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  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo



    Located at the southwest of Uruguay we can find the department of Colonia and

    its capital city, Colonia del Sacramento an international well-known city. In 1995

    it was declared by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, due to its Uruguayan

    customs mixed with an oldish and European architecture style, and nonetheless

    that its the oldest city of Uruguay. Nowadays it is the third touristic city and is

    considered a heritage tourist location.





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    In the maps 1 and 2 it can be appreciated the study area. The first map shows

    southern Uruguay and the eastern part of Argentina. The map 2 shows a larger

    view of the city, where it has been delineated the historic part of Colonia, the

    study area.

    The previous two maps show the study area. The first one demonstrates where

    Colonia del Sacramento is located, southwest of Uruguay near the east of

    Argentina. The second map is more specific, showing Colonias historic section,

    our study area.

    The purpose of this study is to answer the following question: How does

    tourism impact on the historic location of Colonia del Sacramento?I have

    selected some hypothesis that can answer this question that is linked to the

    subtopic of Tourism at a local scale in the option Sports, Leisure and Tourism.

    The Butlers model will be very helpful in order to answer the research question.

    It is a model related to the tourism that analyses it as an industry due to its

    dynamic grow and constant changes providing valuable and precise

    information about tourism resorts.

    My three hypotheses are the following:

    - The majority of tourists will be from Argentina. Colonia del Sacramento is

    160 km from Montevideo and only 50 km away from Buenos Aires and ofcourse there is a great difference on the population of both city,

    Montevideo with 1.5 million and Buenos Aires with 10 million,

    furthermore there a 6 daily ships that travel from Colonia to Buenos Aires

    and back again. Hence this, it will be more logical that the majority of the

    tourist will be from Argentina.

    - Primary and secondary touristic resources will have a superior amount of

    tourist. Because tourists feel attracted to specific spots, we will find an

    agglomerated and dense tourist population in areas where historic

    buildings, museums and hotel will be (Plaza Mayor).

    - The further you go away from Plaza Mayor, the environment will be less

    friendly. This has certain logic because near the main attractions the

    pollution (noise, garbage and vandalism among others) will be lower than

    in other areas of the city.

    This hypothesis definitely will be of great value and providing correct data,

    helping to answer my research question, demonstrating the touristic impact in

    historical places such as Colonia del Sacramento.

  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo


    The effects of tourism in a city will have many pros and cons. Job opportunities,

    economic raising, conditioning the migration of local population who are seeking

    for a good socio-economic level, are some of the positive effects that tourism

    provokes in areas, especially in this type of cities, so it is very important the

    investigation of tourism. Colonia del Sacramento is a perfect study case, due to

    its small dimensions (223,875 m).

    Diagram 1: Butler model diagram1

    1 http://geographyfieldwork.com/ButlerModel.htm

    Colonia clearly is in the

    development stage

  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo



    On the 31 of May we went to the historic part of Colonia del Sacramento. We

    formed many groups, each one in charge of a specific place where we had to

    collect data. We collected three types of data and each one by a different

    method, traffic and pedestrian, Environmental Quality Survey (EQS) and


    The three methods were the following:

    - Method 1: The pedestrian and traffic count data collected was essentially

    to help me with my third hypothesis and realizing that the density of thepopulation will vary depending the time. In order to collect data we had to

    count how many vehicles (cars, motorbikes, etc) and pedestrians passed

    through our block. We did at 11 am for 10 minutes and in the afternoon,

    at 2 pm, for another 10 minutes. The fragility of this method is that the

    data is punctual because we didnt do it all day long, and only in two

    certain moments of the day.

    - Method 2: We had to interview six random persons that passed throughour street; this method was a perfect guidance for my third hypothesis

    because I could check from where they were and conclude the type of

    tourism that Colonia has. In the tables we wrote the gender, age,

    nationality and origin of the interviewed person, a great weakness is that

    you only interviewed six persons, giving a large margin of error in why,

    when, what they were there.

    - Method 3: The EQS is a great method to analyze the environments

    pollution, clearly the contamination will be less or more depending theproximity to the tourist attractions, on touristic spots there will be less

    garbage and vandalism. We had to evaluate a four block zone, the

    factors we took in a count was the quality of the streets, the air, the type

    of buildings, mischiefs. Depending on all of this factors we grade it in a

    bi-polar scale from -2(Worst) to +2 (Best), but the vulnerability of this

    method is that the evaluation is subjective relying on the perception of

    the analyzer.

    Work sheets and forms appear on the Appendix

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    The previous graphs are to demonstrate the legitimacy of the data, the pie chart

    of gender is almost 50% and 50% so we can exclude the gender discrimination

    and the column graph also providing a wide range of age of the tourist

    interviewed providing reliable data.

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    HYPOTHESIS 1: The majority of tourists will be from Argentina

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  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo


    In order to verify if my hypothesis is correct and the majority of the tourists come from

    Argentina, with the data collected we obtained three graphs, a gender pie chart (1), and two

    bar charts, one of their ages (2) and another of where they live (3).

    The greatest amount of tourist live in Brazil and Argentina, the reason that they are so is

    because both countries are neighbours of Uruguay, so going to visit Colonia would be a fastand cheap trip.

    Although the majority of tourists arrive from Argentina, Brazilian nationality will be the

    predominant; they used this form because by ship in half an hour you would arrive at Colonia

    from Buenos Aires and vice versa. Argentina is a country that has many movements of

    worldwide tourist and sometimes these tourists arrange packages with tours and Colonia can

    probably appear on it due to its history, culture and warm environment. This is reflected on

    the maps 7 & 8.

  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo


    Testing my 2nd


    There are more pedestrians near the historical buildings (see map of nearest neighbour test

    map 5). As there are historical buildings located throughout the city we should expect to find

    an even distribution of tourists, to prove the distribution we can use the nearest neighbour

    test. We cant measure the distance between tourists, because they are at the point we testedthem, to measure the tourists using the largest neighbour technique would be incorrect

    because we chose where to measure them, but we can do the nearest neighbour test for the

    distribution of historical and tourist attractions in Colonia Del Sacramento.

    Table 3: Calculations for land area using Google Earth.


    Number AreaPerimeter/Length









    (Squaremeters) (Degrees) (Degrees) (Degr




    Polygon 145 0.2239 223,874.68 -34.47143

    37, -057.8509



    , -057.8484923




    First located the historical buildings in Colonia, then calculated the nearest location from each

    building and marked them stating the meters that were in between each building (see map 6

    and table 4). Following this I measured the area of Colonia that we are studying in square

    meters and with the NNI formula that is NNI= 2 and found that the result of NNI=

    1.43790982. As the index is greater than 1 the trend is towards dispersion.

    Nearest neighbour calculations, table 4:





    1 2 4,6 131,4

    2 16 2,7 77,1

    3 15 1,9 54,3

    4 11 1 28,6

    5 19 4,5 128,6

    6 10 1,5 42,9

    7 18 2,8 80,0

    8 20 1,3 37,1

    9 19 1 28,6

    10 11 0,3 8,611 10 0,3 8,6

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    12 15 2,3 65,7

    13 17 1 28,6

    14 15 2,6 74,3

    15 16 1,1 31,4

    16 15 1,1 31,4

    17 13 1 28,618 7 2,8 80,0

    19 9 1 28,6

    20 8 1,3 37,1

    21 20 3,6 102,9

    Nearest Neighbour significance, table 5:

    In the nearest neighbour significance table we can see that the value 1.43790982 suggests thatthere is regularity, it is increasingly significance regularity.

    This result of 1.43 with the sample size of 23 shows an increasingly significant regularity with

    over 99% chance of random matching. This result shows that in the historic quarter of Colonia

    Del Sacramento the resources for tourists be the primary or secondary are distributed evenly.

    This result help explain why no clustering of tourists were found along the plaza mayor

    because tourists are distributed visiting the various attractions that are evenly distributed as

    shown by the nearest neighbour test results.

    The area tested was very small, that could be the cause of questioning the results.

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    The nearest neighbour formula will produce a result between 0 and 2.15, where the

    following distribution patterns form a continuum2:

    2http://geographyfieldwork.com/nearest_neighbour_analysis.htm(last access 28/11/13)

  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo


    Testing 1st

    hypothesis: Pedestrians will increase as you move towards Plaza Mayor.

    To prove this hypothesis the pedestrians and traffic counts will be used and by them obtained

    map 5 to see if there are more pedestrians as you move towards plaza mayor. The total

    number of pedestrians was used to calculate.

    Graph 1:

    The highest numbers of pedestrians are closest to 20 - 40 meters distance from Plaza Mayor,

    there is no obviously direct correlation but we do find highest numbers within the 40m range.

    Although at 180m there are also high numbers. I use the Spearmans Rank method to see if I

    could find out if there was a relation between the pedestrians and the Plaza Mayor.

    Table 1: Spearmans rank.

    LocationN of

    pedestriansRank Distance m Rank

    Difference between

    ranks Squared rank

    Henriquez de la Pea 37 8 37.1 13 5 25

    18 de julio esq. De La Playa 29 11 94.3 12 1 1

    De la Playa esq. Del

    Comercio 70 5 114.3 11 6 36

    De san Pedro esq. De las

    flores 42 6 185.7 10 4 16

    Manuel Lobo esq. Ituzaing 82 4 200.0 8 4 16

    Virrey Ceballos esq. Flores 38 7 200.0 8 1 1

    18 de julio esq. Ituzaingo 99 3 208.6 6 3 9

    Gral Flores esq. Comercio 116 2 208.6 6 4 16

    De San Jos esq. De Espaa 34 10 271.4 5 5 25

    Gral Flores esq. Ituzaing 172 1 271.4 4 3 9

    De San Jos esq. Del

    comercio 35 9 274.3 3 6 36

    Virrey esq. Rivadavia 19 13 300.0 2 11 121

    Rivadavia esq. Ituzaing 29 11 357.1 1 10 100


  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo


    The equation for Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient is:

    Spearmans rank graph 23

    Result =

    The number in the sample is 132 so therefore the significance values shows that there is no

    correlation that can be proved statistically.

    Image N1

    There is no correlation between the pedestrians and the plaza mayor.

    3http://geographyfieldwork.com/SpearmansRankSignificance.htm(last access 25/11/13)


    6*d^2 2466

    n^3 2197

    n^3 -n 2184

    6*d^2/n^3 -n 1.129120879

    Rs -0.129120879

  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo


    Thus the hypothesis must be rejected or modified, because pedestrians increased on the North

    of the area we tested, not by the Plaza Mayor, they were near the areas that have restaurants,

    shops, kiosks and more tourist attraction places. Near the Plaza Mayor pedestrians count was

    not highest, the Portuguese museum was very close to the Plaza so that could be a reason for

    the number of pedestrians that were there.

  • 7/27/2019 Ia Heavy Duty Talo



    To conclude, this study shows that tourism affects in several ways the city of

    Colonia del Sacramento.

    Testing hypothesis 1 with the interview results was straightforward; most

    tourists do come from Argentina. It was observed that the majority of tourists

    are Brazilian and are day trippers. Day trippers do not spend as much money

    and makes it harder for the tourist business in the area. Also this affects the

    carrying capacity because a large number of tourists come and go daily, not

    allowing space for long stay tourists, the ones that benefit more the economy of

    the city. Brazilians are travelling to Uruguay as a side-trip to their Argentinian

    holiday experience; as such Argentina is possibly benefiting more from

    Uruguays unique heritage site for its tourist economy.

    Hypothesis 2 was rejected comparing the data from pedestrian and traffic

    counts and the distance measured to the Plaza Mayor. For hypothesis 3 the

    EQS values and their distance from Plaza Mayor was tested and no reliable

    pattern was found using Spearmans and the map of values. Tourists and winds

    affect the environment but in general Colonia is very clean and well maintained.

    It can also be said that Plaza Mayor is not as important as considered, and this

    caused that both the second and third hypothesis were rejected. However it was

    identified that the Plaza Mayor has much less traffic than pedestrians, because

    the best way to appreciate the place is walking.

    After this work, it can be confirmed that Colonia del Sacramento is in the stage

    of development according to the theory Butler model.

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    After finishing the fieldwork and analyzing the results, it can be highlighted

    some aspects that went really good, but others could have been better.

    The three principal methods used to collect data were very useful (interviews,

    pedestrian & traffic count, EQS) because they allowed us to identify and

    analyze other aspects of tourism, not only by downloading files from internet.

    In general, the forms were completed correctly. The groups worked really well

    with some exceptions of data that were discarded, but the group made a

    cooperative team. The material collected was very useful and one of the

    reasons was that we had evenly spread positions to make regular sampling of

    the study area.

    However it was a fairly cold and windy day, and as it is place to visit walking,

    the climate could influence the results and the attitude. Some of the teams were

    not interested in giving their best on the data collecting process so that is why in

    future fieldwork is better to find hardworking teammates. Also, it was Friday, a

    working day that makes it more difficult to study tourism as if it was in a

    weekend, generally are the free days that workers have to take some free time


    As an example, interviews are a very interesting way of obtaining data but at the

    same time this can be a chaotic way of collecting information because many

    times people are not interested on giving the truth or they are not interested on

    being interviewed at all. This problem cannot be solved because it is completely

    unpredictable and depends exclusively on the others.

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    To conclude, we can see that the 1st

    hypothesis was rejected by analyzing it with Spearmans

    rank and pedestrian map 5; this could be because of the vandalisms surrounding the area of

    the Plaza Mayor that are not nice for people and the tourist attractions that are located far

    from the Plaza. Also another reason that explains that there were more tourists on the Northof Colonia than in the Plaza Mayor is that the area surrounding the Plaza has no shops or

    kiosks that people often go to them and the time we tested the pedestrians they were in other


    Using the nearest neighbour test to analyze the distribution of historical and tourist attractions

    and the pedestrians near them. The significant values were not found, therefore the

    hypothesis is rejected.

    The 3rd

    hypothesis was proven by graphs 3, 4 and 5 and the maps 7 and 8 by analyzing from

    where did the most of tourists came to Colonia, by boat from Argentina where the most ofthem, because it is cheaper and shorter than others, from Brazil also lots of them came to

    Colonia, by car or plane. This was proved by the questionnaires that were done for tourists.

    Tourists also came from other places but they were not much. Tourists do not benefit Colonia;

    they dont spend much money so Colonias hosts dont gain. Argentineans come to take dollars

    from their bank accounts and most of them are day-trippers.

    In general conclusion we can see that out of three hypotheses were proven.


    For understanding the distribution of tourists we could say that the method used throughout

    the investigation was a very good one, but as mentioned before we could say that the reason

    of pedestrians surrounding the Plaza Mayor is because the Portuguese museum was nearby

    and there were also some clothes and ice-cream shops. This hypothesis could be modified by

    applying other studying methods to see if there was a clear correlation between variables or in

    the Plaza is seen as a normal plaza like others and tourists do not visit them as historical
