how to reduce uric acid in the blood - 5 best natural gout remedies explained

HOW TO REDUCE URIC ACID IN THE BLOOD - 5 BEST NATURAL GOUT REMEDIES EXPLAINED Visit for a gout attack relieve secret and a cure for gout!

Upload: ray-t-knudget

Post on 07-May-2015




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Learn more about gout and the natural remedies that you can try to get rid of your gout pain!


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Visit for a gout attack relieve secret and a cure for gout!

Page 2: How to reduce uric acid in the blood - 5 best natural gout remedies explained

Why You Can Cure Gout at Home

Page 3: How to reduce uric acid in the blood - 5 best natural gout remedies explained

I always tell people that the best

natural gout cure is one that

doesn't use any painkillers. Most

people look puzzled when I tell them

this but there is a reason behind this


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Let me explain.

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` `

Painkillers mask pain. Therefore,

though you do not feel the pain,

your affected joint is still bearing

all the misery.

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Millions of people have disfigured

their joint by continuing to

take pain killers and ignoring

the gout problem.

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If you plan on using your joint again,

you need to learn how to flush

the uric acid crystals between

your joint(s).

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Fortunately, gout is a centuries old

disease that has been studied for

hundreds of years. And gout

can be naturally cured with

some knowledge and


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And the only way to cure

gout is to know what causes

gout and understand how to

flush uric acid from your


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5 Gout Remedy Tips

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1. You should begin with

understanding the cause of gout.

Simply put, gout is a disease that

is caused because your body is not

able to flush the uric acid like

it is suppose to.

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And uric acid is the by-product of

purines that you consume. The

uric acid is then deposited

between joints where it settles to

form crystals. The crystals are

the reason behind the pain.

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To avoid purines you should avoid

animal-based foods that you eat

like meat, seafood, and alcohol.

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2. You should also flush your

body! Water has thousands of

benefits and flushing uric acid is

one of them.

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You can do this by drinking plenty of

water throughout the day. A good

rule of thumb would be to

drink at least 16 ounces of

water for every 2 hours you

are awake.

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3. Your diet is also something that

will help you process the uric acid

and eliminate it from your body.

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Low-purine food choices include:

green vegetables, tomatoes, sugar,

low-fat milk products, eggs,

cheese, olives, rice, pasta, grains,

breads, fruits, chocolate, cereals,

and coffee.

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4. You may also wish to try cherry

juice or cherries. Recently there

has been news surrounding

cherries and curing gout.

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One study has shown how 10

healthy women who all lowered

uric acid levels with cherries. It

also reduces recurrence of

attacks by 70%!

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5. Lastly, you should also

supplement folic acid. Folic acid

inhibits xanthine oxidase, which

is required for uric acid production.

You should supplement 10-75 mg

per day.

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You can download the gout remedy report that can help your and give you a Detailed step-by- step guide to natural gout remedy to cure your gout in 2 hours or less.

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