ibm ibminterface

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  • 8/14/2019 Ibm Ibminterface


    -- MIB created 10/11/99 20:28:35, by-- SMIC (the next generation) version 1.6.29, November 22, 1994.


    -- From file: "ibminterface.mi2"-- Compile options "G A T M"

    IMPORTS Counter32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI-v1 OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC-v1 enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB;

    ibmIROCroutinginterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises ibm(2) ibmProd(6) ibmIROC(119) ibmIROCrouting(4) 17 }-- MODULE-IDENTITY-- LastUpdated

    -- 9902171200Z-- OrgName-- IBM-- ContactInfo-- Randy Worzella-- IBM Corporation-- 800 Park Offices Drive-- FBWA/664-- P.O. Box 12195-- Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA-- Tel: 1 919 254 2202-- E-mail: [email protected] Descr

    -- This MIB module contains enterprise specific definitions for-- generic interface management.

    ibminterfaceClearTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IbminterfaceClearEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table allowing interface counters to be cleared." ::= { ibmIROCroutinginterface 1 }

    ibminterfaceClearEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IbminterfaceClearEntry

    ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry identifying a particular interface whose counters are to be cleared." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { ibminterfaceClearTable 1 }

    IbminterfaceClearEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ibminterfaceClearInOctets INTEGER,

  • 8/14/2019 Ibm Ibminterface


    ibminterfaceClearInUcastPkts INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearInMulticastPkts INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearInErrors INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearInAll INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearOutOctets INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearOutUcastPkts INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearOutMulticastPkts INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearOutErrors INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearOutAll INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearMaintTest INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearDeviceSpecific INTEGER, ibminterfaceClearAll INTEGER }

    ibminterfaceClearInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counter of bytes received over this interface is reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 1 }

    ibminterfaceClearInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory

    DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counter of unicast packets received over this interface is reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 2 }

    ibminterfaceClearInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1)

    } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counter of multicast packets received over this interface is reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information."

  • 8/14/2019 Ibm Ibminterface


    ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 3 }

    ibminterfaceClearInErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counters for all types of input errors are reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 4 }

    ibminterfaceClearInAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write

    STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counters for all input counters (byte, packet, error) are reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 5 }

    ibminterfaceClearOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0),

    clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counter of bytes sent over this interface is reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 6 }

    ibminterfaceClearOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counter of unicast packets sent over this interface is reset.

  • 8/14/2019 Ibm Ibminterface


    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0),

    since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 7 }

    ibminterfaceClearOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counter of multicast packets sent over this interface is reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 8 }

    ibminterfaceClearOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {

    noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counters for all types of output errors are reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 9 }

    ibminterfaceClearOutAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counters for all output counters (byte, packet, error) are reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0),

    since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 10 }

    ibminterfaceClearMaintTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write

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    STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), the counters for self test pass, self test fail and maintenance fail are reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 11 }

    ibminterfaceClearDeviceSpecific OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When SET to a value of clear(1), all the device specific counters are reset. For example, for an Ethernet interface, all the counters provided in the dot3StatsTable are reset.

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 12 }

    ibminterfaceClearAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noaction(0), clear(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION

    "When SET to a value of clear(1), all the reset actions performed by the MIB objects defined above are executed at once.

    This action has the same behavior as executing the CLEAR command from the T5 console prompt (+).

    When READ, this object always returns a value of noaction(0), since this object is intended as a trigger, rather than providing information." ::= { ibminterfaceClearEntry 13 }
