health and sports

HEALTH AND SPORTS THIRD E-MAGAZINE ENTRY Who would not want to have an athletic, toned body? In addition to being in good health conditions. Because it is a great challenge that not many people can be achieved, mainly due to the mental weakness, regardless of whether a slim wants to increase its weight, or as in the majority of cases, a person with overweight want to get off. However exercise does not mean "die" in the gym or a routine. For example, in many communities of Heredia, Costa Rica, there are parks with exercise machines for public use, so each person can go when deemed and be the time wishing. And if not, then walk for 40 minutes can be good alternative. For those who like to engage in a sport or form of exercise, you can try yoga, athletics or boxing. Besides being an exercise, yoga has health benefits beyond of what enters through the view. According to a study by the center of research for the Cancer Fred Hutchinson, located in Seattle, United States, people who did yoga for 30 minutes a week not climbed weight and those who began practice with overweight fell 2 kilos and a half, according to the author of the study would not be by the calories that are burned if not that focusing the attention on the body and feelingsthe person is more aware when he has satisfied his hunger and don't eat too much, because unlike the sadness or depression of the hunger. 1 Yoga is also useful for combat stress and aid in cases of chronic pain and in cases of arthritis but always prior consultation with your doctor. In addition, yoga can help in asthma, since the practice of breathing through the nose the air is heated, the cold air might trigger a crisis of that disease. Improves the flexibility of the body and balance avoiding physical deterioration and preventing falls. It is an effective stress method, with their different positions allows the blood to flow so the incidence of heart attacks is less. For those who prefer or require more intense, athletics — or at least run without competition — is trend in Costa Rica and should be well spent. The Athletics Federation endorsed for the year 2015 more of 130 races. 2 But how it affects the body? 1 (2009, August 3). Regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating. Retrieved from 2 (2015, January 28). Federación de Atletismo avalará más de 130 carreras para el 2015. Retrieved from

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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1. HEALTH AND SPORTS THIRD E-MAGAZINE ENTRY Who would not want to have an athletic, toned body? In addition to being in good health conditions. Because it is a great challenge that not many people can be achieved, mainly due to the mentalweakness, regardless of whether a slim wants to increase its weight, or as in the majority of cases, a person with overweight want to get off. However exercise does not mean "die" in the gym or a routine. For example, in many communities of Heredia, Costa Rica, there are parks with exercise machines for public use, so each person can go when deemed and be the time wishing. And if not, then walk for 40 minutes can be good alternative. For those who like to engage in a sport or form of exercise, you can try yoga, athletics or boxing. Besides being an exercise, yoga has health benefits beyond of what enters through the view. According to a study by the center of research for the Cancer Fred Hutchinson, located in Seattle, United States, people who did yoga for 30 minutes a week not climbed weight and those who began practice with overweight fell 2 kilos and a half, according to the author of the study would not be by the calories that are burned if not that focusing the attention on the bodyandfeelingsthe person ismore aware when he hassatisfied his hunger and don't eat too much, because unlike the sadness or depression of the hunger. 1 Yoga is also useful for combat stress and aid in cases of chronic pain and in cases of arthritis but always prior consultation with your doctor. In addition, yoga can help in asthma, since the practice of breathing through the nose the air is heated, the cold air might trigger a crisis of that disease. Improves the flexibility of the body and balance avoiding physical deterioration and preventing falls. It is an effective stress method, with their different positions allows the blood to flow so the incidence of heart attacks is less. For those who prefer or require more intense, athletics or at least run without competition is trend in Costa Rica and should be well spent. The Athletics Federation endorsed for the year 2015 more of 130 races. 2 But how it affects the body? 1 (2009, August 3). Regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating. Retrieved from 2 (2015, January 28). Federacin de Atletismo avalar ms de 130 carreras para el 2015. Retrieved from 2. The most obvious effect that produces is the calorie consumption and the elevation of metabolic rate or speed with which the body uses energy. This can help control weight. Run also strengthens and tones the muscles, especially in the lower part of the body. If one is toned and in shape, it is easier to do other physical activities. But running or make any other form of physical exercise regularly also affects other body systems. Running is a form of aerobic exercise during which the heart rate is increased. To raise the heart rate, exercise all the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels). The practice of physical exercises makes the cardiovascular system to function more efficiently. What does mean? The heart is a muscle and exercise when heart rate rises during exercise, the heart. Exercise usually makes the heart and other parts of the cardiovascular system stronger and help you work better. The heart pumps more blood with each beat. This in turn helps to keep blood vessel elasticity. To increase the volume of blood, more oxygen is transported from the lungs to other parts of the body. The lungs also make exercise, since running, increases the breathing rate. 3 When combined with exercise, a healthy diet can help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol level and improve the performance of your body daily. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Pyramid divides foods into six basic groups; 1) grains 2) fruits 3) vegetables 4) meats and legumes) 5 dairy 6) fats. The USDA recommends that the daily diet of an adult include the following: 3 ounces of whole grains and 6 ounces of grains in total 2 cups of fruit 2 1/2 cups of vegetables 3 cups of milk fat-free or with a low fat content 3 (2014, July 29). Correr, aunque sea poco, protege nuestro corazn. Retrieved from 3. The doctor Jos Mara Neira, one of Spain's most famous physicians, proposes a series of tips for a healthy diet in a book. Abuses fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins; moreover, no fats that make you gain weight. The vegetables cook them grilled or steamed. No need too hot, they would lose their excellent properties (...) You can also use them as a scrambled egg, so you would add protein to your meal. And finally, you can accompany them with better than white rice. Take a single dish if you want to lose weight. 4 4 (2014, May 12). La dieta de la 'comida limpia' para adelgazar y estar muy sano. Retrieved from adelgazar-y-estar-muy-sano_127506/