honors biology: final exam review

Honors Biology: Final Exam Review

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Honors Biology: Final Exam Review. Quarter #1. Chapter 1: The Scientififc Study of Life. Tools for Studying Life Microscope – observe living cells Compound Microscope – uses multiple lenses to magnify an image - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Honors Biology: Final Exam Review

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Quarter #1

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Chapter 1: The Scientififc Study of Life

Tools for Studying LifeMicroscope – observe living cells

Compound Microscope – uses multiple lenses to magnify an image

Electron Microscope – uses a beam of electrons to create high quality, high magnification images

Balance – take mass of objectsMeter Stick – measure length of an objectGraduated Cylinder – measure volume of

a liquid

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Chapter 1: The Scientifc Study of Life

8 Characteristics of Living Things:1. made up of cells (smallest unit of life)2. reproduce (sexually or aesexually)3. based on universal genetic code (DNA)4. grow & develop5. obtain & use materials/energy

(metabolism)6. respond to their environment (stimuli)7. maintain stable internal environment

(homeostasis)8. change over time (evolution)

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Chapter 1: The Scientififc Study of Life

Organization in Biology Ecosystem – group of organisms that live in the same place

together with their non-living environment Community – group of many populations that live in the same

general area Population – group of organisms of the same species that live in

the same general area Organism – individual life form Organ System – group of organs that work together to complete

a common task Organ – a group of tissues that work together to complete a

common task Tissue – a group of cells that work together to complete a

common task Cell – the smallest unit of life Molecule – a group of elements that are

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Darwin & EvolutionCharles Darwin

Struggle for Existence – organisms compete against each other for necessary resources

Survival of the Fittest – those individuals best fit for their environment secure resources and surviveAdaptations – features or characteristics that

increase an organisms chance of survivalNatural Selection – Organisms with

beneficial adaptations survive and pass on beneficial traits to offspring

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Darwin & Evolution

Factors Leading to EvolutionMembers of the same species

become separated from one another and develop independently (speciation)

Change in Environmental Factors – due to natural or unnatural causes

Migration of organisms to a new environment (natural or unnatural)

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Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life

Types of Chemical Bonds:Ionic Bonds – attractions between ions of

opposite charge; involve one atom donating an electron to another atom

Covalent Bond – the sharing of pairs of electrons to join molecules together (single, double, triple)

Hydrogen Bonds – weak bonds formed by the slightly charge regions on neighboring molecules; responsible for H2O’s unique properties

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Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life

Properties of Water (thanks to polarity)Cohesion – the slight - charge of O attracts the slight

+ charge of H causing neighboring molecules to “stick” together (H bonds)

Adhesion– the slight charges of H2O molecules make it likely to “stick” to other things

Moderate Temperature – H bonds help H2O resist changes in temperature (HIGH boiling point)

Density – liquidH2O is MORE dense than solid H2OSolvent – polarity helps H2O to break down other

POLAR substances (non-polar substances like oils WILL NOT dissolve in H2O)

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Quarter #2

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells

The Magic of CarbonBecause of its 4 valence electrons,

carbon:has a tendency to form covalent bonds is able to make single, double, or triple

bonds is able to form VERY LONG chains is able to bond with up to 4 other atoms

Macromolecules – large chain molecules (polymers) formed by subunits (monomers)

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells

4 Main Organic (Carbon) Compounds:Carbohydrates (polysaccharides)

Main source of energyMade up of monosaccharides

(sugars)***Isomers – two molecules that has the SAME chemical formula, but DIFFERENT structures!

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells

4 Main Organic (Carbon) Compounds:Proteins

Control reaction rates, allow molecules in and out of cells, fight disease, make up muscles

Made up of amino acids• 20 + amino acids are used to express genes•each amino acid in a polypeptide chain is joined to by a peptide bond

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells

4 Main Organic (Carbon) Compounds:Lipids

Comprise membranes, energy storage, insulation

Made up of glycerol & fatty acids• Phospholipids make

up bilayer of cell membrane

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells

4 Main Organic (Carbon) Compounds:Nucleic Acids

Store and transmit genetic information

Made up of nucleotides (sugar, phosphate group & nitrogenous base)

• 5 Nitrogenous Bases:• Adenine (DNA & RNA)• Thymine (DNA ONLY)• Guanine (DNA & RNA)• Cytosine (DNA & RNA)• Uracil ( RNA ONLY)

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Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells

Dehydration Synthesis – joining of two or more organic molecules by REMOVING H2Oone molecule loses a hydroxyl (-OH); one loses

a hydronium (-H)covalent bonds form (sharing e-)

Hydrolysis – breaking apart of two or more organic molecules by ADDING H2Oone molecule gains a hydorxyl (-OH); one

gains a hydronium (-H)covalent bonds are broken

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Early EarthStanley Miller & Howard Urey

showed that amino acids & other organic componds could have arisen from a lifeless Earth (chemical soup + lightening)

Evolution of oxygen-producing bacteria resulted in:oxygenation of the atmospheremassive extinction of many early anaerobic forms of

lifeextincting of bacteria unable to tolerate oxygenanarobic bacteria engulfing aerobic bacteria for

survival (endosymbiotic theory)

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

Types of CellsProkaryotes – lack a “true” nucleus; lack

membrane-bound organelles; bacteriaEukaryotes – have a “true” nucleus; have

specialized membrane-bound organellesPlant Cells – contain cell walls, large vacuoles;

chloroplasts; square-ish in shapeAnimal Cells – contain only a cell membrane;

contain centrioles; irregular in shape

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

Plasma Membrane – “proteins floating in a sea of lipids”Phsopholipid Bilayer – primary component;

made up of glycerol, phosphate group (polar & hydrophilic), and 2 fatty acid tails (non-polar & hydrophobic); arranged with tails facing the interior & heads facing exterior

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cekk

Receptor Proteins – receive messages from outside the cell

Anchor Proteins – inside of membrane; aid in tethering organelles

Transport Proteins – transmembrane proteins that serves as passageways for larger molecules

Cholesterol – within bilayer; prevent solidifying of fatty acid tails

Glycoproteins & Glycolipids – used for identification

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

Fluidity of the Phospholipid BilayerALL components of the bilayer are able to move

freely about one another; this is because:phosphoipids are unable to pack closely togetherkinks in the fatty acid chains allow for movement fatty acid chains are typically unsaturated (not

solid at room temperature)cholesterol prevents fatty acid tails from “sticking”

Permeability – ability to allow some molecules to pass through while blocking others (phenylthalanine & ammonia)

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

Cellular TransportDiffusion – “passive transport;” no ATP

required; random movement of molecules from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration Osmosis – diffusion of water from an area of HIGH

H2O concentration to an area of LOW H2O concentration (osmoregulation – regulation of H2O inside a cell)

Active Transport – use of ATP energy to molecule molecules (or maintain molecules) AGAINST a concentration gradient

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

40 % Sucrose60 % H2O

20 % Sucrose80 % H2O

• Outside environment is HYPERTONIC (less H2O; more sucrose) to inside•Inside environment is HYPOTONIC (more H2O; less sucrose) to outside

•THEREFORE H2O will LEAVE the cellISOTONIC solutions – have equal concentrations of both SOLUTES and H2O

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

•In order to effectively transport nutrients to the cell, the cell must have a LARGE surface area to volume ratio

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

Organelles of the CellMitochondria – “powerhouse;” responsible

for Cellular Respiration; resemble early prokaryotes; have their own DNA; reproduce independently; incorporated by heterotrophic prokaryotes

Chloroplast – responsible for Photosynthesis; resemble early prokaryotes; have their own DNA; reproduce independently; incorporated by heterotrophic prokaryotes

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

Organelles of the CellGolgi Apparatus – modifies, sorts, and

distributes proteinsNucleus – controls all activity of the cellEndoplasmic Reticulum – allows for

intracellular transportRibosome – site of protein synthesisCytoplasm – cellular matrix

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Chapter 5: The Working Cell

Enzymes – biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions by lowering activation energyEnzymes are recyclable – they are not used up

or altered and can be used over and overEnzymes are VERY specific – each enzyme only

does ONE job; 3D structure determines its functionEnzymes have ideal temperatures and pHs -

if an an enzyme’s environment changes, it will become denatured (change shape) and not be able to function

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Chapter 5: The Working Cell

Exergonic Reactions – Products contain less energy than reactants; proceed spontaneously; release energy (heat)

Endergonic Reactions – Products contain more energy than reactants; DO NOT proceed spontaneously; absorb energy (heat)*

* feel cold to the touch

Exergonic and Endergonic reactions are usually coupled… the energy released from exergonic reactions can be used to power endergonic reactions!

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Chapter 5: The Working Cell

Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) ReactionsLEO says GER


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Quarter #3

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Chapter 6: How Cells Harvest Chemical

EnergyCellular Respiration – the process by which

energy is obtained from organic compounds (mitochondria)ATP is produced by the joining of ADP molecules

with inorganic phosphates C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP Energy

Lipids contain the MOST energy/gram, but our bodies do not readily break down these molecules

Carbohydrates contain the next highest amount of energy/gram and our bodies can readily break them down

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Chapter 6: How Cells Harvest Chemical

EnergyStep 1: Glycolysis (anaerobic)

A glucose molecule (C6H12O6) is broken down to create 2 molecules of Pyruvic Acid

Step 2: Kreb’s Cycle (aerobic)Pyruvic Acid is broken down to form CO2 waste

Step 3: Electron Transport (aerobic)High energy electrons are passed along a chain of

electron acceptors to produce a charge gradientChemiosmosis

The movement of protons through ATP Synthase powers the joining of ADP and P to make ATP

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Chapter 6: How Cells Harvest Chemical

EnergyFermentation – an anaerobic form of

respiration employed by organisms in the absence of oxygen or by organisms unable to use/incorporate oxygen LESS efficient at producing ATP molecules

Glycolysis CAN still proceedEthyl Alcohol and/or Lactic Acid may form is

byproducts2 Net ATP will result from the process

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Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using

Light to Make FoodLeaf Structure

Stoma (stomata) – openings in the leaf that allow gasses, such as O2 and CO2 to pass in and out

Mesophyll – layer of leaf tissue that contains chloroplasts

Chloroplast – organelle that contains photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll) that REFLECT green light and absorb other colors (giving plants their

green color)

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Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using

Light to Make FoodPhotosynthesis – the process by which

energy from the sun is converted into starches Organisms that make their own food in this

manner are called photosynthetic autotrophs6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2

Chloroplasts contain:Grana – stacks of disc-shaped thylakoid

membranes; site of Light-Dependant ReactionsStroma – fluid portion; site of Carbon Fixation

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Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using

Light to Make FoodLight Dependant Reactions – H2O is broken

down (released waste O2 gas) and high energy electrons are passed down the Electron Transport Chain creating ATPEnd products: waste O2, & {ATP, NADPH, FADH2}

used to produce glucose during Carbon FIxationCarbon Fixation – occurs when carbon in the

form of CO2 is incorporated into organic storage moleculesEnd products: glucose

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Chapter 8: Mitosis & Meiosis

Cell CycleInterphase

G1 – growth; normal functionS – synthesis; DNA is copiedG2 – additional growth; preparation for mitosis

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Chapter 8: Mitosis & Meiosis

Cell CycleMitosis

Prophase – DNA condenses; nuclear envelope breaks down; centrioles form

Metaphase – Chromosomes line up along equator of the cell

Anaphase – Spindle fibers pull chromatids apartTelophase – nuclear division; 2 new nuclei formCytokinesis – cytoplasmic division; cell plate or

cleavage furrow form and split cells

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Chapter 8: Mitosis & Meiosis

Regulation of Cell Growth:chromosomes DO NOT separate until spindle

is attached to each centromerecells are prevented from dividing unless they

are anchoredcells DO NOT grow in the absence of growth

factorsMitosis DOES NOT occur until DNA

Replication is complete

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Chapter 8: Mitosis & Meiosis

Meiosisreductive cell division used to create

gametes (with ½ the genetic information of somatic cells)

create unique gametes due to:crossing over (exchange of segments of

genetic code by homologous chromosomes) random positioning of chromosomes during

Metaphase I random fertilization

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Quarter #4

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Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

Gregor Mendel – father of geneticsHeterozygous – two different alleles for a traitHomozygous – two IDENTICAL alleles for a traitDominant – trait will be phenotypically expressed

in either homozygous dominant or heterozygous genotypes

Recessive – trait will ONLY be expressed phenotypically in homozygous recessive individuals

Sex–Linked – alleles are found on the sex chromosomes (both X in females and one X in males – NOT FOUND ON Y CHROMOSOMES!)

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Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

A Basic Punnett SquareDimples (d) are a recessive trait. Two heterozygous

individuals want to have children together…

What is the chance their child will have dimples?What is the expected genotypic ratio?What is the chance their child will be without dimples?What is the expected phenotypic ratio?

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Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

A Sex-Linked Punnett SquareHemophilia is a sex-linked, recessive trait. A non-carrier

female and a hemophiliac male want to have children…

What is the chance their child will have hemophilia?What is the chance any of their children will be carriers?What are the genotypes of the parents?What are the genotypes for a hemophiliac male? female?

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Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

Hardy-Weinberg EquilibriumTo be in equilibrium

NO mutations must ariseNO natural selection can occurNO migration can occurThere must be a HUGE populationCompletely random mating must occur

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Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

Hardy-Weinberg Equationp + q = 1

• Where…• p = frequency of the dominant allele• q = frequency of the recessive allele

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

• Where…• p2 = frequency of the AA genotype• 2pq = frequency of the Aa genotype• q2 = frequency of the aa genotype

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Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

Hardy-Weinberg EquationYou have sampled a population in which

you know that the % of the aa (albino) genotype is 36%.

What is the allele frequency for albinism?What % of the population would be

homozygous for “normal” pigmenting?

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

DNA Structure Hydrogen Bonds connect

nitrogenous bases (A T & G C)

= deoxyribose (sugar)

= phosphate

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

ReplicationWhat? Copying of genetic materialWhen? Prior to cell division (mitosis)Where? inside the nucleusWhy? to ensure all new cells have copies of

genetic informationHow? Base-pairing rule! (A T, G C)

DNA Helicase unzips the double helix.DNA Polymerase adds on new nucleotides

(base pairing) & then “proofreads” the new strands

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

ReplicationWhat? Copying of genetic materialWhen? Prior to cell division (mitosis)Where? inside the nucleusWhy? ensure all new cells have copies of genetic

infoHow? Base-pairing rule! (A T, G C)

DNA Helicase unzips the double helix.DNA Polymerase adds on new nucleotides (base

pairing) & then “proofreads” the new strandsDNA Ligase joins together the completed Okazaki

fragments of the discontinuous (lagging) strand

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

ReplicationSemi-Conservative Process – each

“daughter” strand is made up of one new strand and one original strand

Original Strand: CTAATGTComplimentary Strand: GATTACA

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

TranscriptionWhat? Creation of an mRNA “copy” of a geneWhen? Prior to gene expressionWhere? inside the nucleusWhy? the express genes without endangering

actual DNAHow? Base-pairing rule! (A U, G C)

RNA Polymerase creates a strand of mRNA complimentary to the segment of DNA being expressed

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

TranslationWhat? “Reading” of the mRNA to create a

polypeptideWhen? Following transcriptionWhere? On/In the ribosomeWhy? To create proteins that express genesHow?

mRNA attached to ribosome ribosome “reads” codons (3-nucleotide segments) tRNA transfers individual amino acids to ribosome ribosome joins amino acids until a STOP codon is

reached and the chain is released

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering:have improved crop yieldshave led to pest resistant cropshave led to new varieties of fruits and veggieshave aided in crime investigationshave led to the development of more effective

medical treatments

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Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene

DNA FingerprintingRestriction enzymes are used to break DNA

into specific segmentsTreated DNA is placed in a chamber with a

positive & negative endElectrophoresis is used to separate the DNA

fragmentsThe banding patterns created are compared to

determine DNA matches & paternity

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Ecology & the Environment

Goals of Conservation Biology:enforce environmental lawsprotect habitats

protects not only habitats, but also interactions between many different species

the rainforest has been particularly valuable in discovering new species that provide ingredients for new medications, food, and other goods

manage natural resourcesusing alternative energy, decreasing reliance on

coal, and driving more efficient autos are sustainable practices that reduce acid precipitation

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Ecology & the Environment

Integrated Pest Managementusing a variety of approaches including biological

control, pesticides when necessary and monitoring of pest populations

Problems Related to Pesticidesbiological magnificationpesticide resistancegood bugs can be killed along with pests

Introduced Speciesoften become pests because they have no natural

predators to keep their population in check

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