how too much body acid can contribute to cancer,...

1 How Too Much Body Acid Can Contribute to Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, and Other Degenerative Diseases Anthony Chapdelaine, Jr., MD, MSPH, Exec. Dir./Sec.* Introduction As you may recall from high school chemistry, a substance that donates protons (hydrogen ion, H + ) is an acid, and a substance that accepts protons is a base. (We are not concerned here with the more technical definition.) The concentration of H + ions determines the substance’s pH number, ranging from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very basic, or alkaline). The body tightly controls the amount of acid in the blood (and to the tissues). The lungs and kidneys are the main organs regulating blood acid; however, the liver, skin, and intestine are secondary regulators that help to absorb, eliminate, or process (modify) chemicals, minerals, foods, and other factors which affect acid levels. Inside, or surrounding, the body’s individual cells, tissues, and organs the acidity level may differ from what the lab measures as the pH number of the blood. Several factors affect the cell’s internal and external acidity. This includes metabolism of food into energy, destruction and elimination of foreign matter and toxins, production of new cells, and others. The cell requires high oxygen, an alkaline state (more base than acid), and a negative (south seeking) magnetic field potential to work optimally. When these conditions are not met, and therefore begin to change because of environmental exposures to toxic chemicals, radiation, pollution, deficient foods, and so on, the cell switches from efficient oxygen-alkaline-negative magnetic field-based energy production (ATP) to its inefficient short-term survival mode of fermentation. Fermentation is used by cancer cells for energy to grow and spread. In this article we will examine a few important findings about: acid-base (acidity-alkalinity) properties, research conclusions concerning acid-base effects on biology, and a few practical ways to influence the overall acid-base balance in the body. Section I will look at the body’s normal acid production and a few factors that promote too much acid in the blood and tissues. Section II will briefly address cancer’s development and spread once the cell switches from high oxygen, alkaline, negative magnetic field energy production (called “oxidative phosphorylation”) to low or no oxygen, acid, positive magnetic field energy; pH gradient reversal (early cancer’s increased alkalinity inside the cell with increased acidity outside the cell) and its promotion of fermentation; environmental factors likely triggering the switch to glycolysis; the importance of higher pH (acidity) in promoting and maintaining cancer; a few examples of acid-base research into cancer.

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Page 1: How Too Much Body Acid Can Contribute to Cancer, … How Too Much Body Acid Can Contribute to Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis,


How Too Much Body Acid Can Contribute to

Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, and Other Degenerative Diseases

Anthony Chapdelaine, Jr., MD, MSPH, Exec. Dir./Sec.*


As you may recall from high school chemistry, a substance that donates protons (hydrogen ion,

H+) is an acid, and a substance that accepts protons is a base. (We are not concerned here with

the more technical definition.) The concentration of H+ ions determines the substance’s pH

number, ranging from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very basic, or alkaline).

The body tightly controls the amount of acid in the blood (and to the tissues). The lungs and

kidneys are the main organs regulating blood acid; however, the liver, skin, and intestine are

secondary regulators that help to absorb, eliminate, or process (modify) chemicals, minerals,

foods, and other factors which affect acid levels.

Inside, or surrounding, the body’s individual cells, tissues, and organs the acidity level may

differ from what the lab measures as the pH number of the blood. Several factors affect the cell’s

internal and external acidity. This includes metabolism of food into energy, destruction and

elimination of foreign matter and toxins, production of new cells, and others. The cell requires

high oxygen, an alkaline state (more base than acid), and a negative (south seeking) magnetic

field potential to work optimally. When these conditions are not met, and therefore begin to

change because of environmental exposures to toxic chemicals, radiation, pollution, deficient

foods, and so on, the cell switches from efficient oxygen-alkaline-negative magnetic field-based

energy production (ATP) to its inefficient short-term survival mode of fermentation.

Fermentation is used by cancer cells for energy to grow and spread.

In this article we will examine a few important findings about: acid-base (acidity-alkalinity)

properties, research conclusions concerning acid-base effects on biology, and a few practical

ways to influence the overall acid-base balance in the body.

Section I will look at the body’s normal acid production and a few factors that promote too

much acid in the blood and tissues.

Section II will briefly address cancer’s development and spread once the cell switches from high

oxygen, alkaline, negative magnetic field energy production (called “oxidative phosphorylation”)

to low or no oxygen, acid, positive magnetic field energy; pH gradient reversal (early cancer’s

increased alkalinity inside the cell with increased acidity outside the cell) and its promotion of

fermentation; environmental factors likely triggering the switch to glycolysis; the importance of

higher pH (acidity) in promoting and maintaining cancer; a few examples of acid-base research

into cancer.

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Section III will discuss Acid and Alzheimer’s Disease, presenting new research about how,

decades before the signs or symptoms of the disease show up, the inside of the “endosomes”

(tiny structures inside the cell) become acidic, which causes the beta amyloid to deposit around

the nerves, and how scientists were able to reverse this acidity in brain cells of mice and reverse

the deposits of amyloid.

Section IV will review a few practical measures people can take to help promote a healthy acid-

base balance in the body.

To learn how magnetic fields affect the body’s acid-base levels, see our Alzheimer’s Disease

website article, “Dr. Philpott’s Research with Negative Magnetic Fields”


Section I – Acid Formation in the Body

The Body Constantly Produces Acid

The body is made up of perhaps a hundred trillion individual cells that join together into tissues

and organs to carry out all the necessary jobs for keeping the body healthy. Our blood carries the

cells that provide our tissues and organs with oxygen and the cells that protect us against foreign

invaders like bacteria and viruses. Our blood also carries to each cell in the body the nutrition

that results from digesting food, because each cell requires nutrition to make energy (called

ATP). Our blood carries waste or excess chemicals coming from tissues and organs (as they do

their various jobs) to the kidneys, lungs, and skin, which eliminate these chemicals from the


For the tissues, organs, and blood to function correctly, the body must keep its acidity level

within a strict range. Too much or too little acid causes cells to work poorly or even die. To

make certain the body stays within narrow limits for acidity, several complex mechanisms

(lungs, kidneys, liver, etc.) interact to constantly monitor and adjust our overall acidity (acid)

level. When these mechanisms are overwhelmed by too many acid producing conditions (acid

foods, toxic exposures, lack of exercise, smoking, and other stressors), the excess acid products

are stored in body tissues, temporarily fixing the problem. Eventually, these mechanisms need

help. If the acid-producing conditions continue, the acid-balancing mechanisms rob alkaline

minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium from bones and other organs, causing organs to

function poorly. For example, osteoporosis (thinning bones) will often result from too much acid.

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Although it appears to be difficult for most of us to achieve, consuming a diet composed of

around 60 to 80% alkaline foods (usually fruits and vegetables) along with the alkaline minerals

(calcium and magnesium in an absorbable form) will help maintain a body with a properly

balanced acid-base level. Stress relief, exercise, eliminating heavy metals by chelation and

avoiding toxic exposures (pesticides for example) will also help. Note that the usual US diet is

acidic and includes: meats, refined grains, cereals, sugar, coffee, tea, alcohol, and others.

What is Acid?

Scientists define acidity (acid) levels using the term “pH” as an abbreviation for “power of

hydrogen” (or “potential hydrogen”). In general, the pH is simply the concentration of hydrogen

ions in an aqueous (water) solution. During the metabolic processes of the body’s cells a balance

between acids and bases is maintained. Since acids release hydrogen ions and bases accept

hydrogen ions, the total number of hydrogen ions still “floating” around determines how “acid”

or how “base” (alkaline) the liquid (or environment) is.

To standardize their measure of the number of hydrogen ions, scientists use a scale that ranges

from 1 (the most acid, like hydrochloric acid) to 14 (the least acid, like liquid drain cleaner). By

definition the number 7 on this scale is “neutral,” neither acid nor base. (Very few substances

have pH numbers lower than 1 or have pH numbers higher than 14.)

To recap:

The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, the lower the number is on the scale. The lower

the concentration of hydrogen atoms, the higher the number is on the scale. Thus, numbers

below 7 have increasing concentrations of hydrogen ions, and numbers above 7 have decreasing

concentrations of hydrogen ions. A number below 7 is “acidic,” and a number above 7 is

“alkaline” (or “basic”).

The Body’s pH Requirement

For the body’s cells to communicate well (using electrical, magnetic, and chemical methods)

they require a blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45. For most people the saliva pH level (indirect

measure of body tissue pH) ranges between 7 and 7.5 while the urine pH usually ranges between

6.4 and 6.8, although it can temporarily vary from 4.8 to 7.5. (Note that the pH levels for blood,

saliva, and urine will vary on a given day depending on a person’s diet, exercise, stress, and

exposure to environmental toxins.)

Three Factors Determine pH of the Blood

Three factors that determine the pH (hydrogen ion concentration) of the blood “are pCO2, SID,

and the total weak acid concentration (ATOT).”1 Kellum describes these factors as follows:

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The first factor is pCO2 (partial carbon dioxide tension), which involves the carbon dioxide

produced by metabolism of cells or the activities of metabolic acids (like hydrochloric acid). The

lungs try to control the pCO2 by having us breathe faster or slower.

The second factor is SID, which is the difference between the sun of all the anions (negative ions

like Cl-, chloride) and all the cations (positive ions like Na

+, sodium). These “strong ions” in the

blood are called “electrolytes.” These are electrically charged (positive and negative) ions of

calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, sulfate, and ketones. In the blood, cations

(mainly Na+) outnumber anions (mainly Cl

-). The SID is an electrochemical effect that can raise

or lower the pH. When the lungs cannot keep the pCO2 in control the SID helps to rebalance the

pH. For example, by increasing Na+, the concentration of H

+ decreases, which means the pH

increases or becomes more alkaline (less acid). The kidney balances the concentrations of anions

and cations and therefore the SID.

The third factor is ATOT, which is the sum of all the “weak acids,” including proteins (mainly

albumin) and phosphate, which help maintain electrical neutrality (balance). Changes in the ATOT

(such as loss of albumin protein) cause the pCO2 and SID to try to compensate.

Normal and Abnormal Blood pH

In the US an alkaline blood with a pH of about7.4 is considered normal. For most of us,

problems occur when the blood is too acidic (pH number lower than 7.35 in the US). Several

factors contribute to too much acid: lack of sleep, diet (too much meat, sugar, etc.), stress or

anxiety, too much exercise, hormones, exposure to various toxins, and many prescriptions or

street drugs.

Section II – Cancer

Cancer Cells Grow in Acid Environments

Otto Warburg won the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his 1920s hypothesis

and discoveries on the respiration of cells in which cells switch from “oxidative

phosphorylation” (oxygen-based energy production) to fermentation of sugar and production of

lactate (glycolysis) despite the presence of oxygen.2

(Glycolysis does not require oxygen to

produce energy.)

In the 1920s Warburg said, “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes.

But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause

of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation

of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer

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cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus

obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes.”3

The cancer cell can produce energy by glycolysis (without needing oxygen), and changes to the

surroundings of the cancer cell often prevent/limit oxygen uptake into the cell. (Under certain

conditions (sometimes called “aerobic glycolysis”) oxygen can be present as glycolysis replaces

oxidative phosphorylation. This is the Warburg Effect: glycolysis/lactate production despite

oxygen and “functional” mitochondria. (Mitochondria are microscopic structures inside each cell

that convert sugars, fats, and proteins into the energy (ATP) that runs the cell/body.)

Later on Warburg concluded the mitochondria were dysfunctional, and that this dysfunction was

the primary cause of cancer (as acidity levels within the cell change and cellular and

mitochondrial maladaptive compensations occur.)4, 5

The “Warburg Effect” now appears to be an

effect of oncogene transformation, and a relative increase of alkalinity inside the cell is

responsible.6 In this respect, the mitochondria is dysfunctional.

Glycolysis produces lactic acid which is expelled around the cell, making the tumor acidic,

which then contributes to the low oxygen uptake into the cancer cell. NHE1 is the major sodium-

proton exchanger responsible for the pH level inside the cell, while other factors can also alter

the cellular microenvironment to produce higher acid levels outside the cell.6 As cancer

progresses and spreads, the body itself becomes more acidic.

According to Warburg and more recent research, cancer is a dysfunction of the mitochondria.

Low oxygen occurs during the fermentation (glycolysis) of sugar/glucose (in which the cell takes

in and uses less oxygen), and the end product of fermentation is lactic acid, resulting in a lower

pH (more acid) outside the cell; more acid outside the cell blocks oxygen from entering the cell.

Warburg eventually believed illnesses such as cancer were becoming more widespread (with

increasing numbers of new cases) because of the recent “modern” increases in our exposures to

environmental pollution, toxins, chemicals, and radiation. Specifically, any and all of these

factors can damage the mitochondria, causing it to switch over to glycolysis and thus lead to


While some proponents of “modern” medicine view diseases such as cancer as resulting from

genetic mutations, and not simply a mitochondrial dysfunction,6, 7

others disagree.

“A major paradigm shift is occurring from the gene-centric view which has predominated cancer

biology for the last 20 years towards the search for the fundamental underlying principles that

could form a unified theory of transformation, progression and metastasis. The gene-centric

approach has produced a perception of cancer as a complex collection of diseases unrelated

amongst themselves and has led to the idea of a tailored therapy for each patient based on the

tumors’ pattern of gene expression. The inherent difficulties in this approach are self-evident,

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whereas the reductionist ‘recasting’ of cancer as a single disease could correspondingly permit

the development of more general therapeutic strategies that exploit common underlying forces.

This approach to cancer at the level of its metabolic character and constraints has led to the

unifying paradigms that tumors depend on angiogenesis (endothelial-centric paradigm) and on

aerobic glycolytic metabolism (metabolic centric paradigm). Importantly, these two processes

interact between themselves and both interact with and help to develop the tumor metabolic


In the 1930s, Brewer followed up on Warburg’s findings regarding glycolysis, and he concluded

that cancer cells require an acidic and anaerobic (low or no oxygen) environment to survive.8

Brewer theorized that increasing the pH of the cancer tumor (cells) to over 7.5 while increasing

the oxygen would kill the cancer tumor.

Several years ago, Burn and Woods, researchers at the National Cancer Institute, confirmed that

the common-denominator among cancers is the switch from oxygen-based respiration to

glycolysis, and this work was later duplicated by another NCI researcher.

Research done after Burns and Woods shows that once oxygen levels fall by 35% or more the

cell begins to use glycolysis for some of its energy production (ATP). When the oxygen falls to

very low levels the cell depends exclusively on glycolysis (fermentation). Some more recent lab

research seems to support the complex interrelation among glycolysis, oxygen, and cancer cells,

showing that extremely high levels of oxygen kill the cancer cells while leaving normal cells


The problem in using high oxygen levels as a therapy is the difficulty in getting the oxygen into

the cancer cell. Glycolyis produces lactic acid which decreases the pH (increases acidity) of the

cancer tissue, hastening cancer tumor growth, which increases the lactic acid production, and so


Recently the NIH (The Cancer Genome Atlas) attempted to “sequence” (to list in order all of the

nucleic acid base-pairs) the DNA of cancer cells.9 An analysis of the tumors’ sequenced so far

fails to demonstrate any consistent genetic error. They appear to be random errors only. Also,

recent experiments that placed the DNA-containing nuclei of cancer cells into cytoplasm of

normal cells, and normal cellular nuclei into cancer-cell cytoplasm supported Warburg’s work

and did not support the modern genetic “somatic” mutation theory.10-12

The importance and complexity of pH balance in maintaining a cell’s normal function is well-

known.6 Small changes in the increase of relative alkalinity within the cell can set-off an

imbalance in regulation of acid (through enhanced sodium-proton compensation) outside and

inside the cell, and also outside and inside the mitochondria.6 This results in the switch to

glycolysis, an increased acidity outside the cell, a loss of mitochondrial oxidative

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phosphorylation in preference to glycolysis, and a host of other cellular disturbances which

create a positive feedback that enhances overall tumor growth and cancer spread.6

Evidence now shows acidity occurs on the outside of the cell while the inside becomes less acid

(pH gradient reversal).6, 13

This pH gradient reversal (more acidic outside the cell) encourages a

disruption in oxygen intake into the cell, and the increased alkalinity inside the cell (less acid

than normal) interferes with the functions of all the cellular structures, including the

mitochondria (where energy, ATP, is produced).

pH Gradient Reversal

Early in cancer development, the balance between sodium ions transported into the cancer cells

and hydrogen ions transported out of the cancer cells is reversed from what occurs in normal,

healthy cells.13

An important Na+/H

+ exchanger in the cell membrane is a protein called NHE1.


When NHE1 is activated by “oncogene transformation,” it leaks out the H+ from the cell which

causes the cell interior to become alkaline. (Carbonic anhydrase, a hydrolase enzyme, is equally

involved with the NHE1 in maintaining acidity balance inside the cell.6,


) Compared to normal

cells, as cancer develops there are relatively fewer hydrogen ions inside the cancer cell, which

makes the cell interior relatively more alkaline (less acid). Meanwhile, there are more hydrogen

ions outside the cancer cell, which makes the surrounding tissues and fluid more acid. Reskin

describes this reversal: “Cancer cells and tissues, regardless of their origin and genetic

background, have an aberrant regulation of hydrogen ion dynamics leading to a reversal of the

intracellular to extracellular pH gradient (ΔpHi to ΔpHe) in cancer cells and tissue as compared

to normal tissue. This perturbation in pH dynamics rises very early in carcinogenesis and is one

of the most common patho-physiological hallmarks of tumors.”6

The relatively more alkaline (less acid) interior of the cell triggers glycolysis and unrestricted

growth, and this is helped by growth factors (inside and outside the cancer cell), hormones and

the metabolic micro-environment (tissues and fluid directly around the cancer cell) which create

an acidic environment containing less available oxygen outside the cell.6 This process

contributes to cancer cell growth, and the low oxygen influences the interior of the cancer cell,

which increases the ongoing production of ATP (energy) through glycolysis (which doesn’t

require oxygen to produce energy), allowing the cancer cell to continue growing. Low oxygen

also stimulates factors that increase cancer growth and metastasis.15

The cancer cell’s exterior

acidic microenvironment may encourage a variety of bacteria, viruses, and yeast to grow as well.

Studies show that the pH on the outside of malignant solid tumors ranges between 6.5 and 6.9

(acid), whereas the pH on the outside of normal tissues ranges between 7.2 and 7.5 (alkaline).14

Importance of Acid-Base Environments Inside and Outside Cancer Cells

Environmental Exposures Likely Behind the Factors Causing Cancer

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This brings us back to Otto Warburg who won the Nobel Prize for discovering that the cell’s

switch from “oxidative phosphorylation” to glycolysis (sugar fermentation) for producing energy

(ATP) is the prime cause of cancer. Warburg and others believed that exposures to

environmental toxins result in the cascade of problems (including increased acidity, lowered

oxygen, epigenetic triggers (i.e., causes outside the gene or DNA), genetic mutations, and

glycolysis) that cause diseases like cancer. (The switch to glycolysis is the main trigger for

cancer.) Although today genetic mutations are considered the main problem causing cancer, the

evidence does not support that conclusion.6 The genetic “chicken or egg” discussion seems to

run scientists in circles trying to discover the “one” cause of cancer. Warburg’s discoveries

regarding cellular respiration changing from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis still remains

the “prime” factor observed when cancer begins. (The finer details about what may cause that

switch are still being investigated 90 years later!)

Among the interrelated factors causing cancer several appear prominent: (1) evidence shows that

early on the cell switches its production of energy (ATP) from oxygen-alkaline based oxidative

phosphorylation to low oxygen-acid based glycolysis; (2) studies show there are complex

interactions affecting cellular functions from both inside and outside the cell, especially

mitochondrial energy production during changes in pH; (3) research shows that as the outside of

the cell becomes acidic (and therefore the tumor itself exists in an acid environment, cutting off

the oxygen supply), the inside of the cell (because of pH gradient reversal) becomes more

alkaline which interferes with the ability of the tiny structures inside the cell to work correctly6,

14; (4) Warburg and others concluded that the reasons (triggers) for the switch to glycolysis, the

external acidity, and the usually lower available oxygen supply and demand are because of our

increasing cumulative exposures (beginning a century ago) to toxins, pollution, radiation, etc.

(disrupting genetic or epigenetic mechanisms); glycolysis and increasing acidity outside the

tumor further decrease the oxygen available to the cell and thus promote more acid and the

continuation of glycolysis in a vicious circle (positive feedback); (5) the common denominator

preceding all of these factors may have been overlooked by most scientists; a handful of

pioneering physicians and scientists in the 1960s and 70s explained and demonstrated this

common denominator as the basis behind all enzymatic and biological functions. (See


Acid as Perhaps the Most Important Factor in Maintaining and Spreading Cancer

Kellum recently described (See above: Section I “Three Factors Determine pH of the Blood”)

three electrochemical factors that affect pH level in the blood: cellular production of metabolic

acids, electrically charged ions (e.g., sodium and chloride), and weak acids like the protein

albumin. These three electrochemical factors are affected by problems from lung or kidney

disorders, and from toxic chemical or heavy metal exposures in food, air, and water causing

metabolic disruptions and endocrine problems (thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, etc.) that affect growth

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factors, hormones, and the metabolic microenvironment; these problems disrupt the interactions

among the three electrochemical factors, causing the blood pH to get off balance (usually

becoming more acid), thus affecting the pH of the body.

Likewise, the interior of a cell maintains a delicate balance between acid and base (alkalinity) to

produce energy (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation (under appropriate alkaline conditions)

and oxygen, so that metabolic functions will work correctly. This balance is achieved through

various “pumps,” such as the Na+/H

+ pump (e.g., NHE1) that exchanges Na

+ and H

+ to maintain

acid balance within the cell or its working components. In cancer, this delicate balance is

disrupted: mitochondrial damage (dysfunction due to inappropriate acidity, alkalinity, or

substrate availability) results in glycolysis; other structures within the cell (like endosomes) stop

working; numerous enzymes are abnormally blocked or enhanced and thereby result in altered

metabolism (breaking down or building up proteins and cellular products) that causes rapid

tumor growth; acidity and alkalinity reversals around the cell, within the cell, and within the tiny

structures inside the cell, cause major disruptions in cell functions.6

As described above, Reshkin, Sharma, Lin, and others have shown that very early in cancer a

reversal occurs in the normal transportation of sodium and hydrogen in-and-out of the cell: an

increased acidity outside the cell with a decreased acidity inside the cell (i.e., increasing the

alkalinity inside the cell). This acidity surrounding the cancerous cell (and tissue) blocks oxygen

from entering the cell, decreasing oxygen availability, which increases the production of

glycolysis in the mitochondria, thus increasing the acidity outside the cell (from lactate), and so

on; additional factors (such as hormones, growth factors, cellular metabolism, microbial

infections in the acid environment around the malignant tumor cells) can increase the positive

feedback loop and thus hasten the cancer spread.6 Even under moderate oxygen level conditions,

altered pH causes a maladaptation of the mitochondria.

Examples of Acid-Related Cancer Remedies and Research

Dr. Guenther Enderlein’s SANUM Remedies16

In Germany Guenther Enderlein, MD, PhD (1872-1968) considered cancer the result of mutation

of a pleomorphic (cell-wall-deficient) organism due to a change in pH inside the cell (from diet,

exposures, toxins, etc.).

He developed remedies (SANUM remedies) which are homeopathic preparations of benign

microorganisms (or particles of proteins) in a pleomorphic state. Enderlein taught that cancer

should be treated at the cellular level and his homeopathic-like preparations would aid in

changing the internal cellular pH, changing the organism back to normal while destroying the

cancer cell. Some doctors using these preparations, along with changes in diet, avoiding x-rays

and drugs, etc., have successfully reversed breast, prostate, uterine, and other cancers.

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Whether that success was due to the SANUM remedies or to the changes in lifestyle and

avoidance of toxins is not clear. A double-blind study could help settle the question. Ten or

fifteen patients in a double-blind, self-controlled, crossover study would be a fairly easy and

inexpensive test of Enderlein’s theory.

Special MRI Detects Whether Cancer Drug is Working17

In 2008 a British research team injected mice with a tagged form of bicarbonate (base) that

would then naturally react with acid to form carbon dioxide.17

They used a special MRI to

measure the carbon dioxide produced in cancer cells in the mice after the tumors reacted with the

tagged bicarbonate. Since there is more acid in the tumor than in other tissues, they could

identify the increased carbon dioxide activity in the tumors. The hope was that this noninvasive

technique would allow rapid assessment of whether a cancer drug was working or not.

A similar technique using labeled glucose to measure response to anticancer drugs by rate of

tumor glycolysis also showed promise.18

Further lab research showed this special MRI technique could identify early responses to an anti-

angiogenic cancer drug (which blocks blood vessel growth in the tumor) used to destroy

colorectal tumors grafted onto test animals.19

Oral Baking Soda Decreases Acidity and Inhibits Metastatic Breast and Prostate Cancer in

Studies on Mice 14

University of Arizona researchers gave baking soda (NaHCO3) orally to female mice whose

mammary fat pads had been injected with breast cancer cells. Other mice were injected with

prostate cancer cells. The outside of the breast cancer tumors showed decreased acid (more

alkaline), and the inside of the tumor cells showed no change. The primary tumor growth did not

slow down. However, the decreased acid decreased the breast cancer’s spread (metastasis).

“Despite a lack of an effect on primary tumor growth, bicarbonate therapy led to significant

reductions in the number and size of metastases to lung, intestine, and diaphragm.”

They found average pH outside untreated tumor cells was 7.0, while outside NaHCO3-treated

tumor cells the average pH was 7.4. For both treated and untreated tumor cells the inside pH was

about the same (7.0 treated and 7.1 untreated). For non-tumor tissues (taken from both treated

and untreated groups) the inside and outside pH was normal and unaffected by baking soda: 7.22

inside and 7.40 outside these cells (which Robey’s team speculated could be due to carbonic

anhydrase’s activity on bicarbonate buffers in maintaining pH in tumors).14

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Section III – The Body’s Acid (pH) Levels and Alzheimer’s Disease

Imbalance in pH Inside Cellular Endosomes May Contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease

Inside all of the body’s cells tiny structures called endosomes and lysosomes make up most of

the endocytic pathway. (The endocytic pathway is how the large molecules are transported from

outside to inside the cell using the endosomes etc. to “engulf” the molecule by fusing with the

cell’s membrane, enclosing the large molecule, then slipping back inside. There the large

molecule is processed so it can be destroyed, or used to carry out different jobs.)

A Study Published in 2000 Found That Defects in Endosomes

Precede Alzheimer’s Disease by Decades20

In brain cells, endosomes help to carry and process nutrients and chemicals within the cell, and

they also (with the help of neuron membrane-embedded proteins like LRP1) carry cargo (large

molecules) to and from the cell surface.

An example is the endosome within the brain cell known as an astrocyte. Here the endosome

(with the help of LRP1) removes amyloid beta peptide (peptides are the building blocks for

protein) between neurons.20

The LRP1 picks up the amyloid from outside the surface of the

astrocyte and delivers it to the endosome. If the amyloid is not cleared sufficiently, plaques

typical of Alzheimer’s Disease develop: “In neurons, the endocytic pathway (EP) internalizes

and processes extracellular nutrients and trophic factors; recycles, modifies, and degrades

receptors and other integral membrane proteins after neurotransmitter release; and directs

information to intracellular biosynthetic pathways. Endocytosis enables neurons to modify or

degrade molecules from the cell surface into intracellular compartments by a series of fusion and

budding events. This complex of compartments known as the central vacuolar system consists of

early and late endosomes and lysosomes that have different capabilities for proteolytic [breaking

down protein] processing.”20

In 2000 Cataldo et al published research confirming that an increase in the number and size of

neuronal endosomes appears decades before the first pathological (e.g. plaques) or cognitive

changes found in Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease (the most common kind) appear. “Our results

show that early endosomal abnormalities are the earliest neuropathological alteration yet to be

identified” in Sporadic Alzheimer’s Diseases. They described the importance of endosomes in

the clearance by the astrocyte cell of amyloid beta peptide from around the neuron. “Early

endosomes are the first major sorting station on the endocytic pathway and the site of

internalization and initial processing of proteins relevant to AD pathogenesis like the β protein

precursor (βPP) and apolipoprotein E (ApoE).”20

A 2018 Study Found Excess Acid Inside Endosomes of Mouse Brain Astrocytes Can Cause

the Deposits of Beta Amyloid Found in Alzheimer’s Disease21

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The cause for the endosomal dysfunction preceding Alzheimer’s Disease, discovered by Cataldo

et al, was recently announced. In 2018 a study published in Proceedings of the National

Academy of Sciences by Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists, Prasad and Rao found new evidence

in lab-grown mouse astrocytes that one root of Alzheimer's disease may be a simple imbalance in

acid-alkaline (pH) chemistry inside endosomes.21

Prasad and Rao found malfunctions in the endosomes of brain cells grown from Alzheimer’s

Disease patients and in endosomes of mouse astrocyte brain cells that had the ε4 allele (ApoE4).

(This allele is a genetic risk factor in which at least one copy is found in 40 to 60% of human

patients with Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease.) These endosomes are too acidic (low pH), which

causes them to increase in number and to swell, keeping their cargo (like amyloid) inside

themselves instead of processing it.

Meanwhile this endosomal acidity causes a 50% decrease in the number of LRP1 proteins (that

normally pick up the excess amyloid beta peptide from outside the surface of the astrocyte and

deliver it to the endosome) by trapping them inside the astrocyte cell. “Here, we show that

aberrant endosomal acidification in ApoE4 astrocytes traps the low-density lipoprotein receptor-

related protein (LRP1) within intracellular compartments, leading to loss of surface expression

and Aβ clearance.”

Thus, the normal clearance of amyloid beta peptides (from the spaces between the brain’s

neurons) fails to occur because of the ApoE4-associated increased acid in the astrocytes’


The scientists gave a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor drug that corrected the NHE6


+) pump malfunction, thus altering the pH inside the endosome to make it more alkaline

(less acid). This released the trapped LRP1 from the endosome to once again ferry amyloid

between the exterior of the astrocyte to the endosome, helping clear the amyloid protein from

around the neurons. Since the HDAC does not cross the blood-brain barrier, these scientists are

now working to discover similar drugs that will cross this barrier, saying that this research will

take several years.

Section IV – A Few Practical Ways to Keep Body Acid (pH) Levels in Balance

Confusion About Conflicting Studies on Nutrition and Health

The China Study, written by Dr. Colin Campbell and Thomas Campbell II, is a summary of

comprehensive research by Cornell University, Oxford University, and The Chinese Academy of

Preventive Medicine.22, 23

This epidemiological research was a 20-year study known as the

China-Cornell-Oxford Project. The study looked into the lifestyle, diet, and disease of people in

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rural China, and later in Taiwan. Dr. Campbell, who directed this massive study, followed up this

project by investigating other research covering the last half-century in which scientists had

examined these same factors. And what was the conclusion from Campbell’s extensive research?

“People who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease . . . . People who ate

the most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease.”

The link between poor nutrition and degenerative diseases like cancer, Type II Diabetes,

cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and others, consistently points to the lack of certain

nutrients and the consumption of certain foods.

The extent of debilitating chronic diseases in the United States continues to escalate. The

connection between chronic diseases in the US and to poor nutrition was first linked during the

1960s and 1970s after scientists noted that Japanese men have a higher rate of stomach cancer

than US men. But after Japanese men moved to the US and changed their diet closer to what US

men ate, their risk of stomach cancer dropped almost to the risk for US men. Unfortunately, their

risk for heart disease and other chronic diseases increased greatly and approached the same risk

shown by US men (which is a much higher risk than for Japanese men in Japan). From then on,

dietary and lifestyle factors, cancer, and degenerative diseases (like diabetes and heart disease)

were rigorously studied, and thousands of research studies, articles and books became available.

The China Study is perhaps the study on this topic which is most familiar to people. Campbell

and several other doctors and scientists have regarded the research on dairy (especially cow’s

milk and its products) as clearly indicating a long-term detrimental factor in promoting cancer

and other degenerative diseases.22, 23

Campbell, in The China Study, took issue with the Nurses’

Health Study (NHS: a long-term US nutritional study), stating that the NHS is based on people

who are already eating a high-risk animal-based diet, leaving out those people who avoid all

meat and dairy products, and thus biasing (making erroneous) conclusions. “Hardly any study

has done more damage to the nutritional landscape than the Nurses’ Health Study. . . .[which]

should serve as a warning for the rest of science for what not to do.”22, 23

While some research appears to implicate non-organic milk (and its products) in degenerative

diseases such as prostate cancer24

and homocysteine-related heart disease, other research seems

to contradict this idea, exonerating milk (and its products) in conditions like diabetes, obesity,

cardiac risk, and ovarian cancer.22, 23, 25-27

Although this remains a controversial issue,

consumption of limited amounts of organic milk (and its products) and limited amounts of

organic red meats (free range, grass-fed) is probably not a major factor in promoting cancer or

degenerative diseases. (Keep in mind that homogenization likely raises the homocysteine level,

that non-organic red meats and any meats charbroiled are implicated in degenerative diseases,

and that larger quantities of milk or red meat negatively impact health over the long run. Also,

sheep and goat milk appear to be less allergenic and less likely to promote degenerative disease.

There is some evidence for prostate cancer that only skim milk should be consumed.)

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The Typical US Diet (SAD: Standard American Diet)

In the US, and to a lesser extent in many parts of the “Western” world, people find themselves

commuting longer hours to work, working more hours, and transporting children to more

activities. Consequently, people make less time to shop for food or to prepare meals at home.

Additionally, “food deserts” are common in larger cities, in which grocery stores carrying fresh

vegetables and fruit cannot be found, especially in poorer neighborhoods.

People “save” time by eating “junk” foods (low or zero nutritive value), “convenience” foods,

and high-caloric-density “snacks.” Basically, these are the foods that “taste good,” and that

people grow up with. These foods are advertised, promoted, and scientifically created to appeal

to people’s taste (to what people “demand”), using artificial chemicals to mimic real foods,

added sugars, and tasty but calorically dense fats. Sliced, processed, packaged meats contain

added nitrates and nitrites. Not only are these foods without much nutritional value, but also they

are cooked at high temperatures (often fried, usually in rancid oils), charbroiled/grilled over

wood fire (or gas fire) which creates carcinogenic chemicals (heterocyclic amines, HCAs), and

adulterated by combining with various sugars and chemicals (like monosodium glutamate, MSG)

to improve the taste (or hide the poor-taste from cheap ingredients). These sugary, high-fat foods

are the reason US chronic diseases have mushroomed over the last few decades. The Standard

American Diet—whether food is chosen from the strategically eye-level-placed packaged real-

food-substitutes found in the center aisles of grocery stores, or hastily purchased from “fast-

food” restaurants—is killing people. Not right away. But decades of eating non-nutritious food

eventually “catch up” with people in the form of chronic degenerative diseases.

Registered dieticians sometimes rebut (as happened on one episode of Dr. Oz in which a

researcher stated that the sugary, fatty junk food needed to be replaced by vegetables, fruit,

omega-3 fatty acids, and decreased red meat) that while those factors are important “people

won’t change their diet” to get rid of convenience/junk food, so really the problem in food is the

salt! (She got the biggest applause each time she spoke from Dr. Oz’s well-educated audience,

which shows that while most of us pay lip service to “eating healthy,” in our hearts we want to

take vitamins so we can keep eating the same foods-that-we-know-are-bad-for-us.

Changing dietary behavior is nearly as difficult as changing narcotic addictive behaviors

(heroin, cocaine, prescription narcotics). (In fact, sugar has recently replaced the (according to

popular myth) “evil” fat with sugar, which is known to bind to the same brain sites as do


Back to “Basics” Instead of “Acids”: What Should I Eat?

Acid-base balance is strongly affected by the diet’s nutritional value, and as we’ve seen, the

acid-base balance in the body, tissues, and cells is a delicate balance. Factors that increase acidity

increase the “inflammation” that is behind most chronic degenerative disease. (Acidity,

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inflammation, and “free-radical” damage are terms that describe a complex interaction in the

body’s cells that eventually will promote degenerative disease if not corrected.)

Acid-base balance is determined by many factors including the food we eat. This balance

depends on how food is grown, manipulated, processed, and cooked: most foods are grown in

soil deficient in minerals; most foods are non-organic and contain toxic residues (or trace

amounts within the food itself) of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and hormones and/or

antibiotics (meats); many foods (creating a large degree of inflammation) are irradiated,

blanched, and over-processed in ways that destroy the nutritional value by stripping away

nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (e.g., white flour), or cooked in harmful, trans-fats, or

adulterated by adding massive amounts of sugar or high fructose corn syrup; many foods are

genetically modified (which animal experiments confirm damages cellular DNA); and so on.

Regarding eating better, what can you do to help yourself?

The answer to “what should I eat?” depends on personal lifestyle, family history, and whether a

person can change lifelong habits (as well as how much that person can afford to buy the

healthier foods—although in the long run the healthier foods pay off because of fewer medical

costs for degenerative diseases). The following recommendations are general because each

person’s situation is unique to the person. Seek help from a knowledgeable Functional,

Integrative, Complementary, Alternative physician or non-physician practitioner. For instance,

see: for referral sites, or ask family and friends.

A person’s diet should emphasize (organic if possible): a majority of (alkalinizing) vegetables

and whole fruit; a little carbohydrate in the form of whole grains (rotating in grains not

commonly eaten like amaranth or kamut); some fats in the form of (depending on temperature)

olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil, grapeseed oil; organic butter and cheese (goat, sheep, cow), nuts

(like walnuts) and seeds acids (like chia and flax seeds) to give some healthy proteins, fats, and

omega-3; some other proteins in limited quantities like organic chicken/poultry, or free-range,

grass-fed red meat, fatty or oily fish, or soy tofu if vegetarian. Organic teas, including green tea,

organic coffee, goat or sheep milk or limited cow milk, reverse osmosis water (as long as

minerals are added back), quality spring water, charcoal-filtered water, occasional fruit juice or

wine are OK. Avoid sugar. Organic unprocessed honey must be kept away from infants and use

only a little at a time. These recommendations are discussed in more detail below.

Certain quality vitamins, chelated minerals, and targeted herbs will make up deficits from the

mineral-poor soils most food is grown in and will help control acid-base-related inflammation:

this usually requires a doctor or other practitioner who is familiar with this complex topic (it is

barely touched on in medical school).

Is it OK to “cheat”? Of course, but only occasionally. Everything in moderation. The

inflammation from an occasional (once or twice a week) cookie, French fries, beer, (once a

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month) restaurant meal, or (once a year) birthday party will be corrected by eating your usual

healthy diet. This is supposed to be a plan for the rest of your life, not weight loss-for-the-


Go to our Arthritis Project website where you will find many articles on

the relationship between diet, nutrients, and arthritis. For example:

content/uploads/2013/03/Proper-Nutrition-for-Rheumatoid-Arthritis.pdf, and

Arthritic.pdf, and

Our Arthritis Project also refers people to the extensive work done by Ed Wendlocher on foods

and arthritic symptoms. Hundreds of foods and food components were rated on severity of

symptoms: Foods Found to Cause Pain, Swelling, and Stiffness, Ed Wendlocher, et. al., Arthritis

Help Centers, Box 768, Wharton, N.J. 07885-0768, 2000.

To maximize and maintain a balanced “alkaline” blood and tissue pH level, you can do a

comprehensive delayed hypersensitivity test (which measures whether a person’s lymphocyte

immune cells react to one of the up-to 512 foods and chemicals tested by the lab: a reaction can

be none, weak or strong, and a positive test (weak or strong) indicates the person reacts to that

food or chemical many hours or days after eating it or being exposed to it—this reaction is

different from the usual medical test for “allergy” which is immediate hypersensitivity, occurring

instantly or within an hour or so). Go to

Go to our Cancer Project website

promote-beneficial-bacteria-and-may-prevent-cancer to read about the evidence that shows

fermented foods may increase healthy bacteria and thus prevent cancer. Also, go to our Cancer

Project website,, to read the article on the link between

irradiating food to kill microorganisms and destruction of the nutritional value of the food as

well as the formation of carcinogens like formaldehyde (embalming fluid), and the article on link

between toxins (like pesticides) and cancer.

Go to our Alzheimer’s Disease Project website to

read several articles on the major importance of proper nutrition in preventing the development

of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Suumary of Specific Dietary Recommendations: How Functional Medicine Doctors Use

Nutrtion, Lifestyle, and Supplements that Balance Acid and Help Prevent or Treat Degenerative

Diseases Like Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, and Cancer:28-30

1. Avoid processed grains (“white” flour, etc.). Minimize whole grains, which convert to

glucose sugar more slowly than processed grains but still increase risk of “metabolic

syndrome” (insulin resistance, high blood sugar, obesity, etc.). Cancer cells feed on

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glucose, so too much grain (even “healthy” whole grain) is not recommended. (One

exception is the link between high whole grain consumption and lower risk of colon

cancer Dr. Burkitt proposed in 1971, which most studies have since confirmed. Eating a

lot of whole grains is most useful for those people who have a strong family risk or

personal history of colon cancer.)

2. Add soy isoflavones by eating non-fermented soy: primarily tofu (or sprouted tofu),

organic if possible. Soy isoflavones can be consumed in supplements as well. These

isoflavones probably help protect against most cancers, and likely help prevent

recurrences. (Fermented soy foods like miso or natto, and non-fermented soy milk, do not

give this protection; they may provide other benefits, however.)

3. Eat a rainbow of vegetables (“organic” if possible). Vegetables should make up about

one-third to one-half of daily calories. Studies show that many vegetables, a few low-

glycemic fruit/berries, and certain mushrooms lower risk of cancer (and other chronic

disease). Vegetables that are best at blocking cancer cells: beets (or beet juice powder),

brassica family (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.), garlic, onions, squash, tomatoes, artichoke

(or concentrated artichoke extract capsule), along with some low-glycemic index fruit.

Glycemic index and load refer to how fast, and how much, sugar is made from a

particular carbohydrate (fruit, vegetable, grain). See the following websites for

information about glycemic index and glycemic load:

index-and-glycemic-load and


4. Include good protein sources: at most only small proportions (10 ounces a week) of red

meat (grass-fed, free-range and only cooked rare or medium-rare); soy tofu (or soy

isoflavone capsules); nuts; a little organic poultry; omega-3 enriched eggs; northwest

ocean-caught and frozen-on-ship salmon, fatty fish (like sardines etc.); only small

amounts of dairy (“organic” preferred, but hard to verify). Studies show that the

Mediterranean-type and most Oriental-type eating customs are among the best since they

include small servings of oily fish as the main meat and lots of vegetables (or sea

vegetables); they also give the correct proportion of vegetables, fruit, grains, fats, and

proteins to reduce weight to a healthy number and to maintain that weight (since obesity

is linked to chronic diseases and cancer).

5. Consume healthy fats and oils, but only as long as they provide the correct proportion

of essential fatty acids (EFAs). These fats must be consumed because the body cannot

make them. They are important sources of fuel, and they are involved in many metabolic

functions. The two polyunsaturated EFAs are: the omega-6 type called linoleic acid (LA),

and the omega-3 type called alpha linolenic acid (ALA). (ALA breaks down into

DHA/EPA.) The proportion of LA and ALA in the diet should be about equal amounts

(the LA should not be greater on average than twice the amount of ALA). Some of the

best food sources for EFAs (which will also include LA) are: (1) ALA—flaxseed (grind

in coffee-grinder), linseed, canola oil, hempseed, greens, walnuts and soy, range-fed

meat, cage-free eggs; (2) DHA/EPA—fish, marine animals, algae. (Enteric-coated fish oil

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capsules and krill oil are alternative sources for omega-3 DHA/EPA oils). Eat a variety of

these oils to get the correct balance of LA to ALA. Some oils may have benefits other

than from EFAs, such as olive oil, grapeseed oil, and coconut oil. Deep frying (especially

in fast-food restaurants) will oxidize, hydrolyse, and polymerize oils, which destroys the

oil and can create trans-fats (known to be a risk factor for chronic disease). Correct

heating of oils: olive oil (very low heat or salads only); walnut oil, virgin organic coconut

oil (low to medium heat); avocado oil, grapeseed oil, rice bran oil (small amounts for

high heat). No frying foods, but sautéing or stir frying is OK. Organic butter in

moderation. Heat and light and oxygen turn oils rancid: store in refrigerator or in cool,

dark place. (Coconut oil can be left at room temperature.) Do not heat flaxseed oil or

hempseed oil; refrigerate and use up within a reasonable time (to prevent rancidity);

freeze flaxseeds and hempseeds.

6. Use sweeteners in limited amounts. Avoid processed sugar (white table sugar, brown,

turbinado), and greatly limit other caloric sweeteners (read labels: honey, molasses, pure

maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup). No artificial chemical sweeteners such as

aspartame (and others commonly found on the grocer’s shelves). Stevia can be used as

much as you want (organic powder or liquid made by Now Foods are among the best).

7. Eat fruits with a low glycemic index as desserts.

8. Drink only skim milk if you are at risk for or already have prostate cancer: no whole

milk. Small amounts of skim cheeses are OK.

9. Drink healthy beverages such as: water (not tap water unless it has been charcoal

filtered, distilled, or preferably run through reverse osmosis, and if reverse osmosis or

distilled then you must replace minerals with a chelated supplement mixture); organic (if

possible) teas (green or herbal), organic coffee; coconut water; fruit juices diluted with

water (use a juicer and drink soon afterwards, or preferably use a vita-mix, ninja, or

similar whole fruit or vegetable mixer/blender to retain fiber and other nutrients); if

already drinking alcohol, then use occasional red wine or pinot noir (for its high

resveratrol), otherwise don’t start drinking alcohol.

10. Eat other foods that are known to be healthy; these you should research (or ask a

nutritionist, not necessarily a registered dietician). Sprouts, for instance, that are soaked

in vinegar water before consuming. Foods native to other countries (e.g., cuisines with

turmeric, which contains curcumin). When shopping for vegetables and fruits, be aware

that toxins (chemical contaminants) are found on most of these unless they are

“organically” grown (which can be hard to verify). Go to to learn which ones are the most contaminated

(dirty dozen) and which ones are the least contaminated (clean fifteen). It is wise to soak

vegetables, greens, and fruit in a weak vinegar-plus-water mixture (to destroy micro-

organisms) for a few minutes before rinsing, and then peel when necessary. The soaking

and peeling removes most of the toxic chemicals (which remain in the water and peel).

11. Practice a healthy lifestyle: limit or don’t start alcohol; no tobacco; gradually increase

exercise to 30 minutes a day (e.g. walking, swimming/treading water, bicycling); get

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adequate sleep (at least seven hours daily); take measures to decrease stress (exercise,

meditation, hobbies, socialize); basic and/or targeted supplements.

12. Take basic and targeted supplements to prevent or treat degenerative diseases like

cancer. These supplements usually help the body’s immune system target “inflammation”

(free-radical damage). Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Cancers (every cancer is different),

and other chronic medical conditions each have their own list of herbs, nutrients,

vitamins, minerals, and food extracts (such as mushrooms) that help prevent, repair, or

undo the damage from years of accumulated “inflammation.” Based on research,

particular supplements should be taken by everyone who wants to prevent, or treat,

chronic degenerative diseases, and reliable resources can be found for these basic, and

targeted, supplements. For example, go to our websites for information or links to

websites with credible information: or or and also see or

Note: Some vitamins and anti-oxidants (free-radical fighters) work better in combination.

For example: EgCg (green tea extract) should be taken along with Quercetin extract; Vitamin

D3 should be taken along with the complete Vitamin E complex (containing four tocopherols

and four tocotrienols) which can be used long-term without worrying about side-effects.

Vitamin D3 dose should be tested every few months and the dose adjusted to maximize the

test level to between 80 and 100. Other supplements known for fighting inflammation

include curcumin (comes from turmeric), mushroom extracts (like shitake),

selenomethionine, lignans, resveratrol, and many others.

* The Coalition for Advanced Cancer Treatment and Prevention, a Project of The National Fund

for Alternative Medicine


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