jepsen Pat RozendalDee Cavalier Jana Kerr Debi ShiozawaDiane Chesley Carole Lacefield Pat SweetEdna Clemens Martha Langley Torrie ThornburyJoy Cobb Penny Lull Cathy TrostmannLynette Crosby Susan Magee Gloria VandaveerLynette Eason Jane Major Joan VanderbrinkMargaet Evans Marianna Markham Nancy WallaceJan Faubion Lulu Martin Kathleen WestonLinda Ferguson Barbara McPhee Sue WhiteShari Finfrock Shelly Miland Leslie WisdomDonna Hagaman Lisa Miller Sheila WyzeSherry Hagar Shawn MillerSarah Hambrick Dona Moore

Class 201 Terri Bay - Nine Patch Tray(Grapevine - Third Level)

Gretchen Bennett Carole Lacefield Sallie PateMarcia Buckingham Pat Lufholm* Georgia PetersonMargaret Evans Penny Lull Jane QuadeJonalene Gutwein Rebecca Morris Liz Van KeurenLinda Hebert Tonya Mulhall Karen WaddellKaren Heller Debbie Osborne Annette Worthington

Class 202 Dawn Donnelly - Cool Yule(Meredith A - Third Level)

Donna Bowers Joy Higgins Dona MooreGwen Gibbs* Jana Kerr Kate SparksSarah Hambrick Susan McCluggage Pat Sweet


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Classes and Participants(*Indicates Class Angel)

Class 203 Patricia Goaley - Blue Flax(Canyon A - Third Level)

Lydia Barnhouse Allene Hooper Trish MimsLinda Bell Susan Kessel* Coleen ScarboroughJudy Brady Cyndy Kier Dr. Linda WalkerPankaj Hajra Jennifer Kiss Leslie WisdomJanet Hill Karen Marichal

Class 204 Cindy Hambrick - Toadly-Sarah(Bachman - Third Level)

Terry Anderson Karen Hamilton Paula MillhollonNatalie Campbell Donna Jansma Debra ShiozawaSandy Crow Marianna Markham* Mary Alice SintonDonna Downing Lulu Martin Katherine WoodwardInez Eppright Joyce McCoigDonna Hagaman Lisa Miller

Class 207 Betsy Morgan - Virgin Queen’s Sewing Wallet(Travis - Third Level)

Lois Albert Mary Layman Shelley RosalesRobin Caraway Barbara Martin Valorie RussellSharon Cranmer Yvonne McCauley Loretta SondrallKathleen Doughty Judy McGraw* Kay SumpterDarlene Funk Carrie Noess Pam TaylorLeslie Gagliardi Shelly Miland Catherine Way

Class 208 Kathy Rees - Highland Circle(Canyon B - Third Level)

Pam Carranza* Caroline Lockridge Pat SimonsEdna Clemens Mary Lord Jymmie StantonBonnie Herrmann Martha Maeder Gerry StarkSusan Holmes Bonnie Moeller Gloria VandaveerEva Levi Pam Sasser


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Classes and Participants(*Indicates Class Angel)

Class 209 Gail Stafford - Azaleas(Texoma - Third Level)

Judi Allen Joy Cobb Linda GreshamLynn Bahm Sharon Davis Elizabeth NewtonDee Cavalier Jan Faubion Lea PeacockDana Cheneler* Linda Ferguson Sheila WyzeCheryl Christian Kathy Fielder Ann Zdansky

Class 212 John Waddell - Canvas Doctor at Your Service(Tenison B - Second Level)

Jane Bauch* Lynette Eason Sue WhiteSue Cathcart Carolyn Minder Linda WigginsKaren Dittmar Janet MittagSuzette Drouillard Mary Waldsmith

Class 213 2-Day Studio Time(Marsalis - Second Level)

Kathy Abouhalkah Dottie Hogg Gretchen ReillySilvia Blewett Jo Ann Jackson Jeanne RootShirley Brown Candy Jepsen Pat RozendalDiane Bryan Martha Langley Cyndi ScottDeAnn Cataldie Susan Lewis Torrie ThornburyDiane Chesley Susan Magee Cathy TrostmannJane Clawson Jane Major Joan VanderbrinkLinda Cox Barbi McPhee Nancy WallaceLynette Crosby Lynn Melder Kathleen WestonPam Dunagin Shawn Miller Diane WilliamsLynn Engelbrecht* Galia MoragShari Finfrock Sharon MurraySherri Hagar Bobbi NorrisSandra Harwell Linda Ray


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2018 GuilDy Treasures Classes and Participants(*Indicates Class Angel)

Class 301 Kurdy Biggs - Blue Ridge Reflections(Meredith B - Third Level)

Nell Bezinque Nancy Hill Kay SimondsLori Brown Jean Neisius Elena SiurnaMichele Brown Melanie Norton Lyn ThomasCheryl Earp Carol Parker Carol WallinKate Gaunt Kathy Scioneaux* Glenda Zwambag

Class 303 Celeste Chalasani - Autumn Jewels(Tenison A - Second Level)

Marty Anderson Karen Milligan Diane Van BielsteinDiane Busse Sharon Palermo Doris WedgeJamie Cerda Irene Platek Sarah WeldEileen Chalk* Sherri SevilleSharon Hussey Mary Jo Thomson


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2018 GuilDy Treasures ParticipantsKathy Abouhalkah (111, 213)The Woodlands Chapter, TX

Lois Albert (107, 207)Norman Chapter, OK

Judi Allen (111, 209)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Marty Anderson (303)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Terry Anderson (104, 204)Bella Vista Chapter, AR

Lynn Bahm (104, 209)Houston Embrodierers’ Guild, TX

Lydia Barnhouse (113, 203)El Paso Chapter, TX

Jane Bauch (109,212)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Linda Bell (102, 203)San Antonio Needlework Guild, TX

Gretchen Bennett (111,201)Embroiderers’ Guild of Oklahoma, OK

Nell Bezinque (301)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Jan Blevins (103)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Silvia Blewett (113,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Donna Bowers (107,202)East Texas Chapter, TX

Judy Brady (103,203)Tip of Texas , TX

Lori Brown (301)Mississippi River Valley Chapter, IL

Michele Brown (301)San Antonio Needlework Guild, TX

Shirley Brown (113,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Diane Bryan (113,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Marcia Buckingham (112,201)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Diane Busse (303)Tip of Texas, TX

Natalie Campbell (104,204)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Robin Caraway (107,207)Member at Large

Pam Carranza (113,208)Greater Dallas Chapter

DeAnn Cataldie (104,213)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Sue Cathcart (112,212)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Dee Cavalier (113,209)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Jamie Cerda (303)Tip of Texas, TX

Eileen Chalk (303)Show Me Stitchers, MO

Dana Cheneler (103,209)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Diane Chesley (113,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Cheryl Christian (104,209)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Jane Clawson (111,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Edna Clemens (113,208)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX


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2018 GuilDy Treasures ParticipantsJoy Cobb (113,209)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Linda Cox (107,213)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Sharon Cranmer (104,207)Member at Large, AZ

Lynette Crosby (304)Fort Worth Chapter, TX

Sandy Crow (107,204)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Sharon Davis (112,209)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Karen Dittmar (111,212)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Kathleen Doughty (107,207)Norman Chapter, OK

Donna Downing (104,204)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Suzette Drouillard (108,212)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Pam Dunagin (102,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Cheryl Earp (301)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Lynette Eason (113,212)Fort Worth Chapter, TX

Lynn Engelbrecht (107,213)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Inez Eppright (104,204)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Margaret Evans (113,201)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Jan Faubion (113,209)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Linda Ferguson (113,209)Shrevepot Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Kathy Fielder (103,209)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Shari Finfrock (304)Fort Worth Chapter, TX

Darlene Funk (107,207)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Leslie Gagliardi (102,207)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Kate Gaunt (301)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Gwen Gibbs (102,202)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Linda Gresham (111,209)Houston Embroiderer’s Guild, TX

Jonalene Gutwein (101,201)Indian River Chapter, FL

Donna Hagaman (113,204)Bella Vista Chapter, AR

Sherri Hagar (113,213)Fort Worth Guild, TX

Panu Hajra (103,203)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Cindy HambrickAustin Stitchery Guild, TX

Sarah Hambrick (113,202)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Karen Hamilton (108,204)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Sandra Harwell (113,213)Permian Basin Needle Arts, TX

Linda Hebert (101,201)Louisiana Lagniappe, SC


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2018 GuilDy Treasures ParticipantsKaren Heller (104,201)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Bonnie Herrmann (113,208)West Texas Chapter, TX

Joy Higgins (111,202)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Janet Hill (108,203)Rose and Thistle Chapter, VA

Nancy Hill (301)Houston Embriderers’ Guild, TX

Hogg, Dottie (111,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Susan Holmes (103,208)Member at Large, LA

Allene Hooper (103,203)Chautauqua Chapter, NY

Sharon Hussey (303)Tryon Chapter, NC

Jo Ann Jackson (113,213)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Donna Jansma (112,204)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Susan Jelen (113)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Candy Jepsen (113,213)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Jana Kerr (113,202)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Susan Kessel (103,203)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Cyndy Kier (103,203)East Texas Chapter, TX

Jennifer Kiss (203,203)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Carole Lacefield (113,201)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Martha Langley (304)Louisiana Lagniappe, MS

Mary Layman (107,207)San Antonio Needlework Guild, TX

Eva Levi (108,208)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Susan Lewis (103,213)Concho Pearl Chapter, TX

Caroline Lochridge (108,208)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Mary Lord (104,208)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Pat Lufholm (103,201)Permian Basin Needle Arts TX

Penny Lull (113,201)Texas Star Chapter, TX

Martha Maeder (108,208)West Texas Chapter, OK

Susan Magee (304)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Jane Major (304)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Karen Marichal (108,203)Norman Chapter, OK

Marianna Markham (113,204)West Texas Chapter, TX

Barbara Martin (107,207)East Texas Chapter, TX

Lulu Martin (113,204)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Yvonne McCauley (107,207)East Texas Chapter, TX


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2018 GuilDy Treasures ParticipantsSusan McClugage (102,202)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Joyce McCoig (101,204)San Antonio Needlework Guild, TX

Judy McGraw (107,207)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Barbi McPhee (113,213)Bella Vista Chapter, AR

Lynn Melder (107,213)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Renee Michelle (101)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Shelly Miland (113, 207)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Lisa Miller (113,204)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Shawn Miller (304)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Paula Millhollon (104,204)Permian Basin Needle Arts, TX

Karen Milligan (303)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Trish Mims (103,203)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Carolyn Minder (112,212)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA

Janet Mittag (112,212)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Bonnie Moeller (103,208)Member at Large, TX

Dona Moore (113,202)Shawnee Sew and Sews, OK

Galia Morag (304)The Woodlands Chapter, TX

Rebecca Morris (101,201)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Tonya Mulhall (111,201)TX

Sharon Murray (113,213)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Jean Neisius (301)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Beth Newton (108,209)Yellow Rose Chapter, TX

Carrie Noess (107,207)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Bobbi Norris (107,213)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Melanie Norton (301)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Debbie Osborne (103,201)Permian Basin Needle Arts, TX

Sharon Palermo (303)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Carol Parker (301)Spindletop Stitchers, TX

Sallie Pate (103,201)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Lea Peacock (107,209)Tip of Texas, TX

Georgia Peterson (102,201)Texas Star Chapter, TX

Irene Piatek (303)Yellow Rose Chapter, TX

Jane Quade (103,201)West Texas Chapter, TX

Linda Ray (113,213)Shreveport Rose Stitchery Guild, LA


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2018 GuilDy Treasures ParticipantsGretchen Reilly (113,213)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Jeanne Root (101,213)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Shelley Rosales (107,207)The Woodlands Chapter, TX

Pat Rozerndal (113,213)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Valorie Russell (107,207)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Pam Sasser (104,208)Spindletop Stitchers, TX

Coleen Scarborough (103,203)East Texas Chapter, TX

Kathy Scioneaux (301)Show Me Stitchers, MO

Cyndi Scott (107,213)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Sherri Seville (303)Yellow Rose Chapter, TX

Debi Shiozawa (113,204)Lehigh Valley Chapter, PA

Kay Simonds (301)Yellow Rose Chapter, TX

Pat Simons (101,208)Norman Chapter, OK

Mary Alice Sinton (104,204)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Elena Siurna (301)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Pam Smith (104)East Texas Chapter, TX

Loretta Sondrall (107,207)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Kate Sparks (104,202)Yellow Rose Chapter, TX

Jymmie Stanton (101,208)Norman Chapter, OK

Gerry Stark (111,208)Buffalo Chapter, NY

Kay Sumpter (101,207)Texas Star Chapter, AK

Pat Sweet (113,202)San Antonio Needlework Guild, TX

Pam Taylor (108,207)TX

Lyn Thomas (301)Bay Area Renaissance Stitchers, TX

Mary Jo Thomson (303)Norman Chapter, OK

Torrie Thornbury (113,213)Charlotte Chapter, NC

Cathy Trostmann (113,213)Houston Embroiderers’ Guild, TX

Anne Tuley (101)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Dianne Van Bielstein (303)San Antonio Needlework Guild, OK

Liz Van Keuren (103,201)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Gloria Vandaveer (113,208)Shawnee Sew and Sews, OK

Joan Vanderbrink (113,213)San Antonio Needlework Guild, TX

John WaddellYellow Rose Chapter, TX

Karen Waddell (103,201)Yellow Rose Chapter, TX


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2018 GuilDy Treasures ParticipantsMary Waldsmith (112,212)Greater Dallas Chapter, TX

Dr. Linda Walker (103,203)The Woodlands Chapter, TX

Nancy Wallace (113,213)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Carol Wallin (301)Austin Stitchery Guild, TX

Catherine Way (107,207)Chautauqua Chapter, NY

Doris Wedge (303)Norman Chapter, OK

Sarah Weld (303)St. Paul Needworkers Chapter, MN

Kathleen Weston (113,213)Turquoise Trail Chapter, NM

Sue White (113,212)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Linda Wiggins (102,212)Louisiana Lagniappe, LA

Diane Williams (101,213)San Antonio Needlework Guild, TX

Leslie Wisdom (113,203)Concho Pearl Chapter, TX

Katherine Woodward (104,204)Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild, TX

Annette Worthington (108,201)Fort Worth Chapter, TX

Sheila Wyze (113,209)East Texas Chapter, TX

Ann Zdansky (111,209)Tip of Texas, TX

Glenda Zwambag (301)Yellow Rose Chapter, TX


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Caring for Our Community

Needleworkers have the reputation of being generous, caring human beings, and our SCR group is no exception! Thank you to all of the Chapters and individuals who have donated bookmarks to our annual SCR service project. Dallas Needlework and Textile Guild is pleased to announce that all bookmarks collected at Seminar 2018 will be presented to the Vickery Meadow Summer Reading Academy, whose mission is “to further Vickery Meadow students’ English reading and writing skills, personal development in classroom discipline, independent work ethics, and self-confidence.” Thanks to Dallas Needlework and Textile Guild member Edna Clemens for recommending these worthy recipients of the SCR bookmarks.

Another wonderful project that many Chapters choose as their community outreach effort is the Kissing Pillow Project. As many of you already know, the Kissing Pillow Project is an ongoing effort that provides hand-stitched pillows, which are distributed to soldiers and their families upon deployment. The soldier and family each have their own pillows as reminders of home and their loved ones. If you would like to stitch one while you are here at Seminar, you can find a free kit at the Registration Desk. Your efforts will be greatly appreciated!


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South Central Region EGA

Opportunity Knocks Drawing

Here is your opportunity to win an all-expense paid trip to SCR Seminar 2019 Explore the Arts! Tickets are available for a suggested donation of $10 each or 12 for $100.

The prize, valued up to $1,500, includes:

• 2019 Seminar registration (hosted by the Bella Vista EGA chapter)

• Kit fee(s)

• Up to five (5) nights lodging (includes taxes) for a single room at the Seminar hotel, Embassy Suites Northwest Arkansas

• Up to $300 travel allowance

• $100 “mad money” to help cover meals or other expenses…could that be shopping?!?

The lucky winner will be chosen by random drawing at the Seminar 2018 banquet on Friday evening, June 15. You do not have to be present to win.

If circumstances prevent the winner from attending Seminar 2019 in Bella Vista, the prize may be deferred one year.

Tickets will be on sale during Merchandise Night. Don’t miss this chance to win a free trip to Seminar. This just may be your lucky year!


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Chair KarenDittmarVice-Chair KatherineWoodwardDeanofFaculty/FacultyNameTags JeanNeisiusTreasurer SharonDavisRegistrar SueCathcartAssistantRegistrar MaryWaldsmithHospitality/TableFavors ValorieRussellSecretary KarenHammerFacilities AmandaGarcia-SlaterWebmaster JaneMajorSeminarMentor MariannaHoffmanBrochure/Miniclassteacher JenniferMullinsVolunteers/FacultyTransportation JoAnnJackson,KateJohnson

&GwenGibbsOpportunityKnocks LindaCox&DonnaCaseyWelcomeBaskets LynnEngelbrecht

&AnnWeisslerAngelPins/Coordinator AnnTuleyHandbook/TeacherShowcase LynnMelderMerchandiseNight JanetMittagStashSale StephanieKolbanDN&TGStashSale SueWhiteNameTags/MiniClassTeacher JudyMcGrawRegionDay/MiniClassTeacher JanBlevinsDoorPrizes/FirstTimers LorettaSondrallLogoDesigner/Receptionleader PaigeGuilloryPrintManager DebbieMorris


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The SCR 2019 seminar will be held at the Embassy Suites in Rogers, Arkansas – just a short drive to the Crystal Bridges museum and shopping areas. On Region Day,

you can tour the area or stay at the hotel and shop at The Stitcher’s Garden boutique and take one of the mini classes.

Early registration starts June 1, 2018 and ends June 30, 2018.The seminar brochure and registration forms are at

South Central Region Seminar 2019 - Rogers, ArkansasJune 19-22, 2019


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Seminar 2018 GuilDy TreasurersSchedule of Events

Tuesday, June 12,20183:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Registration/Information Desk Foyer Salon D5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. SCR Executive Board Meeting Marsalas

Wednesday, June 13,20188:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Registration/Information Desk Foyer Salon D10:00 - 11:00 a.m. SCR Annual Meeting Salon A11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Future Seminars Meeting Salon A12:00 - 6:00 p.m. Seminar 2019/Opp Knocks/GCC Salons B&C1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Mini Classes Various Rooms3:45 - 4:14 p.m. First Timers Meeting Travis4:15 - 4:45 p.m. Angels and Faculty Meeting Salon A5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Teacher Showcase Foyer F6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Teacher/Committee Reception Private Suite6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Cash Bar Foyer F7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Stash Sale Salon F

Thursday, June 14, 20188:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Registration/Information Desk Foyer Salon D8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Seminar 2019/Opp Knocks/GCC Salons B&C8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Classes Various Rooms12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch Salon F1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Classes Various Rooms6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Cash Bar Foyer F7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Merchandise Night Salon F

Friday, June 15, 20188:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Registration/Information Desk Foyer Salon D8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Seminar 2019/Opp Knocks/GCC Salons B&C8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Classes Various Rooms12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch Salon F1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Classes Various Rooms5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Reception/Cash Bar Foyer F6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Closing Banquet/Opp Knocks Drawing Salon F

Saturday, June 16, 20188:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration/Information Desk Foyer Salon D8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Seminar 2019 Display/Registration Open Salons B&C8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Classes Various Rooms12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch Salon F1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Classes Various Rooms1:00 - 3:15 p.m. Seminar 2019/GCC at Information Desk Foyer Salon D