i regs or - the kennel club4 f kennelclublicensedeventsmustatalltimesensurethatthedogiskept under...

Kennel Club Regulation Booklets This is one of a series of booklets designed to present the Regulations in a more accessible form. The complete set of Rules & Regulations is of course still available within the Kennel Club Year Book. There are booklets available for Breed Shows, Obedience Shows, Agility Shows and Flyball Competitions, Working Trials and Bloodhound Trials, Heelwork to Music, Field Trials and Rally. Whilst including all the relevant regulations also included is an extract from the B Regulations on the requirements of dog registration.

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Page 1: I Regs or - The Kennel Club4 F KennelClublicensedeventsmustatalltimesensurethatthedogiskept under proper control whilst at the licensed venue, including its environs

Kennel Club Regulation Booklets

This is one of a series of booklets designed to present the

Regulations in a more accessible form. The complete set of

Rules & Regulations is of course still available within the

Kennel Club Year Book.

There are booklets available for Breed Shows, Obedience

Shows, Agility Shows and Flyball Competitions, Working

Trials and Bloodhound Trials, Heelwork to Music, Field Trials

and Rally. Whilst including all the relevant regulations

also included is an extract from the B Regulations on the

requirements of dog registration.

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As at 1st January 2013

These Regulations apply to all licensed Shows, except Obedience Shows andAgility Tests.

1. Eligibility.a. Show licences will be issued to registered or affiliated Societies only,

with the exception of Companion Dog Show licenses which will beissued to registered or unregistered organisations.

b. Dogs entered for exhibition at Kennel Club licensed Shows, with theexception of Companion Dog Shows must be registered at the KennelClub in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations for Classification andRegistration B. In the case of Companion Dog Shows held inconjunction with another Kennel Club licensed dog show, a dog enteredfor exhibition at the Companion Dog Show will be deemed to be anentered dog for the purposes of visiting and/or competing at the otherlicensed dog show.

c. Only dogs of six calendar months of age and over on the first day of theShow are eligible for exhibition at Kennel Club licensed Shows.However, societies may accept Not for Competition entries at theirdiscretion. Dogs aged four calendar months and over are eligible toenter not for competition at Single Breed and Sub-Group Shows.Furthermore, dogs aged four calendar months and over are eligible toenter Match competitions.

d. If, in the opinion of the General Committee, a dog is of a savagedisposition it shall be ineligible for entry for any Show held underKennel Club Rules and Regulations.

e. Persons disqualified or suspended under Kennel Club Rules are notpermitted to take part in any Kennel Club licensed Show.

f. No activity shall be conducted which permits, encourages or developsaggression in a dog.

g. Only breeds for which a Breed Standard or Interim Breed Standard hasbeen published by the Kennel Club are eligible to enter to compete atShows.

2. Welfare of Dogs.An exhibitor whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take

all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should notknowingly put their dogs’ health and welfare at risk by any action, default,omission or otherwise. A breach of this Regulation may be referred to theGeneral Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules andRegulations.


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3. Licensed Shows.Licensed Shows held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations are those held

under Licence granted by the General Committee of the Kennel Club and whichcomprise:

a. Championship Shows-which are open to all exhibitors (except where aqualification for entry has been approved by the General Committee ofthe Kennel Club) and at which Kennel Club Challenge Certificates areoffered.(vide Kennel Club Show Regulation F(1))

b. Open Shows-which are open to all exhibitors.(vide Kennel Club Show Regulation F(1))

c. Limited Shows-at which entry is limited to Members of the Show Societyor to exhibitors resident within specified areas or otherwise subject tothe approval of the General Committee of the Kennel Club*.(vide Kennel Club Show Regulation F(1))

d. Matches-at which entry is limited to Members of the Show Society*.(vide Kennel Club Show Regulations F(2))

e. Companion Dog Shows-at which registered and unregistered dogs areeligible to enter.(vide Kennel Club Show Regulation F(3))

*Dogs which have won a Challenge Certificate or obtained any award thatcounts towards the title of Champion under the rules of any governing bodyrecognised by the Kennel Club are not eligible for entry at these Shows.

NOTE: The General Committee of the Kennel Club also licenses ObedienceShows andAgility Tests which are covered by the appropriate Regulations.

4. Permission to hold Shows.a. The General Committee shall have the power to grant, withhold or

cancel permission to hold any licensed Show.b. A General Canine Society may apply for a licence for one Open Show

per year. An application for a second Open Show licence will beconsidered if the Society's two most recent Open Shows (at time ofapplication) have achieved an average class entry of 4 dogs or more.For General Canine Society Open Shows in Northern Ireland, theaverage class entry of 3.5 dogs will apply.

5. Abandonment of Shows.In the event of any major contravention of Kennel Club Rules and Regulations,

in particular attraction from outside the ring, the Guarantors and/or suchmembers of the Show Management to whom the Guarantors have delegatedsuch powers, may order that judging in specific classes, breeds, rings or the Showbe abandoned.Any cancellation or abandonment of a Show without prior permission of the

Kennel Club must be reported in writing to the Kennel Club without delay.

6. Guarantors.The Show Society holding the licensed Show shall provide Guarantors who

shall give an undertaking jointly and severally to the Kennel Club to hold and

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conduct the Show in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the KennelClub, to guarantee the due payment of any prize money, and to abide by andadopt any decision of the General Committee or any authority to whom theGeneral Committee may delegate its powers, subject to the conditions ofRegulation F13. Such undertaking shall also be taken as an agreement by suchguarantors and each of them, that any decision given against them or any ofthem, under Rule A11 of the Kennel Club Rules may be communicated by theSecretary of the Kennel Club to the Secretaries of Dog Shows, Field Trials,Working Trials and Societies affiliated with the Kennel Club, and may also bepublished in THE KENNELGAZETTE, together with a report of the proceedingsin the matter, and may include names, addresses and descriptions.Any notice sent by registered post to any such Guarantor at the address given

on the licence application shall be deemed full and sufficient notice on the part ofthe Kennel Club to the Guarantor of (a) any proceedings, matters or decisions ofthe General Committee, or of any Authority to whom the General Committeemay have delegated its powers, or (b) of anything arising out of the Show Licenceor to the conduct of the Show, or (c) of any other matter whatsoever arising out ofor in connection with the same.

7. Application.The application for a licence to hold a Show must be made to the Secretary of

the Kennel Club, 1-5 Clarges Street, London, W1J 8AB, on the official form andmust be accompanied by the appropriate licence fee.

8. Documentation.At every Show the following documents must be available:-a. The licence for the Show, which must be clearly displayed.b. A current Public Liability Insurance Document, which must be clearly

displayed.c. A copy of current Kennel Club Rules and relevant Show Regulations.d. A copy of current Kennel Club Breed Standards for all breeds scheduled

at the Show.e. A copy of the Schedule and Catalogue for the Show, where applicable.f. The completed entry forms for the Show.g. An incident book, not to be of a loose leaf style.

9. Judging.Judges at Kennel Club licensed Shows must judge in accordance with Kennel

Club Breed Standards. In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features orexaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the soundness,health or well being of the dog. Judges are also expected to maintain and abideby the highest standards in accordance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulationsand appropriate Codes of Best Practice as published from time to time.

10. Exhibition of Dogs.a. No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog

at any time whilst at the licensed venue, including its environs, car andcaravan parks and approaches.

b. The owner, exhibitor, handler or other person in charge of a dog at

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Kennel Club licensed events must at all times ensure that the dog is keptunder proper control whilst at the licensed venue, including itsenvirons, car and caravan parks and approaches. This Regulationapplies before (at any time during the set up period at the venue),during the event and afterwards (at any time during the breakdown ofthe event).

11. Veterinary Support.The Secretary of a licensed show is required to arrange veterinary support

compatible with the arrangements for the show and the anticipated entry.

12. Dog Fouling, Grooming andWaste (Animal).a. Any owner, exhibitor, handler or other person in charge of a dog is

required to remove immediately any fouling caused by their dog(s)and/or any grooming waste at any Kennel Club licensed show withinthe licensed venue and within the environs of that event including carand caravan parks and approaches.

b. Any organisation holding a Kennel Club licensed event is required toprovide an adequate number of receptacles for the disposal of suchfouling waste.

c. The chalking, powdering or spraying (with the exception of water) ofexhibits within the precincts of the Show is forbidden.

13. Fraudulent or Discreditable Conduct at Shows.The Secretary of a Showmust immediately report in writing to the Secretary of

the Kennel Club any case of alleged fraudulent or discreditable conduct, or anydefault, omission or incident at or in connection with the Show which may cometo his notice, even where parties concerned have indicated that they intendtaking no action and at the same time forward to the Secretary of the Kennel Cluball documents and information in connection therewith which may be in hispossession or power. If evidence is placed before the General Committee to itssatisfaction that undue influence has been exercised by any person(s), or that anyimproper means have been used to influence the appointment of a Judge orinterfere with the exhibition of a dog at any Show held under Kennel Club Rulesand Regulations, the General Committee may require all correspondence andevidence in connection with the case to be produced in order that it may dealwith the offender(s) under Kennel Club Rule A11.

14. Penalty for Infringement of Kennel Club Rules by ShowManagement.The General Committee shall have power to fine the Guarantors of a Show

who have broken Kennel Club Rules and Regulations in the conduct of the Show.

15. Unlicensed Shows.Notwithstanding the provisions of these Regulations, certain events which are

not licensed by the Kennel Club may from time to time be recognised by theGeneral Committee of the Kennel Club.The General Committee shall have power to grant permission for Kennel Club

registered dogs to be entered for such events. A judge, exhibitor or promoter willnot be prejudiced by participation in these special unlicensed events.

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16. Delegated Powers of the Scottish Kennel Club.For the purpose of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation, the power to grant,

withhold or cancel permission to hold any licensed Show in Scotland, other thana Championship Show, shall be delegated to the Scottish Kennel Club.For the purpose of these Regulations, all powers of the General Committee

relative to Shows held in Scotland and licensed by the Scottish Kennel Club aredelegated to the Executive Council of the Scottish Kennel Club. Applications forlicenses, documents, objections and allegations of fraudulent or discreditableconduct relative to Shows licensed by the Scottish Kennel Club must besubmitted to the Secretary General of the Scottish Kennel Club, Paterson House,Eskmills Park, Station Road, Musselburgh, EH21 7QP.

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The following Regulations apply to Championship, Open and Limited Shows.Certain clauses of the Regulations only affect certain types of Shows and, wherethis is the case, a note to that effect appears at the beginning of the relevant clause.These Regulations must be read in conjunction with Kennel Club General

Show Regulations F.

1. Application.Application forms for licences must be submitted at least six months before the

proposed date of the Show, properly completed in accordance with Kennel ClubGeneral Show Regulations F4. Licences issued will only be valid if on the day ofthe event a current Public Liability Insurance Document is held.

2. Undertaking by Guarantors.The application form for a Show Licence must be signed by the Guarantors

who must give their full addresses in the spaces provided on the form. Thesigned application shall be a binding undertaking (vide Kennel Club GeneralShow Regulations F4 and 5).Should changed circumstances affect the status of any of the original

signatories as Guarantors, then notice of replacement(s) must be forwarded tothe Kennel Club. Such notice shall be accompanied by a signed declaration fromthe replacement Guarantor(s) agreeing to the conditions of the guarantee.Notice of such change(s) must be made in the Schedule and Catalogue, if

possible, or by notice in the Canine Press.The Guarantors for Shows shall be as follows:-a. Championship Shows-Total of 6 members of the Committee which must

include the Society Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.b. Open and Limited Shows-Total of 3 members of the Committee which

must include the Society Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

3. Sponsorship and Donations.a. No offer of sponsorship or donation may be made on condition that a

specified person is appointed to judge except that a registered BreedSociety may offer sponsorship or donation subject to either of thefollowing conditions:-(1) That the judge is on the registered Breed Society's list of Judges.(2) That a specified person is appointed to judge but the selection of

that judge must have been made by the Committee of theregistered Breed Society or by a properly conducted ballot of themembers of the registered Breed Society.

b. Classes restricted to breed points may be sponsored only by registeredBreed Societies.

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c. No prizemay be offered for progeny sired by a specific dog and no prizeconsisting of a free service of any dog is permitted.

4. Facilities.The following facilities must be provided:-a. Benching as required by Regulation F(1)5.b. Judging Rings, which must be appropriate to the number of exhibits

and to the breeds, and shall not in any circumstances be less than 20 ft(6.15 m) wide nor contain less than 500 square feet (45 sq m) of clearfloor space.Each ring must be enclosed by seats or otherwise. Persons occupyingthe seats will not be considered to be within the enclosure.

c. Wet Weather Accommodation.(1) At Shows where judging is to take place in the open air, an

adequate number of alternative rings under satisfactory covermust be provided.

(2) Plans of the alternative rings must be available for inspection inthe Secretary's Office.

(3) Wet weather accommodation need not be provided at Breed ClubChampionship Shows, Breed Club and General Canine Open andLimited Shows.

d. Gangways.(1) The width of unobstructed gangway shall not be less than 6 ft (1.85

m) when there are rings and/or benches on either side.(2) The width of unobstructed gangway shall not be less than 3 ft (0.92

m) when there is a ring or benches on one side only.e. If a society and/or judge wish to weigh Miniature Dachshunds, a

certified weighing machine must be provided.f. For breeds which are customarily judged on a table, a separate table of

suitable size and stable construction with a rubber mat adequate for thebreed or a non-slip surface should be provided in all rings in whichthese breeds are to be judged.

g. (1) Group and General Championship Shows:-A board within the ring onwhich the awards must be clearly displayed after each class, as soon asdetermined by the Judge.(2) Breed Club Championship Shows, Open and Limited Shows:-An areafor the display of awards.

h. (1) An area or areas for the grooming of dogs. The use of chalk,powders or any other similar substances is prohibited within theprecincts of a Show.(2) Clearly defined exercise areas.(3) A suitable area or areas for the storage of cages and trolleys.(4) Cages, grooming tables and trolleys must not obstruct gangways

and are not allowed at the ringside.i. Veterinary support (vide Regulation F(1) 13.)j. A separate place, where water, disinfectant and soap are available for

the use of the Veterinary Surgeon and where exhibits can be referred forexamination in accordance with the Regulations.

k. A suitable place in which dogs suspected of contagious or infectious

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disease can be properly isolated from the rest of the Show, save wherethere are less than 200 classes scheduled and veterinary support is on-call.

5. Benching.Championship, Open and Limited Shows:-a. Benching must be provided by the Show Society and exhibits must be

benched in a manner which has been approved by the GeneralCommittee unless exemption from benching has been granted by theGeneral Committee.

b. Benches must be constructed of materials which can be easily cleanedand disinfected. They must be of such design and construction as toprovide reasonable comfort and security to dogs for the duration of theShow. Arrangements must be made for the secure fastening of the dogson the benches.In certain cases the General Committee may, on application, authoriseexemption from standard benching.

c. No person may interfere in any way with the benching as erected inaccordance with this Regulation and in particular the partitions aserected between one pen and another must not be removed.

d. Only the following notices may be displayed over the benches:-(1) White cards not exceeding 25.5cm x 2.7cm (10" x 5"), with black

lettering not exceeding 2.5cm (1") in height bearing the followingmessages:-(a) "Not for Competition", with the name of the dog similarly

displayed.(b) The name of the kennel and the name, address and

telephone number of the owners.(2) Printed awards, including the Challenge Certificates awarded atthat Show.

e. Obstruction of gangways prohibited.

6. Number and Type of Classes.a. Championship, Open and Limited Shows-

(1) A Show scheduling one breed must provide a minimum of 12classes, which must include an Open class.

(2) A Show scheduling more than one breed must provide aminimum of 16 classes which must include an Open class for eachbreed and, if the Show is judged on the Group system, at least oneAny Variety Not Separately Classified class, unless a class forevery breed eligible for classification is provided.

(3) General Canine Society Limited Shows shall not schedule morethan 100 classes.

b. Breed Club Supported Entry Open Shows. A breed club may give officialrecognition to the breed classification for its breed scheduled at aGeneral Canine Society Open Show, with the proviso that a formalwritten agreement has been reached with the licensed Show Society. Insuch cases the Judge for the breed must be selected from a list of at leasttwo names proposed by the Breed Club.

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7. Awards.a. There shall be at least 4 awards including Reserve on offer in every

class. Printed awards must be given and, may indicate the name of theSociety, the type and date of the Show, the nature of the award and thename of any commercial firms donating the awards.

b. Best of BreedWhere a breed is separately classified a Best of Breed may be declaredbut only from those dogs which have received a first prize in a breedclass at the show. Where separate classes are provided for each sex of abreed a Best of each Sexmust be declared. (Effective from 1March 2012).

c. Best Puppy in BreedWhere there is an award for Best Puppy in Breed the winner must beselected from puppies entered in the breed classes.

d. Best Any Variety Not Separately ClassifiedWhere an Any Variety Not Separately Classified class(es) is (are)scheduled the Best Any Variety Not Separately Classified must beselected from the Any Variety Not Separately Classified classes. Whereseparate Any Variety Not Separately Classified classes are provided foreach sex, the Best Any Variety Not Separately Classified must beselected from those dogs declared Best of each Sex.

e. Best Any Variety Not Separately Classified PuppyThe Best Any Variety Not Separately Classified Puppy must be selectedfrom theAny Variety Not Separately Classified classes.

8. Schedule.a. The Show Society must issue a Schedule for the Show, such Schedule to

follow the layout of the specimen Schedule provided by the KennelClub and conformwith Kennel Club Regulations.

b. Submission of SchedulesTwo copies of the Schedule must be lodged with the Kennel Club whenpublished; in the case of Championship Shows this must be at least 3calendar months before the date of the Show, and for all other Shows, atleast one month before the date of the Show.

c. Schedule contents:-(1) On the front outside cover or title page, the name of the Show

Society, the type, venue and date of the Show as described on thelicence, and any additional title for which prior permission hasbeen given by the General Committee of the Kennel Club; thenames and addresses of the Guarantors of the Show, and theSecretary's name, address and telephone number. Showsscheduling breeds from more than one Group must specifywhether or not the Show is to be judged on the Group System.In the case of events where classes are provided for exhibits otherthan dogs, the names and addresses need only be printed at thehead of the dog section.

(2) On the front outside cover or the title page the appropriatestatement on the exhibition of docked dogs for the show’s locationand status. The various statements are included in the specimenSchedule provided by the Kennel Club.

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(3) Breed Club Championship Shows, Open and Limited Shows.In the event that wet weather accommodation is not beingprovided at the Show, the front outside cover or title page of theSchedule must prominently display a statement to this effect.

(4) Championship Shows:-With the name of each breed for which Challenge Certificates areoffered must be printed the names of the Judge(s) and Referee, ifapplicable, followed by the words "Kennel Club ChallengeCertificate Dog; Kennel Club Challenge Certificate Bitch"; andthen the classification provided for the breed.

(5) Breed Club Supported Entry Open Shows. If applicable, at thebeginning of each breed classification a statement that the classesare designated as a Breed Club Supported Entry Open Show,together with the name of the relevant Breed Club.

(6) An entry form, the wording of which must be in accordance withthat approved for the time being by the Kennel Club, and ifapplicable details of how entries can be made via the internet.

(7) If Miniature Dachshunds are to be weighed, a notice informingexhibitors of such must be included at the beginning of therelevant breed classification.

(8) The name of the Judge(s) and Referee, if applicable, of each breedand other classes.

(9) The definitions of all classes and conditions of entry must beinserted in the same order as Annex A to these Regulations, asapplicable to the type of Show.

(10) All offers of sponsorship or donations with the names of thesponsors.

(11) The date of closing entries.(12) The amount of entry and other fees.(13) The amount of prize money where offered.(14) The date for estimating the number of awards won.(15) An announcement that exhibits will not be admitted to Group or

Best in Show competition after a period of 10 minutes has elapsedsince the announcement that exhibits are required for judging,unless they have been unavoidably delayed by previous judgingnot being completed on time, and then only with specialpermission of the ShowManagement.

(16) (a) The time of opening of the Show.(b) The latest time up to which dogs will be received and after

which no dogs may be received except under exceptionaland unforeseen circumstances and by special permission ofthe Show Management; or notice to the effect that dogs willbe received at any time.

(c) Championship, Open and Limited Shows:-(i) Benched Shows

The times and conditions for the removal of exhibitsincluding a statement regarding any special earlyremoval of dogs from the Show on each day of itscontinuance and a statement that exhibits may not be

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removed at any other time unless by the written orderof the Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Practitioner or ofthe Show Management and then only in veryexceptional and unforeseen circumstances which mustbe reported to the Kennel Club.NOTE: The conditions for removal may not include theright to charge a fee for removal before closing or forearly removal.

(ii) The time by which exhibits must be removed from thebenches, apart from those breeds for which judging hasnot been completed.

(iii) Unbenched ShowsA statement that removal of exhibits will be allowedafter they have been judged.

(d) A statement that the Show closes half an hour after alljudging has been completed.

(17) Notice ofKennel Club Show Regulations F(1) paragraphs:9 a9 h (as applicable)9 i9 j (as applicable)9 k1419 (as applicable)26 (as applicable)27 (as applicable)F(B) (Either within Schedule or on reverse of entry form)

(18) (a) Not for Competition entries will be accepted. Details of eachdog so entered must be recorded on the entry form and mustbe Kennel Club registered or

(b) Not for Competition entries not accepted.d. No modifications may be made to the Schedule except by permission of

the General Committee of the Kennel Club and which must be followedby advertisement in the Canine Press if possible.

9. Entry for Exhibition.a. Puppies under 6 calendar months of age on the first day of the Show are

not eligible for exhibition.b. Entries for a Show must close at the time indicated in the Schedule and,

at the latest on the fourteenth day before the Show opens.c. The Show Committee must reserve to itself the right to refuse any entry.d. Entries received by post bearing the Post Office postmark of the date for

closing of entries or before must be accepted subject to the conditions ofRegulation F(1)9.c.

e. Entries from exhibitors claiming that undelivered entries have beencorrectly posted must be accepted on the day of the Show, subject to theconditions of Regulation F(1)9.c. Such claims will have to be

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substantiated to the Kennel Club which will request documentaryevidence, subsequent to the Show.

f. A dog must, at the time of entry for a Show, be registered as required byKennel Club Rules and Regulations in the exhibitors' name (orregistration or transfer applied for). In the case of joint registeredowners the full name of every registered owner must be given.Where an owner makes an entry on behalf of another joint registeredowner(s) or where an agent enters on behalf of a single or jointregistered owner(s) such person must have the authority and consentfrom the single or joint registered owner(s) to sign the entry form ontheir behalf thereby binding them all to Kennel Club Rules andRegulations. In the event of any dispute, evidence of such authority andconsent will be required.A dog acquired subsequent to entry having been made at a Show maybe exhibited by the new owner as the new owner's property providedthat an application for the transfer has been forwarded to the KennelClub before the Show, and the new owner has undertaken to abide bythe Regulations and conditions of the original entry form (and inaccordance with the conditions set out above).

g. A separate application for entry must be made by each exhibitor andacceptance of the entry declaration must be given in accordance withthe provisions specified thereon - whether in writing or via the internet.Entries cannot be accepted without the appropriate fees or acceptanceof the entry declaration.

h. In the case of a dog owned in partnership, and entered in Members'Classes or competing for Members' Specials, each partner must at thetime of entry be a Member of the Society.

i. In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and includingthe seventh day before the date of closing of entries shall be countedwhen entering for any class. Wins in Variety Classes do not count forentry in Breed Classes.

j. A dog is not eligible for entry in Variety Classes (excluding AVNSCclasses) unless also entered and subsequently exhibited in a Breed Classwhere such a class is provided for which it is eligible. Exemptions fromthis Regulation are:-(1) a puppy, unless a class for dogs under 12 months of age for which

it is eligible is provided for the breed.(2) a dog inAny Variety Field Trial or Working Trial Class.(3) a dog inAny Variety Veteran Class.(4) a dog in Any Variety Champion Class at a Championship or Open

Show.(5) a dog entered at a Limited Show.(6) as provided inAnnexA to these Regulations.(7) a dog which is withdrawn from exhibition in Breed Classes as a

result of the appointment of an emergency Judge.(8) a dog in Young Kennel Club (YKC)Stakes Classes.(9) a dog in Good Citizen Dog Scheme Classes.(10) Exhibits Bred by the Scheduled Breed Judge.

k. If an exhibitor reports before the judging of a class or classes that a doghas been entered which is ineligible, the exhibitor may choose one of the

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following options:-(1) Withdrawal

The dog may be withdrawn from competition subject to theconditions of Regulations F(1)9.(j) and 20.

(2) Transfer(a) If a dog is ineligible for a class or classes as regards its breed,

colour, sex, weight or height the Show Secretary shalltransfer it to the equivalent class or classes for the correctbreed, colour, sex, weight, or height or, in the event of therebeing no equivalent class, Minor Puppy and Puppy exceptedto the Open Class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight,or height.

(b) If an exhibit is entered incorrectly in a Minor Puppy Class,Puppy Class or Junior Class, which is over age but under 12calendar months of age, 18 calendar months of age or 24calendar months ofage respectively the Show Secretary shall transfer the exhibitto the Puppy Class, Junior Class or Yearling Classrespectively for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight orheight and in the event of there being no Puppy, Junior orYearling Class to the Open Class for the correct breed, colour,sex, weight or height.

(c) For any reason other than the above, the Show Secretaryshall transfer it to the Open Class for the correct breed,colour, sex, weight or height.

(d) If an exhibit arrives late and misses a class, even if it is theonly class in which the dog is entered, the dog may not betransferred to any other class.

10. Free Passes.a. The Committee of a Show shall provide all exhibitors with a free pass

enabling them to enter the Show at any time on the day their exhibits arescheduled, but in the case of a dog owned in partnership only one suchfree pass need be issued. Any exhibitor entering 3 or more dogs must beallowed a further free pass. Free passes and Pass Out tickets shall beavailable for exhibitors, but the admission or exit of dogs may berestricted to special entrances.Additional free passes may be issued at the Show Committee'sdiscretion.

b. The owner, exhibitor, handler or other person in charge of a dog atKennel Club licensed events must at all times ensure that the dog is keptunder proper control whilst at the licensed venue, including itsenvirons, car and caravan parks and approaches.

11. Animals Allowed in Show.No animal other than an exhibit shall be brought into the precincts of a Dog

Show during its continuance, except any dogs registered to assist the disabled,those brought for health testing (provided that the appropriate entry formdeclaration has been signed) or dogs required for educational or instructional

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purposes or by permission of the General Committee.However, at the discretion of the show society, a dog brought to the show by a

spectator may be admitted into the precincts of the dog show, with the provisothat those in charge of the dog sign a declaration confirming the dog is free fromdisease and that the dogwill be kept under proper control at all times. In the caseof General and Group Championship Shows, the show society must apply to theGeneral Committee for permission to admit spectators' dogs as described above,and the granting of such permission will be entirely at the Committee'sdiscretion.

12. Catalogue.a. The Show Society must publish a Catalogue for the Show.b. Catalogue contents:

(1) On the front outside cover or title page, the name of the ShowSociety, the type of Show as described on the Licence, and anyadditional title for which prior permission has been given by theGeneral Committee of the Kennel Club; the names and addressesof the Guarantors of the Show, except in the case of Shows whereclasses are provided for exhibits other than dogs, where the namesand addresses need be printed only at the head of the dog section.

(2) Open and Limited Shows.In the event that wet weather accommodation is not beingprovided at the show, the front outside cover or title page of thecatalogue must prominently display a statement to this effect.

(3) The classes for each breed the numbering of which must followthat of the Schedule.

(4) Championship Shows-The breeds with Challenge Certificates on offer must be specified.

(5) The names of the Judges and Referee, where applicable, of eachbreed and other classes.

(6) If Miniature Dachshunds are to be weighed a notice informingexhibitors of such must be included at the beginning of therelevant breed classification.

(7) Championship Shows-At the beginning of each breed classification an alphabetical indexcontaining the names and addresses (unless requested by theexhibitor to be withheld for publication), the number and name ofeach exhibit and the numbers of the classes in which it is entered,giving a separate line to the name of each exhibitor, and fullparticulars of each exhibit as given on the entry form completedby the exhibitor. The number and name of each exhibit must begiven in each class for which it is entered.

(8) If applicable, at the beginning of each breed classification astatement that the classes are designated as a Breed ClubSupported Entry Open Show, together with the name of therelevant Breed Club.

(9) Open and Limited Shows-Names and addresses (unless requested by the exhibitor to bewithheld for publication), of all exhibitors and full particulars of

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each exhibit as given on the entry form by the exhibitor.(10) Championship, Open and Limited Shows-The number of the ring in

which each judge will officiate must be given together withinformation regarding wet weather arrangements.

(11) The name, address and telephone number of the VeterinarySurgeon, Practitioner or Practice supporting the Show.

c. Submission of CataloguesWithin 14 days of the close of the Show, a copy of the official Cataloguefor the Show, containing a full and correct list of all the entries, with allthe awards correctly marked, must be submitted to the Kennel Club.

13. Veterinary Support.a Show Societies are to arrange veterinary support in accordance with

Regulation F11.b. Provision must be made for examination by a Veterinary Surgeon or

Practitioner of:(1) Any dog so referred by a Judge or an authorised official of the Show.(2) Any dog to which objection has been made on grounds which

require veterinary opinion. The opinion must be given in writingto the Secretary before the Show closes. No dog to which objectionhas been made may leave the Show before such examination. Inany dispute the appointed Veterinary Surgeon's or Practitioner'sdecision shall be final.

(3) Any dog so referred by the Show Society on the writteninstructions of the General Committee.

14. The mating of bitches within the precincts of a Show is forbidden.

15. Exclusion of Dogs.a If in the opinion of the Show Secretary, ShowManager or Judge any dog

is considered not in a fit state for exhibition owing to disease, savagedisposition, or any other cause, the dog may be excluded or removedfrom the Show on the instruction of the Show Management. Onceexcluded or removed from the Show the dog must not be brought intothe Show at any time under any circumstances.

b If in the opinion of the Show Secretary, Show Manager or dulyappointed official of the Kennel Club any dog is suffering from a visiblecondition which adversely affects its health or welfare the dog must beexamined by the Veterinary Surgeon of the Show to establish thevalidity of the allegation. The Veterinary Surgeon’s opinion shall befinal and if the allegation is upheld, the dog shall be excluded from allsubsequent competition at the Show.

c A full report on any exclusion(s) must be made by the Show Secretary tothe Kennel Club for consideration within 7 days of the close of the show.

16. Exhibition of Dogs Suffering from Contagious or Infectious Disease orAny Visible Condition which adversely affects their Health or Welfare.No dog suffering from any infectious or contagious disease or having been

exposed to such disease during the period of 21 days prior to the Show or

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suffering from any visible condition which adversely affects its health or welfaremay be exhibited. Exhibitors infringing this Regulation will be liable to be finedand/or to be dealt with under Kennel Club Rule A11.

17. Exhibition of Dogs.a. Championship, Open and Limited Shows (Benched):-

(1) Dogs should be present on their benches at all times except(a) When being judged.(b) When being prepared for exhibition and/or being exercised.

(2) In certain circumstances dogs must be present on their benches atall times if required by showManagement

(3) Dogs may be removed from their benches by order of theVeterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Practitioner or ShowManagement.

b. Preparation of exhibits should generally take place on benches or in thearea provided by the Show Society.

c. Except when securely benched or caged all dogs must be on a lead forthe duration of the Show including in the exercising area, except whencompeting in the ring in an Obedience Class or Agility Test, or takingpart in a Demonstration.

d. Cages, grooming tables and trolleys are not allowed at the ringside.e. Obstruction of gangways is prohibited.f. No dog shall be allowed in a judging ring other than actual exhibits in

the class being judged.g. Printed awards may not be displayed in the ring except when judging is

taking place for Groups and Best in Show. Nothing may be carried,worn or displayed by a handler or a dog in the ring which is capable ofindicating the identity of the exhibit, owner or companywhichmight besponsoring that handler or dog. Nor must anything be said or anyaction be takenwhich identifies the exhibit other than by exhibit number.

h. The attracting of the attention of exhibits by any method from outsidethe ring is prohibited. It is the duty of the Judge, steward or ShowManagement noticing such attraction to ask that it cease.

i. Every exhibitor shall ensure that whilst the dog is being exhibited, itshandler shall display the correct ring number.

j. Before confirmation of a Best of Breed/Best Any Variety Not SeparatelyClassified award and where appropriate a Champion award, for breedsdesignated by the Kennel Club as a High Profile Breed, exhibitors arerequired to present their dogs for examination to a General & GroupChampionship Show Veterinary Surgeon. The result of the examinationshall be final. (Effective from 1March 2012).

18. Use of Firearms and Sound Amplifiers.The use of firearms is prohibited and the use of sound amplifiers is forbidden

except as authorised by the ShowManagement.

19. Cooking Stoves.The use of cooking stoves in the proximity of tenting and benching areas is

forbidden except as authorised by the ShowManagement.20. Withdrawal From Competition.

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If a dog admitted to a Show is not exhibited in all the classes in which it isentered or not brought into the ring when required by a Judge, it is liable to bedisqualified at the discretion of the General Committee, but withdrawal fromcompetition is permissible in the following circumstances:

a In accordance with the provisions of Regulation F(1)9.k.(1).b. When the Judge announced in the Schedule is changed and notice of the

change is not given in accordance with Regulation F(1)8.d., the dogmaybe withdrawn from competition under the substitute Judge by givingnotice to the Show Secretary before the commencement of the judging.The Show Secretary shall notify the steward of the ring and, onapplication, shall permit the removal of the exhibit from the Show bythe owner or his accredited agent.

c. When the exhibitor or his representativemakes application to the Judge.Adog so withdrawnmust not compete further at that Show.

d. Through its illness, when an application to that effect must be made atonce to the Show Secretary, and if thought necessary by the ShowManager the dog must be examined by the Veterinary Surgeon orVeterinary Practitioner of the Show.All such cases must be reported to the Kennel Club by the ShowSecretary.

e. When classes are judged after the authorised time for removal of theexhibit.

f. In accordance with the provisions of Regulations F(1)26 and 27.

21. Judges and Judging.a. Not more than three Judges shall be appointed to adjudicate for any

award.b. General Canine Society Championship and Open Shows - Affiliated Societies

and Breed Club Open Shows.(1) For non Challenge Certificate breeds at Championship Shows and

for General Canine Society Open Shows, Affiliated OrganisationsOpen shows and Breed Club Open Shows scheduling more thanthree breed classes for a particular breed (five classes for StudBook Band E breeds), the selected Judge must, when appointed bythe Club/Society, either:(a) Have previously been approved to award Challenge

Certificates to the relevant breed and not have been declaredineligible to do so by the time of carrying out theappointment or

(b) Be included on a Breed Council/Club B judges list or above.In the latter case before accepting such an appointment, theselected Judge must ensure that their name is included on arelevant Breed Council/Club judges list. Except:-(i) Judges resident in Northern Ireland. Persons who are

approved to award Green Stars under Irish KennelClub Rules and are resident in Northern Ireland arepermitted to judge the above mentioned classes atKennel Club licensed Championship and Open Showsheld in Northern Ireland without being included on a

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Breed Council/Club judges list.(ii) Overseas Judges. For non Challenge Certificate breeds

at Championship Shows and for General CanineSociety Open Shows, Affiliated Organisations OpenShows and Breed Club Open Shows the organisingClub/Society must ensure that any overseas Judgeappointed to judge more than three breed classes (fiveclasses for Stud Book Band E breeds) has beenapproved to judge the breed concerned atChampionship level in the country in which they aredomiciled, or are on a Kennel Club registered BreedClub/Council B list or above for the breed concerned.

(2) General Canine Society Open Shows and Affiliated OrganisationOpen Shows only. Persons appointed to judge Best in Show, Bestin Group, Best Puppy in Group and/or Variety Classes must havepreviously been approved to award and have awarded ChallengeCertificates to at least one breed, and be currently eligible to do so.Classes for varieties of a breed and handling classes are exemptfrom this Regulation.

c. If more than one Judge is appointed for any form of competition, afurther Judge must be appointed to act as Referee and the namepublished in the Schedule. However, at a Single Breed ChampionshipShow, where more than one judge is appointed, the society may appointa Best in Show Judge instead of a Referee, whose name must bepublished in the schedule.

d. In the event of a Judge being unable to complete all allotted judging, asubstitute Judge must be appointed to complete the judging.

e. Judges may not exhibit a dog for competition or handle a dog in the ringat a Show at which they are officiating (vide Regulation F(1)30.(9)).

f. The judging of breeds in which Challenge Certificates are offered musthave priority over all other breeds and classes.

g. The numbering of the classes in the judging bookmust follow that of theSchedule and Judges must judge the classes in each breed in the order inwhich they are entered in the judging book.

h. Each Judge must be provided with a judging book which must have:(1) Detachable slips for each class and award for use on the award

board and in the Secretary's office.(2) On the portion of the book which is retained by the Judge, the

exhibit numbers of the dogs entered in each class and space forrecording the numbers of the exhibits gaining awards.

(3) Championship Shows-Slips for the Best of Sex, Reserve Best of Sex and Best of Breed.

(4) Championship Shows-The notice regarding the awarding of Challenge Certificates, obtainablefrom the Kennel Club.

i. When a breed is to be judged in a ring other than that intimated in theCatalogue, a notice of the change must be prominently posted in theoriginal ring.

j. If a society/club and/or judge wish to weigh Miniature Dachshunds at

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a show the intention to do so must be clearly stated in the showschedule, and a certified weighing machine must be provided. Theintention to weigh must be agreed in writing between the judge and thesociety/club in good time prior to the show and on the day of the showeach new dog must be weighed by the judge or with the judgeobserving.

k. In all classes where competition is subject to a height or weight limit, thedecision of the Judge in case of dispute shall be final.

l. A Judge's awards shall be final except in the case of fraud ormisrepresentation or where a bona fide mistake has been made by theJudge. No alteration of the awards may be made after the date of theShowwithout specific permission of the Kennel Club.

m. An award may be withheld if in the opinion of the Judge there is lack ofsufficient merit. The Judge must mark on the judging slips that theaward has been so withheld. The Judge is not entitled to withhold anaward for any other reason. When a Judge withholds a Third award forwant of merit, the subsequent awards in that class must also bewithheld.

n. Judges may exclude any dog from the ring if it is considered not in a fitstate for exhibition owing to savage disposition or suffering from anyvisible condition which adversely affects its health or welfare and theexclusion must be reported immediately by the judge/steward to theShow Secretary. The judge’s decision is final and the dog shall beexcluded from all subsequent competition at the Show. The judge mustmake a report to the Show Secretary at the first opportunity after theShow.

o. Where a dog has been withdrawn at the request or suggestion of thejudge, the judge must make a report to the Show Secretary at the firstopportunity at the Show. The Secretary must forward these details tothe Kennel Club within 7 days of the close of the show.

p. Judges who consider there has been a breach of Annex B to theseRegulations may call for an examination at the Show and shall mark theawards accordingly.

q. At any level of competition there must be no placing in reverse order.The Judge must place the dogs to be given awards in the centre of thering in descending order from the Judge's left to right and must thenmark and sign the Judge's Book.

r. A Judge must initial any alteration made and endorse upon the JudgingBook, slips, letter and any other relevant document, the time and date ofmaking the alteration.

s. Where applicable, the Judge must mark in the Judging Book the dogsdeclared to be the Best of each Sex, Best of Breed and Best Any VarietyNot Separately Classified and Best Puppy in Breed and BestAny VarietyNot Separately Classified Puppy andmust complete and sign the awardcards.

t. Judges are not permitted to make any oral commentary on the dogsuntil after the conclusion of all their judging. Any public commentary ata Show must not include mention of a dog's name or reference toprevious awards.

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u Equal awards are prohibited.v. The Committee shall have the power to grant, withhold, suspend or

cancel the appointment of any Judge.

22. Judging Contracts.a. Invitations to judge must be made by Show Societies in writing and

they must ensure that written acceptances are received. Writtenacceptances must be followed by written confirmation of theappointment by the Society upon which a judging contract will bedeemed to have been formed; except that in the case of appointments toaward Challenge Certificates, the contract to judge will only be formedwhen Kennel Club approval of the appointment has been given.

b. Societies are required to include the following wording in Judges'invitation letters:"In accepting this invitation you agree to be bound by Kennel ClubRules and Regulations and the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice forJudges. In doing so you also recognise that you are obliged to notify usin writing of any change in personal circumstances which will affectyour ability to fulfil this judging appointment.You should also note that we reserve the right to cancel the contractbefore the date of the appointment if there is a change in yourcircumstances, which in our reasonable opinion would adversely affectyour ability to fulfil the appointment."

c. In the case of a person invited to judge Miniature Dachshunds it mustbe established in writing as part of the contract being formed whetherthe show society and judge wish the breed to be weighed.

d. All Judges at Championship Shows and Open Breed Club Shows mustproduce a written critique for the first two placings in each class, andwill dispatch these to at least one of the weekly United KingdomCaninejournals.

e. When requested to do so, judges must submit a completed breed healthmonitoring report form and a copy of their critique to the Kennel Clubwithin 21 days of the close of the show.

f. All judging contracts are subject to cancellation at the discretion of theKennel Club in the event of the judge being subject to relevantdisciplinary action.

g. In the event of a Judge or Society being in breach of any of the terms of ajudging contract, the General Committee may impose a fine. The Judgeor Society may be required by the General Committee to give reasonsfor such breach, and in the event of the explanation not beingconsidered satisfactory, the General Committee may impose a fine.

h. In the event of such fines not being paid within the time stipulated bythe General Committee, the Judge or Guarantors of the Show, asapplicable, may at the discretion of the General Committee be dealtwith as if a complaint under Kennel Club RuleA11 had been lodged andproved to the satisfaction of the General Committee.

23. Stewards.Show Societies must appoint at least one steward for every ring in which

judging is to take place. Stewards shall at all times act in accordance with

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Instructions for Stewards (Annex C to these Regulations), a copy of which mustbe issued to each steward by Show Societies.

24. Challenge Certificates.Championship Shows-a. Allocation

If requested, Challenge Certificates for all breeds for which ChallengeCertificates are available will be granted to the four RepresentativeShows; Crufts Dog Show, Birmingham Dog Show Society, ScottishKennel Club andWelsh Kennel Club. Challenge Certificates may also beallocated to other Shows by the General Committee on application fromthe Show Societies. However, allocations of Challenge Certificates arediscretionary, and conditional upon Show Societies running satisfactoryshows previously.

b. ClassificationAt Shows where more than one breed is scheduled at least eight classesfor breeds for which Challenge Certificates are offered, including anOpen and a Limit Class for each sex must be provided.

c. Selection of JudgesThe names of Judges submitted for approval to the General Committeemust be selected in accordance with the Rules of the Show Society, andif required, evidence of this must be forwarded to the GeneralCommittee.

d. Application for Approval of JudgesThe Show Society must apply to the General Committee for theapproval of the following Judges with the following conditions:(1) All applications for the approval to judge with Challenge

Certificates, Groups, Best in Show, and Referees, must includeboth the nomination and the questionnaire (where required), andmust be lodged by the Show Society with the Secretary of theKennel Club at least 12 months prior to the date of the Show on theform provided.

(2) Judges to award Challenge Certificates, at Single Breed, Sub-Group andGeneral or Group Championship Shows.(a) Theremust be an interval of not less than 12 calendarmonths

between the appointment of a Judge to award ChallengeCertificates to the same sex of the same breed.

(3) Judges for Group Competitions.The Judge of a Group at a Championship Show shall not judge anyBreed or Variety classes in that Group at the Show except whenacting in the capacity of Referee. There must be an interval of notless than 9 calendar months between appointments to judge thesame Group at Championship Shows.

(4) Judges for Best in Show (excluding Single Breed ChampionshipShows).(a) The Judge of Best in Show at a General or Group

Championship Show, shall not judge any Breed or Varietyclasses at the Show except when acting in the capacity ofReferee.

(b) At a Sub-Group Championship Show where more than one

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Judge is appointed a separate Best in Show Judge must alsobe appointed, who must not judge any Breed or Varietyclasses at the Show except when acting in the capacity ofReferee. At a Sub-Group Championship Show where onlyone Judge is appointed a separate Best in Show Judge neednot be nominated.

(c) There must be an interval of not less than 9 calendar monthsbetween appointments to judge Best in Show at aChampionship Show.

e. Judges for Puppy Group Competitions. The judge of a Puppy Group at aChampionship Show shall not judge any Breed or Variety classes in thatGroup at the show except when acting in the capacity of Referee.

f. The Committee shall have the power to grant, withhold, suspend orcancel the approval of any Judge, Referee, Judge of Group Competitionsor Judge for Best in Show.

g. No announcement may be made by a Show Society of an appointmentto award Challenge Certificates, or to act as Referee for a breed forwhich Challenge Certificates are on offer at the Show or to judge aGroup or Best in Show until the name of the Judge has been submittedto the General Committee and the General Committee has intimated itsapproval, which approval is entirely at the discretion of the GeneralCommittee.

h. Should any Judge named in the Schedule be unable to fulfil thespecified engagement, the name of another Judge must be submitted tothe General Committee for approval and the alteration announced inthe Canine Press if possible. In an emergency, the Show Committee maysubstitute as a Judge for a breed with Challenge Certificates, a personwho has previously awarded Challenge Certificates in the breed butwho has not accepted an invitation to judge the same sex of the breed atanother Championship Show within the 12 calendar months followingthe Show in question. In an emergency, the Show Committee maysimilarly substitute a Judge for a Group or Best in Show provided thatthe substitute Judge has not accepted an invitation to judge the sameGroup or Best in Show within the 9 calendar months following theShow in question.The circumstances of any such substitution must be reported to theKennel Club without delay.

i. Where a Judge is unable to complete all allotted judging, a substituteJudge must be appointed to complete the judging. The appointment ofthe substitute must be in accordance with the procedure andRegulations for appointing Judges in an emergency.

j. The Judge shall decide on a Best of Sex and Reserve Best of Sex winnerin each sex. Before deciding to award a Challenge Certificate or a Best ofBreed Challenge Certificate the judgemust be clearly of the opinion thatthe exhibit to which he is awarding the Challenge Certificate is of suchoutstanding merit as to be worthy of the title of Champion and that theexhibit to which he is awarding the Reserve Challenge Certificate or theReserve Best of Breed Challenge Certificate is in his opinion worthy ofbeing awarded the Challenge Certificate should the Challenge

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Certificate winner be disqualified.Should the Challenge Certificate not be awarded the Reserve ChallengeCertificate cannot be awarded. The dog must be in the ring at the timethe awards are made. The judge must complete and sign all certificates,in accordance with the catalogue details.

k. In the event of a dog awarded a Challenge Certificate beingsubsequently disqualified under Kennel Club Show Regulation F(1)30,the General Committee may authorise the award of the ChallengeCertificate to the exhibit awarded the Reserve Challenge Certificate.

l. The Kennel Club will issue the award cards for each ChallengeCertificate and Reserve Challenge Certificate offered and the cards forthe Best of Sex, Reserve Best of Sex and Best of Breed once the publishedSchedule has been lodged with the Kennel Club.

25. Special Awards.a. Special awards may be given to exhibits placed first, second, third and

reserve in addition to the class award.b. Special awards dependent on breed characteristics may be offered only

by registered Breed Societies.c. In any case where a Special Award involves the presentation of a

Diploma of Merit in the form of an Award card, a specimen must besubmitted to the Kennel Club for approval before the publication of theSchedule and Catalogue. The use of the word "Certificate" for a SpecialAward is not permitted.

d. ProvisoAdog beaten in competition for a Special Award confined to onebreed is not considered to be a beaten dog for the purposes ofRegulations F(1)26 and 27.

26. Best Puppy in Show.Where a Best Puppy in Show competition is scheduled the Best Puppy in Show

is a puppy which has competed and is unbeaten by any other puppy exhibited atthe same Show. A puppy is a dog of 6 and not exceeding 12 calendar months ofage on the first day of the Show.Where the Best of Breed, Best of Group or Best inShow is a puppy it will also automatically be Best Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy inGroup or Best Puppy in Show respectively. Similarly, if the Reserve Best of Breed,Reserve Best of Group or Reserve Best in Show is a puppy which has only beenbeaten by an adult dog it will also automatically be Best Puppy in Breed, BestPuppy in Group or Best Puppy in Show respectively. Consequently, selection ofBest Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show must followthe selection of Best of Breed, Best of Group and Best in Show respectively.

a. Championship Shows Judged on the Group System(Definition: Shows judged on the Group System-Refer RegulationF(1)27.b.).(1) Best Puppy in Breed

A Best Puppy must be declared in each breed from puppiesentered in the Breed Classes.

(2) Best Puppy in GroupBest Puppy in Group and subsequent Puppy Group placings mustbe selected from:-

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(a) Those puppies declared Best Puppy in Breed provided theyare unbeaten by any other puppy.

(b) The puppy declared Best Puppy from the Any Variety NotSeparately Classified classes in each Group or on each dayprovided it is unbeaten by any other puppy.

(3) Best Puppy in ShowBest Puppy in Show must be selected from the Best Puppy inGroup winners provided they are unbeaten by any other puppy.

b. Open and Limited Shows Judged on the Group System(1) Best Puppy in Group

Best Puppy in Group and subsequent Puppy Group placings mustbe selected from those puppies which have been judged andwhich are unbeaten by any other puppy.

(2) Best Puppy in ShowBest Puppy in Show must be selected from the Best Puppy inGroup winners provided they are unbeaten by any other puppy.

c. All Shows Not Judged on the Group systemBest Puppy in Show must be selected from puppies which have beenjudged and which are unbeaten by any other puppy.

d. Withdrawal from Other CompetitionPuppies which become eligible for Best Puppy in Group and BestPuppy in Show may be withdrawn from all other competition, otherthan breed classes and Best Puppy in Breed, prior to the competition forBest Puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show as appropriate, in orderto remain unbeaten. A puppy beaten in competition for Best Puppy inGroup or Best Puppy in Show may subsequently be exhibited in allcompetition for which it was previously eligible. The dog declared BestPuppy in Show, however, must not compete in any subsequentcompetition.Puppies may be withdrawn from Any Variety Classes when judgedbefore Breed Classes.

e. ProvisoFor the purpose of this Regulation, dogs beaten in competition for StudDog, Brood Bitch, Progeny, Brace and Team or a Special Award confinedto one breed will not be considered to be a beaten dog.

27. Best in Show.Definition of a High Profile Breed. Abreed from time to time designated by theGeneral Committee as requiring particular monitoring by reason of visiblecondition(s) which may cause health or welfare concerns. The list ofdesignated High Profile Breeds is kept under regular review and is publishedfrom time to time in the Kennel Gazette.a. Best of Breed

Where a breed is separately classified a Best of Breed may be declaredbut only from those dogs which have received a first prize in a breedclass at the show. Where separate classes are provided for each sex of abreed a Best of each Sex must be declared.NOTE: The Best of Breed/Best Any Variety Not SeparatelyClassified award relevant to a High Profile Breed will not be confirmed

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until the dog has passed an examination by the General and GroupChampionship Show Veterinary Surgeon. (Effective from 1March 2012).

b. Shows Judged on the Group System(Definition: Shows judged on the Group System include classes forbreeds within more than one Group, as defined in Kennel ClubRegulation B(A); and require a Judge to declare a Best of each Groupafter which the exhibits so declared will compete for the award of Bestin Show and Reserve Best in Show.)(1) Best of GroupBest of Group and subsequent Group placings must be selected from:-

(a) The Best of Breed winners in each Group provided that theyare unbeaten winning dogs.

(b) The best unbeaten winning dog from the Any Variety NotSeparately Classified classes in each Group or on each day.

NOTE: The dog declared Best of Breed/Best Any Variety NotSeparately Classified from a breed designated by the Kennel Club as aHigh Profile Breed is not eligible to compete in the Group competitionunless it has passed an examination by the Show’s Veterinary Surgeon.If the dog fails to pass the examination it is ineligible to compete in therelevant Group. (Effective from 1March 2012).(2) Best in Show

Best in Show must be selected from the Best of Group winnersprovided they are unbeaten. Reserve Best in Show must beselected from the remaining Group winners following theselection for Best in Show.

NOTE: Group Championship Shows will be judged on the GroupSystem, the Best in Group being the Best in Show Reserve Best in Showbeing selected from the remaining dogs judged for Best in Show.

c. Shows Not Judged on the Group SystemBest in Showmust be selected from all unbeaten winning dogs. ReserveBest in Show must be selected from the remaining unbeaten winningdogs following the selection of Best in Show.

d. Breed Society Shows(1) Shows confined to one Breed

Best in Show must be selected from the exhibits declared Best ofSex providing they are unbeaten winning dogs. Reserve Best inShowmust be selected from the Best Opposite Sex and the ReserveBest of Sex to the exhibit declared Best in Show.

(2) Shows confined to a Sub-GroupBest in Show must be selected from all unbeaten winning dogs.Reserve Best in Show must be selected from the remaining Best ofBreed(s) and the dog/bitch declared by the breed judge to beReserve Best of Breed to the dog declared Best in Show.

e. Withdrawal from Other CompetitionDogs which become eligible for Best of Group and Best in Showmay bewithdrawn from all other competition other than Breed Classes andBest of Breed prior to the competition for Best of Group or Best in Showas appropriate in order to remain unbeaten. A dog beaten incompetition for Best of Group or Best in Show may subsequently be

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exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. Thedogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show however, mustnot compete in any subsequent competition. Dogs may be withdrawnfromAny Variety Classes when judged before Breed Classes.

f. ProvisoFor the purposes of this Regulation, dogs beaten in competition for StudDog, Brood Bitch, Progeny, Brace and Team or a Special Award confinedto a single breed, will not be considered to be beaten dogs.

28. Objections.a. Grounds for Objection

(1) That an exhibit is suffering from an infectious or contagiousdisease.

(2) That an act or operation has been performed which alters thenatural conformation of the dog (as outlined in F(B)3).

(3) That Kennel Club Regulations have been contravened.b. Objection Fee

Objections must be accompanied by a deposit of £35.00, or such amountas may from time to time be decided by the General Committee. In thecase of objections lodged against exhibits such deposit must bemade foreach exhibit to which objection is made except in the case of an objectionto a pack, couple or teamwhen one deposit only is required.The deposit may be returned at the General Committee's discretiononce the objection has been considered.

c. Submission of Objection(1) Infectious or contagious disease

An objection to an exhibit on the grounds of infectious orcontagious disease may bemade by any person except by one whois under a term of suspension by the Kennel Club.

(2) Acts or Operations altering the natural conformation of a dog.An objection to an exhibit on the grounds that an act or operationhas been performed which alters the natural conformation of thedog (as outlined in F(B)3) may be made only by an individualhandling or owning a dog competing in the same breed or class asthe dog to which the objection is being made.

(3) Breaches of RegulationsAn objection to any breach of Kennel Club Regulations may bemade by any person except by one who is under a term ofsuspension by the Kennel Club.

(4) No objection shall be invalidated solely on the grounds that it wasincorrectly lodged.

d. Procedure(1) Infectious or contagious disease/Acts or operations altering the natural

conformation of a dog.(a) Objections must be made before the Show closes to the Show

Secretary and must be in writing accompanied by the fee.The Show Secretary must establish the identity of the personlodging the objection.

(b) When the objection is lodged, the Secretary must at once

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require the owner or handler to bring the dog to a convenientplace appointed by the Secretary and advise him of the termsof the objection.

(c) If the objection relates to infectious or contagious disease.The exhibit must be examined and/or tested by theVeterinary Surgeon of the Show to establish the validity ofthe objection: The Veterinary Surgeon's opinion shall befinal. A report must be submitted by the Show Secretary tothe Kennel Club for consideration.

(d) If the objection relates to an act or operation which alters thenatural conformation of a dog under Regulation F(B)3, theexhibit must be examined and/or tested by the VeterinarySurgeon of the Show and a report submitted by the ShowSecretary to the Kennel Club for consideration.

(e) In all cases, the examination must take place in the presenceof the Secretary or a duly authorised official of the Show. Anexhibitor or handler failing to comply with a proper requestto produce an exhibit for examination will be in breach ofthis Regulation.

(f) Within 7 days following the Show, the Secretary must sendthe following to the Secretary of the Kennel Club;(i) A copy of the objection together with a fee.(ii) The name and address of the objector.(iii) The name and address of the owner of the dog.(iv) Where appropriate, the name, address and written

report of the Veterinary Surgeon who examined thedog under F(1)28.d.(1) above.

(v) Any other relevant information.(2) Breaches of Kennel Club Regulations

An objection to a breach of Kennel Club Regulation(s) may bemade direct to the Secretary of the Show before the end of theShow. As an alternative, an objection may be lodged directly withthe Kennel Club within seven days after the last day of the Showand under these circumstances a copy of the objection must besent to the Show Secretary.When an objection is lodged the following information must begiven:A statement detailing the objection quoting the relevantregulation(s).The objection fee.The name and address of the objector.The name and address of the owner of the dog (if relevant).All relevant evidence.

(3) With the exception of objections made under Regulation F(1)15and 16 (Exclusion of dogs & Exhibition of dogs suffering fromcontagious or infectious disease) the dog should be allowed tocompete and a full report made to the Kennel Club.

(4) DisposalObjections or alleged breaches of Kennel Club Regulations shall be

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referred to the General Committee who shall have the power todelegate the hearing of the objection or breach of Regulation to therelevant Sub-Committee or may decide to refer the matter fordisciplinary action under Kennel Club Rule A11.

e. AppealAny appeal against the relevant Sub-Committee decision must belodged within fourteen days of the decision being given and will besubject to the prescribed appeals procedure as shall be determined bythe General Committee from time to time.

29. Payment and Delivery of Prize Money and Printed Awards.a. All prize money and printed awards must be available for collection at

the Show.b. Prize money and printed awards, except special awards, not collected

on the day, must be claimed not later than 31 days from the close of theShow, otherwise they will be forfeited.

c. Where any prize money is offered in the Schedule it must be paid in full,without deduction except in cases where amounts are legally due to aShow Executive.

d. When special awards are offered by a registered Breed Society orsponsor the Committee of the Society or sponsor will be heldresponsible.

e. In the event of the disqualification of an award winner subsequent tothe receipt of any prize or prize money, such prize or prize money mustbe returned at once on receipt of a demand from the Show Society. Afailure to comply with any request shall be reported to the Kennel Cluband may be dealt with under Rule A11.

30. Disqualification and Forfeit of Awards.a. A dog may be disqualified by the General Committee from any award,

whether an objection has been lodged or not, if proved amongst otherthings to have been:(1) Exhibited at an unrecognised Show.(2) Exhibited by a person disqualified or suspended under Rule A11

as from the date of the complaint having been lodged at theKennel Club and for the period of disqualification or suspension.

(3) Not entered on a Kennel Club approved entry form in the nameand with the details which are recorded with the Kennel Club.

(4) Entered after the date announced for closing of entries, subject tothe conditions of Regulation F(1)9.d. and e., or contrary to KennelClub Rules and Regulations.

(5) (a) Totally Blind.(b) Deaf.(c) Or except as provided for inAnnex B of these Regulations.

(6) Suffering from an infectious or contagious disease.(7) Prepared for exhibition in contravention of Show Regulations.(8) Exhibited in a class for which it was not entered subject to the

conditions of Regulation F(1)9.k.(2).(9) Exhibited for competition or handled in the ring by a Judge of

dogs at that Show.

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(10) Registered or recorded as owned by the scheduled Judge within aperiod of twelve months prior to the Show. This shall not apply todogs owned by a Judge appointed in an emergency.

(11) Handled at a Show, boarded or prepared for exhibition within theprevious twelve months by the scheduled Judge. This shall notapply to a Judge appointed in an emergency.

(12) Not correctly registered and recorded in the name of theexhibitor(s) at the Kennel Club or as provided in RegulationF(1)9.f.

(13) Attracted from outside the ring whilst being judged.(14) Registered or recorded as having been bred by the scheduled

Judge. This shall not apply to a Judge appointed in an emergency.(15) Exhibited without payment of appropriate entry fees. (Regulation

F(1).9.g. refers).(16) To have been the subject of any other default, omission, action or

incident occurring at or in connection with the Show rendering itunfair that the award should be allowed to stand.

b. A dog may be disqualified by the General Committee from any awardor awards gainedwhether an objection has been lodged or not if enteredin a class or classes for which it is ineligible and not withdrawn fromcompetition in such class or classes or transferred in accordance withthe provisions of Regulation F(1)9.k., and the exhibitor may be fined atthe discretion of the General Committee.

c. The owner of a dog disqualified for any of the above reasons is liable toforfeit all entry fees paid, and all prize money won by such dog.

31. Order of Merit When Dogs Are Disqualified.If a dog be disqualified, the prize to which it would otherwise have been

entitled shall be forfeited. The Committee may at its discretion move up the dogor dogs next in order of merit (up to and including reserve or fourth place) to takethe prize or prize(s).

32. Entry Forms and Other Documents.All entry forms must be preserved by the Show Committee for at least 12

months from the closing date of entries and must be forwarded to the KennelClub if requested, together with any other documents.

33. Payment of Sponsorship.In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, the liability of the sponsor(s) of

any class or classes at a Show shall be limited to making good any deficiencybetween entry fees received and any prize money paid out.The Show Secretary must intimate the amount of sponsorship due within one

calendar month of the close of the Show and the sponsor(s) must pay this amountwithin 14 days of receipt of such notice. If the sponsorship is not paid within thespecified time the Show Secretary must report the matter to the Kennel Club.

34. Fines.The General Committee shall have power to fine any person for breaches of

Kennel Club Regulations subject to a right of appeal notice of intention of which

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must be lodged within 14 days from the date on which the decision is given andsubject to the prescribed appeals process as shall be determined by the GeneralCommittee from time to time. In the event of such fines not being paid within thetime stipulated by the General Committee, that person may, at the discretion ofthe General Committee, be dealt with as if a complaint under Kennel Club RuleA11 had been lodged and proved to the satisfaction of the General Committee.

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These Regulations must be read in conjunction with Kennel Club GeneralShow Regulations F.

1. A Match is a form of competition where judging is by elimination oneagainst one. A Match may be intra-Club or an inter-Club competition betweenSocieties.

2.ASociety may hold up to 12 Matches per annum. In the case of Clubs whichhave registered Branches, each Branch may hold one Match per calendar month.

3. Application.Application for authority to hold Matches is to be included within the Annual

Return required under Regulation C.4.a.(1). Separate applications to the KennelClub for each Match is not required. On the day of the event a Current PublicLiability Insurance Document must be held or the event will be deemed to beunrecognised.

4. Guarantors.The Chairman and Secretary of the organising Society will jointly and severally

be liable as Guarantors of the Match.

5. Regulations.a. A dog must at the time of entry for a Match be solely and

unconditionally the property of the exhibitor and must, at the time ofcompetition, be registered in the exhibitors' name at the Kennel Club.

b. Separate entry forms must be completed for each exhibit and must besigned by the exhibitor or his/her authorised agent.

c. The Committee of the Society may reserve the right to refuse any entryon reasonable grounds.

d. Exhibits must be the property of the Members of one of the Societiescompeting in the Match. In the case of a dog owned in partnership, eachmember of such partnership must, at the time of entry, be a Member ofone of the Societies competing in the Match.

e. If a dog competes which has been exposed to the risk of any contagiousor infectious disease during the period of 21 days prior to a Matchand/or if any dog shall be proved to be suffering from any contagiousor infectious disease, including contagious results of inoculation againstdistemper, at a Match, the owner thereof shall be liable to be dealt withunder Kennel Club Rule A11.

f. Dogs, which have won a Challenge Certificate or obtained any awardthat counts towards the title of Champion under the rules of anygoverning body recognised by the Kennel Club, are not eligible for

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entry in Matches.g. Not more than 64 dogs may compete at a Match.h. Prize cards, diplomas, rosettes and other printed awards may be

awarded at Matches but they must be overprinted "Match".i. Not more than two Special prizes shall be presented at Matches.j. A Society shall keep a list of the names of all competing dogs with

awards, and the names and addresses of the owners for a period oftwelve months from the date of the Matches.

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COMPANIONDOG SHOWSThese Regulations must be read in conjunction with Kennel Club General

Show Regulation F.

1. A Companion Dog Show may schedule an unlimited number of classes forboth pedigree and non-pedigree dogs whether registered or unregistered. Theschedule for the showmust follow that of the specimen schedule provided by theKennel Club with the show licence.

2. Application.a. ACompanion Dog Showwill only be licensed for the purpose of raising

money on behalf of charities or charitable organisations. The organisersmust inform the nominated charity in writing of their intention to holda Companion Dog Show on their behalf. The charity'sacknowledgement of this letter (original not a copy) must accompanythe licence application. The licence will not be issued without thisinformation.

b. If the organisers are a Kennel Club registered club or society, at least50% of profits must be donated to a charity or charitable cause.

c. Companion Dog Shows may be held as separate events or inconjunction with licensed dog shows.

d. In the case of Companion Dog Shows held in conjunction with anotherKennel Club Licensed dog show, dogs entered for competition at theCompanion Dog Show will be deemed to be entered dogs for thepurpose of visiting and/or competing in a pay on the day AVCompanion Dog Show Class at the other licensed dog Show.

e. Applications for a licence to hold a Companion Dog Show must bemade in writing at least 42 days before the date of the show. Theapplication must specify the charity or charitable cause, the date, theshow venue and the name(s) of the judge(s), and must be accompaniedby the charity's acknowledgement letter and the relevant fee.NOTE: Applications for Companion Dog Shows to be held in Scotlandor Wales must be made direct to the Scottish Kennel Club or WelshKennel Club as appropriate.

f. The licence will only be valid if on the day of the event a current PublicLiability Insurance document is held and is on display.

3. Guarantor(s).a. The licensee of a Companion Dog Show shall be the Guarantor for the

show. In the case of a Companion Dog Show being held by a registeredSociety, the Guarantor will be nominated by the Society. The Guarantorshall retain receipts or accounts for monies taken at the show and,where applicable, forward these to the organisation on whose behalf theshow was held. The Kennel Club may require production of receipts or

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accounts after the show.b. The Guarantor shall be responsible for the event, its safety and finances.c. All entry forms together with any other documents must be preserved

by the Guarantor for at least twelve months and must be forwarded tothe Kennel Club if required.

4. Classification.a. Classes for pedigree dogs may include any of the following:

1. Any Variety Sporting Dogs2. Any Variety Hounds3. Any Variety Gundogs4. Any Variety Terriers5. Any Variety Non-Sporting Dogs6. Any Variety Utility7. Any Variety Working8. Any Variety Pastoral9. Any Variety Toys10. Any Variety Puppy (6 - 9 months)11. Any Variety Puppy (6-12 months)12. Any Variety Junior (12 - 18 months)13. Any Variety Open14. Any Variety Veteran (Over 7 years)15. Any Combination of Groups16. Junior Handlers Class (Under 18 years of age - Dog owned by

exhibitor or the exhibitor's parents).b. The basis for the grouping of the breeds is defined in Kennel Club

Regulations for Classification and Registration.c. A maximum of two breed classes per breed may, at the organisers

discretion, be scheduled on the day of the show for pedigree dogswhether registered or unregistered.

d. Novelty Classes. Notwithstanding the above any number of novelty(fun) classes may be scheduled open to all entered dogs whether KCregistered or not.

e. Companion Dog Club Novelty Classes. Limited to those dogs that aremembers of the Companion Dog Club.

5. Regulations.a. That a sign is displayed at the show to include the appropriate

statement on the exhibition of docked dogs for the show’s location andstatus. The various statements are included in the specimen Scheduleprovided by the Kennel Club.

b. Obedience Classes. Obedience classes may be scheduled at CompanionDog Shows provided the tests and titles of the classes differ from thoselaid down in Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.

c. Agility and/or obstacle courses. Agility and/or obstacle courses maynot be held as part of a Companion Dog Show. However, anAgility Testmay be held in conjunction with such an event provided it is organisedby a registered society in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations forAgility Tests, and a separate licence is issued.

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d. Demonstrations of Heelwork to Music may be held at Companion DogShows.

e. Dogs which have won any of the following awards are not eligible forentry at Companion Dog Shows:1. Challenge Certificate (or any award that counts towards the title of

champion under the rules of any governing body recognised bythe Kennel Club). (Pedigree classes only).

2. Reserve Challenge Certificate. (Pedigree classes only).3. Junior Warrant. (Pedigree classes only).4. Obedience Certificate. (Obedience classes only).

f. Only dogs of 6 calendar months of age and over on the day of the showare eligible for entry.

g. Exhibitors and officials at Companion Dog Shows shall be subject toKennel Club Rule A11.

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Annex A to F Regulations



1. For the purposes of Kennel Club Show Regulations, the term "Variety Class"also applies to "Stakes Classes".A Variety Class is one in which more than one breed or variety of a breed can

compete. There must be no stipulation that exhibits must be entered for VarietyClasses as well as Breed Classes and no minimum number of classes in which adog must be entered may be fixed.

2.Wins at Championship Shows in Breed Classes where Challenge Certificatesare not on offer shall be counted as wins at Open Shows.

3. In the following Definitions, a Challenge Certificate includes any Showaward that counts towards the title of Champion under the rules of anygoverning body recognised by the Kennel Club.

4. No class may be provided unless a definition of the class is given in theSchedule.

5. Where a breed is separately classified an Open Class for the breed must beprovided at Championship, Open and Limited Shows, and a Best of Breeddeclared in accordance with the provisions of Regulation F(1)7.b.

6. At Shows judged on the Group system at least one Any Variety NotSeparately Classified Class must be scheduled, unless a class for every breedeligible for classification is provided.

7. No dog is eligible for exhibition at a Limited Show or Match competitionwhich has won a Challenge Certificate or obtained any award that countstowards the title of Champion under the rules of any governing body recognisedby the Kennel Club.

8. General Canine Society Limited Shows shall not schedule more than 75classes.

9. Subject to the following and to any individual Show Regulations, ShowCommittees may offer such prizes and make such classification and definitionsthereof as they think fit except that:

(a) All classes advertised in the Schedule of the Show must be clearlydefined in the Schedule, in accordance with the Kennel Club ShowRegulations.

(b) If any class be provided with a definition other than those definedbelow, the word "Special" must precede the name of such class.

(c) The words Grand or Challenge must not be used in the designation of

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any class or prize for which an entrance fee is charged and for whichentry has to be made prior to the day of the Show.The word "Champion" can only be used in the designation of theChampion Variety class as previously defined, and further explained inthe Champion class definition in these Regulations.

(d) Sweepstake Classes may only be scheduled in respect of Brace, Team,Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Veteran and Breeders Classes only; entry feesmay be given as prize money in such proportion as the Committee ofthe Showmay determine.

In the following definitions:* applies to Championship and Open Shows only.** applies to Limited Shows only.

Where there is no qualification, the Definition applies to all types ofShows.

In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including theseventh day before the date of closing of entries shall be counted when enteringfor any class. Wins in Variety Classes do not count for entry in Breed Classes, butwhen entering for Variety Classes, wins in both Breed and Variety Classes mustbe counted. AFirst Prize does not include a Special Prize of whatever value.

MINOR PUPPY For dogs of 6 and not exceeding 9 calendar monthsof age on the first day of the Show.

PUPPY For dogs of 6 and not exceeding 12 calendar monthsof age on the first day of the Show.

JUNIOR For dogs of 6 and not exceeding 18 calendar monthsof age on the first day of the Show.

YEARLING For dogs of twelve and not exceeding twenty-fourcalendar months of age on the first day of the Show.

BEGINNERS * For owner, handler or exhibit not having won a firstprize at any Show.

** For owner, handler or exhibit not having won a firstprize at any Show.

MAIDEN * For dogs which have not won a ChallengeCertificate or a First Prize at an Open orChampionship Show (Minor Puppy, Special MinorPuppy, Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted,whether restricted or not).

** For dogs which have not won a First Prize at anyShow (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppyand Special Puppy Classes excepted whetherrestricted or not).

NOVICE * For dogs which have not won a ChallengeCertificate or 3 or more First Prizes at Open andChampionship Shows (Minor Puppy, Special MinorPuppy, Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted,whether restricted or not).

** For dogs which have not won 3 or more First Prizesat any Show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy,

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Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted,whether restricted or not).

TYRO * For dogs which have not won a ChallengeCertificate or 5 or more First Prizes at Open andChampionship Shows (Minor Puppy, Special MinorPuppy, Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted,whether restricted or not).

** For dogs which have not won 5 or more First Prizesat any Show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy,Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted,whether restricted or not).

DEBUTANT * For dogs which have not won a ChallengeCertificate or a First Prize at a Championship Showwhere Challenge Certificates were offered for thebreed (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy,Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restrictedor not).

** For dogs which have not won a First Prize at anOpen or Championship Show (Minor Puppy,Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special PuppyClasses excepted, whether restricted or not).

UNDERGRADUATE * For dogs which have not won a ChallengeCertificate or 3 or more First Prizes atChampionship Shows where Challenge Certificateswere offered for the breed (Minor Puppy, SpecialMinor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy Classesexcepted, whether restricted or not).

** For dogs which have not won 3 or more First Prizeat Open or Championship Shows (Minor Puppy,Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special PuppyClasses excepted, whether restricted or not).

GRADUATE * For dogs which have not won a ChallengeCertificate or 4 or more First Prizes atChampionship Shows in Graduate, Post Graduate,Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open Classes,whether restricted or not where ChallengeCertificates were offered for the breed.

** For dogs which have not won 4 or more First Prizesat Open or Championship Shows in Graduate, PostGraduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and OpenClasses, whether restricted or not.

POST GRADUATE * For dogs which have not won a ChallengeCertificate or 5 or more First Prizes atChampionship Shows in Post Graduate, MinorLimit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open Classes, whetherrestricted or not where Challenge Certificates wereoffered for the breed.

** For dogs which have not won 5 or more First Prizesat Championship and Open Shows in Post

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Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and OpenClasses, whether restricted or not.

MINOR LIMIT * For dogs which have not won 2 ChallengeCertificates or three or more First Prizes in all atChampionship Shows in Minor Limit, Mid Limit,Limit and Open Classes, confined to the breed,whether restricted or not at Shows where ChallengeCertificates were offered for the breed.

** For dogs which have not won 3 or more First Prizesin all at Open and Championship Shows in MinorLimit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open Classes, confinedto the breed, whether restricted or not.

MID LIMIT * For dogs which have not become show Championsunder Kennel Club Regulations or under the rulesof any governing body recognised by the KennelClub or won five or more First Prizes in all atChampionship Shows in Mid Limit, Limit or OpenClasses, confined to the breed, whether restricted ornot, at shows where Challenge Certificates wereoffered for the breed.

** For dogs which have not won 5 or more First Prizesin all at Open andChampionship Shows inMidLimit,Limit and Open Classes, confined to the breed,whether restricted or not.

LIMIT * For dogs which have not become show Championsunder Kennel Club Regulations or under the rulesof any governing body recognised by the KennelClub or won 7 or more First Prizes in all, atChampionship Shows in Limit or Open Classes,confined to the breed, whether restricted or not atshows where Challenge Certificates were offeredfor the breed.

** For dogs which have not won 7 or more First Prizesin all at Open and Championship Shows in Limitand Open Classes, confined to the breed, whetherrestricted or not.

OPEN * For all dogs of the breed for which the class isprovided and eligible for entry at the Show.

VETERAN For dogs of not less than 7 years of age on the firstday of the Show.

CHAMPION For dogs which have been confirmed a Champion,Show Champion or Field Trial Champion.Champion Classes may not be scheduled forindividual breeds or varieties of breeds.

BREEDS Confined to those breeds not granted ChallengeCertificates in the current year, with the exceptionof those breeds whose registration is confined to theImported Register.

FIELD TRIAL For dogs which have won an award, Diploma ofMerit or Certificate of Merit in actual competition at

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a Field Trial held under Kennel Club or Irish KennelClub Field Trial Regulations.

WORKING TRIAL For dogs which have won an award in competitionat a Bloodhound Working Trial and Kennel Clublicensed Working Trials, held under Kennel ClubRegulations.

STUD DOG For stud dogs and at least two progeny of whichonly the progenymust be entered and exhibited in abreed class at the Show.

BROOD BITCH For brood bitches and at least 2 progeny of whichonly the progenymust be entered and exhibited in abreed class at the Show.

PROGENY For a dog or bitch, accompanied by at least three ofits registered progeny. The dog or bitch notnecessarily entered in another class however, allprogeny having been entered and exhibited inanother class. The dog or bitch and the progenyneed not be registered in the same ownership.

BRACE For 2 exhibits (either sex or mixed) or one breedbelonging to the same exhibitor, each exhibit havingbeen entered in some class other than Brace orTeam.

TEAM For 3 or more exhibits (either sex or mixed) of onebreed belonging to the same exhibitor, each exhibithaving been entered in some class other than Braceor Team.

BREEDERS For dogs bred by the exhibitor.IMPORTED REGISTER For breeds confined to the Imported Breeds

Register and only when an Interim Breed Standardhas been published by the Kennel Club. Suchbreeds may be exhibited in this class only, and areineligible for any other competition whatsoever.

ANYVARIETYNOT For breeds of dog for which no separate breedclasses are SEPARATELYscheduled.

CLASSIFIEDYOUNGKENNELCLUB ForAny Variety dog or bitch exhibited and handled(YKC) by a fully paid up member of the Young KennelSTAKES Club. The dog should be registere either:

a. Solely or jointly in the member's name, orb. In the name of a member of the family and

under these circumstances the dog must beresident at the YKCmember's address.

GOOD CITIZEN DOG For dogs that have achieved their GCDS BronzeSCHEME CLASS Award Certificate or above.NOT FOR Societies may at their discretion, accept Not forCOMPETITION Competition entries. Societies may accept such

entries from Breeds of dog not included within thetitle of the Society and at Shows held over morethan one day, such entries may be accepted on any

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day from any breed.ANYVARIETY For Any Variety of purebred dog having beenCOMPANIONDOG entered at a Companion Dog Show held inCLUB CLASS conjunction with the show at which this class is


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Annex B to F Regulations



1. These Regulations must be observed when a dog is prepared for exhibitionand/or exhibited at any Kennel Club Licensed event. Objections may be referredto the General Committee for disciplinary action under these Show Regulationsand/or for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rule A11.

(a) A dog found to have been exhibited in breach of these Regulations willautomatically be disqualified from exhibition at the show and from anyaward gained thereat.

(b) Unless the exhibitor provides a satisfactory explanation for the dogbeing exhibited in breach of these Regulations then he/she may besubject to further penalties of either a fine or as listed under Rule A11.

2. (a) No substance which alters the natural colour, texture or body of the coatmay be present in the dog's coat for any purpose at any time during theShow. No substance which alters the natural colour of any external partof the dog may be present on the dog for any purpose at any timeduring the Show.

(b) Any other substance (other than water) which may be used in thepreparation of a dog for exhibition must not be allowed to remain in thecoat or on any other part of the dog at the time of exhibition.

3. No act or operation which alters the natural conformation of a dog or anypart thereof may be performed except:-

(a) Operations certified to the satisfaction of the General Committee.(b) The removal of dew claws of any breed.(c) Operations to prevent breeding provided that such operations are

notified to the Kennel Club before neutered dogs are shown.Nor must anything be done calculated to in the opinion of the General

Committee to deceive.4. The General Committee without previous notice may order an examination

of any dog or dogs at any Show.Any examination thus ordered will be made by aperson having executive authority who shall have a written directive from theKennel Club in their possession. Samples may be taken for further examinationand analysis.5. An individual has the right to lodge an objection to a dog only if he/she is

the owner or handler of a dog competing in the same breed or class. An objectionmay, however, be lodged by an official of the Show or by anyone so deputed bythe Kennel Club. It will be the responsibility of the individual who lodges theobjection or the official (as appropriate), to substantiate the grounds for theobjection. The Kennel Club will substantiate the grounds for an objection madeon its behalf.6. Any objection by an individual related to an infringement of these

Regulations must be made in writing to the Show Secretary at his/her officebefore the close of the Show and the individual must produce evidence ofidentity at the time of lodging the complaint.

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Annex C to F Regulations




1. Authority/Responsibilities.a. A Steward’s responsibilities are at all times to assist the Judge in the

course of his/her duties and to ensure the smooth and efficient runningof the ring.

b. Stewards should always remember that the Judge is in overall control ofthe ring and accordingly should follow the Judge’s directives.

c. Stewards are not authorised to allow any exhibit into the ring unless it isentered in the class as recorded in the Judge’s Book and/or Catalogue orunless a notice of transfer authority is provided by the ShowSecretary/Manager.

d. Stewards are not authorised to transfer dogs from classes or allowunentered exhibits into classes without the necessary authority from theShow Secretary/Manager.

Note: The Only Transfer Authority is—The Show Secretary/Manager.

e. Stewards are not authorised to instruct exhibitors concerning a dog’seligibility to compete in a class and should never prevent a dog which isentered in the class or has the necessary authority to be exhibited fromcompeting even if it is considered that the dog is ineligible.

Note: The Only Authority to Disqualify is—The Committee of the KennelClub.

2. Duties.a Before Judging

(1) Ensure that all material has been provided in the ring for theproper posting of awards and that all prize cards for each class areavailable.

Stewards Must be Aware of the Order in which Breeds are to be Judged inthe Ring.

(2) Take all reasonable steps to ensure exhibitors are aware judging isdue to commence after which the responsibility for dogs beingbrought into the ring at the correct time for the classes entered,rests with the exhibitor.

(3) Ensure each handler has the correct ring number clearly displayedwhilst exhibiting.

(4) Ensure that no dog is present in the ring except those beingjudged: those persons allowed in the ring are the Judge and ring

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stewards, no other person is allowed in the ring without theauthority of the Show Executive.

(5) If so desired by the Judge, to place in the order of the previousawards the dogs coming forward from earlier classes and to standnew dogs by themselves.

(6) Advise the Judge when all dogs are present in the ring and thenretire to a corner of the ring and subsequently only converse withthe Judge if requested to perform a specific duty.

b. During Judging(1) Ensure that dogs near or around the ringside do not interfere with

exhibits being judged.(2) Ensure that photographers are not inside the ring whilst judging is

in progress.(3) Ensure that the attraction of exhibits from outside the ring does

not occur and that any persons so attracting are reported to theJudge.

Note: The attraction of the exhibits’ attention from outside the ring isprohibited—it is not allowed even at the Judge’s or steward’s discretion—stewards must ensure that it is not done.

c. After the class has been judged.(1) Remind the Judge to place the dogs to be awarded prizes in the

centre of the ring in descending order from left to right before theJudge marks the Judging Book.

(2) When placed in order of Judge’s awards—give out prizes.(3) Ensure, where Challenge Certificates are on offer that the Judge

completes and signs the Challenge Certificates, Reserve ChallengeCertificates, Best of Sex or Reserve Best of Sex cards and enterscorrect numbers of the winners in the Judging Book.

(4) Clearly mark awards on board provided in the ring.(5) Where relevant, post correct award slips on board provided in the

ring and ensure other correctly marked and signed slips are sent tothe Show Secretary/Manager’s office.



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As at 1st January 2013

1. Stud Book Qualifications.a. An entry in the Stud Book shall consist of the registered name of the dog,

its sex, colour, date of birth, owner, breeder and an extension of itspedigree limited to three generations, or a Stud Book Reference withinthat limit.

b. All dogs must be entered in the Stud Book in the name of the registeredowner at the time of qualification.

c. AKennel Club Stud Book number will be assigned to each dog acceptedfor entry.

d. Aneutered dog, which has qualified for an entry in the Stud Bookwill belisted therein with the letters ‘NEUT’ appearing after its name.

e. The following dogs are entitled to entry in the Kennel Club Stud Booksubject to regulations a, b, c, and d above.(1) Dogs winning Challenge Certificates or Reserve Challenge

Certificates.(2) Dogs winning qualifying place prizes in the class(es) which are in

the Band for the Breed, where Kennel Club Challenge Certificatesare competed for, as follows:–(a) BandA—First in Open Class(b) Band B—First or Second in Open Class(c) Band C—First or Second in Open Class; First in Limit Class(d) Band D—First, Second or Third in Open Class; First in Limit

Class(e) Band E—First, Second or Third in Open Class; First, Second or

Third in Limit Class; provided such class(es) are not subject toany limitation as to weight, colour or other description. TheBreeds in each Band will be announced annually.

2. Championship Qualifications.a. Title of Champion (Ch) The following dogs shall be entitled to be described

as Champions:(1) Any Hound, Terrier, Utility, Working, Pastoral (except Border

Collie) or Toy Dog awarded three Challenge Certificates underthree different Judges, provided that at least one of the ChallengeCertificates was awarded when the dog was more than twelvemonths of age.

(2) Any Gundog which has fulfilled the requirements of 2.a.(1) andhad obtained either of the following.(a) An Award, Diploma of Merit or Certificate of Merit under the


Excerpt from K

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Regulations of the Kennel Club or under the Regulations of theIrish Kennel Club.

(b) A Show Gundog Working Certificate which conforms to theconditions set out in the Kennel Club Regulations or the Rules ofthe Irish Kennel Club.

(3) Any Border Collie which has fulfilled the requirements of 2.b.(1)and has passed the Show Border Collie Herding Test.

b. Title of Show Champion (Sh Ch) The following dogs shall be entitled to bedescribed as Show Champions.(1) Any Gundog or Border Collie awarded three Challenge Certificates

under three different Judges provided that at least one of theChallenge Certificates was awarded when the dog was more thantwelvemonths of age.

3. Warrants.a. Junior Warrants (JW)

A Junior Warrant will be issued on application by the registered owner atthe time of qualification in respect of a dog that has obtained 25 pointswhilst between the ages of 6 and 18months.A minimum of 3 points mustbe won at Championship Shows where Challenge Certificates for thebreed are on offer and a minimum of 3 points won at Open Shows orChampionship Shows were Challenge Certificates are not offered for thebreed. The scale of points is as follows:(1) Three points for each First Prize awarded in a Breed Class at a

Championship Show where Challenge Certificates were offered forthe breed.

(2) One point for each First Prize awarded in a Breed Class at aChampionship Showwhere Challenge Certificates were not offered forthe breed, or at anOpen Show.

(3) One point for the award of Best of Breed at an Open Show. Only tobe claimed if no qualifying Junior Warrant points were gained bythat dog by winning a breed class, or classes, at that show.

(4) One point for the award of Best Puppy in Breed at an Open Show.Only to be claimed if no qualifying Junior Warrant points weregained by that dog by winning a breed class or classes at that showand only to be claimed if the dog awarded Best Opposite SexPuppy has also gained one or more points having won a breed classor classes at that show.

(5) Junior Warrant points cannot be claimed from classes or for awardswith less than three dogs of the breed present. In assessing thenumber of dogs present in each class, exhibitors may count a dog ashaving been present in a class provided it was entered in that classand was present in its first class for the breed at that show.

(6) Only one point can be claimed where a dog has been declared bothBest Puppy in Breed and Best of Breed.

(7) JuniorWarrant holders will be awarded a Stud Book Number.(8) The title ‘JW’may be used after the name of the dog on Show entries

and in catalogues.



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As at 1st January 2013

8. Change of Name.—a. Addition of an Kennel Name. Subject as mentioned below, the registered

name of a dog may normally be changed once only, and only by theaddition of the owner’s Kennel Name to the existing name in accordancewith Regulation B7 and the notes given on the application form.However, the name of a dog cannot be changed more than thirty daysafter the date of the first award which qualifies that dog for entry in theKennel Club Stud Book.

b. Removal of a Kennel Name. If a dog is transferred back to the ownershipof the original breeder(s), a Kennel Name added to its name as per sub-para 8a above, may be removed at the request of the original breeder(s).However, this may only be done provided that:-(1) The written consent of the person(s) who added the Kennel Name

is obtained.(2) The dog has not gained entry into the Kennel Club Stud Book.

Once a Kennel Name has been removed, no further alterations oramendments to the name will be permitted

20. Dogs for Competition.—Dogs entered for any form of Kennel Clubcompetition i.e. Show Classes, Field Trials, Gundog Working Tests, ObedienceTests, Working Trials, Agility and Flyball Competitions must be registered in thename of the person(s) making the entry. If, at the closing date for entries, theowner(s) have applied for but have not received the Kennel Club registrationcertificate, the dog shall be entered in the name shown as the first choice on theapplication form for registration and the name should be followed by the letters“N.A.F” (NameApplied For). In the case of applications for transfer of ownershipand change of name, the dog should be entered “T.A.F.” (Transfer Applied For) or“C.N.A.F.” (Change of Name Applied For) where application has been made butnot received. Dogs are exempt from registration in the following cases:–

a. Dogs either exhibited exclusively in classes specially exempted by theGeneral Committee or in special classes sanctioned by the GeneralCommittee.

b. Hounds belonging to recognised packs.


Excerpt from B

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Staff: Team Leader –– Semone Cooper –– Breed Shows TeamTel. No. 0844 4633 980Fax: 020 7518 1046

Email: [email protected]: www.thekennelclub.org.uk


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