how to read your customers or prospects mind

WWW.SELLING-WITH-MAGIC.COM How To Read Your Prospects Mind NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Everyone has heard the saying, “It’s not what you say, and it’s how you say it. Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an identified set of techniques that you can consistently influence your own thinking and thinking of others. With NLP skills you will become aware of not only what to communicate, but how to communicate in all situations. Our neurology involves how we think (Neuro), and also the way we speak (Linquistic). How you speak reveals how you think. If you can understand how to apply these principles, you can become a persuasive communicator, you can make others think and act under the power of your influence (Programming). There are several principles that may help you understand the power of the NLP skills. 1. Your Sub- Conscious perception of information. Your sub- conscious mind is receiving information and makes decisions while you are unaware of its functioning. In fact, your mind reacts to sub-conscious stimulation faster than when the conscious mind takes time to be aware of what has been said or done. SELLING WITH MAGIC 2013 Quick Sales Marketing Money Making Tip From 101 Ways To Market and Advertise You A lot of times, we get so busy working in our business that we forget why we’re doing what we do in the first place! And, no, don’t say it’s to make money – nobody goes to your business just because they want to give you money. You’re not that special. ZigZiglar (Christian motivational speaker and sales expert) used to have a good saying, and we all should try to live by it. “Always give everybody else what they want, and you will have everything that you want.” Remember – the only radio station your customers are listening to is WIIFM (What’s in it for me?). Remember Your Purpose

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Imagine if you will…your sales team following up on leads and knowing what to say and how to say it to ultimately close the sale. Does this sound like magic? If so, this FREE REPORT, is just for you.


Page 1: How to read your customers or prospects mind


How To Read Your Prospects Mind

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Everyone has heard the saying, “It’s not what you say, and it’s how you say it. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an identified set of techniques that you can consistently influence your own thinking and thinking of others. With NLP skills you will become aware of not only what to communicate, but how to communicate in all situations. Our neurology involves how we think (Neuro), and also the way we speak (Linquistic). How you speak reveals how you think. If you can understand how to apply these principles, you can become a persuasive communicator, you can make others think and act under the power of

your influence (Programming). There are several principles that may help you understand the power of the NLP skills.

1. Your Sub-Conscious perception of information.

Your sub-conscious mind is receiving information and makes decisions while you are unaware of its functioning. In fact, your mind reacts to sub-conscious stimulation faster than when the conscious mind takes time to be aware of what has been said or done.


Quick Sales Marketing Money

Making Tip From 101 Ways To

Market and Advertise You

A lot of times, we get so busy working in our business that we forget why we’re doing what we do in the first place! And, no, don’t say it’s to make money – nobody goes to your business just because they want to give you money. You’re not that special.

ZigZiglar (Christian motivational speaker and sales expert) used to have a good saying, and we all should try to live by it. “Always give everybody else what they want, and you will have everything that you want.” Remember – the only radio station your customers are listening to is WIIFM (What’s in it for me?).

Remember YourPurpose

Page 2: How to read your customers or prospects mind


2. You can Influence

the Sub-Conscious Thinking of Others.

Language is a passageway to the sub-conscious mind. By using words effectively, you can bypass theconscious resistance of others and create the desired mental activity, i.e. responses, perspectives, reactions and perceptions. You can learn to appeal to the desired outcomes within your associates.

3. MentalActivity

Directs Behavior.

Mental activity is the root of behavior. If you can impact another person’s mental activity, you can influence their behavior.

In general, NLP is an identified collection of tactics that allow you to consistently influence your own thinking and thinking of others. You can create a desired

mental activity and get the behavior change you want. If used in a context of integrity and professionalism, it is a powerful positive tool. With little effort and courage, you can learn the NLP techniques and increase your sales.

You may be tempted to dismiss such claims. If you are wise you will suspend doubt, at least long enough to scan the following techniques and to taste the positive affects of NLP that result from brief experimentation. Mirror Selling Now that you are aware of what the NLP techniques can do, you can immediately start applying them to your selling process. The term “Mirror Selling” is a system in which you observe a potential customer and adapt to his or her preferred style of communication and rapport. In other words, you begin to mimic

them. You approach is subtle. Your potential customers are unaware of your efforts to put them at ease. By using this technique you will make them feel comfortable in creating rapport with you. From this place of matched intentions, you will take them through the buying process using their preferred buying pattern. For example, if the potential customer gestures a lot when speaking, you want to use some gestures when speaking with them. If they pace their speech when speaking, you want to slow your speech down. If they stand and move around during your visit, you stand with them until they choose to sit. You might give them something, perhaps a marketing give-away, to hold during your visit. Chances are that this person has a preferred kinesthetic style and are looking for a feel good experience.


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Choosing the Right Words will determine Your Success.

When you carefully engineer your words, you will find that you have a distinct and measurable advantage. If you choose to ignore the importance of using the right words, you will fail to sell. You are much more attractive to your customers when you carefully choose every word that you say.

People only hear and notice what it familiar to them. Your customer will responds to the words and phrases that look or feel familiar to them. If you use words that describe only your personal likes and feelings you may fail to effectively appeal to the likes and dislikes within your customer.

It all starts by building trust. People will only buy from someone they trust. Your customer will

decide to buy the trust you create in them long before they buy your product or services. The way in which you begin to build trust is through rapport. Without this connection a sale is nearly impossible.

As salespeople, we know it is important to focus upon features and benefits. But the true secret of selling is to adapt to the way the customer wants to be sold.

SELLING WITH MAGIC 2013Quick Sales & Marketing Money

Making Tip From 101 Ways To Market and Advertise You

Chances are you smile when you greet a customer in person. But what about on the phone? Believe it or not, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or even a potential customer, people can actually see you through that phone. Well, not exactly. But they for ma picture in their mind, and if you’re not smiling, that’s a part of the picture.I don’t know why, but I still know that the act of smiling makes you sound and even feel happier. So when that phone rings,no matter what’s going on, I stop for a minute, stand up (this gives you more energy on the phone and it’s healthy)and smile. I want who ever is on the other end to feel how happy I am to get their call. And people are more likely to buy from a happy person.

Jamahl Keyes-The Magic Motivator sharing the stage with Ivnaka Trump at a national small business event.

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There is a new golden rule, “Do unto others they way they want to done unto.”In other words, to be successful, you must learn how to adapt your approach of selling to fit the customer’s desires.

It is important that you remember that customers buy you first, and then they buy your product or services.

Observing Your Customer Don’t be in a hurry! The true leaders are those who know how to follow first. They know how to observe others first and take cues from their surroundings. Once you have learned to follow and pace the movements and characteristics

of your customer, you can introduce change. When you mirror your customer it must be done in subtle ways that will not be noticed. The key is to connect with your customer at a sub-conscious level. While pacing yourself you can observe the customer and “become them” through your words or phrases, or your tone or rate of speech, even by your subtle posture.


Quick Sales & Marketing Money Making Tip From 101 Ways To

Market and Advertise You

Another fun way to remind a person that they haven’t been in touch with you lately is to use a “lumpy” direct mail piece that includes a magnifying glass (make sure the “glass” is actually plastic, though!) inside the envelope. Include a letter with the magnifying glass that talks about how you’ve been looking for them every way you know how.

Because the envelope obviously holds a physical object, the person receiving it will invariably open it. And, again, they will probably be amused by this gambit to regain their attention and make them think, “Whoa, I should really get back with this person, since they went to all this trouble for me!” That’s the rule of reciprocity. When you do something nice for them, they psychologically feel obligated to do something nice for you.

Jamahl Keyes-The Magic Motivator sharing the stage with Joan Rivers at entrepreneur event. (JOAN HOLDING JAMAHL’s BOOK)

For More Information About Jamahl Keyes-The Magic Motivator Award Winning

Business And Sales Presentations Call: 866.230.9808 Or


Page 5: How to read your customers or prospects mind


Here are some characteristics or behaviors you will be observing: Body postureFigures of speech or phrasesVoice tone and accentsSpeech tempoMetaphorsPersonal Values and biasesLinguistic structureIndividual orientation toward life or time When you have observed your customer, you can skillfully mirror them,

establish a deeper rapport and strengthen your groundwork for trust and persuasion. Once you have accomplished this skill you can begin to lead your customer toward to a desired action or decision.

Why Build Rapport? Before you can discuss the customer’s need, your customer must first feel comfortable and see you as being trustworthy. Even before you can discuss

benefits and features it is important that you develop a relationship with your customer. So your first job of selling is selling YOU!

Your first impression upon the customer is very important. In less than two minutes your potential customer will decide whether or not to invite you to continue your presentation. Most sales people fail to develop the relationship with the potential customer and never earn the right to offer a sale.


Quick Sales & Marketing Money

Making Tip From 101 Ways To Market and

Advertise You

A special event can be, at its most basic level, simply hosting a barbeque, a cook- out, a fish fry, or some other everyday kind-of-gathering where you can feed your clients relatively cheaply in a relaxed and social environment. As you make the guest list and hold the event, you become the center of this particular universeand establish yourself as a connected networker who can put important people together.

Jamahl Keyes-The Magic Motivator sharing at a trade show with Bill Rancic (1st place winner from season 1 of The Apprentice)

Page 6: How to read your customers or prospects mind


The development of trust in a business relationship requires ongoing attention. Your potential customer must feel comfortable with you. otherwise they will never share with you there needs. Reading your Customer - Words On your first visit with your potential customer, immediately observe the messages they are sending to you. Notice the words they are using in the conversation. The words we use are characteristic of our own past programming. They show up in the action words (verbs and predicates). These words are revealing the way your customer processes information.

Examples: “I see what you mean.”


“I hear what you are saying.”


“I only touched on a few things.”



Here is a list of words to listen for:



- Visualize - radiate - overshadow - illuminate- Watch - overview - scan - clear- See - focus - glance - appear- Look - illustrate - reflect - picture- Reveal - crystal clear - notice - outlook- Angle - bright - paint - aim- Visible - viewpoint - sight - show

Here is a list of words to listen for:



- Say - swear - question - sound- Voice - remark - tune - announce- Talk - propose - articulate - tell- Ring - shout - speak - utter- Verbalize - quiet - noisy - mention- Lend a ear - express - discuss - describe- Chime - boom - argue - cry

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If your customer says, “Now, You are speaking my language.” That means they believe you understand them and have some insight to their needs. Everyone has a preferred way of speaking, hearing, and seeing an idea. Your customer prefers to hear the language that fits his or her own personal preference. Once you have observed your potential customers preferred style, you can begin tocommunicate with them with words that match their style. Once this happens you will begin to create a deeper rapport and gain the trust. Watching Your Customer - Eye Movement Clues You can identify language preferences without words being

spoken. It is through eye movement that you can observe a clue for your customers preferred style. This will happen when your customer is thinking and not speaking. When presented with a question they do not have an answer for, they will sub-consciously exhibit eye movement while thinking about it. This will give you a clue to their preferred style. This is may be the easiest way for you to read your customer. Eye movement can be easier to detect than listening for words. It all happens at a predicted moment. Some people use very little eye movement, and then others use exaggerated movement as part of their pattern of expressions. A safe and easy place to practice is while watching television.


Here is a list of words to listen for:



- Cold - sway - pressure - bounce- Feel - drive - hard - roll - Hold - move - hang - run - Firm - block - throw - turn- Support - loose - break - catch- Hit - tight - sharp - attack- Point - cut - worry - steady

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Note that these eye movement patterns must be reversed for left-handed people. Here are a few more characteristics of the three major preferred styles. VISUAL PEOPLE - Speak quicklyRemember what was seen, rather than heard - Would rather read than be read to

- Doodle during phone conversations or staff meetings - Are neat and orderly - Usually are not distracted by noise - Memorize by visual association - Often answer questions with a simple yes or no

AUDITORY PEOPLE - Enjoy reading out loud and listening.

- Are easily distracted by noise - Speak in rhythmic patterns - Are frequently eloquent speakers - Talk to themselves when working - Move their lips as they read - Learn by listening, and remember what is discussed rather than seen - Rather jokes than comics

Please note that are three moments when their eyes are most likely to give you the clue. First is immediately after you have asked a question. The second is during a pause, right when your customer is searching for a thought. The third moment is immediately before they speak. The better you are with your observation and at your wording of the questions; you will get your customer to tell what you want to know.



Up Right Defocused Up Left


Side Right Side Left


Down LeftDown Right

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- Touch people to get attention- Stand close when talking with someone- Speak slowly- Gesture a lot- Use action words- Are physically oriented and move around a lot- Use a finger as a pointer when reading

Physical MirroringYou will discover that this mirroring is a natural occurrence between people who already know each other and feel comfortable with one another. Your physical posture is a part of your communication and rapport. So likewise, you will want to mirror

your potential customer with the same physical mannerisms. The object is to mirror as much of the other person’s posture as possible. It is important that you be comfortable and not make them aware of your actions.

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