i a l s acfs wa newsletter · australia china friendship society wa page 2 issue 2 april 2017 acfs...

PRESIDENT’S WELCOME Nancy Chen, ACFS WA President Welcome everyone to the new Committee year following our Annual General Meeting on 18th March and enjoyable Chinese New Year of Rooster festivities celebrated during February ! Members at the Annual General Meeting received the President’s Report outlining the Society’s activities throughout 2016. I hope you may enjoy this condensed version: PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO AGM “I wish to acknowledge the significant contributions made by your committee over the past year. In May 2016 we welcomed the newly appointed Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Mr Lei Kezhong and his wife, Mrs Xing Chao. We invited the consular staff and our members to an informal barbecue. We repeated the process in December with a riverside picnic on the Swan River which Consul General Mr Lei said in his speech “should be held more often”. In September we held an afternoon event for members to hear our Secretary Lynda Nutter present, together with a colleague, their findings relating to Chinese astronomical observations made in the 13th century from a site in the hills near the current day Perth. They later made a presentation to a scientific symposium in China. Other events organised for members include a Dim Sum morning function at the Applecross Chinese Restaurant, a table tennis competition, and the Chinese New Year celebration held with the involvement of the Confucius Institute and the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association at the Royal Seafood Restaurant in Northbridge. Representing ACFS WA, I attended in May a forum of Chinese leaders in Perth sponsored by the Consul General at the Consulate. Since the AGM in 2016 our membership grew to 87 with 23 in addition to still renew their membership for the calendar year 2017. We have initiated a membership card for financial members which is sent on renewal. Our newsletter is published quarterly and I thank the committee members responsible for the production of this important communication medium. The presentation of achievement awards to students of Chinese language who are nominated by their schools has been maintained. The students receive a certificate acknowledging their achievement and an ITune card as a material gift. The awards are presented by an ACFS member at all the schools involved. We thank Anne Tumak very much for the design and printing of the certificates. Roz Hanley is our Director on the National body, ACFS Ltd, and she has maintained the information flow between ACFS National and our state ACFS WA. Last year she attended the National Conference in Hobart supported by Anne Tumak, Ray Moss and I. Everything we do in the ACFS WA we do to the best of our ability, in order to provide opportunities for our members and for the Society’s aim of promoting the friendship between Australia and China. Australia China Friendship Society WA Page 1 ISSUE 2 April 2017 ACFS WA Newsletter Australia China Friendship Society Western Australia 澳澳中友好协会 OUR AIMS To promote friendship and understanding between the peoples of Australia and China. To provide assistance to social welfare and educa@on projects in The People's Republic of China. A u s t r a l i a C h i n a F r i e n d s h i p S o c i e t y CONTENTS 2. ACFS WA AGM 18 March 2017 Upcoming events Commemorative Book 3. Poetry at AGM 4. 2017 Perth Chinese New Year Festival 5. Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner 6. Farewell Lindsay White 10. ACFS Tour 11. Vale Tai Chi Grandmaster FU Sheng Yuan 12. New Members 12. Contact details / Membership form

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Page 1: i a l S ACFS WA Newsletter · Australia China Friendship Society WA Page 2 ISSUE 2 April 2017 ACFS WA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 18 MARCH 2017 Election of Officer Bearers Nancy Chen

PRESIDENT’S WELCOMENancy Chen, ACFS WA President Welcome everyone to the new Committee year following our Annual General Meeting on 18th March and enjoyable Chinese New Year of Rooster festivities celebrated during February !

Members at the Annual General Meeting received the President’s Report outlining the Society’s activities throughout 2016. I hope you may enjoy this condensed version:

PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO AGM “I wish to acknowledge the significant contributions made by your committee over the past year. In May 2016 we welcomed the newly appointed Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Mr Lei Kezhong and his wife, Mrs Xing Chao. We invited the consular staff and our members to an informal barbecue.  We repeated the process in December with a riverside picnic on the Swan River which Consul General Mr Lei said in his speech “should be held more often”. In September we held an afternoon event for members to hear our Secretary Lynda Nutter present,  together with a colleague,  their findings relating to Chinese astronomical observations made in the 13th century from a site in the hills near the current day Perth.  They later made a presentation to a scientific symposium in China. Other events organised for members include a Dim Sum morning function at the Applecross Chinese Restaurant, a table tennis competition, and  the Chinese New Year celebration held with the involvement of the Confucius Institute and the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association at the Royal Seafood Restaurant in Northbridge.

Representing ACFS WA,  I attended in May a forum of Chinese leaders in Perth sponsored by the Consul General at the Consulate. 

 Since the AGM in 2016 our membership grew to 87 with 23 in addition to still renew their membership for the calendar year 2017.  We have initiated a membership card for financial members which is sent on renewal. Our newsletter is published quarterly and I thank the committee members responsible for the production of this important communication medium. The presentation of achievement awards to students of Chinese language who are nominated by their schools has been maintained.  The students receive a certificate acknowledging their achievement and an ITune card as a material gift.  The awards are presented by an ACFS member at all the schools involved. We thank Anne Tumak very much for the design and printing of the certificates.  Roz Hanley is our Director on the National body, ACFS Ltd, and she has maintained the information flow between ACFS National and our state ACFS WA. Last year she attended the National Conference in Hobart supported by Anne Tumak, Ray Moss and I.

Everything we do in the ACFS WA we do to the best of our ability, in order to provide opportunities for our members and for the Society’s aim of promoting the friendship between Australia and China.

Australia China Friendship Society WA Page �1 ISSUE 2 April 2017

ACFS WA Newsletter Australia China Friendship Society Western Australia






CONTENTS2. ACFS WA AGM 18 March 2017 Upcoming events Commemorative Book3. Poetry at AGM4. 2017 Perth Chinese New Year Festival5. Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner6. Farewell Lindsay White10. ACFS Tour11. Vale Tai Chi Grandmaster FU Sheng Yuan12. New Members12. Contact details / Membership form

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Introducing two newest Committee members:

Dr Shane Greive is an academic with the School of Built Environment at Curtin University. Shane’s involvement with China began in 1980, when his parents through Rotary invited two young Chinese men (17 Years) to stay with the family for several months over the course of a year. Shane taught English in at the Academy of Science, Shanghai in 1985. The Master’s thesis completed at the University of London, examined the impact of foreign trade and investment on China’s coastal cities. Nowadays he is pleased to offer a supportive environment for the Chinese students in the urban planning course he teaches. (Photo: 3rd left)

Ying Li is a gymnast and a graduate of the Beijing Sports University. He established the Ying Li International Gymnastic Academy in 1993 and it is now a well-established and successful business. Ying Li is semi-retired and enjoys his frequent visits to his home town Beijing. He is happy to be part of the ACFS committee and contribute towards the promotion of friendship between the people of China and Australia and the exchange projects with China. (Photo: 4th left)

The new 2017 Committee conveys very warm Friendship greetings to all ACFS WA members.

Social events being planned include:

“Meet the new Committee” BBQ

Members and Friends Yum ChaFlyers to follow

Commemorative BookSince the AGM, a working group has started planning a commemorative book covering the history and current activities of ACFS WA. Kok Foo Chang has been appointed Chair, David Kininmonth is Secretary with special editorial advice from visiting Chinese scholar, Dr Zhiyuan Wu. The inaugural meeting on 15 April welcomed valuable input from long standing members Anne Greive and Dr Neville Green. Ongoing meetings are being established to contact and seek other ACFS members for their contributions. Call for past Newsletters. While some ACFS WA newsletters are held at the State Library of WA through legal deposit, there are still some gaps in the collection. If you would like to donate any spare copies, please email [email protected] to arrange further.

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Election of Officer BearersNancy Chen was re-elected for her second term as President. The two new Vice Presidents are Rosalind (Roz) Hanley and Arnold van Son. Lynda Nutter was returned as Secretary and Yafei Luo as Treasurer.

Renominating from last year’s committee were Zoe Kai, Chance Zhang, Garath Mouncey, Teresa Moy, Thee Jee Pui and Kok Foo Chang. They are joined by two newly elected Committee members: Shane Greive and Ying Li.

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Professor Glen Phillips,  a Western Australian and a long-time observer and participant in all things Chinese gave a novel presentation at the March AGM. His offering was a selection from poetry that he has written over 30 years on Chinese themes.  He has amassed a total of 148 poems and they fill two volumes all of which have been translated into the Chinese language.

Professor Phillips was aided by Ms Huifen Jin (Jennifer) who presented the same readings in Chinese.  This was an appreciated bonus for Chinese-speaking members in the audience.

We thank Professor Phillips and Ms Huifen Jin for the immersive literary journey into China and the beautiful poetry book Other Sides of the Coin gifted to the Society for members to further enjoy. 

Lasting gift to ACFS WA from Professor Phillips, received with delight by Nancy Chen, ACFS WA President.

One of the exquisite poems recited to the captivated AGM audience was South China Signature, which we present here by kind courtesy of Professor Phillips to share with members. The poem’s written translation was undertaken by Hongbo Du, who also provided the beautiful photographic images for the poetry book Other Sides of the Coin.


A pond. It was calmly green in the shadow of giant trees and shuddering under a sudden storm when clouds poured across Bai Yun Shan.

Now the thunder retreats but green stains to yellow as the torrent courses down the hillside path and mirror-whites this tempest’s muddy signature on the clam green page.

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Roz Hanley

This year, the WA State Government funded an extensive program of activities to welcome the Year of the Fire Rooster. 2017 is also the 30th anniversary of Sister State relationship between WA and Zhejiang Province in China. This special relationship has provided opportunities for successful cooperation in trade, agriculture, education projects, and health.

The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) had the task of recruiting volunteers to assist at the Year of the Rooster Festival. Three ACFS members - Brunhilde Prince, Carrie Chen and myself were pleased to offer our services and this provided excellent opportunities for networking with other Chinese organisations and members of the public who attended the activities.

The Festival held a successful launch on 28th January at Elizabeth Quay. The program included lion dances and opening speeches by then Premier Colin Barnett and Minister for Multicultural Interests, Dr Mike Nahan. Chinese Consul General Mr Lei Kezhong wished everyone present a very Happy Year of the Rooster and presented some beautiful red Chinese lanterns as gifts for display at the Festival.

The program of celebrations included the annual Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge. The State Library held children’s activities focused on the Chinese zodiac and at the GPO Building in Forrest Place, lights and music were used to tell the story of the Chinese zodiac. At Elizabeth Quay, the entertainment program consisted of traditional dancing, singing, Chinese music, and tai chi, with

a Chinese Zodiac animal display and craft activities to entertain children. At this venue, the highlight was the photographic exhibition “Kiss the Sun, Marry the Moon”, a collection of vintage black and white portraits of Chinese migrants taken between 1900 and 1927. Portraits of Chinese community members were also on display at this exhibition.

At Brookfield Place, a lion and dragon dancing ceremony was performed to ward off evil spirits, welcome the Year of the Rooster and bring good fortune and prosperity to restaurant and food hall proprietors. Fashion Council WA presented an exhibition of Chinese inspired fashion and design from 12 WA leading designers.

A Creative Industries Forum presented by the Department of Culture and the Arts in partnership with OMI was held at the State Theatre. This one day event gave the creative sector in Perth the opportunity to hear presenters that were experts in their craft and their China experiences. Key to their success was to build relationships and cross-cultural partnerships with the view for a long term relationship.

A Chinese Film Festival was a fitting event to conclude the Festival. I hope my brief report has informed members about this year’s inaugural Chinese New Year Festival. Volunteers to assist next year’s festival are welcome. “Gong Xi Fa Cai”.

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Consul General Mr LEI Kezhong and his wife Mrs Xing Chao with ACFS volunteers, Brunhilde, Roz and Carrie sporting festive red tee-shirts.

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CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION DINNERThe Year of the Rooster was joyously celebrated with ACFS WA members joining together with the Chinese Language Teachers Association WA (CLTAWA) and Confucius Institute UWA (CI) over a delicious banquet and festive entertainment on 9 February 2017 at Royal Seafood Chinese Restaurant, Northbridge. Guests of Honour, Deputy Consul General Mrs SUN Anlin representing the Consulate General of the PRC in Perth and Rebecca Ball, Executive Director of the Office of Multicultural Interests delivered heartwarming Chinese New Year greeting addresses to all attending. Special thanks to the Consulate General of the PRC in Perth, Director Song CI and Ms Jieqi Zhang CLTA WA for their successful contributions.

Mesmurising flute player and vocalist JI Xiang

Joyous singing by talented Confucius Institute teachers and students captivated all. RAFFLE: Special acknowledgement and thanks to Dr Wally Frick for his donation of beautiful Chinese artwork as the main raffle prize. Prize winner Shirley (left) will enjoy this gift. Thanks t o Yi n g L i ( r i g h t ) f o r d o n a t i n g C h i n e s e papercuts as raffle prizes. ACFS WA thanks sponsors Allegory Wines for fine table wines and Shanghai Tea Garden Restaurant for gift dinner vouchers.

Nancy Chen ACFS WA President, Deputy CONSUL GENERAL Mrs SUN Anlin, Ms Leona Gu President of the WA Zhejiang Business and Culture Promotion Association Inc.

Chinese Language Teachers Association WA with Tim Bamber, Principal of Oberthur Primary School (L -1st), Rebecca Ball, OMI (standing L- 3rd), Nancy Chen, ACFS WA (standing L-2nd)Director Song,CI (seated L-2nd), Jieqi Zhang President CLTA WA (seated R - 3rd).

CLTA WA organised the super CNY Quiz & fun contests.

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Farewell Lindsay White

11 January 1932 to 2 March 2017

ACFS WA pays great tribute to the late Lindsay White, a dedicated long serving member of the Society, whose passion and friendship with China and Chinese people was as infectious as his good nature to help and share with others. Lindsay recently retired from the ACFS WA Committee in 2016. During this time, Lindsay invited visiting Scholar, Mr Zhiyuan Wu (a media specialist with rural technology interests) to his beloved town of Quairading to explore and understand rural life in Western Australia. Initially published to inform Chinese readership in China and overseas, Mr Wu’s article is reprinted with an English summary by co-author Jan Zhang to reflect the cultural exchange between Chinese and Australian people, which Lindsay so actively promoted. Lindsay was passionate on fostering friendship and Chinese language learning.

Surrounded by new and old friends, Lindsay White (left 5th), Jan Zhang and Zhiyuan Wu (right)








10月26日,在澳中友好协会西澳分会(Australia ChinaFriendship SocietyofWA)副主席张如财先生的热情安排

下,我们联系到了西澳资深的农场主L indsay先生。














西澳的谷物,主要以小麦为主。他说,30年前,最高峰期,西澳大利亚一共有2500个生产小麦的农场主。而现在,只剩下400多家。 农场主数量急剧减少,原因多方面:现代农业机械的发展,加剧了农业生产的垄断,很多大农场主利用各种机会,兼并了小农场主的土地将他们排挤出去;很多农场主后代受不了乡村的寂寞,纷纷搬到城市里,放弃从事农业经营。






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处靠海边的地方养老。 半个多世纪的农场经营生涯,Lindsay总结了一句:农业是投入成本高,风险大的行业,需要有最清醒、最聪明的大脑、最强壮的身体,才能经营得下去。



农场主是60岁的Colin Stacey,18岁就开始在农场工作,






















































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Farm trip with Mr Lindsay White

Jan Zhang, Zhiyuan Wu

On a sunny day in October 2016, Mr Lindsay White, our distinguished ACFS WA member, took three of us, Mr Wu, Chance Zhang and me, to a farm near Perth for a day-long visit. When Mr Wu, a visiting scholar to Curtin University, expressed his interest on learning about Australia’s agricultural development, Lindsay, once a farm owner himself, lent a helping hand. He asked his friend Mr Colin Stacey if he could show Mr Wu around his farm in Quairading. The day was decided quickly and our warm-hearted Lindsay, at the age of 85, volunteered to be our guide, driver and company during the journey to and fro between Perth and Quairading which totalled 800 kilometres.

On the way to Quairading, there was hardly any question from Mr Wu that Lindsay did not know an answer to. When he was driving, he fed our curiosity about WA’s conditions for agriculture and the rural lifestyle. From time to time, he would point to the plants, soil and even glitter on tree leaves and said how they could foretell the weather, crop and market. During the past three decades, wheat farming has contracted seriously, said Lindsay. In the peak time, more than 2,000 farms grew wheat, forming a stark comparison with some 400 today. Lindsay believed there were two main causes. One is t h a t b i g f a r m o w n e r s h a v e i n c r e a s e d

monopolization with the aid of machines. The other, which he said should not be neglected, is that new-generation owners chose to leave and embrace the less lonely urban lifestyle.

Of course Lindsay also told us about himself. In his early years, he inherited a small farm from his father and expanded it into a 40 square kilometres. However, this story of success was nothing short of romance. When he returned to the hometown after college graduation, he found that the most beautiful girl was married to the boy who owned the biggest farm. This discovery led to his determination to acquire as many farmlands as he could. He not only reached his goal of marrying a beautiful wife, but also harvested happiness from having outstanding daughters and sons.

At the end of the trip, Lindsay commented that to run a farm business is never easy; it is costly and risky. He said the owner must meet two requirements to be successful: a clear mind and a strong body. After Mr Wu’s article on this trip was published on several newspapers and social media platforms, thousands of Chinese audience were amazed by the farming technology and business strategy employed by Australian farm owners like Colin. However, few knew that this eye-opening experience would not ever happen without Lindsay’s help. His lifelong passion towards farming and his friendship with Chinese people make him someone we will always remember. For us, he was the perfect example of a smart and strong Australian farm owner.

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Finally the “last word” from Lindsay’s grandson Lindsay Crane, who carries on his Grandad’s storytelling tradition in humorous style.

Lindsay Junior (17) is one of ACFS WA youngest members and has accompanied his Grandad and sister Samantha to many ACFS WA Christmas picnics and members events over the years. It has been a pleasure for ACFS WA friends to watch Lindsay’s grandchildren grow a yearning interest in Chinese Friendship, culture and language.

Sharing some selections from the Eulogy delivered by Lindsay Junior.


Lindsay White – that is a name you would want to be careful mentioning in a church, a police station or to the Commissioner of Taxation.

He was born Lindsay Ernest John White at Kellerberrin Hospital on 11th January 1932 at 2am; a fact he always pointed out with significant smugness. People might wonder why he constantly told them he was born at 2am; I think it was because this made him different

He went to Yoting Primary School and started school at the age of three because his mother, such a saintly woman, lied about his age. The school only needed one more child to keep running and his mother wanted an education for all her children. And this is proof that Lindz learnt to embrace, “extension of the truth” from a young age.


A good memory of Lindz was when we went camping up north and he decided he was going to show me how to “properly” make a fire.

From the time we were north of Carnarvon Lindz would actively seek out any space where he could do a “Lindz fire”. He never stopped looking.

One night we camped on Robe River, but there was not enough wood and far too many river stones.

Another night we camped near Exmouth but there were just too many people around, particularly Rangers who would not have been at all impressed with any cooking fire Lindz might light.

After several false starts he finally found what he was looking for.

We were near Millstream. Mum was driving and he told her to turn left – it didn’t matter that there was no road! So, after we turned the GPS off, which was constantly telling us to do a U’y, we headed inland. We meandered between many stakes and stumps, without any sign of life, and we stopped many miles from the road.

Lindz had found the one and only standing snake wood tree. It would have been 15 meters high with an outreach of about the same. He told mum to park away from it. We didn’t know why, all we knew was that it was 40+ degrees in the shade and Lindz got out of the car, unpacked all and took the axe, shovel and the petrol.

He then sat on his esky, gave me the shovel and told me to dig a hole about this deep and about 6 foot wide around the base of the standing tree. By this stage I was sweating. But this did not seem to faze him, as he then told mum, Samantha and I to go out and find dead wood.

He watched and waited and complained bitterly about our meagre efforts. We were not doing things at the pace he wanted nor with the quantity he desired. After all, we had only brought back the equivalent of about 1 and ½ trees.

Finally, he could not contain himself any more – he got up and brought back about 4 individual trees. And then he complained about the heat as we were still 40+ degrees in the shade.

He then gave me the axe and directed how he wanted all his precious dead wood to be arranged. It just happened to be very artfully, and concisely, arranged around the base of the only standing tree.

By this time it was twilight and the cool had started to seep in.

Lindz had judged this time as opportune.

The entire 20 litre jerry can of petrol was emptied on the wood. Then, with an extreme look of satisfaction, he struck two matches together and threw them toward the fumes.

To his amazement, he became a bit bald in the face as the flames singed his eyebrows!!!

But increased the grin.

Lindz was satisfied. This is what he called a forty-mile fire. His one regret was that there was not enough moisture to give him a cloud!

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A short time later we were forced to move the eskies and tents 20 feet at least back as they were staring to melt

Early the following morning, well after the standing tree was standing no more, we worked out that we had been camping about one mile away from the Ranger’s shack. As we looked around a bit more, we found that not only were we right next to the Ranger’s shack, we were on a water reserve which was a $50,000 fine per person for trespassing. Just to add to our consternation, we then realised that the reason our camping area was so flat and with very little rocks or stumps was because we had camped on the Royal Flying Doctor service runway!

Thinking quick absence was the better part of valour, we high tailed it out of there with Lindz gazing fondly in the rear-view mirror.

This was the last real fire he had and he never forgot it.

Mind you, I don’t know if he remembers it because it was a great fire, or, just maybe he remembered it because, once again, he was being Lindz himself and flouting all authority other than his own.

To wrap this up, every Saturday Lindz would come over for a roast – and due to his vegetarian nature and love of all that “green crap”, he would start with the roast and finish with white bread and gravy and only then, if he was still hungry would he bypass those vegies, and venture towards dessert.

During these times Linz told me all these stories, and more, and we have memories we have created together as family.

I love my grandfather because he has helped me a lot.

He agreed with me a lot and then laughed at me.

He would listen to me and then disagree with me just for his own entertainment, and then he would laugh with me.

And he taught me about how to be appropriate and when to say other things and then he would still laugh at me.

And I really love him a lot because he taught me how to extend the truth, get out of tight situations and make sure mum doesn’t kill me too much!

He taught me the true value of family and how they can make us all feel included.

INCREASE IN VISITOR NUMBERS TO WAFrom China to Perth—with love

Ray Moss Perth and WA are enjoying a giant leap in the number of visitors from mainland China and the satellites of Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. And many or most of these are parents visiting their children who are studying at local tertiary institutions. Figures just released (March 2017) show that each week we welcome over one thousand Chinese visitors.  This is up 17.4% on the previous year.  It is the largest and quickest growing segment of the visitor market. Just as UK visitors are labelled VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) we could name our Chinese visitors VWP (Very Welcome Parents) as Perth enjoys its status as an ever-growing educational hub. The more students we can accommodate the greater the number of parents who will visit.    This must be win, win,win.

ACFS WA TOURS - A New Angle on China Red sandstone landforms created more than 24 million years ago are the highlights of a 14 day tour to the Gansu Zhangye National Geo-Park south-west of Beijing. While the landscape is described as red it is in reality multi-coloured with blues and yellows competing with or complementing the ruddy hues.  Another feature is a visit to the Army Horse Farm where horses have been raised for far-reaching conflicts since 121BC. The itinerary offered by the Australia China Friendship Society is primarily designed for photographers at every level and departs all capital cities on August 31.  The cost is $3650 for ACFS members and a 4 day extension to Beijing is offered for $635.  There is an opportunity for tour members to participate in a photo contest only open to foreign visitors to Beijing.  The leader is Tower Liu, a professional photographer in China for over ten years and in Australia for over twenty years. T h e i t i n e r a r y m a y b e d o w n l o a d e d o n www.acfs.com.au and enquiries directed to Roz Hanley by email: [email protected]

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Vale TAI CHI Grandmaster FU Sheng Yuan

News of a past associate member, Tai Chi master, FU Sheng Yuan who passed away in Shanghai on 27 March 2017.

Over the years, Grandmaster FU Sheng Yuan supported ACFS WA events by providing Tai Chi demonstrations for members’ enjoyment. His son James Fu was a former Committee member of ACFS WA and participated in a Friendship Delegation to Zhejiang in 1996.

Grandmaster Fu’s Instructors provided a Tai Chi demonstration to entertain visitors during the launch of the Chinese Papercut exhibition curated by ACFS WA, Perth Town Hall 2012. Great support was received from the Chinese Consul General, Madame WANG Yiner during her term of Consular service in Perth (front row, middle).

The four principles of Diligence, Perseverance, Respect and Sincerity constitute the Academy’s motto.

Grandmaster FU Sheng Yuan and James Fu, 1993 at the home of YANG Lu Chan, Founder of Yang form Tai Chi.

Grandmaster Fu was born in Yong Nian village in 1931 in a small room adjoining the room where his father was born. After the war, Grandmaster Fu’s family were reunited in Shanghai. At the young age of 11 years, Grandmaster approached his father, Tai Chi Great Grandmaster Fu Zhong Wen to learn tai chi. Grandmaster recalls he was not forced into learning tai chi from his father, rather it was his decision to commence training, and he continued with his diligence and perseverance, and respect and sincerity right up to his passing.

In 1986 Grandmaster Fu visited Perth and commenced tai chi instruction in our city. Around the same time the Yong Nian Yang Shi Tai Chi Association of Australia commenced (later renamed to the World Yong Nian Tai Chi Federation.)

In 1989 Grandmaster Fu officially migrated to Australia with his family, and attained citizenship in 1992. In 1990 the Fu Sheng Yuan Tai Chi International Academy commenced in Perth. Grandmaster Fu especially chose to settle in Perth as a base to take his family’s traditional Yang style of tai chi into the wider world while maintaining this martial arts form in China. He worked tirelessly to teach internationally, with students and disciples in many countries, ranging from Japan, Malaysia, India to Brazil.

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ACFS WA Membership Application/Donation Form

2017 Membership year: 1st January to 31st December.Please send this slip with your remittance / EFT notification to:PO Box 62 KELMSCOTT WA 6991or Email: [email protected]


SURNAME: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

First Name/s: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Postal Address:


Post Code: ……………………… Telephone: ……………………………………………………

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Membership Subscription (Please Tick)□ Individual $30.00 □ Family $35.00 □ Associate $45.00 □ Concession$15.00 □ Family Concession $25.00 □ Corporate $55.00And/or donation to support Scholarship Fund $ ………….TOTAL…………….

• Cheque / Money Orders option: made payable to Australia-China Friendship Society WA

• EFT payment option: Commonwealth Bank BSB: 066 001 Account: 0091 4135 Please reference your EFT with Surname, plus First name initial.


It’s YOUR Newsletter!If you have anything to say this is your opportunity. ACFS Newsletter is published every three months and the next deadline is 30th June.  Just send your material to The Editorial Working Group at [email protected]  

NEW MEMBERS WELCOMEDAustralia China Friendship Society WA warmly welcomes the following new members to our Society:

Patrick Sun - Family

Phil Doyle - Family

Jian Wen Yuan - Single

Keep in touch with ACFS WA via the website: http://www.acfswa.org