hugh tollyfield, miod higher education funding council for england special adviser, employer...

Leitch Follow-up Event Friday 15 February

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Hugh Tollyfield, MIoDHigher Education Funding Council for England

Special Adviser, Employer Engagement

Leitch Follow-up EventFriday 15 February

*Dr Marilyn Wedgewood -Report to DfES (2007)“Employer Engagement-Barriers and Facilitators”

What do we mean by aworld class workforce?

“A thinking, educatedworkforce -

working intelligently”*

Two Key UKGovernment Reports

‘Leitch’ Review

“Prosperity for allin the global

economy -World class skills”

(HM Treasury Dec 2006)

‘Sainsbury’ Review

“The Race to the TopA review of the

Government’s scienceand innovation policies”

(HM Treasury Oct 2007)

Two Strong ThemesAcross the Reports


• Strategic Engagement• Research partnerships

• Business Improvement• Knowledge exchange

• Demand Responsive• Consultancy

• Enterprise Development• Supporting spin-outs

High QualityWorkforce• Strategic Demand

• STEM and post-graduates

• Graduate Employability• Generic and vocational knowledge and skills

• Demand Responsive• CPD

• More people at HE level• Include non-graduates

UK workforce skills in a global economy

Leitch Review (Dec 2006)* “The Review has concluded that the UK must commit itself to a world class skills base in order to secure prosperity and fairness in the new global economy.”

‘The Prize’– Economic Prosperity– Increased Social Justice

Driven By– Increased productivity– Improved employment

*HM Treasury, Final Report of the Leitch Review of Skills (December 2006) “Prosperity for all in the global economy – world class skills”

Leitch Review – Ambitions for 2020

Working age adults in 2020:

– 95% to be functionally literate & numerate (2005 base - 85% and 79%)

– 90% or more qualified to at least Level 2(2005 base - 69%)

– Shifting the balance of intermediate skills from Level 2 to Level 3 with 1.9 million more people achieving Level 3 by 2020

– 40% or qualified to at least Level 4 (2005 base - 29%)

Sustainable growth in GDP per head/per hour


(Output per worker)


(Adult economic activity)

Productivity Drivers

Enterprise Skills Competition InvestmentInnovation

The Drivers of Productivity

Moving Ahead

Comprehensive implementation plan*:– UK Commission for Employment and Skills– Sector Skills Councils– Vocational Qualifications– Diplomas– Apprenticeships– Train To Gain – The Skills Pledge– Universal adult careers service– New Legislation

*Cmn 7181(July 2007) DIUS “World Class Skills: Implementing Leitch Review of skills in England”

The Leitch challenge for HE“World class high skills, exceeding 40% of the adult population qualified to Level 4 and above.” (By 2020)

• Everyone of working age

• Shared responsibility for funding – employers, individuals and Government

• Focus on economically valuable skills

• Demand-led rather than centrally planned

• Adaptive and responsive to market needs

• Building on existing structures.

The economic contribution of HEUK HE is worth £45 billion to the economy on a public investment of £15 billion.

Income in 2005-06 from:

• Collaborative research - £440m

• Contract research - £555m

• Consultancy - £200m

• CPD - £335m

And mainstream HE already a major supplier of an economically valuable workforce.

Where the focus of HE is critical:

More than 11 million adults in work, most of whom won’t progress to HE unless we innovate, gain the commitment and investment of employers, and take HE into the workplace.

* Working Age ‘000s

Level 4+


Level 3


Level 2


UK 34,306 30.0% 19.5% 20.5%

Eng. 28,752 29.9% 19.3% 20.4%

*DIUS Labour Force Survey 2006,Q4 – Working age adults 19 to 59/64

• SSC collaborative projects, including Cogent, Summit, GO Skills, LLUK Skillsmart and others;

• Joint projects with major employers across the range of skills and qualification levels;

• Development of employer-led consortia, including rail, utilities, aircraft maintenance and bio-pharmacy;

• Partnership with British Chambers of Commerce – now 8 SME focused projects;

• Innovation in accreditation of in-house training and qualification frameworks

FDs have led the way in employer collaboration with HE:

Meeting the challenge:

Growing the new market of employer co-funded provision for people in work who may otherwise never experience HE through:

• Part-time and short course accredited modules/units

• APEL, progression and credit accumulation

• Validation of employer in-house training and shared delivery with employers

• Innovation in teaching and learning delivery.

We shall be spending more than £100m on a programme of action research: to test employer market for higher skills, increase employer investment and building the HE response to supplying it; together with building new capacity and capability in the HE sector.

“HE transforming workforce development” Programme 2008-11:

Our goals for 2008-11

• 20,000 extra entrants to HE based workforce development in 2010-11, backed by strong employer investment alongside public funding (5,000 in 2008-09 and 10,000 in 2009-10)

• Transformational development of the HE sector aiming for a third or more of English HE providers involved in shared investment workforce development with employers

• Increase Foundation Degree enrolments to at least 100,000 by 2010

• A new funding process to support future growth

Co-funding…In return for innovative, flexible, customised provision which responds to business and workforce needs - we ask employers to pay towards the cost:

– Not the full cost. HEFCE will contribute half of what it would normally pay for a mainstream funded learner;

– Therefore an employer only pays only the difference between the amount of the HEFCE funding and the HE provider’s price for a learner on that provision;

– An HE provider delivering employer co-funded provision should develop a sustainable cost/price model which will at least cover its costs through the combination of employer and HEFCE funding contributions.

How might employers pay?

• Contribution towards capital and recurrent costs of provision (e.g. shared funding of joint venture operation);– Or cost sharing through agreed division of teaching, supervision,

assessment and premises between provider and employer• Pay agreed price ‘per employee’ or ‘per course’;• Contributions/payments in cash or in kind or a

combination of both;• Other possibilities not listed here

The over-riding principle will be one of sustainability. HE providers will be expected to develop sustainable cost/price models for employer focused provision which do not require the continued input of development funding in order to survive.

HEFCE Funding 2008-11Employer Engagement Fund• At least £105m over 3 years• Operated outside mainstream funding arrangements• Ring-fenced within our Strategic Development Fund• Two components

Employer Engagement Capacity Fund• Contributes towards a provider’s set-up and early stage

fixed costs associated with an employer engagement transformational project

Employer co-funded provision fund• Fixed - funding for a core of provision • Variable - easy access to funds to meet higher demand

HEFCE Development Funded projects - breaking new ground – the first steps

• Coventry University– Organisational development inside major national

and international organisations

• University of Hertfordshire– Creating the “Business Facing University”

• London South Bank University– Central employer engagement unit brings together

all employer an business services in one place

• Salford University– Transformational programme, creating a university-

wide workplace learning infrastructure for business

HEFCE Development Funded projects - breaking new ground – the next steps

• University of Leicester– Integration of workforce and organisational development for medium

and large enterprises, through responsive and flexible provision• University of Derby

– “UoD Corporate” offers comprehensive business improvement, customised skills development and lifelong learning services

• De Montfort University– Enabling SMEs to grow and prosper through customised knowledge and

skills packages• Thames Valley University

– Onsite workforce development for companies on three of the most economically active business/industry parks in the UK

• University of Bradford– A progressive programme to create learning organisations in the public

and private sectors