h2020: opportunities for the emerging vojvodina ict sector grigoris chatzikostas business...

H2020: Opportunities for the emerging Vojvodina ICT Sector Grigoris Chatzikostas Business Development Manager Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad HORIZON 2020 – INFO DAY, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina 11 th December 2013, Novi Sad 1

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H2020: Opportunities for the emerging Vojvodina ICT Sector

Grigoris ChatzikostasBusiness Development Manager

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

HORIZON 2020 – INFO DAY, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina11th December 2013, Novi Sad


Presentation Structure

1 ICT in Horizon 2020: General Description

2 Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) ICT 2014 Call

3 H2020 for E-Government


1 ICT in Horizon 2020: General Description


ICT is ….everywhere

Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks

Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies

ICTNanotech., Materials, Manuf. and

Processing BiotechnologySpace

Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs

Excellence in the Science Base Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures

Shared objectives and principles

Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes

Europe 2020 priorities

European Research Area

Simplified access

International cooperation

Dissemination & knowledge tranfer

Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and

the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw

materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective

societies Secure Societies








ICT in figures


2 Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) ICT 2014 Call


A balanced approach

Strong industrial roadmaps:• long term commitment• continuity and stability• new actors to exploit and

leverage new technologies

Disruptive innovation:• flexibility and openess• dynamic eco-systems• new actors to initiate and

drive change

For growth and jobs and for adressing societal challenges Europe needs:

1.to maintain expertise in key technology value chains2.to move quicker from research excellence to the market

This requires…


Project typesBY SIZE:BY SIZE:Projects requesting Small Contribution: Projects requesting Small Contribution: 2-4 mEUR 2-4 mEUR Projects requesting Large ContributionProjects requesting Large Contribution: : 5-8 mEUR 5-8 mEUR

BY FOCUS:BY FOCUS:Research & Innovation ActionsResearch & Innovation ActionsTypical Research Projects (known as STREPs or IPs in FP7)100% fundingInnovation ActionsInnovation ActionsClose-to-market projects (known as CIP in FP7)70% funding (100% for not-for-profit partners)Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)Not actual research but “soft” actions related to research100% fundingPre-commercial procurement Actions (PCP)Pre-commercial procurement Actions (PCP)Development of solutions towards concrete public sector needs 70% fundingPublic Procurement of innovative solutions Actions (PPI)Public Procurement of innovative solutions Actions (PPI)First buyers of innovative commercial end-solutions20% funding


A new generation of components and systems

ICT 1 – 2014: Smart Cyber-Physical Systems

Research & Innovation Actions:Modelling and integration frameworksSmart, cooperative and open CPS

Innovation Actions:Towards platforms and ecosystemsTowards a "smart everywhere" society

Support Actions

driven by industrial requirements

50% open Call for additional users (SMEs)

37m €

17m €

2m € -cross-sectorial platform buiding-strategic collaboration with US


A new generation of components and systems

ICT 2 – 2014: Smart System IntegrationResearch & Innovation Actions:Heterogeneous integration of micro and nanotechnologies into smart systemsApplication specific smart systems

Innovation Actions

Coordination and Support Actions

micro and nanotechnologies

Manufacturing capabilities for prototyping

35m €

9m €

1m €

Pre-commercial procurement action3m €

Driven by user requirements

for medical devices: in vitro diagnosis

networking, surveying user requirements and training


A new generation of components and systems

ICT 3 – 2014: Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics (TOLAE) technologies

Research & Innovation Actions

Innovation Actions

Innovation support through pre-commercial public procurement actions

conformable/flexible/ stretchable substrates

smart packaging, advertisement and sensing

17m €

15.5m €

2.5m €

Technology Take-up and Innovation Support actions

3m € TOLAE excellence centers and clusters

health care applications11

Future Internet

ICT 5 – 2014: Smart Networks and novel Internet Architectures

Research & Innovation Actions

-information access and delivery-built-in security and privacy

-generalized mobility-integration with computing environments

-sensor based applications

24m €


Future Internet

ICT 6 – 2014: Smart optical and wireless network technologies

Research & Innovation Actions:Focus on optical networks

Focus on wireless networks

-flexible use of resources-very high speed access

29m €

Support Actions1m €

femtocell-like paradigms

-technological roadmaps-standardization

-connection with international initiatives


Future Internet

ICT 7 – 2014: Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and ServicesResearch & Innovation Actions:High performance heterogeneous cloud infrastructuresFederated cloud networkingDynamic configuration, automated provisioning and orchestration of cloud resourcesAutomated discovery and composition of servicesCloud security

one or more of the themes, NOT necessarily all

66m €

Coordination and Support Actions2m €

Innovation Actions:Platforms for trusted cloud systems

-open Source s/w-prototyping of open applications

5m €

-common reference models-legal, economic and social factors

-collaboration among projects14

Future Internet

ICT 9 – 2014: Tools and Methods for Software Development

Research and Innovation Actions:Software tools and methods for large, complex and data-intensive systems

Software architectures and tools for highly distributed applications

-business critical systems-simulation, testing and verification25m

-data location and latency in cloud environments, including

specialized h/w and sensors


Future Internet

ICT 11 – 2014: FIRE+ (Future Internet Research & Experimentation)

Research & Innovation Actions-experimental infrastructures-experimentation-as-a-service

25m €

Coordination and Support ActionsInternational cooperation

1.5m €

Innovation Actions ideas on exploitation of FIRE+ 5m €

-identification of facilities-identification of future needs

-cooperation with US


Future Internet

ICT 13 – 2014: Web Entrepreneurship

Innovation Actions:Accelerate web entrepreneurship in Europe: Online platforms with new services

-new services for web entrepreneurs-beyond technology, conditions for


6m €

Coordination and Support Actions:Coordination activities in the area of web entrepreneurs

-synergies across stakeholder communities

-training, legal and financial aspects

4m €


Future Internet

ICT 14 – 2014: Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet

Research & Innovation:Strand Radio network architecture and technologiesStrand convergence beyond last mileStrand network management

98m €

Innovation Actions:Strand Network virtualization and Software Networks

25m €

Support Actions2m €

one or more of the themes, NOT necessarily all

Large scale validation, testing and standardization

-projects cooperation-societal perspective

-international activitiesetc


Content technologies and information management

ICT 15 – 2014: Big data and Open Data Innovation and take-up

Innovation Actions:Reuse of incubator for SMEs to foster the development of open data supply chains

Innovation and technology transfer inmultilingual data harvesting and analytics solutions and services

39m €

Coordination and Support Actions11m €

Companies to provide data sets as OPEN

-exchange and reuse of data assets-network of skills centers

-coordinate user communities

cross-sectoral, cross-border, cross-lingual


Content technologies and information management

ICT 17 – 2014: Cracking the language barrier

Research & Innovation Actionsradical improvement of quality and

coverage of machine translation 4m €

Innovative Actions10m €

Coordination Actions1m €

optimizing translation quality and language coverage

benchmarking and competitive evaluation


Content technologies and information management

ICT 18 – 2014: Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries SMEs

-3D, augmented reality, visual computing -solutions should be market-ready and target

international markets

Innovation Actions14m €

Coordination and Support Actions1m €

-focus on SMEs-access to capital and markets


Content technologies and information management

ICT 21 – 2014: Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies Applying digital gaming technologies

in non leisure applications

Research and Innovation Actions9m €

Innovation Actions8m €

focus on learning and skills acquisition

focus on people with disabilities


Content technologies and information management

ICT 22 – 2014: Multimodal and Natural computer interaction

delivering answers to users’ queries Research and Innovation Actions7.5m €

Innovation Actions7.5m €

Brain-Computer interfaces for people with disabilities

Research and Innovation Actions16m €

Integrate smart devices and sensors



ICT 23 – 2014: Robotics

manufacturing, commercial, civil and agriculture

Research and Innovation Actions57m €

Pre-commercial procurement in robotics5m €

validation of existing research results in real-world conditions

Innovation Actions:Technology transfer - Robotics use cases

12m €

Public safety and monitoring of environmental infastructures


Micro- and nano-electronic technologies, Photonics

ICT 26 – 2014: Photonics KET

-strong industrial commitment-value chain coverage

Research and Innovation Actions:Biophotonics for screening of diseasesSensing for safety and civil securityDisruptive approaches in sensing

28m €

Coordination and Support Actions5m €

Microelectronics and SSL manufacturers

Innovation Actions:Open system architectures for Solid State Lighting (SSL)

8m €

-coordination and networking-wide uptake of SLL technologies

(municipalities)-promotion to general public


Micro- and nano-electronic technologies, Photonics

ICT 29 – 2014 Development of novel materials and systems for OLED lighting

-larger surfaces, higher brightness, larger uniformity and longer lifetime-energy efficacy >100lm/W

Cost performance~1EUR/100lm

Research and Innovation Actions18m

This topic is jointly supported by LEIT ICT and LEIT NMP.


ICT Cross-Cutting Activities

ICT 31 – 2014: Human-centric Digital Age

-how do humans cope with information overload

-how does the blurring between online and offline world affects


Research and Innovation Actions6m €

Coordination and Support Actions1m € community building between ICT developers and social scientists


ICT Cross-Cutting Activities

ICT 32 – 2014: Cybersecurity, Trustworthy ICT

Increase users’ trust in devices and services

Research and Innovation Actions:Security-by-design for end-to-end security


37m €

Activities supporting the Cryptography Community1m €

Net increase in performance

-technology watch, foresight studies-standardization

-open competitions


Horizontal ICT Innovation actions

ICT 35 – 2014: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support

Coordination and Support ActionCampaign on Entrepreneurship culture in innovative ICT sector

1.5m €

Coordination and Support ActionSupport for definition and implementation of Inducement Prizes (or Challenges)

0.5m €

Innovation Actions:ICT business idea contests in Universities and High schools

ICT Entrepreneurship Summer Academy

ICT Entrepreneurship Labs

4m €

Coordination and Support ActionEuropean networks of procurers (European Procurers Platforms)

1m €

Support entrepreneurial spirit related to ICT in education


3 H2020 for E-Government

Social Challenge: Europe in a changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies


INSO-1-2014: ICT-enabled open government




Personalised public services Transparency

Innovation Actions: i) Pilots on personalised and mobile public services and ii) Pilots on transparencyCoordination and Support Actions: Networking and constituency building

New services on a variety of devices Services that better suit the needs of users Reducing the administrative burden of citizens and businesses Increased trust in public administrations

1-3 mEUR per project/ 12,3 mEUR available1-3 mEUR per project/ 12,3 mEUR available31

Get Involved!


Thank you for your kind attentionThank you for your kind attention

Grigoris Chatzikostas

BioSense Center, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

[email protected] http://www.biosense.uns.ac.rs/