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U I THE SUN SATURDAY JANUARY ft 1891 7 aJrDxwaAL1- sw r SI Ja WT Aft SAT PIUS hi LO- ONl q M- I I I N- tiae c I ItUl OI- II4tIIU t r r iDmi l f = I 121 I MDnO LIP IU IM 0 M lWh4ILos- I n PI 11 I i i I 1 1 M 1m- 1Ja I 0 1 D 1 1 I Qp UI gu4- 1H 1 3Tie texoei- OMIJjaNnlrtl I S lT 4- 5yM n- s I W C8 1 A a W T r I I sriL4flVOC6I 1 4 n J 3O IO B L- Alar S T lotS- sEuSrbII I f I T- OsOrwonTm lit BO ilChaAOen9- I r I H I I eZ2o t4 I ro I ID Ik A f 10 A biwiiIO I 1 = iuV c iis UInu 1 Ju r T e t I Ie C r t6 11 1 j I I a r i I eel Mia H- Ii IUS In 704 I t a 13 i T1flALcll Tn 2 1 oa J Del D C AA lit hock IID4 O- Sk4JOD 8 Ill 93 0- I II naAB7S I 11 e t IS j I k IUL IRS I l II- l P I 23 J i I 1 ilo 1 In II a I 1111fi S 6 II 1 I eif it I J u W I BH fii I L IIOf I t ron idn i Irlt l A 52 71 ait- l O- St I 1 tl I j J It I g olIT T 1 2a 10 I Ii T gj II H M M- MM T 4if4 tIi 1- 1 I TO 10 I I Ii Y4 t Timir dlv i T l It A H O til MIOIf- t tl TlAAANkll IS 7 a M- adiit 1 c1St r U Kg 0 t Vine ui 1 1It 1 7014 eaTnndlr BO- a tlii JI o n 01111 I TiuttlilAicaiii f I LoilL404 10 0 Um1iis- tiLWihiituo 1 t t- 21ILALIfl80 L 10 vI I a I 7- 6ILII r4 4- I TI i LItIa 11 70 7 v- IjWtkLStkl14 I Ws1a iii 1 j I 98- I II trABa 24 102h I 0 SOMtgLIIt mt- tIIHCL tabu I 104 6 7- 4SXoh0IStDSVll S 74 10 01 A I et- Mlci 8 US u IL 918 0 I W j crat oijiBi 1 a 4lg II liLILSLOS 0 rsen 1 1 i WK L 1 I SI- I S SI I I h II T M i 5- 2IOLM4S Iv tenet- TetalaalM 1104- Kx hjliCt IH e railway ka4 par Taluel- MiiaaAB aTC j Jp etna laiuJ- rlfk foilS en l 41981 i 1 98 IOnIh J 3S X9 S0 I r 21 i J T4g 4 10 Im A o M IT 1 I I- 6JC6OIS o 1 I 1 16 I 1010 lo 1 a 43 L u eo J I0 80 1 1 4- 1IUiibL a a 01 6lI 5j- i1Q0 1tI L f 1M lo 1041 10- 6II a JO 11 1 1O- 1I 11 r ijIiY H I I U- U s d 1 I l II- SMli Mlt L lt3 I 0 p42 8 u 1j 6 4 T f 6- 7ra5 I0LTY40IMPL I p1 1 so- 3Ii8TV4G26 IT e 20 FItSI A r M IS I 044 IS I II souiiL srthrapt- Hi 12 7 1 TI Tb- I UlCantral 87- IWLakeh I kWM I4- auLakeKAW r t4IZ ft 4 t 04- gi0IUkSksrsI0S IrH iiuid UM u- UOiLmu II l0S3 II lO lO A IS4 > 7i- lXdOLoUaKA1 1 TI 7 0 1 20 I 11 lXI5 aanatta ILO Si is MkJ Maryland Oaai 1 16 II 16 17i Meilran Central 21N I 3l I 0 > iWLlfan Cent SKU SI 1 niawurt raoineU- HlihU SUM IO4 I JbKT24SZ ILTpf 3J II elH 1 I A k 26 I Hi a u A 1 1 lU MOO 1 losv loou iu U- Ul I J oVa 10 IOi 101 if loltt 10J 752 IIr ABr IJ4 Mg lyv- J Newint IS 33 a ii 101 IlM KTOAftU UK 1I II in UUIYUaBLLlpf 67 D4o 87 M s- owNTuatL19 3 s 13 2I- Io0 Lw h r lUI 1w re isi2- I 11111 A r e t II IZ t 7 > A W of 2sI XDU 29Z 10 34 Kerf a upt V- Jilt 63 II NUIOrtbIrU Factflo 2lO 22 IBM Northern t cui t4 II SOIL e8j Southern 14 IS I4LZ isI- JOhln a j i1M IN ti IS tu uniart a nVeet 16V g l6 3 uretuu ima ISI- lu le loH 10 III Oregon it 8 N v i 1N 111 TI III onreiou S L luu L20 Io IS 21 1lIo rcint val ar 243 io4 W f fee a bT 16 114 1 6 Q I lhlla a i dUlL aj i 2 2 2 H aH 823 MI fulL Ial fer loltA 130 lit 82 1M loiuf COt l L IM- S 1314 I1S 1I It irt >5 ArtlPf I 4 S 4110 OM 60 t IkftrandV 22 a4v- B7 33 24 > i Ktott pi iA MJ 67 fcwft Rich At roo iu leti Is KMt- HiA Ie 84IlclIW I p i pi 1 Ifitt 11944 I 11m 70 r a Oman Mm 21 nit 21 PHA Mij IW ii IU 1tJ3 I MIMulli rrollnn H lHi OU 8K 4 < u jeutheni rio 28 d 2 3 SuoTenu malAiroa 23 i i7 r WVIeiairacldc 14 I4 14 It 410 Tt A A II I4I IT 183 1m IT lOtI L racAo 443w 210 1 47i bI VhloD t U a I 31 31 2 Iu V11 Itpu 01 J III 97 144 if tt1 p I7 VI8- TU l I IW 44 l weitero fa Tel 7tZ 79 7714 T7t axu vriiceiiiA ue 91 It II ri 121 111 II leelaLh K rti i ii 1 UWieienral L ib IH IB I III 1Lt lotel itlei of StoCks wit 190on iharea IIIIII LSpITIiT TII1r7li 1OIiAmr 71r 111 UW Wf Cot on- iiDAraer I i I I r tot Iu I p1 3q 21 H lDK 811 I lkiAnier fat oiiclf lo1 10 II I fjlu > utar Kenuene- fO 61 Ie tIoi lIonAltAd TruI IT l IT 11 11 JOOIIUDIltk 118 II pr II L II II II 11 1 II Horn BIlTer 2 098r118 lii- TAiKDfic 2 AD 2100 14 a Ta IV I 11I1 111 11 Ie rkATa 4ifl raclao I MIUQ lot 106 14 loIUIIUh I 4 i 1I x v MM a 1 rl Lln eh 71 7JJJ 71 7aJ- JutiA Soi1 I IIAIPG SVfJT TIOA- lalt a AIr 4Ika 1114 hd 1114 IrITI OS 47- tb INO8I 1110I 2w W5sIEfl4L 3l 24 h r N a tOIl It 1 1m Ho 14 llr 1uuIa lleei OII 2 knCnt4s IIU Santa P31 Co 573- G4 li n 71 TA II r4 Te 79 81 lIr11n- LAOD I 6hLtavi 4ai i- eo ctoaiiia tiMino i lHC 41811 I JidJAtH 7 Uhlth TaBey 4 4KK ffL pro 60 f 161 LC NCe 411 iJ 4SH ft JJ rnola twj tog Bx Intereit atk URn I prj I071IUa A IfukTUI 75W 1011 u K Y Centra TI Jortolk A Watt K 65 ortbtrnPacUlopt II J IP Ontario A WeLV I6 III IOU > L faul oil 1 men raelnol 4U Wabaeh pf t 7> PIWAT Jao 2- Theladltlonal Jaouary Ii I In plolloo the- ft tock EichanBe which br the wej dos cot at iullM Urud In this rear Promptly 6 Jill The took market beslutwd a little at- M Ik I ODeD but forUAed by a fslrlyacUve and 4SE dlllllUld for bonds asd by reoDable nalltr 01 our oaep tbs tn41A element l1l11l1d 0 lIt the lone aids ot the market M4 Mils operations derelopaxl tbe lao that JII wre Yarrlew stock offeriug at rullnic- l r a IOIIIwhA bear class 1 of buyers fol 14 tbe lad Tb rult WM I moderate ad- raV t tt Ine WhIch WM olklDtaln to th close Tb- hr ctlons were not lUll liber ID partlcu- Torai Iook icrln Ito aggreyate The most fa CommeDt that can bo made about lb e- itoek IIIlrht Is that It WM easier to sell than to buy Bt Paul com moo led the llralUd speflula gn 1 fa polat of aeUYlty but la no other respect ust attrMlTaa WM Bhow br l j Lukswaaas Lke Bhor Northern Faeiflo preferred and Western Union Next to them earn North American and Northwestern and among the specialties WheellnK and Lake Erie preferred aU 0 and BtLonls Tennessee Coal and Iron and Chicago Oaa Reports ot an alliance between the Laotawanna and the Boqn hanna and Western Companies which have been oorrentfortbelastfowdayswereaat- horltatlyely dlsuosedof hence higher priMa for the coal shares must be attributed entirely- to whatever Improvement In their business the anthracite companies may enjoy from sea enable weather Tbe demand for Investment securities asp daily for bonds Is still the most Important aa well as the most encountering feature of the Stock Exchange markets Dialers In bonds corroborate the nldnce which I Is furnished br the official report of Stock Exchange transactions that a good deal of the Interest money disbursed today Is being reinvested In certain quarters It I IB claimed that Invest ¬ ment money IB coming Into the street much more rapidly than any one had reasonstto ex- pect ¬ Money on call was lalrlv attIre because of the large amount of funds ordinarily loana ¬ ble which was practically tied tip for the day Besides It t Is generally expected that tomor ¬ rows bank statement will be less favorable than the last previous one partly on account of todays disbursements but more logical baoauas of the absorption of 3000000 by the BubTreasury durInG the week Sterling ex- change ¬ was actlTe and higher long bills being affected by the lower rates of dlscountn In London and sight drafts and cable transfers by remittances of Interest abroad Thn stock market closed strong at about Ibll Milt nturprt Final sales compart with thoefc of Wednes- day ¬ as fOllow 81I Jew I Del IL JIlL 2 Ale T AraaBee Pe7 01 F earn 2iM 21 Canadian T3 JQ A Fae pf 94 811I 411 T CnlIOI 201 al et L T A II Bnt MX- mlralloofl 31 so so H I lOR 2hI1fI 1 Omaha com 33 r ehei AObie IT Onurta A l Wi 1334 ig- OIpt 0 4224 44 rIDllolatl 83 > I 114 0a o ic pf r 38 70- CbtcagoOai 11 55 Hlfh A WPl jb 1- 0PI2aW 1 lS1 1ft kich A w rpt e93 D1 L a tIudIoLl 4 Readme- jit 12f I2i a II a pt 61 61 rani cant 41S I 61- rI lOIN IS Bt PSt 9 t104 10- 8EssiTsin pf I Tex ran l la It- HooIaaVar iii 0 Tenn C Is R ii- L2 88 A lib 7814 T2 Union faelne 4SM 44- 13k TS I IOt33l 107 tn PaoDA ii JO I- IiLa III 14 Wbalenm 034 L IS a w Mi t MK 66 Wab A Pjil 17 I7 Manhattan eon II K WM I Wt UnT1 TSft T1 wKeourl Pae enR 5IW i A L B- MixCant 3I4 S2 IfK SIX W A L R pf s7o 70 sthwutecI IOa losjj Government bonds steady at unchanged Quotation lleilway bonds strong and active The features were Western New York and Pennsylvania Jds Union PaoiUc Denver ROIl Unit lots Toledo Ann Arbor soil North Michi ¬ gap lets lllo Orande Western hIS Rock Isl- and ¬ Ra Now Jersey Contra general 6s Northern Paolflo oonsol 6s Missouri Pa elite consols Mobile and Ohio generals Kentucky Central Ists Hocking Valley 5s Can- ada ¬ Southern lots Chesapeake and Ohio con ¬ sols Atchison Atlantic and Paaltlo Richmond and Terminal Beading Texas Iacinc and Wa- bash Issues The more Important netadvances were In Atohlson 4n M V cent to 78 S and In- comes ¬ 14 tn49H Atlantic and Paolflo ists 1 to IW and Incomes K to 12X Chesapeake ana Ohio consul 5s IM to 96 Canada houtn era Ists IX to 1105 Hocking Valley 5f A V to 81 Kansas and Texas 4s IK to 76 and UB- IK to 31o Kentuflky Central 1MB 1 to 70S I Mobile and Ohio generals IM to 68K MlBFonrl Paelflo consols X to 105 < Northern Paolllc oonsol Bs IX to 827 N J Central general 8s H to 107K Richmond and Terminal 6s X to flfx and 8s K to 69 Hock Island 8s K to 97 ReadIng id preference ¬ to 97Jij Rio Grande Western Itll- r to 74JiT Texas PaclDo Ists 4 to 87 and 2ds i toS9 ToleJo Ann Arbor and North Michi- gan ¬ Ists S to 98X UnIon Paimc Denver and Quit to 78i Wabash lsts Hlo 08H and Il1teffi to 74X and Western New York and 2ds 2H > cent to S2S In bank stocks 21 shares of Mechanics sold at 210 and 26 shares of Western National sold at 99 Stlrer bullion certificates for 207000 ounces sold at KHXOIDS Bar silver In London 48 Vd V ounce The offers to fell sllrertothe Treasury today aggregated BSOOO ounces The DurohaseB were 807UOO onnces as follows 9SOOU ounces at 10450 36000 ounces at 110487123000 ounces al B10498176000 ounces At It 03 80000 ounces at 10510 60000 ounces at I 10524 and 816000 ounces at 1U525 Money on oall V4C V cent Time money 8- Vont Commercial paper quiet Prime en- dorsed ¬ bills reielrable are quoted at 607 1 cent and flrstola singlename paper at 78 3 ont Sterling exchange strong and higher Posted asking rates 14808 for long bills and t485 for demand Actual rates are Long bills 47BM- I4BO light drafts U8lWiilUM and cable transfer B4X48iX The amoant of 4X V cot bonds redeemd today under the circular of Ocr U wo 1 27600 making the total to date 8071250 Shipments of silver aggregating 750000 ounces will be made br tomorrows steamers The croduotlon of anthracite coal for the week ending Don 27 was 634920 tons or TfOiil ton more than for the corresponding week of last rear and making the total output for the year to date 86105250 ton being 2M5CU1 ton more than for the corresponding period of last year The transactions on the New York Stock Ex change for December Include 5139119 shares a decrease of 400C86 as comnared with the same month of last year and 28193500 par value State and railroad bonds a decrease of I8U84800 The Loolsvllle and NaihTlIln Railroad re ¬ ports gross earnings for November of 1675 Vti6 an Increase of 80360 as compared with the same month of last year and net U13814 a decrease of 42161 For the tire mnntha end- Ing Nov 30 the groin earnings were 3S253tf an Increase of 317432 us comnared with the < curroauoudlng nerlod of last year and net sa 167760 a decrosso Of 236755 The Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad report gross earnings for November ol 295638 an Increase of tia99 ns compared with the same month of last year and net 1811 080 an Inoteae of 14516 For tbo five months ending Nov 80 the growi earnings were H601 890 a decrease of 50542 ax compared with the corresponding period of last year and net 64900 an Increase of 191534 The Colorado Midland Railroad reports gross earning lor November of 163414 nn Increase of 3J840 as compared with the same month of last year and net 58869 au increase of S27 896 The Toledo and Ohio Central Railroad re ports gro s earnings for December t r2S2SO an Increase of 17807 as compared with the same month of last year The business fallunrH of the Past reven days as leported to R O Dun ft Co number for the United States 311 and for Canailu 37 a total of 848 as compared with a total of 333 lest end 404 the week previous to tho last leek corresponding wtek ot last year the were 822 representing 391 failures in the united tate and 81 in the Dominion of Canada The public debt statement issued today show that the reduction of the public debt 156 cash In the Treasury during December was I10063J8 Total cash In the Treasury 679440656 Treasury balances comparn with those of Wednesday as follows lJIe SI Jn2 41024 1148874103 514PlUl 522 28UIH 341143 Legal tender 3lltU- STotaiii a 211 I 21 IMtJJJlftl I148192II4- SOSIII D In national banka 7eIt2 jstnat I Sin lie If 7 Wriloeiday In addition to the forMtotnjt Ill Treainry reports silver hulllonpurchaeed under the so- ot July I U COO f 3lth0 ui and note otueiandui- caialmt the tame S IBMOUI Money In London SI31 V cent Discount in the open oiarket for both abort and three months bills 3X f cent The amount of bul lion withdrawn from Ibe Hank oj Eugland on balance todiiy wn SOKX Paris advices quote S tI cents al 05 francs S rentlmes sod exchange London at 25 trano 18i centimes The weekly statement of the Dank ot France shows a decrease of 590HOOO franos In gold and 6826000 francs In sliver Mesiirs 0 n Venner 1 Co offer to Investors a selection of first mortgage bonds principal and Interest payable In gold Massn Daniel T Worden of the Block Ex change and William D Jtanshaw who has until recently bed charge of Ibo bond depart- ment of Drexel Morgan t Co have formed a copartnership under the title of Worilen A Pansbaw to deal In Investment securities and transact a stock brokerage business- Mr Henry O Tlmmermann has been ad- mitted ¬ 10 the firm of Moore Hnblor in whose employ be has been for several years The sales of mining stocks at the New York Consolldaied look and Petroleum xcbanira today wet o an follows Aalu Nt wuni ttttlur Lntv tlainil- UIAlta BO tu > B- UCOUAatona 4 4 4 4- I0OrUflAWlOl l 0 Il 11 IOOEldIso 6 ii II 611 4111 1f 35 s 37 200 Ibm ft Yw I Ia 2 78 2 13 21 7- 55l4uI2 M 2 311 II 1800 11141 Bar O 6 0 6- 00utasIlLteI6O I 100 200 100 r1UJI 01 arIa N 1- 0ooaoroollI ce II 100 100I- UO Utb 15 16 SI 55 A tatal treniletVi war 4SOO ibarea Nw Tork Markets faipir Jaa LYo AMD XTb mutes warn dull and prlci wire barely roalntalutd Canon ruturce upeued bun > ant cocaine nr eule l- eloiiDi Iliad lal IIlu I il I puliil UraiKo fun Wmlnre day ep oetuir rIled The IUS11 tnilaT Worn nearly a 11 Wadnridaya Ihe ojmlnr wa nanu luoyaiil bear 501 tltnli I ent the ra- celi i n4Ieald for Aew Drleana althjuilt partially II Dlatned by the iialeoienl that ralirnaJn mere had eel reDorled trouibt barer 10 corer ConflIctS There few bull who leok c urie and banxhl roIoll wben MareS tonahed a < tM local oper tOrt bi oU Ia r alla pcoflu and 3531 aalf the a4v1 vu uletIy lest Thea III 11444ev 01304 rot III wMt blrart to 590w 81 Ut rodIIYIam- atL and I Is parleniar lb 414 lIlt tallest a mIteS fDnbe Increase of stoeka 1 carual recorery followed andthtalotin prloeewer but little belew the baet 5urs of the day eottan waa ntm hIS qolell sltddlleID22a24a0 I Bra da Qlf BMa Tb fallow ln< are the detain at the trasasIoas a fultreits- nt5g 0IHtIIe Itd 34954 zr sw January r tis ale ane ilts- ebrUarln34e25 iliA 2- 00aroll81 lot i to 10 7500 April I It 4 IP8- 4 May eels ose UOtO June CTK 7 ua etox Jnir 110 I 57 IfoOO Auctit o a00 154 074 700- 081pt125491 eo4ati 998 S3 Total sales Mtoo blsI TrantftraM aailaa set lti4 aa Batnrday q1S446 0 IIIIGIL iseataJ- liilel ItAltt ieelotaaeptathjMyt2e1 SLBa Do pI woes aeaVtia atX4U- 4r nTiiiOJ eLard faturee were mwbl depressed by eelllcc ta reane eroflu fretn tb 11 a4Taci tale e001 tee at tltto for January etna fer rebriary 41Ii e4M for Match and tte5a7lo for May Attar Chant the li was waaJt at flOo for January 5535 for rebrnary o4Ac for March eu for April and KSle for May Cpol lard wa cuter aid met aetlTet- ealee 110 tel ram 0117 at kata and 1S toe prime Weternat eauatia Uo renlart reSeed far la Contl- Btnt qnaud at aoiiaaoo elk waa llrmerad tae demand was very 004 al the tTnci new 01555 5l15Ul2 pates 000 5515 Ctttneaula rood demand and ssadi aaia ooufta pickled btlire loau I k- Teraie atSo Created hot qtlet atiUe TaTlawlo rood demand sales luvixw we 4 lea Bitter mar I111v51 artamery taaooa Cbeee la looa qneitt Statefarntory t full crram S aioa rrh exe al2C- 0iiObes1 tntare WSIS dpre4 by alee Is Clause The failure St Ib- mand iaaf prentiad export de la raaterlallie ta unload WItS 1rc1Dr much freedom Palta at SI oaMi- kIloiH far Jaanarr tlMWMiO3fa fer Tetmarr f4 for Mann eJCtHI1A for lay i- iI < 24 for Jaly r74 07i4 fer AnrueL and December VI I Bpat wheat was duO andnomtnali Na 2 rid winter quoted at 114 I la elevator a parcel of ehalea rDIIYaD red bid at IIMU afloat Indian I com future were firmer at the ocenlnt but lympelhy with wheat and seIlIog I rialli cauied a slight oeolmei ealee IOOO bun al- DOrWnHo for Jaanary 00< asuM let May and 6149 60Uc for July Hpoteorn waa crmer fenl only mod- erately aetlrei sale of sew deluded Ma I Blxed at- tfo on the tracki No i yellow tine en the traeki- teener mixed I the traekide yel low on the f IO I Bltad I THo on the laN also choice old nixed at IIKa aflaat OatS war depreeeed eepeelaltr far nixed la lbs mote re Toot future under very free efterlnr alee oturao- buih IncludIng options No 2 mlxeC at 4544l345 for January and ccvraaiMe for Jour slid am lbS pet talxed at 4saM I o and white at BoaMa aa la- uoallty alaoNnvwhlttatauHA laaUTator and No 3 mixed at 400S5024a 1 la elevator Attar Chance Wheat eloeed I west No t red winter for January liHi February B104M March IOftiMar BIOIHJ July Wa December wMo Corn weak Ho 3- mlied far January 3 iWo 11 l Febriary M Wei March BOMo May NHo JilIJ I iea oat w aki I M- J mixed tar January We t Pebnarr ooe1 May 604 < o j NO a white for January SOMe i February SIKoi- unocmta Mr ro Coffee an the Spat wu more Irish of- fer a llllhtlv lower rrlcee Rio quoted al 17V- 17Wo fnOaJ ft aale 1M Vat No lIt I7H 4504o 730 IIn Santo No 7 at 7516 390 da do 117Soiooha Rio 10 T all611 r and t sod iuoo Las Santo Na a tabaihlppad at I7HC SlOTS Urn 3104 trades iteady Sales HotO met private trawth Fadaat 1 ° arrlte at 33Mo and Obat Maracafba Ill pkte Jamaica I asd1Iban5avanillaant < 10 opllon war extremly dull bal prleei show bat utile ehanta deSpIte weaker aarlcti from BraziL Raceloi at Rio for two dir ISOX bagel al Santo lovo bat Exchntln Hlo lower at aid eatlIw Saga oloelaf shady with leller al the foiKwln prioeit January I880o April l30vBlT 1480- 0FebruaryIMUo May IBlua Antuit 144- 34MarchI5lolJuol505l5ptsmbThd30O Saw susan quiet and without chnre at 4 a1 I So for fair reinIng raueoovado and 5145 for tandard ntrlfu ten fxBdon advice ware about iteady Renned leg Irs I In better demand and white extra 0 ass off A wereadTMced Liec Quoted sliMe for sutaoI eroihed- MSlua for tranulaud I 5 8ISa for powdered eilua 1 for CObOL 0 llSc for mould ASKa for eaady A 11Ko for confectioner A 64324a for off 4 BUa59ieo for white extra Cand 4Kas MSa for yelkura Molasses qnltt kite i la good demand and teady MnALsOtraita tin waa firmer la reepeue I tronter foreltn adTlea but the ipeouletlon was low ealeizsioniafiliea for Jaanary ttllniprto forepot X2UO I for Marsh aasuo Intel oeprdnll weak IOU lower eellllni I price for Janaary Lake Iltoc Lead wa a trie hlbr bat qalt Milling price for Spot fJOo- MfAt 4toozaplrtt mrpt- ieailiral was gout end 3 Wc for regular and seW for machine Roln dull sod easy at tl40Ml43 for eomaenla- tflKa good lu4lo- LOoHaUon Transit ertIate adTanaed aa- bnylnt for WtrD account sod severing htrta due to proepeet of a reduced pradnetion Buekey- certlrloatei advanced I In eyaraihy with National Tran Ill certlncatea National Tranilt rertincatee at 79o t sold at 725407415 and closed at TJMc isles 64000 bhla lockere opened at tf sold at 18S19440 Slid Closed I at IBai lalee 8000 aeflae- dhltbrta40o In bhia IlTa Btoak VorkctN- xw You Friday Jan tReelpl of beTe ytcter day and today war 3869 head Includlnt 04 can for export 42 cars for tIle market and SI cars direct ta- ilautliurer The tradlnt waa rather doll for all trade and although the pn were entirely cleared deelere re- ported a ilitht dtclln foereel ta beet sally users Sold I at S34U9M >t 110 ft Ll bell and dry cows atn 83 so iiretMd beef tedy at eMdtfka V ft far natlT sIdes LaUit cable f torn London quotes American itetref- lrra at Ilkr4l3o 1111I dreiMd weltht and Amerlce- nretrlterated beef hither at Scant BUG II Ik Shipments today soo beeTee and 8ou quarters of beet Tomorrew B37 beeves sod 1847 quarter Receipt I of calves yeeterday Cldl today were BOO heal No ealee wire afleelad be market rmled nominally steady Receipt of sheep and lambs rsle1D eluding e ears dlreol were T86D weakt larabe dull al a decline I efMaJ8 L ihaep sold at 54S33fl4 f no 4 t UBBS at mbl oraawd mutton elow at 74Se5 V 4 4 I lawer al Receipt af hogs TMWrday and tedar lioludlnt I ear for sale J ware falu hess Market firmer at s4U > BASS 100 kIleal Kalat TraMftra- AT B LOTs Loots Bnadt aadiwlf asS aae t- Jnhaana Oatckutt 525120 7 > d it 55 no w IIlh aT x03 r Frederick Muller and wits ta Kaaa W Slrauae I WIllIam it Sit Mom Ralmaa and wits la PanI- li000ial 18000- Farmby 100th 1 0 5 i3w 455 v l7xll1l ShrIek at aU truitae to John Laanard 1SCOO tbt42iiBi yrdrlokAl4bby and wits ta John Gnth and coo 1510- 0tthsLI69 East Harriet B Ball aad sac ta Samuel Sloan MX 000 SOt av B7U73I LanUa t PUlibnry Albert I- Adm 70000 Valentine 5 T 5 il1s e Sonthern BooloTard COx llu WaIler 0 Bellow and wife la flora B Downing 1890- Sd ar ST7 Daniel MoMnrtrla and aaa ta Loulte- V rillabnry I eth ar n w COt Slh it 35x1008 John r Moor and wife ta Martin Btnur 16000- 13bd it 5e ei w 2d ar lxx40I Lonli Less and wit ta Frcdk Mlohelu I 11000- 134th it na i4iS w 6th aT I8pxl00ll Bdw D floss to Wm T Auittu I Klnnbtldte to West Farms road S IJQd 5 Powell nl anaxl64x Irret Clerk R Watson and wits to leo II Wyatt 4MO- Ktanbrldf to Welt Sarms road e a IO3L- 8fowtll 5 pi aa H xl4nx I Irret Abble U Wlthtman andanotoUcolIllyatt 4330 eth IL ait e AT u Axtt7i Jacob Rodanberf anti M to J4oaa Butxel 14900 Cherry it 31 Della b Jonei et alto John W hoes la000- Creitonar wa 75nlHd et 33x110 John a- Kemcr antl wile to gIdeon U Taicall i 1000 Sib it e > bet lit sod 3d art 110 Cbsrieajnk- sr 4IWAv Buff 2189- 0setltL a T SIUxlOli Add bert ii NieholilOd wits to WllheimlnUolliitr 4XCOO 24 av a a 511 a 034 it WilOu 0 Uarler to A firaXUDCFn e ene e tee StVMO OuaneiLea 1SS w SIns it 24 DxTS r S l4ayIor to W II Wltte- nI4tt I et n i 140 w Brook ar MJxloO iijOonarfl to Frederick buy 41600- 3d av wa 25 a4Sh244x73i L Roeenbueoh- 2d 01 Iln I T a III 5eMititl ii7iJ Maf yreuaJiH bert toJ Klelichmann 18790 John IL 110 This I K IloffmaoJrIorSlcuIoy I 4ttihitee 005 litaT 7axlUA3 Ucnnl Looni- to u nlelI Loonle l I lit a T a i 4X2 n 70th it MiDi A L Baaay toO lJDdJIDO1 I 00 ° 46b Ii 55 24 a ad aY ILxIOO II 0155 WIlier ioJ Maonbelmer 14100- in 1 tee iu s 515 av i noxoelli J r 0T haithueaiyloWM Jorss- flesossi OOO id a aIf w Kim ill rt a H Wlleey ta- u T lloffmaa Jr I lot av u ecOr lOMh it 29x911 W LarrtorieIt- 3SbeSh7 11000- 70th 51 5 I 00 w 3d av 23x1021 8 Kemner to 01 llelnbauaea 1800- 0Mcdoutal eu a Arthur X Dodge W V Spin Block ccl ij i eciloo I mapNew York iitiWj 2O800 Callahan to M ray 31000 tluck WJ eectlon i mi i iiw O Bpencer to- J51lodee 301110 SlIt t 5 e thaie I Sxs0 I Eleanor Star lluttoSUryJ Kelly la600 Southern UuuleTard I a 200 n Bottoa laf Iu7 tfamutl rail sod see to M r 80- 0Lotli7 mapO rails same ta Andrew lown- Cre lot nI mt Broadiit ioiiwV aama- toU 1000 J Kelly leoo- axcoun noiTouaa- Althelmir f ta B Bathichlld w s 24 Iv a ISiS istUTIS 441015 A Jo i 5 PlUsbuy 970573 14th av i 52500 4n5 raaAJOtoAJBenthaVdViciutaK- Calf IQCIOO S 5th ar 4 year 5000 Suttil Mosee to J a KODHr s s ess ci e Av 0 Maryto wi mpeyi 5 emititw fark 5500 Cole cv tftl1iBifVlews1iYlB j sVw asSay 100 Ii Irs aoooo toWwToriandHubuVbMBnlldraf Clark BD and Loan Aiaoolallon a p IMlh at a Batte- ns tflitalllOent5 Iceo PoDID flora to IlortS MY Sdgand Wall Also ea Valentlna BT e Southern BoaleT- pi rSStfmcrtoywBtliswVrBayar- iriJbBmSnrjTlTVMvvrViiivMH 1000 oo riu4 n diil KC i o oMtro Wi VtJi ailw Iceo Brook a I yr- 0Old5tI2 I5XO I Solomon sd DoriS ie Karl 35 i lach wd Uelaneer Si dlfri 800- 0Ilrlaa OoMiteln boltmon la kiwIs L lot teroeld saule prop S 15000- OutektlnSt o JObaflOS Loule Irandt and sea 1817 Ave s 3yrs- Grey 000- W ThOInSA and wile to Thomas ilj2N I 315 ii 4 yra Iceo hdward aDd wits to the Mew Tk SororIty SDd Trust Co o s SItS at a Bin Y- nW 40 000 e tee ee Vrlidrieh t Solomon l Moot l s aiat- Iltuinfr1 6000 ConradLind1Anni1VoBiiabtn Ladlk it tud it 5 StaY 4rt SOO- OUeurwa Vials B and wla ta Tbettae i HwliiandantriiiwLexfin 55984- 5elCJmlIl3ll 5005 tsreltfle a ThsmgTala nJiIV C I S ISIS at SIS Tyf II wIfe to Vlssl- ars laM Jl Cherrr it I FT u T0 Solomon Flat A lIansIbt5 U ppisaasqe1 ns7StbIl wsdavCrP TOOO Kaeibert Rodelpn ta Feter Colt r 645 Court landiav I lease demand Ioeco Leonard Job IC Irnate Eleaur Family B t- imtbei w4thT tyre 5000 Mc John to ZIllah P li Di Park av Cliii SI J IrS SO- OiniJit Neismsu MIlifis and wire to Altred Sleckler lotMrt 4yre enoo- Raeler Jr Peter tuChi II Reed s 5 14th it- lllaT 5 4 yrl 8930- RnMna II Fannie and Franca F i la Greenwich Saab n S Mth it w Mh av a yri Jfl000 sBtDr 1ornjsmlnEhtLa2LseSIhS1 blllI and 3d an I yri 2000 Shaky Kdward U and Patrick I non Albert B Strange n 5 soy lit avand looth ityr I80N- Ilirm BaltBon aat Mathaa Meyer to rarBetr Laaa and Trail Company a t llMhit w 4tk- aT Syn j li000- tront John B and wife to tore Oee t Slronr lit In eiteteot oeo r i tr nt yr 800 Rlrauea Sore W and Lnnuto rr irltk Miller 55 7vdet wth av droand 14000 Wilier Wm II te Inc ot tools U Bar IY 79 Pease 1 S rs SJSOO Bttnheueoa Oeu II tastmitl Kempner l l7Slh- et w 3d a T 3 yrs 1000 Cohen sass to Roaltna 8 8oarean a Salt Broadway 5 Catherine it Syra 18000 rradenaun rtedirlok I W to Barak A Dc Leey WaiblnfteaaT lot tOOO ray lahael and lllnaatrtii Stirs n 5 Madlan it V7 M Y OuT ma e 1Ooe 8000 Ratra Archibald tn Rditk B Bte Mne l riad lay it s Central 1809 Klnt Canielli toYrlIIa A Otaen 184 1 IidWsstItoutossI Ac loparf a000- MMIer 140055 John la Amtnil Quick 338 West S yre S1 ceo Bodrer Bmllr II to Will WhlilMk 15 WVrt asdit i lOyri 1000 Morellt Din Pelts tn Marca Cntlntllo us Sax ter etsyr 1440 L ItctIon an4 mttttltBO- rrlOR Ot TUR XDIHON ISENEICAL PLEVTJIIC J 44 BROAD h rrw VORK LJeo17 COtitl 1 A special IneStlnF the eiacahoMert I of lha Kdlioa Oeneral fciretrle Campaay will be held on the Itth day ef Janiary lent at J oclock la Ih afternoon at the office ef sash company at 44 moid et In the city nt Sew York for the purpns or Totlnt upon a proposition ta Increaae IU i ajiital stork from twelve million do lr coneietlnt I er one humlred anil iwentT ihouiand Shares ef the pcr Talna of one hundred dollar each in HfMn million dollare to ounMn nt one hundred and Cfly theoiADdlhuiKjf 1110 vr value at one hundred dollar each j IIEKRY Ii h tRl UII IllSThR J iionn WRinnt K H BMITIIKRS- SIMUKL INSULL A maiortt ef the hoard et Truitea THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK US MAST dID BT saw YORK MO it IBt- Ona Miual attar of 155 stockholder at tot hank for the leatlra a1 directors fee the esIs year will ba held ai iSe basking boos an TDBSOAY JAN la- IS bstweastbebeorsefllXand 1PM- w t CORMBUt Caahl- arOENEKAt OFFICE or Ills ZD140N ELECTRIC CO1 KDI8011 BU1LDINO 42 BROAD ST f saw YORK ISMX J Welles I is krby lTn that porsusni OIOIh ByLawt- at th Company in Annual Meeting thetocknoi4r at the Rdttan General hleotrlc Company wIll be as be orflc of 1I company Kdtaon Uuildln 2- bn lIroad Maw York at noon on Monday Jan Ie lafll for Its- Psrpe at electing Trnelae for bon I year and for th tranaaetion ef such other aa mar earn before the meeting Including I the qneition of rail tying tne action of the Board of Trueieee In declaring a dIn aend on th stock held In trust by The Farmer1 Loan and Trait ompany and dluolrlng I saId trnn- IBtn The transfer books will ba cloud at aP M aa Dee 21 and reepened on Fab X liu l By order of the Board of Trneteee A MARCUS Beert rT THE WESTEKN NATIONAL BANK NEW YORK Uc 10 IUkJ toJnII annual meeUar Cf the itockbolcltre ot this bank election of directors end the traneactlon Bj sub other builnt aa may proparly com before the met ting will bI held at the banking room 120 Broad way on TMiday It 1ML The polls will H open tram 12 35 Ia 1 r q A MTH Caaher 1FrICB or TIlE FTDELITT AND cAB O PAtty or IIBW YORE 140 to 146 BROADWAY New York The annual mesSing of stockholders for election at Ureiorof this aatunany will ho hld at thIs stIlts am Tuesday Jan 5 Ibill between the hours of la and I tOUT J UILLAS Secretary NaTIONAL BKOAnWAY HA4 = NEW YORK Dec I a lawx TRB ANNUAL BLBCTION FOR 1IIRFCTOR8 at bll honk will bI held at the banking houee 237 Broadway an Turedsy Jan IS 1591 between lbs hour of 12 M and I oclock r ILA T J RICK Cashier Tao BOWERY BANK OF NEW YOIIICT NEW YORE Dee IB I FpnB ANNUAL MKRTINC OF TIlE STOCKHOLDERS JL for the election of Director of Ibis Bank for the mining year will bI held at the hanking bonne 82 Bow- ery an Tneeday Jan 13 18al The pU will ba open from 11 M to I oclock p M f 0 MATIIEW Acting Caahler ALBERT PALMER PANT333 Tel ton it New York Jan 3 I IP5tflanonsl meeting at the stockholders of thIs company for the lection of Uniteee to serve during lb lIaIDlrJ1II b held at tbelro11ceonlueday A W iALMEftt4eoretary- THE SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANK etNewYork N Y Dee 1318L The annual meeting at the nhareholdtr of this bank for the election of dIrectors will be held at the banking boos an a ifei at 1DbUliallr 12M UASnlB- RTHK ANNUAL MBETINO of the certificate holder the NATIONAL LhAn TRUST will be held at No 1 Broadway Nw York on Wedneeday Feb at Hu M Transfer books will 01044 00 Jan > 4iVl and reopen Feb R IC9L L A Cots Secretary itIdtu n4 Intt oryioB OF THE EBHOIC OENERAL ELECTRIC COI EDISON BUILDING NO 42 BROAD ST f MEW YORK Dec 17 liSt J Ta Os Stnckhelder af the Edison General Zlsctrli Company Datlftb quarurlr dlridand of 2 pr cent on all the Stock of ills company incmdlni such stock aa U held IB trust br The Farmer Loan ana Trust Company I- Irn k > declared by th BaIrd of Trusties dut cm Ib 2 1891 at lbs ofllot of this apl holders of record Deo 25 it eo the pament of dlvldnd- Q tba abort stock held In trust bj The rarmrtLoevn and Trust Company being however sabet to the ratlaea Un of tb action of the heard ot Trust dtuolrlnit I the trust tr tbs stockholders at theIr rtrnlar meetIng en Jan 10 1101 i lbs transfer books wIlt ba closed at ST U OIl Doo 3 lb 110 and ropned oa KD a 1ML- Br order of Ibe Board of Trusts x MARCOS Secretary OFFICES OF TITLE OtTARANTFK AND TRYJHT CO- os LIBERTY ST NEW YORK December II IHMk A BKMIANNUAL DIVIDRND of two and onehal- t0i per cent on the capital stock ha thIs day been declared payable January z 181 I to tbs itockboldera- or record on th cioelng of the transfer books at 3 P M December Ibto The tranifer books wilt remain cloead untU 10 A II January liltLOI1IS V Salon Secretary MILWAUKEE LARS OIIt WESTERN COMPANY 10 New York Dec as l tmu Ooupenado urox from the lei morueie Wlo Michigan DivisIon the above company will ba paid on and after Jan 2 at the National Bank of Com- merce In Nw York Cooponeor the Equipment bond or 1HA due let prx will be pall on and after Jan a- al the offlc of Samuel H Sands A Co I in Wall et- OOI1DON NORRIS Traaiure- rrpIIR BLiiBIiTRWARDBAiiICNYMDii2i The Board of Dlrectora have Ills day deolard a semi- annual dIvIdend of loon 4 pin Cent free from tax parable on and after Jan 2 lSll The transfer book will remain oloeed untIl that dais 011 All K BROWN Calhler TilE SOUTHERN NATIONAL HANK af Nw York N Y Dec S3 lnt The Directors of Ibis hank have this day declared a ami annual dIvidend of Three per cent payable on sad after Jan I pros to which data the transfer books win be closed J D ABBAIIAMg Caekle- rST PAUL EASTERN ORAND TKUNK RAILWAY COMPANY New tons life au lf l Couponfrom the Onit mortgage bomle of tIlls company due lot pros win be paid on and after Jan 2 at La offlc af Samuel 8 Sands A Co IU Wall itA 1II ALLIBONE Treeiurer JIUIadI rii BBOBBBS 106 BABt ITO ST Ullard pool rI aad mlBUoa tat lea new sod ssood hand ahea- nTUB BEST HILLIAUD AND POOL TABLE BRUNgWICCBALKECOLIKhDFKCO- Brcadway corner nth IL tlnlon aqoartx- 1NVBNTORAII gnttUt will pay you to corrupond with us NATIuNAL PATENT Co Roomil and X 556 headway Fauat Sollcll- orP aKnle for toTealer procured prompuyi I lew rates sdsf A rieesSSpaeeassLttT iiubUshtt 153- 1I 1 L I uznd2 THE VIRGINIA DEBT SETTLEMENT NOTI4JE- Th llea bold Oomtnltue has formulated a Plan Settlenet the debt at VlrttaU and lb same baa been inanlraonilj approved and roammndd by the Adtliery 1 Board ceailiilDg aft RON CROTER CLETELANB liON TnOKAH r BATARB nON KBWARB J rRELrt MR Oho M COK- ClEOIIE MR O WILLIAMR Notice Ii hereby glnn la rattles la latereet that espIes of ooh propoaed Plan af Settlement eaa ho obtained aa and after Monday Deo 21 1190 without 011II at- THK CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NBW YORK 64 Wall it New Trk city BROWN BU1PLEY A 00 Founders Court London B 0 Bnglaad- YHE MERCANTILE TRUST AND DBP08IT COMPANT or BALTIMORE Balllmar Maryland TUB PLANTERS NATIONAL SANK or RICHMOND Richmond Virgin- iarRXDERIC p OLCOTT CHARLES B DICKET JRX WILLIAM L RCL- Lnuon R OARBEN- HENRT BUHWE JOHN SILL BamlaaUarw Cotte a 8 ELM Secretary et Committee M WaLl it NEW TORE lito 14 II4XX NOTICE I kr j 7 rtTai thai en sad grftor Jas I- lk 1551 JIrl Mtlagt usder ka Aairaaxwt lor the attUa Bt r k > Vie tntn It deed M r 1 is w > Wilt act racclvo cRy lurlhar tfapwiU St Tlrgnalu heads mud Convoiia zeepl daelar ap tJ- atroct with thla CaMaaItt- By r1r a r tka CoMmltta- FRE1IERIU r OLCOTT Ckalnauu FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS 56 and 7 per cent PKINCirAI AND INTBKMT- PATABLB IN COLDI HXCTJRED rPON riKHTCIAfHI POP ERTIF8 KAKNINO IAH0KIT IN JCX- CKHtl OF INTBKB8T CHARQK8 CI H VENNER CO 83 WALL ST NEW YORK 8 CONGRESS ST BOSTON- C H VENNER CO SB WALL NT WILL PAY TRI COUPONS DUll lAX I IBM 05 The American Water Works Co SB The American Water Works Co 6s OMAHA TTATKR WOKKH The Alton Water Works Co 6s Urbana Water Works Co 6s 6 CITY OF OLYMPIA CapItal of MIsts oar tTatakUKta 20 YEAR FUNDING BONDS Real Tevlua or praperl No > > Aeee1 Teilnatlaa S t4MTT > Total oIly abt etaaNM Poplatton500P- ete a > sd full partleolitrs om p pIU HM los SALB BY N W HARRIS CO hANKERS IS WALl ST NEW TORK I 70 Stat Ml Botam i Jeale6 Drbor St CkIoaO KOUNTZE BROTHERS- BANKERS ia e> Broadwar EquItable Bnlldlaa Nw Tork- ACIaiiarkI BiMiklas Dnalaaaj trassasted- 15oelI rcaelvad subject to ckeek eta ljkt- latcraat allowed on dally kalaaeav Letter of Credit Issue- dH L BHOS T 0 BUCK H K ENOS CO BANKERS A BROKERS 45 St 47 Wall St IRVING A EVANS CO BANKERS AND BROKERS MEMBERS OP IllS BOIYOH SEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK aicu risk Balldlmer- Mlaitei 5 at Batov- gaulu 1zzvIn 4aKE NVICII MAVINBH hANL 73 OTII AV NEWTOBK Dee II IPSO The Board ot Trtiiue has declared a dlTldend ea depoilr entitled thereto tinder tite bylaws I for the elx- o months anil three fit month endIng Par il > sn- at the rate of TIIRKK AND ONK11ALK 3K PIll CENT per aiiuin on all loins of lye dollar I tiAl and not exceeding three thousand dollars UUUOX payabl on and after Jan IB I Icm Money dtpailtea on er befor Jan 10 carry Intereit from Jan I Till SANK WILL REMOTR ITS BUSINESS TO TUB NBW SANK BUILDINO NOW BBINO ERECTED AT TUB SOUTHBABT CORNER STU AV AND leTS BT AbUT JUNE 181 JOHN HARBBX RI1OAOE8 Rreildeat CLINTON ulLBERT Treajurer LBOKABD D FKANCI8 35 LEnds hIorarIM- ETROPOLITAN I 55 SAVINGS BANK 1 AN II a TBIKU ATENUK Opposite Cooper lnsutute- lCUAZTEhED ISIS 76th DlTldend NRW TURK Deeem5er IS IPSO INTZBIBT for the belt rear udia December SL ISM at the rate of TI1RB AND ONtHALK PBS CBNT bar doom will be credited ta depositors en ¬ titled thereto under the bylaw af lbs bank lutereet payable Wednesday Janiary i I 111I1 Money p5ted 000r befere January loan draw Inureit from January I S w BNEDEN PresideaL O N CONKLIN Bcretary Dry Dock Savings Institution 141 AND 343 BOWERY The tnite hT deflated a dividend for tba Hi month coding Die ai loll en all deposIts entitled Ihereta under lbs bylaws at the rate af 4 per sift per num en stams of 52002 and under and an lbs eiciMor B3UU and tInt exceedinc UUUIal the ratet II per cent pin annum payable on and slier Jan IS oliALB 3513fl450lNDKEWMILL3 I feeid30L EXCELSIOR SAVINGS BANK HO 110 WEST 8B BIT Tb ruees Says dselerd a smIausil djy4dssI at the raleef 7851 AMP 0UA a Gist per aania en Mt V aat pward ta Bicon payable Is tbrete oa aai after Jan Ir tatl- Depoetu mad en or oefore Jan 10 will maw Interest trout J IOFORgr c WDO Panaidesk JOliN C oitlswotD ilcrctarj IRVINO rlAVINOM INMTITIfTION VORK lieu 31 IMHk IDUtltl The Truitriof ibIs hate declared interest on all emit rctnainliu ou tlepoili during tbe three or sIx montlia ending Deu ai at the rats of KOtln rBH- IlKNT pr album on IIUXJ and under and TURKB PIta CbT per annum on the exee u of BIUUJ not x- aeedlnf 8UIXI payable I aa sad after the third Meoday ia January sell DAVID I DBMABJIST VHrrmlieat c D BKATOH ttearalary a UmI NEYORK CENTRAL at Hudon Mlver Railroad All Train arrtT al and aeperl free 4 RAND OBNTlVAOj STXTIO1C- Fturtk Art and42dSt New ttrkt- mm esv WitutoAD BTATIOK m m CrrB Trail Issws as felUwajl- il > A MVAST MAIL Jar Atb sy Utile lyre 0055 Fitheeter Jlaiala and nltIl- alo A dZ3IilOAOO vRPlsUlI LIISITAD 45- at Chicace 5141 A K nets 447 1059 A JswEITItltN DAT lUrASaDatl e VZTI8I2LS aIM SStNORTll 2021 IlIdlaIIIIIIIOA II SHORE VBSTUOLK UNITED t nalDttr ltalSilaAM Chlcata 4M P M nxt e rill P MFAST WBSTBRN KXPRBSBDn Ch sale 5j St LenS T16- CIt cVlAiltoiDAo1r r MONTAIIAI AND rAo UPRISe 11211 P MFART KT LOUtS AND CHIOAOO IX- PRESSDue IndIanapolis llizo r M next day Bu Louis7IOA N IlnIl KILL NBWnDkOH POUOHKBRFSIB RnlNB CLIFr lINOSTOrn AltO IIODSONt74S tlU- TIIH5AM SSO silo 4flZJP M alsO for Pough ieeptle 1200 BOOn tIlII Mv H en 7iaa itt F 31 for iirrteene lest PoInt tTl4b til ill A x t3o 4310 556 14115 fi2 P 3- 5ALIIANTeTi5lO lfl1l01I0t4lIIl5A IL l30- Sees ts1a 31554804210 toia 7JCI ftl- tTtoViiSt PM Solo 10 < n loso 115 A K 1300 n in 4w aoa 7sa ails r M tl2001al- lITr ANDBTRAOU B +7143IlI0 IUOO 1010411- 1I < noL 404 eOO lila OtIS I XI tilcO nlgbl- 00H55111115tl5 lO0SJ + l0PAM JOOooOt Len 79 X Vile M tlSOLl lhII UFAL05ll0 lOiUO f UIO fit sees 4A4 MIAGARA > luo I04XX tlOlO A x llflOaea AiiRoDoitVONTANS AND ONTRRALt74s P 35 < 15 ITBiRt dBNVrV AND bA D1f3t1AeII r M tllioo mldnltklH- ARLBM Rmnoiiffiunjl DIVISION illllCA N in I 35 For tleketl and spice In lMplnt CAn ap at OraU- Ceatral Station or at 413 f x IIU aId I Broadway 12 ra nlaeain Wel lJAih it and istthet tlatlek TertllS Waiklatte 51 TM filtan IU and aM Sedford aV E D Broeklyn I lOeUudonltJersIy Wutaetfi Bxprae aall far and cheeSe batcaf tram Silent end reeidiMiea tarsus daetlnattan Daily except Sunday lUallyMceptBalunUy CiW- AVTe II ° trails xcBt those leaving at S ilV lfH A U lain noaa 2tkl 334 363 4io ilina 46 r x aad ll xoldnlthtitanat iratbrt ttallea ToiDTH TIICCRT OEOROB R DANIBL Oat Manater 4arI Pasiesill Atent New York and Boston All Rail Leare By way of 135 t Bam A I Bpriatflald and WorceiUr 812 I 10 00 A M Slew London and ProTldete 4111 11100 A M 8pilnirllld aDd WercMter- U a1O rl xi M hartford and N Y and N B L30 I Itt P M New Landnn and PrnTldenca IQ r 3- 5Slop M Wllllnanltc I and NYandN B P K 4 oo P k sprlnineld and Wnrceiter ion P M IOU p M New London and ProvIdence 11 KO P JJ II iu P M gnrlnitleld cad Worcetter 515 A M- M UnuP Kew London and ProvIdence 7OOA X Bum dally IncludIng ftnndaya Return servIce same heirs sod by urn routeS I eats Pe- rRAYZrXOZfDB line 503 4 N ShIbDm Fails 215 P K 442 1 II Danbury A Norwalk JIlt Plttsdeld 532 P S- or Through pazlo slesnin carsby each train I 11551 PTltAD OenI Pass Agent VACATION EXCURSIONS ALL TBAYBLLtMO BXPEMIBS INOLDDBD A Bprl l Party will I leave New TTork Tme day Jan 21 1801 tons Grand Tour of 40 Hays THROUGH THE SOUTHERN STATES A- NDMEXICO The trip to ba made In a Hpaclal Teals af M a aiSoest Veallhiilr Pwlleaiile Feb00 Care iHClnalTf of PnlleBUB Putneo Ilr1 l f < Sr- Alt the leadlni stIle and placed at and pictur- esque IntereSt wliibeTlelted inelodlnrGdulIaeSa- nd the its Mexico where eliht days will be paieea A Cyo doye lets tract Memle- orkroHck iSo Troplea Tbeonlwardinurssywlli be Tla Cincinnati > aw Orleans Galveston Ban Antonio and the homxrd on via El Paao Laa Vegas hot Bprlnr and Kaniaa City Emote Cost of Trip i 4OO4- Cnlllornln Kxraralona Jan 13 and II Fb S- and 121 March s and in B Ptnd for descriptive elranlftra sines K dliiatIn- cvThether book relating I to Ifailc or California tour It deelred RAYMOND WHITCOMB 251 Broadway NY0 ROYAL BLUE LINE TINUT AND SAFEST TRAINS IH TUB WORLD BETWEEN Xw Yoark pim scd WssktssiiS VIA CBITHAL KAIIEOAI OF HEW JELSEY PHILADELF ill EAI1IG R K BALTIMORE All HII R It All trains Teittbnled from end ta end heated by itaam sad llfhted by Platach ni TINS AILS NOV i te l a- LT Now Vss from foot of Liberty St K IL Far Philadelphia al 430143 sioa 1120 Ak IJO a Slo 401500 Kn 7Stj P M 1SHS sIght aUMDAYS 9210 lti00L H 1410 8 JO o lOP SWOP x 13l5 nIght Psr Wuhlnttom dally at eoj qiao- eirept Ilaft H 224 3 JO iiCti sight Parlor oar en tralaa Sleapen en night trala Tickets and par ear aaat can be crd at 71 1TX- Ml 415 H4 1 I4A uaa Rroadwar 787 Sib ay a4 Wet lUik at 184 Kaet Issth et New TotS 4 Court it 8- fnltoo et BS Broadway Brooklyn New Tare Traaefar Company will call for sod Cheek baggage trim betel ar- reeldeace Ia deitlnatloa BALTO OHIO R R- VASHINGTON Fast Exprea via LJ l l- DALTUORE 10 CHICAGO CiNCINNATI ST LOUIS- A Alt Fatutai tract PUZi3J4N f1An tlBnrJCI1 op ALL JBdDi Liars New York foot ot Liberty it aa follows For CIIICAOO 300 F M 1316 A W CINCINNATI BT LOCIHBOO M 000 P35 For WA8UINI1TON BALTIMORE BUO A M 1130 A II 3132O5OO P SI I 121I331 Iolllral4atl7 flJ Bncday irotK vIa 227 lIne 20 P M wt days Tlcketofllces 273 2ft16 andl140 Sroadwa Nw TerkTandasBreadway Braekiya STATION 700 Tor- N LIBHRTY8T Central Lot slj3 York Tranefer Company will call for and cheek befare tram hotel ar raeiienoe ta destInation Z T UELU CIIAK O SCULlS Qenl Manater Ornl raeeenter Agent DELAWABB LACKAWANNA A1LROA- Dftorteet AND WESTERN line Vtlbuld Pullman coaches D A H Buffalo and Oewato Expreaa tia Patarten for Water Ua8irondbnr Scranton mnthamton OweS Ithaca Waverlr Eiajlrv ceralnt Bait Dan Tllle iherburna Watarrlll RiehOeld nprlat Cilce ML Morrla Greta Oxford Norwich Certland Sirs cuee Fulton ant InttrmedJate nation Connect at Soranton with trains for Plttetoa WHketbam Dan TIlls and Northumberland and Buffalo with train for the West 7 2u A MBlnthtBtan Mall via Baanton I P Htnthamton aId Elmira Kxpreaa toe Water Gap Btrandibnrt Berantan Owcto Wrrly Ao Con sects at Scranton with tralne for Iltutan Klnntoa sod Wilkeebtrr- e4lup u BoranUn Wllxubarr and Plymouth Ex pre 7iJO P M dallyBuSalo Limited Express vIa rat anon for Htrnudiburt Kcranton Blnthamton liweo rIll Cornlne Oath Waylaiirt DanTlllo ML arrIvIng In BnRala 7 lIlA M- B 111 idatly BofJalo Vile and Oeweto EtpreM fer Btred bnrf Bcranton Blothamton Crtlaad Sir sense Inltnn nrrene Oxford Norwich uherbnrn Witervtlle Klchneld sprIngs Ae aol all polnu nn lbs Buffalo dlvltlon Connect with traIns for the 1- Ea KAIIVVA YThe Hclnretqae Boate America Thronih trains have New York foot af Chamber it dally as follow and bvs mInuteS earlier from West aid IL- SUA 11Via I Maiara Fall and Chautaoqoa Lake Parlor car New York to iiuBala Blepera UornelliTllI la Detroit ed Ilnclnnall 9 < u P MVeitloulel limited Solid trains for Chi silo via CbaulaoQaa Lake with dining ear to ChIcago Bleepersto ChIcago UleTeland I and kt LaniiTli cm- clinatl No extra chine for oulck time aid inparlor Sme- fSO P MFolld train ta Chicago via Nla ara rail BleeDers la Buffalo Uochriter Toronto i 015 P 31Yla buuoqiia Lake and NlaiaraTalls solid train I Chicago Meeperi la Bodalo fhlcata- aad OlacinnatL W c BlNBAMQy Central Paaeeufer AfaL FOR SALIAI a trial barrels a doibleeae 18 told wateki SwIss nliiui repeater aodetem Stole Call or adorin 3 BBIJ OH VII Ilk ILgvssd 55Sf left TTFRWIllTRR r Bay 57 enaialtla Trt o AtdwB seat WIR eLI telephone ISIS Cortleol- LSood Will and gtrtrnjit r ztt PARTY wjihlnt ta lire up business lag account ot will sell took ol nitur4 of u branch takery dolnt tmelneie lu Brooklyn In anrit clue neibborl oa4i Ills aleo a rood nock of ttatlunerr snd choice raudlei rent low lIving rooini up hair if dselrelL Addreee tjUlCX hot lu Pun uptown WIts IJ83 Broadway p ° rib LIT for ktuaaea a Ian kejemeot Baari N A sante seat 87 Ctlhls pIsos IISSS 43- I S 0 Nt1rU PENNSYLVANIAR- AILROAD THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF AMERICA I DOUBLE TRACKF STEEL RAILS I STONE BALLAST and STORE BRINES PROTECTED BT TT- JHINTERLOCKING SWITCH AND BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM The Scenio Line to the Wont AND Till ItODTB Or TUB CELEBRATED PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED TIlE IDEAL RAILWAY TRAIN Of TUZ NINETEENTH CENT17XT TRAINS LEAVE STATIONS toot of DetbroMM Mid Cortlandt se affording passengers a Grand View of the Harbor Shipping the Brooklyn Bridge Gov- elDors Island and the Statue of Liberty LI follow On and after JANUARY I 1891 THE lAST LINE 0 > > A MFnllman Veitlbul Bleeptnr sel rartaf Oafs Arrives Clrelnd MU A 11 cVuaVfiAM A M ChIcago 3UI F II and SI LOIIII 7IO r lTnt day Canned mo for Toledo except Saturday THE PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED 100 A M Cempoeed cxcluelTelrot PnllmtnTt tlbnle Drawing sod state Room Sleeping Ulatao Bnookltit and ObservatIon are rrtienunf linen fISt reptIle etnotraphr and typewriters bath teems for toto sexes ladles maid barber Bop library sod all the eotiTonlenca or horn araffloe lletud trr steam and lIghted by nallonary and noT ible electric lights Arrive Cincinnati 710 A M aa < ChiCago H48 A M next dy- BT LOtINCflhlOOAND CINCIN the r M Pullman Vestibule Sleeping Can free Nw Yerk and Ulnlot Care from rbfiadtlphla St Lenlt Chicago aSia Cincinnati Iueeuter eeaca New Terk to CelnMbn Arrirte Cincinnati IOIMI A M Chicago 6iu r Mn and Ik Louie 74U r M n xl 7 TIlE WE8TEXN EXPRESS M P MForall poInts In tile Wilt Nerrkwet ana Benthweil Pullman Vestibule SleepIng Car New York to Pittsburgh St Louis ChIcago Cincinnati ana Mtmphla PeaniylTanl Railroad Pining Car New York to Philadelphia and Iullmaa blnlnt Oar PIlls burth to Richmond and Chlcaro Arrive at Clncln toti 810ip 11 Chicago trii r M next day and St cull 7OU A M second morning CenntautorCleT land and Toledo dally except Saturday PACIFIC JLXPKESH- r > > r MPnllmaaBiaet Sleeping Car New ToyS to Calcato 115w TotS la Mimphl TU lh Shenudoak Valley arrlTf week days al Columbus 7ilB r K Cleveland 8iSJ P X next day and dally at Chtaato- 7K A X sseoad morning Connect for Toledo daily and for CIT Ind enS Columbus except Bator 44y hor f te tables of trains la Philadelphia Belli more WaahlMtoa mad toe Sooth Atlantlo City Cape Slay Long Branch and othr points on th Fenniyl- ranla Railroad System apply at the followIng Ticket OlfltMi Mn 1 4SB MH and 844 Broadway 1 Aitor- lloni and foot ot fleibroases and Cortlandt suet 4 Court it sd Fnltonat eel Brooklyn Annaz Station foot of rnltonit Brooklyn i Utideon it Uobekai Station Jersey CUT Tb New York transfer Company wilt tall for and Cheek baggage from hotelS and rildnoti throngS to dMllnnlon J It WOOD CHAs B PUOa 0nral Paur Agent General Nanactr I EHIUH VALLEY RAILROAD 54 Lea foot at Cortlandt or Die- Smiles SI 7 8 830 and 11 A Jt l 340 4Mt 8110 and 7 PM The plcluresqne rout b twtt Kw York and Subs BthUbem Alla town PotUTill Mmch Chunk WIlkes bait PHtiton Scranton Ilhaea ntnira WaTtrlr- Watklni Glen limIts Eochte2 BaOalo NIagara Yalle Toronto Detroit CHICAGO H LOUIP end ALL POINTS WEST Ticket and ileeplni car berths ran t eeeored at the General Eastern Office 335 Broadway ar ISO Bait 135th Stress Chipping OWFA2IIA TRANSATLANTICA EIPAIIOLA- i BILASSilIP IIASAA M UHcnampe WIn saL from People line pier < I M R an i tm- rdy Jan HX at lu M takIng frejbt and paMen erf dlreot for havana Pronreev vera Urnz Frcntera ant Campeob with tranaihlpmtut at llaran for San tanker Corona Vlto utlon and Bllboa STEAMSHIP BXLOUMKKO YULEBIAS Cap fedru Bayuna Will sail from Peoples line pier 41 N R an Taada Jan IS at 11 M takllf frIiht l and pawcnier- for dlreol llarana with transshIpment at UaTana- lander for Mm- CapL > Coruna Vlro GlInt and Bllbaa for fnrthir particulars anplr to J M CKBALLOS A CO Anala aoWailat COMPAGNIR OBNERALE TRANBATLANTIQUB line to Harr very Saturday Cnmoany pier new 4J fool of Norton aL LA BHBTAONE ue Jousosllnflat lan a 1065 LA OAMJOONE 12015111ilatJan WSA M- LA ChAMPAGNE sorer 8aL Jan 17 IQiSo A M A rORQBT Otneral Axent s Bowllm Green H AMICROAXEIIICAN PACKET CO7Tekly a press service between New York Southampton and Ilambarc by thu mimlflcent nv twIn screw steamers 1000 tone and i MKto IROOO hors power will begin In April This tIne holds the record for the fasteSt trip to and from southampton and th ContS Bent For passage aalllnje dates Ac apply to HamburgAmerican I ueneral Pnirnffr Acenta Packet Cu 87 Broadway C H RIUIIAKU A lO- N Y I Cl Broadway New York LINE U B AMD ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS IMA FOIl QUBRN8TUWN AMI LIVKRlUOL CITY OP OIIICAilO Weilneeday Jan It 8i30 A K CITY OF IIFRIIN Uednendey Jan as 7SO A M From Pier 48 N R adjoining brlotopher eL Ferry FIrst satin Boft and upward according to ateamer and location of room second cable outward 33 pre pald fU eteerajre Kjii PETER WKIUIJT A SONS Otneral Agents 6 Bowllojt Oreen S T NEW YORE AND CUBA StAlL sTEAMShIP CO run hand 17 East River at 3 P M for havana 1roirreeo Campecbe Laguna VroaUra- Tamplcn Toxpan and Vera true Malantaa iar4ena Saina Calb > rl p Nassau Santiago de CuSs Uuautanamo and Clenfuefoa- ORIZABA Havana and iexlcnn punt xatJalKI- AiiARA Havana and lagos ffdJaa7 IXDFWARIIlNUTliN liar and Mez ports sat Jan 10 BAKATOUA UaTana and Cardtnean dntxlay Jan 14- CIKNFUhOOS Nassau Hantlatod Cubs and Clenfue oe Friday Jao3 For full nartloulara freight or passage apple to JAMES N WARD A to US Wallet NORDDEDTRCIIPR IIOYD B B COS TO LONDON AND CONTINENT Steamer tall from pier foot nf 2d et Ilobokan FIST 111lltPSS STKAIIRRS Jaale Wed Jan 7 If M iKoidaHa Jan o30AM Elder We <L Jan 14 8A MjSnrevWed Jan 211 HA M LabnWed Jan 21 I P M IWerraHtJan3lPSOAK Mret cabin 178 and upward a berth according to U- atlon second cable s0 a berth steerage at law raIse OKLK1CIIH A CO a howlIng Ores MAIL 8TBAM8IIIP COMPANY PACIFIC Frutn foot Canal it North River Ta SAX FRANCISCO VIa the ISTHMUS OF PANAMA NEWPOKT eaha balurday Jan ia noon From SAN FRANUIsro lit and UrannaneU FOR CHINA AND JATAN CITY OF FKKINO Itlllgatlirday Jan 10 S PM For freight peetarf slid iceneral Inrorrnatlon apply at coinpaoye office on the pier foot of Canal it Norta River II J BULL General Bupertnt ndnt SAVANNAH FAST FRRKIIIT AND PA8BENUBR meameri weekly from New Iler XX N- R foot of spring et- S H KANSAS i ITY Wednesday Dec 31 aP M B R IIIIATTAHOOCHBE Frlley Jan 2 3 P M- ri B ACOllliihVSalundsy Jan a 3 p M- a H CITY OF MIRMINOIIAU Munlar Jen 83PM meeting with Central Kallrned of Georgia and KaTcnnati Florida soIl Western Rmlway for alt points In IIFOKOIA KIORII1A MIlTII CAROLINA ALA 1131 and LOUISIANA Uniurpaeitd aoeommo- daI Firitclaea tabl dhot For freight and passage appJtoI1ABIIAOEN IW II riHFTT Uen Aieat I AgO 6 F and W Ry Bavanneh Fact Llua 241 Broadway I 817 Broadway JL L WALKER Agent Ocean SteamshIp Ca- ow > Pier s i North Rim TTS LINEIETWFSX NEW YORK OLA000W c 311 MIIVILLE LONDONDI1RItT wIth Ibrougb tIckets at Udued rate to LIverpool loodonUnbllaAe sTATE or NEVADAThursday las 16 7 A Cabin paaaage 145 ta s X according to laoatlonof atateroora hxounloa ticket fni to BBO BUerag ttckste to and from all parts ar Europe at lowest rate from pier Columbia Store Honth Kerry rooklyaMY For artlcftlar and pMiar apply la- ACBTU SALDW1 ADO isn AIlS ftS Broad way XT THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANTFar Cnarl t C and JackMnrtll Pie and all petals ta FIends the South sod Southwett From Pier 35 1 R Mondays Wdne day and rrldaji s r M- Patienger accommodailone and coUlne laeurpatael WM V CLYUK A 00 Gea Are 8 HowlingIreen H fj T U SOIlS Pen Art O aTrt Uae 847 gway X T- VVHTK STAR LINE 0 ft AND ROYAL MAIL TI vteamer New York Qaeenitown sod Liverpool ADRIATI Wedneeiliy Jan 7 JHif M BRIT ANMO Hedn day Jan 14 830 A H Very enperlorercand cabin accommodation on Adri- atic and Teutonic KUerai to and from the old sos try B o Cotmienya ofilc 41 Broadway and an the wharf foot VFeit luth et J BKLCB ISMAT Agent jlirxmbonue- etted E NEW LONEON Sis flKIbX 6 SLES WOCLt5TE 5i NOPsTUZ45 5 OTSAMEas leave P115 cOafli lva SexTI1 ASOYS 0153505515 ST FEMSY 0 SPLT SaadAgss at 4so r M llektuaad itatereeijiMeareda Broaklya asaJesooTelU rfneHfC TO BOSTON for nritclae limited Uoket rrea reduced vIa FALL RIVER ClKB PlRITAs aad ritoVIHOCP In eomml sloe Lear Sew York from Pier 3s N R foot or Nut ray el dallr Iundoys cocepi4 ai 4CJf M Sunday tripe will l 0e rrenm d In Atrll loot Couatctloa b Annex bOlt from Brooklyn and Jersey City at 4 r IL OMCIIKHTKA OB > tca- merBOSTON FaMincer wIll And TIll INSIDE BOGm Ike meet ooBforubi U winter Fare t uta MTONIN43TON LI 5 Pr v4dssce tx ZIi Wreter 513 Ia 5 1 4 ubUc atitt DOST OFFICE NOTICE Leltere tor foreign conntrle JT seed not be specially addred for doepatoh by and particular tamr axoept when It U deelred to eeny- dupiXatee at basking cad commercial document let- ter nut specIally addreutd being lent by the taste- vocalil arallabl Foreign walls for the week indIes Jan S will close promptly In all eases at thIs mce as followtiB- ATUKDAY AI 8 A U for lane Ceara sad Pernam but per eleamehlp LUboneneei at ttiuu A M tor Prance Kwltirland Italy SpaIn Portugal and Turkey per ncamelilp La Bretagne ne llaTr letters for other liuropeau countries POut be directed per La Breugne- M at lilo- A uuppleminlary 9tl A 351 for Europe pereteamenlp Umbrla via queenitown Heller for Fraac wiuerlaidT Italy Spain lenlolal and Turkey must be directed per Umbrla at N A M for Norway direct per steamship Island letters Bait b directed per Iilandj et B Jo A M ton the Motherland direct per neamihlp bpaarndam Via Rotterdam letlere mnil be directed per Bpaarndam at lu A M supplementary lOW A X > for the Windward Islands per iteam- ahlp Muriell at II A M eupnlemtntary llsoi- M for rartnn Island and Jamaica also Jaoml sod Anx Oayaa HaytL per ateamehlp Adirondack a I F M for Campecb Chlapa abaaoo and Y- acaun per steamship Orliaba llettere for Cuba Tamplca and luxpam direct and other Mexican plates via Vera Urns mist be directed per On Mba at 1 r 1J pplmnlary 2 P 341 for Vne- luela and Caracoa alia VaTanllla turacoa per steamship Pbliadlphla letters for other ColombIan porte muss 5 directed per riiHadelDnla at I r II for fara and Mauana periteauillilp Cyril IUMOAT At S P M for Costa Plea vIa Llmon per cuauuMp ntepanla from hew Orleans Malls for Chftaand Japan per uaminjp city of Pklnji Ifrom 555 FranClecob close bar Jan 4 at P- N NaIls for Australia Ne Zealand Hawaiian TIll and Samoan Islands per steamship Narip- tfrorn Pan Frnclaco cloeshere Jan 4 at 835- SI ronarrtyal sINeW York otuieagoblplotbula- with Drilled raalli far Auiralla Maiie form Ha- waiian I Jeasds ptr it emtnlu Australia from flas Franelecoi rloe hers Jan 4 atlIlsIl P M Mall tot the Society Itiande per ship CuT of Papelil from San Franolrco oloe here Jan 525 at B 90 P- M Mall for Newfoundland by rail to Halifax and thence by ttiamerclaie at Ibis oRe dally at HIO r- M Mallfor Mlqoelonby rail to Boetoaand lheice by taaaer doss at IbIs offlce daily at nisi r M Mill for Cubs by rail la lamps Via sod thence by selling Mondara Thursdays and batnr at III ole dilly at 41111iA M Mall r OTCrland lInleis specIally addrd for Janur by Steamer tloe at Isle OSlo dally at S mall are forwarded la San Francisco eObdnle of cloelig U arraoied on the pracnrnpuon of their nntnurrufied overland transIt la tan FraBCle NaJJ from the Zlantvjng on lIme as- ia Pruiea tie day at aelUng at eteucr are 2e Maed eaee Ibe pams day aUif4 mill iMMaliP it neTle gay pllthIt 1 otttt 15 MtZUAOWAY NY I TOTtOB n BBIKBT OITEX thatihtnrtnntllD 11 lately nbeletlng buys Gerald K Snows and John M uolding under the firm nato of BRim N A HOLDING wa dIssolved on the hIlt day of Otremher liBOi by mutual coment alng to the retirement Irom tall firm or Johns iMdtngio enter bilne on hi own account Alt dehtinwintto the ealil iiarinerehlp ar to be recelTed by sell Gerald K Hrnwn end all derasods 00 tIle said perlntrihlp are to he presented to hIm lor payment who will continue the buelneiaat Breadway NY UNSOLD R BKoH JOHN liniDINll Conetllutlnr he firm of Brown A Goldlng I will tyaniact general tlal Eetal Builneiw etll PlDllL M Y JOHN K QOLUINO

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Page 1: · U I THE SUN SATURDAY JANUARY ft 1891 7 aJrDxwaAL1-sw r SI Ja WT Aft SAT PIUS hi LO-ONl










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l I IW44 l weitero fa Tel 7tZ 79 7714 T7taxu vriiceiiiA ue 91 It II ri 121111 II leelaLh K rti i ii 1UWieienral L ib IH IB I III

1Lt lotel itlei of StoCks wit 190on ihareaIIIIII LSpITIiT TII1r7li

1OIiAmr 71r 111 UW WfCot on-iiDAraer

I i I I rtot IuI p1 3q 21 H lDK 811IlkiAnier fat oiiclf lo1 10 II Ifjlu > utar Kenuene-


61 IetIoi lIonAltAd TruI IT lIT 11 11


11 1 IIHorn BIlTer 2




2 AD 210014 a Ta IV I 11I1 111 11Ie rkATa 4iflraclao I MIUQ lot 106 14loIUIIUh I 4 i 1Ix v MM a1 rl Lln eh 71 7JJJ 71 7aJ-


Soi1 I IIAIPG SVfJT TIOA-lalta AIr 4Ika 1114 hd1114 IrITI OS 47-

tbINO8I 1110I 2w W5sIEfl4L 3l 24hr N a tOIl It1 1m Ho 14llr 1uuIa lleeiOII 2

knCnt4s IIU Santa P31 Co 573-

G4 li n 71 TA II r4 Te 7981lIr11n-

LAODI 6hLtavi 4aii- eo

ctoaiiia tiMino ilHC 41811I JidJAtH7 Uhlth TaBey 4 4KKffL pro 60f 161 LC NCe 411 iJ 4SHft JJ rnola twj tog

Bx Intereitatk URn I prj I071IUa

A IfukTUI 75W1011 u K Y CentraTI Jortolk A Watt K 65

ortbtrnPacUlopt IIJ IP Ontario A WeLV I6III

IOU > L faul oil1 men raelnol 4U

Wabaeh pf t7>

PIWAT Jao 2-

Theladltlonal Jaouary IiI In plolloo the-

fttock EichanBe which br the wej dos cot at

iullM Urud In this rear Promptly6 Jill The took market beslutwd a little at-

MIk I ODeD but forUAed by a fslrlyacUve and4SE dlllllUld for bonds asd by reoDablenalltr 01 our oaep tbs tn41A element

l1l11l1d 0 lIt the lone aids ot the marketM 4 Mils operations derelopaxl tbe lao thatJII wre Yarrlew stock offeriug at rullnic-

llr a IOIIIwhA bear class1 of buyers fol14 tbe lad Tb rult WM I moderate ad-

raVtttIne WhIch WM olklDtaln to th close Tb-

hrctlons were not lUll liber ID partlcu-

ToraiIook icrln Ito aggreyate The most fa

CommeDt that can bo made about lb e-

itoekIIIlrht Is that It WM easier to sell than to buy

Bt Paul com moo led the llralUd speflulagn 1fa polat of aeUYlty but la no other respectust attrMlTaa WM Bhow br

l j

Lukswaaas Lke Bhor Northern Faeiflopreferred and Western Union Next to themearn North American and Northwestern andamong the specialties WheellnK and LakeErie preferred aU 0 and BtLonls TennesseeCoal and Iron and Chicago Oaa Reports otan alliance between the Laotawanna and theBoqn hanna and Western Companies whichhave been oorrentfortbelastfowdayswereaat-horltatlyely dlsuosedof hence higher priMafor the coal shares must be attributed entirely-to whatever Improvement In their businessthe anthracite companies may enjoy from seaenable weather

Tbe demand for Investment securities aspdaily for bonds Is still the most Importantaa well as the most encountering feature of theStock Exchange markets Dialers In bondscorroborate the nldnce which IIs furnishedbr the official report of Stock Exchangetransactions that a good deal of the Interestmoney disbursed today Is being reinvestedIn certain quarters It IIB claimed that Invest¬

ment money IIB coming Into the street muchmore rapidly than any one had reasonstto ex-pect

¬Money on call was lalrlv attIre because

of the large amount of funds ordinarily loana ¬

ble which was practically tied tip for the dayBesides It tIs generally expected that tomor ¬

rows bank statement will be less favorablethan the last previous one partly on accountof todays disbursements but more logicalbaoauas of the absorption of 3000000 by theBubTreasury durInG the week Sterling ex-change


was actlTe and higher long bills beingaffected by the lower rates of dlscountn InLondon and sight drafts and cable transfersby remittances of Interest abroad Thn stockmarket closed strong at about Ibll Milt nturprt

Final sales compart with thoefc of Wednes-day


as fOllow81I Jew I Del IL JIlL 2

Ale T AraaBee Pe7 01 F earn 2iM 21Canadian T3 JQ A Fae pf 94

811I 411 T CnlIOI 201al et L T A II Bnt MX-

mlralloofl31so so H I lOR2hI1fI 1 Omaha com 33rehei AObie IT Onurta A lWi 1334ig-

OIpt0 4224 44 rIDllolatl 83 >I 114

0 a o ic pf r 38 70-CbtcagoOai

1155 Hlfh A WPl jb 1-

0PI2aW1 lS11ft kich A w rpt e93

D1L a tIudIoLl 4 Readme-jit

12f I2ia II a pt 61 61 rani cant 41SI 61-rI lOIN IS Bt PSt 9t104 10-

8EssiTsin pf I Tex ran lla It-HooIaaVar iii 0 Tenn C Is R ii-


A lib 7814 T2 Union faelne 4SM 44-13k TS I

IOt33l 107 tn PaoDA ii JO I-IiLa III 14 Wbalenm 034L IS a w Mit MK 66 Wab A Pjil 17 I 7Manhattan eon II K WM I Wt UnT1 TSft T1wKeourl Pae enR 5IWi A L B-

MixCant 3I4 S2IfK SIX W A L R pf s7o 70

sthwutecI IOa losjjGovernment bonds steady at unchangedQuotation lleilway bonds strong and active

The features were Western New York andPennsylvania Jds Union PaoiUc Denver ROIlUnit lots Toledo Ann Arbor soil North Michi ¬

gap lets lllo Orande Western hIS Rock Isl-and


Ra Now Jersey Contra general 6sNorthern Paolflo oonsol 6s Missouri Paelite consols Mobile and Ohio generalsKentucky Central Ists Hocking Valley 5s Can-ada


Southern lots Chesapeake and Ohio con ¬

sols Atchison Atlantic and Paaltlo Richmondand Terminal Beading Texas Iacinc and Wa-bash Issues The more Important netadvanceswere In Atohlson 4n M V cent to 78 S and In-


14 tn49H Atlantic and Paolflo ists 1

to IW and Incomes K to 12X Chesapeakeana Ohio consul 5s IM to 96 Canada houtnera Ists IX to 1105 Hocking Valley 5fA V to81 Kansas and Texas 4s IK to 76 and UB-IK to 31o Kentuflky Central 1MB 1 to 70S I

Mobile and Ohio generals IM to 68KMlBFonrl Paelflo consols X to 105 <

Northern Paolllc oonsol Bs IX to 827 N JCentral general 8s H to 107K Richmond andTerminal 6s X to flfx and 8s K to 69 HockIsland 8s K to 97 ReadIng id preference ¬

to 97Jij Rio Grande Western Itll-r to 74JiT Texas PaclDo Ists 4 to 87 and 2dsi toS9 ToleJo Ann Arbor and North Michi-gan


Ists S to 98X UnIon Paimc Denver andQuit to 78i Wabash lsts Hlo 08Hand Il1teffi to 74X and Western New Yorkand 2ds 2H > cent to S2S

In bank stocks 21 shares of Mechanics soldat 210 and 26 shares of Western National soldat 99

Stlrer bullion certificates for 207000 ouncessold at KHXOIDS Bar silver In London48 Vd V ounce The offers to fell sllrertotheTreasury today aggregated BSOOO ouncesThe DurohaseB were 807UOO onnces as follows9SOOU ounces at 10450 36000 ounces at110487123000 ounces al B10498176000 ouncesAt It 03 80000 ounces at 10510 60000 ouncesat I10524 and 816000 ounces at 1U525

Money on oall V4C V cent Time money 8-

Vont Commercial paper quiet Prime en-dorsed


bills reielrable are quoted at 607 1cent and flrstola singlename paper at 783 ont

Sterling exchange strong and higher Postedasking rates 14808 for long bills and t485 fordemand Actual rates are Long bills 47BM-

I4BO light drafts U8lWiilUM and cabletransfer B4X48iX

The amoant of 4X V cot bonds redeemdtoday under the circular of Ocr U wo 127600making the total to date 8071250

Shipments of silver aggregating 750000ounces will be made br tomorrows steamers

The croduotlon of anthracite coal for theweek ending Don 27 was 634920 tons or TfOiilton more than for the corresponding week oflast rear and making the total output for theyear to date 86105250 ton being 2M5CU1 tonmore than for the corresponding period of lastyear

The transactions on the New York Stock Exchange for December Include 5139119 sharesa decrease of 400C86 as comnared with thesame month of last year and 28193500 parvalue State and railroad bonds a decrease ofI8U84800

The Loolsvllle and NaihTlIln Railroad re ¬

ports gross earnings for November of 1675Vti6 an Increase of 80360 as compared withthe same month of last year and net U13814a decrease of 42161 For the tire mnntha end-Ing Nov 30 the groin earnings were 3S253tfan Increase of 317432 us comnared with the< curroauoudlng nerlod of last year and net sa167760 a decrosso Of 236755

The Western New York and PennsylvaniaRailroad report gross earnings for Novemberol 295638 an Increase of tia99 ns comparedwith the same month of last year and net 1811

080 an Inoteae of 14516 For tbo five monthsending Nov 80 the growi earnings were H601890 a decrease of 50542 ax compared with thecorresponding period of last year and net64900 an Increase of 191534The Colorado Midland Railroad reports gross

earning lor November of 163414 nn Increaseof 3J840 as compared with the same month oflast year and net 58869 au increase of S27896

The Toledo and Ohio Central Railroad reports gro s earnings for Decembert r2S2SOan Increase of 17807 as compared with thesame month of last year

The business fallunrH of the Past reven daysas leported to R O Dun ft Co number forthe United States 311 and for Canailu 37 atotal of 848 as compared with a total of 333 lest

end 404 the week previous to tho lastleek corresponding wtek ot last year the

were 822 representing 391 failures inthe united tate and 81 in the Dominion ofCanada

The public debt statement issued todayshow that the reduction of the public debt156 cash In the Treasury during Decemberwas I10063J8 Total cash In the Treasury679440656

Treasury balances comparn with those ofWednesday as follows

lJIe SI Jn241024 1148874103 514PlUl 522

28UIH 341143Legal tender 3lltU-


a 211 I 21

IMtJJJlftl I148192II4-SOSIIID In national banka 7eIt2 jstnatI

Sin lie If 7 Wriloeiday In addition to the forMtotnjt IllTreainry reports silver hulllonpurchaeed under the so-ot July IU COO f3lth0 ui and note otueiandui-caialmt the tame S IBMOUI

Money In London SI31 V cent Discountin the open oiarket for both abort and threemonths bills 3X f cent The amount of bullion withdrawn from Ibe Hank oj Eugland onbalance todiiy wn SOKX Paris advicesquote S tI cents al 05 francs S rentlmes sodexchange London at 25 trano 18i centimesThe weekly statement of the Dank ot Franceshows a decrease of 590HOOO franos In goldand 6826000 francs In sliver

Mesiirs 0 n Venner 1 Co offer to Investorsa selection of first mortgage bonds principaland Interest payable In gold

Massn Daniel T Worden of the Block Exchange and William D Jtanshaw who hasuntil recently bed charge of Ibo bond depart-ment of Drexel Morgan t Co have formed acopartnership under the title of Worilen APansbaw to deal In Investment securities andtransact a stock brokerage business-

Mr Henry O Tlmmermann has been ad-


10 the firm of Moore Hnblor in whoseemploy be has been for several years

The sales of mining stocks at the New YorkConsolldaied look and Petroleum xcbaniratoday wet o an followsAalu Nt wuni ttttlur Lntv tlainil-

UIAlta BO tu > B-UCOUAatona 4 4 4 4-

I0OrUflAWlOll 0 Il 11

IOOEldIso 6 ii II 611

4111 1f 35 s 37200 Ibm ftYw I Ia 2 78 2 13 21 7-55l4uI2 M 2 311 II

1800 11141 Bar O 6 0 6-

00utasIlLteI6O I 100 200100 r1UJI 01 arIa N 1-0ooaoroollI ce I I 100 100I-

UO Utb 15 16 SI 55

A tatal treniletVi war 4SOO ibarea

Nw Tork Marketsfaipir Jaa LYo AMD XTb mutes warn

dull and prlci wire barely roalntalutdCanon ruturce upeued bun > ant cocaine nr eule l-

eloiiDi Iliadlal IIluI ilI puliil UraiKo fun Wmlnreday e p oetuir rIled The IUS11 tnilaT Worn nearly a

11 Wadnridaya Ihe ojmlnr wananuluoyaiil bear 501 tltnliI ent the ra-

celi i n4Ieald for Aew Drleana althjuilt partially IIDlatned by the iialeoienl that ralirnaJn mere had eelreDorled trouibt barer 10 corer ConflIctS There

few bull who leok c urie and banxhlroIoll wben MareS tonahed a < tM local opertOrt bi oU Ia r alla pcoflu and 3531 aalf the

a4v1 vu uletIy lest Thea III 11444ev 01304 rotIII wMt blrart to 590w 81 Ut rodIIYIam-atL and IIs parleniar lb 414 lIlt tallest a mIteSfDnbe Increase of stoeka 1 carual recorery followedandthtalotin prloeewer but little belew the baet5urs of the day eottan waa ntm hIS qolellsltddlleID22a24a0I Bra da Qlf BMa Tb fallowln< are the detain at the trasasIoas a fultreits-

nt5g 0IHtIIe Itd 34954 zr swJanuary r tis ale ane ilts-ebrUarln34e25 iliA 2-00aroll81 lot ito 10 7500April I It 4 IP8-4May eels ose UOtOJune CTK 7 ua etoxJnir 110 I 57 IfoOOAuctit o a00 154 074 700-081pt125491 eo4ati 998 S3

Total sales Mtoo blsI TrantftraM aailaa setlti4 aa Batnrdayq1S446 0IIIIGIL iseataJ-

liilel ItAlttieelotaaeptathjMyt2e1 SLBaDo pI woes aeaVtia atX4U-

4r nTiiiOJ eLard faturee were mwbl depressedby eelllcc ta reane eroflu fretn tb 11 a4Taci talee001 tee at tltto for January etna fer rebriary

41Ii e4M for Match and tte5a7lo for May AttarChant the li was waaJt at flOo for January 5535

for rebrnary o4Ac for March eu for April andKSle for May Cpol lard wa cuter aid met aetlTet-ealee 110 tel ram 0117 at kata and 1S toe primeWeternat eauatia Uo renlart reSeed far la Contl-Btnt qnaud at aoiiaaoo elk waa llrmerad taedemand was very 004 al the tTnci new 015555l15Ul2 pates 000 5515 Ctttneaula rood demandand ssadi aaia ooufta pickled btlire loauI k-

Teraie atSo Created hot qtlet atiUe TaTlawlorood demand sales luvixw we 4 lea Bitter marI111v51 artamery taaooa Cbeee la looa qneittStatefarntoryt full crram S aioa rrh exe al2C-0iiObes1 tntare WSIS dpre4 by alee IsClause The failure St Ib-

mandiaaf prentiad export de

la raaterlallie ta unload WItS1rc1Drmuch freedom Palta at SI oaMi-kIloiH far Jaanarr tlMWMiO3fa fer Tetmarrf4 for Mann eJCtHI1A for lay i-

iI< 24 for Jaly r74 07i4 fer AnrueL andDecember VII Bpat wheat was

duO andnomtnali Na 2 rid winter quoted at 114 Ilaelevator a parcel of ehalea rDIIYaD red bid at

IIMU afloat IndianI com future were firmer at theocenlnt but lympelhy with wheat and seIlIog Irialli cauied a slight oeolmei ealee IOOO bun al-DOrWnHo for Jaanary 00< asuM let May and 614960Uc for July Hpoteorn waa crmer fenl only mod-erately aetlrei sale of sew deluded Ma I Blxed at-tfo on the tracki No i yellow tine en the traeki-teener mixedI the traekide yel

low on the fIO I BltadI THo onthe laN also choice old nixed at IIKa aflaatOatS war depreeeed eepeelaltr far nixedla lbs mote reToot future under very free efterlnr alee oturao-buih IncludIng options No 2 mlxeC at 4544l345 forJanuary and ccvraaiMe for Jour slid am lbSpet talxed at 4saMI o and white at BoaMa aa la-uoallty alaoNnvwhlttatauHA laaUTator and No3 mixed at 400S5024a 1la elevator Attar ChanceWheat eloeedI west No t red winter for JanuaryliHi February B104M March IOftiMar BIOIHJJuly Wa December wMo Corn weak Ho 3-

mlied far January 3iWo11l Febriary M Wei March

BOMo May NHo JilIJI iea oat w akiI M-J mixed tar January We t Pebnarr ooe1 May604 < o j NO a white for January SOMe i February SIKoi-

unocmtaMr roCoffee an the Spat wu more Irish of-

fer a llllhtlv lower rrlcee Rio quoted al 17V-

17Wo fnOaJ ft aale 1M Vat No lIt I7H 4504o730 IIn Santo No 7 at 7516 390 da do

117Soiooha Rio 10 T all611 r and t sod iuooLas Santo Na a tabaihlppad at I7HC SlOTS Urn3104 trades iteady Sales HotO met private trawthFadaat 1° arrlte at 33Mo and Obat MaracafbaIll pkte JamaicaI asd1Iban5avanillaant < 10

opllon war extremly dull bal prleei show bat utileehanta deSpIte weaker aarlcti from BraziL Raceloiat Rio for two dir ISOX bagel al Santo lovo batExchntln Hlo lower at aid eatlIw Saga oloelafshady with leller al the foiKwln prioeitJanuary I880o April l30vBlT 1480-0FebruaryIMUo May IBlua Antuit 144-34MarchI5lolJuol505l5ptsmbThd30OSaw susan quiet and without chnre at 4 a1I So for fairreinIng raueoovado and 5145 for tandard ntrlfuten fxBdon advice ware about iteady Renned legIrs IIn better demand and white extra 0 ass off AwereadTMced Liec Quoted sliMe for sutaoI eroihed-MSlua for tranulaudI 5 8ISa for powdered eilua 1for CObOL 0 llSc for mould ASKa for eaady A11Ko for confectioner A 64324a for off 4BUa59ieo for white extra Cand 4Kas MSa foryelkura Molasses qnltt kitei la good demand andteady

MnALsOtraita tin waa firmer la reepeue Itronter foreltn adTlea but the ipeouletlon waslow ealeizsioniafiliea for Jaanary ttllniprto

forepot X2UO I for Marsh aasuo Intel oeprdnllweak IOU lower eellllniI price for Janaary LakeIltoc Lead wa a trie hlbr bat qalt Millingprice for Spot fJOo-

MfAt 4toozaplrtt mrpt-ieailiral

was gout end3 Wc for regular and seW for machine

Roln dull sod easy at tl40Ml43 for eomaenla-


good lu4lo-LOoHaUon Transit ertIate adTanaed aa-

bnylnt for WtrD account sod severing htrtadue to proepeet of a reduced pradnetion Buekey-certlrloatei advanced IIn eyaraihy with National TranIll certlncatea National Tranilt rertincatee at79o t sold at 725407415 and closed at TJMc isles64000 bhla lockere opened at tf sold at 18S19440Slid ClosedI at IBai lalee 8000 aeflae-dhltbrta40o

In bhia

IlTa Btoak VorkctN-xw You Friday Jan tReelpl of beTe ytcter

day and today war 3869 head Includlnt 04 can forexport 42 cars for tIle market and SI cars direct ta-ilautliurer The tradlnt waa rather doll for all tradeand although the pn were entirely cleared deelere re-ported a ilitht dtclln foereel ta beet sally usersSoldI at S34U9M >t 110 ft Ll bell and dry cows atn83 so iiretMd beef tedy at eMdtfka V ft far natlTsIdes LaUit cable f torn London quotes American itetref-lrra at Ilkr4l3o 1111I dreiMd weltht and Amerlce-nretrlterated beef hither at Scant BUG II Ik Shipmentstoday soo beeTee and 8ou quarters of beet TomorrewB37 beeves sod 1847 quarter

ReceiptI of calves yeeterday Cldl today were BOO

heal No ealee wire afleelad be market rmlednominally steady

Receipt of sheep and lambs rsle1Deluding e ears dlreol were T86Dweakt larabe dull al a declineI efMaJ8 L ihaep soldat 54S33fl4 f no 4 t UBBS at mbl oraawdmutton elow at 74Se5 V 4 4 Ilawer alReceipt af hogs TMWrday and tedar lioludlnt I ear

for saleJ ware falu hess Market firmer at s4U >BASS 100

kIleal Kalat TraMftra-AT B LOTs Loots Bnadt aadiwlf asS aae t-

Jnhaana Oatckutt 5251207> d it 5 5 no w IIlh aT x03 r Frederick

Muller and wits ta Kaaa W Slrauae IWIllIam it Sit Mom Ralmaa and wits la PanI-

li000ial 18000-

Farmby100th 1 0 5 i3w 455 v l7xll1l ShrIek

at aU truitae to John Laanard 1SCOO

tbt42iiBi yrdrlokAl4bby and wits taJohn Gnth and coo 1510-0tthsLI69 East Harriet B Ball aad sac taSamuel Sloan MX 000

SOt av B7U73I LanUa t PUlibnry Albert I-

Adm 70000Valentine 5T 5 il1s e Sonthern BooloTard COx

llu WaIler 0 Bellow and wife la flora BDowning 1890-

Sd ar ST7 Daniel MoMnrtrla and aaa ta Loulte-V rillabnry I

eth ar n w COt Slh it 35x1008 John r Moorand wife ta Martin Btnur 16000-

13bd it 5 e ei w 2d ar lxx40I Lonli Less andwit ta Frcdk MloheluI 11000-

134th it n a i4iS w 6th aT I8pxl00ll Bdw Dfloss to Wm T Auittu I

Klnnbtldte to West Farms road S IJQd 5Powell nl anaxl64x Irret Clerk R Watsonand wits to leo II Wyatt 4MO-

Ktanbrldf to Welt Sarms road e a IO3L-8fowtll

5pi aa H xl4nxI Irret Abble U Wlthtman

andanotoUcolIllyatt 4330eth IL ait e AT u Axtt7i Jacob Rodanberf

anti M to J4oaa Butxel 14900Cherry it 31 Della b Jonei et alto John W

hoes la000-Creitonar wa 75nlHd et 33x110 John a-

Kemcr antl wile to gIdeon U Taicall i 1000Sib it e > bet lit sod 3d art 110 Cbsrieajnk-

sr 4IWAv Buff 2189-0setltL a T SIUxlOli Add

bert ii NieholilOd wits to WllheimlnUolliitr 4XCOO24 av a a 511 a 034 it WilOu 0 Uarler to A

firaXUDCFn e ene e tee StVMOOuaneiLea 1SS w SIns it 24 DxTS r S l4ayIor

to W II Wltte-nI4tt

Iet n i 140 w Brook ar MJxloO iijOonarfl

to Frederick buy 41600-3d av wa 25 a4Sh244x73i L Roeenbueoh-

2d01 Iln I

T a III 5eMititl ii7iJ Maf yreuaJiHbert toJ Klelichmann 18790

John IL 110 This IK IloffmaoJrIorSlcuIoy I4ttihitee 005 litaT 7axlUA3 Ucnnl Looni-

to u nlelI Loonle lIlit a T a i 4X2 n 70th it MiDi A L Baaay toO

lJDdJIDO1 I 00°46b Ii 55 24 a ad aY ILxIOO II 0155

WIlier ioJ Maonbelmer 14100-in1 tee iu s 515 av inoxoelli J r

0T haithueaiyloWM Jorss-flesossi

OOOid a aIf w Kim ill rt a H Wlleey ta-

u T lloffmaa Jr Ilot av u ecOr lOMh it 29x911 W LarrtorieIt-

3SbeSh7 11000-70th 51 5 I 00 w 3d av 23x1021 8 Kemner to

01 llelnbauaea 1800-0Mcdoutal eu a Arthur X Dodge W V Spin

Blockccl ij ieciloo I mapNew York iitiWj 2O800

Callahan to M ray 31000tluck WJ eectlon i mi i iiw O Bpencer to-

J51lodee 301110SlIt t 5 e thaieI Sxs0 I Eleanor Star

lluttoSUryJ Kelly la600Southern UuuleTardI a 200 n Bottoa lafIu7 tfamutl rail sod see to M r 80-0Lotli7 mapO rails same ta Andrew lown-

Crelot n I mt Broadiit ioiiwV aama-toU


J Kelly leoo-axcoun noiTouaa-

Althelmir f ta B Bathichlld w s 24 Iv a ISiSistUTIS441015 A Jo i 5 PlUsbuy 970573 14th av i 52500

4n5 raaAJOtoAJBenthaVdViciutaK-



S 5th ar 4 year 5000Suttil Mosee to Ja KODHr s s ess ci e Av 0

Maryto wi mpeyi 5 emititw fark 5500

Colecv tftl1iBifVlews1iYlBj sVw asSay 100

Ii Irs aooootoWwToriandHubuVbMBnlldrafClark BD

and Loan Aiaoolallon a p IMlh at a Batte-ns tflitalllOent5 Iceo

PoDID flora to IlortS MY Sdgand WallAlso e a Valentlna BT e Southern BoaleT-

pi rSStfmcrtoywBtliswVrBayar-iriJbBmSnrjTlTVMvvrViiivMH


ooriu4 n diilKC i o oMtro Wi VtJi ailw Iceo

Brook a I yr-0Old5tI2

I5XOI Solomon sd DoriS ie Karl 35 ilach wd Uelaneer Si dlfri 800-


OoMiteln boltmon la kiwIs L lotteroeld saule prop S 15000-

OutektlnSt oJObaflOS Loule Irandt and sea1817 Ave s 3yrs-


WThOInSA and wile to Thomas ilj2N

I 315 ii 4 yra Iceohdward aDd wits to the Mew Tk

SororIty SDd Trust Co o s SItS at a Bin Y-

nW 40 000e tee eeVrlidrieh t Solomonl Moot l s aiat-


Ladlk it tud it 5 StaY 4rt SOO-OUeurwa Vials B and wla ta Tbettae iHwliiandantriiiwLexfin 55984-

5elCJmlIl3ll 5005tsreltfle a ThsmgTala

nJiIV C I S ISIS at SISTyf II wIfe to Vlssl-ars laM Jl Cherrr it I FT u T0Solomon Flat A lIansIbt5 Uppisaasqe1

ns7StbIl wsdavCrP TOOOKaeibert Rodelpn ta Feter Colt r 645 Court

landiav Ilease demand IoecoLeonard Job IC Irnate Eleaur Family B t-

imtbei w4thT tyre 5000Mc John to ZIllah P li Di Park av

Cliii SI J IrS SO-

OiniJitNeismsu MIlifis and wire to Altred Sleckler

lotMrt 4yre enoo-Raeler Jr Peter tuChi II Reed s 5 14th it-

lllaT5 4 yrl 8930-RnMna II Fannie and Franca F ila Greenwich

Saab n S Mth it w Mh av a yri Jfl000sBtDr 1ornjsmlnEhtLa2LseSIhS1blllI and 3d an I yri 2000

Shaky Kdward U and Patrick I non AlbertB Strange n 5 soy lit avand looth ityr I80N-

Ilirm BaltBon aat Mathaa Meyer to rarBetr

Laaa and Trail Company a t llMhit w 4tk-aT Syn j li000-tront John B and wife to tore Oee t Slronrlit In eiteteot oeo r i tr nt yr 800

Rlrauea Sore W and Lnnuto rr irltk Miller5 5 7vdet wth av droand 14000

Wilier Wm II te Inc ot tools U Bar IY 79Pease 1 S rs SJSOO

Bttnheueoa Oeu II tastmitl Kempner l l7Slh-et w 3d a T 3 yrs 1000

Cohen sass to Roaltna 8 8oarean a SaltBroadway 5 Catherine it Syra 18000rradenaun rtedirlokI W to Barak A Dc Leey

WaiblnfteaaT lot tOOOray lahael and lllnaatrtiiStirs n 5 Madlan it V7 M Y OuT ma e 1Ooe 8000Ratra Archibald tn Rditk B Bte Mne l riadlay it s Central 1809Klnt Canielli toYrlIIa A Otaen 184 1

IidWsstItoutossI Ac loparf a000-


John la Amtnil Quick 338 West S yre S1 ceoBodrer Bmllr II to Will WhlilMk 15 WVrt

asdit ilOyri 1000Morellt Din Pelts tn Marca Cntlntllo us Sax

ter etsyr 1440LItctIon an4 mttttltBO-


44 BROAD h rrw VORK LJeo17COtitl 1

A special IneStlnF the eiacahoMertI of lha KdlioaOeneral fciretrle Campaay will be held on the Itth dayef Janiary lent at J oclock la Ih afternoon at theoffice ef sash company at 44 moid et In the city ntSew York for the purpns or Totlnt upon a propositionta Increaae IU i ajiital stork from twelve million dolr coneietlntI er one humlred anil iwentT ihouiandShares ef the pcr Talna of one hundred dollar each inHfMn million dollare to ounMn nt one hundred andCfly theoiADdlhuiKjf 1110 vr value at one hundreddollar each



A maiortt ef the hoard et Truitea




saw YORK MO it IBt-Ona Miual attar of 155 stockholder at tot hank

for the leatlra a1 directors fee the esIs year will

ba held ai iSe basking boos an TDBSOAY JAN la-

IS bstweastbebeorsefllXand 1PM-w t CORMBUt Caahl-



Welles Iis krby lTn that porsusni OIOIh ByLawt-at th Company in Annual Meeting thetocknoi4rat the Rdttan General hleotrlc Company wIll be asbe orflc of 1I company Kdtaon Uuildln 2-


Maw York at noon on Monday Jan Ie lafll for Its-Psrpe at electing Trnelae for bon I year andfor th tranaaetion ef such other aa mar earnbefore the meeting IncludingI the qneition of rail tyingtne action of the Board of Trueieee In declaring a dInaend on th stock held In trust by The Farmer1 Loanand Trait ompany and dluolrlngI saId trnn-

IBtnThe transfer books will ba cloud at a P M aa Dee 21and reepened on Fab X liu l

By order of the Board of TrneteeeA MARCUS Beert rT


toJnIIannual meeUar Cf the itockbolcltre ot this bankelection of directors end the traneactlon Bj

sub other builnt aa may proparly com before themet ting will bI held at the banking room 120 Broadway on TMiday It 1ML The polls will H opentram 12 35 Ia 1 r q A MTH Caaher1FrICB or TIlE FTDELITT AND cABOPAtty or IIBW YORE

140 to 146 BROADWAY New YorkThe annual mesSing of stockholders for election at

Ureiorof this aatunany will ho hld at thIs stIlts amTuesday Jan 5 Ibill between the hours of la and I


TRB ANNUAL BLBCTION FOR 1IIRFCTOR8 atbll honk will bI held at the banking houee 237

Broadway an Turedsy Jan IS 1591 between lbs hourof 12 M and I oclock r ILA T J RICK Cashier


FpnB ANNUAL MKRTINC OF TIlE STOCKHOLDERSJL for the election of Director of Ibis Bank for themining year will bI held at the hanking bonne 82 Bow-

ery an Tneeday Jan 13 18al The pU will ba openfrom 11 M to I oclock p M

f 0 MATIIEW Acting Caahler

ALBERT PALMER PANT333 Telton it New York Jan 3 IIP5tflanonsl meeting atthe stockholders of thIs company for the lection ofUniteee to serve during lb lIaIDlrJ1II b heldat tbelro11ceonlueday

A W iALMEftt4eoretary-THE SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANKetNewYork N Y Dee 1318L

The annual meeting at the nhareholdtr of this bankfor the election of dIrectors will be held at the bankingboos an a ifei at1DbUliallr12M UASnlB-

RTHK ANNUAL MBETINO of the certificate holderthe NATIONAL LhAn TRUST will be held at No

1 Broadway Nw York on Wedneeday Feb atHu M Transfer books will 01044 00 Jan >4iVl andreopen Feb R IC9L L A Cots Secretary

itIdtu n4 InttoryioB OF THE


MEW YORK Dec 17 liSt J

Ta Os Stnckhelder af the Edison General ZlsctrliCompany

Datlftb quarurlr dlridand of 2 pr cent on all theStock of ills company incmdlni such stock aa U heldIB trust br The Farmer Loan ana Trust Company I-

Irnk> declared by th BaIrd of Trusties dut

cm Ib 2 1891 at lbs ofllot of this aplholders of record Deo 25 it eo the pament of dlvldnd-

Q tba abort stock held In trust bj The rarmrtLoevn andTrust Company being however sabet to the ratlaeaUn of tb action of the heard ot Trust dtuolrlnitI

the trust tr tbs stockholders at theIr rtrnlar meetIngen Jan 10 1101i

lbs transfer books wIlt ba closed at ST U OIl Doo3 lb110 and ropned oa KD a 1ML-

Br order of Ibe Board of Trustsx MARCOS Secretary



t0i per cent on the capital stock ha thIs day beendeclared payable January z 181I to tbs itockboldera-or record on th cioelng of the transfer books at 3P M December Ibto

The tranifer books wilt remain cloead untU 10 A IIJanuary liltLOI1IS V Salon Secretary


as l tmu Ooupenado urox from the lei morueieWloMichigan DivisIon the above company will bapaid on and after Jan 2 at the National Bank of Com-merce In Nw York Cooponeor the Equipment bondor 1HA due let prx will be pall on and after Jan a-

al the offlc of Samuel H Sands A Co Iin Wall et-OOI1DON NORRIS Traaiure-

rrpIIR BLiiBIiTRWARDBAiiICNYMDii2iThe Board of Dlrectora have Ills day deolard a semi-

annual dIvIdend of loon 4 pin Cent free from taxparable on and after Jan 2 lSll

The transfer book will remain oloeed untIl that dais011 All K BROWN Calhler


The Directors of Ibis hank have this day declared aami annual dIvidend of Three per cent payable onsad after Jan I pros to which data the transferbooks win be closed J D ABBAIIAMg Caekle-


the Onit mortgage bomle of tIlls company due lot proswin be paid on and after Jan 2 at La offlc af Samuel8 Sands A Co IU Wall itA1II ALLIBONE Treeiurer

JIUIadIrii BBOBBBS 106 BABt ITO ST Ullard poolrI aad mlBUoa tat lea new sod ssood hand




gnttUtwill pay you to corrupond with usNATIuNAL PATENT Co Roomil

and X 556 headway Fauat Sollcll-

orP aKnle for toTealer procured prompuyi Ilew ratessdsf A rieesSSpaeeassLttT iiubUshtt 153-







Th llea bold Oomtnltue has formulated a PlanSettlenet the debt at VlrttaU and lb same baa

been inanlraonilj approved and roammndd by theAdtliery1 Board ceailiilDg aft


ClEOIIEMR O WILLIAMRNotice Ii hereby glnn la rattles la latereet that espIes

of ooh propoaed Plan af Settlement eaa ho obtained aaand after Monday Deo 21 1190 without 011II at-THK CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NBW YORK

64 Wall it New Trk cityBROWN BU1PLEY A 00


or BALTIMOREBalllmar Maryland



BamlaaUarw Cottea 8 ELMSecretary et Committee M WaLl it

NEW TORE lito 14 II4XX

NOTICEI kr j 7 rtTai thai en sad grftor Jas I-

lk1551 JIrl Mtlagt usder kaAairaaxwt lor the attUa Bt r k > Vie

tntn It deed M r 1 isw > Wilt actracclvo cRy lurlhar tfapwiU St Tlrgnaluheads mud Convoiia zeepl daelar ap tJ-

atroct with thla CaMaaItt-By r1r a r tka CoMmltta-




5 6 and 7 per centPKINCirAI AND INTBKMT-









The American Water Works Co SB

The American Water Works Co 6sOMAHA TTATKR WOKKH

The Alton Water Works Co 6sUrbana Water Works Co 6s

6CITY OF OLYMPIACapItal of MIsts oar tTatakUKta

20 YEAR FUNDING BONDSReal Tevlua or praperl No > >

Aeee1 Teilnatlaa S t4MTT >

Total oIly abt etaaNMPoplatton500P-ete


sd full partleolitrs om p pIU HMlos SALB BY


IS WALl ST NEW TORK I70 Stat Ml Botam i

Jeale6 Drbor St CkIoaO


iae> Broadwar EquItable BnlldlaaNw Tork-

ACIaiiarkI BiMiklas Dnalaaaj trassasted-15oelI rcaelvad subject to ckeek eta ljkt-

latcraat allowed on dally kalaaeav

Letter of Credit Issue-dH L BHOS T 0 BUCK




BOIYOH SEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCKaicurisk Balldlmer-Mlaitei5 at Batov-



The Board ot Trtiiue has declared a dlTldend eadepoilr entitled thereto tinder tite bylawsI for the elx-o months anil three fit month endIng Par il > sn-

at the rate of TIIRKK AND ONK11ALK 3K PIllCENT per aiiuin on all loins of lye dollar ItiAl andnot exceeding three thousand dollars UUUOX payablon and after Jan IB IIcm

Money dtpailtea on er befor Jan 10 carry Intereitfrom Jan I






Opposite Cooper lnsutute-lCUAZTEhED ISIS

76th DlTldendNRW TURK Deeem5er IS IPSO

INTZBIBT for the belt rear udia December SLISM at the rate of TI1RB AND ONtHALK PBSCBNT bar doom will be credited ta depositors en¬

titled thereto under the bylaw af lbs banklutereet payable Wednesday Janiary i I 111I1Money p5ted 000r befere January loan drawInureit from January I

S w BNEDEN PresideaLO N CONKLIN Bcretary

Dry Dock Savings Institution141 AND 343 BOWERY

The tnite hT deflated a dividend for tba Himonth coding Die ai loll en all deposIts entitledIhereta under lbs bylaws at the rate af 4 per siftper num en stams of 52002 and under and an lbseiciMor B3UU and tInt exceedinc UUUIal the ratetII per cent pin annum payable on and slier Jan ISoliALB 3513fl450lNDKEWMILL3I feeid30L


HO 110 WEST 8B BITTb ruees Says dselerd a smIausildjy4dssI at the raleef 7851 AMP 0UA aGist per aania en Mt V aat pward ta

Bicon payable Is tbrete oa aaiafter Jan Ir tatl-

Depoetu mad en or oefore Jan 10 will maw Interesttrout J IOFORgr c WDO Panaidesk


VORK lieu 31 IMHkIDUtltlThe Truitriof ibIs hate declared intereston all emit rctnainliu ou tlepoili during tbe three orsIx montlia ending Deu ai at the rats of KOtln rBH-IlKNT pr album on IIUXJ and under and TURKBPIta CbT per annum on the exee u of BIUUJ not x-

aeedlnf 8UIXI payableI aa sad after the third Meodayia January sell

DAVID I DBMABJIST VHrrmlieatc D BKATOH ttearalary



atHudon Mlver RailroadAll Train arrtT al and aeperl free

4 RAND OBNTlVAOj STXTIO1C-Fturtk Art and42dSt New ttrkt-

mm esv WitutoAD BTATIOK m m CrrB

Trail Issws as felUwajl-il > A MVAST MAIL Jar Atb sy Utile lyre0055 Fitheeter Jlaiala and nltIl-

alo A dZ3IilOAOO vRPlsUlI LIISITAD 45-

at Chicace 5141 A K nets 4471059 A JswEITItltN DAT lUrASaDatl e



t nalDttr ltalSilaAM Chlcata 4M P M nxte rill P MFAST WBSTBRN KXPRBSBDn Ch

sale 5j St LenS T16-CIt


11211 P MFART KT LOUtS AND CHIOAOO IX-PRESSDue IndIanapolis llizo r M next day BuLouis7IOA N

IlnIl KILL NBWnDkOH POUOHKBRFSIB RnlNBCLIFr lINOSTOrn AltO IIODSONt74S tlU-TIIH5AM SSO silo 4flZJP M alsO for Poughieeptle 1200 BOOn tIlII Mv H en 7iaa itt F 31for iirrteene lest PoInt tTl4b til ill A x t3o4310 556 14115 fi2 P 3-

5ALIIANTeTi5lO lfl1l01I0t4lIIl5A IL l30-Sees ts1a 31554804210 toia 7JCI ftl-


Solo 10 <n loso 115 A K 1300n in 4w aoa 7sa ails r M tl2001al-lITr ANDBTRAOU B +7143IlI0 IUOO 1010411-

1I < noL 404 eOO lila OtIS I XI tilcO nlgbl-00H55111115tl5 lO0SJ + l0PAM JOOooOtLen 79 X Vile M tlSOLl lhIIUFAL05ll0 lOiUO f UIO fit sees 4A4

MIAGARA> luo I04XX tlOlO A x llflOaea


r M tllioo mldnltklH-ARLBMRmnoiiffiunjl DIVISION

illllCA N in I 35

For tleketl and spice In lMplnt CAn ap at OraU-Ceatral Station or at 413 f x IIU aId I Broadway12 ra nlaeain Wel lJAih it and istthet tlatlek

TertllS Waiklatte 51 TM filtan IU and aMSedford aV E D BroeklynI lOeUudonltJersIy

Wutaetfi Bxprae aall far and cheeSe batcaf tramSilent end reeidiMiea tarsus daetlnattan

Daily except Sunday lUallyMceptBalunUy CiW-AVTeII °

trails xcBt those leaving at S ilV lfH A Ulain noaa 2tkl 334 363 4io ilina 46 r x aad llxoldnlthtitanat iratbrt ttalleaToiDTH TIICCRT OEOROB R DANIBLOat Manater 4arI Pasiesill Atent

New York and Boston All RailLeare By way of 135tBam A I Bpriatflald and WorceiUr 812 I10 00 A M Slew London and ProTldete 4111

11100 A M 8pilnirllld aDd WercMter-U

a1O rlxi M hartford and N Y and N B L30I Itt P M New Landnn and PrnTldenca IQ r 3-5Slop M WllllnanltcI and NYandN B P K4 oo P k sprlnineld and Wnrceiter ion P M

IOU p M New London and ProvIdence 1 1 KO P JJII iu P M gnrlnitleld cad Worcetter 515 A M-

MUnuP Kew London and ProvIdence 7OOA XBum dally IncludIng ftnndayaReturn servIce same heirs sod by urn routeS

I eats Pe-


line503 4 N ShIbDm Fails 215 P K442 1 II Danbury A Norwalk JIlt Plttsdeld 532 P S-

orThrough pazlo slesnin carsby each trainI 11551 PTltAD OenI Pass Agent



A Bprl l Party will Ileave New TTork Tmeday Jan 21 1801 tons


A-NDMEXICOThe trip to ba made In a Hpaclal Teals af M a

aiSoest Veallhiilr Pwlleaiile Feb00 CareiHClnalTf of PnlleBUB PutneoIlr1 l f < Sr-Alt the leadlni stIle and placed at and pictur-esque IntereSt wliibeTlelted inelodlnrGdulIaeSa-nd the its Mexico where eliht days will bepaieea A Cyo doye lets tract Memle-orkroHck iSo Troplea Tbeonlwardinurssywlli

be Tla Cincinnati > aw Orleans Galveston Ban Antonioand the homxrd on via El Paao Laa Vegas hotBprlnr and Kaniaa City

Emote Cost of Trip i4OO4-Cnlllornln Kxraralona Jan 13 and II Fb S-

and 121 March s and inB Ptnd for descriptive elranlftra sines K dliiatIn-

cvThether book relatingI to Ifailc or California tourIt deelredRAYMOND WHITCOMB 251 Broadway NY0


BETWEENXw Yoark pim scd WssktssiiS



All trains Teittbnled from end ta end heated by itaamsad llfhted by Platach niTINS AILS NOV ite l a-

LT Now Vss from foot of Liberty St K ILFar Philadelphia al 430143 sioa 1120 Ak IJO

a Slo 401500 Kn 7Stj P M 1SHS sIghtaUMDAYS 9210 lti00L H 1410 8 JO o lOP SWOP x13l5 nIght

Psr Wuhlnttom dally at eoj qiao-eirept Ilaft H 224 3 JO iiCtisight

Parlor oar en tralaa Sleapen en night tralaTickets and par ear aaat can be crd at 71 1TX-

Ml 415 H4 1 I4A uaa Rroadwar 787 Sib ay a4 WetlUik at 184 Kaet Issth et New TotS 4 Court it 8-

fnltoo et BS Broadway Brooklyn New Tare TraaefarCompany will call for sod Cheek baggage trim betel ar-reeldeace Ia deitlnatloa



Fast Exprea viaLJ ll-DALTUORE



A Alt Fatutai tractPUZi3J4N f1An tlBnrJCI1 op ALL JBdDi

Liars New York foot ot Liberty it aa followsFor CIIICAOO 300 F M 1316 A W


A II 3132O5OO P SI I121I331 Iolllral4atl7flJ BncdayirotK vIa 227 lIne 20 P M wt days

Tlcketofllces 273 2ft16 andl140 Sroadwa NwTerkTandasBreadway Braekiya STATION 700 Tor-N

LIBHRTY8T Central Lot slj3York Tranefer Company will call for and cheek

befare tram hotel ar raeiienoe ta destInationZ T UELU CIIAK O SCULlSQenl Manater Ornl raeeenter Agent




line Vtlbuld Pullman coaches

D A H Buffalo and Oewato Expreaa tia Patartenfor Water Ua8irondbnr Scranton mnthamtonOweS Ithaca Waverlr Eiajlrv ceralnt Bait DanTllle iherburna Watarrlll RiehOeld nprlat CilceML Morrla Greta Oxford Norwich Certland Sirscuee Fulton ant InttrmedJate nation Connect atSoranton with trains for Plttetoa WHketbam DanTIlls and Northumberland and Buffalo with trainfor the West

7 2u A MBlnthtBtan Mall via BaantonI P Htnthamton aId Elmira Kxpreaa toe WaterGap Btrandibnrt Berantan Owcto Wrrly Ao Con

sects at Scranton with tralne for Iltutan Klnntoasod Wilkeebtrr-e4lup u BoranUn Wllxubarr and Plymouth Expre7iJO P M dallyBuSalo Limited Express vIa ratanon for Htrnudiburt Kcranton Blnthamton liweo

rIll Cornlne Oath Waylaiirt DanTllloML arrIvIng In BnRala 7 lIlA M-

B 111 idatly BofJalo Vile and Oeweto EtpreMfer Btred bnrf Bcranton Blothamton Crtlaad Sirsense Inltnn nrrene Oxford Norwich uherbnrnWitervtlle Klchneld sprIngs Ae aol all polnu nn lbsBuffalo dlvltlon Connect with traIns for the 1-

Ea KAIIVVA YThe Hclnretqae BoateAmerica Thronih trains have New York footaf Chamber it dally as follow and bvs mInuteS

earlier from West aid IL-

SUA 11ViaI Maiara Fall and Chautaoqoa LakeParlor car New York to iiuBala Blepera UornelliTllIla Detroit ed Ilnclnnall

9 <u P MVeitloulel limited Solid trains for Chisilo via CbaulaoQaa Lake with dining ear to ChIcagoBleepersto ChIcago UleTelandI and kt LaniiTli cm-clinatl No extra chine for oulck time aid inparlorSme-

fSO P MFolld train ta Chicago via Nla ara railBleeDers la Buffalo Uochriter Toronto i015 P 31Yla buuoqiia Lake and NlaiaraTalls

solid train I Chicago Meeperi la Bodalo fhlcata-aad OlacinnatLW c BlNBAMQy Central Paaeeufer AfaL

FOR SALIAI a trial barrels a doibleeae 18told wateki SwIss nliiui repeater aodetemStole Call or adorin 3 BBIJ OH VII Ilk ILgvssd

55Sf left

TTFRWIllTRR r Bay 57 enaialtla Trto AtdwB seat WIR eLItelephone ISIS Cortleol-

LSood Will and gtrtrnjit r zttPARTY wjihlnt ta lire up business lag account ot

will sell took ol nitur4 of u branch takerydolnt tmelneie lu Brooklyn In anrit clue neibborl oa4iIlls aleo a rood nock of ttatlunerr snd choice raudleirent low lIving rooini up hair if dselrelL Addreee

tjUlCX hot lu Pun uptown WIts IJ83 Broadway

p °

rib LIT for ktuaaea a Ian kejemeot Baari NA sante seat 87 Ctlhls pIsos IISSS 43-

I S 0








The Scenio Line to the WontAND Till ItODTB Or TUB



TRAINS LEAVE STATIONS toot ofDetbroMM Mid Cortlandt se affordingpassengers a Grand View of the HarborShipping the Brooklyn Bridge Gov-elDors Island and the Statue of LibertyLI follow

On and after JANUARY I 1891THE lAST LINE

0 > > A MFnllman Veitlbul Bleeptnr sel rartafOafs Arrives Clrelnd MU A 11 cVuaVfiAMA M ChIcago 3UI F II and SI LOIIII 7IO r lTntday Canned mo for Toledo except Saturday

THE PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED100 A M Cempoeed cxcluelTelrot PnllmtnTt

tlbnle Drawing sod state Room Sleeping UlataoBnookltit and ObservatIon are rrtienunf linenfISt reptIle etnotraphr and typewriters bathteems for toto sexes ladles maid barber Boplibrary sod all the eotiTonlenca or horn araffloelletud trr steam and lIghted by nallonary and noTible electric lights Arrive Cincinnati 710 A M aa <ChiCago H48 A M next dy-

BT LOtINCflhlOOAND CINCINthe r M Pullman Vestibule Sleeping Can freeNw Yerk and Ulnlot Care from rbfiadtlphla St

Lenlt Chicago aSia Cincinnati Iueeuter eeacaNew Terk to CelnMbn Arrirte Cincinnati IOIMI AM Chicago 6iu r Mn and Ik Louie 74U r M n xl

7 TIlE WE8TEXN EXPRESSM P MForall poInts In tile Wilt Nerrkwetana Benthweil Pullman Vestibule SleepIng Car New

York to Pittsburgh St Louis ChIcago Cincinnati anaMtmphla PeaniylTanl Railroad Pining Car NewYork to Philadelphia and Iullmaa blnlnt Oar PIllsburth to Richmond and Chlcaro Arrive at Clnclntoti 810ip 11 Chicago trii r M next day and Stcull 7OU A M second morning CenntautorCleTland and Toledo dally except Saturday

PACIFIC JLXPKESH-r > > r MPnllmaaBiaet Sleeping Car New ToyS

to Calcato 115w TotS la Mimphl TU lh ShenudoakValley arrlTf week days al Columbus 7ilB r KCleveland 8iSJ P X next day and dally at Chtaato-7K A X sseoad morning Connect for Toledodaily and for CIT Ind enS Columbus except Bator44yhor fte tables of trains la Philadelphia Belli

more WaahlMtoa mad toe Sooth Atlantlo City CapeSlay Long Branch and othr points on th Fenniyl-ranla Railroad System apply at the followIng TicketOlfltMi Mn 1 4SB MH and 844 Broadway 1 Aitor-lloni and foot ot fleibroases and Cortlandt suet 4Court it sd Fnltonat eel Brooklyn Annaz Stationfoot of rnltonit Brooklyn i Utideon it UobekaiStation Jersey CUT

Tb New York transfer Company wilt tall for andCheek baggage from hotelS and rildnoti throngS todMllnnlon J It WOOD

CHAs B PUOa 0nral Paur AgentGeneral Nanactr

I EHIUH VALLEY RAILROAD54 Lea foot at Cortlandt or Die-

Smiles SI 7 8 830 and 11 A Jt l340 4Mt 8110 and 7 PM

The plcluresqne rout b twtt KwYork and Subs BthUbem Allatown PotUTill Mmch Chunk WIlkes

bait PHtiton Scranton Ilhaea ntnira WaTtrlr-Watklni Glen limIts Eochte2 BaOalo NIagaraYalle Toronto Detroit

CHICAGO H LOUIP end ALL POINTS WESTTicket and ileeplni car berths ran t eeeored at the

General Eastern Office 335 Broadway ar ISO Bait 135thStress



WIn saL from People line pier < I M R an i tm-rdy Jan HX at lu M takIng frejbt and paMen erfdlreot for havana Pronreev vera Urnz Frcntera antCampeob with tranaihlpmtut at llaran for Santanker Corona Vlto utlon and Bllboa


Will sail from Peoples line pier 41 N R an TaadaJan IS at 11 M takllf frIihtl and pawcnier-for

dlreolllarana with transshIpment at UaTana-

landerfor Mm-


>Coruna Vlro GlInt and Bllbaa

for fnrthir particulars anplr toJ M CKBALLOS A CO Anala



Cnmoany pier new 4J fool of Norton aLLA BHBTAONE ue Jousosllnflat lan a 1065LA OAMJOONE 12015111ilatJan WSA M-

LA ChAMPAGNE sorer 8aL Jan 17 IQiSo A MA rORQBT Otneral Axent s Bowllm Green

H AMICROAXEIIICAN PACKET CO7Tekly apress service between New York Southampton

and Ilambarc by thu mimlflcent nv twIn screwsteamers 1000 tone and i MKto IROOO hors power

will begin In April This tIne holds the record for thefasteSt trip to and from southampton and th ContSBent For passage aalllnje dates Ac apply to

HamburgAmerican I ueneral Pnirnffr AcentaPacket Cu 87 Broadway C H RIUIIAKU A lO-

N Y I Cl Broadway New York


From Pier 48 N R adjoining brlotopher eL FerryFIrst satin Boft and upward according to ateamer

and location of room second cable outward 33 prepald fU eteerajre Kjii

PETER WKIUIJT A SONS Otneral Agents6 Bowllojt Oreen S T

NEW YORE AND CUBA StAlL sTEAMShIP COrun hand 17 East River at 3 P M

for havana 1roirreeo Campecbe Laguna VroaUra-Tamplcn Toxpan and Vera true

Malantaa iar4ena Saina Calb > rl p NassauSantiago de CuSs Uuautanamo and Clenfuefoa-

ORIZABA Havana and iexlcnn punt xatJalKI-AiiARA Havana and lagos ffdJaa7IXDFWARIIlNUTliN liar and Mez ports sat Jan 10BAKATOUA UaTana and Cardtnean dntxlay Jan 14-CIKNFUhOOS Nassau Hantlatod Cubs and

Clenfue oe Friday Jao3For full nartloulara freight or passage apple to



Steamer tall from pier foot nf 2d et IlobokanFIST 111lltPSS STKAIIRRS

Jaale Wed Jan 7 If M iKoidaHa Jan o30AMElder We < L Jan 14 8 A MjSnrevWed Jan 211 HA MLabnWed Jan 21 I P M IWerraHtJan3lPSOAK

Mret cabin 178 and upward a berth according to U-

atlon second cable s0 a berth steerage at law raIseOKLK1CIIH A CO a howlIng Ores


NEWPOKT eaha balurday Jan ia noonFrom SAN FRANUIsro lit and UrannaneU


For freight peetarf slid iceneral Inrorrnatlon applyat coinpaoye office on the pier foot of Canal it NortaRiver II J BULL General Bupertnt ndntSAVANNAH FAST FRRKIIIT AND PA8BENUBR

meameri weekly from New Iler XX N-

R foot of spring et-S H KANSAS i ITY Wednesday Dec 31 a P MB R IIIIATTAHOOCHBE Frlley Jan 2 3 P M-

ri B ACOllliihVSalundsy Jan a 3 p M-

a H CITY OF MIRMINOIIAU Munlar Jen 83PMmeeting with Central Kallrned of Georgia andKaTcnnati Florida soIl Western Rmlway for alt pointsIn IIFOKOIA KIORII1A MIlTII CAROLINA ALA1131 and LOUISIANA Uniurpaeitd aoeommo-daI Firitclaea tabl dhot For freight and passageappJtoI1ABIIAOEN IW II riHFTT Uen AieatI AgO 6 F and W Ry Bavanneh Fact Llua

241 Broadway I 817 BroadwayJL L WALKER Agent Ocean SteamshIp Ca-

ow> Pier s i North Rim

TTS LINEIETWFSX NEW YORK OLA000Wc 311 MIIVILLE LONDONDI1RItT wIth IbrougbtIckets at Udued rate to LIverpool loodonUnbllaAesTATE or NEVADAThursday las 16 7 A

Cabin paaaage 145 ta s X according to laoatlonofatateroora hxounloa ticket fni to BBO BUeragttckste to and from all parts ar Europe at lowest ratefrom pier Columbia Store Honth Kerry rooklyaMY

For artlcftlar and pMiar apply la-ACBTU SALDW1 ADO isn AIlS ftS Broad way XT

THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANTFar Cnarlt C and JackMnrtll Pie and all petals taFIends the South sod Southwett From Pier 35 1 RMondays Wdne day and rrldaji s r M-

Patienger accommodailone and coUlne laeurpataelWM V CLYUK A 00 Gea Are 8 HowlingIreen H fjT U SOIlS Pen Art O aTrt Uae 847 gway X T-

VVHTK STAR LINE 0 ft AND ROYAL MAILTI vteamer New York Qaeenitown sod Liverpool

ADRIATI Wedneeiliy Jan 7 JHif MBRIT ANMO Hedn day Jan 14 830 A H

Very enperlorercand cabin accommodation on Adri-atic and Teutonic KUerai to and from the old sostry B o Cotmienya ofilc 41 Broadway and an thewharf foot VFeit luth et J BKLCB ISMAT Agent



ENEW LONEON Sis flKIbX 6 SLESWOCLt5TE 5i NOPsTUZ45 5OTSAMEas leave P115 cOafli lva SexTI1ASOYS 0153505515 ST FEMSY 0 SPLT SaadAgss

at 4so r M llektuaad itatereeijiMearedaBroaklya asaJesooTelU

rfneHfC TO BOSTON for nritclae limited Uoketrrea reduced vIa FALL RIVER ClKBPlRITAs aad ritoVIHOCP In eomml

sloe Lear Sew York from Pier 3s N R foot or Nutray el dallr Iundoys cocepi4 ai 4CJf M Sundaytripe will l0e rrenm d In Atrll loot Couatctloa bAnnex bOlt from Brooklyn and Jersey City at 4 r ILOMCIIKHTKA OB >tca-merBOSTON FaMincer wIll And

TIll INSIDE BOGmIke meet ooBforubi U winter Fare t utaMTONIN43TON LI 5Pr v4dssce tx ZIi Wreter 513 Ia


1 4

ubUc atittDOST OFFICE NOTICE Leltere tor foreign conntrleJT seed not be specially addred for doepatoh by andparticular tamr axoept when It U deelred to eeny-dupiXatee at basking cad commercial document let-ter nut specIally addreutd being lent by the taste-vocalil arallabl

Foreign walls for the week indIes Jan S will closepromptly In all eases at thIs mce as followtiB-

ATUKDAY AI 8 A U for lane Ceara sad Pernambut per eleamehlp LUboneneei at ttiuu A M torPrance Kwltirland Italy SpaIn Portugaland Turkey per ncamelilp La Bretagne nellaTr letters for other liuropeau countriesPOut be directed per La Breugne-

Mat lilo-

A uuppleminlary 9tl A 351 for Europepereteamenlp Umbrla via queenitown Heller forFraac wiuerlaidT Italy Spain lenlolal andTurkey must be directed per Umbrla at N A M

for Norway direct per steamship Island lettersBait b directed per Iilandj et B Jo A M tonthe Motherland direct per neamihlp bpaarndamVia Rotterdam letlere mnil be directed perBpaarndam at lu A M supplementary lOWA X > for the Windward Islands per iteam-ahlp Muriell at II A M eupnlemtntary llsoi-M for rartnn Island and Jamaica also Jaomlsod Anx Oayaa HaytL per ateamehlp Adirondacka I F M for Campecb Chlapa abaaoo and Y-acaun per steamship Orliaba llettere for CubaTamplca and luxpam direct and other Mexicanplates via Vera Urns mist be directed per OnMba at 1 r 1J pplmnlary 2 P 341 for Vne-luela and Caracoa alia VaTanllla turacoa persteamship Pbliadlphla letters for other ColombIanporte muss 5 directed per riiHadelDnla at I rII for fara and Mauana periteauillilp Cyril

IUMOAT At S P M for Costa Plea vIa Llmon percuauuMp ntepanla from hew Orleans

Malls for Chftaand Japan per uaminjp city of PklnjiIfrom 555 FranClecob close bar Jan 4 at P-N NaIls for Australia Ne Zealand HawaiianTIll and Samoan Islands per steamship Narip-tfrorn Pan Frnclaco cloeshere Jan 4 at 835-SI ronarrtyal sINeW York otuieagoblplotbula-with Drilled raalli far Auiralla Maiie form Ha-waiian IJeasds ptr it emtnlu Australia from flasFranelecoi rloe hers Jan 4 atlIlsIl P M Malltot the Society Itiande per ship CuT of Papelilfrom San Franolrco oloe here Jan 525 at B 90 P-

M Mall for Newfoundland by rail to Halifax andthence by ttiamerclaie at Ibis oRe dally at HIO r-M Mallfor Mlqoelonby rail to Boetoaand lheice bytaaaer doss at IbIs offlce daily at nisi r M Millfor Cubs by rail la lamps Via sod thence by

selling Mondara Thursdays and batnrat III ole dilly at 41111iA M Mall

r OTCrland lInleis specIally addrd forJanur by Steamer tloe at Isle OSlo dally at S

mall are forwarded la San FranciscoeObdnle of cloelig U arraoied on the

pracnrnpuon of their nntnurrufied overland transIt latan FraBCle NaJJ from the Zlantvjng on lIme as-

ia Pruiea tie day at aelUng at eteucr are2e Maed eaee Ibe pams day aUif4 milliMMaliP it neTle gay

pllthIt 1 otttt


TOTtOB n BBIKBT OITEX thatihtnrtnntllD11 lately nbeletlng buys Gerald K Snows andJohn M uolding under the firm nato of BRim N AHOLDING wa dIssolved on the hIlt day of OtremherliBOi by mutual coment alng to the retirement Iromtall firm or Johns iMdtngio enter bilne on hiown account Alt dehtinwintto the ealil iiarinerehlpar to be recelTed by sell Gerald K Hrnwn end allderasods 00 tIle said perlntrihlp are to he presentedto hIm lor payment who will continue the buelneiaatBreadway NY UNSOLD R BKoH

JOHN liniDINllConetllutlnr he firm of Brown A Goldlng

I will tyaniact general tlal Eetal Builneiw etllPlDllL M Y JOHN K QOLUINO