hrm - s 2 module ii

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What is the meaning of HRM?HRM means : Employing people, developing their resources,

utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services

in tune with

the job and organizational requirements

with a view to contribute to

the goals of the organisation, individual and society.What is Management?INPUTS(The Six Ms)MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS(The process of management)OBJECTIVES(End Results)Men & WomenMaterialsMachinesMethodsMoneyMarketsPLANNING DIRECTINGORGANISINGSTAFFINGCONTROLLINGGoods & services desired by Customers2Human



KSRTC4As a function why do you need HRM as a separate function?To mange the most valued resource in the Org. (Human Resource)6WHY HR A UNIQUE ASSET OF AN ORGANISATION?All management functions are accomplished through efficient utilization of physical and financial resources by the companys human resources.

Elements of Human CapitalSumantra Ghoshal has used the term human capital to represent Human Resources, and classified human capital under three categories:Intellectual Capital Social Capital Emotional Capital Specialised Knowledge Skills & expertise Cognitive complexity Learning capacity Network of relationships Sociability Trust-worthiness Self Confidence Ambition & courage Risk taking ability Resilience

81. Planning2. Organizing3. Directing4. Controlling1. Employment2. Human Resource Development3. Compensation4. Human Relations5. Industrial Relations6. Recent Trends in HRM1. Advice to Top Management2. Advice to departmental heads Functions of HRMManagerial FunctionsOperational FunctionsAdvisory FunctionsOperational FunctionsEmployment

Human Resource PlanningJob AnalysisRecruitmentSelectionPlacementInduction and Orientation

Operational Functions2. Human Resource DevelopmentPerformance AppraisalTrainingManagement DevelopmentCareer PlanningInternal MobilityTransferPromotionDemotionRetention & Retrenchment ManagementChange and Organisation DevelopmentWhat is HR Planning ?HR planning is the process by which an organisation should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. What is HR Planning ?Human Resource Planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at the right places, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives.

( Source: Decenzo and Robbins 2000, Personnel/Human Resource Management))What is HR Planning ?HR/ Manpower Planning is the process of acquiring and utilizing human resources in the organization. It ensures that the organization has the right number of employees in the right place at the right time.

( Source: Adhikari, Dev Raj, 2001,Human Resource Management )OBJECTIVES OF HRPTo recruit and retain the human resources of required quantity and qualityTo foresee the employee turnover and make the arrangements for minimizing turnover and filling up of consequent vacanciesTo meet the needs of the organisational strategic planning programmes To foresee the impact of technology on work, existing employees and future HR requirementsTo improve the standard, skill, knowledge, ability, discipline, etc.OBJECTIVES OF HRPTo assess the surplus or shortage of human resources and take measures accordinglyTo maintain congenial industrial relations by maintaining optimum level and structure of human resourcesTo minimize imbalances caused due to non availability of HR of the Right (kind+No.+time +place)To make the best use of its HRTo estimate the cost of HRTHE PROCESS OF HRPAnalyze corporate * level strategyInventory of HR SkillsDemand & supply of forecastingDetermine Net Manpower RequirementsRedeployment & redundancy planEmployment programTraining and development programAppraisal of HRP* Expansion, Diversification, Acquisition, Mergers, Retrenchment, Entry to foreign markets, Super Customer Service, Fast growth & change, etc. JOB ANALYSISManpower Planning Quantitative Requirements Qualitative Requirements A detailed & systematic study of jobs to know the nature and characteristics of the people to be employed on various jobs.Assignment : 1Write 20 definitions of Job Analysis

Last Date of sub mission 12.02.2013 (Avishkar)

Last Date of sub mission 29.01.2013 (Iconz)

Job AnalysisProcess of study and collection of information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job.It includes

Collection of data, information, facts and ideas relating to various aspects of job including men machine and materials.

Preparation of job description, job specifications, job requirements and employee specification, which will help in identifying the nature, level and quantum of human resourcesJOBANALYSISJOBTASKSJOBDUTIESJOBRESPONSIBILITIESJOB ANALYSIS

OBJECTIVES / PURPOSE OF JOB ANALYSISDefinition:-Definition by U.S.Dept. of Labour:

The process of determining by observation and study and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the determination of tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker for a successful performance and differentiate one job from all others.Need of Job AnalysisProcurement is the basic operative function of HR dept.

Search for kind of personnel required

Number of persons to be employed

Establishment of scientific standardMinimum acceptable qualifications, skills, qualities required for adequate job performance

PROCESS OF JOB ANALYSISObjective , resource and climate analysis25ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSISCompany Strategies

Organisation Chart - show the relation of the job with other jobs in the overall organisation

Class Specification - describe the general requirements of the class of the job to which the particular job belongs to

Existing job Description provides a good starting point for job analysis

Explanation points : Process of Job AnalysisFrom Company Strategies (Back ground information)

Collection of Information

Selection of Representative position to be analyzed

Collection of job analysis data

Developing a job description

Developing job specification

Developing Employee specification

Outcomes Of Job AnalysisThe information obtained from job analysis is classified into three categories.

Job description

Job specification

Job evaluation

Job DescriptionA job description is a written statement of theduties, responsibilities, required qualificationsand reporting relationships of a particular job.The job description is based onobjectiveinformation obtained through job analysis.Job description acts as an important resource forDescribing the job to potentialcandidatesGuiding new hired employees in what they arespecificallyexpectedtodoProviding a point of comparison in appraisingwhether the actual duties align with the statedduties.

Job DescriptionA job description is a written statement of theduties, responsibilities, required qualificationsand reporting relationships of a particular job.The job description is based onobjectiveinformation obtained through job analysis.Job description acts as an important resource forDescribing the job to potentialcandidatesGuiding new hired employees in what they arespecificallyexpectedtodoProviding a point of comparison in appraisingwhether the actual duties align with the statedduties.

Job Description

A job description is a written statement of the duties, responsibilities and reporting relationships of a particular job.

The job description is based on objective information obtained through job analysis.Job DescriptionA job description is a written statement of theduties, responsibilities, required qualificationsand reporting relationships of a particular job.The job description is based onobjectiveinformation obtained through job analysis.Job description acts as an important resource forDescribing the job to potentialcandidatesGuiding new hired employees in what they arespecificallyexpectedtodoProviding a point of comparison in appraisingwhether the actual duties align with the statedduties.

Job DescriptionA job description is a written statement of theduties, responsibilities, required qualificationsand reporting relationships of a particular job.The job description is based onobjectiveinformation obtained through job analysis.Job description acts as an important resource forDescribing the job to potentialcandidatesGuiding new hired employees in what they arespecificallyexpectedtodoProviding a point of comparison in appraisingwhether the actual duties align with the statedduties.

Job Description

Job description acts as an important resource for:

Describing the job to potentialcandidates

Guiding new hired employees in what they are specificallyexpectedtodo

Providing a point of comparison in appraising whether the actual duties align with the stated duties.JOB TITLE: _____OCCUPATIONALCODE: ________


JOB NO. : ___________________


GRADE LEVEL: _______________

AS ON DATE :_________


DUTIES ANDRESPONSIBILITIES: -----------------------------------------

JOBCHARACTERISTICS:_____________________________________Example of Job Description

Aspects of Job AnalysisJob Description is an organised factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In brief it should tell what is to be done, how it is done and why. It defines appropriate and authorised content of a job.

Job Specification is a statement of minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job properly. In contrast to job description, it is a standard of personnel and designates the qualities required for acceptable performance.


Job specifications specify theMinimum acceptable qualificationsrequired by the individual to perform the task efficiently.

Based on the information obtained from the job analysis procedures, job specification identifies the qualifications, appropriate skills, knowledge, and abilities and experienced required to perform thejob.


Job specification is an important tool in the selection process as it keeps the attention of the selectoronthenecessaryqualificationsrequiredExample of Job Specification

JOB TITLE : __________________________

EDUCATION :_________________________

PHYSICAL HEALTH: ____________________________________APPEARANCE:____________________________________________

MENTAL ABILITIES :___________________________________

SPECIAL ABILITIES :_____________________________________

PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE :______________________________

SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS : ______________________________

Job Evaluation

Job evaluation provides the relative value of each job in the organization. It is an important tool to determine compensation administration.

Job Evaluation

If an organization is to have an equitable compensation program, jobs that have similar demands on terms of skills, education and other characteristics should be placed in the common compensation groups.

Methods of CollectingJob Analysis Data


Performing the job.

Critical incidents

Interview- individual & group

Panel of experts

Diary method

Questionnaire Structured UnstructuredAssignment : 2 Detailed essay on techniques of data collection for Job Analysis, with special reference to PAQ method.

Submission date: 18.02.2013 (Avishkar)

Submission date: 04.02.2013 (Iconz) RECRUITMENTorHow to Attract a Pool of Candidates Who Are Qualified, Diverse, and Interested in the Job You Have OpenAccording to Edwin .B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching the candidate for the employment & stimulating them to apply for the job.

RECRUITMENTReasons in Your Organization Join LeaveIn this sessionWell look at why employees join and leave organizations

Well learn recruitment strategies and their relationship to overall organizational strategy

Well look at several recruitment methods and practices

And well investigate the marketing of openings through job advertisementsReasons for Employee TurnoverFactors Outside Organizations Control

A Number of Employment Alternatives

Poor Person-Organization Fit

Poor Person-Job Fit

Poor Interpersonal Fit

Other ConsiderationsThe organization needs to realize that:People want to work, but not at jobs that require no skill or intelligenceJob design implications Most employees leave because they dont feel needed, appropriately utilized, or appreciated.Money is the most impersonal reasonso thats why employees cite money as the most important reason why they are leaving!Figure out the real reasons and do something about it.

TARGETED RECRUITMENTFirms are increasingly engaging in Targeted Recruitment

Targeted implies that the media and message used is specifically aimed at a particular group (e.g., women, Hispanics, disabled)To attract the best people for the jobTo aid the recruiter by making a wide choice

Sources of RecruitmentExternalInternal

AimRECRUITMENT METHODSINTERNALJob postingsMust be feasibleMust be trustedShould includeJOB TITLEKSAsPAY SCALETASKSProblem for achieving Affirm. Action goalsSuccession Planning

RECRUITMENT METHODSEXTERNALEmployee ReferralsInternetCollege recruitingAdvertising in newspapers, magazines, radio, tvEmployment AgenciesPublicPrivateProfessional GroupsJOB ADVERTISEMENTSShould sell the organization, but provide a Realistic Job Preview for the applicantShould provide specific information about the job tasks/activities, the KSAs required, and the range of pay appropriate to the jobShould represent the targeted audience (both in written and pictoral messages)How to write an ad:A good ad should draw attention, create interest, screen candidates, and provide for easy responsesThe headline should draw attentionThe body of the ad should be based on job requirements and job rewards so that applicants can self-screen The writing style should be natural, engaging, enthusiastic and easy to understandThe ad should close with detailed info on how to apply for the job GOOD NEWS-BAD NEWSThe good news is that external recruitment brings in new blood, can increase diversity, reduce company politics, and in some cases reduce training costs

The bad news is that newcomers may be resented by insiders who didnt get the job, that you know nothing of their KSAs except by selection measures, and that they wont know the culture of the organizationMust Consider Characteristics of Recruiter:Applicants like being interviewed by someone like themselves; this gives them the impression that they will fit inApplicants like speaking with someone from the functional area theyll be inPersonal characteristics of recruiter also matter: strong interpersonal skills, knowledge and enthusiasm about company and job improve acceptance ratesQuick Revision

Identifies the different sources of labour supply.

Assesses their validity.

Chooses the most suitable source or sources.

Invites applications from the prospective candidates for the vacant jobs.The Process of RecruitmentSources of RecruitmentRecruitmentInternal SourcesExternal SourcesTransfer Promotion Direct RecruitmentCasual CallersAdvertisementEmployment AgenciesManagement ConsultantsEducational InstitutionsRecommendationsLabour Contracts Telecasting Internal SourcesTransfer Shift from one job to other, one dept. to another, one shift to another.Shifting surplus to shortageNo change in responsibility, pay and statusUsed for training in learning different jobs

Promotion Shifting to higher position, higher responsibility, facilities, status and pay.Filling vacancies and chain of promotions at all levelInternal Sources : Discussion TopicsWhy should Internal Sources be used?Motivated to improve performanceMorale of the employeeIndustrial peace Cheaper filling Promotion = PerformanceTool of training for higher jobsShifting surplus to shortage

What are the drawbacks of Internal Sources?Reduce the Scope for fresh talent Employee lethargy time bound promotionSpirit of competition Frequent competition reduce productivity External SourcesDirect RecruitmentCasual CallersMedia Advertisement Employment AgenciesManagement ConsultantsEducational InstitutionsRecommendationsLabour Contracts Telecasting External Sources : Discussion TopicsWhy should External Sources be used?Qualified PersonnelWider ChoiceFresh TalentCompetitive Spirit

What are the demerits of External Sources?Dissatisfaction among existing staffLengthy ProcessCostly ProcessUncertain Response Recent Trends in Recruitment Outsourcing

Poaching or Raiding

Website or e-RecruitmentReading session:Page # 168, TNCSource ET Dec. 9, 2003Human Resource Outsourcing refers to the process in which an organisation uses the expert services of a third party (generally professional consultants) to take care of its HR functions while HR management can focus on the strategic dimension of their function.OutsourcingAdvantages of OutsourcingCompany need not plan for human resources much in advance.

Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantageTurning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM

Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumes/candidates.

Company can save a lot of its resources and timeBuying talent (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organisations today.

Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the organisation might be a competitor in the industry.. Poaching / RaidingA company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate.

But it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly talked about.Poaching / RaidingE- recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet. E- recruitment Low cost.

No intermediaries

Reduction in time for recruitment.

Recruitment of right type of people.

Efficiency of recruitment process. Advantages of E-recruitmentRecruitment Vs. SelectionRecruitment Vs. SelectionBasisRecruitmentSelectionMeaningSearching for vacant jobsSelection of right types of candidates & offering them jobsNature Positive ProcessNegative ProcessAIMTo attract more candidatesReject unsuitable and pick up most suitableProcedure*Notification through sources & distribution of application formsStages Filling form, employment tests, interview, medical examContract of ServiceNo contractual relation. Implies communication of vacancies only.Leads to a contract of service b/w employer and employee.SelectionThe process of choosing individuals with qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization.

Organizations need qualified employees to succeed

PlacementFitting a person to the right job.

HR Employment FunctionsReceiving applicationsInterviewing applicantsAdministering tests to applicantsConducting background investigationsArranging physical examinationsPlacing and assigning new employeesCoordinating follow-up of new employeesExit interviewing departing employeesMaintaining employee records and reports.

PlacementPerson-job FitMatching the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) of people to the characteristics of jobs (tasks, duties and responsibilitiesTDRs).Benefits of person-job fitHigher employee performanceLower turnover and absenteeismPerson-organization FitThe congruence between individuals and organizational factors.KSAs = TDRs = Job Success?Significance of Selection To build a stable relationship

To reduce rate of absenteeism and labour turnover

To get competent employees with high efficiency

For a contended work force

For avoiding industrial accidentsFactors for Scientific SelectionPhysical Characteristics

Personal Characteristics

Proficiency or Skill and Ability


Temperament and Character

Interest Selection ProcedurePreliminary InterviewReceiving ApplicationScreening ApplicationFINAL SELECTIONInterviewReference CheckingMedical ExaminationEmployment TestR E J E C T I O N If found unsuitable Selection Testing: Ability TestsCognitive Ability TestsMeasure an individuals thinking, memory, reasoning, and verbal and mathematical abilities.Physical Ability TestsMeasure an individuals strength, endurance, and muscular movementPsychomotor TestsMeasure an individuals dexterity, hand-eye coordination, arm-hand steadiness, and other factors.Work Sample TestsRequire an applicant to perform a simulated task.Selection Testing: Ability Tests (contd)Situational Judgment TestsMeasure a persons judgment in work settings.Assessment CentersA series of evaluation exercises and tests used for the selection and development of managerial personnel.To understand managerial potentialMultiple raters assess participants in multiple exercises and problems that are job content-related to the jobs for which the individuals are being screened.Personality TestsHonest and Integrity Testing

Big Five Personality CharacteristicsTHANK YOU