holy land - catholic tour

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  • 8/6/2019 Holy Land - Catholic Tour


    Holy Land Pilgrimage...in the footsteps of Jesus

    ...a Unique Pilgrimage & Holidayay 1

    Arrival at Ben Gurion Airport/ Allenby Bridge (Israel /Jordan border next to Jericho) and transfer to your ho

    in Tiberias.

    Special Welcome Dinner

    Overnight Tiberias.

    ay 2Heading west to the mountains of Galilee, we'll trave

    today through Jesus' hometown (Nazareth) and the

    area where most of His miracles took place.

    It's a late start today, to allow some free time and

    relaxation on the beautiful beach of the Sea of Galile

    The day will be based around this lake, where Jesus

    performed many miracles.

    We take a boat from the city of Tiberius and stop in th

    middle of the lake, to read of how Jesus walked on

    these very waters (John 6:16-24). Now we come to th

    place where it all startedNazarethwhere He grew

    with his father Joseph the carpenter, and his mother

    Mary. We shall visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, bwhere Mary was visited by the Archangel Gabriel an

    was told that she had been chosen to be the mother Jesus (Luke 1:26-38).

    Capernaum, with Peters House and the famous

    Synagogue, enjoy the view from Mt. of the Beatitude

    where the "Sermon on the Mount" was given, and th

    reconstructed church at Tabgha, where tradition puthe miracle of the Bread and The Fish. Overnight Tiberi

    ay 3

    The tour this day includes the Baniass (in Jesus time

    Caesarea Philippii, where Petrus became "The Rock"

    pass Kursi, where the Deamons became pigs, and vis

    Call us:0044 207 1935459 (UK)www.dlitravel.com/holyland

    DLI Travel

  • 8/6/2019 Holy Land - Catholic Tour


    Mt. Tabor, where tradition puts the miracle of the


    We will enjoy the unique hospitalit

    of some Christian Nazarenes, and tas

    their delicious homemade Arab-style


    Overnight Tiberias.

    ay 4 Drive to Meggido, the ancient city where we still can sthe walls and gate of King Salomon and the stables o

    King Ahab as well as a very sophisticated water-syste

    Meggido is Armaggedon, where the last war shall tak

    place. Caesarea Maritima, where the "Vision of the

    Flesh" happened, and the beautiful port city built by k

    Herod the Great from which Peter went out on his

    journey to Rome, and short walk through the alley-wa

    of Jaffa, the Old City of Tel Aviv, and drive up to


    In the evening, (OPTIONAL) we watch a world famouballet show at the Suzanne Dellal Center, following b

    dinner in one of the city's leading restaurants. Overnig

    ay 5

    Ascend the Mount of Olives to marvel at the spectacuview of the Holy City of Jerusalem. Walk down the hill t

    Church of Pater Noster and the Chapel of Ascension.

    to the church of Dominus Flevit and the Church of A

    Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesusendured his agony. Descend across the Valley of Kidro

    . Visit the "Wailing Wall" and then walk along the "Via

    Dolorosa"Jesus Way of Suffering, to the Church of th

    Holy Sepulcher, where Jesus was crucified, burried anresurrected.

    In the late afternoon we visit Mt. Zion with the


    the room of the "Last Supper" the Dormition Abbey

    still open) and the Tomb of King David.

    Overnight Jerusalem.

  • 8/6/2019 Holy Land - Catholic Tour


    ay 6Visit Room of the Last Supper King David's Tomb and th

    Church of the Dormition from which place Blessed Maassumed to heaven.

    (if the situation allows it!) Drive to Bethlehem and visit t

    Church of the Nativity, built over the Manger whereJesus was born.

    Visit Bethlehem and then Ein Karem, thed picturesqu

    village, where according to tradition John the Baptiswasborn.

    We shall also have some free time to enjoy the sound

    and smells of the 'Shuk'the Oriental Bazaar of the ocity.

    Overnight Jerusalem.

    ay 7

    This day we drive down to the Dead Sea, the deepe

    point on earth.

    Now it's time for some pampering here in the lowe

    place on earth, the special minerals of the Dead Sea

    spoil our skin, the view of giant desert cliffs combined

    with the blue salty lake will free our soul, and the luxu

    hotel restaurant will awaken our taste budsrelax anenjoy!

    We visit Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were

    found, the famous fortress Massada, and take some ti

    as well to "swim" (float!) in the Dead Sea's unique wat

    Back to Jerusalem, for dinner in the lovely romantic

    neighborhood of Nachalat Shiv'a.

    Overnight Jerusalem.

    Call us to personalize your itinerary:

    0207 193 5459 (UK)01 443 4677 (IRL)

    Email: [email protected]/holyland

    DLI Travel

  • 8/6/2019 Holy Land - Catholic Tour


    ay 8

    Transfer to the Ben Gurion Airport/ Allenby Bridge for y


    Itinerary can change due to different circumstances.

    Extend your HolyLandPrilgrimage by 5 days of

    Relaxing Egypt :Sharm El-Sheikh

    5 days free day at leisure but there

    are lots of Half day or full day

    excursions. Also enjoy the local

    culture and the markets.

    Full Day trip, Glass Bottom

    Coral Tour:Tiran island: Leave after breakfast.

    Hot lunch will be served on board

    navigation back to Sharm El Sheikh

    before sun set.

    If you don't have your own snorkeling

    equipment you can pick it up fromthe shore before embarkation.

    Mount Sinai & Beduin Village:On our way we have a stop on

    Bedouin market, where you can buy

    some Bedouins handicraft, continue

    driving till we reach St. , Catherine

    monastery , visit the monastery for

    1.5 hrs then driving to St., Catherine

    village , where hot lunch will be

    served , after lunch we drive dahab

    and to Sharm- El Sheikh .

    5 Days Extension to Egypt.

  • 8/6/2019 Holy Land - Catholic Tour
