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smart software for high-frequency design 4-1 Ansoft HFSS Version 7 Training Section 4: Materials Module

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Page 1: HFSS... · 2014. 12. 20. · diag[1], diag[2], and diag[3] to the object’s X, Y, and Z axes, respectively “relative to object’s

smart software for high-frequency design4-1

Ansoft HFSS Version 7Training

Section 4: Materials Module

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smart software for high-frequency design4-2

SynopsisThe Material Setup Module

General OverviewAssigning Materials

� Solution Options: Surface or InsideCreating Materials

� Standard� “Functional”� Anisotropic and Ferrites

� Anisotropic Alignment

Material Setup Exercise: Microstrip to CoaxTransition Model

Creating Materials, Assigning Materials, andAltering Solution Options

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smart software for high-frequency design4-3

The HFSS Material Setup InterfaceSelection Options Single, Multi, by name, All

Object Listing Only 3D Solids will belisted!! Material assignment.and solution options shown

Material List Shows current materialdatabase; includesbuttons for assigningmatls. to objects andcreating/editing newmaterials.

Exit Button Exits Matl. Setupand asks if changesshould be saved. Matl. Attributes

Shows name and type ofcurrent material

Mat’l. Characteristics Shows parameters for current material

Graphical View Window Shows geometry, permitspoint-and-click selection andassignment.

Graphical View Controls

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Assigning Materials to Objects� Select the Object(s)

� Graphically, by clicking� From list, by clicking� With Multiple Select enabled,

may select more than oneobject and assign material toall simultaneously

� Select the Material to apply fromthe list

� Note: Capitalized materialnames are sorted above lower-case material names

� Only a single material may beselected at a time, regardlessof mode

� Click the “Assign” button� Object list will update to show

material assignment




Result Shown in List

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Solution Options: Surface or Inside?� “Slvin” Column indicates whether

HFSS will perform the FEM solutionin the interior of the object, or only onits surface

� Meshing of volume will beperformed regardless; but if ‘No’is indicated, tetrahedra verticesinterior to the object will not beused as unknowns in matrixconstruction

� When assigning materials, objectwill default to assumption of interiorsolution selection

� High Conductivity materials willassume “No”

� Low or No Conductivitymaterials will assume “Yes”

� Change by selecting object, andclicking appropriate “Solve...” button

LIMITATIONS: Interior solution is required forperfect insulators (conductivity = zero). Interiorsolution is forbidden for perfect conductor(conductivity = infinite). In most cases, the auto-selection will be correct; interior solution formetals is only necessary when object size is onsame order as skin depth.

We do want solution inside dielectric...

...but don’t need it inside center conductor.

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New Material Creation� The Material button provides

drop-down options for materialcreation

� Add will create a new listing� Derive creates a new listing

based on the currentlyselected material

� Clear removes a materialfrom the list, and Underiveremoves a derivationassociation

� Enter the Name for the newMaterial in the Attributes box, andselect type

� Enter appropriate MaterialParameters in the Characteristicsbox

� After parameter entry is complete,click “Enter”


2. 3.

NOTE: Materials created in a project will appear in thelisting for that project only, and will be defined as“Local” rather than “External (lock)”. To edit, add, ordelete a material from the “External (lock)” listing, usethe Material Manager from the Maxwell UtilitiesToolbar.


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smart software for high-frequency design4-7

“Functional” Material Creation� Material Parameters may

also be functions which canbe altered for design orsensitivity studies.

� Under “Options” button,define parameters to befunctions rather thanconstants

� Under “Functions”button, define functionsand initial values

� In Characteristics Box,enter name of functionassigned to functionalcharacteristic

� Material function value cannow be altered by macrocontrol or OptimetricsTM


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smart software for high-frequency design4-8

Special Material Types� HFSS can also assign

anisotropic and nonlinear(ferrite) material parameters

� Type selected in Attributesbox sets layout and entryoptions in Characteristics box

� Anisotropic materialcharacteristics are assignedfor the ‘diagonal’ termsacross the tensor matrix

� Material can be orientedso that diag[1] need notbe X axis, etc.

� Ferrite setup requestsmaterial parametersassuming ferrite is biasedabove saturation.

Anisotropic Material Parameter Setup

Ferrite Material Parameter Setup

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smart software for high-frequency design4-9

Anisotropic Material Alignment� When an Anisotropic Material is Assigned to

an object, the window at left automaticallyrequests alignment of the anisotropicproperties to the geometry

� “with object’s orientation” aligns the tensorsdiag[1], diag[2], and diag[3] to the object’s X, Y,and Z axes, respectively

� “relative to object’s orientation” allows entry ofrelative rotation angles from the object’s X, Y,and Z axes along which to define the diag[1] -[3] tensors, respectively

� “with a given direction” allows entry of relativerotation angles from the global X, Y, and Z axes(for the entire geometry, not just the objectselected) along which to define the diag[1] - [3]tensors, respectively.

� The Function checkbox allows definition of avariable in the About X, About Y, or About Zfields, which can then be altered by theOptimetricsTM package.

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smart software for high-frequency design4-10

Material Setup Lab: Coax to Microstrip Model� We will now proceed through a

Lab Exercise, Assigning allMaterials for a pre-constructedgeometry

� The model is a Coax to Microstripline transition, constructed toassume that the coax begins as acable or connector (with Teflondielectric), then penetrates a thickmetal wall as an air dielectric line,before connecting to themicrostrip trace

� The lab will demonstrateassignment of existing materialsto volumes, altering solutionoptions, and creating a newmaterial

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smart software for high-frequency design4-11

Material Exercise: Open Material Setup1. Find the project named “mat_exer” in the ProjectManager, and Open it. Only the ‘Draw’ portion of theHFSS Executive Window design checklist should becheckmarked.

2. Select “Setup Materials...” to access the Material Setupmodule of HFSS.

3. Familiarize yourself with the objects in the model byclicking on their names in the Object list, one at a time:

The ‘air_volume’ is a box solid, containing the entiremicrostrip circuit volume (substrate included) and the coaxtransition region. ‘substrate’ is another rectangular solid,resting in the bottom portion of the ‘air_volume’ solid.

The ‘coax_outer’ is a cylinder, representing the dielectricinside the coax connector.

The ‘pin’, ‘pin1’, and ‘pin2’ objects represent differentlengths of the coaxial center conductor and transition.

The ‘thru_hole_in_wall’ cylinder represents the air interiorto a hole drilled in the wall of a metal enclosure (the rest ofwhich did not need to be modeled as geometry).

NOTE that there is NO listing for the ‘trace’ object, whichis a 2D surface, or the ‘port’ outline, although both objectsare visible in the graphical window!

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Material Exercise: Assign Air and TeflonVolumes

1. From the graphical window or the object list, selectthe volume objects “air_volume” and“thru_hole_in_wall”. (Multiple select mode must beenabled to select more than one object.)

2. In the Material listing, scroll until you see the entryfor ‘air’ and highlight it with a mouse-click. As thematerial is selected, its attributes and parameters willappear in the window beneath the graphical view.

3. Just above the Material listing, click the Assignbutton. This assigns the material ‘air’ to the selectedvolumes. Their entries in the object list will beupdated to reflect the material assignment, and the‘Slvin’ column will update to read “Yes”.

4. Select the volume object “coax_outer” from the listor graphical window.

5. In the Materials list, locate and select “Teflon”(remember, capital-name materials are sorted abovelower-case-name materials).

6. Click the Assign button to assign the “coax_outer”volume to Teflon. The entry in the list will be updatedto reflect the assignment, and to show “Yes” in the‘Slvin’ column.







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Material Exercise: Assign Metal Volumes1. From the graphical window or the object listing,select the objects “pin”, “pin1”, and “pin2”.

2. In the Materials list, find and highlight “copper”.

3. Click the Assign button. Note that the entries forthe three “pin” objects are updated to reflect thematerial assignment, but in their case the ‘Slvin’column indicates “No”. It is assumed -- due to thehigh conductivity of copper -- that no field solution isdesired interior to these volumes. Instead, thesurfaces of these objects will be covered with anappropriate impedance boundary to represent theconductivity and permeability effects of the materialassignment at the frequency to be analyzed.

4. Let’s pretend we want to override this assumptionfor the “pin1” object, which is the half-cylinderproviding the connection to the microstrip trace. Inthe Object list, select “pin1”.

5. Just above the Material listing, press the buttonlabeled “Solve Inside”. The interface will provide awarning message, indicating that ‘solving inside agood conductor may require a large mesh’. Dismissthis message by pressing the “OK” button and notethat the ‘Slvin’ column for the “pin1” object now reads“Yes”.






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Material Exercise: Create New SubstrateMat’l and Assign1. Just above the Materials list is a drop-down menu labeled Material.Click on this and select Add from the listing. A new material entry willappear in the list entitled “Material80” (your number may differ slightly).Note that the Attributes box also shows this name, and that thecharacteristics listed show values resembling vacuum.

2. In the Attributes box, change the material name to “alumina_pure”.Leave the check boxes beneath the name field as they are (unselected).

3. In the Characteristics box, enter the following materialparameters:

Rel. Permittivity: 9.6Rel. Permeability: 1.0Elec. Loss Tan: 0.0001Mag. Loss Tan: 0

4. In the Attributes box, press the Enter button. Thiscompletes creation of the new material, but does not assign itto any geometry.

5. In the Object listing, select the “substrate” object.

6. Select “alumina_pure” from the Material listing if it is notstill selected.

7. Press the Assign button to assign the newly created material to the“substrate” object. Since all objects now have material conditions assigned,we can press the Exit button at the lower left, and confirm that we do wantto save our changes. We have now completed the Material Setup Exercise.





5-7. (not shown)

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The Material Manager� Off the Utilities Toolbar in the

Maxwell program, the MaterialManager allows access to the‘permanent’ material databaseused by HFSS

� Every material shown as“External(Lock)” by the HFSSMaterial Setup module is “Local”to this interface

� The Material Manager is a‘common’ product between HFSSand Ansoft’s other EM tools, somore material parameter fieldsare available than are necessaryfor HFSS material definition

� USE CAUTION!!! Any changesmade in this interface affect ALLprojects using these materialassignments!!

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