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How to Tender Masterclass

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How to Tender


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Participation is mandatory

Challenge, ask questions

One conversation at a time

Everyone is equal

Mobiles off

Stick to time




Who you are

Where you are from

Experience of tendering

What you want to learn

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Trevor Kitching – 30 Years Experience

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Explain the rules surrounding tendering

Explore how to find tendering opportunities

Describe the stages of the tendering process

Provide hints and tips to improve your chances of creating a

winning tender rather than merely a compliant tender

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Warm-up Exercise


Assume your organisation is bidding for a public sector

contract for which you are well-suited

Why should they choose you?

Give one convincing reason

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Public Sector Facts


Cumbersome bureaucracy

Slow to make decisions


Over £200 billion spent annually within the public sector ( £10 billion in Scotland)


Good payers


Often lead to more business through referrals

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Procurement is defined as:

“Procurement is the process of acquiring goods, works and

services, covering both acquisitions from third parties and from in-

house providers. The process spans the whole life-cycle from

identification of need, through to end of a services contract or the

end of the useful life of an asset. It involves option appraisal and

the critical ‘make or buy’ decision, which may result in the provision

of services in-house in appropriate circumstances.” Local Government National Procurement Strategy

Commissioning is defined as:

“Commissioning is the process of identifying needs within the

population and developing policy direction / service models and the

market to meet those needs in the most appropriate and cost

effective way” ECC Agreed definition of Commissioning

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Pick Your Targets


‘Meet the buyer’ events

Local / national newspaper/ trade magazine tender


Tender alerting services

Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) via

Tenders Electronic Daily

Contracts Finder – Public Contracts Scotland ( register

for free alerts)


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Research your Targets

Go to the website – look for:

“Selling to us” pages, or

“Procurement” pages

These should show:

Tender limits

Contact points

Forthcoming contract opportunities

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use portals

Future contract

information useful (but

may be out of date)

Knowing about


contracts helps

to plan

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Lots of





to them ?

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Glasgow City Council

Up to


2016 Eg



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Free Training

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Financial Regulations

These vary – see their website for clues

Several levels

Below £1,000 to £10,000 at least one quotation

From this point to £15,000 - £75,000 (typically £30-50k)

– three quotations

From this point to £172,514 – formal tenders

Over £172,514 (£4.3 million for “works”) – full EU


Remember it should be the “Value over the life” of the

contract, not annual amount.

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Understanding EU Procurement Rules

A supplies and services contract value exceeds

£172,514 (£111,676 for central govt)

A works contract value exceeds £4,322,012

Apply if………

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What Are They For?

The aim is a “single market”

Suppliers throughout Europe should have equal access

to potential contracts

All “large” public sector contracts must be competitively

tendered in an open and transparent manner

The process must follow set


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New Rules from 2015 Include :

Contracting authorities will be able to reserve the award of certain services

contracts to mutuals/social enterprises for a time-limited period

Contracting authorities are encouraged to break contracts into lots to

facilitate SME participation

A turnover cap has been introduced to facilitate SME participation.

Contracting authorities will not be able to set company turnover

requirements at more than two times contract value except where there is

a specific justification

The distinction between Part A and Part B Services has been removed,

and a new light-touch regime introduced for social and health and some

other services. There is an OJEU advertising requirement and other

specific obligations for this new light-touch regime, but a much higher

threshold has been agreed (EUR 750,000).

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New Rules from 2015 Include :

Social aspects can now also be taken into account in certain

circumstances (in addition to environmental aspects which have previously

been allowed)

The full life-cycle costing can be taken into account when awarding

contracts; this could encourage more sustainable and/or better value

procurements which might save money over the long term despite

appearing on initial examination to be more costly.

One of the UK priorities in the negotiations was to secure flexibility to

enable fledgling public service mutuals to gain experience of

delivering services before being exposed to EU-wide competition.

The new Public Contracts Directive permits competition for certain

contracts, listed by CPV code, mainly in the social and health sectors, to

be “reserved” to organisations such as mutuals and social enterprises

meeting certain limited criteria described in Article 77 of the Public

Contracts Directive. The reservation works in practice by requiring an

OJEU competition for those services using the ‘light touch regime” but only

allowing bids from organisations meeting the mutual or social enterprise


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New Rules from 2015 Include :

The Public Contracts Directive also expands the scope of the existing

reservation for sheltered workshops/employment programmes by

allowing reservation of any contract for disadvantaged as well as disabled


A new “light-touch regime” for a smaller number of categories of services

contracts in the health and social service areas

the award of contract must be based on the tender most

‘economically advantageous’ to the authority (MEAT). This can

however include assessment on the basis of price/cost only as well as

other methods including the ‘best price/quality ratio’ (equivalent to value for

money), which can include social and environmental requirements

provided they relate to the contract

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New Rules from 2015 Include :

Five award procedures, rather than the previous four:

The open procedure, under which all those interested may respond to the

advertisement in the OJEU by submitting a tender for the contract;

The restricted procedure, under which a selection is made of those who respond

to the advertisement and only they are invited to submit a tender for the contract.

The competitive dialogue procedure, under which a selection is made of those

who respond to the advertisement and the contracting authority enters into

dialogue with potential bidders, to develop one or more suitable solutions for its

requirements and on which chosen bidders will be invited to tender.

The competitive procedure with negotiation under which a selection is made of

those who respond to the advertisement and only they are invited to submit an

initial tender for the contract. The contracting authority may then open negotiations

with the tenderers to seek improved offers.

The innovation partnership procedure, under which the contracting authority

uses a negotiated approach to invite suppliers to submit ideas to develop

innovative works, supplies or services aimed at meeting a need for which there is

no suitable existing ‘product’ on the market. The contracting authority is allowed to

award partnerships to more than one supplier.

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Three Types of OJEU Notice

PIN notice – to notify a planned contract which may

occur later in the year

Contract notice – information about a real and

immediate contract

Contract award – required to notify that a contract has

been awarded – but hardly ever used

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The Tender Process - How Does

it Work?

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The Tendering Process –

How Does it Work ?

Advert (always – if EU)

EOI (often)

PQQ (often – but less so in future for low value contracts)

ESPD (above EU threshold)


Tender submission

Bid clarification (often)

Presentations (sometimes)




Contract start

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Benefits of the Tendering


Provides clear public accountability

Protects employees from bias

Level playing field to judge the market

Ensures value for money

Potential suppliers all have the same clear


Sound basis for a properly constructed contract

Prevents complacency

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Electronic Tendering

The public sector is rapidly moving towards e-tendering

If your potential client wants to do things electronically

you will be told right at the start

They will be using one of several different e-tendering

software systems, although they all have similar


For full e-tendering you should do everything

electronically – follow the instructions they give you!

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Expression of Interest

If it is an EU procurement and you submit an

“Expression of Interest” before the deadline they must

consider you


Invite you to tender if an “open” procedure

Send you a PQQ for all other procedures (Replaced in

Scotland by ESPD)

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Expressions of Interest


Be concise

Remember to add your full contact details

Quote the correct contract details


Don’t over elaborate

Don’t forget to follow up if you get no response

Don’t worry, save your efforts for the bid


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Financial Strength Issue – Can the candidate cope

financially with the size of contract or the asset


Dependency Issue – Will the candidate become over-

dependent on this contract or contracting authority?

Capacity Issue – Does the candidate have sufficient

resources to meet the contract demands?

Capability Issue – Does the candidate have the

necessary skills and experience to carry out the work?

Technical status / professional status

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European Single Procurement Document (ESPD)

The new EU Procurement Directives made provision for

the introduction of a European Single Procurement

Document (ESPD) which is intended by the European

Commission to remove some of the barriers to

participation in public procurement, especially for Small

and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

The ESPD (Scotland) will replace the requirement for

suppliers to provide up-front evidence or certificates by

allowing them to self-declare that they meet the relevant

selection and exclusion criteria. Bidders will be asked

to provide proof of this at a later stage.

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From Monday 18 April 2016 all Scottish public bodies

must issue and accept the ESPD ( European Single

Procurement Document) for all procurements worth

more than the EU thresholds. This will replace the

standard pre-qualification questionnaire (sPQQ) and

any local PQQs used by public bodies.



Health & Safety

Environmental Management

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PQQs are likely to include the following sections

Organisation information (and contact details)

Financial information (recent turnover and profit figures)

Technical information (any accreditations, capability

statements, case studies, references)

Policies on equal opportunities, health and safety,

environmental management and perhaps customer care

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How do they assess


PQQs are usually scored using prepared templates

Some questions are a straight pass/fail

If you don’t fail, your final score will be compared

against the others and the highest scoring PQQs will be

short listed to bid

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PQQ pass / fail issues

Financial turnover compared to size of contract (often)

Historically turnover had to be greater than 4 or 5 times annual

contract value ( 2 x max under new EU rules)

Insurance cover (often)

Employer's liability

Public liability

Professional indemnity

Appropriate technical accreditations for the contract in


Eg CQC registration for residential care home operators

Criminal records, health & safety prosecutions, etc

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Company Policies &


May have been covered at PQQ, if not . . .

Ensure your relevant policies are up to date and suitable:

Equalities and diversity


Health & safety


If you need increased insurance cover, confirm additional premium

now and check that it can be quickly set up if you are awarded the


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Health And Safety

It is a legal requirement to have a written Health and

Safety Policy

You are also required to carry out a full Risk


Go to for further advice

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Equalities And Diversity

It is important to remember that if you want to work with

the public sector you must have an equal opportunities


It should cover recruitment and training practices as well

as operational practices

Go to for further advice

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Environmental (or sustainability) policies are

increasingly important in the public sector

Look on the client's website and search under

“environmental procurement”

Go to or for further advice

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When applying for public sector contracts, be prepared to

produce 3 years’ worth of accounts.

Usually they will only need a basic P/L and balance sheet

or even just your income for the last 3 years. However, the

more formal the tender process is, the more rigorous their

demands become.

Always prepare for the worst; that will be 3 years of

accounts and annual reports. This may take some time to

organise so prepare them now, so that when asked you

can produce them rapidly.

Credit reports may also be used

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Some Issues

Closing dates and times are rigorously applied – late

tenders will not be considered

Missing documentation may invalidate a tender – even if

it might have been the best bid

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Discussion Exercise

How do you decide whether or not to bid?

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Bid decision issues

Cost of bidding:

Our time and resources

Lost opportunities

Chances of success

Capacity to do the work

Capability to do the work

Perceptions (theirs about you)

Quality of relationship

Likely profitability/impact of project

Fit with your strategy

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Some Pointers

Don’t bid for everything

Better to pull out at the beginning than part way through

Don't divert attention from existing clients to bid for new


It costs ten time more to win a new customer than to keep an

existing one

You’ve got to be really good to dislodge an incumbent

Unless the incumbent is really bad

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Bid Process

Bid / no bid decision

Organise resources

Analyse ITT

Develop strategy

Outline your response


Submission / post-submission

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Go to their website – look for:

“Selling to . . . ” pages, or

“Doing business with . . . ” pages, or

“Procurement” pages

Google on “client name” + “contract topic”


Attend bidders’ meeting, or

Call client – ask for meeting, or

Questions over ‘phone

You may want to do this later after the bidding team has been assembled

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What Else Would You Like

To Know?

How well (or badly) has the incumbent been


Have the councillors expressed any particular concerns

which might affect the new contract?

Who else is bidding?

What do we know about them?

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Analyse the ITT

Does it make sense?

List any areas of uncertainty

What are the key issues?

What are the time constraints?

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Putting Yourselves in their


If you were them, what sort of supplier would you want?

How would you want the supplier to behave?

What competences and track record would you want the

supplier to have?

What characteristics would you be looking for as you

analyse the bids?

Does your own organisation’s background and

reputation fit the above?

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Develop a Technical


What are the client’s real problems

What are the client’s key issues?

What can we offer that meets the need and resolves the


How can we present it in a way that fits their needs?

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Develop a Winning


Why should they choose you?

Draft specific strategy statements that define both:

Why they should choose you

How you will prove it


Emphasize your strengths

Minimise your weakness

Play down your competitors’ strengths

Highlight competitors’ weakness

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Winning Strategy



We will emphasise our ability to complete the project on

time and within budget


Include photos of recent projects successfully


Describe other projects we completed in the last 2

years, listing client, location, promised and actual

completion dates & budget

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Organise The Bid Writing

Large companies have a bid team covering several

different roles

Small companies may only have one person to do


If possible try to get at least one other person to help with

checking / proof reading

Whether you have one person or many – there are a

number of different tasks

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Bid Writing Tasks

Managing the bid

Planning, scheduling, production and assembly

Dealing with commercial aspects

Estimating all internal costs for providing the service

Costing any bought-in resources (such as subcontractors)

Deciding the price to quote

Post tender negotiation

Dealing with legal aspects

Contractual terms and conditions

Agreements with any partners (if bidding in a consortium)

Agreements with any sub-contractors

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Bid Writing Tasks

Writing the bid

Outlining the structure

Style and layout

Creating persuasive content

Assembling and submitting the bid

Preparation of binders, cover pages, dividers

Photocopying, printing & binding

Interface with printers

Production of final document, ready for submission

No tender is ever written correctly the first time. Numerous versions will be floating around the organisation and a single individual needs to have overall version control

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Developing & Writing The Bid

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Coffee Time Reading

Imagine you have to respond to the following tender


What approach would you adopt ?

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Storyboarding Exercise

The MPS seeks to procure a service provider for the delivery of high-risk conflict

resolution/management services in London with a service provider who is able to

demonstrate a proven track record of the provision of conflict management or a

similar field.

Conflict management is an intervention tactic that aims to reduce gang related

violence between individuals. The aim of the intervention is to reduce violence by

overseeing and assisting communication between one or more conflicting parties.

Conflict management is undertaken to remove threats of violence; in cases where

there is a Threat to Life and where serious group offending is known or suspected

to exist. Each case referred to the service provider will be unique; however an

example could be that a member of gang A has a disagreement with a member of

gang B. It comes to the attention of police or a local authority that the member of

gang A is actively seeking a violent outcome to the disagreement and that the

likely result is the use of serious violence. On receipt of this information, the MPS

will make a referral (via secure server email) to the conflict management service

provider who will subsequently mediate between the conflicting parties with a view

to achieving a reduction in hostilities. Another example could be where there has

been a threat of violence or an act of violence that comes to the attention of the

police in which the parties are known to each other but decline to support police

action. Again, the MPS would refer the situation to the mediation service provider

for resolution.

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Planning the Solution

Two aspects

The technical solution

The bid-winning strategy

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Step One

If you have a team of more than one – meet:

Review why you are bidding

Determine your strengths and weaknesses

Plan the tasks and deadlines needed

Agree areas of uncertainty which needed to be


If you are on your own:

Still do all of the above!

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Step Two

Areas of uncertainty – make a list

Any missing information (not unusual)?

Any missing requirements?

Simple errors, e.g. conflicting statements

Unusual requirements – why are they unusual?

Contact the client

Attend bidders’ meeting or ask for face-to-face meeting

Opportunity for both sides to learn more about each other

Find out whether alternatives are acceptable

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Bid Essentials

A good proposal should make it easy for the customer

to choose you

It should clearly set out

What are they going to get?

When are they going to get it?

How much will it cost?

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A Good Proposal

Easy to read

Indexed and clearly laid out

Written with reader in mind


Liberal use of diagrams, graphs and illustrations

Self-contained (with annexes if necessary)

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Structuring your


Develop your winning strategy

Strategy statement

Win themes


Document Structure



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Develop a Solution

What is the client’s ‘real’ problem or need?

Why now?

What are the client’s key issues?

What can we offer that meets the need and resolves the


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Be Guided by the

Evaluation Criteria

Usually the evaluation criteria will give you a steer

Make sure you provide the information needed

Match your response against the criteria listed

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Improve your Score

Tailored case studies or references

Relevant to the project in question

Tailored organisation history or description

Relevant to the project in question

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Dealing with the

Competition Don’t mention the competition by name

If you know areas where they are weak then one

technique is to indirectly reference that area to improve

your position. This is known as “ghosting”

For example

Competitor (or incumbent) known to regularly over run

time deadlines

emphasise your excellent record of coming in on time and on


emphasise your excellent project management disciplines

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There are only two acceptable ways to organise your bid:

Exactly as your customer requested, or

In the order that's most important to your customer

(if they haven’t indicated a specific order)

If at all possible follow the ITT structure and mimic the numbering

system, naming conventions and order given in the ITT

Use informative headings

Allocate pages according to relative importance

Explain any deviation from the bid request

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Develop Theme


A theme is a key message which you want to get across

Theme statements link a benefit to the features in your


Themes tell readers why they should select you

The most powerful themes contain unique statements

(i.e. something only you can offer)

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Theme Statements

The strongest themes are linked to issues that are most

key to the client:

We will support your economic regeneration objectives by

recruiting operators from within the district

Sub-themes are linked to particular aspects

Planned operator training will focus on social awareness and


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Theme Statements could


Complete managed service capability

Least-risk business transition based on track record

Extensive experience - TUPE transfer (public to private


Individual staff welfare and approach to staff management

The specific technical solution

The team (including sub contractors)

Commitment to service delivery date

Value for money

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Case Studies

All tenders will require you to write about your previous


Try to choose pieces of work that were close to the

specifications of the tender and any public sector work

you have done should be referenced

Always remember to include the contact details

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Case Studies

Areas to include:

Description of the job

How you carried out the work

How successful was your delivery of the contract

What added value did you bring

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Bid Writing – Style


Use short paragraphs and short sentences

Use 10-point to 12-point font size

Use section headings as theme statements

Use visuals and graphics

Use white space and emphasis techniques

Leave white space in your proposal between paragraphs, lists, and sections

Use bold text for strong emphasis

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Visuals And Graphics

Winning proposals tell a story and provide proof that

your solution is the best one

Graphics add an element of credibility for the evaluator

Effective proposal graphics can include lists, charts,

graphs, photographs, diagrams, and sketches

All graphics and visuals should include a descriptive

caption to support the message

Use the 10-second rule for visuals — the reader should

be able to understand the message in 10 seconds or


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Use Charts




Facts never lie

Or do they?

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Projected Commodity Spend as

% of Total Project Costs










2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016




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Projected Commodity Spend as

% of Total Project Costs










2008 2010 2012 2014 2016



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Savings 2004-2013 (£ million)

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Cumulative Savings (£ million)

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Use Pictures

Which of the following has more impact?

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We have carried out similar projects for:

• Portsmouth City Council

• Hampshire County Council

• Essex County Council

• London Borough of Southwark

We have carried out similar projects for:

• Portsmouth City Council

• Hampshire County Council

• Essex County Council

• London Borough of Southwark

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We have carried out similar projects for:

We have carried out similar projects for:

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Key Factors

Clarity – Plain English (

Minimise personal interpretation

Tailor to suit your audience

Put yourself in their shoes – how will they react?

Get to the point quickly

Establish goals, milestones, success criteria

Plan contingency procedures

Communicate, communicate, communicate

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Bid Style Sheet

Consider creating a house style for bids

Can provide consistency in the appearance of your

organisation's proposals

Can make developing proposals easier and quicker

Promotes consistency in font size, page layout, body

text, and graphics

Can help you be more customer focused and


Do you need a graphic designer ?

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Bid Structure Summary

Match your structure to their ITT

Same numbering

Same headings

Same sequence

Make sure you cover each of the evaluation criteria

Include a delivery schedule (even for services)

“When I am going to get my stuff?”

Include a visual showing some type of work, or process

flow, demonstrating that you, as the bidder, really know

how to accomplish this work

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Review the Bid

The ladder of bid reviews

Review and validate the strategy (early on)

Review and validate the solution

Does it meet their needs

Can we deliver what we say we will?

Review the offer from the customer’s perspective

Does our tender proposal deliver what the client asked us to


Review the flow and sense of the document

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Bid Essentials

Make customer’s job easy

What are they going to get

When are they going to get it

How much will it cost

Easy to read

Indexed and clearly laid out

Written with reader in mind


Liberal use of diagrams, graphs & illustrations

Self-contained (with annexes if necessary)

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Bid Assembly and


Ensure your documentation is the latest version

Present the proposal in ring binders with all annexes included and


Opening letter

Contents page

Ensure your proposal goes off in the plain envelope provided and

that no franking machine logos appear on the envelope

If you use a courier, make sure they do not announce who the

tender is from when they deliver it to the client’s premises

If electronic , allow 1-2 days for systems glitches

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Normally carried out by a working group

Finance, users and buyers

Multiple copies of ITT may be requested

Cost and non-cost aspects scored separately and then combined in a pre-determined ratio

Sometimes separate scoring matrixes are produced for tender response, presentations and site visits

If you put in pictures of proposed team members make sure the people are still around at the evaluation stage

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Bid Clarification

A process for dealing with queries

It allows the purchaser to explore any aspects of the

bids received that are unclear or contain errors

It can be with one or more of the bidders

It is aimed at clarifying and correcting the bids so that

the purchaser thoroughly understands the content of

each, and all are without error

It may be a euphemism for post tender negotiation

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Post Tender Negotiation

Practice varies throughout the public sector

Not permitted under open and restricted procedures, but

some still do it under the cloak of “bid clarification”

May occur more often below EU thresholds

“You are favourably placed if we can sort out some

outstanding issues”

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Ask for a debriefing

If you won does that mean your bid was perfect?

How did we do, how close was it?

What next, how can you help?

Start planning for the relationship

Review the process

Plan for the next tendering exercise

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Tips for Success

Read the documents!!

Understand the requirement before beginning

Treat the tendering exercise as a project

Plan the process of information gathering and

completing the documents

Work as a team not a group of individuals

Think what the client / buyer wants

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Tips for Success

Do you have the present contract, do you know

anything about it?

Are you competitive?

Can you deliver the quality required? Will you over


Is the contract for you?

If the answer is no

Do not go for it!

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