i ikjj c1tii-chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-11-19/ed-1/seq-1.pdfpower was not an...

e rnSFjr1Ar OtTMTlFn tll tl101 Cloudy today and tomorrow light rain on th C03 t- rOLl LXXNO SO NEV YORK VEINESDAY J9 19O2rorr1cMw2 by Tho SI IrinUito rlluJIihinl1 I thlinn PHICE TWO s ri- I p 1 i 41 1f P4 F ikjJ c1tIi- I i NOTJ11JEIt n CENTS f FOXHALL KEENE FINED MIS HIS AVTOMOntLE COVLUXT- UK FORCED TO VIOLATE LAW Jiinlce Pins lilt Faith to Ufpntlrs and Their Stop Wntehn Mm Krrne- Hrvpali tlie l right or the Prnnni In the Auto and Aim of Ilrtty the DDK- OrfiTFB nAY Nov 18 roxhnll Keene who was arrested n wk ago on the Jericho road for Irking his automobile faster than twenty miles an hour wan fined to- to iiy by Jtiftlco Franklin Kpenn paid thn- Jlno under protest but wild that It was outrage and that ho would certainly ap- peal Mrs Keene who wa with him when he was arrested and who testified today In his defonpo also said nftr thn trial that It wan nn outrage Then added Wo will go to Kngland to Hvo There no justice here Much of tho testimony for tho defence was In French becaupo tho chauffeur avid automobile experts brought doMfl by Keeno- couldnt talk anything else Tho testi- mony of the French witnesses for the fericn was Interpreted by Fred Witrou- i lawyer for the defence Nobody seemed to object to this avid thn Judge and As- sistant Dlftrlct Attorney Stnddart didnt bother to have Mr Watrous In hi ca- pacity nn court Interpreter for hU own wltnesfos worn Franklin who U n very fine old gentleman acted at court Interpreter nnd took everything In long hand That aroused the sympathies of Mrs Koene When for the repetition of a question and the Judge had to bunt through his notes aha slid Its a shame to make that poor old man work BO hard Tlio forty or fifty persons who took a holi- day to attend the trial seemed greatly to njoy tim automobile clotheH and French lingo of tho defendants witnesses and the Keeno party wemed to get as much fun out of the clothes and testimony of tho local pollco and deputies ar- rest So all hands enjoyed tho trial ten if It did List four hours Then there were nolne features that both factions could enjoy At no time luring tho trial not own when sentence was about to he pronounced could you have heard a hog of nails drop Tlio silence wan never oppressive as It Is frequent at trial A largo family Hvos upstairs over the court- room For some reason or other none of tho children went to echool yesterday stayed at home and played tag over tho court Outsldo another crowd of children were having fun tooting tho horn In Mr- KeeneB six horsepower automobile Its got a ten horsepower horn Of Mr Keene couldnt go out and stop them be- cause he was a prisoner In the yard along- side the court houso thoro was a crowing contest with enough entries to make a poul- try yard In the rear there was a left- over washing on the Uric from the day be- fore Monday wasnt a good drying day The lines creaked and the clothe flapped in tutu pair of red flannel imder- drawere In particular was guilty of con- tempt of court all daylong First one red leg ami then another kicked at thn win- dow hAck of the Judges chair and both I gs did a Jig all through this Assistant Db- irict Attorneys closing argument for lien It come on to Mrs left her husbands Rltln u1 the long trial Thnt- as when Hetty barked Hetty Is tlm- Keenes favorite terrier She was left alone In the automobile and some native dogs without annoyed her so she barked for assistance Mrs Keeno went out a minute and returned with Hett In her arms The dog jumped over the tail anti climbed ino lap You have brought that dog In here snld the nroNooutM sternly to nroiiso lie iy of for this defend Then was tied down with 5 Keems liatilkeichief and kept under a licrili Sldn y Illossom was the first witness f r the Ha was at the tlrnt mark i lh measured eighth of a mil over which Keene wns accused of going at the rate nf- ventyfoiir miles an He testified at wheti automobile passed him he- vavcd his handkerchief to Deputy Slieril- TOirvnn who wis at the of th- neHsiired eighih wild a watcl- irpsoiii pulled out his handkerchief and showed court how he did It Ths handkerchief was undo Peoplns Inhibit A Mlissom wh has a luau cold in the head f HI In thn grnss by th roadside nn llinlooknul for sno dlni devil wagins rode I txhllilt A lioforo th trial was over Jill Klt It Ink with mutual consent of ioiiis tndT crrioryamlimtlon Hlossnin wiUI- i Ht firmerlv worked in a pickle factory tilt left that to get 50 a hs tin aliinnhlin watcher Io you get extra prim m ns- nils for catching a man a ked Mr Vntrnu- Vore replied the witness Well you dont you tat youd lose Vur If you cao i w me- Ixxlv or e In a while VcthlngVnver l en snld aliout that iotvai testified that by bis stop watch th uutPiivibl COVPI I elzhth a- Illilo in ISj seconds He Identlflix Keene IIN the who was driving the maelilno and the arrest at Norwicli thrif miles KVond the where the watchers slgnalleil to to At tills y ril the referral to the defer dint as the crm nl who had tried to escape This wn f the jokes tlm jxople in th Ilii ii Deputy Sheriff Adolph Painter who snld n on four month testified nn stop when he was ordered to do so Did vou toil him why you wanted him to Mop asked give nie a chance He Just whirled me said Painter Harold C Hawker a surveyor wits the first witness for the He hail surveyed the eighth of a mile nrd rotund there was an grade with a totAl rise fcst for the furlotir Then came thin and chnuTeurs nil of whom declared that u H liorsojiowor- Itenaud machine such as the one used not possibly go mor titan twenty miles nn on n level road it could not go so ns that on the upgrade scrh Surveyor of then said n t eighteen miles would the best I mahlne could do on that grade Another said from WVPII teen and a eighteen and a third snld fr m elahteon to nlnotpen Recauso nf this the ciitnrdeplnn d- thnt the ling of speed by Ilin hors power was not an exact anti that of the should hAn no welzht ngninst tho evidence of the stop wateVs On wouldnt give an opinion without knowing how many persons wrrn In cir and how Mrs Keen0 remarked that her husband HIirk nil Vhllf Srnlrh of Tort w klml lf t ill fa I II rttri nf whl kr tdr- rirlarellrr WI1kr rf tlon of whole nv iuubUrami lor Infant suit laviUd Wt 20 th I i d o II n h our o J I sow I t Inn I J I I Q I I f I I I hn I S I nn J f I lan I point t I I ii l I I I j d I h I t r tin- a J J I t I I I 1 i sit t I I I tie I a I 1 I ii I I 1 v t i a I I I I I I V wind and ono I I I I I L i I I t lie C tiirt lit lt t y q hoyt r p t I ii it ng iui l y i II II fAt lwrii IIuItV gnu a t tint A r ntroll of- t hi 1 t last no I tIP Ii I o rut I I Iii tip tofu PUTS Iw > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > > ° < > > < > ° weighed IM pounds thnt herweiijht was Hl l 0 H tn Hetty was with tlm party on the day of arrest The w got tut Mrs Keen wn on tho long enough to sav that on the day of thin arrest thn automobile didnt som lei going as fast nHU iinl She wasnt cr Mr Keen testified ill his own behalf He iualife an an expert automobiles mid thlr capacity telling of Ihn many machines and operated the auttimobll ra os he In nnd In this H said that It was Impossible for mnchlnn In which he was to go faster than miles nn hour and h had bought It because of that very limit to Its spe xl I told thn manufacturer ho mldetl that 1 wanted a machlno in which I could nut vIoliKi tb law If I wanted to At thn- tinm thesn men say wn worn going tw nty four miles an hour we were going about six Do you know Charles Peters asked th prosecutor Yes replied Keene Didnt you tell him that the machine was built to run twenty tulle an hour but that you could get twentytwo out of It Thou the prosecutor wont outside to look at th If thn owners Initial were on It according to law Tho Initial were not Is your machine registered hn anked when h returned to the room and re urneil thin crossnxamiiintlon of thn defenilatit I dont know saul Keeno Are your InltlsU on it according to law I dont know I nnver looked to sen That wa mba rnd of tho testimony lawyer Watrous moved on th ground that It had been shown that the mnchitm couldnt mnko ihsn twenty miles an hour and of the zeal of thn nutomoblln watchers who hal admitted that th v lund to make arrests to their Jobs Judge Franklin denied imposing the fin of o he snld- Th defence has not attempted to show that thn mnnstirement or th timing oft he oftlolnls was Incorrect Against thn evldenoi of thn men who th records of thMr watches has offered simply expert testimony and no evidence ns to lho nmnr nFSEnrin t rvnnrr- Mr Mathrm Wm Married After a Ttirpp nays Apqnalntanrp romp Home Alnne- KASTOK Pa Nov isMrs Virgo f- Mathers of Sharon this State U expectel- hern tomorrow She comes to thn him of her mother Mrs Mary Stem 1228 Ferry street which she left threi month nRi a bride suddenly won and quickly mnrrled Shin was Ella Stem a stnnographT and typewriter In an establishment In E ston Ono dAY a pun who gavn his namn as- Oeorgo C Mathers n hanker and broker- of Sharon met hor Two days after be and tho nit was hIt bride A widower of e than two months and had six children Mrs Mathers readily agreed to Irot after them After Isliig In Sharon a month Mr awl Mrs Mathers sailed fur Hiiro po Mrs Mnther ramn back nearly two weeks ago on the alone Slmsaid her had toll her he would folluw last did not and nothing has b on heard from him Tho family f tlm bride it Is desertion Mr mother hail chnrgM of children during HdRl iir cnm to Knstori the middle of last August to find n Ml s idlth Ivan His wit on her deathbed had told him to marry hit friend Kdlth Ivaiis so that sho care for the children He met Miss Evans nnd also her friend Mi s Stem With another man they went mn thnti days to New During tlm first Million was Miss esooit- bin Sunday he took Miss Stem out riding and d On Monday they weto married but Miss had n with u man in Sharon by telephone and learned that Mathers was n and banker worth befween tVidiH ntid JWtXM Mr Is nil his Mrs Mathers broke herencagi mint with ti Knston to marry the Sharon banker nisTonir UOMI iioAinnirsK J lYnlmore Cnappr Conrtrd Mlfe Has hue Unnifof JrfUtenM- AMAHOVECK N Y Nov Historians tlroiiuhoiit Westchester county nrn ills turlxsl over what they describe as the wicrlleK of tho old Delancey inaiiicm- wliore 1 Fenlmori Cooper mad lovo to- Mi s Delancoy who afterward U cuine bis- vlfo lpcauu It has Ixen transformed into n roadhotisn and l eer saloon The building stood top of llenthcote Hill overlook- ing the Sound since until a few week agi when it was wild at auction for ill- Thn purchaser was a local builder who- m structure to thn Post rood where h repaired It added u verandah and then to tho man who is to conduct the tavern The house liosldes belnz tli hoinn of th brlcln of Is wild to hivo IKVII the birthplace of Hlshop I elinrey of Protestant and Arch blshop of Ihn Unman Catholic HW- of who lived when a Imv in adjoining tho A short dlstanco clown tlm road stands tho old tinder which lurch the Is supposed to n pot There Is talk that the hl torlcnl associa- tions of Westchester county will tikn tops to obtain this property nnd pr nrve it for a letter fate UlSS Or STRKI IHtlUS CO FFFT Lands In the Iuliipky Park A rmip i a- atlnn nhmly Hurt Tlm neighborhood of Fortysecoml stnet and Park avenue which ha been of many had accidents with loss of lifo in tlm last two yours hail onnriow escape from another calamity yesterday after niHiii wh n a maps of steel welching R voral tons foil sixty and landed among a of hhorers nt work on th excavation the Hotel Iklmont- Iliiilt up from this bottom of thn cxcava tlon to the level of th street a singing of tlmlmrs the of which forms a platform for tli workmen The steel the foundations of tho hotel U first rafted on and tliesi lug derricks down Into tlm excavation that extends from to street on Ihn west Mile of the Thn of a derrick boom was hint cnuei yesterdays accident A big steol for on columns hall lm n swung olT over thn edge of th the derrick gave way Thn fell within a dnynn fet of a group of laborer but was hurt With breaking of Ihn boom thn mart of lh toppled over nnd killed two horses that wern on platform Huicnn Tongue Ttirnngn Sir Sires oiiif A Hrondwny car struck A wagon in front of th Ilijoti Theatre yesterday afternoon- In such a ns to drive tho of thin wngnn through the glass window of Zander Sires in which was Ma lllmiin who N playing nt tho theatre She was hurt A Satin M d 1rSllpmrMvW- hrn la inir rxiti long All wiml ltic Overmnt X or A nivmoml ft Co Naauu car Iullon St S V Imf I 0 ion hole t halo prop l t Iolb lon lot u rlt Lulu all wit I mal t Thlre smut I tt IiI t lan icoutu o fet Ill I a nun hal form our lot n ill his I siui 1tini t Ito t VOlit V t hint I moo t len In case sun Luui I inn lit this t lie 011lf hnv Ill tt t1t Mt un ii I ss ri r ielt hers It IIi It a hun I ooer ltl ltii yley ha It iuuii irs ii- I lob iiiit cad liciP SPY ha I lie s this datforun Fort t hun Illilt I eel t I Ill uii rrjuk I i uva hello lbs < ¬ ¬ < > ° > ° ° i PLOTS TO KILL ROOSEVELT KXAXARriusT SAYS 7 mrni- HTHFit TAKE ins LIFE Millionaires Sa Mr llrlirlnirr Enrolled Aninna the Mrmlirr iif thp- ftrRantzaiInn to Christian- ity Site the Dangrruiu Sect Disclosures of three alleged plots ssinnto President Boosovolt since lit has taken ofllre wore mad In Holw ken yesterday by Mr Iftin Doxhelmer n parishioner of tho First Methodist Kplseopal Church who nays sho Is a converted An- archist Mrs Dexhelmer IH the mother of six children iinil tho Hev Charles I Moado pastor of tli church says he Is In a position to know her rtory Is reliable Accord- Ing to Mrs Dexheimrr thin clergyman helped her tii frustrate ono of the attempts on tho Presidents life Pnstor Meml- ondmittcd that this vas so but refused to ellcuss tho tt llmt he had played saying that ho preferred to allow tho story Dcxhoimor told of It to niftlco Mrs DexhelmiT liven on tho filth floor of the doublo apartment house at IMS Willow iiveniii Shu is an Intelligent lerman woman That cho w n an An- archist wns a secret among herself her husband Jastor Mcmle and members of Secret Service until one day lat week when ho attended a mooting of the Mothers Club nt tho First Methodist Kplscopal Church ntid unburdened herself in a moment of religious fervor My relations with the AnarchlMH she raid yesterday 1cgan shortly after my years ago when I be- came acquainted with Emma Cloldmun In- n shirt factory In Brooklyn where wo were both employed I was then Ifl years old iinil the Goldman woman was about 10 Site than professed to he a Socialist work- Ing to nmvllorati th hardships of the poor and as I was horn In lermany myself where the social conditions wero of th1 severest for people of my class I becmm Imbued with lnsin and consented to join nn organization in which sho was then tho loading spirit Shortly after I joined this organization Kmmn ioldmnn tod a trip to Kuro e and returned with the must violent princi- ples I aw that nh hud lioeoine a rabid Anarchist nail tried to break away from tu organization which sho hall Induced mo to enter but it vas no MM I hall formed pleasant associations and all i ho other wero willing to accept new go nl which wn- promulgating In less than n month the organization had develot ed Into tho powerful group of Anarchists In th hardly believe if I would mention them homo tho people who ln longed to tills organization to Fmnm At least six of the momliors llve l on Fifth avenue and used to drlvi to tln places when the meetings uuio held In own I IRS Most do not understand anarchy They always associate lie Idea low Maybe those were tho In- spiration of the hut It has de into something mueli more in UH toiio I known Anarchists wero millionaires were not dis- satisfied with themselves but simply with the contrasting conditions of liudy social Tht fellowship of order is tle strong- est I ever met anywhere That was mm if tin hardest to battlo- iigilnst when I concllldsl to cut free from it Its a lung story of how I finally ac- complished this Ill jet to it as btwt I tin I to ntend most of the meet- ings of the orgMtiintliin until HIIT years iiK when I IIKIMK in Iloboken and Ma- pUliid to attend Htliil services at Aletlii iHt KplHiiiiiul Church one evening with my Ia tor Mendn was in the pulpit mid his words so Impressed tun that Miu lit him nfler the arid lold him my story I assured him that I wanted to my Anarchist as oclate mill he told mo to nail set him next lily I was converted in thn course of H tow weeks although I stopped attend- im the con- stantly with me threats to come through Ihti mail that if 1 would untrue oath of the order m lift would i f In danger I attended the next meeting and continued calm for a while but I was again suspected and had conllnmillv on For the nf my family I miide n wcond x ace with the order and continued to receive the- citmnunlcritions sent to trusted mem TH I received no intimation of the attempt McKlnleys lit nothing of his assassination until I rend It in the Shortly after the clnd- wjis done tliomzli I a notice liy mill that tin effort would be rondo to crato his grave I told this to Pastor Meade hut he thought I was overwrought with excitement told me to go and rest f Shortly afterward I received a letter in cipher Hiylng that would Ixi to nssasinatp President llwevelt nl bicentenninl celebration cf Vale nt ow Haven The date was Vov 11 UKil and the man selected to do thn deed was a Irenchman named Melov- Ho arrived on H tail Star liner and I met him on the with other I became friendly with him and after meet- ing him times tried to iHrsunde him not to commit tlm deed In mean I let Pastor Mendn into the and he got tho letter in cipher train inn and forwarded it to the branch of thin Socret Kervlrn Melov was con- tinually triteked and was several on the of arrested My entreaties won him over eventually and ho told me that h was to return to Paris and kill himself us bis Anarchist i rocinlcs hall told him that either he or Roosevelt would have 10 din He keiit his word returned to Puls ntid killed himself pretending mull und ra horses record of Iris death Is in the- fseshion of the Paris Th wound man selected to kill thn- rresldoiit was nimed Mueller and ho lived either 113 141 or U7 Avenue H XPV York He committed cuicld taking poison Tho third to draw lot the sumo was a Mrs who lived Koinewhiire in Harlem Shended her lifo in snmn manner as Mueller I general announcement N of these two plots and wns nut told dates when 111 attempts would In rondo oil tli Presi The Anarchists lngan to suspect mo aft r tho Shroeder woman with herself and were kept watching my lioun in Ilolioken I of my lit nnd l to Pn tor Mende for nssistnnee Jn communicated again with ho S crel Srvlin and detectives followed inn every limn I left Jiniifn- to to or d lng I am- no longer afraid of imrnusn I hnvo com to Hi conclusion that the AnarchlstH regard It unsafe t Interfere with me Mrs Dnxhclmor said that tho group of Anarchists to which nhn changing their meeting met Now York and Jersey oho saul and rarely kept a rendezvous established a month at onn place Her know of tio relations paid until alter her conversion Pnland rnliind InUnU 1nlind- ltllllini ot buttles pittcrlUU tar the vrnucb u TIt Lea to- n I I r lot 1 t t t t hit t piM Ira hOI t X h I a h I nl aa o rl- On t nnl Ir laI- hl hI 1 dv Are cried es put las hit illt lflh1lt ini I Ito t I t unan t r itd Ii I ia clot a et nyu I k I tai lie vu lit I uiuutd I tip hit A vu h1it itt gs pt eotuituitluilcnt lug Iiuiii I I Iii thug uvi flu I flitO fit ani tie a i cs I t I less a nil ri nit it a ii this ijor A rio rih iits Ii t hut v t I nits hu lug It nil to uiootdcntlv in I Ice lions in t f r lull ru iuisi Heti ri iotli t Ito t Ito i s I Ii t rIm nit rk i r r as ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ sri 17 IAsroits TIIKATHIl- ntInK Picture Maplilnp Mrnt Wrong nd Some Our 1pllpil Fire Something hnppnn I to thin vftngraph- michltie nt Pastorn Thratre in East Four- teenth hlrret lust night oral n fool In time nudlencn rniwvl the cry of Fire Thin a tUrn got tangled others In thin thontro said that a fuse how out At any rule the gallery audience rushed poll niell to thy street Thr o downstairs didnt Income so excited hut many left the theatre Fireman Oakley who wan stationed nt the house ran on tIme stage tried to toll the auilloncn that there no fire heat no attention was paid to him Tho excitement wan increased when the ire engines rattled up III front if the theatre in responsfl to a call which some- one hind sent from n hex In tho txilldlni Luckily however no one WitS hurt In thn- nmh to got out fll lire scare ended thin show TIm vltiRripli was the last thing on thin pro grammn nnd three of the series of eight moving pictures haiti IOPII shown Mm IlcllU Only IN Years Old Ii Also n Ktrpliramimnttic- rALSTIC CITY N J Nov is Henry Hfllis n wealthy retired photographer of this city Is married to Miss Matilda Farthing daughter of Mr and Mrs John Farthing who live in St Charles place the fashionable thoroughfare The groom is 71 years old vigorous mentally and as spry ns a college graduate The bride- is moro titan pretty and Jovial Mr Hellto hogan to pay attention to tho girl last summer hut the children of Mr Mils wpm Inclined to object to her They did not like thin Idea a stepmother Tho parents of tho girl too demurred limit when the marriage vas announced yrsterday all became reconciled Tho wero performed quietly- in Camdenon Nov S Through this marrlago John Philip Sousa thn famous bandmaster who IK n- soninlaw of Mr l ocn pro- vided with a motherinlaw 18 years old who Is tho grandmother of hi several grown up children two of whom on us old if nut older than their grandmother vo uMi fon n c T r All the lug OlIN In MllnauKpp HavrTUn and That Mill rpr tin MllMAiKiiK WIs Nfiv l8MilwnukeeH many beer saloons Mini ber liars are going- to enuwthe city to lose the largo convention of tIme National W C T f Thin white rihboners had ooiHsntecl to come to this city nnd thn Milwaukee memberK started out to make nrrangemunts for tho meeting They went to tho AlhanibraJ Theatre hut found it contained several boor bars and nl o that It was by a brewer They trld the and tliMt this rmifixxl to olo down Hall huh was inspected only to flint that lhos to accommo- date thu 2UOO while rlbboneis who are coming all hind liar connections I he ribboners absolutely iefu ed to hold meeting In n hall had barn and it Is mil Improbable ilinl I ho convention wilt bo given up Ills C T r women have tried to get a but have not been able to find one- lirgo accommodate this meeting Carrie Nation Is going to speak here on She Is to Expo- sition which 1ms sveral lars be operated while she speaks In the hull sin nor STIIIHI SKTTIIWl- ileago IliplU Mini llnnaiiilnl UrlnkliiK nter Hack to Thrlr llooki- CIUCKIO Nov ISTlio water Ktllkc at tho McCohh School on tho South Sldo wits settled today and of 200 children who linl bwli the HtreetH all but half a dozen roturneil to their rooms Parental played un part in forc- ing tho strikers to return to their although the children were given to stand that the school authorities wero In sympathy with their plea for drinking during hours lolm tho lx y about whom all thin trouble ut tIme Andrew Jackson School hits been pronouncrd n desirable by Principal Hedges It wan alleged the that the was a degenerate John has l ren examined thnw cirns and assert it Is said that there la nothing about him to Indlcato degeneracy 7VVc7 IV MISSISSll1l Two Neicrnpx Inl to llpath on Suspicion or llrlpliiK AiKilhor Nrgrn to Kipipp NEW OIILKANS Nov 18 Two negroes have already Ix n lynched at Summit Miss ns a oonsequenco of tlw killing of Policeman McMorrls while trying to arrest Will McKay a negro connected with a Hind tiger or unlicensed saloon resisted arrest shunt the officer earl escaped This caused intense excitement say started in pursuit of tho mur- derer Konm wern arreste an accomplices or as having nsnUted to Ono of these John Young blood is missing inul It Is rofHirted that was l in woods Another who had bfen arrested wn shot at when ho was released from Jail and was renrrected by thin mob aunt killed JCIIlii fMAYl IHSrtlAMIKH Sot Uriel on Criminal Mhrl Charce In niiper ttar llrllirry IlfTTK Mon Nov IS The JustIcn of thn Peace before whom Judge William Clancy of the District Court hind a hearing on the charge of criminal libel discharged- thn defendant today holding that the- evldeiifo Whs InnufTloienl lc hold him Judg Clancy offered io defence and he WillKNcii sworn tl n charges him lit a itworu i ffllnvlt that I Heiiiid sy had ntiiniited to brllm him for Com- pany wern riot true lint that on theron- trnrv Clancy hud Mllrtod mining from reprcwnlatlvcn of the ACTlllSSS SKAHCII rATIIFltI- mtnn farm at IIPPIIP the Marine and lllnrk rll lulmul- Kmmn of The Defender com puny now playing In came to this city Monday In A search for her father Carl Cams who has K PII from his home nt 2fll Floyd utreet Brooklyn sinco Nov She kn w that her father had been taken to Hcllevun in Hoptemlier so sho went wandered ti that get no trace of him either at the hospital- or at Ihn Morgue At the latter fainted loiter sho went to Hlackwellj Island hilt any letter luck roUnd InUnrtt Iolinrt Polindl for UuokaUilrrj place Vork I operator ihi that all ltSI 11 WTIIIIUI not 1 S hal lar whIr lob wale 1 b th Ica Ihf h 1 I Ii Ion Carl rda t hun WaIt ark ew of unachu1n says with P lals lout in g t cliii roll 0 St flu Ilal ituli rig I till ilsiicu I uui otto at hlarttu cent rod W tihlani bo oral iIrt iss flOg roes lii ate t uvit the Iliac ii A unit Igut rita t iflthlflti hhist iou I iitltsi rig t husi vst ng lii urui hit hit v hios a I ii I It ho cotuld nay tit 1 i > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ > ° VANDERBILT WORKERS STRIKE AflAIXST A PAIXTIXti FIRM TIll HASXT EVEX IIFtH X ITS HHf- o A Ialntpr Inlon Itm- tHnnnt IIke One of ironce Wa Con traders and KniliarrasM HIP Host to- Hully lUau Into Taklart Anolher- On of most remarkable sympathetic strikes on record han yesterday at thn- residence of George W Vandorbilt Fifty first street nail Fifth nvonuo In which oxtenlvp alterations are being nnde Tho strike wan ordered by tin Hiilldlng Trades Council on behalf of the Amalga- mated Painters Society though no painter will employed In tlr building for two months Tho plasterers hivo besuu their work and painting will h started only alter the plasterers have finished Tho strlkn Ii Intended to forco William t Co who have thn contract nail decorating the hot e- nnd who employ of the Brother- hood of Painters to discharge Its work- men anti employ members of the Amalga- mated Painters Society on till I heir con- tracts If the union cannot do this It hopes- to have the contract fur time painting and decorating taken away from thai firm givin to some other concern which does ns the union wishes Meantime it is not Haumgnrtcn A Co hut thn for thin other work- in the their workmen arid Mr Van derbllt will suffer thn loss nail Incon- venience caused by the strike With dispute between the pnlntnrs and Ilaum- garten V Co these others turn In nowiso concerned Tho strike affects tIme plunil ers tho- housesmlths the roofers and half a dozen other trades Thu masons carpenters plasterers arid workers In several other In tho Vanderbilt altera- tions did not strlkn The now outbreak of hostilities Is a ro newnl of a fight started about by tho Amalgamated Painters Society ngnlrst that Brotherhood of Painters The society at that thrill mado n general demand for an Increase of 50 cents a clay In wages and ordered strikes for Its enforcement Most of thin memliers of the Master House Paint- ers Association granted tho deinantl to tho plain painters It was refused by tho Interior Mnster Decorators nnd Painters Association tlm members of which con- sidered that they wero already paying good wages When strikes were ordered against these employers the Brotherhood of Painters filled the strikers places and Amalga- mated Painters Society started strikes against the brotherhood Tho strikes wore themselves out but this Is considered by the Amalgamated Painters Society a good opportunity for a renewal of the fight Strikes have been also ordered against William Baumgarten V Co on all other buildings where they have contracts In- cluding n of residences This firm huts been especially marked by time union nnd the Building Trades Council behind It because it wns regarded as lead rig tIme opposition to tIme advance In wages If the present strikes are successful they will be extended to the contrats of other members of association Mr Baumiirten said last night This strike Is nn outrage It will two months before we begin any of the painting and decorating in the Yaiider hilt house The leaders of tho unions however plainly toM tho representative of Mr Hunt the architect that tho strike was to force Mr Vanderbllt to take away our contract If we do not employ members of the amalgamated society It U thn more outrageous hccau o wo are employ ing good union yuan at good wages RAX OFF WITH 19 RINGS Thlrf Htrali a Tray of CooUi Worth KSOOO From a Stamford Ifwrier STAMFORD Conn Nov 18 A thief got away with over 5000 worth of diamonds and rings here tonight Ho entered J Molar Alexander Wewls store about 030 oclock and asked to see some rings He had been In two weeks ago three rings with big stones of peculiar firmness nnd bril- liancy Ono of these contained two largo diamonds cut pear shaped which were valued highly both Intrinsically and from the fact that it WAS an heirloom In Mr Weeds family Tonight ho asked for tho same ring and Mr Wood brought them out of tho safe Ho examined them for a minute and then naked for other rings and th jeweler brought out a case containing ranging In yahoo from 0 to 200- As the stranger was examining these Fred Sackett a messenger came in with and called aside As he to Snckett the strnnger thin case And cried Now grit them you old fool this Is my chance With this he ran out of the store shoving tho under his coat ns lie ran Mr Weed who is old followed him crying stop thief and ono or two men took up tho chase TIn thief hail timed his well centro of the which to escape wns practically deserted He an any one could teach him anti disappeared as nlxiut 0 feet tall with black hair anil weighing about 225 pounds He worn a square lop nnd a lark overcoat lout the appearance of lielng too small He took 4 HOPS TRIP fP THE AMAXOX- He nrliins tn llrnnklin a tlrrr anti or Parrot Jacob Ilennlng a Brooklyn schoolboy 11 years old rpturned yesterday from n to Bri7ll arid thin Amaon Hn covered 8000 miles He brought n deer and lot of parrots a grandson of J I nockefellrr to she Naltatton Army Sit ion CIFVFXANII Ohio Nov is Cnpt Ilnlm of the local corps of the Salvation Array received n letter today from John D llockn- fellcrof New York that he would the local Army with his chock tar 10000 tile raise Vnoo Ills otTer was accepted Th will Im used in the construction of a Salvation Army citadel At flru l n of A Iniith rlvr KsproturAnt ur- flrrtn Hnlnti In he Krlrirnrr fast train thnt make ilmr nmnnth sail Irvtt track rharmtnt trfnrryi luiurlnu ulrrnlne cars rrporu sail and wrf kit IncllM maldi sail buflrt ana llbrtry cant rour lfou and ailnilve and centrally located nilloni arc a lew at the rtatoiu the mtrvlooi pufncr traffic at hue New York Central i h Ball hOI a I at N RoM I oidbv all h I tr Oak rent If JAn n InC u Griet met tIm JUst lug and cont motor 14 thin lie t lit ii sw grabbed ye t lie I iii uritisu itch is a Ibis 12re11ini ears banbsr shop sOil batui stneC daily paper r t v ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ro IAIL to IKMIX A TiiAin- Yinilli MUM Unit Ii lnlmr SlpaN- So That lie May lie n Calllni- iMilANMtills Nov 18 Ilkinipr Yergan 13 yearn old wns at a few ilays aRo for stealing n st of harness arid wns pentennd Ii tlm reformatory for the Indoterniinate period of from two to fourteen years It became known the trial thnt he haul so arranged the theft hurt hn would caught In net nail ho was finally Induced to tell the cir- cumstances that I d up to the theft He snld lint he had long wanliMl to a trnde l cau n his education wits so limited that he could not hope to mukn n living In nny other way Whenever ho applied for work ho found that rules labor unions shut him out and hn could riot find employment Ho went to Chicago and several other places but he could not get work In any shop to a trnde al- though ho oVered to bind hImself for n terra of years could get work on thin streets anti upon farms lit it was Impos- sible to got work a nn npprenttco to n trade I will glad to go to tIme penitentiary today for I will be put to work it somo trade arid will learn It too OXK rowIL TWO FACES llarhrr lined for Cstnn Saute on Two CiiMoiiirr- 1BmMlo Nov IS Judgn Braunleln In the Municipal Court hint handed down a decision flailing Anthony Shorcno an Italian bnrl er guilty of using a single owe on faces of two customers and Imposing a fine of M I5- ACCOIXTS W0H SHORT llulliltiiR and Inun Secrrtary Disappears It lien Shortage H Iliunil- MHIVIUK N J Nov l FollowIng thin discovery of an alleged shortage of 3o0O in bis accounts H I Unwell secre- tary of the Stock Bulldlngand Loan Afocla hits disappeared Howell left hero n ago saying ho going to Phila- delphia to his eyrs treated anti ho has riot been seen or heard from since he went away Tho directors of the association will hold a metl lag tomorrow Two IIOUMS owned by Howell were at- tached today by the Sheriff on n suit in iUnited by the Eureka De- veloment Company on a damn for 1400 duo for to he sulwtcribed and for which it is alleged he failed to pny- WARItAXTS FOR ALDERMEX- trnnlp l a Denver Street Railway Fran chlip lipupllp the rotirtH Order DENVER Col Nov 18 In nn endeavor- to prevent the granting of a twentyyear to tho Denver Tramway Com- pany for n crosstown line thin League Friday secured an Injunction from Court restraining the hoard of Aldermen front passing the oitl- nancp At tho regular meeting that night the hoard pas the ordinance Today thn district Judgo Issued war- rants for llin eleven Aldermen who voted for the franchise ordering them brought l foin him tomorrow when ho said they must purge themselves of con- tempt pay a fine or go to Several are said to have left the city LOTOS CASK TO UK KKTHIKH- Mr TliiRlpy Want to llcfnte the irrry- Iililriiee anti In lit n 1ianee Immigration Commissioner Williams re- ceived yesterday n loiter from tIme Treasury Department In Washington directing hint reopen hearing In tho case of tho detained Cuban l tos Katharine Tlngley tins written Washington authorities that sho has a trials of nvldejice- refuting that produced at Kills Island hearing reflecting on her personal char actor nail she wnxsto 1 Commissioner Williams has riot set a date for tho reopening of hem but it will nt Kills Island somn day next week ns It Is not expected than Tlngleys evidence from Point then hINGING Mlllt FAHLEVS IIOISK Till Hooiim Are Hptnit Mnitrrnlnl and There Are tn HP Klrclrlo llnhH- Fstenslvo alterations In tho Interior of the archleplseopnl residence nt Madfcon- avenuo anti East Fiftieth street nro being mad carpenters plumbers arid masons have luau at work them for n fortnight nnd nix welts more vlll be rn to complete the alterations Thn- Interior hour little resemblance to what it wns during Archbishop Corrl reoldence rooms are en- larged arid refinished in modern nnd an light plant Is being Installed In thin basement Improvements cost 2500- 0RORIIKI lit IUII ItolibT llhl ItnimiKc to met Pn r- lnn l a Ipw Colin On suspicion of having l opn concerned In the robbery of a church corn r tone John of Corona Is locked up In the station housn nt Xcwtown Juerim cornerstone f the Lutheran Kman- uel Church In Corora was laid on Nov f A few nnd thn records wern placed In a IKIX In cornerstone On Saturday last n workman discovered that th stone hail been taken out and the contents removed It Is thought hat a numlHT of men were concerned in time robbery HolM IOOI Cninriitlmis In SI loulC- Konatnr Nnthnn Bay Scott of West Vir- ginia was nt tlm Fifth Avemi i Hotel yester- day Ho remarked that ho thought It probable hint Injth Democrats and Be publicans would hold their National con In 1004 In St Ixiuls That will hn Louisiana Purehnsn Kxx year and thn Exposition Is going to try get the the show along Slit Wouldnt Stay without a Cluarrtip A young unman who raid she wns Miss Tlzlo n typewiiter of Sfitt West slrret went to IMIoviie Hrispl tnl yesterday nt noon and nld she was ill The doctor dec Idnl tlmt she uas suffering from u e f avid At I oclock list night sliensked when It ns refiiird ordered a arid went nwny Oil Ileaie Cotipedp It lr Color Mr Color hasnt formally conceded iov- Odells election It was said tlmt hn Intendpd to do It in this form of n Thanksgiving enunciation 1all Mall lnnrlim Spfdally rrcnmm n lfl to tnllrmrn who rrmtmnM in smoking nit nnr t blenJi of cUolce Turkljh totaco M I I I of- t lon II last rlct but I el forn I IllIW TOn- I II I ii loris nil i Viiia hue aft er s t hue Ion mi t lie hi lea rut lie lie Iii situ I latin t lie vas hut of- t lUll blat lie I lie ii trs Elect nylons wi t I hilack Ii t nut borough TIm lit I hat t lie loin on 0 t hint firhI blurt x I I i the font t Igiun chit itnid all hardly ire ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > CARNEGIE ILL IN LONDON IIKLIElKn TO UK MTTHVG- rnoM PTOMAII roisoitH- hnle Ianill Ma SIck In Snlurrlaml hut Itppn rreil Ialns Itpturnpil to Mr ant to London Uti- to hate Sailed for New Vork s recta IaUf litpatch la TMf SoN IxiMioN Nov IS Andrew CarnegIe wIno Intended to sail for New York tomorrow is 111 nt tIme IaruJiam lintel It is bellove that is sulTerlng lenin ptomalnp polfonlng os a result of impure food eaten at a hotel In Cnux Switzerland Mr Cnrneglos wits and daughter were also made III lint recovered quickly and nil callus to Iondon Mr Carnegie seemed to have recovered also but the pains returned after his arrival lien The doctor who is in attendance Hpplie n poultice last night anti thLs gave relief The physician Is reticent In regard to Mr Carnegies condition lout says ho hopes thn patient will out in a few days If Mr Carnegie recovers so quickly hits departure for the United States be delnyed only a week IMHV AnotT 0VR YOVSG SAILORS Cruv or the Hartford Knld tn silted n Illot at Madeira spfcui ciWr bHpateh to Tar Stji LONDON soy itt The Daily Mail prints an undated despatch from Madeira saying that during thin recent visit of the Ameri- can training ship a hundred of her sailors had shore leave for five hours Somo of them became intoxicated and acted riotously They molested a wagon driver ninlfspverely assaulted a prominent resident with sticks whereupon bottlea were thrown nt them from the windows of thin lintel Some of the Americans re- ceived nasty cuts Later the populace at tacked tho sailors who took refuge In a church The Hartford according to the Maitti correspondent fired sit rounds of blank shot and subsequently the captain went ashore and promised that the sailors would not receive shore leave again The story N Incomplete In several particulars DEXIAL FROM IFRMAr Doesnt Intend to EstablIsh a Naval Station Near Our Coast Official Catli Dtipatclt to Till Sex BERLIN Nov 18 Tho newspapers re- ferring to the reports from New York that Germany Intends to establish a permanent naval station near the American coast deny that the squadron now In Central aunt South American waters which was fitted out to protect Germanys legal rights will be permanently stationed near the Atlantic Coast They add that Germany does not pot ret the necessary ships to establish a station near th P dflc Const of tho United States NEW GIFT RV MRS POTTEIt A BTTOOO Clubhouse and Site to line Voimc Folks of the Side Bnbb Cook Wlllard architects filed plan with tho Hnrunu of Buildings yester- day for thin erection of n fourstory basement clubhottso at 73 Cannon street to K built by Mrs K C Potter the wealthy wife of Hlshop Potter In memory of Mrs Potters late fatliorlnlaw Kwdard Clark It will lw known as the Edward Clark Club In tin boHomont will bo a colToo room on tho other flours recreation rooms nail nbovo them n roof garden The cost Is put at 55000 Mrs Potter bought the site spring at a cost of 22 K0 has been Interested In charitably work for many years Defer tier mar- riage to the Hlshop site built the Neigh- borhood House nt Cannon anal Klvlngton streets nt n cost of 150000 liar new clubhouse will adjoin this Institution Mrs Potter is also building nt Kllzabeth N J a club or gulldhouse for Irncp Episcopal Church an a memorial to her Into husband Alfred Corning Clark tlllAXn 11IlOlt AXH TirKRi- lrronipKprnia In Hate Sonic Idea of Ilnth- rrltiK Crntlilil DetectIve Sergeant Welsh and Detectlvn Maher of thin District Attnrnpys ofllcfl prowled around thn Tpnderloln last night principally to look over Im IudlnmH place just west of Tom Ollourkes lotus In West Fortieth street Iudlnni Is bulloing n In connection with his house After Inspect Ing Iudlims which seemed to ln closed Welsh and Maher visited the newly opened Hotel In Seventh avenun Fortieth and streets of which Al Pst otis tlmn gambler was the mana- ger to night when ho hart a row with thn proprietor Intend n Frenchman was In bod last night ns n result aral Post was out of a District Attorney Jerome said yesterday hint he a man on the list who hail In Canflelds In the event of this man Incoming a member of the irxnd Jury thought ho might cnll Outfield to testify os goes on In his West street lions It seemed to lie In Mr Jeromes mind ultimately to Investignte Canflelds ARTICLES CZOLtiOSX orEn llullaln Illitorlpal snclrly Wants to Get l mr lon nf Ttirni- HlKFAti Nov IS Sheriff Copplnstoday notified Ttoard of Supervisors that hn In lilt possession n numlmrof articles which Imlonged to assassin of President anti hint the Iluffnlo Society wnnt thin articles for historical Th list Includes nn old satchel n pair of shoes socks two towels n of trou- sers n blacking brush semite writing nnd some blncklng society wnnts the hnndcuffs that were VolgosT was taken to Auburn Prison anti the receipt that was to hurt the on when he was received at this Institution The Supervisors referred the Sheriffs to n committee for d- eMon tnun attic firm lall- MoNTrrtMA la Nov is C C it Sons of oweslilek county nsslgnoj for thin Nnefit of their creditor Till liabIlities urn inonon und the aset are placed nt 200000 Fur they have the largest breeders of thor otighbred In the Weets- llurnMt ntlU r lr rt- It oM hy sit th t cnifr r rrywhfie irr It titr The l k Shot Llmllfd the ifit Jiheur uala in cntcxo Itavei XF York 631 P It arilvM 4Su nul afurnoont u urvlrtt all luUm n c ntrnrle utica lie Today rJ his lIe will ic hat e Hartford k 5 t East anti last Sit f 5 I j j I ieha vita rest a tu ma but I Iafn vet i u I Ito Albert k ruosv i 0 ra i ihii Ii t hi has tim I v The lip HIgher nut If S ti w de S I r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > =

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Cloudy today and tomorrow lightrain on th C03 t-

rOLl LXXNO SO NEV YORK VEINESDAY J 9 19O2rorr1cMw2 by Tho SI IrinUito rlluJIihinl1 I thlinn PHICE TWO




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Jiinlce Pins lilt Faith to Ufpntlrsand Their Stop Wntehn Mm Krrne-Hrvpali tlie l right or the PrnnniIn the Auto and Aim of Ilrtty the DDK-

OrfiTFB nAY Nov 18 roxhnll Keenewho was arrested n wk ago on the Jerichoroad for Irking his automobile fasterthan twenty miles an hour wan fined to-to iiy by Jtiftlco Franklin Kpenn paid thn-Jlno under protest but wild that It wasoutrage and that ho would certainly ap-peal

Mrs Keene who wa with him when hewas arrested and who testified today In hisdefonpo also said nftr thn trial that It wannn outrage Then added

Wo will go to Kngland to Hvo Thereno justice here

Much of tho testimony for tho defencewas In French becaupo tho chauffeur avidautomobile experts brought doMfl by Keeno-couldnt talk anything else Tho testi-mony of the French witnesses for thefericn was Interpreted by Fred Witrou-

i lawyer for the defence Nobody seemedto object to this avid thn Judge and As-

sistant Dlftrlct Attorney Stnddart didntbother to have Mr Watrous In hi ca-

pacity nn court Interpreter for hUown wltnesfos worn Franklinwho U n very fine old gentleman actedat court Interpreter nnd took everythingIn long hand That aroused the sympathiesof Mrs Koene Whenfor the repetition of a question and theJudge had to bunt through his notes ahaslid

Its a shame to make that poor old manwork BO hard

Tlio forty or fifty persons who took a holi-day to attend the trial seemed greatly tonjoy tim automobile clotheH and Frenchlingo of tho defendants witnesses and theKeeno party wemed to get as muchfun out of the clothes and testimony of tholocal pollco and deputies ar-

rest So all hands enjoyed tho trial tenif It did List four hours

Then there were nolne features that bothfactions could enjoy At no time luringtho trial not own when sentence was aboutto he pronounced could you have heard ahog of nails drop Tlio silence wan neveroppressive as It Is frequent at trial Alargo family Hvos upstairs over the court-room

For some reason or other none of thochildren went to echool yesterdaystayed at home and played tag over thocourt Outsldo another crowd of childrenwere having fun tooting tho horn In Mr-

KeeneB six horsepower automobile Itsgot a ten horsepower horn Of MrKeene couldnt go out and stop them be-

cause he was a prisoner In the yard along-side the court houso thoro was a crowingcontest with enough entries to make a poul-try

yard In the rear there was a left-over washing on the Uric from the day be-

fore Monday wasnt a good drying dayThe lines creaked and the clothe flapped intutu pair of red flannel imder-drawere In particular was guilty of con-

tempt of court all daylong First one redleg ami then another kicked at thn win-

dow hAck of the Judges chair and bothI gs did a Jig all through this Assistant Db-

irict Attorneys closing argument forlien It come on to

Mrs left her husbands Rltlnu1 the long trial Thnt-as when Hetty barked Hetty Is tlm-

Keenes favorite terrier She wasleft alone In the automobile and somenative dogs without annoyedher so she barked for assistance MrsKeeno went out a minute and returned withHett In her arms

The dog jumped over the tail anti climbedino lap

You have brought that dog In heresnld the nroNooutM sternly to nroiiso

lie iy of for this defendThen was tied down with

5 Keems liatilkeichief and kept undera licrili

Sldn y Illossom was the first witnessf r the Ha was at the tlrnt mark

i lh measured eighth of a mil over whichKeene wns accused of going at the rate nf-

ventyfoiir miles an He testifiedat wheti automobile passed him he-

vavcd his handkerchief to Deputy Slieril-TOirvnn who wis at the of th-neHsiired eighih wild a watcl-

irpsoiii pulled out his handkerchief andshowed court how he did It

Ths handkerchief was undo PeoplnsInhibit A

Mlissom wh has a luau cold in the headf HI In thn grnss by th roadsidenn llinlooknul for sno dlni devil wagins

rode I txhllilt A lioforo th trial was overJill Klt It Ink with mutual consent ofioiiis

tndT crrioryamlimtlon Hlossnin wiUI-

i Ht firmerlv worked in a pickle factorytilt left that to get 50 a hs tinaliinnhlin watcher

Io you get extra prim m ns-

nils for catching a man a ked MrVntrnu-

Vore replied the witnessWell you dont you tat youd

lose Vur If you cao i w me-Ixxlv or e In a while

VcthlngVnver l en snld aliout thatiotvai testified that by bis stop watch

th uutPiivibl COVPI I elzhth a-

Illilo in ISj seconds He Identlflix KeeneIIN the who was driving the maelilnoand the arrest at Norwicli thrifmiles KVond the where the watchersslgnalleil to to At tills y rilthe referral to the defer dintas the crm nl who had tried to escape

This wn f the jokes tlm jxoplein th Ilii ii

Deputy Sheriff Adolph Painter who snldn on four

month testified nn stopwhen he was ordered to do so

Did vou toil him why you wanted himto Mop asked

give nie a chance He Justwhirled me said Painter

Harold C Hawker a surveyor wits thefirst witness for the He hailsurveyed the eighth of a mile nrd rotundthere was an grade with a totAl rise

fcst for the furlotirThen came thin and chnuTeurs nil

of whom declared that u H liorsojiowor-Itenaud machine such as the one usednot possibly go mor titan twenty miles nn

on n level road it couldnot go so ns that on the upgradescrh Surveyor ofthen said n t eighteen mileswould the best I mahlne could doon that grade Another said from WVPIIteen and a eighteen and a third snldfr m elahteon to nlnotpen Recauso nfthis the ciitnrdeplnn d-

thnt the ling of speed by Ilin horspower was not an exact anti that

of the should hAnno welzht ngninst tho evidence of the stopwateVs

On wouldnt give an opinionwithout knowing how many persons wrrnIn cir and howMrs Keen0 remarked that her husband

HIirk nil Vhllf Srnlrh of Tortw klml lf t ill fa I II rttri nf whl kr tdr-

rirlarellrr WI1kr rf tlon of wholenv iuubUrami lor Infant suit laviUd Wt



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weighed IM pounds thnt herweiijht was Hll 0 H tn Hetty was

with tlm party on the day of arrestThe w got tut

Mrs Keen wn on tho longenough to sav that on the day of thin arrestthn automobile didnt som lei going asfast nHU iinl She wasnt cr

Mr Keen testified ill his own behalfHe iualife an an expert automobilesmid thlr capacity telling of Ihnmany machines and operated

the auttimobll ra os heIn nnd In this H saidthat It was Impossible for mnchlnn Inwhich he was to go faster than

miles nn hour and h hadbought It because of that very limit to Itsspe xl

I told thn manufacturer ho mldetlthat 1 wanted a machlno in which I could

nut vIoliKi tb law If I wanted to At thn-tinm thesn men say wn worn going tw ntyfour miles an hour we were going aboutsix

Do you know Charles Peters askedth prosecutor

Yes replied KeeneDidnt you tell him that the machine

was built to run twenty tulle an hour butthat you could get twentytwo out of It

Thou the prosecutor wont outside to lookat th If thn ownersInitial were on It according to law ThoInitial were not

Is your machine registered hn ankedwhen h returned to the room and re urneilthin crossnxamiiintlon of thn defenilatit

I dont know saul KeenoAre your InltlsU on it according to

lawI dont know I nnver looked to sen

That wa mba rnd of tho testimonylawyer Watrous moved

on th ground that It had been shown thatthe mnchitm couldnt mnko ihsntwenty miles an hour andof the zeal of thn nutomoblln watcherswho hal admitted that th v lund to makearrests to their Jobs Judge Franklindenied imposing thefin of o he snld-

Th defence has not attempted to showthat thn mnnstirement or thtiming oft he oftlolnls was Incorrect Againstthn evldenoi of thn men who threcords of thMr watcheshas offered simply expert testimony andno evidence ns to lho

nmnr nFSEnrin t rvnnrr-Mr Mathrm Wm Married After a Ttirppnays Apqnalntanrp romp Home Alnne-

KASTOK Pa Nov isMrs Virgo f-Mathers of Sharon this State U expectel-hern tomorrow She comes to thn himof her mother Mrs Mary Stem 1228 Ferrystreet which she left threi month nRia bride suddenly won and quickly mnrrledShin was Ella Stem a stnnographT andtypewriter In an establishment In E ston

Ono dAY a pun who gavn his namn as-Oeorgo C Mathers n hanker and broker-of Sharon met hor Two days after be

and tho nit was hIt brideA widower of e than two months

and had six children Mrs Mathers readilyagreed to Irot after them

After Isliig In Sharon a month Mr awlMrs Mathers sailed fur Hiiro po MrsMnther ramn back nearly two weeks agoon the alone Slmsaid herhad toll her he would folluw last didnot and nothing has b on heard from himTho family f tlm bride it Is desertionMr mother hail chnrgM ofchildren during HdRl iir

cnm to Knstori the middle oflast August to find n Ml s idlth IvanHis wit on her deathbed had told him tomarry hit friend Kdlth Ivaiis so that sho

care for the children He met MissEvans nnd also her friend Mi s StemWith another man they went m n thntidays to New During tlmfirst Million was Miss esooit-bin Sunday he took Miss Stem out ridingand d On Monday they wetomarried but Miss hadn with u man inSharon by telephone and learned thatMathers was n and banker worthbefween tVidiH ntid JWtXM MrIs nil his

Mrs Mathers broke herencagimint with ti Knston to marrythe Sharon banker

nisTonir UOMI iioAinnirsKJ lYnlmore Cnappr Conrtrd Mlfe

Has hue Unnifof JrfUtenM-

AMAHOVECK N Y Nov Historianstlroiiuhoiit Westchester county nrn illsturlxsl over what they describe as thewicrlleK of tho old Delancey inaiiicm-wliore 1 Fenlmori Cooper mad lovo to-Mi s Delancoy who afterward U cuine bis-vlfo lpcauu It has Ixen transformed inton roadhotisn and l eer saloon The buildingstood top of llenthcote Hill overlook-ing the Sound since until a few weekagi when it was wild at auction for ill-Thn purchaser was a local builder who-m structure to thn Post roodwhere h repaired It added u verandahand then to tho man who is toconduct the tavern

The house liosldes belnz tli hoinn ofth brlcln of Is wild to hivo IKVIIthe birthplace of Hlshop I elinrey ofProtestant and Archblshop of Ihn Unman Catholic HW-of who lived when a Imv in

adjoining tho Ashort dlstanco clown tlm road stands thoold tinder which lurchthe Is supposed to n pot

There Is talk that the hl torlcnl associa-tions of Westchester county will tikn topsto obtain this property nnd pr nrve it fora letter fate

UlSS Or STRKI IHtlUS CO FFFTLands In the Iuliipky Park A rmip i a-

atlnn nhmly HurtTlm neighborhood of Fortysecoml stnet

and Park avenue which ha beenof many had accidents with loss of lifoin tlm last two yours hail onnriow escapefrom another calamity yesterday afterniHiii wh n a maps of steel welching R voraltons foil sixty and landed among a

of hhorers nt work on th excavationthe Hotel Iklmont-

Iliiilt up from this bottom of thn cxcavatlon to the level of th street a singingof tlmlmrs the of which forms aplatform for tli workmen The steel

the foundations of tho hotel Ufirst rafted on and tliesi

lug derricks down Into tlmexcavation that extends fromto street on Ihn west Mile ofthe

Thn of a derrick boom was hint

cnuei yesterdays accident A big steolfor on columns halllm n swung olT over thn edge of th

the derrick gave way Thnfell within a dnynn fet of a group of

laborer but was hurtWith breaking of Ihn boom thn mart

of lh toppled over nnd killed twohorses that wern on platform

Huicnn Tongue Ttirnngn Sir Sires oiiifA Hrondwny car struck A wagon in front

of th Ilijoti Theatre yesterday afternoon-In such a ns to drive tho ofthin wngnn through the glass windowof Zander Sires in which was Ma

lllmiin who N playing nt tho theatreShe was hurt

A Satin M d 1rSllpmrMvW-hrn la inir rxiti long All wiml ltic Overmnt

X orA nivmoml ft Co Naauu car Iullon St S V







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all witI



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I siui1tinit Ito

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In case


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IlliltI eel

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I i
















Millionaires Sa Mr llrlirlnirrEnrolled Aninna the Mrmlirr iif thp-

ftrRantzaiInn to Christian-ity Site the Dangrruiu Sect

Disclosures of three alleged plotsssinnto President Boosovolt since lit

has taken ofllre wore mad In Holw kenyesterday by Mr Iftin Doxhelmer nparishioner of tho First Methodist KplseopalChurch who nays sho Is a converted An-

archist Mrs Dexhelmer IH the mother ofsix children iinil tho Hev Charles I Moadopastor of tli church says he Is In a positionto know her rtory Is reliable Accord-Ing to Mrs Dexheimrr thin clergymanhelped her tii frustrate ono of the attemptson tho Presidents life Pnstor Meml-ondmittcd that this vas so but refused toellcuss tho tt llmt he had played sayingthat ho preferred to allow tho storyDcxhoimor told of It to niftlco

Mrs DexhelmiT liven on tho filth floorof the doublo apartment house at IMSWillow iiveniii Shu is an Intelligentlerman woman That cho w n an An-

archist wns a secret among herself herhusband Jastor Mcmle and members of

Secret Service until one day lat weekwhen ho attended a mooting of the MothersClub nt tho First Methodist KplscopalChurch ntid unburdened herself in a momentof religious fervor

My relations with the AnarchlMH sheraid yesterday 1cgan shortly after my

years ago when I be-

came acquainted with Emma Cloldmun In-

n shirt factory In Brooklyn where wowere both employed I was then Ifl yearsold iinil the Goldman woman was about 10Site than professed to he a Socialist work-Ing to nmvllorati th hardships of the poorand as I was horn In lermany myselfwhere the social conditions wero of th1severest for people of my class I becmmImbued with lnsin and consentedto join nn organization in which sho wasthen tho loading spirit

Shortly after I joined this organizationKmmn ioldmnn tod a trip to Kuro eand returned with the must violent princi-ples I aw that nh hud lioeoine a rabidAnarchist nail tried to break away fromtu organization which sho hall Inducedmo to enter but it vas no MM I hallformed pleasant associations and alli ho other wero willing to accept

new go nl which wn-

promulgating In less than n month theorganization had develot ed Into thopowerful group of Anarchists In th

hardly believe if I wouldmention them homo tho people who lnlonged to tills organizationto Fmnm At least six of themomliors llve l on Fifth avenue and used todrlvi to tln places when the meetingsuuio held In own I IRS Mostdo not understand anarchy They alwaysassociate lie Idealow Maybe those were tho In-spiration of the hut It has de

into something mueli morein UH toiio I known Anarchistswero millionaires were not dis-satisfied with themselves but simply withthe contrasting conditions of liudysocial

Tht fellowship of order is tle strong-est I ever met anywhere That wasmm if tin hardest to battlo-iigilnst when I concllldsl to cut free fromit Its a lung story of how I finally ac-complished this Ill jet to it as btwt Itin

I to ntend most of the meet-ings of the orgMtiintliin until HIIT yearsiiK when I IIKIMK in Iloboken and Ma-pUliid to attend Htliil services atAletlii iHt KplHiiiiiul Church one eveningwith my Ia tor Mendn was inthe pulpit mid his words so Impressed tunthat Miu lit him nfler the aridlold him my story I assured him that Iwanted to my Anarchist as oclatemill he told mo to nail set him nextlily I was converted in thn course of Htow weeks although I stopped attend-im the con-stantly with me

threats to come throughIhti mail that if 1 would untrue

oath of the order m lift would i f Indanger I attended the next meetingand continued calm for a whilebut I was again suspected and hadconllnmillv on For thenf my family I miide n wcond x ace withthe order and continued to receive the-citmnunlcritions sent to trusted mem TH

I received no intimation of the attemptMcKlnleys lit

nothing of his assassination until I rend Itin the Shortly after the clnd-wjis done tliomzli I a notice liymill that tin effort would be rondo tocrato his grave I told this to PastorMeade hut he thought I was overwroughtwith excitement told me to goand rest f

Shortly afterward I received a letterin cipher Hiylng thatwould Ixi to nssasinatp Presidentllwevelt nl bicentenninl celebrationcf Vale nt ow Haven The datewas Vov 11 UKil and the man selected todo thn deed was a Irenchman named Melov-Ho arrived on H tail Star liner and I methim on the with otherI became friendly with him and after meet-ing him times tried to iHrsundehim not to commit tlm deed In mean

I let Pastor Mendn into theand he got tho letter in cipher train innand forwarded it to the branchof thin Socret Kervlrn Melov was con-tinually triteked and was several onthe of arrested My entreatieswon him over eventually and ho told methat h was to return to Paris andkill himself us bis Anarchist i rocinlcshall told him that either he or Rooseveltwould have 10 din He keiit his wordreturned to Puls ntid killed himselfpretending mull und ra horses

record of Iris death Is in the-fseshion of the Paris

Th wound man selected to kill thn-rresldoiit was nimed Mueller and ho lived

either 113 141 or U7 Avenue H XPVYork He committed cuicld takingpoison Tho third to draw lot

the sumo was a Mrswho lived Koinewhiire in Harlem Shendedher lifo in snmn manner as MuellerI general announcement N of thesetwo plots and wns nut told dates when111 attempts would In rondo oil tli Presi

The Anarchists lngan to suspect moaft r tho Shroeder woman withherself and were kept watchingmy lioun in Ilolioken Iof my lit nnd l to Pn tor Mendefor nssistnnee Jn communicated againwith ho S crel Srvlin and detectivesfollowed inn every limn I left Jiniifn-to to or d lng I am-no longer afraid of imrnusnI hnvo com to Hi conclusion that theAnarchlstH regard It unsafe t Interferewith me

Mrs Dnxhclmor said that tho group ofAnarchists to which nhn

changing their meetingmet Now York and

Jersey oho saul and rarely kept arendezvous established amonth at onn place Her know

of tio relationspaid until alter her conversion

Pnland rnliind InUnU 1nlind-ltllllini ot buttles pittcrlUU tar the vrnucb























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sri 17 IAsroits TIIKATHIl-

ntInK Picture Maplilnp Mrnt Wrong ndSome Our 1pllpil Fire

Something hnppnn I to thin vftngraph-michltie nt Pastorn Thratre in East Four-teenth hlrret lust night oral n fool Intime nudlencn rniwvl the cry of Fire Thin

a tUrn gottangled others In thin thontro saidthat a fuse how out

At any rule the gallery audience rushedpoll niell to thy street Thr o downstairsdidnt Income so excited hut many leftthe theatre Fireman Oakley who wanstationed nt the house ran on tIme stage

tried to toll the auilloncn that thereno fire heat no attention was paid to

himTho excitement wan increased when

the ire engines rattled up III front if thetheatre in responsfl to a call which some-one hind sent from n hex In tho txilldlniLuckily however no one WitS hurt In thn-

nmh to got outfll lire scare ended thin show TIm

vltiRripli was the last thing on thin programmn nnd three of the series of eightmoving pictures haiti IOPII shown

Mm IlcllU Only IN Years Old Ii Also nKtrpliramimnttic-

rALSTIC CITY N J Nov is HenryHfllis n wealthy retired photographerof this city Is married to Miss MatildaFarthing daughter of Mr and Mrs JohnFarthing who live in St Charles placethe fashionable thoroughfare The groomis 71 years old vigorous mentally and asspry ns a college graduate The bride-is moro titan pretty and JovialMr Hellto hogan to pay attention to tho girllast summer hut the children of Mr Milswpm Inclined to object to her They didnot like thin Idea a stepmotherTho parents of tho girl too demurredlimit when the marriage vas announcedyrsterday all became reconciled

Tho wero performed quietly-in Camdenon Nov S

Through this marrlago John PhilipSousa thn famous bandmaster who IK n-

soninlaw of Mr l ocn pro-

vided with a motherinlaw 18 years oldwho Is tho grandmother of hi severalgrown up children two of whom on usold if nut older than their grandmother

vo uMi fon n c T rAll the lug OlIN In MllnauKpp HavrTUn

and That Mill rpr tin

MllMAiKiiK WIs Nfiv l8MilwnukeeHmany beer saloons Mini ber liars are going-

to enuwthe city to lose the largo conventionof tIme National W C T f Thin whiterihboners had ooiHsntecl to come to thiscity nnd thn Milwaukee memberK startedout to make nrrangemunts for tho meetingThey went to tho AlhanibraJ Theatre hutfound it contained several boor bars andnl o that It was by a brewer Theytrld the andtliMt this rmifixxl to olo down

Hall huh was inspected only toflint that lhos to accommo-date thu 2UOO while rlbboneis who arecoming all hind liar connections I he

ribboners absolutely iefu ed to holdmeeting In n hall had barn and

it Is mil Improbable ilinl I ho conventionwilt bo given up

Ills C T r women have tried to geta but have not been able to find one-lirgo accommodate this meetingCarrie Nation Is going to speak here on

She Is to Expo-sition which 1ms sveral larsbe operated while she speaks In the hull


ileago IliplU Mini llnnaiiilnl UrlnkliiKnter Hack to Thrlr llooki-

CIUCKIO Nov ISTlio water Ktllkcat tho McCohh School on tho South Sldowits settled today and of 200 children wholinl bwli the HtreetH all but halfa dozen roturneil to their rooms Parental

played un part in forc-ing tho strikers to return to theiralthough the children were given tostand that the school authorities wero Insympathy with their plea for drinkingduring hours

lolm tho lx y about whom allthin trouble ut tIme Andrew Jackson School

hits been pronouncrd n desirableby Principal Hedges It wan

alleged thethat the was a degenerate

John has l ren examined thnwcirns and assert it Is said that there lanothing about him to Indlcato degeneracy

7VVc7 IV MISSISSll1lTwo Neicrnpx Inl to llpath on Suspicion

or llrlpliiK AiKilhor Nrgrn to KipippNEW OIILKANS Nov 18 Two negroes

have already Ix n lynched at SummitMiss ns a oonsequenco of tlw killing ofPoliceman McMorrls while trying to arrestWill McKay a negro connected with aHind tiger or unlicensed saloonresisted arrest shunt the officer earl escaped

This caused intense excitement saystarted in pursuit of tho mur-

derer Konm wern arreste anaccomplices or as having nsnUtedto Ono of these John Youngblood is missing inul It Is rofHirted thatwas l in woods Anotherwho had bfen arrested wn shot at whenho was released from Jail and was renrrectedby thin mob aunt killed

JCIIlii fMAYl IHSrtlAMIKHSot Uriel on Criminal Mhrl Charce In

niiper ttar llrllirryIlfTTK Mon Nov IS The JustIcn of

thn Peace before whom Judge WilliamClancy of the District Court hind a hearingon the charge of criminal libel discharged-thn defendant today holding that the-evldeiifo Whs InnufTloienl lc hold himJudg Clancy offered io defence and he

WillKNcii sworn tl n

charges him lit a itworu i ffllnvltthat I Heiiiid sy had ntiiniited to brllmhim for Com-pany wern riot true lint that on theron-trnrv Clancy hud Mllrtodmining from reprcwnlatlvcn of the


mtnn farm at IIPPIIP the Marine andlllnrk rll lulmul-

Kmmn of The Defender compuny now playing In came tothis city Monday In A search for her fatherCarl Cams who has K PII from hishome nt 2fll Floyd utreet Brooklyn sincoNov

She kn w that her father had been takento Hcllevun in Hoptemlier so sho went

wandered ti thatget no trace of him either at the hospital-or at Ihn Morgue At the latterfainted loiter sho went toHlackwellj Island hilt any letterluck

roUnd InUnrtt Iolinrt Polindlfor UuokaUilrrj place Vork


operator ihi that



not 1










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o A Ialntpr Inlon Itm-

tHnnnt IIke One of ironce Wa Con

traders and KniliarrasM HIP Host to-

Hully lUau Into Taklart Anolher-

On of most remarkable sympatheticstrikes on record han yesterday at thn-residence of George W Vandorbilt Fiftyfirst street nail Fifth nvonuo In whichoxtenlvp alterations are being nndeTho strike wan ordered by tin HiilldlngTrades Council on behalf of the Amalga-mated Painters Society though no painterwill employed In tlr building for twomonths Tho plasterers hivo besuutheir work and painting will h startedonly alter the plasterers have finished

Tho strlkn Ii Intended to forco Williamt Co who have thn contractnail decorating the hot e-

nnd who employ of the Brother-hood of Painters to discharge Its work-men anti employ members of the Amalga-mated Painters Society on till I heir con-

tracts If the union cannot do this It hopes-to have the contract fur time painting anddecorating taken away from thai firmgivin to some other concern which does nsthe union wishes

Meantime it is not Haumgnrtcn A Cohut thn for thin other work-in the their workmen arid Mr Vanderbllt will suffer thn loss nail Incon-venience caused by the strike Withdispute between the pnlntnrs and Ilaum-garten V Co these others turn In nowisoconcerned

Tho strike affects tIme plunil ers tho-housesmlths the roofers and half a dozenother trades Thu masons carpentersplasterers arid workers In several other

In tho Vanderbilt altera-tions did not strlkn

The now outbreak of hostilities Is a ronewnl of a fight started about bytho Amalgamated Painters Society ngnlrstthat Brotherhood of Painters The societyat that thrill mado n general demand foran Increase of 50 cents a clay In wages andordered strikes for Its enforcement Mostof thin memliers of the Master House Paint-ers Association granted tho deinantl totho plain painters It was refused by thoInterior Mnster Decorators nnd PaintersAssociation tlm members of which con-sidered that they wero already payinggood wages

When strikes were ordered against theseemployers the Brotherhood of Paintersfilled the strikers places and Amalga-mated Painters Society started strikesagainst the brotherhood Tho strikes worethemselves out but this Is considered bythe Amalgamated Painters Society a goodopportunity for a renewal of the fight

Strikes have been also ordered againstWilliam Baumgarten V Co on all otherbuildings where they have contracts In-

cluding n of residences Thisfirm huts been especially marked by time

union nnd the Building Trades Councilbehind It because it wns regarded as leadrig tIme opposition to tIme advance In wagesIf the present strikes are successful theywill be extended to the contrats of othermembers of association

Mr Baumiirten said last nightThis strike Is nn outrage It will

two months before we begin any of thepainting and decorating in the Yaiiderhilt house The leaders of tho unionshowever plainly toM tho representativeof Mr Hunt the architect that tho strikewas to force Mr Vanderbllt to take awayour contract If we do not employ membersof the amalgamated society It U thnmore outrageous hccau o wo are employing good union yuan at good wages


Thlrf Htrali a Tray of CooUi Worth KSOOOFrom a Stamford Ifwrier

STAMFORD Conn Nov 18 A thief gotaway with over 5000 worth of diamondsand rings here tonight Ho entered JMolar Alexander Wewls store about 030oclock and asked to see some rings He hadbeen In two weeks ago three ringswith big stones of peculiar firmness nnd bril-

liancy Ono of these contained two largodiamonds cut pear shaped which werevalued highly both Intrinsically and fromthe fact that it WAS an heirloom In MrWeeds family

Tonight ho asked for tho same ringand Mr Wood brought them out of thosafe Ho examined them for a minuteand then naked for other rings and thjeweler brought out a case containing

ranging In yahoo from 0 to 200-

As the stranger was examining these FredSackett a messenger came inwith and called aside Ashe to Snckett the strnnger

thin case And cried Nowgrit them you old fool this Is my chance

With this he ran out of the store shovingtho under his coat ns lie ran MrWeed who is old followed him cryingstop thief and ono or two men

took up tho chase TInthief hail timed his well centroof the which to escapewns practically deserted Hean any one could teach himanti disappeared

as nlxiut 0 feet tallwith black hair anilweighing about 225 pounds He worn a

square lop nnd a larkovercoat lout the appearance oflielng too small He took


He nrliins tn llrnnklin a tlrrr antior Parrot

Jacob Ilennlng a Brooklyn schoolboy11 years old rpturned yesterday from n

to Bri7ll arid thin Amaon Hncovered 8000 miles He brought n deerand lot of parrots a grandsonof J I

nockefellrr to she Naltatton Army Sition

CIFVFXANII Ohio Nov is Cnpt Ilnlmof the local corps of the Salvation Arrayreceived n letter today from John D llockn-fellcrof New York that he would

the local Army with his chock tar10000 tile raise Vnoo

Ills otTer was accepted Th willIm used in the construction of a SalvationArmy citadel

At flru l n of A Iniith rlvrKsproturAnt ur-

flrrtn Hnlnti In he Krlrirnrrfast train thnt make ilmr nmnnth sail Irvtttrack rharmtnt trfnrryi luiurlnu ulrrnlne cars

rrporu sail and wrf kit IncllM maldisail buflrt ana llbrtry cant rourlfou and ailnilve and centrally locatednilloni arc a lew at the rtatoiu the mtrvlooipufncr traffic at hue New York Central



















Griet met





cont motor 14



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grabbed ye

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12re11ini ears banbsr shop sOil batui stneCdaily paper

r t v














ro IAIL to IKMIX A TiiAin-

Yinilli MUM Unit Ii lnlmr SlpaN-So That lie May lie n Calllni-

iMilANMtills Nov 18 Ilkinipr Yergan13 yearn old wns at afew ilays aRo for stealing n st of harnessarid wns pentennd Ii tlm reformatoryfor the Indoterniinate period of from twoto fourteen years It became known

the trial thnt he haul so arranged thetheft hurt hn would caught In netnail ho was finally Induced to tell the cir-

cumstances that I d up to the theftHe snld lint he had long wanliMl to

a trnde l cau n his education wits solimited that he could not hope to mukn nliving In nny other way Whenever hoapplied for work ho found that rules

labor unions shut him out and hn couldriot find employment Ho went to Chicagoand several other places but he could notget work In any shop to a trnde al-

though ho oVered to bind hImself for nterra of years could get work on thinstreets anti upon farms lit it was Impos-sible to got work a nn npprenttco to ntrade

I will glad to go to tIme penitentiarytoday for I will be put to work

it somo trade arid will learn It too


llarhrr lined for Cstnn Saute onTwo CiiMoiiirr-

1BmMlo Nov IS Judgn Braunleln Inthe Municipal Court hint handed down adecision flailing Anthony Shorcno anItalian bnrl er guilty of using a single oweon faces of two customers and Imposinga fine of M I5-


llulliltiiR and Inun Secrrtary DisappearsIt lien Shortage H Iliunil-

MHIVIUK N J Nov l FollowIngthin discovery of an alleged shortage of3o0O in bis accounts H I Unwell secre-tary of the Stock Bulldlngand Loan Afocla

hits disappeared Howell left hero nago saying ho going to Phila-

delphia to his eyrs treated anti ho hasriot been seen or heard from since he wentaway Tho directors of the associationwill hold a metl lag tomorrow

Two IIOUMS owned by Howell were at-tached today by the Sheriff on n suit iniUnited by the Eureka De-veloment Company on a damn for 1400duo for to he sulwtcribed andfor which it is alleged he failed to pny-


trnnlp l a Denver Street Railway Franchlip lipupllp the rotirtH Order

DENVER Col Nov 18 In nn endeavor-to prevent the granting of a twentyyear

to tho Denver Tramway Com-pany for n crosstown line thinLeague Friday secured an Injunctionfrom Court restraining thehoard of Aldermen front passing the oitl-nancp At tho regular meeting that nightthe hoard pas the ordinance

Today thn district Judgo Issued war-rants for llin eleven Aldermen who votedfor the franchise ordering them broughtl foin him tomorrow when hosaid they must purge themselves of con-tempt pay a fine or go to Several

are said to have left the city


Mr TliiRlpy Want to llcfnte the irrry-Iililriiee anti In lit n 1ianeeImmigration Commissioner Williams re-

ceived yesterday n loiter from tIme TreasuryDepartment In Washington directing hint

reopen hearing In tho case of thodetained Cuban l tos KatharineTlngley tins written Washingtonauthorities that sho has a trials of nvldejice-refuting that produced at Kills Islandhearing reflecting on her personal charactor nail she wnxsto 1

Commissioner Williams has riot seta date for tho reopening of hembut it will nt Kills Islandsomn day next week ns It Is not expectedthan Tlngleys evidencefrom Point then

hINGING Mlllt FAHLEVS IIOISKTill Hooiim Are Hptnit Mnitrrnlnl and

There Are tn HP Klrclrlo llnhH-Fstenslvo alterations In tho Interior of

the archleplseopnl residence nt Madfcon-avenuo anti East Fiftieth street nro beingmad carpenters plumbersarid masons have luau at work them for nfortnight nnd nix welts more vlll be rn

to complete the alterations Thn-Interior hour little resemblanceto what it wns during Archbishop Corrl

reoldence rooms are en-larged arid refinished in modern nndan light plant Is being Installed Inthin basement Improvementscost 2500-


ItolibT llhl ItnimiKc to met Pn r-

lnn l a Ipw ColinOn suspicion of having l opn concerned

In the robbery of a church corn r toneJohn of Corona Is locked up Inthe station housn nt Xcwtown Juerim

cornerstone f the Lutheran Kman-uel Church In Corora was laid on Nov fA few nnd thn records wern placedIn a IKIX In cornerstone

On Saturday last n workman discoveredthat th stone hail been taken out and thecontents removed It Is thought hat anumlHT of men were concerned in timerobbery

HolM IOOI Cninriitlmis In SI loulC-Konatnr Nnthnn Bay Scott of West Vir-

ginia was nt tlm Fifth Avemi i Hotel yester-day Ho remarked that ho thought Itprobable hint Injth Democrats and Bepublicans would hold their National con

In 1004 In St Ixiuls That will hnLouisiana Purehnsn Kxx year

and thn Exposition Is going to try getthe the show along

Slit Wouldnt Stay without a CluarrtipA young unman who raid she wns Miss

Tlzlo n typewiiter of Sfitt Westslrret went to IMIoviie Hrispl

tnl yesterday nt noon and nld she was illThe doctor dec Idnl tlmt she uas sufferingfrom u e f avidAt I oclock list night sliensked

when It ns refiiird ordered aarid went nwny

Oil Ileaie Cotipedp It lr ColorMr Color hasnt formally conceded iov-

Odells election It was saidtlmt hn Intendpd to do It in this form of nThanksgiving enunciation

1all Mall lnnrlimSpfdally rrcnmm n lfl to tnllrmrn whorrmtmnM in smoking nit nnr t blenJi of cUolceTurkljh totaco M







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hnle Ianill Ma SIck In Snlurrlaml hutItppn rreil Ialns Itpturnpil to Mr

ant to London Uti-to hate Sailed for New Vork

s recta IaUf litpatch la TMf SoNIxiMioN Nov IS Andrew CarnegIe wIno

Intended to sail for New York tomorrowis 111 nt tIme IaruJiam lintel

It is bellove that is sulTerlng leninptomalnp polfonlng os a result of impurefood eaten at a hotel In Cnux SwitzerlandMr Cnrneglos wits and daughter werealso made III lint recovered quickly andnil callus to Iondon

Mr Carnegie seemed to have recoveredalso but the pains returned after his arrivallien The doctor who is in attendanceHpplie n poultice last night anti thLs gaverelief

The physician Is reticent In regard toMr Carnegies condition lout says ho hopesthn patient will out in a few days

If Mr Carnegie recovers so quickly hitsdeparture for the United States bedelnyed only a week


Cruv or the Hartford Knld tn siltedn Illot at Madeira

spfcui ciWr bHpateh to Tar StjiLONDON soy itt The Daily Mail prints

an undated despatch from Madeira sayingthat during thin recent visit of the Ameri-can training ship a hundred of hersailors had shore leave for five hours

Somo of them became intoxicated andacted riotously They molested a wagondriver ninlfspverely assaulted a prominentresident with sticks whereupon bottleawere thrown nt them from the windows ofthin lintel Some of the Americans re-ceived nasty cuts Later the populace attacked tho sailors who took refuge In achurch

The Hartford according to the Maitticorrespondent fired sit rounds of blankshot and subsequently the captain wentashore and promised that the sailors wouldnot receive shore leave again The storyN Incomplete In several particulars

DEXIAL FROM IFRMArDoesnt Intend to EstablIsh a Naval Station

Near Our CoastOfficial Catli Dtipatclt to Till Sex

BERLIN Nov 18 Tho newspapers re-

ferring to the reports from New York thatGermany Intends to establish a permanentnaval station near the American coastdeny that the squadron now In Central auntSouth American waters which was fittedout to protect Germanys legal rights willbe permanently stationed near the AtlanticCoast

They add that Germany does not pot retthe necessary ships to establish a stationnear th P dflc Const of tho United States

NEW GIFT RV MRS POTTEItA BTTOOO Clubhouse and Site to line Voimc

Folks of the SideBnbb Cook Wlllard architects filed

plan with tho Hnrunu of Buildings yester-day for thin erection of n fourstorybasement clubhottso at 73 Cannon streetto K built by Mrs K C Potter the wealthywife of Hlshop Potter In memory of MrsPotters late fatliorlnlaw Kwdard ClarkIt will lw known as the Edward Clark Club

In tin boHomont will bo a colToo roomon tho other flours recreation rooms nailnbovo them n roof garden The cost Is putat 55000 Mrs Potter bought the sitespring at a cost of 22 K0

has been Interested In charitablywork for many years Defer tier mar-riage to the Hlshop site built the Neigh-borhood House nt Cannon anal Klvlngtonstreets nt n cost of 150000 liar newclubhouse will adjoin this Institution

Mrs Potter is also building nt KllzabethN J a club or gulldhouse for IrncpEpiscopal Church an a memorial to herInto husband Alfred Corning Clark

tlllAXn 11IlOlt AXH TirKRi-

lrronipKprnia In Hate Sonic Idea of Ilnth-rrltiK Crntlilil

DetectIve Sergeant Welsh and DetectlvnMaher of thin District Attnrnpys ofllcflprowled around thn Tpnderloln last nightprincipally to look over Im IudlnmHplace just west of Tom Ollourkeslotus In West Fortieth street IudlnniIs bulloing n In connection withhis house After Inspect Ing Iudlimswhich seemed to ln closed Welsh andMaher visited the newly opened Hotel

In Seventh avenunFortieth and streets of which AlPst otis tlmn gambler was the mana-ger to night when ho hart arow with thn proprietor Intendn Frenchman was In bod lastnight ns n result aral Post was out of a

District Attorney Jerome said yesterdayhint he a man on thelist who hail In Canflelds In theevent of this man Incoming a member ofthe irxnd Jury thought homight cnll Outfield to testify os

goes on In his Weststreet lions

It seemed to lie In Mr Jeromes mindultimately to Investignte Canflelds

ARTICLES CZOLtiOSX orEnllullaln Illitorlpal snclrly Wants to Get

l mr lon nf Ttirni-

HlKFAti Nov IS Sheriff Copplnstodaynotified Ttoard of Supervisors that hnIn lilt possession n numlmrof articles whichImlonged to assassin of President

anti hint the IluffnloSociety wnnt thin articles for historical

Th list Includes nn old satchel n pairof shoes socks two towels n of trou-sers n blacking brush semite writingnnd some blncklng societywnnts the hnndcuffs that wereVolgosT was taken to Auburn Prison anti

the receipt that was to hurt theon when he was received at

this InstitutionThe Supervisors referred the Sheriffs

to n committee for d-


tnun attic firm lall-MoNTrrtMA la Nov is C C

it Sons of oweslilek county nsslgnojfor thin Nnefit of their creditor

Till liabIlities urn inonon und the asetare placed nt 200000 Fur theyhave the largest breeders of thorotighbred In the Weets-

llurnMt ntlU r lr rt-It oM hy sit th t cnifr r rrywhfie irr It

titrThe l k Shot Llmllfd

the ifit Jiheur uala in cntcxo ItaveiXF York 631 P It arilvM 4Su nulafurnoont u urvlrtt all luUm n c

ntrnrle utica lieToday




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