how mail chimp works

Email Marketing For Mail chimp

Upload: prasenjit-nandy

Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Page 1: How mail chimp works

Email Marketing For Mail chimp

Page 2: How mail chimp works

Creating Mail Chimp Account


and click the Sign-up

button to open free


Page 3: How mail chimp works

Registration Form

After clicking sign up

button it will redirect to

sign- up form. Fill out

the form with related

data to create account.

Open the activation link

In mail to moved to

login section of page

Page 4: How mail chimp works

Login Form

After activating your link

through your email

account your page will

redirect to login page.

Fill out the username or

email account with

password to enter your


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Mail Chimp Dashboard

After login you went to

your dashboard section

where you can create

campaigns, view report,

click through mail,

subscriber imported in


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Dashboard Menus

Menus in your

dashboard can be found

at left section of your

dash board

By Clicking it you can

see menus.

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Create List Before Start Campaigning

Click the list button from

menu and you will be

taken to you Lists

dashboard where you

can view your

list, create list, sort and

can check the stats.

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Insert List

By Clicking Create List

button you move to

create list page where

you have fill up the list

name and default

sender email which will

display when someone

gets your email. Save it

to display.

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Add or Manage Subscription to List

You can add or manage

the sender email id or

subscription by click on

to the respective list

from dashboard.

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Creating Templates

Go to the Templates

Menu to view template,

create template, edit

templates, remove


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Creating Templates(Contd..)

Click the create

template button to

create your own email

Template in code, html

or in zip format. You

can create featured

templates also.

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Delete Saved Templates

You can delete

templates by selecting it

delete it.

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Create New Campaign

You can crate new

campaign by

Campaigns-> Create

Campaign-> Choose

type of campaign ->

Select it -> Choose the

list -> Click Next->Fill

Campaign Info->Select

Template -> Confirm and


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