i nto 7abs1 -...

I j i f j j Tile Eminent Kidney I f and Bladder Specialist I i < < Ts Dlicorertr el SwaapRoet at Wuk ia I KU L1 ttorI I eres a die I s I country most dangerous because as decep 1 five Many sudden deaths are caused by If Jit useaa pr moria heart failure l 711Qlye 711 I I break dwn and waste away ci by 1CSI I Then the richnen of the bloodthe albumen i BriehtaCj Cr Kilmers SwampRoot the new cia csc U the true pecific fcr kidney bladder and urinary troubles It has cured thousands it I of Apparently hopeless cars after sl other effr have failed At druggists Sn fiftycent and ijllar sizes A sample boMe sent free SwampRoot ft I Dr Kilmer dC Co Binghamton N Y and mention this paper COU XT YNIWS NOTES 0 Al 1lYir0 tnMuro Iuh ALL currtM pMidence moat be I in thin office by Monday night of Nth weep and that nearby oa Monday morning Our correjMiadeata are derelict in duty and we want to MJ that henceforth tiles 4triil not rive paper except fur the- m Tree they hare newt letter Wtt art dopoJttloMt upon I them for the uor and I when they fail toeat < in tluir fuvur > tltcy put U3 to great inconreoience f 3UXKY SIDE Fibbing seeinwi to be the principal oc < LIuitSoturdnv nreruoong I II E Oncy attended Snniiay school < and church at l land Green umiuy I ° uprto I mttbur Uncle ItantH ami lust Darkey Hrvok pHHit StiDdwith their son let Brooks neighborhoot In a private letter to this place from t Gallic Oiiey of hick ou > uu that Abe is i getting along real well Iu her echal l work Site pooh in the liirhent term of liar pnfe + >or and teachers My that 1they certainly know how to mako i a stranger feel ut Ionic Scott I Iacy called on KiwarU Oner l Friduy fast They are abottt the fame agr unit thtrfr jvarenH being near ncighlvirs + 1 eariyehtliihonddnya 1 pleasant recollection of the past and traced their Hot school hftck l to the time that the l bit ViJi Siiiii and l lula Kltb taught our publics I ooh cornr I 1 1rNickell 1 Cirecn spent the day Friday with Mrs 1 Ida Johnson it Iwing her birthday She s had prepared an elegant dinner tor the occasion She rcceircdseveral nice present Mrs John ion i is H dear good + woman nnd u18yshe have many more birthday + and each one be happier than 4 the othor i iw the wihoClur many friends I l i Ye scribe acompanie l this Mzzie ctUayhome liberty called on our oJ school mates Mle Kathleen nod Florauc McCiuire and from there wo went to tae Jaaics dear old prnndum Henry about tlree lucks beyond West Liberty It watt touehugto Itt how the kind old face lit up at the sight of her devoted l graudattgh > tar whom she hail not seen for a lout time We returned tl Mr Henrys late that afternoon Mr Henry is t woMto countrylol11U tune with thoo good teople woulu be Nittiog it lightly We came home Sun < lay evening feeling that we were well tripAhril PrwilJ SfXBIUM SWANGO SPRINGS SAYINGS The oornplnntor gives music for the farmer now- Alonii Crnft of Salem was with hs Nirenu Saturday Charley Dale of Mt Sterling was a guest of the Springs part of1at week Miss Jose U6t of Salem ili now with Harrison Svaugo and wife fcr a while Did Misses Callie Tnullet and Nellie Evaoscoll at the Spring on Sunday Somo of the young Indies and tarn of hazel Ureeu seeined to lie enjoying horse back riding out this way Sunday Miss Myrtle Jackson who has been living with Undo Uarrv Swango for several years left Tuesday for her rein ¬ Lives in Ucnilec count Richard Clark and sister who have been with us for some time left Sunday t I for their homes At Mt Sterling They seemed to be greatly benefited by the use of the water and contemplate coming again in June I April 24 Uso eta vx U a IGILLMORE GLEANINGS gone to Jackson with his wagon T E Calhoun of Quicksand I is visit- ing ¬ the family of J II Vest Curt Spencer has a very sore hand from being bruised by chopping The click of the corn planter i is now heardon the bill sides in this vicinity iJiMrs Um Little is very low with ftrrI- IIIII expected to live Later DM I lieday night J M Ely has moved his steam milt I from Ijniclcsand back to the old suuid CL this place and is now putting her together I we a new correspondent just loomed up from the Sunny idwbo seess somewhat offended at Uncle Kemus bt iMiimj he pjie of Brother WiUon roe nlrg against Brother Gaper for afriaof and thinks preachers should not engage in politics 1 did nut know there wan any politic in a county otHce I dool want in throw any stigma on Bro Cooper por plnct a laurel from his brow and leave the matter with he and Bro WI 1 son Hut the trick about it is who i I Susie Sunbeam From the euutlui the nm1 will give you the title ty HH Su ie Sunbeam and will suggest that you jest it down in your pluh I seat rocking chair lean back and ruck rourwlf lolaby on the Sunny Side and rate the matter with Bros toper and Witaon to settle says April 21 I UXCLB REMIS I TOLIVER TOPICS Curti Swanfo toOt dinner with Bruce Bowling undayt t ilis Ave Swaugo spent from Friday I tilt Sunder with her uncle A13n dull tlugCthCle Saturday and Sunday Tom Sexton of Maytown stayedall l night with ilrs O V McNabb one night last week Come again Tom Harry IVrkins arid sister i Kmnia paid A B swiuigo a pleasant viit Snturday and Sunday While there Mi KIIIIIIH gave them some nice uuiic- O W McNabb I his j just rinihe l a new fence of about 100 uinel on the farm he recently purchased front Mrs Bottle Hose till Clnrs branch Mrs 1 0 W McNabb made a Hying trip to Hnzol Green Saturday While there culled to gee Mrs W T McNubb and also paid Mrs Nannie Cravens a pleas ant call- Ilieoldestson of John Hurst met wjth a very severe accident Sunday morning whilV cutting down a tree in onU r to get a squirrel which he had spied in the tops Not paying attention to what he- IIS doing the tree knocked hits down and it is thought his leg wis broken Harry Perkins passed through here tut week en route for Clfty supposed lo be canvassing fur sberill The general uppoMtion of the people is i that lit wns 4 candidate fur matrimony It wouldnt surprise the writer to hear of Jliss I i Carrie Swangn casting ballot iu vase of M tie in regard to the election in the heritl race and matrimouia April 21 SrRiBKMOX MORCAN COUNTY CONSOLATION CHAT Corn planting i is the order of the day Iit Bonnie Civil attende l church on the Murphy fork Sunday Hen Chester < if Montgomery i < pond ¬ ing a few days in our midst this week I A J Blankenship and family visited i I 1 M 1 Lee I and wife Saturday night ami Sunday Willie Teterman of Grassy Lick was the guest of Miss Minute Wallace Sun ¬ dayThere will be church at Consolation Saturday and Sunday All are invited M attfndI I Why I Volney never comes back on this side of the hill any- more Can some one tell The drake was stepping as high as a blind horse in n rye field Sunday but says Ii9 wouldnt marry xt all John Bise hada shrubbing on last Saturday and the girls spread dinner on the ground John means to marry no how llisa Comic Hie hid for her guest Sunday Misses Mary Tyler and Myrtie I illi pie and Ligo Blankenship and Urn I Chester All report an enjoyable time We incidentally learn that Mini Julian l Cecil was on Sunday last murrietl to Mr I TarkMHi of Licking river and aI I for that place Monday Ve scribe wishen them much joy and thinks they ought to have a copy of the dear old llrlt A 10 in their hone Ben Chester went home with a Hoosier girl but we learn he did not open the gate as it wes a new patent and of course slit had to open it but says she would rather open all the gates than not be with him I Ben says ht iIlICO through tho l field hereafter Ion t blame you lien1pri12 KIXNMM MAYTOWN MISSIVES Mrs E B Boman is i ou the sick list Miss Lorena Ingrain i is very ill at PITS cut The family of Mr Weeks are all quite ick Miss Anna Hylton WM yisiting in town Monday Charlie Sample has returned from Mt Sterling court Mrs Lena Picratt continues very low at her home near town Mrs Lillie Childers nnd Miss Annn Lacy of Maytown were visiting in Ezel Saturday r just opened the l1itiryr JcisaJLaA jtn dr 7abS1 fJ J w Wa StoRibbon etc ever seen in Hazel l Green0Aio ailne of Gents TEW HAT tIECJ TfES Ypetc t- Stnj beauty rrU cite 11Jw rEt tea r ir p lt7 Jr L r 11 0 r Frank tUIIof Stillwater incased through town Sunday Uncle lull awho l ha < l been con tined to hi sick bed i is out again Miss Lillie Oakley rrturneii last week from the feeble minded institute Mr and Mrs Silas Pierntt were visit- ing i their daughter Mrs Doyl Nickell SundayCharlie Lvnns of Frenchburg wes visiting in town Sunday We think from all reports he will he back again soon Mrs l a thllid little daughter of Po 111 e coy ton were visiting I l her aunt Mrs Wills of town and friends at Tol iver Mrs Louis Hylton was visting i relatives in town Thursday last accompanied by her little ton talkie As Mr Hylton i is a merchant of our town Master Jakie thinks he will be lmc c soon to mid his papa in handling candy crackers etc as his success was so great before April 21 RKX BREATHITT COUNTY JACKSON JINGLES Mrs hart Tyler has been very sick Mrs Rupert Sally remains ijtite ill Mrs I Dr J M hash has been on the sick lit Fishing at 4 oclock a m i is now tilt order of the day J F Ka h and wife are very proud of tbvir prtty little I iluughter Mrs J H Wain has been quite sick for the past two weeks J Bruce Little null wife recently moved into the house vacated by Rev 1 M Little Dr I L II Blanton was here the past chapelSunday lay Cos millat this place made nit > a rd 1 i t neck by sawing about 11 I fet in on iny- HV T t Hubert on lust Tuesday night doliveriHl an iutrrt till lecture on Home Sweet Home at College chapel Monroe Waliiu closedout his photo graph jjnllery here Saturday prop ratory to going ti Hazel preen mind other Points on a visit and l busiayss April i4 IxiXKvixr The Eafllft King of All Birds is noted fr its keen sight i char and distinct vision o are thus persons who use Sutherlnmis Kng Eye Salvo for weak oyos styos grmulntcdlids I t If you wants l the news local nail f reigna dailAnd two weekly papers Send us six dollars and we will sce that MorningHearld IcntuskyStock l TO CfltH A COIO IN daft IIAV Take Laxative Hronio Quinine Tablets All ilnucirits refund money if it fail 10 i UTV Tv Iiuitu hs I I 15 tj In- Ithd r Our Ittrctir c Iul8th ttc setldIng sketch And devti tLnM say invention will rninlIhe 1 Iccumlhrotl expensePatents NOHV without charge in THIS PATENT Rncoun nn illu < tn > teil and widely circulated journal consulted by Manufacturers and Investors Scud for sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J EVANS Ar CO Patent Attorneys Evans Building WASHINGTON D C StTFtlistISEnvelopeaG I Sale Dills Jtc printed nt IIERALD office y JLrr n have T o Dr yJCY LDry At y nto o It rt 15o I htct PGOI I 11 toKIIU3T IUKt tl1 11t r t IUIIUIU10rI1SIJ Ocr Prie S 5 d d 0- alldtltlohtthaft tC 4- errtF rfn4tyrt r k r o Utt ulthf t Y aver eaceatlloreacht mlu l1y IT Ttt3E NONTIS BlAt I 5 I4Itti0 rlhe S > urnwnh rtL1 went I rtttcrn rl t I < u ar t l T tt rsa 01001 11100 flIO is sp ail tfirtt r I to n Fry F Ic f tw uka Jt fhi3of ettIS UnuPUr > 6CAPl1TntEDiLSi ithe BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 1tnaeW1llr r s- tlsme co > isi kat lvur ca UUft < wt 01tll derati Mrlp hldlrhlea udletnlerrfi THE BURDICKtJu cirr tI MUi snob piISTOV tRJ + J JSt II atadebrthrap I I J b t 0n sot Iii QIARTER SAWFD OAK rRCPICtsE CAIIIITJO er = t r tiUlL- y t f I 1 uIrma tatonnlaarntpIWtu I t t r r t i lnl u i l art h at ll victla r5e I t r JhJr sn luell tt ltrrtbecarer s eadis U iIt SO 5 I tx rajtYIltnb1 rt niceldrerrJ afn c l n t 7If rhtnlnd 11111 the + r furn I of rr r lreagrlDrafILR6ttnltil eo1r ItI t ti + fAttnttnInh t rtnKredlxN- i atate prr nref tmhhU earr1r41YteatneelGt e LM 51J r + oJa > Ji stel drtJ drutp4 id talL Q a- ti t t rjey CUACANTeZ7 rlkiIndanotvtItcrlnW I C U r C rte > O lr eta tPAtrne Ir Lo Iltltasd It fF PJa i r > rt + I- fraie > > Ct Z + 1t 1 HS ktels trr rnUnddrht aeraq t titc rk r1YunnIIuntlIbu y iriflBk I IT COSTS YOU NOTilNGuu4uIIIIIIreftU nMO J1t3rlurrkeetrr ye S u fenao RI to n iT cnwi w1 t r t aST 0 e to rl w tY rn r tx t t r sIeb wr TO KM 1 s1lli i0 It atn t echin tlN w c < t r aar ran Stu lid > SLa C 0 i l1t D02TZ i Aiijrct SEARC nOEBUCk COlnc Chlcrgo I IN- e 490t ± OC3000000000r t + C300000000044SO0o0o004040AOS39- CHTLEF1 DRHTJW WAG q Vc use only the best of material Has all up to date ttact Sts Splendid Finish Price is A right We can make it an + inducement for dealers to handle our work We manufacture a full line of light pleasure vehicles 4 Send for catalogue and price list irroteertrrT a p WTLLE 1 na G 7CO aruulftteturrrr 4 TAC1CO 1T1CITa 0t1009P9 0d v r + n nn P < Ot009900000000034MOJ30 r we r T r r Lki i 1 i lp i u 1 A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical UptoJate Concise and Comprehensive Hand ¬ r somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated i IBy JACOB BiOOLIk J No lBIQQLE HORSE BOOK AU about 1lonesa Common SenseTreatisewith 01tr l 74 illustrations a standard work Trice jo Cent J1it it No 2BIGQLE BERRY BOOK 1 Jleat Fruitsreadandlearnh0tirt i it t varieties and i x ctfer illu trations Price jo Cents i 1 1 No 3BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry the best Poultry Boot In cilstcnee I tells everything lilcIike reproduction of all the principal breeds wih 103 otherillustrationi- ITice SO Cent No 4BIQGLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy lousiness t hftflnR II lTtat sale contains 8colorMiife4tkereprcxiaction1o eachM M breed with IJ2 other illustrations Price 50 Cen- tNo 5BIGGLB SWINE BOOK Just out All about hogsnreeding Feeding Dutch i cry IIreares etc Contains over So beautit half 4 tones and other engravings Price 50 Cents TheBIQOLn BOOKS nre unique orllinlu utrouneTff saw anthtul like them so rracticalno sensible Thori ore hlnl an cnormouasalebastest NOfth an South Every one who keeps n horse Cow HOE or Chicken er grows Small Frtdts ought to send right 1 away for the OIUuLB BOOKS The FARM JOURNALI- s your paper made for you and not a misfit It is OT rcdarl isquitafter S- dlattof Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS and the FARM JOURNAL 5 YEARS remainder of lqql loOt 1901 loot and 1903 wilt be sent br O11 to any address for A DOLLAR BILL Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BinOLB BOOKS tree I WItLER ATSOY Address FARM JOURNAL CIIAS K JENKINS PutAPalri I

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Post on 11-May-2018




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j i

f j

j Tile Eminent Kidney I

f and Bladder SpecialistIi < <

Ts Dlicorertr el SwaapRoet at Wuk ia I

KU L1 ttorIIeres a die I sI country most dangerous because as decep


five Many sudden deaths are caused byIf Jit useaa pr moria heart failure l



break dwn and waste away ci by 1CSII

Then the richnen of the bloodthe albumen

i BriehtaCjCr Kilmers SwampRoot the new cia

csc U the true pecific fcr kidney bladderand urinary troubles It has cured thousandsit I of Apparently hopeless cars after sl othereffr have failed At druggists Sn fiftycentand ijllar sizes A sample boMe sent freeSwampRoot

ft I Dr Kilmer dC Co Binghamton N Y andmention this paper

COU XT YNIWS NOTES0Al 1lYir0 tnMuro Iuh ALL currtMpMidence moat be Iin thin office byMonday night of Nth weep andthat nearby oa Monday morning

Our correjMiadeata are derelict in dutyand we want to MJ that henceforth tiles

4triil not rive paper except fur the-

mm Tree they hare newt letter Wtt artdopoJttloMt uponI them for the uor and

Iwhen they fail toeat< in tluir fuvur >

tltcy put U3 to great inconreoience

f 3UXKY SIDEFibbing seeinwi to be the principal oc

< LIuitSoturdnv nreruoong

I II E Oncy attended Snniiay school< and church at lland Green umiuy

I ° uprtoI

mttburUncle ItantH ami lust Darkey Hrvok

pHHit StiDdwith their son let Brooks

neighborhootIn a private letter to this place from

t Gallic Oiiey of hick ou > uu that Abeisi getting along real well Iu her echall

work Site pooh in the liirhent termof liar pnfe +>or and teachers My that1they certainly know how to makoi astranger feel ut Ionic

Scott IIacy called on KiwarU Onerl Friduy fast They are abottt the fame agr

unit thtrfr jvarenH being near ncighlvirs +



pleasant recollection of the past andtraced their Hot school hftckl to the timethat the lbit ViJi Siiiii andl lulaKltb taught our publics I oohcornrI 1


Cirecn spent the day Friday with Mrs1

Ida Johnson it Iwing her birthday Shes had prepared an elegant dinner tor the

occasion She rcceircdseveral nicepresent Mrs John ion iis H dear good

+ woman nnd u18yshe have many morebirthday+ and each one be happier than

4 the othor iiw the wihoClur many friends I

l i Ye scribe acompaniel this MzziectUayhomeliberty called on our oJ school matesMle Kathleen nod Florauc McCiuireand from there wo went to tae Jaaicsdear old prnndum Henry about tlreelucks beyond West Liberty It watttouehugto Itt how the kind old face litup at the sight of her devotedl graudattgh >

tar whom she hail not seen for a louttime We returned tl Mr Henrys latethat afternoon Mr Henry is t woMto

countrylol11Utune with thoo good teople woulu beNittiog it lightly We came home Sun< lay evening feeling that we were well

tripAhril PrwilJ SfXBIUM

SWANGO SPRINGS SAYINGSThe oornplnntor gives music for the

farmer now-

Alonii Crnft of Salem was with hsNirenu Saturday

Charley Dale of Mt Sterling was aguest of the Springs part of1at week

Miss Jose U6t of Salem iili now withHarrison Svaugo and wife fcr a while

Did Misses Callie Tnullet and NellieEvaoscoll at the Spring on Sunday

Somo of the young Indies and tarn ofhazel Ureeu seeined to lie enjoying horseback riding out this way Sunday

Miss Myrtle Jackson who has beenliving with Undo Uarrv Swango forseveral years left Tuesday for her rein ¬

Lives in Ucnilec countRichard Clark and sister who have

been with us for some time left Sunday

tI for their homes At Mt Sterling They

seemed to be greatly benefited by the useof the water and contemplate comingagain in June


April 24 Uso


U a

IGILLMORE GLEANINGSgone to Jackson with

his wagonT E Calhoun of Quicksand Iis visit-


the family of J II VestCurt Spencer has a very sore hand

from being bruised by choppingThe click of the corn planter iis now

heardon the bill sides in this vicinityiJiMrs Um Little is very low with ftrrI-

IIIII expected to live Later DMI lieday night

J M Ely has moved his steam milt I

from Ijniclcsand back to the old suuidCL this place and is now putting hertogether

I we a new correspondent just loomedup from the Sunny idwbo seesssomewhat offended at Uncle Kemus btiMiimj he pjie of Brother WiUon roenlrg against Brother Gaper for afriaofand thinks preachers should not engagein politics 1 did nut know there wanany politic in a county otHce I doolwant in throw any stigma on Bro Cooperpor plnct a laurel from his brow andleave the matter with he and Bro WI1

son Hut the trick about it is who i I

Susie Sunbeam From the euutluithe nm1 will give you the title ty

HH Su ie Sunbeam and will suggestthat you jest it down in your pluh I

seat rocking chair lean back and ruckrourwlf lolaby on the Sunny Side andrate the matter with Bros toper andWitaon to settle says


TOLIVER TOPICSCurti Swanfo toOt dinner with Bruce

Bowling undaytt

ilis Ave Swaugo spent from FridayI

tilt Sunder with her uncle A13n dulltlugCthCleSaturday and Sunday

Tom Sexton of Maytown stayedalll

night with ilrs O V McNabb onenight last week Come again Tom

Harry IVrkins arid sisteri Kmnia paidA B swiuigo a pleasant viit Snturdayand Sunday While there Mi KIIIIIIH

gave them some nice uuiic-O W McNabbI his jjust rinihel a new

fence of about 100 uinel on the farm herecently purchased front Mrs BottleHose till Clnrs branch

Mrs1 0 W McNabb made a Hying tripto Hnzol Green Saturday While thereculled to gee Mrs W T McNubb andalso paid Mrs Nannie Cravens a pleasant call-

Ilieoldestson of John Hurst met wjtha very severe accident Sunday morningwhilV cutting down a tree in onU r to geta squirrel which he had spied in thetops Not paying attention to what he-

IIS doing the tree knocked hits downand it is thought his leg wis broken

Harry Perkins passed through heretut week en route for Clfty supposedlo be canvassing fur sberill The generaluppoMtion of the people isi that lit wns4 candidate fur matrimony It wouldntsurprise the writer to hear of JlissI i CarrieSwangn casting ballot iu vase of M tie inregard to the election in the heritl raceand matrimouia

April 21 SrRiBKMOX


Corn planting iis the order of the dayIit Bonnie Civil attendel church on

the Murphy fork SundayHen Chester < if Montgomery i< pond ¬

ing a few days in our midst this week I

A J Blankenship and family visitediI

1 M1 LeeI and wife Saturday night amiSunday

Willie Teterman of Grassy Lick wasthe guest of Miss Minute Wallace Sun ¬

dayTherewill be church at Consolation

Saturday and Sunday All are invitedM attfndI I

Why I Volney nevercomes back on this side of the hill any-more Can some one tell

The drake was stepping as high as ablind horse in n rye field Sunday butsays Ii9 wouldnt marry xt all

John Bise hada shrubbing on lastSaturday and the girls spread dinner onthe ground John means to marry no

howllisa Comic Hie hid for her guest

Sunday Misses Mary Tyler and MyrtieI

illi pie and Ligo Blankenship and Urn I

Chester All report an enjoyable timeWe incidentally learn that Mini Julian l

Cecil was on Sunday last murrietl toMrI TarkMHi of Licking river and aII

for that place Monday Ve scribe wishenthem much joy and thinks they oughtto have a copy of the dear old llrlt A 10in their hone

Ben Chester went home with a Hoosiergirl but we learn he did not open thegate as it wes a new patent and ofcourse slit had to open it but says shewould rather open all the gates than notbe with him IBen says ht iIlICO throughtho lfield hereafter Ion t blame you


MAYTOWN MISSIVESMrs E B Boman isi ou the sick listMiss Lorena Ingrain iis very ill at PITS

cutThe family of Mr Weeks are all quite

ickMiss Anna Hylton WM yisiting in

town MondayCharlie Sample has returned from Mt

Sterling courtMrs Lena Picratt continues very low

at her home near townMrs Lillie Childers nnd Miss Annn

Lacy of Maytown were visiting in EzelSaturday


just opened thel1itiryrJcisaJLaA jtndr7abS1fJ J w

Wa StoRibbon etc everseen in Hazell Green0Aio ailneof Gents TEW HAT tIECJTfES Ypetct-

Stnj beautyrrU cite


tea rir plt7 Jr L r



Frank tUIIof Stillwater incasedthrough town Sunday

Uncle lull awho lha < lbeen contined to hi sick bed iis out again

Miss Lillie Oakley rrturneii last weekfrom the feeble minded institute

Mr and Mrs Silas Pierntt were visit-ing


their daughter Mrs Doyl Nickell

SundayCharlieLvnns of Frenchburg wes

visiting in town Sunday We think fromall reports he will he back again soon

Mrsl athllid little daughter ofPo 111 e coy ton were visitingI lher auntMrs Wills of town and friends at Toliver

Mrs Louis Hylton was vistingi relativesin town Thursday last accompanied byher little ton talkie As Mr Hylton iis amerchant of our town Master Jakiethinks he will be lmc c soon to mid hispapa in handling candy crackers etc ashis success was so great before

April 21 RKX


Mrs hart Tyler has been very sickMrs Rupert Sally remains ijtite illMrsI Dr J M hash has been on the

sick litFishing at 4 oclock a m iis now tilt

order of the dayJ F Ka h and wife are very proud of

tbvir prtty littleI iluughterMrs J H Wain has been quite sick

for the past two weeksJ Bruce Little null wife recently

moved into the house vacated by Rev1 M Little

Dr IL II Blanton was here the past

chapelSundaylay Cos millat this place made

nit > a rd1 i t neck by sawing about11 I fet in on iny-

HV T t Hubert on lust Tuesdaynight doliveriHl an iutrrt till lecture on

Home Sweet Home at College chapelMonroe Waliiu closedout his photo

graph jjnllery here Saturday prop ratoryto going ti Hazel preen mind other Pointson a visit andl busiayss

April i4 IxiXKvixr

The Eafllft King of All Birdsis noted fr its keen sighti charand distinct vision o are thuspersons who use Sutherlnmis KngEye Salvo for weak oyos styos


If you wants l the news local nailf reigna dailAnd two weekly papersSend us six dollars and we will sce that


TO CfltH A COIO IN daft IIAVTake Laxative Hronio Quinine TabletsAll ilnucirits refund money if it fail 10i UTV Tv Iiuitu hs II 15 tj In-Ithd r

Our Ittrctir c Iul8th ttc setldIngsketch And devti tLnM say invention willrninlIhe1IccumlhrotlexpensePatentsNOHV without charge in THIS PATENT Rncounnn illu <tn> teil and widely circulated journalconsulted by Manufacturers and Investors

Scud for sample copy FREE AddressVICTOR J EVANS Ar CO

Patent AttorneysEvans Building WASHINGTON D C


Sale Dills Jtc printed nt IIERALD office



haveT oDr

yJCY LDry At y ntoo




htct PGOI I 11 toKIIU3T IUKt tl1 11t rt IUIIUIU10rI1SIJ Ocr Prie S 5 d d 0-

alldtltlohtthafttC 4-

errtFrfn4tyrt r k r

o Utt ulthf t Y

aver eaceatlloreacht mlu l1y IT Ttt3E NONTIS BlAt I 5 I4Itti0 rlheS> urnwnh rtL1 went I rtttcrn rl t I < u ar t l T ttrsa01001 11100 flIO is sp ail tfirtt r I to n Fry F Ic ftwuka Jt fhi3of ettIS UnuPUr > 6CAPl1TntEDiLSiitheBEWARE OF IMITATIONS 1tnaeW1llr r s-


>isikat lvur ca UUft < wt 01tllderati Mrlp hldlrhlea udletnlerrfiTHE BURDICKtJu cirrtI MUi

snobpiISTOV tRJ + JJStIIatadebrthrapI I J

b t 0nsot Iii QIARTER SAWFD OAK rRCPICtsE CAIIIITJOer = t r tiUlL-y tf I 1 uIrma tatonnlaarntpIWtu

I t t r r t i lnl u il art h at ll victlar5eI t r JhJr sn luell tt ltrrtbecarer s eadis

U iIt SO 5I tx rajtYIltnb1 rt niceldrerrJ afn

c l n t 7If rhtnlnd 11111the + r furn I of rr r lreagrlDrafILR6ttnltileo1r ItI t ti + fAttnttnInh t rtnKredlxN-i atate prr nref tmhhU earr1r41YteatneelGt

e LM 51J r + oJa > Ji stel drtJ drutp4 id talL Q


titt rjey CUACANTeZ7 rlkiIndanotvtItcrlnW I

C U r C rte> O lr eta tPAtrne Ir Lo Iltltasd It fF PJa i r > rt + I-

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