hsn november 2010

HSN November 2010 www.scouts-hants.org.uk Hampshire Scouts the adventure goes on . . . BEAR GETS GRYLLED BY HAMPSHIRE SCOUTS EXPLORERS IN FINLAND AND MALAWI EMLYN 2011 REPORT YOU AND YOUR YOUNG LEADERS

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The magazine of Hampshire Scouting


HSNNovember 2010 www.scouts-hants.org.uk

Hampshire Scoutsthe adventure goes on . . .





By Charlotte Cox from Denali Explorers, Basingstoke West.

Thanks to Peter, our DC I was given the opportunity to take part in the inaugural Hampshire Scout Youth Council. It was an amazing experience, and one I’ll never forget in my life. Come rain (buckets and buckets of it on the Saturday night) or shine, I’d gladly do it again. As you weren’t there I’d like to fill you in on our programme.

On the Saturday we arrived at Ferny Crofts and set up our tents. Shortly after that we joined up with the Eureka Jambo group, as many districts sadly didn’t send any representatives. We did team building games – such as the toilet roll game, and name bingo outside the Sky High Conservatory. Next Fiona Durrant was introduced to us, and told us what the Youth Council is – a chance to have our voice heard, and for Hampshire Scouting to progress further up the participation ladder. Next we travelled around six team building activity stations – a ‘bomb disposal’ obstacle course, an orienteering competition, a blind fold course, a course in making fake injuries, booby trap lifting and an alpha-betty quiz.

Our eight man team are all really good friends now, and have decided to all keep in touch between meetings. After the activities we attended several workshops, presentations and forums

about Youth Council, progressions to 2012, participation ladders and more. The main issues raised in our group were;

1. Publicizing the fact that Scouts is now a very forward thinking, advanced organisation.2. Changing the uniform to a more casual, modern look, rather than the old heavy uniform.3. Communicating and organising more events with other districts/counties.

Then after tea we had a Real Pauls Really Good Pub Quiz, which we thoroughly enjoyed, even if we didn’t know many answers! We also met the Young Spokespeople. The session involved interviews and being interviewed on different subjects, and we learnt the skill of politics – to take a bad question and produce an amazing answer. I really enjoyed this – it gave me a chance to talk to and meet even more people. After the session Fiona took Rob and Steven, and myself to the side to say we needed to be at the conservatory at 7.00am sharp on Sunday morning – be ready to become a


Me and Stephen showing Bear and Mark Tarry around the site. Photo: Pete Rawlinson

WELCOMEHello and welcome to our November edition of HSN. Inside you will find the usual range of news items many written by Scouts themselves. Indeed we felt the article on the left by Charlotte was so good that we let Adam (The County Commissioner) have a month off from his usual slot. Nearer the back you can find out what the Bursary students at Ferny Crofts get up to in their own words. In between the breadth of experience is hugely inspirational and shows what a fantastic time Scouts of all ages are having in Hampshire.

ABOUT USHampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential.

In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

JOIN USTo join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person:Fill in the form at: www.scouts.org.uk email us at: [email protected] phone us on 02380 847847

speedy YSP! Excited and nervous I went to bed. The wind howled, and the boy next door snored!

On Sunday I got up bright, early to attend a briefing at 0715 hours. Steven and I were to escort Bear Grylls from the Jambo group to the Sky High Conservatory – what an honour! After the meeting we had a ‘speed dating’ breakfast – we met several important people in Hampshire Scouting, and then questioned them on their job, whether they enjoy it, their previous experience in Scouts etc.

Right on time Steven and I walked down to meet Bear, and take him from the Jambo group. I discovered that Bear is the most down-to-earth, honest and funny person I know; a credit to Scouting. He talked to us about our Scouting experiences and how we feel about Scouting. At the conservatory the Youth Council asked him about many things – his experience as Chief Scout, his army experiences and his early Scouting experiences. In his comedic way he told us that he was always the ‘short and scrawny’ Scout, shy and didn’t get any badges. What Scouting did do for him though, was to make him feel like he belonged – I think it does that for all of us. As he left we waved him off in his helicopter, and I felt thoroughly elated – he will inspire me forever.

The Youth council plan to meet twice a year, have a drop in centre at the County Camp, we are going to have a Necker and a Hoodie and, we all are very excited.

So what do I think? The verdict: amazing – I can’t wait to do it all again!


Beavers from 3rd

Farnborough Colony

receiving their

trophy for Best

Young Gardner in

the Rushmoor in

Bloom Competition

which was held at

Squires Garden Centre

on Thursday 23rd


Pictured are Aeryn

Charlie and Joshua.

BEAVERS IN CHANDLERS FORDThree Colonies in the District have been working through the Royal National Lifeboat Institution’s Youth Group pack. The pack is divided into four Sections - Stay Safe; Helping Others; Working Together and Ready for Action and the Beavers receive a badge and a certificate. Some lucky Beavers attended an event at the RNLI College in Poole to receive their certificates.

Recently, the Beavers from 3rd Chandlers Ford went to Brownsea Island, travelling from Sandbanks just like Baden Powell did for the First Scout Camp in 1907. As well as going to the stone which commemorates the first Scout camp they spotted red squirrels and peacocks and also spent some time on the beach. The

day ended with an ice cream and a quiet journey home on the coach.

Recently, the 4th Chandlers Ford had a movie night and the Beavers made their own personalised popcorn containers. The 2nd Chandlers Ford Beaver Colony has an exciting programme planned for the term ahead. In addition to visiting the RNLI they will be holding a Halloween party, growing bulbs for an old people’s home, eating Chinese food and rehearsing and performing ’10 Beaver Angels’ for their parents. They are also expecting visits from a musician and a local vicar.

Watched by their parents, many Beavers received their Bronze Award certificates at a District presentation evening. Well done to them and their Leaders. Now everyone is looking forward to the Swimming Gala and the District Carol Service.

TESTWOOD LAKES WILDLIFE RESERVETestwood Lakes is situated just outside Totton in Hampshire. The 150 acre site with three lakes, two bird hides, woodlands, wetlands, field and meadow areas is managed by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HWT). The Education Centre has it’s own car park, education room, bronze age artefacts, environmental displays, accessible ponds, sensory garden, dry-plants garden, and equipment for a wide range of nature-based activities.

1. Iron Age RoundhouseCome and sit in the roundhouse and listen to stories told around a fire, as they were thousands of years ago. 2. Night WalksDevelop skills in finding your way and listening to nature in the dark. 3. Basic Bushcraft SkillsLearn basic skills in fire lighting, shelter building and cooking over the fire. On lighter nights, have a go at constructing

wattle fences beside the roundhouse. Discuss your specific requirements with us, so we can tailor it to different age groups.4. Pond DippingCome and find out what lives beneath the water’s surface in our dipping ponds. 5. Nature / Woodland Discovery WalksTake a special walk around the site to explore the plants and wildlife living here. 6. Bird WatchingCome and hide in our hides and spy which birds are staying at the lakes that day. 7. Basic OrienteeringUse the site to learn map and orienteering skills in small groups or pairs. Climb to the top of our hill and create your own map of the area.

For more info, or to book an activity, please call :Helen Robinson at the Education Centre on 023 8066 7929Or e-mail: [email protected]

We ask for a suggested donation of £2 per head for a visit, towards the work of HWT

UP/OUT IN THE AIRBy: Chas Maclean Cochand

Last summer, we joined a Scout Association scheme with a company called Serco who set a challenge of helping children adopt an environmental project of our choice. Our project was clearing the stream that snakes around the playing field at our school.

Serco sent us 40 small high viz jackets, 40 pairs of small gardening gloves, 100 black refuse bags, and four articulated refuse pickers. Over the weeks forty small boys went into the mud in the school stream and dragged out anything and everything that shouldn’t be there. We sent photos of the very jolly work crew to Serco and moved on.

In July, Serco rang us to say we had won a day out at an activity centre of our choice and we chose Ferny Crofts.

Last Friday two buses, some dads and mums and a trailer full of food headed out to North Hollow, our camp, deep in the Forest. Friday night was chilly, but there was a good fire and by 9pm all the Cubs and the dog were asleep!

Dawn came very early for some, about 0430… the first tent started chirping but with some stern words, waking up was delayed to 0600! By 0800 we were en route and by 0915 we had three teams, one climbing trees, one on the very high wires and one on the bijoux rifle range.

The weather was brisk but dry and sunny. The high wires were glorious. All thirty Cubs were dangled high above the ground! One brave Cub Mum went higher than any Cub mum had ever gone before. She must have been 40 feet up challenging gravity and smiling. Some of the dads followed the Cubs up a very tall tree, and some of the braver Cubs and

dads were blind folded. It was wonderful.

We lunched and ran and explored, and finished with an explosive assault course encouraging teamwork. We were back at North Hollow in time for a swim (very chilly) and a fine BBQ. One of the Cubs was invested as a Scout by another Scout and then we had a singsong and ate S’mores.

Sunday we slept in (until 0600) and after a ramble returned to an amazing breakfast. We had an excellent game of Capture the Flag (with all the disputes) before striking camp with all the thrills, spills and exhaustion putting the out and the up in Scouting!

Thanks to a great team of parent helpers (and some glorious weather)!



The Bramshill Cubs have had a brilliant time during the spring and summer with camps. All packs in the district have had one if not two camps this year, along with group camps.

As ADC I am invited to groups AGM’s and they have been great this year with presentation and displays of what has happened in their groups over the previous year.

District events have included – the annual Alton Sports Centre activity afternoon with the Scouts and the handicraft competition which was won by Hawley this year.

Many packs have held events for charities, and it’s good to see the Cubs doing good turns and helping others. Many take part in their village events – fete’s, fun runs, family disco’s, BBQ’s and much more. Bag packing in supermarkets raising money for Uganda is coming up in December as is helping with the Santa Sleigh collections.

Most packs in the district also joined the county for the Longleat trip – gosh what a hot day! Like a lot of districts we have skills instructors to cover many activities, climbing wall, archery, shooting, canoeing and these are and many other activities are enjoyed on a weekly basis and at camps.

We have the challenge in Bramshill like most districts of having a tremendous number of young people joining our groups on a regular basis. Beaver Colonies expanding and new ones

opening which is great for the follow through to Cubs, but unfortunately a lack of leaders is always a challenge.

Bramshill has a brilliant Cub leadership team who are a joy to work with. They have enthusiasm, spirit and ability to give the youth the experience and fun of scouting within the Cub section, for which we thank them all.


Five crafty cubs from 14th Highfield in Southampton City took on the challenging competition of scrapheap challenge. They were me (Ned), Mathew, Jay, Fraser and Quinn.

First of all, we got set a theme [this time it was Harry Potter]. Subsequently we discussed what we will make and we all agreed on Hogwarts ..We were given a pile of junk in the middle of the hall and we set off.

We had lots of different sections which were the school, swamp, vegetable patch, mini tower, rocky zone and a field that made us seem strong. We each did different sections.


Scouts from 14th Highfield meet a pig in

the forest. In the Autumn pigs are released

to eat up the surfeit of acorns which can

be poisonous to horses if eaten in large

quantities.HIGHFIELD GROUP CAMPBy Nico, Ed and Neil

The Cubs and Scouts came together last weekend for a brilliant group camp. We were fortunate enough to have absolutely perfect weather so managed to do all sorts of exciting and challenging activities.

Ed: From a Scouts point of view, it was fantastic to see the new troop gel together, with new assistant patrol leaders and patrol leaders taking over from where the old ones left off at the end of summer camp – congratulations to them. Equally impressive was seeing scouts helping each other, even the brand new scouts helping older scouts!This is the start of what I am sure will be a great year for the scouts and us leaders! Roll on the next camp – sadly we’ll have to wait 5 months now!!

Neil: Our Cubs had a great time too. They

seemed to be up for everything from the massive Foxlease zip-wire to doing the washing up! My favourite activity was our big Saturday afternoon Treasure Hunt through the New Forest which was set up by George, one of our Young Leaders. I was really impressed with how the Cubs hiked with maximum enthusiasm – and minimal moaning! – and was pleased to see they had a real and well deserved sense of achievement at the end.

As well as the Activities, I think they’ll also remember the Wide Games in the dark, the Campfire Circle, the Tin Can Football Challenge, the “Adder” in the woods (ask them) and the fantastic food, courtesy of Maggie and Susy. I think our four newest Cubs deserve special mention too – they camped like Cub Camp Veterans and we were delighted to be able to Invest them on Sunday afternoon.


Everyone had so much fun when we ran the event in 2007 that we did it again, and again and yet again.

The weather was good and so was support from leaders and parents with 150 to 160 people taking part and supporting the 20 teams that took part.

We had 9 Cub teams, 9 Scout teams, 1 Explorer team and a bunch of Leaders in the official races and 5 or 6 unofficial Mums teams had a go, which was great fun.Each Team takes part in 3 races with the times of the 3 races being added together


A significant proportion of our Scouts were at Kip on a Ship, a weekend that was built around sleeping overnight on HMS Belfast in the ratings accommodation.

It was an early start on Saturday, but we made it to Greenwich Park just in time to see the mid day ball drop at the Observatory roof, a signal to the ships on the river so they could set their time pieces. We were also able to touch a meteorite, with a sign saying “the oldest object you will ever touch”.

The heavy rain did take the edge off the evening walk through London, but the Queen was no doubt aware from the noise that we were passing Buckingham Palace. Overnight was on the ship, with ship’s breakfast, was followed by ample opportunity to explore the Second World War cruiser. Later we walked along the river bank as far as the Tate Modern. After imbibing some culture it was back to the ship to collect our kit and make our way back to Basingstoke.

PINSENT 75TH HIKE12th Winchester had a team from each section to compete in the hike to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Pinsent campsite – the only Group with such good representation! We were lucky with the weather, despite a shower of rain first thing.

The route started with the Scouts from the Farley Mount Monument, went through West Wood where the Cub teams joined, past Crab Wood where the Beavers started, and round the back of Pinsent.

The Scout team arrived back very fast, and won the scout section (also by virtue of being the only Scouts to enter!). The Cubs frightened off all the wildlife in the woods, but managed not to get lost by dint of some excellent map reading. The Beavers also did very well, but didn’t quite manage to eat their doughnuts fast enough.

It was a very enjoyable hike, with a challenging set of questions on the way. We all were given a Pinsent birthday badge as well.

to give a total score. The team with the fastest total time score is the winning team. Congratulations then to: Cubs -1st [Lyndhurst]Scouts - 1st [Lyndhurst]Explorers - Relentless.Leaders - Copythorne.

14- 18 YEARS OLD


On July 28th a team of 5 Explorers from Odiham District set off

from Heathrow for the Finnish Scout Jamboree. The team was

led by ESL Malcolm, and the five intrepid Explorers were, Joe

Cleminson, Tom Gallagher, Ryan O’Connor, Chris Davis and a

particularly brave Becky Oldfield.

The camp was at Iso-Evo, approximately 100km

north of Helsinki, an environmentally protected area

near the glacial lakes. The camp covered all scouting

age groups and had a total population of 5,000

scouts and leaders broken down into several self-

contained sub-camps. As the Explorers were among

the older scouts at the camp they were teamed

mostly with the Rover units and had the opportunity

to meet a large number of scouts and guides of

similar age from nationalities as diverse as Finnish,

Swedish, German, Nepalese, Hong Kong and even

some (a very few) English.

Our troop were given a large Icelandic tent and while

they were warned to expect sub-zero nights, the

unusual climatic conditions caused by the volcanic

dust trapped hot air over Finland, and the troop

sweltered in their million-tog sleeping bags.

Above- at work in the engineering area and below are some of our hosts at Iso-Evo


On July 28th a team of 5 Explorers from Odiham District set off

from Heathrow for the Finnish Scout Jamboree. The team was

led by ESL Malcolm, and the five intrepid Explorers were, Joe

Cleminson, Tom Gallagher, Ryan O’Connor, Chris Davis and a

particularly brave Becky Oldfield.

The camp was at Iso-Evo, approximately 100km

north of Helsinki, an environmentally protected area

near the glacial lakes. The camp covered all scouting

age groups and had a total population of 5,000

scouts and leaders broken down into several self-

contained sub-camps. As the Explorers were among

the older scouts at the camp they were teamed

mostly with the Rover units and had the opportunity

to meet a large number of scouts and guides of

similar age from nationalities as diverse as Finnish,

Swedish, German, Nepalese, Hong Kong and even

some (a very few) English.

Our troop were given a large Icelandic tent and while

they were warned to expect sub-zero nights, the

unusual climatic conditions caused by the volcanic

dust trapped hot air over Finland, and the troop

sweltered in their million-tog sleeping bags.

The range of activities were many and varied and included:

A fire valley in which you could experiment with different methods of lighting fires using batteries, rubbing sticks, sparking kindling. They could also make charcoal – not the simple activity you might suppose.The earth valley in which survival skills such as water filtering, assessing your carbon footprint – an international comparison developed during an exploratory hike and question challenge.Engineering challenges making kazoo’s, guitars, belt buckles, woggles. Wrought iron work using forges and anvils (made of 2 metre lengths of railway track). Woodwork with power saws as well as 100’s of hand saws, screw drivers, hammers, bradawls and all the tools of a well-equipped workshop.Heating challenges, making water heaters from gravity fed solar panels and water bottles – and don’t worry about running out of bottles – they had thousands from the local bottling plant.Climbing walls were everywhere: especially if you are skilled at climbing in Crocs and a pair of shorts!And when it all got just too much – there was a chill out zone with cafeteria, shops and quieter games.

In case you were wondering how the group stayed on top of all the activities

– that was well catered for. A newspaper was issued in 5 languages every two days to tell you what was on and where to go for the best events of the coming day.

Of course, with all this activity, the odd slip and tumble is inevitable – but don’t worry. Every sub-camp was equipped with its own Doctor, medical staff and portable accident unit. Heart transplants might have been a challenge but not much else!

For the Explorers this was a tremendous introduction to a very different style of Scouting. As many of the older scouts from the international troops would be considered leaders and many would have done national service in their respective countries, the level of maturity and capability was very high. An eye-opener for our Explorers who are still at school and will not have been exposed to the same experiences.

All in all, the international jamboree is an experience that is very worthwhile. If any of you have the opportunity to attend Sweden next year it will be well worth taking.

In the meantime, if anyone is interested in a Finnish Winter Camp – not for the faint hearted – we may well be going back in February 2011. If you would like to go, contact Malcolm Pope at Crondall Explorers or 01252 872782.

This summer Poulner Scouts brought 5 scouts and 2 leaders over from Malawi for 3 weeks in late July, where they joined us in our biggest and best summer camp ever. We then returned with them for 25 days in August. Fund raising for the trip took 20 months and each scout had to pay £750.00 on top.

Kavuzi camp was started by our Explorers in 2008 when we last went there and the deep forests that surround it are lush and undisturbed. It is set in a V-shaped valley which has very steep sides and at the bottom there is a full flowing river, perfect for swimming and washing. We spent nearly 2 weeks at the camp site and apart from one day of torrential rain, we had wall-to-wall sun! We worked on many projects including installing working plumbing and showers and drawing plans for the new scout hall, as well as schemes for the community like levelling a playing field for sports and making a zig-zag access ramp that snaked up the hillside.


Camping at Kavuzi was very hard work, as every evening we had to ascend the steps to our camping platform which was half way up the hill; however it was worth it as we had a spectacular view of the surrounding forest and farm land.

The hardest part of camping was doing the food preparation and cooking before nightfall, which was at 6. It was a constant and frequently lost battle to cook in natural light. All in all though, Kavuzi camp site is a fantastic site for scouting, even though there are many jobs still to done!

At one point during our stay at Kavuzi campsite, we decided we would spend the day in Mzuzu with the local scouts. The Leaders had to go to a meeting to help set up the Trustee Committee for Kavuzi, and so we made our own way there and back. We managed to flag down a lift in the back of a pick-up, and reached Mzuzu for the grand price of K100, or about 40p.

We split up at this point and visited the

By Sid Barnett, Ben Carey, Callum Smith, Arron Lewis, Tim Price, James Watts and Colin Andrews

houses of the local scouts, which really opened our eyes to the differences between our cultures. Most were roofed with corrugated iron, and were very small, most with only 3 or 4 rooms. Some families had to share beds or sleep on sofas due to lack of space. However, many houses did have power, and some also had luxuries such as a small television.

After visiting the houses, we visited the market, which was nothing like anything we had seen before. A sea of shacks with iron roofs, stretching for more than a mile, it was split into rough districts, like a clothes market and a timber market. People were everywhere, browsing the shops and haggling the price down.

Our return trip came in the shape of a Nissan Highlander. After the driver assured us that 20 more in the back would be “fine” we set off, at about 10mph. This increased when he went into neutral downhill.

Around the time of the trip into Mzuzu, we also went on a two-day trip to Vwasa Wildlife Reserve. We did two safaris and camped overnight. Our two guides, Alfred and Godwin showed us hippos, ibis, giant termite mounds, hyena tracks, baboons, crocodiles, various relatives of the deer (such as Impala Kudu and bush buck) and lastly after a rest we found some elephants.

On the way out of the reserve we almost lost the bus when going through a dry river-bed. If it wasn’t for the skillful driving of Hussein (our driver), the bus would have had a lot more damage than a flattened exhaust pipe.

On the day we moved from Kavusi Camp to Sambani Lodge, we took a small detour in our bus, and made a bush bashing scramble down to a waterfall. All of us (and the girl guides we had with us at the time) thought it was stunning. We swam in the water, climbed on the rocks and took photos for two or three hours.

Camping at Sambani lodge was fantastic. For a start our tents were pitched in paradise – The lodge is a wonderful place, metres away from a white, sandy beach and the clean, clear waters of Lake Malawi. Every morning at six o’clock we would wake up, run down the beach and have a swim in the warm, inviting lake. The water was always perfectly clear, and because it’s not salty, you can open your eyes and look around.

We arrived there on the afternoon of August 20th, and stayed for a week before returning to England. Most days were spent desk building a few kilometres away at Bandawe Primary School. Camping was made a lot easier than Kavusi because we had meals cooked for us every day, instead of having to cook them ourselves.


I always knew that my trip to Malawi would be a fantastic adventure. I prepared myself for the differences I thought there would be, the weather, the noise, the smells, the amount of people, the heat, the food, the buildings and just a general different way of doing things.

What I learned was that although there were differences there were many more similarities. It rained! It was hot but it was bearable. The food was satisfying and nutritious except for nsima. There were a lot of people but they were kind, warm and friendly and generous with the little they had.

I have learned to appreciate my friends, my family and my education and the privileged life that I have. Importantly material things although lovely are not a necessity and I will be more aware of things that I really need rather than want.



The Hampshire Scout Youth Council held it’s first meeting at Ferny Crofts last weekend, with nearly 40 young people from across the County, plus a flying visit from the Chief Scout.

The weekend was well attended with 34 participants from 12 districts, as well as members of the Eureka jamboree unit joining in for some of the weekend.

The weekend consisted of different team building games, including casualty simulation from David Stemp, and a bomb disposal activity run by Waterlooville Network.

Over the weekend we had visits from members of the County Core Team, and Tim Pike led a very constructive workshop on the 2012 strategy where young people had their say on how Hampshire Scouting could be improved.

Saturday evening consisted of “Real Paul’s Really Big Pub Quiz”, with a soft drink bar and munchies.

Sunday saw a speed dating breakfast, with 8 special guests meeting and speaking to the participants about their experiences and answering questions.

We also held a unique question and answer session with Bear Grylls, Chief Scout, who fielded questions from the youth council about his adventures and scouting, as well as his plans for the future.

Network joint chair Sam shamelessly plugs/ invites Bear to come to Inter-net in 2011

REGISTER AND GET FREE STUFF!We remind everyone that all Network members in Hampshire must register with County using HQ form OH (Occasional Helper) which also has CRB information capture with it. Please destroy all other registration forms. The forms will be sent out to leaders and Chairmen and can be found online at www.scouts-hants.org.uk/network, click on Registration. You may also request copies.

Once registered a member can be added to the National database which will in turn produce and post your Membership card (show it in shops, such as Cotswolds, Blacks and Millets and get discounts!), Scouting Magazine with the Scout Network supplement plus, if you are a Leader (known as Adult Appointment), your section’s supplement and you will be able to receive Scouting + HQs email news.

Once added you can amend your

The youth council held a very productive forum and decided on some changes they would like to see in Hampshire Scouting, and Jenni Anderson from Gilwell gave the young people the chance to feed back some input into who they want for the next chief scout and some potential partnerships for the future.

Overall the weekend was very enjoyable and successful, and the next one is planned to be held in March 2011.

If you want to be a part of this exciting project or would like more information please contact Fi Durrant, Hampshire Scout Network Co-Chair, on [email protected]

name, address and what you would like to receive. You can even use Programmes on-line and a Calendar to help you plan your Scouting programme and diary. Visit www.scouts.org.uk . You will need an email address and your membership number to set-up access.

Remember to pay your £10 joining fee and receive a Network neckerchief, Network badge, Name tape, Membership file (due out by end 2010) and Record of Achievement card.

If you are a Network Scout and are not getting netnews every few months then you need to let the Network team know via:Web: www.scout-hants.org.uk/networkEmail: [email protected]/Text: 077 7228 9061

Are you making the most of your Young Leaders?

All leaders in the Beaver Scout, Cub Scout and Scout Section who are between the ages of 14 and 18 must be members of an Explorer Scout Young Leaders’ Unit including those who are doing their Duke of Edinburgh award service with you.

The Young Leaders’ Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfil the service elements of awards like DofE.

While a Young Leader is working in a section, the section leader is responsible for their safety and welfare. The section leader must ensure that the Young Leader becomes a real part of the leadership team and is given meaningful responsibility. They should liaise with the Young Leaders Leader to ensure that the Young Leader is challenged and trained using the modular training and YL Missions.


The first and only compulsory element to the training is Module A. After completion of Module A (Prepare for Take Off) the Young Leader’s Badge, shown on the next page with the mission badges around it, is awarded.

This module must be completed within three months of becoming a Young Leader. For this reason it is important that the district runs regular module A sessions or provides the YLs with access to them in other Districts.

The modules (A through to K) of the Young Leaders’ Scheme are designed to cover all aspects of training. They will help Young Leaders become aware of, and learn how to deal with, various different facets of leadership within the Scouting Movement. The modules are designed to be flexible and encourage innovation, so be as creative as you can! As long as the aim and objectives are met, they can be delivered in any way by anybody with the appropriate training or experience. Module K is First Aid and many Districts train their YLs in First Response along with adult leaders which can save retraining them immediately they turn 18 and take on an adult role.

As part of the Young Leaders’ Scheme there are four missions to be completed alongside the eleven modules. These missions are designed to allow the Young Leaders to put the learning from the Modules into practice. All the missions are available on the scouts.org.uk website under the Explorers area or



in the Young Leaders’ Essentials book. An example of the one of the mission requirements is below:

Mission 2

1. Plan and run three outdoor activities in the Section that you are working within.•Be original! Use a new method to deliver the activities.•Use elements from the Programme Plans and Programme Plans Plus modules to help you produce these parts of the Balanced Programme.2. Create a way to record the badgework covered during your three activities.3. Report back to your Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) or YoungLeaders’ Unit, using the evaluation techniques you have learned. Include your record from point two (above).

Once all the Young Leader training is completed they can receive the Young Leaders belt buckle.


Young Leaders’ Essentials book was developed to help adults, primarily the Explorer Scout Leaders (Young Leader) who will be delivering the scheme, to understand how the training and development aspects of the scheme work.

Young Leaders’ Scheme Factsheets In the Young Leaders’ Essentials pack, there are a number of factsheets designed to help Young Leaders themselves progress through the training element of the scheme.

Also available is a factsheet called Young Leaders - Information for Beaver Scout, Cub Scout and Scout Leaders. This factsheet outlines to section leaders the role that they can expect Young Leaders to play in their leadership team.

The review tool will help you to understand the status of the local Young Leader provision locally, using the Red, Amber, Green (RAG) Assessment. It also

includes a Development Plan template to help you prioritise your actions and continue to move the scheme forward. The Keys to success resource which is designed to help District Commissioners and District Explorer Scout Commissioners to:• Understand the Young Leaders’ Scheme• Realise its importance as part of the wider Explorer Scout provision• Start, develop and renew their own District Young Leaders’ scheme.

Both the review tool and Keys to sucess are available as downloads from the Explorer area of www.scouts.org.uk

If the Young Leader takes part in any residential or adventurous activities you should always obtain their parent or carer’s permission. Consideration should also be given to the sleeping arrangements, as the Young Leader is not permitted to share accommodation with either the adult leaders or the young people in the section in which they work.

Remember, with the right support and opportunities, Young Leaders can be a valuable part of the leadership team now and in the future. They can help us all to provide more adventurous opportunities for more young people.

B Beavers N Network DCh District ChairsC Cubs ALL Everyone

Hopefully the rest of the abbreviations should be clear.S Scouts L Leaders

E Explorers YL Young Leaders

COUNTY DIARYDate Event For Venue Contact


6th County Conference DC+DCh Hedge End County Office7th Cubs ADC, DCSL meeting CSL Vanessa Slawson12th HSMT Hillwalking training L South Wales http://hsmt.info/index.htm

13th Christmas Wonderland B Paultons Park Teresa Ginn

13th Scrapheap Challenge C Waterlooville Vanessa Slawson

16th CEC Meeting CEC Dovetail C'Ford County Office

19th PL Training weekend S Lyons Copse Dominic Howell

21st i Scout Conference L Thornden C'Ford County Office


18th Bag Packing for Uganda S,E Sandhurst Margaret Ellis

31st New Year Camp + workshop

N TBC Ray Noice


16th Jan SASH Meeting 2.30pm AS Copythorne HQ Richard Spearing

28th Jan YL Training Weekend YL Cricket camp Paul Shutt

4th Feb NSRA rifle Leader training L Ferny Crofts John Dohoo

13th March Odiham Centenary parade All Odiham Odiham Jakki Holland

19th March SASH County Quiz AS Gosport Richard Spearing

17th April Heritage Open day All 13th Hedge End HQ Richard Spearing22nd April Cty Explorer Camp E Ferny Crofts Paul Shutt

5TH June SASH Meeting AS Winchester Richard Spearing

25th June Ferny Crofts open day All Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts

1st July NSRA rifle Leader training L Ferny Crofts John Dohoo

1st July Trek Cart S+E+N+L Paul Shutt23rd July Inter-net 2011 N Newbury Neil O'Sullivan

27th July WSJ E Sweden Ian Porter

25th Sept

16th Oct SASH Meeting AS Chandlers Ford Richard Spearing


15th Jan SASH Meeting AS TBA Richard Spearing

CC Tweets

Hampshire Jamboree participants on exercise machines at IKEA this weekend, cycling and rowing the distance to Sweden - drop by and see them! 7:39 AM Oct 16th via web .

Great atmosphere at the Denmark training camp this morning at Cricket, despite the cold. The excitement is building for an amazing camp trip 7:37 AM Oct 16th via web .

Great report back this evening by Sea Dragons Explorers on their summer expedition to Canada - Toronto, Scout Reserves, and Mooses.... 3:18 PM Oct 15th via web .

1st Catisfield reminded me I hadn’t mentioned honey badgers, so here’s their time of fame 1:16 PM Oct 15th via txt .

Congratulations to Flic Wright from 4th New Forest North on receiving her Queen’s Scout Award last night - from her former Jamboree Leader 1:43 AM Oct 12th via web .

Really pleased to see Hampshire Scout Youth Council start up last weekend - congratulations to Fi Durrant on organising such a great event ! 9:32 AM Oct 5th via web .

Bear Grylls visited Hampshire Scouting at Ferny Crofts this morning, including breakfast with a Jamboree Unit and Q&A with our Youth Council 9:57 AM Oct 3rd via web .

Fantastic buzz in the Hall at BP House as the international expeditions set up stalls 1:40 AM Oct 2nd via txt .

Fantastic Mix and Meet camp for hundreds of Scout and Guides from Portsmouth at Lyons Copse - it seemed no-one wanted to go home ! 8:45 AM Sep 26th via web

Congratulations to 1st Fair Oak (8th Eastleigh) on their Centenary and for a popular celebration yesterday afternoon at Wyvern School 8:43 AM Sep 26th via web .

Visit Wayne’s blog at http://tinyurl.com/37vn5px to hear the UK Chief Commissioner talk about his busy visit to Hampshire last Saturday 7:51 AM Sep 23rd via web .

Joe and Katie from Hampshire Scout Expeditions have just given great live advice to Fearne Cotton on Radio about hiking the Inca Trail !! 2:56 AM Sep 23rd via web .

Amazing expedition by Andover Explorers to Peru this summer, retold this afternoon at the end of their weekend at Linkenholt. Macchu Picchu. 12:55 PM Sep 19th via web

Congratulations to Lewisham Scouts for an inspiring presentation last night about their Nepal expedition - well worth coming to London for ! 11:57 AM Sep 19th via web .

All in all a great non-stop day in Hampshire for Wayne and Julie - read his blog next week 11:14 AM Sep 18th via txt .

Finally, a packed opening of the new 1st Clanfield Scout HQ, rebuilt after the fire 4.5 years ago 11:13 AM Sep 18th via txt .

Inter-net team sell the 2011 Network event to both Wayne and Julie 11:12 AM Sep 18th via txt .

Backwoods skills and whittling at a busy leaders skills day at Lyons Copse 11:11 AM Sep 18th via txt .

Also lunch with Jamboree participants and leaders - and a cake to celebrate Wayne’s birthday4:35 AM Sep 18th via txt

On the 17th September 16 Patrols comprising of 80 Scouts and representing 9 districts assembled at the Foxlease campsite in the New Forest to take part in the 68th County Emlyn Trophy.

During the weekend each patrol followed their own programme including the pitching and camping in their own tents. Various kinds were used, but most had traditional rigid patrol tents. They also cooked their own meals, the Wolves patrol from the 1st Lee-on-the- Solent Troop turning out to be the best cooks. They were representing Gosport district as their ‘A’ team.

At 08.00hrs on the 18th the Emlyn was graced by the Chief Commissioner for Scouting of the United Kingdom Wayne Bulpit and he was accompanied by his wife Julie. Also present was our County commissioner Adam Jollans the Chairman of the County Executive Peter Moody.

Wayne and the whole party firstly had breakfast with the judges and other

staff members, before touring the whole of the camping area and talking with The Scouts.

We very much hope that Wayne enjoyed his visit and that it reminded him of the time when as the APL of a 1st Warsash patrol he helped them to win the County Emlyn Trophy in 1979?

AND THE WINNER IS?We were lucky with the weather and as the patrols, staff, parents and Scouters gathered at 15.00hrs on Sunday afternoon all of the aforementioned trophies were presented by Robert Dicks who was a patrol leader in 1997 and 98.

The best newcomer trophy went to;

The Tiger Patrol led by Rebecca Ward from 7th Farnborough.

The runners-up for the main Emlyn Competition were the Wolves Patrol led by Ollie Tydesley from 1st Lee-on-the-Solent with 812 points.

The winners of the County Emlyn Trophy 2010 were the all girl Kestrel patrol led by Zoe Bunce from 2nd Bentley with a fantastic 831 points. The Kestrels are

shown below in action during the competition.

EMLYN 2011

PRO-BADGEBy Midge Clark

The Solent Training Centre at Lyons Copse was very busy on the weekend 15th to 17th October with 26 cubs and 21 scouts working on a variety of badges – cub and scout Outdoor Challenge and Outdoor Challenge plus badges and scout naturalist badge.

The cubs enjoyed making willow sculptures; cooking “mars bars” dough twists; toasting sandwiches on an altar fire; making a piece of rope as well as joining in a wide game in the dark and singing at the campfire with the scouts.

The team are looking forward to November 26th to 28th when the following badges will be running:

Cub Navigator Scout Pioneer Scout Hiker weekend 1If you are interested in finding out more about Pro-Badge please visit our websitewww.pro-badge.org.uk or ring Les Farrington on 07761 912914

On the Saturday afternoon 2 special challenges had to be undertaken. These were Back-to-Basics – fire lighting, Hand-to-Eye – Basketball and other ball games and Mind- Kim’s Game. Then on the Sunday morning a Nature Trail Quiz around Foxlease had to be completed. The individual challenge trophy winners and the Overall Challenge trophy winners were;

Back-to-Basics- Lion Patrol, 12th New Forest EastHand-to-Eye - Stag Patrol, 4th RomseyMind - Tiger Patrol, 7th FarnboroughNature - Rotherfield ‘A’, Stag Patrol, Overall - Stag Patrol, 4th Romsey

On behalf of the organising committee I would like to very publicly thank all of the scouts, for taking part, the Scouters and parents for getting them there and to all of the camps staff for making the camp happen and work.

Thank you from the Yeti

The 69th edition of the County Emlyn Camping Competition will take place over the weekend of 9th, 10th, 11th September 2011 at Fernycrofts.


Like Wayne I was also an APL in the Emlyn when 1st Lymington won the trophy in 1980 and remember being very proud of the achievement. I will gloss over our near miss the following year with me as PL and move on to congratulate all the Patrols who took part this year. Perhaps next year more Scouts will have the chance to take part from the 18 Districts missing from this years competition. The Patrols that took part prove that Scouts are capable of planning and running an entire weekend camp themselves if given the right training and encouragement. Editor- Tim Palmer

Hampshire Scout County Canoe Club is here and judging on the success of the first trip, here to stay.

This trip was full of adventure, right from the start as we were given a great lecture on the joys of Devon by the resident expert John, from the code of Devonshire kayakers to the pro’s and con’s of the multitude of greasy spoons that we passed. When we arrived at the car park John thought it would be a good idea to have a quick recce along the river, which gave us a chance to stretch out our legs and have a first look at the Dart. After a quick change and some sweaty work, whether in the form of moving kayaks, in the case of Nikki and I, or a short but hilly cycle ride from the car for John, a short safety brief as it was Nikki’s first time on white water and I was a little rusty, we were ready to go.




On the water we started off by practicing breaking out and back into the current

before setting off. It was not long before things got interesting in the form of a nice weir to have a bit of fun going down, Nikki decided that after getting out and taking a look, she did not want to start off with a weir so portaged and became the photographer for when John and I came down. The next rapid we came to Nikki was determined to try, though due to the low water levels, managed to get stuck on a rock and took a ‘cheeky little’ swim, (things always sound better if you put ‘cheeky little’ in front of them). In an act of pure solidarity, I also decided to take a dip, as getting out of my boat onto a steep bank I decided my best bet would be to grab onto a sturdy looking root, but it turns out my sturdy root was a piece of drift wood, so back down the bank I went and splash, so much for staying dry. After that there were a few more rapids which proved fun to play in and another weir which we all decided


WHAT IS HSCCC FOR?Providing Advanced Paddlesport Opportunities for Everyone in Hampshire Scouting.

•Everything you need from 2* onwards! •Sea and River Trips Playboating skills school •Local practice sessions •International Expeditions Coach Development & Assessments •Safety & Rescue Training and Assessments •Access to Polo and BCU Competition Events •Sea, Surf, Marathon and Whitewater Kayaking and Canoeing •BCU 3*, 4* and 5* Training and Assessments

The Club welcomes Scouting members of any age who have at least BCU 2* (or Paddlepower Discover); membership is only £5 for the first year (or part thereof) and is designed to compliment existing local canoe sport opportunities. We have a selection of trips and training running between now and Christmas—if you are interested sign up today!

To contact the Hampshire Scout Canoe Club Committee, please send an e-mail to: [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

NGB QUALIFICATIONSFollowing the recent launch of HSCCC, we are proud to offer some UKCC/BCU training courses at discount prices:

26-28th Nov 2010 BCU 3* Whitewater Kayak Training £7012th March 2011 Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning £409-10th April 2011 BCU 4* Sea Kayak Training £120

All prices include transport from Hampshire, meals and accommodation. Membership of HSCCC is open to anyone involved in Scouting with a minimum of BCU2*, or Paddlepower Discover. See our website for more details. www.hsccc.org.uk/members

did not look much fun so portaged. Back on the river for the final stretch a nice relaxing paddle where I decided to pop my deck and get some air to my legs, with some scenic views of Buckfastleigh Abby, which I am told is a very nice day out for the cultured,( I just paddled past). After this it was jump out, run to the car with kayaks, get changed and drive home. All in all a great time had by all and a brilliant sign of trips to come from HSCCC.

Frank Morsman Andover Network Chairman


Held on 26th September, a record 122 people took part, canoeing over a course of 2, 6 or 8 miles either to achieve a personal best time; to win individually or to be part of the winning Group.

The Group trophy was, for the first time, won by the 3rd Bramshill group, beating their rivals, 3 times winners, 4th Bramshill by 2 minutes.

‘Paul’s Paddle’ for the fastest Warranted Scouter, was won by Brian Biffin of 29th Odiham, who managed to complete the 6 mile course in a time of 1 hour 4 minutes.

On Sunday over £500 was raised for our nominated charity ‘Accessible Boating’.

Thank you all who took part, and we look forward to seeing you all (and more) at the 20th Basingstoke Canal Challenge in 2011 - provisionally arranged for 25th September 2011.

LAST MONTH FOR CAMPSITE SUGGESTIONSIn NEXT MONTHS issue of HSN we are planning a big feature on places to take your Cubs, Scouts and Explorers Camping. So contact us with your recommended camp sites in Hampshire and beyond. If your HQ can be used for Sleepovers or Pack holidays let us know so we can let others know and the same goes for activity centres, farmers fields and anywhere else you think is ace.

Thanks very much to those of you who have sent in suggestions. We haven’t had that many and some people have suggested that you can’t be bothered or you don’t go anywhere interesting with your Scouts. I refuse to believe that you don’t care and I know you go to exciting campsites because the last few issues have been full of your camping experiences. I reckon the real reason that so few of you have ventured ideas is that you don’t want to let anyone know of those special places that are your secrets.

So I am reduced to begging. Please please please let us all in on the secret. After all a Scout is to be trusted and we won’t tell anyone else will we?

Send your suggestions to me at:[email protected]

PULLING REGATTA 2011RESULTSClass A Single Kayak Under 12½1st 9th Lymington Keaton Leyland JonesClass B Single Kayak Under 141st 4th Eling Tom CullyClass F Double Kayak Under 12½1st 1st Sandleheath Brendan Miller Lucy WatermanClass G Double Kayak Under 141st 1st Sandleheath Lee Deakin Daniel Poyntz-WrightClass K Canoe Under 12½1st 1st Sandleheath Brendan Miller Lucy WatermanClass L Canoe Under 141st 4th Eling Gregory Cole Michael BrackstoneClass P Dinghy Pulling Under 12½1st 1st Sandleheath Harris Harden Brendan Miller

Lucy Waterman Oliver Rea Joe Madgewick1st 2nd Fareham A Day T Edge

J Prescott C Gooch C watsonClass Q Dinghy Pulling Under 141st 2nd Fareham K Grady L Aldritch

M WiseClass C Single Kayak Under 161st 9th Lymington Luke MartinClass D Single Kayak Under 181st Relentless Dan AdamsClass H Double Kayak Under 161st Sea Dragon R Johnson C Rumbles

Sea Dragon R Vine J CochranClass I Double Kayak Under 181st Atlantis Steven Cook Josh FramptonClass M Canoe Under 161st 9th Lymington Joe Bullen Harry LaneClass N Canoe Under 181st Sea Dragon N Cole H Haden BrownClass R Explorer Scout Gig Pulling1st Sea Dragon C Rumbles R Lippiatt

K Letts D Moore J Feltham1st Sea Dragon W Tongs-

KetteringhamA Holt

M Butler L Rugg B Davis

Scout Small Groups1st 1st Sandleheath

Scout Overall1st 1st Sandleheath

Explorer Scout Overall1st 9th Lymington


You might be led to believe it does, if you listened to some of the stories at the National Reception for Queen’s Scouts, held in the Science Museum on 2 October.

In six sessions spread through the day, the Chief Commissioner, Wayne Bulpitt, presented each of the 160 Scouts with a certificate bearing a message from The Queen. It was humbling to listen to the stories from each of the young persons, as they spoke about the activities they had completed to win the award. Wayne later said,” It’s no surprise that Her Majesty describes them as the ‘most worthy members of the Scouting Movement’. They certainly inspire me to try to ensure that we offer all young people the same opportunities.”

Fourteen Scouts from Hampshire were among those who received congratulations from Wayne on the day, telling stories of trips to Nepal, Norway and even sailing on the Atlantic; almost all seemed to involve long hours in the rain. Hours and hours of voluntary service had been accumulated by the group and skills ranging from guitar playing to driving had been acquired. All spoke of the dedication of the many volunteers who helped them, of the fantastic teamwork they had enjoyed and of friendships made. It was good to hear

that so many were now taking up roles as leaders in the Movement.

For many the highlight was when Bear Grylls joined the recipients at lunch time, congratulating each individually as their guests looked on or recorded the moment. It was a little unnerving to see Scouts in immaculate full uniform at every turn in the Science Museum; I felt sorry for the troop on a visit who must have wondered what was going on!

Those attending were:Clare Bandy SSAGO SouthamptonChristian Burkert Eastleigh NorthCatherine Penn SSAGO SouthamptonJames Lewis Eastleigh SteamersRichard Savage Sandleheath NFWJoshua Appleby BramshillCharlotte Jones Eastleigh SteamersGemma Addison PurbrookJoseph Birch Gosport SharksFlic Wright Pegasus NFNKatherine Hickson WinchesterKirsty Beckett SSAGO SouthamptonStephen Roe SSAGO SouthamptonAndrew Burnley SSAGO Southampton

Bear congratulates Richard Savage

In any Insurance rules must be followed. Therefore if POR is not followed and the leader does not make a Risk Assessment or has not passed the training for that Activity and there is not a qualified instructor or leader at the event, if there is an incident then Insurers will not pay out.

The same applies to scout/cub/or beaver and an example was a few years ago, when during a camp some Scouts did not follow the Leaders instruction. A car was damaged in an accident between the Scout’s bike and the car. There was no injury fortunately but the car owner tried to claim from the Group. Scout Insurance Services refused to pay the claim as the scouts had not followed the leader’s instructions and hence the responsibility was passed back to the parents to pay up, as it was considered that they were acting outside the camp. Again recently a leader’s car was damaged in a Scout HQ car park by a group of scouts playing football. The game was taking place after the meeting. Therefore Scout Insurance Services refused to pay.

It is the leader’s responsibility to make certain they are following POR, and that the scouts know their responsibilities.

VICTORY IN VICTORIA DAY PARADEOn the 4th September the 14th Aldershot Scout Group entered the Aldershot Victoria Day parade.

The Scout section had worked on building the float during the week leading up to the parade and we put the finishing touches to it outside the Princes Hall on the Saturday morning.We had representatives from all 3 sections carrying their flags in front of the float.

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts “camped” on the float and walked alongside, giving out sweets to the children and collecting money along the way.

At the end of the parade we were pleased to hear that we had won the prize for Best in Parade, and on top of that we raised £85 for Group funds. The leaders were really pleased that so many of the young people turned out and want to say well done for their effort.”

By Martyn Rose

Recently there has been much discussion regarding the responsibilities of leaders and the implications if regrettably there is an incident. What if it is discovered that the leader did not follow POR, and what if the scout/cub or beaver did not follow the leader’s instructions. Question are they covered by Scout members Insurance?Regrettably the answer is no, they are not covered.


ADULT TRAINING NEWSWell done to the 22 leaders who attended the Residential Module Weekend at Ferny Crofts over the weekend and undertook Modules 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 & 18. There was a great atmosphere and some great learning. Also well done to the 11 leaders and commissioners who undertook Modules 21 & 23 on Saturday at Eastleigh, plus the leaders who attended Modules 5 & 7

If then, there is an incident Insurance claims will be met.

There has also been discussion that Members Insurance is not sufficient if unfortunately a leader has been injured and is off work for any length of time. Usually a responsible employer will cover an employee for a length of time, written into the contract. This has been achieved very reasonably recently by HCSC for its employees. If the leader is self employed there is Self Employed Insurance which can be taken out through the well known Insurers, or leaders are able to take out extra cover through Scout Insurance Services at £7.00 per unit simply for Scout Activities or £25 per unit for 24 hour cover whether scout or otherwise.

Finally Event Insurance which I know is a thorny subject. Group/District/even County at times arrange an event which could be rained off or other reason cancelled. If it is simply returning fees OK. But what happens if you are hiring equipment or for the younger ones ‘bouncy castles’ for instance, or if an event is arranged at a theme park, then there could be cancellation fees to pay and these could be expensive. Event Insurance through Scout Insurance Services will cover and should be taken out.

on Sunday. Thank you & well done also to the course directors and trainers who enabled these training modules. What with the two Regional Development Days, and the above, there was a lot of learning for Hampshire people over the 9/10th October 2010.

SAFEGUARDING WORKSHOPSWe are delighted to announce that the following dates for safeguarding Workshops: Saturday 20th November 2010 at Lyndhurst Scout HQ, 10.00 - 12.30 pm Note 9.30 pm arrival for tea/coffee. (pm session to be run if numbers require it) Tuesday evening 9th December 2010 at Hilsea Scout HQ, 7.30 - 10.00 pm (7.00 pm for tea/coffee) Sunday 30th January 2011 at Lyndhurst Scout HQ, 10.00 - 12.30 pm Note 9.30 pm arrival for tea/coffee. (pm session to be run if numbers require it) Further dates/locations will be alternated monthly throughout the County during 2011.

NEWS WANTEDSending a press release out? Please include us in your email. Got a good news item? Please send it to us for inclusion.

Deadline: 20th of each month to:[email protected] County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Rd, Beaulieu, Hampshire, SO42 7YQ Tel: 02380 847847

Hampshire Scouts


am/pm Mod.No. Module name AreaJanSat 22 am 9 Working with Adults South East pm 8 Skills of Leadership

25 am 25 Assessing Learning CentralSun 23 am 12 Providing a Balanced Programme North

pm 11 Administration (Leaders)Sat 29 am 17 Activities Out of Doors South West pm 18 Practical SkillsSat 29 am/pm 25 Assessing Learning CentralSun 30 am 37 Advising on Adult Appointments North

FebSat 5 am 15 Challenging Behaviour South West

am 14 Young People Todaypm 19 International

Sun 6 am 13 Growing the Movement (Leaders) South EastTues. 8 eve 16 Introduction to Residential Experiences NorthSat 12 am/pm 21 Growing the Movement (Managers) Central

pm 23 Safety for Managers & Supporters Sun 13 am 5 Fundamental Values South East

pm 7 Valuing Diversity

MarSat 5 am 11 Administration (Leaders) South West

pm 12 Balanced ProgrammeSun 6 am 9 Working with Adults North

pm 8 Skills of LeadershipSat 12 am 20 Administration (Managers) Central pm 22 Section SupportSat 19 am 37 Advising on Adult Appointments CentralSun 20 am 23 Safety for Managers & Supporters CentralSat 26 am 5/7/8 Residential Weekend (Modules) FCroftsSun 27 am 9/12/16 Residential Weekend (Modules) FCrofts

AprSun 3 am/pm 25 Assessing Learning Central

MayFri 6 evening 16 Introduction to Residential Experiences FCroftsSat/Sun 7/8 w'end 38 Skills for Residential Experiences FCrofts

Sat 14 am 15 Challenging Behaviour Northam 14 Young People Todaypm 19 International

Sun 15 am 24 Managing Adults CentralSat 21 am 13 Growing the Movement (Leaders) NorthSun 22 am 17 Activities Out of Doors South East pm 18 Practical Skills

JunSun 19 am 5 Fundamental Values North

pm 7 Valuing Diversity

JulSat 2 am 30 Supporting Local Training CentralSun 3 am 37 Advising on Adult Appointments Central

SepSat 3 am 12 Providing a Balanced Programme South East pm 11 Administration (Leaders)Sat 17 am 25 Assessing Learning CentralSun 18 am 13 Growing the Movement (Leaders) South WestSat 24 am 15 Challenging Behaviour South East

am 14 Young People Today pm 19 InternationalSun 25 am 23 Safety for Managers & Supporters Central

OctSat 1 w'end 11/13/14 Residential Weekend (Modules) FCroftsSun 2 w'end 15/17/18 Residential Weekend (Modules) FCroftsSat 8 am/pm 21 Growing the Movement (Managers) CentralSun 9 am 5 Fundamental Values South West

pm 7 Valuing DiversitySat 15 am 16 Introduction to Residential

ExperiencesSouth East

NovSat 5 am 9 Working with Adults South West pm 8 Skills of LeadershipSun 6 am 25 Assessing Learning CentralSat 12 am 22 Section support Central pm 20 Administration (Managers)Sun 13 am 17 Activities Out of Doors North am 18 Practical SkillsSat 19 am 24 Managing Adults CentralSat 26 am 37 Advising on Adult Appointments Central

VERY ACTIVE SUPPORT!What have Fellowships and AS units been up to around the County?

Rotherfield. Helped with Cub Aqua Scramble and were judges at District Cooking Competition.

Southampton Helped with Swimming Gala, Cross Country, presentation evening at King Edward’s College, held monthly lunch, and will be involved in Beaver Christingle Service and Cub Carol service.

Petersfield Judged Cub Scrapheap Challenge, preparing for District Carol service and Pinewood Derby. Acting manager has been accepted but not yet finally appointed. Recent meeting included Circle Eight Film show.

Portsmouth Had run Cross-Country for Cubs and Scouts and will be running Swimming Gala, chess and Draughts in future.

Blackwater Ran the District Sports Day, a Swimming gala, a CSA presentation and the Cub night hike.

Waterlooville Held a BBQ and a Skittles evening and organised a Hike-away to Andover . It was also reported that proceeds from the District Scout Shop had been donated to the Jamboree Fund.

Basingstoke West Fellowship had held a BBQ, supported Beaver CSA, Cub Orienteering and Cub Handicraft event. Future events include Skittles, Remembrance Day Service, Scout Cooking Competition, Cub Candlelight Service, Beaver Carol Service and SAS Christmas Party.

Chandlers Ford Supported a Group jumble Sale, organised a CSA presentation, and are preparing for a Christmas Carol event and their annual Dinner.

Fareham Helped at 1st Fareham Cooking Competition and continued to undertake duties at Scout Shop and local Camp site, held a Skittles Evening and cooked breakfasts following a Scout overnight hike. Plans are under way for a Transition Dinner in November. All members hold Module 1 Training.

New Forest North Became SAS unit in August, ran a Cake stall, helped out at Soapbox Derby and at Explorer Car Wash. And had a Skittles Evening. Future events include Scrapheap Challenge, Swimming Gala, Stag’s Head Trophy, an all day activity for Scouts in the Forest and Module 1 validation.


We had a really good meeting last month and a very moving service for our last one under the Fellowship banner. 28 names were added to the Roll making 202 in the book altogether. A second volume will be started for next year. It was decided at the meeting that we would like to be known as Scout Active Support Hampshire (SASH) so if you see notes referring to SASH you know what it is all about. I am currently working on the minutes of the meeting and will get them out as soon as possible. Some wit suggested we be Scout Leader Active Support Hampshire but that was rejected for some reason!

BADGES UPDATERichard showed the meeting the remounted collection of District badges at the last Fellowship meeting, which is now complete, with ALL past and present badges in the display. Hopefully it will not go missing again!

Heritage will be doing a display at iSCOUT2 on 21st November at Thornden School, Chandlers Ford. ALL scouters in Hampshire are invited to this.

Heritage are also hosting an OPEN DAY on Sunday April 17th 2011 (Palm Sunday) at 13th Hedge End Scout HQ when there will also be a gathering of the International Badgers Club who will be swapping and selling Scout and Guide badges from all over the world. It is a great opportunity to bring along young people and introduce them to collecting badges and even making a camp blanket if they do not have one. Further details and reminders will be in Jan–March issues of HSN. Please feel free to come along.

Richard also thanked those who had handed in badges to update district events pages in the County Files and more were coming in. Not sure how we get them from districts who do not have SASH. He also showed the Tablecloth that Sheila Dear had added the badges to for

the Camps and Rallies that Fellowships had attended.

Richard had gone through the badges that the family of “Shep” Shepperd (Basingstoke West) had donated at the service in his memory and had found the Region 3 badge for the Isle of Wight in 1995. Joan & Mike Hughes had gone home and found further badges for the Fellowship camps we have had. When Richard has the full list, we will send it out and will also put the info and pictures into a Fellowship scrap-book. Any further items and photographs, preferably labelled, would be most welcome. This follows the items donated by Ron Jacobs (City of Portsmouth) after our June meeting. Any photos and write-ups concerning Fellowship during its lifetime will all be welcome

MEETINGSNext meeting and the first as SASH:Sunday January 16th 2011 2.30pm Copythorne (NFN) – hosted by Kaira Konko (First SASH meet!)

Further meetings in 2011 June 5th 2011 WinchesterOctober 16th 2011 Chandler’s Ford January 15th 2012 TBA

GONE HOMEBy Steve Alcock

It is with great sadness Meon Valley District has to inform the County of the passing of one of the District’s and County’s great supporters, Mrs Joan Cornell, last week.

Joan, and her late husband John, were Scouters in Oxfordshire and Hampshire for many years, including stints with 33rd Oxford [Kidlington] and latterly Meon Valley District as avid Fellowship members and in Joan’s case, District Badge Secretary.

At County level, they were heavily involved in HSX from their early days in the County, and travelled to Papua New Guinea amongst many other adventures. Joan’s [and John’s] love of the movement also extended to naming their house ‘’Youlbury’’ after the Oxfordshire County camp site where they trained for their wood badges.

Joan will be sadly missed, not only by her family, but by her many Scouting friends in both Oxfordshire, Hampshire, and across the Scouting World.

Bookings and Information on 02380 845092

THE BURSARYBy Rob, Jack, Dan and Tom

The Bursary is a personal development course where we as Bursars improve and better ourselves. We work 2 days for Ferny Crofts a week, in return we get 3 Bursary days where (within reason) we can do what we want as long as we prove that it will develop and aid us in our goals for the Bursary.

Our aims for the Bursary are to firstly, gain qualifications in the outdoor industry. Secondly, to ensure that at the end of the bursary we are employable to the other centres in the UK. Thirdly, to explore the UK. Finally, to improve personal skills and group skills that will help us in the future.

So far we have undertaken trips to Portland where we did some sports climbing and some bouldering in the evenings we struggled with the weather and the issues of camping on Portland which it turns out there isn’t any! The next trip was to Tunbridge Wells to climb at Harrisons rock a natural sand stone rock outcrop which runs for about half a mile. All of this climbing was top rope as climbing protection would have damaged the sandstone. This gave us good experiences of using rigging rope and setting up top anchors. We then had a larger trip to North Wales where we climbing Tryfan gylder fach glyder fwar and Y gwan over 2 walking days.

The latest trip was London where we firstly toured about the big sights and landmarks also stopping off at the Natural History Museum to prove to one of our members that dinosaurs are real he is still sceptical! The next day we travelled around the climbing centres in London





DEVELOPMENTGood luck to Eastleigh District for their recruitment and development campaign, launched to Groups last Monday and going public over the coming weeks. It’s a great joined up campaign - including leaflets in local newspapers, a publicity campaign on the high street, and welcome events for new volunteers.

REGIONAL MEETINGSMany thanks to all the DCs, GSLs and County team members who spent a day over the weekend in Berkshire meeting with similar people from around the South East of England, hearing about new initiatives such as the Vision 2018, and discussing topics ranging from new activity rules to building partnerships between GSLs and DCs

Congratulations......to the County Explorer Team on the largest Young Leaders course so far

...to 6th Fleet on their 20th anniversary and a great Activity Day

...to Eureka Jamboree Unit and leaders on surviving a very wet weekend’s training camp at Ferny Crofts

...to Blackwater Valley District on a packed AGM and busy social afterwards.

HELP BAG PACK FOR DRINKABLE WATER Since 2000 Scouts in Hampshire have worked hard to raise money to create spring wells in our “partner” district of Masindi in Western Uganda. So far we have sent out enough money for 14 wells to be constructed and have provided clean, safe drinking water for thousands of Ugandans.

The local Scouts supervise the construction and maintenance of the wells in the villages, and they are always proud to show our Scouts how well they are looking after the wells when we take groups to camp in Uganda.

Unfortunately there are still several villages without any source of clean drinking water, and after seeing the horrible muddy puddles from which many people have to draw their water, the Hampshire Scouts are always very keen to work hard to create more wells for our brothers and sisters there.

We have the opportunity to raise money for more wells by packing bags for the customers in the food section of Marks and Spencer at Sandhurst on Saturday 18th December and should really love to cover all the tills for the whole day, as Christmas shoppers tend to

and Shoreditch boulders. Our plans for the future are to trips to North Wales, Portland, Mid Wales and Scotland to bag us some Munros before the year is out.

be generous. Can you help us?

Please contact Margaret Ellis on 01252 409169 or [email protected] if you would like to join us there.


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23rd - 30th July

Hampshire Scoutsthe adventure goes on . . .

For Section Leaders

Sunday 21st November 10am-3pm

Get more ideas for your Section programme, hear from Tim Kidd (Chief

Commissioner for England), find out what direction the County is

taking, hear about recent and future international expeditions, meet

with and share ideas with leaders from other Groups, meet members of

the County Team and find out how to improve your own skills.

Buy lunch from the Hampshire Jamboree Units or bring your own.

No uniform required.

i.scout two

Thornden School Hall,

Winchester Rd.

Chandlers Ford,

SO53 2DW

Booking form at:



[email protected]

Phone02380 847847

Photo Courtesy of Hillary Farrow and Paul Martin

Booking form
