habdwabs dry goods hawks, smith ca; mt foe 13,000 …it 5 f li,..-to a: in t t x crust alt?, r....

It 5 f Li,. . - to a: in T t , - X Crust alt?, r. TRUST 8 1LC. D4( Trait. execaled to w T rrpsrrauKo( n the 1 lib dar of Octoorr, MS etI rrcjfd-- 4 lnltt. Raleigh I" Jtk Xe 2. p 11$ ail IK. for the porp laeret fait. I nrM iffir far us to the highest bldJer, for rash ob THCHSDAT, F brnarr eih 18S-i- , oc the premises. Is thaCstyerf M.mptK Lot N 14 of block No 41, oa Get--h- t umt, io Strath Mcmpblt. with the hens and sB tt ttmu bet eur-n- Janf id gKTRT a dvt Trustee's Sale. . . a Dl tt on the IWUj BTTttlwif ISOO.tr Tbol. Kul , to me t Tnitee, aad mt htttit Reflate- - offlee, rf SteBy oreit; Tom- - mM Km !T f September. 1850 in Book No purrs 41, lb, tS ud IT, fsr the porro'e of aecancg tar par-se- nt ot amilB .eats tterela rpeciaed, I -- fcMt, a Treet-- Hi set deed, on T0ESDAT, the 2Sihdj or Jul aerr last., pree-e- d te B at pnbtic n ttaa tor Cub, or the po-mi- of the eaMTsos Moll, known as tbe Howard faravsaoet fweatr aHlr rut of Mimntit., oc be KttwUi aadBhiftettea K tiro, the feitowuig de ecrtbed Laad xad Xegro stares, or so math thereof -- (iltHrtbrTfitniM ' - -- '" trt Til tpertaed towtt: Three tract of Land attested to Shtlfcr iiBHvTttraes.e, aad contains la tar axeregai. re.ee hanti t i aad maetr sort, iwre or let, which site three tract are bounded, follow, : The Cm tract It part of a tsealr-E- rt honored acre tract rran'ed t WUIH aacctjettc at the eoathwel c of t- - mat. theaee nerte, on th wvst beeailarT of the tract anf rwtatr-si- x (IN) abate and ar ( ItaUtaaabweateorBeTf .tid tbeocr ear 'with the aenh beaadtrr of (ait t act fortr-- (6; chti-- i Cats-a- ) links Witiki Unr (4) links wett oi aw earn started B P. thine ceiith oae haudred aad twesrt-- ti (IM) caoMMCitf oo) 1st to a Mate tea lick weal at a rd aat. Burked P ILAbraor west w h WMKhestTi ISv f ottf-d- e ( hc Isetwealf ()li)k- - totbe Br0sa(DC Oae ather treat tee teeond of the three pirort on tbt alt of tha ahfeooaot, aud oaotaiaiut om haBlrtd aad th'e acre ca4 acre nod aad twecHf hoeaded at fallow Jaa. pplwhHe'a weet homadarrllajo h (eaataz at a ataio I 9 Jaam aooth-w- e t oarseroctta) Via fet-- r uae raaBir; north thr (S) cam Huil deo (30) Ui: to a at is, be ceatn f the railroad, then aorth eiihtr-three- 3: decTee west wtth d ro4jlilr-- n (16) cnttoe flfty ($) link to ftate ta the atnneat aid reft ; tfara aorth oae i aedret. and ttreatrO! ahates aeretur-eic- ht f!8) Haka to a rtifce tn a ererk Varlni narth twMHT-ir- n (TJ) ak eowhof a tweet (am, mark A aatp aa eM aa dog woodptdater i Ibeae west tlx () chala Urkt)-- U (&6. lin te thr wwttawrsl canMr-r- f thetraetof laul VenK 9- -t i lrfiaVt theasocthslth aald lla-o- ae haad-e- r aa twaat ehatat Wtr (3d) llaka to a tUke, tfe thtatt earner of the nld am oonn-Te- tract the ea t Sfteeo (ISJafeaiB twetUf-d- T- p6) aki to the b ta--' Inc. The third paroet balsc wet or the firet trac tioaaded tolhiat to wit : BiciaaiBctt lb oatheaa' caiaero4WB-BnwscraatX- o SIS7 ea the WMhrttat lin. thea west with raid laaa seven (7) csaloa slatr-w- a (l) Mat tea stake ten (la? Uaka aorth or a red aat xuarkedP, tkeaTwrtherMhaadredaadtweate-fi- x (ItCI chahts to a stake ten (la llaka east of a e'aek oak ntai k ed B K. thea eal rtafct (") ohab errt3iy-6r- e tie) Hat to a ak etgbhjfSt Itaka east of a wbltr ak Barked. P satd Peak's Bortbcestcorner. thearoa'h with aafct Ita ae aaadwd aad tweatT-- U (ISC) csalas to the arft lilac, caeitalBtac eaehaalred aad taw a"res ae rood sac thtrteea sates. Also the faUowInz Jfcro ji'ares ceeaprlftlac aten. worn a btes sat) ttnsasaaniedindeedof traw: Bevhen, Ww) j. Pick L.wa Uiat tm Wlhim. Aadr, Prieaaa, Qeorfe, Joha JeC Xeojos, Vtaaal, Mile, Sandr, Oharlrt. Lot, Sf art-- a Sob. Htek, Hk-ar- Alfred. Monroe, Martha. ssad Xtsstke. Lietada. Berkr Mine, Na7, SUsa. R'lea, -- rtsr. XataMa. M attlda, Bertr B hocc. Llze, OsattUe, Jaaws, Mattha. ViOj aud Jta. Tat trtle to the aaerr J lrctnrtr Is WbtrM to Iir inxloaVW bBtltbaOoa'reea. J m tMi. .a . ! n. aa tnum. Tate arte win he eceanaed tram dr to dsr antu tbe,waale Is ov-- AKDKSW TATXGK Trastee. P S. SMtcirrescxatlUkrneepoatbrtaKlntoa i aadPlaater s Baakt of Teaaetaee, will be recejTrs to AT I iaalawtda f ' z 'Ifrustec's S;ile. etrtn af a Bed of Trnst execated rn the 9M dar Br Aat. lKS.'bjTaaaits Mail to as. at Traatx, aad iiaataxd la the Rrelster's OfSee af S1r caaatr, Teaavooee. aa th Uh dar f Kerr aber, 1857. in hook 2o. 34, picas lt7, J&S aol 159 ro' to parnoa.- - of sr lnx ta sarat-- et "t cerUn debt tWo tpectd. I than, s1rst-et- a sasidred.oa TtTt'DAr. he Ssth dar af Jaaavarr tat prerel t arf st yaalac aaethxt. Oaoa. an the an at Is ia at sail Thieaai Mai. deoraaed. known a'ttw Kewsrdfsr-- a, aheat 30 ail es east af Meat- - ; pott, aa the KresBhi aad Chtrletoa KUlrosI. the lot- - 1 diulsBud Laad aad Kexro Slarr and tbetr In. 1 crease rBiaoath-refatwintlfrt!iectat- ape-- J died la said wrM of trnt, tawtt: Three ttaci or una altaatea aa staeiDr connrr, tpob , ana voaiarBsvx im ! ar (str aerea haad-e- d istDisjtj acre, more or less. ' wbaoh said three tracts are bsnrl-- aa f.4nwt : The artl fwetlttartaf a Sees-ac- re tract craatrd to W ra. trta-rha- aad tislat at the asriawett toraer of tbe craat, throe xarh a--t the west boasdarr at tb tract 1S cbeaas and aBUaks tothanhweeBraerf eatdrrant, thea at with the Berth boaadarr of said tract 'to eaaitu aad MaokaaAte.4 llaktweat of an eta enuked P B. thaa saatth tK thalas and 69 links to a ttak. 10 lists weatef a red okraark-- d P B. tsea west Bt 3d liak to tbe begta. ntac uae athor traat. se s'osad of the three aare h) os Use east af tjb aa re tract aad oaaUtatac tat arrra and 1 raid sad tt potts, baaadid at tofowt, it: Oa tbt ea-- 4 he Aaplewhtte wot boasdar) line br. nvmkmt at a ataka, D. 8 Jaat teatewert re-a- at the wtachi tar Ha, raaalar aorth t chains aad llak. tiaasttela the cesitreaf the TaBraad then north 8? ".rjs west wdth tatd end. it ahstnt aad 5) nakt to a tostotheecntreo( saMread th-- a nartu 3 easte aadV UsaataasUselaacrerk eearts north 87 ltakt ssath af a twoet (aa aurkai A P, caai Hat aad l aulati i k thea wst 6 ettalat sad 8S links to thr aorthweet oaraar of the tran of T.sad herein flrkt toeai sooth wtu liidHAel'C ettiln ' and M lintt to t otate. ttn itatklilt cmer a the ssid first doo-t- tt d mat aad 5 Iter to The tht-- d parerl beiac west of the flr.t tract, tuaad-- d aa Ksstsws. it: Bttaaiaf at the aautbeMt roraorof Wat Brawa's graat, Vo. 21 17 oa the ar Uae, thea watt wtth said Iter 7 chain a'd Haas ta a stibe W Hakt aortk of a r--d oak aarkl P, th-- a worth IXC rkitis u a stake 10 ltakt east at a Mack oak aaart-- d B FT, shea ant 8 chains aad 75 Iraki to a uaajUaktetstof a wait-oa- k marked P eawl Peeks aortjw-- eoraer thea toath wuh sad lla lt ahalas ta theaoclamiBC. raall la sit Ml aeras. 1 rood aad It pikes Alas, the toiiowtac ra Staees, 4t la B amber ac t thalr tact i iss oaeaartoiac woarea, brs aad rrrn. a aatasd 4a the ds-- d of traat: aah-- i, Wesle-- r, Osx, Larwts. Roj,TTha-i- i Aaar. Prttaos, Bmrnrr. Ja Jet Nsbsta, XSawt, Mike Stadr, Onarles, Lot MartrsvKoh AeUok,i2iaai AKred. Maaew, Martha. Maodr. ImtTmtt, Barkf. Mllbr. I.'a tj. K tii K!h. Cbrtaaa. MadthU, M atMa. Xsaihr. ltab-co- t. Liz, r sauna. Jut-a- , Jtanaii Mtawaad Jane. Toe title te ibeehstas-fsji- st It BaUerad to as aaduaaaod, hat J -- aalioajj t jttsihttleasts raa--d la or a" T.- - tee T- - salt watt he aaaaataant traos dtf dor BBtil the waste la lii-is- tl at. TIOXAS X. JOKN'STO'f, Sachcatiem- - a ht tokos oa dseoaltbr the tlaiat aa-- l P aater.' BaaC atTaatssse aria be tve trod in psjm'-Bt- . Trustee's Sale. sot a Ooo-- T aat, or it till to to my 1 a.at the fish da af Jaatwr. 17. wwtrL i -- i was latlattetd ta the R 'titer's adtea of Saalwjr )wtr, atata at Twaa tut, aa the 7th dsr at Jsooirr 1557. ta Bask Xe.3, aaA4t I wta. aa to Cttfe BAT nr JAJtr AB aaaa f . rhe door of the waoe-- t HiBB.aBwstiaaoidcwasldJ. v Rjaruaa-- a a hitet, fa the Cs7at MlmM, Taaa.; the Mlswfot; de-- -b 3 prop -- tjLB -- MU at;sastaaytiitt.l hols, S cattaa asanrasre, 1C .back aaa'traaw. aH th Bad sarsttac In laatrlat to a a he aa- - t lotSBBt aad saatt-et- ahaee telaried t with as other ahast apsarsawitst theseto Atos, d eaas Sw taof v loo uto. 1 tarzee-a-ia- c t aad tr t.- -. I sorter nl at t sss, irtad 4 saa'l Mocm c al tha taMe ware t leastac to . Raserton. iBttilas. m m pteaes. J r trior ati ait To awrr tr wfl! r- - hm fmr fa .ft aa t ltaw1todw-IJod,bo- t I wtP ootr dl w. r Ter at trsatee. Y. V. RKJBIBP'OW. - to . T rr! - sr. rr t: laaeatarT Cary a at Twaa at tts i' larss. .SSf. I wta the Bib: fMUtVUT ta Fokratfr next, at th m Boo, deaf, ta sotd t.-- n. n the aiThst fciOiT, f"w haaii 1 itid lini l iiattaadahaVacrao't Ijad. a r -- it; at loa-Wii- li oaaotr. brUtairaf to Frtarts T RM. ts oa thin.! tad abeat mw handset! acre sleared, a"I tt boa, good sat lata, hv :cut lyBBaoaahiladebalaita ta aae asdtw rears: ea, with c yd wen rlty, wot b nt-a-- of the par-- r X. H. XYGX'-tHtO- ""r-- t t Berk ad waater. Slartlr 6Ifrfioit FOR. AT TO HA" EV GEE2tAI.. wjc I'tn horn d loaaBoaace WiLLlal. GIBES'. I t af Tsataa. soaGaBi'lat tK Atlornrr Gasuai af th- - f'-ri- ots JsJfB libtrlet. at Tease see. JB ctl.a i the drat jtotlMiutattpTO tssnO r o ri CO.VSTAR LE. ww are aa horat d to aaoaase TeKIVAS Tt. a a randtaate for Caavttanle h the Foarte-Bt- h C.-- il sHstttn. attbs eeeetax Uxi&i etaakui. 4 rW-a- d FRCOUSTr TRDSTEE. VK are a ath tested to aanosseo VILLI AM G. UK-rtSI-B- af yubtrtUle, at candidate far Oaentr Traoteoot aaVrcaaatr at tisesisci-s- x MsicS eiecHoa. FOR.coiBsirir trustee. OTLLIaK P SAT it VrtraWit for ft It be odacraf fltitBtrlTraatee.of Stxtaj cotwtr at th e . saiacMasnh aJadtoE-- For Sheriff. KOBT. L SVItS ta acaadtlstefoi SltlFPof ahea-- r fo-a-t, at the ft nan x Mstch lostton aewadkwte FOR CO.S1?A3I.E. JOIS W. HAW"rSBx.f?-- l tatsad dale or toe oa ti JEtaiii Ml iie'resniimt cm a trict of BBaaBarBoatf, IrtaA, altaecasiix eMttea.-4ee- j K. SAIffT H a saadMate fcrr tbe oAoe or ta:Mr ta aaxt ahttlttrin zucs, in tae rocrveeta usrn BSfld-- tl FOR COSSTARt.E. -- ant are atoi if and naaeslrd to snastnea E HeiXaHkBwfsaaraaMsMttrrthesface of Ossttahse th FMth Orel Bietrett, at the eata cr March -t. .a octlt-t- e To the Vofers of Shell) y CttKuty. CIMI IT BABVBa, ., af Meratac Sen, re-- , iBInrj- - imti I MaiiaK at tbt "Btatoeraflc can-Ut- e tor TV it tt lbs utTinr Ma-c- b aeecxtoa. ctt dswte' FOR SHERIFF. WK ars sotlSHr sad to UWI, JOHN' B M05BUST MositBdaaJ' JS1 Sheth Ceentr, at the ansa-- l: Matsdtaloerstc ea8 FR CO.VSTAEE. R- are i atlas 1 I ta saawaee JOBS W. TAIXwB. S. Ildii flor rs i irtli n fir II r oaaee of Oaastabie, tbe ntth Ctytt -- rit ec FOR CONSTABLE. wg ar ai Hat n nl to aaasatne w. m wtuSB5, at t r Ow. it Mt at the Mb OlsB Tttttrtct. Xlso uuo m Mooch not, oa FOE COUATIT TRUSTEE. w are aathartsd to aaaoaaee TBOMAS T. BILLS , 1 atl ate r (he oficc at Oooar TrBttoe at ibrr motr, at tore tool r March Hsfai.- - totrM to FOR COOaVTi: TRUSTEE. arz or aaaaorieed to stastiw r. AMES ViUnHiaaaah lor Oooalr Truu- - of aasebr caooir a be et X ttwri eteetteo. sr-t- e FOR SHERIFF. HTK are aethornrsa ta aatieoaee JAM ho K-- FfLCSata rodtaat for i settwaa taa ds of AatcrtB, at the eBela:M-ta- i ".taB ell FOR flOUSTt TilUSTEE. w i iBisajitoaf i PItoMOH BA08H t acsrMho.ee ford) asAf Tracts of ghatas-tarawt- r at th r.-m- Maroh seer m Proclamation TSK AM S BAtUll GTrjSM of th'Siato of T--fi- . te ad wastMU tst theae Prtxea-- s 'Inittox 1 th- - Sh-if- T. of the aoattes of Partf. Ttaeaa Hat-att- a aai aardor, -- woax thi llth J dkia etetan led te apeaaa-lh-i- xnelerllao at all .ho taa: h diwt el 'twas It peat rrrftretire raatlta-a- the dsr at Pt IS) ft't-- r ha-- . t 't ctroa gv at wW" BKtat a teaatr-'- br law,) far t.. -- tmtt OB of an Attatw for the sa-- li t j olios' Otrcoit, Vs H tjfrrrtoe d ar rtirtata of J ho L wrw1. H ia' moseo- t- rirgtaiowr. . in t. I'ttaas an ii, i. rasiejt . uu. ' a s renjr' as at n i istd. aarr b mate J ..- - -- it tsssW ehjasd h 9m Meal of th-i- 'Gt .u. t a t -- i "osiSaVrtit tt t Bat-t- 8 bar. W j the "' r. natsH h fjitfji PX. X ataTOX. W T a. " "f A WSlbT tTnfcUtOWJI WsW itHpt 6. l.ih ft ll vi Oitrtet ta said 3ra , aslbcr are red A tt ibs $200 REWARD BOA SilICEL MBRBDiTH BBietlH ed wot " ' ' t"" wrd for tbe TBE and H l .T, t . to. 1' t Praak In joo-r. Toaaeajee of SAMBxv.SIKD.Tw wbotnar-- .1 rtSJB P. E4erttS. an ta taa oi n m;, tltcViii list -- f "tetmb-- T aad ts fl- -J i ps-- tt aacaewji. Ui Mtirr-tll- h ! troBl2 t4 rinW; aVntslxfret b i:i seaK fif- - f .rii ad: t'rht ilae Iseitr aX pramla. ik. tst mi las. at. prs)ea a .1 sb- - srrraxtea abort the .y fa- - hit a e S fslr islbcisat wi ntlf bar, tut thn a. Mi d; bad aanrare Jlon-rn- t ae- : pu- -r lie. wta iWala - or Ms face, aad t aa JO hH taenia, tstatlstowt tut dowaskia.wai eaaaareaseibat wten . i clIiwlsras eaHto sh- - we a a-- t of ferohl hr TaJsttttr aad ef ptswatloai a i BteaM hf Jrate: waejoT urste-rt- n aree-- tt petbtp. fiJK5xl iaOtt JUis Blr aal. ttefft. whleaan. 'OtAiUtfD pJbHBS&tEOV, Tiewr DATinF POBEiliO.', -- ClCKriTra?TtDrCTlt8 law S Jar.Sw deaai .VstAriSc Union aai Important to Architecte and Builders. W. E. CHILDS & CO.'S Patent IaiUe Water aod Fire Proof TTTH wsbM respeetfoltr aaaeBnej tu ibe ctUteos of X Hrmpau, aad the sarroatdlnz coantrr. that we are prepared to contract aad pet oa, oar FI BE and ITA. rSttPaW'CBUBXTBfiOFIHB. H brtar the anlr ar iMaret inrrttril, tiaiwlU laerosslallr rrt.t he actkn if tae am jpdot IB eretr cusjtau. uu pertesTT Ptrr sad Water Proof aad In patBt of darahditT, a.sal U Bet r to any ic reoftar. ffr can pat It an orar Id tin, tar or shlnfie roof t, u HMtlDf a dlguuutt haw tutor steep th roof mty be, We wet 00 r tea lar even dollars pr honored s autre r rt. tre win tpphr arosaseai eatiaana ttea rests far aad :na ir asjatr. It hetats an aarjeaofot Jti 4aattaT aad dannllto, the ctreaoret palat (hit caa he asnf. ' r onomt t th best tatar man , for pitebra wa ar. waua, insasj u. sxiughu, ax. we warrant all B- - wark. We faerie al that wast new roofa. ar their old aae re- - aalred.toeallkt Bic.'s Hore ilare. K 8l M.la street, aBdniBttMssaftesaBdutttrr thetsraarn of thda- - rehlHtT aad KactleahtUtr of aeeiec thtf naa( X. B. To are prepared to fill araVrs tor waanl to tsaee reesatsse at a dtstaao, wttn srtatM atrreflsat (ar asetac It. Thrsr wtshtag raate ar raps'ttBC dan, wtll pteoo asjj st Mk't ttT store, or tddrata at thfeafh the PM ?0aeBtT rifhtt for salt. BCTTSRWORTH Jt EA8TM AS. KcrrKEXcES : Her- - 0. D Bitot, X R GMMCeck, D T ITarrti ft. Moore, wnttaat StaektU. Mai. A J. Bsnsat aa J 2. watttrd. KaakrIUr ; CM A. J. Plk.Ash. wood; Od. H. I. Aatortaa, SaaerlaiaBdait XatbrMse aad (attaBgt Railroad. Readthe fsttoweif; rcrtMestot : JaaaiTr7h, I'ffl. prehare tr. E. CMhts ft 0a 's, Oimmt lUoawtt atais nmett oar twHtlaKi lttlr oatf rUfselsa',aBd wMstr It the heat tanaaa; at whtch w hart tar kaawtrdte- - We sre rxteaarect eauaed a ami dtsf ta tbatettr.aad barewMhlB the la t Ire rear, esrered siiaa; wtth all the Tart saetaltr sad ather nuftea which hare bean lattwdoeed, sad rroat et uilsatieand lareetKatlna. we, wtthat htaiutiea, piunaaaee OtaMt Co.'t, prrearaUe UsarMtr-- XBBBIThv tBMPTOh", BaBdert. Cikcisjati. 0 . MtrM-w- , 18t7. w. B. OHiLBt . Oe rht roof on aar park hoesr glroii ratlre satttfactiss. It haprTa Itsett both Pit aad Water rref. ftoste legr niiaths stare, a targe areeeesrrtd dtrrethr it) islar as, sad aar roof was mnsuj Irtad or IV Basse sad bartMhraowa. hat stood the teat a charmed W astaaaUr mssasaaad this root aa a atd tclac. JOHN' BKMt ft GO. OrricE or CtcissATt. Hamiltox abd ) BATTOt XAIUSAD. I Chilm ft.Os', Pstaat Pan. Baodac, laowBwd here oa aar best etass of s,Maf. We ar careeirc oar treisht aars wtth I', a'd aar Jtatter aeaaatcre- - Brt nry fanrabl to It. t t L HOMMES1KTJ, FneldteH. CixciS5AT1, Maj- Sea, MSI We hare faJbr laref ttsated W E. t.'niLUt a ae , Patoat Oecaeat stosdsf, aad are Moddiat that H tt ta. pertsr to aav ather Med bow in twe, M eaeapttac the n e i iwuhin n mm an wno wii mkai, m SH"iailc excellent roar. J. XB BB0AMP, naaVdttii. 2Utttx"Miami Ci.H&COLCMBBtiXESiA R. R, ) Swilateaweat's PBee. OhKtaattt. Oct 3 MaT i This ceatpaay ba sdoalfd Cmu ft Co 'a, Paleat cuastte. wswraam rtre naor veeat iioaan. zor hot .rtsr awrattawv also tar HtbUac Ua aad I depot, and watrr aUtloH, aad esTarhu ears, aad w are wen ateatra. wub It u. u a.iutvuit, ertl-- o Sa-rla- 4il The Greatest Inrcntlan of the age! FESPBCT PBOrECIIOK FROM THE ELXJtKXT3. PATENT GALVANIC CEMENT FOR ROOFIXK. rpHK tabacrtber it now prepared to cover rceft at y bsadtafs, wtth a new aad better artWe taut rrer before kaewa Tbepcbltcare aware that asr Ooram Tsfnt bl4 .cVTStilK ian tsnetttaentiaK. and that tt hat bees the stadr af Aichliectt aad Bulders ar rears lodierereraa article f.r ronfln; aarpasea, that waoti ttaad the taddea cswaapta the weather, aat be taaeerri. eos to Sre avd ws'er, aad remain a it tint mat nxtare. At ret, notblwc hit been attatatd vrtUaaat oaettas mere thaathepeoalesrish. Tbe eoatraotioQ. rx-- ar t aw aW rait-a- s at seta roofa, are o treat la rhinteahls rlliastw, that ther beease asele, aaieti betnc repaired at rrtsat SsiaajJet are sot are are, aad cannot be asrd aa Bat roof, aad the Tattoos ttnslttoBt aad that hare beta broach! lato aae f rood'-r- :, da aat ttaad the action tf th weathe-- , bat the- - ran when K It war-- a. aad crick when fraaip, aad are oae or two rears boconiecTBn Mr, and worthless; whstrss. th taeaatar of theSaleaaic Osuost has labatvd iweatr roars to aad caa tostlft from hi loac expwrkaca. aad BaatoroBs ttttftnliW treat teHaBte pertoot, wh Vsre had hi iwatMBottan ap pll-- d to their baudta. that hi Oentest Is taa cheapest ad bet arttdaerer before kaasu The cotBbtaatasB c tan Oeatest tosaca. that it is ealcalated far eattr new roofs. Sat ar steep; eoTertacoTeT old shhsc'es wttbeat reasenec them; Habsg tare tiaaarht. seemta areand batuesteat. chitanert rod tkr Wrbu. Oosartai; cat taps. Measser deck, fta. That Otsteat, br Ha asa aad BalniufSB. presrst asetsi roofs free rast-- x and BBdersUdertac, aad Rotst th extjesaos at heat aad cold, better thaa rnjnhiac erar tor eetlr reefs ar f.r erretiai Btetal and th oat altt af sraod baUdtax. maktac theta fife prsof. Its appsaraaatasltke slste; braatu al for th- - rich palace or thraaasbtooaaUae. Thr aoarrstitDl kuf rar.d the rUtti ta the Stale at Tonne , wUl sac rithta mt Totriior- -, br or towns, on rfatsosate lerau. The sabscrlber It si so pnpsiod te oarer Toots at fewM-lar- t. ta aar part of the State, at abort anttt. That root tt aow bettot pat aa la this erv, tar the brar-- at af an costeraed. and WBrraaied to eitd all ather eaedataf rcuing Tar nobrrihrr harloc re5tded ta th ettr af Mesaphis oaerr. aad has had hi node of roof lac tosd a la Its qaairttes, watch hat pVaeed ratiatae tory, to whtch aauaharaf tawsaost yroeaiasot rllHwj caatestttr See liitlattaanii of the sorts i nc giaim miB wha hare 3ed tt. with hosts' t other. Forfarta-- r taforasataaB ensjw at the ehce. where saatatet star be sees la J. L. Voreaa's Rmb.s, No 1 Walker's Blstx, MtaaBhtt, Tests., at Bjx S3. P 0. C. W. tTORDITAKT Js 00 , riaathtoia, Soceetaar to W. 8. Beaaett. Attached tt a not tram Jahn V. Mwgaa, Bt Achl-tact.- br which star be tea tin tplolia af Mr. Saataol Stoao, the celebrate! Architect, aad writer saoa Archi- tect re, whose eafieTtaaea wtth that mmmte t ruuglsg, wtthawt a aoabt, it tattefactorr to all. MEttrHM, Maroh It, le7. Mb. W. S. BE5SETT: When la Phi.tdelphia. Pa , a tew dart , I calird apon Mr. 8bbJ Sttsa. the crtt-brat- Archilrrt, and anlhoraf th Sloan Work aa Arth ttrotcre. I asked hit aptnioo as to the dnrabt Itr etc , of West's Pateat Roof . saoh aa paa ars ant t tu tea trr of Ueanpals. aad be told me that he aad ao Voltailos ta tar-fat- ; to ate that it is a toad aad toot, and 1 all that It adrseote clam it to be; tartber tarrac that he at Bkisc It oa a BaobBBQia for hlasaelf Reftcttailr, JOBS L. M0H6AX, AreMeet. MMen, March I, 187 W. 8. Beskett. Baa., farr: Ta fsdt althln Mkaowledse of the frarsbttltr, 2tc , of Wat's Sorsva Ceasrat, are these : The bMtat: roa corera for aa loot Sartre we ta btatw to ttsto hs aaswrroi sor eta at - w oa therefore, rte)uisrad it ta the hHc for at a rhrtit. ttesa. are aad wafer ptoet root. It doe not art sort aad ma from ib labttt at ta best af tbe sae ; nor d It hardra and craac from the Lgtcts of tbrccM. Aay wlshlac to xaaw aare at this article, can can at aar agatiiifaLawj. y. S aVRCOS & CO.. CaTTttaC Uatwfactorr. Mtawoe at., Bletaaiil. teaa. MattPBll, TLOB , Doc. 8, tWd, To wram tt ara-- r flawraww la 1a eeettevtkat Hw.s BrotK ti, wrretf two rrxtfr for mm last Sp-l- with autatnottion ca-- r west' rttem vcrnBK Cem al i aaeef theat wat a Bew deck, tbe other aa eM shrnrte reef, whtsh sre Eltloc aerf-- t saUrfaaioa. He also a darmfit wMsw, whleh leaked baxTtjr, and nad baaed the skin af cainiahus to preocaf ft leak-as;- , watch fe tttetreded at taakiax pert ret)' tfarht. I do mot recuaatajrad hi tnrd - of moaa to the pukiic, for s rmftirx: aoraona, and heilere It tc be a Eitarr atali s Breaadwatr. D cOOCUtLL, Proprietor CouumiU! Row?:. Srrra'rir't Ornez, KEBrrma & Onto K K I MEnrait, news., F--b 11, twr. t Ms Bm.tn I Dear gtr: Osr Oouitrn. bstrta; been traahttd rerr EBBCh mith leaxr cat, pwi aosD of roar fsliot Palet bvoc tbom, aad so lar as air Imwledar ex. tea, I can tb'eifutlf Tfnwatairal K to aey wha wish a drj roof of aar sort. Tears &e , H. OOmS, Stsnteteedest. MaatrtlU, TE5X., J as. It 1867. To THE : w s. aaada aspltcatloe to as last sasttasr to oarer ear baUdiss with Won't Gal taateOeav-a- t ; It betaf a aew thlac tboojrbt we weald try It ; bad it applied to oar WarisTiiit aatp aad Eadtae attached So the yotadt. TV-- r hare jrer-- d all roeabed ot a water proof roof, hart trittaitsod sasae sf tie (reatett etorau, sod are ateiac aood We can eair tl', trr H ik ran wUl beaotardrd. otmns it jasirr. tnm waadst. Mbuphix. Jan. It, Ie7. Mr. Beaaett bat dene tuaae tatall aassoat of roods for ate la fett icaitar war, wtth Oattea .tnfl cos ted wtth aBreoaiatfon the ban ef -- chleb raoeafsioKb-'- - etsaf rir. It a rerr eBVctaal aad tlxht roof, aad aapeara to areta. tweaatidersble HrWtJt Stem tbe prrrrUire Kastt-Met- af the eESBBoeHtoB, watch reootraSoft t tasitl and Bratrctt K trsta th lodBiuttof far air and rater Ttoe OuBwiiiltlaadoaaaot laiaatr aad m frata to efftct of the best of thr son in scssaser ; jw do ft harden aad crock traat tbe xwaaoaee ht tha M at wtntsr. nrMlT i.. P WFhlilLU - Insitraurre T. W. WILXIWIftX ......... X. T. TAXXSB. INS TJ E AH" C E. andmldaed are spent for soaasal Ko. I TBE asd are preptrrd to lniare Haose. Merthaa. dtse, Sen. Marrre aad Life, at the lowrat rate uken ta ear teud Ooaipsalet All lot tea teosapttr atfejatecl Fleate XI re a caH. WTIX1NSON'. TATLOR & CO . STo Ceart ftrret, errs-I- t BetwMt Mali and Prut Kaw. TENNESSEE iSItE AD FIJ1R li'S6KA.VCS CO. Of XaeliviXIe, Tenn. , CAKTATj, :::::: $150,000 JOeSFB VAIJLI, Pxttvt.....A. IT. BCTLSH, txx'j. BULBCTOBat JehnM Hill, Attx. AlkhMB, Thoasesa Andtraon. J Jsm Oarrer, - S. Oaiaaat, T. A. Qwea, 1 M. Feax. Jeeh Taatx, Jsase Bttas. H. X. ABowsr, IT. J. Isila J. 8 LOhalllXE. Afot. oetlljr JS-ro- o ttrsat, XaBtaahU.jroaa. aiEnmis rasuRAHcij fwjtauy, MeBipUifi, TcBHfwec. CAPITAL $150,000. Sana. Mowby, Pr&s't; Ben Kay, Seoy Him ea Jcrrrsawo; itsmst-BfRECTOR- A. O. HaajiM. Aat. Kmr, Q O. ATKIIHwB, T. VT. WltxtWOS, J. o. UBESJIUtr, T. K. inn BawLixet. eaVI-t- ' HOJ1E IXSCRAXCE COM FAST, OP MEMPHIS, TSKTT, JtwaWV 0APKAJ.I SfJAKANTr tlAPITil. We w I MasUGO. -- tfUMt J ht the af Twaaossee, ntlthjii or IBS' -- 'in. m rmrm, sen mmn JSBB Maodteat. itrawo wossotassr Beta arreaew wjah ehetatlwaf BaBwuiiii. for f atiattaa hp Sjmtf. SXTlasaasota , Le-- do Oaoltu t m Toaliw .ntJaool LI", " - ijmXfn awars-k- e. Lots, BatsiSsat., bssjom rjuttiiditnrf Tt" amtin At the aoaaol td ill aa Taosdsf , tha loth ltuaatt. the sariawiad II L. till tad wouittUtrjd wan eloaswl forth DinrerreRx. heket l. kins, wHMgjAikr, rtBAcC rxmwirttaa. B CTTtTW L. J. DtTPRM, Ssl. Unhcmt --Bitwwtof-R. ANT, O. Arf orarr J Maq. i . Wa. a p. Hart CHKAxt. But. Ar-- a J twitae o oew MreatatT yitmihtlhM, lub knot., tha Ms1K ofaaara -- re ihaatBhw Uu rtWJAMeB TflOttNTOK Prrr-- f fltso R. GRANT. Ytee PrtHdinf. tH'JS MCADAM.CrWf-OPTlCaV-- 8. KlWltt .atntV ifeet Bow. - y THEODORE FEANSE, DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, East Sid 6 Shelby Street, , POI7K frOnTB OP BNIvM un, rerasrrly JVrrmsn mt Chu-insa- rl or Mr. Tcimfafe't .Yeie Fort Dfe Hmuc si Lsdie' SeTk and Wcsdea.tlrapeaadOashmees, Shawls Hit wrecr do- - Ttnstoa and Baisfce rooal to atw, and better Ahoa aar' DrcMg RtUtetthaent In tbe Sooth. Uj-T- rf Ue4 cti aMdiMjit"l3t.aBa Bwitat unarn eoaai te Trere-aor- rt spots anmWnmml(x and reflniibet Csitalst, In Silk . sii ilPiMaad7e.'"' 'ej)81m grg 6ffoiJs gouses GREAT BA1GAEVS! DRY GOODS At Greatly Boduood Frioes FOE CASH! 13,000 Worth Still on Hand. LADIES' DRESS GOODS Ladios' Whito Goods, Black and Panoy Silks. Hosiery, Embroidered Sett, Bands, CoIIarsf.&c. Kid and Silk. GIOTes. Bleu's and Youths' Olo-fcliing- , MOOTS & SXIOJE, HATS AND CAPS, SatineUs, Tweeds, nud Jeans. FINE CLOTHS, Doeskins and Cassimeres SILK, COTTON JXD WOOL SHIRTS & DRAWERS, illk and Llaen Cambric Handkerchiefs, TICKINGS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, DRILLINGS. COVERS, T0VVELLINGS, TABLE CLOTHS, PLAID LIN5EYS, SHIRTING FRONTING, and BED LINEN. Placers' fioods. KENTUCKY TWILLS AND LINSEYS; GEORGIA PLAINS AND KERSEYS; OSNABUSGS, BLANKETS; HEAVY BR0GANS, MUD BOOTS; WOMEN'S HEAVY SHOES. Saddles, Harness, Bags, Bridles, Whips, tc, tie. Tormfl Cash, or City Acceptance, J. I TATLOIt, fottcnrSs SWAN & OO.'S LOTTERIES. MAGjriFICEXT SCHEME. CAPITaiX PRIZE SG0.000! POa TEN DOLLARS. THE faltowiax Sebexa wUl be drawn br S. Swan (s Maaaeers af ta Fart Game Acsdenr LoU trr. la each af their Lotteries for J sac trr, 1858, at AUGUST A. 6a., to which dtr tier tare remorsd their prtBctaal ataot. CLAJBS GO) To l disa-- a la the Oltr of Atucutta, Georgia, In rmbllc, en SATTJRBAT, Jaasarr 1SSS. OXsA HS 70, To be drawn ta th ettf t Aaftula, Georfis, la patUc, oa SAItr&DAY, Jaaaarr . l&S. OIjA,SS 7X, to be drtwn In the cttr of Aaxsttt, Georjla, la public, oa SAT JED AT, Jaaaa-- r 16, lSeS. CT.iAaB To be drawn In ten ettr f Astasia, Goxtta, la puMlo, on SATTJB.D iTJs-.ss-- T 23 1898. OI . VB.&S 73. To be drawn n thecitr of Aofntta. Soarfia, In pnMIc, on BATtKDAT, Jaaaarr 99, 1063. on th plan ot Single JVunibers : 5,-iO- DPrizoe:; Nearly One Prizo to Svery aine Tiokets. 3IAG5IFICEXT SCHEME, TO B DKAW!f EACH SATURDAY IN JANUARY. Prtat of wVsw9 1 Prtxc of... .(3,000 1 V - SO,B0 1 1.600 I loeao .. 1,000 1 " - 693 im .. ISO 1 6.0US lM .. US I " - SB90 100 .. 100 APPTtajxlVATWN' PRIZES. 4 Prltei et $ ApnxttKC te tiofioo Prise are 1,30" So.ono 1,000 1,0J 800 las c.aos ' too its 6,000 640 IM 8.CO0 " D0 3090 JOO .69 " IvoOO ' 200 30 are... ...100,008 f.dMarbtd traoscttne to. .......... ...........(ooo Wfaolo Tickets, 810; Halve s, 85 00; Quartora, 62 50'. PliATs" OF THE LOTTERY, no Kastbert from I to 50.000, rorrewpoadlBK wKh Uie Xnajhertan the Ticket prated on separala. slip of pa- per, are BBCiictod with small Un tcbet aad placed la nt wheel. The trot 41 Prar-- a. "teiUrlr rrtatrf and anclrcied, ar plaead in aaother wberi. The wheel are then rerolred, and a cnaber tt drawn 'rota the wheel of tuunbert, tad at the tame time a Prize It drawn fr-.- the other wheel. Tbe X amber and Prise drawn ovt are opened ax4 exhibited to tb andlence, aad afiat-re- d br the Oentailtsla&eni the Prise being placed asanstt tbe Xuaber drawn This operation It repeated snlfl all the Prixtt an drawn act ArranxixaTtes Psixrt. Tbe twe preceding and the Iwoeacceeillac Xussferrs to the dri-rt- the first t Prtaes win be enuraM ti the M ApprsxiDtatlect Pitset. Pnrexstaale: rfTicketKe USOdraws tbe MiO0 Prtje, these Ttetau aameered 11S15, 1I2, 11UI. 11252, will each be ealitttd U $t04. If Ticket Ke. 660 draws tbt SM.OOOPrlxs, those Tickets nsmberedrt3, fits, &M, 663, wul each be entitled ta (131, aad so oa ecourdinc to the abore schetne JQ- - Tfre tM Trts-- s of IM win be drtarmlnM br tbe t VI 1ST soot-- r ia anal sue B.ou,uuu fnxe. rrezsatate, If the XBtabert drawisg $so,000 Prtte ends arHh Ko. 1, then alt the Tlcketi wbero tbe namber ends In 1 will be entitled to $30. If tbe Number ends with Ko-- S, Thes all the Tick Ms where tha number end In 3 wai be sBtltSHl to se, sad so on too. OerttSoatos of Paekttes wlllbe soil at tbt folio wUn rati, watch ts tttrtsk: Beruacatoet ratkagsot WVfnole Tlcketi. &S0OS - i naif dooo ' " 1 Qaarter " ........ SO 00 - 4i ' ta Knatt " io to In ordertet Ttefctti or OerUStatea, enclose tb mooer to oor addre. for tha Tirkett ordare-Lo-a receipt! which &rr wi'l be forwarded br flrtt Ball. Pnrcaasert can BareTICBM ealhnr la s axrn tbej tasp oetltnaU.' ' Tadlistof drawn Humbert andprixtswHi be fetward. ad ta oarcaaarrs taissoOi i sag after the drawing. irr wtu pleas wrile Itetr atonataret piala, and saws taetr rest maee. toaasr xsa state. 3 RetBetnber that Trr Prise it drawn attd partM' In fill withoat edactasB. S3- - AU Fraet ef J 1,000 aad trode r, pnM lmaedUttrr after the drttrmg other Prises attttfinaaal time el tbirt, da.fl. tf All coatmnnlcatwai ttrKtlr eenSdtntlsl. Addrta erdort for -- ftcketa or Certifies tei of Pacxage U a. swan as uu., AUaata, ea. S3" Person residing near Moats otnerr. Alt . or At- - laata. Gs., can hare tbtlr order- - fifle-- aad fare time, br andrcrtiag S Swan h. Co. at either of those dtiee. ETAUatef Ibessntber that are drawn from the waeei. witn the amtani or ue price tntt eaca one It ta, will be puoUsned after ererr drawtng. tn tbe fol atwlaf psutt: Krw OrleaBi Delta, Mobile BrglttcT, nturkstoo ttaaoara, jiaanrme tiaxcue. Atlanta . racer. ew fc Wieklr Bsr Boot, Bartnnth Morning Kews, Rath ai sad Dispatch, Xew Tark Dilpatch. Paul- ding (Utas ) Clarioa, and Attrui(Gt.) Conttltntktnal- - dec23 Attachment. " VALKKB 1. BBO. AND T. G. TURK AO 8, TI. I. S. KKATHLT. defessdaat wi 1 pleaM tak notice that will, THK mm for a Jalgment agalott hl-- n re J. Mjrae, bit snccessor, at hit offlce In aCaaBajIt, Too., aw Tharslar, Ibe stn dar of Jnlr, A. p., TM3 whoa and where ren can attmi and defend It psa proper. wALx-K- & BltO. MC-w- tt T. 0 TDRNAGK. Asstfiiec's Xotice. TTATISO been artated Asthra-- e of PRTTnw XX HARBIN, DoHo, I nerebr glrn te an aertont !a- - dct-to-a ta .st nrat vs note or aooeeiii, to coma rtrward ItaatedHlelr aad settle, as tMatgence cinrut beglrvn, aad the aaderMgnaJ a al -- ne iBthoritrd te glre receipt, as Glseaarae of it ntsttittet to toe tsio nrm. N. RAGLAND, noTlS-dawI- Br bla atUrner. . 0. Ratiand. nRATKDOE.8TOLKN. a IrtJ' gnr norte. rl ft the Anrla Stare or I. JOHNSON X aa' an Pront R.. on 5stordtr. the 13th lnt. Htdoo a tal bndi oom-a.- n s :de aid rerj auaac hridt. I win Mr 0 fir the Utrw diUrrreJto -- a, at $S foe ar tafsnaaUio tba will lead to hit rt- - ejrctjr sn&ct.-.- 3 S. ICDKl,! Q. jsawi Iswsw lr. irm sr aoncnta. To the Public. byeds Iccorperitcd (oraraercial College AXD tTUiriXG A cade My rpms leatltaUM I cow In saocesifol ope. X ratio . It M the ieteatkmef the prta- - ctaal to taaae it aad eqnsl, la ererr n ,oxl. to aar In this or ahx other State. osu htaa'Si wul be waght toasllfr ?octh fur a 'be art or Peaauisbip, (with bit rfotnaI ease ran rr tusxrara,! tae o no ef Bonsie-entr- r Bok- - Lkscpute Bfwoeed tha Prsacple aad the Niter ef Jlank- - taj wash Hank He. Tha st tea ftea vt par atl aad gatKiisn, Is reepectlTelx thtwttn3 1 tbt. 11. Sttteri tlmWf, from lhostwof b hss alrrslr rrc-irr- thtt be wftfrnerr! aot.otteasitoi, af his tax sttag seal to fbe tsirrtit o;tl he . made katwc ta ippncttlcn at the CoUrgf. tmstm street. J hare the heoar to refer to the fsHewieg jrenttem-- n. aad othaso. wb' hare ktoTlr conBWd ttsrtsit Board of yatttetofor KiatulBittta leatn? srsettcslbmlitrsi am. RrrEnrxctt. ReT.J N.TiB, Rr I. Teaeg, VT, A. Junes, ft . Csebier ltratr Wilssn a. Cs , I Bask, O. M Parkier. rq., XaJM k. 0., Lama, react a. tM. boabb er VlitTOXt. Rt. I. Too i, KT J ft. V7. a. Jaa-- a. Usq Coioter t . Jt rtcxer. aaq., a. OaditBercual Bank, B.O Brtskler, Esq., Obi . B Locae, Trlio. Eao, ., JOHN 4. HT tfcll, rrore aeir House and Lot for Sale. b-- iu.i so -- rerr d.!aUron! the TO Miahsae--- . that eWI-sU- e lot and preotes a. tad on LaroK- - etreet. rear Dr. Walttr!, i.tirfiifcaMtf A 1 1 tfri VMsoa Tt cntrlies a asmoMsamwentag.coese conuimngur rooxBis alio mrf afale XHea-ni- . The lot oinutii oh scred, on tta ar arpe atttand mM c chard r Tbt whole Caa tr Mas-b- sfplstt g'oo tBepteatUM. Pnqntre ef S' -- - ii I . . . ' - r j.j.Trnaox, deciVSm X' Clerk of Ueilaamwitaetirssxa.' Ratling jf gtfaiucrg SCHEDULE OP TH DA.TS 0P SAIL1KO OP THE tTKITKD STATatS MAI l ST AMKKS, BETWSRN TM UXITX0 8TATIS AKD BUROPE. PPB ISM. rTvm UNI. J From Prom Sontb Prom Prom N Xrx urerp I amptonlnsrre. Brem-- n nrre.. 'Jtn. Jan. '11 fan. 13 oontot. U Btamrn... 31 J.n J7 Jan. 21 Etrre... Prt. ( P.U ,10 fib" Oollins . ia Hrrtnev. to rtb. ti ItasT .. Match Msr. la dtr. al Collins. II Mar. II Ere asm. 29 Mar."ii' Mar. 20 ITssr. . April Apill- 7 April Uollist .. ID AI x8j Bremen. April SI, APsil.n Comm.. 51 Mtr n n.Tt . Mar II Mar B Mar CsUInt .. 8 Mar!! ity"'I Max It CU.lV Jon llsrre.. Jt. 3 Olltr .. Jteo Jon 31 arrmen . Jont It Jan V11di Jnlr lltrrt .. 'Jaa 39 ColHnt.. Jclj JJoiJf 31 ....at"i. B 17 Atit. An I. It Sept. I Tto ... 5S . - 11 Bo ... Sept. II a 4 D rw-- l is Da Oct. 371. IV .. MoT. ...... Dt .. Nor. Ill Do . SO'Dte. Do . Ore. IxroBTAKT lwTrettoirt: -.- nWrttVaf af tbabsrHa- - (tad tbr same ta- mp, tt tj It Brttlih lines ) to or (rem aar plat la the United Stst s, (excrp- - Orrgoa and Canton Is ) for or flora tnr point In Grest Britsia, It 3i cent- - pre.pt tetm rptlocal. wspaprrs, each twi, centt UeiUd tat. andtwi c titt British i esca eusntrr tocoUrrtl'towa potttgt, whether tb - piper It teal from or reid la u el) tiled StsUs. Btillib sewrpspert BtnaHr' ease British potttgt paid br a ptasr stamp eqaaltelwo cratt Tber nus. be t nt re iitrrew bsndt pta it tb endt Letters f T th continent ef Xtmpe, fo pass throrgh Great Brittla, la the ep-- s malt. tnBsttxpre-tald- centiwbm tht AUami; e 1 brUatrfd Statei ptrkett, aul 6 centt when br Brltl-- h packets, ex-e- nt from CaH font ts or Orrcon when tbe tnta lo ne pre- paid Is, in tb former lnttace,2t ceatt.anl ta tbe lat- ter, 10 cents Tbut In the ce case, tbt AUtnlle tst pcaIsglttobcoHectel st tbe tsa lisf star, in the rjnl ledBtttrti snd In t'eolber, 1 fl te be togeth- er wtth tbe Drill h tranaU aad atber tunica psuge, it tbtt-fac- et dcttrerr- - Betwrea Great Britain ind Or- - gun indCallfomlt, tbe tingle rate sf letter potttje it S3 centt. Prtiodlcat wsrkt and pamsblets mar be sent f rem tha United ' ties te tbe United Kingdom, and vie vend it two centi of United State poitige each, it tber do not exceed two onncet la wrltht. and at 4 cents per ounce, or fraction tf an earn, wha they exceed tbitwrigntl to becoHect d in alt cases in tbe United St sirs; and the time win tn tab eel ta in additional like cbsrge In the United XUngd. m nrnen teat to France, Algeria, r clUtt ts Tarker, Sj-rl- s and Krrpt, la which rrtr.ee hat postofficet, ri England, or toother femxa coaatrles. wltbsst pistlag tbmiib tbe United Kltgdoa, tber will becbstxrabe with 1 cent aa onnce, tr fraction t an ocacr. United Stales pottage reealred Slag. rat of letter postage lo or from Bremen, br the Bremen line. 10 ceata optional. Kewspa-per- s, esch 1 cents, brlag tbe United Statei ind Grmtn pre psjmrat t qalrrd. Leitert ind newtpspert to other pa ta or tb conttm-n- t msr also xo br this line, ssMect ta Tarloni rstet - far which tee Poreigu Pottsgt Table. single rtte of letter partite te or from Prasce er Alge- ria, 15 cents the quarter optional Newspapers, perhalicil we kt book! ttltcaed or boaed, psm blets, eauHfrar pipers of music, prorptlue dicalart andallotb-TkUds- printed matter, address. ed to Pttnc. Alsrtls. or Ues ef Turkey. Pr'la and Ecrpt, In wnlrb Prance has p ttofflces, ett AletanJria, Alrxsndr tta, Berront, Centtiattaoole, Us lali Gilijp.41 Ibralia, Ineboll, Jiffs Eras.nBd, La ta- xis, Msftlnatn Astallc imker AliurUne, Kbidrs. Ssls-aic- s, Sam scan, ainepr, Sormt. rauea. Tree r jnrf, Trt-p-- 14 SjrU. leltcbi Tarns snd Tcdo ) caa be dltpst ed to Prsoce, direct, or br war of Ecgisnd, on ef tbe llrlted Sttte ps'tage. Tlx : newtpiperi 2 cents each; perloJicsl workscatanetor pamphlets,-on- cent an onnce, or lractt,n of an once; and ail other ef printed xastter tbe ssree aidomtstle rates; to be In aft casei cell-ct- In tbe Unite I States, -- rbHher sent or rrcelrrd. PrsnM, Iq like manner, collects Us own pcsttge o i all kinds el printed tastier, whether sent or rrceired The United Stele exee sat e cmee for Preach mstls. are Kew Tork. Boston, PhHdeipbist at-- d Ssn Prandscn For rales cf postsge la Prenca ras.l tt canatrles bro-i- d Prance, aee Fon-u- Pott'ge Table. Stntle rite of.tetter potttge br tbe Prussian doted mail te Pmtsla. Anstrtt. and a'l tbe other German State, 30 ants, being tb fall opUsEsi. Kewtptpert centt etrn, bs-n- alto tbe fall psrtsre rronlred. This mall Is test brer err steam er, being Itnded at UrerpoolbrtheCoHlnt aad at sostn- - empton br tbe Breraea and Utrre Iln-- r. Tbe rtm f rrgutrall n e' rsintWe letter! adeptcd in the Ual ed S'ates, bisbren rx'eoil'd tetbecjrTepon-deot- e wtbGrat Britain Pros it, Bremen tea Canada Letters aetRttod to either ef tbeje Co antries wfll be reg- istered, on tbe ef tbe prrsoa po,tlag tbe is me. In tbttsme manner aad on tbe time eiae it these deUrersble In the United Btites, pruridrd thtt the flUpostac chaif-abl- e to d at Hat toe, tottth-- r with a rrg'.trstioa fee of are costs ea each letter. Is p--e pild at tbe malllog ace. Sech iboaM be mailed aad forwarded to tbe United Stat-- s etchaaxe sfncea in tame manner at domestic registered Irttcri are mailed to tbote oltcet. N. BAU letters to and from farrlrn coa t les (tbe Brlllib Xortb American Prerlncet excepted) aeube chsreed with since rite et postage. If net exceeding tbe welgbtof hslf aa aaace i.djaMe. rate, If eiceedlnx half an ottore tnt Bat exw ding ta oesce t qoaarapte rat. If execerfiDg an onnce bat not exceeding taoeancet; aM to ia, cbarghtg two rates for ererr onece er fractional pa t ox an onnce erer tbe nrttont ce. Letters In tbe mall io Praace ire to ba ebarxed with single rt e of posts gs. If net rxeeedtng tbe weight of one qaarter enace ; doable rite. If excetdlag a oasrter bat not exceed'az bait an oance ; and so oo, an adlltlensl rate beinx charged for eachqnarttroxaoso, frac tmalpartof a qaarter or net. Letters astressea to the nritun Amu Amtoeaa are rated la the same msnosr as domestic Irtters. one rate brlsg ehtrg-- tor esch halt enace or trtetteaei part of bait onnce stwutu becsrrfal, where the postsxe ts d. to go! tret the proper asoanL The- - shoold be psrtlcalsr te notict the rate Indicated oa In enreiopet at letters, and to comet poetat aeeord. lnlr- - Letter! msHed at loate ofaces. marked "Tla Sag land ' or la Pras'lsn Closed Mall." for a German State, are frennentl' takext apon the of en ratrs, tod thoss marked i Tla Breatee' at Prnslin dosed mat! ratti. As- - B ferin all caaet tothe Poitige Tablet, If letters fsr fsrelxn cnantrles marked ''Paid.'' are dropped Into Ibe post-31- e wtthont heteg paM the pK master will ersse the word pid," aad write on the back ot tbe letter tbe wards ".tot paid," with hit nam : ard t Hie of pettraatter. E7"Tbe mans for the paetotieaTi ew Tork rn Ibe stb ant'fltD, Carlestoa and Sarannab oa 19th, and New Orl ans on Ibe 6:b and 20. h of eirb month. for Mexico will be diiaatchedr semUnroathK br sieamsbi? betwresT New OrJras, and Vera Orox. U Stales letter pMttg 10 ceats uodrr 2 600 ind 23 ceat erer 2 600, mHes ttom too msHing afflee ; to b- - pre-pa-id when sent from and collected when meired In thsunitid ft'itt. Newtpiperi 3 cauls esch, te b coltrc.ed in tbt Uait-- d Bteten, al abefe C3Siagrata ot leter postage te- Rsraaa, AiplawaH, Panama, scd the British West Itdtes. 10 ants under 3,600 and 20 Beats orer 2JS m Je ; newsospers 2 centt andlotsetCestlndlet, (set Brttih.)Cfcrtbsxc, St Jus a. (aiearxgaa) tt eeats noser 3 600 and 41 certs osor 3.630 mika; n,nspert 6ooteo pre pBjmrnt rtqatred. aasitiA v skusa, Pestmss'er Geaeral. PotT-Orrtc- E t, Deo. 10.1867. Janl H. F. FARNSW0KTH& CO., Wholesale Druggists AT-OT- H rC3JtTmF'.fm, Xo. t Front now, a Ttrp lirg ind oompltle assortment of HATZ In tbe Dragline, to which tbeyicaH tbe attrtf-tle- a of ererrbolr m Tboash not settles: eat "AT COST," ear prises ar reavmaMoj and the QUAU-T- T ot onr trtldet Oltttjar attm. jr CALL AND SHKt JUST RECEIVED, NO. 7 FRONT ROW. -- IC GK03S ttrperlor Teatt Pewdert, for a!e wnole- - X J tat ana retail, cr angS H. y. PARXatrORTTI fa CO. FIXE LENOX SVRl'Pl. A2K AUTIFUL irtlde of eat own rasnufse(ojr, not to contain sr-- of those pMsocea art tele, contained In tbst which ts nsnaHr brtnfbt hete. II makes a delicient, coding brreraKe, mo ua. t.aWt at this eason et tb rear. Jest trr It 1 Par lilt at wholesale tr retail br H. P. PAJtNSWOItTH CO., lTt He 7 Ft i- -i t Rw. FIXE TEAS! ALAEGB assortment, purcbsaed before h late rise for tile rerr low. at or retail, br ii- - a. trLMjta usm s cel., Jt3 W . 7 Pront Row. Pearl Sturcit. JtyTADB f rem Indian Cera a beastlfal article, rittr Xt JL ooxes tor aai oj H. r. PAKtSTTORTII At CO., JrS N 1 PrsntHow. C)( BARRELS Copperas. P. h. V . far tale br & KJ anS n P. PARNSWORTH t GO. 1 A CAKBOTSOUTIUW, fur ttVibr X l at(3 H. P PARNSWORTH St CO. f) A BAGS Black Prpr-r- r, (ar tile br ll anta H. T PARNSTTORTTt A CO. tI GA US 60,000, approTed brisdt, tor tale br j tart h r PAimstr ORTTt fc 00. 50 atEGS NewcatUe S. C Soda, for sale br attrfl ft V PtRKRWORTH fc CO. 10 BAGS Allspice and Rac.GlDir, for stle br- ants U V. PARKSWrRTTf fc CO. FL0CRi,0I, COOPER & LEAKE, wnotxtai 45? tt o c js n s Commission Merchants. ALSO, Particular attention paid t recrirlng and farwardlag. j is in Msmtireei, atempnii Just Ileccired. "FtlTI calks Canrated ria-n- a In store aad for ta'e br I jris rieUUtsnifl, verurBK CL LtftAlkB CftBOXM Old Tirandr. fer ta'e br mJJ KBB PIjOnnKOT, OOOPRR A..IJCAM. C1IEE5E Agoudanlite fart ale tj piirrRvriT. mnrint fc lracr. Xew Flour. I.'kT of new PJonr In store and for ixls, JrU PtslOBNOT COOPItR S- - LEAtE. T fid tOXRS Tlrxlnla Tnbtcoo. tarsltbr 1JU seiSi PLOrRKOT. COOPKRk LEtKK 500 POUNDS Gream Tartar, for sale br angS U P. PARNSWORTH i CO. f"NE TIUBDRKD boxet Stir Candles tor sale, br J tU FIJilTTtKOT. COOrBR & UtAtg O K DALP tibia. Rebod Kism b XiO sep PLOURSOt, COOPItR fct.EAre. rVNB BUNDRRD boxtt Ferei" Statca oacectbm. J meat, and fsr ta br ifit PLOtJRNOT, COOPSR I EACE. SUG R. Twrxtr hhd. snmr, new srep Jntt rrcrirrd, for ta'e low to tbt trsje.br riuunMirictrurtttiXKAkB JUST ItECEIVED. 150 B0XKS lartr ad aftligs Rrlilns Jut re- - ottuinajorsaar ii. II POTTKR, 171 Main street 70R SANTA CLAUS TTrnO rrtM- - o3) ur tsa, fto4 Willi ft Urr V V marto f Let im fir b!o & fine rccrptloo ted mo. tton)s- - bm wen, re as to xsUeJiim f emlQ ta orr cjod IT It itopplng it , J. C. RODGER'S, Corner of Main and Madison-si- s. Mr dear - Grand Pi" aad "Grand Ma." -t ns rs and ae aim rattier and Mjthtf U-- tha t terns? cctmr ssu.i- - a, ail WJUl Toys, Dolls, .Sic., .Sic., Also nr AX DOLLS, and rrsrr detcrlptlen rf J nl aa. Wigs, Bandfaux, Carls scd Braids ! AITbf which areef direc. laportsll-s- i rrm Paris. A Ladles B AIR SRRSSER alw.rs rrodr U attend ass calls. OmUrmen wfil ptesss call a the naJersloud, wfc wl taVepea tie to ti I apon brm Alargetltertiaestef rCBIUMERTon hand. dec! -- turn J C. kilDHtk. xoomifa-GitAs- s & oiltfrahe rrtmesre-xOde- e. Iexing0t 11 trmeiltke-new- ; iAn work warrants Pxls tin is cxiil r-- a tccson tiaaa for iirrsc; peiow lnsar BrT;c3p ' mt tlMU ,lTjijcroA-- a ISBatrS durlry; r Awdbew MruT0................,tiAxcr-- i noroux IflERETO & IIO JOUX, Watch Makers and Jewelers, CORNER OP ADAMS AND MAIN STRUTS, MEMPJaiS, TENN. ANDREW MRRETO hat tt elated with hlw, batlasss. MARCUS RtlODI. Tb bntJarss will, hereafter, be ooralaeted nnder the a bars ttrl, it tb eld stind. where ttt' farmer casttratrt p( Andrew Mettti ire respeclfallT re-- DISSOI.VTIOTV. rV lb lit Jane, KM. to arm heretofore exiitlng be- - j twera r. 11- - uua.oj ana A. c. wURZACB was dts- - otToa or mninsi oeaernt. p. JI. dark Jt charged with bs t Ulnars 1 .of th brulseti cf the 1st Am ef F, E. Clark It Co. ' P. H. CLARXT. A. CWCRTJACH. . - ' - - WEWFIRM. - - Tts isUcrtttn bar associated tbuuetrst tegtthtx Jiitt tb firm Ot V. H. CLARE Is CO. P. n. CLARXT, JAB. I. TTILXMKS, TflOS. HILL. OUR NEW FIRM. - 3t xffotrlt laonlsatBre te an&otmeo t mv e.i.n.1, aa4 U nabii that I bar tnacutM with ta rap former parlaer, JAS. B. WJLEINS, and mr assls. Uat, TS03. HILL, ttadsr tb timlllar strlaef P. H. OLARX 01 CO. - Th JlrBt wtU start with as ontrtest rro tn each mettaakal brtach, the Watch departtaeat heM nnder the inffrrW al Mr WUkUis Ste ft st aU time af the litest fsahtoei, ac4 rrlces losinr a ttfle of gooes caa be pur chase-- . In PkltsdetoVis or New Trk I ta thaakfnl fir tbe liberal patraeat rxteoded te ms dirtrg tnr nfteea rein' rtaMence In Memphis, and tap 1 mrm wv pra US EOmtBainC. P. H.CLABX. K.sTAjiLI8HE3 1841. 0"?. VT?" U ,- - ! r trta cllr, tbote who wast ojodt la ear line with teou srii -i ut tt flr p,feee. Oar atsertmrnt, lor reirt, cat h- -e kM Mttle tf aar behind oar Eastera ettlas It It ereeT.iT. this sea--c lisa Oxr teacung axaucoes sre. errs WATCHES, Of waleh We bare ererr TsrtetT In enteral SIL ttOOther Srlth a tarae asarlEiefit mA tu nor order wht fer Aet-s- s etitrleasdttme-keep-kta- g. ium tn.n,,uMtnutii wUl be feeadtfc Eight Dar TTstrb ind tbe Repeating tuu wmuuci, snas laeyuat , a ntintlt ut it arjc. i'EIfELnt. Oar assartBeat la this Important braaca Is kept fall bp free, taint recetpu ef aH tae atw itrle, wbetter of isn " W hare made thtt branch ef ear baimess a ttndr for nan, aat ealjeaoatlsgaarsetTea wtth pxardtolit dlf. ferret qaalltle lad nentt et the different st-- and ma-ke- rt, bat cf the klada best taitsbie u onr xasrktt Onr assortment, for t nxaiOer of peart, hit been Urge, ta which we hate uouaOj made mxof aoduiona ef oar own lmpertaHen. Wt caa rtmtsh oar rusWmers with SIIOT QUX3 trats S te tnot RIFLES rrsm 10 te 1100. Alto, tbectleeTatedSHAaPK'3 RIPLR. Pistols, DERRINGER aad 60LT, ef til Hie. Also, a tsB et th kinds ta general at. SILYER GOODS Tes and CutTe Sets. Pitchers. Cobleti. Onna. Castors. Spooat, Porks, Ladle, with manr efcate Paacr Attldea, All cola Sn. SIIarEn PtATED GOODS. Urn. Cattert. CaBetlcks. rf aad Ceffee Sett. Eserx- - aet. Cake aad PrtUt Basket Spoons, Perki, Ladlet, Pitch-e- n. Goblets, Cap, Wallers, esc., ax. OtTTIiEH-ST- . X tnR asaortsffit ef Pocket and Table, from tb best makers, with a great ratietr of Fancr Ooodt. OUB MECHANICATj bbanch. AH kind et Watctt Werk doa In tb most ftlthfnl Kanntx. Jewelry repaired, aadnawmade to order. Engraving. Plain aad OrasMntalt Bealt for Lodget, Coartt, fcc, n anr rtHe , at feel lis Irs ef al: ilxet. JaBl-dw- lr P. n. CLARg h. 00. OIPBOVED SPECTACIiES V AOCURATBLT adjwtcj to the ere, so at to icjt the rhWn, without oceailoalnx that seaee etweakresserfstlgneto the organ genersllr cecopialaed ot bp wearsn of esta-Be- a glatsee. bat aaihrtex teewarar ef IM Improred Speotade to pnnae the most mlncte ettaar bp dar or candle Iitttt, with ease and saiisiscuaat, or CHBN. iTTJIiIiEa, OpticIaB, or Titr pick or MTJLLEB & BE0., Whetwale aad Retail DeaSert b Cloclis, "Watches, -- Jewelry, IJIPROVED ASS?CTACEES, OITOSITB I. B. EIRTXANTPSOPPlCa.lfRliPHIS. 9 PARTICULAR attention paid to the repalrtcg ox ti aicaea nr an exDertenceo workman, cotnx dttera toedaot te he xceUed In iBperiar werk- - maneaiD la tut Branca er taa easiness, we bare encaa-c- d a first dt't Katckmiker, aad caa fistier onr- - setre in iiriag thai laert is no uotue. Kail or West, that eaa boast of a better. Clods carefnllr repaired and warraatod Jewel rf tad Spectacle ot ererr description made to order. Old JswHrr aeatir repaired, and Specta- cle Glaase ia eM frasset to tnlt ererr slxbt. p. o. Tae name roe i complaint ot person wbe hare br ludlTMaala oeddlltx throalh the eoaatrr an taferVir -- eJe of wectacies, represeatlng wea to ee ia.se uaprove ases. reader tt neeessarr that w sheald caBiien the pnMtr stalest tGth Touden, ami inuHu loo rrpct.i m oa, a' i irs. m Ipectaciet i&aae or a are ttsaijvj Tae aaaie ot ta ciel marlO-da- w CHRISTIAN MULLER Ik BBO. THE SPHEREOTYPE. TflElateit aad ar fir the most la purl aat Iraonrrr. Phowxnulir M th paleeted ear- - tan known a the SPHiJRXOTTPE, whlrh It aot ealr aevaml salike atrf ttf predecessors, bat grralirte. perler t all. Too hphereotrpe it proof atalatt TIKE, aib aad watsa and fer riefaness of tone, warnlh of exresion a dtstlncttint hit t o MusJ Is fatrt tea 11 Isttan it tscfa thtt the plctnre, or baage, teems c'exd- - c. ui air, -- DiiiTir rawpenirni or tnc oicx grotUas PerihlseianrewchaTeUi. extsnsire rUht fsr Mem- phis. SpccHoen. oan be (Ten la oar GaOerr, where pl-c- s&itb are also saaeo is in Tenons ttjiee DJ ear ATtlxt, PHOF. REMIHQTON. wbo cornl 1 xt ibe Chemist with the Artist, which Mix-- otes nun it an tune t aroctKa tapertor PMtnret T B. CLARK a. CO., decS-- tf No. I Cltrk't MarHe Block. SPRING STOCK! TXTATCHES Some rerr Ba. VV ' JEWELRT New ttrlv SILVER WAR RCoib Use. SILVER PLATED GOODS Beit auullr. SPCCTA0LI5 To tnlt ererj eotidtun ot xlxkt, SUNS Best mtktri. PISTOLS Pod iMortrsmf POCKKT AND TABLE COTLTRT. OLOCXS. CANES. PANOT SOODS. Ifa tog br tar the best atjrlaent errer -- .Jeted tn this ""rsri r. u. CLAsaZ 4. CO., X- - 1 Oitrk'a HsrW Block. Jalror-Salii- nj gtacdiufs. Important to Planters & Millers. FEXsTOlY'S IMPROVED Portable Grist MM. .In Jmpravmtvt oa aU Other Pat nit. rrrins It see of the most TalatMe Inrectlocs of tbe dar. X peatesalag all the qaalitkalt.es reaatrlte to make II ralcabltto tbe faimer. It 1 destined to inpplr a want that hat lew bean felt Lr thtt peMen el It It to ttHe Is aeartractlee, that aar person of onllna-- T skill can ran it wd keep It n order Tbe grinding sutlers are or ta taast tonoie character, harder thaa anr tempered aMrt, aad sot liable te g .at ot order It will giia4 wli-a- t. eeni, oatt backwheat drags and spice crash and criad corn aad cob or sbeBed aat! and corn, aad rob mar be well grvnad together. The mall .lie frame mUI, with te potrer, wUl grind tram are to eight hatheit or snprrtor corn meal per hoar, and from elgM to ten tt of good feed for stock, and reqalre bat littie stteBU.a. aad mar he ran br gin-be- ll witheat Increase ot expense. Tbe large site irame mil) wUl grlad erer twite that amoant perhonr. Tbe meal ianetheitsd la gilnding a ralosNe restore. Prices are, for small sier (116 j Urge size (200. are bare tbe tight te eelt the States ef tlstwmt, Mla'UetppI, Loui- siana Arktasi!, Tennetve, Eeatsckr, ird a portion ot Tcxm A rare chance la here oCere--1 for competent ind rtsporulb'e atea to aafrxge in tbe t of MlHi Cenatr end State rights sold on icremmolstlng terms An orders, com erer: trailer s, aad for Right tad VI i id to nl WW promprlj Joot-dsw- lr JENNINGS h. RETNOLDS. P- - 3 Davh. Hodue k. WlixtAHJ ind Verehaat. areotrr stents In Merarels.Tean Prernium Cotton Gin TUB attention et Cotton Planter! u -- rrpeetfnjlr callet the ibeoe itptrler Gin, ataaaf aetarol br K- - Cir rer a. uo., zut Brtlgewxter, Slmtm. cnoer s recast tm proremeat, the Career Glas are rettarded as the best now la general ntex their sarjers-ri- tr needs socuzaaueiufro-- r as, at thonasnds ar new ta tatzosafnl eperxtloa tn th ooain-T- n conntrr. We hare on band Oftr fttEa. rralirieiac aH the sure stn nnsneer or tiwt. Also 10 and 12 feet boHa. washera itc.. cam piete, all et whlefc w ctf--T te aar frtendt np-- the attta term and ttta. OwTNN r. OIBTON, Xe. I and 2 Hxrhsnxe BcUdtn. ""-"- Vot 7 tSM-- 1. TO SAW MILL 0WKEBS. tTlHE ibA!ber. a nradtral Siw-oik- tr. hit rrrmt- X &entr toraied tr in vtdtoiIs. rsr tbe pnn-- e t RS TOOTHING and STRAIQITTENI Ktl CIRCULAR snd a I ether HAW8 Work don it Cincinnati and aattrra prieea, and iBtraelled. A', orders rroetred for ererr deecrlpflc-'- t of Bswt, Afl fsTi talhe me are warranted Saw Hill owtm. win Had It ta tbelrodraBtixe'to'can en me before cm tkestng elsewhere. bhP on FoMar street OTpotlle rnlaa PouMere. tmitS dswir 8ACI. P. ARTRHB.. C. K E0LST & S0IT, Cabinet JflaUers AXO tlaln-S- : Oi l Stand, bolow Monro o. (Tr oUtt pettxtvu.f Und In tn. csfp.) TTAT8 cartasvr hai-- d .It U s of Patent Metariic, AA Bartet OS's, vritrh the r e aad ant no alrwichi la tht-- t ti -- i.w lwan Hat.- - et and Cloth Oortrr: vfBas, wttrb th--r tell a a tilt srioe. OrArts hsm t ptpt atle- ded to, and PBr- - nVnre made i-- ri liaboitirris-- ; cxtente-i- . B.TB-1-T Jnst-ItectsiT'- - OH fVRITSHXLS res!. kerf Er'J.br 60l e?S3tiJXOUiNOT-- , COOPER O. IX1XE. SlistfllancoiiSe W. HOWARD & OO., NO. HOWARD'S BOW AWE OFFlimXC; l.FaST WhaUnle. Xttcil. INDIA BA0QOINO .. loe lle We 13 Bill. ......... .... ...-to- e U tt (ntir .... H8c Ro Ceffre ....WH a o? , bond span... AT t ftsr Bepo,itta-tir- t. TVy hare a so just recelr-.- a Itffe le of aew Bleep' B.?S.t,rem wBHtlt the) an.r hr wh fo.tl it t JtelJ-l- m Aduitnfttratnr'ii Notice. TOTS u Kieonitkv thai Ibe aadar.a-d- : ht hem A W MILLER The, a V a ring etttmt ttsln-- t tadesUtwtilpreseettHetawHhtBtt Us pretcrlb-- br Isw. ttld tb., indited to M win .a . , . anlmsUxisrm at WM. rolpes. T M corrLAjD. c r w. cal-jwi- COPELAND, EDMONDS & CO., Deatrrt la Pis wBOLRSALE St rttndSea GS0CEHS llBon6.0tgirs. L Oattea. COMSIISSIOIY MERCHAXTS, mrS-dlrt- a NO. 11 PRQST ROW. MEMPHIS. Trustee Sale. IN' prtrteaaet of a Die4 of Trait a, th tth ef Jaioarr, A D , 1M1. hp faataat Mill to the Wsied as Trastee, aid la Ose Pruhsio 0k-r- s' OSes ef Msrshati eeaatr M sal, tl pot. a th ltthdar at Jsaavrp, ISM, Bb rt H, pttet Kl It, ltd aad 111, for ibe par-x-- s of oca-lax to psratsai of ceTtaad-Mstbeni- o poadol I wul at Trotio la s ud do-H- l oe TURSOAT. te stxiaaeth dar mt Pteentrr Best, proceed ta till i ptblie oat err W thshtfht bMder. fer tssh, est the premiss, -- o asarejed, ef Ue 1st. Tneau. Man. la Mtrthill eoaatr. Mieal itss--1. the praaer r res ia t ptrteail, or at math .bereat si wlH b ot rala saacieot to p-- tb tsM debit, te--wrt : The w-- ht'f tf sees Wet No. U, towa ri-- 1 ) t 3, uwas bra 3, sad sscUaa l. aad K, towBihlpI, a I la raagt I writ. tit. stttd andbtlex to ta esoalr et Marth.ll aid h tal sat Also, the fi.ewi9( Nw Si sees, to-- : Barer Jlrarar, Joardsa. Aaara, Drscllli, Satn, A- nnie, Jerrr, Geoegt. Rime. Msrr Lew.g. Msniref. Chsrlei, HaHe.Cbulr. Jerrr. Jaa Mirtah. To-- a, Hrarr' Andrew. Xmb. Laeb Vsdr. Psrthila. Sta Jah , Gra-Ihi- Robert Sailr. Brosra. Ssrsh. J Matt, S.I. Mielah. Klleo, Ana., I.i.. Jf. Prtacta, Ut, Belsp. Oearr. Gtorg-- . Prak, WHIM, Jha SsHp. srsb Lite, Geontsoi, Ptcr, Rtdi.Ptot.r, WBsher. I.haa. Agaes.atd child MaUada. 8a e. Add, Tjm. Dirt aad Margaret and ehrVt, togetter win thetr if tar. Also, thlrtr head ef Moles, tlx bead ef Hertei, fear Plantation Waxes! (u. The title ts the shore prepertr It Io be bat I tfasM oertj (aehrttl it It -- retted In meet Troitee. The sale will be oa'leaM frem dsr to dar oatll tht whole It dltpoted if or enoxgs. at it titled akere, leptr slid d DCs. Tal tth dsr ef Jan. Birr. ISM 0. M. PACELBR. Trnrt 0. P S Sorb earrensr a It ukaa ea, deposit la tb PIsnftV aid Union Bisk et Taa.ae will he reo4rd in pirm-n- t. Jaa7-dawt- Msrshlll Dsm at cepr till dar ef sale Cnrtaiu Materials. BROCATELI.E, Siltn DeliUie, Tmod Dsmask Lv- - and MasUa Cortila,lrsa-pareB- t Skade. Batrn-illand- t, Wiodew Ooraloes. Caitsta Eaads ind Plat. Ererr irtlde of O ot sad Trimsia aeee sirp t. decorate a Cottars tr Palace. Fphnlaterlag and Carttla Hsaxlax execsted bp is exetnoaeed wwkaua front New Tsrk CUr. x.o.5 VcTIVNET tk CO. Bosewood Parlor Sruta. SEVERAL oegaat Reeewooi Pallor of Prrraitare raagtne Ja"t t Slml pi Ices tram iHO t 4800., la wktsa w tartu the tpeeia aKratloa ef parehatert. Price Trry law, at the new and lmmeeM ettahlishiBeat a tvrrd MrElNNRT k CO. W. W. HODGE & CO., SHIPPING MERCHANTS AXB .STE.Yll.O,VT AC.ESTS, Jfo. 55 Front Row, ortlk-d- MRMPHIQ, TENN. Dry Wood and Cyprus Lumber. IU AVE tarirtr oeU xt drr we D for sale ai mj liBdiat Ir whieh. It a be made I wdi lse three dollars p-- r cird. Alt-- , l Itrxs namh'r ot coud crp-- sad I cs. wairti I eaa taw la order at Wt aulas, si I w.n dellrer Ue lamhar at tsr te'ir Ualtat, at Mtesphlt, eh tap for esth. 'art R OHEKg. OTP1CJS OP CANDEK, MIX ta 00., 1 jABtraaV 1. WM sre BaaVr Bier .Mias'liaMi Uoorfrteodtasdcat-tanier- a Mr thalr rrosrsl patreasga datisg th part jear, aad trrwt tat Ii O "W PRIOZiS At which we hare beta aad are tofe SELLING GOODS, WB he ene imottg maar lalmtatuli at auk Ouv House BEAD-QUARTE- KOR THE FUTURE. We stall cenllM to iMtttee eVdehy a.hticXj;e " Thtt can be r spitted it a XjESS PRI 033 , Aad tBdeaver ta keep The Best Silectcil anl Cheapest Stock IN THE SOUTHWEST. Prem thU dile, oar terms win be 0ABS or Oil j Ac- - etptaaee CAXDEE, MIX & CO. Jxa5 dawla AGENCY. PLANTERS. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. will sell No 1 Kaaawh . at tn WE bis per bathe), sad deuaer hartai in, go-- d or- der 1 The KaaiwaaSaP Ksi been thorsagair vtttd it the Utt few jeart aad hat pr mmi. ta be th best salt for caring meat, more toril. haadled aad less BiMe lo waste than tack salt. Apprp to aXTIER & WARREN, tMTlS-g- m Ko 16 Uahl street. FORD, BEGBIE & CO., MANUFACTURE RS, Whoiesale aad Retail ta mm. Saddle Trees, Sadllery Materials aod IIiraMe Mouatinp, VULCANIZED RUBBER, A-- Iteather OIn and Hill Bands, &c. FOIID, .BEGBIE & CO., Hga of thi Big UolUr, 211 M.la ite-- IsalS daw Meiah-- t a, Itlurfrctibiiro 3Illitary .CAltrar. Jaa Sth. 18 iS THE btriBit Ms tr-- d the Academic II opptklle the Mth 41 t Pa-a- Oalb-g- 99 wul o.eo th-- .r ashod oa XO.-iOl-T, the 15th ot tat,l month ; thlt ba.ldlag te be octnpted temporarhr on- - tH th. toll. We an Ic harxacki ahau h... areeud. Th-- !' jana It that t the iMaie MiHtar; Arsd-eml- et et Soath OtrorVit, c ribtalag the I'lura ef rigid mu-ta- eisap toe w.ia a uierarr sad !cien-tld-oc mrv mt noil. Thep .rothas eriahted otitrcle aeoetrolorer he stodeau st all boart, aeMoaltag al- most t aa al aedottaa, net etherwl te b Mrthod.rrgaiaritraad paBrtnalttr are rwared in the re-- cttaitMreoaiaMeiMwBere; wau- - lo adt.Uoa ta xtf adraag-o- f tfsteoM ot ei testate, a Iborcngh kaswledgeot th dioVr-i- scior-l- s et MiiiUrr Taiica la both truat the ten aadfr-- UtediHt wHch last Mi; tabwtTet the mt pkpticil Uilalag and exercls-- so lhasia eat, For a mare coeaSe-- l exposition we refer the cemmn- - nlte to etr ptespoctat. be aa b;alc rrar wlH bd dlrHM htto two testleai Terms $11 per total at. WM. J. DtT13. H. B. . Jttll-'- w Prraelrsli. rifiU AET3. Til stela J . aoUtraa, the w known Artist et MRS Soaih.iiK art. -- ratwahli hs: Vtsie te Irfona the Ladles it MtmpMathat Mehis'lik.rti tin, die Ineaeof the roeeat oaoB-e'- d wtth the Phwegraphtc GaHerrtf M start F H Oytt i Ca.. wa rt sos he aew aadVtetttB) art ef Oreetin Pstnt-in- r- This art eoastsu w the r. ot Steel id Mitxetlat kagrarloti. Also. P eo-- b Litnognpht and Photogripht lata a taost roaaM tent OH Par-tin-g, wb:eh lnimootbnit tad dtlsh, exe-t-s that eta paletlsgea cannt. Mr. 3 outran alto tescies tM OrVn'al Glatt Paining, and a Ot.it Painting; a roeverr Erabre4d--T- m with wo tteyt. slik, ihti!ie,Uaeo, .old orbjg.lt Mrs Sel'ir.a al-- o teaem tie heaatl-a- l aril of leather EahoHlog tad miklag WTfx Pi a t aad Flow- ers Al.i Hiaatpiog taaght oo aa trrproreO plaa. X tbor-rnx-h kaowieact either et tbe aboe arts cm be in from tee te Cf tea Jj- - Mr Selilran tbe Ladles te call snd see bej px metis and J-im n.lRRIS, TFOR.IEIiEV & l'0 WHOLESALE CROCE.RS ABD COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' Ma. 8 FROST ROW, fer sale fer etsh er ee'taa ta Mere OFFER M keel But BetteaNtBs " 150 plexei Caataekr Bixwlaa, 109 pukage Marker 1; 7) boxas Chewtac Toh.err ; tO coil MsnUIa Uooe: A lane s ett of XJler-iro-- Pickles; X e tosk f tTeodea Wire; A large et ett. Spicet, ac ; A large toek of . Staeas. A.C Cearmaear are latitod torxta-da- e tad test snr rtsex nor aasnTt-ara- s r nranoie wws. ae.. or aew aadeld Tintsge, pot ap la wood or gists, sad at p-- 1 e to eoe. armitr wl.h the times, aad wuh tbe adranlate et a re d set lea or th- - arts' ITlRRfS, W03MELET X CO. Esxl b4 Eo,alrereepr Kinr o Diamonds. miU theroaihsrtd ttiBlon wMI mad I X eatntae iri-o- c lotrn' aclag the 1TK OF MARCH snl enilsr tb 15r tip JO.S'E. a. follows Msadar ind Tneedar at car Plants t loo, in D3itoeenn:r. Mts.; W Thirt-tsr- t, IrUajs ina eatnrairs is air rfl.sieor naat-n- - eeatatr. Tra-s- s - S55 the eeaa-- with tl to the gream PCDiaaxE kWg ef was tln-- d br Rlnr- gold, he br AmYican BrPpse ont of 0hstktte Temple, -- th sent U Alahaaa. bf W R J hot a Chartotle T mplewis tlndbr elr Aacote, eat of Merlaj In, sbe br Imported J.ck Andrews i Sent t? aoau t d Cade Imparted tnare br Alfred. Else of Dissaads Is eat of Qteea et Dlsnioa-lt- , eh br L etatnin, ont at Brown Mtre, br Sir Archie ; her daw or Jaat a, ; g d br Ottitest X K dam. Salltns. ilw pindaoi at the Ar.bisa horse sad msr - pressBteel to Pre-ny- h at Jeffrsaaa mj the orr r Taats, toreogfi ate atieister it -e Jtewa Descbiptiw Cloxef tMaiBso. is a Meed bar; Sf- wen ban-I- t 03' men Bghi mux mas, till aad wl'h bth Mad tott wkl'e. For-a-- tr off earn raa-e-e st d point, the ewatr flitters alarm be It tnrp-iiie- d br no horse la the Stat-- .ad chaise ges eomaariso-- ', pedlx e. Ji.e. He lock tbe Brat ptttalarat at the lut twt AirieaJtaral Fain et SiKlbp eonaty l.nll m Ult N GARLAND Committed THE JAIL ot Laodenlaie t, T aarnsee, on TO lh lata dtr et ISST, a NESRO HOT nsmed DO 3. and sari h beloax to Kr. Man. Heine near Boll' Sprtrgs Miss. Said her H Marti iboct nra rees eatat er aiae tcche htgi sns s anoni onrnoi-a-e- n ana -- mxst or e aniMii.rt aad aerenlr Po' nit Slid bsp w foTnerlr owfH-- 1 br Win lam . ot thi ifece. The owner et said oorisreoaettex to prrre arta-rt- r. ds- - charg , an t tgkt him awar.or he wtu be dealt wl.h at uo us curat. jtmsru it wa-.ti.a- Sheriff ind Jlr Rlr'EW. Tx!t., D-- e U'h ISW $50 Eeward. T) ANA WAT from Dr X. Bootb, near Vest- - XX. Phis, en the Srtb. of TVcemtT list, twe nr. siees oetongtrg to Dt nKD arM saxit. Mi wife Ned Is a black rsan sb ntSSor 3Jrersokl. S feet Id or II lech- - Itch, and rimer ttonp-v- j huelderrd, weighs iDont l0er 170 paandt, shows Ue whtlts ef his eras when aneikrn fa TT.-- m - w.Baw v. n . v. tlelicatr led smHes wh-- n e ten to T or 2--3 jeari old tBiinsrim Bijoirrpae Atnn, u e,Baarea- - srn up soore soe nsoaia or toe una rrrer. and Iem red in ajr Jill o I cangtt thin, I wjil tire (too JXQ. 0. 11 E ATE K. u Mrmptli. (Xvefs'eer "Wanted. aee. The Secret Inflrmlties ot YOUTH AND MATURITY, Jut Pntslabsd, Gratis, the Seth Thotuaad. PEW WORDS OK THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, A withoat MedKlne. o' Sprnuterrhoa or L cat Weak- ness, Nocturnal Eenlstlons, Ornttal aad Nerroa DehtM-t- r. PTematnre Peeapef IL Sr-te- Irapeteatr, aad lm pedlmeat to M.rrlire xraeraltr, br B DE LANKT M D The I - oo riant fact that the maar au-mt- eosplalata erlglnatlsx In lb tmpradeoot sad taHted ef reeth, mar Hi easBr remated wtntorr dBDidsnz. ts la this itnsH trac-- , ciear'r drmoett rated al ta emtr-t- r aew ind hUhlj lacceatfal a. avlptd bp the Anther, fBSr br a ant et whl-- h ererr a It aMed to core it tmrr.r nrrfectl aad at the least DoaelBt coot. iBereox au tn larenieea rsaoirsmeat toe oar Sent te r addreet, gratia and pol tree la a tealsu br remitting two pottagt lumps ts DR DZ LA NET, T 17 Ltsr-ftr- -l street. New Ttk. pWfThashjglis APOtt.lTE tad ipeedr rare fer RhetntiHsm tad Beataos. En MP!, Sarofati, BreaeM. Us, Truer, Riagwerta, Sad4 Bead, Nroa aad fikk Hiadache. eared la froeo 1 uxelnut. Oera. PtV. Tootkiche. OkMale 8tur Jtiatt, Sfersms aad Ltevaett la mm er beast, a I km is et Seret, PrattH aad H , Cramp tad Colic, P.ist t ererp dtoertptiea Ceils Paice, 50c; $1 and SS pr bottle. It tt the oatr real Htlr Iaitgoralor that wUl aisle tt Hslr grew cw fslM aa CM hd-whi- t and tree from Dittdrr in tea mimtmt, aad aakt It a Mar, g ottr Jet-- TnltwderrB0Uli-mt-strharr- Na g urate f -- r btiurnag sen-.to- i, as wuh stUrr lotieaM aad LHM- - m-t- it I pl.itiat to tike It. It xuaqeer PlreH . uu ocaiing a ttrer asm er sella n nee mea- - r. Thlt Oil operates oa tha b, - -- . u. taa-h- aurataloat taret Srrebeea inthiimij" r It HI err the laad Use ererTtfetsa- - -- aao .... i, am aae trial, aid ni iBI b esartaoM ladweat rersoes. aosew) o pareaise a aotlt shall hare H free Ptietid, racer re leotrr. aead fer a bottle ef if Eleetric OH. OeasaRathJi aad adnce gieea grant at the Dot, Np tl Pi- - ttftet Pertoot ter-ariki-ol with Acate RhesmstltntorCoatractloaet Um Matelee, tbealel In it axctreto'eu Bath BeesnKassr sheeat th dtFa. -- Jnns socoa3!irlng rarfi bottt. No peodjert tell tht Kedldne. OelpTespecUkl Draawht. aod Ceoatrr Mer-- i thaat, are p. who hire a large uthogri,h aad tlgai d br the proprteier Haw Alt B OP COCWTERPBTTB!! Ererr bat e hat protester Hask-d- BSaetrta n Mown oa the tile tnt ebtt ot the slat, aai the ope hat hit portrait and aigaitart, to csoaterfeet whtth 1. r vrtiij WboHs.l'ssdErUB Depot, No. tl Plea street, two doors from Fesrth street, st. Loatt. Dragrlstt wd MerehtaU teafUrd it ITbosei. sn liberal terms Drnexliti and Merettaatt destfhtg a tea. plr ot this popnla-m- d wenderrril Rttsedf, hp caSai m person, or addresfleg br letter, PTalwioi- Hsssaft, at rat street, at loatt, wn hate their erden SOrJ and TARNS OASTI 41 00 18 08. ar Alt 00 ae AaaM. H etegtatlr pot ap, leesrHr sacked, and, a rirMtr t snpera LMhegra-ih- t. Fm Bflk. Ar.. ttuaaaawd arsiaat aoslr 5erl In jour orders ; ran w Sad It oars, sal pars. Per sal. wceteeale aad RefiE hr OEO. 0 HARBIN fk CO., Drnxzistt, 11 Mils ttreet, MempMi, Tena. For tile alio br S. MANSFIELD X 00., ocli-liw- lr S37 Mala sweet. Cancers CiitpiI. "yf0RE than lM ca--. kite keen eared within the 1VX list tlx eirt. rsntlrg rmm aae to thlrtr rein landing Orrli Lorteg, LerhHtoa, Ta ; Taema. Behwt. Ptterforr, Vlrgir-l- JoH H Pa let, Laaanhqrg. VimBia, John ReraeM. Btr Ittsad, Tlrjleta. IT X.-iia-ll Beaaten, N. 0 , Mhs Ha Me Reehlr, Pl' HaJ. N C, Blaghere, St sertlle. N C , Cot XtchlhaM aad P. Carter, Meoertrir, N C Koa SeorgeO. MeodeahHI, JiateatewB, N C.Mrs Lertaa Aadersaa. Ooef-gte- a. I A. Bicah. Haelai ctr. de, Gorsls Jerrp Oresaer. D.ltaa.Ga., Wat. B Chaa-- oser. uaineaa. it , BBeo-a-i, Zaettl Oldi. Ss.. Ot. T. Lsropth d Jha Pahaer Ranosnne, Alt. p.mpMets eeatah-ta- g tesllwitam ef the btgwot ehir-ctr- r WW be ferwsrded to asp ene wlsMag to test the troth at tha abore. ZJ- - Medtttet terwtr-2-- d bp nail. Addrett, JAS- - A. CLOPTON. M. MSS-l- T Ha UrU e. Ahbt-aa- . THE WASHIIfaTOX REMEDIES. PURELY VEGETABLE. THESE Reuse te . Carta te brief peraxl that helor 'ke pabtic bar accrede' la wtaaeax betr war lato aalrrr si arerpfatl a Sea a taoatwM restarxasie tare erer i thtoagh the aoeacr at tMIne has beeo mad or their eso sues aisoo wo ai tac-ui-tu te the most toln.tst ot th. mescal faeaHn Tb Trathlagtee are tear ia saathar. Tlx. : The Washingtou Furifler, Used la eanaectloa wtth The Waililnglnn Salve, 7We9Vt radical enrei ta all th want forts t ef tie oUowl gwtKtsei: f v Serototi, Itrsor, StN Rtwam, orrTT, S-- Boa Ska. BcaB Head, T-- ier Wena, Itett Old Sores, grotal nrt, IThHIee, Mmartat Mtea-n- , Plte, rt. Pis, a) a, Huge, Ottiaitat Brapttsa , Botts. Aad (Hoeite arlslaxfrn-- n Itattitlin at thehlaal The wishiagtoa Partner scat wMh vast (an. ea dlseaae or IrregsUrttt at the liomt, XMmajt or Bwat, ,Tbe WoMfaiaetoa Rhenaatfe Rtmees, INTERNAL AXlf EXTERNAL. Are taliJHMe en ratlre, (a the taHe jk4 dsteiaet and al et a stallar aatare . Rheostatixa, Rrahset, rs. Sbt-Bt- a. Loaitits. ProotBWe, i mm ta mmt awe. Sue JateHs, "StWNtck Pile la the Chest, 11 eat Lo--a eaatT . Oaieie-Ir- .Veaisarss.V . , th aB ea where Bxtt-at- il Bl bo -- Bath a 1 roaatrad aa rener c n , aal IbeTaiata fso Bhuiaiill Ot; t- - Tta y.iblngton Rns-Jt- et wa oi taaase Ttet-aa'- d k. thotoBowtac ita Sit-ha- d Mbal-av-- MM exacted $1 Jtto; la ParHer aad IsttrasJ sewedr for RhemBitim are pot ap m bHI at $ iadS Mr salt, wholeaalo tori re sll, t the gtptil mt Tt BlKitea RomedtM, No. ton fj)d i atteec New Ortoaa. MTCCt-RJOH- St CO., EjTPor tale t Cr er Jt Ce., S MaatBeld ft Co., tl. r. lira WotlBB.U.,aDaBBSOB S MBE Jt wtoats. Tean. saawt-o- lr THE CIaORE: THE OFFICIAL PXPRR OF OONORBSS TTBr.mrr n. .W.U..1 t-- uku. ... rn -- ..,.. L Globe, aral the Cotsrehioxai. Globe ao ArrtKDtx, to remind aehactlt-t- r. aad iafrai te- - wao mir detlre to ssbecrttjr. test Otagrras-wB- I weet ot the first Man tsr of next Decemher. when I hat recem meoee pnbluhlag th aksr nam U papers. Tber has b m peMlthrd t j lecg, thtt m.at pahlle atea kaaw their character, and tberttera I deem It seedless tn xlee i mina eaceoant er thekla-- t ef mttUr tber will aetata The Diilt Globe wul caoUis a report ut ta- - tet tn both braaohe ot Coagr-- o a taken dowa hr r- - roruri eqost. it least, to ear corse et short -- isa wrl tenia that, orlo aar othweoaatrr. A majorits- ot ua wiH each be is- - - ta resort, erraofus. tan ihoai.aa words s--r hoar, wMie the arerart aaatber ef woraa - xeti ar aarsi tpeakor rsrrlr tiierti acron thaaad flee haadred wjreli aa hour When ibe debate af a dr d aitmaxm-eijtrort- r eoamat. taerinaR spoe.r Ii the Dailr Slobe er tbearxt meraobg, wfetcarwl- - enatsln, aiso ire Bew et ana oax, leteia- -r wttn earn wmr.al a. tide as mar be axte.ud he aaa-lo- e .reotal It It also mr rr.m tase to time, at occielsn mar reialre to pah Mi mr reoshnW ares of the aohiic atea with whom I hare b-- autrd darlag th latt twaatr-igh- t jean Aaaodete ml Geeeeal Jrftm, ard ae et ta- - parir which he ceadart-d- . n' th 'dtc'meu nt other pait-e- . win. I better, be MteeeM-i- h aoe- - whoa part sis pUtraao has abased. la the rnvW - H, n. , , T tt proper to sir, it the !ieowaid ivsTer be Piper thh pt-- wul not be fartett-- d mf sa eeetrlbaliea ta the- - poiMtnt rrsttt ot cniricbr which dhttaxettb th pahBc n-- n ot tar Ime AltheJiIa,iBdlateadtareaulB.ataorooth Denwcnt, I will aerer obi rod nr prtaeltlu a wit la i ske theej obeexieui to aar pert-- . Bat M rettasd ta pertjan and rreats which goto make np ilMarr. 1 heaa to make the Globe st memoir- - aad wtth that Tlew I am reeeiied to apeak ladtpnadeat's r ;t ssrt.s The CcnaartnexAL Clobe aud Arrtutdtx wH contain sll i be D hitet Is Cenxns-- a. tcTised r th ep itert. tbe Meueges of He Pre Heat et P-- e Doited State, the Aneaal BaearU f lb Heaita of the BxeeatlT nepa-tsea- .. the Laws aasMd darlag the Kitten and cepiont Index te aH. Ther wM be prtatrd ed'a do-- roy.l she-- t. la hook fern, tor! qaarto sit, each anmb- -r coatai-xB- g tixteea pages. The whole wB mak , It It belle-re- bet weea 3 Sou tad I 990 pages, as th tenx f r maar rears hare raaeei-- l between these nombers. ind the rlt s will be what f tennra a "ing one " Thlt I belter is the cheapest work iter sold la aa- - nmatrr. whether a rroriat. or printed from manacrpt eopr, takiag fer datm th namber et wards of the rang eesasoas state th jrar 18t3 Tle STeraren amber of p. re. I. JS7S aattiesresxe nrm-ber- wetdiea a page ts 3,167, coaeeu-il- r the iTenge aomber ef wrrrdsef a leoc estaa la. MS T7Z. s I hare told to sabeer h n thtt aameer of word far tlx doUart It follows that tber bar lertd le.l thaa alz and one half oents for ererr 100 099 word I hare rar- - olihed then, while I bare pkl mr rrpartort $t lot Teerr x.juwor't, et tot wrx let rtBuiilpt Hi. inr ether boukseH-- aarwhtre, erer ld a hoik hi the first white It was new. s eo lew a rate I not I andtotroBela mr belief, that I hereby aertr ts glre to tar per-v- n wee taa 1 peore to the esotratr, a easpleteiet ef the dthatee raaotog back o the mr IR33, raaklor fortr later qaarto !aie. whfch a tt fa a Tetaate. Aa set r (.oagreee atorlxe tress oa pert to go hr mail free et tnatsge. The aext tetelea win to, wHheat Vhioi, aa nootaaRr inteetioc see ae H was be tbe flr- -t aoderaaew Admlal itrtUeia. aod ml osBipm Qaestieiat eaa- -r be i itraasd ra ti ; Mr exsatplr, lb carreacr, tansas, rerrgte. aad ether qaeilloci. The Slate wtr b. a heretar!, Ms ealr Mm ttaa ohicn fnlldehitei eta boehlalMd TRRXS: Fer a ospref th Daltr Mob one jesr )W 09 Far cepr (f tbe Dadr OI tlx eaooths & 08 rtr a tvpr ef the Dagp ( dstnar the KtoiaB.. S 09 Ftr a cepr of the rial Oieeeaad Appea- - dtx. and the taws passed dartac Ihes-s-f- ... (00 BiftkBotet. correal in lb. prtllaa of theicvoalrr where a fabeenbrr reeMt. wHb rrceired at par. The whole ir tATBirt ef a nb-etrt- mar a retettttd la pottate it.taiM. which Is pnteeaMe to anr ariear. tseeot cold orsilrrr. A peter wHl not be seat aoleei ibe rather torxmy aale- -i ie order tor It I e.neot aaV. u rxehaaxe wtth aR the aewtaaneri thatd sretoOOIeeel bat I win seed tea BaUr Gla daring tbe sesstsa to iR -- iho.tiHp htith tail prospsetas three times befer th a -- at MsMar rf next D erasb--r These who mtr pnbrtth ibsoH tend th- tt to me, marked wtth a pea, to oieeM tt.eetloB t tt JOHN O. BITR9. WAtiiiriaTOT, October ST, 164T. j K3EW CITY niHECTOUY, BY J. B. M08ELEY. labreilber la oowtngitrd prrparlag farpaMl-catio- n. aaJ wrr I'tn br tba rakMie sf Nere-b- next. tad fell JiIR'.CTnRT OF MEMPRltf It wBL la ta the nensl cotfn's of a Dl- ecarr. contsrs a hltterr of the enmmerc and trade ot M aiphlt, bp aae who hit deret dmsarre-r- s el hi ufe to the d pen tnt ef sereral et ear ettr paper,, bosidea ether ratttert et Interest to the bmlrr-s- s raaa. Oar elllxens win be caned Upon to a few dart for esrJi. It Is latended thtt tbe Dlrecerr shall cornnara r. ablr wtth thoM o the prlnctpl cities. Order for cards left at either at the eftraraiire rffices wBI be attended to. ateto tf iVutice. HATK thli dar itsocfatcd with rata the WbaSessV I Brocety tad Mr. ar. a for the last fire rrart In mrenoiar The ka.i nets la fnturowffl nnder th strle of J. B. nwum-isai- a. S. E. WILL1AKSON Memphlt, Jnlr I, ISST. Je2-4- f O Esxl and Rmnirer ent--r Back. Again! ANDREW JACK-SON- , TheokSPerterof the Commercial Bote), tn bis friends and TAraS'thlimrOiodJaAaseBnre eld ttaad, and W tsrrr snrtodfln xarrr.f-rtii-tiT- tcTtteTrixntaeroial Dotelor s r ctler r,h af -- esrsubte laeti He W lt,,TttTr!ae HXCXSier ttat pnrpowb5ch be war ma tor prtrste psrtl; tt as law itUs si ari7rxir act etaaxwiae turxioo. ocu--u FALL IMPORTATIONS O F HABDWABS AWD OWI'HERY,, UXDEtt THE SETT hawks, smith &. ca; HAVE NOW IS STORE AND 0 Q C k w 05 A EVE OFFERED IN COMO?.ISIInTG TABLE AXB rOt'ERT CTTUmT i BCIIXtBRB PahliWABa; SOM'ORt AXB otWAISt W- - AXE. RAJNBt BVTCIIEIl KNITM) aM Mtllil AJBR'Cn.TRaL I MPLBT-Wf- T t FILM. X A VP KMR IMlJ t MhldlRLA AM OtTW BsAKatTTai 1AOt3 IMOM, NAILS AUa- - T PLATE, BAR TIN, MaWrWOW, eO&ME.r Tofjathor wWk HOUSE-PUfiHISHIK- G HARDWARE' iiccz FENDERS, AXMSON3. SHOVELS AfD TONOS; GOTHIC A CD OVAL rVAlTKRS, COAL VAE; - - XAV9A9B umr ctrrrEJis and srurrmtSi Allot whieh, with thr aeee--- i LAME AV0 TBB.T BZTwNfMTI fWOCC tmft mt at ATllaWOK.T hW r RICKS to rrJRJtlAB PU& ClSR ae am TtMa TO MtOMfT MALBM ! who wish loacieleM HtedJ tt EABtEBX PRICBB, wall do wail to e 11 aft th assortment of II a r el w ar e At (MtrlA-dan- r) 8 I& Hft AIX STREET. What II tothe meat aarr ortraa It to aeso toe trooi UM-a- as a rr.i. e--t vr .t.., hmn ,. - - , gltMral ST Bat the -- tek as t lar m KVavarAT3 R. R X. L Rtaedttt then lBw Ht. ft all wWtoB Hlb BS LBT nuM. sUI TRIED ! Ruvit'i Mbtbod or Orttx rs SIMPLE, Wins, SAFX AK KPFXeTVALl Theew t ao peha. howeoer twr:artta nd crociol-B- a. tt toot a HotO appliilt mt Msdwta'o Baoshr wll KMtsatrr st,p aol oatek r allar th a-- t roVtt I tptsm , laBfiiliiB aad naa t as. Trier-- - t. ao mt it mtr ate seue.. esa.MW.eo ta i h th r aaao katlsl. car ate hraut.a Mot leethi i ahataetir. tal thH a w- - tarn- - WgRwolTTat will ext rat, at I sd laraa aew lir- -. aew , I liar thfojtt-a.a- l he bniVB-loW- B sad eaa.Wst. rsatSBo at the totr I If hr Irtoeajls-xt- r ar etheewte. th argas of the N i teat ouw. dtisaifd sod "aaataatoof tahrlBI hetr 1 foactl aon It Uewr, B wl, tu--a- . ach Bladdrr CMaows, Silo, Norra., Mond, etc are at raa.i. a mjmmm r wo a ftoot-O- f MVaaar wmi isstoie aeal'h sod -- ocalarlir t -- err raaa thfMoal th hoar Ther tore ooh aod eoerr erzaa lo a. aatarel I s dais. ao. iho xeeo w.imnritt Iheatta ctrcakth-ae- t the btad K Ooee t Radwwp Ri galti t w te sHul XBO ( rniiaai t a pema-- a to aosoat. t wh a aar aaaba oak 1 srpt-a- a .oi art. there mall V-- a-- farther I ro' M- -, t.r ' the Oieia.id ttttou weald k miiiIK, aod a haattttr sc- - ttaa Oa latt tr stik m.m .lepra Ihst cokoot gewwBtta spsana iortiae aa it i' a.-oc- of too K. K K. turn d s. XABWtT' RE IDT RB LI EP. AH the t Mrann orttes ta aaias txt't are sad He "T- - -- 7wr.n-.r -- ' --- - t j i wtth ahstal tt-a- -- at ataeoaltte attd rtoee "r-""-Kf?Vnr.""- '" ?. . teoewea -- wuj, ,jmmo oujomm sta trx- - waooart-s- t l power. Tht n who he t las ml hi atan. I ostwowaa j rnar, af twn. aao -- as m m a rew aotsa wo rewaae mow ot no. ata taaara waiea aeaeo Bt. psfi.ts. i powers of Eida,o R odr BtM as a aateiwepot-a- - eJ t these Hrtaidt t. aod it ta th a eat ta ttllo! yea ttt I oo whl-- h these Krme tes are pripaiad, that Cx erraim, Qwick ad ErrxcTrsL. WaW FAMILT BH LB B ARMBI A f.mil' araasd uh Beuwar'e tte-- ICm.uaro . sod Baeolriot, ato wen I i IHtd, fjr with tve BtauaV Ta eaa fin, ae ..darrraoot or its,.- - ijiaa ail rtsea eo bar rnmmr mm ctee hataauttr 'taca taa taU t Adaaa. kiUtU. la taaBil- - aWn ataiotiuas dl-e- -- prresR ad en fli.ioti ij. toaakt-- a. Caattra rahoa Pa aotsnui aad o a- -r rjolurnani Fevers, Bar-ra- jr R- -J IliHi f. tat-e- a sa peerea-iT- e will eutoitl) MtBaWfahahstaole g oa tatested dttfrist tstalwai oax MtwO. s.tscks; tatd If tke ana air ar pr aa. a btobb aeoed ao ntw MM ai wW nie (r aat tha itifl wet r.p.1 I maiaxr e bus str liee to erauro. coNanwtwhNAL tmseasrs. ftthfialir two latytltad aatitsot-s- B nom ta osaea ea -- - kui a. laia. UtaiTeHna araol I., F!f, are taajox he aw a natal it af eaaaWIMBl X.-- . . ar e haw moat eaerattare the wl- - -r base dtata- - ta.. have hera tatiBBoai'd la Ut ilea torroatiax i. bieo- d- Roawas' Reooeattrx Eeselnt mi .r. af froas taw mmU - of th aaii ie: xt-x- -r dl tsuod . depeMt.i, aod ail th wan wtU aew, pare aa-- l h alia hieod. L Radwer'l BeBerettnt Bovtrt-ea- t -- o. d h- - kati-ata- a, j blesstoc be eerrr thrracaoBt In laad n h - ti I fMt-td-ttcte- 4 wiuk aatwa Hnea- - r. Ave. two etas iwae awtr--i ir rt ullti o feoat th ami teoak A fM Btw-- ed the Peaonting Bisali i at wl leraijehti ttrth'a- - f thtdojEKe ai.d MMoee to momi a isH aad h lHhj jm. A LINK OABU OF CntPIPtCAPBS. ( Iom I84T, whoa w I at aar Caod wutfc ot illnimtaa timiaaii tar Iheewaatot th and atnaic t, ard orrpsrt-- x the sane far pru:ic rat, are hate iha trail Seat tee ot rtatwoax lo bar -- aettoal man let, too at thaak tad certB-ta- d I am 'Boarati ohr atsaattttamt aad asaMtaaa prtoalxha-as- 1b the word, aat hat the t. The wUOt of Um Booor al.n oa wM h loat rth- - sto aad let!' nt thaakt ar is .rer tea tar aad V sttKlMd la oae greet rati. It wjbM aitatat the Itamiaii alsat or tea Hi it Had a tta aaaaarot aad Brap tathta ) AMaaf the Imottatets naad rail iBr alt aie: lM,0w Khraawtisaa ar-- d tasr ra lea atea s -- fear hear, asaa ChMle BOrata itliat an I iea areas aixw ta p.ta eaurw--d ht a t--w mt raraf 1. MajbM Coot trf Tic ekarwax aad Neoralgta. Putts tlspptd la a f. w mmt at,aad ctu-i-d hi trees liaOQ Oawtf Bara. Bcaidt Bra,,es a--d ather aei- - wat. ratal otiippi tm aad aaiaa taa SMeO Caiest-- f MrrUa Patau stepped ta a Bnr tao-- at at twfityo Oooo. -- t tomor aad A-- 1 Oawt of ScarttM Ferrr MB Caaet at TtMoa Btabr. r Mtt-- 4 to a. MtBr at teat falot dfcera- o- na- e esra eared ay ate aid ot la aaahhr lo mow. M8,09B Cam at TWextaobet aWa , .Otrala t7s. and aaiaa ta the leas, bct,.lc , Bsa . re to tw atj-a- a aaiaiit. 3v-- 3 Vat-t- at Irlau la4 attwat tas Citarh, laat Onraf'saal. eat. MvtOB Caen of ssphl'tttc BieosBatie-- a, Mode, i twTTea-- 4 tatata. OMjm Cao-- s ef Be sad Xetwatht BasBsihe, Nosh Bertto th- - BV.d. 8 0W Case ot Ohaltts (Atic) la rr.m lfloea st atst ttx ht aa BeaMti ltiaiaai aad Maw f tttowsatta ot itrg day ostaiitiati st n.ti. that ererr omm m r hi najart ia SOea Case rt Br lphi. roJXK Oaseeat MB BatttM tnt Wa-j- Bote. Bore Btada. Bfaa, Lea torn Fwoiilf. B abbas out mam at all hind-s- eared he tae as ot aanwdwrat A -- Baage fur the hit let W tt Br too raaT-w- r at the mt ItitBiaiBtaHttie ta a tew hoot eoatr tT d ' f the xare.teot t ta M MB Oaas ef OMtfoeeees Umt atloa C Kt-a- rt E -,. B aeaVraad Vto-- dMratw.t-anh- r a mrta-- x e RAaMCAIM RB8fBa awoaeet whesh aae - a we. k w m kei p aeaea ta the sjs-- lem ht a health eo4Wkp aad fores thtaa to a due prBM at mac ar ti.au denies. R-- K. 8. TO a aerode. we woald stote that BadwoT'e Beaay Ba-- ltf Ka ex eraal aad aa lah taal wrap ; that It Par rsto to exit ta th spat m t ! atraVr tts laatars it' IWeafcxaoastaiiwaT Bar tst. ilnaaih to the weak. free-- , aad taaswa. Mo atatli t what the oaooo mt Ihopstaassrha. ak.e or spat Tal ea wul iBatoB'lj stop It RBttet m te rre Sana f r-- e.g. al- ly coaled wtth pam. aad wBe--a take will aot st a oommroot lekaet thetr i awls lo tbearaaa. of taoipcteta to ah althp aod rrg lar .r-- a tn - ana ae etrcataOM at teebio-- i aad exaol all diatsattv- - aad eaaaee ef d raagi ttiait traos ta lswer, lies o I ! kMo-r- i. heart -- Ata. Bar era, Meddrr, end ths cartrg raptdtr a tanei Lscited ia tih-- r af ibe or teat af the bodr or M the s.steas. Bveir .adr shooM heap a mmxmt ibne PHts a hna '. Tber ar the aaet aertoM Reasaalor p-- caa tale Raewor ti toast-fe- at S forwa caie it ail dtnaitt ot a caroais 1 a till lolfc ot aoPof Bleat shoe, a te MIN BeUrpTtONS. HMH8, ALT HUM, mv MOBB Ax-- There riaadt . ra -- dssnat ta taao tattch at lull ia, d ot IU MBit j caa teaoii tr a Utatr tae Let the 4ex gx theat a tnal. rabwat tt em , Ht Battaa Mr ., New Terk. R. R R. sr wU aB reaoaauM aVag- - Htaw as io vmnn stale sue i aateia ana ar In place, wm-- r lb- - re sre Be BranM. Jaa dawte Oat Hap tic ruis. TBE araces tf OhimMij aad Vi1i1iii luroe beoa thetr attaaM lo ptooace tat toAaidaoM port t lire which I known t man laaaaMiahio rj ar showa that the Fm hare rtrtons whtch ia ' exomeoee the oewtaarr m Jltla. i. aad that tarn- - wt aa-- I area i the eotesaa ef ait aswa. Tber i eadoleasaat t- take, hot e 1 1. - tratloc BOaoertk-- a .llaaet,!. torn ia I i. bear, ritann thm nhiii ta,. i m - a. i McrnLiadexaatdlM.se. wa. rS?JT.J?... wbteh breaol aad grow dl-- tt opr, susnnuie h et ! mwmmm ixno ir Batagai art km, and baper aeatthr too wtth -- dreiutb ' to tao. what -- w Ma- Uadp aether care the ewr dij aaaadstataef eearrhadr, tw. moa Ssrmidable aad aaace-roa- a torsi-- t that hat , baaedthe beat of haataa akai wne tw-- . arodare pawerfal tfjtctl. thsr sto. at the . n atatia bed deem, th salest aad beet php-l- c taot caa aa eta- - plered fer chUdrea. Betas; sagar coared, ire ar. fv-- uat la labej, aad tt peretr t- - e rree rmm ' aar rWt et barm. Oa rs hat heaa aiade wbKB tarpaa betkf were thr aot tajheteattattKt br mre r -- ocb exalt 1 and cbirmOrr tm a hrMel 'kr asolc-.ai- aa- - f trath. Manr eshiaat so l ttaa haws teat Btetraame to eertltr to the awhile i a refUMfllr d Btr imiatr oers Kit. aral mr- - taa -o st i their caeTtettea that tar PrTtaratlon. ot. bole tm- - mensely to the reef et tar afoa-to- aa-e- x nmtm- - men. The Ageat below rBd It pttoont io r.ry irrasts aa , traerlnn itaeM crmttlaeMr dll a' Ma Tntr WBaT BB. T aaderticalenf thetrcartoof th la lewinst natnalorBto: i i Centirears, BeaAwap!iBi,BBeaaiiilM, Do-M- r, f BeartbBTB, fr. at a mmi -- Haaoth. Naa-- VI sea. IndKettsea, Martid fnactloa of tae vw, aod Psm aHslattKTefroi, EMsnJeoep Losf apprise sH HBer-- Btaeaaea which rialre aa evataiat , w Medtaae. BernfBla or aorsr-- s oru. m-- 7 loo. tej parlfj- - i,th, blood trdaWMIMlkttn pi.tnia wawa it sraalB no he sappue i d thaw oaaid raasa. tarh IVtfneat, PaHBd BBeatat. Ti t laaxBl lOd t I Teas lrrtttMlMr. Petaaoem nia if the Lmor aad kM arrs. at. atea ma- -r im-r-e-i artttag trm Mwtlstaef tut botr or ohetraerisstM Its ffluillsuii Do not bn pel off 0- - aaa- - c. toicd b ta wtaa ether prM tT make e prOm oa. Aok (or Avars Pir-L- a. and tak a hahat tws. No other taw eaa litre 1 -- to compirrs with foot m It lertmiT-attoT- tu,.' r' mwrr. ThetKk waat the bast aU tharot-toata- - eheco. - Pxicr;13 ceatt ix. . f . -- jxiPiPAEN3wrojmriTeor l JsalT-daw- ir TARIFF OF IS5T. i'Cn, READY FOR IJMWilCTWN . '.- - J m ? THE SOUTHWEST BWf asaarrasewt of . J uo iye CHERRY PECTORAL, For tile ravlfl Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, IIOAK.SK.VBSS, BB0,VfIITIS,WliO0PLG-C0Dei- , (J20UP, ASTHMA, A5D COSSUMPTIOtY. AND POR THE EBUBF OF COKottMlVITa; FAHKRa IN ABTANCXD STAOBS OF TBE BISKABK. T1TI need ao tateak t the pehtie r ttt- - Mael T T Tatoagaoal ararr wwa, ard aitaost eeot-e- t the Atatrtcan Staron, Its woodrrfal ca- r- et rs haae bbbob It atnadr at the faatille ta star crewta--d oetaairraa wt'haat Mtae uirltst! enrrtt-ar- o of it i at ett; Fi oar ret t5 i aamaaiBl i aap where watch haao at tr -- g iham tmnr jtiw tma-h- r of It rictorr o-- aae piwrrta' aanrliita pet aan Use CBO-- a of tm pom lafaota aad reunE I ahit aaaiaat thr lasaxteaat .moaoa u h the OMEajaT Ftmui - ......... Xette-wa.tewre- -- -- oMa ther at BUBO I i r that, rs lira, if ao lb. rltala, est waar haw ewar. AH haow the tataUtr ot lanx a tbeol r too thestrrae. mt K aoasorrthaaa tail thtaa It 1 Mat wta ta atat atata h. VP tain ae Cut a care, ao tot! to prodaae M aba aatat angi it pawIM- -, and tha stt thea who red oa tt she heel sMl which oar akiB caa taraaah Bar IMr,. eaao. Prm-ate- d hr aaV f. 0. ATBK, Prarttcal and Aaal-rUc- a', luwli. Meat. BbMbw I F. PABNBSwrTI-tt- Jt ti la, XX l " N itMitli America a rever k. Agxc b z Cheap, Safe aa femaMitt Cre, AlfD IS XI.SO.1 PBETHXTITE OF TS.-- ! TAJUOCS FrRM3 OF lilioMft and Intermittent ? cysts. FR1CEO.NE LiOLLAR PER BOTTTJt, nresaTa'loB a ao XrwatSr or TUB wilt aot. ah the -- nor coma eada ae mttaaTo taeaded for Buua- - o'bor Fen-rs- . the a ntjitltt .i sBe,r to he ill aBti thaa toe 4 : batts I. ia Caietiwe, PrrrenttTe aad Bartl, tire preowntt-i- . aad U adastad le ad aass aa ttasae the , re-e-ra -- reactj i! the artic! t whtch taarr taao N tir--a af I theuitottt.i, tearr r-- aauaaT aast Ball I mote pteranot. ATi nti -- ptB A UtONABBX waar Ton. anrk dioraso, wish Tiillmtahia aad Ceruacatar at rata ed ran ha eimaawd -- uatiMtai'f, et a tta Blas. i sot Ihnaatdiriai I tela J.-rv- t n nnlan. Tb til III S I f the sVrr B xw3E- - petanttaBtaiuf the Ft. FotBts Hooj-- e . laaBOBBaa-OBaaaa- t lastota raaVa- - -- s at that ir M. ft a L- - ati taa Ht ; 1 tat l UMIi a hr th awe of ratxr B A - em ad tae aaaataat mt tae JownTuBBBI whoBiaBTrimliiai taaroinNiaj-- te- - dtattaa tta pain (to rnooth- -, waa I oo aaptll lata; the atst ' em the i ipinad ear oi i itata, it wan aallai.aa attd tt aad taa osBBT oaToa) ad Btanttaea tsery iiiiiltBS sf Bi d loane hai ieft BBa. asataa bo neuaaii hit ravtr woaart appeitaasst aad bewlU- - xratr poors, ., Nxw Toast. Jaa. SF, IfflB. L. M. FSMM. W, the aaaiaawti d.baie Boot the B. A Xwatsedr far Pveaa aod. Asa aad laBeraattitaw Boewt ta H baa atade s perfect care m oars-I- re attd .'aBtfxaTa.atkt wBeh laach pnataae i iiaramdttto a tilt-ao- d ebtap msd.rtn- -. xiBRT (wjtKLtN W. J I IBBTBBUr, CSARIxatJ mLX, BTM. MDsifaR. Jaaaaoa.. n r.. Sept. r, ISM. Htm. J. BBaaaiiltx. nraotjat. Ao BW- - 9mrt . turn ont tarn BeoU Aacuo 0 Hlahr -- waast a - 1 tj n. Both for raT-- !f aad wt, aad Bar Beta earn. Ue 1 it the heat mo'lrtao lr IB.. . ch aa tmer trt. I tbaaM aol htnouaed M M pa mt at wsatxBBt a ear, bat haw 1 tea -- atSaBtst Wts'st wsorec-..tob. JaxfaiCA, N. T., Sep , mm. Jamaica. M. T-- , Mo IS, BsM. Ma H. A. ror Mr.- - Mr tas aft ladr, woe a i aod a tot t lafce- - r, aod haeoaf atard roar UraewaeiXBIaced : to trr M; arhn BtHat tsar n- - ahatf hoctlas. ah wa. f rt.tttr otwi. seal I ikuBBI' n etotmi'-i- d It ao a aatv aad sat eata as opt oUaBy. raors, (P. Tf. WOO' Mato aiialta ssMBt to wn t Uat, ht aeWltoaoacat part f maar tooawt thtteoara spa. a la ptiai. It taxi a Btamtcaxana ox hoimei. aaa aaaacstau to that IOlltair la wuboni sn memml tot rk S. A. T BYiBIWB BBa. Beer atrr Baaxec snaaa 1 treat teeere attaeB. et Fom aatf ABaoiTBod ataib B- - tBatred at aadta aae-- . Ha, otha tfeoao Bat waHatahoriBc na-- r a aaoera attack. H waa tagaltB ad te try pear reoa-d-r aat, aa too ether nasi fit 1 had K mom (tana a proaspt aaa antaaaoraat taut, id I 1 n Iht a'apat loox wttaaal that mm a totaxtt et aaatioaittaetaiiiirnnti-i- l Iho B A.aetrtfd, Agar aekOwr aa a waiaaahi rate tortus eaawaeal care the ahnatt. XwWaV f PWitriT, Haw Toas, aw g, lata Or. Won sad artt.roti. The t illesind trta&catas of Fr:"k L Bern aa , taoe eaee- - ra watona t tas east ho etBcwd. otalil.taasrjg taapr in re to arnltric,,-i- ran- - At 'hodeM theaiot sii itiHattB. ther ta the Cataa kal at Jtaajis Chaa. r t X Co . of thi etap. . Ir ti aa i as Tin troot J .u P in aad Aroe ler aooitja iiBi ujta, a--l .aa9owdieaat4adsawa.aas, aeeraafalaam ed aijr" racun - roe te trr a bntajeoJ wBUateexatoaoSoBth A- - -- at Perar aa Agar HtBh-t-oy, ssoeoa-tsi- h It wwivi ruusaohaeat. ItaokK, nail ill akp ml latii tne Im- 1 taw of the f. It le eath-rro- aHaBBrr that I -- isu taa Jtet . hataaftef aB traaoi It mj tiaari. snd ' IB nian'-rre- c in na -- t uavio isdil. it thrr w PBRD C t. BaWTLB, Atta-an- t. UK' tl Whttp-e- !. t Im, al ttw Verer aoa An-- - at Bota- -. onaoie so w-- s t ber of pi i.lQBtlie.. wtthewt sir aaB-- d. atM aaa. the Bonn uBlllll Fo mr wmr4 agae whKI T Bad afta dap- - fond relr etotlr-l- r cneed I hatre, BaB an attaofc, ence that tloae. now 'onrtreo mcati- - tad fei greet t tat Tata ta v w liBVRT MaVBR. etl.l,tai. taai.-ieat- "Bsa tortiarate of Mr J Q J, a Jamaica a. i - ants inroi-- s ai.o. wm ea whh tw. itetest, not onlr from te rerr reov- - sate character f Bsapa-tB- s. hat Bmi the lasthrhn wat aM-- d andcr eery ctrcars taaces. and eal r when eth reaaeJV--s had aw ttaadwi-i- . m lerre-- e Br. P. A. kSOKaarx BS. w . baO.- - toav wtB dtataaaaeeertascatreef the mod ii- -i mef. baa to ths vexce B Mm s.tMMtmatm;-- a' that hot aaed It, and the otta will Orr-,- - bi tt becomfd kn. I take tte to ws-ra- it Mi. r gtiiftp Ba at if th ateee. tent a baBHe-- h--. , . wtw tasW. wtth Utto -- amd rrat. wh--- a net It aisoaerl and wale. aTr TT aa M maa. a rerr rttpt tabs cftfo at Ihss pit ia, aad t war. .a PoaBt poors. Xc , JAS a T TPBBITT.I. Jaauica. N- - T'., tr. . lt6 HP. A P. aiax taa. ot utatciiT, ow : te tht uatilialtta at th nt( :art. ot-- t M- - - aiMe. iwiaiatwai' tBaa if rttatdr. tMBllM neiO. ta Ov. R. s T.. M Paaaa. he tin Maalaii I h i tor:rrn'-ie',rw- . Va. HA Iitaaman Dun Mr . w- - itadoxe atace, es-- tt at aaaar bat oeasrruw j. la MtiC-er- -r ttreet, wha witaBB-Tt- o Mta a - a lerh of ohlM -- tmT firm, raoditiitad u the low gro..! leer Btwark J 1 ssrehtTi oar boit'e h lerer sud ,a.- - ai.t i. sf r - So lap-aji- n Ota disease na, n lr - t, u aae cojeo edettt'O .r Nt. 4 A " frtlU.:. P.'-.- Wt'i te e- - ,f. I .be to in the rfaaki i urm i PBAi-- SrltatwatfeBSwae-- w A tapptr tt the ahoro akiilrtti ea ooad ao--i ttr-le- wtsri i -- ON:i4 llt- - ra ars ouik t - f. . - Atraaaftrtb- - rr t S -- ox. . . rujcat.r. co.i?-.- . x liars. 'sejSMaw 19 lusa gotet. tt"3 ! . jt - Y sat. n WS J

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Page 1: HABDWABS DRY GOODS hawks, smith ca; mt FOE 13,000 …It 5 f Li,..-to a: in T t X Crust alt?, r. TRUSTD4(8 1LC. rrpsrrauKo(Trait. execaled to w Tn the 1 lib dar of Octoorr, MSJtk etI










T t



Crust alt?, r.TRUST 8 1LC.D4( Trait. execaled to w TrrpsrrauKo( n the 1 lib dar of Octoorr,

MS etI rrcjfd-- 4 lnltt. Raleigh I"Jtk Xe 2. p 11$ ail IK. for the porp laeretfait. I nrM iffir far us to the highest bldJer, for rashob THCHSDAT, F brnarr eih 18S-i- , oc the premises. IsthaCstyerf M.mptK Lot N 14 of block No 41, oa Get--h- t

umt, io Strath Mcmpblt. with the hens and sBtt ttmu bet eur-n-

Janf id gKTRT a dvtTrustee's Sale. . .

a Dl tt on the IWUjBTTttlwif ISOO.tr Tbol. Kul , to me t Tnitee,aad mt htttit Reflate- - offlee, rf SteBy oreit;Tom- - mM Km !T f September. 1850 in Book Nopurrs 41, lb, tS ud IT, fsr the porro'e of aecancg tarpar-se- nt ot amilB .eats tterela rpeciaed, I -- fcMt, aTreet-- Hi set deed, on T0ESDAT, the 2Sihdj or Julaerr last., pree-e- d te B at pnbtic n ttaa tor Cub, orthe po-mi- of the eaMTsos Moll, known as tbeHoward faravsaoet fweatr aHlr rut of Mimntit., ocbe KttwUi aadBhiftettea K tiro, the feitowuig de

ecrtbed Laad xad Xegro stares, or so math thereof-- (iltHrtbrTfitniM ' - -- '" trtTil tpertaed

towtt: Three tract of Land attested toShtlfcr iiBHvTttraes.e, aad contains la tar axeregai.re.ee hanti t i aad maetr sort, iwre or let, which sitethree tract are bounded, follow, : The Cm tract It partof a tsealr-E- rt honored acre tract rran'ed t WUIH

aacctjettc at the eoathwel c of t- -mat. theaee nerte, on th wvst beeailarT of the tract

anf rwtatr-si- x (IN) abate and ar (ItaUtaaabweateorBeTf .tid tbeocr ear'with the aenh beaadtrr of (ait t act fortr-- (6;chti-- i Cats-a- ) links Witiki Unr (4) links wett oiaw earn started B P. thine ceiith oae haudred aad twesrt--ti (IM) caoMMCitf oo) 1st to a Mate tea lick weal at

a rd aat. Burked P ILAbraor west w h WMKhestTi ISvfottf-d- e ( hc Isetwealf ()li)k- - totbe Br0sa(DCOae ather treat tee teeond of the three pirort on tbtalt of tha ahfeooaot, aud oaotaiaiut om haBlrtd aad

th'e acre ca4 acre nod aad twecHf hoeaded atfallow Jaa. pplwhHe'a weethomadarrllajo h (eaataz at a ataio I 9 Jaam aooth-w- e

t oarseroctta) Via fet-- r uae raaBir; north thr(S) cam Huil deo (30) Ui: to a at is, be ceatnf the railroad, then aorth eiihtr-three- 3: decTee west

wtth d ro4jlilr--n (16) cnttoe flfty ($) link toftate ta the atnneat aid reft ; tfara aorth oae i aedret.and ttreatrO! ahates aeretur-eic- ht f!8) Haka to artifce tn a ererk Varlni narth twMHT-ir- n (TJ) akeowhof a tweet (am, mark A aatp aa eM aa dogwoodptdater i Ibeae west tlx () chala Urkt)-- U (&6.lin te thr wwttawrsl canMr-r- f thetraetof laul VenK9- -t i lrfiaVt theasocthslth aald lla-o- ae haad-e-raa twaat ehatat Wtr (3d) llaka to a tUke, tfethtatt earner of the nld am oonn-Te- tract theea t Sfteeo (ISJafeaiB twetUf-d- T- p6) aki to the b ta--'

Inc. The third paroet balsc wet or the firet tractioaaded tolhiat to wit : BiciaaiBctt lb oatheaa'caiaero4WB-BnwscraatX- o SIS7 ea the WMhrttatlin. thea west with raid laaa seven (7) csaloa slatr-w- a

(l) Mat tea stake ten (la? Uaka aorth or a red aatxuarkedP, tkeaTwrtherMhaadredaadtweate-fi- x (ItCIchahts to a stake ten (la llaka east of a e'aek oak ntai ked B K. thea eal rtafct (") ohab errt3iy-6r- e tie) Hatto a ak etgbhjfSt Itaka east of a wbltr ak Barked. Psatd Peak's Bortbcestcorner. thearoa'h with aafct Ita

ae aaadwd aad tweatT-- U (ISC) csalas to the arftlilac, caeitalBtac eaehaalred aad taw a"res ae rood sacthtrteea sates. Also the faUowInz Jfcro ji'ares

ceeaprlftlac aten. worn a btes sat)ttnsasaaniedindeedof traw: Bevhen, Ww) j. PickL.wa Uiat tm Wlhim. Aadr, Prieaaa, Qeorfe, JohaJeC Xeojos, Vtaaal, Mile, Sandr, Oharlrt. Lot, Sf art-- a

Sob. Htek, Hk-ar- Alfred. Monroe, Martha. ssadXtsstke. Lietada. Berkr Mine, Na7, SUsa. R'lea, --

rtsr. XataMa. M attlda, Bertr B hocc. Llze, OsattUe,Jaaws, Mattha. ViOj aud Jta. Tat trtle to the aaerr Jlrctnrtr Is WbtrM to Iir inxloaVW bBtltbaOoa'reea. Jm tMi. .a . ! n. aa tnum. Tate artewin he eceanaed tram dr to dsr antu tbe,waale Is ov--

AKDKSW TATXGK Trastee.P S. SMtcirrescxatlUkrneepoatbrtaKlntoa i

aadPlaater s Baakt of Teaaetaee, will be recejTrs toAT I

iaalawtda f' z

'Ifrustec's S;ile.etrtn af a Bed of Trnst execated rn the 9M darBr Aat. lKS.'bjTaaaits Mail to as. at Traatx,

aad iiaataxd la the Rrelster's OfSee af S1r caaatr,Teaavooee. aa th U h dar f Kerr aber, 1857. in hook2o. 34, picas lt7, J&S aol 159 ro' to parnoa.-- of srlnx ta sarat--et "t cerUn debt tWo tpectd. Ithan, s1rst-et-a sasidred.oa TtTt'DAr. he Ssthdar af Jaaavarr tat prerel t arf st yaalac aaethxt.

Oaoa. an the an at Is ia at sail Thieaai Mai. deoraaed.known a'ttw Kewsrdfsr-- a, aheat 30 ail es east af Meat- - ;pott, aa the KresBhi aad Chtrletoa KUlrosI. the lot-- 1

diulsBud Laad aad Kexro Slarr and tbetr In. 1

crease rBiaoath-refatwintlfrt!iectat- ape-- Jdied la said wrM of trnt, tawtt: Three ttaci or unaaltaatea aa staeiDr connrr, tpob , ana voaiarBsvx im !ar (str aerea haad-e- d istDisjtj acre, more or less. 'wbaoh said three tracts are bsnrl-- aa f.4nwt : The artlfwetlttartaf a Sees-ac- re tract craatrd to W ra. trta-rha-

aad tislat at the asriawett toraer of tbe craat,throe xarh a--t the west boasdarr at tb tract 1Scbeaas and aBUaks tothanhweeBraerf eatdrrant,thea at with the Berth boaadarr of said tract'to eaaituaad MaokaaAte.4 llaktweat of an eta enukedP B. thaa saatth tK thalas and 69 links to a ttak. 10

lists weatef a red okraark--d P B. tsea west Bt3d liak to tbe begta.

ntac uae athor traat. se s'osad of the three aare h)os Use east af tjb aa re tract aad oaaUtatac tat arrraand 1 raid sad tt potts, baaadid at tofowt, it: Oatbt ea-- 4 he Aaplewhtte wot boasdar) line br.nvmkmt at a ataka, D. 8 Jaat teatewert re-a- atthe wtachi tar Ha, raaalar aorth t chains aad llak.tiaasttela the cesitreaf the TaBraad then north 8?".rjs west wdth tatd end. it ahstnt aad 5) nakt to atostotheecntreo( saMread th-- a nartu 3 easte

aadV UsaataasUselaacrerk eearts north 87 ltaktssath af a twoet (aa aurkai A P, caai Hat aad l

aulati i k thea wst 6 ettalat sad 8S links to thraorthweet oaraar of the tran of T.sad herein flrkt

toeai sooth wtu liidHAel'C ettiln ' and M linttto t otate. ttn itatklilt cmer a the ssid first doo-t- tt

d mat aad 5 Iter toThe tht-- d parerl beiac west of the flr.t tract,

tuaad-- d aa Ksstsws. it: Bttaaiaf at the aautbeMtroraorof Wat Brawa's graat, Vo. 21 17 oa the ar

Uae, thea watt wtth said Iter 7 chain a'dHaas ta a stibe W Hakt aortk of a r--d oak aarkl P,th-- a worth IXC rkitis u a stake 10 ltakt east at a Mackoak aaart-- d B FT, shea ant 8 chains aad 75 Iraki to auaajUaktetstof a wait-oa-k marked P eawl Peeks

aortjw-- eoraer thea toath wuh sad lla lt ahalasta theaoclamiBC. raall la sit Ml aeras. 1 rood aad Itpikes Alas, the toiiowtac ra Staees, 4t la B amberac t thalr tact i iss oaeaartoiac woarea, brs aadrrrn. a aatasd 4a the ds--d of traat: aah-- i, Wesle-- r,

Osx, Larwts. Roj,TTha-i- i Aaar. Prttaos, Bmrnrr.Ja Jet Nsbsta, XSawt, Mike Stadr, Onarles, LotMartrsvKoh AeUok,i2iaai AKred. Maaew, Martha.Maodr. ImtTmtt, Barkf. Mllbr. I.'a tj. K tiiK!h. Cbrtaaa. MadthU, M atMa. Xsaihr. ltab-co- t. Liz,r sauna. Jut-a- , Jtanaii Mtawaad Jane. Toe title teibeehstas-fsji- st It BaUerad to as aaduaaaod, hat J-- aalioajj t jttsihttleasts raa--d la or a" T.- - teeT- - salt watt he aaaaataant traos dtf dor BBtil thewaste la lii-is- tl at. TIOXAS X. JOKN'STO'f,

Sachcatiem- - a ht tokos oa dseoaltbr the tlaiat aa--lP aater.' BaaC atTaatssse aria be tve trod in psjm'-Bt- .

Trustee's Sale.sot a Ooo-- T aat, or it till to to my 1a.at the fish da af Jaatwr. 17. wwtrL

i -- i was latlattetd ta the R 'titer's adtea of Saalwjr)wtr, atata at Twaa tut, aa the 7th dsr at Jsooirr

1557. ta Bask Xe.3, aaA4t I wta. aa to Cttfe BATnr JAJtr AB aaaa f . rhe door of the waoe-- tHiBB.aBwstiaaoidcwasldJ. v Rjaruaa-- a a hitet,

fa the Cs7at MlmM, Taaa.; the Mlswfot; de-- -b

3 prop --tjLB --MUat;sastaaytiitt.l hols, S cattaa asanrasre, 1C

.back aaa'traaw. aH th Bad sarsttac In laatrlat toa a he aa- - t lotSBBt aad saatt-et- ahaee telaried t

with as other ahast apsarsawitst theseto Atos, deaas Sw taof v loo uto. 1 tarzee-a-ia- c

t aad tr t.- -. I sorter nl at t sss, irtad 4saa'l Mocm c al tha taMe waret leastac to . Raserton. iBttilas. m m pteaes. Jr trior ati ait To awrr tr wfl! r-- hm fmr fa .ft

aa t ltaw1todw-IJod,bo- t I wtP ootr dl w.r Ter at trsatee. Y. V. RKJBIBP'OW.- to . T

rr! - sr. rr

t: laaeatarT Cary a atTwaa at tts i' larss. .SSf. I wta

the Bib: fMUtVUT ta Fokratfr next, at thm Boo, deaf, ta sotd t.-- n. n the aiThst fciOiT,

f"w haaii 1 itid lini l iiattaadahaVacrao't Ijad. ar --it; at loa-Wii- li oaaotr. brUtairaf to Frtarts T RM.

ts oa thin.! tad abeat mw handset! acre sleared,a"I tt boa, good sat lata, hv:cut lyBBaoaahiladebalaita ta aae asdtw rears:

ea, with c yd wen rlty, wot b nt-a-- of the par--rX. H. XYGX'-tHtO-

""r-- t t Berk ad waater.

Slartlr 6IfrfioitFOR. AT TO HA" EV GEE2tAI..

wjc I'tn horn d loaaBoaace WiLLlal. GIBES'.I t af Tsataa. soaGaBi'lat tK Atlornrr Gasuai afth- - f'-ri- ots JsJfB libtrlet. at Tease see. JB ctl.a

i the drat jtotlMiutattpTO tssnO

ro ri CO.VSTAR LE.ww are aa horat d to aaoaase TeKIVAS Tt.a a randtaate for Caavttanle h the Foarte-Bt- h

C.-- il sHstttn. attbs eeeetax Uxi&i etaakui.4 rW-a- d

FRCOUSTr TRDSTEE.VK are a ath tested to aanosseo VILLI AM G. UK-rtSI-B-

af yubtrtUle, at candidate far OaentrTraoteoot aaVrcaaatr at tisesisci-s- x MsicS eiecHoa.

FOR.coiBsirir trustee.OTLLIaK P SAT it VrtraWit for ft It

be odacraf fltitBtrlTraatee.of Stxtaj cotwtr at th e .saiacMasnh aJadtoE--

For Sheriff.KOBT. L SVItS ta acaadtlstefoi SltlFPof ahea-- r

fo-a-t, at the ft nan x Mstch lostton aewadkwte

FOR CO.S1?A3I.E.JOIS W. HAW"rSBx.f?-- l tatsad dale ortoe oa ti JEtaiii Ml iie'resniimt cm a

trict of BBaaBarBoatf, IrtaA, altaecasiix eMttea.-4ee-

j K. SAIffT H a saadMate fcrr tbe oAoe or ta:Mrta aaxt ahttlttrin zucs, in tae rocrveeta usrn

BSfld-- tl

FOR COSSTARt.E.--ant are atoi if and naaeslrd to snastnea E

HeiXaHkBwfsaaraaMsMttrrthesface of Ossttahseth FMth Orel Bietrett, at the eata cr March -t.

.a octlt-t- e

To the Vofers of Shell) y CttKuty.CIMI IT BABVBa, ., af Meratac Sen, re-- ,iBInrj-- imti I MaiiaK at tbt "Btatoeraflc can-Ut- e

tor TV it tt lbs utTinr Ma-c- b aeecxtoa.ctt dswte'

FOR SHERIFF.WK ars sotlSHr sad to UWI, JOHN' B M05BUST

MositBdaaJ' JS1 Sheth Ceentr, at the ansa-- l:

Matsdtaloerstc ea8

FR CO.VSTAEE.R- are i atlas 1 I ta saawaee JOBS W. TAIXwB. S.

Ildii flor rs i irtli n fir II r oaaee of Oaastabie,tbe ntth Ctytt -- rit ec

FOR CONSTABLE.wg ar ai Hat n nl to aaasatne w. m wtuSB5, at t

r Ow. itMt at the Mb OlsB Tttttrtct. Xlsouuo m Mooch not, oa

FOE COUATIT TRUSTEE.w are aathartsd to aaaoaaee TBOMAS T. BILLS, 1 atl ate r (he oficc at Oooar TrBttoe at ibrr

motr, at tore tool r March Hsfai.-- totrM to

FOR COOaVTi: TRUSTEE.arz or aaaaorieed to stastiw r. AMES

ViUnHiaaaah lor Oooalr Truu-- of aasebrcaooir a be et X ttwri eteetteo. sr-t- e

FOR SHERIFF.HTK are aethornrsa ta aatieoaee JAM ho K-- FfLCSata

rodtaat for i settwaa taa ds of AatcrtB, at theeBela:M-ta- i ".taB ell

FOR flOUSTt TilUSTEE.w i iBisajitoaf i PItoMOH BA08H tacsrMho.ee ford) asAf Tracts of ghatas-tarawt-r at thr.-m- Maroh seer m

ProclamationTSK AM S BAtUll GTrjSM of th'Siato of T--fi-

. te ad wastMU tst theae Prtxea-- s 'Inittox1 th- - Sh-if- T. of the aoattes of Partf. Ttaeaa

Hat-att- a aai aardor, -- woax thi llth J dkia

etetan led te apeaaa-lh-i- xnelerllaoat all .ho taa: h diwt el 'twas It peat rrrftretireraatlta-a- the dsr at Pt IS) ft't--r ha-- .

t 't ctroa gv at wW" BKtat a teaatr-'- br law,) fart.. --tmtt OB of an Attatw for the sa-- li tj olios' Otrcoit, Vs H tjfrrrtoe d arrtirtata of J ho L wrw1. H ia'moseo- t- rirgtaiowr.

. in t. I'ttaas an ii, i. rasiejt . uu.' a s renjr' as at n i istd. aarr b mateJ ..- - --it tsssW ehjasd h 9m Meal of th-i-

'Gt .u. t a t --i "osiSaVrtit tt t Bat-t- 8bar. W j the "' r.

natsH h fjitfjiPX. X ataTOX. W T a. " "f AWSlbT tTnfcUtOWJI WsW itHpt 6. l.ih ft ll

vi Oitrtet ta said 3ra , aslbcr are red A tt ibs


SilICEL MBRBDiTHBBietlH ed wot " ' ' t"" wrd for tbe

TBE and H l .T, t . to. 1' t Praak Injoo-r. Toaaeajee of SAMBxv.SIKD.Tw wbotnar--

.1 rtSJB P. E4erttS. an ta taa oi n m;,tltcViii list --f "tetmb-- T aad ts fl- -J

i ps-- tt aacaewji.Ui Mtirr-tll- h ! troBl2 t4 rinW; aVntslxfret

b i:i seaK fif-- f .rii ad: t'rht ilaeIseitr aX pramla. ik. tst mi las. at. prs)ea a

.1 sb- - srrraxtea abort the .y fa- - hit a e S fslrislbcisat w i ntlf bar, tut thn a. Mi

d; bad aanrare Jlon-rn-t ae-

: pu- -r lie. wta iWala - or Ms face, aad t aaJO hH taenia, tstatlstowt

tut dowaskia.wai eaaaareaseibat wten. i clIiwlsras eaHto sh- - we a a--

t of ferohl hr TaJsttttr aad ef ptswatloai ai BteaM hfJrate: waejoT urste-rt- n aree-- tt

petbtp. fiJK5xl iaOtt JUis Blr aal. ttefft.whleaan. 'OtAiUtfD pJbHBS&tEOV, Tiewr

DATinF POBEiliO.',-- ClCKriTra?TtDrCTlt8 law S Jar.Sw deaai

.VstAriSc Union aai

Important toArchitecte and Builders.W. E. CHILDS & CO.'S

Patent IaiUe Water aod Fire Proof

TTTH wsbM respeetfoltr aaaeBnej tu ibe ctUteos ofX Hrmpau, aad the sarroatdlnz coantrr. that we

are prepared to contract aad pet oa, oar FI BE and ITA.rSttPaW'CBUBXTBfiOFIHB. H brtar the anlr ariMaret inrrttril, tiaiwlU laerosslallr rrt.t he actknif tae a m jpdot IB eretr cusjtau. uu pertesTT Ptrrsad Water Proof aad In patBt of darahditT, a.sal U Bet

r to any ic reoftar. ffr can pat It an orarId tin, tar or shlnfie roof t, u HMtlDf a dlguuutt haw

tutor steep th roof mty be, We wet 00 r tea lareven dollars pr honored sautre r rt. tre win tpphrarosaseai eatiaana ttea rests far aad:na ir asjatr. It hetats an aarjeaofot Jti

4aattaT aad dannllto, the ctreaoret palat (hit caa heasnf. ' r onomt t th best tatar man , for pitebra

wa ar. waua, insasj u. sxiughu, ax. we warrantall B- - wark.

We faerie al that wast new roofa. ar their old aae re--aalred.toeallkt Bic.'s Hore ilare. K 8l M.la street,aBdniBttMssaftesaBdutttrr thetsraarn of thda- -rehlHtT aad KactleahtUtr of aeeiec thtf naa(

X. B. To are prepared to fill araVrs tor waanlto tsaee reesatsse at a dtstaao, wttn srtatM atrreflsat(ar asetac It.

Thrsr wtshtag raate ar raps'ttBC dan, wtll pteoo asjjst Mk't ttT store, or tddrata at thfeafh the PM

?0aeBtT rifhtt for salt.BCTTSRWORTH Jt EA8TM AS.

KcrrKEXcES :

Her- - 0. D Bitot, X R GMMCeck, D TITarrti ft. Moore, wnttaat StaektU. Mai. A J. Bsnsataa J 2. watttrd. KaakrIUr ; CM A. J. Plk.Ash.

wood; Od. H. I. Aatortaa, SaaerlaiaBdait XatbrMseaad (attaBgt Railroad.

Readthe fsttoweif; rcrtMestot :JaaaiTr7h, I'ffl.

prehare tr. E. CMhts ft 0a 's, Oimmt lUoawtt ataisnmett oar twHtlaKi lttlr oatf rUfselsa',aBdwMstr It the heat tanaaa; at whtch w hart tarkaawtrdte- - We sre rxteaarect eauaed a ami dtsf tatbatettr.aad barewMhlB the la t Ire rear, esreredsiiaa; wtth all the Tart saetaltr sad ather nufteawhich hare bean lattwdoeed, sad rroat et uilsatieandlareetKatlna. we, wtthat htaiutiea, piunaaaee OtaMt

Co.'t, prrearaUe UsarMtr--XBBBIThv tBMPTOh", BaBdert.

Cikcisjati. 0 . MtrM-w- , 18t7.w. B. OHiLBt . Oe rht roof on aar park hoesr

glroii ratlre satttfactiss. It haprTa Itsett both Pitaad Water rref.

ftoste legr niiaths stare, a targe areeeesrrtd dtrrethrit) islar as, sad aar roof was mnsuj Irtad or IVBasse sad bartMhraowa. hat stood the teat a charmedW astaaaUr mssasaaad this root aa a atd tclac.


OrricE or CtcissATt. Hamiltox abd )BATTOt XAIUSAD. I

Chilm ft.Os', Pstaat Pan. Baodac, laowBwdhere oa aar best etass of s,Maf. We ar careeircoar treisht aars wtth I', a'd aar Jtatter aeaaatcre- -Brt nry fanrabl to It.t t L HOMMES1KTJ, FneldteH.

CixciS5AT1, Maj- Sea, MSIWe hare faJbr larefttsated W E. t.'niLUt a ae ,

Patoat Oecaeat stosdsf, aad are Moddiat that H tt ta.pertsr to aav ather Med bow in twe, M eaeapttac the

n e i iwuhin n mm an wno wii mkai, mSH"iailc excellent roar. J. X B BB0AMP, naaVdttii.

2Utttx"Miami Ci.H&COLCMBBtiXESiA R. R, )Swilateaweat's PBee. OhKtaattt. Oct 3 MaT i

This ceatpaay ba sdoalfd Cmu ft Co 'a, Paleatcuastte. wswraam rtre naor veeat iioaan. zor hot.rtsr awrattawv also tar HtbUac Ua aad Idepot, and watrr aUtloH, aad esTarhu ears, aad w arewen ateatra. wub It u. u a.iutvuit,

ertl-- o Sa-rla- 4il

The Greatest Inrcntlan of the age!FESPBCT PBOrECIIOK FROM THE ELXJtKXT3.


rpHK tabacrtber it now prepared to cover rceft aty bsadtafs, wtth a new aad better artWe taut rrerbefore kaewa Tbepcbltcare aware that asr OoramTsfnt bl4 .cVTStilK ian tsnetttaentiaK. and that tthat bees the stadr af Aichliectt aad Bulders ar rearslodierereraa article f.r ronfln; aarpasea, that waotittaad the taddea cswaapta the weather, aat be taaeerri.eos to Sre avd ws'er, aad remain a it tint mat nxtare.At ret, notblwc hit been attatatd vrtUaaat oaettas merethaathepeoalesrish. Tbe eoatraotioQ. rx-- ar t aw aW rait-a- s

at seta roofa, are o treat la rhinteahls rlliastw, thatther beease asele, aaieti betnc repaired at rrtsat

SsiaajJet are sot are are, aad cannot beasrd aa Bat roof, aad the Tattoos ttnslttoBt aad

that hare beta broach! lato aae f rood'-r- :, da aatttaad the action tf th weathe-- , bat the- - ran when K Itwar-- a. aad crick when fraaip, aad are oae or two rearsboconiecTBn Mr, and worthless; whstrss. th taeaatarof theSaleaaic Osuost has labatvd iweatr roars to

aad caa tostlftfrom hi loac expwrkaca. aad BaatoroBs ttttftnliWtreat teHaBte pertoot, wh Vsre had hi iwatMBottan appll--d to their baudta. that hi Oentest Is taa cheapesta d bet arttdaerer before kaasu The cotBbtaatasB c

tan Oeatest tosaca. that it is ealcalated far eattr newroofs. Sat ar steep; eoTertacoTeT old shhsc'es wttbeatreasenec them; Habsg tare tiaaarht. seemta areandbatuesteat. chitanert rod tkr Wrbu. Oosartai; cattaps. Measser deck, fta. That Otsteat, br Ha asa

aad BalniufSB. presrst asetsi roofs free rast-- x

and BBdersUdertac, aad Rotst th extjesaos at heataad cold, better thaa rnjnhiac erar tor eetlrreefs ar f.r erretiai Btetal and th oat altt af sraodbaUdtax. maktac theta fife prsof. Its appsaraaatasltkeslste; braatual for th- - rich palace or thraaasbtooaaUae.

Thr aoarrstitDl kuf rar.d the rUtti ta the Staleat Tonne , wUl sac rithta mt Totriior- -, br ortowns, on rfatsosate lerau.

The sabscrlber It siso pnpsiod te oarer Toots at fewM-lar- t.

ta aar part of the State, at abort anttt.That root tt aow bettot pat aa la this erv, tar the brar-- at

af an costeraed. and WBrraaied to eitd all athereaedataf rcuing Tar nobrrihrr harloc re5tded ta thettr af Mesaphis oaerr. aad has had hi node of rooflac tosd a la Its qaairttes, watch hat pVaeed ratiataetory, to whtch aauaharaf tawsaost yroeaiasot rllHwjcaatestttr

See liitlattaanii of the sorts i nc giaim miB wha hare3ed tt. with hosts' t other.

Forfarta-- r taforasataaB ensjw at the ehce. wheresaatatet star be sees la J. L. Voreaa'sRmb.s, No 1 Walker's Blstx, MtaaBhtt, Tests., at

Bjx S3. P 0.C. W. tTORDITAKT Js 00 , riaathtoia,

Soceetaar to W. 8. Beaaett.Attached tt a not tram Jahn V. Mwgaa, Bt Achl-tact.- br

which star be tea tin tplolia af Mr. SaataolStoao, the celebrate! Architect, aad writer saoa Archi-tect re, whose eafieTtaaea wtth that mmmte t ruuglsg,wtthawt a aoabt, it tattefactorr to all.

MEttrHM, Maroh It, le7.Mb. W. S. BE5SETT: When la Phi.tdelphia. Pa , a

tew dart , I calird apon Mr. 8bbJ Sttsa. the crtt-brat-

Archilrrt, and anlhoraf th Sloan Work aa Arthttrotcre. I asked hit aptnioo as to the dnrabt Itr etc , ofWest's Pateat Roof . saoh aa paa ars ant t tu tea trr ofUeanpals. aad be told me that he aad ao Voltailos ta tar-fat- ;

to ate that it is a toad aad toot, and 1 allthat It adrseote clam it to be; tartber tarrac that heat Bkisc It oa a BaobBBQia for hlasaelf

Reftcttailr, JOBS L. M0H6AX, AreMeet.MMen, March I, 187

W. 8. Beskett. Baa., farr: Ta fsdt althlnMkaowledse of the frarsbttltr, 2tc , of Wat's Sorsva

Ceasrat, are these : The bMtat: roa corera for aa lootSartre we ta btatw to ttsto hs aaswrroi sor eta at -

w oa therefore, rte)uisrad it ta the hHc forat a rhrtit. ttesa. are aad wafer

ptoet root. It doe not art sort aad ma from ib labtttat ta best af tbe sae ; nor d It hardra and craacfrom the Lgtcts of tbrccM. Aay wlshlac to xaawaare at this article, can can at aar agatiiifaLawj.

y. S aVRCOS & CO..CaTTttaC Uatwfactorr. Mtawoe at., Bletaaiil. teaa.

MattPBll, TLOB , Doc. 8, tWd,To wram tt ara-- r flawraww la 1a eeettevtkat

Hw.s BrotK ti, wrretf two rrxtfr for mm last Sp-l- withautatnottion ca-- r west' rttem vcrnBK Cem al i

aaeef theat wat a Bew deck, tbe other aa eM shrnrtereef, whtsh sre Eltloc aerf-- t saUrfaaioa. He also

a darmfit wMsw, whleh leaked baxTtjr, and nadbaaed the skin af cainiahus to preocaf ft leak-as;- ,

watch fe tttetreded at taakiax pert ret)' tfarht. I do motrecuaatajrad hi tnrd - of moaa to the pukiic,

for s rmftirx: aoraona, and heilere It tc be aEitarr atali s Breaadwatr. D cOOCUtLL,

Proprietor CouumiU! Row?:.Srrra'rir't Ornez, KEBrrma & Onto K K I

MEnrait, news., F--b 11, twr. tMs Bm.tn I Dear gtr: Osr Oouitrn. bstrta; been

traahttd rerr EBBCh mith leaxr cat, pwi aosD of roarfsliot Palet bvoc tbom, aad so lar as air Imwledar ex.tea, I can tb'eifutlf Tfnwatairal K to aey wha wish adrj roof of aar sort. Tears &e ,

H. OOmS, Stsnteteedest.MaatrtlU, TE5X., Jas. It 1867.

To THE : w s. aaada aspltcatloe toas last sasttasr to oarer ear baUdiss with Won't GaltaateOeav-a- t ; It betaf a aew thlac tboojrbt we wealdtry It ; bad it applied to oar WarisTiiit aatp aad Eadtae

attached So the yotadt. TV-- r hare jrer--d allroeabed ot a water proof roof, hart trittaitsod sasae sftie (reatett etorau, sod are ateiac aoodWe can eair tl', trr H ik ran wUl beaotardrd.

otmns it jasirr. tnm waadst.Mbuphix. Jan. It, Ie7.

Mr. Beaaett bat dene tuaae tatall aassoat of roodsfor ate la fett icaitar war, wtth Oattea .tnfl cos ted wtthaBreoaiatfon the ban ef --chleb raoeafsioKb-'-- etsaf rir.

It a rerr eBVctaal aad tlxht roof, aad aapeara to areta.tweaatidersble HrWtJt Stem tbe prrrrUire Kastt-Met- af

the eESBBoeHtoB, watch reootraSoft t tasitl andBratrctt K trsta th lodBiuttof far air and rater TtoeOuBwiiiltlaadoaaaot laiaatr aad m frata to efftct ofthe best of thr son in scssaser ; jw do ft harden aadcrock traat tbe xwaaoaee ht tha M at wtntsr.

nrMlT i.. P WFhlilLU -

InsitraurreT. W. WILXIWIftX ......... X. T. TAXXSB.

INS TJ E AH" C E.andmldaed are spent for soaasal Ko. ITBE asd are preptrrd to lniare Haose. Merthaa.

dtse, Sen. Marrre aad Life, at the lowrat rate uken taear teud Ooaipsalet All lot tea teosapttr atfejateclFleate XIre a caH.

WTIX1NSON'. TATLOR & CO .STo Ceart ftrret,

errs-I- t BetwMt Mali and Prut Kaw.


Of XaeliviXIe, Tenn. ,

CAKTATj, :::::: $150,000JOeSFB VAIJLI, Pxttvt.....A. IT. BCTLSH, txx'j.

BULBCTOBatJehnM Hill, Attx. AlkhMB, Thoasesa Andtraon. JJsm Oarrer, - S. Oaiaaat, T. A. Qwea, 1

M. Feax. Jeeh Taatx, Jsase Bttas.H. X. ABowsr, IT. J. Isila

J. 8 LOhalllXE. Afot.oetlljr JS-ro- o ttrsat, XaBtaahU.jroaa.

aiEnmis rasuRAHcij fwjtauy,MeBipUifi, TcBHfwec.

CAPITAL $150,000.Sana. Mowby, Pr&s't; Ben Kay, Seoy

Him ea Jcrrrsawo; itsmst-BfRECTOR-

A. O. HaajiM. Aat. Kmr,Q O. ATKIIHwB, T. VT. WltxtWOS,J. o. UBESJIUtr, T. K. innBawLixet.

eaVI-t- '



--tfUMt J ht the af Twaaossee, ntlthjiior IBS' --'in. m rmrm, sen mmn JSBB

Maodteat. itrawo wossotassr Beta arreaew wjahehetatlwaf BaBwuiiii. for f atiattaa hp Sjmtf.SXTlasaasota , Le-- do Oaoltu t m

Toaliw.ntJaool LI", " - ijmXfnawars-k- e. Lots, BatsiSsat., bssjomrjuttiiditnrf Tt" amtin

At the aoaaol td ill aa Taosdsf , tha loth ltuaatt. thesariawiad II L. till tad wouittUtrjd wan eloaswl forth


heket l. kins, wHMgjAikr,rtBAcC rxmwirttaa.

B CTTtTW L. J. DtTPRM, Ssl.Unhcmt --Bitwwtof-R. ANT, O.Arf orarr J Maq.

i .Wa. a p. Hart CHKAxt. But.Ar-- a J twitae o oew MreatatT yitmihtlhM,

lub knot., tha Ms1K ofaaara -- re ihaatBhw Uu

rtWJAMeB TflOttNTOK Prrr-- ffltso R. GRANT. Ytee PrtHdinf.tH'JS MCADAM.CrWf-OPTlCaV--

8. KlWltt .atntV ifeet Bow.-y


East Sid 6 Shelby Street, ,

POI7K frOnTB OP BNIvM un,rerasrrly JVrrmsn mt Chu-insa- rl or Mr. Tcimfafe't

.Yeie Fort Dfe Hmuc siLsdie' SeTk and

Wcsdea.tlrapeaadOashmees, Shawls Hit wrecr do--Ttnstoa and Baisfce rooal to atw, and better Ahoa aar'

DrcMg RtUtetthaent In tbe Sooth. Uj-T- rf Ue4 ctiaMdiMjit"l3t.aBa Bwitat unarn eoaai te

Trere-aor-rt spots anmWnmml(xand reflniibet Csitalst, In Silk .sii

ilPiMaad7e.'"' 'ej)81m

grg 6ffoiJs gouses


DRY GOODSAt Greatly Boduood Frioes

FOE CASH!13,000 Worth

Still on Hand.


Ladios' Whito Goods,Black and Panoy Silks.


Embroidered Sett, Bands, CoIIarsf.&c.

Kid and Silk. GIOTes.

Bleu's and Youths'Olo-fcliing- ,


SatineUs, Tweeds, nud Jeans.

FINE CLOTHS,Doeskins and Cassimeres


SHIRTS & DRAWERS,illk and Llaen Cambric Handkerchiefs,







Saddles, Harness, Bags, Bridles, Whips,

tc, tie.

Tormfl Cash, or City Acceptance,





THE faltowiax Sebexa wUl be drawn br S. Swan (sMaaaeers af ta Fart Game Acsdenr LoU

trr. la each af their Lotteries for Jsac trr, 1858, atAUGUST A. 6a., to which dtr tier tare remorsd theirprtBctaal ataot.

CLAJBS GO)To l disa--a la the Oltr of Atucutta, Georgia, In rmbllc,

en SATTJRBAT, Jaasarr 1SSS.

OXsA HS 70,To be drawn ta th ettf t Aaftula, Georfis, la patUc, oa

SAItr&DAY, Jaaaarr . l&S.

OIjA,SS 7X,to be drtwn In the cttr of Aaxsttt, Georjla, la public, oa

SAT JEDAT, Jaaaa-- r 16, lSeS.

CT.iAaBTo be drawn In ten ettr f Astasia, Goxtta, la puMlo, on

SATTJB.D iTJs-.ss-- T 23 1898.

OI . VB.&S 73.To be drawn n thecitr of Aofntta. Soarfia, In pnMIc, on

BATtKDAT, Jaaaarr 99, 1063. on th plan ot

Single JVunibers :5,-iO- DPrizoe:;

Nearly One Prizo to Svery aineTiokets.


EACH SATURDAY IN JANUARY.Prtat of wVsw9 1 Prtxc of... .(3,000

1 V - SO,B0 1 1.600I loeao .. 1,0001 " - 693 im .. ISO1 6.0US lM .. USI " - SB90 100 .. 100

APPTtajxlVATWN' PRIZES.4 Prltei et $ ApnxttKC te tiofioo Prise are 1,30"

So.ono 1,0001,0J 800

las c.aos ' tooits 6,000 640IM 8.CO0 " D0

3090 JOO.69 " IvoOO ' 20030 are... ...100,008

f.dMarbtd traoscttne to. .......... ...........(oooWfaolo Tickets, 810; Halves, 85 00;

Quartora, 62 50'.PliATs" OF THE LOTTERY,

no Kastbert from I to 50.000, rorrewpoadlBK wKh UieXnajhertan the Ticket prated on separala. slip of pa-per, are BBCiictod with small Un tcbet aad placed la ntwheel.

The trot 41 Prar-- a. "teiUrlr rrtatrf and anclrcied, arplaead in aaother wberi.

The wheel are then rerolred, and a cnaber tt drawn'rota the wheel of tuunbert, tad at the tame time a PrizeIt drawn fr-.- the other wheel. Tbe X amber and Prisedrawn ovt are opened ax4 exhibited to tb andlence, aadafiat-re- d br the Oentailtsla&eni the Prise being placed

asanstt tbe Xuaber drawn This operation It repeatedsnlfl all the Prixtt an drawn act

ArranxixaTtes Psixrt. Tbe twe preceding and theIwoeacceeillac Xussferrs to the dri-rt- the first tPrtaes win be enuraM ti the M ApprsxiDtatlect Pitset.Pnrexstaale: rfTicketKe USOdraws tbe MiO0 Prtje,these Ttetau aameered 11S15, 1I2, 11UI. 11252, willeach be ealitttd U $t04. If Ticket Ke. 660 draws tbtSM.OOOPrlxs, those Tickets nsmberedrt3, fits, &M, 663,wul each be entitled ta (131, aad so oa ecourdinc to theabore schetne

JQ-- Tfre tM Trts--s of IM win be drtarmlnM br tbet VI 1ST soot-- r ia anal sue B.ou,uuu fnxe.

rrezsatate, If the XBtabert drawisg $so,000 Prtte endsarHh Ko. 1, then alt the Tlcketi wbero tbe namber endsIn 1 will be entitled to $30. If tbe Number ends withKo-- S, Thes all the Tick Ms where tha number end In 3wai be sBtltSHl to se, sad so on too.

OerttSoatos of Paekttes wlllbe soil at tbt folio wUnrati, watch ts tttrtsk:Beruacatoet ratkagsot WVfnole Tlcketi. &S0OS- i naif dooo' " 1 Qaarter " ........ SO 00- 4i ' ta Knatt " io to

In ordertet Ttefctti or OerUStatea, enclose tb mooerto oor addre. for tha Tirkett ordare-Lo-a receipt! which&rr wi'l be forwarded br flrtt Ball. Pnrcaasert canBareTICBM ealhnr la s axrn tbej tasp oetltnaU.' '

Tadlistof drawn Humbert andprixtswHi be fetward.ad ta oarcaaarrs taissoOi i sag after the drawing.

irr wtu pleas wrile Itetr atonataret piala, andsaws taetr rest maee. toaasr xsa state.

3 RetBetnber that Trr Prise it drawn attd partM'In fill withoat edactasB.

S3- - AU Fraet ef J1,000 aad trode r, pnM lmaedUttrrafter the drttrmg other Prises attttfinaaal time eltbirt, da.fl.tf All coatmnnlcatwai ttrKtlr eenSdtntlsl.

Addrta erdort for --ftcketa or Certifies tei of Pacxage Ua. swan as uu., AUaata, ea.

S3" Person residing near Moats otnerr. Alt . or At- -

laata. Gs., can hare tbtlr order- - fifle-- aad fare time,br andrcrtiag S Swan h. Co. at either of those dtiee.

ETAUatef Ibessntber that are drawn from thewaeei. witn the amtani or ue price tntt eaca one It

ta, will be puoUsned after ererr drawtng. tn tbe folatwlaf psutt: Krw OrleaBi Delta, Mobile BrglttcT,nturkstoo ttaaoara, jiaanrme tiaxcue. Atlanta .

racer. ew fc Wieklr Bsr Boot, Bartnnth MorningKews, Rath ai sad Dispatch, Xew Tark Dilpatch. Paul-ding (Utas ) Clarioa, and Attrui(Gt.) Conttltntktnal- -


Attachment." VALKKB 1. BBO. AND T. G. TURK AO 8,


defessdaat wi 1 pleaM tak notice that will,THK mm for a Jalgment agalott hl-- n re

J. Mjrae, bit snccessor, at hit offlce InaCaaBajIt, Too., aw Tharslar, Ibe stn dar of Jnlr, A.p., TM3 whoa and where ren can attmi and defend Itpsa proper. wALx-K- & BltO.

MC-w- tt T. 0 TDRNAGK.

Asstfiiec's Xotice.TTATISO been artated Asthra-- e of PRTTnwXX HARBIN, DoHo, I nerebr glrn te an aertont !a--dct-to-a ta .st nrat vs note or aooeeiii, to coma rtrwardItaatedHlelr aad settle, as tMatgence cinrut beglrvn,aad the aaderMgnaJ a al --ne iBthoritrd te glre receipt,as Glseaarae of it ntsttittet to toe tsio nrm.

N. RAGLAND,noTlS-dawI- Br bla atUrner. . 0. Ratiand.

nRATKDOE.8TOLKN. a IrtJ' gnr norte.rl ft the Anrla Stare or I. JOHNSON Xaa' an Pront R.. on 5stordtr. the 13th lnt.Htdoo a tal bndi oom-a.- n s :de aid rerjauaac hridt. I win Mr 0 fir the Utrw diUrrreJto--a, at $S foe ar tafsnaaUio tba will lead to hit rt--ejrctjr sn&ct.-.- 3 S. ICDKl,!

Q. jsawi Iswsw lr. irm sr aoncnta.To the Public.

byedsIccorperitcd (oraraercial College


tTUiriXG A cade Myrpms leatltaUM I cow In saocesifol ope.X ratio . It M the ieteatkmef the prta- -

ctaal to taaae it aad eqnsl, la ererrn ,oxl. to aar In this or ahx other State.

osu htaa'Si wul be waght toasllfr ?octh fur a'be art or Peaauisbip, (with bit rfotnaI

ease ran rr tusxrara,! tae o no ef Bonsie-entr- r Bok- -Lkscpute Bfwoeed tha Prsacple aad the Niter ef Jlank- -taj wash Hank He.

Tha st tea ftea vt par atl aad gatKiisn, Is reepectlTelxthtwttn3 1 tbt. 11. Sttteri tlmWf, fromlhostwof b hss alrrslr rrc-irr- thtt be wftfrnerr!aot.otteasitoi, af his tax sttag seal to fbe tsirrtit o;tl

he . made katwc ta ippncttlcn at the CoUrgf.tmstm street.

J hare the heoar to refer to the fsHewieg jrenttem-- n.

aad othaso. wb' hare ktoTlr conBWd ttsrtsit Boardof yatttetofor KiatulBittta leatn? srsettcslbmlitrsi am.

RrrEnrxctt.ReT.J N.TiB, Rr I. Teaeg,VT, A. Junes, ft . Csebier ltratr Wilssn a. Cs ,

I Bask, O. M Parkier. rq.,XaJM k. 0., Lama, react a. tM.

boabb er VlitTOXt.

Rt. I. Too i, KT J ft.V7. a. Jaa-- a. Usq Coioter t . Jt rtcxer. aaq.,

a. OaditBercual Bank, B.O Brtskler, Esq.,Obi . B Locae, Trlio. Eao, .,

JOHN 4. HT tfcll, rrore aeir

House and Lot for Sale.b-- iu.i so --rerr d.!aUron! theTOMiahsae--- . that eWI-sU- e lot and preotes

a. tad on LaroK- - etreet. rear Dr. Walttr!,i.tirfiifcaMtf A 1 1 tfri VMsoa Tt cntrlies a

asmoMsamwentag.coese conuimngur rooxBis aliomrf afale XHea-ni- . The lot oinutii oh scred, ontta ar arpe atttand mM cchard r Tbt whole Caa tr

Mas-b- sfplstt g'oo tBepteatUM. Pnqntre ef

S' -- - ii I . . . '- r j.j.Trnaox,

deciVSm X' Clerk of Ueilaamwitaetirssxa.'

Ratling jf gtfaiucrgSCHEDULE



rTvmUNI. J From Prom Sontb Prom Prom

N Xrx urerp I amptonlnsrre. Brem--n

nrre.. 'Jtn. Jan. '11 fan. 13

oontot. UBtamrn... 31 J.n J7 Jan. 21Etrre... Prt. ( P.U ,10 fib"Oollins . iaHrrtnev. to rtb. tiItasT .. Match Msr. la dtr. alCollins. II Mar. IIEre asm. 29 Mar."ii' Mar. 20ITssr. . April Apill- 7 AprilUollist .. ID AI x8jBremen. April SI, APsil.nComm.. 51 Mtr nn.Tt . Mar II Mar B MarCsUInt .. 8 Mar!! ity"'I Max ItCU.lV Jonllsrre.. Jt. 3Olltr .. Jteo Jon 31arrmen . Jont It JanV11di Jnlrlltrrt .. 'Jaa 39ColHnt.. Jclj JJoiJf 31 ....at"i.B 17 A tit.

An I. It Sept. ITto ... 5S . - 11Bo ... Sept. II a 4D rw-- l isDa Oct. 371.IV .. MoT. ......Dt .. Nor. IllDo . SO'Dte.Do . Ore.

IxroBTAKT lwTrettoirt:-.- nWrttVafaf tbabsrHa- - (tad tbr same ta-

mp, tt tj It Brttlih lines ) to or (rem aar plat la theUnited Stst s, (excrp- - Orrgoa and Canton Is ) for orflora tnr point In Grest Britsia, It 3i cent- - pre.pt tetmrptlocal. wspaprrs, each twi, centt UeiUd tat.andtwi c titt British i esca eusntrr tocoUrrtl'towapotttgt, whether tb - piper It teal from or reid lau el) tiled StsUs. Btillib sewrpspert BtnaHr' easeBritish potttgt paid br a ptasr stamp eqaaltelwocratt Tber nus. be t nt re iitrrew bsndt pta it tbendt Letters fT th continent ef Xtmpe, fo passthrorgh Great Brittla, la the ep-- s malt. tnBsttxpre-tald-

centiwbm tht AUami; e 1 brUatrfdStatei ptrkett, aul 6 centt when br Brltl-- h packets, ex-e- nt

from CaH font ts or Orrcon when tbe tnta lo ne pre-paid Is, in tb former lnttace,2t ceatt.anl ta tbe lat-ter, 10 cents Tbut In the ce case, tbt AUtnlle tstpcaIsglttobcoHectel st tbe tsa lisf star, in the rjnlledBtttrti snd In t'eolber, 1 fl te be togeth-er wtth tbe Drill h tranaU aad atber tunica psuge, ittbtt-fac- et dcttrerr- - Betwrea Great Britain ind Or--gun indCallfomlt, tbe tingle rate sf letter potttje it S3centt.

Prtiodlcat wsrkt and pamsblets mar be sent frem thaUnited ' ties te tbe United Kingdom, and vie vend ittwo centi of United State poitige each, it tber do notexceed two onncet la wrltht. and at 4 cents per ounce, orfraction tf an earn, wha they exceed tbitwrigntl tobecoHect d in alt cases in tbe United St sirs; and thetime win tn tab eel ta in additional like cbsrge In theUnited XUngd. m nrnen teat to France, Algeria, rclUtt ts Tarker, Sj-rl-s and Krrpt, la which rrtr.ee hatpostofficet, ri England, or toother femxa coaatrles.wltbsst pistlag tbmiib tbe United Kltgdoa, tber willbecbstxrabe with 1 cent aa onnce, tr fraction t anocacr. United Stales pottage reealred

Slag. rat of letter postage lo or from Bremen, br theBremen line. 10 ceata optional. Kewspa-per- s,

esch 1 cents, brlag tbe United Statei ind Grmtnpre psjmrat t qalrrd. Leitert ind newtpspert

to other pa ta or tb conttm-n-t msr also xo br this line,ssMect ta Tarloni rstet - far which tee Poreigu PottsgtTable.

single rtte of letter partite te or from Prasce er Alge-ria, 15 cents the quarter optionalNewspapers, perhalicil we kt book! ttltcaed or boaed,psm blets, eauHfrar pipers of music, prorptluedicalart andallotb-TkUds- printed matter, address.ed to Pttnc. Alsrtls. or Ues ef Turkey. Pr'la andEcrpt, In wnlrb Prance has p ttofflces, ett AletanJria,Alrxsndr tta, Berront, Centtiattaoole, Uslali Gilijp.41 Ibralia, Ineboll, Jiffs Eras.nBd, La ta-

xis, Msftlnatn Astallc imker AliurUne, Kbidrs. Ssls-aic- s,

Sam scan, ainepr, Sormt. rauea. Tree r jnrf, Trt-p--

14 SjrU. leltcbi Tarns snd Tcdo ) caa be dltpst ed

to Prsoce, direct, or br war of Ecgisnd, onef tbe llrlted Sttte ps'tage. Tlx : newtpiperi 2

cents each; perloJicsl workscatanetor pamphlets,-on-cent an onnce, or lractt,n of an once; and ail other

ef printed xastter tbe ssree aidomtstle rates; tobe In aft casei cell-ct- In tbe Unite I States, --rbHhersent or rrcelrrd. PrsnM, Iq like manner, collects Usown pcsttge o i all kinds el printed tastier, whethersent or rrceired The United Stele exee sat e cmee forPreach mstls. are Kew Tork. Boston, PhHdeipbist at-- d

Ssn Prandscn For rales cf postsge la Prenca ras.l ttcanatrles bro-i- d Prance, aee Fon-u- Pott'ge Table.

Stntle rite of.tetter potttge br tbe Prussian doted mailte Pmtsla. Anstrtt. and a'l tbe other German State, 30ants, being tb fall opUsEsi.Kewtptpert centt etrn, bs-n- alto tbe fall psrtsre

rronlred. This mall Is test brer err steamer, being Itnded at UrerpoolbrtheCoHlnt aad at sostn- -empton br tbe Breraea and Utrre Iln-- r.

Tbe rtm f rrgutrall n e' rsintWe letter! adeptcdin the Ual ed S'ates, bisbren rx'eoil'd tetbecjrTepon-deot- e

wtbGrat Britain Pros it, Bremen tea CanadaLetters aetRttod to either ef tbeje Coantries wfll be reg-istered, on tbe ef tbe prrsoa po,tlag tbeis me. In tbttsme manner aad on tbe time eiae itthese deUrersble In the United Btites, pruridrd thtt theflUpostac chaif-abl- e to d at Hat toe, tottth-- r with arrg'.trstioa fee of are costs ea each letter. Is p--e pildat tbe malllog ace. Sech iboaM be mailed aadforwarded to tbe United Stat-- s etchaaxe sfnceain tame manner at domestic registered Irttcri are mailedto tbote oltcet.

N. BAU letters to and from farrlrn coa t les (tbeBrlllib Xortb American Prerlncet excepted) aeubechsreed with since rite et postage. If net exceeding tbewelgbtof hslf aa aaace i.djaMe. rate, If eiceedlnx halfan ottore tnt Bat exw ding ta oesce t qoaarapte rat. IfexecerfiDg an onnce bat not exceeding taoeancet; aM toia, cbarghtg two rates for ererr onece er fractional pa tox an onnce erer tbe nrttont ce. Letters In tbe mall ioPraace ire to ba ebarxed with single rt e of posts gs. Ifnet rxeeedtng tbe weight of one qaarter enace ; doablerite. If excetdlag a oasrter bat not exceed'az bait anoance ; and so oo, an adlltlensl rate beinx charged foreachqnarttroxaoso, frac tmalpartof a qaarter or net.Letters astressea to the nritun Amu Amtoeaa

are rated la the same msnosr as domestic Irtters.one rate brlsg ehtrg-- tor esch halt enace or trtetteaeipart of bait onnce stwutu becsrrfal, wherethe postsxe ts d. to go! tret the proper asoanLThe- - shoold be psrtlcalsr te notict the rate Indicated oaIn enreiopet at letters, and to comet poetat aeeord.lnlr- - Letter! msHed at loate ofaces. marked "Tla Sagland ' or la Pras'lsn Closed Mall." for a GermanState, are frennentl' takext apon the of en

ratrs, tod thoss marked i Tla Breatee' at Prnslindosed mat! ratti. As- - B ferin all caaet tothe PoitigeTablet,

If letters fsr fsrelxn cnantrles marked ''Paid.'' aredropped Into Ibe post-31- e wtthont heteg paM the pKmaster will ersse the word pid," aad write on theback ot tbe letter tbe wards ".tot paid," with hit nam :

ard t Hie of pettraatter.E7"Tbe mans for the paetotieaTi ew Tork rn Ibe stb

ant'fltD, Carlestoa and Sarannab oa 19th,and New Orl ans on Ibe 6:b and 20. h of eirb month.

for Mexico will be diiaatchedr semUnroathKbr sieamsbi? betwresT New OrJras, and Vera Orox. UStales letter pMttg 10 ceats uodrr 2 600 ind 23 ceaterer 2 600, mHes ttom too msHing afflee ; to b- - pre-pa-id

when sent from and collected when meired In thsunitidft'itt. Newtpiperi 3 cauls esch, te b coltrc.ed in tbtUait-- d Bteten, al abefe

C3Siagrata ot leter postage te- Rsraaa, AiplawaH,Panama, scd the British West Itdtes. 10 ants under3,600 and 20 Beats orer 2JS m Je ; newsospers 2 centtandlotsetCestlndlet, (set Brttih.)Cfcrtbsxc,

St Jus a. (aiearxgaa) tt eeats noser 3 600and 41 certs osor 3.630 mika; n,nspert 6ooteopre pBjmrnt rtqatred.

aasitiA v skusa,Pestmss'er Geaeral.

PotT-Orrtc- E t, Deo. 10.1867.Janl


Wholesale DruggistsAT-OT- H rC3JtTmF'.fm,

Xo. t Front now,a Ttrp lirg ind oompltle assortment ofHATZ In tbe Dragline, to which tbeyicaH tbe attrtf-tle-a

of ererrbolr m Tboash not settles: eat"AT COST," ear prises ar reavmaMoj and the QUAU-T- T

ot onr trtldet Oltttjar attm.jr CALL AND SHKt


--I C GK03S ttrperlor Teatt Pewdert, for a!e wnole- -X J tat ana retail, cr

angS H. y. PARXatrORTTI fa CO.

FIXE LENOX SVRl'Pl.A2K AUTIFUL irtlde of eat own rasnufse(ojr,

not to contain sr-- of those pMsocea art tele,contained In tbst which ts nsnaHr brtnfbt hete. IImakes a delicient, coding brreraKe, mo ua. t.aWt at thiseason et tb rear. Jest trr It 1

Par lilt at wholesale tr retail brH. P. PAJtNSWOItTH CO.,

lTt He 7 Ft i--i t Rw.

FIXE TEAS!ALAEGB assortment, purcbsaed before h late rise

for tile rerr low. at or retail, brii- - a. trLMjta usm s cel.,

Jt3 W . 7 Pront Row.

Pearl Sturcit.JtyTADB f rem Indian Cera a beastlfal article, rittrXtJL ooxes tor aai oj

H. r. PAKtSTTORTII At CO.,JrS N 1 PrsntHow.

C)( BARRELS Copperas. P. h. V . far tale br& KJ anS n P. PARNSWORTH t GO.


f) A BAGS Black Prpr-r- r, (ar tile brll anta H. T PARNSTTORTTt A CO.

t I G A US 60,000, approTed brisdt, tor tale brj tart h r PAimstr ORTTt fc 00.

50 atEGS NewcatUe S. C Soda, for sale brattrfl ft V PtRKRWORTH fc CO.

10 BAGS Allspice and Rac.GlDir, for stle br-ants U V. PARKSWrRTTf fc CO.

FL0CRi,0I, COOPER & LEAKE,wnotxtai

45? tt o c js n sCommission Merchants.

ALSO,Particular attention paid t recrirlng and farwardlag.

j is in Msmtireei, atempnii

Just Ileccired."FtlTI calks Canrated ria-n- a In store aad for ta'e brI jris rieUUtsnifl, verurBK CL LtftAlkB

CftBOXM Old Tirandr. fer ta'e brmJJ KBB PIjOnnKOT, OOOPRR A..IJCAM.

C1IEE5E Agoudanlite fartale tjpiirrRvriT. mnrint fc lracr.

Xew Flour.I.'kT of new PJonr In store and for ixls,JrU PtslOBNOT COOPItR S-- LEAtE.

T fid tOXRS Tlrxlnla Tnbtcoo. tarsltbr1JU seiSi PLOrRKOT. COOPKRk LEtKK

500 POUNDS Gream Tartar, for sale brangS U P. PARNSWORTH i CO.

f"NE TIUBDRKD boxet Stir Candles tor sale, brJ tU FIJilTTtKOT. COOrBR & UtAtgO K DALP tibia. Rebod Kism bXiO sep PLOURSOt, COOPItR fct.EAre.rVNB BUNDRRD boxtt Ferei" Statca oacectbm.J meat, and fsr ta brifit PLOtJRNOT, COOPSR I EACE.

SUG R. Twrxtr hhd. snmr, new srep Jntt rrcrirrd,for ta'e low to tbt trsje.br

riuunMirictrurtttiXKAkBJUST ItECEIVED.

150 B0XKS lartr ad aftligs Rrlilns Jut re- -ottuinajorsaar ii. II POTTKR,

171 Main street


SANTA CLAUSTTrnO rrtM- - o3) ur tsa, fto4 Willi ft Urr

V V marto f Let im fir b!o & fine rccrptloo ted mo.tton)s- - bm wen, re as to xsUeJiim femlQ ta orr cjod

IT It itopplng it ,

J. C. RODGER'S,Corner of Main and Madison-si- s.

Mr dear - Grand Pi" aad "Grand Ma." -t ns rsand ae aim rattier and Mjthtf U-- tha t terns? cctmr

ssu.i- - a, ail WJUl

Toys, Dolls, .Sic., .Sic.,Also nrAX DOLLS, and rrsrr detcrlptlen rf J nl aa.

Wigs, Bandfaux, Carls scd Braids !AITbf which areef direc. laportsll-s- i rrm Paris.

A Ladles B AIR SRRSSER alw.rs rrodr U attend asscalls.

OmUrmen wfil ptesss call a the naJersloud, wfcwl taVepea tie to ti I apon brm

Alargetltertiaestef rCBIUMERTon hand.dec! --turn J C. kilDHtk.

xoomifa-GitAs- s & oiltfraherrtmesre-xOde- e. Iexing0t 1 1 trmeiltke-new- ;

iAn work warrants Pxls tin is cxiil r--a

tccson tiaaa for iirrsc; peiow lnsarBrT;c3p ' mt tlMU ,lTjijcroA--a

ISBatrS durlry; rAwdbew MruT0................,tiAxcr-- i noroux

IflERETO & IIO JOUX,Watch Makers and Jewelers,


MEMPJaiS, TENN.ANDREW MRRETO hat tt elated with hlw,

batlasss. MARCUS RtlODI.Tb bntJarss will, hereafter, be ooralaeted nnderthe abars ttrl, it tb eld stind. where ttt'farmer casttratrt p( Andrew Mettti ire respeclfallT re--

DISSOI.VTIOTV.rV lb lit Jane, KM. to arm heretofore exiitlng be--j twera r. 11- - uua.oj ana A. c. wURZACB was dts- -

otToa or mninsi oeaernt. p. JI. dark Jt charged withbs tUlnars 1 .of th brulseti cf the 1st Am ef F, E.


. - ' -

- WEWFIRM. - -Tts isUcrtttn bar associated tbuuetrst tegtthtx

Jiitt tb firm Ot V. H. CLARE Is CO.P. n. CLARXT,JAB. I. TTILXMKS,TflOS. HILL.

OUR NEW FIRM.- 3t xffotrlt laonlsatBre te an&otmeo t mv e.i.n.1, aa4U nabii that I bar tnacutM with ta rap formerparlaer, JAS. B. WJLEINS, and mr assls.Uat, TS03. HILL, ttadsr tb timlllar strlaef P. H.OLARX 01 CO. -

Th JlrBt wtU start with as ontrtest rro tn eachmettaakal brtach, the Watch departtaeat heM nnder theinffrrW al Mr WUkUis

Ste ft st aU time af the litest fsahtoei, ac4 rrlceslosinr a ttfle of gooes caa be pur

chase--. In PkltsdetoVis or New TrkI ta thaakfnl fir tbe liberal patraeat rxteoded te ms

dirtrg tnr nfteea rein' rtaMence In Memphis, and tap1 mrm wv pra US EOmtBainC.


K.sTAjiLI8HE3 1841.0"?. VT?" U ,- - ! r trta cllr,

tbote who wast ojodt la ear line withteou srii -i ut tt flr p,feee. Oar atsertmrnt, lorreirt, cat h- -e kM Mttle tf aar behind oar Easteraettlas It It ereeT.iT. this sea--c lisa Oxrteacung axaucoes sre. errs

WATCHES,Of waleh We bare ererr TsrtetT In enteral SIL

ttOOther Srlth a tarae asarlEiefit mA tu nororder wht fer Aet-s- s etitrleasdttme-keep-kta- g.

ium tn.n,,uMtnutiiwUl be feeadtfc Eight Dar TTstrb ind tbe Repeatingtuu wmuuci, snas laeyuat , a ntintlt ut it arjc.

i'EIfELnt.Oar assartBeat la this Important braaca Is kept fall

bp free, taint recetpu ef aH tae atw itrle, wbetter ofisn "

W hare made thtt branch ef ear baimess a ttndr fornan, aat ealjeaoatlsgaarsetTea wtth pxardtolit dlf.ferret qaalltle lad nentt et the different st-- and ma-ke- rt,

bat cf the klada best taitsbie u onr xasrktt Onrassortment, for t nxaiOer of peart, hit been Urge, tawhich we hate uouaOj made mxof aoduiona ef oar ownlmpertaHen. Wt caa rtmtsh oar rusWmers with SIIOTQUX3 trats S te tnot RIFLES rrsm 10 te 1100.Alto, tbectleeTatedSHAaPK'3 RIPLR.

Pistols,DERRINGER aad 60LT, ef til Hie. Also, a tsB

et th kinds ta general at.

SILYER GOODSTes and CutTe Sets. Pitchers. Cobleti. Onna. Castors.

Spooat, Porks, Ladle, with manr efcate Paacr Attldea,All cola Sn.

SIIarEn PtATED GOODS.Urn. Cattert. CaBetlcks. rf aad Ceffee Sett. Eserx- -

aet. Cake aad PrtUt Basket Spoons, Perki, Ladlet, Pitch-e- n.

Goblets, Cap, Wallers, esc., ax.

OtTTIiEH-ST- .X tnR asaortsffit ef Pocket and Table, from tb best

makers, with a great ratietr of Fancr Ooodt.

OUB MECHANICATj bbanch.AH kind et Watctt Werk doa In tb most ftlthfnl

Kanntx. Jewelry repaired, aadnawmade to order.

Engraving.Plain aad OrasMntalt Bealt for Lodget, Coartt, fcc,

n anr rtHe , at feel lis Irs ef al: ilxet.JaBl-dw- lr P. n. CLARg h. 00.


AOCURATBLT adjwtcj to the ere, so at to icjt therhWn, without oceailoalnx that seaee

etweakresserfstlgneto the organ genersllr cecopialaedot bp wearsn of esta-Be- a glatsee. bat aaihrtex teewararef IM Improred Speotade to pnnae the most mlncte

ettaar bp dar or candle Iitttt, with ease andsaiisiscuaat, or

CHBN. iTTJIiIiEa, OpticIaB,or Titr pick orMTJLLEB & BE0.,

Whetwale aad Retail DeaSert bCloclis, "Watches, --Jewelry,


OITOSITB I. B. EIRTXANTPSOPPlCa.lfRliPHIS.9 PARTICULAR attention paid to the repalrtcg

ox ti aicaea nr an exDertenceo workman, cotnxdttera toedaot te he xceUed In iBperiar werk- -maneaiD la tut Branca er taa easiness, we bare

encaa-c- d a first dt't Katckmiker, aad caa fistier onr- -

setre in iiriag thai laert is no uotue. Kail or West,that eaa boast of a better. Clods carefnllr repaired andwarraatod Jewel rf tad Spectacle ot ererr descriptionmade to order. Old JswHrr aeatir repaired, and Specta-cle Glaase ia eM frasset to tnlt ererr slxbt.p. o. Tae nameroe i complaint ot person wbe hare

br ludlTMaala oeddlltx throalh theeoaatrr an taferVir -- eJe of wectacies, represeatlngwea to ee ia.se uaprove ases. reader tt neeessarrthat w sheald caBiien the pnMtr stalest tGth Touden,ami inuHu loo rrpct.i m oa, a' i irs. m Ipectacieti&aae or a are ttsaijvj Tae aaaie ot ta ciel


THE SPHEREOTYPE.TflElateit aad ar fir the most la purl aat Iraonrrr.

Phowxnulir M th paleeted ear- -

tan known a the SPHiJRXOTTPE, whlrh It aot ealraevaml salike atrf ttf predecessors, bat grralirte.perler t all. Too hphereotrpe it proof atalatt TIKE,aib aad watsa and fer riefaness of tone, warnlh ofexresion a dtstlncttint hit t o MusJ Is fatrt tea 11

Isttan it tscfa thtt the plctnre, or baage, teems c'exd--c. ui air, --DiiiTir rawpenirni or tnc oicx grotUas

PerihlseianrewchaTeUi. extsnsire rUht fsr Mem-phis. SpccHoen. oan be (Ten la oar GaOerr, where pl-c-

s&itb are also saaeo is in Tenons ttjiee DJ ear ATtlxt,PHOF. REMIHQTON.

wbo cornl 1 xt ibe Chemist with the Artist, which Mix--otes nun it an tune t aroctKa tapertor PMtnret

T B. CLARK a. CO.,decS-- tf No. I Cltrk't MarHe Block.



Ifa tog br tar the best atjrlaent errer --.Jeted tn this""rsri r. u. CLAsaZ 4. CO.,

X- - 1 Oitrk'a HsrW Block.

Jalror-Salii- nj gtacdiufs.Important to Planters & Millers.


.In Jmpravmtvt oa aU Other Pat nit.rrrins It see of the most TalatMe Inrectlocs of tbe dar.X peatesalag all the qaalitkalt.es reaatrlte to make II

ralcabltto tbe faimer. It 1 destined to inpplr a wantthat hat lew bean felt Lr thtt peMen el ItIt to ttHe Is aeartractlee, that aar person of onllna-- T

skill can ran it wd keep It n order Tbe grindingsutlers are or ta taast tonoie character, harder thaaanr tempered aMrt, aad sot liable te g .at ot orderIt will giia4 wli-a- t. eeni, oatt backwheat drags andspice crash and criad corn aad cob or sbeBedaat! and corn, aad rob mar be well grvnad together. Themall .lie frame mUI, with te potrer, wUl grind

tram are to eight hatheit or snprrtor corn meal per hoar,and from elgM to ten tt of good feed for stock, andreqalre bat littie stteBU.a. aad mar he ran br gin-be- llwitheat Increase ot expense. Tbe large site irame mil)wUl grlad erer twite that amoant perhonr. Tbe mealianetheitsd la gilnding a ralosNe restore. Pricesare, for small sier (116 j Urge size (200. are bare tbetight te eelt the States ef tlstwmt, Mla'UetppI, Loui-siana Arktasi!, Tennetve, Eeatsckr, ird a portion otTcxm A rare chance la here oCere--1 for competent indrtsporulb'e atea to aafrxge in tbe t of MlHi

Cenatr end State rights sold on icremmolstlng termsAn orders, com erer: trailer s, aad for Righttad VI i id to nl WW promprlj

Joot-dsw- lr JENNINGS h. RETNOLDS.P- - 3 Davh. Hodue k. WlixtAHJ ind

Verehaat. areotrr stents In Merarels.Tean

Prernium Cotton GinTUB attention et Cotton Planter! u --rrpeetfnjlr callet

the ibeoe itptrler Gin, ataaaf aetarol br K- - Cirrer a. uo., zut Brtlgewxter, Slmtm. cnoer s recast tmproremeat, the Career Glas are rettarded as the best nowla general ntex their sarjers-ri- tr needs socuzaaueiufro-- ras, at thonasnds ar new ta tatzosafnl eperxtloa tn thooain-T- n conntrr.

We hare on band Oftr fttEa. rralirieiac aH thesure stn nnsneer or tiwt.

Also 10 and 12 feet boHa. washera itc.. campiete, all et whlefc w ctf--T te aar frtendt np-- the atttaterm and ttta. OwTNN r. OIBTON,

Xe. I and 2 Hxrhsnxe BcUdtn.""-"- Vot 7 tSM-- 1.


tTlHE ibA!ber. a nradtral Siw-oik- tr. hit rrrmt-X &entr toraied tr in vtdtoiIs. rsr tbe pnn-- e

t RS TOOTHING and STRAIQITTENI Ktl CIRCULARsnd a I ether HAW8 Work don it Cincinnati andaattrra prieea, and iBtraelled.A', orders rroetred for ererr deecrlpflc-'- t of Bswt,Afl fsTi talhe me are warranted Saw Hill owtm.win Had It ta tbelrodraBtixe'to'can en me before cmtkestng elsewhere.

bhP on FoMar street OTpotlle rnlaa PouMere.tmitS dswir 8ACI. P. ARTRHB..

C. K E0LST & S0IT,

Cabinet JflaUersAXO

tlaln-S- : Oi l Stand, bolow Monro o.(Tr oUtt pettxtvu.f Und In tn. csfp.)

TTAT8 cartasvr hai-- d .It U s of Patent Metariic,AA Bartet OS's, vritrh the r e aad ant no alrwichila tht-- t ti --i.w lwan Hat.- - et and ClothOortrr: vfBas, wttrb th--r tell a a tilt srioe.

OrArts hsmt ptpt atle- ded to, and PBr- -nVnre made i--ri liaboitirris-- ; cxtente-i- .


Jnst-ItectsiT'- -

OH fVRITSHXLS res!. kerf Er'J.br60l e?S3tiJXOUiNOT--,




AWE OFFlimXC; l.FaSTWhaUnle. Xttcil.

INDIA BA0QOINO .. loe lleWe 13

Bill. ......... .... ...-to- e U tt(ntir .... H8cRo Ceffre ....WHao? , bond span... AT t ftsrBepo,itta-tir- t.

TVy hare a so just recelr-.- a Itffe le of aew Bleep'B.?S.t,rem wBHtlt the) an.r hr wh fo.tlit t JtelJ-l- m

Aduitnfttratnr'ii Notice.TOTS u Kieonitkv thai Ibe aadar.a-d- : ht hem

A W MILLER The, a V a ring etttmt ttsln-- ttadesUtwtilpreseettHetawHhtBtt Us pretcrlb--br Isw. ttld tb., indited to M win .a . , .anlmsUxisrm at WM. rolpes.

T M corrLAjD. c r w. cal-jwi-

COPELAND, EDMONDS & CO.,Deatrrt la Pis wBOLRSALE St rttndSea

GS0CEHSllBon6.0tgirs. L Oattea.


Trustee Sale.IN' prtrteaaet of a Die4 of Trait a, th tth

ef Jaioarr, A D , 1M1. hp faataat Mill to theWsied as Trastee, aid la Ose Pruhsio

0k-r- s' OSes ef Msrshati eeaatr M sal,tl pot. a thltthdar at Jsaavrp, ISM, B b rt H , pttet Kl It,ltd aad 111, for ibe par-x-- s of oca-lax to psratsai ofceTtaad-Mstbeni- o poadol I wul at Trotio la s uddo-H-l oe TURSOAT. te stxiaaeth dar mt Pteentrr Best,proceed ta till i ptblie oat err W thshtfht bMder.fer tssh, est the premiss, --o asarejed, ef Ue 1st.Tneau. Man. la Mtrthill eoaatr. Mieal itss--1. the

praaer r res ia t ptrteail, or at math.bereat si wlH b ot rala saacieot to p-- tb tsMdebit, te--wrt : The w-- ht'f tf sees Wet No. U, towa

ri-- 1 ) t 3, uwas bra 3, sad sscUaal. aad K, towBihlpI, a I la raagt I writ. tit.

stttd andbtlex to ta esoalr et Marth.ll aid h tal satAlso, the fi.ewi9( Nw Si sees, to-- :

Barer Jlrarar, Joardsa. Aaara, Drscllli, Satn, A-nnie, Jerrr, Geoegt. Rime. Msrr Lew.g. Msniref.Chsrlei, HaHe.Cbulr. Jerrr. Jaa Mirtah. To-- a, Hrarr'Andrew. Xmb. Laeb Vsdr. Psrthila. Sta Jah , Gra-Ihi-

Robert Sailr. Brosra. Ssrsh. J Matt, S.I.Mielah. Klleo, Ana., I.i.. Jf. Prtacta, Ut,Belsp. Oearr. Gtorg-- . Prak, WHIM, Jha SsHp. srsbLite, Geontsoi, Ptcr, Rtdi.Ptot.r, WBsher. I.haa.Agaes.atd child MaUada. 8a e. Add, Tjm. Dirt aadMargaret and ehrVt, togetter win thetr if tar.Also, thlrtr head ef Moles, tlx bead ef Hertei, fearPlantation Waxes! (u.

The title ts the shore prepertr It Io bebat I tfasM oertj (aehrttl it It --retted

In meet Troitee. The sale will be oa'leaM frem dsrto dar oatll tht whole It dltpoted if or enoxgs. at ittitled akere, leptr slid d DCs. Tal tth dsr ef Jan.Birr. ISM 0. M. PACELBR. Trnrt 0.

P S Sorb earrensr a It ukaa ea, deposit la tbPIsnftV aid Union Bisk et Taa.ae will he reo4rdin pirm-n- t. Jaa7-dawt-

Msrshlll Dsm at cepr till dar ef sale

Cnrtaiu Materials.BROCATELI.E, Siltn DeliUie, Tmod Dsmask

Lv- - and MasUa Cortila,lrsa-pareB- tSkade. Batrn-illand- t, Wiodew Ooraloes. Caitsta Eaadsind Plat. Ererr irtlde of O ot sad Trimsia aeeesirp t. decorate a Cottars tr Palace. Fphnlaterlag andCarttla Hsaxlax execsted bp is exetnoaeed wwkauafront New Tsrk CUr.

x.o.5 VcTIVNET tk CO.

Bosewood Parlor Sruta.SEVERAL oegaat

Reeewooi Pallorof Prrraitare

raagtneJa"t tSlmlpi Ices tram iHO t 4800., la wktsa w tartu the tpeeiaaKratloa ef parehatert. Price Trry law, at the newand lmmeeM ettahlishiBeat a

tvrrd MrElNNRT k CO.



.STE.Yll.O,VT AC.ESTS,Jfo. 55 Front Row,

ortlk-d- MRMPHIQ, TENN.

Dry Wood and Cyprus Lumber.IU AVE tarirtr oeU xt drr we D for sale ai mj

liBdiat I r whieh. It a be madeI wdi lse three dollars p--r cird. Alt-- , lItrxs namh'r ot coud crp-- sad I cs. wairti I eaa

taw la order at Wt aulas, si I w.n dellrer Ue lamharat tsr te'ir Ualtat, at Mtesphlt, eh tap for esth.

'art R OHEKg.OTP1CJS OP CANDEK, MIX ta 00., 1

jABtraaV 1. WMsre BaaVr Bier .Mias'liaMi Uoorfrteodtasdcat-tanier- a

Mr thalr rrosrsl patreasga datisg th partjear, aad trrwt tat

Ii O "W PRIOZiSAt which we hare beta aad are tofe

SELLING GOODS,WB he ene imottg maar lalmtatuli at auk


We stall cenllM to iMtttee

eVdehy a.hticXj;e" Thtt can be r spitted it a

XjESS PRI 033 ,Aad tBdeaver ta keep

The Best Silectcil anl Cheapest StockIN THE SOUTHWEST.

Prem thU dile, oar terms win be 0ABS or Oil j Ac- -etptaaee

CAXDEE, MIX & CO.Jxa5 dawla


will sell No 1 Kaaawh . at tnWE bis per bathe), sad deuaer hartai in, go-- d or-der 1 The KaaiwaaSaP Ksi been thorsagair vtttd itthe Utt few jeart aad hat pr mmi. ta be th best salt forcaring meat, more toril. haadled aad less BiMe lo wastethan tack salt. Apprp to

aXTIER & WARREN,tMTlS-g- m Ko 16 Uahl street.


Whoiesale aad Retail ta

mm.Saddle Trees,

Sadllery Materials aod IIiraMe Mouatinp,VULCANIZED RUBBER,


Iteather OIn and Hill Bands, &c.FOIID, .BEGBIE & CO.,

Hga of thi Big UolUr, 211 M.la ite--IsalS daw Meiah-- t a,

Itlurfrctibiiro 3Illitary .CAltrar.Jaa Sth. 18 iS

THE btriBit Ms tr--d the Academic IIopptklle the Mth 41 t Pa-a- Oalb-g- 99

wul o.eo th-- .r ashod oa XO.-iOl-T, the 15th ot tat,lmonth ; thlt ba.ldlag te be octnpted temporarhr on- -tH th. toll. We an I c harxacki ahau h...areeud. Th-- !' jana It that t the iMaie MiHtar; Arsd-eml- et

et Soath OtrorVit, c ribtalag the I'lura ef rigidmu-ta- eisap toe w.ia a uierarr sad !cien-tld-oc

mrv mt noil. Thep .rothas eriahted otitrcleaeoetrolorer he stodeau st all boart, aeMoaltag al-most t a a al aedottaa, net etherwl te bMrthod.rrgaiaritraad paBrtnalttr are rwared in the re--cttaitMreoaiaMeiMwBere; wau- - lo adt.Uoa ta xtfadraag-o- f tfsteoM ot ei testate, a Iborcnghkaswledgeot th dioVr-i- scior-l- s et MiiiUrr Taiica la

both truat the ten aadfr-- UtediHt wHch lastMi; tabwtTet the mt pkpticil Uilalag andexercls-- so lhasia eat,

For a mare coeaSe-- l exposition we refer the cemmn- -nlte to etr ptespoctat.

be aa b;alc rrar wlH bd dlrHM htto two testleaiTerms $11 per total at. WM. J. DtT13.

H. B. .Jttll-'- w Prraelrsli.

rifiU AET3.Til stela J . aoUtraa, the w known Artist etMRS Soaih.iiK art. --ratwahli hs: Vtsie te

Irfona the Ladles it MtmpMathat Mehis'lik.rti tin,die Ineaeof the roeeat oaoB-e'- d wtth the PhwegraphtcGaHerrtf M start F H Oytt i Ca.. wa rt sos

he aew aadVtetttB) art ef Oreetin Pstnt-in- r-

This art eoastsu w the r. ot Steel idMitxetlat kagrarloti. Also. P eo-- b Litnognpht andPhotogripht lata a taost roaaM tent OH Par-tin-g, wb:ehlnimootbnit tad dtlsh, exe-t-s that eta paletlsgeacannt.

Mr. 3 outran alto tescies tM OrVn'al Glatt Paining,and a Ot.it Painting; a roeverrErabre4d--T- m with wo tteyt. slik, ihti!ie,Uaeo, .oldorbjg.lt Mrs Sel'ir.a al-- o teaem tie heaatl-a- l arilof leather EahoHlog tad miklag WTfx Pi a t aad Flow-ers Al.i Hiaatpiog taaght oo aa trrproreO plaa. Xtbor-rnx-h kaowieact either et tbe aboe arts cm be

in from tee te Cf teaJj-- Mr Selilran tbe Ladles te call snd see

bej px metis and J-im



Ma. 8 FROST ROW,fer sale fer etsh er ee'taa ta MereOFFER M keel But BetteaNtBs "150 plexei Caataekr Bixwlaa,109 pukage Marker 1;7) boxas Chewtac Toh.err ;tO coil MsnUIa Uooe:

A lane s ett of XJler-iro-- Pickles;X e tosk f tTeodea Wire;A large et ett. Spicet, ac ;A large toek of . Staeas. A.C

Cearmaear are latitod torxta-da- e tad test snr rtsexnor aasnTt-ara- s r nranoie wws. ae.. or aew aadeldTintsge, pot ap la wood or gists, sad at p-- 1 e to eoe.armitr wl.h the times, aad wuh tbe adranlate et a re

dset lea or th-- arts'ITlRRfS, W03MELET X CO.

Esxl b4 Eo,alrereepr

Kinr o Diamonds.miU theroaihsrtd ttiBlon wMI mad I

X eatntae iri-o- c lotrn' aclag the 1TK OFMARCH snl enilsr tb 15r tip JO.S'E. a.follows Msadar ind Tneedar at car Plants t loo, inD3itoeenn:r. Mts.; W Thirt-tsr- t, IrUajsina eatnrairs is air rfl.sieor naat-n- - eeatatr.

Tra-s- s - S55 the eeaa-- with tl to the greamPCDiaaxE kWg ef was tln-- d br Rlnr-

gold, he br AmYican BrPpse ont of 0hstktte Temple,-- th sent U Alahaaa. bf W R J hot a ChartotleT mplewis tlndbr elr Aacote, eat of Merlaj In, sbebr Imported J.ck Andrews i Sent t? aoau t dCade Imparted tnare br Alfred. Else of Dissaads Iseat of Qteea et Dlsnioa-lt- , eh br L etatnin, ont atBrown Mtre, br Sir Archie ; her daw or Jaata, ; g d brOttitest X K dam. Salltns. ilw pindaoi at the Ar.bisahorse sad msr - pressBteel to Pre-ny- h at Jeffrsaaa mj theorr r Taats, toreogfi ate atieister it -e Jtewa

Descbiptiw Cloxef tMaiBso. is a Meed bar; Sf-wen ban-I- t 03' men Bghi mux mas, till aadwl'h bth Mad tott wkl'e. For-a-- tr offearn raa-e-e

st d point, the ewatr flitters alarm be It tnrp-iiie- d

br no horse la the Stat-- .ad chaise ges eomaariso-- ',

pedlx e. Ji.e. He lock tbe Brat ptttalarat at the luttwt AirieaJtaral Fain et SiKlbp eonaty

l.nll m Ult N GARLAND

CommittedTHE JAIL ot Laodenlaie t, T aarnsee, onTOlh lata dtr et ISST, a NESRO HOT

nsmed DO 3. and sari h beloax to Kr. Man. Heinenear Boll' Sprtrgs Miss. Said her H Marti iboct

nra rees eatat er aiae tcche htgisns s anoni onrnoi-a-e- n ana --mxst or e aniMii.rtaad aerenlr Po' nit Slid bsp w foTnerlr owfH-- 1 brWin lam . ot thi ifece. The owner et saidoorisreoaettex to prrre arta-rt- r. ds- -charg , an t tgkt him awar.or he wtu be dealt wl.h atuo us curat. jtmsru it wa-.ti.a-

Sheriff ind JlrRlr'EW. Tx!t., D-- e U'h ISW

$50 Eeward.T) ANA WAT from Dr X. Bootb, near Vest--XX. Phis, en the Srtb. of TVcemtT list, twe nr.siees oetongtrg to Dt nKD arM saxit. Mi wifeNed Is a black rsan sb ntSSor 3Jrersokl. S feetId or II lech-- Itch, and rimer ttonp-v- j huelderrd,weighs iDont l0er 170 paandt, shows Ue whtlts ef hiseras when aneikrn fa TT.-- m - w.Baw v. n . v.tlelicatr led smHes wh-- n e ten to T or 2--3 jeari oldtBiinsrim Bijoirrpae Atnn, u e,Baarea- -srn up soore soe nsoaia or toe una rrrer. and Iem red inajr Jill o I cangtt thin, I wjil tire (too

JXQ. 0. 11 E ATE K.u Mrmptli.

(Xvefs'eer "Wanted.


The Secret Inflrmlties otYOUTH AND MATURITY,

Jut Pntslabsd, Gratis, the Seth Thotuaad.PEW WORDS OK THE RATIONAL TREATMENT,A withoat MedKlne. o' Sprnuterrhoa or L cat Weak-

ness, Nocturnal Eenlstlons, Ornttal aad Nerroa DehtM-t- r.

PTematnre Peeapef IL Sr-te- Irapeteatr, aad lmpedlmeat to M.rrlire xraeraltr, br

B DE LANKT M DThe I - ooriant fact that the maar au-mt- eosplalata

erlglnatlsx In lb tmpradeoot sad taHted ef reeth, marHi easBr remated wtntorr dBDidsnz. ts la this itnsH

trac-- , ciear'r drmoett rated al ta emtr-t-r aew indhUhlj lacceatfal a. avlptd bp the Anther,fBSr br a ant et whl-- h ererr a It aMedto core it tmrr.r nrrfectl aad at the least DoaelBt coot.iBereox au tn larenieea rsaoirsmeat toe oar

Sent te r addreet, gratia and pol tree la a tealsubr remitting two pottagt lumps ts

DR DZ LA NET,T 17 Ltsr-ftr- -l street. New Ttk.


APOtt.lTE tad ipeedr rare fer RhetntiHsm tadBeataos. En MP!, Sarofati, BreaeM.

Us, Truer, Riagwerta, Sad4 Bead, Nroa aad fikkHiadache. eared la froeo 1 uxelnut. Oera. PtV.Tootkiche. OkMale 8tur Jtiatt, Sfersms aad Ltevaettla mm er beast, a I km is et Seret, PrattH aad H ,Cramp tad Colic, P.ist t ererp dtoertptiea Ceils

Paice, 50c; $1 and SS pr bottle.It tt the oatr real Htlr Iaitgoralor that wUl aisle tt

Hslr grew cw fslM aa CM hd-whi- t

and tree from Dittdrr in tea mimtmt, aad aaktIt a Mar, g ottr Jet--

TnltwderrB0Uli-mt-strharr- Na g urate f--r btiurnag sen-.to- i, as wuh stUrr lotieaM aad LHM- -m-t- it I pl.itiat to tike It. It xuaqeer PlreH

. uu ocaiing a ttrer asm er sella n nee mea- -r.Thlt Oil operates oa tha b, - -- . u.

taa-h- aurataloat taret Srrebeea inthiimij" r It HIerr the laad Use ererTtfetsa- - --aao .... i, amaae trial, aid ni iBI b esartaoM ladweat rersoes.aosew) o pareaise a aotlt shall hare H free Ptietid,racer re leotrr. aead fer a bottle ef if EleetricOH. OeasaRathJi aad adnce gieea grant at the Dot,Np tl Pi- - ttftet Pertoot ter-ariki-ol with AcateRhesmstltntorCoatractloaet Um Matelee, tbealel Init axctreto'eu Bath BeesnKassr sheeat th dtFa.

--Jnns socoa3!irlng rarfi bottt. No peodjert tell thtKedldne. OelpTespecUkl Draawht. aod Ceoatrr Mer-- ithaat, are p. who hire a large uthogri,h aad

tlgai d br the proprteierHaw AltB OP COCWTERPBTTB!!

Ererr bat e hat protester Hask-d- BSaetrta nMown oa the tile tnt ebtt ot the slat, aai theope hat hit portrait and aigaitart, to csoaterfeet whtth1. r vrtiij

WboHs.l'ssdErUB Depot, No. tl Plea street, twodoors from Fesrth street, st. Loatt.

Dragrlstt wd MerehtaU teafUrd it ITbosei. snliberal terms Drnexliti and Merettaatt destfhtg a tea.plr ot this popnla-m- d wenderrril Rttsedf, hp caSai mperson, or addresfleg br letter, PTalwioi- Hsssaft, atrat street, at loatt, wn hate their erdenSOrJ and

TARNS OASTI 41 00 18 08. ar Alt 00 ae AaaM.H etegtatlr pot ap, leesrHr sacked, and, a rirMtr tsnpera LMhegra-ih- t. Fm Bflk. Ar.. ttuaaaawd arsiaataoslr 5erl In jour orders ; ran w Sad It oars, salpars.

Per sal. wceteeale aad RefiE hrOEO. 0 HARBIN fk CO., Drnxzistt,

11 Mils ttreet, MempMi, Tena.For tile alio br S. MANSFIELD X 00.,ocli-liw- lr S37 Mala sweet.

Cancers CiitpiI."yf0RE than lM ca--. kite keen eared within the1VX list tlx eirt. rsntlrg rmm aae to thlrtr reinlanding Orrli Lorteg, LerhHtoa, Ta ; Taema. Behwt.Ptterforr, Vlrgir-l- JoH H Pa let, Laaanhqrg.VimBia, John ReraeM. Btr Ittsad, Tlrjleta.

IT X.-iia-ll Beaaten, N . 0 , Mhs Ha Me Reehlr,Pl' HaJ. N C , Blaghere, St sertlle. N C ,Cot XtchlhaM aad P. Carter, Meoertrir, N C KoaSeorgeO. MeodeahHI, JiateatewB, N C.Mrs LertaaAadersaa. Ooef-gte- a. I A. Bicah. Haelai ctr.de, Gorsls Jerrp Oresaer. D.ltaa.Ga., Wat. B Chaa--oser. uaineaa. it , BBeo-a-i, Zaettl Oldi. Ss..Ot. T. Lsropth d Jha Pahaer Ranosnne, Alt.

p.mpMets eeatah-ta- g tesllwitam ef the btgwot ehir-ctr- rWW be ferwsrded to asp ene wlsMag to test the

troth at tha abore.ZJ-- Medtttet terwtr-2-- d bp nail.Addrett, JAS- - A. CLOPTON. M.MSS-l- T Ha UrU e. Ahbt-aa- .


THESE Reuse te . Carta te brief peraxl thathelor 'ke pabtic bar accrede' la wtaaeax

betr war lato aalrrr si arerpfatl a Sea a taoatwMrestarxasie tare erer i thtoagh the aoeacr attMIne has beeo mad or their eso sues aisoo wo

ai tac-ui-tu te the most toln.tst ot th. mescal faeaHnTb Trathlagtee are tear ia saathar. Tlx. :

The Washingtou Furifler,Used la eanaectloa wtth

The Waililnglnn Salve,7We9Vt radical enrei ta all th want forts t ef tieoUowl gwtKtsei: f v

Serototi, Itrsor,StN Rtwam, orrTT,S-- Boa Ska.BcaB Head, T--ier Wena,ItettOld Sores, grotal nrt,IThHIee, Mmartat Mtea-n- ,Plte, rt.

Pis, a) a,Huge, Ottiaitat Brapttsa ,Botts.

Aad (Hoeite arlslaxfrn-- n Itattitlin at thehlaalThe wishiagtoa Partner scat wMh vast (an. ea

dlseaae or IrregsUrttt at the liomt, XMmajt orBwat,

,Tbe WoMfaiaetoa Rhenaatfe Rtmees,INTERNAL AXlf EXTERNAL.

Are taliJHMe en ratlre, (a the taHe jk4 dsteiaet and alet a stallar aatare .

Rheostatixa, Rrahset,rs. Sbt-Bt- a.

Loaitits. ProotBWe,i mm ta mmt awe.Sue JateHs,

"StWNtckPile la the Chest,

11 eat Lo--aeaatT . Oaieie-Ir-.Veaisarss.V . ,

th aB ea where Bxtt-at- il Bl bo --Bath a 1 roaatradaa rener c n ,aal IbeTaiata fso Bhuiaiill Ot; t--

Tta y.iblngton Rns-Jt- et wa oi taaase Ttet-aa'- d k.thotoBowtac ita Sit-ha-d Mbal-av--

MM exacted $1 Jtto; la ParHer aad IsttrasJsewedr for RhemBitim are pot ap m bHI at $iadS

Mr salt, wholeaalo tori re sll, t the gtptil mt Tt

BlKitea RomedtM, No. ton fj)d i atteec NewOrtoaa. MTCCt-RJOH- St CO.,

EjTPor tale t Cr er Jt Ce., S MaatBeld ft Co.,tl. r. lira WotlBB.U.,aDaBBSOB S MBE Jt wtoats.Tean. saawt-o- lr


TTBr.mrr n. .W.U..1 t-- uku. ... rn -- ..,..L Globe, aral the Cotsrehioxai. Globe aoArrtKDtx, to remind aehactlt-t- r. aad iafrai te- -wao mir detlre to ssbecrttjr. test Otagrras-wB- I weet otthe first Man tsr of next Decemher. when I hat recemmeoee pnbluhlag th aksr nam U papers. Tber hasb m peMlthrd t j lecg, thtt m.at pahlle atea kaaw theircharacter, and tberttera I deem It seedless tn xlee imina eaceoant er thekla-- t ef mttUr tber will aetata

The Diilt Globe wul caoUis a report ut ta-- tet

tn both braaohe ot Coagr-- o a taken dowa hr r- -

roruri eqost. it least, to ear corse et short --isa wrltenia that, orlo aar othweoaatrr. A majorits- ot uawiH each be is-- - ta resort, erraofus. tan ihoai.aawords s--r hoar, wMie the arerart aaatber ef woraa -xeti ar aarsi tpeakor rsrrlr tiierti acron thaaad fleehaadred wjreli aa hour When ibe debate af a dr daitmaxm-eijtrort- r eoamat. taerinaR spoe.r Iithe Dailr Slobe er tbearxt meraobg, wfetcarwl- - enatsln,aiso ire Bew et ana oax, leteia--r wttn earn wmr.al a.tide as mar be axte.ud he aaa-lo- e .reotal

It It also mr rr.m tase to time, at occielsnmar reialre to pah Mi mr reoshnW ares of the aohiicatea with whom I hare b-- autrd darlag th latttwaatr-igh- t jean Aaaodete ml Geeeeal Jrftm, ardae et ta-- parir which he ceadart-d- . n' th'dtc'meu nt other pait-e- . win. I better, be MteeeM-i- h

aoe-- whoa part sis pUtraao has abased.la the rnvW - H, n. , , T

tt proper to sir, it the !ieowaid ivsTer bePiper thh pt-- wul not be fartett-- d mf

s a eeetrlbaliea ta the-- poiMtnt rrstttot cniricbr which dhttaxettb th pahBc n--n ot tarIme AltheJiIa,iBdlateadtareaulB.ataoroothDenwcnt, I will aerer obi rod nr prtaeltlu a wit lai ske theej obeexieui to aar pert-- . Bat M rettasd tapertjan and rreats which goto make np ilMarr. 1 heaato make the Globe st memoir- - aad wtth thatTlew I am reeeiied to apeak ladtpnadeat's r ;t ssrt.sThe CcnaartnexAL Clobe aud Arrtutdtx wHcontain sll i be D hitet Is Cenxns-- a. tcTisedr th ep itert. tbe Meueges of He Pre Heat et P-- e

Doited State, the Aneaal BaearU f lb Heaita of theBxeeatlT nepa-tsea- .. the Laws aasMd darlag theKitten and cepiont Index te aH. Ther wM be prtatrded'a do-- roy.l she-- t. la hook fern, tor! qaarto sit,each anmb--r coatai-xB- g tixteea pages. The whole wBmak , It It belle-re- bet weea 3 Sou tad I 990 pages, asth tenx f r maar rears hare raaeei--l betweenthese nombers. ind the rlt s will be what ftennra a "ing one " Thlt I belter is the cheapestwork iter sold la aa- - nmatrr. whether a rroriat. orprinted from manacrpt eopr, takiag fer datm th

namber et wards of the rang eesasoas state th jrar18t3 Tle STeraren amber of p. re. I. JS7S aattiesresxenrm-ber- wetdiea a page ts 3,167, coaeeu-il- r theiTenge aomber ef wrrrdsef a leoc estaa la. MS T7Z.

s I hare told to sabeer h n thtt aameer of word fartlx doUart It follows that tber bar lertd le.l thaa alzand one half oents for ererr 100 099 word I hare rar- -olihed then, while I bare pkl mr rrpartort $t lotTeerr x.juwor't, et tot wrx let rtBuiilpt Hi.inr ether boukseH-- aarwhtre, erer ld a hoik hi thefirst white It was new. s eo lew a rate I

not I andtotroBela mr belief, that I hereby aertrts glre to tar per-v- n wee taa 1 peore to the esotratr, aeaspleteiet ef the dthatee raaotog back o the mr

IR33, raaklor fortr later qaarto !aie. whfch a ttfa a Tetaate. Aa set r (.oagreee atorlxe tress oapert to go hr mail free et tnatsge. The aext tetelea winto, wHheat Vhioi, aa nootaaRr inteetioc see ae H

was be tbe flr- -t aoderaaew Admlal itrtUeia. aod mlosBipm Qaestieiat eaa- -r be i itraasd ra ti ; Mr exsatplr,lb carreacr, tansas, rerrgte. aad ether qaeilloci. TheSlate wtr b. a heretar!, Ms ealr Mm ttaa ohicnfnlldehitei eta boehlalMd

TRRXS:Fer a ospref th Daltr Mob one jesr )W 09Far cepr (f tbe Dadr OI tlx eaooths & 08rtr a tvpr ef the Dagp ( dstnar the KtoiaB.. S 09Ftr a cepr of the rial Oieeeaad Appea- -

dtx. and the taws passed dartac Ihes-s-f- ... (00BiftkBotet. correal in lb. prtllaa of theicvoalrr where

a fabeenbrr reeMt. wHb rrceired at par. The wholeir tATBirt ef a nb-etrt- mar a retettttd la pottateit.taiM. which Is pnteeaMe to anr ariear. tseeot coldorsilrrr.

A peter wHl not be seat aoleei ibe rather torxmy aale- -i

ie order tor ItI e.neot aaV. u rxehaaxe wtth aR the aewtaaneri

thatd sretoOOIeeel bat I win seed tea BaUr Gladaring tbe sesstsa to iR --iho.tiHp htith tail prospsetasthree times befer th a --at MsMar rf next D erasb--rThese who mtr pnbrtth ibsoH tend th-

tt to me, marked wtth a pea, to oieeM tt.eetloB t ttJOHN O. BITR9.

WAtiiiriaTOT, October ST, 164T.



labreilber la oowtngitrd prrparlag farpaMl-catio- n.

aaJ wrr I'tn br tba rakMie sf Nere-b-

next. tad fell JiIR'.CTnRT OF MEMPRltfIt wBL la ta the nensl cotfn's of a Dl- ecarr.contsrs a hltterr of the enmmerc and trade ot M aiphlt,bp aae who hit deret dmsarre-r- s el hi ufe to the

d pen tnt ef sereral et ear ettr paper,, bosideaether ratttert et Interest to the bmlrr-s-s raaa.

Oar elllxens win be caned Upon to a few dart for esrJi.It Is latended thtt tbe Dlrecerr shall cornnara r.

ablr wtth thoM o the prlnctpl cities.Order for cards left at either at the eftraraiire

rffices wBI be attended to. ateto tfiVutice.

HATK thli dar itsocfatcd with rata the WbaSessVI Brocety tad Mr. ar. afor the last fire rrart In mrenoiar The ka.inets la fnturowffl nnder th strle of J. B.

nwum-isai- a. S. E. WILL1AKSONMemphlt, Jnlr I, ISST. Je2-4- f

O Esxl and Rmnirer ent--r

Back. Again!ANDREW JACK-SON- ,

TheokSPerterof the Commercial Bote),tn bis friends and

TAraS'thlimrOiodJaAaseBnre eld ttaad, and Wtsrrr snrtodfln xarrr.f-rtii-tiT- tcTtteTrixntaeroialDotelor s r ctler r,h af --esrsubte laeti He W

lt,,TttTr!ae HXCXSier ttat pnrpowb5ch be warma tor prtrste psrtl; tt as law itUs si ari7rxir

act etaaxwiae turxioo. ocu--u



hawks, smith &. ca;HAVE NOW IS STORE AND










Tofjathor wWk



XAV9A9B umr ctrrrEJis and srurrmtSiAllot whieh, with thr aeee--- i LAME AV0 TBB.T BZTwNfMTI fWOCC tmft mt at ATllaWOK.T hWr RICKS to rrJRJtlAB PU& ClSR ae am TtMa TO MtOMfT MALBM! who wish loacieleM HtedJ tt EABtEBX PRICBB, wall do wail to e 1 1 aft thassortment of II a r el w ar e

At (MtrlA-dan- r) 8 I & Hft AIX STREET.

What II tothe meat

aarr ortraa It to aeso toe trooiUM-a- as a rr.i. e--t vr.t.., hmn ,.

- - ,


ST Bat the --tek as t lar m KVavarAT3 R. R X.L Rtaedttt then lBw Ht. ft all wWtoB Hlb BS


Ruvit'i Mbtbod or Orttx rsSIMPLE, Wins, SAFX AK KPFXeTVALl

Theew t ao peha. howeoer twr:artta nd crociol-B- a.

tt toot a HotO appliilt mt Msdwta'o Baoshrwll KMtsatrr st,p aol oatek r allar th a-- t roVtt I

tptsm , laBfiiliiB aad naa t as. Trier-- - t. aomt it mtr ate seue.. esa.MW.eo ta i

h th r aaao katlsl. car ate hraut.aMot leethi i ahataetir. tal thH a w- - tarn- -WgRwolTTat will ext rat, at I sd laraa aew lir--. aew ,

I liar thfojtt-a.a- l he bniVB-loW- B

sad eaa.Wst. rsatSBo at the totr I

If hr Irtoeajls-xt- r ar etheewte. th argas of the N iteat ouw. dtisaifd sod "aaataatoof tahrlBI hetr 1

foactl aon It Uewr, B wl, tu--a- .ach Bladdrr CMaows, Silo, Norra., Mond, etc are atraa.i. a mjmmm r wo a ftoot-O-f MVaaar wmi isstoieaeal'h sod --ocalarlir t --err raaa thfMoal thhoar Ther tore ooh aod eoerr erzaa lo a. aatarel

I s dais. ao. iho xeeo w.imnrittIheatta ctrcakth-ae- t the btadK Ooee t Radwwp Ri galti t w te sHul XBO (

rniiaai t a pema-- a to aosoat. t wh a aar aaaba oak 1

srpt-a- a .oi art. there mall V-- a-- farther I ro' M- -, t.r 'the Oieia.id ttttou weald k miiiIK, aod a haattttr sc--ttaa Oa latt tr stik m.m .lepra Ihst

cokoot gewwBtta spsana iortiae aa

it i' a.-oc- of too K. K K. turn d s.

XABWtT' RE IDT RB LI EP.AH the tMrann orttes ta aaias txt't are sad He

"T-- --7wr.n-.r -- ' ---- t j i

wtth ahstal tt-a- --at ataeoaltte attd rtoee"r-""-Kf?Vnr.""- '" ?. .teoewea --wuj, ,jmmo oujomm sta trx- - waooart-s- t lpower. Tht n who he t las ml hi atan. I

ostwowaa j rnar, af twn. aao -- as m m arew aotsa wo rewaae mow ot no. ata taaara waiea aeaeo

Bt. psfi.ts. ipowers of Eida,o R odr BtM as a aateiwepot-a- -

eJ t these Hrtaidt t. aod it ta th a eat ta ttllo!yea ttt I oo whl--h these Krme tes are pripaiad, that

Cx erraim, Qwick ad ErrxcTrsL.

WaW FAMILT BH LB B ARMBIA f.mil' araasd uh Beuwar'e tte-- ICm.uaro . sod

Baeolriot, ato wen I i IHtd, fjr with tve BtauaVTa eaa fin, ae ..darrraoot or its,.- - ijiaa ailrtsea eo bar rnmmr mm ctee hataauttr 'taca taa taUt Adaaa.

kiUtU.la taaBil- - aWn ataiotiuas dl-e- -- prresRad en fli.ioti ij. toaakt--a. Caattrarahoa Pa aotsnui aad o a- -r rjolurnani Fevers, Bar-ra- jr

R- -J IliHi f. tat-e- a s a peerea-iT- e will eutoitl)MtBaWfahahstaole g oa tatested dttfrist tstalwaioax MtwO. s.tscks; tatd If tke ana air arpr aa. a btobb aeoed ao ntw MM aiwW nie (r aat tha itifl wet r.p.1 I

maiaxr ebusstr liee to erauro.

coNanwtwhNAL tmseasrs.ftthfialir two latytltad

aatitsot-s- B nom ta osaea ea --- kui a.

laia. UtaiTeHna araol I., F!f, are taajox he aw anatalit af eaaaWIMBl X.-- . . ar ehaw moat eaerattare the wl- - -r base dtata- - ta..have hera tatiBBoai'd la Ut ilea torroatiax i.bieo- d- Roawas' Reooeattrx Eeselnt mi .r. affroas taw mmU - of th aaii ie: xt-x--r dl tsuod .

depeMt.i, aod ail th wan wtU aew, pare aa-- l h aliahieod. L

Radwer'l BeBerettnt Bovtrt-ea- t -- o. d h-- kati-ata- a, jblesstoc be eerrr thrracaoBt In laad nh - ti I

fMt-td-ttcte- 4 wiuk aatwa Hnea- - r. Ave.two etas iwae awtr--i ir rt ullti ofeoat th ami teoak A fM Btw-- ed the PeaontingBisali i at wl leraijehti ttrth'a- - f thtdojEKe ai.dMMoee to momi a isH aad h lHhj jm.

A LINK OABU OF CntPIPtCAPBS.( Iom I84T, whoa w I at aar Caod wutfc

ot illnimtaa timiaaii tar Iheewaatot thand atnaic t, ard orrpsrt-- x the sane far pru:ic rat, arehate iha trail Seat tee ot rtatwoax lo bar --aettoal manlet, too at thaak tad certB-ta- d I am 'Boarati ohr

atsaattttamt aad asaMtaaa prtoalxha-as- 1b

the word, aat hat the t.The wUOt of Um Booor al.n oa wM h loat rth- -

sto aad let!' nt thaakt ar is .rer tea taraad V sttKlMd la oae

greet rati. It wjbM aitatat the Itamiaii alsat ortea Hi it Had a tta aaaaarot aad Brap tathta )

AMaaf the Imottatets naad rail iBr alt aie:lM,0w Khraawtisaa ar--d tasr ra lea atea

s --fear hear,asaa ChMle BOrata itliat an I iea areas

aixw ta p.ta eaurw--d ht a t--w mt raraf 1.

MajbM Coot trf Tic ekarwax aad Neoralgta. Puttstlspptd la a f. w mmt at,aad ctu-i-d hi trees

liaOQ Oawtf Bara. Bcaidt Bra,,es a--d ather aei--wat. ratal otiippi tmaad aaiaa taa

SMeO Caiest--f MrrUa Patau stepped ta a Bnr tao--at at

twfityo Oooo. --t tomor aad A--

1 Oawt of ScarttM FerrrMB Caaet at TtMoa Btabr. r Mtt-- 4 to a.

MtBr at teat falot dfcera-o- na- e esra eareday ate aid ot laaaahhr lo mow.

M8,09B Cam at TWextaobet aWa , .Otralat7s. and aaiaa ta the leas, bct,.lc , Bsa

. re to tw atj-a- a aaiaiit.3v-- 3 Vat-t- at Irlaula4 attwat tas Citarh, laat Onraf'saal. eat.

MvtOB Caen of ssphl'tttc BieosBatie-- a, Mode, itwTTea-- 4 tatata.

OMjm Cao-- s ef Be sad Xetwatht BasBsihe, NoshBertto th- - BV.d.

8 0W Case ot Ohaltts (Atic) la rr.m lfloea statst ttx ht aa

BeaMti ltiaiaai aad Maw f tttowsatta ot itrg dayostaiitiati st n.ti. that ererr ommm r hi najart ia

SOea Case rt Br lphi.roJXK Oaseeat MB BatttM tnt Wa-j- Bote. Bore

Btada. Bfaa, Lea torn Fwoiilf. B abbasout mam at all hind-s- eared he tae asot aanwdwrat A --Baage fur thehitlet W tt Br too raaT-w- r at the mtItitBiaiBtaHttie ta a tew hoot eoatr tTd ' f the xare.teot t taM MB Oaas ef OMtfoeeees Umt atloa C

Kt-a- rt E -,. B aeaVraadVto-- dMratw.t-anh- r a mrta-- x eRAaMCAIM RB8fBa awoaeet wheshaae - a we. k w m kei p aeaea ta the sjs--lem ht a health eo4Wkp aad fores thtaa toa due prBM at mac ar ti.au denies.

R-- K. 8.TO a aerode. we woald stote that BadwoT'e Beaay Ba--

ltf K a ex eraal aad aa lah taal wrap ; that ItPar rsto to exit ta th spat m t ! atraVr tts

laatars it' IWeafcxaoastaiiwaT Bar tst. ilnaaih tothe weak. free--, aad taaswa. Mo atatli t what the oaooomt Ihopstaassrha. ak.e or spatTal ea wul iBatoB'ljstop It

RBttet m te rre Sana f r-- e.g. al-ly coaled wtth pam. aad wBe--a take will aot st aoommroot lekaet thetr iawls lo tbearaaa.of taoipcteta to ah althp aod rrg lar .r-- a tn - ana ae

etrcataOM at teebio-- i aad exaol all diatsattv- - aadeaaaee ef d raagi ttiait traos ta lswer, lies o I !kMo-r- i. heart --Ata. Barera, Meddrr, end ths cartrgraptdtr a tanei Lscited ia tih-- r af ibe or teat af thebodr or M the s.steas. Bveir .adr shooM heap ammxmt ibne PHts a hna '. Tber ar the aaet aertoMReasaalor p-- caa tale

Raewor ti toast-fe- at S forwa caie it aildtnaitt ot a caroais 1 a till lolfc ot aoPof Bleat shoe,a te

MIN BeUrpTtONS. HMH8, ALT HUM, mvMOBB Ax-- There riaadt . ra --dssnat ta taao tattchat lull ia, d ot IU MBit j caa teaoii tr a Utatr taeLet the 4ex gx theat a tnal.

rabwat tt em ,Ht Battaa Mr ., New Terk.

R. R R. sr wU aB reaoaauM aVag- -Htaw as io vmnn stale sue i aateia ana arIn place, wm-- r lb-- re sre Be BranM.

Jaa dawte

OatHap tic ruis.TBE araces tf OhimMij aad Vi1i1iii luroe beoa

thetr attaaM lo ptooace tat toAaidaoMport tlire which I known t man laaaaMiahio rjar showa that the Fm hare rtrtons whtch ia 'exomeoee the oewtaarr m Jltla. i. aad that tarn-- wt aa-- I

area i the eotesaa ef ait aswa. Tber ieadoleasaat t- take, hot e 1 1. -tratloc BOaoertk-- a .llaaet,!. torn ia I i.bear, ritann thm nhiii ta,. i m - a. i

McrnLiadexaatdlM.se. wa. rS?JT.J?...wbteh breaol aad grow dl-- tt opr, susnnuie h et !

mwmmm ixno ir Batagai art km, and baperaeatthr too wtth --dreiutb 'to tao. what --w Ma-

Uadp aether care the ewr dij aaaadstataef eearrhadr,tw. moa Ssrmidable aad aaace-roa- a torsi-- t that hat ,

baaedthe beat of haataa akai wne tw-- . arodarepawerfal tfjtctl. thsr sto. at the . n atatia

bed deem, th salest aad beet php-l- c taot caa aa eta--plered fer chUdrea. Betas; sagar coared, ire ar. fv--

uat la labej, aad tt peretr t-- e rree rmm '

aar rWt et barm. Oa rs hat heaa aiade wbKB tarpaabetkf were thr aot tajheteattattKt br mre r -- ocb exalt

1 and cbirmOrr tm a hrMel 'kr asolc-.ai- aa- - f

trath. Manr eshiaat so l ttaa hawsteat Btetraame to eertltr to theawhile i a refUMfllr dBtr imiatr oers Kit. aral mr-- taa -o st i

their caeTtettea that tar PrTtaratlon. ot. bole tm- -mensely to the reef et tar afoa-to- aa-e- x nmtm- -

men.The Ageat below rBd It pttoont io r.ry irrasts aa ,

traerlnn itaeM crmttlaeMr dll a' Ma Tntr WBaT BB. Taaderticalenf thetrcartoof th la lewinst natnalorBto: i i

Centirears, BeaAwap!iBi,BBeaaiiilM, Do-M- r, fBeartbBTB, fr. at a mmi --Haaoth. Naa-- VIsea. IndKettsea, Martid fnactloa of tae vw, aod PsmaHslattKTefroi, EMsnJeoep Losf apprise sH HBer--

Btaeaaea which rialre aa evataiat , wMedtaae. BernfBla or aorsr--s oru. m--7 loo. tej parlfj- -i,th, blood trdaWMIMlkttnpi.tnia wawa it sraalB no he sappue i d thaw oaaid raasa.tarh IVtfneat, PaHBd BBeatat. Ti t laaxBl lOd t ITeas lrrtttMlMr. Petaaoem nia if the Lmor aad kMarrs. at. atea ma- -r im-r-e-i artttag trmMwtlstaef tut botr or ohetraerisstM Its ffluillsuii

Do not bn pel off 0- - aaa-- c. toicd b ta wtaaether prM tT make e prOm oa. Aok (or AvarsPir-L-a. and tak a hahat tws. No other taw eaa litre 1 --

to compirrs with foot m It lertmiT-attoT- tu,.' r'mwrr. ThetKk waat the bast aU tharot-toata- - eheco. -

Pxicr;13 ceatt ix. . f.

-- jxiPiPAEN3wrojmriTeor lJsalT-daw- ir




J m ?


BWf asaarrasewt of.


uo iye

CHERRY PECTORAL,For tile ravlfl Cure of





T1TI need ao tateak t the pehtie r ttt- - MaelT T Tatoagaoal ararr wwa, ard aitaost eeot-e- t

the Atatrtcan Staron, Its woodrrfal ca-r- etrs haae bbbob It atnadrat the faatille ta star crewta--d oetaairraawt'haat Mtae uirltst! enrrtt-ar- o of it i at ett;Fi oar ret t5 i aamaaiBl i aap where watch haao attr -- g iham tmnr jtiw tma-h- r of It rictorr o-- aae

piwrrta' aanrliita pet aan UseCBO-- a of tm pom

lafaota aad reunE Iahit aaaiaat thr lasaxteaat

.moaoa u h the OMEajaT Ftmui- .........Xette-wa.tewre- -- --oMa ther at


i r that, rs lira, if ao lb. rltala, est waarhaw ewar.

AH haow the tataUtr ot lanxa tbeol r too thestrrae. mt K

aoasorrthaaa tail thtaa It 1 Mat wta ta atat atatah. VP tain ae Cut a care, ao tot! to prodaae M abaaatat angi it pawIM- -, and tha stt thea who red oatt she heel sMl which oar akiB caa taraaah Bar IMr,.eaao. Prm-ate- d hr

aaV f. 0. ATBK,Prarttcal and Aaal-rUc- a', luwli. Meat.

BbMbw I F. PABNBSwrTI-tt- Jt

ti la, X X l " NitMitli America a rever k. Agxc

b z Cheap, Safe aa femaMitt Cre,


lilioMft and Intermittent ?cysts.FR1CEO.NE LiOLLAR PER BOTTTJt,

nresaTa'loB a ao XrwatSr orTUB wilt aot. ah the --nor coma eada aemttaaTotaeaded for Buua- - o'bor Fen-rs- . thea ntjitltt .i sBe,r to he ill aBti thaa toe 4 : batts

I. ia Caietiwe, PrrrenttTe aad Bartl,tire preowntt-i- . aad U adastad le ad aass aa

ttasae the , re-e-ra

--reactj i! the artic! t whtch taarr taao Ntir--a af I theuitottt.i, tearr r--

aauaaT aast Ball I

mote pteranot.ATi nti --ptB A UtONABBX waar Ton. anrk

dioraso, wish Tiillmtahia aad Ceruacatar at rata ed

ran ha eimaawd --uatiMtai'f, et a tta Blas.i sot Ihnaatdiriai I tela

J.-rv-t nnnlan.Tb til III S I f the sVrr B xw3E- -petanttaBtaiuf the Ft. FotBts Hooj-- e

. laaBOBBaa-OBaaaa- t lastota raaVa----s at that ir

M. ft a L- - ati taa Ht ; 1

tatl UMIi a hr th awe of ratxr B A

- em ad tae aaaataat mt taeJownTuBBBI whoBiaBTrimliiai taaroinNiaj--te- - dtattaa tta pain (to rnooth--, waa I

oo aaptll

lata; the atst ' em the i ipinad ear oi i itata, itwan aallai.aa attd tt aad taa osBBT oaToa) ad

Btanttaea tsery iiiiiltBS sf Bid loane hai ieft BBa. asataa bo neuaaii hit ravtrwoaart appeitaasst aad bewlU- - xratr poors, .,

Nxw Toast. Jaa. SF, IfflB. L. M. FSMM.W, the aaaiaawti d.baie Boot the B. A Xwatsedr far

Pveaa aod. Asa aad laBeraattitaw Boewt ta Hbaa atade s perfect care m oars-I- re attd .'aBtfxaTa.atktwBeh laach pnataae i iiaramdttto a tilt-ao- d

ebtap msd.rtn- -.


CSARIxatJ mLX, BTM. MDsifaR.Jaaaaoa.. n r.. Sept. r, ISM.Htm. J. BBaaaiiltx. nraotjat. Ao BW-- 9mrt .

turn ont tarn BeoU Aacuo 0 Hlahr --waasta - 1 tj n. Both for raT-- !f aad wt, aad Bar

Beta earn. Ue 1 it the heat mo'lrtao lr IB.. .ch aa tmer trt. I tbaaM aol htnouaed M M pamt at wsatxBBt a ear, bat haw 1 tea --atSaBtst Wts'stwsorec-..tob.

JaxfaiCA, N. T., Sep , mm.Jamaica. M. T-- , Mo IS, BsM.

Ma H. A. ror Mr.-- Mr tas aftladr, woe a i aod a tot t lafce--

r, aod haeoaf atard roarUraewaeiXBIaced :to trr M; arhn BtHat tsar n- -

ahatf hoctlas. ah wa. frt.tttr otwi. seal I ikuBBI'n etotmi'-i- d It ao a aatv aad sat eata

asopt oUaBy. raors, (P. Tf. WOO'Mato aiialta ssMBt to wn t Uat, ht

aeWltoaoacat part f maar tooawt thtteoara spa. ala ptiai. It taxi a Btamtcaxana oxhoimei. aaa aaaacstau tothat IOlltair la wuboni sn memml tot rk

S. A. T BYiBIWB BBa. Beer atrr Baaxec snaaa 1

treat teeere attaeB. et Fom aatf ABaoiTBod ataib B- -tBatred at aadta aae-- . Ha, otha tfeoaoBat waHatahoriBc na-- r a aaoera attack. H waa tagaltBad te try pear reoa-d-r aat, aa too ether nasi fit 1 had

K mom (tana a proaspt aaa antaaaoraat taut, id I1 n Iht a'apat loox wttaaal that mm a totaxtt et

aaatioaittaetaiiiirnnti-i-l Iho B A.aetrtfd,Agar aekOwr aa a waiaaahi rate tortus eaawaeal carethe ahnatt. XwWaV f PWitriT,

Haw Toas, aw g, lata Or. Won sad artt.roti.The t illesind trta&catas of Fr:"k L Bern aa ,

taoe eaee- - ra watonat tas east ho etBcwd. otalil.taasrjg taapr

in re to arnltric,,-i- ran-- At 'hodeMtheaiot sii itiHattB. ther ta the Cataakal at Jtaajis Chaa. r t X Co . of thi etap. .

Ir ti aa i as Tin troot J .u P in aad Aroe leraooitja iiBi ujta, a--l .aa9owdieaat4adsawa.aas,aeeraafalaam ed aijr" racun - roe te trr a bntajeoJwBUateexatoaoSoBth A- - --at Perar aa Agar HtBh-t-oy,

ssoeoa-tsi- h It wwivi ruusaohaeat. ItaokK,nail ill akp ml latii tne Im- 1 taw of the f.It le eath-rro- aHaBBrr that I -- isu taa Jtet .hataaftef aB traaoi It mj tiaari. snd '

IB nian'-rre- c in na- - t uavio isdil. it thrr w

PBRD C t. BaWTLB,Atta-an- t. UK' tl Whttp-e- !.

t Im, al ttw Verer aoa An---

at Bota- -. onaoie so w-- s tber of pi i.lQBtlie.. wtthewt sir aaB-- d. atM aaa.

the Bonn uBlllll Fomr wmr4 agae whKI T Bad aftadap- - fond relr etotlr-l- r cneed I hatre, BaB an attaofc,ence that tloae. now 'onrtreo mcati- - tad fei greet

t tat Tata ta v wliBVRT MaVBR.

etl.l,tai. taai.-ieat-

"Bsa tortiarate of Mr J Q J, aJamaica a. i - ants inroi-- s ai.o. wm ea

whh tw. itetest, not onlr from te rerr reov--sate character f Bsapa-tB- s. hat Bmi the lasthrhn wataM-- d andcr eery ctrcars taaces. and eal rwhen eth reaaeJV--s had aw ttaadwi-i- . m lerre-- e

Br. P. A. kSOKaarx BS. w . baO.-- toavwtB dtataaaaeeertascatreef the mod ii- -i mef.baa to ths vexce B Mm s.tMMtmatm;-- a'

that hot aaed It, and the otta will Orr-,- - bi tt becomfd

kn. I take tte to ws-ra- it Mi. rgtiiftp Ba at if th ateee. tent a baBHe-- h--. , .wtw tasW. wtth Utto --amd rrat. wh--- a net It

aisoaerl and wale. aTr TT aa M maa. a rerr rttpttabs cftfo at Ihss pit ia, aad t war. .aPoaBt poors. Xc , JAS a T TPBBITT.I.

Jaauica. N- - T'., tr. . lt6HP. A P. aiax taa. ot utatciiT, ow : te tht

uatilialtta at th nt( :art. ot-- t M- -

-aiMe. iwiaiatwai' tBaa if rttatdr.tMBllM neiO. ta Ov. R. s T.. M Paaaa.he tin Maalaii I h i tor:rrn'-ie',rw- .Va. HA Iitaaman Dun Mr . w- - itadoxe atace,

es-- tt at aaaar bat oeasrruw j. la MtiC-er- -r

ttreet, wha witaBB-Tt-o Mta a - a lerh of ohlM-- tmT firm, raoditiitad u the low gro..! leer Btwark

J 1 ssrehtTi oar boit'e hlerer sud ,a.- - ai.t i. sf r - So

lap-aji- n Ota disease na, n lr - t, u aaecojeo edettt'O .r

Nt. 4 A " frtlU.:.P.'-.- Wt'i te e- - ,f. I .be

to in the rfaakii urm i PBAi--

SrltatwatfeBSwae-- w

A tapptr tt the ahoro akiilrtti ea ooad ao--i ttr-le-

wtsri i --ON:i4llt-- ra ars ouik t - f. . -

Atraaaftrtb-- rr t S --ox.. . rujcat.r. co.i?-.-

. x liars.'sejSMaw 19 lusa gotet.


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