handbook 2021.10 – 2022 - admin.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp

H A N D B O O K 2 0 2 1 . 1 0 2 0 2 2 . 9 LL.M. (Comparative Law) Program & LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program In Law and Political Science, Nagoya University Graduate School of Law (GSL) 名古屋大学 大学院法学研究科 総合法政専攻 国際法政コース 学生便覧 (2021.10 – 2022.9)

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HANDBOOK 2021.10 – 2022.9 LL.M. (Comparative Law) Program & LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program

In Law and Political Science, Nagoya University Graduate School of Law (GSL)

名古屋大学 大学院法学研究科

総合法政専攻 国際法政コース

学生便覧 (2021.10 – 2022.9)

4月入学者学年暦 2020 - 2021 GSL Calendar for October entrantsTargetedstudents

Event & things to-doCritical Dates 月 日 曜 行事


Event & things to-doCritical Dates 月 日 曜日 行事

Fri March 19Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕

3 19 金名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目]

Fri March 19Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔or the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕

3 19金


(March 19 9:00 - March 25 18:00 April 2 9:00 - April 3 12:30)

(3/19 9:00 - 3/25 18:00 4/2 9:00 - 4/3 12:30)

(March 19 9:00 - March 25 18:00 April 2 9:00 - April 3 12:30)

(3/19 9:00 - 3/25 18:00 4/2 9:00 - 4/3 12:30)

Fri 〃 19 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to April 3) 〃 19 金 NU-mado履修登録(4/3まで) Fri 〃 19 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to April 3) 〃 19 金 NU-mado履修登録(4/3まで)

Thu April M1&D1 Academic affairs guidance 4 1 木 <M1,D1>大学院入(進)学ガイダンス

Mon 5 Entrance ceremony 〃 5 月 入学式

Wed 〃 7 M1 & D1 Main supervisor decided 〃 7 水 <M1,D1>主指導教員決定 Wed April 7 M1&D1 Sub supervisors decided 4 7 水 <M1,D1>副指導教員決定

Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration onNUPortal (to April 19 13:00) 〃 12 月 名大ポータル履修修正(4/19 13:00 まで) Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration on

NUPortal (to April 19 13:00) 〃 12 月 名大ポータル履修修正(4/19 13:00 まで)

Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration on NU-mado (to April 19) 〃 12 月 NU-mado履修修正(4/19まで) Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration on NU-

mado (to April 19) 〃 12 月 NU-mado履修修正(4/19まで)

Mon 〃 12 Classes start for Spring term 〃 12 月 春学期授業開始 Mon 〃 12 Classes start for Spring term 〃 12 月 春学期授業開始

Tue 〃 13 M1 & D1 ID student card issued 〃 13 火 <M1,D1>学生証交付

〃 TBD Medical check-up (to April 28) 〃 未定 定期健康診断 〃 TBA Medical check-up (to April 28) 〃 未定 定期健康診断

〃 D3 Public presentation of doctoral thesis 〃 <D3>課程博士論文公開発表会

Tue May 25 M2 Submission of master’s thesis title* (an application forsubmission of a master thesis)

5 25 火 <M2>修士学位論文審査申請書*提出期限

Fri May 28 M1 & D1 Submission of Study plan* and Registration form* 5 28 金 <M1,D1>学修計画書*、大学院指導要録*提出期限 Fri 〃 28 M1 Submission of Master’s thesis writing plan 〃 28 金 <M1>修士論文執筆計画書提出期限

〃 D Thesis Writing Lecture for doctors (announced later) 〃 <D>論文執筆講座(期日未定) 〃 D Thesis Writing Lecture for doctors (announced later) 〃 <D>論文執筆講座(期日未定)

Fri June 25 D3 Submission of Doctoral dissertation 6 25 金 <D3>課程博士論文提出期限

Fri 〃 25 M2 Submission of Master's thesis 〃 25 金 <M2>修士論文提出期限

Anytime D1&D2 Mid-term Doctorate presentation 随時 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会

Wed July 14 M2 Oral examination, defending their master’s theses 7 14 水 <M2>修士論文口述試験

Fri 〃 30 M2

Submission of manuscripts for inclusion in the Annual ofthe Master’s Program for Modern Law & ComparativeLaw (collection of research papers) <TBD>(announcedlater)

7 30 金 <M2>『研究教育年報』(リサーチペーパー集)原稿提出期限(予定)

Sun August 8 Summer holidays (to September 30) 8 8 日 夏期休業期間(9/30まで) Sun August 8 Summer holidays (to September 30) 8 8 日 夏期休業期間(9/30まで)

Tue 〃 31 M1 Submission of Mid-term thesis progress report* 〃 31 火 <M1>中間報告書(研究レポート)*提出期限

Wed September 8 M1 & D1 Main supervisor decided 9 8 水 <M1,D1>主指導教員決定

Wed September 15Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕(to September 21 17:00)

9 15 水名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目](9/21 17:00まで)

Wed 〃 15Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕(to September 21 17:00)

〃 15 水名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目](9/21 17:00まで)

Wed 〃 15 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to September 21) 〃 15 水 NU-mado履修登録(9/21まで) Wed 〃 15 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to September 21) 〃 15 水 NU-mado履修登録(9/21まで)

Mon 〃 27 M2&D3 Course completion, master’s degree awarded/ doctoraldegree awarded 〃 27 月 <M2,D3>修士学位・課程博士学位記授与式

Thu 〃 30 D1&D2 Submission of Mid-term Doctorate PresentationCompletion Form* 〃 30 木 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会実施報告書*提出期限

〃 TBA NEWM1&D1 Academic affairs guidance 〃 未定 <新M1,D1>大学院入(進)学ガイダンス

Fri October 1 Entrance ceremony 10 1 金 入学式

Mon October 4 Classes start for Autumn term 10 4 月 秋学期授業開始 Mon 〃 4 Classes start for Autumn term 〃 4 月 秋学期授業開始

Mon 〃 4 M1&D1Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕(to October 11 13:00)

〃 4 月<M1,D1>名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目](10/11 13:00まで)

Mon 〃 4 M1&D1 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to October 11) 〃 4 月 <M1,D1>NU-mado履修登録(10/11まで)

Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration onNUPortal (to October 11 13:00) 〃 4 月 名大ポータル履修修正(10/11 13:00 まで) Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration on

NUPortal (to October 11 13:00) 〃 4 月 名大ポータル履修修正(10/11 13:00 まで)

Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration on NU-mado (to October 11 ) 〃 4 月 NU-mado履修修正(10/11まで) Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration on NU-

mado (to October 11 ) 〃 4 月 NU-mado履修修正(10/11まで)

〃 TBD M1&D1 ID students card issued 〃 未定 <M1,D1>学生証交付

〃 TBD M1&D1 Medical check-up 〃 未定 <M1,D1>健康診断

Wed 〃 13 M1 & D1 Sub supervisors decided 〃 13 ⽔ <M1,D1>副指導教員決定

〃 D3 Public presentation of doctoral thesis 〃 <D3>課程博士論文公開発表会

Thu November 25 M2 Submission of master’s thesis title* (an application forsubmission of a master thesis) 11 25 木 <M2>修士学位論文審査申請書*提出期限

Tue 〃 30 M1 Submission of Master’s thesis writing plan 〃 30 火 <M1>修士論文執筆計画書提出期限 Tue November 30 M1&D1 Submission of Study plan* and Registration form* 11 30 火 <M1,D1>学修計画書*、大学院指導要録*提出期限

Fri December 24 M2 Submission of Master’s thesis 12 24 金 <M2>修士論文提出期限

Fri 〃 24 D3 Submission of Doctoral dissertation for obtaining degreein March 2021 〃 24 金 <D3>課程博士論文提出期限(3月学位取得希望者)

Tue 〃 28 Winter holidays (to January 7) 〃 28 火 冬期休業期間(1/7まで) Tue December 28 Winter holidays (to January 7) 12 28 火 冬期休業期間(1/7まで)

Tue January 2022 11 Classes restart and end on January 25 2022.1 11 金 秋学期授業再開(1/25まで) Tue January 2022 11 Classes restart and end on January 25 2022.1 11 金 秋学期授業再開(1/25まで)

Wed 〃 19 M2 Oral examination, defending their master’s theses<TBD> 〃 19 水 修士論文口述試験(予定)

Mon 〃 31 M2

Submission of manuscripts for inclusion in the Annual ofthe Master’s Program for Modern Law & ComparativeLaw (collection of research papers)<TBD>

〃 31 月 <M2>『研究教育年報』(リサーチペーパー集)原稿提出期限(予定)

Anytime D1&D2 Mid-term Doctorate presentation 随時 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会 <The following schedule is tentative.> <以下日程は暫定>

Sat 〃 26 M1 Submission of Mid-term thesis progress report* 〃 26 土 <M1>中間報告書(研究レポート)*提出期限 Mon April 11 Classes start for Spring term 4 11 月 春学期授業開始

Fri March 25 M2&D3 Course completion, master’s degree awarded/ doctoraldegree awarded 3 25 金 <M2,D3>修士学位・課程博士学位記授与式 Mon 〃 11 Course registration 〃 11 月 授業履修申請期間

Thu 〃 31 D1&D2 Submission of Mid-term Doctorate PresentationCompletion Form* 〃 31 木 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会実施報告書*提出期限 Wed 〃 6 M1&D1 Sub supervisors decided 〃 6 水 <M1,D1>副指導教員決定

Wed May 25 M2 Submission of master’s thesis title (an application forsubmission of a master thesis)

5 25 水 <M2>修士学位論文審査申請書提出

Tue 〃 31 M1 Submission of Master’s thesis writing plan 〃 31 金 <M1>修士論文執筆計画書提出期限

Fri June 24 D3 Submission of Doctoral dissertation 6 24 金 <D3>課程博士論文提出期限

Fri 〃 24 M2 Submission of Master's thesis 〃 24 金 <M2>修士論文提出期限

Wed July 20 M2 Oral examination, defending their master’s theses 7 20 水 <M2>修士論文口述試験

Wed August 31 M1 Submission of Mid-term thesis progress report 8 31 水 <M1>中間報告書(研究レポート)提出期限

Mon September 27 M2&D3 Course completion, master’s degree awarded/ doctoraldegree awarded 9 27 月 <M2,D3>修士学位・課程博士学位記授与式

注)D1, D2, D3(公開発表会を実施していない者)は、「課程博士論文中間報告発表会実施報告書」を、発表会の実施後1週間以内にレジュメを添付の上、必ず教務課に提出すること。(学生便覧6頁参照)Note: First year/second year/third year doctorate who has not completed a “Mid-term doctorate presentation:After the presentation is completed, the student is requested to submit a form of the report of the Mid-Term Doctorate Presentation Completion” with an attached presentation summary to the GSL StudentsAffairs Section (Kyomu) within one week. (Refer to p.10 of the “Handbook.”)


Note: The students who enter Master course after 2017 and enter Doctor course after 2018 can register the courses of Graduate School (Law and other graduate schools) on NU Portal. The students who enterMaster course before 2017 and enter Doctor course before 2018 and the students who want to take the courses of the underguraduate schools (Law, other schools, and teacher training) can register on NU-mado.


Note: Any documents for submission which need a sign or seal come in a particular form provided by the Student Affairs office from where they are to be picked up. (The supervisors’ seals may also beneeded on such forms so there should be no delays in getting them)

Calendar for Academic Year 2021 / Graduate School of Law


10月入学者学年暦2020 - 2021 GSL Calendar for April entrantsDate

- 1-

4月入学者学年暦 2020 - 2021 GSL Calendar for October entrantsTargetedstudents

Event & things to-doCritical Dates 月 日 曜 行事


Event & things to-doCritical Dates 月 日 曜日 行事

Fri March 19Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕

3 19 金名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目]

Fri March 19Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔or the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕

3 19金


(March 19 9:00 - March 25 18:00 April 2 9:00 - April 3 12:30)

(3/19 9:00 - 3/25 18:00 4/2 9:00 - 4/3 12:30)

(March 19 9:00 - March 25 18:00 April 2 9:00 - April 3 12:30)

(3/19 9:00 - 3/25 18:00 4/2 9:00 - 4/3 12:30)

Fri 〃 19 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to April 3) 〃 19 金 NU-mado履修登録(4/3まで) Fri 〃 19 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to April 3) 〃 19 金 NU-mado履修登録(4/3まで)

Thu April M1&D1 Academic affairs guidance 4 1 木 <M1,D1>大学院入(進)学ガイダンス

Mon 5 Entrance ceremony 〃 5 月 入学式

Wed 〃 7 M1 & D1 Main supervisor decided 〃 7 水 <M1,D1>主指導教員決定 Wed April 7 M1&D1 Sub supervisors decided 4 7 水 <M1,D1>副指導教員決定

Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration onNUPortal (to April 19 13:00) 〃 12 月 名大ポータル履修修正(4/19 13:00 まで) Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration on

NUPortal (to April 19 13:00) 〃 12 月 名大ポータル履修修正(4/19 13:00 まで)

Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration on NU-mado (to April 19) 〃 12 月 NU-mado履修修正(4/19まで) Mon 〃 12 Amendment application of course registration on NU-

mado (to April 19) 〃 12 月 NU-mado履修修正(4/19まで)

Mon 〃 12 Classes start for Spring term 〃 12 月 春学期授業開始 Mon 〃 12 Classes start for Spring term 〃 12 月 春学期授業開始

Tue 〃 13 M1 & D1 ID student card issued 〃 13 火 <M1,D1>学生証交付

〃 TBD Medical check-up (to April 28) 〃 未定 定期健康診断 〃 TBA Medical check-up (to April 28) 〃 未定 定期健康診断

〃 D3 Public presentation of doctoral thesis 〃 <D3>課程博士論文公開発表会

Tue May 25 M2 Submission of master’s thesis title* (an application forsubmission of a master thesis)

5 25 火 <M2>修士学位論文審査申請書*提出期限

Fri May 28 M1 & D1 Submission of Study plan* and Registration form* 5 28 金 <M1,D1>学修計画書*、大学院指導要録*提出期限 Fri 〃 28 M1 Submission of Master’s thesis writing plan 〃 28 金 <M1>修士論文執筆計画書提出期限

〃 D Thesis Writing Lecture for doctors (announced later) 〃 <D>論文執筆講座(期日未定) 〃 D Thesis Writing Lecture for doctors (announced later) 〃 <D>論文執筆講座(期日未定)

Fri June 25 D3 Submission of Doctoral dissertation 6 25 金 <D3>課程博士論文提出期限

Fri 〃 25 M2 Submission of Master's thesis 〃 25 金 <M2>修士論文提出期限

Anytime D1&D2 Mid-term Doctorate presentation 随時 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会

Wed July 14 M2 Oral examination, defending their master’s theses 7 14 水 <M2>修士論文口述試験

Fri 〃 30 M2

Submission of manuscripts for inclusion in the Annual ofthe Master’s Program for Modern Law & ComparativeLaw (collection of research papers) <TBD>(announcedlater)

7 30 金 <M2>『研究教育年報』(リサーチペーパー集)原稿提出期限(予定)

Sun August 8 Summer holidays (to September 30) 8 8 日 夏期休業期間(9/30まで) Sun August 8 Summer holidays (to September 30) 8 8 日 夏期休業期間(9/30まで)

Tue 〃 31 M1 Submission of Mid-term thesis progress report* 〃 31 火 <M1>中間報告書(研究レポート)*提出期限

Wed September 8 M1 & D1 Main supervisor decided 9 8 水 <M1,D1>主指導教員決定

Wed September 15Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕(to September 21 17:00)

9 15 水名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目](9/21 17:00まで)

Wed 〃 15Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕(to September 21 17:00)

〃 15 水名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目](9/21 17:00まで)

Wed 〃 15 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to September 21) 〃 15 水 NU-mado履修登録(9/21まで) Wed 〃 15 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to September 21) 〃 15 水 NU-mado履修登録(9/21まで)

Mon 〃 27 M2&D3 Course completion, master’s degree awarded/ doctoraldegree awarded 〃 27 月 <M2,D3>修士学位・課程博士学位記授与式

Thu 〃 30 D1&D2 Submission of Mid-term Doctorate PresentationCompletion Form* 〃 30 木 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会実施報告書*提出期限

〃 TBA NEWM1&D1 Academic affairs guidance 〃 未定 <新M1,D1>大学院入(進)学ガイダンス

Fri October 1 Entrance ceremony 10 1 金 入学式

Mon October 4 Classes start for Autumn term 10 4 月 秋学期授業開始 Mon 〃 4 Classes start for Autumn term 〃 4 月 秋学期授業開始

Mon 〃 4 M1&D1Course Registration Period on NUPortal〔for the courses in Graduate School (Law andothergraduate schools)〕(to October 11 13:00)

〃 4 月<M1,D1>名大ポータル履修登録[法学研究科及び他研究科科目](10/11 13:00まで)

Mon 〃 4 M1&D1 Course Registration Period on NU-mado (to October 11) 〃 4 月 <M1,D1>NU-mado履修登録(10/11まで)

Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration onNUPortal (to October 11 13:00) 〃 4 月 名大ポータル履修修正(10/11 13:00 まで) Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration on

NUPortal (to October 11 13:00) 〃 4 月 名大ポータル履修修正(10/11 13:00 まで)

Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration on NU-mado (to October 11 ) 〃 4 月 NU-mado履修修正(10/11まで) Mon 〃 4 Amendment application of course registration on NU-

mado (to October 11 ) 〃 4 月 NU-mado履修修正(10/11まで)

〃 TBD M1&D1 ID students card issued 〃 未定 <M1,D1>学生証交付

〃 TBD M1&D1 Medical check-up 〃 未定 <M1,D1>健康診断

Wed 〃 13 M1 & D1 Sub supervisors decided 〃 13 ⽔ <M1,D1>副指導教員決定

〃 D3 Public presentation of doctoral thesis 〃 <D3>課程博士論文公開発表会

Thu November 25 M2 Submission of master’s thesis title* (an application forsubmission of a master thesis) 11 25 木 <M2>修士学位論文審査申請書*提出期限

Tue 〃 30 M1 Submission of Master’s thesis writing plan 〃 30 火 <M1>修士論文執筆計画書提出期限 Tue November 30 M1&D1 Submission of Study plan* and Registration form* 11 30 火 <M1,D1>学修計画書*、大学院指導要録*提出期限

Fri December 24 M2 Submission of Master’s thesis 12 24 金 <M2>修士論文提出期限

Fri 〃 24 D3 Submission of Doctoral dissertation for obtaining degreein March 2021 〃 24 金 <D3>課程博士論文提出期限(3月学位取得希望者)

Tue 〃 28 Winter holidays (to January 7) 〃 28 火 冬期休業期間(1/7まで) Tue December 28 Winter holidays (to January 7) 12 28 火 冬期休業期間(1/7まで)

Tue January 2022 11 Classes restart and end on January 25 2022.1 11 金 秋学期授業再開(1/25まで) Tue January 2022 11 Classes restart and end on January 25 2022.1 11 金 秋学期授業再開(1/25まで)

Wed 〃 19 M2 Oral examination, defending their master’s theses<TBD> 〃 19 水 修士論文口述試験(予定)

Mon 〃 31 M2

Submission of manuscripts for inclusion in the Annual ofthe Master’s Program for Modern Law & ComparativeLaw (collection of research papers)<TBD>

〃 31 月 <M2>『研究教育年報』(リサーチペーパー集)原稿提出期限(予定)

Anytime D1&D2 Mid-term Doctorate presentation 随時 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会 <The following schedule is tentative.> <以下日程は暫定>

Sat 〃 26 M1 Submission of Mid-term thesis progress report* 〃 26 土 <M1>中間報告書(研究レポート)*提出期限 Mon April 11 Classes start for Spring term 4 11 月 春学期授業開始

Fri March 25 M2&D3 Course completion, master’s degree awarded/ doctoraldegree awarded 3 25 金 <M2,D3>修士学位・課程博士学位記授与式 Mon 〃 11 Course registration 〃 11 月 授業履修申請期間

Thu 〃 31 D1&D2 Submission of Mid-term Doctorate PresentationCompletion Form* 〃 31 木 <D1,D2>課程博士論文中間報告発表会実施報告書*提出期限 Wed 〃 6 M1&D1 Sub supervisors decided 〃 6 水 <M1,D1>副指導教員決定

Wed May 25 M2 Submission of master’s thesis title (an application forsubmission of a master thesis)

5 25 水 <M2>修士学位論文審査申請書提出

Tue 〃 31 M1 Submission of Master’s thesis writing plan 〃 31 金 <M1>修士論文執筆計画書提出期限

Fri June 24 D3 Submission of Doctoral dissertation 6 24 金 <D3>課程博士論文提出期限

Fri 〃 24 M2 Submission of Master's thesis 〃 24 金 <M2>修士論文提出期限

Wed July 20 M2 Oral examination, defending their master’s theses 7 20 水 <M2>修士論文口述試験

Wed August 31 M1 Submission of Mid-term thesis progress report 8 31 水 <M1>中間報告書(研究レポート)提出期限

Mon September 27 M2&D3 Course completion, master’s degree awarded/ doctoraldegree awarded 9 27 月 <M2,D3>修士学位・課程博士学位記授与式

注)D1, D2, D3(公開発表会を実施していない者)は、「課程博士論文中間報告発表会実施報告書」を、発表会の実施後1週間以内にレジュメを添付の上、必ず教務課に提出すること。(学生便覧6頁参照)Note: First year/second year/third year doctorate who has not completed a “Mid-term doctorate presentation:After the presentation is completed, the student is requested to submit a form of the report of the Mid-Term Doctorate Presentation Completion” with an attached presentation summary to the GSL StudentsAffairs Section (Kyomu) within one week. (Refer to p.10 of the “Handbook.”)


Note: The students who enter Master course after 2017 and enter Doctor course after 2018 can register the courses of Graduate School (Law and other graduate schools) on NU Portal. The students who enterMaster course before 2017 and enter Doctor course before 2018 and the students who want to take the courses of the underguraduate schools (Law, other schools, and teacher training) can register on NU-mado.


Note: Any documents for submission which need a sign or seal come in a particular form provided by the Student Affairs office from where they are to be picked up. (The supervisors’ seals may also beneeded on such forms so there should be no delays in getting them)

Calendar for Academic Year 2021 / Graduate School of Law


10月入学者学年暦2020 - 2021 GSL Calendar for April entrantsDate

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This Handbook for LL.M. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science & LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science aims at providing program instruction for students enrolled in the Graduate School of Law in October 2021

Contents Graduate School of Law Calendar for Academic Year 2021 Contents and University Calendar

I Introduction to the Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political ScienceI-1 Organization of Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political ScienceI-2 Outline of Teaching and Research System at Graduate School Law (GSL)

II Progression of Program II-1 LL.M. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science II-2 LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science

II-3 Official Recognition of the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools II-4 The Doctoral Education Consortium

III Courses taught through English offered for the 2021 Academic YearIV Regulation IV-1 Nagoya University Graduate School General Rules IV-2 Regulation for the Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University

IV-3 Internal Regulations regarding the Program Doctoral Thesis Investigation & Examination for obtaining the Program Doctoral Degree

IV-4 Internal Regulations regarding the Program Doctoral Thesis Investigation & Examination for Obtaining Program Doctoral Degree’ - Suspension of regulation contained in Article 3.

V Application procedure for Doctoral Thesis ExaminationVI Procedure and Requirements for submission of master theses in EnglishVII Guidelines for contributing articles to “Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics (Housei-ronshu)”

VIII Submission of manuscripts for inclusion in the Annual of the Master’s Program for Modern Law & Comparative Law (collection of research papers)

IX General matters of concern relating to student lifeX Faculty Members & Office Hour, 2021

Map of the Students Affairs Section Map of Graduate School of Law Map of the Asian Legal Exchange Plaza MAP OF SEMINAR ROOMS ON THE 4TH FLOOR OF INTEGRATED RESEARCH BUILDING FOR HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES

Time table of courses 2021

University Calendar

The academic year at Nagoya University commences from April 1 to March 31 of the following year, which is divided into the spring term and the fall term:

Spring term (1st term) April 1 - September 30 Autumn term (2nd term) October 1 - March 31Entrance ceremony for April entrants April 5

9lirpAecnadiuGcimedacAClasses start for Spring term April 11

uAkaerBremmuS gust 8-September 30Commencement for October entrants September 27

eSecnadiuGcimedacA ptember Entrance ceremony for October entrants October 1Classes start for Autumn term October 2

raunaJ-82rebmeceDkaerBretniW y 7Classes restart for Autumn term January 8Classes end raunaJ y 27Commencement for April entrants March 25

















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This Handbook for LL.M. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science & LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science aims at providing program instruction for students enrolled in the Graduate School of Law in October 2021

Contents Graduate School of Law Calendar for Academic Year 2021 Contents and University Calendar

I Introduction to the Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political ScienceI-1 Organization of Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political ScienceI-2 Outline of Teaching and Research System at Graduate School Law (GSL)

II Progression of Program II-1 LL.M. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science II-2 LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science

II-3 Official Recognition of the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools II-4 The Doctoral Education Consortium

III Courses taught through English offered for the 2021 Academic YearIV Regulation IV-1 Nagoya University Graduate School General Rules IV-2 Regulation for the Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University

IV-3 Internal Regulations regarding the Program Doctoral Thesis Investigation & Examination for obtaining the Program Doctoral Degree

IV-4 Internal Regulations regarding the Program Doctoral Thesis Investigation & Examination for Obtaining Program Doctoral Degree’ - Suspension of regulation contained in Article 3.

V Application procedure for Doctoral Thesis ExaminationVI Procedure and Requirements for submission of master theses in EnglishVII Guidelines for contributing articles to “Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics (Housei-ronshu)”

VIII Submission of manuscripts for inclusion in the Annual of the Master’s Program for Modern Law & Comparative Law (collection of research papers)

IX General matters of concern relating to student lifeX Faculty Members & Office Hour, 2021

Map of the Students Affairs Section Map of Graduate School of Law Map of the Asian Legal Exchange Plaza MAP OF SEMINAR ROOMS ON THE 4TH FLOOR OF INTEGRATED RESEARCH BUILDING FOR HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES

Time table of courses 2021

University Calendar

The academic year at Nagoya University commences from April 1 to March 31 of the following year, which is divided into the spring term and the fall term:

Spring term (1st term) April 1 - September 30 Autumn term (2nd term) October 1 - March 31Entrance ceremony for April entrants April 5

9lirpAecnadiuGcimedacAClasses start for Spring term April 11

uAkaerBremmuS gust 8-September 30Commencement for October entrants September 27

eSecnadiuGcimedacA ptember Entrance ceremony for October entrants October 1Classes start for Autumn term October 2

raunaJ-82rebmeceDkaerBretniW y 7Classes restart for Autumn term January 8Classes end raunaJ y 27Commencement for April entrants March 25

















I. 総合法政専攻の紹介 I. Introduction to the Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science

I-1 法学研究科総合法政専攻の運営組織の概要

I-1 Organization of Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science 1) 研究科教授会 1) Faculty Committee 2) 研究科執行部:研究科長、副研究科長、実務法曹養成専攻長、総合法政専攻長、CALEセンター長 2) Faculty Executives: Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Department of Practical Legal Training (Law School), Head of Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science, Head of CALE Center 3) 専攻会議:総合法政専攻、実務法曹養成専攻 3) Department Council: Department of Combined Graduate Program in Law and political Science, Department of Practical Legal Training (Law School) 4) 教育グループ会議:公法・政治グループ、民事法・刑事法グループ、基礎法・社会法グループ 4) Department teaching staff council: Public law/ politics group, civil law/ criminal law group, basic law/ social law group

5) 各種委員会:大学院(総合法政)学務委員会、英語コース入試委員会、入試委員会、学生生活委員会、インターンシップ委員

会、法政論集編集委員会、整備委員会、図書委員会 5) Various committees: Graduate School (Combined Law and Politics) Academic Affairs Committee, Entrance Examination for English Course Committee, Entrance Examination Committee, Student Welfare Committee, Internship Committee, Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics Editorial Committee, Facilities Committee, Library Committee 6) 教務事務:文系教務課(法学部・法学研究科担当)、法学研究科留学生担当講師 6) Educational Affairs: Humanities Registrar’s Office (Law School/Graduate School of Law Supervisor), Graduate School of Law Overseas Students Supervisor

I-2 教育研究体制の概要 I-2 Outline of Teaching and Research System at Graduate School of Law 1) 3 コース制 次の三つのコースでは、次に掲げるアドミッション・ポリシーに基づく人材を受け入れ、目的に応じた専門教育・研究が行われてい

る。 1) Three program system The following three programs accept candidates on the basis of the following admissions policy and promote research and teaching

towards these ends. (1) 研究者養成コース:博士課程前期修了により修士(法学)学位取得、博士課程後期修了により博士(法学)学位取得 法学・政治学に関する総合的な見識のほか、研究者となるべき豊かな資質を備えた人材を受け入れる。広い視野と深い専門知識

に支えられた次代の日本の法学・政治学の研究を担う人材を養成することを目標として教育と共同研究を行うものである。 (1) Researcher program: a degree of Master of Laws through completion of the master’s program; a degree of Doctor of Laws through completion of the doctoral program The program is aimed at those possessed with an integrated view of politics or law and a strong aptitude for research. Through a combination of tuition and research, it seeks to nurture the next generation of scholars in Japanese law and politics, endowing them with a broad perspective and profound knowledge.

(2) 応用法政コース:博士課程前期修了により修士(現代法学)学位取得、博士課程後期修了により博士(現代法学)学位取得 学術の理論および応用を研究し、その深奥を究め、高度の専門性が求められる職業を担っていく豊かな資質を備えた人材を受け


ある。 (2) Applied law and politics program: a degree of Master of Laws (Modern Law) through completion of the master’s program; a degree of Doctor of Laws (Modern Law)) through completion of the doctoral program This program is aimed at accomplished professionals engaged in research and the broadening of theory and its application. It seeks to shape persons working at the core of society, possessed with the highest levels of knowledge of law and politics.

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(3) 国際法政コース:博士課程前期修了により修士(比較法学)学位取得、博士課程後期修了により博士(比較法学)学位を取得 (3) Comparative law and politics program: A degree of Master of Law (Comparative Laws) [LL.M.(Comparative Law)] through completion of the master’s program; a degree of Doctor of Laws (Comparative Law) [LL.D.(Comparative Law)] through completion of the doctoral program. This program, conducted mainly in English, is designed for international students from a variety of legal backgrounds, who are expected to contribute to their country as legal professions in government, academia, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. ※国際法政コースには、「リーディング大学院プログラム」制度がある。この修了認定を受けるためには、博士課程において、「リー

ディング大学院プログラム修了認定対象科目」から8単位以上を修得することが必要である。 * The Program for Leading Graduate Schools Those students who wish to have this official recognition on completion of the master’s or doctoral program need to earn more than 8 credits from the “Courses offered for the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools,” including required courses. 2) 指導教員 2) Supervisors (1) 院生の研究指導を主として担当するのは、研究科教授会で選任された主指導教員である。主指導教員は、副指導教員の選




ことができる。 (1) The main responsibility for the supervision of graduates lies with the supervisor appointed by the Department Faculty Committee. The main supervisor selects the sub-supervisors and has responsibilities related to the progression of the masters/doctoral thesis writing program, the master's thesis examination, the publication of papers in the Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics or the Annual of the Master's Program in Applied Law and Comparative Law and Politics Program (Research papers collection), public presentations and the doctoral preliminary and faculty examinations. However, graduates are free to seek supervision and advice concerning research from teaching staff other than the main and sub supervisors. (2) 各コースの前期課程において研究科教授会は、4 月(4 月入学者)、10 月(10 月入学者)に主指導教員 1 名を定める。さらに 10月(4 月入学者)、4月(10 月入学者)に1名ないし2名の副指導教員を定める。この場合、副指導教員の 1 名を他の専攻・研究科の

教員とすることができる。 (2) The Department Faculty Committee selects one master’s supervisor in April for the students of April entrants and in October for the students of October entrants. A further one or two sub-supervisors are chosen in October for the students of October entrants and in April for the students of April entrants. One of the sub-supervisors may be teaching staff from another department or graduate school. (3) 各コースの後期課程において研究科教授会は、4 月(4 月入学者)、10 月(10 月入学者)に主指導教員1名を定める。さらに 10月(4 月入学者)、4月(10 月入学者)に2名の副指導教員を定める。この場合、副指導教員の 1 名を他の専攻・研究科の教員とする

ことができる。 (3) The Department Faculty Committee chooses one doctoral supervisor in April for the students of April entrants and in October for the students of October entrants. A further one or two sub-supervisors are chosen in October for the students of April entrants and in April for students of October entrants. One of the sub-supervisors may be teaching staff from another department or graduate school. 3) 教員オフィスアワー 院生は教員に面談を求める際は、「教員オフィスアワー一覧」に記載された各教員のオフィスアワーの時間帯に、研究室を訪問、ま

たは電話・メール等により連絡して、指導を受ける日時の指定を受けるものとする。 3) Teaching staff office hours When graduate students meet with teaching staff for consultation, they should make sure to visit during the office hours detailed in the "Teaching Staff’s Office Hours List” given on the back cover or should contact the teacher by telephone or e-mail. An appointed date and time for supervision should be arranged.

4) シラバスシステム 教員および院生は、授業の選択および準備等を効率的、効果的に行うため、法学研究科シラバスシステムを活用することができ

る。 4) Electric Syllabus system The teachers and graduate students may apply the Graduate School of Law syllabus system to make the selection of subjects, preparation and so on more effective and efficient.

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The outline of the lectures and seminars for the School and Graduate School of Law, Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science, has been uploaded onto the web-based syllabus. The User ID and Password needed to access this electronic syllabus shall be distributed from the faculty office early April or October with your student ID. How to access to the GSL Electric Syllabus system: The Electronic Syllabus is linked to the website for the Graduate School and School of Law (GSL) . Click the button of the Syllabus System on the page of the Academic Programs of the GSL Web-site in English. 5) 院生の研究支援プロジェクト等 法学研究科では、院生が自主的、積極的に行う国際的または学際的研究活動を支援するため、院生の参加を募集する研究支援


物から情報を得て、自主的、積極的な参加を期待する。 5) Graduate student's research support project The Graduate School has a research support project involving graduate students to help them take the initiative in international and academic activities. Furthermore classes have been set up with the cooperation of other faculties, staff from outside companies and so on. It is hoped that students will take the initiative to get involved. Information on these activities is disseminated via the School’s website and School notice board.

6) 成績評価

前期の成績は 9 月下旬に、通年及び後期の成績は 3 月下旬に、ビズリーチ・キャンパス名大(文系教務課<法学研究科>窓口)

にて成績確認表により通知される。成績について疑義がある場合は、速やかに文系教務課法学担当に問い合わせること。 <成績評価> 2019 年度までの入学者の成績評価は、「A」、「B」、「C」、「D」の 4 段階または「合格」「不合格」で表記される。 (A:100 点~ 80 点、 B:79 点~ 70 点、 C:69 点~ 60 点、 D:59 点以下)。 なお、A、B及びCは合格で、所定の単位が与えられ、Dは不合格で、単位は与えられない。 2020 年 度 以 降 の 入 学 者 の 成 績 評 価 は 、 「 A + 」 、 「 A 」 、 「 B 」 、 「 C 」 、 「 C - 」 、 「 F 」 ま た は 2 段 階 評 価 ( P 、 N P ) で

表記される(A+:100 点~95 点、A:94 点~ 80 点、 B:79 点~ 70 点、 C:69 点~ 65 点、C-:64 点~60 点、F:59 点以下)。 なお、A+、A、B、C及びC-は合格で、所定の単位が与えられ、Fは不合格で、単位は与えられない。

ただし、次に掲げる授業科目の成績は、合格(P)及び不合格(NP)の区分で評価する。。 国際法政コース(英語) 国際法政コース(リーディング)

研究方法論 I プロジェクト・マネジメント I 特別講義演習(国際交渉論) プロジェクト・マネジメント II 特別講義演習(比較アジア社会論) リーディングプログラム アカデミック・ライティング 特別講義演習(比較法政演習Ⅰ) 国際法政演習 I 特別講義演習(比較法政演習Ⅱ) 国際法政演習 II 特別講義演習(比較法政演習Ⅲ)

6) Evaluation of Grades The results are announced at the end of September for the 1st term (spring term) and at the end of March for the full-term including the second term (spring term). The evaluation sheet of the results is available at the GSL Students Affairs Section of BizReach Campus Meidai. If there are any doubts in connection with the evaluation of grades, enquiries should be made immediately to the GSL Students Affairs Section. <Evaluation of grades>

The grades for students admitted before 2019 are divided into four grades: “A”, “B”, “C", and “D” or “Pass” and “Fail”. (A: 100-80 marks, B: 79-70 marks, C: 69-60 marks, D: less than 59 marks)

- A, B and C is a pass with specified credits being awarded. D is a fail with no credits awarded. The grades for students entering in 2020 and later will be indicated as "A+", "A", "B", "C", "C-", "F", or two grades (P, NP). (A+: 100-95 marks, A: 94-80 marks、B: 79-70 marks, C: 69-65 marks, C-: 64-60marks, F: less than 59 marks) However, grades for the following courses are classified either pass or fail.

Comparative law and politics program The Program for Leading Graduate Schools Academic Writing I Project Management I Special Lecture and Seminar (Workshop on International Negotiation) Project Management II Special Lecture and Seminar (Comparative Asian Corporate theory) Leading Program Academic Writing Special Lecture and Seminar (Comparative Law and Politics Seminars I) International Internship I Special Lecture and Seminar (Comparative Law and Politics Seminars II) International Internship II Special Lecture and Seminar (Comparative Law and Politics Seminars III)

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II 各コースにおける研究の進め方 II Progression of Program

II-1 国際法政コース:博士前期課程 II-1 LL.M. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science 1. General regulations for obtaining a degree of Master of Laws (Comparative Law) 1) 院生は、主指導教員の指導を受けて、所定の期日までに学修計画書を文系教務課(法学研究科)に提出しなければならない。

1) Students are required to submit a study plan to the GSL (Graduate School of Law) students affairs section by a scheduled fixed date, following guidance of the main supervisor. . 2) 院生は、主、副指導教員の指導を受け、各自の研究計画の実現に必要な授業科目を履修しなければならない。

2) Students are required to take courses which are necessary for fulfilling their research program following the guidance of the main supervisor and sub-supervisors. 3) 前期課程を修了して修士の学位を取得するためには、前期課程に 2 年以上在学し、特別研究Ⅰ、Ⅱおよび研究方法論Ⅰの 10 単位

を含めて 30 単位以上を修得し、かつ修士論文を提出して審査・試験に合格しなければならない。ただし、優れた研究業績を上げたと認


3) In order to acquire a master degree, a student must be enrolled in the graduate program at least for two years, earn a minimum of 30 academic credits by taking courses, including 10 credits from Special Research I, Special Research II, Academic Writing I, submit a master’s thesis and pass an thesis examination. But those who are recognized to have achieved outstanding research achievements can obtain a master's degree for one year or more. 4) 研究科が適当と認めたときは、他の研究科または法学部もしくは他の学部の授業科目を履修し、それぞれ 10 単位を限度として課程


4) A maximum of 10 credits may be taken from courses offered by other Graduate Schools and/or from undergraduate courses of our School or other Schools with the approval of the Graduate School of Law Faculty. 5) 研究科が適当と認めたときは、他の大学院または外国の大学院において修得した単位について、それぞれ 10 単位を限度として、課


5) Credits earned at the graduate school of other university or overseas graduate school may be counted as necessary credits not more than 10 for fulfilling requirements upon the approval of the Graduate School of Law Faculty. 6) 上記 4、5 によって認定を受ける単位の合計は、14 単位を超えることができない。

6) Credits attained in accordance with regulations 4 and 5 cannot be more than 14 in total. 7) 国際開発研究科国際協力専攻の「比較国際法政システム講座」が開設する授業科目は、本研究科の科目とみなす。

7) Courses offered in the "Comparative study of Legal and Political Systems" at the Department of International Cooperation Studies (DICOS) of the Graduate School of International Development (GSID), Nagoya University shall be counted toward credits for fulfilling requirements. 8) 特別研究Ⅰの単位認定を受けるためには、第 1 年次の研究指導を受け、年次の修了にあたって中間報告書(研究レポート)を所定


導を受け、修士論文を研究科長に提出しなければならない。2 年に満たない期間で課程を修了しようとする者が修士論文を提出して審

査・合格したときは、特別研究Ⅰとして 4 単位を認定する。

8) To get four credits from the "Special Research I," the 1st year students should consult with their main supervisor and submit a mid-term thesis progress report to the GSL Student Affairs Section by the designated submission date. To get four credits from the "Special Research II, the 2nd year students should consult with their main supervisor and submit a master’s thesis to the dean of the Graduate School. Those who have completed the master program less than two years and submitted a master’s thesis and passed the thesis examination can obtain four credits as the "Special Research I." 9) 修士論文の執筆について、指導教員の指導に従い、表1<修士論文執筆プログラム>に沿って自主的に論文の執筆を進めな




修士論文の分量は、日本語で執筆する場合には、少なくとも 20,000 字が目安となる。また、英語で執筆する場合には、20,000 語


9) Following the guidance of their supervisor, students must write their thesis voluntarily within the framework of a “Master’s thesis

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writing program (Table 1)”. Due to positive reasons such as long-term study abroad or progress in research, or unavoidable circumstances such as illness, part of

the schedule can be changed with the approval of the academic advisor. The thesis, if written in Japanese, should be a minimum length of around 20,000 characters. If written in English, the maximum

length is around 20,000 words. However, the provisions for those applying for Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools are prescribed separately. 10) 修士学位論文審査申請書および論文の提出にあたっては、「VI 修士学位論文審査申請手続きについて」を参照し、提出締

切時間を厳守すること。 10) When submitting the form for Application for Submission of a Master’s Thesis” and the Master Thesis, refer to “VI Procedures and Requirements for Submission of Master Theses in English” and adhere to the deadline. 11) 「クリティカル・ディスカッション・プログラム」については、別項を参照すること。 11) Concerning “Critical Discussion Program”, please refer to the listed program given in another section.

2. Outline of course work Students are required to take courses which are necessary for fulfilling their research program under the supervision of a main supervisor. Course registration should be done within a given period of time. Regular courses are conducted in lecture and seminar format. Students are expected to prepare a topic and present their findings to both colleagues and faculty. Final grades are assessed mainly from presentations and the subsequent discussion. For that reason, class participation is very important. Students may also attend intensive lectures and seminars given by visiting academics and professionals.

As a large part of instructor’s evaluation is based on class discussion, absences will affect the student’s grades and may result in a failing grade. Students are expected to attend all classes.

Important Note: If you cannot attend a class, you should inform the instructor beforehand, including the reason for your absence, and receive his / her permission. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade.

3. Master’s Thesis Writing Program As said above, the School has established a “Master’s thesis writing program*.” Graduate students, following the guidance of their supervisor, must independently write their thesis within the framework of the program.

Table 1: Master’s thesis writing program - official schedule for submitting master’s thesis

April entrants 4 月入学者 October entrants

10 月入学者 First year

April Academic writing course*[1] starts. Main supervisor decided/ 主指導教員決定 October

May Submission of study plan/ 学修計画書提出 Thesis Writing Lecture *[2]// 論文執筆講座 November

October One-two sub supervisors chosen/ 副指導教員1~2名決定 April November Master’s thesis writing plan submission*[3]/ 修士論文執筆計画書提出 May

February Submission of mid-term thesis progress report*[4]/ 中間報告書(研究レポー

ト)提出 August

Second year(July) Master's thesis structure presentation*[5]/ 修士論文構想発表会 (January)

November Submission of master’s thesis title (an application for submission of a master thesis)*[6]/ 修士学位論文審査申請書提出 May

December Submission of master’s thesis*[7]/ 修士論文提出 June January Oral examination, defending their master’s theses/ 口述試験 July

March Course completion, master’s degree awarded 課程修了、修士学位取得 September

* Actual periods, times, dates and locations relating to the program will be announced separately. Pay attention to the notice board. *[1] Our program provides three courses for academic writing in English as follows: 1) Academic Writing I (Compulsory) / (2 credit): M1 Autumn term

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2) Academic Writing II / (2 credit): M1 Spring term 3) Academic Writing III/ (2 credit): M1 Autumn term

*[2] 毎年春に行われる論文執筆講座には、在学中少なくとも1回は出席すること。 *[2] The students are demanded to attend Thesis Writing Lecture once at least. *[3] 修士論文執筆計画書について 指導教員の指導を受けて、所定の期日までに文系教務課(法学研究科)窓口に提出しなければならない。修士論文執筆計画書

には、論文のテーマ、問題関心および課題設定、研究動向、論文の基本的構成ならびに執筆スケジュールを 3,600 字程度(英語

の場合は 1,800 字程度)で記載するものとする。 *[3] A master’s thesis writing plan should include a thesis theme, the problem concerned and the issues at hand, the direction of research, the basic structure and the schedule for writing it. It should come to around 3,600 characters in the case of Japanese or 1,800 words in the case of English. It should be submitted to the GSL students affairs section by a scheduled fixed date. *[4] 中間報告書(研究レポート)について 論文執筆の促進を目的とするもので、論文準備経過、論文構成、基本的論旨および今後の作業課題を 6,000 字程度(英語の場

合は 3,000 語程度)で記載するものとする。「特別研究Ⅰ」を担当する指導教員を受けて、所定の期日までに文系教務課(法学研

究科)に提出すること。 *[4] A mid-term thesis progress report is required to submit to the faculty office under the supervision of his/her main supervisor. The submission of the report leads to 4 credit of ‘Special Research I’. This report consists of the progress so far of the thesis, the structure and basic outline of the thesis, and the topics that are still to be dealt with. It should come to around 6,000 characters in the case of Japanese or 3,000 words in the case of English. *[5] 修士論文構想発表会について 目安としての日程を( )に示したが、実際の日程、方法については、主、副指導教員と院生との相談の上で行われる。 *[5] The Master’s thesis structure presentation is tentatively set for the month shown in the (brackets), but the actual date should be decided in conjunction with his/her main supervisor、sub-supervisor and the graduate student. *[6] An Application for Submission of a Master Thesis (submission of master’s thesis title) is required to be submitted to the faculty office before the deadline for submission of the master's thesis; in November for master’s students of April entrants and in May for students of October entrants.

*[7] Supervising by the main supervisor for the second year and submission of the master’s thesis leads to 4 credits of ‘Special Research II.’ For submission, please refer to the "V. Procedures and Requirements for Submission of Master Theses in English Language".

II-2 国際法政コース博士後期課程 II-2 LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science 本コースのプログラムは、それを遂行することにより、博士(比較法学)の課程博士号取得が促進されるように設計されている。大学


ては、後掲(2)の<課程博士論文プログラム>のスケジュールに従うこと。 The program is designed to promote the obtainment of the Degree of Doctor of Laws (Comparative Law). The graduate students must take the initiative to engage in this program following the directions of their main and sub-supervisors. For submission of the doctoral thesis, follow the schedule of the “Program Doctoral Thesis Writing Program.”

1 Progression and Completion of Doctoral Program 1) 院生は、主指導教員の指導を受けた上で、所定の期日までに学修計画書を文系教務課(法学研究科)に提出しなければなら


1) Students are required to submit a study plan to the GSL (Graduate School of Law) students’ affairs section by a scheduled fixed date, following guidance of the main supervisor. (2) 後期課程を修了して博士の課程博士の学位を取得するためには、後期課程に 3 年以上在学し、必要な研究指導を受けた上で、博

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士論文を提出して審査・試験に合格しなければならない。ただし、優れた研究業績を上げたと認められた者は、1 年以上(前期課程を 1年で修了した者は2年以上)の在学で博士の学位を取得することができる。 (2) In order to complete the doctoral program and obtain a program doctoral degree’ (Katei Hakase no Gakui) , students must have spent three or more years on the doctoral program and submitted a doctoral thesis after receiving the necessary supervision in doctoral research, and having passed an investigation and examination of the submitted thesis. Those deemed to have conducted research of a superior quality may obtain a doctoral degree after one year of enrollment (after two years for those who have completed the first semester course in one year). (3) 後期課程に 3 年以上在学し、博士論文を提出せずに研究指導を終えた者は、後期課程を満了退学となる。 (3) Those who have enrolled in the doctoral program for three or more years and completed the necessary supervision in doctoral research without submitting a doctoral thesis but submitting a report of completing a research are officially regarded as full leave (Manryo-taigaku) students. (4) 論文提出の要件を満たして退学した者(満期退学者)は、退学後 3 年以内(ただし、後期課程進学後 6 年を超えないものとす

る。)に、課程博士論文を提出することができる。また、後期課程進学後 12 年(在籍期間中の休学期間を除く。)を経過しない者は、

特に定める規則に基づいて論文博士論文を提出することができる。 (4) A student who has fulfilled the conditions for submission of Program Doctoral Thesis but has taken leave can submit the thesis within three years after her/his full leave-taking and within six years after she/he has been admitted to the Doctoral Program. Those who have not passed 12 years after enrolling in the doctoral program (excluding leave of absence during the period of enrollment), can submit their doctoral dissertation in accordance with the rules established in particular. Note: Regarding the application procedure for program doctoral thesis examination, please refer to the regulations concerned on the Chapter IV-2,‘Internal Regulations regarding the Program Doctoral Thesis Investigation and Examination for obtaining the Program Doctoral Degree.' (5) 論文は、随時提出することができるが、課程博士論文審査申請手続きについては、IV 規定の該当項目を参照すること。 (5) The program doctoral thesis can be submitted as needed. When submitting the form for Application for Submission of a Doctoral Thesis, refer to the matters listed in IV Regulation. (6) 論文の執筆について、院生は、主、副指導教員の指導に従い、表2<課程博士論文執筆プログラム>にそって、自主的に論

文の執筆を進めなければならない。 ただし、長期留学や研究の進捗が著しい等の積極的理由または病気等のやむをえない事情により、指導教員の承認を得て、

スケジュールの一部を変更することができる。 (6) Studentss have to progress writing their thesis on an essentially independent basis under the direction of their main and sub-supervisors, in accordance with the “Program Doctoral Thesis Writing program" described in the Table 2 given below. The schedule may be changed with the permission of the supervisor in the case of long-term overseas study or research being impeded due to extenuating circumstances or illness or other such unavoidable situations.

表2 <課程博士論文執筆プログラム> Table 2: Practical work in Doctoral Thesis Writing Program

April entrants October entrants First year/ 1 年

April 課程博士論文執筆プログラム・ガイダンス/ Thesis writing program guidance 主指導教員の決定/ Main supervisor decided October

May 学修計画書提出/ Submission of study plan 論文執筆講座*[1] / Thesis writing classes*[1] November

October 副指導教員2名の決定/ One-two sub supervisors chosen April 随時/at any time 課程博士論文中間報告発表会*[2]/ Mid-term doctorate presentation*[2] 随時/at any time Second year/ 2 年 随時/at any time Mid-term doctorate presentation*[2]/ 課程博士論文中間報告発表会*[2] 随時/at any time Third year/ 3 年

(October) 課程博士論文公開発表会*[3] Public presentation of doctoral thesis*[3] (April)

(December) 専攻教員会議予備審査へ論文提出/ Submission of thesis to department preliminary examination committee (June)

予備審査判定/ Judgment of preliminary examination January 教授会審査へ論文提出/ Submission of thesis to Faculty Committee June

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口述試験/ Oral examination (Thesis and Degree Examination) March 博士学位取得/ Program Doctoral degree awarded/ September

随時/at any time

課程博士論文中間報告発表会*[2]/ Mid-term doctorate presentation*[2] (課程博士論文公開発表会を 3 年次に行う予定がない者のみ) (This applies to the 3rd year students who have no intention to carry out “public presentation of doctoral thesis ”. )

随時/at any time

*[1] 毎年行われる論文執筆講座には、在学中少なくとも 1 回は出席すること。

Enrolled students must attend the thesis writing course held each year in spring at least once.

*[2] 課程博士論文中間報告発表会について/ Mid-term doctorate presentation

1.実施方法について 1. Implementation

●後期課程1年次・2年次 / First year/second year doctorate

○a 【課程博士論文中間報告発表会】の実施 主指導教員および副指導教員2名が出席する「課程博士論文中間報告発表会」を実施する。実施後は、学生本人が




きない。 ○a Carry out a “Mid-term doctorate presentation.”

A “Mid-term doctorate presentation” is carried out with both the main supervisor and sub-supervisors in attendance. After the presentation is completed, the student requests that the supervisor and sub-supervisor confirms/stamps or signs the “XX Year Mid-Term Doctorate Presentation Completion” form and then submits this form with an attached presentation summary to the GSL Students Affairs Section (Kyomu) within one week. The deadline will be the end of March for the April entrants and the end of September for the October entrants.

●後期課程3年次 / Third year doctorate

i) 課程博士論文の提出を予定している場合 ○b 【課程博士論文公開発表会】の実施 注) 実施方法は、「課程博士論文公開発表会について*[3]」の通り。 i) When intending to submit doctoral thesis ○b Implementation of “Public presentation of doctoral thesis.”

Note*: Refer to the item *[3] “Public presentation of doctoral thesis.”

ii)課程博士論文の提出を予定していない場合 ○a を行う。

ii) When there is no intention to submit a doctoral thesis Carry out○a

●留年者 / Repeat students

i) 既に、3 年次において○b を実施済みの場合は、その後は、発表会を実施する必要はない。 ii) ○b を実施していない者は、○b を実施するまでは、○a を毎年行う必要がある。 i) Students who have done ○b in their third year do not need to repeat the presentation. ii) Students who have not done ○b will need to have done ○a each year before doing ○b .

2.課程博士論文提出時における○a 「課程博士論文中間報告発表会」・○b 「課程博士論文公開発表会」実施の有無に

関する取扱いについて i) ○b を実施していない者は、課程博士論文を提出することはできない。 ii) ○a を実施してない年度があることが発覚した場合は、学生本人が「○a を実施できなかった旨の理由書」を作成し、

指導教員が確認・押印したうえで、課程博士論文審査の際に教員グループでこれを考慮する。 2. Having not completed the ○a “Mid-term doctorate presentation” and/or ○b “Public presentation of doctoral thesis” when submitting doctoral thesis:

i) Students who have not completed ○b may not submit their doctoral thesis.

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ii) If it is found that ○a has not been completed for a particular year, the student must draw up a “Reasons for not completing ○a ” form and have it stamped/signed by their supervisor. It will then be considered by the teaching staff group when the doctoral thesis is being examined.

*[3] 課程博士論文公開発表会について 論文執筆の促進に加えて、指導教員以外の研究者からも意見を求め、学術論文としての質の向上を図ることを目的として行



には行なわなければならない。 *[3] Public presentation of doctoral thesis This is aimed at enhancing the quality of the research by encouraging the students to write their thesis and to seek opinions from researchers other than the student’s supervisors. As a public presentation is a prerequisite for a preliminary examination for doctoral thesis, this presentation must already have taken place by the time of the preliminary examination. A public presentation is also required for full leave (Manryo-taigaku) students who left the school without conducting public presentation.

(a) 公開発表会および予備審査への論文提出時期については、表2の中で、目安として( )内に示したが、実際の日程に


2週間前までに日時の指定、公示および広報について文系教務課(法学研究科)に依頼する。 (a) The schedule of the public presentation and preliminary examination for doctoral thesis is tentatively set for the month

shown in the (brackets) on the Table 2 and the main and sub-supervisors should arrange the time period for a presentation appropriately after consultation with the student, taking into consideration the timing when the basic outline of the doctoral thesis to be submitted can be reported. A request should be made to the GSL Students Affairs Section to publicize and report the date at least two weeks beforehand.

(b) 発表者は、課程博士論文の骨子を示す 4,800 字程度(英語の場合は 2,400 語程度)の概要を配布して論文の要旨を口

頭で発表すること。 (b) At the oral presentation, handouts of an overview of the doctoral thesis with an outline of about 4,800 characters in the

case of Japanese or 2,400 words in the case of English of the doctoral thesis has to be distributed.

(c) 教員グループ会議における予備審査申請の受理に際し、すでに公開発表会を行っていることについて主指導教員か



査は行われない。 (c) When the application for the preliminary examination within the Faculty Committee is being accepted, a report from the

main supervisor concerning the public presentation that has already taken place (format: date, location, participants, outline of questions, summary of presentation) is to be submitted. In case that the presentation has not taken place, or the given presentation is not considered to be suitable as a public presentation, the preliminary examination will not take place until the public presentation has been properly conducted.

(d) 院生または満期退学した者が、学会の大会または分科会、もしくは法学研究科主催の国際シンポジウム等で、提出予


において、(c)と同様の報告書および当該報告の口述原稿を提出してもらい、公開発表会免除の可否を決定する。 (d) Graduate students or full-leave students, who have given a report on the doctoral thesis at an academic conference or

session, or an international symposium held by the Graduate School of Law, may obtain an exemption from the public presentation. Such an exemption is decided by the Faculty Committee on the basis of the submission of a report which is the same as that in [c] and a manuscript of such an oral presentation.

2. 国際法政コース特有のプログラム 2.Specific Programs of LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science 本コースは、その趣旨に合致する次のプログラムをおく。これらのプログラムを遂行することにより、後述の博士(比較法学)の学位


らない。なお、課程博士論文提出については、前述のスケジュールに従うこと。 The LL.D (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science provides the specific programs outlined below which are designed in accordance to the aim of this Program. These programs have been established to generate the obtainment of a degree of Doctor of Law (Comparative Law). Students must, following their main and sub supervisors, pursue the programs independently for themselves.

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1) クリティカル・ディスカッション・プログラム このプログラムでは、定期的に開かれる前期課程を含む国際法政コースの院生全員が参加する研究会において、報告担当者が


期待されている。 1) Critical Discussion Sessions This program involves a report presenting his/her own research plan and the state of progress to a research group composed of participants from the entire body of graduate students on the Comparative Law Program, including those students belonging to the Master’s program. Through this it is hoped the skills for managing and evaluating research are developed. 2) インターンシップ・プログラム このプログラムでは、日本の企業法務部等へのインターシップを通じて、法・政治を制度のレベルのみならず文化のレベルでも理

解すること、実際的な問題を素材として専門的・実戦的な問題解決能力を練成することが期待されている。 2) Internship/Apprenticeship In this program it is hoped that by doing an internship in an actual Japanese companies’ legal or otherwise sections, there will be an understanding of law and politics at the systematic level as well as at the cultural level, and that there will be an actual training in the ability to resolve practical problems using actual situations. 3)リサーチ・マネジメント・プログラム このプログラムでは、多くの研究者を組織して大規模な研究を実施する能力を育成することが期待されている。具体的には、教材


のための知識の取得等。 3) Research Management Skills Training It is hoped that by gathering together many researchers, the skills for the operation of large scale results shall be cultivated. In practical terms the aim is towards developing the know-how for managing research and education through networking, material-gathering, planning techniques, concretizing research proposals and setting up research environments.

3. 博士(比較法学)の課程博士論文の判定基準 3. Criteria for Obtaining the Degree of Doctor of Laws (Comparative Law) 1) 博士(比較法学)の課程博士論文については、次のような判定基準を用いる。 1) The following judgement criteria are used for the Doctoral Thesis in LL.D. (Comparative Law) (1) 「アジア法整備支援」(体制移行に伴う法整備支援とそれに関する国際協力を始め、比較法学・比較政治学・国際関


(1) Makes a contribution towards decisions and discoveries regarding practical and theoretical problems in “Asian Cooperative Legal Assistance” (the areas of comparative law, comparative politics and international relations along with an legal assistance and its related international cooperation in connection with an institutional transition). (2) 主として比較法学的・比較政治学的手法によること。ただし、国際関係を専攻する場合は、国際文書・国際機関の実行等の分

析であっても、国内法・国内政治への応用可能性を念頭においたものであればよい。 (2) Uses mainly comparative law and comparative political science methods. However, in the case of international relations specialists, even concerning analysis of the functioning of international documents and international institutions, it is permissible to consider the possible applications for domestic law and politics. (3)母国の問題を取り扱うため、一次資料として主として母語によるものをもちいるとしても、英語・日本語等母語以外の言語を用い

て関連の研究動向を分析しており、それを前提に議論を進めていること。 (3) In dealing with problems of one’s home country (that is a country in receipt of aid), even when using primary materials in one’s mother tongue, the analysing of relevant research trends, and the progress of an argument following from a premise is done in Japanese or English even when it is not the mother tongue.

(4)問題設定が明確であり、設定した問題に対する自分なりの回答が出されていること (4)The setting of problems is clear and one’s own answers emerge to the problems.

(5)従来の研究と比較して独自性が認められること (5) One’s own originality can be recognized in the progress of the research and comparisons.


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(6) That it is theoretically solid, and answers to expected criticisms are anticipated.

2) 博士(比較法学)の課程博士論文については、次の(1)、(2)の二つの方式のいずれかによること。 2) The following two formats can be used for the Doctoral Thesis in LL.D. (Comparative Law) <方式1> 前項1) の(1)~(6)を兼ね添える特定のテーマについての論文 1 点を主論文とし、次のいくつかのパターンによるペ

ーパーあるいは報告書を 2 点以上参考論文とするもの。 <Format 1> A thesis on one point concerning a specific theme connected with item (1)-(6) in the above 1) as the main thesis and papers or reports on a few of the following points becoming two or more reference theses:

a) 「アジア法整備支援」にかかわる国際シンポの組織等研究組織の実績を示す報告書 a) A report on the results from research organisations’ international symposiums dealing with ‘Asian legal exchange’.

b) 母国(支援対象国)における法学・政治学の高等教育に貢献しうる教科書を執筆していることを示す報告書 b) The writing of and reporting on textbooks that contribute to higher education in law and political science in ones (aid-recipient)


c)日本において母国(支援対象国)の法と政治についての基礎的知識の普及に努めたことを示すペーパー c) A paper that aims to diffuse basic knowledge about law and politics in ones own (aid-receiving) country.

d) その他国際法政コース・博士(比較法学)の趣旨に合致する研究・教育活動を行ったことを示すレポート d) A report on a research or educational activity that fulfils the main tenets of the international law and politics course and LLD.

(Comparative Law) / この場合、その他の参考論文を提出することもできる。主論文の分量は、従来の博士(法学)の半分程度を目安とする。 In the case of (1), other reference theses may be submitted. The quantity of the main thesis should aim to be half of the Law doctorate.

<方式2> 前項1)の(1)~(6)を兼ね備え、かつ、<方式 1>のa)~d)の実績を端々に示す論文 1 点を主論文とするもの。 <Format 2> One main thesis which combines (1)-(6) in 1) and indicate the results of a)-d) in <format 1> being made into the main thesis. / ※<方式1>による学位認定を希望するものは、はしがき等において主論文とあわせ審査対象となった参考論文のあることを明示


その事情および当該参考論文の出典あるいは所在を明示すること。 * Those who wish to be approved for a degree under [Format 1] must clearly indicate in the preface etc. if there is reference material that is to be inspected alongside the main thesis, and should attach this reference material to the end of the main thesis. Should it not be possible due to certain circumstances to attach the reference material, clearly indicate in the preface said circumstances and the sources for or location of the reference material II-3 リーディング大学院プログラム修了認定について* II-3 Official Recognition of the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools

文部科学省が 2011 年に導入した博士課程教育リーディングプログラムは、「優秀な学生を俯瞰力と独創力を備え広く産学官に

わたりグローバルに活躍するリーダーへと導く」ための「大学院教育の抜本的改革」を目指すものである。本研究科は、2012 年から


ム修了認定」は、その成果を本研究科の今後の教育研究の中に定着発展させることを目的としている。 The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) introduced the Program for Leading

Graduate Schools in 2011. The program objective is to undertake a “radical reform of the graduate school education of Japan” so that Japanese higher education can produce “gifted graduate students with a broader perspective and ingeniousness who will become future global leaders in industry, academia and government.” Under this program the Graduate School of Law introduced an English-taught program, “Cross-Border Legal Institution Design,” in 2012. From 2019, the certificate for “Official Recognition of the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools” continues this effort of the Graduate School of Law for further development and improvement of the notable achievements of this program.



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目的としている。 The “Courses Offered for the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools” will provide an opportunity for students

to learn the skills of (1) collaborative research management, (2) professional presentation and discussion in overseas conferences, (3) academic writing to develop quality papers and reports, (4) international networking, (5) engaging in professional internships overseas, and (6) exercising leadership in international and multi-cultural settings.




もに提出する必要がある(いずれも英語による)。修士学位論文は 12,000 語を上限とすることが目安となる。共同研究レポートは上

限 8000 語(うち、共同研究 4000 語、個人研究 4000 語)を目安とする。 Those students who wish to have this official recognition on completion of the master’s or doctoral program must submit the

appropriate course enrollment registration form when they begin the master’s program, and must earn more than 8 credits from the “Courses Offered for the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools,” including required courses. Also, results from the compulsory courses “Joint Research Workshop 1・2” are to be summarized in a joint research report and submitted along with the master’s thesis (all to be completed in English). The master’s thesis should be a maximum length of around 12,000 words. The joint research report should be a maximum length of around 8,000 words (4,000 words joint research, 4,000 words individual research).




明書に添付して、特別な専門的訓練を受けたことの説明資料として関係先に提出することができる。 When official recognition is obtained, the diploma of the LL.D. degree will include special mention that the candidate successfully

completed the Program for Leading Graduate Schools. The diploma of the LL.M. degree does not include this special mention but the Graduate School of Law will provide a “Certificate of the Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools” signed by the Dean. In addition, the Graduate School of Law will provide University documentation on the contents of the special program. These materials will be supplied on the same basis as official transcripts of the University. * 2017 年度以前に入学した国際法政コース(リーディング大学院クラス)生については、従前の定めによる。 * As to students admitted to the (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science (Program for Leading Graduate Schools) in AY2017 or earlier, the provisions then in force remain applicable.

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II-4 博士課程教育推進機構について II-4 The Doctoral Education Consortium

大学院生の二つの達成目標:専門性と PhD スキル Two Goals of Graduate Students: To Become a Disciplinary Expert & Competent Professional with PhD Skills

大学院で学ぶとき、専門分野における高度な知識技能の獲得と、どの職場でも役に立つ高度専門職能力(PhD スキル)の修得を


れています。そのときに有効なのが PhD スキルです。 While in graduate school, students must enhance their disciplinary expertise and sets of transferrable skills (PhD Skills). A Master’s or a Doctoral degree holders are expected to become leaders in their organization. PhD Skills are effective in this context. 博士課程教育推進機構(以下、機構)は、次のようなスキルの修得ができる場を提供することを使命にしています。 The Doctoral Education Consortium (DEC) seeks to provide you with learning opportunities to master those skills illustrated in the chart below. 名古屋大学の大学院生は、機構のウェブからこれらの多様な技能と体験の機会に関する情報にアクセスし、参加申込をすること


かを考えるための導入機会を提供しています。 機構が提供あるいは紹介する多様な PhD スキル修得の場に関する情報は、次の URL からアクセスすることができます。

https://dec.nagoya-u.ac.jp/All graduate students of Nagoya University can access information about learning opportunities through the DEC web and apply to

take part. Professional Literacy (a graduate school common course: 1 credit) is an introduction to learning opportunities for you to think about these skills.

Graduate students can access information about a variety of learning opportunities of Ph.D. Skills offered, or introduced, by the DEC through the following URL:


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番号 授業科目 講義題目 単位数 教員名 形式 開講時期

研究方法論[必修] 論文執筆講座 I ベネット / 非・松浦 講義 1年次、秋学期

研究方法論 論文執筆講座 II ベネット / レジェ 講義 1年次、春学期

研究方法論 論文執筆講座 III ベネット / レジェ 講義 2年次(1年次も可)、秋学期

現代基礎法学専門研究 比較不動産法制 ベネット 講義 12年次、春学期

比較法哲学専門研究 法とその担い手たち 演習 21年度開講せず

比較法哲学専門研究 汚職の構造と対策 演習 21年度開講せず

比較憲法専門研究 近代憲法概論 大河内 講義 12年次、春学期

比較行政法専門研究 行政法入門 稲葉 講義 12年次、秋学期

国際法専門研究 国際法入門 山形【国】 講義 12年次、春学期

国際人権法専門研究 国際人権法の展開と課題 非・洪 講義 12年次、集中講義

国際人権法専門研究 演習 21年度開講せず

国際経済法専門研究 法の研究 石川【国】 講義 12年次、春学期

国際経済法専門研究 国際経済法の諸問題 水島 演習 12年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(比較私法研究 I) 国際商事仲裁入門 コロンボ 演習 12年次、春学期

特別講義演習(比較私法研究 II) 国際模擬仲裁 コロンボ 演習 12年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(比較私法基礎研究 A) 国際取引法の最新問題 コロンボ 演習 12年次、春学期

特別講義演習(比較私法基礎研究 B) 国際契約法 コロンボ 演習 12年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(国際模擬仲裁) 国際模擬仲裁 横溝/コロンボ 演習12年次、秋学期


比較民事法専門研究 契約法 非・カライスコス 講義 12年次、春学期

比較民事法専門研究 日本およびアジア諸国の家族法 非・伊藤 講義 1,2年次、秋学期

比較刑事法専門研究 刑法の発展と外国法の影響 非・高山 講義 1年次、集中講義

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比較司法制度専門研究 司法制度入門(民事) 中村 講義 12年次、集中講義

比較企業法専門研究 会社法 講義 1,2年次、集中 、隔年・21年度開講せず

比較企業法専門研究 会社法 非・上田 講義 1,2年次、集中 、隔年・21年度開講

比較政治専門研究 比較ヨーロッパ政治 近藤 講義 1,2年次、春学期

比較政治専門研究 国際政治 三浦 講義 1,2年次、春学期

比較行政学専門研究 日本の行政と政策 荒見 講義 12年次、秋学期

比較政治理論専門研究 政治理論の諸潮流 加藤 講義 1, 2年次、秋学期

特別研究[必修] チュートリアル 指導教員 研究指導 1年次、通年

特別研究[必修] チュートリアル 指導教員 研究指導 2年次、通年

特別講義演習(企業法務) 企業法務 講演実 21年度開講せず

特別講義演習(国際交渉論) 国際交渉論 ベネット 講演実 12年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(日本の司法機関) 日本の司法機関非・小川、早川、尾田、山口、棚橋、塚原

講義 1年次、秋学期


正義論と法理論 松尾 講義 12年次、春学期

特別講義演習(日本の社会と法) 日本の社会と法 原田 演習 12年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(国際環境法) 内記【環】 講義 1, 2年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(民事裁判法入門) 非・本間 講義 12年次、集中講義

特別講義演習(比較法政演習 I) 佐藤 演習 1,2年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(比較法政演習 II) 佐藤 演習 12年次、春学期

特別講義演習(知的財産法) 鈴木 / 西井 演習 12年次、秋学期

特別講義演習(外国法特別演習 I) 演習 21年度開講せず

特別講義演習(外国法特別演習 II) 演習 21年度開講せず

特別講義演習(労働法) 演習 21年度開講せず

特別講義・演習(近代日本政治史) 占領下の日本 増田 演習 1, 2年次、集中講義

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東アジア法研究 東アジア比較法 松浦 演習 1, 2年次、春学期

東アジア法研究 東アジア比較法 松浦 演習 1, 2年次、秋学期

東アジア法研究 東アジア共通法 非・市橋 演習 1, 2年次、秋学期

東アジア法研究 東アジア共通法 演習 21年度開講せず

番号 授業科目 講義題目 単位数 教員名 形式 開講時期

国際私法研究 A 国際私法の諸問題 横溝 演習 1,2年次、春学期

国際私法研究 B 国際私法の諸問題 横溝 演習 1,2年次、秋学期

法社会学特殊研究Ⅰ 法社会学文献講読 原田 演習 12年次、春学期


講義 21年度開講せず

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番号 授業科目 講義題目 単位数 教員名 形式 開講時期

プロジェクト・マネジメント 中野/非・松浦/非・高橋 講義 1年次、秋学期

比較法共同研究入門 横溝/マクギンティ 講義1年次、秋学期[選択必修]、のうち一つを選択

比較政治共同研究入門 武田/グリーン 講義1年次、秋学期[選択必修]、のうち一つを選択


法移植論 非・市橋 講義 1年次、春学期オムニバス


共同研究実習 [必修]コロンボ/横溝/マクギンティ

演習 年次、春学期


演習 年次、秋学期

国際法政演習 指導教員 演習 1年次、集中夏のインターンシップ

  特別講義演習(法哲学) 法哲学:日本のコンテクスト 松尾 講義 1,2年次、春学期 No.251と共通

特別講義演習(アジア家族法) 日本およびアジア諸国の家族法 非・伊藤 講義 1年次、秋学期 No.237と共通

プロジェクト・マネジメント II 講義 年度開講せず

リーディングプログラム アカデミック・ライティング 講義 年度開講せず

共同研究実習 III ワークショップ企画コロンボ/横溝/マクギンティ

演習 1年次、集中

国際法政演習 指導教員 演習 1年次、集中夏のインターンシップ


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IV 規定(抄)/Regulation (Summary)

IV-1 名古屋大学大学院通則 IV-1 Nagoya University Graduate School General Rules

最終改正 令和 3 年 4 月 1 日/Last amended: 1 April 2021 目次 Table of Contents 第1章 総則(第1条-第9条) Chapter I General Provisions (Articles 1 to 9) 第2章 入学,進学,転科及び転専攻(第10条-第17条の2) Chapter II Admissions, Advancement and Transfers between Graduate Schools or Departments (Articles 10 to 17-2) 第3章 教育課程,授業,研究指導,留学等(第18条-第25条) Chapter III Curricula, Classes, Research Supervision and Study Abroad (Articles 18 to 25) 第4章 休学及び復学(第26条-第28条) Chapter IV Leaves of Absence and Returning to Study (Articles 26 to 28) 第5章 退学及び転学(第29条・第30条) Chapter V Withdrawals and Transfers (Articles 29 and 30) 第6章 課程修了,学位の授与等(第31条-第35条) Chapter VI Completion of Programs and Granting of Degrees (Articles 31 to 35) 第7章 除籍及び懲戒(第36条・第37条) Chapter VII Unregistration and Disciplinary Measures (Articles 36 and 37) 第8章 検定料,入学料,授業料及び寄宿料(第38条-第48条) Chapter VIII Application Screening Fees, Enrollment Fees, Tuition, and Dormitory Fees (Articles 38 to 48) 第9章 大学院特別聴講学生,科目等履修生,特別研究学生及び大学院研究生 Chapter IX Graduate Credit-transfer Students, Credited Auditors, Special Research Students and Graduate Research Students 第1節 大学院特別聴講学生(第49条-第52条) Section 1 Graduate Credit-transfer Students (Articles 49 to 52) 第2節 科目等履修生(第52条の2-第52条の8) Section 2 Credited Auditors (Articles 52-2 to 52-8) 第3節 特別研究学生(第53条-第56条) Section 3 Special Research Students (Articles 53 to 56) 第4節 大学院研究生(第57条-第63条) Section 4 Graduate Research Students (Articles 57 to 63) 第5節 検定料,入学料及び授業料の額(第64条) Section 5 Application Screening Fees, Enrollment Fees and Tuition Amounts (Article 64) 第10章 外国人留学生(第65条) Chapter X International Students (Article 65) 第11章 国際連携専攻(第66条-第73条) Chapter XI International Joint Degree Programs (Articles 66 to 73) 附則 Supplementary Provisions 第1章 総則 Chapter I General Provisions (目的及び方針) (Purposes and Policies) 第1条 本学大学院は,学術の理論及び応用を教授研究し,その深奥を究め,高度の専門性が求められる職業を担うための深い


ることを目的とする。 Article 1 (1) The graduate schools of the University aim to contribute to the advancement of culture and to train academic researchers, highly professional technical experts and educators, through teaching and researching academic theories and applications and mastering their depths, and through cultivating the rich academic knowledge and superior skills necessary for those who pursue careers that require high levels of expertise. 2 本学大学院は,前項の目的を踏まえて,本学大学院及び研究科において,次の各号に掲げる方針を定め,公表するものとす

る。 (2) Based on the purposes provided for in the preceding paragraph, the graduate schools of the University shall prescribe and announce the policies for the graduate schools of the University as listed in the following items. 一 修了認定及び学位授与に関する方針 (i) Policies regarding certification of completion and degree conferment

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二 教育課程の編成及び実施に関する方針 (ii) Policies regarding curriculum creation and implementation 三 入学者の受入れに関する方針 (iii) Policies regarding new student admission (研究科及び専攻) <省略> (Graduate Schools and Departments) <Oimission> (課程) (Programs) 第3条 研究科の課程は,博士課程とする。 Article 3 (1) The programs offered by graduate schools shall be doctoral programs. ただし,法学研究科にあっては,博士課程及び法科大学院の専門職学位課程(以下「法科大学院の課程」という。)とし,医学系研

究科にあっては,修士課程及び博士課程とする。 However, the Graduate School of Law shall offer doctoral degree programs and the professional degree program in the Law School (hereinafter referred to as the "Law School Program"), and the Graduate School of Medicine shall offer master's and doctoral programs. 2 博士課程(医学系研究科の医学を履修する博士課程(以下「医学博士課程」という。)を除く。)は,前期2年の課程及び後期3

年の課程に区分する。 (2) Doctoral programs (excluding the doctoral program in the Graduate School of Medicine for the study of medicine (hereinafter referred to as the "Medical Doctoral Program") shall be classified into an initial two-year program and a final three-year program. 3 前項の前期2年の課程は,博士前期課程(以下「前期課程」という。)といい,後期3年の課程は,博士後期課程(以下「後期課

程」という。)という。 (3) The initial two years of doctoral program of the preceding paragraph shall be called the master's program (hereinafter referred to as the “Master's Program”), and the final three years of doctoral program shall be called the doctoral program (hereinafter referred to as the “Doctoral Program”). 4 前期課程は,修士課程として取り扱うものとする。 (4) The Master's Program shall be treated as a master's program. 5 医学博士課程は,区分を設けない課程とする。 (5) A Medical Doctoral Program shall be an undivided program. (収容定員) (Enrollment Capacity) 第4条 大学院の収容定員は,別表のとおりとする。 Article 4 The enrollment capacity of each graduate school shall be according to the appended table. (標準修業年限) (Standard Period of Enrollment) 第5条 博士課程の標準修業年限は,5年(前期課程にあっては2年,後期課程にあっては3年)とする。 Article 5 (1) The standard period of enrollment for the doctoral program shall be five years (two years for the Master's Program and three years for the Doctoral Program). ただし,医学博士課程の標準修業年限は,4年とする。 However, the standard period of enrollment for the Medical Doctoral Program shall be four years. 2 医学系研究科の修士課程の標準修業年限は,2年とする。 (2) The standard period of enrollment for the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine shall be two years. 3 前2項の規定にかかわらず,前期課程及び医学系研究科の修士課程の標準修業年限は,主として実務の経験を有する者に対



区分に応じ,標準修業年限を1年以上2年未満の期間とすることができる。 (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the standard period of enrollment for the Master's Program and the master’s program in the Graduate School of Medicine may be one year or more but less than two years, in accordance with the provisions of the graduate schools and depending on the department and the student’s course of study, and mainly in the case of education for those with practical work experience, when there is an educational or research necessity, and moreover, when course instruction, research supervision, and other necessary matters are conducted in the nighttime, and other specified times and periods in addition to the daytime in accordance with the appropriate methods and without impeding education. 4 法科大学院の課程の標準修業年限は,3年とする。 (4) The standard period of enrollment for the Law School Program shall be three years. (在学年限) (Maximum Duration of Enrollment) 第6条 博士課程(医学博士課程を除く。)の在学年限は,前期課程では4年,後期課程では6年とする。 Article 6 (1) The maximum duration of enrollment in the doctoral program (excluding the Medical Doctoral Program) shall be four years for the Master's Program and six years for the Doctoral Program. 2 医学系研究科の修士課程の在学年限は4年,医学博士課程の在学年限は8年とする。 (2) The maximum duration of enrollment in a master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine shall be four years and the

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maximum duration of enrollment in the Medical Doctoral Program shall be eight years. 3 前2項の規定にかかわらず,前条第3項の規定により前期課程又は医学系研究科の修士課程の標準修業年限を1年以上2年

未満の期間とした場合の在学年限は,当該標準修業年限の2倍に相当する期間とする。 (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, in case of the standard period of enrollment being one year or more but less than two years for the Master's Program or the master’s program in the Graduate School of Medicine as provided for in Paragraph (3) of the preceding Article, the maximum duration of enrollment shall be two times the length of the minimum duration of studies concerned. 4 法科大学院の課程の在学年限は,6年とする。 (4) The maximum duration of enrollment in the Law School Program shall be six years. ただし,第33条の2第2項の規定する者の在学年限は,3年から同項の規定により法科大学院に在学したものとみなす期間を除い

た期間の2倍に相当する期間とする。 However, the maximum duration of enrollment for persons prescribed in Article 33-2, Paragraph (2) shall be double the period calculated by subtracting the period for which the student is deemed to have been enrolled in the Law School Program, under the provisions of that paragraph, from three years. (学年) (Academic Year) 第7条 学年は,4月1日に始まり,翌年3月31日に終わる。 Article 7 The academic year shall start on April 1 and end on March 31 of the following year. (学期) (Semesters) 第8条 学年を分けて,次の2学期とする。 Article 8 The academic year shall be divided into the following two semesters: 春学期 4月1日から9月30日まで Spring semester: from April 1 to September 30; and 秋学期 10月1日から翌年3月31日まで Fall semester: from October 1 to March 31 of the following year. (休業日) (School Holidays) 第9条 休業日(授業を行わない日)は,次のとおりとする。 Article 9 (1) The University's school holidays (the days on which no classes are offered) shall be as follows: 日曜日 Sundays; 土曜日 Saturdays; 国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和23年法律第178号)に規定する休日 holidays stipulated in the Act on National Holidays (Act No. 178 of 1948); 春季休業 4月1日から4月4日まで spring vacation: from April 1 to April 4; 夏季休業 8月8日から9月30日まで summer vacation: from August 8 to September 30; and 冬季休業 12月28日から翌年1月7日まで winter vacation: from December 28 to January 7 of the following year. 2 臨時の休業日は,総長がその都度定める。 (2) Extra school holidays shall be prescribed by the President on a case-by-case basis. 3 第1項の規定にかかわらず,教育上必要があると認められる場合には,第1項に規定する休業日に授業を行うことができる。 (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (1), classes may be held on the school holidays provided for in Paragraph (1) when an educational necessity has been recognized. 第2章 入学,進学,転科及び転専攻 Chapter II Admissions, Advancement and Transfers between Graduate Schools or Departments (入学の時期) (Time of Admission) 第10条 入学の時期は,学年の初めとする。 Article 10 (1) Students shall be admitted to graduate schools at the start of the academic year. 2 前項の規定にかかわらず,研究科の定めるところにより,学年の途中においても,学期の区分に従い,入学させることができる。 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a graduate school may admit a student even during an academic year, under the provisions of the graduate school, in accordance with semesters. 3 国際連携専攻の入学の時期は,前2項の規定にかかわらず,当該研究科において,別に定めることができる。 (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, time of admission for the International Joint Degree Programs may be prescribed separately by the graduate schools concerned. (前期課程,医学系研究科の修士課程及び法科大学院の課程の入学資格)

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(Eligibility for Admission to the Master's Program, a Master's Program in the Graduate School of Medicine and the Law School Program) 第11条 前期課程,医学系研究科の修士課程及び法科大学院の課程に入学することのできる者は,次の各号のいずれかに該当

する者とする。 Article 11 Persons who fall under any of the following items shall be eligible to be admitted to the Master's Program, a master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine and the Law School Program: 一 大学を卒業した者 (i) persons who have graduated from a university; 二 法第104条第4項の規定により学士の学位を授与された者 (ii) persons to whom a bachelor's degree has been granted under the provisions of Article 104, Paragraph (4) of the Act; 三 外国において学校教育における16年の課程を修了した者 (iii) persons who have completed 16 years of schooling in a foreign country; 四 外国の学校が行う通信教育における授業科目を我が国において履修することにより,当該外国の学校教育における16年の課

程を修了した者 (iv) persons who have completed 16 years of schooling of a foreign country in Japan by taking courses offered by a school of said foreign country by distance education; 五 我が国において,外国の大学の課程(その修了者が当該外国の学校教育における16年の課程を修了したとされるものに限


のの当該課程を修了した者 (v) persons who have completed a course of study in Japan offered at an educational institution positioned under the schooling system of a foreign country as offering university programs (limited to those where persons who have completed the program are treated as having completed 16 years of schooling of said foreign country) and designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; 六 外国の大学その他の外国の学校(その教育研究活動等の総合的な状況について,当該外国の政府又は関係機関の認証を




課程を修了することを含む。)により,学士の学位に相当する学位を授与された者 (vi) Persons who have been conferred a degree equivalent to a bachelor's degree through attending an overseas university or other overseas school (limited to those whose education and research activities have been evaluated by persons who have been certified by the relevant country's government or a related institution, or have been separately designated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as being equivalent to such) and graduated from a program that requires 3 or more years to complete (Includes graduating from a program implemented by the relevant overseas school while living in Japan through distance learning, as well as graduating from a program implemented by an educational facility established with the relevant overseas country's school education system and has received the designation mentioned above). 七 専修学校の専門課程(修業年限が4年以上であることその他の文部科学大臣が定める基準を満たすものに限る。)で文部科学

大臣が別に指定するものを文部科学大臣が定める日以後に修了した者 (vii) persons who have completed, on or after the day prescribed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a specialized course of study at an advanced vocational school designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (limited to those that meet the criteria prescribed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, including that the minimum duration of studies be at least four years); 八 文部科学大臣の指定した者 (viii) persons designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; 九 大学に3年以上在学し,又は外国において学校教育における15年の課程若しくは我が国において外国の大学の課程(その



を優れた成績をもって修得したものと認めた者 (ix) persons who have been enrolled in a university for at least three years or persons who have completed 15 years of schooling in a foreign country or a course of study in Japan at an educational institution positioned under the schooling system of a foreign country as offering university programs (limited to those where persons who have completed the program are treated as having completed 15 years of schooling) and designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, who are found to have acquired the designated credits at a graduate school of the University with an excellent academic record; and 十 本学大学院において,個別の入学資格審査(以下「個別審査」という。)により,大学を卒業した者と同等以上の学力があると認

めた者で,22歳に達したもの (x) persons who are at least 22 years of age who are recognized by a graduate school of the University through individual screening of eligibility for admission (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Screening") as having scholastic ability equivalent to or higher than that of university graduates. (後期課程の入学又は進学の資格) (Eligibility for Admission or Advancement to Doctoral Program) 第12条 後期課程に入学又は進学することのできる者は,次の各号のいずれかに該当する者とする。

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Article 12 The persons who are eligible to be admitted or to advance to the Doctoral Program shall be persons who fall under any of the following items: 一 本学大学院若しくは他の大学院で修士の学位又は専門職学位を授与された者 (i) persons to whom a master's degree or a professional degree has been granted by a graduate school of the University or by another graduate school; 二 外国において修士の学位又は専門職学位に相当する学位を授与された者 (ii) persons to whom a degree equivalent to a master's degree or a professional degree has been granted in a foreign country; 三 外国の学校が行う通信教育における授業科目を我が国において履修し,修士の学位又は専門職学位に相当する学位を授与

された者 (iii) persons who have taken courses offered in Japan by a foreign school by distance education to whom a degree equivalent to a master's degree or a professional degree has been granted; 四 我が国において,外国に大学院の課程を有するものとして当該外国の学校教育制度において位置付けられた教育施設であ

って,文部科学大臣が別に指定するものの当該課程を修了し,修士の学位又は専門職学位に相当する学位を授与された者 (iv) persons who have completed a course of study in Japan offered at an educational institution positioned under the schooling system of a foreign country as offering graduate school programs and designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, to whom a degree equivalent to a master's degree or a professional degree has been granted; 五 国際連合大学本部に関する国際連合と日本国との間の協定の実施に伴う特別措置法(昭和51年法律第72号)第1条第2項


修了し,修士の学位に相当する学位を授与された者 (v) persons who have completed a course of study at United Nations University (hereinafter referred to as “United Nations University”), which was established pursuant to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution dated December 11, 1972, as provided under Article 1, Paragraph (2) of the Act on Special Measures Incidental to Enforcement of the "Agreement between the United Nations and Japan regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations University” (Act No. 72 of 1976), and to whom a degree equivalent to a master's degree has been granted; 六 外国の学校,第4号の指定を受けた教育施設又は国際連合大学の教育課程を履修し,第31条の2に規定する博士論文研究

基礎力審査に相当するものに合格し,修士の学位を有する者と同等以上の学力があると認められた者 (vi) persons who have completed the curriculum of a foreign school, educational institution designated under Item (iv), or United Nations University, have passed the equivalent of a basic skills review for doctoral thesis research as provided for in Article 31-2, and have been recognized as having scholastic ability equivalent to or higher than that of persons who have a master's degree. 七 文部科学大臣の指定した者 (vii) persons designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; and 八 本学大学院において,個別審査により,修士の学位又は専門職学位を有する者と同等以上の学力があると認めた者で,24歳

に達したもの (viii) persons who are at least 24 years of age who are recognized by a graduate school of the University through Individual Screening as having scholastic ability equivalent to or higher than that of persons who have a master's degree or a professional degree. (医学博士課程の入学又は進学の資格) <省略> (Eligibility for Admission or Advancement to the Medical Doctoral Program) <Omission> (入学及び進学の出願手続) (Procedures for Applications for Admission and Advancement) 第14条 前3条に規定する者で入学又は進学を志願するものは,所定の期日までに願書を当該研究科に提出しなければならな

い。 Article 14 Persons prescribed in the preceding three Articles who apply for admission or advancement to a relevant program must submit an application to the relevant graduate school by the designated deadline. ただし,入学を志願する者は,願書に第38条の検定料を添えなければならない。 However, persons who apply for admission must submit the application screening fees in Article 38 with their application. (入学試験及び進学試験) (Entrance and Advancement Examinations) 第15条 前条の入学志願者又は進学志願者に対しては,研究科において入学試験又は進学試験を行い,合格者を決定する。 Article 15 Each graduate school shall conduct entrance and advancement examinations for the applicants for admission or advancement prescribed in the preceding Article and determine the successful candidates. (入学及び進学の許可) (Permission for Admission and Advancement) 第16条 総長は,前条の入学試験の合格者で第39条の入学料の納入,保証書,宣誓書の提出等所定の手続を完了したものに,

入学を許可する。 Article 16 (1) The President may admit a person who has passed the entrance examination prescribed in the preceding Article and completed the designated procedures, including the payment of enrollment fees in Article 39 and the submission of a written guarantee and a written pledge. 2 研究科長は,前条の進学試験の合格者で所定の手続を完了したものに,進学を許可する。 (2) The Dean of each graduate school may grant permission to advance to a person who has passed the advancement examination prescribed in the preceding Article and completed the designated procedures.

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(再入学,転入学及び編入学) (Readmission, Transfers and Mid-course Entry) 第17条 次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は,研究科において選考の上,適当の課程に総長が入学を許可することができる。 Article 17 The President may, after consideration by the graduate school, admit persons who fall under any of the following items to an appropriate program: 一 第29条の規定による本学大学院の退学者で,再び同一の課程に入学を志願するもの (i) persons who withdrew from a graduate school of the University under the provisions of Article 29 who apply for readmission to the same program; 二 他の大学院に在学する者又は我が国において,外国の大学院の課程を有するものとして当該外国の学校教育制度において


に限る。)及び国際連合大学の課程に在学した者で,本学大学院に転学を志願するもの (ii) persons who are enrolled in another graduate school or who have been enrolled in Japan in a course of study offered at an educational institution positioned under the schooling system of a foreign country as offering graduate school programs and designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (limited to persons prescribed in Article 102, Paragraph (1) of the Act) and who have been enrolled in the United Nations University programs, who apply for transfer to a graduate school of the University; and 三 修士課程,博士課程の前期課程又は専門職学位課程を修了した者で,本学大学院に入学を志願するもの (iii) persons who have completed a master's program, the Master's Program, or a professional degree program who apply for admission to a graduate school of the University. 2 第14条及び前条の規定は,前項の規定により入学する場合に準用する。 (2) The provisions of Article 14 and the preceding Article shall apply with the necessary changes to cases of admission under the provisions of the preceding paragraph. (転科及び転専攻) (Transfers between Graduate Schools or Departments) 第17条の2 学生が他の研究科に転科を志願しようとするときは,事由を詳記した転科願を所属研究科長を経て,当該研究科長

に提出し,その許可を得なければならない。 Article 17-2 (1) Students who wish to transfer to another graduate school of the University must obtain permission by submitting a request for transfer stating detailed reasons to the Dean of the graduate school to which they wish to transfer, through the Dean of the graduate school to which they belong. 2 学生が所属研究科内の他の専攻に転専攻を志願しようとするときは,当該研究科の定めるところにより,研究科長の許可を得な

ければならない。 (2) Students who wish to transfer to another department of the graduate school to which they belong must obtain the permission of the Dean of the graduate school, as prescribed by the relevant graduate school. 3 前2項の学生が既に修得した授業科目の単位の認定及び在学期間に関しては,当該研究科教授会の議を経て,当該研究科

長が行うものとする。 (3) The recognition of credits for courses already acquired and the period of enrollment for the students prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs shall be discussed by the Graduate Faculty Council, then determined by the Dean of the graduate school. 第3章 教育課程,授業,研究指導,留学等 Chapter III Curricula, Classes, Research Supervision and Study Abroad (教育課程,授業,研究指導,成績評価等) (Curricula, Classes, Research Supervision, Assessment of Academic Achievement) 第18条 教育課程,授業,学位論文の作成等に対する指導(以下「研究指導」という。),成績評価等に関することは,名古屋大学


A制度に関する規程(令和元年度規程第68号)及び研究科規程によるほか,別に定める。 Article 18 Matters including curricula, classes, thesis writing supervision (hereinafter referred to as "Research Supervision"), and the assessment of academic achievement shall be prescribed by separate rules in addition to the Nagoya University Graduate School Common Courses Rules (Rule No. 47 of 2010; hereinafter referred to as the “Graduate School Common Courses Rules”), the Rules on Grade Evaluation and the GPA System at Nagoya University (Rule No. 68 of 2019), and the graduate school rules. (授業計画等の明示) (Clarification of Class Plans, etc.) 第18条の2 研究科は,学生に対して,授業及び研究指導の方法及び内容並びに1年間の授業及び研究指導の計画をあらかじ

め明示するものとする。 Article 18-2 (1) The graduate schools shall clearly indicate the methods and content of classes and Research Supervision, as well as the one-year plan for classes and Research Supervision to students in advance. 2 教養教育院は,学生に対して,授業の方法及び内容並びに1年間の授業の計画をあらかじめ明示するものとする。 (2) The Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences shall clearly indicate the methods and content of classes, as well as the one-year plan for classes to students in advance. (成績評価基準等の明示等) (Clarification of Academic Achievement Assessment Standards, etc.) 第18条の3 研究科は,学修の成果及び学位論文に係る評価並びに修了の認定に当たっては,客観性及び厳格性を確保するた

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め,学生に対してその基準をあらかじめ明示するとともに,当該基準に従って適切に行うものとする。 Article 18-3 (1) In order to ensure objectivity and rigorousness when assessing academic achievements and dissertations and certifying program completion, the graduate schools shall clearly indicate the standards to students in advance and act appropriately in accordance with those standards. 2 教養教育院は,学修の成果に係る評価に当たっては,客観性及び厳格性を確保するため,学生に対してその基準をあらかじ

め明示するとともに,当該基準に従って適切に行うものとする。 (2) In order to ensure objectivity and rigorousness, when assessing academic achievements, the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences shall clearly indicate the standards to students in advance and act appropriately in accordance with those standards. (教育内容等の改善のための組織的な研修等) (Organizational Training to Improve Educational Content) 第18条の4 研究科は,当該研究科の授業及び研究指導の方法及び内容の改善を図るため,組織的な研修及び研究を実施す

るものとする。 Article 18-4 (1) The graduate schools shall conduct organizational training and research to improve the methods and content of their classes and Research Supervision. 2 教養教育院は,教養教育院の授業の方法及び内容の改善を図るため,組織的な研修及び研究を実施するものとする。 (2) The Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences shall conduct organizational training and research to improve the methods and content of its classes. (学修計画) (Study Plans) 第19条 入学又は進学を許可された者は,研究科の定める指導教員の指導の下に学修計画を立て,当該研究科教授会の議を

経て,当該研究科長の承認を得なければならない。 Article 19 Persons who have been admitted or permitted to advance must develop a study plan under the supervision of an academic advisor prescribed by the graduate school and obtain the approval of the Dean of the graduate school through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council. (単位) (Credits) 第20条 一の授業科目を履修した者に対しては,試験の上,単位を与える。 Article 20 (1) The University shall grant credits, after an examination, to students who have completed a course. 2 各授業科目の単位数の計算の基準は,大学院共通科目規程及び研究科規程で定める。 (2) The standards for the calculation of the number of credits for each course shall be prescribed by the Graduate School Common Courses Rules and the graduate school rules. (入学前の既修得単位の認定) (Recognition of Credits Already Acquired before Admission) 第20条の2 学生(法科大学院の学生を除く。)が本学大学院に入学する前に大学院において履修した授業科目について修得し


として認定することができる。 Article 20-2 (1) Credits acquired by students (excluding students in the Law School) for courses taken at a graduate school before admission to a graduate school of the University (including credits acquired as a credited auditor) may, when it is regarded as effective from an educational standpoint, be recognized as credits acquired at a graduate school of the University. この場合において,第17条に規定する転入学等の場合を除き,本学大学院において修得した単位以外のものの認定については,

15単位を超えない範囲とする。 Where this applies, excluding the cases of transfers, etc. as prescribed in Article 17, recognition of credits acquired outside a graduate school of the University shall not exceed 15 credits. 2 前項の既修得単位の取扱いについては,研究科において定める。 (2) The handling of the credits acquired before admission in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the graduate school. (入学前の既修得単位を勘案した在学期間の短縮) (Shortening of Enrollment Period in Consideration of Credits Acquired Prior to Enrollment) 第20条の3 前条の規定により学生が本学大学院に入学する前に修得した単位(法第102条第1項の規定により入学資格を有し



得に要した期間その他を勘案して1年を超えない範囲で,研究科が定める期間在学したものとみなすことができる。 Article 20-3 If credits acquired prior to enrollment in a graduate school of the University (limited to credits acquired after obtaining enrollment qualifications under the provisions of Article 102, Paragraph (1) of the Act) are recognized as credits acquired at a graduate school of the University under the provisions of the preceding Article, and the acquisition of these credits are recognized as completing a portion of the curriculum for the Master’s Program in the graduate schools of the University, or the master’s or doctoral program in the Graduate School of Medicine, the students may be recognized as having been enrolled for a period up to one year prescribed by the graduate school, taking the number of credits, period required to acquire the credits, and others into consideration. ただし,前期課程及び医学系研究科の修士課程については,当該課程に少なくとも1年以上在学するものとする。 However, at least one year of enrollment is required for the Master’s Program and the master’s program in the Graduate School of Medicine.

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(他の研究科の授業科目の履修) (Taking Courses at Other Graduate Schools in the University) 第21条 学生は,他の研究科の授業科目を履修することができる。 Article 21 Students may take courses at other graduate schools in the University. この場合においては,所属研究科長を経て,当該研究科長の許可を得なければならない。 Where this applies, students must obtain the permission of the Dean of the relevant graduate school through the Dean of the graduate school to which the student belongs. 2 学生は,大学院共通科目規程に定める授業科目を履修することができる。 (2) Students may take courses prescribed by the Graduate School Common Courses Rules. この場合においては,所属研究科長を経て,教養教育院長の許可を得なければならない。 Where this applies, students must obtain the permission of the director of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences through the Dean of the graduate school to which the student belongs. (他の大学院の授業科目の履修等) (Taking Courses at Graduate Schools of Other Universities) 第22条 学生は,研究科長の許可を得て,他の大学院において授業科目を履修し,単位を修得することができる。 Article 22 (1) Students may, with the permission of the Dean of the graduate school, take courses at and acquire credits from the graduate schools of other universities. 2 前項の場合,研究科長は,あらかじめ当該大学院との間において必要な事項について協議するとともに,許可に当たっては,

研究科教授会の議を経るものとする。 (2) In cases under the preceding paragraph, the Dean of the graduate school shall consult with the relevant graduate school in advance regarding necessary matters, and grant permission through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council. 3 第1項の規定により,履修した授業科目について修得した単位は,15単位を超えない範囲で,本学大学院において修得したも

のとして認定することができる。 (3) Credits acquired for courses taken under the provisions of paragraph (1) may be recognized as credits acquired from a graduate school of the University to an extent not exceeding 15 credits. 4 前項の規定は,学生が,外国の大学院が行う通信教育における授業科目を我が国において履修する場合,外国の大学院の



修する場合について準用する。 (4) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply with the necessary changes to cases where students take courses in Japan through distance education offered by a graduate school of a foreign country, where said graduate school is an educational institution positioned under the schooling system of said foreign country as offering graduate school programs of said foreign country designated separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology or takes courses offered by programs at United Nations University. (他の大学院又は研究所等における研究指導) (Research Supervision at Graduate Schools or Research Institutes of Other Universities) 第23条 学生は,研究科長の許可を得て,他の大学院又は研究所等において,研究指導(第67条で規定する国際連携教育課

程を編成する専攻の学生が当該国際連携教育課程を編成する大学院において受けるものを除く。)を受けることができる。 Article 23 (1) Students may, with the permission of the Dean of the graduate school, receive research supervision from another graduate school, research institute or similar institution (excluding the supervision students of International Joint Degree Programs receive at the graduate schools of the International Joint Degree Programs as prescribed in Article 67). ただし,前期課程及び医学系研究科の修士課程の学生については,当該研究指導を受ける期間は,1年を超えないものとする。 However, the duration of the research supervision for students enrolled in the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine shall not exceed one year. 2 前条第2項の規定は,前項の規定により学生が研究指導を受ける場合に準用する。 (2) The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article shall apply with the necessary changes where a student receives Research Supervision under the provisions of the preceding paragraph. (留学) (Study Abroad) 第24条 学生は,研究科長の許可を得て,休学することなく,外国の大学院において授業科目を履修し,単位を修得することがで

きる。 Article 24 (1) Students may, with the permission of the Dean of the graduate school, take courses at and acquire credits from another graduate school in a foreign country, without taking a leave of absence. 2 学生は,研究科長の許可を得て,休学することなく,外国の大学院又は研究所等において,研究指導を受けることができる。 (2) Students may, with the permission of the Dean of the graduate school, receive Research Supervision from another graduate school, research institute or similar institution in a foreign country, without taking a leave of absence. 3 第22条第2項の規定は,前2項の規定により学生が留学する場合に,同条第3項の規定は,第1項の規定により学生が留学す

る場合に,前条第1項ただし書の規定は,前項の規定により学生が留学する場合に準用する。 (3) The provisions of Article 22, paragraph (2) shall apply with the necessary changes where a student studies abroad under the provisions of preceding two paragraphs, the provisions of paragraph (3) of the same Article shall apply with the necessary changes

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where a student studies abroad under the provisions of paragraph (1), and the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article shall apply with the necessary changes where a student studies abroad under the provisions of the preceding paragraph. (休学期間中の他の大学院の修得単位の取扱い) (Credits Acquired from Other Graduate Schools during Leaves of Absence) 第24条の2 学生が休学期間中に他の大学院(外国の大学院を含む。)において修得した単位については,教育上有益と認める

場合は,本学大学院において修得したものとして認定することができる。 Article 24-2 (1) The University may, when it is regarded as effective from an educational standpoint, recognize credits acquired by students at other graduate schools (including foreign graduate schools), while on a leave of absence as credits acquired at a graduate school of the University. 2 第22条第3項の規定は,前項の規定により本学大学院において修得したものとして認定する場合に準用する。 (2) The provisions of Article 22, paragraph (3) shall apply with the necessary changes to cases where credits are recognized as credits acquired at a graduate school of the University under the provisions of the preceding paragraph. (本学大学院において修得したものとして認定することのできる単位数の上限) (Maximum Number of Credits that May be Recognized as Acquired at the Graduate Schools of the University) 第24条の3 第22条,第24条及び第24条の2の規定により本学大学院において修得したものとして認定することのできる単位数

は,合わせて15単位を超えないものとする。 Article 24-3 (1) The number of credits that may be recognized as acquired at the graduate school of the University under the provisions of Article 22, Article 24, and Article 24-2 shall not exceed 15 credits. 2 前項の単位数は,第20条の2の規定により本学大学院において修得したものとして認定することのできる単位数と合わせて20

単位を超えないものとする。 (2) The number of credits prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 20 credits when combined with credits that may be recognized as acquired at a graduate school of the University under the provisions of Article 20-2. (長期履修) (Long-Term Enrollment) 第24条の4 学生が職業を有している等の事情により,当該学生に係る標準修業年限(第5条第3項に規定する標準修業年限を


出たときは,研究科長は,研究科教授会の議を経て,その計画的な履修(以下「長期履修」という。)を許可することができる。 Article 24-4 (1) If, due to circumstances such as engaging in an occupation or other reasons, a student applies for a planned extension of the course of study for a specific period beyond that student’s standard period of enrollment (excluding the standard period of enrollment specified in Article 5, Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph) to complete the program, the Dean of the graduate school may permit the planned enrollment (hereinafter referred to as “long-term enrollment”) after discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council. 2 前項の規定により長期履修を許可することができる期間は,当該学生に係る標準修業年限の2倍に相当する年数(在学途中に

長期履修を申し出る学生にあっては,長期履修開始前に在学した期間を含む。)以内とする。 (2) The period that may be permitted for long-term enrollment under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed twice the number of years of that student’s standard period of enrollment (if the student applies for long-term enrollment while enrolled at the University, the period of enrollment before the start of long-term enrollment shall be included). 3 第1項の規定により長期履修を許可された学生(以下「長期履修学生」という。)が当該長期履修を許可された期間(以下「長期


できる。 (3) If the student who has been permitted for long-term enrollment (hereinafter referred to as “long-term enrollment student”) under the provisions of Paragraph (1) applies for a shortening of the period permitted for long-term enrollment (hereinafter referred to as “long-term enrollment period”), the Dean of the graduate school may permit this after discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council. 4 前3項及び第47条の2に規定するもののほか,長期履修の取扱いに関し必要な事項は,別に定める。 (4) In addition to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs and Article 47-2, necessary matters regarding long-term enrollment shall be separately prescribed. (教職課程) (Teacher-training Programs) 第25条 本学大学院において,教育職員免許法(昭和24年法律第147号)に規定する教育職員の免許状を受ける資格を得よう

とする者のために,教職課程を置く。 Article 25 (1) Each graduate school of the University shall have teacher-training programs for those who wish to be eligible for the school teacher's license provided for in the School Teacher's License Act (Act No. 147 of 1949). 2 教職課程については,別に定める。 (2) The teacher-training programs shall be separately prescribed. 第4章 休学及び復学 Chapter IV Leaves of Absence and Returning to Study (休学) (Leaves of Absence) 第26条 学生は,傷病その他の事由により3月以上修学を中止しようとするときは,研究科長の許可を得て,休学することができ

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る。 Article 26 (1) When students wish to temporarily suspend their studies for at least three months due to illness or other reasons, they may take a leave of absence with the permission of the Dean of the graduate school. 2 前項の規定により休学しようとする者は,休学願に医師の診断書又は詳細な事由書を添え,これを提出しなければならない。 (2) Students who wish to take a leave of absence under the provisions of the preceding paragraph must submit a leave of absence request, attaching either a physician's certificate or a detailed statement of reasons. 3 第1項の場合において,研究科長は,研究科教授会の議を経て,これを許可する。 (3) In cases under paragraph (1), the Dean of the graduate school may grant permission through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council.. 4 傷病のため修学することが適当でないと認められる学生に対しては,研究科長は,研究科教授会の議を経て,期間を定め,休

学を命ずることができる。 (4) The Dean of the graduate school may, through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, order a student who is found to be unfit to study due to illness to take a leave of absence for a prescribed period. 5 授業料未納の者からの休学願は受理しない。 (5) Leave of absence requests will not be accepted from students who have not paid tuition. (休学期間) (Duration of Leaves of Absence) 第27条 休学は,引き続き1年を超えることができない。 Article 27 (1) A leave of absence may not exceed a continuous period of one year. ただし,特別の事由がある者には,更に引き続き休学を許可することができる。 However, a further ongoing leave of absence may be permitted for persons with special circumstances. 2 博士課程(医学博士課程を除く。)の休学期間は,通算して前期課程では2年,後期課程では3年を超えることができない。 (2) The total duration of leaves of absence taken during the doctoral program (excluding the Medical Doctoral Program) may not exceed two years during the Master's Program and three years during the Doctoral Program. 3 医学系研究科の修士課程の休学期間は,通算して2年,医学博士課程の休学期間は,通算して4年を超えることができない。 (3) The total duration of leaves of absence during the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine may not exceed two years and the total duration of leaves of absence during the Medical Doctoral Program may not exceed four years. 4 前2項の規定にかかわらず,第5条第3項の規定により前期課程又は医学系研究科の修士課程の標準修業年限を1年以上2

年未満の期間とした場合の休学期間は,通算して当該標準修業年限の期間を超えることができない。 (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, in case of the standard period of enrollment being one year or more but less than two years for the Master's Program or the master’s program in the Graduate School of Medicine as provided in Article 5, Paragraph (3), the total duration of leaves of absences may not exceed the standard period of enrollment concerned. 5 法科大学院の課程の休学期間は,通算して3年を超えることができない。 (5) The total duration of leaves of absence during the Law School Program may not exceed three years. ただし,第33条の2第2項の規定する者の休学期間は,3年から同項の規定により法科大学院に在学したものとみなす期間を除い

た期間を超えることができない。 However, the duration of leaves of absence for persons prescribed in Article 33-2, paragraph (2) may not exceed the period calculated by subtracting the period for which the student is deemed to have been enrolled in the Law School Program, under the provisions of that paragraph, from three years. 6 やむを得ない特別な事由があると認められるときは,前4項の規定にかかわらず,更に休学期間の延長を許可することができ

る。 (6) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding four paragraphs, a further extension of the duration of a leave of absence may be permitted if unavoidable special reasons are found to exist. 7 休学期間は,在学年数に算入しない。 (7) Periods of leaves of absence shall not be included in the maximum number of years of enrollment. (復学) (Returning to Study) 第28条 学生は,休学期間中にその事由が消滅したときは,研究科長の許可を得て,復学することができる。 Article 28 (1) Students may, with the permission of the Dean of the graduate school, return to the graduate school during the period of a leave of absence when the reason for the leave of absence has ceased to exist. 2 第26条第4項の規定により休学を命ぜられた者が復学するときは,学校医の診断書を添え,研究科長に願い出て,その許可を

得なければならない。 (2) When a student who was ordered to take a leave of absence under the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (4) wishes to return to study, the student must obtain permission by submitting a request to the Dean of the graduate school, attaching a certificate from the University physician. 第5章 退学及び転学 Chapter V Withdrawals and Transfers (退学) (Withdrawals) 第29条 学生が退学しようとするときは,事由を詳記した退学願を研究科長に提出し,その許可を得なければならない。

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Article 29 (1) Students who wish to withdraw from a graduate school must obtain permission by submitting a withdrawal request stating the reasons to the Dean of the graduate school. 2 前項の場合において,研究科長は,研究科教授会の議を経て,これを許可する。 (2) In cases under the preceding paragraph, the Dean of the graduate school may grant permission through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council. 3 授業料未納の者からの退学願は受理しない。 (3) Withdrawal requests will not be accepted from students who have not paid tuition. (転学) (Transfers) 第30条 学生が他の大学院に転学しようとするときは,事由を詳記した転学願を研究科長に提出し,その許可を得なければならな

い。 Article 30 (1) Students who wish to transfer to graduate schools of other universities must obtain permission by submitting a transfer request stating the reasons to the Dean of the graduate school. 2 前条第2項の規定は,前項の規定により学生が転学する場合に準用する。 (2) The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article shall apply with the necessary changes where a student transfers to another graduate school under the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 第6章 課程修了,学位の授与等 Chapter VI Completion of Programs and Granting of Degrees (前期課程及び医学系研究科の修士課程の修了) (Completion of the Master's Program and the Master's Program in the Graduate School of Medicine) 第31条 前期課程又は医学系研究科の修士課程に2年(第5条第3項の規定により標準修業年限を1年以上2年未満の期間とし



し,研究科教授会の議を経て,修了を認定する。 Article 31 Through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, the program completion may be granted for students who have been enrolled in the Master's Program or a master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine for at least two years (or the standard period of enrollment concerned in case of the standard period of enrollment being one year or more but less than two years for these programs as provided in Article 5, Paragraph (3)), have acquired at least 30 credits after taking the designated courses, have received the required Research Supervision, and have passed a review and examination of their master's thesis or research results on specific topics, in accordance with the purpose of the program. ただし,在学期間に関しては,優れた業績を上げた者については,前期課程又は医学系研究科の修士課程に1年以上在学すれ

ば修了を認定することができる。 However, with respect to the enrollment period, if the student has achieved academic excellence, the program completion may be granted after the enrollment period of at least one year in the Master's Program or a master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine. (博士論文研究基礎力審査) (Basic Skills Review for Doctoral Thesis Research) 第31条の2 第3条第2項の博士課程において,当該博士課程の目的を達成するために必要と認められる場合は,前条に規定す


学院が行う次に掲げる試験及び審査に合格することとすることができる。 Article 31-2 (1) In the doctoral program in Article 3, Paragraph (2), the Master's Program completion requirement that requires a student to pass a review and examination of a master's thesis or research results on specific topics may, where it is regarded as necessary to achieve the purpose of the appropriate doctoral program, be substituted by passing the following examination and review conducted by the graduate school. 一 専攻分野に関する高度の専門的知識及び能力並びに当該専攻分野に関連する分野の基礎的素養であって当該前期課程に

おいて修得し,又は涵養すべきものについての試験 (i) Examination of advanced expert knowledge and skills in a student's discipline and fundamental capability related to the discipline, which should be acquired or cultivated during the Master's Program; 二 博士論文に係る研究を主体的に遂行するために必要な能力であって当該前期課程において修得すべきものについての審査 (ii) Review of the necessary skills to independently conduct the research for a doctoral thesis that should be acquired during the Master's Program. 2 前項に定める要件によって修了を認定しようとする場合は,研究科規程において当該要件を適用する専攻,コース等の履修上


専攻分野の枠を超えて編成し,併せて30単位を超える単位数を前期課程の修了の要件とするものとする。 (2) Where a graduate school wishes to recognize the completion of a course of study under the requirement prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the graduate school shall impose a requirement of a combined total of over 30 credits for completion of the Master's Program, prescribing, in its graduate school rules, departments and the classification of courses to be taken to which the requirement applies and, beyond the boundaries of disciplines, organizing consistent and systematic curricula and organizational supervision systems for said course classification throughout the Master's and Doctoral Programs. (博士課程の修了)

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(Completion of the Doctoral Program) 第32条 博士課程(医学博士課程を除く。以下この条において同じ。)に5年(前期課程又は医学系研究科の修士課程(第5条第




科教授会の議を経て,修了を認定する。 Article 32 (1) Through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, the program completion may be granted for students who have been enrolled in a doctoral program (excluding Medical Doctoral Programs; hereinafter the same shall apply in this article) for at least five years (for students who have been enrolled in the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine for at least two years (excluding cases where the standard period of enrollment is more than one but less than two years for these programs as provided for in Article 5, Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) and have completed that program, including two years of enrollment therein) and who have acquired at least 30 credits after taking the designated courses, and who have received the required Research Supervision and have passed a review and examination of their doctoral thesis. ただし,在学期間に関しては,優れた研究業績を上げた者については,博士課程に3年(前期課程又は医学系研究科の修士課


定することができる。 However, with respect to the enrollment period, if the student has achieved academic excellence, the program completion may be granted after the enrollment period in a doctoral program for at least three years (for students who have been enrolled in the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine for at least two years and have completed that program, including two years of enrollment therein). 2 第5条第3項の規定により標準修業年限を1年以上2年未満とした前期課程又は医学系研究科の修士課程を修了した者及び









前項の規定を適用する。 (2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to students who have completed the Master's Program or master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine for which standard period of enrollment is one year or more but less than two years as prescribed in the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph (3) and those who have completed the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine over the period of enrollment prescribed in the proviso to Article 31. However, "five years (for students who have been enrolled in the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine (excluding the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine for which standard period of enrollment is one year or more but less than two years as prescribed in the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) for at least two years and have completed that program, including two years of enrollment therein)" shall be read as "the period calculated by adding three years to the period of enrollment in the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine" and "three years (for students who have been enrolled in the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine for at least two years and have completed that program, including two years of enrollment therein)" shall be read as "three years (including the period of that one year or more but less than two years for students who have completed the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine for which standard period of enrollment is one year or more but less than two years as prescribed in the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph (3), and the period of enrollment in that program (for a maximum of 2 years) for students who have completed the Master's Program or the master's program in the Graduate School of Medicine over the period of enrollment prescribed in the proviso to Article 31)." 3 前2項の規定にかかわらず,修士の学位若しくは専門職学位を有する者又は第12条の規定により大学院への入学資格に関し



格した者に対し,研究科教授会の議を経て,修了を認定する。 (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, the completion of a course of study may be recognized for a student who has been enrolled in the doctoral program for at least three years (or two years in the case of a student who has completed the Law School Program), has received the required Research Supervision, and passed a review and examination of their doctoral thesis, if the student holds a master's or professional degree or, with regard to eligibility for admission to a graduate school under the provisions of Article 12, has been recognized as having scholastic ability equivalent to or higher than that of a master's or professional degree holder, and was admitted to the Doctoral Program. ただし,在学期間に関しては,優れた研究業績を上げた者については,博士課程に1年以上在学すれば修了を認定することがで

きる。 However, with respect to the enrollment period, if the student has achieved academic excellence, the completion of a course of study may be recognized after an enrollment period in the doctoral program for at least one year.

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(医学博士課程の修了)<省略> (Completion of the Medical Doctoral Program) <Omission> (法科大学院の課程の修了) (Completion of the Law School Program) 第33条の2 法科大学院の課程に3年以上在学し,所定の授業科目を履修して98単位以上を修得した者に対し,研究科教授会

の議を経て,修了を認定する。 Article 33-2 (1) Through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, the completion of a course of study may be recognized for a student who has been enrolled in the Law School Program for at least three years and has acquired 98 credits or more after taking the designated courses. 2 法科大学院において必要とされる法学の基礎的な学識を有すると認める者の前項の在学期間については,1年を超えない範

囲で法科大学院が認める期間在学し,同項に規定する単位については,32単位を修得したものとみなすことができる。 (2) In relation to the period of enrollment in the preceding paragraph, a student who is found to have the basic academic knowledge of law that is required by the Law School may be regarded as having been enrolled for a period prescribed by the Law School not exceeding one year, and, in relation to the number of credits provided for in said paragraph, the student may be deemed to have acquired 32 credits. 3 前項の規定により法科大学院が修得したものとみなすことができる単位数は,第22条第3項,第24条第3項及び第24条の2第

2項の規定により本学大学院において修得したものとして認定する単位数と合わせて35単位を超えないものとする。 (3) The number of credits that may be deemed by the Law School to have been acquired under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 35 credits when combined with the number of credits that are recognized as having been acquired at a graduate school of the University under the provisions of Article 22, Paragraph (3), Article 24, Paragraph (3) and Article 24-2, Paragraph (2). (学位の授与) (Granting of Degrees) 第34条 総長は,第31条から前条まで及び第70条の規定により課程を修了した者に,それぞれ修士若しくは博士の学位又は専

門職学位を授与する。 Article 34 (1) The President shall grant a master's degree, doctoral degree or professional degree to students who have completed a course of study under the provisions of Articles 31 through the preceding Article and Article 70. 2 学位の種類,論文審査の方法,試験等については,名古屋大学学位規程(平成16年度規程第104号)の定めるところによる。 (2) Matters including types of degrees, methods of reviewing theses, and examinations shall be as prescribed by the Nagoya University Degree Rules (Rule No. 104 of 2004). (単位等認定書) (Academic Transcript) 第35条 博士課程に所定の期間在学し,所定の単位を修得し,かつ,必要な研究指導を受けた者には,単位等認定書を交付す

ることができる。 Article 35 An academic transcript may be issued to students who were enrolled in a doctoral program for the designated period, acquired the designated credits and received the required Research Supervision. 第7章 除籍及び懲戒 Chapter VII Unregistration and Disciplinary Measures (除籍) (Unregistration) 第36条 学生が次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは,総長は,当該研究科教授会の議を経て,除籍する。 Article 36 The President may, through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, unregister a student who falls under any of the following items: 一 所定の在学年限に達しても,課程を修了できないとき。 (i) If the student is unable to complete the program even after reaching the designated maximum duration of enrollment; 二 傷病その他の事由により,成業の見込みがないと認められるとき。 (ii) If it is found that there is no prospect of the student achieving completion of study due to illness or other reasons; 三 死亡又は行方不明となったとき。 (iii) If the student dies or is missing; 四 授業料納入の義務を怠り,督促を受けても,なお納入しないとき。 (iv) If the student neglects their duty to pay tuition, and, after receiving a demand for payment, still fails to make payment; 五 入学料の免除若しくは徴収猶予が不許可となった者又は一部免除若しくは徴収猶予の許可を受けた者が,所定の期日までに

納入すべき入学料を納入しないとき。 (v) If a student who has been denied an exemption or deferment of enrollment fees, or given a partial exemption or deferment of enrollment fees, fails to pay the enrollment fees that are payable by the designated deadline. (懲戒) (Disciplinary Measures) 第37条 学生の懲戒については,総長が,その都度懲戒委員会を設けて処理する。 Article 37 (1) The President shall deal with disciplinary measures against students by establishing a Disciplinary Committee on each occasion.

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2 懲戒委員会の構成については,別に定める。 (2) The composition of the Disciplinary Committee shall be separately prescribed. 3 懲戒は,退学,停学及び訓告とする。 (3) The University's disciplinary measures shall be expulsion, suspension and reprimand. 4 停学期間は,在学年限に算入し,修業年限に算入しない。 (4) The suspension period shall be included in the maximum duration of enrollment but shall not be included in the minimum duration of studies 第8章 検定料,入学料,授業料及び寄宿料 Chapter VIII Application Screening Fees, Enrollment Fees, Tuition, and Dormitory Fees (検定料の納入) (Payment of Application Screening Fees) 第38条 入学を志願する者は,願書を提出する際に検定料を納入しなければならない。 Article 38 Persons who apply for admission to a graduate school must pay the application screening fee when they submit an application for admission. (入学料の納入) (Payment of Enrollment Fees) 第39条 入学する者は,所定の期日までに入学料を納入しなければならない。 Article 39 Persons who have been admitted to a graduate school must pay the enrollment fees by the designated deadline. (入学料の免除及び徴収猶予) (Exemptions and Deferments of Enrollment Fees) 第40条 入学する者が,次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは,入学料の全部若しくは一部を免除し,又は徴収猶予することが

できる。 Article 40 (1) Where a person who has been admitted to a graduate school falls under any of the following items, all or part of the enrollment fees may be exempted or deferred. 一 本学大学院に入学する者であって,経済的理由により入学料の納入が困難で,かつ,学業優秀と認められるとき。 (i) If the person has been admitted to a graduate school of the University and is found to be having difficulty in paying the enrollment fees due to financial reasons and is found to have an excellent academic record; 二 前号に規定するもののほか,特別の事情により入学料を納入することが著しく困難であると認められるとき。 (ii) In addition to what is provided for in the preceding item, the person is found to be having extreme difficulty in paying the enrollment fees due to special circumstances. 2 前項に規定する入学料の免除及び徴収猶予の取扱いについては,別に定める。 (2) The handling of the exemptions and deferments of enrollment fees provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be separately prescribed. (授業料の納入) (Payment of Tuition) 第41条 各年度に係る授業料は,前期(4月から9月まで)及び後期(10月から翌年3月まで)の2期に分けて,それぞれ年額の2

分の1に相当する額を,前期にあっては5月,後期にあっては11月に納入しなければならない。 Article 41 (1) The tuition for each academic year shall be divided between the two semesters, these being the first semester (from April to September) and second semester (from October to March of the following year), and half of the annual amount shall be paid for each semester, in May for the first semester and in November for the second semester. ただし,後期に係る授業料については,当該年度の前期に係る授業料を納入するときに納入することができる。 However, the tuition for the second semester may be paid when the tuition for the first semester of the same academic year is paid. 2 入学年度の前期又は前期及び後期に係る授業料については,前項の規定にかかわらず,入学を許可されるときに納入するこ

とができる。 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, tuition for the first semester, or for the first and second semesters of the year of admission, may be paid when a student is admitted to a graduate school. (学年の途中で課程を修了する場合の授業料) (Tuition where Student Completes Program during Academic Year) 第42条 学生が,特別の事情により学年の途中で課程を修了する場合は,授業料の年額の12分の1に相当する額(以下「月割

額」という。)に在学する月数を乗じて得た額を,当該学年の初めの月に納入しなければならない。 Article 42 Where a student completes a program during an academic year due to special circumstances, an amount calculated by multiplying the amount corresponding to 1/12 of the annual tuition (hereinafter referred to as the "Monthly Amount") by the number of months the student will be enrolled must be paid in the first month of the relevant academic year. ただし,課程を修了する月が後期であるときは,後期の納期後の在学期間に係る授業料は,後期の納期に納入しなければならな

い。 However, if the program is completed in the second semester, the tuition for the period of enrollment after the deadline for the second semester must be paid by the deadline for the second semester. (転学,退学及び除籍の場合の授業料) (Tuition where Student Transfers, Withdraws or is Unregistered) 第43条 学生が,前期末までに転学,退学又は除籍の場合,納入すべき授業料の額は,授業料の年額の2分の1に相当する額と

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する。 Article 43 Where a student transfers, withdraws or is unregistered by the end of the first semester, the amount of tuition payable shall be an amount corresponding to half of the annual tuition. (復学した場合の授業料) (Tuition where a Student Has Returned to Study) 第44条 学生が,前期又は後期の途中において復学した場合は,月割額に復学の日の属する月から当該期末までの月数を乗じ

て得た額を,復学の日の属する月に納入しなければならない。 Article 44 Where a student returns to study during the first or second semester, the student must pay an amount calculated by multiplying the Monthly Amount by the number of months from the month of the day of returning to study to the end of that semester in the month of the day of returning to study. (留学及び停学期間中の授業料) (Tuition during Study Abroad and Suspension Periods) 第45条 学生は,留学又は停学期間中であっても,授業料を納入しなければならない。 Article 45 Students must pay tuition even during periods of study abroad or suspension. (授業料の免除及び徴収猶予) (Exemptions and Deferments of Tuition) 第46条 経済的理由により授業料の納入が困難で,かつ,学業優秀と認められる者その他特別の事情があると認められる者に対

しては,その期の授業料の全部若しくは一部を免除し,又は徴収を猶予することができる。 Article 46 (1) Where a student who is regarded as having an excellent academic record has difficulty paying tuition due to financial reasons, or a student is found to be in other special circumstances, all or part of the student's tuition for that semester may be exempted or deferred. 2 前項に規定する授業料の免除及び徴収猶予の取扱いについては,別に定める。 (2) The handling of the exemptions and deferments of tuition provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be separately prescribed. (授業料等の不徴収) (Non-collection of Tuition and Other Fees) 第46条の2 第38条,第39条及び第41条の規定にかかわらず,本学と外国の大学との双方の大学の学位を取得させることを目


授業料の納入を要しない。 Article 46 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 38, Article 39, and Article 41, students who have accepted under a concluded academic exchange agreement with the intention of acquiring a degree from both universities, the University and a foreign university, in respect of whom the President has determined that tuition and other fees will not be collected, shall not be required to pay application screening fees, enrollment fees, and tuition. 2 前項に規定する授業料等の不徴収の取扱いについては,別に定める。 (2) The handling of the non-collection of tuition and other fees provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be separately prescribed. (寄宿料の納入) (Payment of Dormitory Fees) 第46条の3 寄宿舎に入居する者は,所定の期日までに寄宿料を納入しなければならない。 Article 46-3 Students who take up residence in a dormitory must pay the dormitory fees by the designated deadline. (寄宿料の免除) (Exemption of Dormitory Fees) 第46条の4 寄宿舎に入居する者が特別な事情により寄宿料の納入が著しく困難であると認められるときは,寄宿料を免除するこ

とができる。 Article 46-4 (1) Where a student residing in a dormitory is found to be having extreme difficulty in paying the dormitory fees due to special circumstances, the student's dormitory fees may be exempted. 2 前項に規定する寄宿料の免除の取扱いについては,別に定める。 (2) The handling of the exemption of dormitory fees provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be separately prescribed. (検定料,入学料,授業料及び寄宿料の額) (Amounts for Application Screening Fees, Enrollment Fees, Tuition, and Dormitory Fees) 第47条 第38条の検定料,第39条の入学料,第41条の授業料及び第46条の2の寄宿料の額は,名古屋大学授業料等の料金

に関する規程(平成16年度規程第87号。以下「料金規程」という。)の定める額とする。 Article 47 The amounts of the application screening fees in Article 38, the enrollment fees in Article 39, the tuition in Article 41 and the dormitory fees in Article 46-2 shall be the amounts prescribed in the Nagoya University Rules on Tuition and Other Fees ( Rule No. 87 of 2004; hereinafter referred to as the "Fee Rules"). (長期履修学生の授業料) (Tuition for Long-Term Enrollment Students) 第47条の2 長期履修学生の授業料の年額は,当該長期履修期間に限り,前条の規定にかかわらず,同条に規定する授業料の


を乗じて得た額を,長期履修期間の年数で除した額(その額に10円未満の端数があるときは,その端数を切り上げた額)とする。 Article 47-2 (1) Limited to the given long-term enrollment period and notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the annual tuition for a long-term enrollment student shall be calculated by multiplying the annual tuition prescribed in the same Article

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by the number of years corresponding to that student’s standard period of enrollment (excluding the standard period of enrollment prescribed in Article 5 Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and dividing by the number of years of the long-term enrollment period (if the resulting amount ends in a fraction of less than 10 yen, this amount shall be rounded up). 2 前項の場合において,在学途中に長期履修学生となる者については,前項の規定中「同条に規定する授業料の年額に当該学




控除した額」と読み替えて適用するものとする。 (2) In the case of the preceding paragraph, for a student who will become a long-term enrollment student while enrolled at the University, “the amount calculated by multiplying the annual tuition prescribed in the same Article by the number of years corresponding to that student’s standard period of enrollment (excluding the standard period of enrollment prescribed in Article 5, Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)” specified in the preceding paragraph shall be replaced with “the amount calculated by multiplying the annual tuition prescribed in the same Article by the number of years corresponding to that student’s standard period of enrollment (excluding the standard period of enrollment prescribed in Article 5, Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and deducting the total tuition for that student’s period of enrollment before the start of long-term enrollment.” 3 第1項の場合において,第24条の3第3項の規定により長期履修期間の短縮を許可された長期履修学生における短縮が許可





額」と,「長期履修期間の年数」とあるのは「当該短縮が許可された以後の年数」と読み替えて適用するものとする。 (3) In the case of Paragraph (1), with regards to annual tuition after the long-term enrollment student has been permitted to shorten the long-term enrollment period under the provisions of Article 24-3, Paragraph (3), “the amount calculated by multiplying the annual tuition prescribed in the same Article by the number of years corresponding to that student’s standard period of enrollment (excluding the standard period of enrollment prescribed in Article 5, Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)” specified in Paragraph (1) shall be replaced with “the amount calculated by multiplying the annual tuition prescribed in the same Article by the number of years corresponding to that student’s standard period of enrollment (excluding the standard period of enrollment prescribed in Article 5, Paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and then deducting the total tuition for that student’s period of enrollment before the shortening of the long-term enrollment period has been permitted,” and “the number of years of the long-term enrollment period” shall be replaced with “the number of years after the shortening of the long-term enrollment period has been permitted.” 4 長期履修学生が学年の途中で課程を修了する場合は,前条に規定する授業料の年額に当該学生に係る標準修業年限に相


ければならない。 (4) If a long-term enrollment student intends to complete the course of study before the end of the academic year, the student must in the first month of that academic year pay the amount calculated by multiplying the annual tuition prescribed in the preceding Article by the number of years corresponding to that student’s standard period of enrollment and then deducting the total tuition for that student’s period of enrollment. ただし,課程を修了する月が後期であるときは,後期の在学期間に係る授業料は,後期の初めの月に納入しなければならない。 However, if course of study is completed in a month in the second semester, the tuition for the enrolled period in the second semester must be paid in the first month of the second semester. (既納の検定料,入学料,授業料及び寄宿料) (Application Screening Fees, Enrollment Fees, Tuition, and Dormitory Fees Already Paid) 第48条 既納の検定料,入学料,授業料及び寄宿料は,返納しない。 Article 48 Application screening fees, enrollment fees, tuition, and dormitory fees already paid shall not be refunded. ただし,次に掲げる検定料及び授業料については,この限りでない。 However, this shall not apply to the following application screening fees and tuition: 一 法科大学院で行う第15条に規定する入学試験を2段階の選抜方法で実施する場合において,出願書類等による第1段階目

の選抜に合格しなかった者が納入した第2段階目の選抜に係る検定料 (i) Application screening fee paid for the second screening process by a person who did not pass the first screening of application documents, where the entrance examination prescribed in Article 15 carried out by the Law School is conducted in two screening processes; 二 前期に係る授業料を納入するときに,当該年度の後期に係る授業料を納入した者が,前期末までに休学又は退学した場合に

おける納入した後期に係る授業料 (ii) Tuition paid for the second semester by a person who paid tuition for the second semester at the same time as the tuition for the first semester of that academic year and who took a leave of absence or withdrew by the end of the first semester, and; 三 第41条第2項の規定により納入した授業料 (iii) Tuition paid under the provisions of Article 41, Paragraph (2). 第9章 大学院特別聴講学生,科目等履修生,特別研究学生及び大学院研究生

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Chapter IX Graduate Credit-transfer Students, Credited Auditors, Special Research Students and Graduate Research Students 第1節 大学院特別聴講学生 Section 1 Graduate Credit-transfer Students (大学院特別聴講学生) (Graduate Credit-transfer Students) 第49条 他の大学院又は外国の大学院の学生で,本学大学院において授業科目を履修し,単位を修得しようとするものがあると


る。 Article 49 Where a student of a graduate school of another university or a foreign graduate school wishes to take courses at and acquire credits from a graduate school of the University, the Dean of the relevant graduate school may, after consultation with the other graduate school and through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, permit the student to be admitted to the graduate school as a graduate credit-transfer student. (入学の時期) (Time of Admission) 第50条 大学院特別聴講学生の入学の時期は,学期の初めとする。 Article 50 Graduate credit-transfer students shall be admitted to the University at the start of each semester. ただし,特別の事情がある場合は,この限りでない。 However, this shall not apply where there are special circumstances. (授業料等) (Tuition) 第51条 大学院特別聴講学生は,履修しようとする授業科目の単位数に応じて,入学を許可された月に授業料を納入しなければ

ならない。 Article 51 (1) Graduate credit-transfer students must pay tuition, in the month of their admission, in accordance with the number of course credits that the student intends to take. ただし,国立大学の大学院の学生並びに本学と外国の大学との大学間交流協定に基づき受け入れる者で総長が授業料等を不


収とした者については,授業料の納入を要しない。 However, students from a graduate school of a national university, and those who have been accepted under an academic exchange agreement between the University and a foreign university, in respect of whom the President has determined that tuition and other fees will not be collected (hereinafter referred to as "Exchange Students"), and graduate credit-transfer students under an inter-university credit transfer agreement, in respect of whom the President has determined that tuition will not be collected, are not required to pay tuition. 2 前項に規定する授業料等の不徴収の取扱いについては,別に定める。 (2) The handling of the non-collection of tuition and other fees provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be separately prescribed. 3 第1項の授業料については,免除及び徴収猶予を行わない。 (3) There shall be no exemptions or deferments of the tuition in Paragraph (1). 4 大学院特別聴講学生として入学しようとする者は,検定料及び入学料の納入を要しない。 (4) Persons who are admitted to the University as graduate credit-transfer students are not required to pay application screening fees and enrollment fees. (除籍) (Unregistration) 第51条の2 大学院特別聴講学生が次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは,研究科長は,研究科教授会の議を経て,除籍する

ことができる。 Article 51-2 Where a graduate credit-transfer student falls under any of the following items, the Dean of the graduate school may, through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, unregister the student: 一 本学の大学院特別聴講学生として適当でないと認められるとき。 (i) If the student is found to be unsuitable as a graduate credit-transfer student of the University; 二 傷病その他の事由により大学院特別聴講学生として成業の見込みがないと認められるとき。 (ii) If the student is found to be unable to achieve completion of study as a graduate credit-transfer student due to illness or other reasons; 三 死亡又は行方不明となったとき。 (iii) If the student dies or is missing; 四 授業料納入の義務を怠り,督促を受けても,なお納入しないとき。 (iv) If the student neglects their duty to pay tuition, and, after receiving a demand for payment, still fails to make payment; (その他) (Other Matters) 第52条 本節に規定するもののほか,大学院特別聴講学生に関することは,研究科において定める。 Article 52 In addition to what is provided for in this Section, matters concerning graduate credit-transfer students shall be determined by the graduate school. 第2節 科目等履修生

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Section 2 Credited Auditors (科目等履修生) (Credited Auditors) 第52条の2 本学大学院の学生以外の者で,一又は複数の授業科目を履修し,単位を修得しようとする者がある場合,研究科に

おいて適当と認めたときは,科目等履修生として入学を許可することができる。 Article 52 Where a person other than a graduate student of the University wishes to take and acquire credits for one or more courses, the person may be admitted as a credited auditor, if it is regarded as appropriate by the graduate school. (入学の時期) (Time of Admission) 第52条の3 科目等履修生の入学の時期は,学期の初めとする。 Article 52-3 Credited auditors shall be admitted to the University at the start of each semester. ただし,特別の事情がある場合は,この限りでない。 However, this shall not apply where there are special circumstances. (入学出願手続) (Procedure for Submission of Admission Applications) 第52条の4 科目等履修生として入学を志願する者は,願書に履修しようとする授業科目及び期間を記載し,履歴書及び検定料

を添え,所定の期日までに当該研究科長に提出しなければならない。 Article 52-4 Persons who apply for admission as credited auditors must submit an application stating the courses they wish to take and the period for which they wish to be admitted, attaching their resume and the application screening fee, to the Dean of the relevant graduate school by the designated deadline. (入学料) (Enrollment Fees) 第52条の5 科目等履修生として入学する者は,所定の日までに入学料を納入しなければならない。 Article 52-5 (1) Persons who have been admitted as credited auditors must pay the enrollment fees by the designated deadline. 2 前項の入学料については,免除及び徴収猶予を行わない。 (2) There shall be no exemptions or deferments of the enrollment fees in the preceding paragraph. (授業料) (Tuition) 第52条の6 科目等履修生は,履修しようとする授業科目の単位数に応じて,入学を許可された月に授業料を納入しなければなら

ない。 Article 52-6 (1) Credited auditors must pay tuition, in the month of their admission, in accordance with the number of course credits the student intends to take. 2 前項の授業料については,免除及び徴収猶予を行わない。 (2) There shall be no exemptions or deferments of the tuition in the preceding paragraph. (除籍) (Unregistration) 第52条の7 科目等履修生の除籍については,第51条の2の規定を準用する。 Article 52-7 Article 51-2 shall apply with the necessary changes to the unregistration of a credited auditor. この場合において,同条中「大学院特別聴講学生」とあるのは「科目等履修生」と読み替えるものとする。 Where this applies, the term "graduate credit-transfer student" in Article 51-2 shall be read as "credited auditor." (その他) (Other Matters) 第52条の8 本節に規定するもののほか,科目等履修生に関することは,研究科において定める。 Article 52-8 In addition to what is provided for in this Section, matters concerning credited auditors shall be prescribed by the graduate school. 第3節 特別研究学生 Section 3 Special Research Students (特別研究学生) (Special Research Students) 第53条 他の大学院又は外国の大学院の学生で,本学の大学院又は研究所等において研究指導を受けようとするものがあるとき


ことができる。 Article 53 Where a student of a graduate school of another university or a foreign graduate school wishes to receive Research Supervision at a graduate school, research institute or other part of the University, the Dean, Director or Head of the relevant graduate school, research institute or other part of the University may, after consultation with the other graduate school and through discussion by the Graduate Faculty Council, research institute or other part of the University, permit the student to be admitted as a special research student. (入学の時期) (Time of Admission) 第54条 特別研究学生の入学の時期は,学期の初めとする。

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Article 54 Special research students shall be admitted to the University at the start of each semester. ただし,特別の事情がある場合は,この限りでない。 However, this shall not apply where there are special circumstances. (授業料等) (Tuition) 第55条 特別研究学生は,研究指導を受けようとする期間の月数に応じて,入学を許可された月に授業料を納入しなければなら

ない。 Article 55 (1) Special research students must pay tuition, in the month of their admission, in accordance with the number of months in the period during which the students intend to receive Research Supervision. ただし,国立大学の大学院の学生並びに協定留学生及び大学間特別研究学生交流協定に基づく特別研究学生で総長が授業

料を不徴収とした者については,授業料の納入を要しない。 However, students from a graduate school of a national university, Exchange Students and special research students under an inter-university special research student exchange agreement in respect of whom the President has determined that tuition shall not be collected, are not required to pay tuition. 2 前項に規定する授業料の不徴収の取扱いについては,別に定める。 (2) The handling of the non-collection of tuition provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be separately prescribed. 3 第1項の授業料については,免除及び徴収猶予を行わない。 (3) There shall be no exemptions or deferments of the tuition in Paragraph (1). 4 特別研究学生として入学しようとする者は,検定料及び入学料の納入を要しない。 (4) Students who are admitted to the University as special research students are not required to pay the application screening fee and enrollment fee. (除籍) (Unregistration) 第55条の2 特別研究学生の除籍については,第51条の2の規定を準用する。 Article 55-2 Article 51-2 shall apply with the necessary changes to the unregistration of a special research student. この場合において,同条中「大学院特別聴講学生」とあるのは「特別研究学生」と読み替えるものとする。 Where this applies, the term "graduate credit-transfer student" in Article 51-2 shall be read as "special research student." (その他) (Other Matters) 第56条 本節に規定するもののほか,特別研究学生に関することは,研究科又は研究所等において定める。 Article 56 In addition to what is provided for in this Section, matters concerning special research students shall be prescribed by the graduate school, research institute or other part of the University. 第4節 大学院研究生 Section 4 Graduate Research Students (大学院研究生) (Graduate Research Students) 第57条 本学大学院において特別の事項について研究しようとする者がある場合,研究科において適当と認めたときは,大学院

研究生として入学を許可することができる。 Article 57 Where a person wishes to conduct research on a specific topic at a graduate school of the University, the person may be admitted as a graduate research student, if it is regarded as appropriate by the graduate school. (入学の時期) (Time of Admission) 第58条 大学院研究生の入学の時期は,学期の初めとする。 Article 58 Graduate research students shall be admitted to the University at the start of each semester. ただし,特別の事情がある場合は,この限りでない。 However, this shall not apply where there are special circumstances. (入学出願手続) (Procedure for Submission of Admission Applications) 第59条 大学院研究生として入学を志願する者は,願書に研究事項及び期間を記載し,履歴書及び検定料を添え,所定の期日

までに当該研究科長に提出しなければならない。 Article 59 Persons who apply for admission as graduate research students must submit an application stating their research topic and the period for which they wish to be admitted to conduct research, attaching their resume and the application screening fee, to the Dean of the relevant graduate school by the designated deadline. (入学料) (Enrollment Fees) 第60条 大学院研究生として入学する者は,所定の期日までに入学料を納入しなければならない。 Article 60 (1) Persons who have been admitted as graduate research students must pay the enrollment fees by the designated deadline. 2 前項の入学料については,免除及び徴収猶予を行わない。 (2) There shall be no exemptions or deferments of the enrollment fees in the preceding paragraph. (授業料)

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(Tuition) 第61条 大学院研究生は,前期(4月から9月まで)及び後期(10月から翌年3月まで)の2期の区分ごとに,それぞれの期におけ

る在学予定期間に相当する授業料の額を当該期間における当初の月に納入しなければならない。 Article 61 (1) Graduate research students must pay tuition for each of the two semesters, these being the first semester (from April to September) and second semester (from October to March of the following year), in an amount corresponding to the period of intended enrollment during each semester, in the first month of the enrollment period. 2 前項の授業料については,免除及び徴収猶予を行わない。 (2) There shall be no exemptions or deferments of the tuition in the preceding paragraph. (除籍) (Unregistration) 第61条の2 大学院研究生の除籍については,第51条の2の規定を準用する。 Article 61-2 Article 51-2 shall apply with the necessary changes to the unregistration of a graduate research student. この場合において,同条中「大学院特別聴講学生」とあるのは「大学院研究生」と読み替えるものとする。 Where this applies, the term "graduate credit-transfer student" in Article 51-2 shall be read as "graduate research student." (研究費) (Research Expenses) 第62条 研究に要する費用は,特に定めるもののほか,大学院研究生の負担とする。 Article 62 Unless specifically provided for elsewhere, a graduate research student's research expenses shall be borne by the graduate research student. (その他) (Other Matters) 第63条 本節に規定するもののほか,大学院研究生に関することは,研究科において定める。 Article 63 In addition to what is provided for in this Section, matters concerning graduate research students shall be prescribed by the graduate school. ただし,大学院研究生の定員,入学資格,選考方法等を定めるに際しては,教育研究評議会の議を経るものとする。 However, the University's admissions capacity, eligibility for admission, selection processes and other applicable matters shall be discussed and determined by the Education and Research Council. 第5節 検定料,入学料及び授業料の額 Section 5 Amounts for Application Screening Fees, Enrollment Fees and Tuition 第64条 第59条の検定料,第60条第1項の入学料並びに第51条第1項,第55条第1項及び第61条第1項の授業料の額は,そ

れぞれ料金規程に定める額とする。 Article 64 The amounts of the application screening fees in Article 59, the enrollment fees in Article 60, Paragraph (1) and the tuition in Article 51, Paragraph (1), Article 55, Paragraph (1) and Article 61, Paragraph (1) shall be the amounts prescribed in the Fee Rules. 第10章 外国人留学生 Chapter X International Students 第65条 外国人で大学において教育を受ける目的をもって入国し,本学大学院に入学を志願する者があるときは,外国人留学生

として入学を許可することができる。 Article 65 (1) Where a foreign national wishes to enter Japan for the purpose of receiving education at a university and applies for admission to a graduate school of the University, the graduate school may admit the foreign national as an international student. 2 外国人留学生の入学許可については,第16条に規定する保証書の提出を要しない。 (2) The submission of the written guarantee provided for in Article 16 is not required for the admission of an international student. 3 外国人留学生は,学生定員の枠外とすることができる。 (3) International students may be treated as separate from the admissions capacity for regular students. 4 前3項に規定するもののほか,外国人留学生の入学その他に関し必要な事項は,別に定める。 (4) In addition to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, necessary matters relating to the admission of international students shall be separately prescribed. 第11章 国際連携専攻 <省略> Chapter XI International Joint Degree Programs <Omission> 附則 <省略> Supplementary Provisions <Omission>

IV-2 名古屋大学大学院法学研究科規程 IV-2 Regulations for the Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University

最終改正 令和3年4月1日/Last amended: 1 April 2021 (趣旨) (Objectives) 第1条 名古屋大学大学院法学研究科(以下「研究科」という。)における目的,教育課程,授業,研究指導,成績評価等(以下「研


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による。 Article 1 (1) Matters relating to the Nagoya University Graduate School of Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Graduate School"), including the Graduate School's purpose, curricula and classes, and research supervision and the assessment of academic achievement in the Graduate School (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Education in the Graduate School"), shall be governed by these rules, in addition to the provisions of the Nagoya University Graduate School General Rules (General Rule No. 2 of 2004; hereinafter referred to as the "General Rules") and the Nagoya University Rules on Graduate School Common Subjects (Rule No.47 of 2010; hereinafter referred to as the "Graduate School Common Subjects Rules").. 2 この規程に定めるもののほか,研究科の教育に関し必要な事項は,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が定める。 (2) In addition to what is prescribed in these rules, matters necessary for Education in the Graduate School shall be determined by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. (目的) (Purpose) 第2条 研究科の総合法政専攻は,法学及び政治学における学術の理論及び応用を教授研究し,その深奥を究め,高度な専門


における学術の研究者,高度の専門技術者及び教授者を養成することを目的とする。 Article 2 (1) The Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science in the Graduate School aims to contribute to the advancement of culture and to train academic researchers, highly professional technical experts, and educators in the fields of law and political science, through teaching and researching academic theories and applications in these fields and mastering their depths, and through cultivating the rich academic knowledge and superior skills necessary for those who pursue careers that require a high level of expertise. 2 研究科の実務法曹養成専攻は,幅広い教養と優れた法的専門能力を備え,国際的な関心を持ち,市民生活及び企業法務に

おいてその能力を発揮できる法曹を養成することを目的とする。 (2) The JD Program for Legal Practice in the Graduate School aims to train legal professionals with broad knowledge and superior legal expertise as well as international interests, who can demonstrate their ability in the everyday lives of ordinary people as well as in corporate legal affairs. (総合法政専攻の課程) (Programs of the Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science) 第3条 総合法政専攻の博士課程は,前期2年の課程(以下「前期課程」という。)及び後期3年の課程(以下「後期課程」という。)

に区分する。 Article 3 The doctoral program under the Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science shall be divided into an initial two-year program (hereinafter referred to as the "Master's Program") and a final three-year program (hereinafter referred to as the "Doctoral Program"). (実務法曹養成専攻の課程) (JD Program for Legal Practice) 第4条 実務法曹養成専攻の専門職学位課程は,3年の課程とする。 Article 4 The professional degree program under the JD Program in Legal Practice shall be a three-year program. (授業科目,単位数及び履修方法並びに研究指導) (Courses, Number of Credits, Method of Completion and Research Supervision) 第5条 総合法政専攻の授業科目,その単位数,履修方法及び研究指導は,別表第1のとおりとする。 Article 5 (1) Courses, number of credits, method of completion and research supervision under the Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science shall be as prescribed by Appended Table 1. 2 実務法曹養成専攻の授業科目,その単位数及び履修方法は,別表第2のとおりとする。 (2) Courses, number of credits and method of completion under the JD Program for Legal Practice shall be as prescribed by Appended Table 2. 3 各授業科目の単位数の計算の基準は,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が定める。 (3) The standards for the calculation of the number of credits for each course shall be determined by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. (指導教員) (Academic Advisors) 第6条 入学又は進学を許可された者には,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が指導教員を定める。 Article 6 (1) Academic advisors shall be assigned to persons who have been admitted or permitted to advance. Such advisors shall be determined by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. 2 指導教員は,必要に応じて2名以上とすることができる。 (2) Two or more academic advisors may be assigned as needed. 3 前項の場合に必要があるときは,他の研究科の教員を加えることができる。 (3) In cases under the preceding paragraph, teachers from other graduate schools in the University may be included as needed. (学修計画) (Study Plans) 第7条 学修計画は,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が定めるところに従い,指導教員の指導の下に作成し,研究科長に提

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出しなければならない。 Article 7 Students must prepare study plans under the supervision of academic advisors, in accordance with the requirements determined by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council, and submit the study plans to the Dean of the Graduate School. (入学前の既修得単位の認定) (Recognition of Credits Already Acquired before Admission) 第8条 学生が研究科に入学する前に大学院において履修した授業科目について修得した単位(科目等履修生として修得した単


了に必要な単位として認定することができる。 Article 8 Credits acquired by students for courses completed at graduate schools before the students' admission to the Graduate School (including credits acquired as a credited auditor) may, if it is regarded as effective from an educational standpoint by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council, be recognized as credits required for the completion of the course of study, to an extent not exceeding 10 credits. (他の研究科等の授業科目の履修等) (Taking Courses at Other Graduate Schools) 第9条 研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が適当と認めたときは,次に掲げる授業科目の履修を認めることができる。 Article 9 (1) Students may be permitted to take courses in the following if it is regarded as appropriate by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council: 一 研究科の他の専攻 (i) Other departments of the Graduate School; 二 他の研究科 (ii) Other graduate schools of the University; 三 法学部 (iii) School of Law; and 四 前号以外の学部 (iv) Schools other than the School in the preceding item. 2 前項各号の授業科目において履修し修得した単位は,それぞれ10単位を超えない範囲で,課程修了に必要な単位として認

定することができる。 (2) Credits acquired by completing the courses in each item of the preceding paragraph may be recognized as credits required for the completion of the course of study, to an extent not exceeding 10 credits for the courses in each item. 3 研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が適当と認めたときは,大学院共通科目規程に定める授業科目の履修を認め,修得した

単位は,課程修了に必要な単位として認定することができる。 (3) Students may be permitted to take courses prescribed by the Graduate School Common Subjects Rules, if it is regarded as appropriate by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council, and the credits acquired may be recognized as credits required for the completion of the course of study. (他の大学院の授業科目の履修等) (Taking Courses at Graduate Schools of Other Universities) 第10条 学生が他の大学院で授業科目を履修し修得した単位については,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が適当と認めた

ときは,10単位を超えない範囲で課程修了に必要な単位として認定することができる。 Article 10 Credits acquired by students by taking courses at the graduate schools of other universities may be recognized as credits required for the completion of the course of study, to an extent not exceeding 10 credits, if it is regarded as appropriate by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. (外国の大学院の授業科目の履修等) (Taking Courses at Graduate Schools of Foreign Universities) 第11条 前条の規定は,学生が外国の大学院で授業科目を履修し修得した単位について準用する。 Article 11 The provisions of the preceding Article shall apply with the necessary changes to credits acquired by students by taking courses at the graduate schools of foreign universities. (単位の認定) (Recognition of Credits) 第12条 前4条に定める単位の認定は,あわせて14単位を超えることができない。 Article 12 (1) The recognition of credits prescribed in the preceding four Articles may not exceed 14 credits in total. 2 前項の単位の認定は,実務法曹養成専攻の法学既修者については,法科大学院において修得したものとみなされる授業科目

の単位とあわせて35単位を超えることができない。 (2) The recognition of credits under the preceding paragraph for students in the JD Program for Legal Practice who have previously completed legal studies may not exceed 35 credits when combined with credits that are deemed to be credits acquired by taking courses at a law school. (論文の提出時期等) (Time of Thesis Submission) 第13条 総合法政専攻の前期課程2年次において提出する修士論文の提出期限は,毎年12月25日とし,その審査は,翌年2月


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Article 13 (1) For the Master's Program in the Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science, the submission due date of the master's theses submitted in the second year shall be December 25 of each year, and the review of these theses shall be conducted on or before the last day of February of the following year. ただし,研究科に10月に入学した者の修士論文の提出期限は,毎年6月25日とし,その審査は,7月末日までに行う。 However, the submission due date of master's theses for persons who were admitted to the Graduate School in October shall be June 25 of each year, and the review of these theses shall be conducted on or before the last day of July. なお,入学後2年を経過した者及び通則第31条ただし書に定める優れた業績を上げた者で,前期課程に1年以上在学し入学後2


定める。 Moreover, the submission due date and review day of the master's theses submitted by students enrolled in the Master's Program for two years and students who have achieved academic excellence prescribed in the proviso to Article 31 of the General Rules and will complete the program after enrolling in the Master's Program for more than one year but less than two years shall be separately determined by Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. 2 後期課程において提出する博士論文の提出期限は,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が別に定める。 (2) The submission due date of the doctoral theses for the Doctoral Program shall be separately determined by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. (試験) (Examinations) 第14条 授業科目の試験の時期,方法その他必要な事項は,あらかじめ公示する。 Article 14 Public notice shall be given in advance of the time, method and other matters necessary for course examinations. (成績評価) (Assessment of Academic Achievement) 第15条 総合法政専攻における授業科目の成績は,名古屋大学における成績評価及びGPA制度に関する規程(令和元年度規

程第68号)の定めるところによる。 Article 15 (1) Academic achievement in the Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science shall be as governed in the “Rules on Grade Evaluation and the GPA System at Nagoya University” (Rule No. 68 of 2019). 2 実務法曹養成専攻における授業科目の成績は,特A,A,B,C及びDの区分により評価する。ただし,この区分により難いもの

については,合格及び不合格の区分によることができる。 (2) Academic achievement in the JD Program for Legal Practice shall be graded as A+, A, B, C, and D; provided that, if assessment using these grades is difficult, pass or fail grades may be used. 3 前項による評価で,特A,A,B及びCを合格とし,Dを不合格とする。 (3) The grades A+, A, B, and C under the preceding paragraph shall be passing grades, and D shall be a failing grade. (授業科目の追試験) (Makeup Course Examinations) 第16条 病気その他やむを得ない事由により授業科目の期末試験を受けることができなかった者は,その授業科目について,追

試験を受けることができる。 Article 16 (1) Students who were unable to take a final course examination due to illness or other unavoidable reasons may take a makeup examination in that course. 2 追試験の実施については,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が別に定める。 (2) Matters concerning the administration of makeup examinations shall be separately determined by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. (授業科目の再試験) (Repeat Course Examinations) 第17条 不合格となった授業科目については,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が定めるところに従い,再試験を受けること

ができる。 Article 17 Students who have failed a course examination may take a repeat examination as determined by the Dean of the Graduate School through consultation with the Graduate Faculty Council. (学位試験の追試験) (Makeup Degree Examinations) 第18条 第16条の規定は,学位試験について準用する。 Article 18 The provisions of Article 16 shall apply with the necessary changes to degree examinations. (大学院特別聴講学生) (Graduate Credit-transfer Students) 第19条 大学院特別聴講学生の入学は,研究科教授会において選考の上,研究科長が許可する。 Article 19 Graduate credit-transfer students may be admitted by the Dean of the Graduate School after consideration by the Graduate Faculty Council. (特別研究学生) (Special Research Students) 第20条 特別研究学生の入学は,研究科教授会において選考の上,研究科長が許可する。 Article 20 Special research students may be admitted by the Dean of the Graduate School after consideration by the Graduate Faculty

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Council. (科目等履修生) (Credited Auditors) 第21条 科目等履修生の入学は,研究科教授会において選考の上,研究科長が許可する。 Article 21 (1) Credited auditors may be admitted by the Dean of the Graduate School after consideration by the Graduate Faculty Council. 2 科目等履修生の在学期間は,履修しようとする授業科目について授業の行われる期間とする。 (2) The enrollment period for credited auditors shall be the period during which classes are held in the courses they wish to take. 3 科目等履修生の履修科目における単位の認定は,第5条,第14条及び第15条の規定を準用する。 (3) The provisions of Articles 5, 14 and 15 shall apply with the necessary changes to the recognition of credits for courses taken by credited auditors. (大学院研究生) (Graduate Research Students) 第22条 大学院研究生の入学資格は,次のとおりとする。 Article 22 (1) The qualifications for admission for graduate research students shall be as follows: 一 法学修士又はこれに相当する修士の学位を有する者 (i) persons who hold a master of laws or an equivalent master's degree; 二 専門職学位又はこれに相当する学位を有する者 (ii) persons who hold a professional degree or an equivalent degree; and 三 大学院研究生として就学の目的を達するに必要な学力を有すると認められた者 (iii) persons who have been recognized as having scholastic ability required to achieve the purposes of entry as a graduate research student. 2 大学院研究生の入学は,研究科教授会において選考の上,研究科長が許可する。 (2) Graduate research students may be admitted by the Dean of the Graduate School after consideration by the Graduate Faculty Council. 3 大学院研究生の定員は,10名とする。 (3) The admissions capacity for graduate research students shall be 10 persons. 4 大学院研究生の在学期間は,1年以内とする。ただし,在学期間の延長を妨げない。 (4) The enrollment period for graduate research students shall be a maximum of one year; provided this does not preclude extensions of the enrollment period. 附則(令和3年3月10日名大規程第141号) Supplementary Provisions (Nagoya University Rule No. 141 of March 10, 2021) 1 この規程は,令和3年4月1日から施行する。 (1) These rules shall come into effect on April 1, 2021. ただし,改正後の別表第2の項中「倒産法演習」の授業科目及びその単位数に係る規定並びに履修方法の修了要件に係る規

定は,令和3年度に入学した者から適用し,令和2年度以前に入学した者については,なお従前の例による。 However, the provisions related to the course and number of credits for “Bankruptcy Seminar” as well as the provisions related to the completion requirements in the method of completion prescribed in the revised version of Appended Table 2 shall only be applicable for students admitted in the 2021 academic year or later, and the provisions then in force shall remain applicable to students who were admitted in the 2020 academic year or earlier. 2 前項の規定にかかわらず,改正後の別表第1の項中研究者養成コース・応用法政コースの授業科目の単位数に係る規定は,

令和3年3月10日から施行する。 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, provisions related to the number of credits for courses in the Researcher Program and the Applied Program in Law and Political Science in the revised version of Appended Table 1 shall come into effect on March 10, 2021. ただし,改正後の別表第1の項中研究者養成コース・応用法政コースの授業科目の単位数に係る規定は,平成28年度に入学し

た者から適用し,平成27年度以前に入学した者については,なお従前の例による。 However, the provisions related to the number of credits for courses in the Researcher Program and the Applied Program in Law and Political Science in the revised version of Appended Table 1 shall apply for students who were admitted in the 2016 academic year or later, and the provisions then in force shall remain applicable to students who were admitted in the 2015 academic year or earlier. 別表第1(第5条第1項関係) Appended Table 1 (pertaining to Article 5, Paragraph (1)) 国際法政コース Program in Law and Political Science (前期課程) Master's Program

研究方法論Ⅰ Academic Writing 1 2 Credits

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研究方法論Ⅱ Academic Writing 2 2 Credits 研究方法論Ⅲ Academic Writing 3 2 Credits 現代基礎法学専門研究 Professional Studies in Contemporary Legal Disciplines 2 Credits 比較法哲学専門研究Ⅰ Comparative Studies in Jurisprudence 1 2 Credits 比較法哲学専門研究Ⅱ Comparative Studies in Jurisprudence 2 2 Credits 比較憲法専門研究 Comparative Studies in Constitutional Law 2 Credits

比較行政法専門研究 Comparative Studies in Administrative Law 2 Credits 国際法専門研究 Professional Studies in International Law 2 Credits 国際人権法専門研究Ⅰ Professional Studies in International Human Rights Law 1 2 Credits 国際人権法専門研究Ⅱ Professional Studies in International Human Rights Law 2 2 Credits 国際経済法専門研究Ⅰ Professional Studies in International Economic Law 1 2 Credits

国際経済法専門研究Ⅱ Professional Studies in International Economic Law 2 2 Credits 比較民事法専門研究Ⅰ Comparative Studies in Civil Law 1 2 Credits 比較民事法専門研究Ⅱ Comparative Studies in Civil Law 2 2 Credits 比較刑事法専門研究 Comparative Studies in Criminal Law 2 Credits 比較司法制度専門研究 Comparative Studies in Judicial System 2 Credits 比較企業法専門研究Ⅰ Comparative Studies in Business Law 1 2 Credits 比較企業法専門研究Ⅱ Comparative Studies in Business Law 2 2 Credits 比較政治専門研究Ⅰ Comparative Studies in Politics 1 2 Credits 比較政治専門研究Ⅱ Comparative Studies in Politics 2 2 Credits 比較行政学専門研究 Comparative Studies in Public Administration 2 Credits 比較政治理論専門研究 Comparative Studies in Political Thought 2 Credits 日本憲法基礎研究 Fundamental Studies in Japanese Constitutional Law 4 Credits 日本民法基礎研究 Japanese Fundamental Studies in the Civil Code 4 Credits 日本政治基礎研究 Fundamental Studies In Japanese Politics 2 Credits 司法制度基礎研究 Fundamental Studies in Judicial System 2 Credits 外交・国際関係基礎研究 Fundamental Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations 2 Credits

法政理論基礎研究 Fundamental Studies in the Theory of Legal Systems 2 Credits 東アジア法研究ⅠA Research of East Asian Law 1A 2 Credits 東アジア法研究ⅠB Research of East Asian Law 1B 2 Credits 東アジア法研究ⅡA Research of East Asian Law 2A 2 Credits 東アジア法研究ⅡB Research of East Asian Law 2B 2 Credits 特別講義・演習 Special Lecture and Seminar 特別研究Ⅰ Special Research 1 4 Credits 特別研究Ⅱ Special Research 2 4 Credits プロジェクト・マネジメントⅠ Project Management 1 2 Credits

比較法共同研究入門 Introduction to Joint Research on Comparative Study of Law 2 Credits

比較政治共同研究入門 Introduction to Joint Research on Comparative Political Studies 2 Credits 法移植論 Legal Transplantation 2 Credits 共同研究実習Ⅰ Joint Research Workshop 1 2 Credits 共同研究実習Ⅱ Joint Research Workshop 2 2 Credits 国際法政演習Ⅰ International Internship 1 4 Credits

(後期課程) Doctor's Program

プロジェクト・マネジメントⅡ Project Management 2 2 Credits リーディングプログラム アカデミック・ライティング Leading Program Academic Writing 2 Credits 共同研究実習Ⅲ Joint Research Workshop 3 2 Credits 国際法政演習Ⅱ International Internship 2 4 Credits

(前期課程における履修方法) 1特別研究Iの履修方法 (Methods of Completion for Courses in the Master's Program) 1. Method of Completion for Special Research 1 応用法政コース及び国際法政コースにおいて「特別研究I」の単位の認定を受けるためには,第1年次の研究指導を受け,年次の

終了に当たって,中間報告書(研究レポート)を研究科長に提出しなければならない。 For credit recognition of "Special Research 1" in the Applied Program in Law and Political Science and LL.M. (Comparative Law) and LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science, students must receive research supervision in the first year and submit an interim report (research report) to the Dean of the Graduate School at the end of the academic year. 2特別研究IIの履修方法 2. Method of Completion for Special Research 2 応用法政コース及び国際法政コースにおいて「特別研究II」の単位の認定を受けるためには,第2年次の研究指導を受け,修士


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For credit recognition of "Special Research 2" in the Applied Program in Law and Political Science and LL.M. (Comparative Law) and LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science, students must receive research supervision in the second year and submit a master's thesis to the Dean of the Graduate School. 3大学院国際開発研究科の授業科目の取扱い 3. Handling of the Courses Offered by the Graduate School of International Development 応用法政コース及び国際法政コースにおいては,大学院国際開発研究科国際協力専攻の授業科目のうち,本研究科が指定した

授業科目は,本研究科の授業科目とみなす。 In the Applied Program in Law and Political Science and LL.M. (Comparative Law) and LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science, from among the courses offered by the Graduate School of International Development, the courses designated by the Graduate School of Law shall be recognized as the courses of the Graduate School of Law. 4各コースの修了要件及び学位 4. Program Completion Requirements and Degree (1) 研究者養成コース (1) Researcher Program 自己の専門に属する授業科目8単位以上を含めて30単位以上を修得し,かつ修士論文の審査・試験に合格した場合に修了を認

定し,修士(法学)の学位を授与する。 Students who have obtained at least 30 credits including at least 8 credits from the courses of their area of specialization and also have passed a master's thesis review/examination shall be recognized as having completed the program and thereby conferred a Master of Law. (2) 応用法政コース (2) Applied Program in Law and Political Science 特別研究I及びIIの8単位を含めて30単位以上を修得し,かつ修士論文の審査・試験に合格した場合に修了を認定し,修士(現


する12単位を含めなければならない。 Students who have obtained at least 30 credits including 8 credits of Special Research 1 and 2 and also have passed a master's thesis review/examination shall be recognized as having completed the program and thereby conferred a Master of Contemporary Law; however, the 30 credits must include 12 credits from the courses of the Applied Program in Law and Political Science (excluding Special Research 1 and 2). (3) 国際法政コース (3) LL.M. (Comparative Law) and LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science 必修科目10単位(特別研究I,II及び研究方法論I)を含めて30単位以上を修得し,かつ修士論文の審査・試験に合格した場合に

修了を認定し,修士(比較法学)の学位を授与する。 Students who have obtained at least 30 credits including 10 credits from compulsory courses (Special Research 1, 2, and Academic Writing 1) and also have passed a master's thesis review/examination shall be recognized as having completed the program and thereby conferred a Master of Comparative Law. この場合において,「リーディング大学院プログラム修了認定」を受けるためには,国際法政コースの修了要件に加え,リーディング


政治共同研究入門のいずれか一方を含めて,8単位以上を修得しなければならない。 In this case, to receive a "Certificate of Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools", in addition to the completion requirements of the LL.M. (Comparative Law) and LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science, students must obtain at least 8 credits from among the courses recognized for Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools, including Joint Research Workshop 1, Joint Research Workshop 2 and either one of Introduction to Joint Research on Comparative Study of Law and Introduction to Joint Research on Comparative Political Studies. リーディング大学院プログラム修了認定対象科目の授業科目及びその単位数は,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が定める。 The course details and the number of credits recognized for Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools shall be prescribed by the Dean of the Graduate School upon deliberation by the Graduate Faculty Council. (4) 優れた業績を上げた者の修得の特例について (4) Special Provisions for Students Achieving Academic Excellence 上記(2)及び(3)に定める修了要件にかかわらず,通則第31条ただし書に定める在学期間をもって修了する者については,「特

別研究II」の単位の修得を要しない。 Notwithstanding the completion requirements prescribed in (2) and (3) above, students who will complete the program after the enrollment period prescribed in the proviso to Article 31 of the General Rules are not required to obtain the credits of "Special Research 2". (後期課程各コースにおける学位) 後期課程修了者に授与される学位は,研究者養成コースにおいては博士(法学),応用法政

コースにおいては博士(現代法学),国際法政コースにおいては博士(比較法学)とする。 (Degree for Each Doctoral Program) The titles of degree conferred on students who have completed a doctoral program in the Graduate School of Law are as follows: Doctor of Law for the Researcher Program; Doctor of Contemporary Law for the Applied Program in Law and Political Science; and Doctor of Comparative Law for the LL.M. (Comparative Law) and LL.D. (Comparative Law) Program in Law and Political Science. (研究指導) 前期課程の研究者養成コース及び後期課程における研究指導の方法は,研究科教授会の議を経て,研究科長が

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定める。 (Research Supervision) Methods of research supervision for the Researcher Program of Master's Program and Doctoral Program are prescribed by the Dean of the Graduate School upon deliberation by the Graduate Faculty Council. (特別講義・演習) 特別講義・演習の授業科目及びその単位数は,別表第1に定めるもののほか,研究科教授会の議を経て,研

究科長が定める。 (Special Lecture and Seminar) In addition to what is prescribed in Appended Table 1, the course details and the number of credits of the Special Lecture and Seminar shall be prescribed by the Dean of the Graduate School upon deliberation by the Graduate Faculty Council. 別表第2(第5条第2項関係)は省略 Appended Table 2 (pertaining to Article 5, Paragraph 2) is omitted.

IV-3 課程博士の論文審査及び学位試験の実施について IV-3 Internal Regulations regarding the Program Doctoral Thesis Investigation & Examination for

obtaining the Program Doctoral Degree

最終改正 令和 3 年 3 月/Last amended: 1 March 2021 (趣旨) 第1条 名古屋大学大学院法学研究科(以下「研究科」という。)における課程博士(名古屋大学大学院の課程を終了した者に授与される博士の学

位をいう。以下同様)の論文審査及び学位試験の実施については、名古屋大学学位規程に定めるもののほか、この内規に定めるところによる。 (Purpose) Article 1 The thesis examinations and the degree examination for the Program Doctoral degree (that is to be conferred upon completion of a doctoral program at the Graduate School of Nagoya University, hereafter referred to as ‘Program Doctoral degree; katei-hakase’) in the Nagoya University’s Graduate School of Law Faculty (hereafter referred to as ‘the Faculty’) shall be governed in accordance with the internal regulations as well as the degree regulations of Nagoya University. (論文の提出) 第2条 研究科の課程による論文(以下「論文」という。)は、研究科の後期課程に入学又は進学した後、少なくとも3年間在学し、必要な研究指導


した者は2年以上)在籍すれば足るものとする。 2 前項に定める論文提出の要件を満たして退学した者が、退学後 3 年(ただし、後期課程進学後 6 年を超えないものとする。)以内に論文を提

出する場合も、この内規を適用する。 3 論文は随時提出することができる。 (Submission of Thesis) Article 2 A thesis in the Faculty’s doctoral program (hereafter referred to as ‘thesis’) is to be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty by students who entered the Doctoral program or who proceeded to the program from Master’s level, and have enrolled on the program for a minimum of three years and have followed all the necessary research guidance. However, in the case of those who have attained research results of a superior quality, a minimum of one year (two years in the case of students who completed their Master’s in one year) may be considered sufficient. 2 Those persons that have taken leave from the Faculty but fulfill the conditions for the submission of a thesis, as laid out in the previous section and who submit their thesis within three years will also be governed by these internal regulations. (However, the doctoral program cannot exceed six years.) 3 Theses may be submitted at anytime. (審査の時期) 第 3 条 論文の審査は、7 月末日までに提出されたものについては 9 月、及び 1 月末日までに提出されたものについては 3 月に学位試験と併せ

て行う。 (Examination period) Article 3 The thesis examination shall be combined with the degree examination and shall be held in September for theses submitted by the end of July, and in March for theses submitted by the end of January. (予備審査) 第 4 条 研究科教授会の各専攻に置かれる教員会議は、第 2 条の規定に基づく論文の提出に際し、予備審査を行うものとする。 (Preliminary Investigation) Article 4 A meeting of the teaching faculty involving each major in the Graduate Faculty Council shall hold a preliminary investigation when a thesis has been submitted in accordance with the regulations in Article 2. (学位審査委員会) 第 5 条 研究科教授会は、前条の規定する手続きを経て、研究科長が論文を受理したとき、学位審査委員会を組織する。 2 研究科教授会は、指導教授による候補者の推薦を参考にして、投票により、指導教授を含む 3 名の審査委員を選出する。 (Degree Examination Committee) Article 5 After the Graduate Faculty Council has followed the procedures as regulated in the previous Articles, and after the thesis has been then overseen (accepted) by the Faculty Dean, a Degree Examination Committee shall be established. 2 The Graduate Faculty Council shall consider the candidate’s Supervisor’s recommendations, and shall take a vote to select a

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three-member (including the supervisor) Examination Committee. (学位審査の方法) 第 6 条 学位審査委員会は、論文の審査とともに研究科における公開の口述試験(博士の学位試験)を実施して、総合的に審査を行う。 2 口述試験は、論文要旨の陳述並びに論文及び専門分野の学識に関する質疑応答によって行うものとする。 (Degree Examination methods) Article 6 The Degree Examination Committee shall hold both a Faculty oral examination (Doctoral Degree Examination) in public and at the same time a thesis examination, and in this way an overall examination shall take place. 2 The oral examination shall be based on a statement of the essential points of the thesis and on queries regarding the thesis and the candidate’s general knowledge of the field of specialization. (審査報告及び審査の合否の決定) 第 7 条 学位審査委員会は、学位審査を終えた後、合議に基づいて作成した審査報告を添えて、その審査結果を研究科教授会に報告する。 2 研究科教授会は、学位審査委員会の報告に基づいて審査し、学位審査の合否を決定する。 (Examination Report and Decision regarding pass or fail) Article 7 Upon completion of the Degree Examination, the Degree Examination Committee shall, after general agreement, compile a report on the examination and inform the Faculty Committee of the result of the examination and present the Graduate Faculty Council with their report. 2 The Graduate Faculty Council , on the basis of the Degree Examination Committee’s report, shall decide whether the degree examination was passed or failed. (その他) 第 8 条 研究科教授会により学位審査について不合格とされた者は、指導教授等の指導を受けた後、この内規に基づいて再度論文を提出するこ

とができる。 (Other) Article 8 Those who are deemed by the Graduate Faculty Council to have failed the degree examination may, following the guidance of the relevant supervisors, resubmit their thesis in accordance with the internal regulations. 附則 1 この内規は、1993 年 4 月 1 日から実施する。 2 「大学院博士課程修了者の取扱い」[昭和 32 年 6 月 21 日決定)及び「大学院博士課程修了者の取扱いに関する内規」(昭和 34 年 11 月 20日教授会暫定決定)は、廃止する。 Supplementary Provisions 1 These internal regulations take effect from 1st April 1993. 2 The ‘Management of persons who have completed the doctoral program’ decision (21st July, 1958) and the ‘Internal regulations regarding the management of those persons who have completed the doctoral program’ (approved provisionally by the Faculty Meeting, 20th November, 1960) have been abolished.


IV-4 「課程博士の論文審査及び学位試験の実施に関する内規」 第 3 条の規定の停止について

IV-4 ‘Internal Regulations regarding the Program Doctoral Thesis Investigation & Examination for Obtaining Program Doctoral Degree’

Suspension of regulation contained in Article 3.

1993 年 9 月 30 日 研究科委員会 Faculty Committee, 30th September, 1993.

(1) 「課程博士の論文審査及び学位試験の実施に関する内規」第 3 条の規定は、当分の間、その適用を停止し、論文審査の時期はこれを規定

せず、随時論文審査及び学位試験を行うものとする。 (1) The regulation contained in article 3 of the ‘Internal Regulations regarding the Thesis and Degree Examinations for Ph.D. Candidates’ has been suspended for the present. The period for thesis examination shall be unspecified and the thesis and degree examinations may take place at anytime. (2) (1)の決定は 1993 年 9 月 30 日より実施する。 (2) The decision contained in (1) shall be effective from 30th September, 1993.

************************************************************************************************ *Should there be a discrepancy between the English translation of these rules and the original Japanese, the Japanese version will be deemed to be exclusively valid.

( Translated by the Committee for Academic Affairs at the Graduate School of Law in February 2006)

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V 博士学位論文審査申請手続きについて V Application Procedure for Doctoral Thesis Examination

1. 提出書類 I. Documents to be submitted: 1. 博士学位論文審査申請書

Application Form for Doctoral Thesis Examination

1 部 (所定用紙) 1 copy (on prescribed form)

2 主論文電子ファイル(CD-R で提出。提出後は返却し

ない。) Electronic file of main thesis (Submit CD-R. This will not be returned.)

3. 主論文をプリントアウトしたもの Main Thesis which is printed out

3 部(コピーは法学図書室で公費負担により可能) 3 copies (at public expense in the law library)

4. 参考論文 Supplementary Thesis

3 部 3 copies

5. 主論文の要旨 Main thesis abstract

3 通 (所定用紙・4800 字程度) 3 copies (on prescribed form, around 2,400 words)

6. 履歴書 Curriculum Vitae

3 通 (所定用紙) 3 copies (on prescribed form)

7. インターネット公表確認書 Acknowledgement of Internet Publication

1 通 (所定用紙) 1 copy (on prescribed form)

8 博士学位論文の剽窃に係る届出書 Application Form Regarding Plagiarism of Doctoral Thesis

1 通 (所定用紙・指導教員のサイン等は不要) 1 copy (on prescribed form/signature of advisor not required)

* 申請者は、文系教務課(法学研究科)窓口に申し出ること。

* Applicants must make their application to the Office of Student Affairs (School of Law)

II. 書類作成上の注意事項

II. Points to consider when drawing up documents:

1. 主論文

(1) 提出後の書類は、容易に修正できないものとする。 (2) 主論文の内容になるすでに印刷公表した論文は、目録を附して主論文の次に綴じる。 (3) 3部それぞれフラットファイルに綴じた上で提出すること。なお、表紙および背表紙に論文題目と氏名を記載すること。

1. Main Thesis

(1) The submitted thesis should be generally impossible to make amendments to it. (2) Sub-theses that have already been published or presented and are part of the contents of the overall thesis, should be bounded in the section after the main thesis with the list of titles contained attached. (3) Three copies bound in clear files should be submitted. The thesis title and your name should be written in the cover sheet and on the binding.

2. 参考論文 (1) 本人の公表した論文のうち主論文に含まれないものは、参考論文として提出することを原則とする。 (2) その他、学位に付記する専門分野に応じたレポート・報告書等を、参考論文として提出することを求めることがある。 (3) 製本については、1 の(3)を参照。

2. Supplementary Thesis

(1) When there is a thesis that has been publicly presented and is not included in the submitted main thesis, it is, in principle, expected that it be submitted as ‘a thesis reference.’ (2) It is occasionally required to submit reports relating to specialized fields (comparative law or modern law) where the degree is to be conferred in those areas

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(3) Regarding binding, refer to 1 (3).

3. 履歴書 (1) 学歴―大学入学から、順を追って記入すること。 (2) 研究歴―大学院在学中の研究歴については、記入の必要はない。 (3) 職歴 (4) 外国人(留学生も含む)の最終学歴、研究歴及び職歴欄の記入に際しては、外国における状況は西暦で記入し、日本国内に


3. Curriculum Vitae

(1) Academic history- proceed from entrance to university. (2) Research history- it is not necessary to include research undertaken whilst a graduate student here. (3) Employment record (4) When foreign students are completing their academic, research and career history they should use the Western calendar (1992, 1993 etc.) when referring to overseas items and the Japanese calendar (Showa, Heisei etc.) when referring to items that occurred in Japan.

4. その他 (1) 前述の「主論文の要旨」及び「履歴書」の作成にあたっては、1 部をオリジナルとし、他の 2 部は複写版でよい。 (2) 所定用紙の※印のところは記入しないこと。 (3) 本籍地・氏名・生年月日は戸籍又はパスポートの記載どおりとし、すべての書類を統一すること(学位記に記載するため、特に


4. Other items.

(1) When making out the pre-bound thesis, thesis abstract and curriculum vitae, one original copy (hand-written, typed or word-processed) should be made. The other two copies may be photocopied.

(2) When filling in the prescribed forms, do not write anything in sections marked ※ (3) The name, date of birth and place of origin given by Japanese nationals must be the same as that recorded in the

Household Register or their passport. For foreign students, their name and date of birth must be the same as that entered in their passports.

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VI 修士学位論文審査申請手続きについて VI Procedures and Requirements for Submission of Master Theses in English

1. 修士学位論文審査申請書(所定用紙)の提出

1) 提出期限 (時間厳守) 2019 年 10 月入学者: 2021 年 5 月 25 日(火)17 時 2020 年 4 月入学者: 2021 年 11 月 25 日(木)17 時 2020 年 10 月入学者: 2022 年 5 月 25 日(水)17 時(予定) 2021 年 4 月入学者: 2022 年 11 月 25 日(金)17 時(予定)

2)提出場所: ビズリーチ・キャンパス名大 文系教務課(法学研究科} 窓口 1. Submission of the Form for ‘Application for Submission of a Master’s Thesis’ 1) Deadline for submission (strict on punctuality):

-For the students of October 2019 entrants: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 17:00 -For the students of April 2020 entrants: Thursday , November 25, 2021 at 17:00 -For the students of October 2020 entrants: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 17:00 (expected) -For the students of April 2021 entrants: Friday, November 25, 2022 at 17:00 (expected)

2) Place for submission: the GSL Students Affairs Section at the Educational Division of the Schools of Humanities and Social Science, BizReach Campus Meidai 2. 修士学位論文及び論文要旨(レジュメ)の提出

1) 提出期限 (時間厳守) 2019 年 10 月入学者: 2021 年 6 月 25 日(金)17 時

2020 年 4 月入学者: 2021 年 12 月 24 日(金)17 時 2020 年 10 月入学者: 2022 年 6 月 24 日(金)17 時(予定)

2021 年 4 月入学者: 2022 年 12 月 26 日(月)17 時(予定) 2) 提出場所: ビズリーチ・キャンパス名大 文系教務課(法学研究科) 窓口

2. Submission of the master’s thesis with an abstract of the thesis

1) Deadline for submission (strict on punctuality): -For the students of October 2019 entrants: Friday, June 25, 2021 at 17:00 -For the students of April 2020 entrants: Friday, December 24, 2021 at 17:00 -For the students of October 2020 entrants: Friday, June 24, 2022 at 17:00 (expected) -For the students of April 2021 entrants: Monday, December 26, 2022 at 17:00 (expected)

2) Place for submission: the GSL Students Affairs Section at the Educational Division of the Schools of Humanities and Social Science, BizReach Campus Meidai 3. 修士学位論文の提出に当たっての注意

1) 提出部数 4 部 そのうちの 3 部については、校費負担で法学図書室にてコピーできます。 なお、3 部は、審査終了後返却します。 2) 規格A4 版 ・日本語の場合、A4用紙に縦書き、1 行 40 字×30 行またはA4用紙に横書き、1 行 40 字×30 行 ・英語の場合: A4 用紙に 10.5 ポイント、ダブルスペースで印字すること 3) 製本

4 部それぞれフラットファイルに綴じたうえで提出すること。ただし、リーディング大学院クラス(2017 年度以前入学者)の場合、およびリーディング

大学院プログラム修了認定を受けようとする場合は、修士学位論文と共同研究レポートとを別々のフラットファイルに綴じ、それぞれ 4 部を提出する

こと。なお、表紙及び背表紙に論文題目と氏名を記載すること。 4) 訳文の添付


3. Notes on the Submission of a master thesis 1) Four copies of the thesis* must be submitted. *Students can use the copy machine at the Law Library for making three copies of the thesis by university fee. Office will return three copies to you after examination. 2) Theses must be legibly printed single-sided on A4 paper with a font size 10.5pt, double-spaced 3) The four copies of the thesis have to be bound simply by flat-file. However, those in the Program for Leading Graduate Schools (admitted in AY2017 or earlier), or those applying for Completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools must bind their master’s thesis and joint research report in separate flat-files and submit four copies of each. A cover page and the spine have to

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provide the title of the thesis and the name of the submitting student; 4) Attachment of a translation In case that the thesis is written in a language other than Japanese or English, a translation of the thesis either in Japanese or English must be attached.) 4. 論文要旨(レジュメ)の提出に当たっての注意 1) 提出部数 4 部 (日本語または英語によらない場合には、日本語訳または英訳を添付すること) 2) 規格 ・日本語の場合: 2,000 字程度 ・英語の場合: 1,000 語程度 4. Submission of an abstract of the thesis 1) Number of copies: 4 sets (In case that the thesis is written in a language other than English or Japanese, a translation in Japanese or English must be attached.) 2) Pages: Around 1,000 words 5.その他


5. Others The students who do not submit a thesis are required to report so by all means.

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VII 『名古屋大学法政論集』寄稿要項 VII Guidelines for contributing articles to “Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics ”

法政論集編集委員会 / Nagoya Journal of Law and Politics Editorial Committee 1 寄稿資格 Criteria for submission

下の各号に掲げる者は、 「法政論集」 に寄稿することができる。 ただし、 特別号の寄稿資格は、 特別号の編集方針によるものとする。

Anyone who conforms to any of the criteria listed below may submit a manuscript to the Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics. However,

contributions to special editions will be decided by the editorial policy particular to that edition.

第 3 号乃至第 7 号の寄稿者は、 あらかじめ寄稿論文を各号の定める教員に提出し、掲載の許可を得ておかなければならない。

Contributors conforming to criteria [3.] and [7.] below must submit their article to the teaching staff member determined by the regulations below, and

obtain permission from them for publication.

掲載許可に際しては、 寄稿論文が法学・政治学に関する学術論文の要件を満たしていること、完成原稿であること、未発表であること、掲載の種

類(論説、研究ノート、等) が適切であること、および字数制限以内であることが、確認されていなければならない。

When permission for publication has been granted, the following should be confirmed: the submitted paper fulfills the requirements of an academic

article in law or politics, the paper is complete, the paper has not been previously published, the type of paper (article, research notes etc.) is

appropriate, and the word/character limit has been adhered to.

1 法学研究科の専任教員 (教授、 准教授、 実務家教員) および法政国際教育協力研究センターの専任教員 (教授、 准教授)。

[1.] Full time teaching staff member in the School of Law (professor, associate professor, adjunct practitioner) or full time teaching staff member at the

Center for Asian Legal Exchange.

2 法学研究科の名誉教授、特任教授。

[2.] Professor emeritus and temporary professors at the School of Law

3 第 1 号及び第2号に掲げる者との共同執筆者。ただし、第 1 号に掲げる専任教員による掲載の承認を必要とする。

[3.] Joint authors working with persons coming under [1.] and [2.] However, permission to publish by full time teaching staff as designated in [1.]

must be obtained.

4 法学研究科の客員教授、特任准教授、専任講師、特任講師、助教、特任助教、客員研究員、 プロジェクト研究員。 ただし、 法学研究科の専


[4.] Visiting professors, specially designated assistant professors, full time lecturers, specially desig-nated lecturers, assistant teachers, specially

designated assistant teachers, visiting researchers, and project researchers in the School of Law. However, it is necessary to obtain permission to

publish from full time teaching staff at the School of Law.

5 法学研究科の大学院生、大学院研究生、大学院科目等履修生。ただし、指導教員による掲載の承認を必要とする。

[5.] School of Law graduate students, graduate researchers, and students taking graduate subjects at the School of Law. However, permission to

publish must be obtained from their supervisor.

6 法政国際教育協力研究センターの客員教授、客員准教授、特任講師、研究員。ただし、 第 1 号に掲げる専任教員による掲載の承認を要す


[6.] Visiting professors, visiting associate professors, specially designated lecturers, and researchers at the Center for Asian Legal Exchange. However,

permission to publish must be obtained from full time teaching staff as designated in [1.].

7 第 1 号、第 4 号、第 5 号および 6 号の退職した者。ただし、在職中に連載が開始された場合の続編に限り、かつ各号の定める連載許可者の掲


[7.] Retired staff conforming to [1.], [4.], [5.], and [6.] in the case of follow up articles for article se-ries commenced whilst in employment. However, it is also necessary to obtain permission to publish from whoever has authority for the journal edition in which the follow up article would appear. 2 寄 稿 要 項 Main Points for Contributors to Consider 1.字数制限 原稿の字数は、一原稿あたり和文 40,000 字、欧文 20,000 words(目次・図表を含む)、教員については和文 60,000 字、 欧文 30,000 words までと

する。 これを超える場合、 編集委員会は原稿の圧縮もしくは削減、 または原稿を分割して二号以上に分けて掲載することを寄稿者に指示する。 ただし、 その分量を必要とすることについて、特段の事情がある場合は、掲載を認めることができる。 寄稿資格第1 号及び第2 号の場合は寄稿者

本人が、寄稿資格第 3 号乃至第 6 号の場合は掲載許可教員が、表紙の所定の欄に 150 字程度で、その特段の事情を記載するものとする。 1. Word and character limit The character limit for one manuscript (including table of contents and charts) is 40,000 characters in Japanese and 20,000 characters in European languages. It is 60,000 characters or 30,000 words in the case of teaching staff. If this limit is exceeded, the editorial committee may delete or condense the manuscript, or may divide the manuscript for publication over two editions. However, permission for publication may be granted in special circumstances when a particular quantity of text is needed. Contributors qualifying under [1.] and [2.] above, or teaching staff granting

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permission to contribu-tors qualifying under [3.] or [6.] above must detail the special circumstances within 150 characters in the prescribed section of the cover sheet. 2.原稿の提出 原稿は、あらかじめ定められた受付期間中の執務時間終了時までに、法政論集編集室(320 号室) に提出しなければならない。 2. Submission of manuscript The manuscript must be submitted to the Nagoya Journal of Law and Politics Editorial Room (Room 320) during office hours during the specified period for submission. 3.校正 原稿は次の「3.執筆要項」に従って完全原稿にして提出すること。校正段階で大幅に変更してはならない。 校正した原稿は、定められた日時ま

でに返却しなければならない。 3. Proofreading The manuscript should be submitted in completed form in conformity with the Writing Guidelines outlined in -3- below. No large scale amendments should be made at the revision stage. Revised manuscripts must be returned by a specified date and time. 4.措置 この要項に従わなかったときは、編集委員会の決定により、本人の意見を聴取し、 掲載許可教員との協議を経た上で、 次の措置を行う。 (1) 厳重注意 (2) 掲載停止または繰り延べ 4. Disciplinary Action Should the contributor fail to follow these guidelines, the contributor, upon the decision of the editorial committee, shall be given the opportunity to offer their own opinion on the matter, and upon deliberation with the teaching staff who has granted permission for publication, the following measures may be taken: (1) Issuance of a stern reprimand (2) Suspension or postponement of publication 5.画像情報の公開 法政論集は原則として『名古屋大学学術機関リポジトリ』と『株式会社TKCの法学紀要データベース』 に画像情報として公開される。 公開を拒否

する場合は、 必ず校了時までに申し出て、 所定の手続きを取ること。 5. Release of image data The Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics will be made public as image data in the Nagoya University Institutional Repository and TKC Law Schools Bulletin Database (TKC Shahogakukiyo-detabasu). Should the contributor wish to refuse such public release, an application must be made by the end the proofreading stage, and the required procedures followed. 3 執 筆 要 項 Writing Guidelines 1. (1) 原稿の執筆は、 横書きによる。 (2) 注については、脚注を原則とし、本文中の注番号を赤色の○で囲む。 (3) 「Microsoft Word」もしくは「一太郎」で作成し、電子データとプリント原稿を提出するものとする。 (4) 図表については、別紙に次のことを記載し、原稿に添付して提出する。

・実物大の図表を、 本文中の配置したい箇所に貼り付ける。 ・実物大の図表の占めるスペース分の字数を記載する。 なお、 図表の占めるスペース分の字数は、 原稿の総字数に含まれるので、字数超過とならないよう注意する。

1. (1) The text should be horizontal. (2) Footnotes should be used and circled with a red pen in the text. (3) Microsoft Word or Ichitaro is to be used. Both printed copy and electronic copy should be submitted. (4) Charts should be entered on a separate sheet, in accordance with the following specification, and attached to the manuscript. - The actual size chart should be pasted to the location where it is to appear in the text - The number of characters which can fit into the space where the actual size chart is to be placed should be noted The number of characters which can fit into the space where the chart is to go are included in the overall character count for the manuscript. Consequently, be careful not to exceed the allowed number of characters. 2. 以下の事項を記入した表紙を電子データ と共に提出するものとする。 ①表題(和文・英文) ②原稿の種別(論説 Article、研究ノート Research Note、判例研究 Comment on Case、研究報告 Research Report、調査報告 Survey Report、資

料 Research Material、書評 Book Review、翻訳 Translation、講演 Lecture) ③氏名(漢字仮名混じり・ローマ字) ④身分(名古屋大学大学院法学研究科入学年度と現学年。編入学の場合は前大学大学院入学・修了年度も記入する) ⑤抜き刷りの希望部数 (20 部を超える分については私費負担) ⑥掲載許可教員の署名 ⑦字数制限または語数を超えて掲載の必要性がある場合は、寄稿する本人または⑥の署名教員によるその理由 (150 字程度) 2. The front sheet should list the following items and be submitted along with the electronic copy. 1) Title (Japanese/English)

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2) Type of manuscript (Article, Research Note, Comment on Case, Research Report, Survey Report, Research Material, Book Review, Translation, Lecture) 2) Name (in alphabet and, if appropriate in both Kanji and Kana) 3) Current status (year of entering School of Law and current year. In the case of transfer students, enter name of previous university and year of entering and finishing) 4) Number of off-prints wanted (any copies above twenty incur a fee) 5) Name of teaching staff member granting permission to publish 6) Should the publication need more than the prescribed number of words or characters, a state-ment (of about 150) characters should be provided by the contributor or by the teaching staff member named in 5). 3.提出物一覧 (1) 原稿および表紙の電子データ ・「Microsoft Word」もしくは「一太郎」で作成

(2)原稿および表紙のプリントアウト ・A4 サイズ ・本文中の脚注番号には、赤丸を付ける

(3) その他の電子データ ・原稿中に、図表として画像データを用いている場合には、元のデータ(Excel 等)があれば、提出するのが望ましい(提出しない場合は、その部

分の校正はできない) 3. List of what is to be submitted (1) Electronic copy of manuscript and front sheet compiled in Microsoft or Ichitaro (2) Printout of manuscript and front sheet - A4 size - footnote numbers in the main body of text are to be circled in red (3) Other electronic data It is preferred that any graphic data for charts in the manuscript be submitted in their original form (Excel etc.) if available. (No corrections to such data are possible if not submitted) 4. 校正は、 初校および二校とする。 二校は、 初校の確認であり、 追加の校正はできない。校正は、別紙資料を参考にし、校正紙に赤字で、

見やすい文字で記載する。以下に該当する場合は、追加部分の電子データも合わせて提出しなければならない。 ・日本語の文章で、 1 行以上の追加をする場合 ・英語の文章で、 1word 以上の追加をする場合 ・校正の方法については、 参考書の閲覧または貸し出しを行う。

4. There will be two proofreadings. The second proof will be based on a check of the first. No addi-tional proofreading is possible. The proofreading will involve marking the draft in easy to read red, in accordance with guidelines to be given in a separate document. Should the following occur, the draft should be submitted with an electronic copy of the additional section. - The addition of one or more lines in a Japanese text - The addition of one or more words in an English text Please browse or borrow reference books on how to proofread. 5. その他 (1) 「法政論集」 の基本書式設定は、 1頁あたり 32 字×32 行=1,024 字、欧文の場合は、64 字×32 行である。脚注は、1 行 35 字である。ただ

し、これは目安であり、改行の位置や脚注の状況により、異なる場合がある。 (提出する際の原稿は、この書式設定に合わせる必要はない) (2)執筆者には、本誌 1 冊と抜き刷り 20 部を配布する。抜き刷りの追加については、私費負担となる。 5. Other Points to Consider (1) The basic format for the Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics is 32 characters x 32 lines = 1,024 characters, or 64 characters x 32 lines in the case of European languages. The footnotes are 35 characters per line. However, this target which may change due to the positioning of para-graphs or the footnotes. (There is no need to conform to this format when submitting the manuscript.) (2) The contributor will receive one full copy of the journal and twenty off-prints. Further off-prints are available for a fee.

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VIII 『応用法政コース・国際法政コース研究教育年報』(リサーチペーパー集)原稿提出要綱 VIII Submission of manuscripts for inclusion in the Annual of the Master’s Program for Modern Law

and Comparative Law (Collection of research papers)

1. 提出期限 2022 年 3 月修了者:2022 年 1 月 31 日(月)15 時 2022 年 9 月修了者:2022 年 8 月 1 日(月)15 時 (予定) リサーチペーパー集は電子版のみで発行され、名古屋大学リポジトリで公開されます。 URL: https://nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp 提出にあたっては、指導教員に早めに相談した上で、承認を得ること。

1. Deadline for submissions: Graduate in March 2022 / 15:00, Monday, January 31, 2022 (expected) Graduate in September 2022 / 15:00, Monday, August 1, 2022 (expected) The Research Paper Collection will only be published in electronic form, and will be open to the public on the Nagoya University Repository URL: https://nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp Please consult with your main advisor about the submission of a manuscript and get his/her permission for it as early as possible.

2. 提出先 法政論集編集室(320 号室) 2. Place for submission of manuscripts: the Nagoya Journal of Law and Politics Editorial Room (Room 320) 3. 書式 1) 分量は、日本語の場合は 40,000 字程度、英語の場合は 20,000 語程度とする。いずれの場合もこれらの分量を大幅に超える場合は、掲載でき

ない場合があるので、注意されたい。 2) 規格は、日本語の場合は A4 版・横書き・一行 40 字、英語の場合は A4 版・10.5 ポイント・ダブルスペースとする。 3) 図表のデータは、本文データとは別のファイルに入れ、プリント原稿に図表の挿入箇所を指定する。 4) プリント原稿の注番号は脚注機能の使用も可であるが、注番号に赤字印字又は赤ペンで○をする。

3. Format of manuscripts 1) Maximum length is approximately 20,000 words. Please note that submissions considerably exceeding this limit may not be approved for inclusion.. 2) Manuscripts must be presented on A4 paper, printed horizontally in portrait orientation, with a font size of 10.5pt, double-spaced in the main text

3) Data in figures are to be placed in a separate file from the main data, and the location of the figures are to be specified in the printed copy 4) In case of automated numbering of footnotes, please circle footnote numbers in red ink or red pen before submission.

4. 提出内容 1) 電子媒体とプリント原稿を提出する。 2) 提出原稿には、主指導教員の署名を得るものとする。 3) 提出原稿の表紙には、次の事項を記載する。

氏名、コース(応用法政コース、国際法政コース)、主、副指導教員名、使用機種、ソフト名、終了後の連絡先 4) 提出原稿が、書式(1)の制限字数または語数を超える場合は、主指導教員はその分量を必要とすることについての説明を、150字程度で表

紙の所定の欄に記載すること。 4. Items to be submitted 1) A printed copy of the manuscript, and a copy in electronic form. 2) The seal of your supervisor is required on the printed manuscript. 3) A cover sheet with the following details should accompany the manuscript:

(1) Your name; (2) Your course (i.e. Applied law and politics program, Comparative law and politics program) ; (3) The names of your supervisor and sub-supervisor(s); (4) The type of computer used to prepare the electronic version of the manuscript; (5) The type of word processor and operating system software used to produce the electronic version of the manuscript; (6) Contact and email address after completion of Master’s program (if applicable).

4) In the event that a Master’s Thesis considerably exceeds 20,000 words, main supervisor lists the explanation about needing the quantity in the predetermined column of the cover in around 150 characters.

5. 校正について 1)著者校正は初校1回のみとする。 2)初校提出時には、主指導教員が初校内容が適正であることを確認した旨を署名した所定の書式も併せて提出しなくてはならない。 3)前項の指導教員による署名は、修士論文の全文掲載の場合には確認を省略した旨の記載をもってかえることができる。

5. Revisions 1) Author corrections can be made once to the first proof. 2) When submitting the first proof, submit also on the prescribed form the signature of the main supervisor indicating confirmation

that the contents of the first proof are suitable. 3) In regard to the main supervisor signature as per the previous provision, where the entire master’s thesis is being published, this

confirmation may be omitted with said omission being stated in writing.

- 56-

IX 学生生活に関する一般注意事項 IX General matters of concern relating to student life

1. Notices Matters of concern for everyone (such as public announcements, notifications, messages etc.) will be posted on the Graduate School Notice Bulletin Board or Electronic Bulletin Board. But the matters of Scholarships and Fee Exemptions will be posted on the Students Affairs Section Notice Bulletin Board at the BizReach Campus Meidai. Always pay attention to these boards. Students who wish to put up notices within the Faculty should do so within the prescribed area. Such notices should not be left up for long periods of time. 2. Students going study abroad, on leave, withdrawing, returning etc. Students should inform the Student Affairs Section of the GSL Administrative Office at the Integrated Research Building (Bunkei-Sougoukan) such cases and complete the necessary procedures within a specified period. In particular, in the case of leave of absence and withdrawal, where the procedures have not been carried out within the specified period, tuition fees will continue to be applicable. Please refer to the Procedures Outline. 3. Student Identification Card Always carry your student identification card and show it when the Issuance of Certificate is applied or the University staff demands. If your identification card is lost or destroyed please notify the educational affairs division at the BizReach Campus Meidai for the reissuance. In the case of loss of card, please notify the local police station too. 4. Tuition fees The tuition fees are taken directly from the bank designated upon entering college. Therefore, 4 business days before the deadline please lodge the relevant amount into your account. - In the spring term fees (¥ 267,900) must be paid 4 business days before the 30th April - In the autumn term fees (¥ 267,900) must be paid 4 business days before 31st October When a revision of the tuition is carried out during attendance at school, the new tuition is applied since revision. In the case of bank account or guarantor being changed, please inform the Accounts Section of the GSL Administrative Office immediately. *Self-funded students in the regular programs are eligible to apply for entrance and tuition fee exemption, provided that they have excellent academic records and are having difficulties in paying the fees due to financial reasons. Please contact the GSL Student Affairs Section for tuition exemption. Application period for tuition fee exemption is the end of March through to the start of April for the first term and around mid-September for the second term. Application is required to be submitted every term (6 months). 5. Issuance of academic transcript and each form of identification which cannot be issued by the machine Academic transcript and other form of identification which cannot be issued by the automatic machine will be issued upon the completion of prescribed procedures at the educational affairs division at the BizReach Campus Meidai. For more information refer to the table of procedures. Please note that the automatic machine will stop for the maintenance. 6. Cancellation of classes due to typhoons etc. If a typhoon warning concerning winds is in effect for Nagoya City two hours before the starting time of the class or within two hours, the concerned class will be cancelled. If there are warnings concerning strong winds during class or school time, classes will be cancelled.

Time that Warning is Lifted Period that Classes etc. Commence

Before 6:45 am 1st Period

Between 6:45 and 11:00 3rd Period

7. Annual Health Check Students must take an annual health check as detailed bellow. The University will not be able to issue students with health check certificates if they do not take this check. The check is free of charge.

Items for inspection Date Place Urinalysis , Chest X-ray, Blood Pressure

Early April for April entrants

Early October for October entrants The University Health Administration Office

Physical measurements (Height, Weight and Eyesight) Internal medicine, Health Survey Testing of infectious disease

- 57-

Note: Procedures Outline

Procedural Items Time period Office section Notes Study abroad / Temporary leave of absence from School / Returning to School / Withdrawal from School

The office should be informed as soon as the reason for this situation arises. In general, the office should be informed by the middle of the month preceding the commencement of the school term. (The first term starts on April 1st, the second starts on October, 1st). For applications after the commencement of the term, students must pay the total amount of tuition for that term. However, in the case of new students, applications may be accepted after their enrollment.

GSL (Graduate School and School of Law) students affairs section of the educational affairs division, Schools of Humanities and Social Science (IRB 1st floor) 文系教務課(法学研


i) The dates for this procedure cannot be applied retroactively. In particular, as this procedure relates to the payment of fees, the application to the office must be made as early as possible. ii) When attempting to take temporary leave of absence from the School, a medical report from a doctor or a detailed report of the reasons should be supplied. iii) Approval from one’s supervisor should be sought before applying for leave.

Reporting change of personal details

All changes must be reported immediately

Changes of names must be reported as early as possible.

Submission of documents for thesis

When requested

Application of returning home or extension for MEXT students

As needed

Reporting overseas travel One month before departing Print out the document from the Overseas Travel Database (https://tokou.iee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/tokou) and submit with the seal of one’s supervisor.

Issuance of transcript As needed Students Support Group of the educational affairs division, Schools of Humanities and Social Science (IRB 1st floor) 文系教務課(学生支援)

Generally it shall be issued 2.5 days after the application in Japanese, and 5 days after the application in English (not including holidays)

Tuition exemption application

The details and time period are posted as each case arises

Note that each term has its own specific application period. Generally applicable to those not exceeding the standard period of study.

Student scholarship application

The details and time period are posted as each case arises

Confirmation of attendance for MEXT and JASSO Scholarship/ Reporting overseas travel

Every one month/ One month before departing

Certificate of school commuting by public transport

As needed City bus / subway passes can be bought only with the student ID

Re-issuance of student identification card

As needed Only when lost / broken

Request for compensation from student damage and disaster insurance scheme

Accident reports must be made as early as possible (within 1 month)

Scheme members only.

Application of the supplementary liability insurance of the student damage and disaster insurance scheme

When requested Students taking part in internships or other activities must apply.

Reporting school commuting by two-wheeled vehicle (excluding bicycle)

Details are posted separately Entrance to the campus is not permitted without certification.

Bicycle registration sticker As needed Must be stuck on the rear tire cover of the bicycle.

Certificate of Enrollment Issued by an automatic machine at the BizReach Campus Meidai on the 1st floor of IRB with your student ID card.

Certificate of Expected Completion

As needed Last year students only

Medical Certificate As needed Only issued to students who have completed the annual health check at the Health Administration Office.

Student discount certificates As needed Valid for 3 months after issuance. Note: Please be careful that applications or requests submitted late may be refused. Please consult with the Student Affairs Section for any items not covered above.

- 58-

授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期

subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term

月 比較憲法専門研究 近代憲法概論 大河内春学期(隔週)

比較憲法専門研究 近代憲法概論 大河内春学期(隔週)


占領下の日本 増田 春学期

Mon.Comparative Studies inConstitutional Law

Outline of ModernConstitution OHKOHCHI

Spring Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Studies inConstitutional Law

Outline of ModernConstitution OHKOHCHI

Spring Term(Every OtherWeek)

Special Lecture and Seminar(Political History in ModernJapan)

Japan Under American Occupation Masuda Spring Term

プロジェクト・マネジメントI <L>

中野,松浦,髙橋 秋学期 研究方法論 I 論文執筆講座 I ベネット、松浦 秋学期 国際人権法専門研究Ⅰ国際人権法の展開と課題

洪 秋学期

Project Management I <L>Nakano,Matsuura,Takahashi

Autumn Term Academic Writing I Legal Research and WritingI


Professional Studies inInternational Human RightsLaw Ⅰ

Development and Issueson Law on InternationalHuman Rights

KO Autumn Term


秋学期 共同研究実習II<L>コロンボ,横溝,マクギンティ

秋学期 比較刑事法専門研究刑法の発展と外国法の影響

高山 春学期

Joint Research Workshop II<L>


Autumn Term Joint Research Workshop II<L>


Autumn Term Comparative Studies inCriminal Law

Development of national criminal lawunder the influence of foreign andinternational law

TAKAYAMA Spring Term

火 国際経済法専門研究 II 国際経済法の諸問題 水島 秋学期特別講義演習<L>(法哲学:日本のコンテクスト)

正義論と法理論 松尾 春学期 比較政治専門研究 I 比較ヨーロッパ政治 近藤 春学期 国際経済法専門研究 I WTO法の研究 石川 春学期 比較企業法専門研究 II 会社法 II 上田 春学期

Tues. Professional Studies inInternational Economic LawII

Problems of InternationalEconomic Law MIZUSHIMA Autumn Term

Special Lecture & Seminar (Jurisprudence: JapaneseContext )

Justice Theory and LegalTheory MATSUO Spring Term Comparative Studies in

Politics IComparative EuropeanPolitics KONDO Spring Term

Professional Studies inInternational Economic LawI

Studies in Law on WTO ISHIKAWA Spring Term Comparative Studies inBusinessl Law II Corporate Law II UEDA Spring Term


春学期 共同研究実習I<L>コロンボ,横溝,マクギンティ

春学期 共同研究実習III<L>コロンボ,横溝,マクギンティ


本間 春学期

Joint Research Workshop I<L>

COLOMBO,YOKOMIZO,MCGINTY Spring Term Joint Research Workshop I



Spring Term Joint Research Workshop III<L>


Spring TermSpecial Lecture & Seminar(Introduction to theJapanese Litigation)

Introduction to the JapaneseLitigation HONMA Spring Term

国際法専門研究 国際法入門 山形 春学期 東アジア法研究IA 東アジア比較法 松浦 春学期 比較司法制度専門研究 司法制度入門(民事) 中村 春学期

Professional Studies inInternational Law

Introduction to InternationalLaw YAMAGATA Spring Term Research of East Asian Law

I AEast Asian ComparativeLaw MATSUURA Spring Term Comparative Studies in

Judicial SystemIntroduction to the CivilJustice System NAKAMURA Spring Term


横溝,マクギンティ 秋学期(隔週)比較法共同研究入門<L>

横溝,マクギンティ 秋学期(隔週)

Comparative Law Workshop<L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Law Workshop<L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)


武田,グリーン 秋学期(隔週)比較政治共同研究入門<L>

武田,グリーン 秋学期(隔週)

Comparative PoliticsWorkshop <L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative PoliticsWorkshop <L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)


鈴木, 西井 秋学期特別講義演習(国際環境法)

内記 秋学期

Special Lecture & Seminar(Intellectual Property Law) SUZUKI, Nishii Autumn Term

Special Lecture & Seminar(International EnvironmentalLaw)

Naiki Autumn Term

水 国際私法研究A 国際私法の諸問題 横溝 春学期 東アジア法研究IB 東アジア比較法 松浦 秋学期 研究方法論 II 論文執筆講座 II ベネット,レジェ 春学期特別講義・演習(比較法政演習Ⅱ)

佐藤 春学期

Wed.Study on PrivateInternational Law A YOKOMIZO Dai Spring Term Research of East Asian Law

I BEast Asian ComparativeLaw MATSUURA Autumn Term Academic Writing II Legal Research and

Writing IIBENNETT,LEGE Spring Term

Special Lecture and Seminar(Comparative Law and Politicsseminars Ⅱ)

SATO Spring Term


横溝,コロンボ 秋学期 研究方法論 III 論文執筆講座 III ベネット,レジェ 秋学期特別講義・演習(比較法政演習Ⅰ)

佐藤 秋学期

Special Lecture & Seminar (CaseStudy of International CommercialArbitration)

YOKOMIZO,COLOMBO Autumn Term Academic Writing III Legal Research and Writing


Special Lecture andSeminar (Comparative Lawand Politics seminars Ⅰ)

SATO Autumn Term


コロンボ 秋学期特別講義演習(日本の司法機関)

日本の司法機関 小川 他 秋学期特別講義演習(日本の司法機関)

日本の司法機関 小川 他 秋学期

Special Lecture and Seminar (Studiesin Comparative private law II) COLOMBO Autumn Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (Japanese JudicialInstitutions)

Japanese JudicialInstitutions

Ogawa andothers Autumn Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (Japanese JudicialInstitutions)

Japanese JudicialInstitutions

Ogawa andothers Autumn Term

木 現代基礎法学専門研究 比較不動産法制 ベネット 春学期 法移植論<L> 市橋 春学期特別講義演習(比較私法研究I)

国際商事仲裁入門 コロンボ 春学期特別講義演習(比較私法基礎研究A)

国際取引法の最新問題 コロンボ 春学期

Thur. Professional Studies inContemporary LegalDisciplines

Comparative Property Law BENNETT Spring Term Legal Transplantation <L> ICHIHASHI Spring Term Special Lecture and Seminar (Studiesin Comparative private law I)

Introduction to InternationalCommercial Arbitration COLOMBO Spring Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (FundamentalStudies in Comparativeprivate law A

Recent issues inInternational CommercialLaw

COLOMBO Spring Term


国際交渉論 ベネット秋学期(隔週)


国際交渉論 ベネット秋学期(隔週)

比較政治専門研究 II 国際政治 三浦 春学期特別講義演習(比較私法基礎研究B)

国際契約法 コロンボ 秋学期

Special Lecture & Seminar(Workshop on InternationalNegotiation)

Workshop on InternationalNegotiation BENNETT

Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Special Lecture & Seminar(Workshop on InternationalNegotiation)

Workshop on InternationalNegotiation BENNETT

Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Studies inPolitics II International Politics MIURA Spring Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (FundamentalStudies in Comparativeprivate law B)

International CommercialContracts COLOMBO Autumn Term

国際私法研究B 国際模擬仲裁 横溝 秋学期 行政法研究Ⅲ 現代行政法学の動向 稲葉 通年比較民事法専門研究 II(特別講義演習(アジア家族法)<L>)


伊藤 秋学期

Study on PrivateInternational Law B

Case Study of InternationalCommercial Arbitration YOKOMIZO Autumn Term Studies in Administrative

Law Ⅲ

Developments ofadministrative law andproblems in Asian countries

INABA All Year

Comparative Studies in CivilLaw II(Special Lecture andSeminar (Asian Family Law)<l>)

Family Law in Japan andAsian Countries ITO Autumn Term

比較行政学専門研究 荒見 秋学期特別講義演習(日本の社会と法)

日本の社会と法 原田 秋学期

Comparative Studies in PublicAdministration ARAMI Autumn Term Special Lecture & Seminar

(Japanese Law and Society) Japanese Law and Society HARADA Autumn Term

東アジア法研究IIA 東アジア共通法 市橋 秋学期

Research of East Asian LawII A East Asian “Jus Commune” ICHIHASHI Autumn Term

金 法社会学特殊研究I 法社会学文献講読 原田 春学期 比較民事法専門研究Ⅰ 契約法 非・カライスコス春学期(隔週)

比較民事法専門研究Ⅰ 契約法非・カライスコス


Fri.Special Studies in LegalSociology Ⅰ

Readings of Law andSociety Harada Spring Term Comparative Studies in Civil

Law I Contract Law KaraiskosSpring Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Studies in CivilLaw I Contract Law Karaiskos

Spring Term(Every OtherWeek)

比較行政法専門研究 行政法入門 稲葉 秋学期

Comparative Studies inAdministrative Law

Introduction to theAdministrative Law INABA Autumn Term

集中講義 An Intensive lecture

Time Table of English Courses 2021 Spring Term; April 1 to September 30,2021 / Autumn Term; October 1 2021 to March 31,2022

2時限 2nd period (10:30~12:00)1 時限 1st period (8:45~10:15) 3時限 3rd period (13:00~14:30) 4時限 4th period (14:45~16:15) 5時限 5th period (16:30~18:00)

- 67-

授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期 授業科目 講義題目 教官 学期

subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term subject course title lecturer term

月 比較憲法専門研究 近代憲法概論 大河内春学期(隔週)

比較憲法専門研究 近代憲法概論 大河内春学期(隔週)


占領下の日本 増田 春学期

Mon.Comparative Studies inConstitutional Law

Outline of ModernConstitution OHKOHCHI

Spring Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Studies inConstitutional Law

Outline of ModernConstitution OHKOHCHI

Spring Term(Every OtherWeek)

Special Lecture and Seminar(Political History in ModernJapan)

Japan Under American Occupation Masuda Spring Term

プロジェクト・マネジメントI <L>

中野,松浦,髙橋 秋学期 研究方法論 I 論文執筆講座 I ベネット、松浦 秋学期 国際人権法専門研究Ⅰ国際人権法の展開と課題

洪 秋学期

Project Management I <L>Nakano,Matsuura,Takahashi

Autumn Term Academic Writing I Legal Research and WritingI


Professional Studies inInternational Human RightsLaw Ⅰ

Development and Issueson Law on InternationalHuman Rights

KO Autumn Term


秋学期 共同研究実習II<L>コロンボ,横溝,マクギンティ

秋学期 比較刑事法専門研究刑法の発展と外国法の影響

高山 春学期

Joint Research Workshop II<L>


Autumn Term Joint Research Workshop II<L>


Autumn Term Comparative Studies inCriminal Law

Development of national criminal lawunder the influence of foreign andinternational law

TAKAYAMA Spring Term

火 国際経済法専門研究 II 国際経済法の諸問題 水島 秋学期特別講義演習<L>(法哲学:日本のコンテクスト)

正義論と法理論 松尾 春学期 比較政治専門研究 I 比較ヨーロッパ政治 近藤 春学期 国際経済法専門研究 I WTO法の研究 石川 春学期 比較企業法専門研究 II 会社法 II 上田 春学期

Tues. Professional Studies inInternational Economic LawII

Problems of InternationalEconomic Law MIZUSHIMA Autumn Term

Special Lecture & Seminar (Jurisprudence: JapaneseContext )

Justice Theory and LegalTheory MATSUO Spring Term Comparative Studies in

Politics IComparative EuropeanPolitics KONDO Spring Term

Professional Studies inInternational Economic LawI

Studies in Law on WTO ISHIKAWA Spring Term Comparative Studies inBusinessl Law II Corporate Law II UEDA Spring Term


春学期 共同研究実習I<L>コロンボ,横溝,マクギンティ

春学期 共同研究実習III<L>コロンボ,横溝,マクギンティ


本間 春学期

Joint Research Workshop I<L>

COLOMBO,YOKOMIZO,MCGINTY Spring Term Joint Research Workshop I



Spring Term Joint Research Workshop III<L>


Spring TermSpecial Lecture & Seminar(Introduction to theJapanese Litigation)

Introduction to the JapaneseLitigation HONMA Spring Term

国際法専門研究 国際法入門 山形 春学期 東アジア法研究IA 東アジア比較法 松浦 春学期 比較司法制度専門研究 司法制度入門(民事) 中村 春学期

Professional Studies inInternational Law

Introduction to InternationalLaw YAMAGATA Spring Term Research of East Asian Law

I AEast Asian ComparativeLaw MATSUURA Spring Term Comparative Studies in

Judicial SystemIntroduction to the CivilJustice System NAKAMURA Spring Term


横溝,マクギンティ 秋学期(隔週)比較法共同研究入門<L>

横溝,マクギンティ 秋学期(隔週)

Comparative Law Workshop<L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Law Workshop<L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)


武田,グリーン 秋学期(隔週)比較政治共同研究入門<L>

武田,グリーン 秋学期(隔週)

Comparative PoliticsWorkshop <L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative PoliticsWorkshop <L>


Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)


鈴木, 西井 秋学期特別講義演習(国際環境法)

内記 秋学期

Special Lecture & Seminar(Intellectual Property Law) SUZUKI, Nishii Autumn Term

Special Lecture & Seminar(International EnvironmentalLaw)

Naiki Autumn Term

水 国際私法研究A 国際私法の諸問題 横溝 春学期 東アジア法研究IB 東アジア比較法 松浦 秋学期 研究方法論 II 論文執筆講座 II ベネット,レジェ 春学期特別講義・演習(比較法政演習Ⅱ)

佐藤 春学期

Wed.Study on PrivateInternational Law A YOKOMIZO Dai Spring Term Research of East Asian Law

I BEast Asian ComparativeLaw MATSUURA Autumn Term Academic Writing II Legal Research and

Writing IIBENNETT,LEGE Spring Term

Special Lecture and Seminar(Comparative Law and Politicsseminars Ⅱ)

SATO Spring Term


横溝,コロンボ 秋学期 研究方法論 III 論文執筆講座 III ベネット,レジェ 秋学期特別講義・演習(比較法政演習Ⅰ)

佐藤 秋学期

Special Lecture & Seminar (CaseStudy of International CommercialArbitration)

YOKOMIZO,COLOMBO Autumn Term Academic Writing III Legal Research and Writing


Special Lecture andSeminar (Comparative Lawand Politics seminars Ⅰ)

SATO Autumn Term


コロンボ 秋学期特別講義演習(日本の司法機関)

日本の司法機関 小川 他 秋学期特別講義演習(日本の司法機関)

日本の司法機関 小川 他 秋学期

Special Lecture and Seminar (Studiesin Comparative private law II) COLOMBO Autumn Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (Japanese JudicialInstitutions)

Japanese JudicialInstitutions

Ogawa andothers Autumn Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (Japanese JudicialInstitutions)

Japanese JudicialInstitutions

Ogawa andothers Autumn Term

木 現代基礎法学専門研究 比較不動産法制 ベネット 春学期 法移植論<L> 市橋 春学期特別講義演習(比較私法研究I)

国際商事仲裁入門 コロンボ 春学期特別講義演習(比較私法基礎研究A)

国際取引法の最新問題 コロンボ 春学期

Thur. Professional Studies inContemporary LegalDisciplines

Comparative Property Law BENNETT Spring Term Legal Transplantation <L> ICHIHASHI Spring Term Special Lecture and Seminar (Studiesin Comparative private law I)

Introduction to InternationalCommercial Arbitration COLOMBO Spring Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (FundamentalStudies in Comparativeprivate law A

Recent issues inInternational CommercialLaw

COLOMBO Spring Term


国際交渉論 ベネット秋学期(隔週)


国際交渉論 ベネット秋学期(隔週)

比較政治専門研究 II 国際政治 三浦 春学期特別講義演習(比較私法基礎研究B)

国際契約法 コロンボ 秋学期

Special Lecture & Seminar(Workshop on InternationalNegotiation)

Workshop on InternationalNegotiation BENNETT

Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Special Lecture & Seminar(Workshop on InternationalNegotiation)

Workshop on InternationalNegotiation BENNETT

Autumn Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Studies inPolitics II International Politics MIURA Spring Term

Special Lecture andSeminar (FundamentalStudies in Comparativeprivate law B)

International CommercialContracts COLOMBO Autumn Term

国際私法研究B 国際模擬仲裁 横溝 秋学期 行政法研究Ⅲ 現代行政法学の動向 稲葉 通年比較民事法専門研究 II(特別講義演習(アジア家族法)<L>)


伊藤 秋学期

Study on PrivateInternational Law B

Case Study of InternationalCommercial Arbitration YOKOMIZO Autumn Term Studies in Administrative

Law Ⅲ

Developments ofadministrative law andproblems in Asian countries

INABA All Year

Comparative Studies in CivilLaw II(Special Lecture andSeminar (Asian Family Law)<l>)

Family Law in Japan andAsian Countries ITO Autumn Term

比較行政学専門研究 荒見 秋学期特別講義演習(日本の社会と法)

日本の社会と法 原田 秋学期

Comparative Studies in PublicAdministration ARAMI Autumn Term Special Lecture & Seminar

(Japanese Law and Society) Japanese Law and Society HARADA Autumn Term

東アジア法研究IIA 東アジア共通法 市橋 秋学期

Research of East Asian LawII A East Asian “Jus Commune” ICHIHASHI Autumn Term

金 法社会学特殊研究I 法社会学文献講読 原田 春学期 比較民事法専門研究Ⅰ 契約法 非・カライスコス春学期(隔週)

比較民事法専門研究Ⅰ 契約法非・カライスコス


Fri.Special Studies in LegalSociology Ⅰ

Readings of Law andSociety Harada Spring Term Comparative Studies in Civil

Law I Contract Law KaraiskosSpring Term(Every OtherWeek)

Comparative Studies in CivilLaw I Contract Law Karaiskos

Spring Term(Every OtherWeek)

比較行政法専門研究 行政法入門 稲葉 秋学期

Comparative Studies inAdministrative Law

Introduction to theAdministrative Law INABA Autumn Term

集中講義 An Intensive lecture

Time Table of English Courses 2021 Spring Term; April 1 to September 30,2021 / Autumn Term; October 1 2021 to March 31,2022

2時限 2nd period (10:30~12:00)1 時限 1st period (8:45~10:15) 3時限 3rd period (13:00~14:30) 4時限 4th period (14:45~16:15) 5時限 5th period (16:30~18:00)

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